#GIS and Remote sensing
disastergis · 9 days
Post Fire in Los Angeles County
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Post fire heat and smoke plume using GOES 18 West Mesocale and Band 7.
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spatial-garbage-panda · 2 months
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Tom Luscomb's Brook, Labrador, with Landsat 8 (Earth Explorer) and CDEM (NRCAN) data.
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LiDAR LiDAR Crocodile
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A gator caught hiding beneath the water with the magic of LiDAR. LiDAR (aka Light Detection and Ranging) uses lasers reflected from objects back to the source to reconstruct an environment
Original tweet:
“How cool is LiDAR? Well, it can see gators lurking beneath the surface, so I’d say it’s pretty dang awesome”
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un-pearable · 1 year
90% of my frustration is just that the ONE thing i know i am definitively interested in is just straight up not a thing in the us. at least not the way it is in other countries. not as it’s own seperate subfield that can be dedicatedly studied. and tryin to find something close would be so much explaining and stress and im already at my limit. i should just get a job and wait
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gleichschenklig · 1 year
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captawesomesauce · 2 years
If anyone is wondering what I’m up to today...
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Learning more about Disaster Preparedness and Response, especially using GIS and Remote Sensing through an open learning class by the World Bank Group.
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jobingis · 12 days
Join the Geomatics Revolution at JOBinGIS
Ready to make an impact? Join JOBinGIS for more than just a job—it's an adventure. Our team of geospatial experts is dedicated to shaping a sustainable future with cutting-edge tech and visionary projects. Dive into uncharted territories, solve spatial puzzles, and drive innovation. With competitive pay and endless growth opportunities, JOBinGIS is where your career takes flight. Apply now and be part of something big.
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How Remote Sensing and GIS in India Are Shaping the Future of Technology and Environment
Remote sensing and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) are two technologies that have dramatically changed how we understand and interact with our planet. In India, these technologies are not just advancing; they're significantly shaping the future of technology and the environment. This blog explores how remote sensing and GIS are being used in India, their impact, and the role of education, particularly at the Symbiosis Institute of Geoinformatics (SIG), in promoting these fields.
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The Basics of Remote Sensing and GIS
Remote sensing is the science of obtaining information about objects or areas from a distance, typically from aircraft or satellites. Conversely, GIS is a system designed to capture, store, manipulate, analyze, manage, and present spatial or geographic data. Together, they offer powerful tools for monitoring and managing the Earth's resources and environment.
Applications in India
India has embraced remote sensing and GIS across various sectors, including agriculture, forestry, urban planning, disaster management, and environmental protection. These technologies play a crucial role in crop monitoring, forest surveys, urban expansion studies, flood and drought management, and assessing the impacts of climate change. By providing accurate and timely data, they help policymakers make informed decisions.
Impact on Technology and Environment
The impact of remote sensing and GIS on technology and the environment in India is profound. Technologically, they have led to the development of sophisticated software and tools that can analyze vast amounts of spatial data. Environmentally, they offer unmatched capabilities in tracking changes, assessing damage, and planning for conservation efforts. For instance, remote sensing data helps identify polluted areas and track the health of rivers and forests over time, enabling targeted conservation actions.
The Role of Education
Education plays a pivotal role in the growth and development of remote sensing and GIS technologies. Recognizing this, numerous institutions across India offer courses designed to equip students with the necessary skills and knowledge. These courses range from short-term certifications to full-fledged degree programs, including GIS courses in India and remote sensing and GIS courses.
Symbiosis Institute of Geoinformatics (SIG)
At the forefront of geospatial education in India is the Symbiosis Institute of Geoinformatics (SIG), located in Pune. SIG offers a comprehensive range of programs tailored to the needs of this rapidly evolving field. Among these programs are the PG diploma in remote sensing and GIS, the remote sensing and GIS course, and the GIS remote sensing course. These programs are designed to meet the industry's demand for skilled professionals leveraging GIS and remote sensing technologies to address real-world challenges.
Why Choose SIG?
Choosing to study at SIG comes with numerous advantages. First, the institute provides access to state-of-the-art facilities and software, giving students hands-on experience with the tools and technologies they will use in their careers. Second, SIG's curriculum is industry-aligned, ensuring that graduates are not just academically proficient but also ready to meet the challenges of the professional world. Finally, SIG boasts a strong alumni network and industry connections, offering students valuable opportunities for internships and placements.
The Future of Remote Sensing and GIS in India
The future of remote sensing and GIS in India looks bright. As the country continues to develop and face environmental challenges, the demand for advanced geospatial technologies and skilled professionals is set to grow. Institutions like SIG are crucial in meeting this demand, training the next generation of experts who will continue to shape the future of technology and the environment in India.
Remote sensing and GIS are not just tools for observing the Earth; they are instruments for change, offering new ways to tackle technological and environmental challenges. India's commitment to these technologies, supported by institutions like the Symbiosis Institute of Geoinformatics, is paving the way for a future where informed decisions lead to sustainable development and environmental conservation. As we continue to harness the power of remote sensing and GIS, our planet's possibilities for innovation and protection are limitless.
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techhive2024 · 3 months
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[Paper] Geo-Information Technology Application for Investigating the Old Lopburi River and the Ancient City of Dvaravati Period (6th-8th Century AD) Based on the Record of Queen Cāmadevi's Watercourse Travels in the Chao Phraya River Basin
LiDAR and geo-tech reveal Queen Cāmadevi's route and ancient Dvaravati cities, offering insights for heritage conservation and sustainable planning.
via Scientific Culture, 09 January 2024: A groundbreaking study utilizing geo-information technology, including LiDAR, has successfully traced the old Lopburi River and unearthed ancient Dvaravati cities along Queen Cāmadevi’s historical watercourse travels. The research identified 12 significant canals previously part of the river and pinpointed ancient urban centers, providing crucial insights…
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hannahpethen · 6 months
Orthorectifying Worldview-3 satellite imagery of Gebel Asyut el-Gharbi
In my previous posts, I explained how to pan-sharpen and then mosaic Worldview-3 satellite imagery. The final phase of processing the ‘ortho-ready’ imagery is ‘orthorectification‘. To orthorectify the Worldview-3 imagery I used a 2m resolution digital surface model (DSM) generated by Digitalglobe from a stereo-pair of Worldview-2 satellite images of the same area of Middle Egypt as the…
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disastergis · 9 days
The Post Fire in LA County. You can see the heat signature and growth with GOES 18 West. The fire is currently mapped at 2,013 acres with FIRIS.
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geographicbook · 1 year
The Role of GIS and Remote Sensing in Disaster Response and Management
Introduction Geographic Information System (GIS) and Remote Sensing (RS) technologies are playing an increasingly important role in disaster response and management. Disasters such as floods, wildfires, earthquakes, and hurricanes are becoming more frequent and severe, and these technologies can provide valuable information to emergency responders and decision-makers in such situations. GIS…
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eterragis · 1 year
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kevinhaynesgis · 2 years
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I presented my research on the urban morphology of Hyderabad, India. You can check out my publication here. https://scholarworks.wmich.edu/masters_theses/5155/ 
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crackedpumpkin · 1 year
Okay how about Cole dating f!reader and one of her ways of showing affection is by making flower crowns for him
Flowers and nature in general being one of her favorite things in life
Hello lovely!! I'll be real, this is the fastest ask I've ever written, with a record-breaking one and a half hours lmao
I hope you enjoy this!!! And thank you for letting me know because I didn't receive the ask the first time (Thanks tumblr.)
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Cole wakes up to flower petals tickling his nose. He lets out a loud sneeze, startling Kai awake. The fire ninja groans, covering his head with his pillow in an attempt to escape the rising sun. 
The earth ninja takes the flower crown you had snuck onto his chest in his sleep, a soft smile gracing his lips when he realizes you had probably put it there before you left for work. 
His fingers gently brush against the soft pink freesia, now wide awake as he sits up.
You usually went to work at five a.m. on the weekdays, but you only needed to stay there till three p.m. since your job was mainly remote. However, your supervisor was in a different country at another timezone, and you needed to be at the office to look professional.
You despised it, and so did Cole. 
He’d notice when you slipped out from under the covers, your side of the bed gradually turning cold. His arms felt empty without you, with your head snug under his and tucked into the crook of his neck.
You hated it too, leaving the comfort of his arms and bed the last thing you wanted before he woke up. So you resorted to leaving little gifts for him before heading off for work. Flower crowns, to be exact.
The habit had started before you, and Cole even started dating. You used to come over to hang out with Jay, the bubbly ninja eager to beat you in every video game he possessed. You had met him in a games store, ready to purchase the latest fighting game. 
You noticed a crowd around a gaming machine set up for demos and went over to look. That’s when you spotted the ninja in his blue gi practically smashing the buttons on his controller, earning himself a new high score. 
You couldn’t let him take your place as the reigning champion of the game, so you stepped up, challenging him to a match where you utterly destroyed him.
That’s when he invited you for a rematch, a friendly rivalry that sparked your friendship. 
When you arrived at the monastery for the first time, you were intimidated by all the ninjas, including their sensei. Though he was kind, it was slightly unnerving how he looked at you with a sense of foreboding.
And then you met Cole.
— — — — — — — — 
“Jay, what’re you having for dinner?” 
A deep voice startles you out of your concentration, but you don’t dare look up, too engrossed in beating Jay. 
“Uh, I dunno, anything, I guess. What’re you getting?” Jay says, eyes trained on the screen. You gnaw on your bottom lip in thought, mentally narrowing down who you had already met and whose attractive voice it could be. 
You had already met Zane, Lloyd, and Nya. So that only left either Kai or Cole. It couldn’t be the fire ninja, though, you had seen him being interviewed a while back, and his voice had a slightly higher pitch. This one had more of a baritone quality, a slight rasp at the end that made your stomach do funny little flips. 
So this had to be Cole.
You risk a quick glance, doing a double take. Your eyes unashamedly rake over the stranger’s muscular build, catching yourself ogling his biceps. You shake your head, cheeks flushing and praying that neither has caught you staring.  
Jay was still focused on the game, and Cole (you assume) was chugging down a glass of water. You find it hard to swallow, noticing how his skin has a glowing sheen from all the sweat. He had probably come back from a workout.
You tear your gaze away before he notices, still feeling the heat in your cheeks. You hear him set down the glass with a soft sigh, your body tense. 
Is your hair okay? Did you look homeless? Did he notice you staring?
Your mind races with thoughts until the words ‘Game Over’ flashes on the screen, a victorious shout from Jay snapping you out of your thoughts. You groan, tossing the controller to your side.
“Who’s this?” You turn, willing the flush in your cheeks and neck to subside. 
“Oh, I forgot to introduce you guys. Y/n, this is Cole. Cole, this is Y/n, my newest rival!” 
“Is that really what I’m being introduced as?” You grin in a joking manner, eliciting a shrug from your friend. 
“Cool. Are you sticking around for dinner? Zane might be cooking tonight.” Cole looks straight at you, waiting for an answer. 
You’re speechless, managing a nod. 
Were you just invited to dinner? With the ninja, no less??
— — — — — — — — 
“Here.” You place a flower onto Jay’s head, and he blinks several times before pulling it out of his hair.
“Is this mine?” He asks innocently, and you nod in response. 
“HA! Suck it, Kai! You’re gonna be the last to get one!” He shouts across the ship, holding it up triumphantly as you roll your eyes with an amused smile.
You had started the habit of giving flowers and little trinkets you found in nature to the ninjas. Zane was the first to receive one, a tiny acorn you had picked up during your walks in the park to recharge your social battery.
He had cooked a marvelous dinner, and you had randomly given it to him to express your appreciation. He had taken it with a confused yet thankful smile and proudly showed it to the rest during dessert. 
The rest of the ninjas became more invested in seeing who was the next one to receive anything. You had triggered their curiosity and anticipation once you had given Nya a beautiful piece of sea glass you had picked up at the beach. She treasured it like it was a diamond, keeping it on her dresser along with her jewelry.
Now, Jay had his small trinket.
Kai was next. He had made the time to help you go grocery shopping when your other friends were busy, driving you there and back in his car. He helped you unload the groceries, thinking nothing of it until you returned to your room for a brief moment, returning with a preserved amber leaf paperweight. 
“This is mine?” He asks, wide-eyed. He takes it from your hands when you grin, admiring the flickers of orange in the paperweight, the colours resembling the sparks of a fire. He wraps you up in a brief hug, excited to go home and show it off to the rest.
“Looks like Lloyd and Cole are the last to receive anything.” Kai chuckles, reveling in the fact that he had received it before they did. 
Your sheepish grin gives it away. His eyes widened. “Just Lloyd?” 
You shake your head with an embarrassed flush.
“Just Cole??” 
— — — — — — — — 
Truth be told, it was challenging to decide what to give the earth ninja. He was the most put together, the most vigilant of them all. 
And the most attractive. 
You had briefly considered a smooth pebble, its midnight shade reminding you of his gi. But that wasn’t good enough. You could imagine the disappointment in his eyes, comparing his stone with the other gifts you had gotten the rest of them.
Besides, it was too cliche. A rock? For the Earth ninja? 
You’d rather bury yourself six feet under.
You were sitting on a mat near the pond in the monastery, having been invited on a small picnic in the sunny weather. You had gathered an assortment of flowers in front of you, starting to absentmindedly weave together the stems into a flower crown. 
The ninjas were chatting away, and their senseis were sitting on the wooden floor of the small pavilion nearby, sipping on tea and watching their students fondly. You were almost done, looping the last flower through the stems.
“Is that mine?” 
Your breath hitches when you glance up, the shy yet boyish smile on Cole’s lips making your heart flutter. He sits down beside you, peering over your shoulder to get a better look at the flower crown you hold loosely in your hands. 
“Y-yeah.” You hope he doesn’t catch the stutter, though a slight upwards quirk of his lips suggests otherwise. 
“That’s a relief,” he laughs, leaning back with his face tilted towards the sun, “I was starting to think you had forgotten about me.” 
Your cheeks fill with a familiar heat, shaking your head with wide eyes. “No! I’d never forget.” You suppress an embarrassed groan at how your words came out, but you’re left breathless when you notice the soft dusting of pink on his cheeks.
“That’s good then,” He murmurs, peeking an eye open with a small smile. 
You bite down on your bottom lip in thought, summoning up all your courage to reach upwards and place the completed flower crown on the top of his raven-black hair, fingers brushing against his bicep. (Definitely not on purpose, of course. A total accident.)
He grins, sitting upright. 
“Nice crown, Cole!” Jay giggles, drawing the attention of the other ninja. 
“Why thank you, it was a gift.” He pauses to send a wink your way, but you look down quickly, flustered by the sudden action though you can’t help the shy smile that spreads across your lips.
You look back up as he saunters to the rest of the group, showing off his present. You watch how he laughs at something Kai says, your gaze soft as he glances back at you. You start like a deer caught in headlights. However, he doesn’t look away, nodding absentmindedly at Jay’s remark that goes unheard. 
Your mind is blank, a single thought floating around inside.
Flower crowns look good on him. 
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