#GRANTED. i have not actually gotten to fontaine
theellipelli · 1 year
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harbinger lyney au
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Chiori, Navia, Furina and Bronya with an s/o who wears a full on tuxedo outside regardless of blazing hot weather or frigid cold, when asked the reason they simply reply “I look really cool while doing stuff” in it
(Genshin Impact/H:SR) Chiori, Navia, Furina, Clorinde, and Bronya's S/O always wearing a tuxedo
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On some level, Chiori respects that S/O refuses to not be stylish.
But she could see the sweat dripping onto the white part of their tux, disgusting her.
(Chiori) "You realize that you're ruining your tux just by sweating, right?"
(S/O) "Oh come on, it's nothing that a washer can't take care of."
Her eyes shot up and down before her expression repulsed at whatever ran through her mind.
(Chiori) "Ew, no. It's so bad that I can see the shirt changing color. Go and change already."
(S/O) "But you never get out of that dress-"
(Chiori) "Because I can still breathe in it. You on the other hand are roasting alive in that. If you really must wear that thing everywhere, I can tailor it to where you won't be adding to Fontaine's water level."
Fashion was important to Chiori, and so was making sure your clothes weren't soaking wet on a dry day.
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Navia absolutely understands S/O's struggle.
Looking fashionable on a hot summer day was hell on earth, the things she had to do to ensure there would be no sweat!
(Navia) "S/O, we need to make you an umbrella that complements your suit!"
(S/O) "You'd do that for me?"
Navia scoffs and smiles, hands going onto her waist.
(Navia) "Of course I would! We gotta make sure your fashion statement goes unimpeded, come on, I know what we're doing today!"
Navia and S/O walk side by side, with umbrellas in hand to protect them from the sun.
Sadly, S/O's doesn't turn into a shotgun, but Navia could have it special ordered for them if they wanted!
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Furina never really feels that much of the heat, due to her usually staying indoors all the time.
But that being said, she appreciates that S/O always strived to look as good as her, no matter the weather or situation!
All that being said, she never really saw them wear anything else.
Either they had spares, or...
(Furina) "...S/O, I must ask, when was the last time you washed your suit?"
(S/O) "When was the last time you washed yours?"
Furina actually had an excuse! She could use her Vision to wash it out and let it air dry, then she could use lots of perfume and shower...That was good enough, right?
(Furina) "D-Do not dodge my question by asking me one! Don't tell me you just wear the same thing day in, day out!"
(S/O) "That's not fair, I never see you get out of that suit either!"
The two get into a mini argument about wearing the exact same thing every day, while proceeding to actually not change their outfits at all.
It ends with Furina snapping her fingers and changing into a slightly different variation of her usual, letting her get the upperhand.
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Clorinde thinks S/O just looks way more gaudy than they actually are, always wearing a tux.
Granted, they were in Fontaine and gaudiness was what they were essentially known for besides their technology.
But she always felt like it attracted the wrong crowd, but its not like she had much room to talk.
(Clorinde) "...S/O."
(S/O) "Hm? What's up, Clorinde?"
(Clorinde) "I am aware it might be hypocritical to bring this up but...Must you wear that suit to this?"
(S/O) "Come on, Clorinde! It's not like this is any different to what I wear everyday."
(Clorinde) "While that is true, the fact you are in that first thing in the morning is concerning."
They were just brushing their teeth, and Clorinde had not even gotten into uniform yet, simply donning a nightgown with her hair neatly tucked behind her.
Wouldn't the water just get all over the suit anyway?
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Bronya appreciated that S/O was always looking presentable, given that she was the Supreme Guardian of Belebog, and her S/O should not be caught lacking in the style department.
However, she swears that S/O has never worn anything else in their life.
Even before the Astral Express crew came along, before they had become a couple, S/O was in that suit.
Even more impressive considering that they were in the Eternal Freeze for their entire lives, but still chose to go out in that.
Seele had tried to drag her and S/O out multiple times to at least get something new to wear, which she admittedly didn't do a good job of wearing either.
But S/O's dedication to their one outfit bordered on psychotic.
(Bronya) "S/O, may I ask you something?"
(S/O) "Sure, what is it?"
(Bronya) "Do you have spares of that suit?"
(S/O) "One for every day of the week."
She just blinked at that revelation and sighed loudly.
(Bronya) "...We should change our wardrobe."
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treesap-blogs · 2 years
FIREKEEPERS DAUGHTER REVIEW! A few days late and I wrote it late at night still emotional and processing the book with minimal revisions made since then lol please have mercy
Greetings, Tumblrians! I can say with complete confidence that this account has for sure become a book review account! Aaa. Not what I anticipated, had to change up my bio order a bit. This book, Firekeeper’s Daughter, is the first thriller that I’ve ever read(beginning to end at least), which made it a bit of an intense one to get through (especially when 100 pages in I’d forgotten most of the summary, thought I was reading a romance and got confused, and then the character I’d gotten the most attached to got murdered lmao?!?!).
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Now first things first, this is probably one of the only books (that I’ve read) that I can call a page-turner! I have ADHD, so my attention span is a little faulty when it comes to reading or watching stuff unless I’m super invested in it. A lot of books that reviewers say are “impossible to put down” were unfortunately ones where I could do literally just that, even if the writing quality was admirable. (Iron Widow by Xiran Jay Zhao is one of the only other ones I can think of that goes against that, finishing it within 2 November days was what kickstarted my love of reading again! Without it I would not have this blog💕.) But within a week(actually, a little less than that if I’m remembering correctly), I was about halfway through! Daunis’s integration of her heritage and the Ojibwe teachings passed down to her into her investigation, as well as the richness of Boulley’s writing and my genuine investment in both Daunis Fontaine and the meth-related rabbit hole she found herself in, was what kept me trudging through all of the difficult content throughout. Then, the period in which I’d borrowed this book had expired, as this was meant to be something to read for my free time in ELA, but the teacher had a very strange schedule with trying to be both easy on us and get our current unit done so it meant that we couldn’t finish our choice books. Thus, I hadn’t actually had the chance to pick it up in months, the last time I’d read some of it being in about October of 2022. So this is probably the one with the strangest reading schedule of my current covered stories.
Also, some people are gonna be indifferent to the “Secret Squirrel” stuff, others are gonna hate it, I was in the former crowd. The gimmick got predictable after the first few times but considering this was the first time I’d read a book that was this font of intense, I didn’t mind it that much.
It definitely also gets more intense the further along you go. That’s where I began having some issues with how, in the midst of all of the serious topics covered in this, SA was written and described?? Not that it was glorifying anything, it certainly was not, but.. in the case of Grant, it felt like just a way to make him seem more like a villain(and therefore, one other character, whose mention would technically be a spoiler but they’re directly related). While those scenes were (thankfully) brief, and weren’t gratuitous(but they did..get particularly graphic), it was distressing to see them included. I do wish that this was one of the books I’d read that had trigger/content warnings on the first page for that reason(some of the ones published in the last 3 or so years, like Iron Widow or Blood Scion, have done that). It leaves a bit of an icky aftertaste in my mouth.
To change topics! I did like how Daunis’ struggle of secrecy, as well as her kind of living a “double life'' at multiple points was handled. Particularly, the conflict within her family was written really well. A lot of the guilt she had surrounding her parents and how they turned out due to her conception and life hit me hard??? There’s a line that really gut-punched me on page 394: “Children are never to blame for their parents’ lives. Parents are the adults; we are the ones responsible for our choices and how we handle things … If I’m in limbo, it’s because I chose to remain there. Even inaction is a powerful choice.” (Boulley, 394.) (Okay, fine, maybe I just wanted to have an excuse to quote that.)
WE’RE ENTERING SPOILER TERRITORY NOW! Parameters will be marked if you want to skrrt around it.
I don’t know how anyone else felt about the romance between Daunis and Jamie (I’ll make sure to check out some reviews afterwards!), but it just made me feel uneasy? I get that Jamie was supposed to be a (young) rookie investigator, one making up for the dent left in his record at that, but it was incredibly unprofessional for him to start a relationship with a (slightly) younger woman he was meant to only work alongside (and also had to technically teach how all the FBI things worked due to her being really new to this and only there for this specific investigation). Not that there was really much of a mentor-trainee dynamic there, Boulley made it pretty clear they’re on similar levels intellectually, but..still. Felt a little sketchy! I could understand Ron’s concerns, and I’m glad Daunis addressed some of those issues towards the end of the novel.
Anyhow! Some people in the reviews I’d read halfway through felt that Daunis’ recurring grief didn’t really feel impactful, as they didn’t feel emotionally attached to Lily, but I..actually did? She was the character in the first paragraph of this review I was mentioning vaguely. Perhaps I’m biased, due to some stuff I was sorting out emotionally at the time, but I do feel like it could be justified with the writing itself; We got a good idea of her personality, her importance to and relationship with Daunis, and some of her past(which would be part of the plot later on). And it doesn’t feel rushed(at least in my opinion); the first 100 pages or so of this book is meant to be a lighthearted introduction to our main character and her life, not the mystery we as the readers are about to be entangled in along with her. Yet. (And when shit hits the fan it feels like the kind of whiplash our protagonist got hit with.) While Daunis was a fairly reasonable person and so was Lily a lot of the time, Lily had a more upbeat and sarcastic part of herself that contrasted with her friend(and made their dynamic really work, I think). The pair interacted basically like sisters. I could see why Daunis was left emotionally and mentally scarred after what had happened to her. (And I did tear up a little bit at that brief scene in the afterlife.) (If anyone who’s read the book is reading this now though, please let me know what you thought!)
Last bit of criticism I have: For the final reveal of the masterminds behind the drug distribution inside the trailer, I felt it got..a little bit too “villain monologue”y? Fine, it’s a staple of the mystery genre, but the way that there’s just. Snide remark after smirk and every step of the timeline spelled out in a very know-it-all manner by Mike got annoying after being placed in an extremely serious story that grounds itself pretty intensely in reality. (I think it’s mildly funny that Levi was quite literally the “weakest link” though, and that one argument after the party didn’t just have an insult thrown in out of nowhere kshdhfomefo.)
Also, were the deaths of some of the other students ever explained??!! Was it a side effect or intentional? I can’t remember if that thread was left unresolved or if there’s something I’m forgetting.
So, in conclusion, would I recommend this book? Most likely. Just be careful about the kind of story you’re going in for, and the kind of content that will be included. I feel it’s a little packed; it’s like Boulley really wanted to use this novel as a way to talk about not just some of her own experiences as an indigenous woman, and help people outside of her culture learn a bit more about it, but also tackle issues within her community; all within a narrative that already has a lot of elaborate threads going on(with the family drama/history and the mystery itself)! It is her debut novel, however, so she’ll have the chance to continue to grow as an author(and this was a well-written book albeit not without flaws!).
Rating: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️/5.
Paz, signing off!
(Book trigger/content warnings: SA in both frequent mentions, and scenes on page 226-228 and 370-371(latter is worse in content), racism, including 2 instances of slurs(used by indigenous characters themselves but aren’t reclaimed), grief, PTSD, typical thriller stuff like drugging and kidnapping.)
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grislyintentions · 11 months
Came across one of your ic posts of Ei talking about Furina and had a thought post Fontaine AQ I just felt like sharing: Traveler recommending a list of places all over Teyvat for Furina to visit if she ever decides to go on a little trip, or even travel.
And in Inazuma, like you said, Ei and Furina bonding over sweets and imposter syndrome.
But also: Furina immediately standing up for Ei when she overhears some people whispering / talking shit about Ei (most likely some angry Watatsumi folks but also probs some dissatisfied Narukami peeps).
And yeah she gets scared when those people challenge her on that topic bc she's not much of a fighter, but she's angry enough to actually stand her ground because they! Have NO idea what it takes!!! What being an Archon TOOK for them!!!!!! What it took FROM them!!!!!!!!! They have NO RIGHT to judge!!!!!!!!!!!!
But if Ei tried the same when encountering an angry Fontainian traveling Furina might try to talk her down because they don't know so their anger is understandable, and it's for the best that they don't know because Furina's deception was the whole point.
I just had a lot of thoughts for these two. 8')
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That is a lovely thought post, thank you for sharing! ^^
Full disclosure, I haven’t gotten that far into the recent archon quest at the moment but based on my own perspective of the characters so far, I definitely think Furina and Ei can get along with each other quite well. 
If there is someone out there who can understand what it’s like to live in the shadows and weather through pain on their own, it would be Ei. If there is someone who can know what it’s like to be surrounded by people and yet feel so terribly alone, it is Furina. They may not yet know each other’s circumstances or reasons, but those experiences/feelings are ones they can understand regardless. 
I have always maintained that people who are compassionate, genuine, enduring and bold (like Ayaka, Yoimiya, Traveler and Thoma together) would stand the most chances of getting through to Ei (understanding and/or even befriending her). And that very much applies to Furina too.  
Even if Ei thinks the people have grounds to harbour resentment and criticise her in some aspect/is willing to take what is constructive out of their dissatisfaction, the very fact that Furina would try and stand up for her despite how scared she is would mean a lot to her. 
I don’t think she has opened up towards the other archons about her sister’s death (granted I’m pretty sure they all have their hunches) or if she will ever be ready to, but if/when she is, I like to imagine that Furina would be the first/among the first who would hear about it. She’d know that she is Beelzebub. Not Baal. 
As for Ei doing the same, she respects that Furina does not wish for her to try and defend her to the Fontainians. However, that does not mean Ei has no other ways of making a point: Inazuma is her domain after all and Furina is her guest. To go out of one’s way to antagonise the guest of the nation’s Archon is to disrespect said Archon: Can the Fontainians responsible for offending/angering the Almighty Shogun bear the consequences of causing a diplomatic incident? 
The same question can also be extended in Fontaine: Should Ei send in a formal request/write in to appoint Lady Furina specifically as her guide in the nation during her visit.
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bumbleklee · 4 years
Lone Star (diluc x f!reader) - SFW
before reading: this is based on the song lone star by the front bottoms and deals with pregnancy, abortion and general angst (there’s a lot of crying). please read with discretion and remember you always have a choice. story is under cut for length and the topics discussed 
You were going to tell Diluc. As soon as he woke up, you were going to tell him.
But Diluc woke up in such a sweet mood, stretching his arm out around your waist and pulling you back underneath the blankets. He whispered how much he loved you and pressed a kiss to the top of your head.
And then when you both had gotten out of bed, Diluc was actually excited about going to the bar that night to work. Absentmindedly talking about how Kaeya was away for the weekend on a commission. His hands never seemed to leave you, leaving loving touches on your shoulders or casually holding your hand.
You decided you were going to tell him the next day. Then Jean asked him to stop by the Knights Headquarters and when he returned back to your house, he was scowling. The next day, you swore.
But the next day turned into the next day turned into the next week. You were jittery and found it difficult to be around Diluc for more than five minutes without spilling your secret (except none of those times were the right time).
And as if the Gods had their own plan, you come home one evening to find Diluc sitting at the kitchen table. He was staring down at his lap and when you neared him, you saw the small pregnancy detector between his hands. You knew you should have hid it better.
“When were you going to tell me?”
Goodbye future, once so bright, meet my pregnant girlfriend Watch my bank account run dry, 437 dollars spent To put things back to the way they used to be
When you found out you were pregnant, you were mortified. You and Diluc had only been together for two years and you weren’t even married yet. Plus, you were both young - way too young to become parents.
You liked children. You really did. But being a mother wasn’t something in your line of sight, at least not anytime soon. Hell, you and Diluc never even had a serious talk about having children together one day and you weren’t even sure if he wanted any ever.
But you promised to yourself you wouldn’t let his opinions sway yours. You just needed to tell Diluc, ask him for some mora, and fix everything.
You contemplated not telling Diluc at all. You could just go ahead with the procedure alone, wipe your hands clean, and pretend like nothing happened. But Jean talked you out of this almost immediately.
“He needs to know,” She told you sternly, “He deserves to know before you do anything.”
Part of you regretted telling Jean in the first place. She was supportive of whatever decision you wanted to choose but her advice still made your stomach churn. But she was right and deep down you knew that. Plus, abortions weren’t preformed in Mondstadt and you would have to take a weekend trip to Fontaine and the carriage ride alone would wipe your bank account clean.
It wasn’t possible not to tell Diluc - so why was it so hard?
You were glad Diluc found the test on his own because you weren’t sure when you were ever going to tell him.
“It’s...I was planning to tell you…” You start, your words catching in your throat. Diluc looked up at you sharply, his eyes narrow and filled with an emotion you didn’t recognize.
“When?” He demanded, “Because you hiding this in the sole of your winter boot doesn’t seem like you were planning to tell me anytime soon.”
You placed both hands on your forehead, your gaze falling to the floor. Your chest felt heavy and fluttery at the same time, “I was...I don’t think I…” You couldn’t find the right words. Your stuttering filled with cheeks with heat and you felt sweat bead on your forehead. You weren’t ready for this kind of decision.
“What was your plan?” Diluc asked, his tone softer presumably at your anxious state. Neither of you dared to move but your eyes finally started to fill with tears. “Please, Y/N, what’s going on?”
“Hold on!” You snapped, your hands quickly scrubbing over your eyes. You refused to look at Diluc, too ashamed that you couldn’t even answer his questions. Diluc sighed and you heard the scraping of a chair on the wooden floor and two sturdy arms wrapped around your quivering form. When your breathing finally regulated, Diluc led you to the table and you two sat across from each other - the test in the middle.
You took a deep breath and when Diluc delicately took your hand, you started speaking.
“It’s been a few weeks,” You said, “I kept getting sick as soon as I’d get to the Headquarters in the morning and Jean took me to the cathedral just to see if I had a stomach bug and I guess based on my symptoms, they suggested I try a detector. And I wasn’t expecting it to be positive, Diluc, I swear. I was ready for it to be a fluke and Jean and I were going to have a laugh but it was positive and...I’m pregnant.”
Diluc gave your hand a reassuring squeeze.
“I know what I want to do but I needed to tell you about it first.”
“You...want to get rid of it, right?”
You had been set on an abortion since you first saw the positive test but hearing Diluc mumble those words caused your walls to break again. Your head hung down, tears falling down your face like a waterfall. Diluc reached over to brush your cheeks and you instinctively leaned into his touch, “I’m awful.”
“No you aren’t,” Diluc said softly. His voice was timid and you felt so, so guilty. “This is your decision and no matter what you want to do, I’m going to support you.”
“Didn’t you hear me?” You sobbed, “I’m going to get an abortion for our child! Why aren’t you angry with me?”
“I’m just upset you didn’t tell me sooner,” Diluc said, “You shouldn’t have to go through this alone.”
Your lips trembled and for the third time that hour, you burst into tears. Diluc stood up from his chair again and shifted your body so you were sitting on his lap. You rested your forehead on his shoulder and Diluc’s warm hands wrapped around you.
“Just rest,” He told you and you felt your eyes growing tired, “I love you.”
“I love you,” You mumbled, “And I’m sorry.”
When you woke up, you were nestled in your bed and Diluc was beside you packing a suitcase. For a moment, you just watched him fold your shirts gently and place them inside the bag.
He noticed your open eyes and leaned down to brush a piece of hair back, “We’re leaving at noon.”
Still, I woulda spent so much more But 437 dollars somehow shakes all responsibility But it's not easy
The carriage ride was silent. You mostly stared out the window but occasionally glanced at Diluc. He seemed remarkably calm, holding your hand and brushing his thumb over your forefingers, but you could tell he was just as nervous as you were.
“Should we talk about it?” You asked, your voice hardly a whisper. There was no one in the carriage with you, the coachman outside of earshot, but your words still felt too secretive. The only person who knew what you two were doing was Jean - everyone else assumed Diluc had a business inquiry in Fontaine.
Diluc nodded.
“I wish it didn’t come to this,” You said, “We should have been more careful.”
You chewed on your lip, returning to look out the window, “I think...one day I want kids.”
“Me too.”
“But we’re too young,” You spoke for both of you now, “I mean, I’m so busy with the Knights and the wine industry is doing so well. And I want to travel Teyvat! We can’t do that with kids.” Diluc silently agrees with you.
The procedure is painless, quick and very expensive. Your eyes widen at the number that comes out of the nurse’s mouth but Diluc hands over a bag of mora with no emotion, wrapping his arm around your shoulder and walking away from the clinic.
Just like that, everything was fixed. You were no longer pregnant and Diluc was no longer going to be a father. So why were you two filled with an overwhelming amount of guilt?
You find a bench to sit on in front of a river that runs through the city and for a while, it’s quiet again. The past twenty-four hours had been filled with bursts of unbearable silence but what was there to talk about? You lean over your knees and stare at your reflection in the water, wondering if you still recognized the woman you saw.
“I’ll pay you back,” You tell Diluc suddenly.
Diluc doesn’t say anything until you sit back up, “Y/N, I would have spent seven times that amount for you - I would have sold the winery for you.”
His sweet words bring you back to reality and you hide your face in his chest. You knew what you did was the right decision, the right choice. If you chose to bring a baby into this world now, you would be constantly reminded that you didn’t want it. You don’t for a second think you would have neglected or not loved said child, but you couldn’t possibly give it your whole heart like you could if you both just waited a few more years.
You had to keep reminding yourself that you did what you needed to do. It was hard, but it was right.
She looks me dead in the eyes and says "hey Brian If you still believe in the Lord above Get on your hands and knees and pray for us
That night in your hotel room, you and Diluc pray to Barbartos. Neither of you were particularly religious, especially after learning Venti’s secret, but you thought maybe the archon would hear your pleas and do his best as your friend.
You and Diluc held your visions clasped between your hands and knelt below the window, gazing up at the starry sky. Your eyes were shut tightly.
“Lord Barbatos, please grant us ease to get through this hard time,” You whispered, “We really need it.”
“Please give Y/N good health and help us fulfil our dreams,” Diluc said. When he heard soft sniffles coming from you, Diluc added, “I’ll give you a free bottle of wine.” He nudged your side and your eyes opened, causing a tiny smile to appear on your face and you to chuckle sadly through your tears.
The past few months were pretty rough A couple times, wished we both were dead I never cried like that before I thought my eyes would pop out of my head Not just preparing for nightmares
Returning to Mondstadt was difficult. You surprised Jean in her office and, once again, broke down in her arms. She told you it was okay to stay home for a while, that she and Kaeya would tend to your commissions.
With no work to attend to, you fell into a deep depression. The nurses in Fontaine said this may happen as an emotional side-effect and they were right. You rarely got out of bed except to use the bathroom and Diluc had to beg you to eat something everyday. Diluc was having a tough time too but knew he needed to be strong for you. If the both of you fell into this ditch, how were you going to get out?
You didn’t understand your emotions right now. You had fixed the problem, shaken all responsibility from your back, yet you were crumbling like a piece of paper. You were exhausted all the time, not being able to sleep due to consistent nightmares, and you didn’t have the energy to do anything.
One night, Diluc left to work at the bar and when he returned, you were still awake. For once, you had gotten out of bed and moved to the couch. Of course, you were curled up lifelessly but it was a start.
You turned to look at the front door as it opened and inside stepped a very upset-looking Diluc. Your eyes stung at the look on his face and he strided over to you quickly, nearly collapsing on top of you on the couch. His arms hugged your waist and his head found its way to the crook of your neck.
For the first time, you saw Diluc completely break. Tears rolled down his cheeks in fat tears and choked sobs echoed through the walls of your home. His grasp on you was shaky and tight and you could only hold onto him.
“I’m sorry,” He sobbed, the words hardly understandable. He kept repeating the apology.
“We need to stop apologizing to each other,” You mumbled out, holding back your own cries. Your heart was breaking at the sight of Diluc and you pressed your hands to either side of his face, forcing him to look you in the eyes. His eyes were already bloodshot and you wondered if he was crying on the way home from the bar.
Diluc only nodded against your skin. You let him cry, just being there for him like he was for you so many times before was enough. You would be okay in time.
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sun-stormz · 4 years
Genshin Impact Visions & Gods
This has been bugging me since i started playing in mid november, but what makes a certain Archon give a Character their Vision. Considering i couldnt find any official info, I decided to do some research on each Archon and then on the player Characters we have of each element as of beginning of December 2020.
This will contain spoilers on characters & story!
Note: The travelers will not be included due to them not having Visions and having more then one Element.
I am basing this on overlaping themes and not on anything related to the actual Archon. I did add some info on the archons tho, due to this being about Visions and archons
“It is unclear whether Visions are directly granted by its element's corresponding Archon or by the nation's Archon. There is also the possibility that granting a Vision requires approval from both Archons. Yet another possibility is that they are granted by neither, and are instead given by the gods on Celestia.”
-Genshin Wiki on reciving Visions
Starting with my Favourite Element, Electro.
Electro wise, We have five Characters as of right now: Kequin, Razor, Beidou, Fishl and Lisa. The Electro Archon, God of Eternity, Baal, is the ruling Archon of the Area, Inazuma, whitch is the area we are getting in the 1.4 update in 2021.
To start off i read into any info i could find on Baal and i gotta say, she is a interesting Fellow. As of right now we know that Baal has locked Inazuma down and has initiated a Vision Hunt Decree, due to her thinking Visions should be under the sole domain of divinity. She also hasnt handed out any Visions since this decree which means all Electro characters we know have gotten theirs before this drastic change.
Now, why did these 5 characters get their Visions? Well each character has a different reason, from Razor wanting to protect those he calls friends to Lisa simpley saying it would be of use to her and just getting it. From what I've found there isnt really a big overlap in the reciving of the characters, but what is overlaping is their fixation on something.
Razor recived his vision due to him being fixated on getting stronger to protect his friends after he failed to while being dragged away by an abyss mage
Kequin was fixated on sharing her beliefs, that the people of Lyiue shouldnt rely on Rex Lapis and have their Pride and that their views are of Equal importance
Fishl was so fixated on a book series she changed herself to be like the main character, fishl and her Vision manifested in the form of Oz, one of the characters from said book
Beidou was fixated on killing Haishan, a sea monster, from a young age and recived her vision when she did so
Lisa is pretty much fixated on understanding magecraft and the cost of reciveing a Vision.
Now onto a easier Element, Geo
The Archon of Geo and Contracts, Morax, Archon of Lyiue.
Morax or Rex Lapis, was one of the oldest gods, defended Lyiue in the Archon war, the Currency in Teyvat, Mora, is named after him and as of Chp.1 Act 3 we know that he has taken the form of Zhongli and has retired as the Geo Archon.
Morax, Along with Barbatos, are the only two Archons of the Original Seven that havent been replaced.
Now, who are our Geo Characters? Noelle and Ningguang, two dedicated powerhouses! This one is fairly simple, thanks to voicelines we have of Zhongli since he came out as a player character (Bless the pity pull for giving me this man)
In his “About Ningguang” Voiceline he says: ”Despite the multitude of affairs she deals with in a day, Ningguang always continues to press on. A rare gem indeed. I'm reminded of the time that she used to walk barefoot from Yaoguang Shoal to the south wharf, trying to sell her wares as she went. Time is cruel to humans.”
Noelle recived her vision when Jean Acknowledged her hard work when she tried to get into the knights of favonius. in her “Vision” story it states: This was a lucky day that she would always remember, for she would receive recognition from two all-important sources this day: once from Jean, and the other from the gods. Her hard work has been remembered after all.
So for short: Hard working and dedicated = Geo Vision
Next up we have Anemo
Our wonderful Tone deaf bard, Venti or otherwise known as the Archon of Anemo and freedom, Barbatos, the not really ruling Archon of Mondstadt.
Barbatos is a freedom loving guy and refuses to rule over Mondstadt, the city of freedom and is by far the weakest of the Archons, despite this the people of Modstadt still love and adore their windy God.
I went into this one thinking “Oh this is easy, itll be love for freedom or something!” Nope, it surprisingly wasnt. Jean and sucerose recived their visions through their Determination it seems. Sucerose from doing her 159th Dandilion seed Simmering experiment and Jean seemed to be determened to be a good grandmaster and to protect Mondstadt.
That aside, i couldnt find many overlaps with the two, they are both free spirited and love what they do.
Now on to Pyro
Pyro, the Element of the Archon Murata who is also the god of War, is wielded by the fan fav Diluc, as well as Klee, Xiangling, Amber, Bennett and Xinyan.
Not much is known about Murata, Venti describes her as a “ wayward, warmongering wretch” and thats about all we know. She presides over Natlan.
Now to the characters, this was acually the easiest of them all: Passion.
Every Pyro user has a huge amount of passion that a rolemodel or Loved one ignited within them.
This one definitly surprised me the least and i am really excited for when we meet Murata and Natlan.
Diluc has the same passion his father had
Klee has a passion for Explosives that her mother ignited
Xiangling has a passion for food and cooking she got from her father
Amber got her Passion for Mondstadt and the outriders from her grandfather
Bennett got the Passion for adventure from all the old adventurers he calls dads, yes Dads as in plural, that raised him
Xinyan has a passion for Rock, tho i havent found out more of her story due to her being so new.
Now heading onto Hydro
Hydro, along with Dendro, is the only element where we do not know the name of the Archon. All we do know is that they are the Archon of Hydro and Justice and rule over Fontaine.
So straight to the Hydro characters: Barbara, Mona and Xingqiu.
I dont really count Childe due to the only thing talked about is his dilusion and i am rather confused on if he even has a real vision but i still love him lots
Im going to be honest this one really had me running the brain gears for a while.
All three recived their Vision as an extension of the self.
Barbara  got hers after helping a sick boy by singing to him to help him sleep through a fever, Mona rekindeled a learning aid to her vision, to aid her with her search for the truth of the rules of the world and Xingqiu got his after he explained the principles of his clans martial arts anew, litterally saying that martial artists should see Visions as a extension of the self.
Last but definitly not least, Cryo
Cryo, the Element of the Archon know as the Tsaritsa. We acually dont know her corrisponding ideal nor her acual name and this one was just as geargrinding as Hydro.
The Tsaritsa, Ruler of the fatui and the one that gives them their Dilusions, is one interresting lady. We get a description of her from Childe: “Her Royal Highness the Tsaritsa is actually a gentle soul. Too gentle, in fact, and that's why she had to harden herself. Likewise, she declared war against the whole world only because she dreams of peace. Her gaze was cold but pure, arrogant yet sharp. She was not only the sacrosanct Cryo Archon but a true warrior also.”
Kaeya, Chongyun, Diona and Qiqi, our current four Cyro userer, all have rather interesting storys when it comes to how they got their Vision.
All dont accept something
Kaeya felt guilty about hiding who he was from the family that adopted him after his father abandoned him to be a spy in Mondstadt, and told Diluc, someone he used to be very close with, the truth, since then he sees his vision as a stern reminder that he must live his life under a heavy burden of Lies. He pretty much doesnt accept the truth of his situatin and would rather live with that heavy burden
Chonyun is surpressing a part of himself, the condition he has, and as Xiangling says in Chongyuns stories, is denying a part of him. He trys to work around his condition and wont accept it as the way to go about how he practices exocrism.
Diona wont accept the truth about her father being a Alcoholic, and places the blame on the Alcohol industy instead of accepting that he isnt as high and mighty as she thought. She wont accept that her fathers bad control over his drinking habits is the reason he acts as he does and instead blames the alcohol industry.
Qiqi didnt want to accept her death nor does she really accept her Zombie like traits and only uses them when she needs to defend herself.
My theory is the Cyro Visions are recevied when you wont accept the grim reality as it is, if this is positive or negative variates
When it comes to the last element, Dendro, we sadly know nothing nor have we seen any dendro character in action. So that might be a addition later on.
I’m really interrested if we find out the actual criteria for reciving each Vision one day
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water-writings · 3 years
now that’s it’s (sadly) over, what did you think of fatws as a whole?
Spoilers for anyone who hasn’t seen or finished the show yet. This is going to be a long post haha.
I liked it a lot! I thought every episode was packed with great action scenes and great dialogue. It reminded me how much I miss seeing Marvel movies in theaters haha. I was so excited to see Sam in his Captain America suit, he looked so good!! That whole final battle was great! 
I loved Sam in this series and so glad he got a series where it shows who he is. A human being with a family and no super strength. That’s what he is. He is a man who is caring and strong, but doesn’t need super strength to be Captain America. Captain America is just the title, who he is is what makes him Captain America. And Sam is Captain America. He cares for the people and not the title. Not like John Walker. Not that Walker didn’t care about people, but he always introduced himself as Captain America. Was hardly ever humble. Sam is humble and works hard to get what he needs and has fun with it. I loved seeing his nephews and sister and just seeing the community he grew up with. Every time we saw the community come together it made me smile. He is the perfect legacy for Steve. 
Bucky was great. Getting to see the hardened and struggling with his mental health man that he is was interesting to watch. Its such a huge foil to who he was back in the forties which of course he’s going to not be the same after everything he went through. I’m so glad they showed him going to therapy like a real person and soldier. He has PTSD, they show that in the smallest ways. And then there’s him bantering with Sam who just loves to push his buttons. It was great to see. I loved getting to see how he is after everything, how he’s coping without Steve (who is a whole other story/rant that I don’t want to get into right now), and we got to see a small snippet of his time in Wakanda!! I loved it!! I loved seeing him making his old man from the forties comments about this generation/era and I loved seeing him be vulnerable with Ayo and with Nakajima. 
Karli, I liked her just wished she didn’t get killed off. She had good intentions, but they were executed horribly. The fact she blew up (I think) a hospital and had no care for the innocent lives in it was sad to see. She could’ve just stolen and left no casualties and still gotten her message across. But it also gave the reason for hers and Sam’s talk in I think episode 4(?). I liked her. 
Sharon, I was so excited to see. She needed more screen time which she was robbed of in the movies. What I wasn’t crazy about was her being the Powerbroker. It was expected, but very underwhelming. I got why she became the way she was thanks to having to go into hiding after Civil War and couldn’t go back to America. But that end credit scene I hated. She’s finally back in America, Sam kept his word that he’d help her get back, and what does she do? Spits on her Aunt Peggy’s legacy and goes behind Sam’s back to sell government weapons and secrets. It just didn’t seem fitting for her. What I’m hoping is that they actually give a full explanation on her motive for the next season and it all comes together. If they can write her as a villain well it will be a great twist on her character. Granted I THINK she becomes a villain at some point in the comics. Don’t quote me on that. I don’t know everything on the comics and still learning. 
John Walker I didn’t like. That was the point of his character though, and the so called “fans” who are sending death threats to Wyatt Russel are not real fans. Russel did a FANTASTIC job playing Walker. He went in knowing we wouldn’t like him and he did such a great job making us not like his character. That seen in episode 4 where he snaps and kills that guy from the Flag Smashers was insane. I knew at some point Walker would snap, I just didn’t know it would be that. I’ve been talking with my cousin after every episode and he thinks Walker will get a redemption arc. I believe he will, just hope it’s written well. 
I LOVED that they brought in Julia Lous-Dreyfus in!! She’s such a great actor and she’s perfect for the role of Val. And the second she walked on screen my mind went straight to Madam Hydra and I had never even heard of the character’s name Contessa Valentina Allegra de Fontaine. Never heard of her. Who I did know was Madam Hydra and I was so freaking right!! I’m so excited to see her in future stuff. I just know she’s going to end up helping General Ross create the Thunderbolts, hence why John Walker is now officially US Agent. 
This whole show was great and touched on so many great aspects of the characters, the MCU, and issues in our world. It’s not a perfect show, and no show is perfect. There are some flaws, like I said with Sharon, but it was so enjoyable to watch from start to finish. 
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dawnscngs · 3 years
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Name: William James Moriarty
Vision: haha, what vision? (Pyro)
Weapon: Sword, hidden within his walking cane— which he does not actually need. Can also wield firearms, but does not have a preference for them.
Constellation: Flos Sanguinum
Nation: Fontaine.
Affiliation: The Lord of Crime / The Moriarty Family
Occupation: Professor, Vigilante Mastermind
Special Dish: Red Velvet Cupcakes
A young professor from an affluent family. He does not charge for his lessons and accepts students from all walks of life. Beneath the veil of propriety, however, William is a vital piece of an underground network known collectively as ‘The Lord of Crime’. This organization deals in information, as well as punishing those who the law cannot or does not touch.
Hello:  William James Moriarty, at your service. In addition to teaching mathematics, I also run a consulting service. It’s quite lovely to meet you-- Should you find yourself in need of assistance, feel free to seek me out.
Chat - Sleep:  Hm...? Oh-- Yes, I am quite alright. Excuse me for drifting off, I’m afraid I didn’t get much sleep last night.
Chat - Tea:  This? It’s a blend of Darjeeling with strawberry and hibiscus; I’m quite fond of it. Allow me to pour a cup for you.
Chat - Class:  Ah, you’re just in time for my next lecture. You’re welcome to stay for the lesson, if you’d like.
When it rains:  Ahh, how dreary. Still, the smell of rain is quite nice. What do you say we find some shelter and enjoy the weather from inside?
When the sun is out:  My, what a lovely day. Perfect for a walk, don’t you think?
When lightning strikes:  As fond as I am of the sound of thunder, I would prefer to avoid its companion, if it’s all the same to you.
When it snows:  For many, winter brings only the threat of death. I’ve never been fond of the cold.
Good morning:  Oh dear, is that the sun already? It seems time has gotten away from me again... Ah, well. Breakfast?
Good afternoon:  Hello! It’s nearly my lunch hour, if you’d care to join me. I would love to hear more of your adventures.
Good evening:  What a beautiful sunset...
Good night:  You’re up a touch late, are you not? Take care not to over-exert yourself. Me? Oh, I’ll be up for quite a while yet.
About William - Ambitions:  One day, I’d love to see a world where everyone stands on equal footing. Where those who take advantage of others don’t go unpunished... Ah, but even if such a world could be built, I doubt I’ll be around to see it. Still, I’d like to help shape it, while I’m able.
About us - Distraction:  It’s nice of you to visit me so often. I suppose I don’t mind the distraction as much as I thought I would. You’re good company and speaking with you is never boring.
About us - Family:  Oh-- hang on a moment, your hair is all out of place... There we go! Ah... Forgive me, Traveler, you’re practically a part of the family, now, I’m afraid I acted on instinct.
About the vision:  Visions are a funny thing, don’t you think? I can’t imagine why an Archon would see fit to grant me such a thing, and yet...here it is all the same. Let’s keep this our secret, alright? I’d rather not lay all my cards on the table at once- you never know who’s looking.
Something to share:  I enjoy novels, but the theatre is where my heart truly lies. Have you seen anything good, recently? We should go to the Opera sometime, I hear this season is looking quite promising!
Interesting things:   I’m quite fond of the Fibonacci sequence! Did you know that in observing the geometry of plants, we often find that there are recurrent structures in the arrangement of leaves, branches, flower petals, and seeds which follow the spiral? It’s fascinating how mathematics can translate into nature.
About Louis:  Ah, Louis? It is difficult to overlook the resemblance, hm? He is my little brother. We were all the other had, once. I wish only to ensure his happiness in the future, as much as I possibly can. Although I’d rather you not tell him this, I can’t help but feel that he deserves... better than having me for a brother. Should something ever happen... might I make a selfish request of you? Check in on him from time to time. He has endless potential, he only needs the chance for it to flourish.
About Albert:  I have never known a man with even half as much willpower as Albert has in spades. Were it not for him, Louis and I would certainly be much worse for wear. He is as dear to me as my own blood, make no mistake. There is not a thing I would not do for my dear elder brother.
About Fred:  Fred is an earnest lad. Despite leading a difficult life, his heart is still good. He has a strong desire to learn and to protect those who cannot protect themselves. It’s an outstanding quality, and he is an outstanding young man. He has quite a way with flowers too, you should ask him about the garden sometime, he’s done a beautiful job. It really only shines thanks to his hard work.
About Moran:  Colonel Moran is quite a steadfast person. His ability to push through adversity is second to none. I admire that, as well as his uncanny ability to communicate and understand others without a word. He is a man who understands his own heart and lets nothing hold him back from what he needs to do, and he has been one of my dearest companions for a long time.
About Bond:  Mr. Bond has a wonderful presence, doesn’t he? I can’t help but feel that his energy brings a nice lift to this place-- I can scarcely imagine things without him, nowadays. I suppose that’s one way to know when you’ve found a family, though, hm? If you can’t see your life without them, then you should make certain to keep them close. No matter how recent an addition, James is irreplaceable.
About Jack: My father is nothing but a distant memory, now, so fogged and distorted that not even I can recall his face. Instead I will happily consider Jack as the closest I will ever get. He has taught my brothers and I all we know in terms of battle— defending ourselves and one another, and I will forever be grateful and hold him in the highest regard.
About Sherlock: Mr. Holmes is far from proper— loud, energetic, wonderfully expressive… His lack of manners is truly refreshing! When we are together, I find myself feeling more free than I have in… Well, recent memory, I suppose. His mind is something truly incredible and when he looks at me, I feel as if he really sees me, and even understands. Every moment I spend at his side is impossibly thrilling.
William’s hobbies: I love a good game of chess! Do you play? I would be happy to sit down for a match, if you’d care to humor me. Oh, this? Don’t mind it, I am simply fond of this particular Queen piece, so I trade out for her no matter the board I use.
William’s troubles: The path I’ve chosen...It will be better for everyone I love, in the long run, and yet...I fear I’ll never be able to come back from it.
Favorite food: Louis’ cooking is my favorite, without a single doubt! I find myself craving his omelets nearly every day, regardless of how far from home I may be. Everything my brother makes tastes...like home, and even if I had any talent for cooking, I would never be able to replicate it.
Least favorite food: I’m far from picky, but I’m afraid not even I consider the mistakes I make while trying to cook to be edible, even in the slightest.
Feelings about ascension - Intro: Ah? Hmm, what an interesting development...
Feelings about ascension - Building up: For the sake of everyone, I cannot stop here.
Feelings about ascension - Climax: Tempered steel is far more difficult to break. Perhaps, like this, I can truly make a difference.
Feelings about ascension - Conclusion: This power...It will all be used to shape a new day.
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ofontaines · 5 years
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『JACOB ELORDI ❙ CIS MALE』 ⟿ looks like ACE FONTAINE is here for HIS SENIOR year as a MECHANICAL ENGINEERING student. HE is 22 years old & known to be PROACTIVE, ENTERPRISING, REFRACTORY & TEMERARIOUS. They’re living in PERKINS, so if you’re there, watch out for them. ⬳ SAM. 23. EST. SHE/HER.
aw shit here we go again hello i’m sam and i also write for elvie ( @ofcrofts​ ) and jinx ( @ofjinxs​ ). it’s been a minute since i created an all new character, but i’ve had this idea in my head for a while and i’m really excited so please message me if you would like to plot!
i. stats
full name:grayson ciel blakesley fontaine
preferred names:ace, gray for close friends
hometown:hackberry, louisiana
date of birth:june 1st, 1997
field of study:mechanical engineering
pos. traits:proactive, enterprising, clever.
neg. traits:refractory, temerarious, brash.
ii. history
grayson ciel "ace" fontaine was born in cameron, louisiana and spent most of his childhood in the nearby community of hackberry. he was an only child raised under the care of his mother.
survival was a struggle for as far back as he can remember. what little money his mother earned from her various odd jobs often went right into supporting her drug habit, leaving ace to learn how to fend for himself from an early age.
he was a bright and curious kid, often breezing through his schoolwork when he attended ( just enough days to keep the truancy officers and social workers off of his case ). he liked to take apart small electronics and machines to study them, and he had a talent for creating new things out of recycled parts.
however, most of his time was spent polishing his survival skills: pickpocketing, scamming, straight up thievery. he was a seasoned expert long before his life would completely change, and old habits die hard.
according to the reports of the time, ace was the one who found his mother dead in their living room, overdosed on the sofa. he doesn't remember this at all. a deeply repressed memory, unsurprisingly.
he goes into the system for a few months. then, of all people his biological father shows up out of nowhere looking to take him in.
orville blakesley iv. an old money businessman from manhattan's upper east side. turns out, ace was the product of an affair that had occurred during a quick business trip to louisiana. he knew about his son, as he kept tabs on the woman he had left behind but claimed to be in love with despite never stepping in to help her or their child. his name wasn't on the birth certificate, and his mother never spoke of him, but a quick dna test compulsory in ace's case removed all doubt and granted him parental rights.
ace was twelve when everything was finalized and he was taken to live in new york city under the guise of being a long lost distant relative in dire need of a home. there was a small frenzy among the local press, and once it faded ace was alone in an unfamiliar world all by himself. his new family did little to help him. his half siblings never even gave him a chance, taking an instant disliking to him and openly expressing their disapproval of their father's decision to bring the product of his affair into their home. his stepmother, surprisingly enough, was one of the very few people he actually liked & who was actually quite nice to him from the start, buuuut that wasn’t enough for him to behave. from the age of eleven onwards, all of ace’s energy would go right to pissing off his dad.
little troublemaking antics escalated fast. by the time he was a teenager, ace was pulling off illegal shit on a much larger scale than ever before. he’d have quite an impressive record for petty crimes if it wasn’t for his dad calling in very expensive favors every time ace wound up in the back of a police car.
orville, much to everyone’s shock, always tried his very best to be understanding despite the trouble his son was constantly getting into. unfortunately this turned him into a bit of a doormat.
his father’s acceptance of his terrible behavior just pissed him off even more. ace wanted to make his dad upset. he wanted his dad to feel the hurt and anger and sadness that he felt upon realizing that his father could’ve been there for him his whole life but simply chose not to be. it didn’t really matter to him that orville was putting in the effort now and trying to make up for his past wrongdoings.
he attended a private school for children of the elite in new york city and even though he liked to pretend that he didn't care, he did well enough to graduate fourth in his class and get into columbia university without his family having to step in and donate a new library to the school.
unfortunately, his parents were very happy about this so of course ace had to go and ruin it. :/ he flunked out of columbia in his freshman year after he attended two ( 2 ) classes the entire semester. as per the pattern, his parents didn't really punish him at all and instead paid for him to attend radcliffe which he had picked out himself, hoping that the distance and freedom might calm him down a bit.
it didn't, but his new girlfriend did. he fell hard, and the two moved fast. got together their first semester of freshman year, and over summer break he proposed. they lasted until around spring break of their sophomore year.
after the break up, he threw himself into school but he also got back into his old troublemaking ways! he likes to go street racing, so he's gotten caught boosting cars around lovell a few times. he steals from stores, he gets into fights, he attends every wild party on campus and at splatterhouse and most likely causes a scene. every single time, his dad just takes out his checkbook and makes it go away.
iii. extras
grayson blakesley is the name on all of his official legal documents, but he reflexively corrects anyone who ever calls him by his father's surname. he doesn't particularly like to be called grayson either, but that doesn't happen as often anyway.
even though they're funding his education and his shenanigans, ace has basically cut off all contact with the blakesleys. he could access their fortune bc it’s not like they’ve cut him off or anything, but he absolutely refuses to go anywhere near money that he hasn’t made on his own so he lives off of what he makes from winning street races & his other assorted activities ( mostly thievery ).
he’s most likely stolen regularly from anyone who’s ever been a roommate of his or honestly just happens to live in perkins. it’s not compulsive ; he’s just a jerk.
probably spends every weekend in a holding cell at the lovell police department. what for? just close your eyes and point to any entry on a list of common misdemeanors and there's at least a 60% chance that you're right.
he’s on and off the school hockey team. a genuinely good player, but he just can’t keep up the good behavior required of him in order to keep his spot on the team.
has a little bit of a southern twang. a little bit.
he's ambidexterous!
if it wasn't obvious enough, he's a total daredevil. sometimes he does things out of rebellion, sometimes he does things out of curiosity, sometimes he does things out of sheer boredom. there's absolutely no pattern to his decisions. he has no impulse control whatsoever.
dating hasn't worked out well for him since the break up with his ex fiance. not sure if it's because he isn't over her or if it just kinda fucked him up, but either way he's since struggled with forming stable, long-lasting relationships.
iv. wanted connections
ex fiance *wc on the main
best friend
“friends” ( more like acquaintances who he neither likes nor dislikes )
actual friends, most likely fellow hooligans
disgruntled former roommates
people he’s stolen from
people he’s gotten into fights with
short term exes, fwb, one night stands
( these are just ideas and i’m trash at coming up with these, so please don’t feel limited by what’s listed here. )
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