cheri-translates · 4 years
English translation under the cut!
More skits: Gavin l Kiro l Lucien l Shaw
[ knock at the door ]
Victor: Come in.
Goldman: CEO, I’m here to confirm some matters regarding the LFG annual meeting.
Victor: Continue.
Goldman: Because we’ve used the words “华” and “锐” last year and the year before, we’ll be using “集” as the opening. The tentative theme will be: Drawing on Collective Wisdom”. It’s meant to imply that in the new year, the organisation will collect the wisdom of everyone, extensively accepting beneficial suggestions.
[Note] In CN, the Loveland Financial Group is called 华锐集团 (“hua rui ji tuan”). The tentative theme Goldman is mentioning is an idiom, 集思广益 ( “ji is guang yi”), which conveys the idea of drawing on collective wisdom
Victor: Mm.
Goldman: According to the results of an investigation by the staff, the annual meeting will be held in Loveland City’s Amusement Park. The business contract related to it is expected to be reviewed and signed by you tomorrow.
Victor: All right.
Goldman: Erm, the poster for this annual meeting...
Victor: I hope it can showcase the professionalism of LFG.
Goldman: I’ve already matched the schedules with the Producer yesterday. This time, she’ll bet working on it personally.
Victor: Next time, there’s no need to specially report such things to me.
Goldman: Yes, CEO! Please carry on with your work, I won’t disturb you any longer.
[ door shuts ]
Victor: This dummy.
[ door knocks ]
Grandpa Chuck: Based on the time, I guessed it was you.
Victor: Mr Chuck.
Grandpa Chuck: Don’t just stand at the door. Come in to talk.
[ footsteps ]
Grandpa Chuck: Must be hard for you to visit this old man every year.
Victor: You’re too polite. There’s a new batch of exquisite products from the wintery, and I thought you might be interested.
Grandpa Chuck: Eh, why didn’t that lass come along with you?
Victor: She’s been doing some things for me, and is a little busy. She’ll give you a proper apology when she visits again.
Grandpa Chuck: Haha, okay, okay. There’s no need to be so polite.
Victor: Have you been well?
Grandpa Chuck: [sighs] My legs haven’t been working well. Recently, my hips would feel a little painful on overcast and rainy days.... it happens with old age. Which is why I told the both of you to take more walks while you’re still young.
Victor: What you said makes sense.
Grandpa Chuck: [sighs] Just look at yourself - why are you always so mature? This Evol does affect you slightly... Things like time truly erodes people... Only when that lass is around do you have a sense of youth.
Victor: [clears throat] Time is a mysterious thing. The things I gain from it are even more that what I have to bear. In relation to this, I’m actually grateful to it. Don’t worry. With her making a clamour at my side, my life will not be ordinary. All this while, she’s been taking good care of me. Even though she’ll never know this, and thinks that she’s living under my protection, I’m very grateful. Whenever I need her, she’s always by my side.
Grandpa Chuck: You should say such things to the lass directly.
Victor: Even if I don’t say certain things, she’ll definitely know.
Victor: ...no. You’re right. I should tell her.
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mlqcconfessions · 4 years
MLQC Headcanons - “Are you jealous?”
Because Tumblr likes being a butt, the ask sent by nonny was DELETED before I could answer it! But I did manage to read the request in my notifications. Sorry to the anon if it’s a little different than what you had asked 
Characters: 4 Main Guys X MC
Prompt: Jealousy over someone getting a little too close to you
Your relationship with LFG’s CEO was still secret
Of course, you were the one who suggested the idea (he could care less what the press thinks, but didn’t want to compromise your privacy)
You’re actually kind of sad that he puts distance between you two during work (I know I said that, but even when we’re alone in his office?)
He makes it up by kissing you in the elevator (Goldman doesn’t understand why you’re standing so far away from Victor and honestly he doesn’t want to know)
After a few weeks of this “secret dating”, you’re so deprived of Victor that you’re less energetic
He notices this, obviously, and actually feels bad about it
Decides to bring some pudding along with him
He drives up to your company to pick you up, but notices you talking with someone (he lowers the window slightly to hear)
Doesn’t think much of it until he hears the guy asking for your number
And you willingly give it to him? 
“This idiot....!”
Victor gets out of his car and walks up to the two of you, hand on your back, and escorts you to the passenger seat (shoots a quick nod back at the guy)
You notice the small bag under your seat and open it, surprised by the small containers filled to the rim with pudding (you waste no time in opening one)
Unbelievable, do I have to ask her myself?
“I never realized you were this careless, MC” (you look up from your pudding)
“What do you mean?”
“Giving your number to a stranger like that? I knew you were a dummy, but to this extent?” (his eyes are fixed on yours as the light turns red)
“Well, he’s going to need his boss’ number, isn’t he? And plus if anything goes wrong with the projects, I’ll need to know” 
“....boss?” (Victor nearly misses the turn)
“Yeah, remember Minor? The newly hired one? I thought I told you already...” (your words drown out in his head as he pieces everything together)
“Wait, Victor...are you being jealous right now?” (he doesn’t like that your eyes are lighting up of all times for her to be observant)
He stops at another red light and leans over to lick the pudding off on your cheek (this guy!)
“So what if I am?”
You had asked him if he could come for a segment on your show (modeling for some products)
You ask, he answers
Poor Savin has to clean up the mess after Kiro cancelled his ENTIRE schedule
“Miss Chips NEEDS me!” (if you weren’t Kiro’s girlfriend, Savin would’ve destroyed you)
In between shots he always appears at your side with snacks
“You need to be energized, MC!” (actually just needs an accomplice against Savin)
You’re amazed at the 180 difference of this sunshine when he’s with you vs. when he’s filming (he knows you’re amazed)
One of the cameramen calls you over to discuss the recent shots
The two of you discuss how to bring out the best in Kiro (he was fantastic as is, but there was a spark that just lacked)
He notices you slowly inching towards the cameraman, hands on the back of his chair (sunshine boy is pouty; why can’t you notice that your coworker clearly has interest in you?)
You ponder over how this shoot can be better, unaware that Kiro was staring at your every move
“Maybe someone else can be in the shot with him?” (you suggest, looking up to meet his radiating eyes)
“Great idea! MC, you do it!” (he gets up to grab your hand, and leads you to the front of the studio)
“No...I possibly can’t...”
Your arguments are useless as Kiro calls his team over to help you get prepared
But you step out, beautifully dressed, catching the eyes of everyone in the room, including the very cameraman (this is NOT what Kiro wanted!)
He quickly pulls you towards him, “Trust me, MC” (stops to look at the cameraman before focusing on you)
He stages these elaborate poses to capture your best angles (Kiro, have you forgotten who this shoot is for?)
He sees that the cameraman is at a loss for words at your beauty (can’t blame him, but still)
For the last shot Kiro leans down and softly blows into your ear, causing you to profusely blush
He looks at the cameraman one last time before leaning down again to whisper
“Don’t be so cute in front of other guys, you’re making me jealous”
He’s used to having students come up to him and flirting with him
Of course, it doesn’t faze him at all (but he does enjoy seeing your reactions when he flirts back)
Never thought the tides would turn against him
He sees another student walking up to you during lecture
“Is this seat taken?”
“No, go ahead!”
Lucien’s gaze lands on the student, his face flushed while pulling out the chair to sit next to you (......interesting, of all the seats?)
He looks around the room to find the tens of empty seats in the hall (you were oblivious to his advances that’s my girl)
He resumes the lecture with this in mind, his eyes occasionally darting to you
Obviously the student had no interests in the lesson, but just towards you
But you offer to lend your textbook to him, since he didn’t bring it (learning wasn’t his intentions, after all)
He leans closer to you as you push your hair behind your ears
Nothings gets past Lucien’s eyes (It’s the boyfriend radar in him)
“Mr. Smith, can you please explain the effects of rejection on the brain and its relations to physical pain?” (his lips curl to form a smile his eyes definitely weren’t smiling)
The student immediately understood the context, and scoots away from you in embarrassment “I...I don’t know, professor”
You glance back and forth between the student and Lucien, the latter having a look of satisfaction before continuing the lecture
“Jealousy is an unpredictable emotion. It can cause a person to become irrational and............dangerous”
The clock hits 5 PM, and the student darts out of the room as quickly as he came in
“Well, I suppose that’s the end of today’s lecture. Have a safe trip home, class”
You pack your stuff to leave when he calls your name
“Ah, Miss MC? Please stay for a bit. I need to talk to you about......preventing misunderstandings”
He locks the door
You don’t get out until 7
Your frequent visits to the STF headquarters make yourself famous within the other evol agents
Everyone eyes the two of you as you drop off his lunch
You actually enjoy this situation very much (make his lunches EXTRA cute on purpose He blushes everytime he opens the box)
He is called in by one of the mission leaders to discuss their next plans
He squeezes your hand before heading over to a conference room
You stare at his deliciously chiseled back, unaware that Eli has appeared behind you
Ever since your first meeting with Eli, the two of you have grown considerably close (all you talk about is Gavin, after all)
He often updates you about Birdcop: what he's doing on missions, if he's well, if he got hurt (actually undermines any injuries he sustained during battle)
Eli knows how scary you can get
In return, you tell him about Gavin's cute moments
Like when he got drunk a few nights back and got jealous because you took a selfie with Sparky AND NOT WITH HIM (Eli adds this to his "How to Make Fun of B-7" list)
"I love him more than you do, MC"
"No Eli, he's MY boyfriend!"
The two of you, in your own world, laugh away as the argument over who gets custody of Gavin heats up
Meanwhile, Gavin notices the two of you through the one-way mirror in the conference room
You're laughing? Laughing the dorky, adorable giggle you only showed me? To Eli?
He's unable to focus for the rest of the meeting
He wants to storm out of the room and separate the two of you, but he knows his limits (he doesn't want you to see him acting so unprofessionally)
As soon as the meeting is adjourned Birdcop literally FLIES out the door and hides you behind his back
You're slightly annoyed because your "Things Gavin Says in His Sleep" discussion with Eli was interrupted
Then you realize the small barrier of wind blocking Eli from coming close
“Gavin...are you jealous?”
That was the first time Eli saw Agent B-7 flushed from head to toes (he secretly took a picture, and later showed it to the other agents)
We all love a good fluff
Whose imagine did you enjoy the most? For this post, I honestly can’t choose XD
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