respectthepetty · 10 months
Yooooooooo, your theory of Playboyy as an Only Friends AU is absolutely brilliant!
Your brain just, holy fuck, wow!
If you're hitching a ride, can I hop on this theory train with you?
Because if so, I'm dropping the following baggage:
First and Soong as Ray and Sand
I mean... let's take a look at the list...
- rich kid thinking money can buy anything and everything, check
- rich kid finds a partner he pays first and then starts a fwb, check
- first there is the issue of mutual exploitation before it becomes more; we can't quite say yet, so we'll leave that open, but the signs are pointing to check.
- then the issue with addiction (with Ray alcohol and drugs, with First sex)... yep. Check.
I am not connecting anything rn because we also just had an EP Playboyy, but holy CRAP... there really could be something to your theory.
(Yes, we have more couples than in OF but seriously, if the writers had crammed all the stuff that's supposed to happen into 8 characters... Good night, I think the thing would have exploded0.0)
Anon, it's not my brain. @lukaherehelp has been hyping up this show since Earth was created, and the writer, Den, stated in a few tweets that Only Friends and Playboyy were basically the radio edit versus the album version but as television shows. One was Disney channel and the other was Cinemax.
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Between the two, I already like that unlike Mew, who was shown to view his virginity as a prize to be won, Zouey seems more touch averse, which could also connect with a desire to remain in control. As a self-identified slut, it makes sense to me that he would be more open to giving than receiving, so he could remain in control of the situation. But I really don't want to compare hotdogs to hamburgers.
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However, know that I also see Ray and Sand in First and Soong, and I also wanted Sand to be a sex worker in Only Friends much like I wanted Top to be.
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I had theories for days for Only Friends! I wanted sex workers. I wanted a dead body. I wanted police involvement. I wanted the poor stealing from the rich.
And I just might get it in Playboyy.
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First calls Soong a "whore" when?
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wanderlust-in-my-soul · 10 months
I really like Playboyy. I like the settings that look like a mixture of TV and theatre. I like that the different pairings have different effects, like the dream filter for Zouey and Teena or the always a little bit filthy looking setting for First and Soong. I like that there are meanings behind it, that the picture represent the type of relationship that people think it should or would look like. I like the clean feeling you get of Nont's and Prom's encounters, the feeling of money, of prostitution and that that is both true and far away from the reality. I like how this series manages to put on masks on these "couples" on these "relationships". I like how they try to play with our prejudices. And to be honest I celebrate the variety of different kinks and preferences that find their places in this show. What makes me sad is that people won't give this series another chance, because they think it is just about random sex and corn and that they can't see the beauty behind all of that. And that this whole oversexualization is also part of this disguise and the play itself and with that the beauty of this series. But I get that it is not for everybody and that is totally fine. There is really a lot of sex in this one...
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Phop and Aob and Soong trying so hard to get away from sex work, and make a living and find balance in their relationships ...
Phop being found by creditors and having to give Nuth a reality check.
Aob selling his chicken smoothies and getting sexually harassed by the customer (and First trying to help by buying him out daily).
Soong, selling clothes on IG and being propositioned, and begging First to understand that he needs to be earning his own money.
Nuth and Puen wondering out loud if they have a future like this, and First just wanting to keep Soong away from having to go out into the world, so afraid of losing him.
Ugh, these boys are breaking my heart.
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slonekaru · 8 months
OK I'm full on mental and convinced all roads lead to Porsches Daddy.
Porsche is the obvious first link. He's stuck in a sugar baby relationship that looks to me that he can't escape. It's abusive. Prom said Porsche had been beat up for looking at another man.
Prom is Porsches sort of brother and is benefiting by getting money from the Daddy. Was Prom the sugar baby before Porsche? And Porsche trying to get Prom to quit Playboyy after 'Nants' return. Seems like Porsche was trying to protect Prom from the Daddy in case he finds out Prom was giving money to Nant.
Teena, Soong and Jump weren't happy at Playboyy and mentioned the boss making people do things they didn't want to. Sounds like a bad guy. Could be owned by the Daddy. Also explains how Prom ended up running it like Porsche runs the car wash. Jump acted weirdly when he saw the Daddy's name on the car at the car wash. Did he recognise it as the the boss of Playboyy?
What if the Daddy is also a drug lord or something. Links to Nuth who is selling drugs. And let's not forget the fact he was on the phone early on in the season begging for money. From who? The Daddy, maybe? Was he a former sugar baby or is he like maybe the Daddy's brother?
This then also links to Nant selling and losing the drugs with Nuth. He would then owe money to the Daddy. If that's the case Prom would be giving Nant the Daddy's money which in turn Nant would be paying back to the Daddy.
But then a masked party is thrown by Nuth and the Daddy attends as the masked dog and abuses Nant who owes him money. Nuth hides the mask for him as he gets money and drugs from the Daddy.
Plus Porsche said Nant knows his Daddy and would stay over so again Nant could have been sucked in.
We know the Daddy owns the car wash. A high cash business that's ideal for laundering drug money. Same theory if he owns Playboyy. 'Host bars' would probably be a cash business so clients don't have a paper trail.
I'm sure there's more that I forgotten.i really should write stuff down when I think of it
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mygwenchan · 10 months
So I think the whole kidnapping thing can go one of three ways:
Soong really is that kind of asshole and he kidnapped First for real. All he cares about is money and he doesn't have any morals at all. In which case: Fuck him
Soong and First came up with the kidnapping together as a way to get money from First's father, so that they could then get First out of that house and use the money to finance their life together. In which case: Understandable action, but still pretty shitty towards the dad
First's father is the one responsible for the kidnapping. That day when he saw Soong through the window, he actually went outside to talk to him. Dad then offered Soong money if he'd manage to make First quit his promiscuous lifestyle. The dad basically wants to scare the perversion out of First and traumatize him, so that his son will stop sleeping around. Soong doesn't give a shit about anything and is up for it. In which case: Fuck both Soong and the dad
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lukaherehelp · 10 months
Playboyy EP1 - "Sex is about everyone"
this one is the shortest, we are at the end part of the ep:
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I'm never looking at brushes the same way... *hides her set of brushes away*
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but now onto the commentary: I appreciate Teena's patience with Zouy.
Zouy doesn't know he's dealing with another sex worker here, but his experience with Teena is so much different from the one with Jump. He gets to be comfortable, to set the pace, to choose what and what not, and I love that for him.
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The forehead touches is going to be their thing and I'm weak already. AND THE POUT, I'M TIRED OF THIS MAN.
And the conversation after parallels a lot the one Top and Mew had over ice cream in OF, which I find to be one of the best scenes those two had. Is giving much needed communication, even tho the motives are hidden.
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this man is already realizing he's falling for the nerd and that wasn't in his plan. I LOVE THEM.
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stop being this adorable. my rotten heart cannot take it.
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See, Nont is already doing a better job than me because he's not getting distracted... for now. I truly don't thing Captain is the core of the problem here, Nont. Yeah, he might have pushed him to it but it wasn't alone and probably not to the depth Nant reached, honey.
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Now to the Playboyys:
This is a red herring as well, but towards the romance plots. They are telling us that they are here for the money, for the fun. Come on, they are sex workers! But we have seem them this whole episode. Teena is falling for Zouy and he's realizing it. Soong is not there yet, but his plan is also falling down like a house of cards.
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I'm intrigued to see how the stories play for the other two. We already have seen Jump and Porche interact and, although we haven't seeing it, things have happend. And we don't know if Aob and Puen have met yet... Playboyy, you did it, I'm hooked.
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bengiyo · 10 months
Playboyy Ep 2 Stray Thoughts
Last week, we met our cast and I do not know their names. We are concerned about a missing member of this rich kid friend group, and now their twin is here pretending to be him. There's the boy who is determined to make two others get laid. There's a rich kid who likes to have rough sex and is being scammed by a sex worker. There's the virgin who seems to like touching and watching but not being touched. There's some other rude sex workers. There were a lot of stylish shots last week, some packed bulges, and some booty. Not sure what the plot is yet, but I'm curious enough to give it another episode.
Episode 2' Getting What You Want
So these prostitutes recently left the Playboyy lounge and are all freelance and trying to pick up their own clients.
"Did I return the money to you?" A masterful play by Non. He is killing this role.
LOL. First acting like Zouey is off base but he already called that this isn't Nun and that First is being conned.
Well, First did say he liked to play rough.
You trust him? Okay.
I am curious what Nun was going through that he hid his phone in the toilet like this. It's like he knew Non would be the only one to get in. The biggest news so far seems to be that Porsche and the Playboyy Lounge guy are brothers.
He's wearing Like a Virgin by Cathy Doll. I AM SCREAMING.
[*Horny Japanese*] is taking me out
Porsche's outfit is overdone. Incredible.
All these rich boys seem to be a bit violent about their sex. They want Zouey to be like them?
What in The Red Violin (1998) is going on in this yard?
Oh, don't put paint in your mouths, boys.
A knife???? Not that kind of insertion!!
First maybe is paying attention, and good thing! His dad is, too!
Non, are you really going to fuck your way through this investigation? He at least seems like his head is in the game.
Well well well. Nun had some sort of debt and was selling himself for money.
Probably just a translation thing, but who is this "we" that Non is speaking to in his journal entries?
Porsche reciting exact laws feels like them looking at the audience and saying, "I know y'all be horny, but don't be stupid and get caught."
Rimming in my BL? It's becoming more likely than you think.
Oh I don't think we've had this moment in BL in a long time where someone is mid-coitus and yelling at someone to leave.
There were some interesting layers to that conversation with First and his dad. The dad seems concerned about First's sexual relationship with violence and his sexual health, whereas First seems like his struggling with his dad's emotional distance.
[*More horny Japanese with a thick Thai accent*] INCREDIBLE
Well, this thing with Soong went to shit quickly.
That ended in such an ominous place. I wonder how far they'll take that next week. Still struggling to find my place with this show. It feels like different shows happening together sometimes.
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waitmyturtles · 10 months
I was in the midst of a little whiny sesh for the first 20 minutes of Playboyy, episode 3, just wondering when the story was finally going to gel. Going from a tidbit, a hint of a main storyline with the missing Nant, back to the antics of everyone, Zouey, First, and now Captain -- a lot, A LOT, A LOT is happening.
But @ginnymoonbeam threw out a quick flare to say that this show has some real sparks, and once I was able to finish it, I have to say I agree. A lot is happening. Every one of the storylines is heavy-to-super-heavy. It's Cheewin, it's chaotic. But somehow, I found it all compelling. Coherent? I don't think so, not emotionally, not entirely narratively. And @bengiyo noted to me last week that there's something stylish about this show that happens to be grabbing, and I agree.
So let me see if I can get everything in order first...
Zouey and Teena (I cannot get over what a fabulous name Teena is) stopped their shit because of a miscommunication,
First and Soong stopped their shit because of a miscommunication and money woes,
Captain and Coach Keen are now something like a thing,
Keen is also something like a thing with Soong,
Nont is needling into a situation with Prom to dig up more on his brother, Nant, and Prom may also be the dude in the hidden video that Nont found on his brother's laptop, and also Prom might be into webcam dudes, and maybe was the guy that Nont was cam-ming to, but then why did the guy on the other side of the webcam call shut his computer when he say Nont's face, so maybe that wasn't Prom, but Nont's recollections later maybe seemed to indicate that it was Prom?
We have definitely had ensemble shows where there was a lot going on, but THERE'S A LOT A LOT A LOT GOING ON, and again, all of this is heavy. Captain's just gotten spooked by the homophobes on his rugby team, and he's about to actually engage with them on a bet, which, yikes. So, sex addiction, possible sex crimes, possible kidnapping, wealth discrimination, homophobia, etc.
If you know my blog, you know I LOVE awl the themes, and I do really love Cheewin's work, including his insane work on YYY, and the last big show of his that I watched, Bed Friend, also just had stuff after stuff until it came together by episode 6 or so. At least, though, earlier in Bed Friend, we had an idea of what the story was and what was holding it together.
Narratively, here in Playboyy, because each of these NUMEROUS storylines is SO weighty -- it just seems like the Nont/Nant storyline doesn't have enough room to breathe. And it's really compelling! Nont is feeling forced to take every last step his brother took to retrace his brother's last locations.
Whew, I mean. Each of these storylines is actually kind-of-good-to-very-good. But I think in fiction -- we have to kill our darlings sometimes. Where will the Captain/Keen storyline take us? Will the Zouey/Teena storyline remain compelling for us to watch as Zouey continues to waver on his comfort in intimacy? Is Soong really judging First for money? What was that whole thing of calling him "baby" at the end?
I'm dithering a bit. I am getting attached to this show, I can feel it, but it's a lot to handle. I'm especially feeling compelled to stick with the show after Den Panuwat's hints about what he wanted to say about queer sex that he couldn't say in Only Friends. I think I just wish the show was slightly easier to watch simply by way of the number of storylines that we're tracking -- because with EVERY storyline we have, we have less time to spend on the ones that are carrying the real weight of the show.
But I'm sticking with this! Stylistically? There is still a lot to love.
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heretherebedork · 7 months
My deepest fear for Playboyy is that everyone is going to get a happy ending and I am going to regret watching this show because so many of them don't deserve the happy ending the show is writing them towards (or even the happiness the show has already given them) because fuck this if Boston ends up with the worst ending that Den has written I am going to be so pissed off you don't even understand.
How the fuck was Boston the best written promiscuous character when the other show is literally written about sex workers? Oh, wait, it's because the treatment of sex worker's sex is very, very different than chosen casual sex by the writers. Casual sex is fine if you're being paid for it and you need the money but if you're just doing it for enjoyment? Nope! Not allowed! Absolutely forbidden.
I went into this for messy gays with mixed endings so why the fuck is the couple that started with horrifying blackmail and where all the growth happened off-screen getting the sappiest, simplest ending of the whole bunch!? Why.
And why is the show suddenly deadset of villainizing Zouey and turning him into the worst person and having Teena staring at Captain? Why did First and Soong already just... forget about First's father who apparently doesn't matter any more? I appreciate that Keen got Captain kicked out but why make sure he also hurt Puen? Why did Zouey have to apologize for calling them monsters when First literally admitted to Soong he was being a monster and felt he had to make it up to Puen but Zouey still had to beg on his knees and not get forgiven?
sgjkgdf this show is like a punishment made specifically for me.
(Particularly how the show cannot seem to make the connection between kink and romance and, in fact, seems to have placed them in diametric opposition to each other and all the kink vanishes the instant romance enters the chat particularly for the subs in the relationships who are rarely there by choice and never seem to be able to say no without saying no to all of it and are often forced into places of being hurt by the Dom despite talk of safe words. The sub never chooses to be kinky, it is always forced on them by the Dom and they regularly express being 'tired' of being kinky or hating it and it is quickly removed from the relationship when they get serious.)
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technicallyverycowboy · 9 months
Top 5 BL scenes/moments? 👀💕
OKAY as soon as i sat down to think about this my brain immediately went "we have never watched one single show in our life" so it took me a couple days to mull it over. in no particular order (behind a cut because i got wordy and needed to include illustrative screencaps)
moonlight chicken - uncle jim pulling out that ear bite move on wen
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for my money i think moonlight chicken is gmmtv at its best, in no small part because it's about two grown adults and has a much tighter 8 episode run. (my only real qualm is believing that earth, whomst was 29, was meant to be almost 40. drop the skincare routine, loong jim, the people need to know.)
so much of the show is about longing -- for people and places and times that are gone -- and this scene cashes in so well on the seven previous episodes of growing tension and comfort between jim and wen. you can't always get what you want but, like, sometimes you do and it's fuckin' great.
2. bed friends - king fully laying on top of uea after banging
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obviously the cat sex scene was a close, close second to this, because i very much do often think about king's rapturous expression when he tells uea that he really does look like a cat. chase your bliss, king.
but something about the intimacy of this moment burned itself into my brain. it's partially the implication that uea was getting fucked from behind (which pretty much never happens in bls) and partially the bone deep satisfaction they're both radiating. most fade to black sex scenes don't really convince me the characters did fuck in the pause, but this one 100% did.
3. playboyy - nont putting prom in his place
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OKAY truly i could have put the vast majority of the six aired episodes of the show so far and it would have been true. soong and first in the pool throwing cash around. zouey and teena's painting thing. phob and nuth's wildly romantic in an "i'm in danger" way sex scenes.
but i came back to this one because it was the moment when i felt like the show clicked a piece solidly into place. nont isn't nant and he's done pretending that he is. prom does not get to act like he knows nont and he does not get to tell nont what to do. this little exchange did so much to get me really interested in both these characters. prom's face journey from annoyed to so hard he might pass out is fuckin' divine.
4. only friends - top and boston
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only friends made many, many mistakes and i won't relitigate them here. still, when episode 3 came out, my expectations were solid and there was a lot of promise in what we'd seen so far.
everything about this sex scene is fucking perfect. the fucked up relationship between boston and top. nick listening. the three second shot of boston blowing top. force and neo put their whole pussies into this and delivered.
5. i told sunset about you - a tie between teh and oh-aew's first time really touching each other and oh-aew trying on the red bra after teh shoots him down
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this entire sequence -- after they've sat downstairs inching closer together on the couch -- is one of the most erotic things i've ever seen in any media. and literally nothing happens but them sitting together while teh runs his hands all over oh-aew.
there's so little dialogue here; the incredible longing they're both feeling is 100% told through their expressions and the way they touch each other. the first time i watched it, i probably replayed this scene four or five times. nothing has ever captured what it's like to really, really want someone for the first time, when it's the most consuming feeling you've ever had.
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a gifset of this scene is actually what made me decide to sit down and watch itsay in the first place. pp krit is great in all of the show, but this moment of a particularly queer expression of heartbreak is devastating every single time i watch it.
"if i was x, someone would love me," is such a common refrain when you're queer. watching oh-aew go through that imagining if he was a girl and teh could actually like him back in the daylight broke my fuckin' heart. (i also think it's a really lovely way to foreshadow oh-aew being told he's not manly enough for acting later on.)
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nozunhinged · 10 months
Hot DAMN playboyy got REAL DARK REAL FAST!!!!
ejdhdhsglrjrdj where do I start SOOOO many important topics in a single episode how will I survive until the end
- not even two minutes in I finally get my aobadonks, thank youuuu 🤲
- again with the social commentary in the beginning keep it up and this show will be added to educational schedules about sexwork (wishful thinking okay)
- the posters 👌👌👌
- loved the audio commentary in the background when the 3 left playboyy
- wait a minute baby Porsche is a big bad boss?
- Teena is already down bad isn't he
- best ad placement ever
- what art pose was zouey on the kitchen counter I NEED TO KNOW /srs
- captain what are you doing to the fish, poor thing
- the prom spanks made me weak in the knees, totally get you nont
- looks like he will rock nonts world not the other way round
- casual knife play ✅
- bdsm consent rep ✅
- loved Porsches & Jumps sex scene visually despite the painful buildup, poor jump
- [*more horny Japanese with a thick Thai accent*] (Love U Gaga)
- First baby, I'm so sorry. You're a spoiled rich brat but you didn't deserve any of this. Not the absolutely disgusting comments by your dad which probably wasn't the first time and especially not getting used to make Soong money like this. I could write a whole essay how being into bdsm will make people think you're fine with violence in general which makes me mad such an important topic about the kink shaming throughout the whole episode peeeewwww I need a breather
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jokers-ghoul · 10 months
No, 'cause they had me in the first half!
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I honestly forgot how 'kidnapping' is a common sexual fantasy until it came up in this series. To be fair, they didn't let us in on the fact that it was just 'role play' until the end. I literally thought First was dead until he woke up. 😮‍💨I will take back what I said about Soong just using First for money. The way he left after he realized that First left like he told him to after calling teerak and no one answering was hard. He didn't want to be in the empty apartment.
The part that upsets me about First is he really tried to hurt Soong. They're obviously close enough that Soong and he have talked about things that bother them. Having worked in the sex industry, Soong is probably very sensitive about the word 'whore' as that's a very common view of people that do sex work. That aside, for First to tell Soong you're not a whore, but a leech - hit a sore spot. Even though Soong obviously is doing the work he's doing because he has to be able to afford to live, he's never asked First for money. He mentioned he liked First's watch, so First bought it for him. First is usually the one to talk to Soong about his monetary worth and how he's loaded.
The second time we see First and Soong together, he's throwing money around while Soong catches it in the pool. First knows Soong needs money, so he's exploiting that weakness as he has money. It's as if First believes the only thing he has to offer Soong is money so now that First's dad is cutting off all of his money, First has begun to act out due to his lack of money. Soong also talks First out of sending their 'sex tape' from the kidnapping fantasy that demands a million baht to First's father. First is equating his worth and love from Soong as how much money has - the less money he has, the more First seems to act out. He blames Soong for only wanting to have sex with him when First has money, but he forgets that Soong is out there working hard to support them both with his job without complaining that First is the one leeching off of him to be away from his dad.
Soong had every right to lash out at First for what he said. Soong had a right to complain that he was tired from working all day. Soong had a right to say he wasn't in the mood for sex with First.
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The face of a man who realizes his plan failed. This is why I say you should never use someone's weakness (in this case, a closeted gay) against them. Captain knew that the rugby team was built on the foundation that none were into men and chose to target Keen (rugby captain) to get on the team. How he didn't see that backfiring is beyond me, lol. Now, to prove he's not gay, he is enlisting the help of his best friends to fake him having sex with a 'girl' to be able to stay on the team.
I wonder if Captain's going to use Zouey as the girl since his only request of Nont was a wig and makeup. The real thing that makes me curious is if Zouey will really let himself be in such a compromising position since Zouey has trouble with situations like that.
I'm also curious about the scholarship student as he is watching this all unfold and saying nothing.
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What First told Zouey about how people in BDSM sometimes don't know if they're enjoying the pain or not made me rethink this moment. I wondered if it was possible that Teena didn't back off right away because he believed Zouey was just scared to have sex after admitting he wanted Teena. He tried to tell Zouey it was fine as it was normal to be scared your first time, but in the end, it had been a hard No from Zouey instead of an 'I'm scared' no.
Teena has been going at Zouey's pace since he realized that Zouey wasn't comfortable with sex. Teena even admitted to himself that with Zouey it's not about stealing his virginity anymore; he genuinely wants Zouey. I also believe that Teena misstepped by mentioning that they would have to have sex eventually when they're together. Once Zouey heard that, it was a definite no, because he no longer felt Teena was listening to him. Teena was exhibiting common signs most men make as mistakes - like mentioning he's at his limit to make his partner feel like they had to have sex after 'working' Teena up so much.
Teena is trying to be a good boyfriend-to-be, but that doesn't negate the fact that Zouey felt pressured and that Teena tried to keep going after Zouey said no. A no should always mean no (stop), whether the other person misreads the situation or not.
The issue about the 'red light' keyword is there. Teena did let Zouey know that if he was uncomfortable to use the keyword, but that does not mean Teena was in the right. You cannot blame Zouey for not using the keyword when he's uncomfortable - he just thought it needed to stop, so he voiced it. I will say that Teena should have been more proactive in checking in with Zouey by questioning if he was still green (go), yellow (wait/slow down), or red (stop) if he was going to use the light system. He also didn't really explain it very well, so being that Zouey is very new to sex, it should have been a slower approach even if Zouey said he was ready.
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Nont seems to severely underestimate his 'master' most times. He went to find Prom to get more information on his brother and found that he liked it when Nant's "master" punished him for his disappearance. Nont seems to fall for this trap very quickly, even as he gets more and more information about his brother that he doesn't quite understand. In the video on his brother's laptop of Nant being in a sexual situation with a knife, Prom mentions how much Nant hated going to this location with 'master' as he didn't like the masks and toys. Nont correcting Prom when he hands him wine and says he wants beer (when earlier Zouey had told Nont that he always drinks draft beer and not wine).
I don't believe Prom is confused about Nont. Nont has been fumbling through this investigation into Nant's life as if having the same face will be the best coverage when the two twins are vastly different. Does Prom believe that Nont is Nant? I doubt it. He's been giving hints to Nont that he's not acting like Nant this whole time. Willingly coming to that room that Nant hates? Brazenly requesting master to have sex and punish him? Mentioning how he believed Nant had come to like the taste of wine? If Prom cannot tell the difference, I would be surprised.
I cannot say that the video on Nant's laptop is definite proof of Nont and Nant's differences when it comes to sex. We don't know when that video was recorded. For all we know, it could have been the first time Nant had sex with Prom. But still, Prom himself mentioned how it took convincing to bring Nant around.
I really am curious about what happened to Nant. Why did he need money? Why has he disappeared? Is he alive like Nont believes? Did he leave to escape how deep he had gotten into this lifestyle? Why hasn't he reached out to Nont at all?
Nothing happened between Porsche and Jump in this episode.
Also, I still believe Captain and Porsche are jerks - I'll wait to see if that opinion changes, lol.
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mygwenchan · 8 months
Just some random Playboyy thoughts after rewatching ep8:
The folder in which Nuth saved Nant's casting and suicide clip was named "Research". Judging by other folders and stuff on his desktop, it's all related to the movie Nuth is planning to film. In the first clip, Nant also recited parts of the script. Maybe both Nant clips are part of the movie? I'd love to get my hands on that script tbh... And also on the diary entry Nuth wrote on the twins bday. I bet there is a lot of useful information to be found!
They said Nant filmed the suicide video in a hotel room, but it's literally the same building in which Soong used to live... I think it's a production error, but it still bothers me a little.
So we were all wondering why the baddy bunch's kitchen looks different right? Well... Since First decided to live with his friends and Teena pretty much moved in with Zouey, meaning First couldn't bunk with his bestie anymore, they needed a new house with more rooms! I think that rooftop party was basically their housewarming party. They simply forgot to mention any of this in the series lol
That dog mask... I think Nuth must've asked Keen to hide it for him. But I also think Nuth himself is hiding it for someone else... It's pretty obvious that Nuth and the doggo guy aren't the same person and I still think our culprit is Prom. Which somewhat leads me to the suspicion that Prom is also our drug provider! Maybe that's his actual job and being the Playboyy manager is just a side gig? Or maybe Prom is dealing drugs behind Jason Lee's back. I mean, Prom already stole a large amount of money from his "daddy" (probably stole it from the club's cash register and the Playboyys). It wouldn't surprise me if he's also stealing drugs or doing other shady business.
If the post credit scene of ep8 isn't just a dream, then Nant is very much dead 😥 Thing is though, if that is happening in present times and not in the past, Nant has died only very recently. His eyes have turned white, but his skin isn't pale and patchy. There are also no signs of insects and other stuff... So unless they got the makeup wrong, Nant hasn't been dead for more than 2 hours. Plus, I didn't see any severe strangulation signs and Nant is wearing only his undies. The clothes he wore in the suicide clip are gone. And well, someone obviously placed him in the middle of the woods. But who? That is the question!
If Nant has indeed died recently, after Nont already came pretty close to finding the dog mask and the doggo guy... someone must've gotten cold feet! I don't think it's anyone from the baddie bunch. Nont had a whole breakdown in front of them and very convincingly told them he'd give up his search for Nant. Which pretty much only leaves Nuth, Phop (yes, also my cutie Phop!) and Prom... I went back to the convo Nuth had with Phop and it does sound kind of open for interpretation:
Nuth: Aren't you mad at me about Nant? Phop: You already told me about it. Why would I be mad?. I just want you to tell me everything. Then I'll be fine."
Now Phop is the very same person who stayed strangely calm while being held at gunpoint. Same when Nuth held a knife against his throat. So either my boy is dense as fuck, or he's got nerves of steel. Add some questionable morals and a pinch of insanity to the mix and you've got the perfect psycho boyfriend who'd be more than willing to commit crimes with you! On the other hand there is Prom, who tried to find out where Nont is planning to search for Nant, but instead was told that Nont would search for the doggo guy and not his twin brother. Now if Prom is Mr doggo, he might want to get rid of all the evidence... Might as well discard of the boring twin while he's at it, since he's got a new one now?
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mysterygrl20 · 10 months
so i watched the cut vers of playboyy ep1...
disclaimer: i sped watched and got interrupted like 4 times so i may have missed other cuts/differences
Part 1 - 11:42
no opening headlines
literally the first like 2 minutes is gone. it opens on nont
they cut part of the opening credits
they're muting the swears
definite clear cut removal of when jump first gropes zouey
immediately cuts to first about to jerk off then jumps back to zouey's time with jump where he asks to paint him.
cuts out zouey getting turned on while painting jump
porche pays jump and it slide cuts to first and zouey being scolded by friends.
Part 2 - 9:59
they blurred teena in the art room
they cut zouey imagining getting up close and personal to teena while drawing
they blurred soong taking his pants off and the scene stopped after first hugs him from behind.
part 2 ends with teena kissing zouey in the bathroom.
Part 3 - 8:19 [ i cant tell what else was cut in this part]
they cut first and soong in the pool throwing money [goes from teenazouey in art room to zouey texting]
Part 4 - 12:36
no sex on the couch [obv]
they blurred first touching soong's dick during the name exchange
horny japanese audio scene is gone - cuts after teena bite kisses zouey on the stomach. [they did keep the laptop audio part]
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lukaherehelp · 10 months
tw for Playboyy EP.2 - 56:46 to 58:27
Abduction, posible torture, sexual violence and posible sa.
First gets abducted by Soong and he's currently keeping him hostage, forcing him into asking his father for money. He keeps kissing him as First is bound and crying.
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bengiyo · 10 months
Playboyy Ep 1 Stray Thoughts
Here we go with another high heat show from Vivienne. I’m still smarting from the Only Friends disappointment, so going into this one with a more cautious lens.
Starting off strong with the frank depiction and a political stance about sex, I see.
Episode 1: Sex is about everyone
Oh no, we lost the virgin.
What in the Another Gay Movie (2006) is this deadline for losing dude’s virginity if he’s content with himself? Also, no kink shaming!
Love this stripper with like three levels of pants and underwear on.
Once again, I don’t like how quickly these folks reach for their phones to record stuff.
Did he just bite that man’s dick?? And we though Saengtai was bad. He deserved that little slap.
Well, at least he’s only getting painted this way.
Everyone stay making Zouey feel weird as they force their own proclivities on him.
So we have a bunch of self-important rich kids who look down on scholarship students? Great.
We went from Zouey wanting to beat off to the model to First wanting to hook up with the pizza delivery guy. Porn setups in my BL? Way more likely than you think.
Not attractive enough for sex? Zouey, we do not shame others or ourselves like that. Also, you are a BL boy.
I know y’all are rich, but money is so filth. Do not put it in your face.
The actor playing First keeps making me think about Elijah Canlas. Something about the haircut and the lips I think?
What is up with the twins stories airing at the same time?
That couch looks so uncomfortable.
There is an appreciable amount of bulge in this show, even if much of it looks packed.
LOL. Soong took that man’s ring.
Captain seems overly invested in his friend’s sex lives.
Hey, we can finally say the word “dick.” November 16, 2023, folks.
Everyone wants to tie Zouey’s arms back.
The Japanese porn allusions were SO STRONG just now holy shit.
Zouey’s complicated relationship with sex is the primary story I’m invested in right now.
Damn, bro. You could at least keep up the façade until you leave the damn house?
Curious where we go with this line where these sex workers are fleecing money from these rich kids.
Well, this was basically softcore porn! There’s only a little direct investment holding me right now, but this is amusing enough for me to come back next week.
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