gpnkoreanews1g · 18 days
04-28 11:48이노스페이스, 코스닥 상장 예비 심사 승인(서울=연합뉴스) 김현수 기자 = 우주발사체 스타트업 이노스페이스가 한국거래소로부터 코스닥시장 상장을 위한 상장 예비 심사 승인을 받았다고 28일 밝혔다. 상장 주관사...
04-28 11:45발리서 관광비자로 예능 찍다 효연 등 한국 출연진 한때 억류"정식 촬영 허가 안받아"…모두 풀려나 출연진은 모두 출국 (자카르타=연합뉴스) 박의래 특파원 = 인도네시아 유명 관광지 발리에서 한국의 한 제작사가 관광 비자로 예능...
04-28 11:4216년만에 우승 도전 전창진 KCC 감독, 결승 1차전부터 능력 발휘kt 송영진 감독은 "정규리그보다 120%로"…2차전 총력전 예고 (서울=연합뉴스) 김동찬 기자 = 프로농구 부산 KCC 전창진(60) 감독이 챔피언결정전 1차전부터 베...
04-28 11:41'순백과 연녹색의 하모니' 인제 자작나무숲 내달 4일 개방(인제=연합뉴스) 박영서 기자 = 봄철 산불 조심 기간, 출입이 통제됐던 강원 인제군 원대리 자작나무숲이 내달 4일부터 개방된다. 28일 인제군에 따르면 자작나무숲 입산...
04-28 11:31"해외에 韓 매력 알린다"…문체부, 동남아·아프리카 언론 초청(서울=연합뉴스) 이은정 기자 = 문화체육관광부가 해외 언론인을 초청해 한국의 경제, 문화, 외교 등 다양한 분야에 대한 취재를 지원한다. 문체부는 동남아시아와 아프...
04-28 11:30'4대그룹 유일 공채' 삼성, 이틀간 '삼성고시' GSAT 시행삼성전자 등 19개 관계사 신입 채용…PC·스마트폰 활용해 온라인으로 (서울=연합뉴스) 김아람 기자 = 삼성은 지난 27일부터 이틀간 상반기 대졸 신입사원 공채 필기시험인 삼...
04-28 11:30제2중부고속도로 상번천 부근서 차량 추돌사고…1명 사망(경기 광주=연합뉴스) 권준우 기자 = 28일 오전 2시 50분께 경기도 광주시 제2중부고속도로 서울방면 상번천 졸음쉼터 부근에서 30대 A씨가 운전하는 아우디 승용차가 2차로에...
04-28 11:28양주 자원 순환시설서 불…7시간만에 진화(양주=연합뉴스) 노승혁 기자 = 27일 오후 5시 15분께 경기 양주시 광적면 가납리에 있는 한 자원 순환시설에서 원인을 알 수 없는 불이 났다. 이 불로 폐기물처리...
04-28 11:15서울 시내 편의점 900곳, 배달·퀵 이동노동자에 쉼터 제공5월부터 동행쉼터 지정…서울노동권익센터·이마트24·우아한청년들 협약 (서울=연합뉴스) 최윤선 기자 = 배달·퀵서비스 기사 등 야외에서 일하는 이동노동자가 서울 시내 이마트24...
04-28 11:15서울시 기후동행카드 청년할인 대상 39세까지로 확대5만원대로 무제한 이용…시범사업 기간 이용액 소급 적용 (서울=연합뉴스) 고은지 기자 = 서울 대중교통 무제한 이용권인 기후동행카드 청년할인 대상을 기존 19∼34세에서 39세...
04-28 11:15실내정원·미디어월·로봇카페…힐링공간 변신 서울시청 로비사계절 꽃자리·카페형 열린민원실에 글로벌 도시·서울 뷰 다양한 콘텐츠 "볼거리·휴식 가능한 문화의 장…시민·관광객 감탄 공간으로 업그레이드" (서울=연합뉴스) 최윤선 기자 =...
04-28 11:15구로·은평·금천 모아주택 심의 통과…총 402세대(서울=연합뉴스) 고은지 기자 = 서울시 구로구 궁동, 은평구 갈현동, 금천구 시흥동에 모아주택 총 402세대가 공급된다. 서울시는 지난 26일 열린 제6차 소규모주택...
04-28 11:15주거비 부담에 안 떠나도록…서울 자녀출산 무주택가구 지원'탄생응원' 1명당 월 30만원씩 2년간 총 720만원…전국 최초 (서울=연합뉴스) 고은지 기자 = 결혼·출산 후 서울을 떠나야 할지 고민하는 무주택 가구를 위해 서울시가 주거비...
04-28 11:15서울 고립·은둔 청년 지원 더 촘촘하게…전담기관 개관중장기 통합관리·온라인 플랫폼 도입…참여자 연중 모집 (서울=연합뉴스) 고은지 기자 = 서울시는 고립·은둔 청년을 위한 촘촘한 지원을 위해 전담 기구를 만드는 등 올해는 한층 더...
04-28 11:15서울시, 고기술·고혁신 '딥테크' 스타트업 집중 지원(서울=연합뉴스) 고은지 기자 = 서울시는 일반 스타트업에 비해 초기 비용이 많이 들지만 혁신성이 높은 기술로 산업적 파급효과가 큰 딥테크(Deep tech) 스타트업을 전폭적으...
04-28 11:15[게시판] 서울시민대학, 인생디자인학교 참가자 모집▲ 서울시평생교육진흥원은 서울시민대학에서 생애주기별 과정으로 운영하는 '인생디자인학교'에 참가할 중장년 시민을 모집한다고 28일 밝혔다. 40∼64세 서울시민이면 서울시 평생학습...
04-28 11:15서울시, 대형 공사장 비산먼지 실태조사…12곳 적발(서울=연합뉴스) 고은지 기자 = 서울시 민생사법경찰단(민사단)은 대형 공사장 등을 대상으로 비산먼지 실태조사를 벌인 결과 12곳을 적발하고 형사입건했다고 28일 밝혔다. ...
04-28 11:15서울시, 신종·복합재난 대응방안 만든다…실제 훈련 활용내년 2월까지 학술용역 진행…'서울 시민행동요령'도 개발 (서울=연합뉴스) 고은지 기자 = 최근 재난이 복잡·대형화됨에 따라 서울시가 다양한 재난 상황을 시뮬레이션(모의실험)...
04-28 11:09中日, 센카쿠서 신경전…日의원 동반 조사활동에 中해경선 견제日지자체, 섬 상공 드론 촬영도…정치인·언론인 동행 조사에 中이 압박 (도쿄=연합뉴스) 박상현 특파원 = 중국과 일본이 영유권 분쟁을 벌이고 있는 센카쿠(중국명 댜오위다오) ...
04-28 11:09성승민, 근대5종 월드컵 2개 대회 연속 개인전 은메달(서울=연합뉴스) 최송아 기자 = 한국 여자 근대5종의 기대주 성승민(한국체대)이 국제근대5종연맹(UIPM) 월드컵 2개 대회 연속 개인전 은메달을 목에 걸었다. 성승...
04-28 11:08[게시판] 서울우정청, 남산 둘레길서 플로깅 봉사▲ 과학기술정보통신부 우정사업본부 서울지방우정청은 지난 27일 서울 남산 둘레길에서 플로깅(조깅·산책하며 쓰레기 줍기) 봉사 활동을 벌였다. 신대섭 서울지방우정청장은 "우리 ...
04-28 11:05'2024 베리베리 빵빵데이', 천안 빵 맛 전국에 알렸다(천안=연합뉴스) 유의주 기자 = 충남 천안시는 27∼28일 천안시청과 지역 동네빵집 68곳에서 열린 '2024 베리베리 빵빵데이'가 성황을 이뤘다고 밝혔다. ...
04-28 11:03KT, 외국인 전용 '5G 웰컴 요금제' 3종 출시(서울=연합뉴스) 김현수 기자 = KT는 국내 거주 외국인의 통신 이용 편의성을 높이고 비용 부담을 낮춘 '5G 웰컴 요금제' 3종을 오는 29일 출시한다고 28일 밝혔다. ...
04-28 11:02"이스라엘군, 국제법 위반 가능성…美국무부 내부서 문제 제기"로이터, 국무부 내부 메모 보도 "무기지원 중단시 이란 위협 대응 제한 의견도" 블링컨, 내달 초 이스라엘 국제법 위반 여부 의회 보고 (서울=연합뉴스) 노재현 기자 = ...
04-28 11:02인니 자바섬 남부 바다서 규모 6.1 강진…자카르타도 흔들(종합)주택·병원 등 파손돼…한밤중 지진에 "침대가 흔들려 깼다" 주민들 대피 (자카르타=연합뉴스) 박의래 특파원 = 인도네시아 자바섬 남부 앞바다에서 강한 지진이 발생하면서...
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gpnkoreanewsg · 18 days
04-28 11:45발리서 관광비자로 예능 찍다 효연 등 한국 출연진 한때 억류"정식 촬영 허가 안받아"…모두 풀려나 출연진은 모두 출국 (자카르타=연합뉴스) 박의래 특파원 = 인도네시아 유명 관광지 발리에서 한국의 한 제작사가 관광 비자로 예능...
04-28 11:4216년만에 우승 도전 전창진 KCC 감독, 결승 1차전부터 능력 발휘kt 송영진 감독은 "정규리그보다 120%로"…2차전 총력전 예고 (서울=연합뉴스) 김동찬 기자 = 프로농구 부산 KCC 전창진(60) 감독이 챔피언결정전 1차전부터 베...
04-28 11:41'순백과 연녹색의 하모니' 인제 자작나무숲 내달 4일 개방(인제=연합뉴스) 박영서 기자 = 봄철 산불 조심 기간, 출입이 통제됐던 강원 인제군 원대리 자작나무숲이 내달 4일부터 개방된다. 28일 인제군에 따르면 자작나무숲 입산...
04-28 11:31"해외에 韓 매력 알린다"…문체부, 동남아·아프리카 언론 초청(서울=연합뉴스) 이은정 기자 = 문화체육관광부가 해외 언론인을 초청해 한국의 경제, 문화, 외교 등 다양한 분야에 대한 취재를 지원한다. 문체부는 동남아시아와 아프...
04-28 11:30'4대그룹 유일 공채' 삼성, 이틀간 '삼성고시' GSAT 시행삼성전자 등 19개 관계사 신입 채용…PC·스마트폰 활용해 온라인으로 (서울=연합뉴스) 김아람 기자 = 삼성은 지난 27일부터 이틀간 상반기 대졸 신입사원 공채 필기시험인 삼...
04-28 11:30제2중부고속도로 상번천 부근서 차량 추돌사고…1명 사망(경기 광주=연합뉴스) 권준우 기자 = 28일 오전 2시 50분께 경기도 광주시 제2중부고속도로 서울방면 상번천 졸음쉼터 부근에서 30대 A씨가 운전하는 아우디 승용차가 2차로에...
04-28 11:28양주 자원 순환시설서 불…7시간만에 진화(양주=연합뉴스) 노승혁 기자 = 27일 오후 5시 15분께 경기 양주시 광적면 가납리에 있는 한 자원 순환시설에서 원인을 알 수 없는 불이 났다. 이 불로 폐기물처리...
04-28 11:15서울 시내 편의점 900곳, 배달·퀵 이동노동자에 쉼터 제공5월부터 동행쉼터 지정…서울노동권익센터·이마트24·우아한청년들 협약 (서울=연합뉴스) 최윤선 기자 = 배달·퀵서비스 기사 등 야외에서 일하는 이동노동자가 서울 시내 이마트24...
04-28 11:15서울시 기후동행카드 청년할인 대상 39세까지로 확대5만원대로 무제한 이용…시범사업 기간 이용액 소급 적용 (서울=연합뉴스) 고은지 기자 = 서울 대중교통 무제한 이용권인 기후동행카드 청년할인 대상을 기존 19∼34세에서 39세...
04-28 11:15실내정원·미디어월·로봇카페…힐링공간 변신 서울시청 로비사계절 꽃자리·카페형 열린민원실에 글로벌 도시·서울 뷰 다양한 콘텐츠 "볼거리·휴식 가능한 문화의 장…시민·관광객 감탄 공간으로 업그레이드" (서울=연합뉴스) 최윤선 기자 =...
04-28 11:15구로·은평·금천 모아주택 심의 통과…총 402세대(서울=연합뉴스) 고은지 기자 = 서울시 구로구 궁동, 은평구 갈현동, 금천구 시흥동에 모아주택 총 402세대가 공급된다. 서울시는 지난 26일 열린 제6차 소규모주택...
04-28 11:15주거비 부담에 안 떠나도록…서울 자녀출산 무주택가구 지원'탄생응원' 1명당 월 30만원씩 2년간 총 720만원…전국 최초 (서울=연합뉴스) 고은지 기자 = 결혼·출산 후 서울을 떠나야 할지 고민하는 무주택 가구를 위해 서울시가 주거비...
04-28 11:15서울 고립·은둔 청년 지원 더 촘촘하게…전담기관 개관중장기 통합관리·온라인 플랫폼 도입…참여자 연중 모집 (서울=연합뉴스) 고은지 기자 = 서울시는 고립·은둔 청년을 위한 촘촘한 지원을 위해 전담 기구를 만드는 등 올해는 한층 더...
04-28 11:15서울시, 고기술·고혁신 '딥테크' 스타트업 집중 지원(서울=연합뉴스) 고은지 기자 = 서울시는 일반 스타트업에 비해 초기 비용이 많이 들지만 혁신성이 높은 기술로 산업적 파급효과가 큰 딥테크(Deep tech) 스타트업을 전폭적으...
04-28 11:15[게시판] 서울시민대학, 인생디자인학교 참가자 모집▲ 서울시평생교육진흥원은 서울시민대학에서 생애주기별 과정으로 운영하는 '인생디자인학교'에 참가할 중장년 시민을 모집한다고 28일 밝혔다. 40∼64세 서울시민이면 서울시 평생학습...
04-28 11:15서울시, 대형 공사장 비산먼지 실태조사…12곳 적발(서울=연합뉴스) 고은지 기자 = 서울시 민생사법경찰단(민사단)은 대형 공사장 등을 대상으로 비산먼지 실태조사를 벌인 결과 12곳을 적발하고 형사입건했다고 28일 밝혔다. ...
04-28 11:15서울시, 신종·복합재난 대응방안 만든다…실제 훈련 활용내년 2월까지 학술용역 진행…'서울 시민행동요령'도 개발 (서울=연합뉴스) 고은지 기자 = 최근 재난이 복잡·대형화됨에 따라 서울시가 다양한 재난 상황을 시뮬레이션(모의실험)...
04-28 11:09中日, 센카쿠서 신경전…日의원 동반 조사활동에 中해경선 견제日지자체, 섬 상공 드론 촬영도…정치인·언론인 동행 조사에 中이 압박 (도쿄=연합뉴스) 박상현 특파원 = 중국과 일본이 영유권 분쟁을 벌이고 있는 센카쿠(중국명 댜오위다오) ...
04-28 11:09성승민, 근대5종 월드컵 2개 대회 연속 개인전 은메달(서울=연합뉴스) 최송아 기자 = 한국 여자 근대5종의 기대주 성승민(한국체대)이 국제근대5종연맹(UIPM) 월드컵 2개 대회 연속 개인전 은메달을 목에 걸었다. 성승...
04-28 11:08[게시판] 서울우정청, 남산 둘레길서 플로깅 봉사▲ 과학기술정보통신부 우정사업본부 서울지방우정청은 지난 27일 서울 남산 둘레길에서 플로깅(조깅·산책하며 쓰레기 줍기) 봉사 활동을 벌였다. 신대섭 서울지방우정청장은 "우리 ...
04-28 11:05'2024 베리베리 빵빵데이', 천안 빵 맛 전국에 알렸다(천안=연합뉴스) 유의주 기자 = 충남 천안시는 27∼28일 천안시청과 지역 동네빵집 68곳에서 열린 '2024 베리베리 빵빵데이'가 성황을 이뤘다고 밝혔다. ...
04-28 11:03KT, 외국인 전용 '5G 웰컴 요금제' 3종 출시(서울=연합뉴스) 김현수 기자 = KT는 국내 거주 외국인의 통신 이용 편의성을 높이고 비용 부담을 낮춘 '5G 웰컴 요금제' 3종을 오는 29일 출시한다고 28일 밝혔다. ...
04-28 11:02"이스라엘군, 국제법 위반 가능성…美국무부 내부서 문제 제기"로이터, 국무부 내부 메모 보도 "무기지원 중단시 이란 위협 대응 제한 의견도" 블링컨, 내달 초 이스라엘 국제법 위반 여부 의회 보고 (서울=연합뉴스) 노재현 기자 = ...
04-28 11:02인니 자바섬 남부 바다서 규모 6.1 강진…자카르타도 흔들(종합)주택·병원 등 파손돼…한밤중 지진에 "침대가 흔들려 깼다" 주민들 대피 (자카르타=연합뉴스) 박의래 특파원 = 인도네시아 자바섬 남부 앞바다에서 강한 지진이 발생하면서...
04-28 11:02오동운 공수처장 후보자, 채상병 사건에 "법과 원칙 따라 수사"청문회 준비단 첫 출근…특검 추진엔 "정치권 일 생각해보지 않아" "조직에 기운 불어넣고 바꾸겠다…수사경험 있는 차장 찾을 것" (서울=연합뉴스) 이도흔 기자 = 오동운 고위공...
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geographicbook · 4 months
GSAT Series: Exploring the Realm of Indian Satellites
Introduction The GSAT series, comprising a lineup of advanced communication satellites, stands as a testament to India’s prowess in space technology. In this article, we delve into the intricacies of the GSAT series, focusing on key satellites such as GSAT-10, GSAT-15, and GSAT-19. These satellites have played a crucial role in enhancing India’s communication capabilities, providing a wide range…
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wikiuntamed · 4 months
On this day in Wikipedia: Friday, 5th January
Welcome, laipni lūdzam, merħba, ласкаво просимо (laskavo prosymo) 🤗 What does @Wikipedia say about 5th January through the years 🏛️📜🗓️?
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5th January 2022 🗓️ : Event - Kassym-Jomart Tokayev Kazakh President Kassym-Jomart Tokayev dismisses Prime Minister Asqar Mamin and declares state of emergency over the 2022 Kazakh unrest. "Kassym-Jomart Kemeluly Tokayev (Kazakh: Қасым-Жомарт Кемелұлы Тоқаев, romanized: Qasym-Jomart Kemelūly Toqaev [qɑˈsəm ʑoˈmɑrt kʲeˌmʲelo̙ɫɯ toˈqɑjef]; born 17 May 1953) is a Kazakh politician and diplomat who has served as the President of Kazakhstan since 2019. Between 20 March and 12 June 2019, he..."
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Image licensed under CC BY 4.0? by Unknown authorUnknown author
5th January 2019 🗓️ : Death - Dragoslav Šekularac Dragoslav Šekularac, Serbian footballer and manager (b. 1937) "Dragoslav Šekularac (Serbian Cyrillic: Драгослав Шекуларац, pronounced [drǎgoslaʋ ʃekulârats]; 8 November 1937 – 5 January 2019) was a Serbian professional footballer and coach. Nicknamed Šeki, he was quick and crafty with the ball, displaying creative skills which turned many heads. Possessing..."
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Image licensed under CC BY 2.0? by Vujcic
5th January 2014 🗓️ : Event - GSAT-14 A launch of the communication satellite GSAT-14 aboard the GSLV MK.II D5 marks the first successful flight of an Indian cryogenic engine. "GSAT-14 is an Indian communications satellite launched in January 2014. It replaced the GSAT-3 satellite, which was launched in 2004. GSAT-14 was launched by a Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle Mk.II, which incorporated an Indian-built cryogenic engine on the third stage...."
5th January 1974 🗓️ : Birth - Jessica Chaffin Jessica Chaffin, American actress, comedian, and writer "Jessica Chaffin is an American actress, comedian, and writer best known as part of the comedy duo Ronna and Beverly with Jamie Denbo. She is also known for her recurring roles as Coco Wexler on Nickelodeon's Zoey 101, Marie Faldonado in the CBS sitcom Man with a Plan and appearing in the films Spy..."
5th January 1923 🗓️ : Birth - Sam Phillips Sam Phillips, American radio host and producer, founded Sun Records (d. 2003) "Samuel Cornelius Phillips (January 5, 1923 – July 30, 2003) was an American record producer. He was the founder of Sun Records and Sun Studio in Memphis, Tennessee, where he produced recordings by Elvis Presley, Roy Orbison, Jerry Lee Lewis, Carl Perkins, Johnny Cash, and Howlin' Wolf. Phillips..."
5th January 1823 🗓️ : Death - George Johnston (British Marines officer) George Johnston, Scottish-Australian colonel and politician, Lieutenant Governor of New South Wales (b. 1764) "Lieutenant-Colonel George Johnston (19 March 1764 – 5 January 1823) was a British military officer who served as Lieutenant-Governor of New South Wales, Australia after leading the rebellion later known as the Rum Rebellion. After serving as a young marine officer in the American Revolutionary War,..."
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Image by Robert Dighton
5th January 🗓️ : Holiday - Christian Feast day: John Neumann (Catholic Church) "John Nepomucene Neumann (German: Johann Nepomuk Neumann, Czech: Jan Nepomucký Neumann; March 28, 1811 – January 5, 1860) was a Catholic immigrant from Bohemia. He came to the United States in 1836, where he was ordained, joined the Redemptorist order, and became the fourth Bishop of Philadelphia in..."
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Image by Unknown authorUnknown author
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trendprospector · 11 months
Who are the billionaire contenders in India's satellite spectrum battle?
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Several billionaires, including Elon Musk, Mukesh Ambani, and Jeff Bezos, are currently engaged in a fierce competition for control over satellite spectrum in India. This highly valuable resource can be utilized to provide various services, such as broadband internet, television, and mobile telephony.
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The battle for spectrum dominance in India has intensified as more companies enter the fray. In February 2023, Elon Musk's SpaceX submitted an application to the Indian government seeking permission to launch an unprecedented constellation of 100,000 low-Earth orbit satellites. If approved, this ambitious project would grant SpaceX a significant advantage in the Indian market. Notably, other prominent contenders, such as Tata Group, Reliance Industries, and Amazon, have also filed spectrum applications in India. These companies recognize the immense potential for expansion within the Indian market and perceive satellite spectrum as a crucial pathway to achieve their goals. The contest for spectrum allocation in India is expected to be protracted and arduous. The Indian government has yet to disclose the quantity of spectrum to be auctioned, and the financial stakes remain uncertain. Nevertheless, it is evident that this struggle for spectrum control will test the mettle of these billionaire-backed companies. Key Players in the Battle for Spectrum in India: Elon Musk Through SpaceX, Elon Musk is vigorously vying for spectrum supremacy in India. SpaceX has applied to launch a staggering constellation of 100,000 low-Earth orbit satellites, constituting the largest such deployment in history. Should this plan materialize, SpaceX would secure a commanding presence in the Indian market. Mukesh Ambani Reliance Industries, headed by Mukesh Ambani, is another major contender in the race for spectrum dominance in India. The company has already launched the GSAT-15 satellite and intends to deploy further satellites in the future. Reliance aims to leverage spectrum resources to provide broadband internet and other services to Indian consumers. Jeff Bezos Amazon, led by Jeff Bezos, also seeks to establish a foothold in the Indian market through spectrum acquisition. Amazon has submitted an application to launch a constellation of 3,200 satellites. The company intends to employ spectrum to deliver broadband internet and other services to its Indian customer base. Tata Group The Tata Group is a significant player in the battle for spectrum in India. Having already launched the GSAT-19 satellite, the company plans to launch additional satellites to leverage spectrum for broadband internet and other services catering to Indian consumers. The outcome of the spectrum contest in India will likely have a profound impact on the country's telecommunications industry. Winning companies will be empowered to offer an expanded array of services, potentially at higher prices. Consequently, increased competition within the telecommunications sector may ultimately benefit consumers. However, this battle for spectrum allocation also presents some challenges. Higher spectrum prices may impede smaller companies from competing effectively. Moreover, the intensified utilization of airwaves could result in congestion, potentially compromising service quality for consumers. In summary, the battle for spectrum in India is a multifaceted issue with potential benefits and risks. Monitoring the unfolding competition and its long-term implications for the Indian telecommunications industry will be of great interest. Read the full article
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inventivaindia · 5 years
GSAT-11 Successfully Launched: India’s Heaviest Satellite Will Trigger 100 Gbps Internet Speed In India!
GSAT-11 Successfully Launched: India’s Heaviest Satellite Will Trigger 100 Gbps Internet Speed In India!
India’s heaviest satellite till date: GSAT-11 has been successfully launched by ISRO at Guiana Space Centre at Kourou in French Guiana at 2.07 a.m. IST.
This launch of 5,854-kg satellite from a remote European spaceport in faraway South America is a new chapter for communication and Internet industry in India.
Because very soon, entire India will be able to get blazing fast Internet speed…
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wowhealthfitness20 · 4 years
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Isro’s high-speed satellite Internet cover for Galwan Valley panchayats soon, Government News, ET Government As India-China border situation at the Line of Actual Control (LAC) remains tense, the Bharat Broadband Nigam (BBNL) and Telecommunications Consultants India (TCIL) have prepared a blueprint to rollout high-speed satellite…
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spaceexp · 4 years
Ariane 5’s second launch of 2020
ARIANESPACE - Ariane 5 ECA / Flight VA252 Mission poster. Feb. 19, 2020 Ariane 5 has delivered two satellites, JCSAT-17 and Geo-Kompsat-2B, into their planned transfer orbits.
Ariane 5 liftoff
Arianespace announced liftoff Tuesday February 18 at 22:18 GMT (23:18 CET, 19:18 local time) this evening from Europe’s Spaceport in Kourou, French Guiana. The mission lasted about 31 minutes.
Ariane 5 ECA launches JCSAT-17 and GEO-KOMPSAT-2B satellites
JCSAT-17, with a launch mass of 5857 kg, was the first to be released after about 27 minutes. The 3379 kg GSAT-30 was released four minutes later.
JCSAT-17 and GEO-KOMPSAT-2B satellites separation
JCSAT-17 is owned by the SKY Perfect JSAT Corporation and will deliver flexible, high-bandwidth communications to users in Japan and the surrounding region. It has a design life of 15 years.
JCSAT-17 satellite
Geo-Kompsat-2B will carry out Earth environment monitoring and ocean monitoring for the Korea Aerospace Research Institute. It comprises two main payloads: GOCI II (Geostationary Ocean Color Imager II) and the GEMS (Geostationary Environment Monitoring Spectrometer). The satellite has a design life of more than 10 years.
Geo-Kompsat-2B satellite
The performance requested for this launch was about 10 206 kg. The satellites totalled about 9236 kg, with payload adapters and carrying structures making up the rest. Flight VA252 was the 108th Ariane 5 mission. Related links: Space Transportation: http://www.esa.int/Enabling_Support/Space_Transportation Arianespace: https://www.arianespace.com/ European Space Agency (ESA): http://www.esa.int/ Images, Videos, Text, Credits: European Space Agency (ESA)/Arianespace/KARI/SciNews. Greetings, Orbiter.ch Full article
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Ariane 5’s second launch of 2020 Ariane 5 has delivered two satellites, JCSAT-17 and Geo-Kompsat-2B, into their planned transfer orbits. Arianespace announced liftoff at 22:18 GMT (23:18 CET, 19:18 local time) this evening from Europe’s Spaceport in Kourou, French Guiana. The mission lasted about 31 minutes. JCSAT-17, with a launch mass of 5857 kg, was the first to be released after about 27 minutes. The 3379 kg GSAT-30 was released four minutes later. JCSAT-17 is owned by the SKY Perfect JSAT Corporation and will deliver flexible, high-bandwidth communications to users in Japan and the surrounding region. It has a design life of 15 years. Geo-Kompsat-2B will carry out Earth environment monitoring and ocean monitoring for the Korea Aerospace Research Institute. It comprises two main payloads: GOCI II (Geostationary Ocean Color Imager II) and the GEMS (Geostationary Environment Monitoring Spectrometer). The satellite has a design life of more than 10 years. The performance requested for this launch was about 10 206 kg. The satellites totalled about 9236 kg, with payload adapters and carrying structures making up the rest. Flight VA252 was the 108th Ariane 5 mission. IMAGE....On 18 February 2020, Ariane 5 flight VA252 lifted off from Europe’s Spaceport in French Guiana and delivered JCSAT-17 and Geo-Kompsat-2B, into their planned transfer orbits. ESA
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mobkib · 4 years
Blog by Mobashshar Kibriya
The Indian Space Research Organisation is the space agency of the Government of India and has its headquarters in the city of Bengaluru. Its vision is to "harness space technology for national development while pursuing space science research & planetary exploration".
ISRO built India's first satellite, Aryabhata, which was launched by the Soviet Union on 19 April 1975. It was named after the mathematician Aryabhata. In 1980, Rohini became the first satellite to be placed in orbit by an Indian-made launch vehicle, SLV-3. ISRO subsequently developed two other rockets: the Polar Satellite Launch Vehicle (PSLV) for launching satellites into polar orbits and the Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle (GSLV) for placing satellites into geostationary orbits. These rockets have launched numerous communications satellites and Earth observation satellites. Satellite navigation systems like GAGAN and IRNSS have been deployed. In January 2014, ISRO used an indigenous cryogenic engine in a GSLV-D5 launch of the GSAT-14.
ISRO sent a lunar orbiter, Chandrayaan-1, on 22 October 2008, which discovered lunar water in the form of ice and the Mars Orbiter Mission on 5 November 2013 which entered Mars orbit on 24 September 2014 making India the first nation to succeed on its maiden attempt to Mars as well as the first space agency in Asia to reach Mars orbit. On 18 June 2016, ISRO launched twenty satellites in a single vehicle and on 15 February 2017 ISRO launched one hundred and four satellites in a single rocket (PSLV-C37), a world record. ISRO launched its heaviest rocket, Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle-Mark III (GSLV-Mk III) on 5 June 2017 and placed a communications satellite GSAT-19 in orbit. With this launch, ISRO became capable of launching 4-ton heavy satellites into GTO. On 22 July 2019, ISRO launched its second lunar mission Chandrayaan-2 to study the lunar geology and the distribution of lunar water.
 After an eventful year in space odyssey in 2019, the Indian Space Research Organisation (Isro) will be working on more than 25 missions in 2020, with the ambitious Gaganyan mission being the most prominent among them.
Aditya-I is India's first dedicated scientific mission to study the Sun. A 400 kg class space telescope will be inserted into a halo orbit 1.5 million km from the Earth to study the three layers of the sun — photosphere, chromosphere and corona, the outer atmosphere of the star in our solar system. The mission is aimed at developing insights on the weather in space and to understand why the outer atmosphere of the Sun is 200 times hotter than the solar disc.
 The success of Mangalyaan has prompted the space agency to send a second probe by 2024, which will do deeper studies of the Earth’s neighbour and understand the evolution of the red planet better
 ISRO plans to send a second observatory in space. It will be a follow up mission of Astrosat-1 — India's first dedicated multi-wavelength space telescope — aimed at looking at the origin of the universe and discover new planets.
SRO is planning a mission to the Earth’s “twin sister”, Venus. Both the Earth and Venus share similarities in size, mass, density, bulk composition and gravity. The space agency will fly a spacecraft around 400 km over Venus to conduct research and understand its formation, its atmosphere and its interaction with the solar wind.
ISRO and Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency will send a joint mission to the Moon’s south pole. The mission includes landing a rover that will drill the Moon’s surface to conduct scientific experiments. The primary focus will be to explore the existence of water. Japan is likely to provide the rocket and a lunar rover, while India is likely to contribute with a lander for the mission. It would explore the suitability of the region for establishing a sustainable lunar base.
 Three Indian astronauts are expected to fly to space in the country’s first human space flight mission in 2021, nearly four decades after Rakesh Sharma made his journey on a Russian rocket in 1984. This time, the Russians are helping India make the space suits and train its astronauts to live in a space capsule for the week-long mission. A Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle Mk-3, an upgraded version of the rocket that sent the Chandrayaan-2 mission to the Moon, will fly the astronauts and fighter pilots selected from the Indian Air Force to space.
India wants to have a space station up there. The station will help astronauts stay longer in space to conduct experiments. India wants to launch the space station by 2025.
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techgenez-blog · 7 years
ISRO Monster Rocket launches Indian GSAT-19 satellite into space
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Today ISRO monster rocket launches Indian GSAT-19 satellite into space.The Indian Space Organisation (ISRO) just launched one of its heaviest communication satellites, the GSAT-19. The launch vehicle, GSLV MK III-D1, became the heaviest rocket to be used till date.GSAT-19 is an Indian communications satellite launched by the Indian Space Research Organization aboard a Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle Mark III on June 5, 2017. The satellite will act as a testbed for the modular I-6K satellite bus, carrying experimental technologies such as ion thrusters for manoeuvring and stabilisation, active thermal control using thermal radiators, a miniaturised inertial reference unit, indigenously produced lithium-ion batteries, and C-band traveling-wave-tube amplifiers. Congratulating the scientists and others who worked for the successful mission, ISRO chairman A S Kiran Kumar said: "It is a historic day. The entire team has worked since 2002. The vehicle carried the next generation satellite. We are looking forward to getting the satellite operational." Vikram Sarabhai Space Centre director Dr K Sivan said, "It is the commencement of two complex technologies - a vehicle that can carry twice the payload weight and a high throughput satellite. It is the continued efforts of the team and industry contribution." The first orbital launch of India’s Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle Mark III (GSLV Mk.III) marked a milestone in India’s space program, with the more powerful rocket allowing the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) to begin launching heavier payloads aboard its own vehicles – both for spaceflight applications such as communications and in support of the country’s nascent manned space program.  India today gives us a full overview of the mission; Visit www.techgenez.com to read more Click to Post
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inventivaindia · 5 years
ISRO Launches GSAT-29 Satellite: 100 Gbps Internet, 1st Human Spaceflight No More A Fantasy
ISRO Launches GSAT-29 Satellite: 100 Gbps Internet, 1st Human Spaceflight No More A Fantasy
In a proud accomplishment for entire India, Indian Space Research Organization has successfully launched their newest communication satellite: GSAT-29 from Satish Dhawan Space Centre, Sriharikota in Andhra Pradesh.
This is ISRO’s 5th successful launch this year, and indeed special one: Weighing 3,423 kgs, GSAT-29 is India’s heaviest satellite to launch from an India-made launch vehicle.
PM Modi…
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microfinancemonitor · 7 years
President, PM Shower Praise on ISRO for its Heaviest-Ever GSLV-MK III Launch
President, PM Shower Praise on ISRO for its Heaviest-Ever GSLV-MK III Launch
  President Pranab Mukherjee and Prime Minister Narendra Modi have congratulated the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) for the successful launch of the indigenous Geosynchronous Satellite Launch Vehicle Mark III (GSLV-Mk III) carrying GSAT-19 satellite to a Geosynchronous Transfer Orbit (GTO).
In a message to ISRO Chairman A.S. Kiran Kumar, the President said, “My heartiest…
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spaceflight-insider · 7 years
India launches its largest rocket
India launches its largest rocket
The GSLV Mk.3 before launch. Photo Credit: ISRO
India launched its most powerful rocket to date. The GSLV Mk.3, which has two solid-fueled boosters, a twin-engine core and cryogenic upper stage, lifted off the pad at 7:58 a.m. EDT (11:58 GMT) June 5, 2017, from the Satish Dhawan Space Center on Sriharikota Island in India. (more…)
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news24one-blog · 7 years
GSLV MK III successfully puts satellite in orbit
GSLV MK III successfully puts satellite in orbit
The GSLV MK III-D1 rocket carrying the GSAT-19 satellite will lift off from the Satish Dhawan Space Centre at Sriharikota in Andhra Pradesh at 5.28 pm. It is capable of carrying payloads of up to 4,000 kg into the Geosynchronous Transfer Orbit (GTO) and 10,000 kg into the Low Earth Orbit.
The Indian Space Organisation (ISRO) on Monday  launched one of its heaviest communication satellites, the…
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