hadschi · 2 years
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Echt doof. Ich fahre gestern mit dem Motorrad von einer Reportage heim. Kurz nach der Friedemsbrücke macht mich ein Autofahrer aufmerksam, dass ich mein Kennzeichen Höhe Friedensbrücke verloren habe. Ich halte dort Nachschau - kein Kemnzeichen zu sehen! Polizei angerufen: Kein Fund wurde angezeigt. Hoffe nun noch aufs Fundamt am Montag oder einen Finder hier auf Facebook. Kann dich ja nicht in Luft aufgelöst haben … ?!? #taferl #kennzeichen #verlust #kennzeichenverloren #friedensbrücke #wien #klosterneuburg #brigittenau #zero #verlustanzeige #fund #fundamt #verloren @polizei_wien @polizei_im_bild @fundamt.austria @die48er @stadtwien @jeremy._.bhm (hier: Wien, Österreich) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cg6lg1QsUex/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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pressmost · 3 years
Ardagger - Frühstücksnews - Freitag, 21.1.2022
Ardagger – Frühstücksnews – Freitag, 21.1.2022
Sehr geehrte Gemeindebürgerin! Sehr geehrter Gemeindebürger! Der neue ADEG Seba in Ardagger Markt ist eröffnet. Rund 350 Einkäuferinnen und Einkäufer haben gestern den ersten Tag bereits für ihre “Versorgung” genutzt. Und das mittlerweile 13 köpfige Seba Team war exzellent vorbereitet und konnte alle Kundenwünsche auf sehr angenehme Art und Weise und mit tollen ADEG Preisen erfüllen. Heute und…
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eminenz · 5 years
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Die Handschuhe stehen schon in voller Blüte 🧤 #handschuhe #strauch #altedonau #wien #vienna #igersvienna #lost #lostandfound #fundamt #gloves #wanderlust #realuglyvienna #uglyvienna #spaziergang #winterraus (hier: Alte Donau) https://www.instagram.com/p/B8oiTZalpBH/?igshid=1jbbvcia19mw8
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lausttsol · 5 years
My Plural Thoughts
I saw a bunch of syscourse after trying to look up some positive plurality posts, and I guess I need to get my thoughts out on this so I can sleep peacefully.
I (well, we) identify as an endogenic system. And my thoughts on that are as follows:
- I am not faking this. Is it possible some people might be? Sure. But that doesn't mean everyone who says they're endogenic is. I have nothing to gain faking this. Gress used to cause me pretty significant stress because he would fight and argue with me, and as for if I really was faking them, I have no idea why I would even dream of going non-verbal or depersonalizing, why I would force upon myself depressed moods and spikes of anger and suicidal thoughts, and existential crisis and violent urges. I don't go shoving my guys in people faces for attention, only my closest friends know, and im anxious to tell others because I want myself and them to be respected and not discriminated against or written off as delusional.
- We aren't trying to disrespect anyone. People with DID and other related personality disorders are 100% valid in their struggles, what they experience, and the resources they need to recover stability. DID presents very real struggles that I know I personally am not trying to invalidate. The problem is that endogenic and traumagenic systems have a lot of fundamtally different aspects, especially in regards to amnesia barriers, personality archetypes, dissociation, and we in general experience different problems. DID problems are valid. But if we don't have the same problems, its because of fundamental differences, not because we're trying to be disrespectful. I feel DID spaces should treat just DID people, its for them, but if an endogenic person has problems they should also be able to get help, just maybe somewhere else. Thats what we did was see our own therapist.
-There is solid and valid information backing up DID. It is 100% acknowledged that early childhood trauma can cause personality splitting and fracturing. As for what is behind endogenic systems? Admittingly, there is less research. But this does not mean its automatically false. More research does need to be done to explore all possibilities of what is going on in the brains of people who claim to be endogenic systems. We should be searching for understanding, not pointing at one valid explanation, seeing dissonace, and shutting out all other possibilities.
-On the term of system... honestly I'm mixed with this, because system is used beyond the context of DID, and was used previous to the context of DID, so its not a medically exclusive term (specifically being as opposed to something that began as a medical term). I use it out of familiarity I guess. If someone really wanted me to not say system around them, I feel like I would try to respect that. At the same time i can't think of another term thats a general for meaning 'group of plurals in same head', but I'd be willing to hear them out. I would never however refer to my guys as alters because I do recognize that as a more medically exclusive term.
Some Final Notes:
-To anyone with DID or related personality disorders: You and your struggles are 100% valid, you deserve respect, you deserve support and therapy, you deserve recognition as being legitimate.
-To anyone claiming to be an endogenic system: You and your experiences, if you are honest with yourself (and your headmates), you are also valid. You know whether you're faking or not, and your identies are valid.
- We need more research on this all. A lot more. For traumagenic and endogenic sysyems. We should explore all possibilities. Let's not fight with each other, we have very different experiences, but its possible for both of them to be valid simultaneously. We should pursue a policy of respect to one another, and by that I mean that no one should be trying to invalidate anyone's struggles or identities.
..... Thank you.
-Sincerely, Lost, Host
Edit: Yes I know classification wise that DID is not technically a personality disorder, its a dissociative disorder (Axis I, even though I don't think DSM-V uses axis anymore), I originally forgot the term for OSDD and was referring to personality as in 'plural personality related' disorders.
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gwendolynlerman · 6 years
German vocabulary
Die Objekte - objects
Sustantive - nouns
die Aktentasche, -n - briefcase
die Ausweispapiere, -n - identity papers
der Autoschlüssel - car keys
die Banknote, -n - banknote
das Bargeld - cash
der Bonbon, -s - caramel
die Bordkarte, -n - boarding pass
der Briefkastenschlüssel - mailbox key
die Brieftasche, -n - wallet
die Brille, -n - glasses
die Damenhandtasche, -n - handbag
der Fahrausweis, -e - driving license
der Fahrerlaubnis, -se - driver’s license
die Fahrkarte, -n - ticket
das Fahrscheinheft, -e - ticket book
die Feder, -n - quill
das Feuerzeug, -e - lighter
das Foto, -s - photograph
der Führerschein, -e - driver’s license
das Fundamt, -¨er/das Fundbüro, -s - lost-and-found office
das Geld - money
der Geldbeutel/die Geldbörse, -en - purse
das Halstuch, -¨er - scarf
das Handschuhfach, -¨er - glove
das Handy, -s - cellphone
der Hausschlüssel - house key
der Kamm, -¨e - comb
das Kaugummi - chewing gum
das Kleingeld - loose change
der Koffer - suitcase
der Kosmetikkoffer - vanity case
die Krankenversicherungskarte, -n - health-insurance card
der Kugelschreiber - pen
der Kulturbeutel - toiletries bag
der Laptop/das Notebook, -s - laptop
der Lippenstift, -er - lipstick
das Mobiltelefon, -e - mobile phone
die Münze, -n - coin
das Notizbuch, -¨e - diary
das Papiertaschentuch, -¨e - paper tissue
das Parfüm, -s - perfume
der Personalausweis, -e - identity card
das Plastikgeld - credit card
die Prepaidkarte, -n - pay-as-you-go card
der Regenschirm, -e - umbrella
der Reisepass, -¨e - passport
die Reisetasche, -n - traveling bag
das Rouge, -s - blush
der Schlüsselring, -e - keychain
der Schulranzen - satchel
die Schultasche, -n - school bag
das Schultertuch, -¨er - shoulder scarf
die Sonnenbrille, -n - sunglasses
der Streichholz, -¨er - match
die Tasche, -n - bag
der Taschenkalender - pocket diary
der Taschenschirm, -e - collapsible umbrella
der Taschenspiegel - pocket mirror
das Taschentuch, -en - tissue
die Telefonkarte, -n - phonecard
das Tempotaschentuch, -¨e - paper handkerchief
der Terminkalender - calendar diary
das Wechselgeld - change
die Zigarettenschachtel, -n - cigarette packet
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wienerneustadt · 5 years
Wiener Neustadt: Fundsachen kommen unter den Hammer!
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Fundsachen-Versteigerung zugunsten sozialer Projekte im Neuen Rathaus Am Freitag, dem 3. Mai, findet in der Bürgerservicestelle des Neuen Rathauses ab 14 Uhr die nächste Auflage der Wiener Neustädter „Fundsachenversteigerung“ statt. Der Erlös kommt Sozialprojekten der Stadt Wiener Neustadt zugute. Werden beim Fundamt abgegebene Gegenstände innerhalb eines Jahres nicht abgeholt und reflektiert auch der Finder nicht auf die Objekte, so gehen … weiterlesen auf „Wiener Neustadt: Fundsachen kommen unter den Hammer!“
source https://www.wn24.at/chronik/fundsachen-versteigerung-2019-23525.html
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aloneinthedark233 · 4 years
Ich brauche kein "Neubau", ich will eine Ruine denn diese Fundamte halten.
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dimecarrentals-blog · 6 years
Tips and tricks for a trip to Austria
The Austrians are a very law-abiding nation, almost obsessed with the rule of law. And this is observed literally at all levels - no one in their right mind would throw garbage on the street, no one would cross the road in the wrong place, and the presence of the police is almost imperceptible. Recently, however, the overall crime rate in the country has been steadily increasing, so when visiting Austria you should take the usual reasonable security measures.
Almost all the problems faced by tourists in Austria are associated with petty scams and fraud. In large cities, pickpockets and petty thieves should be wary; there are frequent cases of transport fraud. You should not carry large amounts of cash with you or withdraw them from an ATM in front of everyone. Documents and money is recommended to be kept in the hotel safes or, if necessary, placed in the most inaccessible place. It is not recommended to leave anything of value in the car, while the car itself is best parked in guarded parking lots or well-lit streets.
In the case of direct contact with the robber, it is recommended to comply with all his requirements and not to enter into direct confrontation. It is not recommended to run away from robbers, shout or enter into confrontation with them (although this is not excluded - the law will in any case be on the side of the victim), but in most cases local residents prefer to give money and then call the police.
Interestingly, under federal laws, vagrancy and prostitution are not punishable by law, but are prosecuted at the local level.
There are several areas that are not recommended to visit alone, especially for women. In Vienna, this is the Gurtel district and the Sudbahnhof station after dark, in Graz - the area southwest of the main station, in Salzburg - the western outskirts, and so on. OBB (Austrian Railways) even introduced special sections for women only (Damenabteilen) on InterCity and EuroCity express trains, which run late in the evening. When buying a ticket at the ticket office of the station, you may be asked to provide a place in such a compartment - this will ensure greater safety during embarkation and disembarkation.
The Austrian law enforcement agencies have several offices - directly the police (Polizei, dark green army style uniforms) or the federal police, which controls the capital and other cities in the country. The members of these units are well armed and rather severely react to all cases of violation of the law, including by the tourists themselves. The jurisdiction of the gendarmerie (Gendarmerie) includes all other areas of Austria, as well as many other tasks, starting with the control of provincial roads and ending with the search and rescue service.
It usually takes some time to call the police. You must have any ID with you (ideally, a passport or driver's license, from which a photocopy will be taken). You may also need an original or a copy of the hotel reservation and tickets for departure or departure from the country - suspicions that there are intentions of illegal emigration from local law enforcement officers have already become a habit. In addition to German, many policemen speak English tolerably well, but all other languages ​​are unlikely to be used, and the translator will have to wait quite a long time, since all of them work part-time with the police. Sometimes police officers of Slavic origin (Czechs or Croats) help themselves out, but there are very few of them, and the similarities of our languages ​​are rather arbitrary. Therefore, it is worthwhile to first carefully consider and formulate the essence of your appeal.
Toponyms and addresses
Street names in Austria are always written in front of the house number on signboards and signs. There are double numbers - the first number indicates the building number, the second - the number of the building or apartment.
Vienna is divided into 23 "postal districts" (Bezirke), with the numbering going in a spiral from Innere-Stadt (Innere Stadt) clockwise. When writing the address here, first write the number of the postal district, then the street name, then the house number and then, through the slash, the apartment number. For example, the address of the form 9, Loblichgasse 11/14, means apartment number 14 in the house number 11 on Löblichgasse street in the ninth district.
Luggage & Luggage Storage
Large stations have automatic lockers (Schliessfacher), whose services are usually estimated at 2-5 euros per day. At large stations, there are also ordinary luggage storage facilities (Gepackaufbewahrung) with a counter and special employees - here you usually have to pay 2.5-5 euros per baggage item per day.
Lost and Found (Fundamte) are usually located at the local police station.
Austria is one of the “smokers” countries of Western Europe, and the current trends in restrictions in this area are so far poorly traced. There are some restrictions on smoking in public places (first of all - in places of public catering) and on transport, as well as in areas adjacent to children's institutions. However, the sale of cigarettes is limited (in restaurants or bars, for example, it is quite difficult to buy them.
We advise you to rent a car on a careta.at for traveling around the country.
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schoeneswetter · 7 years
Türkische Rockermafia - Was geht in Neuss... Wurde die Gang "Osmanen Germania" über einen "Freund" des türkischen Präsidenten "gesteuert"!? Waffen über die Türkei? Ansonsten beschäftigt man sich mit der üblichen Gewalt und Drogen!? Vielleicht auch Prostitution!? Wie passt sowas zum Islam? Sollten sich die Leute selbst nach der Scharia verurteilen?
Ein Eimer voll Geld - Da hat der Fahrer einer Essensfirma aus Meerbusch aber Glück gehabt!? Er hatte diesen wohl einfach stehenlassen? Eine Seniorin fand ihn und lief damit zum Fundamt... Und bekommt jetzt einen Finderlohn? Rund 30 Euro? Wäre ein schönes und ehrlich verdientes Weihnachtsgeld?
Bundesliga am Dienstag - Hat sich auch in Dortmund der neue Besen gelohnt!? Ein 0:2 Auswärtssieg gegen Mainz zum Stöger Einstand! Wolfsburg - Leipzig 1:1,  Frankfurt gewinnt in Hamburg mit 1:2, Und die Freiburger daheim gegen Gladbach mit 1:0. Die Bayern könnten heute gegen den Tabellenletzten Köln ihren Vorsprung auf 10 Punkte ausbauen.. Meisterschaft schon wieder entschieden...
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techniktagebuch · 10 years
Schlüssel finden dank Bluetooth und Internet
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Da ich viele Schlüssel zu vielen Türen mit mir herumtragen muss, arbeite ich mir eine Strategie aus, um den Überblick zu behalten. Teil dieser Strategie sind kleine Anhänger am Schlüsselbund, die per Bluetooth mit dem Telefon gekoppelt sind. Das Telefon vermerkt jeden Kontaktabbruch und Neukontakt mit einer Zeit- und Ortsmarke. Theoretisch soll und kann das helfen, einen verlorenen Gegenstand wiederzufinden.
Und jetzt hilft es:  Ich verliere, ohne es zu merken, meinen Schlüsselbund mitten auf einer längeren Fahrradfahrt. Nachdem ich das feststelle, sehe ich auf der App tatsächlich einen Ort und eine Zeit vermerkt, an der ich mit dem Fahrrad unterwegs war und an dem der Kontakt das letzte Mal abgerissen ist. Ein Abfahren der Strecke und aufmerksames Suchen an der Umgebung nützt nichts: Der Schlüssel ist weg.
Ohne allzuviel Hoffnung klicke ich auf der Webseite des lokalen Fundamtes auf einen Link „Fundsachen online“ und lande auf einer offensichtlich deutschlandweiten Seite zur Suche von verlorenen Gegenständen. Der Titel der Seite ist „Bürgersuche“, und die Seite sieht etwas in die Jahre gekommen aus, erfüllt aber perfekt den Zweck:
Man gibt den Verlustort möglichst genau ein (habe ich ja durch den Bluetooth-Chip), nennt mehrere Schlüsselmarken und gibt die Anzahl der Schlüssel an, und dann bekommt man die passenden Suchergebnisse gezeigt.
Und siehe da: Eine ehrliche Seele hat den Schlüsselbund abgegeben, jemand hat ihn erfasst und im Internet gemeldet. Zwei Technologien im perfekten Zusammenspiel. Das macht mir Hoffnung für das Alter, wenn man denn mal schusseliger werden sollte.
(Wolfgang Kunckel)
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pressmost · 3 years
Ardagger - Frühstücksnews - Mittwoch, 5.5.2021
Ardagger – Frühstücksnews – Mittwoch, 5.5.2021
Sehr geehrte Gemeindebürgerin! Sehr geehrter Gemeindebürger! Wie geht´s Dir heute? Ich mein die Frage durchaus ernst……..! Sie löst wahrscheinlich, wenn ich Sie Dir von Angesicht zu Angesicht stellen würde ganz unterschiedliche Reaktionen aus: Von Standards und technischen Floskeln wie “DANKE GUT!” und “kommen wir zur Sache…..”…. bis zu wirklich “emotionalen Befunden”, die dann auch zu langen…
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hadschi · 2 years
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Es ist wieder da! Dank Fundservice der Stadt Wien! #ma48 #wien #taferl #kennzeichen #motorrad @die48er @radiowien_wienheute @hadschibankhofer @zeromotorcycles @zeromotorcycleseurope @stadtwien @wirliebenwien (hier: MA48 Fundamt) https://www.instagram.com/p/ChCIjynsfIo/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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