#Fundy is not Phil's favorite grandson
the-blaze-empress · 2 years
What are your favorite things abt c!phil? i want to know his character better :3
god where to START hmmmmmm
okay ive stuck it under a read more because my god is there a lot. for anyone curious, i list off 10 of my favourite things about cphil (with explanations as to what an why), 10 of my favourite quotes, and also cover some more common fandom mischaracterisations
1 - his character design it's basic, but i need somewhere to start. i LOVE phils character design, idk, maybe its just something to do with birds and green and me being a cosplayer. especially his new skin! it has details, anon, and they all have meaning. i love me some details with meaning. and bc its minecraft, and because minecraft is pixels, theres SO MUCH ROOM FOR INTERPRETATION. anyone can go COMPLETELY ham with the design if they want to and they all look SO COOL.
2 - EMERALD DUO okay so ill say it outright; im a qpr emduo sorta person. at the very least im an ‘old friends/war buddies/ex emperors emduo’ person. dont get me wrong, techno is the eldest child, but in the dsmp, he’s not phil’s kid, they’re just really old friends. AND OH MY GOD I LOVE THEM. ‘for you the world’ NEED I SAY MORE??? the emeralds, the phil risking his life to protect techno from the butcher army, the techno worrying about phil participating in doomsday, the complete and utter undying trust they have in each other. theyre not perfect, they still disagree and still have differing opinions but they sort it out and compromise and make sure each other is always okay!!! them!!!
3 - birb cphil is a bird we all know this. and this is leaning more into fanon not explicitly canon, but im including it because i can. phil is bird, he has bird brain. bird instincts and bird features, like hollow bones, chirping, nesting, preening, all the good stuff. it adds a layer of depth to his character thats so fun to play with when writing!! there’s so much potential for both angst and fluff and i love it so much. also i just love birds so yknow. win win situation for me.
4 - family, its messy phil is part of what i believe is the biggest canonical family on the dsmp. there’s four generations ffs. he has a son, a grandson, even a great-grandson. and it’s not perfect. wilbur is. wilbur, but even though he went mad and even though he lied in his letters he still cared enough to send letters in the first place, phil still cared enough to read them. phil still cared enough to drop everything for his son. it was messy and it was heartbreaking but that is what it is to be a father, i think. sometimes whats right is whats hardest and its phils love for wilbur that was forever just so clear. its the way fundy fucked up, its the way phil fucked up in return, its the way they made up without properly making up but phil was always, always there for fundy, always cared for him at least a little, because that’s his grandson.
5 - leading on from the above, kristin!! ANON DO YOU KNOW HOW COOL IT IS FOR PHIL TO BE MARRIED TO THE LITERAL GODDESS OF DEATH?? phil is a trophy husband and you cannot convince me otherwise. his wife is SO COOL and SO POWERFUL and he loves her SO VERY MUCH. yeah sure hes a het guy in a homonormative society but i can forgive him for that because his wife is amazing. also less cphil, more ccphil, but i think its SO FUCKING COOL AND/OR FUNNY that ccphil literally just. wrote his wife into the dsmp on a whim. THATS how much he loves her that even tho shes not involved in this thing hes doing she’s still there in some sense.
6 - immortality yeah cphil CAN die, but here’s the catch; he doesn’t. hes functionally immortal and godddd i love it so much. hes so fucked up from it, but i love that about him (more on that point later). cphil has lived through so much and he has known so much and he has gained and lost SO MUCH but he’s still going strong, hes still loving and living and trying. who knows when he’ll finally die, not him and certainly not us.
7 - WOO TRAUMA mans is SO FUCKED UP. god where to even START with this. phil has not processed a single emotion in 500 years and he does NOT plan on starting now thank you very much. his sons death? nah lets build a country instead. watching his best friend be executed? nope not processing THAT lets find somewhere else to live oh yeah also i almost died. phils favourite thing is avoiding emotions and busying himself with some Other Task for Someone Else (new lmanburg, training room, various farms for techno, just to name a couple) so he Doesnt Have To Think About Anything. also perception of time? hell no he’s gonna be working for days without realising it. this is not healthy. he does not intend to stop. he blames himself for so much and rarely ever accepts help from anyone at all.
8 - kindness dont get me wrong if you get on the wrong side of phil you will find out exactly why some know him as the angel of death, but if ur not on that side of him, hes just. so kind and so caring. that one time when ranboo was deliberately trying to trigger the enderwalk out, and phil ran in and got rid of all the splash water bottles because he thought ranboo was getting hurt? yeah. that. protecting tommy without hesitation or question when dream was chasing him? yeah. that. building new lmanburg because tubbo had enough on his plate and he needed something to do anything to do he needed to keep his hands busy then it would be okay it had to be okay he had to be okay? yeah. that. visiting techno even while he was under house arrest to make sure he was okay? yeah. that.
9 - hes such a chaotic little fuck this is something a LOT of the fandom seem to. ignore. phil is not this sophisticated, calm, rational father figure. he can be sometimes (at a push) but thats not who he is. he’s an absolute chaos machine, and a fucking deadly one at that. he’s bored and you’re in the general vicinity? bye living! i think its well summed up in that one clip of phil and techno in a village, and techno’s grabbing a couple supplies here and there, and phil is just fucking gutting the place even if he doesnt actually need those supplies. he will murder (for fun), he will explode shit (for fun), he will cause mass genocide (for fun), he will fucking. idk he’ll do it all for fun.
10 - history imo, phil and techno are some of the best—if not the most—fleshed out characters in the dsmp. part of this, i reckon, is because of the history they have. you cannot talk about dsmp cphil properly without acknowledging smp earth and hardcore at the very least. the antarctic empire is there, phil and techno carry its shields and wear its colours. the angel of death is familiar to most if not all, the love for fucking freezing temperatures is there too. phil did decanonise the connection to hardcore, but a) many people who care ignore that, b) i ignore that, and c) it was there for at least a little, it had influence for at least a little. cphil is and old character, he didn’t just blip into existence in the dsmp, he has real, solid, pre-established history.
and now for some of my favourite cphil quotes!!
1 - Things, buildings, they can be replaced! People can't be replaced. I'm not losing anyone else... I'm not losing anyone else. Not to this bullshit. 
2 - (“Since when was this a Philza Minecraft thing?”) “Since I was forced to kill my own son, you idiot!”
3 - look i made this entire section to include One Specific Quote except i now cannot find that quote. fuck this fuck me. it was something phil said in chat at one point, he was talking to sam, saying how he [phil] was immortal, he had seen nations rise and fall, he had seen people like sam who craved power come and go with little consequence. its a good quote, trust me, ill put it here when/if i can find it.
4 - "I've seen this 'government', on this server... Everything to do with government has just been bad so far. (...) I've watched it completely destroy and tear down people's wills, and change people... I've seen it change the nicest people into complete and utter tyrants. So I think it's about time.”
okay quotes over now for some common fandom mischaracterisations, since u said u wanted to know cphils character better
1 - bad dad phil this one really gets me. i hate it, genuinely. phil was never and is not a bad dad. im not saying he was perfect, but he was not a bad dad. it is not his fault wilbur went mad, it is not his fault tommy was hurt so much in exile (more on that later), none of this is his fault. phil cares so much about his family and does everything he can for them, he was never neglectful or absent or anything of the sort.
2 - sbi family dynamics THESE HAVE BEEN DECANONISED BY LIKE EVERYONE IN SBI FOR THE DSMP. MULTIPLE TIMES. tommy was never phils son, he was just some kid phils actual son knew. techno is phils old friend, not his son. wilbur, however, is his son
3 - calm collected eloquent father SOMETIMES phil can have good fatherly advice. other times he really fucking does not!! cphil is shit with words, if you want someone whos always expressing their emotion in elegant prose, look at techno, not phil. he tries, he really does, but his perception of normality is warped, and sometimes he just doesnt fucking care?? hes chaotic and fairly independent, and yeah okay he may have taken in TWO stray kids (tubbo, when he was a child, and ranboo after doomsday) but hes not the like. serial adopter some people make him out to be
so yeah, thats cphil for you! im more than happy to go into more detail about any of the above things, just ask! that goes for literally anyone btw. ill happily talk about fanon and more fandom characterisations, but ive tried to keep it as close to canon as i can so far. what’s great is that despite what he claims, ccphil is an excellent roleplayer and general storyteller, hes always adding little details and explaining reasoning behind things, so theres so much nuance and so much depth to cphil and the section of the world he inhabits. can you tell that cphil is my favourite character perhaps.
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inkribbon796 · 3 years
The Marvelous Misadventures of One: S. Marvin Argentum Ch. 3: In the Pit
Summary: Marvin realizes he’s in a bit too deep as the time continues to tick on.
Chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4
Techno seemed to notice Thompson was in the club and instantly raced from the club and up the stairs, almost shouldering past people to get to the Sheriff.
“Sherman! Sherman!”
“Tech,” the huge burly man grumbled, crossing his arms in front of him. “I thought I saw yeh[1] slipping inta[2] town. What brings yah[1] over here?”
“I found a legate and it was awful!” Techno lamented, basically ignoring him, the two of them basically the same towering height.
Sherman rolled his eyes, “Let me guess, the fight lasted five seconds?”
“There wasn’t even a fight,” Techno complained. “I mean, bruhhh, he barely could defend himself. A dead leaf would have been a more satisfying fight.”
“So he’s dead?” Thompson asked.
“No, it would have been like killing a newborn puppy,” Techno huffed. “Come on, get in the pit so I can have a good fight.”
“Nah, I’m good,” Thompson scoffed and pushed Ghostbur towards the front. “Just bringin’ yer brother to yeh.”[3]
Techno looked annoyed, “Ghostbur, what are you doing here?”
“I’m helping my friends,” Ghostbur smiled.
“I’ve seen what your “help” does,” Techno rolled his eyes. “You here for Phil then?”
Ghostbur looked nervous, “I . . . uh . . . I would like to see him but I don’t know.”
“Did you bring some of the heroes with you?” Techno was looking at Marvin.
“Yah[1] know, we’ll go, we just caught yeh[1] at a bad moment,” Marvin tried to intervene.
“What are you three even doin’[4] here?” Techno leaned against the balcony railing, another fight starting up in absence of Techno.
“We were gonna[5] pick a fight with the Legionnaires’ Guildmaster, but Ghostbur here took us ta[6] see the Sheriff o’er[7] here. So we’ll just go.” Marvin jabbed his thumb at the exit.
“Taking ‘em[8] on, huh? ‘Bout[9] time someone did.” Techno hummed. Then he looked at Ghostbur and nudged him towards the other side of the balcony where the VIP area was. “Hey Ghostbur, why don’t you go say hi to Phil. He’s probably seen you already, so just head on over.”
“Wait a second,” Marvin moved to follow Ghostbur who was already moving to the VIP area.
Techno summoned and axe and moved in-between Ghostbur and Marvin.
“Look, you two make one wrong move against Phil and I’ll take your heads off,” Techno threatened.
“Not lookin’ fer a fight, I want ta get out ‘a here with Ghostbur an’ take care ‘a the hunters up north,”[10] Marvin told him firmly.
Techno braced his axe on his shoulder, “Just watch yourself.”
Ghostbur rushed over to the door and Marvin followed him, Techno opened the door for them.
“Phil!” Techno called out over the loud music. “We got company.”
Philza reached for the remote and turned the music down to a low whisper.
“Techno!” the little girl called out.
“Hey sis,” Techno smiled, walking over to her and kneeling down so the two of them could bump foreheads. “Enjoy the show?”
“You murdered them dead!” She screamed. “Blood for the Blood God!”
“That’s right, good job kid,” Techno smiled.
“Hey Ghostbur,” Philza greeted tensely. “Where’s Tommy?”
“Oh, he’s still in Brighton,” Ghostbur smiled. “He and Tubbo are having so much fun.”
“Right,” Phil kicked his feet up and stood. “Good fer[11] them.”
“You might wanna[12] know, Quackity’s here,” Techno told Philza, “I saw him when I was in the pit.”
“Okay,” Phil remarked as if he really didn’t care either way.
“I think I saw Fundy and that one slime guy with him,” Techno added.
Phil’s good wing puffed up, “Shit! Shit!”
Ghostbur gasped, clearly ecstatic, “What? Fundy? He’s here?”
Phil raced across the room and hit the intercom button, “Fundy! You furball, get yer[13] ass up here this instant! I wanna[12] know where you are!”
“Oh, Marv, have you met Fundy?” Ghostbur was floating a bit off the ground. “You have to meet him. He’s my son.”
“I think I have,” Marvin answered, more than a little surprised by that information.
Techno loudly cleared his throat. “So while we’re waiting for Fundy and probably Quackity to show up, you mind tell me what brings you to Arizona? Last I checked, Egoton was in Chicago, or something like that.”
“We were gonna[5] deal with the Legionnaires, but Ghostbur said he knew someone so we took a detour,” Marvin explained. “Really we should’a[14] stopped at the station, but we’ll go.”
“You needed allies, you two are alone,” Phil said in a way that made Marvin feel like the avian was staring through his very soul. “Why go fer[11] ‘em[15] now? The hunters have been bigger problems before?”
Marvin weighed his options. “Cause they’re workin’ with the CIA an’ Dark’s nemesis. An’ they’re gonna crash a weddin’.”[16]
Techno started bouncing on the balls of his feet, looking like a small child that had been gifted a full sized robot suit for Christmas.
Phil, however, let out an indignant, insulted huff, “Oi![17] Did that fooker[18] replace me an’[19] Tech with some other bastard? How dare he‽”
“Man, is there anyone Dark hasn’t pissed off?” Marvin chuckled.
“Seems ta[6] be a much shorter list ‘a[20] who he hasn’t,” Phil smiled. “Phantom taught him really well in that regard.”
“Huh,” Marvin commented. He realized that for being two demons of roughly the same age, supposedly, and being the same type of demon that Philza and Dark were kinda opposites. “So yeh[1] on the same hatin’[21] human trend as he is, never met a demon that was particularly nice.”
“Nah,” Phil smiled. “I love humans, they make the best things like anime, an’[19] memes, an’[19] the word: “fuck”. So I love humans.”
“How old are you?” Taylor asked.
The avian demon shrugged, “I don’t count keep anymore. 350? Almost 400? I don’t know.”
At that moment the door opened and Marvin stepped out of the line of fire as Fundy walked in, Quackity and Slime right behind him.
Quackity stiffened nervously when he locked eyes with Techno,
“Fundy,” Ghostbur smiled as he started to advance. “My little champion. How are you?”
Fundy hissed, all the hair on his head and ears standing on edge. “You touch me, and I bite you.”
“Hey, chill out fer[11] five seconds will yeh[1]?” Marvin snapped back. “He hasn’t done anythin’ ta yeh.”[22]
“Oh, he’s done more than enough,” Fundy snapped.
Techno spoke up, “Where’s Tubbo? This gonna[5] be a butcher’s army 2.0?”
“No, I just came here ta[6] catch up with some contacts, didn’t even know you two were in town,” Quackity denied, taking a step back as he glanced at Techno.
“Sides we’d need Ranboo for that,” Fundy muttered a bit too loud.
“Oi![17] You watch yerself,[23] Ranboo can do no wrong!” Phil shouted at his grandson.
“Are you kidding me?” Fundy shouted back, devolving into a series of frustrated, incoherent grumbling noises.
“Looks like a pretty important meeting up here?” Quackity smiled, looking around. “You all having fun?”
“Bruhh, these two wanna[12] take on the Legionnaires and the government,” Techno declared. “And I’m helping.”
“Wait what?” Marvin demanded before his brain could tell him that looking a gift horse in the mouth was a bad idea. “Since when have yeh[1] been in on this?”
“Since you told me that you were taking on the CIA,” Technoblade grinned. “That type of stuff is literally all I do.”
The hunter spoke up, they’d been mostly quiet up until now, mostly watching the situation fly wildly out of control, but now they interjected, “I’m going to duel the Guildmaster, take over the Guild and take them back on track to what our Guild was meant to be, protecting people and not making deals with people who are literally worse than demons.”
“So you’re saying that if you’re in control you’ll go against the government?” Technoblade said.
“If that means protecting people like we’re supposed to be doing from the start, then yes,” Taylor told him.
“Now that’s the type of thing I like to hear,” Techno grinned. “But if you back out on that, I will take care of you.”
“Right,” the hunter didn’t break eye contact.
“So, yer[24] gonna[5] help us fight them then?” Marvin asked.
“Heh,” Techno grinned. “Taking down the self-entitled discount Spanish Inquisition, and the government? You’d have to fight me not to come.”
“Get rid of the Legionnaires?” Quackity smiled. “Count me in, wish I had brought Sam and Sap, they would’a[25] made this a breeze.”
Then the casino owner turned to his two companions, “Fundy, Slime, if you two aren’t up for it, yeh[1] can go back to the hotel.”
Fundy seemed to have a fire burning in his eyes, “I can do it, I want in.”
Slime gave a huge, lopsided grin, “I will also come with Quackity from Las Nevadas.”
“You wanna[12] stay on your retirement couch, Ol’[26] Man?” Techno prodded, smiling at Phil.
“Shut!” Philza snapped, rolling his eyes when Techno laughed at him.
“I wanna[12] come with,” Techno’s little sister told them.
“No!” Thompson and Techno both told her. She pouted and deflated a little bit.
“I’ll take her back an’[19] meet you all there,” Thompson told them.
“So, kitty, you got a plan?” Quackity gave him a sharp grin.
Marvin paused for a second, “Yeah, I think I got one.”
Accessibility Translations:
1. you
2. into
3. Just bringing your brother to you.
4. doing
5. going to
6. to
7. over
8. them
9. About
10. Not looking for a fight, I want to get out of here with Ghostbur and take care of the hunters up north
11. for
12. want to
13. your
14. should have
15. them
16. Because they’re working with the CIA and Dark’s nemesis. And they’re going to crash a wedding.
17. Hey! (or: Wait a second!)
18. fucker
19. and
20. of
21. hating
22. He hasn’t done anything to you.
23. yourself
24. you’re
25. would have
26. Old
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lime1991 · 2 years
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uncle and nephew!
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thesmpisonfire · 4 years
You can try to excuse any action that C!Phil does, but nothing can excuse what happened today just bc Phil was being petty
C!Fundy did his shit at Techno's execution but he is trying to do better, he is trying to amend his mistakes. The first thing Fundy did with Phil when he came back after a year and a half was asking for a hug trying to calm down the things between them
But Phil still holds the grudge from a day where Techno didn't even die. Fundy died that day and Techno didn't. Fundy already tried to apologize but Phil keeps turning him down
All Fundy did against Phil was break into his house, steal a compass and try to kill Techno, a man that was a war criminal and with a historic of killing orphans, and that publicly said he was going to take down New L'manburg
Phil's response was disown Fundy, explode L'manburg to bedrock, and then keep on juggling and gambling with Fundy's life whenever he wants to for his own pleasure
Fundy just trespassed and the sentence was being killed and then have to play a game to earn his stuff back?? A game that was compared to "fox hunting"?? While all this time being called a 'traitor'
Fundy also had to deal with Phil saying Michael was his "favorite grandson", Tubbo murdering him and playing with everything he had left, and with Ranboo putting salt on his wound asking "what would you know of being a parent?"
Fundy's most prized item is Schlatt sword, and if Michael grabbed it, it would be necessary to kill him in order to get it back. They put Fundy in that corner while playing to never give his stuff back. Tubbo shot the arrow in the first place, or Fundy would never had the need to threaten Michael.
"Oh Michael has visits for the first time and they threaten his life", fuck you, Fundy was killed first, he is the victim of this situation
Today was,,, not okay,,, lore today wasn't good
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mariaiscrafting · 4 years
Ranboo: “Phil, you get to meet your favorite grandson, soon.”
Tubbo: “And your only one!”
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itsmoonphobic · 4 years
Phil's character and his life system on the DreamSMP won't leave me alone....Here is some interestin' facts I can't stop thinkin' about :)
We all know that the butcher army's number one target is Techno right? And they are planin' to get rid of him the fastest way possible by gatherin' information from people who interacted with him in order to find out where his current location is becouse nobody knows.Tubbo said that he expects posters to be hung up everywhere through L'manberg for propaganda,they want to gather as many people as they possibly can to be on their side against Technoblade,becouse together they are more affective.
So what would happen if the BA somehow reveals that Phil is in the possession of Techno's compass? That thing leads them straight towards his hideout in the north,without a doubt I think that the BA would immediately hurt/kill or hold Phil hostage in order to get the compass.Now if they actually decide to murder Phil,he would lose his only life becouse unlike the rest of the SMP Phil is stuck in the gamemode hardcore and he needs to play with a single canon life- while the other two lives he was meant to own were gifted to his eldest son Techno.
The thought of Phil dyin' to such a harsh reason like the government's revenge on his son is terrifyin' and truly heartbreakin'- I'm already scared for Phil and now long he will last before he loses his life,I don't want him to pass away this early into the new Arc.On one side,Ghostbur would finally have some spirit company from his father but both Tommy and most importantly Techno would be absolutely devastated and furious.I don't think that most of the players on the SMP are aware of the fact that Phil's life consists of only one chance at said life,they most likely believe he will just respawn and continue on with the rest of his lives- But that's not the case.
If he dies once it's all over- so to imagine that Phil gets killed becouse the BA requires the compass to track Techno down makes me really sad and also excited??We all know how much Techno cares for Phil,we know he would kill in order for his father,his only friend,to be safe.He has shown the overprotective nature he has around Phil's presence and we have also noticed how much of Techno's trust and loyalty rests on Phil's shoulders.Not only did his son give him a compass to always run to him in the need of help or anythin' really- but he practically opened his heart for him.Afterall,Techno did mention that he would give Phil the world if he desired so.
Now I already know the reaction we would get out of Techno if the BA or anyone really was dumb enough to try and go agaisnt Phil- It would end in mass genocide and complete destruction over the whole server.Techno might be in retirement right now,takin' a small break from his violent and bloodthirsty nature,but I wholeheartedly know that the moment somebody even lays a single finger on Phil it's already too late and pretty much over for them. Techno would,without hesitation,ruin them and make their life a livin' definition of a nightmare you can't wake up from. He would go so far as to destroy everyone and everythin' in his path to avenge Phil and his life,becouse in Techno's eyes his father was the last person who deserved to die.
Now that Phil's gone Techno is all alone,by himself in a world that's controlled by a government he so desperately tried to tear apart and let it crumble to pieces- He would be confused,scared and thirsty for revenge.Phil's death is a major problem in the whole plotline,especially the one Techno is writin' for his character! I really hope that nobody attempts to try to get to Techno by usin' Phil,it wouldn't end well in any way whatsoever and would only make things worse.I don't really know how Tommy would react but I know that his relationship towards his father in the SMP isn't the best,we all know that he's careful aswell as skeptical around Phil becouse he sticks close to Techno, Tommy's eldest brother and the person he hates the most. [for now atleast,i just have a feelin' that both Tommy and Ghostbur will join Techno's side soon and that the right time hasn't come yet for them to realize this-]
What I'm tryin' to say here is that if Phil dies,he's gone forever.There are no second opportunities,once those ten hearts are all drained from their red color it's over.I would be so dejected and sorrowful if the BA actually considers the idea to take that one,precious life away from Phil.And now that I think about it- Phil is conflicted.
On one side,the first thing he did when he arrived in L'manberg was murder his own son in cold blood,and the worst part was that Phil didn't even want to do it- He was handed over the blade by Wilbur himself.And by rebuildin, the city,Phil is workin' on finishin' his son's unfinished symphony for him since he isn't here to do it himself.And not only that but he also has to take care of the ghost of said dead son which is extremely tragic to think about.He wants to gain the citizens trust and wants to keep all of them under control by keepin' the atmosphere light.Phil's grandson,Fundy,is now also under his care which is a extra task on his part,add the fact that Wilbur forgot most of the things he committed and Phil tries his best to make him remember and recollect his lost memories.
Then there's Tommy,the most complicated son he has to deal with throughout all of this.Not only did Tommy get exiled- but he lost his best friend,his brothers and their beloved city they created together.His discs are the only thing dancing around in his head and keepin' him sane,due to the neglect and loss of major importance he became suicidal,thinkin' about losin' his last life to himself.He's all alone and is blamin' everyone else as the bad guy,he doesn't understand that half of the reason this happend to him was his own fault,his own selfishness and greed.Phil knows Tommy's stubbornness and temper,his hot headedness and that all he wants is everythin' to be the way it was at the beginnin' when it all started-
How Techno is,no doubt,Phil's favorite son.Their relationship is strong and built up on solid ground due to the past they spent together by eachother's side.Their bond and healthy correspondence makes them an unstoppable duo and Phil would do anythin' to keep it that way and enjoy his son's company as long as he can.He helps Techno with both small tasks and difficult quests,if he invites him of course,Phil would never tag along if Techno doesn't want company.He understands Techno,he understands the way he thinks and acts,the reasons behind his decisions and all of his activities.Phil was the first person to show Techno what it felt like to be loved and cared about,to be accepted into a world full of misery.And in return Techno granted him his respect,kindness and loyalty to keep up their parallel.Phil knows if he would join Techno that the way others view him would instantly change and shift towards bein' negative.
The fact that he has a Antartic Empire shield proves how much he wants to be on Techno's side and bring back the vibes of the empire they lead in the south,it's pretty much obvious that he's virtually already on Techno's side but he doesn't make a final statement on it whatsoever.He never spoke up about it genuinely,he never confirmed the suspicions of him joinin' Techno but I think it's self explanatory who's side he will be on.
And now comes the prison- Probably the most fucked thing that has ever been created.The idea was requested by Dream and Sam is the one deconstructin' it righ now.As for now we don't know much information or details about this jail but we for sure know who it's meant for- Techno.Like Dream stated when asked about it "Somebody who is very capable" and "Somebody I can't kill" which clearly describes Techno- He may never die,but it can be attempted to contain him in a cell.Now my prediction is that the BA and maybe even more people [Dream,Sam,the Badlands,etc.] will capture Phil and hold him imprisoned there until Techno willingly comes along to save Phil's life,they will certainly lure Techno in there by usin' his father as bait.
I have no idea if ANY of this stuff wiln actually happen' in the SMP,but even if they don't- Phil's character and story progress is one of the most underrated and interestin' ones.
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Dream SMP Hot Take/head canon
Keep in mind this is my personal take/head canon. Not everything has been proved in streams, and Phil’s way of presenting lore is loose. In that he says things, and retcons them, and isn’t always in character. I’m mixing his nonchalant approach in with his character.
I’ve been thinking a lot about c!Philza and his.... varied reactions to his children. Now, c!Philza (canonically?) revealed that he only has one life because he traded the others for a longer lifespan. We can reasonably assume that he has lived for several hundred years under this deal, and I don’t know about you, but I assume he has had more children throughout the years than just c!Wilbur, and at the rate he is adopting others, I’m sure it isn’t his first time doing that either. Centuries of life, and he has probably had a little bit of practice before now.
I think he doesn’t see them as children. I think he surrounds himself with young, impressionable minds, to further his power. To create his own small private army that would be loyal enough to fight for him if needed.
I think he may have traded his other two lives for longevity, but that only protects him if someone stronger doesn’t come along to try and snuff out his immortal light. 
So if one of those “children” doesn’t show any promise, he casts them aside, has them fend for themselves. Its why c!Tommy and c!Tubbo are little feral children who can’t be tamed. They were raised without parents, the closest parental figure being c!Wilbur. And being c!Phil’s biological child, (the man shows clear favoritism) he probably would have had a lot more attention put on him to study. And the more he studied, the more c!Phil cultivated those cunning strategist skills of his, a handy talent for an immortal who might find himself on the wrong end of a war, and want his strategist son to help pull the strings in his favor. Unfortunately for him, c!Wilbur went....a little crazy. His biggest disappointment. However, being his biological son, in his own twisted way, c!Philza still cares for him, enough to heed his last request and kill him. 
Now some people have mentioned the resurrection. And proof that c!Philza does care about his son. And yes. He does still care. I’m just saying it might not be the healthy kind of love. If he got c!Wilbur back from the resurrection, he has his master strategist back. Now what about c!Fundy? His biological grandchild, you would think surely, if he “loved” c!Wilbur more than the other adopted children, he should also “love” his biological grandson. But he didn’t raise c!Fundy. c!Fundy wasn’t a mind he got to mold. And if c!Wilbur was a disappointment, why should his child be any better. You could even look deeper into this (as many blame c!Fundy’s initial betrayal on c!Wilbur going full crazy) that c!Philza blames c!Fundy for taking away his master strategist, making him take out a powerful pawn in his little army. (This is honestly just stemming from how they treated Fundy in a stream the other day. I haven’t seen the whole thing yet, but from what I’ve seen they weren’t very nice to him.)
In terms of the others he surrounds himself with, c!Technoblade is the child (old friend) he has currently allied himself with, because guess what? c!Technoblade is a strong soldier. A good little soldier who, yes is a little power crazy, but also has friends in high places. What possible reason did c!Phil have for siding with him and c!Dream to blow up L’Manberg? Because c!Dream is one of the most powerful people on the server, a strong fighter, and a formidable ally, or foe. 
The man surrounds himself with powerful protectors and allies, and avoids making enemies with those that could threaten his power. He’s lived for a very long time, he can do the math. And his most recent addition to the collection? c!Ranboo? Who has special, unheard of powers? Well, better to have him where you can see him, better to have him as a friend than an enemy.
Better to be prepared, and surround yourself with powerful allies, because when you get a taste of power, you never want to let go. 
Plus being an immortal must get terribly boring from time to time. Sometimes it’s fun to mix things up a little.
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I feel like every character’s morality level in this arc can be summed up with how they interact with Michael the Piglin
c!Ranboo & Tubbo - His parents, care about him dearly, commissioned a mansion for him. c!Ranboo visits him every day and literally died for him.
c!Eret - Defended and healed Michael, helped organize others to protect him, brought him to a secure location to protect him and immediately let his parents know.
c!BBH - Helped Ranboo and Tubbo bring Michael home. Helped defend Michael from George, Sapnap, and Hannah.
c!Niki, c!Callahan - Helped defend Michael from George, Sapnap, and Hannah. 
c!Puffy - Wanted to give Michael a friend/sibling. Helped protect Michael from c!Sam who wanted to kill him/pretend to kill him as a prank.
c!Phil - Declared Michael his favorite grandson and gifted him a cake. Helped keep Michael a secret from c!Techno until c!Ranboo informed him.
c!Foolish - Babysat Michael for c!Bee Duo. Let Foolish JR have playdates with Michael. Was commissioned to build a whole mansion for Michael.
c!Techno - Has never met Michael but agreed to help c!Tubbo find him and get him back despite the two being former enemies.
c!Tommy - Considered killing Michael, but then decided not to.
c!Fundy - Made one threat towards Michael but was shoo’d off and has not attempted again. Slightly bitter that Michael is c!Phil’s favorite grandson over him (c!Phil’s only biological grandchild.)
c!Karl - Has suggested killing Michael but has not attempted to do so.
c!Sapnap, c!George, c!Hannah - Actively tried to bring harm to Michael/attacked him, have threatened to attack/kill Michael many times.
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griffintail · 3 years
She mumbled something that was lost in the folds of his jacket.
Dinner finished up and Phil hummed, glancing at Fundy. "What do you want for dessert, my favorite grandson?"
Wilbur chuckled quietly as Fundy glanced over at (Y/N), still worried about his friend.
"Can...I have some pie?" He asked.
"Do you want anything kiddo?" Techno muttered to her.
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testingcheats0n · 4 years
Ranboo calling Michael Phil's favorite grandson in front of Fundy is hilarious lmao, get dunked on furry.
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cryptvokeeper · 3 years
I think about that fuckin “my first day on the server I killed my son it was pogchamp and then I cried” audio at least once a day cuz its funny so ya’ll know it was inevitable I’d start thinking abt it in terms of storytelling right.
Cuz theres something to be said about how Philza and Technoblade specifically came onto the server as plot points (Techno joining being framed as him coming to help Pogtopia and Phil’s entrance onto the server being that). Phil especially joined at quite possibly the most plot heavy moment possible, and he came in with a prepared backstory/connection to the cast as Wilbur’s father. And as far as I can think of I don't think anyone else who joined the server had that. Like everyone else had some sort of grace period where they could ease into lore (if they wanted to be in lore at all) and decide their place on the server. Phil’s was predetermined to some extent. Clearly characters can expand past their initial use *gestures at c!techno’s entire everything*, but its an interesting distinction between him and most other people on the server. Like where most people on the server start out less lore heavy and grow more involved as time goes on, Phil started off extremely lore relevant and then dropped off suddenly as he took a step back to do things like grind for materials, or just to hang out with people in a non-lore capacity. 
And this abnormal progression on the server probably contributed to his interpretation of being a neglectful/uncaring person, because we the audience are told "hey this is Wilbur’s dad, and he’s gonna be around now! He’s super cool and nice, look at how he gets along with everyone!” During the 16th basically the entire cast recognizes and acknowledges his name coming online. There are ooc jokes about the family dynamic, about finding tubbo in a box, more in-character (or at least debatably in character) moments of Tommy acting particularly familiar with him, Fundy embracing him as his grandpa, and Tubbo inviting him to be a part of L’Manburg and the cabinet. But after he completes his plot-mandated Filicide, Phil basically doesnt get involved in anything plot related (save for going fishing that one time with fundy) until the butcher army, which even that he’s more of a plot device/damsel in distress than an active participant in plot. And then c!Phil turns around and is like ‘lol nah I dont care abt any of you people’ when the plot finally gets going for him. Not to mention it contributed to the whole schrodinger’s family problem, where no one really established what the relationships were, probably because the creators themselves hadn't yet decided what they wanted to do about it but due to everything I just mentioned, were giving off conflicting messages in an attempt to have their cake and eat it too. Like the aforementioned fundy fishing trip is sandwiched between moments of Phil casually talking about fundy being his least favorite grandson, telling him not to call him grandpa, and generally bullying him (again, in moments that aren't clear in whether theyre canon or ooc). Same with Tommy, he visits him in exile once and expresses relief when he knows Tommy is safe with techno, but he never attempts to prevent said exile, and once Tommy leaves techno Phil turns against him pretty solidly. I hesitate to call these contradictory or out of character, but they muddied the waters on an already unclear character, and it lead to no small amount of arguments over c!Philza and what was ‘really’ canon in his interactions with people.
TLDR is that Phil, both the character and the creator, are in a really unique position on the smp as someone who came in specifically for plot purposes, without getting the chance to establish real character presence beforehand, and that has led to a very different plot and character arc than most other characters. Which is interesting, but makes things very complicated when it comes to analysis.
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raisansgrapeon · 4 years
My Views on Some of the Cast of the DSMP
We got a lot of things flying left, right, and center right now about characters in the dream smp fandom and I love it. I love seeing the perspectives and the stances and everyone's opinions as long as we're all being civil about it. So, I'm civilly putting in my two cents about... Well... Everything. But mainly just Ghostbur, Phil, and Techno since this post would get obscenely long if I did everyone.
I'd like to just say one thing about my approach to this story:
The characters are morally ambiguous. No one is the good guy. No one is the bad guy. No one is an exception.
Yes, even Dream falls under this.
These are all people, and I always hesitate to call people bad or good in real life because there is so much more beyond what I can see of them, and I think it's a testament to the wonderful acting, improv, writing, and character establishment/writing that it can get me to see fictional block men who do things like claim their mother is a salmon and fill their palaces with flamingos as people.
With that information, I say that I love every character for who they are in the context of the narrative and how they play their role in said narrative.
And I love how each and every one of them are in the wrong somehow in some way.
Ghostbur is suffering the loss of everything he built, technically, a fourth time over.
First with Dream's initial explosion of L'Manburg, second with the actual explosion of L'Manburg, third with the explosion of Logstedshire, and finally with the final explosion of L'Manburg. He's hurting and yes, we all feel immensely bad for this little amnesiac ghost boy who only ever wrote books and built what he loved.
But he acknowledges that he's also hurt people. He knows that. That's why he wants to be resurrected. Even if he forgets conversations, impressions and residual feelings and ideas still hold over, since he clearly didn't just forget about his desire to be resurrected after he forgot his spat with Phil. He recontextualizes his desires and feelings under new sources but the idea of, this is the only way I can make everyone feel better, still lingers. Fundy told him that he needed to stop running away from his problems and face them. He may have forgotten that conversation, but the idea that who he is and what Ghostbur, as an entity, represents is hurting everyone, lingers.
Ghostbur has hurt people. Not of malicious intent, but intent does not dictate the feelings and actions of those around you in response to your own actions. Ghostbur uses his blue to forget his sorrows, and that action cuts those around him off from the emotional reconciliation Ghostbur knows they need from him.
Even then, who he is is not primed to deal with the fallout that would come if he even had voluntary control over his amnesia. Ghostbur insists he's not Alivebur, but he kinda is in a way. Both are very rigid in their beliefs when their mind is made up. There is no negotiation afterwards. Ghostbur's fundamental ideals have been locked in from the start of his existence. He makes others happy, and he restores L'Manburg. The idea that he no longer has the capability to do either of these things as he is now lingers without context. A ghost of a conversation forgotten that got held onto as the only good thing to come out of it.
Ghostbur is not 100% good. He's airheaded and well meaning, but he's never addressed the core issues that he caused.
Phil is trying to prevent what happened to his son from ever happening again.
Phil is a bigger picture man. He sees the world around him as a collective that works together to maintain itself. He doesn't have many personal ties beyond Techno and Wilbur in canon. He truly acts like a third-party hanging above the fray watching as the tides of war ebb and flow. He sees the corruption and sickness that lies within L'Manburg that killed his son thrive long after the mad king had been struck down. He held hope that in the wake of tragedy, Tubbo and the citizens would turn the tides, but they proved him wrong. What killed his son tried to kill his friend, and Phil was going to stop it.
But Phil was too zoomed out to see the personal aspect that L'Manburg held. He was too focused of the bigger picture to remember that Friend was in his house. He couldn't see L'Manburg as the home of many. He was still too detached from the feelings of the people to understand why Ghostbur was upset in the first place. The conversation between the two was not about Phil trying to get Ghostbur to understand why L'Manburg needed to go, it was Ghostbur trying to get Phil to understand why this was not the right option.
Philza has hurt people. He hurt his son by not only aiding in the destruction of his son's home and Friend, but also refusing to see the individuals in the conflict. He hurt Fundy by rejecting him the moment he realized that his grandson was following the tide of battle in the wrong direction. In the end, Phil never chose to see the situation from any other perspective other than his own.
He's disjointed and disconnected from the world around him. He truly loves and cares for two, at one point three, people on the server canonically and beyond that is an ambiguous blur. This isn't really his battle, in all honesty. He came when he saw that Wil was gonna do something everyone would regret, and he tried to step in and stop it, but beyond that, he was never there for anything. He never cared about L'Manburg and he never cared about its people. He's kind and caring to those in passing and he has a sense of nobility and honor where he respects and helps those who helped him. Still, he sees the world around him as a collective, and rarely anything more.
Philza is not 100% good, but he's not 100% bad. He's principled and intelligent, but he has no concept of how his actions affect the individual beyond the collective.
Techno has been abandoned and played like a fiddle this whole time.
Technoblade is, beyond a shadow of a doubt, the most straightforward character in the smp in terms of motivation. He is explicit and blatant about his anarchy and goals. Yet, somehow, everyone keeps falling into the thought that Techno is a naturally passive force that can be activated into action. In actuality, Techno is very proactive. He prepares and plans beyond wartime. He acts swiftly and precisely. He follows Sun Tzu's tenants faithfully. He does not idle and sticks to his most recent plan to a T if he thinks he can win.
But Techno doesn't see outside himself. He knows what works for him but is blind to others' needs and desires. Anarchy is how Techno can live comfortably, but not everyone can and certainly not everyone in the server. He plays by his rules and rational and imposes those thoughts onto others, not understanding when they act contrary to his understanding and thus rules them to being irrational on purpose. That they just want to ruin his life.
Techno has hurt people and we all know this. Everyone here believes that Techno betrayed them not when he wouldn't join their government, but when he wouldn't leave well enough alone. He did that too late. If he had conceded at the end of the Manburg-Pogtopia war that he did what he was called to do and just left for retirement in the first place, he could've lived just fine. But he's proactive, and he felt betrayed by them when they instantly instilled not only a new leader, but one under the same format and structure that had already failed twice. But who ever said that was his problem?
Techno, as well as everyone but especially Techno, sees himself as the one in the right all the time. He doesn't regret a single thing he's done, at least not anywhere I've seen. He is sure in his beliefs, lifestyle, principles, and logic. He enforces these on other's and sees them as ignorant and dumb for thinking different to him. It takes a lot for him to let bygones be bygones, and it's easy to provoke him into action. Albeit, none of this is helped by the literal chorus of voices constantly memeing in his head, but my point still stands.
Technoblade is not 100% bad, nor is he 100% good. He's motivated and honest, but he doesn't think about other's preferences having the possibility of having a logic behind them.
I could go on and on with nearly every main player in this story but this is what I have off the top of my head.
Basically: no one is good. No one is bad. They all make mistakes as a result of their flaws and those mistakes negatively affect real people in real ways. And I wouldn't have them act any other way.
Your favorite doesn't need to be a saint. You don't have to bend over backwards to defend your fave in order to make them the morally correct person in any given situation. Let yourself love a rich, flawed character. Because they deserve to be loved for their flaws and all.
They deserve to be loved as people.
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loser-lenny · 3 years
i probably wouldn’t have had much to talk about with phil a few days ago but i just recently rewatched the butcher army and doomsday vods from a few perspectives so i think i have a decent amount to say about him:)
my immediate stance on c!philza is that he’s a cool guy and that his role in doomsday was completely warranted 🙂👍
speaking from the perspective of ranboo here since i’ve rewatched his stuff multiple times and know his views best, l’manburg’s first display of abuse of power after tommy’s exile was putting philza under house arrest. it was the cabinet; the president various other people in positions of power searching through his belongings, mocking him, and forcing him to stay at his home despite him not technically (by his own word) being a citizen.
their next display of abuse was executing (or attempting to do so) technoblade, which was also witnessed by philza. you could also point out other things that might’ve swayed his opinion on l’manburg; the cabinet peer pressuring ranboo which was pointed out to ranboo by techno that stream, them throwing the festival (philza didn’t know that the point of the festival was to kill dream but he was probably told about what had happened at the last one) etc.
one of the points philza made while walking with ranboo after doomsday was that power corrupts. the exile, house arrest and execution were warning signs that it was happening, which was where he had stopped giving l’manburg the benefit of the doubt and had decided to blow it up. i’ve seen a few people say that the attack was unwarranted on phil’s end and that he was only doing it to blindly follow techno but knowing that philza is centuries of years old, it’s not crazy to say that he can tell the signs of when a government is getting out of hand.
i think the reasoning behind his anarchist ideals are very thought out (his friendship with technoblade who was established as an anarchist prior to phil joining + his role in l’manburg’s destruction) and its very fun to go back and point out all of the things that led him to his final decision:)
for my favorite friendship or dynamic that he has, i’m gonna say him, technoblade and ranboo 👍
boreal boys, his stuff with techno has been talked about a lot so to cover it briefly; not much is known about their past together other than that they’re old friends who have known each other for a while. assuming that phil has had his run ins with corrupt governments in the past, his association with techno makes a lot of sense and i think they’re overall a good pair 👍
his first interaction with ranboo was saving him from lava while he was mining and thus being listed down in ranboo’s memory book as a friend and ally. something that ranboo said to him during the butcher army stream really stuck with me, it was something along the lines of “if you leave, i didn’t see it, but i suggest that you sort things out legally” in regards to ghostbur encourages philza to leave his house and come with them to visit techno.
they had this mutual respect for each other a lot in the beginning i think, ranboo apologized to him, didn’t search through his belongings, didn’t mock him, tried to get reassurance from the rest of the cabinet that they were making the right decision with the house arrest. and phil confirmed this respect by helping ranboo during doomsday and mentioning that ranboo had owed him a favor. despite everything that had happened, i don’t think phil ever really thought badly of ranboo, even with his involvement in the butcher army (which is what makes philza’s recollection of saving ranboo kind of cool to me. him saying that meant that he could’ve also remembered it while the army was searching his things, it could have felt like this shared agreement between the two of them at the time that said they wouldn’t cross each other)
the statement about ranboo owing him came up after technoblade said he wouldn’t mind ranboo living with them. which is also just super cool to me. he said, “ranboo technically owes me a favor” and then escorted him back to their place despite not getting anything in return because he genuinely cared:D he even asked ranboo if was alright while showing him around and again, i think it just rlly showcased his opinion on ranboo from the start of the army raid and after. he never seemed to have had hard feelings
unpopular opinion on philza: he’s allowed to hold grudges against people who have wronged him
namely fundy tbh. i don’t really have much to say to this other than he doesn’t have to forgive anyone who was apart of the l’manburg cabinet. that also means he didn’t have to forgive ranboo, despite him being pressured into it, but he did and i think that says more about his character than his distaste towards fundy.
“but he forgave tubbo too—“ yeah ! that’s probably because one of his closest friends is married to him. i don’t even think he actually forgave tubbo, his exact wording to my recollection was “you’re off the hook for now” or something like that 🤨
just because he’s old or a grandfather or whatever doesn’t erase what fundy did to him on the 16th (as compared to ranboo who didn’t do any of it lmao). have whatever opinion you want on phil’s character but don’t criticize him for being upset over that 😕 it’s all a matter of perspective and from his, he was hurt ! betrayed by his grandson, he’s allowed to be upset
lastly, what i wished had happened in canon:)
i don’t have a big answer for this, i wish his last few interactions with tubbo and ranboo were somewhat canon. him being on decent terms with tubbo seems cool and i want it to be an actual thing 👍 tubbo helping out with his underground thing, messing around with ranboo while philza worked, it’s cute and i’m gonna pretend it’s all lore because it should be. if him building back his relationship with fundy is never going to be a thing then it might as well be tubbo
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