#GRR i dont wanna be boring 2 him ..
asbestieos · 1 year
today is a bit of a bpd-enabling day pookie pearlie dm’d me a few minutes after i woke up and ivw been desperately calculating the best response to his every message necos i love him and want to keep talkong to him <- FUCKING BANANAS
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amphii-writes · 4 years
How Aoba Johsai / Seijoh And I would Interact Head cannons
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Hey! this is just how I think I would interact with the team because I know myself better than I know you, the reader! so i’m sorry if these are a bit boring :,)
TW: swearing
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I’m pretty mild-mannered around people who i don't know or who scare me and boy is aoba johsai scary
I feel like if i ever saw oikawa id just kinda try to run away- like i get that hes pretty but his fucking team is so scary ashpnidaludshd
I’d be nice about it though- I’d dodge his flirting like that one scene in the matrix and excuse myself as nicely as possible
But like if I ever saw Mattsun, Mad Dog, or iwaizumi? Ahsisudiak I’d probably combust. They’re canonically intimidating and i’m a grade A pussy so… yeah
Don't get me started on if i thought i pissed one of them off.
I’d deadass start crying- i joke with my friends that i'm tough but i’m really not like- at all
And if I recognized them?? I'd be also melting out of embarrassment because id be freaking out like anyone would be
Personally i'd be flipping my shit over Iwaizumi no cap
Man has arms and arms for days my bitch ass would just o-o ah yes indeed a splendid specimen oh waiT
Oh and if any of them walked up to me (during school) I’d also combust but I’d try to be as stable as possible during said mini-meltdown
I feel like oikawa would be the one to walk up to me, dragging poor Iwaizumi with him and the rest of the group just follows cause Oikawa and the 3rd years kinda run it so like *insert shrugging emoji*
Of course because i don't wanna be an asshole id try to make some small talk with the team, hows life, how are you, what's new, etc etc and just try to be as nice and un-intimidating/diffusing as possible
I wanna make myself look like less of a threat to my homeboy Kyotani cause i get how he feels on the low anyway
I feel like oikawa would invite me to be a manager and id just be like run that past me again or lemme move my bang 2 read that again haha
I'd go because whether i like it or not i'm worried about what the team thinks of me so like lol guess i’m making cookies or bringing everyone lunch or dinner that i made 
I feel like they’d eat anything in front of them but i'd make them Korean barbecue style ramen and just see how it goes from there
They wouldn’t say shit about my food in front of the coach so even if they fucking hated my cooking they’d be sweet n shit like “ty ma’am tysm for the meal it means a lot”
But the Korean ramen high-key slaps so i think they’d like it anyways so POG for me bitches
I’d be shaking in my boots anyways and i have a feeling mattsun and makki would make fun of me for it, lmao i'd also make fun of myself so i can't say shit tbh
Oh yeah i'm also 5’2 so that doesn't exactly help either. I’m so fucking short- like that shit would be like jack and the beanstalk, as in a bitch is in the land of the giants
My neck would hurt from looking up so much and those bastards would tease me for it
Kyotani would see me as probably suspicious cause a random girl oikawa invited grr hate oikawa bark bark and id just be like bro i dont wanna be a dick i’m trying my best please give me some positive words of affirmation and he’d just be like bruh
Mattsun and Maki would absolutely clown on my ass 24/7 and id join in on making fun of myself, hell might as well! Shits fun and they’d find it funny as fuck if i roasted myself
Iwaizumi would probably try to be as civilized as he can, like he’d try not to assault Oikawa in front of me for the sake of the teams image and oikawa’s non-existent ass and id just be like “dude, i feel you, i feel your pain, i also want to kick the shit out of oikawa” and then we’d just be bros simple as that
Kindaichi would probably combust because g o r L in gym gOrl slightly attractive gorl made food hmMMMM and just not be able to function- again, me too bro, me too.
I feel like Kunimi out of everyone would be the most unbothered, he’d treat me like a member of the team or just a friend. Hes hella chill so id probably bop with him.
I’d come back tbh, seijoh bops and as long as oikawa isn't too annoying i'm fine.
Id bring cookies n shit and be hella supportive, i think they’d add me into the group chat and i’d mom with iwaizumi being the dad counterpart, thus making the 3rd years jokingly ship us and id just be like ahhaha jkjk…. Unless?? Ahaha
Oikawa would catch on so fucking fast and would hatch some shit operation to get us together cause mom friend who makes us cookies and rough n harsh dad friend who kicks the shit out of me need to get together to balance each-other out
Me and Iwaizumi would absolutely fucking find out
I would make less food for the team just so oikawa doesn't get a serving and then i'd whip out some and be like “that's what happens when you try to interfere with other people's lives, and you didn't even ask me if i had a partner >:(“ and that would be it, he’d be fine from me but Iwaizumi? Aha RIP
On that note, i feel like me and Iwaizumi would be the closest out of everyone on the team
I usually get myself into shit because i want to protect others thus giving me the title of mom or big sis and Iwaizumi would understand that so fucking well- we love man who want to prottec and attac 
We’d talk about dumb shit we and or our friend groups have done and just collectively sigh in mom/dad friend
We’d have like weekly movie nights n shit and just be homies tbh
And if the team ever finds out about those movie nights? Rip iwaizumi-san cause homeboy won't hear the end of it at all
And i wont either, cause Oikawa, Mattsun, and Maki are bastards, but my bastards, and would make suggestive jokes all the fuckin time. (i would pull an iwaizumi and kick their shins cause at least i'm on their level)
Also feel like oikawa would call me a “foreign beauty” and ask me to teach him English
The name of their group chat is “Seibros” and it,,, pains me
Kyotani’s name on my phone for sure is just “GRRR BARK BARK WOOF GRRR” with a photo of a rabid dog as his picture
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blogging for the sake of blogging... ranting?
sitting in the office waiting to see if a client will show up, may have landed the music shop down stairs but i’m fearful of over pushing the sale. any one on here know how to push websites? like seriously trying to get sales and if anyone on here wants one we do it really cheap mostly because the owner (and friend of mine) was wanting to start up a camo site and found that sites like go daddy and square(something i dont remember) were expensive and had a lot of hidden fees that popped up. so he went and got his masters in web design and is now making websites, locally for tennessee (gatlinburg is where the office is) and i want to help him expand. if you are reading this and ACTUALLY INTERESTED in making a website let me know but right now i’m just in the office chillin. talked to a few people today and hopefully some will call him. *fingers crossed* and maybe some might show up here since i have the place open for visitors. (if i’m not here the shop is closed and it looks bad for the company) but i’m here on my tablet blogging to make it look like i’m doing something but i’m just fully annoyed with my limits on wordpress right now that i almost threw this bitch out the window. like seriously i cant do much as of right now and wont be able to until he gets the other desktop computers in here. then i can really get to work on actual sites. btw wordpress is a free account site you can make websites on but if you really want a site you have to pay, the company works through wordpress but the difference is he gets into the code and makes personal sites for each client and makes them pretty cool. hes slowly teaching me but with a free account i’m very limited and cant even access the code, as well as the sad fact i just have a tablet and since it is set up as a mobile device that also hinders my abilities even working with my code skills on tumblr. blegh blegh but i’m able to blog and relax and be the boring little i am. until we get computers in here then i will probably only be on here at night, if that. grr i wanna code so bad. i also have 1 site to redesign next month and if we get the music store that will be 2 sites that are mine to personally fix up and make amazing. scared and excited. and if you wanna see my work so far with the little bit of resources i have check out jessipearl89.wordpress.com i am kinda proud of how sleek it looks however i may fuck around with the background here soon because i dont like it but it was something…. i tried 20 different ones and that one looked ok, but that was yesterday and now that i look at it i fucking hate it, tell me what you think tho. i really hope you guys do reply because i need the feed back as well as the petscopforum.wordpress.com i started, please if you read this post something petscop related so i can see if people can post, if not i'm deleting it because of how useless it truely is.
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