sugurus-rightnipple · 5 months
ace with an oral fixation grr
his obsession with having something in his mouth at all times, chewing his fingernails, the string of his hat.. literally anything just to keep his mouth occupied.
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edjeerebeloos · 7 years
Ayyyy luv talking to u as well ya seem pretty awesome aint gonna lie x3 I will 100% draw u and Hunk like?? Im such a sucker for self ships I love seeing people happy with their f/os like wanna scream about Hunk anytime I'm ya gal i'll help u think of hcs too x3 gahhh I love Keith so much I'm like dying?? Its so bad Im so weak xD Have so many headcanons at this point
My dude,,, i swear if u draw me n Hunk I’ll die but in a good wayAnd I love how you love Keith??? And he totally loves u too???? Like??? I have headcanons too, like I imagine Keith would be the guy to discreetly stare at the person he loves, so just like… imagine if y'all were in a strategy meeting or something, and he kinda zones out and starts staring at you, completely admiring you
The way you’re sitting, maybe how you brush ur hair out of ur eyes and he’s looking at all the little details in your face like the colour of your eyes that makes his heart skip a beat or the curve of your nose or how your lips look so soft and it gives him butterflies in his stomach bc he’s thinking about smooching u,,,
I’m sorry this is long but I love just firing out hcs and whatnot ok,,(Give me enough time and I’ll start screaming about Hunk too)
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