chrisbangs Β· 10 months
what kind of inspiration do you get when you make your gfxs?
hello hello!! what a neat question... πŸ€” i guess it really depends!! (i hope i'm interpreting your question correctly heh)
hm... so i guess for smth like the 5star album gfx (my pinned) i was just simply inspired because of the skzes and the 5star album ... smthing like that is just kinda my style ?? i guess?? it felt very easy and kinda came to me naturally (kinda)??
for other things i'm like not necessarily a very creative person but i take inspiration from those around me a lot !! i'm in school for design so i'm often inspired by real world designers that i look up to as well as my peers and even like artists and graphic designers on places like behance !! i even have a tag on this blog where i rb gfx or gifs that i find super inspiring and make me feel like woah!! i wanna try smth like that πŸ€”
i think even in day to day life you can find lil examples of design that make you kinda go !! cool !! and you end up feeling inspired by it?? im not the most creative person in comparison to the people i go to school with so im often really not very sure how to go about coming up with ideas so inspiration is smth that i think is very important to me 🫑 feeling inspired to make smth like a gfx which doesn't really come naturally to me anymore is kinda weird to me... so i don't really know what necessarily inspires me but definitely if the art im making the gfx for (for example a song or album!!!) is good then i'll be super motivated and the ideas will kinda come to me easily.. πŸ€” but there's genuinely nothing wrong with looking to others for inspo as well!!! πŸ₯Ί a lot of what we do in school is learn abt other designers and what they do and let their work inspire us and guide us !! so yeah πŸ₯Ή it's a lil of everything i guess... idk if i really answered your question but.. i hope i did ajnwksksks i hope i interpreted it correctly lol i feel like this is such a wishy washy answer haaaa 😭😭
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aetherarf Β· 3 years
Ok I feel very sad about the cheat fic please you have time can you make a alternate fic where their s/o was actually threatened to 'sleep' with them or else they'll kill their partner, even if s/o knows their partner is strong they can't say no because they're paranoid, 😭😭 I'm sorry if it's longπŸ˜”πŸ˜”
Im going to assume you meant "if you have time" and not just "you have time" because if you meant the second one that's... Very rude and presumptuous.
Anyway ironically I have an extremely similar prompt to this but backwards ft Diluc I wrote a few months back.
The prompt has been tweaked so its vague enough to interpret if it was your life on the line, or his, or... something along those lines.
[[ WARNING: R*PE (being pressured into sex via threats is r*pe, folks) CHEATING, INJURY ]]
[[ Initial Word Count: 203
Childe Word Count: 1'796
Diluc Word Count: 597
Kaeya Word Count: 1'570 ]]
No wasn't as simple as it seemed. You had been taught from a young age that no meant no, and that should be respected... But when threatened, no went out the window.
In fact, no was little more than a hair trigger, to send a blade plunging into flesh, and hands grabbing too tight, leaving bruises, hits that would break the skin and be sure to turn the skin an ugly bluish purple the next day, with the scabs atop it.
You didn't feel safe, but when pushed further, you were only more and more afraid. Life and death didn't seem to matter to this person, their eyes wide and wild, a horrific grin.
Was it so unforgivable, an act most disgusting and vile, one that once felt so good was nothing but agony and pain and crying, so bad if it was to ensure future safety?
When you heard the front door open, and a hand over your mouth, jerking your head to the side so violently you could almost hear your own neck snap, you looked back to see that grin, "Let him see..."
Your fate was sealed by then, or at least, you thought so. There was no forgiving this.
He was in tatters after the fact.
After all but leaving you behind, he finds himself in some random, dirty back-alley, curled up and hiding his face in his arms, sobbing pathetically, biting his arms so hard, so violently hard, that blood dropped from the self inflicted wounds.
He lay in the alley, rain pouring down on him, making the hot blood from his wound feel so, so cold, a cold seeping into his bones, into his veins, into his heart.
And he asks himself a question.
Why someone else? Was he not good enough?
Was it just the thrill? As the saying goes, a thief isn't a person who steals, it's someone who thinks everyone steals, was it just that they figured it wasn't wrong?
His heart ached- it pushed icy cold blood through his heart, and he closed his eyes, sighing softly...
He had to ask, even if he was already regretting it.
While he knew to steel his heart...
He wasn't going to let go without having some closure- an explanation... A reason.
Even if the reason is cruel, or harsh, or flat out pathetic.
Knocking on the door to the, formerly, shared apartment, he hesitated. And, for a few long moments, nothing happened. He didnt want to knock again, but ... Moments became minutes. He had been standing there, waiting, too long.
He knocked again. He waits. He waits.
He waits.
There's no answer.
Dread fills his stomach- there's nothing. It's early evening, you didn't work right now, and he had been here long enough, hours even, that you would've come home...
Maybe... You went to a friends?
He reached into his pocket... The key.
Would it really be so bad to walk in again?
He figured... Fuck it. He's done worse. If he hears the disgusting slapping of another man's skin against yours, he'll probably puke until even his intestines came out his throat, but it's not like he was going to hurt you.
He... Even if he was angry, and honestly, even if hated you in this moment, he loved you once. He can't find himself to harm someone he loved even once, even if it was for a brief time.
And if he, or any other person really, was there, it was enough of an answer for him.
He slipped the key into the keyhole- somehow, the familiarity with this irritatingly touchy lock was painful. He remembered coming home, struggling with it, only for you to open the door, the smell of a hot meal in the air, and you were was perfect as ever. Had he struggled with it a moment longer, he likely would've had a fit, and broken the door down, resolving to pay for the damages later.
The door creaked weakly- How... familiar. He had always wanted to get that fixed, since the creak wasn't fixed by a few drops of oil to the hinges, but in the end, he would always forget. It became a comfort, after awhile, he could always hear when you got home and run to the door like an overexcited puppy...
Those days were gone.
He would accept that later, probably while having a temper tantrum in a house he bought out, breaking walls and drinking firewater... Or maybe he's just sit with his head on his mother's shoulder and sob, Teucer and Tonia and Anthony all hugging him, telling him it's okay, and letting him get all his tears out then.
He'd figure that out when the time came, but as the door opened, it was slammed shut unceremoniously, and he hit the door with the side of his fist, "Hey!"
"Don't! I-I did everything!"
Everything? Wait, why were you so scared?
"Let me in!"
"No! You can't do this to me anymore, he left to Snezhnaya already!"
... Was this... a ploy of some sort? Snezhnaya, either you were talking about him, unaware that 'he' was at the door, or the man you slept with, either way, it was overwhelmingly suspicious no matter the income.
Thoughts darted through his head, looking side to side, and turning the handle- If he wanted, he probably could bash in, but right now he just wanted to make sure you couldn't lock it yet. He wasn't ready to lock everything up and to leave.
"I'm not in Snezhnaya!" He shouted, and as he pushed against the door with his shoulder, there wasn't as much fight as you pushed back, it creaking open... he could see slightly into the home- Dark. Extremely dark.
He thought he hated you right now, but the way you said his name still made his heartstrings ring with vibrato, louder and louder in his chest, but just as quickly his mind grabbed them tight in a fist, reminding him that it didn't matter.
That this was the end, no matter what happened... right?
"Yes," he said, no longer pushing against the door, "It's me. What the fuck is going on?"
Usually, he at least tried to not be completely foul-mouthed, but bad habits died hard, and right now, he couldn't care about something that... stupid.
But your silence was giving him too much time to think, and he gently pushed on the door, only for you to push back.
"Why are you here?" You asked- And to Childe, you sounded terrifyingly afraid.
"I want answers-" You began pushing the door, hard, "-I don't want to hurt you. I only want to talk." Less pushing. But, in the end, still a stalemate.
And a silence to follow.
Weakly, Childe let go of the door, but he kept his boot in the crack, even if you slammed it, it wouldn't shut. He just wanted to talk- Especially now with how...
With how afraid you were. Of him? Of Ajax, or another man?
He really just didn't know.
"I don't have any answers for you."
"You do," he said, "And even if they're cruel or sad or... anything, I won't do anything. I'll leave, and I'll never bother you again."
"If the door wasn't in the way," he smiled, but it was weak... pathetic, really, "I'd give you a pinky-promise."
You didn't laugh, and his smile fell. Tears wanted to fall too, but he wouldn't let himself.
"What do you want?" You asked.
"Why... why did you cheat on me?" He asked, and the silence was deafening...
Suddenly, the force against the door disappeared, entirely and wholly, and it slowly opened...
It was dark, and there was broken furniture, glass shattered on the ground, dried splattered blood. The couch had tears in it, looking like someone dug their nails in as far as possible and tried ripping it apart. Despite how damaged it was, you sat down on it, staring at nothing with wide, shocked eyes.
He walked over... and from instinct alone, he sat down next to you- Where he's always sit, usually one of you would half lie on the other, looking at your own things. Maybe Childe was looking over some mission reports or some book about ancient warfare methods...
But those times passed, hadn't they?
"What," he said, "Happened?"
And then it all came flooding out.
It was originally just a threat. A quite direct threat, trapped in an alley, they didn't leave marks, but they threatened you... and took some... private pictures, while you fought and cried. They said they'd tell Childe, or bait him with said pictures, to find out what had happened to you-
And if you straight up told, they'd kill you.
From there, it went downhill. Apparently it was some sort of organization who hid underneath the normal world, and had a deep hatred for the Fatui, wanting to get to Childe through You.
Eventually, one came, and...
Made demands.
Your precious little Harbinger will die, you know, but I can convince them to give him a few more months...
And you gave in, and that's when Ajax finally caught wind of...
Sobbing through your words, Childe grabbed you, a moment of fear before hugging you tight.
You then explained that he had left, and the man who... 'slept' with you was killed for causing this, and the entire apartment was ripped apart to little pieces, they all looking for anything they can.
And they had started coming more and more, looking for any trace of him.
In shock, you realized what was happening- He had fallen right into their trap-
"You- You need to leave, they'll- They'll kill you!"
Smiled. A small, sad smile... and he sighed softly.
"Blossom," he said, sweetly, "I think... You underestimate me. You do know who I am, right?"
You blinked, tears falling down your cheeks, but Childe simply wiped away the tears, you glancing at the little spots of dampness from his tears...
"I... do..." You said, unsure.
"I'd love to see them try. And... I'd trust you over some random idiot. Even if I did follow, do you think, what, how many do you think there were? Hundred? Thousand?"
You just... stared.
"Even if there was a million," he said, "I'd kill them all. It'd be so fun... N-not that you'd get that," he consoled, quickly.
That was true- many insisted Childe was a sociopath... but he really was just...
He was one person, one who loved chaos and loved to love. He was not two people, one who loved to kill, and then another person that would love. Sure, it was odd, and admittedly jarring at times...
But in the end, he was the same person. He was Ajax.
"How about I deal with them," you opened your mouth to retort, "Ah, ah, no... I think..."
There was a moment.
"No matter what they did, there's something wrong between us. Why didn't you trust me enough to tell me?"
And there it was-
You didn't trust him. At least he was certain of it.
"I-I was scared." You defended, weakly.
"You're supposed to trust people when you're afraid. Not the person you're afraid of, but the people you want to protect, right?"
You didn't look at him, but he wasn't having any of that, and he tilted your head up a little bit, but your eyes still looked away from him.
"We can deal with that later. I want you to get therapy, and... maybe we can get some counselling... Let's find an outfit you can go out with, rent a nice hotel room, get you some certified Fatui guards, and I'll fix this, okay? We can talk later."
You grabbed his wrist, and looked up at him.
"I don't- I don't want to be without you."
He shook his head.
"Trust me," he said, "And I'll be back before you know it."
"... I do. I trust you."
The night was painful.
'He' left, under the threat of Diluc grabbing him by his hair and bashing his head into a wall until either the wall was destroyed or he had no head left to crush.
And the two of you lie in bed side-by-side, staring up at the ceiling, not even the light of the moon breaking past the clouds to shine over you... Leaving you two in complete darkness.
Your hands trembled... You felt... horrible.
But, in the end, it was your choice. Even if the other choice was little more than 'take a blade to the throat' and Diluc would be considered the main suspect, compared to a man who didn't even touch wine, but didn't have anything against it either, who simply would force his way through on a quiet night, long since all the maids and workers had retired to their homes...
Leaving just you...
"Diluc." You said, softly, "Are you awake?"
You knew he was, but that wasn't why you were asking.
"I am."
That meant he was willing to talk, and he sighed softly, but he did not even close his eyes, too tired to even try.
What was there to say?
"I'm sorry."
Finally, since Diluc had caught you in the act, he turned and looked at you, but with the absence of light, you could only see the faintest of silhouettes, darkness against darkness...
You were glad you couldn't see his expression, but also desperately longed to, just to find out the slightest bit of information that was running through his mind...
"I don't want your apologies." As cruel as it was, his voice was soft- And instead, he was asking for something.
He was asking you why, but too afraid to actually ask.
"He..." You hesitated, "You... He came, when everyone else was gone."
You wanted to reach for him, for his gentle touch, but as you touched him gently, he grabbed your hand and gently pushed it back, no anger, but pure pain.
"And... he gave me a choice," you said, moving a hand to cover your eyes- not that you could see even without your hands blinding you, but you just wanted to pretend that, if your hand covered your eyes, you may suddenly not cry.
"He'd kill me and frame you," you said, taking a deep breath to keep yourself together, "Or... he'd..."
"Rape you." Diluc finished.
"... I- I chose to let him, though."
"That's not a choice. I... Don't say it's a choice. It's never a choice when you're scared."
The bed creaked lightly, the weight of the bed shifting, and then a stillness... A cloud gently rolling away from the moon, giving the slightest illumination to Diluc's silhouette, but you could only tell he had moved to his side before-
He grabbed you, gathering you up in his arms and holding you close, silently giving you permission to hide your face in his chest, and to hide from the world in his arms, only letting go long enough to grab the blanket and pull it higher, over both of your heads, to hide together.
"He's already in the Knight's custody," Diluc said, "It doesn't make it hurt less... But he won't hurt anyone anymore." He promised, softly.
"He... is...?"
"He had weapons."
That's all that mattered, the Knights probably would have apprehended him anyway.
You, gently, began to weep, letting all the pain and sickness inside come out in your sobs and tears, and all he did was hold you close.
"This," Diluc said, softly, "Will never happen again.
"I promise."
As soon as he walked in- things were off. Wrong.
Most notably, the clothes thrown about seemed to have tears in some of them, and gathered mostly at the doorway to the bedroom, and he wasn't an idiot- Whenever a few of the younger, friskier knights would try to have a little fun, they were never as quiet as they thought they were.
And when someone wasn't even trying?
That made it a lot clearer.
He stood in the doorway, hearing huffing that almost sounded like a goat trying to scream through thirteen layers of fabric, and he cleared his throat, hearing a breath of shock-
"Hey buddy," he said, ignoring you entirely, "Let's talk..."
And 'talk' they did, Kaeya watching as the man had gotten dressed, shamefully, in his home. He noted how there were rips in the front of his shirt, and he was sporting a poorly scabbed over, but considerably shallow gash on the side of his stomach. Resting his hand on the man's opposite shoulder, he ignored your shouts as the both of them walked out...
The man seemed odd- not afraid, inherently, but his eyes darted around oddly, looking at Kaeya, but never at his eye, at any other part of him- His hands, his legs, his torso, like he was sizing up his prey...
A red flag. He wondered what you were doing with him, and while his blood boiled with anger, he resolved to...
Think before he acted. Just this once.
Apparently 'you' had seduced him, and he didn't know that you were Captain Kaeya's lover.
( Impossible, Kaeya thought, All of Mondstadt knows about us. From Old Mondstadt to Springvale to the torn realm between the Abyss and Teyvat, they all knew. )
As soon as he voiced this, and despite what you, or he, had done... He still spoke with all the love in the world, keeping an eye on him, even as he sounded so whimsical and lost in love and adoration-
A blade shot out, and Kaeya grabbed it, just before it hit his own throat. He couldn't help but smile and chuckle, before twisting the man's arm, a disgusting crunch and shattering of bone in flesh, and a scream of pain.
The next few hours were simple- Getting him brought in, some... specialized interrogation, and he spoke his name.
A few matchups to former reports...
A record of sexual assaults and batteries towards men and women, with no consistency of who he targeted...
And Kaeya's heart shattered, but he dare not let it show. Besides, even as his heart burned and ached and screamed, he froze it still, and got to work.
Reports, matching identification, getting victims to confirm his identity, as heartwrenching as it was, night turned to dawn over all his work, and Jean had come in. Kaeya...
... Admittedly, he broke a little. He told her- He found you in bed with the man, and he was terrified of what happened. Not like they wouldn't find out, it was going to get reported that he did something again, so he can serve proper punishment...
And then Jean snapped at him, telling him to go home immediately. Maybe she was on edge, or just overly empathetic, feeling the pain his heart was too frosty to feel for the time being.
Weary, he walked home, and his heart thawed again- He realized his fear, his pain, his distress...
He just left you to deal with all of this, didn't he?
By the time he got home... Nothing had really changed, other than a few more lights on across the house, and he walked through, glancing into the bedroom-
No sheets, blankets, or pillows on the bed, all of which thrown into a corner. Honestly, he was going to burn them, or cut them to shreds. Sure, he wasn't a fan of wasting nice sheets, but it was worth it to not have the memory haunt him in his sleep.
But that still made him wonder where... you were. His eyes trailed to the slightly askew bathroom door, and he walked over, "Hey," he alerted, to no response, and pushed the door open, looking in-
You were undressed in the bathtub, sitting curled up, knees to your chest and arms wrapped around them, and the... ahem, the mark of that son of a bitch's pleasure had leaked from you, and trailed to the drain. But there was no evidence of a bath, you were dry minus from the filthy sweat of sex- it was gross, honestly, less gross if it was Kaeya who caused it, but traumatizingly disgusting knowing it was someone else.
And since it was from someone who...
He walked over, and turned the faucet, letting the water begin to pour, pulling off his glove and letting the water pour over it- he saw you squirm slightly as the cold water splashed onto your feet. He didn't like how distressed and dazed you looked, but he was glad that you weren't entirely unresponsive.
The water was now warm, bordering hot, and he plugged the drain, letting it begin filling. Kaeya took the liberty of taking off his other glove, both discarded for the time being (neatly, away from everything else. There was plenty of clothes he was going to burn and destroy after this. Maybe it wasn't the healthiest coping mechanism, but it wasn't the worst.)
He scanned over you... You weren't really reacting, as the water had only just reached your ankles. Just sitting there, but at least you had rested your head on your knees. Maybe you were tired?
He opted to reach for the soap, lathering it in his palms before beginning to clean you, even as you looked at him in confusion-
"I know what happened," he said, "I know who that was, he's in holding, probably on Death's Row at this rate..." He sighed, "Let me help you, love..."
You looked at him for a moment, but then moved back down...
And as his hands moved, working only with the purpose to clean and to purify what he saw as once-holy, once-pure, of the filth of pain, you untangled from yourself, legs first just bent, then stretched forwards, arms covering your chest, then to your sides and it got to the point where you were near-lying, and he was holding you, heedless of how wet he was getting, too.
Kaeya reached down, holding you closer, letting you rest against him, and his hand resting on your hole, delicate, reddened and sore from the abuse and trauma, and you gave him a broken look...
"Let me clean you up," he said, softly, "You've suffered enough. I won't do anything big."
And he did, pressing a few kisses to your face whenever he noticed your discomfort- you'd be in a lot more discomfort if he didn't do something now.
The worst mark of your trauma- at least physical- cleaned up, he gently pushed you to sit up, and drained the water. He waited just long enough that the towel wouldn't get immediately soaked at the tips from dipping into the tub, and dried your hair, your shoulders, and when the tub was mostly empty, he dried your stomach, your legs, your groin, until you were majorly dry... maybe a little damp, but good enough.
"Are you okay to be alone for a minute?" He asked, softly, and you nodded. He pressed a kiss to your forehead, and rushed off. Ruffling of cloth and rushed, near-running footsteps, and he was back, helping you get out of the tub, letting you lean on him as you got dressed just enough to sleep- he wasn't ready for anything except sleep at this rate, already leading you to the bed, with freshly changed sheets...
You rested your head on his shoulder, "No," you whined, softly, "Nono..."
He looked at the bed...
"Okay... Just stick with me, okay?"
He walked you to the bed, but he didn't get in with you, instead rucking the covers and pulling out a blanket, and then immediately leaving this cursed room-
All clothes left across the house were long since cleaned up and thrown out, he knew you wouldn't want to see them. walking to the sofa, he laid you down on it, but as he tried to retreat-
"Don't," you said, "Don't leave me."
He couldn't help but smile, "Tsk... You think I'd leave this soon?" He asked... It was definitely his fault, in a way, but also not. He did leave, but it was probably better for you and Mondstadt to be rid of that filth.
Your frown, and glazed over eyes that nearly began to sob was clear of that.
"I want to get undressed," he said, genuinely, "Then we can both squeeze on and sleep."
Tossing his clothes at the foot of the sofa, he got just enough off that he wasn't going to hate himself by the time he woke up, and pressing your back to the sofa, he cuddled close, tucking you both in with the blanket...
"I'm sorry," Kaeya said, "You don't deserve this."
No response.
He almost wanted to apologize more, but as he looked down at you, nuzzled so close to him...
Already asleep.
He pressed a sweet kiss onto the top of your head.
"See you tomorrow... we'll talk about this then."
After all, you had enough pain for one day...
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