decapod-appreciator · 14 days
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i’m into dimension 20 now
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timogsilangan · 1 year
putangina andaming may american accent sa bgc
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stunkers · 1 year
Good lird thinking about Alyx again. She’s the prime example of “despite the circumstances we remain silly” oh my god. She cracks the worst jokes and she’s curious and supportive and she’s so sweet oh my god. All of the little moments where she gives people affection kills me so bad she loves to love and I think that’s awesome every day she wakes up and kicks some ass and builds a funny robot. Worlds coolest girl I think
She grew up in like the scariest time and she’s lost so much but she’s still optimistic and sees the best in things!!! She’s so cool she’s my best friend
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bowsersforeskin · 8 months
Now that its been a full month since the release of Wallsocket, how have your opinions started settle around the album? The more Ive listened, its grown on me a ton personally. Now its in my top 10 albums of the year.
this got long so here's a readmore.
TL;DR i want to put wallsocket in my mouth and chew on it forever
the same thing happened to me tbh, it's grown on me more and more as i relistened to it. wallsocket is defo in my top 5 albums this year.
it's not like i actively disliked it or anything, it's just that it went from "pretty good" to "one of the best albums of 2023" yakno?
like my only real criticism of it is that underscores' dedication to making basically every track over 4 minutes meant that there were a couple that felt bogged down to me.
that being said, there is way more to love about wallsocket than there is to complain about. there were a few tracks that i wasn't enthralled with on the first listen that i'm super in love with now (duhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh and uncanny long arms come to mind)
but GOD is underscores good at making a melody that sticks with you forever. a month later and i still catch myself going "johnny johnny johnny johnny whoops johnny whoops" out loud and humming the tune from shoot to kill, kill your darlings.
i really really love this new direction. i love the moments in wallsocket that call back to her earlier works (like the ending bit in uncanny long arms), i love hearing borderline jarring transitions to stomp-and-clap country (thinking mostly about that switch in geez louise! good god do i love that moment) i love how difficult wallsocket is to define and how it's clearly still underscores, but not at all what i would have imagined from her.
oh and the samples that are being used are BANGING i love hearing gun noises being used as percussion, i'm almost certain i heard a squidward noise in there, and the "good luck!" producer stamp is utilized SO well across the album.
also it's underscores, i feel like it goes without saying that the story telling is great. she's stepped it up a notch and i hella regret not following the arg, but that's life ig 🤷
my top track is definitely seventyseven dog years, maybe it's because it made me feel seen. i won't get into it because it's a long thing but it really reminds me of my relationship with a couple family members and also just sounds really good!
i like every track, but i think the highlights for me* are: shoot to kill,kill your darlings/horror movie soundtrack, geez louise, and seventyseven dog years.
*i'm excluding the singles because they all slap. no exceptions. i know that they're gonna make it into my spotify wrapped lmao but good lird old money bitch and girls like us make me act up.
uhh idk where else to put this but i mentioned earlier that i wanted to see how you don't even know who i am fit in to the album, and i'm really glad to see that it fits in seamlessly with the rest of wallsocket.
i really liked it, and tbqh i'm still hoping that she'll release a companion piece a la boneyard.
sorry i took a couple days to reply, as you can tell i have a lot of thoughts about underscores and wallsocket and noises and sounds.
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gayseyjones · 2 years
Top 5 vocaloids by character and then top 5 by voice
kissing you on the mouth for this ask
5. meiko I'm obsessed w "awful drunk aunt who tries her best but she's just a walking disaster of a woman" like that pic someone drew of her comforting rin by wiping tears out of her eyes but accidentally burning her face bc she was cutting spicy peppers. also this gif
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4. kaito. that's my sopping wet cat. I think he's the most pathetic excuse of a man youve ever met but like meiko he also tries his best he's mikus well meaning older brother hes the victim of 90% of the kagamine's pranks he screams like a girl etc and I want him carnally.
3. VFLOWERRRRRRR they're a nby lesbian so deeply in my heart I know this for a fact they're autistic they kind of suck at singing but it's okay I love them. I can't stand the meme squad interpretation of their character (I can't stand meme squad in general get that devil shit out of my face) I don't think they're unnecessarily rude or hate everyone or anything like that I think they can be a little mean but it's usually moreso just being 1. blunt 2. sick of everyone's shit (usually kaito) they love their friends very much even if they can't show it the best and they're dating yukari godbless ♥️
2. I hc miku una & yukari as siblings and specifically for una I think she's like. awful. bc she's the youngest and 9 years old she's a total bastard to miku however it's mostly bc she really does look up to her and aspires to be like her but also she steals mikus hair dye for herself and makes a mess of her makeup and uses her speakers to blast her awful pop music and regularly tackles miku just completely full body slams her
1. the queen herself miku oh my god. she's literally that post like "I'm god's favorite princess I'm the virgin mary I'll never die" I think she's actually insane. her middle child complex was so strong she ended up becoming the number one idol in the whole world and I'm proud of her ♥️ despite this she is still very insecure and unsure of herself and regularly clings onto rin sobbing "MY 9 YEAR OLD SISTER CAN SING BETTER THAN ME" (see: cillia's una cover of shake it) she's also so disabled. good lird
okay vocals wise
5. len :) he's on the easier side to tune and I really love his voice, it has decent range though he definitely works best in lower tones and his appends are all very nice. he's my best friend and when it comes to specific producers dasu tunes him incredibly
4. vflower BUT. Only in vocametal. they have such a strong powerful kind of messy voice and yet it's used for like. trashy pop and lighthearted songs like utsup is the only one that understands their voice. especially metal screaming GOD DAMNNNNN IT SOUNDS SO GOOD ON THEM
3. miss miku herself once again her voice is very very dynamic and though she's on the harder side to tune, once you get the hang of it it sounds incredible. her range is great like the difference between like. toa's tuning and rishiep's tuning for example is incredible. no one does it like my girl
2. GUMIIIII GOOD LIRD giga & kira especially tune her so fucking well it helps that she has an insane amount of voice banks and appends but genuinely her voice has so much weight to it and it can literally be used for ANYTHING without drawbacks it's incredible. I haven't used her myself but I've heard she's easy to tune so that's a bonus
1. una. holy shit. she only has 2 voicebanks (not including voiceroid) but jesus FUCKING christ her voice is insane. AND SHES SURPRISINGLY EASY TO TUNE?? genuinely if anyone is ever considering using vocaloid I can't recommend una enough she's so easy to tune if you're a beginner and her range is INCREDIBLE. where would we be without her
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fishareglorious · 2 years
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Yanshang Teahouse as my wishing place. I mean she works here and all of that.
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Qiqi dear why must you do this me
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Alright. I have 100 pulls left and I even snagged some acquainted fates off the sacred sakura rewards. Oh my god please let me have Yelan shes the only one I want
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oughhhhhhhhh I hope it’s her....
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My second wishing spot after losing 50/50 is between these jueyun chilies in Stone Gate. It’s probably because im on soft (hard? i dont know gacha) pity but I did previously get Ganyu in a field of qingxin so there’s that.
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Also lmaoooo I got both Barbara and Yanfei to C6. Good for them! 
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Also, look who got Noelle’s C1! I’ve always wanted it.
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Also lmao I got two widsiths in the process too. Everyone’s been telling me to put it on Yanfei if I had it, but since I put all my materials into building the sacrificial fragments I don’t think I’m gonna build it any time soon.
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gayseyjones · 2 years
my two most specialest girls in the entire world: miko and nautica
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MIKOOOOOO MY GIRLLLLLL SHES THE ENTIRE FUCKING WORLD. She genuinely holds tfp on her entire fucking back her relationship w bulk is so fun good lird. She's so important. It's really interesting how she repeatedly puts bulks life over her own and has like zero regard for her well-being and health I wish we got more of it in the show...
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She is SOOOOO good I never finished mtmte (boring sorry) but she was cute in it and I enjoyed her friendship with brainstorm :) but idw2 nautica. oh my god. she makes me feel things. She's filled with so much love and knowledge and shes so incredible and GAHGAHAHAHAGHSGHSHDSJHD
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