jae-bummer · 1 year
Give Me That Chance
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Request: Good morning! If requests are still open, can I get #17 with Jackson Wang please? Thank you for all your writing efforts and allowing us to submit ideas. ♥️
17) Your friend (who is already dating one of the members) sets you up with your bias.
Pairing: Got7 Jackson x Reader
Genre: Fluff
"Try on the pants, Y/N," your friend, Cass, hissed from across the clothing rack.
"I don't even like pants," you muttered, flipping quickly through the bell bottoms she had been trying to talk you into.
"Fine," she sighed. "What about this top?"
She held up something much smaller and slinkier than you would normally wear, causing you to make a face.
"Why not try something new?" she beckoned. "It's much more fun than what your brain is telling you it is."
"How would you know that?" you hummed. "My brain is very convincing."
Cass paused with a huff to check her phone. Looking back up at you, she lifted a brow. "You have approximately ten minutes to find something and try it on."
"Why ten minutes?" you asked, looking up in confusion. If you remembered correctly, you had both cleared your calendars for the day to spend some time together.
"Yugy-" she started, but you immediately scoffed.
"You're really bailing on me for Yugyeom?" you sighed. While a small ember of anger sat heavily in your gut, you understood on some level. With his unconventional job and complicated schedules, Cass had to take what time she could. It still didn't make the burn sting any less.
"Not bailing," she said, tilting her head. "You are more than welcome to join us-"
"No thank you," you nodded. If you had to awkwardly stand by while they swapped spit again, you would simply vomit on both of them.
"You're not going to be a third wheel if that's what you're thinking."
Of course that was what you were thinking.
You lifted a hand. "I'll stop you there."
"Oh come oooon," she groaned, following you as you walked away from the pants you hadn't wanted anyway. "If you just gave him a chance."
"He has one volume, Cass," you said, spinning around. "And it's loud."
"You've just never been around him in a nice, calm setting," she coaxed.
"Because you've only ever invited me to parties he's hosted," you said with an eye roll. "Why is he hosting so many parties anyway?"
She shrugged.
"I know he means well," you nodded. "He's just...a lot."
"Maybe you could use a lot," she sighed. "Haven't you ever thought of pushing your own boundaries? Having someone who could be a safe place for you AND provide encouragement when you were presented with opportunities that you weren't necessarily comfortable with?"
You blinked at her, trying to formulate a response. She wasn't totally off base, and you couldn't help but be annoyed by it.
Wiggling her brows, she lifted up the top you had hoped she abandoned. "Be a little reckless, Y/N."
Groaning, you snatched the garment from her. "Fine."
You pulled helplessly at the crisscrossing straps of the shirt you were wearing. It was complicated and took you at least ten minutes to figure out how to wear (based solely on trial and error). Now that you were in it, you couldn't lie to yourself. It was hot.
"Cass?" you called from the dressing room. "Do you want to see?"
After waiting for a few seconds in silence, you gripped the curtain door and slid it open.
"Well, damn," a voice that you weren't expecting growled.
Your eyes grew wide as you stared at someone you hadn't expected to see so soon. Jackson.
Squeaking, you stepped backward and yanked the curtain closed.
"Good to see you too," he chuckled.
You remained still, wrapping your arms around yourself protectively. Where was Cass?
"If it's not too much of an intrusion," Jackson chimed, pulling at the curtain. You looked up, scandalized, but quickly calmed as you saw he had a hand covering his eyes. "I would really like to stare at you a little longer in that."
You closed your eyes and scoffed. He was impossible, but you appreciated the ask for consent. Letting out a calming exhale, you opened your eyes again and dropped your arms.
Peeking through a gap he made in his fingers, he let out a low whistle. "Y/N, I didn't realize you could even look like that."
"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" you snapped, mildly offended but not entirely sure for what reason.
"I didn't mean it negatively!" he laughed, putting his hands up between the two of you. "I've just never seen you dressed in anything like this before."
"Jackson," you groaned, pinching the bridge of your nose. "Why are you here and what have you done with Cass?"
"Cass invited me here," he grinned. "She said you wanted to shop, but she had a dinner thing planned with Yugyeom."
"If my vote matters at all," he hummed, still unable to take his eyes off of you. "We should invest in that top."
Not long after you had closed the "door" of the dressing room, Jackson appeared at least another five times, announcing his presence with a "psst." Throwing clothes at you with each visit, it wasn't long before you were convinced you had modeled every piece of clothing the store had to offer.
Including the pants you had wanted nothing to do with.
After every outfit change and minutes of prolonged complaining, Jackson was generous with his compliments. When he didn't particularly like a style, he made sure to praise your own appearance and make sure you didn't feel like your body was the issue.
It was honestly one of the sweetest and most fun experiences you had ever had.
Once it was all over, he had even pulled his wallet out to pay. After a heated whisper-shout conversation at the counter, he eventually gave in only when you said you would get ice cream with him afterwards (and allow for him to treat of course).
You begrudgingly held the shopping bag at your side and held an ice cream cone in your opposite hand.
"This is so fun," Jackson smiled, walking happily beside you. It was difficult to be grumpy with someone so positive fluttering around you, but you were still a little irritated with the ambush.
"Mmm," you grumbled, licking the ice cream before it started to dribble down your hand.
"What flavor did you get?" he asked. Before you could answer, he took a bite out of the top of your scoop.
"Jacks!" you gasped, trying to decide if his action was gross or amusing. You guessed it depended on his oral hygiene.
"Mm chocolate chip cookie dough," he nodded. "Solid choice."
You let out a surprised, but small chuckle.
"Want some?" he asked, tilting his own ice cream your way.
"I'm good," you smirked, shaking your head.
"Suit yourself," he sighed, taking another long lick. "It's cream cheese and it's delicious."
Against your better judgement, you found yourself staring a little too hard at Jackson's actions. Sure, you had always taken him as Yugyeom's annoying friend, but you couldn't deny just how attractive he was. His focus in the direction of his ice cream cone only amplified that.
Get yourself together, Y/N.
Finally shaking the embarrassingly sexy cobwebs from your mind, you looked up to find Jackson watching you, a mischievous glint in his eye.
"What?" you croaked.
"You sure you don't want a taste?" he prodded, a slow smile spreading across his lips.
You weren't entirely certain if he was still talking about the ice cream or not.
"No thank you," you tried to say calmly, but felt your voice crack on the words.
Chuckling to himself, he motioned toward the opposite end of the food court. "Do you see them?"
Narrowing your eyes, you tried to pay attention to the couple he pointed out. They were a little older than you, both staring at each other lovingly over a romantic meal of Subway.
"I do."
"What do you think their story is?"
You shook your head and looked at Jackson again. "What do you mean?"
"Are you telling me you've never made-up backstories for complete strangers before?" he asked, lifting his brows.
"I-well, not-" you stuttered. You supposed you had, but it had never been pointed out so plainly before.
"There are so many joys in this life you have yet to experience," Jackson clucked, taking your mumbling as a "no." "I'm glad we're on this date so I can show you."
"This isn't a date," you said, rushing the words out.
Patting your knee with his free hand, he looked at you knowingly.
Shit, this was kind of a date now, wasn't it?
"Now, back to business," he insisted. "Tell me what you think about the guy."
Letting out a sigh, you decided to play his game. "I dunno. Clean cut, good looking, probably makes okay money."
"Now that we've established that you do have eyes and can see out of them," he laughed. "Tell me what you think about him, Y/N. What does he do in his spare time? Do you think that's his only girlfriend?"
"I'm sorry, what?" you gasped. "Why wouldn't it be?"
"While I'm a monogamous creature myself," he hummed. "Most guys around our age are not."
You furrowed your brow, trying to see across the food court to get a better look at the guy. "You know, he does kind of look like a dick."
"My thoughts exactly," he laughed. "I bet he works in Sales at his company. He thinks he's the hot shot. This girl works at the office with him and he finally sweet talked her into casually hanging out this weekend."
Jackson grinned from ear to ear before turning toward you. In the course of your conversation, you had both finished your food. "Now here's a question."
You crossed your arms, fixing him with a stare. Trying not to smile, you nodded your head, waiting to hear more commentary.
"What would people say if they were giving us a backstory?"
Your heart fluttered at the question. Opening your mouth to rush out something sarcastic, you paused. The way he looked at you was so open. You knew you had snubbed him so many times before, did he really deserve your attitude now?
"You first," you said quietly.
"Well," he started, making a show of assessing you, then himself. "I see a guy who has liked someone since the moment he met them."
Your mouth popped into an "o" shape of surprise. You knew Jackson harbored what you assumed was a schoolyard crush on you, but you had never considered taking him seriously. How could you when he was the definition of unseriousness?
He watched your reaction, his own expression unreadable. "And that someone is giving themselves every reason they can think of not to like him back."
You took a deep breath and exhaled slowly. He wasn't wrong.
"Good assessment," you cringed.
During all of this talking, you weren't sure when your annoyance morphed into enjoyment. You instantly acknowledged Jackson being the cause for that change.
"So why is that?" he asked, tilting his head. "What's there not to like?"
"Do you really want the answer to that?" you teased.
"Okay, maybe not," he laughed. "I know when I'm pressing my luck and I don't really want hurt feelings today."
"Jacks," you sighed, shaking your head. A mental switch had flipped. "I guess I've never really given you a chance, have I?"
"Not even a tiny one," he smiled. He was so good natured; you weren't sure why he would even continue to try with you.
"What if..." you said slowly, trying to find your courage. "What if maybe I gave you a chance?"
He lifted his brows. It was your time to surprise him.
"A chance?" he said quietly. "Really? Outside of playing dress up? Outside of you watching me sensually lick-"
"Jackson!" you laughed, putting your hand on his knee to stop him. "This chance is fading quickly."
Jackson glanced down at where you touched him. Just as you were about to pull away, he set his hand atop of yours and interlaced your fingers. "Okay, okay."
His smiled was the biggest you had ever seen, especially considering you had witnessed him happily drunk on many occasions.
"Give me that chance."
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prettywordsyouleft · 1 year
Pairing: Jackson Wang x female reader
Genre: fluff
Warnings: mildly suggestive
Word count: 207
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Jackson stared at the cold blob that had landed precariously on the tip of his nose until he almost went cross-eyed. He blinked, and once more, just to be sure.
And then he turned his gaze towards his wife. “What was that for?”
“Hmm?” you hummed unconvincingly, your grin betraying any attempt at innocence.
“This,” he said, scooping the cream from his face and onto the tip of his index finger. Before he could further comment on how the condiment had made it onto his face from the bowl you had been whipping it in, your lush mouth wrapped around his digit and sucked it off with a pop.
He felt that quick caress everywhere.
“What? I don’t see anything,” you replied matter-of-fact, making a big show of looking him all over for the proclaimed cream.
Quick as he could, Jackson reached into the bowl and smeared a blob of cream over your left cheek.
“That is for the cake!” you cried, and much as you had done previously, Jackson leaned in and took a long lick of your cheek, ensuring the colour of your skin was as flushed as his own body felt.
You gasped, and he grinned, wondering where else the cream could end up.
All rights reserved © prettywordsyouleft
[GOT7 Masterlist] | [Main Masterlist]
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okskz · 8 months
Break pt.2
elsy + chan
things aren’t looking good between the two and they only get worse from there.
first post of the year! hope you guys enjoy, and please feel free to leave some feedback because it is always appreciated. still not sure how long this series will be. also, requests are OPEN!
[8th member of got7/soloist]
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it had been a couple of weeks since the argument between chan and elsy. not one of them took the time to fix things, or even check up on each other. elsy felt chan was the one who needed to message first since she felt he was the cause of their argument. which is why she started to get more upset with him for not trying to call or message her. chan didn’t even try to fix things after she stormed off that day.
was this the end?
elsy most definitely didn’t want her relationship with chan to end. she loved him, he was her first real love and relationship and this was just the thing she was scared of the most. and probably the main reason she was ever scared of getting into a relationship. she didn’t want to lose chan again.
but elsy kept telling herself that this was just a rough patch that couples go through. no relationship was perfect, but she definitely thought her’s and chan’s was. maybe things will go back to normal soon, she thought.
now, the girl was sitting on her couch along with jaebeom as the two watched a movie together. elsy had told jaebeom everything between the couple. with jinyoung being away, she couldn’t go to him like she always did.
“he still loves me right?”
jaebeom rolled his eyes as he took a sip of his beer. he had heard the same question over and over again. “elsy, of course he does.” he answered once again. trying to sound more reassuring. “you guys just had a little discourse, it happens to a lot of relationships.”
“it’s just he hasn’t messaged or call-“
“he’s probably just getting his thoughts together. and when he does, he’ll come looking for you.”
“but does it really take more than a couple of days?”
“he seems very busy in group activities, els.”
elsy sighed as she threw her head back against her couch. all she could think about was chan. “maybe he doesn’t know how to balance being in a relationship and his job. the group got busier than ever.” jaebeom said.
and that he was right, which is why elsy felt a little bad for lashing out on chan for doing his work. elsy knew how much chan loved making new music, but she also was getting tired of constantly having to only be in the studio with him to spend time with him.
his words still replayed in elsy’s head. the girl still felt some type of way with chan’s words. the last thing she wanted was to feel like she was a distraction to chan or going in between him and his work. but hearing it come from chan himself made her think it was becoming true.
it also felt like a slap in the face when he mentioned that he was actually doing something with music unlike her. especially when chan knew the reason why she took a pause in making music.
elsy let out a sigh and jaebeom turned his attention to her. “it’ll be okay, els.” he reassured her again. “he’ll come around.”
“I hope you’re right.”
“when am I ever wrong?” jaebeom let out a chuckle, trying to lighten up the mood. as he took another sip of his beer, elsy snorted and pushed the beer bottle more up, causing the beverage to spill out and go onto jaebeom’s shirt. “oops!”
“damnit, jiyeon!” jaebeom groaned. “now my shirt is ruined.”
elsy continued to laugh. “sorry about that, if you want, you can put it in the washer and then dryer.”
that he did. jaebeom was quick to stand up and take his shirt off to put it in elsy’s washer. and as he was doing that, elsy heard her bell ring and quickly stood up to open her door.
she tugged down her oversized tee, “bang chan?”
“hi, els.” he bit the inside of his lip. “may I come in-“
“who’s here jiyeon?” jaebeom said as he entered back into the living room. the door was open wide enough for chan to see jaebeom behind elsy. his eyes wandered to jaebeom being shirtless and the oversized tee elsy had on.
“it’s bang chan.” she answered. “yes, you can come in.”
chan was a bit hesitant but did either way. jaebeom greeted chan with a smile but only chan greeted jaebeom with a half smile. elsy already knew something was bothering chan.
“I’ll leave you two alone.” jaebeom said as he walked away, going into elsy’s spare room.
“if I’d had known you had company I wouldn’t have stopped by.”
“well, you haven’t messaged me so of course you wouldn’t have known.” elsy said. there was a bit of annoyance in the tone of her voice, and chan quickly noticed it.
“you haven’t either.” chan replied.
“sorry, didn’t want to be more of a distraction to you.” elsy said blankly. “you know, since you have work to do and I don’t.” she repeated the words chan said towards her.
“lee jiyeon, you know that’s not what I meant!” elsy flinched from his sudden outburst.
“you still said it though, bang chan!” elsy yelled back. “so obviously it had to have meant something!”
“no, elsy. no, not at all!” chan exclaimed. “I just meant it as in I didn’t need any distractions at that moment- because I needed to finish-“
“so I am a distraction to you.” elsy snapped. “I just wanted one day! one day for us to actually be a couple and do other things, all we do is sit around in the studio as you work and I’m just there. bang chan, that’s not a date, that’s not anything! I don’t want to always do that, I just wanted for us to go back to how we did things, us going out!”
“elsy, I just can’t do those things at the moment, my schedule has been all over the place-“
“when my schedules were busy, I still made time for you. listen, if you’re not here to apologize chan, then I think you should go. because I cannot deal with another argument with you.” elsy felt her eyes getting watery.
but chan got more annoyed. “why are trying to kick me out so quickly?” chan arched an eyebrow. “something going on between you two that you don’t want me to know about?”
elsy was taken back from chan’s words, becoming confused to say the least as she stared at chan. “what?” she snapped. “and what the hell do you mean by that?” the girl was at lost for words.
chan swallowed hard, “you know what I mean.”
“are you implying that I’m cheating on you?! as if I’d ever sleep with jaebeom, chris. he’s my group member-“
“you did it with jinyoung, so it’s a little hard to believe you wouldn’t.”
chan couldn’t stop the words from coming out. elsy let out the biggest gasp ever that even jaebeom could hear. the tension was thick. elsy felt like she had gotten stabbed in the back. what’s worse was that it was chan who made her feel that way. she couldn’t believe chan had the nerve to say that to her.
“fuck you, bang chan.”
elsy’s eyes became more watery and chan’s mood had instantly changed in regret. “el-“
“no, fuck you!” she yelled. “fuck you, fuck you, fuck you!” she continued to say as she pushed chan back, tears falling down her face. chan grabbed elsy’s arms to stop her from pushing his chest. “you out of all people.” she cried. “you know how I got treated and you know what people said about me! only for you to be like the rest of them, and think of me like that. fuck you!”
“get out.” elsy snapped. “get out of my home. I don’t want to see you.” the girl went to open her apartment door, leading chan out.
elsy shook her head, telling chan one last thing before she shut the door on his face.
“we’re done.”
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markie-baby · 4 months
POV: on a date with Markie bae 💕✨️
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sweetkpopmusings · 2 years
mark best friend headcanons <3
a/n: posting this for the lovely anon who requested it ! mark is just such a sweetie pie but also So Real and i adore him !! throwback to when i saw him in dallas and he sang the chorus of "one in a million" to me while mimicking my dance moves :,,,,,,,,-) pics not mine~
content: fluff | wc: 0.8k | warnings: none! | pairing: bestfriend!mark x gn!reader | requests: open
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he is the kind of best friend who is your one-stop shop for all things entertainment and peace
it's very normal for y'all to sit in comfortable silence for HOURS and vibe with each other
he'll look up from his phone to ask "you hungry?"
if you are, he is getting up to bring over your favorite snack or ordering delivery for y'all's favorite takeout place
you'll both also speak up to share a funny video/meme with each other
tbh i see him living for bestie binge watching sessions for movies/shows/videos
like he loves lounging on the couch with you and reacting to the content together and potentially napping
if you fall asleep he WILL take funny photos of you
and then make sure you have a blanket over you or aren't lying down in a position that'll hurt your neck or back
if you like to game, he ABSOLUTELY loves gaming with you
if that's not really your thing, he'd love to have you in the room with him, making conversation with him while he plays
i can so clearly see him having a full-on conversation with you and then just screaming at the screen because he fucked up and then immediately going back to the conversation like nothing happened
and it happens so regularly that you don't even notice it anymore LOL
please call him ultra cute nicknames and pet names
standard is "markie poo" but if the mood is right you can take it to the "floofy snugglebug sweetie pie bubblegum angel face darling" level
he'll tell you to shutup
but he'll giggle and smile while he's saying it
he thinks it is dumb and ridiculous and he loves you so much so he's enjoying it fully !!!
sometimes he'll repeat the over-the-top nicknames to you in a mocking/childish tone
and you'll both get caught in a giggling fit until you're completely nonsensical and crying and out of breath
mark just appreciates that you can be silly with each other like it makes him feel at ease <3
he gives really good hugs
like the kind where he holds you so sweetly and comfortingly that you can let all your stress and worries fall away
if you're anxious, sad, crying, frustrated, etc, his hugs will cure everything
and if you're celebrating something or seeing each other after a long time, he'll squeeze you extra tight because he's so !!!!! happy !!!! with you !!!!
he's seriously so sweet and caring
he's always happy to be a refuge for you, and he's never mad at distracting you from what's getting you down
he'll notice when you're feeling low, and, because he knows you so well, he will immediately pull out whatever jokes, voices, dances, stories, etc that will make you feel better
he will also be able to sense when the kind of comfort you need is having a shoulder to cry on, a listening ear, or a quiet safe space
mark is super receptive when you need to clarify what you need/want too like he's changing it up right away because he wants to be the best version of himself for you because that's the kind of best friend you deserve <333
when he needs comfort, he isn't always the most vocal, but, because you know him so well, you can also sense when he's feeling down, anxious, etc
and he loves that he can lean on you without having to explain himself. he'll open up to you because he wants to, but he takes his time because he's secure in your support
once he's ready to open up, he's always going to you first. he wants to run his thoughts and worries by you because he knows that you'll Get It and he loves you so much for that
honestly the same goes for good things too he just wants you to know everything right away <3
he's so grateful to you !!!!
the type of best friend to show you off
he's hanging out with other friends ??? he's telling them fun stories about you, showing off amazing pictures he took of you, bragging about your recent accomplishments, and overall gloating about how he has the best bestie in the WORLD
loves telling you stupid jokes too omfg this boy probably hits you with puns or dad jokes and has the biggest, cheesiest grin on his face
cue the cute mark giggles <33333
definitely likes to do ridiculous things with you too
like weird tiktok food trends ??? sorry you are legally obligated to try them all with mark in one afternoon because you are his partner in crime !!!
will play any and all (harmless) pranks on you
he's so comfortable with you that he likes to act like a carefree child because you make him feel as though he has no worries
and he LIVES for your laugh/enjoyment like nothing fills his heart quite like seeing you happy
to him, your friendship is home. he feels so at ease with you and wants to make you as comfortable and secure as he possibly can
mark is the best friend who becomes your safe space. he'll keep you happy and entertained, while also being there whenever things get heavy or serious.
he's there for you through it all because you make him feel so grounded and protected just by existing with him <3
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minamoto-misaki · 2 years
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⭒⭒⭒⭒⭒✈ Basics
| Profile | Tattoos and piercing | Discography | Photocards and Albums | Styling through the eras | Background | Dating History | Friends and Personal Staff Members | pets |
⭒⭒⭒⭒⭒✈ Relationship
| With Got7 | With Friends | With JYPE artists | With YG artists | With SM artists | With other idols | Fan Favorite Moments |
⭒⭒⭒⭒⭒✈ Ships
| Inside Got7 | Inside JYPE | Inside YG | Inside SM | With Other Idols | Fan Favorite Ships |
⭒⭒⭒⭒⭒✈ Her Life
| Reactions | Drabbles | Scenarios | Unfortunate Moments |
⭒⭒⭒⭒⭒✈ SNS
| Twitter | Instagram | Fan Videos | Tiktok | Pinterest | Tumblr |
⭒⭒⭒⭒⭒✈ Broadcasts
| Interviews | Fancams | Music videos | Stage performance Videos | Dance practice | YouTube | V-lives |
⭒⭒⭒⭒⭒✈ News
| Announcements | Articles | Scandals |
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Prince BamBam~ Royal!AU
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WARNINGS: Fluff, Some Violence
A/N: heyo i’m back bitches also this is trash im so sorry i may redo this
Prince BamBam is very dashing, elegant, and confident.  
He knew how good looking he was, but he never let it go to his head.  
He takes very good care of himself, always wanting to look his best.
He was very skilled in hand to hand combat, as the King wanted him to learn for “just in case” purposes.
BamBam never thought he would have to use it one day
He seemed to take after the King in more ways than one.  
The King was handsome, his looks and charismatic personality could captivate you; and he knew this.  
The Queen was a marvelous woman, she was fierce, strong, and also very kind; which was unexpected to some.
BamBam was their pride and joy, they wanted the best for him...which is why they invited the royal family of a Princess they thought would be the best for him.  
BamBam was shocked and upset when he found out about this, he didn't even like her, let alone want to marry and rule a kingdom with her.  
He didn't have a love like that for anyone...well, he thought that he didn't.  
You continued to stitch up your dress for your performance at the opera house later that night as your best friend, BamBam, paced back and forth, letting out a frustrated sigh as he ran his hand through his hair, “How could they do this to me? I thought I made it clear to them that I don't want to be with her!”  
BamBam is supposed to be attending the Opera with his parents, the neighboring Princess, and the neighboring King and Queen.  
After he was informed about it, he immediately fled to your home in the Kingdom, needing to vent to someone he could trust.  
“How awful could she be?” you asked, curious about why he seemingly loathed this Princess.
BamBam started telling you about how stuck up and rude she is, how he couldn't stand being near her because she would link her arms with his, she already had it in her mind that BamBam was her future spouse.
You couldn't help but feel slightly jealous. You’ve always tried to suppress your feelings for your friend, I mean he is a prince; but they always come back in moments such as this one. “I just wish they would understand that I do not wish for this, I would rather rule alone.” BamBam sighed, his head falling down.  
You stop what you’re doing and walk over to him, “It’ll all work out Bam, I know it will, I feel it. Just try to enjoy yourself  tonight, okay? I’ll see after the show, behind the building.” He nods and sighs once more, “I should go back, I need to prepare myself for tonight anyway.” You both say your goodbyes and continue with your dress.  
Hours later, as the night fell upon the sky, you paced backstage in the opera house, nervous about your song you were performing, nervous about BamBam hearing you for the first time.  
Alas, your performance stunned everyone in the theatre, especially BamBam. You had found him in the crowd, locking eyes with him as you belted out the love song for the scene in play.
Neither noticed the Queen looking between you two and gesturing for the King to look, they realized that their son was already in love with someone, it was just a matter of getting you two together. But soon that would play out on it’s own
After the show, you had walked outside, behind the opera house where you were supposed to see BamBam. All of a sudden, a man had you pushed up against the wall, a man who wasn’t BamBam.  
“Hello darling, I must say, you are absolutely to die for.” he breathed into your face.  
You tried to push him away, “Leave me alone,” but he was starting to get forceful.  
“I always get what I want, and I want you.”
Before another thing could happen, the man was ripped away from you and a fight had started, the other man apart of it being BamBam.
BamBam was beating this man almost to a pulp, before you knew it, the man was running away.
“Are you okay?” he asked, frantically. You just nodded.
“Bam...You saved me. Who knows what he could’ve done,” you almost whispered in a cracked voice, tears welling up in your eyes. BamBam immediately came up to you and hugged you, pulling back for a second to look at you, his hand caressing your face.  
“Of course...I-...I love you”
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imaginekpopidols · 2 years
[1:15 am] it’s the late 70s, Jaebeom picks you up in his new 1970 Ford pickup, you two are going to see a drive-in movie. you hop in, waving your parents goodbye. he slowly moves his hand over towards your hand and bumps it, you resist the smile that was ready to sprout up anytime. you slip your digits and interlock them with his. you look over at him, unable to resist anymore, you smile brightly at him, and he mirrors it. he pulls into the drive in paying them, you hand him some money, and he shakes his head and shuts the door to the pickup and leaves you to the soft music of Sinatra pouring out of the speakers. he comes back with a big bucket of popcorn, and two pops. you slide over to him, and he rolls his window down, turning off Sinatra. he pulls you closer into him his arm wrapped you and takes a big amount of popcorn and he says jokingly, “Watch this” and he sticks the handful and eats it with no problem, you laugh shaking your head at him. you kiss his nose, and the movie starts to play. he’s the perfect boyfriend you decide in your mind that night, and you couldn’t be more right. 
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tremulousbird · 2 years
wip intro: these i can promise (got7 au fanfic)
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title: these i can promise one sentence summary: a mildly fluffy kidfic with Jaebeom as a saturnine detective, GOT6 as his bratty siblings and BTS being cool af in leather jackets blurb: Lim Jaebeom has made a good life for himself as a detective. He has a great team, a comfortable flat with two cats and nothing much to remember the dark life he left behind ten years ago by. But then, on a snowy day in December, he receives a call. Thrown into the guardianship of a ragtag collection of little brothers, he gets the chance to fight for a future that he had long ago given up on. A future where he is no longer the one who got away, but the one who kept his promises.
Read Here
status & last updated: finishing first draft, 21 July 2022 scenes, snippets & outtakes: coming soon! playlist: coming soon!
//our hero// lim jaebeom (26) police detective, loves cats and glaring at people, a loner but fiercely loyal to his team/family, lots of trust issues
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//the gang of little brothers//
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park jinyoung (15) - eldest, fiercely protective of the younger boys, takes too much responsibility tuan yi en "mark" (14) - quiet and sweet but most likely to fight if the boys get in trouble/danger, twins with Jackson, harbours a dark secret tuan jia er "jackson" (14) - outgoing and a little reckless, helps jinyoung a lot, twins with Mark, struggles with school choi youngjae (11) - gets sick a lot, seems like an angel but is actually very naughty kunpimook bhuwakul "bambam" (9) - mature for his age, the first to accept Jaebeom, loves clothes and pretty things kim yugyeom (7) - the maknae, Jinyoung is his hero, a little spoiled bc everyone dotes on him and doesn't like telling him "no"
//jaebeom's esteemed coworkers (and their families)//
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kim seokjin (38) - the sergeant in charge of Jaebeom's detective unit, impossible to fool, cares a lot about his team min yoongi "suga" (32) - senior detective in Jaebeom's unit and Jaebeom's partner, scary lil dude, tries to be cold but actually cares a lot, says "fuck" all the time jung hoseok (25) - junior detective in Jaebeom's unit, does a lot of youth work and youth outreach, scared of yoongi, partners with Namjoon kim namjoon (25) - maknae of Jaebeom's unit, genius but clumsy af, disowned bc his parents wanted him to become a doctor park jimin (19) - yoongi's orphaned cousin that lives with him, college student that works part-time as a babysitter/tutor, dances really well, very good with kids kim taehyung (14) - seokjin's elder son, super (like super) into skateboarding, has a little too much energy, makes friends easily kim jungkook (7) - seokjin's younger son, shy and struggles a little to make friends, wants to do everything taehyung does //other note-worthy characters// kang sona - jaebeom and his half-brothers' mother hwang munrae - a local loan shark/gang leader
includes spanking and scolding as a form of discipline, although it is not the main focus of the story. child abuse and neglect. discussions of sa and human trafficking (in the past, but it is a major plot point). swearing, threats of violence and violence. murder happens off-screen.
none yet! comment/dm if you want to be added.
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pars-ley · 3 months
Come Alive (part one)
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Pairing: Jackson Wang x female reader Summary: A night out with your friends takes a very unexpected turn when a gorgeous, kindhearted stranger offers to pretend to be your boyfriend to ward off unwanted attention. All you can think about is the prospect of what could be…but for him, it’s not that simple. Genre: Fake dating au / strangers to lovers au / heartbreak / series / angst / fluff / smut Rating: 15 (Nsfw-smut in future chapters) Warnings: Making out / mentions of heartbreak / mentions of cheating (not by main characters) / slight stalking or predatory behaviour from non named, small character. W/C: 3.9k Banner: @nixiecreates creating pure perfection. Beta: @flurrys-creativity for being lovely and helpful as always. Notes: I’m back from abyss of life/work/kids and I'm writing again, if anyone still cares. I’m working on more kpop fanfic and going to try to post as regularly as I can. Please, comment and share, it really helps keep the motivation of writing going, thank you for anyone who reads! This is part one of approx five parts.
Feeling unwelcome eyes on you as you move further into the crowd to escape, gives you a knot in the pit of your stomach that pulls tightly on your insides. You try not to but end up glancing back at the man you're attempting to get away from, only to discover your suspicions are correct, he is watching your retreat with annoyance etched across his brow.
Why do some guys find the word ‘no’ such a hard answer to accept?
It's not like you were rude about it, in fact, you went out of your way to be as nice as possible but clearly, it didn't soften the blow.
You head to the bar, figuring you'll be safe for a while if you can talk to the bar staff, and pull out your phone, staring at the same message of "on our way" in your group chat. That was twenty minutes ago and you were still waiting. 
Your decision to get ready at work and come from there instead of pre drinking with the girls, now looks like a mistake.
Your gaze travels nervously back to the stranger and your stomach drops at seeing him moving slowly towards you through the crowd. For the love of…
“Can I be of any assistance?” A deep male voice sounds to your right, causing your head to snap over to the figure in the neighbouring bar stool. 
You're greeted by a handsome face with perfect features marred with a deep frown, as he nods his head in the persistent strangers direction. “He's making you uncomfortable,” he says matter-of-factly. 
You nod, surprised anyone has even noticed, the dancefloor of the club was very busy. 
“You can say that again.” You respond before ordering another drink. “Is he still heading this way?” You ask, afraid to look for yourself.
You watch the handsome stranger’s face explore the crowd, eyes scanning faces but you know when he's found him by the way darkness sweeps across his features. “He seems to be assessing the situation, just a short distance away.”
You sigh and take a long sip of your drink. “In that case, can you pretend we know each other? Then he might just decide to leave me alone.”
His responding smile is dazzling and has your mouth stretching up in a mirroring grin. 
“Not a problem, just go with me ok?” He says, as he slides your bar stool towards him, so your knees are in between his legs. “If you feel uncomfortable with anything I do, at any point, just say the word and I'll stop.” He says, leaning into your ear. “Now,” he pulls back slightly and tucks your hair behind your ear, in such a gentle manner you barely feel it, “firstly, i'm Jackson.”
His fingers softly trail down the length of your arm sending a shiver down your spine that you find yourself relishing in, rather than shying away from this complete stranger. There's oddly something comforting and wholesome about him.
“Secondly, how do you want to play this?” His hand comes to rest lightly on your thigh and when your eyes go from that to his face, your gaze locks and you can't look away. Focused on his brown eyes and how intense they stare back at you, you note a hint of sadness in them that he's trying to conceal and wonder what's the cause. 
You frown trying to understand the question he's just asked and what he means and when his mouth pulls up in a smile your eyes follow the movement.
“In the instances I've seen, men like this back off faster if they think you're with a boyfriend or love interest?” He watches you carefully, assessing your reaction.
You swallow, his scent swirling around you, like fresh linen with an underline of sweetness, is making it hard to focus, especially when the heat from his hand still on your leg is radiating through your body. 
“Yes,” you clear your throat and shift in your seat, “fine with me.”
“Like I said, at any point you're not comfortable, just say the word and I'll stop, ok?”
You nod, “got it.”
With a wide eyed smile, he takes your hand and entwines his fingers with yours, his thumb rubbing soft circles on your wrist. 
“Thank you,” you say, leaning into him slightly as you settle into your new role. “I'm waiting for my friends but they're late.”
He smiles and pushes the hair off your shoulder as he leans into your ear. “Happy to be of service, there are much worse things than pretending to be a beautiful stranger's boyfriend.”
Your cheeks grow hot at his words and you're thankful that he can't see from his position. 
“And why are you here drinking alone?” You attempt to deflect the focus from yourself, wanting to know more about him but you're aware of how his body stiffens at the question, only briefly, before relaxing again as he leans back away from you slightly. “Ah,” he sighs, “I'm attempting to ease the pain of heartbreak by drinking myself into oblivion.” His eyes avoid yours but you catch the raw emotion in them before they do. 
“I'm so sorry,” you comfortingly squeeze the hand he still holds of yours. “Do you want to talk about it?”
He brings your fingers to his mouth and kisses them, you’re mesmerised by how soft his lips are against your skin, not to mention how tender the action is.
He smiles but it doesn't reach his eyes, doesn't even come close. “Pretty clichéd stuff, I don't want to bore you with it.”
You hook a knuckle under his chin and tilt his head up, until he meets your gaze again. “Try me.”
His face visibly softens, eyebrows knitted together in anguish, he looks torn as unsure whether to share his story or if he should continue acting out your pretence. “I, er, found my girlfriend sleeping with one of my best friends.” He shrugs and shakes his head as if trying to push away the image. “I've now lost two people I cared deeply about and to be honest, I feel kind of baffled right now.”
You sit and watch as he surveys the crowd, clearly trying to distract himself from the pain. Your heart actually hurts for him. Here he was, so hurt and yet still trying to help you out and make your evening better.
“I know it's easy to say but I've been there, it does get easier.” You give him a reassuring smile, “and it may not help much right now, but it sounds to me like they're the ones who have lost something, not you.”
His face softens and his lips twitch up into a slight smile. “I appreciate that.”
Peeling your eyes away from him for the first time since you began your conversation, you take a large sip of your drink and relish the sweetness as it goes down.
Jackson looks over in the direction of the other guy. “He is persistent, isn't he?” It was clearly his turn to change the subject.
Rolling your eyes you shift closer to Jackson. “How do you feel about giving him a bit of a show?” 
His eyebrow arches as he turns his head slowly back in your direction. “What did you have in mind?” 
“Kiss me. I'm sure he'll get the hint then.” 
You see something flash in Jackson's eyes but before you can recognise what it is, it's gone as quick as it appeared. “You sure?”
Feeling yourself smiling shyly, you look up at him through your lashes, “absolutely. Only if you're comfortable with it, of course?”
“Definitely.” He whispers, standing from his stool and nudging your knees apart slightly to get closer. As he towers above you, his hands come up and gently cup either side of your jaw, arching your face up towards him, he leans down but pauses merely inches away, “you never told me your name.” 
His breath tickling your skin only draws you in more. 
“Y/n,” you reply almost breathlessly, as your heart gallops like a horse on a race track, eager to get to the finish line. 
He smiles sweetly. “Nice to meet you, y/n.” 
You take note of his blown out pupils and know, judging by the throbbing from between your legs, yours surely matches his. Your tongue darts out to wet your lips and all you can do is watch as his head tilts slightly and he begins to close the space between you. His unbearably slow manoeuvre is deliberate but you grow impatient to know what his lips feel like against yours and before you register the movement, you’re grabbing his shirt and pulling him against you. 
His soft lips crash against yours and you hear his small, surprised moan as his hand suddenly finds the base of your neck, keeping you in place as he slots himself between your legs.
Behind your closed lids, all you can see is a cloudy red as heat and lust bloom inside you, sending a flush across your skin you've not experienced before. It awakens a hunger inside you that is very unexpected. The noise around you disappears as you're acutely aware of your heart pounding in your ears. The feel of your blood rushing through your veins, making your body throb with excitement, nerves raw with want. It had been a long time since you'd kissed a stranger, and a longer time since you'd let your defences down and given into a base desire. 
His hand entwines with yours before pulling you up on your feet, hearing the screech of the bar stool as it’s pushed away from you before he turns your body to the bar and cages you in, pressing his hard body against you. Your mouth devours him hungrily and when your tongue reaches out tentatively, he welcomes you in.
He tastes sweet and woody with a hint of spice, making you wonder what he was drinking but unable to focus on much apart from the sensual way he’s kissing you, slow, intentional and yet, intensely urgent.
Your mouths dance together, perfectly in sync in their own private serenade, with your hands exploring and finding their way up around his neck, fingers gripped into his hair to keep him close to you. When he moans into your mouth, you almost lose all composure as you break apart to take a breath and take control by spinning and shoving him against the bar. He arches an eyebrow in surprise as you feel his hand snake around your waist, pulling you back against him. His fingers dig into your back keeping you firmly in place, not that you want to move anywhere else at this moment. 
His scent swirls around you, sweeping you up and carrying you away, an absolute hurricane for your senses. Just when it all feels too much and when you're squeezing your thighs together for some semblance of relief, he pulls away, leaving you gasping and full of want.
He pants, breath fanning out over your face as your bodies still remain flush against each other.
The silence between you is so thick you could almost slice it with a blade. Something in your eyes reflects in his, where you both seem to revel in the sudden sexual tension between you. He remains clinging to you and the radiating heat of his body muddles your thoughts and leaves you wanting nothing more than to melt further into his embrace. This feeling between you is nothing like you were used to, passionate beyond belief. How can a stranger have you feeling this way? All you know is his name, and yet, there was something so comforting about him, so familiar.
His thumb strokes along your jaw as his mouth pulls into a smile, the action; so gentle it makes you want to lean into it but you resist.
“Wow.” He finally breaks the silence with a husky whisper.
“Wow.” You repeat, still shocked at your body's reaction to him.
You clear your throat, an attempt to also clear your hazy head and bring yourself back down to earth.
Jackson's gaze flutters begrudgingly away from you. “It worked,” he says, returning his dark eyes to you, holding your neck and studying your face like you were the Mona Lisa. “He's gone.”
If you were honest, you no longer care about the man in question, he is nothing but a tiny speck on your radar, ready to be flicked away, as if he were nothing better than a microscopic bug on a windshield. Jackson, however, is the beautiful sunset view stretched out in front of you.
Your phone vibrating in your jeans pocket makes you jump, snapping you out of whatever trance you'd been in, as you scramble to answer it, recognising one of your friends on the caller id.
“Sorry,” you say to him, as your body suddenly feels cold without him pressed against you.
He smiles but gives you the room you need.
“Hello, Jennie?”
“Babe, I'm so sorry.” You hear over the line, apology evident in her tone.
“Don't worry about it, but where the fuck are you guys?”
There's a pause long enough you have to check you still have reception, you put your finger in your other ear. “Jennie?”
“Didn't you get my messages? We're not coming.”
You pull your phone away from your ear and see you have seven unread messages from her, letting out an audible groan, you return the phone to your ear. “Why? What happened?”
“Rose and Lisa both have that stomach thing that's been going around, they're here at my place…throwing up, Jisoo turned up and fled the scene as soon as she could, not that i blame her.” 
You grimace, that does not sound fun, or like anything you want to be a part of. “Ok,” you sigh, attempting to get your head on straight, “do you need anything?”
“A hazmat suit?” She laughs and you can't help but do the same, even if her night has definitely turned out worse than yours.
You notice Jackson glance at you, hearing a one sided conversation but clearly trying not to listen in.
“Na, I'm good, girl. I'm so sorry about tonight, will you be ok getting home?”
You roll your eyes, “I'm a grown woman, I think I can manage to get a cab by myself.”
You hear an amused breath down the phone. 
“I'll call you tomorrow, ok?” You say. “Let me know if you need me to swing by at all.”
“No, go on without me, save yourself…,” her voice gets quieter as she hangs up, making you giggle. 
“Everything ok?” Jackson asks, genuine concern furrowing his brow.
You sigh, returning to your stool at the bar, “I got stood up.”
He frowns and joins you, taking his seat. “By your friends?” 
You nod, unsure whether you want to go home just yet or get to know Jackson a bit more. “Two of them have got some kind of bug.” 
There’s a moment of pensive silence between you.
“Before I spotted you,” he starts, “I was about to leave, I'd been staring into an empty glass long enough.”
You take note of the sudden sadness in his tone and your heart strings tug in his direction.
“If you're ready to go, we can share a cab, if you like?” He asks, seeming somewhat hesitant, amusing seeing as he had his tongue down your throat only a moment ago.
“Sure, that would be great.” 
You can't help the disappointment you feel settling into the pit of your stomach, clearly not ready to cut the night short with him but, understanding in his current heartbreak state, it may not be the best time. 
He grabs his jacket from the chair, draping it over his arm, then pulls out his phone and books a taxi on his app. “Should be here in seven minutes. Shall we head out?”
Nodding, you take the hand he offers you and let him lead you out through the compact crowd on the dancefloor.
The cold night air hits you, a stark contrast to the heat you felt inside, and you feel foolish for not bringing a jacket, forgetting how cool the night air can be.
A shiver runs through you, as you fold your arms across your chest at an attempt to stave off the chill. Jackson must notice, as something caresses your shoulders and when you look down, his jacket is draped around you.
“No, no, it's ok–” 
“I'm afraid I have to insist,” he cuts you off with a challenging smirk and you relent, pulling the thick material around you.
“Thank you,” you reply quietly, as you both walk slowly to the corner of the next road, away from the main entrance of the club.
“So what do you do in your spare time, aside from playing the part of ‘knight in shining armour’?” You ask, into the sudden awkward silence.
His responding laugh lights up the darkness of the night, coupled with a smile so bright that even the sun must envy him.
“That's not a title I've had before.” He glances at you shyly, a faint blush colouring his cheeks. “You want the run down of me huh?”
You nod encouragingly.
“Ok, well, I have a lot of active hobbies, I go running almost everyday, rock climbing at the weekends, I love basketball and I did fencing as a child so I occasionally dip a toe back into it. Aside from that, I play piano and write music, I can speak four languages, I’m allergic to cats, I really hate spicy food, I have an older brother and I work for a fashion company.”
He shrugs at the end like none of it was the slightest bit impressive as you try to process the information.
“You speak four languages?” You ask, unable to hide the shock.
He nods and smiles bashfully. “I mean, yeah, I guess so.”
“How? One is hard enough but four, you’re just gluten for punishment really.”
He laughs again. “Hey, I didn’t say I didn’t find it hard, I guess I'm just very determined.”
Shaking your head in disbelief, you pause when you come to the corner and perch on the wall of one of the buildings, the cold stone through your jeans causes you to shiver.
“Your turn.” He takes a seat next to you, watching your face, awaiting your response.
You pause, thinking if you had anything as interesting as that to tell him, feeling slightly embarrassed by your dull life. “Well, I'm not as interesting as you but, I too go running a few times a week and I go to yoga class twice a week, that’s all the physical activity I partake in. I work for an animation studio, which is my dream job and I love it there. I also have an older brother, who annoys the hell out of me but he’s my favourite person in the whole world, although I'd die if he ever found that out.” You both laugh and you can’t help but notice the genuine interest twinkling in his eyes as you talk. “I love lazy sundays of sleeping in, reading and ordering take out. Going out for breakfast is my favourite weekend activity and I’m a sucker for a dessert. I'll choose sweet over savoury every day of the week.”
He opens his mouth to speak but the taxi honking his horn as he arrives in front of you, makes you both jump and steals your attention.
Jackson holds the door open for you and you slide in along the leather seats. Inside it smells of perfume, alcohol and take away, you waste no time opening the window on your side as he climbs in next to you. You tell the driver your address as you're the first drop off and your short journey begins.
“That's quite a statement,” Jackson says over the quiet music on the radio, brow heavy with confusion. “Sweet over savoury?”
“There's not a doubt in my mind about it,” you reiterate, “desserts are the queens of meals.” 
“But what about starters?”
You shrug. “I think they're overrated.”
His mouth pops open as he stares at you, the action so comical you can't help but erupt with laughter. 
“Listen, I could take you to a dessert place that would literally change your life, and I can guarantee you'd move over to my way of thinking.”
He raises a brow. “I love your confidence. I just might have to accept that challenge.”
Your stomach flips at the prospect of seeing him again as you try to quell the excitement blooming inside you. “Well, you better get ready to lose.” You poke your tongue out at him and do not fail to notice the way his eyes travel hungrily to the action but before either of you have a chance to act on it, the car pulls to a stop.
“I think this is you,” Jackson says, getting out of the car and rushing around to open your door. You take the hand he holds out to you and let him pull you gently from the cab. When you’re upright you realise then how close your bodies are once again, basking in the heat from his body and definitely no longer needing the jacket. You tilt your head up to him and your eyes connect in a heated, yet hesitant stare. His hands linger at your hips, suddenly unsure where the boundary is.
“Thank you, for tonight,” you say quietly, every movement seeming so loud outside your apartment building. 
“It was my pleasure.” He smirks and the way your core clenches has you releasing a shaky breath. “Thank you, for taking my mind off things tonight. You proved there is enjoyment after heartbreak, I've barely thought about my ex whilst in your company.”
Your mouth turns up in a smile before you can try and stop it. “I'm happy to oblige any time.”
He opens his mouth but closes it again, eyes still focused on yours but glazed with conflict. “I know the timing isn't great, but would you maybe want to have dinner…or dessert sometime?”
You laugh at the conversation in the cab. Your heart swells in your chest and you take a breath to quell your excitement. “If I give you my number, then you can message me when you're ready, how about that?”
He nods, features soft, kind eyes sweeping over your face as he hands you his phone. This man is so intense, you find it hard to focus on anything, even breathing feels like a struggle when his gaze is on you. You type in your number and save it, before handing it back. He leans in and for a second you prepare yourself for another wild, steamy kiss, but instead his lips meet your cheek in a gentle caress, a featherlight touch that has you wanting more but understanding it's not the right time for him.
You smile and walk over to your building, turning to have one last look at him as you pass the threshold and only regretting it with how devastatingly handsome he looks leaning up against the car, watching and waiting for you to get home safely. As he waves and gives you one last smile so sexy you bite your lips as you watch the door close, separating the two of you and ending your surprising night with him.
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mykoreanlove · 1 year
🦋✨🌻🖤 catch my most recent stories here:
princess treatment or leave me the fuck alone - minho 👑 // oopsie daisy 🌼 //🥀🖤🌹
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I wanna know everything, all about you // .starved // Coming back to you // Things that made him run from you // Things that made him run to you
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You're sick // AM hours. // Conversations with love // backseat love. // nightmares // Acts of intimacy // daddy fever // on kinjaz
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Can I see you tonight?
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Comparisons // Insecurities // sweet whispers // christopher. // all the feels // in character // construed // just another day at the dorms // you make me blush // cooking up a storm piece of cake // an honest talk
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// Alternatives // Leave you Loving you Part 1 // Leave You Loving You Part 2 // hardships // 🍊 // serum 💦 // for good // ONS PROBLEMS // you get what you are // just another day at the dorms // not the christmas party you had in mind // bubbles // how to tame a cat // 🥀🖤🌹
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home workouts // Handle you // we can't date // just another day at the dorms // dummy, dummy, I love your tummy
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KEEP ME UP // DOPAMINE. // dating ban // sleepy 💤 (sequel to dating ban) // artist's pov // rotten fruit // wanna bet? //conditional // manifested // deceptive bonds // Unsent, Unheard 💌
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AVOIDANT (short series) // fitting room. // Reassurance 🌹 // Flirting with Yongbok in a club be like // just another day at the dorms // fighting with felix be like // Felix lovin' you through your body dysmorphia // Articulate // bokkie's quest for tears // fake date me please? // oopsie daisy 🌼
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sofa sessions // the extra mile // Marilyn. // brr brr // just another day at the dorms // scarred
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Tsundere ツンデレ // 🏀 Ballin‘
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pushpull // For us
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one of his girls // one of his girls pt.2 - choose your fate // to you, lil' kookie
I don't really write for SHINee but Taemin lieves rent-free in my head
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taemotional support system // long distance // bite me // similarities // don't leave my side no // sleepy no more // LOVING U IS A CRIME // I want to live a different kind of life with you
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BM // gettin to know Taemin // Paris Nights with Taemin // christmas with taemin // taemin as your ex // family time with taemin // cheating on taemin // domestic taemin
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prettywordsyouleft · 2 years
Well Rewarded
Pairing: Park Jinyoung x female reader
Genre: friends to lovers / romance / suggestive / valentine’s day au
Warnings: suggestive content, lingerie, some nudity, basically everything but the smut, lol.
Author’s Note: of course, it’s the first time I write Jinyoung in 8 months, and he demands all this from me. Happy Valentine’s Day. Also friends, the concept of this story is a bit cringe about wanting to celebrate Valentine’s Day, but I don’t believe we all need to buy into the holiday. And if people shame you for not having a Valentine, then they’re the problem. This was just a bit of fun <3
Word count: 2100
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You smiled as you read the note that came attached to the large bouquet of flowers, vaguely paying attention to the gushing from your co-workers.
He had remembered.
“Oh Y/N, you sneaky devil! You have kept tight-lipped about this one!”
“You’ve got explaining to do. Who’s the admirer?”
Your smile grew to Cheshire lengths, but you tried to rein it in. If you looked too giddy, they would insist on too many details. You needed to keep the charm there, bask in the attention the flowers had given you, and then accept that your ruse had worked.
Nothing more.
“Let me check the note out,” your manager Wendy insisted and plucked it out of your grasp. “‘Y/N, I know you don’t like a big fuss, but you’re worth it. Can’t wait to see you tonight, Love J xxx.’ Who’s J?”
“Someone special,” you replied truthfully, closing your eyes and thinking back to the disappointing Valentines you had last year, and how you had sobbed drunkenly on your best friend’s shoulder.
“Everyone got something in the office. Everyone except me. I’m going to have to send myself flowers next year just to make sure they don’t pity me as they did today. There’s nothing wrong with being single! Yet why do I feel so miserable?”
“Don’t worry. I’ll send you flowers.” Jinyoung was running his hand up and down your back rhythmically, trying to soothe your nerves.
“You will?” you asked, looking up at him with doe eyes, your bottom lip wobbling. “You’d do that for me?”
“Sure. You’re the only Valentine I want to have anyway. We’ll make a big deal out of it. If you’re not in a relationship next year, I’ll make this day so special you’ll never cry on it again.”
Another smile brightened your face as you thought over Jinyoung’s offer. You had honestly forgotten all about it until the bouquet had turned up, his tell-tale handwriting on the card making your heart leap. You were going to give him the best night ever. Should you cook for him? You could stop by the grocery store on your way to his, the ritual of Tuesday nights being spent together now growing more exciting as your thoughts progressed. Since he’d done this for you, you wanted to repay him with something delicious. Candlelit dinner for a fun touch. You spent the whole afternoon half-focused on your work tasks, whilst drafting up a dinner and dessert plan that would make your best friend happy.
You were excited by the time work was over and went to rush out of the building. No such luck, however, as your co-workers pulled you aside. “Hot date tonight, huh?”
“Something of the sort.”
“Are you prepared to blow his mind?” You merely stared back at Wendy as her eyebrows danced. She shared a look with the other two ladies and looped their arms through yours. “This is a big deal. You’ve worked at the company for five years and this is the first Valentine’s gift you’ve received. Time to make sure he receives too.”
You should have known with all their giggling you’d end up at a lingerie store two blocks over. You were so stunned that you didn’t even protest as they dragged you inside. And somehow, thirty minutes later, you left with a purchase made and a flush to your cheeks.
I’ll just wear it for myself sometime, you reasoned as you dashed towards the grocery store, loading a basket full of the supplies you had made a list for, trying not to think of how Jinyoung would have reacted to you wearing the set in the bag dangling off your arm. In another world, where you were both lovers and the flowers had meant more than saving face, you could imagine greeting Jinyoung after work in just the lingerie and heels, hungry eyes devouring your curves, your bare skin. It would definitely end with dessert being served up before the main course.
Shaking away the sinful image of your best friend lusting over you physically, you hurried through the rest of your shop before heading to Jinyoung’s place. Years ago, he had gifted you a key to his place, and tonight it would come in handy.
Or it would have if Jinyoung hadn’t beat you home first. “What’s all this?”
“Happy Valentine’s Day, Jinyoung!” you exclaimed delightedly, bustling into his kitchen and dropping your heavy grocery load on the kitchen countertop. “You remembered our pact.”
His curious expression grew smug momentarily as he looked at you. “I told you I would do it.”
“And I owe you one. So, since you have no date for tonight, I figured I’d spoil you.”
“You did, huh?” His attention fell back to the assorted bags, snagging on one in particular.
You followed his focused stare to the lingerie-branded bag, your mouth falling ajar at the sight of it mixed in with the groceries. You had been in such a hurry to get inside before he was home, that you must’ve grabbed it by accident. Shifting forward, you snapped it up off the table with an awkward laugh. “Oops!”
“That’s not for me too?” he teased, though his tone was too husky for it to remain light. “What’s inside?”
“Just something,” you attempted to sound airy as you shoved it under your purse, and tucked your coat overtop. “Nothing important.”
“You bought lingerie today.”
“Well, the flowers got the ladies excited. They dragged me to the store after work. I guess I got caught up in the throes of things.” You smiled widely. “Anyway, how does steak sound? I got a good cut and—”
“What colour is it?” Jinyoung continued, his gaze zeroed in on your coat, as if he was trying to scan through the layers to find it himself. He rocked on his heels and took a decisive step forward.
“Why does it matter?”
“I’m just curious. You’ve never been one to shop on a whim for undergarments.”
You placed a hand on your hip. “That you know of. I happen to own many nice sets. You just haven’t seen any before.”
His eyes darkened and he took another step forward. “Huh. I thought I knew everything about you, best friend.”
“It’s not like I think about the underwear you wear.”
“You already know what brand and size I wear. You bought me some for my birthday,” he replied instantly, fingers grazing your coat, caressing it with a patience that was missing from his tense expression.
Pausing on pulling out the ingredients for the meal, you walked back to his side, threw back your coat and shoved the bag into his hands. He looked at you and then the bag, suddenly unsure. You smirked. “What? You wanted to see what’s inside.”
“Did you think of me when you bought this?” he murmured so low that you weren’t sure he actually uttered the words. Breaking the sticker holding the bag closed, a deep inhale is all you heard as he peered inside. “Blue and white. You were thinking of me.”
“It was pretty,” you managed to say around your suddenly dry mouth, swallowing to try and moisten it.
There had been instances over your friendship where you had imagined this. Christ, you had only forty minutes ago. But you’d always pushed the thoughts aside, cherishing the decades of friendship more than a bout of intimacy. With the way Jinyoung now stood frozen, a fistful of satin locked within his grasp, you wondered if maybe it would be worth it.
“Do you… want to see it on?” you asked, unsure where the confidence came from. He had never made you feel uncomfortable within your body, but it wasn’t like you to just offer a scantily-dressed option of yourself up to anyone.
He isn’t just anyone though, your brain reminded, as you caught his pupil-dilated stare, his hand trembling as he thrust the garments at you. Grabbing them, you nodded once as his jaw tightened, and you strode over to the bathroom, clicking the door shut.
Away from the heady atmosphere, you let out a small laugh. “What the hell am I doing?” you asked yourself as your hands worked down the zipper of your dress, the fabric pooling at your feet. You weren’t prepared for this. You would have waxed; shaved at the very least. But for some reason, that didn’t deter you. The more clothing you pulled off, the more determined you were to have this moment regardless.
Whether or not Jinyoung had been at the forefront of your thoughts when purchasing the lingerie, he was now. You needed him to see you in it. It was a craving unlike any other, and you were excited. After clasping the bra hooks together, you smoothed your hands down your silhouette and turned to look in the mirror. You had subconsciously left your heels on, completing the fantasy you had envisioned in the supermarket before.
Emboldened, you turned and opened the door. Jinyoung was standing with his back to you, though you knew he was aware of your return to the living room. Maybe he was regretting pushing the idea. Your hopes were dashed a little. “Well, it fits nice, so…”
The deflecting words died on your tongue when he turned, raking his gaze over you from head to toe. You were under his spotlight, and instead of nerves rushing through as you expected, the flames in his stare heated your skin with every longing caress.
“When I sent you those flowers, I wasn’t quite expecting such a gift in return,” he hoarsely said, striding towards you until he was close to brushing against you. You gasped as his breath met your exposed skin, his eyes still roaming over you. “I’m not complaining one bit.”
“So, dinner?” you questioned weakly, unable to hide the desire filling your voice. You wanted him. You wanted to see as much bare skin as you were showing him. As if he read your mind, he reached over the back of his head and tugged off his hoodie and tee all at once. You blinked, eyes wandering over his broad chest and shoulders. You had seen this all before, but not under these circumstances, and definitely not with the ability to be allowed to touch. Jinyoung hissed when your palm connected against his overheated skin.
“Dinner?” he echoed, letting out a chuckle. “Darling, the last thing on my mind right now is eating.”
His eyes flashed with sinful recognition of his statement and Jinyoung let out a groan. “Actually, I am hungry for something else.”
“We do this and you know it’s going to make us want it again and again.”
“Oh, I’m aware. I don’t think I’ll be done worshipping what you’ve presented me for weeks to come.”
A smile spread out your lips as you pushed yourself flush against him, angling your face towards his. “Only weeks?”
“I have a confession to make. I forgot about the pact we made last year until you mentioned it before. I just wanted you to know I was thinking about you today and sent the flowers. You’re the only Valentine I ever want.”
“Well then, Valentine,” you started, breath mingling with his, lips barely an inch apart. “You’re all I want too. I guess we should go work up an appetite.”
“And what if I make it so you’re too exhausted to cook?” Jinyoung asked as he walked you backwards into the wall, another gasp leaving you when his lips pressed into your neck. You angled your head with ease, allowing him to taste your already feverish skin.
“That’s okay. We can always order in. I’ll cook it tomorrow.”
“Good. Because the idea of letting you out of my bed tonight sounds unfathomable.”
And then his lips were on yours, sealing the deal. You couldn’t think of anything other than Jinyoung, of the taste of him, the feel of his hands squeezing and touching you everywhere. There was only this man within your mind and you were ready to be driven wild by him.
You squeaked when he finally navigated you both to his bedroom and your legs brushed against the edge of the bed. Jinyoung’s hands were on your back, unhooking the bra you had barely worn in front of him and reverently placing down on the comforter beside you. He shook his head.
“I got the better gift today,” he announced, and you laughed breathily, running your hand over his torso.
“We’re both about to be well rewarded for our efforts, don’t you think?”
All rights reserved © prettywordsyouleft
[GOT7 Masterlist] | [Main Masterlist]
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okskz · 1 year
elsy + chan
chan and elsy hit a point in their relationship that they never imagined, causing them to start having conflict.
this is part 1 of this elsy series. not too sure how many parts I’ll have but in the mean time just enjoy :) please feel free to leave feedback because it is always appreciated!
[8th member of got7/soloist]
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elsy stood eagerly in the elevator as she waited for it to get on the floor chan’s dorm was in. it had been awhile since the two had seen each other, chan being busy with his schedule and traveling all over. but now, chan had a bit of free time to spend with the girl.
elsy had took a break from music after leaving her company. she left mainly at the fact she wasn’t given the proper support as she had in the beginning. she hadn’t been able to release new music and her only option was to leave. elsy felt as if she was letting her career go to waste if she continued to stay.
elsy was now walking fast and she was almost to chan’s dorm but before she could make it, chan was already walking out. “bang chan!” she exclaimed, smiling brightly at him. chan turned to her direction and instantly smiled when seeing elsy. the girl jumped on chan, wrapping her legs around his waist. “elsy! my love.” elsy hugged chan tighter, not saying a word. she missed being around him and it felt nice having him right in front of her.
chan put elsy down, the two going in for a kiss. “I’ve missed you so much.” she said, kissing him again. “it’s so nice to finally spend time with you.”
chan giggled, kissing elsy on the forehead. “I’ve missed you way more.”
“how are you doing?”
“great.” chan answered. “very tired of doing these schedules though. but it’s all worth it.” he smiled. “and you? what have you been up to?”
elsy sighed, “nothing if I’m being honest.” she answered. “I‘ve mostly been home. and also been hanging with yugyeom.”
“no new music?”
elsy shook her head. “as of right now, no.” the girl sighed again. chan gave her a reassuring smile. he knew she wanted to make music and perform again, and he knew how unfairly she was getting treated. “it’ll be okay, els.” chan said, giving her forehead another kiss.
“enough about this.” elsy clapped. “what do you feel like doing? we can go out to eat, maybe catch a movie, go shopping. you name it. I just want to spend time with you.” she smiled, wrapping her arms around chan’s neck.
“I’d love to do any of that stuff with you, els. but I have to work on new music. care to join me?” chan smiled.
elsy felt her smile drop. “you have to work on new music already?” she asked. “don’t you want a little break?”
“I can never take a break on music, els.” chan chuckled. “I enjoy it too much.”
elsy sighed. “you’ve been sighing a lot.” chan pointed out. “it’s okay if you don’t want to join me, els.”
“I haven’t seen you in awhile, of course I want to join you. but I was thinking we do other things besides being in the studio.”
elsy has always supported chan with everything he did, from work and just the person he is. she was always in the studio with him when he’s by himself and it’s late at night. she was always there for him. but recently, she felt like that’s all they ever do now. she wanted to do other things besides sitting in a studio all day or night.
elsy never said anything though, knowing how dedicated chan was to his work. but she knew she had to at least tell him how she felt.
and after spending almost all day there with him, elsy was growing a bit inpatient. “bang chan.” elsy said. the boy was too focused on his laptop to even pay attention. “bang chan.” she said again. still no answer. elsy sighed, walking over to him from the couch. “christopher.” he shook his shoulder finally getting his attention.
“w-what.” he said startled. “something wrong, els?”
“no. not exactly.”
elsy closed her eyes for a second, gathering her thoughts before talking again. “it’s just, we’ve been here all day. don’t you think we can do something else?”
“but I’m not done-“
“I know you’re not done, chan, but we can’t just always hang around in the studio. I don’t mind doing it once in awhile but all the time? you just have me here and we don’t do much.”
chan sat there, blank expression on his face. he wasn’t understanding. and that made elsy a bit ticked off with him. she missed the times where they would actually go out, not just sitting around while chan worked. “look, I’ll just go-“
“no!” chan shouted, startling the girl. “we can do something after I’m finished.”
“bang chan, we’ve been here for hours, let’s go out right now. you can save the work for later.” elsy said. she checked the time, seeing it was night time already. meaning she had wasted an afternoon.
“okay, at least let me finish-“
elsy shook her head. “no, chan.” this time she sounded stern. and chan took notice of her voice changing, staring back at elsy. “what’s wrong? you’re never like this, you’ve never had a problem being here with me-“
“because I keep it all to myself to not make you upset.” elsy cut in.
chan was taken back from elsy’s outburst. the girl could see how slightly upset how her boyfriend got. “what are you saying?”
elsy closed her eyes, sighing heavily as she opened her eyes. “what I’m saying is, I’m tired of being in the studio with you chan.” elsy answered. “this is all we do now, and I’m getting tired of it. I want to do more than just this. I enjoyed it the first couple of times but I don’t want to do this all the time.”
“but elsy, it’s my job.”
“I know it’s your job! but for once can you put your job to the side and put me first? you’re either away traveling or preparing for something. and the times you finally have some free time you just want to do this, chan.” elsy said, she stared into chan’s eyes intensely. “when’s the last time we’ve been on a date?”
chan was silent.
and that made elsy let out a small laugh of frustration. “wow, you can’t even name the last time we’ve had a date.” elsy could feel tears wanting to come down her eyes but she held them back as much as she could.
“I just care for my job elsy.”
“yeah, a little too much.”
“you just don’t understand.” chan said. elsy raised an eyebrow. “what do you mean I don’t understand?”
chan was silent again, eyeing everything but elsy. he knew she was staring at him, wanting an explanation of what he meant. and chan let the words slip out of his mouth. “you don’t understand because you haven’t been doing anything.”
elsy furrowed her brows. “what?” she said. “did I just hear you correctly?” it felt like a slap in the face for elsy, she knew chan knew her situation on why she wasn’t working.
“no, that’s not what I meant, that came out wrong-“
“so what exactly did you mean, bang chan?!”
chan could see the hurt in elsy’s eyes. but chan just couldn’t back himself up. he stood there, hesitating which only hurt elsy more. “please, elsy. I don’t need this right now.”
“oh poor you bang chan.” elsy shook her head in disbelief. “I’m so sorry I just want to spend time with my boyfriend. but I guess you’re not on the same page since all you care about is your job.” elsy knew how much chan put effort into his work, and she didn’t want to sound selfish. but she missed chan. she missed how things were.
“I’m sorry too elsy, but I just can’t have distractions right now.”
“oh my god?!” elsy exclaimed. “so now I’m a distraction?” tears began to fall down elsy’s face. “I can’t believe you right now.”
chan realized he screwed up more as he was mentally face palming himself. “no, no-“
“I don’t want to hear it.” elsy grabbed her purse and keys to get away from chan.
“elsy, come back please.” chan grabbed her wrist but elsy shook him away. “let’s talk this out.”
“no! you said what you said bang chan.” elsy snapped. “I’m leaving since you don’t want any distractions. have a nice night.” elsy slammed the door shut, leaving chan inside the studio alone.
and he was pissed and frustrated, more at himself for not thinking everything he said through. because now he hurt elsy, and hurting elsy was something he never wanted to do now that he was in a relationship with her.
elsy on the other hand, went inside her car crying her eyes out. her and chan never really argued in their relationship so this was a first one. she didn’t know what to do.
she was confused and hurt. how did her wanting to spend time with chan and letting him now end up to this?
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markie-baby · 11 months
Butt-Naked at the MGM ✨️
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"How am I supposed to tell yah?
I don't wanna see you with anyone but me,
Nobody gets me like you.
How am I supposed to let you go?
Only like myself when I'm with you,
Nobody gets me, you do..."
Nobody Gets Me - SZA
Summary- You were no stranger to surprises when it came to dating Mark Tuan, but nothing could prepare you for what you would learn on your one-year anniversary; your sweet, shy, and respectable boyfriend was a closeted freak.
Warnings - cursing, explicit sex, spanking, edging, biting, bondage Genre- Fluff/Smut (18+ MA) idol!got7, female! reader Pairing- Female Reader x Mark Tuan Length- she's super long, mama. So get some wine 'cuz it's story time.
You savored the lingering taste of the wine on your lips, casting a drunken yet longing gaze at Mark Tuan, your striking boyfriend. His allure was impossible to resist, and tonight, he seemed to have cranked it up a notch. His black hair was brushed back, and a few strands dangled free over his eyebrows, tempting you further.
So damn gorgeous. You sighed to yourself.
The gleam of his diamond studs and Cuban link danced in the soft candlelight of your private table, accentuating his devilish charm. Your eyes couldn't help but descend to the bottom button of his open shirt, revealing his chest and a tantalizing mole. Mark's visuals were utterly provocative, though he seemed oblivious as he perused the drink menu.
As you continued to admire Mark's enticing form, your thoughts wandered to the past year you'd spent together. Mark had always been the perfect gentleman. He was polite, funny, respectful, treated, and sexed like a queen. You loved how he doted on you and made you feel special. But there was always something about him that seemed reserved... like he was holding back. You couldn't quite put your finger on it, but there was an air of mystery surrounding him.
Mark finally looked up from the drink menu, his dark eyes locking with yours. A playful smile curled at the corner of his lips, and he reached across the table, his hand finding yours. "You seem lost in thought," he said, his voice low and seductive.
"Just reminiscing," you replied, your voice husky, your eyes never leaving his. "It's been an incredible year."
Mark's fingers tightened around yours, and his gaze deepened. "It has been incredible," he agreed, his tone filled with meaning. "One of the best years of my life."
Your heart fluttered in response to Mark's sincere admission.
"Before I met you, I felt content with my life. I had a sense of fulfillment in everything I had achieved so far, and my drive kept me moving forward." Mark glanced at your hands clasped in his.
"Then I met you, and time seemed to stop in a way I never imagined. You've taught me the beauty of slowing down and truly savoring every precious moment."
Mark's tender confession rendered you breathless; a soft 'I love you' slipped past your glossed lips.
"I love you too." His thumb, adorned with a ring, tenderly caressed your cheek.
His undeniable thoughtfulness and sweetness couldn't be ignored. However, the harsh reality of the situation was sinking in rapidly, akin to the Thunderbird you had knocked back earlier...
You were horny as all hell.
"We still got the rest of the night to celebrate. Why don't we get another drink and get out of here?" Mark traced the menu with his slender finger. "What do you want, baby?
"I think I've found exactly what I want," you said, your voice laced with anticipation.
Mark's eyes sparked with intrigue as he looked at you. "Yeah?" he purred, leaning in closer.
You leaned in as well, your lips almost touching, your words a whisper. "I want you, Mark," you confessed, your gaze locked with his, brimming with desire.
Mark's breath caught in his throat as your words hung in the air, creating a charged atmosphere between you two. The restaurant noises seemed to fade away, leaving only the intimate bubble of your shared desire. You triggered something in him. Mark scooted his chair closer, his lips brushed gently against your ear.
"Want me?" His warm breath tingled your skin. "And how bad you want me, y/n?"
Your heart skipped a beat at your boyfriend's teasing response.
A slow, knowing smile spread across Mark's face. "Well, then," he said, his voice low and filled with promise. "I think I can arrange that. You ready for your surprise?"
"Surprise? Where are you taking me?"
He downed his glass of Thunderbird, anticipation growing as Mark discreetly signaled the waiter, asking for the check. In a swift exchange, you both exited the restaurant, hand in hand, bound for a destination where your desires could unfold.
He maintained an air of mystery leading you to a waiting car. Soon, the shimmering lights of Las Vegas enveloped you. The MGM Grand stood tall in the distance, and to your surprise, Mark had secured a balcony suite, a sight that left you astonished.
"Mark, this is beyond amazing," you marveled, your eyes scanning the balcony suite's luxurious details.
Mark's smile radiated warmth, a glint of modesty in his demeanor. "I'm glad you like it. I know I was on the road for a while, so I wanted to make it up to you."
"You really outdone yourself, I don't know how I'm gonna top this." you replied playfully.
With a soft chuckle, he waved off the compliment. "You're important to me. Seeing you smile is everything."
His words resonated deeply, and you took his hand, feeling a surge of gratitude. "Thank you, Mark. I feel incredibly lucky to have you."
He met your gaze, sincerity evident in his eyes. "I'm lucky to have you, too."
As the night embraced the glittering skyline, Mark and you found yourselves cuddling on the balcony of the suite, clinking glasses filled with chilled champagne. The city below was alive with a symphony of lights and distant laughter, casting an enchanting aura around you both. The cool evening breeze danced through your hair as you leaned against the balcony railing, savoring the moment.
"I could stay up here forever..." You sighed.
"Me too," Mark's arm tightened around you. "But why don't we take this cuddle session inside?"
"I'd love to." You playfully kissed your boyfriend on the nose before turning towards the door.
Your body stops short when Mark grabs your wrist.
"Can I have a kiss first?" A smirk appeared on his lips.
"Of course," you whispered, pressing your lips against his.
The kiss was sweet and passionate, a tender dance between your lips. Mark's arms encircled you, pulling you closer as his kisses became deeper and more intense. He smelled of expensive cologne and tasted like champagne, a taste which you quickly fell in love with. His hands moved down to grab a handful of you, and you could feel the heat building between you. Mark had never been this handsy.
You couldn't help but feel excited by this sudden change in his behavior.
"Mm... Mark," you gasped. "We should... probably head inside..."
"Why?" he breathed, his voice husky.
"Because..." you said, a sultry grin curling your lips. "We're starting to get a little carried away out here, and someone might see us."
"I'm sorry", He blushed slightly. "My mind is kinda in the gutter right now."
"Oh, really? I can't tell."
He let out a soft chuckle and released you, his eyes full of lust. "C'mon, let's go inside."
You agreed, biting your lip.
As Mark guided you into the luxe suite, the thrill of the moment intensified. Finally settling onto the plush king-sized mattress, the softness of the sheets against your skin added to the intoxicating atmosphere. Unbeknownst to you, your boyfriend had quietly entered the room amidst the sensation, his presence unnoticed in your heightened sensory bliss.
"You seem comfortable," he commented, his voice a soft whisper in your ear.
"Mmhm," you sighed, your eyes closed, body relaxed.
Mark's arms slowly slid around your waist, his lips pressed to the side of your neck as he placed his body weight next to yours.
"What's gotten into you other than that Thunderbird?"
"I'm not sure," Mark admitted, a slight hint of embarrassment in his tone. "I guess I'm just a bit worked up tonight."
"Is that so?"
You felt Mark's smile against your skin, his hand tracing up the curve of your spine. "Maybe," he teased. "Does that make you uncomfortable?"
"No, not at all." You turned to meet his eyes, your hand gently caressing his face. "In fact, I like it. You're usually so... reserved. I'm into this side of you."
Mark smiled sincerely. "I'm happy to hear that. You've opened my eyes to a lot of new things. I'm learning more about myself every day."
You kissed him, a gentle, yet passionate kiss. As the kiss deepened, your hands began to explore his body, feeling the contours of his chest beneath his shirt. Mark's hands found their way to a familiar area, his touch electric against your skin. The sensations of desire and intimacy filled the room, blending with the soft, sensual lighting.
Mark pulled back slightly, his seductive gaze locked on yours.
"You know, it's been an amazing year, so, I want to make tonight a little different," he said, his voice a seductive whisper. "I'm going to give you a taste of what I've learned."
"And what exactly have you learned, Mr. Tuan?"
"To be honest, I've always had these fantasies, but I was too shy to bring them up before."
You looked at him in surprise. This was definitely not what you were expecting. But instead of being shocked or put off, you felt a surge of arousal at the thought of exploring Mark's hidden desires.
"I'm all yours tonight," you said with a smile. "Don't need to be shy around me. We have been together for over a year after all."
Mark's face flushed with excitement and relief.
"I'm not as vanilla in bed as I've been letting on," he admitted. "When we have sex, as much as I love it, I fantasize about doing the nastiest things to you."
"Nasty, huh?" You purred, tracing your finger along his jawline. "Tell me, what kind of nasty things have you wanted to do to me?"
Mark's gaze darkened, a look of pure desire in his eyes. "You really want to know?"
"I do," you confirmed, your voice soft, yet laced with a hint of intrigue.
"Are you sure?" he asked anxiously.
"Absolutely," you replied with a reassuring smile.
Mark's hesitation disappeared. His dark gaze bored into yours, the intensity of his emotions reflected in his eyes.
"Well, for starters," Mark's hand teased your inner thigh. "I've always wanted to pour oil all over that pretty skin of yours."
"You want to massage me?" You grinned, amused by his choice of fantasy.
"Not just massage," His lips traveled closer to your ear. "But tease, pinch, spank..."
"Mark Tuan, are you into BDSM or something?"
Mark's lips curled into a seductive smile. "That.." he said, his hand creeping higher, his fingers lightly brushing your panties. "And among a few other kinks. Is that okay?"
A wave of desire crashed over you at the realization of what Mark was hinting at. You nodded slowly, your breath quickening as you started to feel a familiar sensation growing in your thighs.
Mark stood up off the bed and started unbuttoning his shirt in the most torturous fashion. Slowly exposing his chest and tattoos inch by inch. "Can I show them to you?"
"Sure," you breathed, distracted by the strip show your boyfriend was putting on.
His buttoned shirt slowly slid off his toned shoulders and fell to the floor. "I need a yes or a no, beautiful."
You felt your core pulse at the request. "Yes."
Mark walked over to the closet, opened the door, and disappeared from view. You could hear the sound of hangers moving and then the rustling of cloth. He returned, holding a black satin tie in his hands.
"May I?"
You nodded and closed your eyes as he gently tied the fabric around your head, making sure you couldn't see. Your senses were on high alert, acutely aware of every movement, every sound, and smell. You felt the bed dip as Mark climbed on top of you, his weight pressing into the mattress, his heat radiating toward you. His breath was warm on your cheek as he leaned close.
"Is that comfortable?" he whispered.
"Yes," you sighed.
His hands traced the contours of your body, leaving a trail of goosebumps in their wake. The sensation of not being able to see heightened the experience, making every touch, every kiss, every whisper of breath feel magnified.
Mark kissed your neck softly. "I've been waiting to get this dress off of you..." he said.
You felt his fingers slowly unzipping the front of your dress, exposing your bare chest. Your nipples hardened under his touch, and you gasped as his tongue flicked against the sensitive flesh. His lips trailed a hot path down your neck and across your collarbone, before circling around your hardened nipple. He suckled greedily, his teeth grazing the delicate skin. You writhed under his touch, your hips arching into his.
"So damn responsive..." Mark murmured.
You felt his mouth leave your skin, and the sound of him pulling the bottom half of your dress reached your ears.
Suddenly, you felt a cool, smooth sensation on your skin, followed by a sweet scent that filled the air. It took a moment for you to realize that Mark was drizzling warm oil onto your body.
The oil was slick and luxurious as Mark's hands glided over your skin, massaging away any tension or stress. His touch was confident and skilled, kneading your muscles with just the right amount of pressure.
As the massage continued, you felt yourself becoming more and more relaxed, surrendering to the sensations that were coursing through your body. The combination of the warm oil and Mark's expert touch had you melting into the bed.
"Mm... that feels so good," you moaned.
Mark chuckled. "Good, 'cause I'm about to make it feel even better," he murmured.
His hands traveled down to your legs, kneading the tense muscles there. You felt the mattress shift as Mark positioned himself between your legs, his fingers deftly slipping under the edge of your panties.
A gasp escaped your lips as his fingers began to work their magic on your most sensitive areas, his touch gentle yet firm. Your body trembled in anticipation, knowing that Mark's talented fingers were mere moments away from sending you into ecstasy.
You cried out as his fingers finally made contact with your slick, throbbing core, sending waves of pleasure crashing through you. Mark's pace increased, and he circled your clit, his fingers slipping and sliding through your folds. You gripped the sheets as you arched your back, desperate for more.
Mark's breath was warm against your skin as he leaned close, whispering into your ear.
"You're soaking wet, baby," he urged, his voice low and commanding. "You've been wanting this all night, huh?"
"So...badly..." You blushed into the bed sheets, turning your head away from your boyfriend's filthy speech.
"Am I making you shy?" Mark teased and planted kisses on your neck between each word. "I can stop if it's too much... but something about the way you won't stop squeezing around my fingers tells me you don't want me to."
Usually, the most you'd get out of Mark during sex was a couple of moans and a few curses, which you never complained about. But his sudden rolodex of vulgarity was completely unexpected, giving you the ultimate sensory experience.
"I want you to cum for me," he urged, his voice low and commanding.
You shuddered as your orgasm hit, waves of pleasure washing over you, soaking your panties. Your body trembled and quaked, a guttural moan escaping your lips. As the intensity of the climax faded, you slumped against the bed, utterly spent. You were vaguely aware of the sound of the oil bottle being placed on the nightstand, and then Mark's weight shifted on the bed.
"Open your eyes, baby," he cooed, gently pulling the silk from your eyes.
As you opened your eyes, the world came into focus. Your body was glistening with oil, and Mark was hovering above you, his gaze filled with admiration.
"You are so fucking gorgeous," he said. "How did I get so lucky?"
A blush tinged your cheeks.
"I could say the same for you."
Mark leaned in and kissed you passionately.
"You're the best gift I've ever had," he whispered.
His words sent a jolt of pleasure straight to your core, and you found yourself craving more.
"What are you gonna do with me now?"
"Hmm," Mark contemplated while he touched the oil slick on your skin. "I should clean up my mess, shouldn't I?"
His lips reconnected to your chest, planting delicate kisses on your collarbone, and travelling down to your stomach. He planted a final kiss beneath your belly button before looking up at you with innocent eyes.
"Can I kiss you down here, babe?"
Your heart raced as you looked down at him with desire. You couldn't believe how much you wanted him right now. You nodded without a word, biting your lip in anticipation.
"How about a little biting?" Mark added. "I promise I won't do it hard."
Your heart was pounding in your chest as he looked up at you with a mischievous glint in his eye. You couldn't help but groan in pleasure at his words, already imagining the feeling of his teeth sinking into your skin.
"Yes," You breathed.
His lips found their way back to your stomach, trailing down to the apex of your thighs. His fingers dug into your hips as he planted open-mouthed kisses on your inner thighs, teasing you with his tongue. You let out a gasp as his teeth grazed your sensitive flesh, sending a jolt of pleasure through your body. He looked up at you with a wicked smile, knowing full well the effect he was having on you.
"More," you whimpered, your body arching towards him.
He obliged, his teeth sinking deeper into your skin as you moaned in ecstasy. It was all you could do to grip the sheets as he continued his assault, his tongue lapping at the sting he had left behind.
You were practically shaking at this point, your body begging for him to give you what you needed.
"Ready for a little love bite?" he asked again. The words made you tremble and your body ached for more. You nodded in response, signaling that you were ready.
"I always wanted to nibble on these thighs of yours." His teeth sank deeper into your thigh as he spoke.
"I've been wanting to kiss on them, too." He said between bites. You moaned softly at his words and felt yourself getting wetter.
His mouth was hot against your thigh, and your eyes shut closed as he moved to the other leg. "And I've been wanting to taste them." He whispered, his wet tongue drawing circles on your skin. Your thighs started to shake as you tried to hold your composure. His hands held your thighs still, not allowing you to move.
"Please". You begged him.
Mark's dark eyes darted up at you. "Please, what?" He asked as he licked on your panty line.
You moaned loudly and arched your back, as you struggled to get the words out. "Please, babe... stop torturing me." You whimpered, wanting nothing more than to feel his soft lips on your core. He smiled and nodded at you, as he began to drag the corner of your panties down with his teeth.
Without a word, Mark pressed his lips to your entrance, forming a seal around your folds with his tongue. He touched all of the inner walls of your wetness with it, rotating it around before pushing forward, exploring the depths of you.
Mark moaned, sending waves of pleasure through your body with every stroke of his tongue. His fingers gripped your hips as he pulled you closer to him and buried his face in your crotch. His tongue darted down your slit as he tried to push it inside of you. Your hands shot down to his hair, fighting the urge to scream as his tongue explored your inner walls.
It wasn't long till Mark felt your walls pulsing against his tongue, signaling that you were close. Your hips started to buck against his face as your orgasm neared and Mark quickly pulled his mouth away from you. You let out a disappointed whine as he pulled his face away from your dripping entrance.
"Did you like that, babe?" Mark asked, licking his lips seductively.
"Mhmm," You opened your eyes and met his gaze, too horny to even speak properly. "Why did you stop?"
"I'm edging you," Mark smirked devilishly. "It's pretty cruel of me, actually."
"I don't mind," you replied, a pleading look in your eyes.
"Oh really?" He raised an eyebrow. "You must be as much a freak as I am then, huh?"
Your heart skipped a beat as you heard his words.
"Please, Mark. I need you to do it again."
"Oh, I'll do it, babe." Mark's voice dripped with lust.
He bit his lip at you with a playful grin and then leaned forward to kiss you, his soft lips enveloping yours as he reached down with his hand. His fingers reached your entrance and he pushed them inside of you, stroking your clit with his thumb as he did so.
You moaned into his mouth as you felt his tongue flicker against yours, eagerly kissing him back as he continued to explore you. You bit his lip and gripped his hair, pulling him closer as he groaned into the kiss.
You could feel your orgasm building again as he continued to thrust his fingers back and forth inside of you, his thumb moving in circles around your clit. His lips left yours and traveled down to your neck as he nibbled on it, pushing you over the edge in the process.
You felt a rush of pleasure as your release squirted out of you, coating Mark's hand as he eagerly lapped it up. His tongue darted down to your entrance, lapping up every drop of fluid as your orgasm subsided.
"That was so sexy," Mark said, lifting his head up to look at you. "But I think it's time to take it up a notch, babe."
You let out a moan of compliance as Mark let his fingers slide out from you. You watched in anticipation as he placed his hand on his crotch, undoing the button on his jeans with a quick flick of his fingers.
"Fuck me, Mark."
Mark teasingly shook his head, pulling his pants down. "Patience, baby. I still want to tie you up."
A shiver ran down your spine as you saw his lustful stare. He moved towards the bedposts and slowly wrapped your upper body with his extra ties. As Mark's gaze roamed over your body, you could feel heat radiating from him.
"Mm. Mm. Mm," he said, his tone full of lust. "You look so sexy like this."
"You don't look too bad yourself," you replied, admiring the sight of his tattooed physique.
He leaned forward, his lips inches from yours. "I want you so badly." he breathed, his eyes heavy with desire. "I can't wait to fill you up."
You felt your body react to his words, your core pulsing with need. Mark loomed over you, both hands resting on the sides of your head. His skin gently teased your wet clit.
"Are you ready for me?" he asked softly.
Your body tensed at the sensation of his lips against yours. "Yes."
With a wicked grin, he slowly plunged deep inside you, filling you completely.
"Oh, fuck..." he exclaimed, a soft moan escaping his lips.
The sensations were unlike anything you'd experienced before, and you could feel your walls tightening around him, milking him for every drop.
"Is this good?" Mark murmured against your ear, his breath tickling your neck.
Your response was incoherent mumbles.
Mark continued thrusting, his fingers clenching in your hair as he pinned you to the bed. The intense sensation quickly caused you to reach an almost unbearable level of arousal, your body throbbing in time with Mark's movements. He pulled out slightly, then plunged deeply inside you again, eliciting a muffled scream.
You felt yourself tightening up around him, trying to milk him even more, but you couldn't help it. You were so close. Mark's mouth found its way back to yours, kissing you passionately as he moved inside you.
"Baby...," Mark urged, pulling out even further. "If you keep on getting tighter, like this, I'm not gonna last."
His pace quickened, his breathing getting heavier as he neared his climax. He let go of your hair, bringing his hand to cup your face.
You felt him twitch inside of you, and the warmth of his release flooded your insides. Ecstasy-ridden cries left your lips as your own orgasm followed soon after.
"Fuck, you're so amazing," he groaned, burying his face into your neck. "I love you so much."
With his weight pressing down on top of you, you could barely breathe. Your heart pounded rapidly as if trying to escape your chest. You tried to relax and catch your breath, to regain some sense of composure. When you looked up, you found yourself gazing into Mark's intensely brown eyes, full of love and desire.
"I love you, too." You sighed, short of breath.
"Do you want to stop?" Mark whispered in your ear. "You seem tired."
"No, don't stop."
"I won't then."
Mark slowly pulled out and reached up to undo the ties around your arms and chest. "Sit up for me," he whispered, grabbing your hand restraints.
"Turn around for me, baby," He helped you to get on your knees, your arms behind your back, then positioned himself behind you. "Damn..." he exclaimed as he ran his hand over your hips and ass. "I wish you could see what I'm seeing right now."
He kissed down your back and began to softly massage your ass. His fingers occasionally trailed between your thighs, but he held himself back from touching you there. "Look at you..." he groaned softly. "I can see how much you want me just by looking. You're so beautiful."
Your heart ached at his words. "I do."
"How much?" he asked, pressing into you from behind. His erection rubbed against the wetness between your legs, leaving a trail of warmth in its wake.
"I've been thinking about this all night." You moaned.
"All night?"
He teased one finger into you and you gasped, rotating your hips so that he would push deeper inside. "Ohh," you groaned as a second finger joined the first.
"Ever since dinner." He thrust into you and you felt yourself tighten around him. The sensation only lasted a moment before Mark withdrew his fingers entirely. You whimpered. He smacked your ass before his fingers glided over your core. A soft moan escaped your lips as he slowly caressed it. He pulled back to spank you again before shoving further inside you. A whispered curse left his lips before smacking your skin once more and watching it tremble.
He gently grasped the front of your neck and pulled your head up off the bed. "Put your hands on the headboard for me, love. Keep your ass up high," he commanded. You obeyed, and he held your hips as he began to drill you deep and hard.
Your arms were bound, so you relied on your hips and lower back to support you. Your face and chest were pushed against the mattress, but you didn’t mind. The sensation of him thrusting into you had taken over your entire being. You locked eyes with him as he moved further and further in, hovering a mere inch from your back. When he brought one hand around to rub your clit, it sent shockwaves through your body. You bit into the sheets to silence a scream. You shook as the pleasure started to build within every fiber of your being - building, building until it felt like the whole world was crumbling around you.
"That's it," Mark breathed.
His hand reached forward again to find its way to your sensitive clit once more, and the sudden intensity caused you to cry out. Your heart raced and your mind spun wildly as your body seemed to be consumed in flames.
"Mark," you gasped, barely able to put any words together. "I'm gonna-"
"I got you, babe," he replied. "Let go."
Finally erupting in a blissful wave, your muscles tightened around him as if never wanting to let go. Mark's hand was still firmly held on your clit as he thrust into you one final time, his own orgasm overtaking him. As he squeezed your hip with both hands, his thrusts grew more erratic, until with one final thrust, he pushed himself as far inside you as he could.
You felt him tense up and let out a deep moan as he thrust one last time, his liquid love flowing into you. Your body shuddered as you felt his entire length throbbing inside you. You couldn't breathe, your body shaking with the intensity of the moment. He slowly pulled away from you, but before you could move, he held you tightly in his arms.
"Are you all right?" His voice was soft and gentle.
"Mmm hmm," was all you managed to reply.
He chuckled softly, his hands caressing your back. "Good. Me too."
Mark held you close, pulling you into him as he collapsed on the bed. His lips pressed lightly against your neck as he kissed your warm flesh. Everything about him felt comforting and intimate; his mouth was gentle, his movements slow and deliberate.
Finally, you opened your eyes and looked at him. His dark eyes stared back into yours as a gentle smile appeared on his face. His hair was a poofy mess sticking out this way and that, while a thin sheen of sweat covered his forehead. He looked happy.
You smiled back at him with a racing heart; then said, "You were right."
"About what?" he asked.
"You are kinky," you replied with a grin.
He laughed heartily at your statement and the sound made you laugh too.
"Yes," he said with a playful smile, "but I think you liked it though; you couldn't help it."
"I loved it," you answered honestly, looking deep into his eyes.
He kissed you again, pressing his lips softly against yours as you kissed him back.
It felt like heaven.
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fullsunised · 8 months
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❝ 𝙗𝙚𝙘𝙖𝙪𝙨𝙚 𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙨 𝙞𝙨 𝙬𝙝𝙚𝙧𝙚 𝙞 𝙬𝙖𝙣𝙣𝙖 𝙗𝙚, 𝙬𝙝𝙚𝙧𝙚 𝙞𝙩'𝙨 𝙨𝙤 𝙨𝙬𝙚𝙚𝙩 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙝𝙚𝙖𝙫𝙚𝙣𝙡𝙮 ❞
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chapter two. masterlist. chapter four.
𝐓𝐀𝐆𝐋𝐈𝐒𝐓 ; @vangoes @replayenthusiast @scinclaitnoir @bloomyroses @prettyjae
𝐀𝐔𝐓𝐇𝐎𝐑'𝐒 𝐍𝐎𝐓𝐄 ; brev I'm going back to uni 😔 I wanna stay home longer 😔😔😔😔😔. warnings still apply gang.
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minamoto-misaki · 2 years
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Misaki is a Chinese soloist under JYP and YG and a member of the South Korean Co-Ed group GOT7. She made her solo debut with an album called "Rise to Stardom" on July 20, 2016.
Misaki Fandom Name: Faes and Fairies
Misaki Fandom Color: —
Minato Misaki Official Media:
Instagram: @book_misaki
Twitter:@misakiofficial and @misakispeaks
YouTube: Misaki Minamoto
Facebook: Minamoto_Misaki
TikTok: bored_misaki
Stage Name: Misaki
English Name: Ophelia Raven
Birth Name: Ren Manyin (任满银)
Korean Name: Hyun Ae-ra (현애라)
Birthday: July 20, 2000
Zodiac sign: Cancer
Chinese zodiac sign:
Height: 175 cm (5'8".9)
Weight: 40 kg (88 lbs)
Blood type: O
Specialty: Acrobats and ballet
Favorite Food: Ramen
Hobbies: Listening to music while reading, watching anime, baking, journaling, knitting and crochet.
Misaki Facts:
She was born in Mentougou District, Beijing but grew up in Sha Tin District, Hong Kong, China.
Family: One brother and considers Wang's family her own.
Her father passed away when she was 5, her mother passed away when she was 1 and her elder brother passed away when she was 15. Currently, the only living blood-related family member is her second brother who is 5 years older than her.
She is studying at the University of Toronto.
Her personality: Serious, shy, introverted, and passionate.
She is the most introverted and disciplined in Got7.
She was in the cheerleading, acrobatics, and ballet teams of her school and college. She still attends college competitions.
Misaki understands Thai, and French, and can read Roman, and Latin but can't speak these.
She is fluent in Mandarin, Shanghainese, Cantonese, English, Japanese, German, Spanish, and Korean.
Her favorite color is black.
She likes to dress in dark clothes.
She prefers the clothes which do not reveal her skin.
She wears old books and fresh parchment perfume.
Misaki is an atheist but is knowledgeable about all the religions.
She is the daughter of the clan leader and handles the Chinese side of the clan.
Misaki has arachnophobia, androphobia (fear of men), agoraphobia (fear of crowds), and claustrophobia.
Misaki is currently dealing with insomnia, social anxiety issues, and depression.
She is close with the Thai group due to Bambam and 97' liners due to Yugyeom and Bambam.
She is also close to Mamamoo, Shinee, Exo-china line, Wayv, Straykids, Yeonjun (TXT), Wooyoung and Yeosang from Ateez, Jisung and Chenle from NCT.
She knows sword fighting.
She has a Chinese and global license and owns 3 cars.
Misaki owns 2 cafes in Canada,1 ice cream parlor, and 2 restaurants in China.
She lives alone with 3 dogs and 2 cats.
She is half-Chinese and half-Japanese but is supposed to be called full-Chinese due to clan rules.
She prefers keeping her personal life and work life different and apart from each other.
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