#this au is my new squeaky toy. crush it in my hands and throw it at the wall
theellipelli · 9 months
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harbinger lyney au
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professoruber · 5 years
Epithet Erased Role Swap AU FanFic: A swapped place in Sweet Jazz City Prologue
Hi, This is just a quick Fanfiction I've written up based on the amazing Role Swap AU made by @spliinkles. I actually did have a somewhat similar idea before (which was what if some epithet related event caused characters to switch ages) but I really love the ideas of this AU and wanted to write about it.
Sorry first of all if there are any errors. I wrote this up kind of quickly and if I do find errors I will be willing to fix them if  I get around to it.
Am posting this fanfiction here because the Epithet Erased fandom seems biggest on Tumblr and also that's where this AU is from.
Prologue: You're reading it
Chapter 1: https://professoruber.tumblr.com/post/189841325568/a-swapped-place-in-sweet-jazz-city-chapter-1
Giovanni Potage was what some might call a variety of unflattering yet undeniably accurate descriptors. Such things included ‘problem child’ and ‘wannabe delinquent’, both titles he wore with pride.
With the exception of the ‘wannabe’ part of course, if you were to ask him, he would insist he was the most feared delinquent in his school’s history and most definitely not an adorable little soup child.
His reign of delinquency was joined by his friends, his ‘boys’ as he called them. Two of these aforementioned boys were now accompanying him on the most boring field trip ever.
“-and that’s when I smash that ball right into the principle’s office, and everyone cheered” Giovanni finishes accounting his latest most definitely truthful anecdote about his misadventures as a dangerous criminal delinquent.  His squeaky twelve-year-old vocal cords pushed to their deepest potential level in order to attempt to put on a wave of coolness on top of what he considers his amazing storytelling ability.
 “WOW GIOVANNI. YOU’RE SO AMAZING! I LOVE YOU SO MUCH” Screams one of his friends, known most often as Crusher for rather self-explanatory reasons. The high volume of his sudden outburst eliciting a glare from one of the museum guides who were currently giving a tour to their class.
The young guide turns away from the crowd of youths briefly to pop another pain pill before taking a deep breath and snapping back towards the kids with a forced smile.
“As I was saying before I was… interrupted…” she began, briefly pausing to once again glare at Crusher, who blessed with embarrassment and hid behind the protection of Giovanni as she continues “Epithets are rare and amazing powers gifted to just a one in five of the population. Wow, so cool. Anyway, moving on…” she begins to keep walking before being lightly nudged by her older bearded co-guide.
“Come now my apprentice Mera. It is important to show enthusiasm for this thing. It’s important to always do your best in every situation” the man says the last sentence with such sheer power that he flexes for emphasis, prompting a array of awed stares bystanders at his muscular build.
Mera even admires it for a moment before turning back to the children and sighing “You’re right Indus… I’ll try to spice up the tour a bit” she gives a somewhat more genuine smile this time, as Indus pats her on the back.
“Now that’s the spirit! Why don’t we tell them about the Arsene Amulet, that will certainly spice things up” Indus suggests with large genuine smile aimed at his young apprentice.
Mera goes wide eyed at the mention of the amulet before whispering to Indus “Uh… Indus I’m not sure if telling these kids about the amulet is a good idea”
Indus looks thoughtful but nevertheless was still in proud teacher mode “Do not worry apprentice Mera. No harm should come from granting these children some of the wonder of this museum”
Mera eventually relents and soon launches into a somewhat less half-hearted explanation of the amulet as well as other cool and interesting exhibits, Indus sometimes dropping in to suggest topics, such as the Dinosaur exhibition which he insists is amazing.
However, these were quickly drowned out Giovanni’s criminal mind as it’s focus settled firmly on the fact a mysterious cool amulet was hidden within these halls. An awesomely evil formed from the dark confines of his self-proclaimed delinquent mind.
“Car Crash, Crusher, come with me” he whispers in his best covert voice before snatching his pair of friends away from the tour. The former blushed at the close contact to his crush while the latter looked annoyed.
“Hey, my name’s Fred. All I did was crash Ben’s go-kart five times and now everyone just won’t let it go!” He complains and throws up his hands in annoyance.
“Shush, will you? Whatever. I have an awesome plan to show the whole entire world my awesome criminal skills so no one will deny that Giovanni Potage is the most awesome supervillain of all time!” He exclaims quietly with clenched fist.
Crusher loved every moment of It and even ‘Fred’ was captivated by the intensity if nothing else.  
“I will sneak inside the museum; spray paint my name on the exhibits. And then for the finale I will steal that amulet thingy and leave a pool of boiling lava and… uh… acid! In its place. These history nerds will never no one hit them” he gives a smug smile, proud of himself for having come up with such a villainous plan.
Crusher fell to the floor as he clenches his heart, overwhelmed by the sheer continued amazingness of Giovanni. Fred meanwhile was somewhat confused on What Giovanni’s plan was.
“So, you want to get an amulet which steals Epithets?” he asks with a raised eyebrow.
Giovanni looks confused for a moment before putting two and two together “oh is that what that thing does? Nah that’s totally lame. What I want is the street cred. If I pull this off then all the greatest criminal gangs will be begging to have me join them. Maybe I might be able to join the Bushido Blasters… or even the Banzai Blasters!” He exclaims with enthusiasm.
As Crusher continued to be amazed, Fred scratched the back of his head “I don’t know man, this seems kind of dangerous even compared to what we usually get up to. And me and ‘Crusher’ can’t be out after dark, so you’ll be alone for this”
Crusher cries manly boy tears at the thought of having to abandon Giovanni. But Giovanni simply dramatically holds his hand to his chest and begins to reassure them.
“Don’t worry my boys! I have the greatest- hey what’s that over there!” He suddenly shouts pointing to the left, and grinning as Crusher and Fred look to in that direction. While his friends are distracting, Giovanni quickly dashes behind them and yells “Teleports behind!”, startling both boys.
“As you can see my stealth skills and unmatched. And after tonight no one will able to deny the supervillainy of Giovanni Potage!”
Across the city in the backroom of a family owned toy store sat a young barely adult woman wearing a dark green dress and a yellow apron and boots, her dark brown hair tied up to prevent it getting in her face.
The woman was working stoically on toys which would be sold in the Blyndeff Toy Emporium, her family’s store.
“Police are still baffled at the recent theft of expensive several statues from a local art gallery, all of which were replaced by teddy bears. Despite the absurdity of this case police have still found no leads on the criminals responsible, although reports suggest Banzai Blasters may have been involved- “ the noise drowns out in the woman’s mind as her lips slip into an evil grin as she recalls the recent caper which led to her promotion from Blaster to Captain in the Banzai ranks.
In the monotonous world of manufacturing and retail she was glad to have an outlet to cut loose when she could, keeping up appearances in front of customers and not hitting the many who deserved it was tiring, and she’s been doing this for around a decade at this point.
Taking a deep breath, she got back to work, turning off the news livestream playing on her phone just had it had begun talking about how a Detective Ashling had been assigned to the case. She had bigger things to concern herself with right now.
Namely that of her first heist as a Banzai Captain. Her crew of minions were ready and a location had been mapped out. Now all she needed to do was complete the final workings of her special criminal helper toys, as well as the toys which need to be sold.
“Molly! Mum wants to know if the new toys are ready yet!” The bratty voice of the woman’s little sister comes through the door of the workshop as the young girl in question walks into take a look herself.
Molly feels like grimacing but instead effortlessly donned a smile as hollow as her soul.
“Almost done Lorelai. Tell mum I’ll have these out on the shelves soon” she said with a mask of cheerfulness, to which Lorelai simply rolled her eyes at and gave a quick “Whatever” before leaving back to the rest of the building, shutting the door behind her.
Molly got back to work, only stopping at one point to take out a small picture of the Sweet Jazz Museum, causing her to gain a much more genuine, and evil smile “tonight” she simply says, as she returns to work.
Later in the dead of night, Giovanni’s head raises up above from a bin. He leaps out and whisper shouts “Teleports inside!” to himself as he looks around.
He proceeds to run carelessly around the now empty halls of the museum, slipping and knocking some stuff over a few times before arriving in the entrance.
“Uh hu! This shall be a great place to begin the reign of terror of Giovanni Potage” the twelve year out super-criminal announces as he walks up to the desk.
“I should call my boys, to let them know I got it, not that they would be surprised of course” He picks up the phone and dials Car Crash’s number, only for it to fail to go through. Confused, Giovanni looks at the phone only to find an explanation of its true nature.
“Internal and emergency calls only? Pfft, lame” he comments as he slams down the receiver. He then proceeds to duck down under the desk and take out some items from his bag. First a whoopy cushion which he fashions to the chair and then a canister of spray paint.
He begins spray painting a message about how lame their phone system is. Meanwhile as the young delinquent writes, a hole in the roof is silently made and a group of Banzai Blaster begin slowly coming in from above, going unheard from anyone who might be within earshot thanks to their leader’s Epithet.
The last to go down is their new Captain, Bear Trap, who under the silence of her Epithet begins handing out instructions to her minions.
“There all done” Giovanni says proudly as he finishes his villainous vandalism, popping back up from behind the desk her suddenly comes eye to eye with Bear Trap.
All parties present simply fall back, startled due to not expecting to encounter anyone else. For a few moments silence reigns even without the assistance of Bear Trap’s Epithet.
The silence isn’t broken until the shock face of Giovanni suddenly shifts into one of wonder and excitement.
“Wow criminals! Awesome!”
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In the Deep Snow
Bucky Barnes x Reader
Summary: Modern AU. Your beauty sleep in interrupted by your cat-loving neighbour.
Words: 1.367
Warnings: swearing, fluffity fluff, idiots in love.
A/N: Written for the most beautiful, most amazing, most loved person in this site; @its--fandom--darling​, aka one of the lights of my life. What a wonder, what a gorgous human being. I love you Allie, merry christmas <3
I think is painfully obvious that english isn’t my first language, so if you see any mistakes in the narration is because of that. Please let me know what do you think! The credit of the gif goes for it’s respective owner.
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The sound of your bare feet knocking against the floor is mixed with the incessant knocking on your door, urging you to move faster. Your eyes were still struggling to open and your eyesight was blurry at the edges, but you still jogged to the door.
"Yes, I'm coming!" You screamed when the knocking didn't stop. Whoever is knocking at your door at this time, they better have a very good reason to do so.
A gust of icy wind entered your house as soon as you opened the door, and you wished you had put something more warm over your thin pajamas before attending to your impatient guest. It took your eyes a little to adjust to the street light, but when they did, they met the last person you were waiting for tonight.
"Bucky?" You rubbed your eyes to clear your vision, fighting to keep a yawn at bay. Bucky still had his closed hand raised in front of him, ready to keep knocking on your door until it collapsed. His hair was loose and ruffled by the winter wind, his nose and cheeks dyed a bright pink.
His eyes moved around your figure nervously, his hands falling together in front of him. "Hi."
"Hello." You replied, rubbing your hands together to scare the cold. The air began to bristle the hair of your arms and your own nose began to freeze, despite not having been exposed to the cold for more than a minute. The heat of your bed seemed so terribly cozy right now.
"Hi." Bucky muttered again, his hands clenching in front of him.
Bucky had always been a good neighbor, if a little odd, but he was friendly when you greeted him when you got home and he was sitting on the sidewalk, looking at the space. You didn't know much about him or his life, but still, you knew that knocking at people’s doors at two am was not something he did very often.
"Is something wrong? Do you need help?” You asked, looking him up and down, searching for any injuries or signs of fighting. Bucky stepped back, his heavy boots sinking into the snow in front of your door. You groaned internally, knowing that you would have to sweep it out of your way the next morning. But that was a problem for tomorrow you, not now you.
"No. I mean, yes. My cat, Alpine, got out of my house, and I need you to help me find her.” He spoke with a single breath and you could barely understand what he said, but you nodded slowly, just to calm him down.
"Do you have a cat?"
"Yes, but not by much, if I don't save her from freezing her butt in these three feet of damn snow."
You blinked, sleep having disappeared from your body, and you nodded again, looking into his desperate blue eyes and struggling to hide the heat in your cheeks. "Okay, let me put on something warmer and I'll be out in a second."
Bucky nodded, his eyes shining with gratitude. "I really appreciate it."
"Yeah, yeah..." You murmured as you closed the door softly, your movements slow as you put on your boots, gloves and winter coat that hung conveniently on the side of the door. Maybe it would be a better idea to change your pajamas, but you didn't want to make him wait any longer, so you went out into the street with your new armor on and immediately sank into the snow.
"Oh!" You gasped in the cold night air, barely avoiding slipping, and headed towards Bucky, who was looking through the snow.
"So, how does this cat of yours look like?" You asked to fill the silence, moving the snow with your feet. Bucky didn't look in your direction, he just spoke over his shoulder.
"Her fur is white, and she has a pink bun on her neck, if she hasn't ripped it off yet." He muttered distractedly, his legs hidden by the snow. How the hell could he stand there in the snow looking so comfortable?
"Did you put her on a pink bow?" A smile threatened to pull the corners of your lips, and Bucky finally looked up, a blush staining his cheeks a deeper pink.
"I thought it would look pretty."
You let the smile split your face in two, enjoying its blush. "Okay, cat man."
His eyes narrowed slightly in your direction before he returned to his task, calling his cat in soft whispers. You followed his example and continued your search, muttering about how the hell you were going to find a white cat in three feet of deep and icy snow.
"What happens if we accidentally step on her?" You thought out loud, staring at your feet. The idea of ​​stepping on the soft tail of a kitty sent a pulse to your stomach. Bucky opened his eyes wide, his hand scratching his beard thoughtfully.
"Shit, you're right." He muttered angrily, clenching his jaw. You took advantage of his momentary distraction to watch him more closely.
You had ignored your crush during the six months he had lived in the apartment beside yours, telling you that a few greetings and furtive glances meant nothing. But those piercing blue eyes and small smiles thrown in your direction stole your breath every damn time. You weren't even sure he realized how charming he could be.
You cleared your throat, a chill going up your back. You didn't want to be out here in the cold for much longer, but you didn't want to leave poor Alpine to her own.
"Do you have any toys to attract her, or any food?"
Bucky stopped, his eyes lighting with recognition. "I hadn't thought about that before."
You growled loudly, throwing your arms in the air. "Go find it, then, you fool!"
Bucky send you a wide grin before jogging to the stairs that lead to his apartment, leaving you alone in the cold street. You kept searching through the snow, waiting to hear the soft meow of the kitten.
"I got it!" Bucky ran back to your side, holding a gray plastic toy in his hands. You narrowed your eyes in the pale street light.
"Is that a-?"
"Fish? Yeah, it is. Alpine may look very elegant, but she hasn't forgotten her roots yet.” His smile shone as he squezzed the toy his metal hand, emitting a squeaky sound.
A curious little meow rang over your head, and you both turned to see a cat sitting on the steps in front of Bucky's apartment door, her fur shining with slowly melting snowflakes.
"Ah, there is the little shit." Bucky muttered, his lips twisting in a grimace. Then, he turned to you, his eyes softening in an apology. "I'm sorry I got you out of bed for this, I promise it won't happen again."
You smiled softly, shrugging. "It’s okay, any father would care about his daughter if this happened to them." Bucky rolled his eyes, but that didn't stop your grin from growing.
"Can I at least invite you a hot chocolate tomorrow morning?" His voice was soft and gentle in the cold night. Alpine howled again, and your eyes turned in her direction. She seemed to beg you with her eyes, as if she also wanted you to say yes.
“Um, sure, yeah. I'd love to.” Your sharp voice cut the air like a knife and you felt the heat rise to your cheeks. Luckily for you, Bucky didn't seem to notice, and his smile spread.
His eyes shone with amusement, and he nodded in your direction before heading to his own apartment. You followed his example and opened the door of your apartment, yearning for the heat it would bring. Bucky stopped before entering his house, however, and sent you another of his warm smiles. "Good night, Y/N."
"Good night, Bucky." You murmured in the cold air, and heard how his door closed before closing yours. Your heart was still pounding in your chest when you slid back into your bed, and you couldn't fight with the smile that slipped on your lips.
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A/N: I’m not entery sure about this one. I did wrote it in a rush bc I’m using my sister’s laptop, so I don’t think this has the same spirit my others fanfics have. However, I did wrote this with a heart full of love and this is made with all my fondness to you, Allison. I hope you liked it <3
Tags: @saharzek​
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