#Gérard Larcher
daddies-i-love · 2 months
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Gérard Larcher
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dadsinsuits · 1 month
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Gérard Larcher
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older-is-better · 6 months
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Gérard Larcher.
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Gérard Larcher, élu Président du Sénat pour la 5° fois par ses copains et coquins " Je serai aussi combatif que lors de mes 4 précédents mandat" _ Gros porc!
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culturefrancaise · 3 months
Gérard Larcher ne souhaite pas que l’IVG soit inscrite dans la Constitution
Cet homme est le président du Sénat...
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detournementsmineurs · 2 months
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Le droit à l'IVG pour les Femmes rentre définitivement dans la Constitution Française ^^)
Grâce à la Loi Constitutionnelle scellée ce 8 mars 2024, Place Vendôme à Paris - votée en début de semaine à une TRES grosse majorité par les deux Chambres représentant le peuple français, l'Assemblée Nationale, d'une part, menée par une femme Yaël Braun-Pivet et par le Sénat, d'autre part, mené par un homme Gérard Larcher, rassemblés en Congrès exceptionnel tenu à Versailles le 4 mars dernier, la ville des Rois, et qui comporte un article unique, modifiant l'article 34 de la Constitution Française pour y inscrire : "La loi détermine les conditions dans lesquelles s'exerce la liberté garantie à la femme d'avoir recours à une interruption volontaire de grossesse".
Merci pour toutes celles qui en ont eu besoin au cours de leur vie... et à celles qui en auront besoin...
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claudehenrion · 6 months
Lendemain d'une marche triomphale...
Hier, dimanche, ''la France a marché'', et toute la bien-pensance s'est extasiée. Je ne sais pas pourquoi je reste avec un goût d'amertume au fond de la gorge, et la vague impression que s'il suffisait d'une ''Marche blanche'' pour tout résoudre --et Dieu sait si celle-là l'était, blanche. Même si ce n'est pas admissible de dire ça (on peut le constater et le déplorer in petto, mais on ne peut pas le dire) les non-blancs se comptaient sur les doigts de la main--, ça se saurait, depuis la grandiose unité du monde entier post ''Charlie-Hebdo''... qui n'a pas fait bouger les choses d'un ''iota''. Evidemment.
On devrait sérieusement se demander d'où vient et à quoi est due cette phénoménale appétence pour le dépôt de fleurs, les marches blanches et les cérémonies dans la cour des Invalides, car je ne sache pas (NB : l'emploi du subjonctif donne à toute affirmation une teinte atténuée. En disant ça, je me ménage la possibilité de modifier ultérieurement cette déclaration) que les autres pays se complaisent dans ce cérémonial répétitif mais toujours inutile ! Le premier avantage que j'y vois, c'est que ça permet de s'acheter pour pas cher une impression de ''faire quelque chose''... qui permet donc d'éviter d'avoir à se demander ce qu'on pourrait faire d'utile pour répondre au problème posé. C'est, dans le fond, assez tranquillisant, et ça excuse de ne pas aller au delà.
On peut tout de même se demander en quoi les 150 000 personnes qui ont bravé les éléments hier en battant le pavé de nos villes ont apporté la plus petite contribution qui soit à la libération des malheureux otages, ont accéléré le moins du monde la fin –pourtant si désirable-- du Hamas, ou ont lutté contre telle ou telle lecture du Coran, dite ''biaisée'' par l'Occident ? J'ai beau tordre mes circonvolutions dans tous les sens... je ne vois, comme Sœur Anne, que le soleil qui poudroie et (que Perrault me pardonne...) nos politiques qui merdoient...
Un bémol, peut-être (par pure honnêteté intellectuelle) à la phrase précédente : une des raisons pour lesquelles nos grands hommes politiques, tous uniformément si petits, adorent ce genre de sport urbain et dominical, c'est parce qu'ils leur permet de montrer aux foules (qu'ils supposent béates d'admiration) qu'ils n'ont rien à envier à personne en matière de grands coups de menton qu'ils imaginent volontaires : dans leur haine insondable pour le fascisme --dont la plupart ignorent le vrai sens : ils n'étaient pas nés lorsque le vrai fascisme a empuanti l'Europe !-- , ils en ont tout de même conservé, à leur usage exclusif, les ''coups de menton'' mussoliniens. Ils trouvent que ça fait viril... même ''être viril'' est honteux...
Et puis il y a les discours, savamment parsemés de petits mots frappants, con-coctés (mais moins ''coctés'' que cons !) depuis des semaines par des con-seillers en con-munication payés pour ça par vos impôts. Dans le feu de l'action inactive qu'est une marche blanche (car même en gris ou en bleu, ça reste une marche blanche, allez savoir pourquoi !), ou un peu après la dislocation de cette belle utilité inutile, ils peuvent se répandre en mots creux alignés comme à la parade (sauf que là, c'est joli et ça a un sens). Et il faut reconnaître que, dans leur vacuité prétentieuse, ils pourraient presque valoir le déplacement, parfois, tant ils sont ridicules, outranciers, insensés !
Dans le genre ''plus comique, tu meurs'', il faut ré-écouter l'intervention ahurissante de Gérard Larcher, Président du Sénat, ''Deuxième personnage de l'Etat'' dans l'ordre protocolaire --qui veut dire ''premier'' (seul sens de ''prôtos''), ce qui est curieux, pour un second !-- comme dans l'ordre politique. C'était en fin de parcours. Une micro forêt de micros devant lui, il a commencé à débiter des mots sans lien entre eux, les préférant ''ronflants'' à ''justes''. Devant mon écran, j'écoutais cette logorrhée avec effarement : on aurait cru la crue du fleuve Aa au même instant, et je me demandais comment il était possible de parader (car il y prenait ostensiblement plaisir, s'imaginant parler pour l'éternité) si longtemps sans dire quoi que ce soit qui se tienne. Chapeau, l'artiste !
Parmi ses ''petites phrases'', celle-ci, qui a du à la fois terrifier les tueurs du Hamas et soulager les otages : ''Cette marche doit être suivie de démarches''... Il y a de quoi pleurer d'émotion, non ? Mais ça ne devait pas suffire, car dans la foulée, le Président, lui-même-personnellement, s'est dédouané d'une absence très critiquée par tout le monde, en en remettant une couche : ''La France ne tolérera pas l'intolérable'', promesse grandiose qui sera sûrement tenue... comme toutes les autres fois. ''Verba volant'' disaient les anciens., et les verba de nos élus doivent être particulièrement volatils : outre qu'ils sont répétés ''kif-kif'' à chaque manifestation de la haine islamiforme, ils n'ont évidemment jamais empêché quoi que ce soit : on les prononce en prenant un air guerrier... puis on rentre ''au Château'' et la vie continue, jusqu'à la prochaine fois..
Mais ces deux platitudes ridicules contiennent un énorme ''non-dit'' : il y transparaît que nos ''liders minimos'' sont devant une première : ils découvrent quelque chose qu'ils ne soupçonnaient pas. Et soudain, on comprend tout : leur système de référence ne les a en rien préparés à voir le réel : ils vivent dans un monde virtuel, fait d'abstractions, de mots qui ont perdu leur sens, sur une planète ''bisounours'' où les méchants sont, en fin de compte, ceux qui les empêchent de ronronner bien au chaud et qui leur posent des problèmes qu'ils n'ont pas été formés pour les résoudre.
D'ailleurs, juste après avoir prononcé les mots soi-disant définitifs ci-dessus, nos leaders vont ressortir leurs dossiers vides ou viciés, et l'Assemblée (pour notre malheur progressiste et à Gauche en majorité), va se dépêcher de détricoter l'excellent boulot qu'ont fait les sénateurs, et imposer aux français –qui n'en veulent pas-- leur absurde ''loi sur l'immigration'' (leur ''sparadrap du Capitaine Haddock'' depuis plus d'un an), qui n'a pas la plus petite chance de résoudre un seul des vrais problèmes, mais qui va continuer à ''rendre probable l'intolérable''. On est en droit de se poser la question : sommes-nous au lendemain d'une marche triomphale ou à la veille d'une bonne cuite, la ''Cuite finale'', déjà en route ?
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lonesomemao · 21 days
PlaNET Rap
Rachida Dati
Face à Gérard Larcher
Qui dut être ce vétérinaire
Mâle-femelle parité
Elle ose évoquer avec lui
La levrette
Positionnement dans le sexuel
Etablissant ainsi un lien
Avec les chiennes de garde
Héroïnes écrivaines à l'avant-garde
Samedi 6 avril 2024
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hightyross · 1 month
GÉRARD LARCHER critique AYA NAKAMURA et son « ode à la levrette »
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bukimevieningi · 2 months
Seimo Pirmininkė Paryžiuje: „Ilgalaikiai įsipareigojimai svarbūs tiek Ukrainos pergalei, tiek ES ir Lietuvos saugumui užtikrinti“
Seimo Pirmininkės Viktorijos Čmilytės-Nielsen ir Prancūzijos Senato Pirmininko Žeraro Laršė (Gérard Larcher) susitikime vyravo paramos Ukrainai, NATO rytinio flango ir Baltijos valstybių saugumo stiprinimo temos. „Visi suprantame, kad lemiama Ukrainos pergalė yra esminė Europos ir pasaulio saugumo prielaida. Todėl ypač svarbu laiku suteikti karinę, ekonominę, politinę ir humanitarinę pagalbą, kad…
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ecouterradio · 2 months
L edito politique #Europe1 #podcastEurope1
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dadsinsuits · 22 days
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Gérard Larcher
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older-is-better · 1 year
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Gérard Larcher.
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ezechiel5172 · 3 months
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yespat49 · 4 months
Jean-Luc Mélenchon : les affaires sont les affaires !
« Oui, ferme ta gueule », s’était écrié Gérard Larcher, président du Sénat (RTL, mercredi 6 décembre 2023). Il visait évidemment Jean-Luc Mélenchon qui, selon une Insoumise, connaîtrait un coup de mou : « Il en a marre de la bagarre, il veut écrire des bouquins et faire des conférences. Il nous parle de nos vies personnelles, un peu comme un papy (…) Ce n’est plus la même machine de…
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mister-e-filman · 4 months
Miraculous: Year One
Autumn; Aftermath
After a little chat with Master Fu, Marinette, Bridgette, and Tikki (and even Alya) agreed to visit in order to train with him at least once a week. He told them that not only did he tell Adrien/Cat Noir the same thing, but also that whenever they felt like it, their kwamis would come visit him with news, information, etc. with Plagg telling him that "There sure is something off about that boy, physically speaking. I do not know why, but he reminds of Dusuu." and Tikki telling him "I do not believe I have felt so much quantic energy in a single room of humans in such a long time! Her classroom felt nice, like a spa! I felt every student radiating with that energy!" "I agree with you Sugarcube, all fourteen of those students just had that special Quantic energy inside of them," Plagg agreed.
The next morning featured a broadcast with the senator of France, Gérard Philippe René André Larcher saying, "The world has been so caught up with what both Ladybug and Cat Noir can do, that... no-one has asked what they should do. Let the record show that this committee holds them responsible." Marinette, Bridgette, Tikki, Adrien, Plagg, as well as everyone else were watching this special broadcast hosted by both Alec and Nadja with Alya as a special guest alongside Senator Larcher. "'They'll never answer to you. They answer to no-one. Not even I think, to god' is what you were gonna say, am I right, Senator Larcher? These questions have already been asked and answered back when Majestia was introduced to the world, what makes Ladybug and Cat Noir any different I ask you?" Alya asked.
"Well, considering every time your heroes save a cat out of a tree, you write a puff piece editorial, about a couple of superbeings who, if they wanted to, could burn the whole place down. There wouldn't be a damn thing we can do to stop them," Senator Larcher retorted.
"We, as a population on this planet, have been looking for a savior or saviors. 90% of people believe in a higher power. And every religion believes in some sort messianic figure or figures. And when these savior characters actually come to Earth, we want to make them abide by our rules? We have to understand that this is a paradigm shift. We have to start thinking beyond politics."
"Are there any moral constraints on these people? We have international laws. On this planet, every act is a political act."
"Is it really surprising, that two of the most powerful people in the world should be figures of controversy?"
"To have individuals engaging in the state level interventions should give us all pause."
"Human beings have a horrible track record of following people with great power, down paths that lead to huge human monstrosities. We've always created icons in our own image. What we've done is we project ourselves onto them. The fact is, maybe they're not some sort of demons or Jesus characters. Maybe they're just a couple trying to do the right thing," Alya finished, however Senator Larcher wasn't finished yet.
"They have the power to wipe out the entire human race and If we believe there's even a 1% chance that they are our enemy, we have to take it as an absolute certainty!" Alya rolled her eyes before coming back with, "Really Senator Larcher? The existential risk argument? They are NOT our enemy!" "Not today. 20 years since the first superhero appeared, Alya. We've seen what promises are worth. How many good guys are left. How many stay that way."
"What about Hawk Moth, Senator Larcher?" Alya asked thinking she had the idiotic senator. "Clearly a ruse for publicity. How do we determine what's good? In a democracy, good is a conversation not a unilateral decision. So, I urge both Ladybug and Cat Noir, to come to the Palais de Justice of the people tomorrow. To see those who have suffered. The world needs to know what they stand for. How far will they take their power. Do they act by our will, or by their own?" "Whatever," Alya said clearly pissed about the senator's lack of logic and denial of the existence of Hawk Moth despite evidence contrary to the belief. She got up and walked offscreen. Senator Larcher did the same just in a more cheerful mood and after he exited, the broadcast ended leaving Adrien, Plagg, Marinette, Bridgette, and Tikki in a cold fury.
Sabine then called up from downstairs, "Marinette, Bridgette! Alya's here!"
Alya was then heard saying from downstairs, "Don't worry, Mrs. Dupain-Cheng, I'll just head up."
When she was back with her bffs, she was grumpy but clearly tried to hide it. "People hate what they don't understand. But they see what you do, and they know who you are. You're not a killer. A threat? I never want this world to have you. Be their hero, Marinette. Be their monument. Be their angel. Be anything they need you to be. Or be none of it. You don't owe this world a thing. You never did. You understand me girl?" Alya explained to Marinette who nodded.
Marinette paced in her bedroom, her mind back on her school project, looking at her sketchbook and talking to Alya. "Derby hat, derby hat, derby hat, derby hat...! I don’t have any derby hat designs. I’ve got top hats, caps, even two-horned hats! Need a bere? I’m your girl. A sombrero? A bowler hat?" She gestured over to a completed bowler hat that was sitting on her desk. "No problem-o. But a derby?! You know what? It won’t even matter, 'cause I’ll probably make a total fool of myself at the event, most likely trip over my stupid derby and collapse on Mr. Agreste; give him a full-blown concussion and Adrien will hate me! I'll never be a world-renowned fashion designer. MY LIFE IS OVER!" Marinette continued to whine.
"All of this coming from my twin who as a child, dreamt of tailoring a hat for the friggin Eiffel Tower to protect it from snow. And did that not cause her to want to be a fashion designer?!" Bridgette sternly told her sister.
"For real, girl?" Alya asked which Bridgette dug out an extremely old sketch of which it was dated 19/02/2005. "Impressive Marinette! So... all of this over a derby hat? Let me see your sketchpad, girl. There must be something in here."
"Forget it, I’m a disaster zone. I’ll probably mess everything up in the end," Marinette whined.
"Wow! Girl, what are you talking about? These are some awesome designs! I didn’t know you had such mad skills, these are so amazing!"
"You are super talented, Marinette! You seriously have a good chance of winning," Tikki complimented.
"Only have nine hours until show time," Alya stated as she checked her phone, then she added, "Actually, I take that back because the school just sent out a message basically saying that because both Ladybug and Cat Noir will be in court, we've now been given a little more time to create these hats." "Not to mention time to think of what the hell we're gonna do for the whole court thing, you know?" Bridgette stated.
"Yikes! So much to think about! I'm off to my secret garden of inspiration. I’ll see you later," Marinette said in a panicked tone, she then ran into a wall. "AH! I'm okay. I'm okay, I'm okay,"  Marinette almost ran into another wall as she ran down the stairs, then screamed. Both Bridgette and Alya chuckled. "Wah! Mylène?!" Both Alya and Bridgette tensed up, gave each a look and proceeded to hide everything and anything relating to Ladybug that wasn't news or the like with Tikki hiding in Bridgette's pocket. "Come on upstairs Mylène," Alya called down.
Sabine, Mylène, and Mylène's father Fred.
"What did you say the name of the play is, Mr. Haprèle?" Sabine asked.
"Well, it's..." Fred started.
"It's called 'The Mime's Extraordinary Adventures,' starring the most talented, amazingly awesome actor and mime!" Mylène finished for her father.
"Come on, now," Fred beamed.
"My father! Give it up for Fred Haprèle!" Mylène announced proudly.
Marinette, Alya and Sabine then applauded for Fred.
"Thank you very much! Thank you, Mylène," he said.
"Well, congratulations, you must make your daughter very proud!" Sabine said proudly.
"Now all I need is my hat to complete my costume," Fred said after nodding to Sabine.
Marinette then grabbed the hat she designed and gave it to Fred while happily stating, "Here it is!" Fred then stated, "Thank you, Marinette! Saving me at the last minute."
He then mimed that the hat was inside a box. Fred opened the box and put on the hat after inspecting it. Marinette held the invisible box.
"Ha! I don't think Mylène was exaggerating at all!" Sabine exclaimed in delight.
"Why, thank you!" Fred said.
Marinette then addressed both Mylène and her father by saying, "I fixed the tear in it. I also sewed the pocket on the inside, just like you asked."
"You've done a perfect job. Thanks to you, I'll have my good luck charm right here next to me at all times. A photo of my beloved daughter," he told her.
"Aw, dad..." Mylène said as she hugged Fred just as his phone rang.
"It's Sarah, the place director," Fred told them before answering his phone. "Hello, Sa..." he started.
"Fred, where are you?" everyone could hear Sarah say from the phone.
"Yes, I had to pick up my hat!" Fred nervously explained.
"I need you here now!" Sarah could be heard shouting at him.
"It's not an excuse! I know the bus is leaving in less than a half hour, I'll be there!" he firmly told her before closing the call. "She's very nervous about how all this court stuff will affect the premiere. She's ready to blow a fuse! So I better get going. See you tonight at the Eiffel Tower, girls!"
"We can't wait!" Alya happily told him.
"Love you, Dad!" Mylène proudly said to her father who gently told her, "I love you too, my little souris."
Once Mylène and her father left with Sabine returning to tend to the bakery, the attention turned to the court stuff. "It definitely says here that both the Agreste's and the Dupain-Cheng's are invited to the hearing along with most of Paris. No doubt the ones who were the targets of the victims who got akumatized, and those who bore witness to last night's battle," Alya explained to both Marinette (who was grabbing at her hair panicking) and Bridgette (who was sitting cross-legged trying to figure out a way to keep their identity a secret while also attending the hearing). Tikki was staring out of the window wondering how Plagg was holding up before she said, "Hey, Marinette how about we go your secret spot to help you destress and maybe even continue working on your derby?" Marinette looked up at her kwami and nodded.
 Over at the Trocadéro, Marinette was trying to get inspired to draw some designs. She drew something and then ripped the paper out.
Meanwhile, "Are you sure about this, kid?" Plagg asked his wielder after an intense moment of wondering how Tikki was holding up before looking over at Adrien who nodded. "Trust me Plagg. Félix and I go WAY back!" Adrien assured his kwami. Suddenly, there came a knock at Adrien's bedroom's window which startled Adrien, who then saw who was knocking, "Félix?" Adrien opened his bedroom window to let his cousin inside. Félix put out his hand for a handshake, but Adrien hugged him instead, as Adrien happily said, "Wow, you're fast! So good to see you again! Do you remember when we used to have so much fun pretending to be each other? Once they had my folks fooled for a whole weekend! We had such a good laugh afterwards!"
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"Mm, yes I suppose I am fast. So, you said that you're going to court or something? But if that's the case why am I here, cousin?" Félix asked.
"Eh, we'll discuss it later. It must've been a long journey from London, you may want to rest a bit," Adrien said still clearly high on nostalgia as he picked up a basketball.
"Do you remember our shooting contests?" Adrien asked as he passed the ball to Félix, who, unenthusiastically, caught it with one hand and threw it into the hoop behind him. "So, how are things with Uncle Colt?" "My Mom filed for divorce while also making sure that she took some of Dad's things after the divorce was final, so happy ending there, but what about you, Adrien? You still always do everything your father tells you to do?" Félix asked.
"He's very... protective of me, though I did manage to break free enough to enroll into school," Adrien explained which made Félix smile and say "Well, good for you cousin!" he then hugged him.
"Oh! Do you have that chess board we used to play all the time?" Félix asked excitedly.
"Of course! Let me go upstairs and get it for us!" Adrien said before running upstairs.
"Well, I challenge you, so let the best man win!" Félix whisper-shouted all while Adrien searched upstairs, Félix started to frown believing that he was brought here only for nostalgic purposes.
"That's odd, I can't find it!" Adrien quietly called from upstairs.
Félix raised an eyebrow before whisper-shouting, "Okay then grab a deck of cards, since you're up there!" He then found a piece of goat's cheese, sniffed it, and frowned.
"You still doing magic?" Adrien asked from upstairs.
"Now more than ever, you'll see!" Félix whisper-shouted.
"How about karate? Are you still practicing?" Adrien asked.
"Of course! How about you?" Félix whisper-shouted. "Well, the last time I saw you, I knew nothing, but now I know a few moves, especially when they're combined with my fencing," Adrien explained. "That sounds cool!"
"Ah wow! You look just like twins!" Plagg blurted out. Félix quickly turned to spot Pagg, putting two and two together as to why he was brought there. "Hi, that is my hunk of goat's cheese! I have been maturing that baby for what should have been two weeks! Do you realize?! Two whole weeks! So kindly put it back how you found it, please!" Plagg sternly told Félix who did as he was told while not taking his eyes off of the little kwami. "Now I get it Adrien, you want me to pose as you while you be Cat Noir. Am I correct, cousin?" Adrien then peeked out from upstairs and nodded and then proceeded to climb down. "Félix, this is Plagg, he's what helps me become Cat Noir," Adrien explained to his cousin who nodded before going over to dress up like him. Félix grabbed the clothes and quickly but silently went to the bathroom leaving just Plagg and Adrien who was holding the deck of cards.
After a few minutes, Félix stood up, fully clothed. "So, how do I look?" Félix asked. Adrien gestured to his hair. "Ah." Félix then ruffled up his hair to where he looked exactly like his cousin.
Félix then went over to a mirror to take a look at himself accidentally bumping into Adrien's phone which turned on showing photos of Ladybug. "Woah! Of course you have a crush on that superhero," he said. Adrien blushed in embarrassment before changing the topic over to the court hearing to which Félix told him, "Well seems that we have a little bit of time before then so how about a magic trick?" Adrien nodded.
While Félix was doing his card magic trick for Adrien and his kwami. Marinette was busying herself with working on ideas for a derby hat.
"Geez, it’s hard to be creative under pressure," Marinette said.
"Marinette, you save the world under pressure. I think designing a hat should be a piece of cake!" Tikki told her.
"Hm, a cake derby hat. Stylish and tasty," Marinette wondered aloud. They both chuckled. Marinette kept drawing new designs and ripping them out. After a while, she got tired and looked up. It was Xavier Ramier, who was walking like a bird before sitting down on a bench ahead of her. He took out a brown paper bag and blew a bird call. A cluster of pigeons approached to the point where Marinette dodged one. Marinette waved to him, who waved back.
"How are you Mr. Ramier?" Marinette asked him. "Oh, just trying to enjoy my day before the trial later," he answered with a frown. "I understand Sir," Marinette replied while getting back to drawing, her eyes occasionally darting up at the pigeons that Xavier was sneakily feeding.
"What a unique character! He is like, a human bird. All he needs is a feather jacket to complete the look," Tikki quietly told Marinette.
"A feather jacket, hmm. Nice thinking, Tikki," Marinette whispered, prompting her to start drawing on a different piece of paper.
However, unbeknownst to her, Chloé was secretly watching Marinette as she was drawing. She then signaled Sabrina, who then proceeded to sneak behind Marinette, to take a picture of the design from her sketchpad.
Marinette then finished sketching and shouted, "Yes!" She held up a drawing of her finished design, which Sabrina snapped a photo of.
"Now that’s a derby!" Tikki said.
"Thanks, Tikki," Marinette happily said.
Sabrina then showed the picture on her phone to Chloé. "We're so awesome," she quietly said.
"We?" Chloé coldly asked as she snatched the phone.
"Oh right, sorry! You're so awesome, Chloé. When are we-- uh, you, going to make the hat?" Sabrina asked with a small hurt look that she tried hiding.
Chloé snorted before saying, "And ruin these nails? Of course not. Daddy’ll pay someone to do it." She walked off, with Sabrina following suit. Marinette soon returned back to Tom & Sabine Boulangerie Patisserie where she was in her room, working on her hat.
When the hat was almost finished, Marinette then realized that somethinis was missing. She looked under her desk.
Bridgette asked, "What are you looking for?"
Marinette answered with "A feather! Damnit, I forgot to pick up a pigeon feather for the hat! It has to have a feather!"
Marinette then ran back to the Trocadéro. The pigeons scattered, dropping feathers everywhere.
Marinette then picked up a feather and then let out a "Yes!"
As she was leaving, she accidentally ran into Roger.
Marinette quickly said, "Uh, sorry Officer Raincomprix, sir." She then left. Marinette made it back to her room just as her alarm went off... It was time for the Miraculous Ladybug and Cat Noir's court hearing. Marinette quickly put feather in a drawer and then transformed into Ladybug. Meanwhile over with Adrien, his alarm went off as well, causing him to say, "Plagg, claws out!" He transformed into Cat Noir, Félix looked at his cousin in awe. Both Ladybug and Cat Noir asked Bridgette and Félix respectively "Remember the plan?" to which both Bridgette and Félix nodded.
Over at the Palais de Justice, André Bourgeois was trying to get people inside calmly, saying "Alright, come on through. The Senate hearing is expected to get under way in any minute now."
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Nadja Chamack was reporting the whole event, "Of course the big unknown in all of this is: Will Ladybug or Cat Noir show up? That is what they're really waiting to see. There are plenty of people, who would say they're their heroes."
In front of the Palais de Justice, the crowd was ecstatic as something approached from the sky. It was both Ladybug and Cat Noir. "Hello Milady. I tried my best to smooth down my hair but this is just a jungle!" Cat Noir told her.
"And there they are. The Miraculous Ladybug and Cat Noir are here. They're actually at the Palais de Justice. This is really a historic moment. Now we expect that these two will give some kind of a statement to the Senate, to the Parisian people, and of course to the world," Nadja stated.
"You ready Milady?" Cat Noir asked Ladybug who replied with "Not really." "Same here." Ladybug looked over at the crowd where she saw Bridgette walking towards the building all while being disguised as her civilian self. Same went for Cat Noir who saw Félix walking alongside the Dupain-Cheng's.
Ladybug and Cat Noir entered the building and walked toward the auditorium.
"No joking around, understand?!" Ladybug firmly told Cat Noir who replied with "At a time like this, I wouldn't dare!"
Ladybug and Cat Noir walked through the corridors, making everyone’s heads turn.
As the two superheroes entered the room walking, they go to the defendant's post.
Senator Larcher took his seat before saying, "Let me say at the outset that I am grateful to our witnesses for coming before us today."
Both Ladybug and Cat Noir noted Fred, Xavier, Ivan in the corner.
Senator Larcher then continued with, "You see, this is how a democracy works. We talk to each other. We act by the consent of the govern, I have sat here before to say that shadow interventions will not tolerate by this Committee. Neither will lies. Because today is a day for truth. Because only by speaking... er, I mran, only by working together, can we create a free and safe world. And as for what we have before us, they are a couple whose power is as of right now unbeknownst in their limits. This power is not innocent if left unchecked."
The entire hearing went as expected, with some people who were against them along with the rest who are behind them. And after Ivan, Mr. Ramier and Mr. Harpréle were finished telling of how each got akumatized and both saying that they both heard someone talking to them just before giving in to the akumas and then coming to after being deakumatized.
Senator Larcher took a deep breath and then proclaimed, "Ladybug. Cat Noir, if this Hawk Moth does indeed exist, then find him and bring him to justice." "It's what we're here for," Cat Noir said. Ladybug followed suit with, "Not for you Senator, but for them," she gestured to the Parisians before continuing, "the people need heroes whether they be super or not. Plus it seems very one-sided for normal cops going up against supervillains. Let us help!" Senator Larcher leaned closer to them and then sternly told them "You have one year to either capture or at the very least find Hawk Moth and if by September first of next year you fail, the both of you will be put behind bars permanently. Do I make myself clear?" "Inescapably," both Ladybug and Cat Noir replied. "Very well then, go," Senator Larcher said as he smacked down the gavel indicating that the hearing was over. As soon as they set foot outside of room, everyone else started following suit, and when they were outside of the building the two superheroes whisked away. Cat Noir went back to his room in the Agreste mansion and Ladybug went back to HER room. Both detransformed back into their civilian selves. Adrien had to hide in his own room until Félix returned so that he could go back home and Marinette had to slip on her pajamas to keep up the chårade of her twin being too sick to go. So she crawled back into Bridgette's part of the bunk bed and with that, her eyes shut...
…and a metal door opened. Marinette, who was now wearing a motorcycle helmet that had been painted red with black spots stepped out of it, in desert clothing over her helmet.
The door was that of a stone bunker in a seemingly desertic location, covered in ruins and barbed wire. Pillars of fire similar to volcanos surrounded the area. Marinette looked through a pair of binoculars.
A fleet of trucks arrived in the ruin compound. Marinette approached a truck as its back door opened.
Marinette then found here saying "Did you get any news on the Queen?"
"Yeah, we got news," the man told her before pulling out a handgun and pointed it at her forehead. "I'm so sorry," the man apologized.
Suddenly stormtroopers with a blood-red V as shoulder patches revealed themselves to Marinette and her allies.
The troopers then shouted to her "Get down! Get down! Now!"
Another soldier points his rifle at Marinette. She held her hands up, and by turning around saw her men being executed.
Marinette then screamed, "NO!"
Angered, she began to go on a brutal killing spree, gunning down and brutally beating the multiple stormtroopers working for their Queen. Although she managed to take down most of the stormtroopers while Paratroopers invaded the area and abducted many of her resistance fighters, Marinette was eventually overwhelmed by the remaining stormtroopers there who could barely restrain her. She snapped one of their necks but then was brutally (but barely) beaten down and restrained by the other stormtroopers. Seeing the damage that Marinette was inflicting on the stormtroopers and their inability to restrain her, a Paratrooper knocked her unconscious.
Marinette then recuperated to find herself chained up in the underground bunker with her remaining allies, eyeing them helplessly, once again just a witness for what was to come. The Queen herself then landed in the bunker with more of Marinette's allies, and her stormtroopers reverently bowed before their leader. After she had finished chaining up the last of her allies, the Queen approached Marinette, swiftly murdering the latter's other allies by ripping out their hearts. The Queen then unmasked the infuriated vigilante.
Queen V then lifted up the veil that was covering her eyes which Marinette realized are the same as the ones from her first vision; she was witnessing how she ended up there in the first place! "Do you remember what I told you when my father arrived Marinette? 'You will lose everything, I promise you' and I have fulfilled that promise," Queen V told her in such an eeriely calm tone.
"He was my world. And you took him from me!" Marinette's nightmare future self spat at her.
"We are done here! Come along now, Mari. I have some friends of yours who want to see you," Queen V said gleefully as she picked Marinette up and then after a long and torturous journey, Marinette found herself being chained up to where she started. Queen V then removed the helmet and brushed her hand against Marinette's cheek before scratching her face with her long, sharp claws.
Marinette let out a scream of pain which jolted her awake from the nightmare to see Tikki and Bridgette who told her, "Just to let you know, you were glowing blue for some strange reason. Now come on and get up, you only have an hour left to work on your derby hat!" That made Marinette bolt out of bed straight to her desk where she got back to work on her hat while occasionally checking the time.
Marinette took another brief glance over at the clock and thought to herself, There's no time to lose. I have less than an hour. As soon as she was finished working on her hat, she put it into a box and rushed over to Collège Françoise Dupont where everyone else was getting ready to present their own hats. Alya then tried calling Marinette but since she was already on her way, she of course didn't respond.
Where is that girl? Alya thought to herself.
Nathalie then walked into the classroom holding a tablet. "Hello, Mr. Damocles, I am Mr. Agreste's executive assistant Nathalie," she told the principal.
"Hello, miss. Pardon me, but where is Mr. Agreste?" Mr. Damocles asked. "He very rarely makes public appearances, so you're just gonna have to settle for this," Nathalie explained as she held up the tablet that had a live feed of Gabriel's face on it. "Thank you Ms. Sancoeur," he said.
"Ah, uh, hello Mr. Agreste. Welcome to our school," Mr. Damocles stammered.
"Adrien, take Nathalie around, please," Gabriel told his son who nodded.
Chloé gave a huge smile while she thought to herself, Ah, there's Mr. Agreste! He's coming this way. Mr. Damocles, Nathalie and Adrien go up to see Juleka and Rose's hat.
"As you'll see, Mr. Agreste, our students have poured their hearts and souls into their projects," Mr. Damocles told Gabriel just as Marinette rushed in and carried her box over to Alya. Marinette let out a sigh of relief.
"Where have you been?! You got your hat?" Alya asked quietly.
"Yep, right here," Marinette said as she took off the lid. Alya marvelled at it, then her expression darkened "What?" Marinette asked quizzically.
"It's the same as Chloé's," Alya answered while toward Chloé's.
Marinette's jaw dropped "What?!" she let out, clearly livid as the judges walked over to see Chloé and Sabrina's hat.
Chloé smiled innocently "Uh, hi Mr. Agreste," she said waving with a smile that looked like it was physically hurting her.
"Ugh, that thieving little bitch!" Marinette growled.
"Do you want me to take care of it?" Alya asked.
"I think I can handle this," Marinette assured her just as the judges reached Marinette's hat.
"Hm, turn the tablet back to Ms. Bourgeois' hat." They turned prompting Gabriel to growl, "Is this a joke?"
Chloé then pretended to act all hurt by whining "No fair! Marinette copied my design! It's scandalous, how could you do that?" She continued to fake cry.
Marinette calmly got up and stated "I apologize for the situation Mr. Agreste, but I can prove that this derby hat is MY original design."
Gabriel looked at her very intensely as he told her "Go ahead."
Marinette then proceeded to explain "Um, everything on my derby hat is hand-made-- from the embroidery, to the weaving of the band, to the stitching of the brim." Marinette could see Chloé recoil. "All done by myself. And last but not least, there's a special design element that only the true designer knows about: I signed mine," Marinette continued with her showing off her signature as did everyone else which infuriated Chloé as she knocked over her derby hat stand. Everyone turned to look at it on the ground, as Chloé ran out crying, "Daddy!"
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Gabriel smiled before telling Marinette "Very exquisite creation. You definitely have the laboring hands of a hat maker, Miss..."
"Marinette," Adrien said as he put his hand on Marinette's shoulder.
Gabriel then continued with "Congratulations on your demonstration, Miss Marinette. You're the winner," Marinette looked at Alya and gasped.
Marinette then turned back, bowing and saying giddily, "Thank you, thank you, thank you!"
Gabriel then announced "Adrien will wear your derby on our next advertising campaign." Adrien put his hands over hers on the hat. She gasped and blushed hard.
Adrien then congratulated her, saying, "Amazing job, Marinette." Marinette was blushing madly. Adrien began to put on the derby hat but he started to sneeze instead.
Adrien was then handed a tissue of which he wiped his nose with. "Uh-- sorry, I'm allergic to feathers. So, maybe we can replace the feather with a faux one instea-" he sneezed again, this time into the tissue.
Marinette looked surprised, then smiled before saying, "Gesundheit!"
Adrien sneezed again and waved as he left after giving a "Thanks." Alya and Marinette look at each other.
Marinette then let out a "Whoo-hoo!" before laughing with her entire classroom applauding her.
Later at night at the Eiffel Tower. The Mime show was about to start. Adrien saw Marinette and Alya and takes a seat. Marinette started looking at him with a big smile.
Adrien waved at her before saying "Ah, hey, you're here too, cool. Thought I was gonna end up sitting by myself."
Marinette didn't respond, still obviously entranced by Adrien; Alya smirked knowingly and the show then began.
After the show, Marinette, Bridgette, and Alya were outside of the theater, walking back to their respective homes while chatting. Marinette expressed to Alya her happiness seeing Adrien at the show. "I don't know which I liked more. The show or sitting next to my sweet Adrien!" "Maybe you should give him a call and ask him out to a movie," Alya suggested. Marinette then frowned before muttering "Do it while I still have the chance." Both Alya and Bridgette looked at each other in confusion. Tikki asked Marinette "What was it that you saw this time. Marinette?" Then Marinette was off explaining what she had saw in her latest vision. "Damn sis! That's pretty fucking brutal!" Bridgette exclaimed. "Say, how about we just focus on the near future instead of the far future, okay?" Tikki told Marinette. "Well, this is my stop girl. Tikki's right, think of something that's closer to happening, like Ms. Nightingale coming to Paris!" Marinette nodded and continued her way home with Bridgette.
Meanwhile, Hawk Moth wasn't happy. "That trial was not how I expected it to go. Not many strong negative emotions! Wretched parisians, wretched Ladybug and Cat Noir! I will destroy every one of you!" "Just let me know when you want my help. Just keep setting up this chessboard. You will have an entire army at your disposal while Ladybug and Cat Noir will not. Keep this up and before you know it, you will be victorious!" Mayura told him. "I guess," Hawk Moth muttered as he shrugged.
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