#Gabriel O'Hara x(Y/N)
kairiscorner · 11 months
my brother in christ, please, do a oneshot in which gabriel (miguel's brother) courts us after the wedding (from the last miguel oneshot) PLS!! !! !! ILL DO ANYTHING
(reblogs are greatly appreciated, it helps get my content out there! if you guys like what you see, please reblog it too <:D)
i'll love again someday — gabriel o'hara x reader
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summary: he saw you standing there, in all your glory—in all your tear-stained and sobbing glory; trying to put on a brave face as you watched his big brother, who you loved for years, be taken away from you in the blink of an eye. he sympathizes with you, but at the same time... he rejoices at the fact he can now show you all the love you've deserved and will ever deserve. word count: 1,051
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he believed you were heavensent, soaking in all your beauty as you stood there next to him as another person of honor at his big brother's wedding; though he knew you were more than just some person to him. you were gorgeous, even as your eyes glistened with tears, tears filled with emotion that went undisclosed over the years. it's poetic, really, just seeing how filled to the brim you were with unfathomable sadness—you were statuesque, you were the image of his perfect somebody, that somebody he vowed to cherish forever before he even met them truly.
he remembers your face quite clearly, you were that one friend of his older brother who always came to their place over breaks and occasionally when your parents weren't around. gabriel was a little nosy, in complete honesty; he always snooped around when miguel would come home with a new face, especially if it was a pretty one. he remembers he was sketching that day, just being in his own little world without a care in the world. he doesn't remember what he was drawing, though, none of it was worth remembering—except for that one sketch he drew of somebody that taught his heart how to skip a beat for a second, that somebody who his gaze landed upon and changed the trajectory of his life forever; that person who he vowed to love before realizing he was even really in love.
and that somebody was you. his somebody was always you.
he could still recall how wide your smile was when miguel told you a crappy joke even he didn't understand, how bright your eyes shone when you stepped foot into their house, and how sweet your voice was when you greeted him after you caught him staring at you and miguel from behind a column in the living room. your lips looked so supple, and curved into a perfect smile—your hair was luscious and was probably so nice to touch, to run his hand through, and bury his face in; and your hands, oh your hands were his favorite part. your hands were so welcoming, warm, and kind.
he remembers feeling so hot in the face when you smiled up at him and asked him what his name was. he really forgot what his mother named him when you asked him, every word that was ever written in the lines of his mind that he usually hardly puts effort in to remember was all just erased; you made him into a blank slate when he caught your gaze. "...hermosa," that was the first word he ever uttered to you as he stared into your beautiful irises, his face flustered and his eyes wide. your face was all he could think of that day, so much so that when he was around you and miguel with his sketchbook, you filled all the blank spaces in the pages, not one bit of it was wasted with anything but drawings of you, trying to capture you in all your magificence.
he never forgot that day, especially with how embarrassing it was for him, and he still finds you so, so beautiful.
"hermosa!" he called out to you as the wedding had concluded, and the guests were pouring out of their seats to head to the reception. you tried to wipe away the tears that were now falling, ceaselessly, in fact. you hoped your mascara wouldn't streak down your eyes, and it did a little, but you couldn't conceal it right now. you turned around, and there, in front of you, was the once shy little boy whose mind went blank at the sight and sound of you and your voice.
you smiled and sniffled back your cries; gabri didn't deserve to see you sad, you thought, he was a good kid, and he... he deserved nothing but to see happy faces of his loved ones for as long as he lived. "hello, gabri." you greeted him as his smile widened. "you... wow, i honestly couldn't believe you got prettier with age. you look wonderful." he commented as he extended his hands out slowly towards you. you chuckled, it felt weirdly nice to hear you being complimented before you were going to burst into tears at the fact the man you loved would never know how you felt, and still feel, for him.
"and you... you got more handsome, gabri." you complimented him back, which sent sparks flying in his heart as he got more embarrassed and smiled widely. "hush, now, i'm nothing special..." he said as you shook your head and tried to tell him how handsome he had become, which just flustered him even more. "hah, keep complimenting me and i might just melt all over you." he said as you placed your hands in his. "i wouldn't mind that." you answered as gabri's eyes widened. "you... wouldn't?" he asked you with a chuckle. you shook your head as you smiled. "gee, well... if you want, i can keep you company all night. y'know, as much as i love mig, i really think this wedding is a drag. he hates this color arrangement, and so do i. wanna, um... head somewhere else before the picture taking at the reception?" he asked you with a heat creeping up in his cheeks.
and it was here, finally, that you felt something other than grieving over your lost love. you felt a spark of hope, a ray of sunshine in your gray, cloudy skies. you held his hand tighter, and as tears kept welling in your eyes in spite of your shining smile, you nodded. "i'd really, really love that, gabri." you said as gabri smiled and walked with you down the aisle as you held onto his arm now—as if you two were the newlyweds, as if you two... were each other's future; as if you two had exchanged the vows that gabri had promised to his somebody in the future—that he'd love them forever, and ever, and would never, never in a million years, hurt you or leave you alone.
it would finally be your turn to have your happily ever after, and for gabri to shoot his shot and love you, endlessly and unconditionally, just like how you deserve.
tags !! @binibinileonara @miguelswifey04
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muchosbesitos · 7 months
Can do some something like the reader is Gabriel's (Miguels brother) ex and Miguel falls for the reader and reader also has feelings for Miguel but doesn't wanna break Gabriel's heart .
The rest is up to you
Hope you see this<3
be my mistake
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pairing: miguel o’hara x fem reader
contents: fingering, mentions of exhibitionism, semi-public fingering, spanking, protected p in v, riding, and doggy (sry if i missed anything 🫣)
author’s note: sorry this took so long to get out but i hope you enjoy <3 (someone requested more riding so i hope you enjoy if you see this)
word count: 5.2K+
Flashing disco lights, the smell of alcohol and sweat looming through the air, and blaring music helped to distract the feelings of uncertainty you felt at being in the club once more. You knew that you were in your own head but you might as well should've had a sign that blared out the words 'inexperienced!' The only relationship that you'd had was with your ex-boyfriend, Gabriel, but you both collectively decided to end it five months ago.
You were out at the club mostly from the suggestions of your friends, telling you that you had the freedom to engage in the hookup culture now. While the idea of having meaningless sex wasn't appealing to you, you were also curious about what your friends were raving about. Your experience with sex wasn't exactly the best and it'd been one of the causes for the end of your relationship, but you figured you didn't have much to lose.
Your relationship with Gabriel didn't end on any bad terms and you two had even stayed friends after the whole thing. You two had been best friends prior to dating and while it felt nice to have someone you could confide in completely, there wasn't too much romantic chemistry between you two. The two of you had stayed together out of comfortability and out of not wanting to ruin the friendship between the two of you, but eventually pretending got the better of you.
You'd convinced yourself that something had to be wrong with you, that your body was just broken. No matter how much you willed yourself to wanting to express some kind of sexual attraction towards Gabriel, it just wouldn't happen. You didn't understand what your friends were talking about when they described their orgasms as an out of body experience, since your experiences mostly ended up having to finish yourself off in the bathroom. Gabriel tried to be understanding about the whole situation, but you could tell that with every faked orgasm you had, his ego kept depleting more and more.
You were swirling the brown liquid in your glass as you looked around, hoping to find someone that would catch your eye. While there were some moderately attractive people at the club, they didn't appear that enticing to try to make endless small talk before the subject of getting out of the club popped up. You eventually gave up on your search and turned back around, gulping down the shot of whiskey before paying your tab of the night off.
"Hey, how's it going?" You heard from behind you, a moderately decent looking brunette sitting down next to you. "It's been alright, how's it going with you?" You responded, hoping that your reply had supplied enough to keep a conversation active. "Well my day was pretty shitty, but it's going better now that i'm here with you," he spoke, gesturing the bartender to come over. After he finished ordering his drink, you were about to thank him for the comment as corny as it sounded but he continued talking.
You'd tried to keep up with everything he was telling you, something about Wall Street? The stock market? You'd eventually zoned out from the whole conversation, only offering a couple 'uh-huhs' to feign your interest in the subject. You caught someone looking at you through your peripheral, his presence demanding to be seen just by the sheer height and his eyes almost appearing to be a ruby shade under the lights.
"Do you want to head back over to my place? We can keep drinking there and talk more," The guy finally asked you after fifteen minutes of talking about how he was afraid of going bankrupt, your attention being brought back to him. You wanted to tell him that he was reeked of his family’s money and that he had nothing to worry about but you chose to remain polite. "I’m good, thanks though," you responded, watching him hastily walk away to find his next victim.
You figured that if he didn't care about engaging you in the conversation then he wouldn't care about your needs in bed. You looked over to where the man from earlier was standing, only to be met by a group of girls dancing that had taken his place. You downed the last bit of your shot, letting the blaring of the music consume and distract you from categorizing this night as a complete fail. But eventually, even that lost its appeal and you grabbed your counter from the bag to get going.
A woodsy, inviting scent clouded your senses before you felt a light tap on your shoulder, turning around to face the man that you'd ogled earlier. "Hi, I'm Miguel. I couldn't help but notice you from across the bar and I thought I had to at least introduce myself before you got going," he spoke up, sitting down next to you and called the bartender over. "What would you like to drink?" He turned to look at you as he asked, and you'd decided on getting a club soda after the last glass of whiskey had gotten you off balance a bit.
Conversation with him flew easier than you would've expected, and he was attentive to everything that you were telling him. He occasionally leaned forward every time you spoke, using the excuse that the music was too loud and his knee brushed up against your bare legs. You weren't naive, you knew that this would probably end up with a hookup and no actual connection, but you liked the way that he seemed to be fascinated with everything you were telling him, no matter how minute the detail.
You finished up with your club soda a couple minutes later and he'd paid for both your drinks, feeling a sense of boldness strike you as you looked at him. "Do you want to get out of here?" You leaned in, whispering in his ear and he let out a small chuckle, the sound making you shift a bit in your seat. "Not even gonna take a man out to dinner first? I'll admit, I’m hurt," he told you, catching you completely off guard and you rushed to defend yourself.
"Nah, don't worry about it. I'm joking," he interrupted your apology, standing up from his spot. You stood up and grabbed your bag before following after him. You took the opportunity to send your live location to one of your close friends before you settled into a nice pace next to him. A cold breeze had you shivering as you two walked to the hotel, but he wrapped his arm around your shoulders. He held you closely enough just so you wouldn't be too cold, his body warmth wrapping around you like a blanket.
The hotel was moderately nice and the dulcet tunes of the lobby music helped to distract the rapid beating of your heart. You turned to look at him once the elevator doors closed, clasping your hands together. "I'm sorry if I was a little forward at the club, I've just never taken anyone home before," you spoke up and he turned to look at you. "Well, to be fair, we're not exactly home," he remarked, his eyes crinkling in silent amusement at his own joke.
"So can I ask why you haven't had a casual hookup before?" He asked once the two of you stepped into the hotel room, putting a 'do not disturb' sign up before shutting it. "Isn't that a little personal for this whole thing we're doing?" You responded, trying to deflect attention from the conversation at hand. His brows raised the tiniest bit before his expression settled back to its indifferent state. He was about to speak up once more but you interrupted him, your hands moving in tandem with your words.
"Since you're practically aching for me to tell you, I ended a relationship a little over just five months now. And I dunno, the previous sex encounters that I’ve had haven't really made me cum," you admitted, awaiting for some form of judgement from Miguel only to find none. "I've never had any of my partners complain. Just tell me if something I'm doing makes you uncomfortable, okay?" He responded, leading you towards the king sized bed in the middle of the room.
He started off slow, his lips on yours as he kissed you while his hands explored every inch of your body. He started off by massaging your breasts, gently rolling circles on the nipples before they snaked downward to your stomach. His left hand strayed to find its spot on your waist while his right hand slightly teased by going down to your thighs but not much further. You felt like kissing him was second nature the way that his lips felt against yours, the way he and the whiskey worked together to intoxicate you, but most importantly, you'd actually felt turned on being around someone else.
You had to admit that at the beginning of the encounter, you hadn't expected to get turned on this easily from simply getting touched. But the way Miguel handled your body with such expertise and such care made you feel electrified, his fingertips and soft caresses making you want more of what he could give. His fingertips stopped their movements and a small whimper crawled up your throat as you did something you didn't imagine doing ever.
"Please do something to me," you pleased as his fingers prodded close to your wet folds and he let out a small, dark chuckle that caused a shiver to run down your spine. He moved his head to the crook of your neck, biting on the skin like he needed to imprint himself on you while his finger slowly pushed in your awaiting pussy. His other hand reached up to your breast, sliding off the strap of the dress you had on as he circled your nipple.
Your back arched up from the bed as you felt the combined stimulation start to cloud your senses, and all you could think about were Miguel and his hands. How much you didn't want him to stop and that this is what you had been looking for. His finger curled upwards, hitting that spongy spot inside of you as it moved at a faster rhythm. "You look so pretty making a mess for me like this," he whispered, your pussy clenching up in response to his sultry tone.
Your orgasm approached you rather quickly after he started to play with your clit, feeling like you'd come to life for the first time after his fingers circled the nub. You gushed like a waterfall and you would've felt a sense of shame at ruining the hotel's sheets had you not felt so good in the moment. You felt a sense of newfound control and you did your best to flip Miguel over, failing miserably.
Luckily for you, he didn't seem to mind too much and he let out a small chuckle as he glanced over at your defeated form. "If you wanted to be on top, preciosa, you could've just said so," he told you, laying back down on the bed as his legs spread open. You slowly started removing his pants, your eyes widening as you saw the shape of his cock strain against the boxers he was wearing. You finished up taking off his boxers and sliding off your dress completely. "There's a condom in the back pocket, if you could get that for me."
You held the condom with shaky hands, turning around to look back at Miguel. You looked over at Miguel’s cock hitting his stomach, a million thoughts ran through your head at once. The prominent one being "How am I supposed to take this?" His cock was around a good 8 inches, neatly trimmed at the base with two veins on the sides, but it was the girth you were mostly worried about. You slowly moved on top of him, trying to prolong this as much as possible as you started to grind your hips against his cock.
"Are you okay?" he asked, taking note of your scrunched eyebrows and worried expression. "You're just.. big," you mumbled and had it not been for trying to get you comfortable, he would've laughed a bit. "We got all night. Take your time with it," he assured you, his hands on your hips as he looked up at you. You took the condom out of its wrapper, sliding it down his shaft and made sure that it was put on properly before you aligned the tip of his cock with your folds.
You slowly sunk down onto his cock, your walls clenching around his length almost like they were trying to engulf him to the best of their ability. You were certain you looked like a frog with your feet pressed down on the bed as you tried to find your balance, but if Miguel noticed it, he didn't say anything. You sunk down on his cock completely, letting yourself adjust to the length of his cock as he stuffed you to the brim. His cock filled you up in ways that no man before had, the tip of his cock hitting you deeply.
You started off a slow, even pace so the burning in your thighs wouldn't get too intense, pressing your hands on his chest for some semblance of balance. Your eyes rolled to the back of your head when the tip of his cock brushed up against your cervix, the bulge of his cock evident in your tummy every time you moved. He moved one of his hands from your waist to your breast, flicking it between his fingers and gently tugging on it as the nub hardened between his ministrations.
You started moving faster, your back arched as you made your way from base to the top. The globes of your ass slapped against his thighs, filling up the room with the most obscene noises as the headboard of the hotel bed hit the wall every time you moved. You felt a cramp forming on your thighs every time you moved, but you refused to give up, especially after it had been your idea. You snaked one of your hands down to your clit, rubbing it quickly as you gushed around his cock, providing you with easy access in and out.
You started moving at a sloppy rhythm and Miguel let out a small 'tsk' before flipping the both of you over, having you rest on your hands and knees. Your back arched instinctively as he pushed his cock inside, his hand on your shoulder as he pushed inside. "Should've told me you were getting tired, yo estoy aquí for your pleasure. i'm here for you," he said with a small grunt, affirming his mixed words with a punishing thrust. You let out a small whimper as he continued to punish your pussy with his cock, your walls clenching around his length like they wanted to milk him dry. (i'm here)
He brought his hands to your hips, keeping a bruising grip on them as he slid in and out of your cunt. He only removed one of them to slap the globes of your ass, his handprint evident after he pulled his hand away. "Practically swallowing my cock whole. You were made for this cock, entendido?" He told you, and you couldn't help but nod even if his words hadn't completely processed in your fucked out brain. (understood?)
His hand went over to your clit, rubbing it in quick circles as he started to take you over the edge. Your grip on the bedsheets tightened, your knuckles turning white from how hard you held them as you buried your head into the pillow to muffle your moans. "That's my girl, come all over my cock," he spoke up, his tone less menacing than the one he used before but his thrusts remained deep and fast. The pleasure building up inside of you quickly snapped and you clenched around him, your release coating his cock once you unclenched.
Miguel’s pace started to grow sloppy as he felt your walls squeezing his cock in the most inviting way possible, like you needed to mark his cock inside you. He came into the condom a couple of thrusts later and took a couple seconds to regain his composure before taking his cock out of your cunt. He disregarded of the condom and laid down next to you, his mouth attaching itself to one of your nipples as he sucked on the hardened nub.
The two of you didn't manage to get much sleep that night as you christened every possible surface of the hotel room: the desk that had been provided, the bed, the shower, and the balcony when the sun was just starting to come up. You fell asleep at around 6 am and woke up a few hours later to an empty hotel room, the only evidence that someone had been here being the soreness between your legs.
You got up on shaky legs and looked over at the bedside table to see that Miguel had left you with some breakfast before he left. You spent a couple more hours in the hotel room before heading back home, getting a couple dirty stares from your neighbors as you did the walk of shame to your apartment.
You'd taken a warm shower to help relax your aching muscles and changed into a pair of sweats and a hoodie. You looked down at the closet floor, seeing the box of Gabriel’s stuff almost taunting you for what you'd done last night. Though you and Gabriel swore that you wouldn't let the events get in between the two of you, you still couldn't find enough courage to go return the stuff back to him. You let out a small groan and picked up the stuff, deciding to go finish up the job once and for all.
You knocked on the door of his home, shifting from foot to foot as you held the box of sweaters in your hands. They felt like deadweight as you carried them, like something you should've left off long ago. Your eyes widened when the door opened but it wasn't Gabriel at the door. Rather, it was the man that made you cum so many times last night that you were certain you lost some brain cells from the sheer pleasure. His brows furrowed as he looked at you, probably making up something in his brain about how you found his address.
"I'm not stalking you, I swear. I was just looking for Gabriel to drop some stuff up," you spoke quickly before he closed the door on you, holding up the box of belongings. "He's not home right now but I'll tell him you dropped by," Miguel spoke, taking the box from you and he relaxed a bit as he did. "Though,I think it'll be best for both of us if we pretend last night didn't exist at all. Given that he's my brother and he's your ex boyfriend," he spoke up once more and while you knew that you should've been indifferent to the matter, you couldn't help but feel dejected at how easily he brushed it off.
You nodded and quickly departed the house before you made a bigger fool out of yourself, already starting to reprimand your past self for your foolish decisions. The only leeway you did give yourself was that even though Gabriel spoke about his brother in a high regard, you never got to meet him since his schedule seemed to conflict. Though it was probably a scenario worthy of nightmare fuel, you couldn't help but feel a sense of relief at finally getting Gabriel’s stuff out of your closet.
A couple of weeks passed by and soon enough, it would be Thanksgiving next week. You filled up your time with Christmas shopping early so the holidays wouldn't get to you and as a way to distract from the fact that you wouldn't be going home because of the weather. While you weren't too big on having family dinners, you still did miss the company of having someone else at the dinner table with you.
Your phone rang as you walked home from the mall, Gabriel’s name flashing on the screen in almost a taunting manner. "Hey! I wasn't sure if you were gonna pick up, how's it going?" He greeted on the other line once you picked up, starting to make friendly conversation with you. "So your mom called me and told me you wouldn't be making it for the holidays. I figured that you could come and spend them with me and some other folks," he said after a while, completely catching you off guard.
"I don't really think that's the best idea, I don't want to intrude," you responded, trying to let him down easy so no suspicions would arise. "What do you have to lose? Just come, I’m sure your plans aren't that full," he replied, and after a couple more pleas from him, you complied. You hoped that Miguel wouldn't present at the dinner, that he would get caught up at work, but your hopes were diminishing quickly as you stepped into your apartment.
The day of the dinner, you'd chosen to wear a cream turtleneck with a burgundy skirt, pairing it up with some tights and your winter coat. You internally thanked yourself for choosing not to wear heels as you went up the stairs, heading towards Gabriel’s place with a bottle of wine in hand. You knocked on the door and let out a small smile as you saw him standing there. "Hola, it's been a while. How’s life treating you?" he greeted you, gesturing you to come in.
You spoke to Gabriel, sharing a bit of what you'd been up to since the break up as well as listening to what he had to share with you. It felt like the two of you had never drifted apart and the friendship between the two of you was still holding on tightly. You looked around the house, noticing some people you'd never seen before but Gabriel introduced them as Miguel’s friends, Jess and Peter B.
You waved at them and sat down on the couch, glancing over at whatever telenovela was on. Gabriel liked to swear that he just watched them to make fun of them, but you could've sworn you saw a tear drop fall during an episode of Teresa. He came into the living room to tell you all that dinner would be starting up in a couple minutes, that he was finishing up with the guacamole before his face broke out into a grin. "Pensé que te habías ido por el toilet," he greeted Miguel as he came out the bathroom while the older of the two let out a small grunt in response. (i thought you went down the toilet)
You were the last one to get to the dinner table and as luck would have it, the only seat available was between Miguel and Gabriel. You sat down in between them, silently begging to whatever entity there was above that this dinner wouldn't go too badly. A woman approached the table, leaning down to kiss Gabriel on the cheek as she pulled a chair over to sit next to him. "I forgot to mention, this is my new girlfriend, Kasey."
You didn't feel anything at seeing Gabriel cuddle up with a new woman, except a bit of happiness at seeing him find someone else. Soon after, Gabriel started up with a prayer in a combination of both english and spanish as a thanks for the dinner. You tried to ignore how nice Miguel’s hand felt wrapped around yours and avoided eye contact with him at all costs, not willing to face the humiliation of getting rejected for a second time. The prayer finished up a couple minutes later and you all started to eat in a comfortable silence.
You were in the middle of biting your piece of turkey when you felt a hand snake to your panties, gently probing at your clit. You glared at Miguel as he started to tease you underneath the table, but he feigned indifference to your reaction as he continued to talk with Peter about quantum physics. Your legs instinctively spread as you felt his finger slowly starting to move inside your cunt, filling you up in exactly the way you missed since your last encounter. You'd tried to have sex with two different men after what happened with Miguel, but neither one of them could make you see stars the way he did.
He continued pumping his finger into you like nothing had happened between the two of you and you weren't in the middle of a dinner. You covered up the small whimper climbing up your throat with a cough, causing Jessica to look over at you with concern. "Hey, are you okay?" She asked, her brow furrowed. "I-I'm all good, thanks," you managed to blurt out, and you could see a smirk forming on Miguel’s face from your peripheral. He curled his finger in the way that you liked, his thumb toying with your clit as he rubbed small circles on the nub.
Your orgasm was starting to build up but just as soon as you were about to go over the edge, a spoon clattering distracted you from your thoughts. Miguel quickly removed his hand from your pussy and you straightened your skirt as Gabriel reached down to get his spoon. You engaged in some of the conversation, but a part of you felt some longing at having Miguel’s hands all over you once more.
The dinner ended about a half hour later and everybody had mostly settled on the couch to reminisce on old memories. You stepped into the bathroom, splashing your face with cold water in hopes that it would dim down the desire you felt towards Miguel. The door to the bathroom opened and you looked up at the mirror to see the man haunting your thoughts standing there.
"What are we doing here?" You whispered to him, creating some space between the two of you as you moved back. "What we're doing is having a nice family dinner. you could've just not shown up," he responded in a lazy drawl, coming closer to you as his hands rested on your hips. "I tried, but Gabriel insisted," you muttered, avoiding all eye contact with him as you stated at the toothbrushes on the holder like they were a piece of art. "Did you forget about how good I made you feel, chula?" He whispered in your ear, the smell of his cologne overwhelming your senses. "No, but we shouldn't be doing this."
The words died down in your throat as Miguel brought your face to his level, dipping his head down to kiss you. You wrapped your arms around his neck as you returned the gesture, your eyes fluttering shut as your lips collided against him hungrily. "Miguel? Have you seen-?" The words lingered in the air as Gabriel opened the door to see miguel's backside. while Gabriel didn't see you directly, it didn't take a genius to figure out that you two had escaped the party together. Gabriel let out a small scoff and closed the door forcefully.
Before Miguel got the chance to speak up, you rushed out the bathroom after Gabriel. Your heart dropped as you realized that he might think of you as the new Dana, as just another person who chose Miguel over him. You tapped him on the shoulder once everybody had left, hoping to clear the air before he brushed you off once more. He gave you a glance and let out a reluctant sigh, giving you the opportunity to explain.
"I know what it looks like, but I promise I’m not pulling a Dana. We met at a bar a couple weeks ago and I didn't realize that he was your brother. I promise that I wasn't cheating on you during our relationship," you spoke, looking directly at Gabriel as you did so hopefully he would realize that you were being truthful. He muttered something along the lines, 'so you're that girl from the bar he can't shut up' before he looked at you. "I'm sorry I thought the worst of you, I just didn't know what to make of it when I walked in," gabriel responded and you impulsively hugged him tightly.
You hoped that you could provide him with some kind of comfort as you held him in your arms, pulling away a couple seconds later as you looked at him. You heard a small cough coming from behind you, noticing that Miguel was leaning against the wall awkwardly. "I’m guessing you two have some stuff to speak about so I'll leave you to it," you spoke up, going to get your coat to leave. "Stay. This involves you anyways," Miguel said, catching you for a loop but you set down your coat.
"I know that I've betrayed your trust, hermanito, but you've gotta trust me when I tell you that I didn't know she was your ex. All I know is that she was the most enticing person at the bar and I just needed to know her. I backed off and told her to forget it when she came to drop off your stuff," Miguel told Gabriel, shocking you a bit with his admission. You'd assumed that he just saw you as another hookup, as something he could dispose easily. (little brother)
"While having my ex and my brother have feelings for each other wasn't something I was expecting, I'm not gonna stand in the middle of it. You both are free to do whatever you want to do and I promise I won't throw a tantrum," Gabriel told the both of you, leaving the room to go join his girlfriend in the bedroom. The silence between you and Miguel was deafening, and you avoided looking at him until he grabbed your chin. "We've got a bunch of flan left over so have a piece with me and talk about what you're feeling."
The two of you sat down on the couch as the sounds of the telenovela played in the background, a plate with a slice of flan in your hands. You took a bite, hoping to delay the impending conversation before you finally decided to bite the bullet. "What does this mean for us?" You asked, looking over at him as you took another bite out of the caramel pastry. "It means that I want to get to know you better. I meant what I said about what went down between us," he responded, taking a bite out of his own piece.
"What if all we have is just sexual chemistry? What if you get to know me and you don't like what you find?" You inquired, finishing up with your flan in two more bites as you waited for his response. "Give me the opportunity to get to know you. I can't promise you anything, but I do promise that I won't lead you on, understood?" he replied, looking at you with a serious expression on his face. You knew you were taking a blind leap of faith here with all the stakes present, but you nodded, willing to give yourself and Miguel that opportunity.
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reverieblondie · 8 months
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18+ SMUT for all list.
ATSV Masterlist
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Baldur's Gate 3 Masterlist
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Other characters I write for!
TASM!Peter Parker
Neighbors: Moving to a new city could be challenging for anyone. Maybe you could meet someone to help you navigate your new home...
Chapter 1 - Spider-Catcher
Chapter 2 - Heroic Spiders
Chapter 3 - Web-Heads
Chapter 4 - Via the Window
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inhan---inhan · 7 months
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📝: https://hanoharao.postype.com/post/15709064
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miguelswifey04 · 11 months
ooo omg, imagine sunshine!spider!reader meeting gabriel, miguel’s brother for the first time? and miguel takes them to this restaurant their mom would always take them to when they were younger. and while they’re waiting for their orders to be taken, gabriel starts telling yn about some of miguel’s most embarrassing moments from their childhood and accidentally brings up the time their mom caught 16 year old miguel…pleasuring himself?? and when miguel hears that he immediately clamps his hand over gabriel’s mouth and starts apologizing to yn like crazy omg 😭
HELLLO??!!! LMFAOOO THIS IS SO DAMN FUNNY 😭😭😭😭😭😭 but nah bruh gabriel always doing his older brother DIRTY ASF ☠️ if i was Y/N i would be flabbergasted maybe EVEN SPEECHLESS….
Y/N: what on earth? 😵😦😧😯😧😮😲
gabriel: IT’S TRUE THOUGH-
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miloswebs · 9 months
Miguel claims he isn’t into you… seems to imply you aren’t his type… and then proceeds to hide you from his brother or claim you’re probably already dating someone.
I wonder what those mixed signals mean?
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over-the-moon-for-you · 10 months
Five Minutes More
✩ Gabriel O'Hara x Reader
✩ Summary: after a night together, Gabriel doesn't want you to leave in the morning.
✩ notes: im having Gabriel O'Hara brain rot but I can barely find any fics, so I had to put something out there for him 😭
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The morning sun began to beam through the curtains of Gabriel’s apartment. You had spent the night together after he had taken you on the sweetest picnic date the night before, followed by lots of love and passion in the bedroom.
As your eyes fluttered open, you could feel Gabriel against you, both your limbs entwined together, and his face nuzzling up into your neck. His soft snores could be heard next to your ear, which made you suppress a chuckle, not wanting to stir him awake just yet.
You glanced over at the clock on his nightstand.
10:00 AM
Your eyes widened. You were supposed to be at a meeting Miguel had announced for the next mission he was assigning you at 10:30.
"Shit." You muttered under your breath, now fully awake, as you carefully began to slip yourself out of Gabriel's arms. Unfortunately, you had only gotten one leg off the bed when Gabriel suddenly tightened his grasp on you, pulling you back to him.
"Mmmm, five minutes more…" He grumbled into you. Letting out a sigh, you managed to turn yourself around so you could be facing him now. Gabriels eyes were half lidded, still sleepy, while his bottom lips pouted at you. 
"Gabriel, I have a meeting in 30 minutes with Miguel. You know how he gets when people aren’t on time." You said that he was running a hand through his hair. He hummed at your touch, his head pushing into your hand a bit to show his enjoyment of your actions.
"Stay. Please, corazón. I’ll deal with Miguel for you." Gabriel begged, not wanting you to ever leave his grasp. You’ve come to learn he’s very clingy, especially when he’s sleepy, though you never minded much. You were still hesitating on his offer; your mind was telling you that you should really go to the meeting, but your heart was practically screaming at you to snuggle into him.
Gabriel knew he had to make sure you would fall for his offer, so he moved his head down to your collarbone, beginning to plant soft kisses and nips leading up to your neck. His hands ran along the sides of your body, his touch making your heart flutter.
With a groan, you finally gave into him.
"Fine, fine, you got me; I’ll stay." Your words caused him to look up at you with a beaming grin, his lips moving up to finally meet yours, bringing you in for a sweet and tender kiss.
"Thank you." He whispered against your lips before shifting a bit so he could bury his head against your chest and wrap his arms around your waist. You watched as his eyes closed once more, and before you knew it, he was softly snoring once more.
You had a feeling this most definitely won't be the last time you show up late for a meeting.
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certainlynotasimp · 1 year
Okay here me out miggy and sunny who get ambushed by another spider but it turns out to be there daughter from the future?! I feel like they’d be shocked to see a teenager (like 18) just trying to fix a mess she made to get back home. I love all your work especially Miguel and Sunny!
Our Girl
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(Miguel O'Hara x Female Reader)
A/N: Hey lovely~ So I kinda went off track a little with this one and kinda focused a little more on Maria, the daughter, and not so much her fixing the problem and more her being overwhelmed by the idea of the multiverse. I'm sorry I went off kilter but I loved the idea of seeing how they would react in general to meeting their child.
Also, I've been obsessed with this song on TikTok so I had to name their daughter after it.
A/N: If you guys wanna view more of my works then feel free to read my master list and if you wanna see what else is coming up, then check out this one-shot schedule. If you love the Sunny and Miggy fics like I do then comment on the taglist post because I add everyone who comments. I hope you enjoy it!
Warning: Grumpy x Sunshine, Barely any use of (Y/N) ((Sunny is the Reader's nickname, not her actual name)), Female Reader/ Female pronouns, Shinangins, Kinda fluffy, kinda a crack fic lol, and Google translated Spanish ((Pls forgive me, my wonderful Spanish speakers.))
Okay, I guess If im gonna do this, I’m gonna have to start with the beginning, Hi I’m Maria O’ Hara and I’m-
“Kids, Breakfast is ready~!” A soft cheery voice calls out causing a groan to escape the teenager’s mouth. The sound of two pairs of feet book it past her bedroom door with the notable bang of one of them being knocked into the wall.
“Mami!” A teary voice of her seven year old brother yells. “Gabriel keeps pushing me into the wall!”
“No I’m not!” The thirteen year old cries out with a loud crack in his voice. “He keeps getting in front of me!”
“Gabriel, Ben, quit bickering and come here before your father comes down.” The gentle scolding causes the boys to continue their run down the stairs while Maria rolls her eyes and goes back to her diary.
Dammit, okay, we can work with this. Hi, I’m Maria O’ Hara. I’m 18 years old and I live in Nueva York with my mama and papa and my two brothers. I’m basically your normal teenager except for one-
“Maria?” a soft knock on her door causes her to call back through the door.
“Yes, Mama?” “Breakfast is ready, honey. Come on down stairs before it gets cold…” She can hear the cautious edge in her mother’s voice as she tries to coo her child down stairs.
“I’m on my way, Mama, just let me get finish getting dressed.” She cringes at the lie as she was already dressed and ready for her day. Maria holds her breath for a couple of minutes until she can hear her mom mutter a simple okay as the sound of heavy foot steps come up beside her.
The low baritone of her father’s whisper can be heard along with her mother’s worried tone as she can hear her trying to urge her husband down stairs to give their daughter some privacy.
Maria returns to her writing as she knows shes definitely on a ticking time bomb now that her father was up and down stairs. He was a strickler for spending meals together as a family and the only time he let go of that rule was when one was sick or when…Maria and Javi were in that accident…
She shakes the haunting image of Javi out of her mind as she writes.
I’m basically your normal teenager except for one thing. I’m Spider Woman, the one and only beloved hero of Queens.Two years ago, I gotten bite by this funky spider at my dad’s lab in Alchemax and I gained these awesome super powers. It was honestly the best thing to ever happen to me. I got to swing around and stop bad guys all before fourth period. The only person who knew was my best friend Javi-
“Maria!” A deep voice booms as Maria gritted her teeth. “¡Tu madre ya te llamó dos veces! ¡Baja y come!”
“Shit!” The teenager curses as she rushes to collect her stuff into her bag. The white and blue fabric of her spider suit shines at the bottom of the bag before her necessities get piled on top of it.
“¡¿Qué diablos dijiste?!” Her father yells as she can hear her mother yell at him. 
“¡¡Miguel, no te atrevas a maldecir en la mesa de mi comedor!!”
Maria hurries down the stairs as she listens to her family interact at the table.
A muffled voice that she figured was her mother scolds the angry man while a soft more masculine mutter apologizes. A couple of giggles can be heard before a stern voice scolds them as well for what Maria can hear, “Chicos, no le faltéis al respeto a vuestro padre. La única razón por la que tu madre puede hacerlo es porque me echará de la cama.”
As Maria makes it into the dining room, she laughs along with her brothers as their mom playfully slaps their dad’s arm. The tall dark haired man chuckles at his adorable wife before catching her hand and kisses it, causing the woman to smile with a love sick look in her eyes. 
“Eww!” Ben cries as he tries to block his vision with his toast causing the couple to roll their eyes.
Maria sits down beside her father Miguel and Gabriel as she starts to fill her plate. All of the children looked exactly like their father with only slight changes in hair textures and certain facial features. Ben, the youngest of the trio, looked the most like their mother with his eye shape and nose matching hers while the middle child, Gabriel, was a copy and paste verison of their father with only his mother’s smile indicating that they were related. Maria was a better mixture of the two with her mother’s height and face shape making her her mother’s “clone”, Miguel’s words not their’s. 
All the siblings would disagree as their matching dark brown eyes and their dark hair. They also had his temper. There wasn’t a single day that didn’t end without a fight. But they all loved each other despite the stress they put on their poor sweet mother’s heart.
“Yahooo!” The web crusader swings around the city with a laugh bubbling through her being as the adrenaline pumps through her veins. Today wasn’t that bad today when it came to crime. No cat burgalurs, no bank robberies, No super mutants, No robots, and No…
A shrilling laugh fills the sky as Maria lands on top of a building. As she looks around for the source of the noise, a figure flies over her. Several flashes of gold falls down onto the streets below and a series of explosions go off at the chilling sound of a woman’s laugh among the symphony of screams. The woman was flying on a golden glider looking device with a skin tight blue holographic suit with an orange cloak wrapping around her features with a devilish jackolatern mask on.
“Who the hell is that?” She asks to no one as she swung up to catch up to the maniac, “Hey Spooky!”
Maria sticks a web onto the glider and propels herself into the air before slamming down on top of the villain. The woman shrieks as she falls off her glider with the spider until the glider follows them down. The villainess throws a purple bomb at the girl before her glider catches her. The teenager shoots a web onto a near by building and catches the bomb. 
“No thanks, I’m not on interested in what you’re cooking.” She throws the bomb into the air before it explodes. However, instead of smoke, an orange portal appears as a strong suction causes the spider’s grip to slip and fly into the air. “Hey!” She yells as she gets pulled into the portal.
A scream echos through the Lobby as a flaying spider falls down from a portal. Hobie rolls his eyes while Jessica looks up unimpress. 
“Another newbie?” She asks as the spider girl catches herself on a walk way above the duo. 
“I don’t know.” The rocker mumbles as he tunes his guitar. “You know that they normally end up in some alternate dimension where the floor is lave or some shite.”
The spider girl looks around her in shock as she sees millions of other spider people walking around her and she begins to hyperventilates. “No no no no. Please Please don’t tell me I’m dead……”  
Jessica frowns hearing a young voice panicking and she whistles up at the girl. 
“Hey, Newbie! Come here for a minute.”
Maria swings down as the older woman takes off her googles, her warm eyes brings the younger girl to ease enough to ask,
“W-where am I?”
Hobie chuckles, thinking that the girl was confused after failing to jump. “You’re in the Lobby, remember? Didn’t Sunny give you a tour?” 
“Sunny? Whose that?” Maria looks at the duo confused as Hobie takes off his mask to look at the girl more closely. 
Jessica looks at the girl suspiciously as Hobie examines the masked girl. “Your suit is certainly different. It kinda looks like O’ Hara’s.”
Maria jumps at the mention of her last name and faces Hobie as her patience snaps. “How did you know that? And who are you guys and why are you guys dresssed lik-”
The manic girl halts as she hears a familiar voice call out from above. 
“Hey,guys!” The gentle voice calls out as she swings down from several platforms above with a friendly smile plastered on her unmasked face. Hobie and Jessica return her smile as she lands infront of them. Maria stares in horror as the duo greets the cheery spider.
“Oi, Sunny, whatcha swing up to,love?” Hobie jokes as he hugs the woman he viewed as his friend and sister figure. 
“Boss man sent me out to look at what fell through the portal while Lyla was rebooting.” She says calmly as Jessica scoffs. Miguel sending Sunny out to check something out? Nope, thats not how he ran things. He would rather send out everyone else before he would dare risk his sol getting injured.
“Boss sent you to check out a portal?” The beautiful woman asks as Sunny rubs the back of her neck, clearly leaving out some details.
“Well, an anomalous Hobgoblin managed to hack into Lyla’s systems and shut her down so it can escape…Our comms are down too..He said to get Hobie and Ben so they can investigate the scene actually…” The jumping spider admits as she feels her cheeks warm in embarrassment. 
Jessica chuckles at her friend’s confession as she remembers the new spider who was silent the whole time they were speaking.
“Oh yeah, well this new recruit came out of the portal.”She shrugs as she directed Sunny to the small blue spider woman. “You really need to give these new guys better directions for portal jumping.”
The now confused woman shakes her head as she looks at Maria before looking back at Jessica. 
“There aren’t any new recruits.” She states as she frowns at the still masked girl as she walks up to her. “Hey, whats your name, honey?” She asks in her familiar concerned voice that Maria just heard this morning.
It was her mother…well at least someone who looks like her mother. She was several years younger than her mom, clearly in her mid to late twenties. Other than that, she was her. Even down to the same facial markers and the always warm edge of her voice. What really drawn her back was the fact her mom, or this woman that looked like her was wearing a black spider suit like her own with white along her chest and inner lining of her limbs. 
“Holy shit…” The girl gasps at the woman before she slowly reaches up and removes her mask. Her dark eyes peers back at her ‘mother’s’ in shock before mumbling, “Mama?”
“Mama!?” Jessica screams in surprise before she quickly studies the now unmasked girl and the paling spiderwoman. The similar way their wide eyes meet each other while their matching jawlines stuck in an a gasps expression. They definitely looked the part…
(Y/N) was the first one to move as she slowly lifts her trembling hands up to the girl’s face and cups it in a gentle grasp. She carefully traces her features with a haunted look on her face, almost like she was looking for something in her face, or maybe someone. As realization forms in her face that this was in fact her child, tears began to bubble in her waterline as her lips trembled.
“You’re my baby?...I have a daughter…” She says outloud before gently tracing under Maria’s eye with a look of disbelief and love. Maria’s own eyes burn as she sees her mother’s face in her clone as she nods. “Yea…My name is Maria…Maria O’Hara.”
And with that new revelation, the cheery spider faints due to the shock while Jessica yells out for help while Hobie was frozen due to the fact that not only that Miguel O’Hara and his delightful sidekick have a child from a different dimension, but that she was actually hot.
Safe to say, Miguel was not happy. 
After Lyla successfully rebooted and came back online, Miguel went to dimension 1784-B and recaptured the Hobgoblin. He never felt such satisfaction than when he tackled the flying witch out of the sky and tore apart her glider with his bare hands. He wasn’t very pleased that the villain easily gotten her hands on one of the gizmos and some prototype traps he was working on, so he made sure that the femal hobgoblin would never dare attempt to do anything like that again.
.After he returned to the surveillance platform, his annoyance grew as he hears that not only did some spider woman he had no idea about came into the Lobby, but that some incident caused his sunshine to be taken to the infirmary. 
“Lyla,” The annoyed man calls to the AI as he walks towards the infirmary. A tiny version of his fur coat wearing digital assistant appears on his shoulder as he focuses ahead of him with a glare. He can practically feel all the blood vessels in his hand pop as clenched his fist as he thought about all the ways he was going to say to the woman who had the nerve to injure his amor. “Give me all the information on this spider.”
“Yes ‘Miggy’” Lyla teases as she pulls up the file. “Spiderwoman 1784-B aka Maria O’Hara. 18 years old and has been spiderwoman for 2 years. A student at NYU with an undecided major and lives with her two younger brothers, Gabriel and Ben O’ Hara and her parents…Oh Shit!” 
The miniature AI starts laughing as she clenches her stomach. Miguel growls at Lyla’s outburst and seethes. “What is it?”
As she recovers, she throws up a projection infront of him with a smirk. “Check this out. You and Sunny do get a happy ending!” 
Miguel freezes as his wide eyes look at the image infront of him with a tremble in his form. The image displayed was a family picture that was clearly taken at a high school graduation with a family of five huddled together with wide grins splitting their loving faces. The first to catch his attention was the vision of him standing beside a teenage girl with a boy no older than seven on his shoulders with a look of happiness and pride in his gaze as one arm was slung across the girl’s shoulder. He was clearly older than he was now, but the lack of red eyes and fangs made Miguel nearly not recognize him. Its been so long since he’s seen himself before becoming spiderman… The next thing that caught his attention was an older version of his beloved also smiling at the camera with a teenage boy on your side a gentle hand placed on his shoulder as the woman’s attention was focus gazing a her daughter with such joy.
The children were a perfect mixture of you both despite the obvious favour in appearance being on his side. He carefully examines each child and their features as he releases a shaky breath as a single tear escapes his eye. 
This was impossible…How can you two have a family somewhere in the spiderverse and he didn’t know? the two have a family…they got married…she gave him the most beautiful children he could ever dream of and they both weren’t spidermen…they met and fell in love with out the worry of the universe on their shoulders…But their daughter…Their girl has this…burden instead…
“Miguel?” The unease in the AI’s voice brings him back to reality as he rubs his eyes. 
“I’m fine.” He snaps as he materializes his mask back onto his face. 
“So we are all connected by this weird multiverse of spidermen?” Maria questions as she quips an eyebrow as she looks at the other teen.
“Yep.” Gwen nods as she leans back in the chair. 
The group were huddled around the hospital bed as their cheerful friend laid in bed unconscious. Upon pouncing the new spider about her life and what life was like on her dimension, Gwen took the initiative and began explaining about the Spiderverse, careful to avoid talking about the girl’s variant spider parents.
“And this is a team of Spiderpeople that goes around and makes sure that the events of their life goes on course? Like the time police? Does that mean theres other versions of me? “ She rapidly askes the punk. The blonde chuckles as she can definitely see how much of Sunny was actually in this girl. 
“Yep and kinda like that. We make sure the canon goes as planned so your universe doesn’t collapse. And when it comes to the other versions of you…” Gwen looks towards the unconscious spider before meet her ‘daughter’s’ curious gaze. “If theres other versions of Sunny and Miguel, then there is other versions of you.”
“Wait. Is there a spiderman version of my dad?” She asks as the door opens.
Jessica looks up from watching her phone and smiles at Miguel while Hobie curses. Miguel’s mask fades away as Hobie begins to speak.
“Look boss, the kid didn’t mean to…”
“Are you alright, Maria?” Miguel’s uncharacteristicially soft voice interrupts Hobie’s defense as his ruby eyes locked on the girl.
His rapid heart flooded his senses as he looked over his ‘daughter’. She didn’t look like Gabriella like he thought he would, even though he already seen her face. She looked like his sunshine despite her having a majority of his features. She was his girl, his beloved’s child…
“Um yea…”The starstruck girl mumbles as she looks at the variant of her father. Unlike the unconscious variant of her mom, the age wasn’t the biggest indicate that he was different from her dad, it was the gentle red eyes and the fangs peeking out from his lips. “Holy shit, you’re cool…” She accidentially admits out loud which causes the man to chuckle.
“Oye, no maldigas delante de tus padres, pequeña araña.” He playfully scolds before he starts fiddling with his gizmo. “I think its time you head home now. Its almost time for dinner and I’m sure ‘I’ wouldn’t like for you to be late.”
A portal opens beside them as Maria smiles at Miguel. “Cool…can I have one of those?”
“Absolutely not.”
“Well it was worth a try.” Maria giggles as she walks up to the portal before looking at Miguel concerned. “What about that Hobgoblin? And about…” The teenager looks towards her sleeping ‘mom’.
“I took care of it for you and don’t worry about her.” Miguel chuckles as he gazes lovingly at his love. “Yo siempre cuido de tu madre, ¿no?”
Maria grins as she feels giddy over the idea that no matter what dimension, her parents will always love each other.
“Yep and word of advice, stop having kids after one!” She jokes as she steps into the portal and goes home.
A soft groan emits from the bed as Miguel looks up from his book. The sleepy eyes of his love meets his as he leans over and caresses his cheek. 
“Good morning, mi amor…you had a good rest?” He coos as he pushes the hair away from her face. 
Tears prickle in her sleepy gaze as the memory of her new friend came back. In a horse whisper, she tearfully asks, “Did you see her? Did you meet our girl?” A smile forms on her face as Miguel nods and rests his forehead against hers.
“Sí, mi amor. Y ella era perfecta.”
As the portal closes behind her, Maria looks around with a breath of relief as she sees shes in her bedroom back home. 
“Thank god that’s over-!”
Before the stress could finally leave her chest, a shattering sound of a phone screen snaps her attention to her brother Gabriel looking at her in shock. Maria looks horrified as she realizes she is in the middle of her bedroom in her spidersuit and unmasked infront of her little brother…
¡Tu madre ya te llamó dos veces! ¡Baja y come!- Your mother already called you twice! Come down and eat!
Chicos, no le faltéis al respeto a vuestro padre. La única razón por la que tu madre puede hacerlo es porque me echará de la cama.-You boys don't disrespect your father. The only reason your mother can is because she'll kick me out of bed.
¡¿Qué diablos dijiste?!- What the hell did you say?!
¡¡Miguel, no te atrevas a maldecir en la mesa de mi comedor!!- Miguel, don't you dare curse at my dining room table!!
Oye, no maldigas delante de tus padres, pequeña araña.- Hey, don't curse in front of your parents, little spider.
Yo siempre cuido de tu madre, ¿no?-I always take care of your mother, don't I?
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meowhara · 8 months
Halloween Special🔮
Mafia!Miguel O'Hara x Fem Bunny Hybrid!Reader
cw : none! cry baby reader ig 😌
author's note : Tbh I almost delete this draft because of how boring it is (at least in my opinion). I got a better story idea midway of writing this but I don't have any time to redo so here you go. Sorry if it's too boring to read :)
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"What is Halloween?" You asked as you laid on your stomach on a red fluffy sofa and scrolls through your pink phone (that he just bought for you) in his office.
"Halloween? Oh it's a celebration where you go around the neighborhood wearing stupid costumes and trick or treating people in order to collect candies." He said with a snarl. He couldn't even remember when was the last time he went trick or treating. But he does remember a childhood memory of him and Gabriel, walking in the middle of the night dressing up as Mario and Luigi. The memory of them laughing with mouthful of candies in their mouth.
You gasp, interrupting his train of thought. "I want to wear costumes! I never got to wear one before!" You said as you start skipping excitedly towards his working desk where he is sitting right now. "You? Want to wear costumes?" He look up at you through his lashes as if you just said an utterly stupid idea, not taking his reading glasses off before he continue working on some business paper on his desk.
You nodded, "Please... Pretty please?" Miguel ignores you and continue signing tons of paperworks that he needs to work on. "Is that a yes?" You asked again, hoping that he'll let you dress up for the up coming Halloween which is today. He stood up suddenly and starts walking towards the exit of his office. "Aww Miguel? Please??" You said as you follow behind him.
He kept ignoring you and kept walking towards the front door. "Miguel... Pleaseee? Just let me dress up this one time for Halloween." You kept begging and tugging on his sleeve while looking up at him with the biggest puppy eyes he has ever seen. He stopped in front of the door to put his coat and black frame red lens sunglasses on. Before looking down at you with an annoyed expression, "Lyla, help and make her whatever costume she wants." He said while looking at Lyla who's busy typing on her phone with her back leaning onto the nearest wall.
She rolled her eyes before standing up back straight. "Why me? I'm busy too you know?" She sneered as he looks at Miguel and crossing her arms in front of her chest. But he didn't say anything before walking out the door and driving away with some of his men.
You let out an exited squeak and your small fluffy bunny tail starts to wag in excitement before you turned to look at Lyla with a wide happy smile on your face. She let out a frustrated sigh and rubs her face with her palm before she looks at you, feeling defeated. "Come on you little ball of fur." You happily follows behind her towards the living room.
Miguel is sitting on the back seat of his car as his second man in command drives him to a meeting he needed to attend. "Cancel all the plans I have for this evening." He said while he lit up his cigarette. "Sir, but your schedule are packed today. You have several important meetings to attend to." The man behind the wheel said. "I don't care. I don't want to be interrupted for the rest of my evening." Miguel said after he puffed a cloud full of smoke from his mouth. "Is it because of Y/N?" The driver raised one of his eyebrows at Miguel and looked at him through the rear view mirror. Miguel was caught off guard from the question, he let out an offended scoff. "No. One more word out from your mouth and I'll cut your tongue off." He growls before the driver let out a satisfied chuckle and focus back on the road.
"So what do you want to dress up as, Y/N?" Lyla asked you as she tried to look up for costume references online with her phone. "I want to be umm what's the name of the little girl with red cloak?"
"Red cloak— Little red riding hood?" She said with an eyebrow raised at you. "Yes her! I want to dress up as her. I thought it would fit me." You said with a bright smile. "Why don't you just dress up as a bunny? You have the ears already right? Wouldn't that be easier?" She obviously doesn't want to make anything too complicated since this is not the part of her job, babysitting her boss's little girlfriend? Yeah right.
"But I want to be the little red riding hood..." You pouts, hoping that will make her change her mind. "Ugh fine. You're lucky you're so cute." She pinch your cheek softly before standing up. "Where are you going, Lyla?" You asked, wondering why she stood up suddenly. "You want a costume right? Don't you need some fabric for that?" She said as she walks to the front door and put her black leather jacket and her black motorcycle helmet on. "Right... Can I come with you?" She just sigh, "Y/N, Miguel will chop my head off if I let you out without his supervision. Just stay at home and wait okay?" Your bunny ears fall backwards from disappointment but you nodded anyway.
After she went out to buy some fabric and other things to help you make a costume she then came back to Miguel's masion. You spend the whole day with her making your costume using an old sewing machine she somehow found in Miguel's basement. Lyla made the red cloak and a matching little red riding hood inspired dress. She even bought a small brown basket to match your costume.
Miguel came back home right after you finished making the costumes you wanted. He entered the living room just to find it messy with fabrics everywhere. Lyla rests her head against the sofa's back pillows with her eyes closed. "You need to pay me extra for this you know?" She said still with her eyes closed. "Where is Y/N?" He asked, ignoring what she just said to him. But she just replied back with a shrug.
"Lyla—" He raised his voice before you hugged him from the back. "Miguel! You're back." He turned to look at you and his expression softens instantly. "What are you dressing up as?" He asked as an amused smile appeared across his face. You gave him a quick 360° spin to show your costume off to him. "Little red riding hood! Do you like it?"
The way your red cloak's hood covers your head, leaving your beautiful mostly adorable face for him to look at and the way your bunny ears are hidden by the hood. And how the matching dress Lyla made for you makes you look even more adorable to look at, it does suit you perfectly. His little red riding hood, he thought to himself. Deep down he's in love with how you look but he's too embarrassed to say it. "It looks okay."
You tilt your head to the side and took the hood off, exposing you bunny ears as it straightened back up like usual. "You... Don't like it?" You said with a sad tone which made Miguel regret his answer right away. "No— no. I do like it. You look... Good." Your face lit up right away, "You think so?" He just nodded, worried that another stupid word out of his mouth will make you upset.
You giggles and hug him tight. He got surprised by your sudden hug but he hugs you back any way, as gentle as possible. You then look up at him with the brightest smile that stole his heart every single time he looks at you smiling at him. You pull away before you jump a little to gave him a little kiss on the cheek. His face turned into a redder shade right away from your kiss which makes you giggle even more. Lyla rolled her eyes as she watches her boss getting flustered from a kiss that you just gave him. She cleared her throat to catch your attention, "Don't you have a surprise for Miguel, Y/N?"
"Right! I do have a surprise for you." You said before taking a small pile of clothing that you neatly folded from the living room table. "What is this?" He said before taking it from you. "A costume for you. I thought it might be even better if you dress up with me." He unfolded the clothing, trying to figure out what kind of costume it is. It looks like a pretty long black cape with red fabric in the inner side of the cape. "You want me to wear this?" He asked, unsure whether he wanted to accept your request or not. At the same time he doesn't want to hurt your feelings.
"Yes, it's a vampire costume— I mean cloak. I mean you just need to put that over your suit since your outfit is already kind of... Vampirey enough." You said sheepishly. "No. That's not going to happen." He fold the cloak and offers it back to you. "B— but I worked hard to make that cape for you... Please just wear it." You begs, trying to make him change his mind.
"Don't be such an asshole boss. She made it for you, at least wear it for her." Lyla jumped into the conversation because she feels bad if Miguel just turned down your hard work just like that. He look at you for a while before letting out a long and tired exhale, "Fine. I'll wear it. But just for today." Your face lit up once again as he wears the cape. "You know what will make the costume look better, Y/N? Fake fangs." She teased.
Instead, you took her teasing seriously and starts dragging Miguel with you towards his bedroom where you make him sat down in front of the mirror to put fake fangs on him. "Is this really necessary?" He pouts likes a child. "Mhm it is. It's Halloween after all." You said while you put the fangs on him without him complaining at all, different from usual. "I regret telling you anything about Halloween." He mumbles before checking himself on the mirror and taking a look at the fake fangs.
"So, what do you think?" Your eyes are focused on his reflection on the mirror. But he didn't answer, he just stares at you from the mirror. "Miguel, are you okay? Are you mad at me?" He starts walking towards you slowly with his brows knitted together, angry. "M— Miguel? What's wrong?" You backs away from him, you can feel fear surging through you veins from how different he acts all of the sudden.
The back of your legs are now pressed against the bed, leaving you no more room to escape. His eyes are looking down at you like a predator looking at it's prey. Now you know how much fear the little red riding hood must felt when she met the wolf in disguise. You can hear your own heartbeat in your ears from how scared you felt at the moment. Your bunny ears fall backwards when you're feeling scared or nervous and you can feel your legs shaking in fear.
Miguel pounce at you, tackled you off your feet before your back landed on the bed. You screamed and put your hands in front of your face for protection. But to your surprise Miguel let out a laugh, "Can't believe you fall for that, little one." He said before smothering your face with kisses. "W—what?" You look up at him with fear, tears blurring your vision. "I was just messing with you. No need to get so worked up over it." He teased as he starts kissing your neck and nibbles on it gently.
"Why would you do that for?" You can't stop yourself from crying, some tears fell from your eyes before you wiped it all away. "Aww don't cry. Why are you crying?" He teases even more and move aside so you can get back up on your feet. You know how much of a tease he is when you two are in private, especially when he's in a very good mood. "You scared me." You said as you sat back up angrily before looking away from him.
He smirked and gave you a soft kiss on the forehead, "My bad, little one. Come on don't be mad, I was just toying with you." You look away from him with your hands crossed in front of your chest to show that you're mad at his joke. "Little one? Please talk to me. I'm sorry okay? I mean it." He motions your head to face him with his hand before caressing your chin with his thumb while looking at you with an apologetic expression. An idea came up in your head before your face softens a little, "I'll forgive you if you let me go trick or treating tonight." You said with a smirk, challenging him.
"Oh getting smarter aren't you. I like that. But no trick or treating. You know how dangerous it is at this hour, little one."
"Why? Everybody went outside already! I don't want to miss anything." You said with a small pout. "By me letting you dress up and even let myself dress up because you asked me to is a miracle itself, trust me."
"You're lame." You grumbled under your breath. "Care to repeat that? I don't think you're loud enough the first time you said it."
You ignore him and it's getting on his nerves but he's trying to keep himself calm for your sake. "It's getting late. Let's go downstairs and eat dinner."
Throughout the dinner you're awfully quiet and kept playing with your food, not eating any of it. He understood by now how pissed you are just because he didn't let you to go out. He didn't allowed you to do one thing that everybody does on Halloween and it's pissing you off, horribly. "Y/N, please just eat your food. I got you your favorite carrot, the freshest even. I know you're upset but you can't starve yourself like this." He said, trying to make you understand the situation better. "Look I know how pissed off you are by how I'm being overprotective. But you need to understand that this is for your own good." He kept trying to persuade you with his words. But you're too angry to listen. "You're just being selfish." You hissed at him, making his heart break.
He tried to think of a way to make you at least a little bit happier. He called one of his men to prepare something for you in order to make it up to you. "Look I know I can't let you out to go trick or treating. But I prepared a batch of candies outside my door so kids can take those. So, you won't missed out anything since you can still watch people coming by from inside the house. You can even greet them yourself if you want." He said with so much warmth in his voice. You stood up quicker than the speed of light, "Really? I can do that?!" He nods before you jumped at him to give him a big hug. "Thank you thank you thank you!"
"In one condition. You need to finish your dinner first." You nodded before eating your dinner as fast as you can before you rush towards the front door and sat by the window, waiting for anyone to come up to take candies from the big container full of candies.
Miguel just smiled as he watches you from the living room, your bunny tail waging in excitement. He's happy that you're happy and that's what matters the most for him. Paperworks waited for him upstairs so he went back inside his office to work while you're still sitting near the window with his sidekicks watching over you for him.
Hours has passed and he's still up in his office, busy until he heard a knock on his door. "Come in." Eyes still glued to his work, one of his sidekick enters his office. "Sir, it's Y/N. She's umm how do I explain this? She's been very quiet for the past hour and her ears— it's not standing up. You know what I mean?" He sigh before looking up from his paperwork to his sidekick. "Is she asleep?" He asked, tiredness filled his voice. "No I think she's crying..." Miguel rubs his eyes with his palms before rushing out from his office, "Oh for fuck's sake."
"Sir, don't you want to take that ridiculous costume off." His sidekick complaints, tugging on his vampire cloak that you made just for him. "Touch it one more time and I'll break your hands myself." He growls before his sidekick raised his hands up, off of the cape. "Sorry."
Miguel saw you weeping on the floor, still with your little red riding hood costume on. "Hey, little one. What's wrong?" He crouched down beside you just to find your face wet from tears. "I waited and waited for hours but nobody came... Why didn't they show up?"
Miguel didn't think about the fact that his mansion is just too scary for any kids— anyone to walk to his door and take some candies. "Look, maybe they didn't know there are candies there. We can try again next year okay?" He patted your back as an attempt to calm you down. "Is it my outfit? Did they not like my outfit?" You asked in between sobs, you couldn't believe all that hardwork you spend on making costumes are wasted just like that. "Of course not. You look gorgeous! Next year I promise we'll go out together on Halloween okay? So you can go trick or treating." You wipe your tears away and look up at him, "Promise?"
"Promise." He said before he pulls you into a hug. The hug lasted for quite a while before you let out a loud yawn. He laughs before pulling away from the hug, "Let's go to bed, little one. You look sleepy." He helps you to get back on your feet. "Don't people watch scary movies on Halloween? I haven't done that yet." You mumbles as you rub your eyes with the back of your hands. Miguel look up at his watch, the time is currently showing 11 PM. "It's past your bedtime and besides you wouldn't even last a second watching a horror movie."
"Just one movie... I promise I'll go to sleep right away." He never wanted you to stay too long after your bedtime but he let it slide this time. "One movie okay? Then you'll go to bed right away." You smile happily before you two made your way towards the living room then sat down on the sofa.
He turn the TV on, "What do you want to watch?" He asked as he sat down beside you, you're sitting down comfortably leaning over his massive build. "I want to watch horror movies!" He can tell just by how exited you are that you never watched any horror movie before. He shook his head with a smile before he picked any random movie for you to watch. His arms found it's way around your shoulder, pulling your body closer to his.
Five minutes into the movie and you're fast asleep, snoring softly with your ears falling to the side. He smiles to himself again before carrying you upstairs like a baby. He then put you down on his bed, he doesn't even bother to take your costume off since he know how much you like wearing it.
He planted a light kiss on your forehead, "Good night, my little red riding hood."
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angel-of-the-moons · 9 months
Miguel O'Hara x Fem!Reader
TW/CW: NSFW, Smut, Sex, Sex toys, Top(?) Reader, Bottom(?) Miguel, Reader being Nasty, Size Kink, Height Difference, Overstimulation (almost), Edging(?), Canon event: Miguel likes it up the ass from time to time
A/N: Blame thank @oharaludes for this (Also I lied I should be asleep but I stayed up to write this now instead of tomorrow because akhdlhslhflhohofnsondlndlnc I couldn't afford to lose the spark™)
(Any Spanish spoken is in italics and is largely translated by Google. Header does not indicate reader's race. I really need to get more creative at making these asdfghjkl)
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Miguel O'Hara was a man who had to be in control at all times. He had to oversee who went on what mission, who to let into the Society, who to hunt down, what universes to monitor, which anomalies threatened the safety of the multiverse...
He was not known for willingly relinquishing his control.
But, being in control all the time, bearing all that weight had limitations. Sometimes, it just became too much and you would need to let it go for a bit, get the weight off your back and relax.
But then... Miguel had you.
You were probably the only respite Miguel had in the multiverse. And you were right under his nose the entire time. He convinced himself to go back to his universe, to visit his brother. He missed him.
But... he went back...
Just to find you. You were spunky, playful, and annoyingly gorgeous. And you happened to be one of Gabriel's newest best friends.
Poor Gabriel had a heart attack when he swung by your apartment to drop off the computer he was fixing for you, just to walk in and see you and Miguel on the couch in a rather compromising position.
You told Miguel you swore that his brother's brain exploded when he almost fainted.
But hey! Your computer worked again!
Not too long after, you decided to make it official. Official as in "he told you everything" official.
Gabriel just made you two swear you'd lock your front door next time.
Right now however, the nostalgia of that day lost its novelty as exhaustion and frustration crept into his body as he dragged his feet into your apartment, unlocking the door with your security code and letting himself in.
There you were. Gorgeous as the day he first saw you
One of his shirts hung off your shoulder, and down past your thighs. He couldn't resist the smile that snaked its way onto his face when he smelled you.
"Ah, Miguel! How is your universe saving thingy going, amor?" You said, flinging your arms around him as he gripped you tight, burying his nose in your hair to inhale the soft scent of you.
Coffee, chocolate, and strawberries. That's what you always smelled like.
"Exhausting." He sighed loosing his grip on you just enough to look down at you. You were so goddamn short.
It was cute, honestly.
You frowned up at him, those gorgeous lips of yours quirking down. "Ven y siéntate?"
Miguel let you pull him by the hand to the couch, where you sat down first and patted your lap.
Miguel smiled again as he accepted your silent request, lying on your couch (though mostly curled up due to his sheer size alone) and laid his head in your lap.
Your fingers dove into the soft chocolate locks on his head, massaging his scalp with your nails and he made a soft groan of contentment at the sensation.
"Now, tell me about it?" You hummed.
"Later... right now I want to relax. Olvida todas esas cosas." He mumbled softly, closing his eyes, his thumb caressing your knee softly.
"Just want to relax." He repeated, turning his face into the plus of your thighs.
He could smell you. And he knew that you knew it.
And you were never one for subtlety.
But you were one for playing coy when it suited you.
"Aw... Miggy." You purr, combing through his hair softly. "You really do need to relax, honey."
"I can think of a way." He growled, turning his head again, so he can place a kiss to the top of your thigh, making you giggle.
"Nuh-uh. How about we switch things up today, hm?" You grin.
He looked up at you.
"¿Qué quieres decir?"
He should have known.
Of course.
Of course you were waiting for the right moment to breach this subject.
And of course you knew he'd say yes, he almost always said yes to you.
It was... odd. Not unpleasant. But odd. Normally he tops in bed, pinning you down, biting marks into your skin, sucking hickeys here and there as he pounded you into the mattress until your eyes crossed and you were a babbling incoherent mess.
And of course, you also had everything planned out.
Because when you had a plan, you had all your bases covered.
Like right now.
Somehow, you talked him into letting you top him for the night. Taking control from him and just helping him enjoy it. And you assured him he would.
You anticipated the holes he'd tear into your bed with his talons, the curses he'd spit...
What you weren't expecting though, was the soft whimpers and deep groans coming from him. How absolutely pliant he became while you fucked him with the strap-on you had secured to your waist.
You would continue to apply more lube as you fucked him here and there, stopping to grip his hips for stability, the pillow under him helping keep him angled for you.
You half wanted to have him get on all fours so you could fuck him that way, but it would ruin the other part of your plan.
"So good for me." You purr, running your fingers up his abs, tracing the small scars he's picked up over the years.
You jerked your hips upwards, not hitting his prostate but enough to make his eyes roll and him snarl through hissed teeth.
When he cursed, he wanted it to come out harsher. He meant for it to sound more... authoritative.
But all that came out was a whiny, breathy gasp.
You giggled, and stilled your hips just a moment to grab the bottle of lube, squirting some onto your hand as you wrapped around his throbbing length.
Not that you ever needed to use lube when you jerked him off, the man leaked so much precum that he could just use it on its own.
But, you liked the lewd sounds it helped make when you drag your fist up and down his cock.
He was so big you could barely wrap your hand around him.
You dragged your hand up his shaft slowly, leisurely tracing each vein as you rolled your hips in a consistent pace, not quite giving him the relief he wanted, but edging him just enough that he slowly just became undone under you, like you had so many times under him.
"Awww, cariño..." You tut, jerking him slowly, twisting your hand as you went to the angry and weeping head of his cock, rubbing your thumb over the slit and applying a bit of pressure there.
"Tell me what you want, baby." You grin, giving another sharp thrust, sending a sharp bolt of pleasure up his spine that hit him so hard he audibly gasped and you could hear it as his talons shredded your bedsheets.
"¡Mierda!" He groaned, the noise deep and rumbling and oh so needy that the very sound sent a fresh wave of heat straight to your cunt.
"Use your words, honey." You hum, arching your hips again as his thighs flexed, the muscles taut as he let out a shaky exhale, one arm going to drape over his face.
You clicked your tongue and reached up, swatting his arm aside so you could see that gorgeous face of his.
"Let me see you, mi amor." You say to him, making one long stroke, followed by a few short, hard ones, making him cry out again.
"Again, use your words, baby. What d'you want?"
"Fucking--" He growled. "I want to cum! Mierda I want to--"
You frowned again and let his cock go, slowing your pace to an agonizing crawl.
"Miguel..." You scold.
"P-Por favor." He whined, tipping his head back so you could see his Adams apple bob as he swallowed.
"Thaaaaat's it. I have something for you..." You say, reaching for the small velvet bag that rolled to your knee thanks to the weight dipping the bed.
He looked up at you, his pupils blown wide and his irises glowing a gorgeous crimson as you pulled out a small vibrator.
You smirked with satisfaction when you saw his cock jump, a new bead of precum dripping down onto his abs, adding to the rivulets that flowed down his sides already.
You turned it on and it buzzed to life in your hand, surprisingly loud for such a tiny thing. But damn, did you get your money's worth. You turned it off again and pressed it at the base of his cock, where the shaft met his taut and heavy balls.
"All right, since you asked nicely, I'll allow it."
The moment you turned it back on he dropped his head back with a sound that you swore would shred any other man's vocal chords, especially when you started thrusting where you knew he so desperately wanted it.
You grinned and bit your lip, thrusting up and hard, guiding the toy up and down his bobbing length, not giving him any relief.
You could tell by how tense his abs were and how desperately his hands pawed at your bedsheets that he was close.
"Go on and cum for me, cariño." You purr seductively; you punctuated every word with a thrust.
"Just." Smack!
"Like." Smack!
"This." Smack!
You dragged the small vibrator up to the tip of his cock, and thrust hard one last time, as he practically bellowed out your name as he came, hot ropes shooting out of his dick and coating his abs, parts of his chest, and completely coating the head of the vibrator.
You giggle and switch it off, and pull the strap out of him slowly, amused at how badly he was twitching for you.
"My idea was a good one, huh?" You say smugly.
Without looking at you, he sticks up his index finger.
"This time." He said, his eyes still closed as he came down from his high, his belly painted white.
"Pff. Hey, hey Miguel. Miguel. Hey. Heyyy!" You giggle, looking down at him, tapping his thigh to get him to answer you.
When Miguel finally looked at you, he had a soft scowl on his face, which immediately melted away when he watched you wrap your lips around the head of that damned toy, and lick every bit of his cum off the tip, making direct eye contact the whole time, humming like you were simply sucking on a piece of candy.
You shrieked and giggled when he pinned you down, spreading your legs with his thighs as he bit down on your shoulder, growling.
"My turn now, chica."
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mewhenimanangel · 11 months
the babysitter ʚɞ
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pairing: miguel o’hara x reader
synopsis: miguel offered you a job babysitting his daughter, gabrielle. his marriage is going through a rough time and you’re someone he can confide in
wc: 2.2k
warnings!: alcohol, age gap, infidelity, loss of virginity, piv sex, oral sex (f receiving), cowgirl
nia’s ౨ৎ notes: i lovee dilfs so bad
"y/n can you make me ramen, please. i loveeeee the way you make it" gabby came downstairs to ask you. currently, you were lolling around on the couch in the living room watching tv on the big screen. you were babysitting gabrielle o'hara, your neighbors' daughter. you started the job when your mom invited them over for dinner and her dad asked if you were available to watch her for a while, you weren't that busy so you said yes and after that they decided to officially hire you.
her parents were out at the moment, miguel at work. "yeah sure" you smiled, pausing your show and getting up to the kitchen while gabby sat on the couch with her tablet. you reached in the pantry for a pack of noodles, grabbing hot sauce, green onions, and extra seasonings on your way. you waited for the ramen to boil then began adding everything.
"hey you guys okay?" you heard a voice coming from the front room. miguel threw his his keys on the counter and took his shoes off at the door. "daddy!" gabby exclaimed running up to give her dad a hug. "ahh mi cielito, what are you still doing up?" he asked giving her a kiss on the cheek and picking her up into his arms. "oh that's my fault actually she asked to stay up a little longer and she's too cute i couldn't say no" you giggled. he nod his head and smiled before gabby yawned "you ask to stay up and you can't even thug it out?" he laughed. "why don't you go upstairs and brush your teeth and go to bed huh?" he told her.
"okay daddy" she grumbled running up the stairs to go to bed. you'd completely forgot about the noodles you just made "wait i actually just made her some noodles.." you pointed to the kitchen. "oh well, i'm starving" he smiled moving towards the kitchen.
you put some noodles in a bowl for each of you before you sat next to him at the kitchen island. "so how's school going" he asked you, taking a bite. you were a sophomore in university, studying for your degree. "good, it's a little tough but i can manage" you answered him. "you're a good kid, you'll do great i'm sure of it" he smiled. "hope gab wasn't too much trouble today" "no no she was great, she's so adorable i love her." you giggled. "yeah, think she misses her mom" he sighed.
"oh, where is she anyway?" you asked him, as nosy as ever. "she's on some business trip" he answered, mockery laced in his tone. "but between you and me, i think she's seeing someone behind my back." he rolled his eyes. "oh i'm so sorry." you looked at him with a sympathetic expression. "ah it's alright, things've been kind of rocky lately anyway"
he moved his leg ever so slightly, the fabric of his jeans rubbing up against your knee. and he didn't move it, you two sat like that just talking for the next twenty minutes until you checked the time and figured you should head home. "have a good night and thank you as always" he smiled, handing you $200 and sent you on your way.
you were curled up on the couch, stressing about an assignment you had to finish by the end of the night. "hey." miguel greeted, resting his hands on the chair behind you, leaning over. "oh, hi mr o'hara. i didn't hear you come in, gabby's in bed by the way i'm just trying to finish up this assignment without destroying this laptop." you sighed. he snorted a little at your frustration. "rough day?" he asked you. "yeah, kinda"
"why don't you take a break for a little? have a drink?" he offered, moving to his wine cooler to grab a bottle of champagne and two glasses. "i've had a bit of a rough day too." you weren't one for drinking - you couldn't even do it legally yet, still a year away from that. but you were stressed and you figured a load off couldn't hurt so you got up and went over to join him at the island.
he moved the glass in front of you before finding his seat next to you. "so what were you working on that's got you so tense" he asked taking a sip from his glass. "just some stupid shit from my business class, what about you? why'd you have such a bad day?" you answered. "well, turns out bella has been seeing someone. from work, buddy of mine told me" he sighed.
"oh i'm sorry mr o'hara" you put your hand out on his  arm, face expressing your sorry. "really it's fine" he brushed off "just don't know how she could break us up like that, especially for gabby. probecita bebé" you frowned, feeling bad for him. i mean who could ever cheat on him. he was smart, kind, and really handsome. you studied his features looking at his messy brown hair, the way his 5 o'clock shadow graced his chiseled jaw, his milky brown eyes under his surprisingly long lashes. you looked at the way his t shirt clung to his biceps and the way his jeans rode low on his waist.
"what?" he chuckled at the way your stare lingered on him. "n-nothing" you nervously laughed, downing your glass of champagne. "thanks a lot for all you do for gabby, she loves you a lot. always talking about you and it's never one bad thing" he smiled at you. "think she's gonna need us a little more now with what's coming." "what do you mean?" you quirked an eyebrow. "well m'gonna file for divorce, which'll be hard on her" he poured more champagne into your glasses.
the two of you talked for a bit before you told a joke which got him laughing. he rest his hand on your thigh, the other hitting the table. when the joke was over he didn't take his hand off, he instead inched it higher up your leg. you looked at his hand before looking back up into his lustful gaze. you weren't gonna lie and say you didn't want him but he was a little more than twice your age, he had a kid for god's sake. but your wine clouded your judgement and you allowed him to lean in, attaching his lips to yours.
when you were moving an arm up around his neck your elbow bumped your wine glass off the counter, smashing on the ground. you gasped "i'm so sorry" "don't worry about it" he chuckled kissing you again. this time your hands entangled through his hair deepening the kiss. he picked you up, put his hands under your ass cheeks, kneading his fingers into it as your legs wrapped around his waist.
he moved to the stairs before you broke away "wait mr o'hara what about bella?" you breathed out. he scoffed "please she's not a problem anymore and please miguel is fine" he latched his lips back on yours. you broke away again "what about gabby?" "you said she's asleep right? just gonna have to keep it down" he smirked before kissing you again.
you got to his bedroom and he threw you on top of his comforters, crawling his way on top of you. you held onto his strong shoulders as he pressed kisses down your jaw and neck, sucking on your soft skin. you let out a few groans in his ear before pressing your hands against his chest. "um i-i've never done this before with anyone" you admitted.
he took a moment to look at you before taking your hand into his. "that's okay, i'll take care of you. you do still want to right?" he asked rubbing a thumb over your knuckles. you bit your lips and nod your head "m'gonna need an audible response princess" "yes, i still want you to fuck me"
that was all he needed to hear before he was back on your lips. he pulled you in his lap reached for the bottom of your shirt and tugged it over your head, rising your body to help him. he rubbed his hands up and down your waist before reaching to take your bra off. you moved your arm to cover your breasts "no need to cover up. god you're gorgeous" he whispered pressing a finger to your nipple rubbing in circles over it before pinching it between his fingers. you let out a small moan watching him as he looked up at you with a teasing smile. "so sensitive" he lapped his tongue around your nipple sucking and pulling on it while he played with the other one.
your moans began to fill the room "you're already a mess and i've barely even touched you" he teased, lightly biting your nipple. he moved you off him laying you back onto the pillows. he hooked a finger into the waistband of your sweatpants tugging them off you. he looked at the pool of moisture that stained your pretty pink panties "god baby you're soaking" he chuckled, pulling those off you too. you looked away biting your lip in embarrassment "look at me princess" he pulled your chin back to face him. he got on all fours lifting your leg over his shoulder, pressing kisses down it until he got to your entrance.
he pressed his thumb against your clit causing your body to jump in response. he licked at your entrance while continuing to rub his finger over your clit. he sucked and licked at your pussy like it was his first meal in weeks. a moan ripped out of you before you slapped a hand to your face. he squeezed a hand around each of your thighs, them caving him in as he continued to work on making you cum. your hand shot down to his head, taking a handful of his hair in your grip.
"fuck miguel, i think i'm gonna cum" you moaned out, eyes rolling to the back of your head. "go ahead princess, cum all over my tongue" he spoke against your cunt, the vibrations sending you crazy, his facial hair tickling against you. you reached your climax and miguel lapped it up, taking every last drop in his mouth.
he wrapped you back up in his arms shoving his tongue in your mouth. "it's not fair that i'm naked and you've still got all your clothes on" you frowned reaching for the hem of his shirt. he chuckled, helping you out with the shirt before taking off his jeans and dropping them to the floor. he opened his nightstand and reached for a condom "why don’t you ride me baby, you wanna take some control for your first time?" he asked, pulling his dick out of his boxers. you gulped looking at his length, how was that supposed to fit inside you.
"uh huh" you mumbled. he laid back on the bed, taking your hand and guiding you on top of him. you straddled him before he grabbed his dick and lined himself up with your entrance. “i’ll be gentle princess” he said, moving your hair out of your face. you eased down onto his dick, his inches splitting you apart. “fuck oh my god” you whined. you rode up and down his length leaning forward to place your hands on his chest. he wrapped his hands around your waist holding you and helping you create your pace.
the lewd sounds of your skin slapping together and both of your moans and whimpers filled the room. his dick slipped out before you grabbed it again and put it back inside you. you sunk further down on it, hitting right on your g spot. you threw your head back, a pornographic moan coming from you. “fuck you sound heavenly, feel it too” miguel groaned. “m-miguel i’m gonna cum” you whined biting your lip. “go ahead baby, cum all on this dick” he whimpered. and so you did.
he leaned up to grab you and flipped you over so you were laying on the bed with him on top. he threw your legs over his shoulder so he could really drive into your cunt. he rest his hand on the headboard, leaning down to kiss you, now sloppy and rushed. “fuck, you are tight” he moaned. soon he reached his climax as well, throwing his head back, his pace slowing down.
he got up and threw the condom away, grabbing a rag with warm water on his way back. he cleaned you off and got you a pair of fresh underwear. he cleaned himself off too putting his boxers on before climbing into the bed with you. he put an arm out indicating he wanted you to lay in it, so you did and you rest your head on his chest. “so did i do a good job pleasing you for your first time” he asked, grabbing your hand to hold. you looked up at him and nodded your head “yes, i loved it” you smiled.
he traced things along your bare back until he heard your soft snores and felt your light breathing on his chest. he smiled to himself before he too fell asleep with you wrapped up in his arms.
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kairiscorner · 11 months
when the goobri
making up for that lost time — gabriel o'hara x reader fluff
you could never get over his adorable smile, the cute little twinkle in his eyes that danced when he caught sight of you, the dirty gloved hand he'd extend to you after working on another project when he asked you to help him up from where he was laying down, working on the bottom of his car. he asked why you looked so fuzzy, and you smiled because you knew he still had his tinted goggles on. "why, uh, why are you laughing?" he asked as he placed his hands on his hips and showed you a toothy smile as he tried laughing along at whatever seemed funny at the moment.
you stifled your laugh as you shook your head, covering your mouth as his smile waned away, now looking around him for whatever was so funny. he turned around and slightly furrowed his brows as he couldn't find what was so hilarious at the moment. "uh, what's so funny?" he asked, no genuinely confused as you pointed to his eyes. he pointed to his own eyes now and raised an eyebrow. "what about my eyes?" he asked as he started talking to himself in spanish about what was so funny about his eyes. you couldn't take it anymore and giggled as you lifted the goggles off of him and smiled widely at seeing his bright, brown eyes looking intently at yours.
"isn't this better, gabri?" you asked him as a small blush danced on his cheeks, and he chuckled lightly at your question. "it really is, mi amor." he said as he was about to place his filthy, gloved hands on your waist, but you backed away. "ah-ah, gabri, the guantes." you said with widened eyes as he slightly pouted and looked down at his hands. "oh! oh, right, thank you for reminding me, mi cielo." he said as he hastily took them off and reached his hands out for you, looking bright and needy for you as he muttered out just how much he missed you in spanish. you let him hold you as you laughed a little at his sentiments.
"i was at home all day, though, gabri--just inside the house." you reminded him as he burrowed his face in the crook of your neck, sighing contentedly as he ran his palms over your back. "i know, but an hour without you is like a whole lifetime without you." he said as he trailed kisses down your neck, causing you to shiver a little and hum at his sweetness. "can i make up for the lost time?" he asks you as he looks up at you with a look of utter passion and begging. "please, mi vida... i missed you dearly..." he begged as he wrapped his hands around yours and kissed your knuckles. he looked up at you and grinned playfully as he soon stared at your lips, his blush intensifying as you smiled up at him.
"i'll be a very good boy, mami... i promise." he said as he leaned closer towards you, with your lips parting instinctively for him. "well... since you were so sweet and patient..." you said as you wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him closer to you, causing him to gasp at your excitement, and for his smile to widen. oh, you two were going to have a very lovely afternoon together.
tags !! @binibinileonara @miguelswifey04 @ophanimgold @thatspookyghost
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tarjapearce · 2 months
The Immorality Of Love (Pt. 1)
Duke! Miguel O'Hara x Courtesan! Reader.
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WARNINGS: Mild angst, power dynamics, emotional distress, sexual tension, No use of Y/N, Mild smut, Oral (M! Receiving), implicit sexual activities. No proofread, Historical innacuracy for the sake of the plot
Summary: More than just directions and simple business.
A/N: ngl, nervous about this, but anyway, hope you enjoy <3. Inspired in the first scene of Pretty Woman <3
Random fact: poverty, insecurity, physical danger, alcoholism, disease and police harassment were just a few of the things that prostitutes around that time were subjected to.
The more papers and seals he went through, the more the need to rip his hair in a rage fit grew. Painfully as the thought was, he'd rather feel that kind of discomfit than keep absorbing the words coming from the other end of the line.
"No, no. It wasn't like that. You know I'm-"
Busy as usual. As ever and probably forever. Something Dana often seemed to forget.
The black and gold metallic tech device rested smooshed against his cheek and shoulders, its cord had tangled underneath his arm, making him fuss through, trying to pry his arm away from it's grasp.
An annoyed sigh escaped his lips as Dana kept complaining.
"Dana, corazón, look-"
His hand rubbed his heavy countenance, awash with so many things he thought his brain would collapse.
"Oh... Okay. Uh... Thanks for your time, ok? I... I had fun. Yeah." He fred himself free from the cord's grasp and put the letters in his free hand on his desk, "I'm sorry. Good luck."
He hung the call as his shoulders slumped with the toll of his stress baggage, that quickly was picked up again as soon as Peter came through the door.
"You're missing your own birthday party, Your grace." Peter loved annoying him with the formal title he strictly forbid him to use.
"My intention precisely."
Peter served him a glass of whiskey and pushed it to him.
"I believe Gabriel won't appreciate this little stunt. You're still working, missing your birthday party-"
"And Dana just dumped me." The chuckle escaping his plump mouth wasn't remorseful, but a relieved one. Peter's brow just quirked and sighed.
"That's perfect then! More reasons for you to just come down and enjoy your own celebration. You're turning Thirty two! Do you know how many people don't make it that far?"
"Are you calling me old?"
"A relic. And grumpy hermit too. Let's go."
Miguel rooted deeper in his seat and Peter's face went blank.
"Are you seriously doing this right now?"
"I just wanna go home for the night, Parker. Drink my new bottle and sleep." He slurred, tiresome.
Peter was about to come up with a quip but Miguel's stomach rumbled.
"Yeah, no, that ain't happening. Move it."
"I am the Duke of Nueva York, Parker. I will not-"
"And I'm your best friend. Move. You gotta eat at least something. Mingle a bit, make the celebration historical by actually remaining for more than an hour, then you can leave."
Miguel's lips twisted in a tired smile, with a resigned heave he gulped down the whiskey and followed Peter downstairs.
As historical as his assistance was, the minutes had stretched incredibly long. His hand reached for his ever trusting golden pocket clock and scowled almost imperceptibly when he noticed the hours. A quarter past nine and his head started to hurt.
In fact, the boisterous mumbles from people had his head spinning. He was already making a fool of himself by faking a laugh to Gabriel's jokes and exchanging pleasantries with people that were only after him for favors or trying to get to know their single female relatives.
But enough was enough when someone begun slurring his words and dripping his drink on the floor. Alcohol became a bit too pungent when he approached the food table, so he turned left, missing some people, quickly nodding a hello here and there, swimming through the sea of unknown people until he reached the main entrance.
His heart dictated it was time to leave, it's powerful hammering resonating within his ribcage. He secured his hat on top of his head and marched towards the carriages.
Damned be his mind if he was to remain another second inside. But damned be his luck for not finding anyone to drove him home.
The door creaked and Gabriel's raucous laugh froze him in the spot.
"Where are you going, Miguel?"
The aforementioned tensed as he approached the carriage with the attached horses.
"Home. Where are the chauffeurs at?"
"Inside, in your party. Told them to take the night off. Go back inside, Migue."
"Ah, cómo chingas. Look... I'm tired, a terrible headache, got job to do and I can smell the whiskey from here on you. "
"You're the only person I know that hides from his own birthday."
Miguel hopped in the front seats of the carriage, the structure creaked and dipped under his weight as the horses tapped the grassy floor. Gabriel's mirthful laugh only deepened the scowl on his already tired face as he mimicked his eldest brother.
"And if I can recall you still fear horses, Miguelito."
"Cállate." He grumbled while securing his clock in his pocket, "Don't get too drunk, I've got enough complains of you to discuss with the king."
If none was to drive him back home, he'd make do. Even if the horses held a secret grudge on him. But if this was what it took to get out and be free to have his own personal celebration in his room, then so be it.
"Ajá. Ya, vete pues." (Right, go on now.)
The younger O'Hara chided as he watched his brother ready to depart. This gave him an idea.
Miguel fixed his hat again and took a hold of the reins. Gabriel approached, sauntering towards the horses and your grace's unsuspecting being.
"I forgot. Happy Birthday, brother of mine."
Miguel's eyes widened as Gabriel slapped the horse's rear, igniting their angry galloping, taking a cursing Duke away from him.
For how long had he been wandering the streets? He recognized some avenues and milieu, but a wrong turn had taken him to a relatively unknown area.
Although the buildings kept their refined air, the washed up and cracked walls started making an impromptu appearance in his line of vision. A couple of people stared his way to quickly scramble back into whatever business they thought better to attend.
Even the floor and smells had changed. The duke couldn't help but grumble as the stony and jagged texture of the floor made his carriage to bump and shake erratically. There was no smoothness to make the steering steady, the floral and occasional bakery smell was quickly replaced by the smell of opium, industrial filth and other unpleasant odors.
He didn't know what was worse, to admit to none but himself that he was lost, since his daily route was his manor, the king's palace and the office of his empire. Or the random smells that fought for a spot in his nose, pouncing on his senses.
His discomfort grew the more he ventured into the changing scenarios. But it also gave him a glimpse of those he was assigned by the king to protect and watch over.
Little were the things that managed to surprise him greatly, but seeing the scenery pass and turn into a more rundown, less fancy and acquainted place, got his skin crawling softly under the linens of his warm frock coat.
Even a man of his calibre knew to not tempt fate and with a whip on the reins, the horses galloped faster, wherever it was better than this part of the city he didn't know.
As spoiled as the thought was, he really hated not having his chauffer at his immediate disposition. He wouldn't have to deal with these situations, he wouldn't have to feel like a lost pampered puppy that escaped his guarded home, only to be out there by his own in the cold and unforgiving night streets.
Even the horses refused to keep going forward to a much more secluded and darker area, guarded by the slithering shadows that would play games with his mind if he stared long enough.
A breath hitched on his throat as the horses turned left and took the opposite road, away from the lurking danger. To his luck and awestruck, the horses indeed knew the route and guided him to an area that, although he had seen a couple of times, it ended up in a familiar environment.
The boutiques and coffee shops started to take shape as the galloping kept going through the enlightened stony and steady path. The wheels creaked merrily upon being on familiar territory again.
The crawl on his skin stopped only to be replaced by a sudden gasp when the horses stood in their hind legs as a stray cat crossed their paths out of nowhere, scaring them. Miguel barely could take a hold of the reins, as the horses pulled and his back collided against the hard wood of the carriage.
"B-Basta!" He huffed nervously while he held his hat as the other hand secured the grip on the leather ropes, trying to stop the horses, but they kept running, as if the black tiny monster with beady eyes chased after them.
The carriage turned into to a bustling area and suddenly halted into a corner, Miguel bounced hard in his seat as the transport parked forcefully above the sidewalk, earning a frightful gasp and murmurs from the people around.
Without much thought he stepped off the carriage and released a breath he didn't know it had been stuck in his tightened throat for a while.
"Condenado gato, asustándome así." His nostrils flared with a heavy sigh, as his hands scrambled underneath the seat to see if he could find anything remotely helpful to guide himself back to his manor. (Fucking cat, scaring me like that)
Miguel nearly slapped himself upon finding a neatly folded map in the further corner of the seat. A hand passed over his impatient face before unfolding it and taking a good scrutinizing look in it. None of the names sounded familiar for him, not even the post with the signal Maxwell's Avenue before him rang a bell into his befuddled head.
Where was he?
The soft clicks of a pair of heels behind him made to look at the lady behind him.
"Are you alright, my lord?"
Even though her voice was sweet with  sultry undertones in it, Miguel could  recognize almost immediately her profession. A courtesan. A fancy and less crude word for a prostitute, whose soft and floral aroma tickled his senses.
"I'm not interested."
Upon hearing those words your brow quirked and stared at him for couple of seconds. He was definitely a nobleman, the tallest and most build up man you've seen so far, His frock coat and the golden chain attached to his chest where his clock was, said everything you needed.
A potential client. Although reluctant.
He could redefine the word handsome if someone took a proper look into his face. Sharp features that were as strong as his nose and angry looking eyes. Lips twitched with contained fury the more he stared at the map on his trembling hands.
Your attention wandered to said piece of paper only to let out a humored scoff. Brown eyes snapped your way  immediately upon the noise.
"You're holding the map backwards, my lord. Bid you a goodnight."
You turned around and walked back but his voice calling you with a 'Wait' made your lips stretch into a thin yet knowing smile.
"Yes?", wispy eyelashes fluttered with each blink you gave him.
The man cleared his throat and inched the map closer to you.
"Where am I?"
"Where do you need to go?"
His eye twitched almost involuntarily at your reply, but if he wanted to go home, at this point any help would come in handy.
The horses tapped the floor a bit more impatiently as they shook their mane. His hands tightened in balls in each side of him.
"Babylon manor."
Your brows puckered in as he kept turning and turning the map.
"I could take you there, if you wish to."
"No. I just need-"
The horse's forceful neigh made Miguel to clutch his hands tighter, nearly digging his nails in his palms.
"Shut up!"
He roared at the beast that only blew an annoyed sigh his way. Earning a giggle from you.
"You're making the horses and me nervous, my lord."
A heavy and blasé heave came from his nostrils, folding the map in a haste. Mirth crossed your features on his distress.
"Glad that at least I'm amusing you."
"Although, that's my job, my offer to take you there for a little fee, of course, remains."
With little to lose and patience he gestured you towards the carriage. With a proud smile you gave him a little curtsey and stepped on the same spot as he was sitting instead of the inside of the carriage.
His bushy brow quirked at your choice of seat but little he could do about it. You pulled a fan and blew yourself with it as your eyes studied every movement.
Reins a bit too tight on his heavy looking hands, frame so frigid and mechanic you thought he'd break upon sitting next to you, swallowing the space with his sheer size. Lips and brows puckered in an apparent permanent frown and his gorgeous eyes that hid a crimson glint in it, if you dared to look closer.
He whipped the ropes and the horses walked on with a pull that had you clutching to your seat. Fear however begun growing after the speed of their trotting increased, passing and turning blocks in a blink of an eye.
"Stop them!"
"I'm trying woman!" He hissed, more nervous than angered.
Without much thought you took the leather ropes from him and pulled back with all your might. If it wasn't for him placing an arm before you, your body would have lurched forward and off the carriage.
"My goodness..."
Both of your chests rose upon the short and quivering breaths your lungs exhaled
"Are you alright?"
You gave him a shaky nod, while your hand loosened the grip on the horse's command. In truth, Miguel's bile had rose up his throat. For a moment he really thought he'd lose control of the carriage and his name would be in the morning newspaper with the title 'The Duke crashed cause he's unable to drive by himself properly due an irrational equine fear."
"I should ask you that, my lord. You're paling."
But he didn't crashed nor would appear in the news, thanks to you.
"Should I take the lead?"
"You know how to ride?"
"That and more, yes. Though I rather the term drive" His brows crinkled upwards at your reply, taken aback by your quip, earning him another chuckle from you, "But I know enough to get my way around horses without being nipped or kicked."
Your hand caressed the neck and mane, in an attempt to soothe the beast's nerves. Curiosity tugged at his seams. A courtesan that knew how to drive.
Times change I suppose.
His mind mused, and his hands rested on his hips, without much thought he mumbled: "Be my guest, then."
"Hop in then, sir."
You got into the carriage front seat and patted the space next to you. He obeyed.
Against all odds, you took him home. Ride back happened smoothly without the horses trying to kill him, they obeyed without a hitch under your command. A clear screw you from the annoying beasts that made him look like an utter useless fool.
Once close enough, you gave him the reins back to him and got down the carriage before his staff approached, leaving his hand on the air while trying to help you to get down.
He followed and straightened his coat and hat.
"Safe and sound, aren't we?"
He nodded as your eyes locked on each other briefly before a valet took the horses away.
"Then, I'll be happy to receive my payment and leave you be, my lord."
The payment, of course.
"Right. And what is this fee of yours for helping a stranger?"
"You say so like I'm robbing you." he chuckled, "I'm sure twenty crowns won't make you less rich."
"They won't." He searched inside his vest and pulled out a 20 bill from his wallet.
"A pleasure to help you, sir."
You bowed to him with a satisfied smile and gathered your skirt.
"Just a quick thing, don't whip the horses too hard. They hate it."
"Noted." he nodded before approaching the door, "Be careful out there."
"Appreciate your concern, my lord. Bid you a good night."
With a final curtsey you turned around and walked towards the corner. Some of his staffs threw discreet glances your way others swarmed Miguel with their attention as usual.
The street had slowly turned less concurred as the night kept advancing, and too bad you had forgotten your pocket watch at home. Walking was always good for the health, but at this hour alone, you rather not poke at the devil's tail to see what he had in store for you.
Miguel watched you for a second, Securing the shawl on your shoulders, an ethereal soft gleam on your skin provoked by the post lamp nearby was quickly covered as you straightened your back, enhancing the sight of your mounds for a moment.
He blinked away the glimpses of your beauty to finally gather his thoughts and walk inside. Not that he was strange to courtesans, Gabriel had once arranged himself a night with a couple, only to be ditched as soon as they laid their eyes on him.
His frock coat and hat were quickly taken away to be hung. He ordered his new bottle of mezcal while his hands pulled and rolled up at the wrist of his sleeves up to his elbows.
His ears perked up upon hearing some jeering comments from a man outside. His steps guided him back towards he just came from. To jis little surprise there was a drunk man, barely supporting on the walls as he spoke your way.
"Kindly, fuck off you twat"
Miguel chuckled at your sharp and dirty mouthed reply to the man that quickly thought his words upon catching him peeking out of the main entrance. The Duke truly thought you had already walked away.
With half wobbly steps the man left as  you shot an apprehensive yet grateful look his way.
His head bobbed in a brief nod, and slowly approached you again.
"Waiting for someone?"
"Maybe. Do you know them perhaps?"
Miguel quirked his brow with a bit of confusion. You sighed.
"My apologies, drunkards get me on edge. And I am waiting for a carriage to take me back to my district. Don't wanna risk myself at this hours into unknown territory."
He crossed his arms.
"Where do you head to?"
"Doubt you'd like to know that, sir."
Your eyes were keen in the horizon, but no carriage or known face approached.
"Time seems to be a problem for you."
"I'm working. Gotta make the most out it. But since this a new territory and I've seen nothing but empty streets, I'll go back."
A Hmm came out of him while he stood next to you.
"Alright, then how much for a night?"
You blinked while facing him, "Pardon me?"
"You're still... working, right?"
You nodded.
"Then, how much for the night?"
As unexpected as his question was, the words that flew out of your mouth surprised you even more.
"300 crowns." you blurted.
He pursed his lips in a pondering movement, then nodded.
"Alright. Let's get you inside."
In truth the quantity was just a coy to see if he bit the bait, and it was double the amount you needed to get that lovely perfume you so needed. But money was money.
"As you wish, my lord."
You didn't imagine he'd actually agree. But now that he had, you followed him inside. However, he told you to wait before disappearing for a moment, only to return with a coat and drape it around your shoulders.
"What is this?"
"A coat" Your face went blank, "It'll save us some trouble."
Once again your feet resumed their walking inside, and for a minute, you wished to have eidetic memory to remember everything, so you could print it all out and have a proof of the place's exquisite grandeur, and for Aveline to see this with her own beautiful blue eyes.
She always boasted with descriptions you'd only find in the many magazines Avy managed to steal from their unsuspected client's homes. But now, you were in one of them, walking up the  marbled stairs that were dressed up in a shade of velvet that could be mistaken for a rivulet of blood rolling down under your feet.
But there was not that coppery smell flooding your nose, no. Au contraire, the  place smelled like it was doused in a gentle breeze of vanilla, an appalling contrast to the lavender incense you were used to at this point.
It blended well with the delicate floral aroma oozing from your pores. A couple of staff members dallied around, interrupting with their greetings towards Miguel, some spared a glance your way and of course murmurs ensued. But it didn't matter, you were getting your new perfume and possibly a couple of brand new accessories for all you cared.
The room, the master bedroom you supposed, was as beautiful as the rest.  Majestic and powerful like it's owner. 
A few little statues here and there adorned his room, the smell of vanilla and a tinge of a liqueur you had never smelled before filled in your lungs pleasantly.
He went straight to his desk after closing the door behind him.
"May I remove this now?"
His hands rummaged through the haphazard stacked up papers while you removed and hung up the coat somewhere, not really waiting for his reply.
Your eyes still wandered around as you sauntered over his desk.
"With a place like this, I'd be gladly turn into a hermit. Are you by chance an undercover prince?"
Miguel chuckled and pulled out his pen while sitting properly on his throne
"Close. But no. I'm the Duke."
Your brows rose in surprise but quickly vanished into an amused smirk as soon as he started removing his vest and fiddled with the tie around his neck.
The knot tightened the more he struggled with it. You stepped closer and slid your hands briefly on his chest to have a good feel of him.
Solid, well worked, and a hundred percent real. Your fingers hooked in the tie and pulled him gently towards you.
His lips parted to then swallow an invisible lump at the action alone. Dexterous hands quickly managed to untie the tangled fabric around his too dressed up neck, freeing him from his temporary torment. His perfume was another smell to add to the wondrous list you discovered tonight.
Woody, a hint of cinnamon and a fine vanilla tobacco.
"Didn't know the Duke of Nueva York was afraid of horses."
He grunted and rolled his eyes.
"I'd rather not discuss that."
You chuckled while fetching your small hand purse. You pulled out a piece of hardened paper sealed and signed by a doctor, and placed it before him.
His eyes gazed at it curiously, to then widen softly at the different array of condoms you pulled from the sides of your boots to then seat on his desk.
"You might pick one after you've read my medical checks."
"Quite the safety buffet you have there."
Your shoulders shrugged, "You never know with royalty and I like to be safe."
He nodded with a tiny smile as everything was in order, the card had nothing but a couple of days old. Madame Lewis always insisted in doing regular checkups, and it paid off. You had learned how to recognize the symptoms of some popular diseases by now. Knowledge was sure a powerful tool.
He eyed the condoms and released a brief and deep chuckle. Upon silence you put them back in your purse and faced him once more with a sultry smile. Your spine slanted enough towards him to give him a better look of your mounds.
He wasn't immune towards a lady's charms. Your eyes caught his taking a quick peek.
"So... what now? What will you have me doing?"
"I don't know." his cheek rested against his knuckles and stared your form, even though a courtesan, your taste in fashion was refined and by the quality materials of your clothings, he assumed you were a middle class paramour, "I didn't plan on this, if honest."
"Oh? I see." Your eyes darted through the many papers in his desk, "You do seem the type to plan it all though."
"Of course, someone has to. Excuse my maners, but I forgot your name completely."
A smirk came to your rouged lips,
"How can you forget something that has never been given to you, my lord?"
His nostrils heaved merrily upon your comment while his head nodded approvingly.
You scoffed, "Violet."
"Violet what?"
"Just plain Violet. Yours?"
It was his turn to scoff in disbelief. Were you living under a rock?
"I apologize but, I refuse to believe you don't know my name yet."
It was your turn to laugh, "I'm sorry but, even if my clients won't shut about politics and royalty , I still don't know your name, your grace. It always escapes the confinements of my mind."
His eyes wandered a bit over your face, but quickly averted them, to focus on the flirty frills of your dress. You knew exactly where to flaunt and where to leave it au naturale. He'd be a liar to not say you were one of the prettiest courtesans he had seen so far. He had them twice in his life, and with this a third.
"It's Miguel."
"Oh," you tested his name in your tongue, it tingled with excitement, "I suppose it suits you."
"Does it?"
Miguel stood and served two glasses of mezcal, his hand offered you one. He approached the door and called for an assortment of fruits and other light snacks, then returned to his seat.
"I've never met a Duke named Miguel before. But it sounds... almost delicious to say so."
"Delicious?" He drank his shot in a go, a pleasant growl escaped after the liqueur burned good in his throat.
"Pleasant even." You followed into drinking your shot, face souring for a moment. His tongue swept over his lips, tasting the remnants of mezcal on them.
His gaze turned bolder with the passing of seconds, staring intermittently at your chest, face and neck.
After a couple of minutes a maid knocked, interrupting his line of thoughts and put the tray on a nearby table, gave a curtsey and left you alone again.
"How would you rate my performance as a Duke?"
The question as unexpected and random as it was, escaped his mouth. He was still into work mode and clearly not used to have company. It threw you off for a second.
Your brows rose in disbelief and amusement, "I assure you, that you won't like the answers, your grace."
That's when his shoulders shook with a brief yet genuine titter.
"That bad, huh?"
You shrugged while placing the glass in the table to lean his way, pushing your breasts to a more open sight. Inviting him in.
"Yes. But you aren't paying me to talk about work. Are you?"
"What if I am?" He slouched even more comfortably on his seat.
"Then I believe one bottle of this" You pointed at the mezcal, "won't be enough for neither of us."
The clock had ticked eleven pm, conversation soon branched into different topics, from the ridiculous names some clothes were called, to a bit of surface personal information.
"How old are you turning, my lord?"
You popped a green grape into your mouth as he downed another glass if mezcal. The outer corset had been long gone, same as pretension and the accessories on your hair.
Even though still reserved, his whole demeanor had allowed itself to relax. He ate what he couldn't back at his own party and the mezcal bottle had decreased it's contents.
"Thirty two. Why?"
"Just curious. It has come to my attention that the Duke of Nueva York isn't a wrinkly old man. I'm quite surprised, if honest."
"I will be one in a couple of decades. That if work doesn't kills me first."
He had to order another platter of charcuterie since the first one was entirely devoured by him.
"It won't. You seem too stubborn for it." 
He chuckled, "You're none to talk about being stubborn."
You scoffed, faking offense, "I call it perseverance, and at least I know how to manipulate a map, my lord."
He didn't know if it was the alcohol slowly turning up his senses or your company that against all odds, had been one of the few things memorable for the night. He had lit up the fire to warm the room.
"The map was outdated." he grumbled without actual anger behind it.
You just nodded with a playful smile while sitting before the fireplace to get a bit of warm. He remained sat on his chair, legs comfortably sprawled open on top.
"Of course it was, your grace, I hope  it'll be updated soon so you don't get lost again."
The soft cracks of the wood reigned over the sudden silence. The fire's auriferous gleam bathed your silhouette, investing an ironically beatific sight on you.
"Hopefully not. I won't have the luck to count on your help, I'm afraid."
Your shoulders twinkled with the fire's light as they accompanied your sweet laugh and his eyes closed for a moment.
The day had been quite the feat, but before all of it played as a movie in his head and his mind recurred to the internal and ever pondering monologue, the warm touch of your hands in his thighs grounded him immediately to the present.
Right in the moment where your bare fingers roamed the territory of his clothed legs and hips.
"How are you able to keep this... physical condition?" your hands gave a brief and marveling squeeze and a twitch traveled all over his body.
"Hard work." He heaved when you stopped to rise on your feet, eyes glinting upon confirming he was looking.
Slowly, your fingers danced above your chest to then drag them through the fabric ans reach for the back buttons of your dress with expertise, freeing yourself from the inhibition with each unclasp, to finally remove the first layer.
"I see. It has paid off, I admit."
His lips curved proudly to quickly and subtly licks his lips.
His pupils were blown open when his unabashed stare darted from your mouth to the peeking taut nipples that pushed against the see-through fabric of your chemise, begging to be released.
Lovely, generous and perfect size for his hand.
If his demeanor wasn't trained for self-control, he'd definitely look like a precocious youngster, unable to talk because a woman was getting naked before him.
The right side of his head rested on his index and middle finger, his thumb rubbed in circles in the juncture of his jaw. Watching and enjoying the parsimonious and erotic dance your hands did to remove your skirt, revealing nothing but the long, sheer cream colored chemise that left everything yet little to his growing volatile imagination.
The bustier only donned your waist with a perfect dip to accentuate your also generous hips. His hands would undoubtedly fit perfectly in that curve.
Hid eyes darted to his hands but immediately resumed to your show to not miss anything important. Meaning everything. The lack of underwear in your body stirred up the crawling in his skin.
A calculated turn and bend to reach for your shoes gave him a proper display of what laid under the little remnants of clothes still clinging to you. Purposely torturing his psyche with the corruption of mind and thoughts.
How would you feel like in his hands?
Nothing but smooth and lovely skin. The stockings embraced your supple thighs in a way that for a brief fraction of time, he wished to be the elastic band around them.
He didn't know who to blame for his sudden flustered and urgent state. He could blame the top quality mezcal for making his skin thrum and burn with enough heat to turn it highly receptive to external stimuli.
Your shoes were removed, and soon your hands, deftly undid your bustier.
Or the lack of physical and willing altercation in his lavish bed eons ago.
Or you, for actually entertain him with more than he had originally thought.
Not even he was so sure about his tiredness anymore. Not when you prowled your way towards him, hips swaying in a sultry motion, breast bouncing softly at each step.
His breath hitched when the chemise was gone and you kneeled between his thighs. Dainty fingers unbuckling and undoing his belt and trousers single-handed and deftly. Nothing but the stockings adorned your form.
"As much as I'd love to keep talking," the inner flesh of his bottom lip was trapped in between his teeth as your warm and soft hand ventured within his trousers and grazed the velvet skin of his still trapped erection, "I also believe money must be earned properly."
Damn him for being such a primitive man to surrender so quickly under your touch. For purposely starving his body from the sensations he was going through at the moment.
Damn you for stroking his ego when your countenance lit up in surprise upon watching his cock springing alive in it's full and healthy glory a few inches away your face.
He shrugged nonchalantly and his eyes glued on your next movement
"Consider yourself lucky, my lord. I usually do not engage into the arts of oral pleasures," Your hand took a gentle yet firm hold of him, stroking enough to make him release a pleasurable yet quiet moan, "I'll make an exception for the night though, you're to be celebrated after all."
He gulped a blown breath before it could escape as you marked his skin with soft kisses until you reached his flushed tip.
"Happy Birthday, your grace."
And, oh damned you for taking the challenge between your lips and remind him how much of a man he was.
The bird's chirping was louder the more seconds ticked, but it was enough to finally ground consciousness to your body.
You bolted awake. Fear seeped in upon not recognizing instantly your surroundings, but when the bell rang with the memory, the urge to leave increased tenfold.
As heavenly as the bedsheets felt against your skin, you flinched from them and gathered your things, but hips protested. Despite having the experience, none had prepared you for taking The Duke.
A man that was currently missing and out of the rooms sight. The curtains were draped in enough to block the sun's glory to hit you right in the face. You changed as hastily as you could. After all his bed was behind closed doors.
Even though the walk of shame was unavoidable the least you could do was to look the least tussled as possible. Once you were dressed you searched in your purse, a couple less condoms in your repertoire, to finally reach for the tooth powder and clean your teeth.
One of the many important rules you had self imposed in your licentious life had been broken.
Do not overstay.
As it could only bring nothing but trouble your way. You didn't want a lover, much less to engage into a life that only happened to good and obeying women.
And you weren't good, according to none but your own musings, nor obedient. You secured your shoes and straightened up your posture as you draped your shawl over your shoulders that still tingled with the Duke's capricious hands.
Miguel had been a gentleman, he never once did something you didn't feel comfortable with, yet still, his pleasure was the main focus of everything. It wasn't personal, nor intimate, just plain old business, like you always made it.
You found him reading the newspaper on his desk, a cup of steaming coffee next to him along some other foods that without admitting made your mouth salivate.
His eyes rose to meet you
"Good morning."
"Morning. I overslept, my apologies, sir."
You bowed your head and he sipped his cup.
"It's fine. I didn't know what would you like, so, got you a bit of everything."
Your eyes narrowed suspiciously with a frown at both the food and him. A bit of crumbs of a round sweet bread still remained on the corner of his lips.
"I appreciate your... attentions, my lord. But I'm good and I've got to go."
His body was dressed up in a light vest, his shirt rolled up yo his elbows and pants, ready for another day of work.
"Of course."
He stared at your concern for a couple of seconds before standing up and reaching for his wallet.
He pulled a couple of hundred crown bills and placed it before you. The sooner you got paid, the sooner you'd get home, take a long bath and finally go get that perfume before sleeping properly the day away.
Your hands counted it in, and your frown furrowed upon finding two hundred extra.
"Your grace? Here." You placed the bills on the table where he could see them, "You put some more by mistake."
"Oh, no, it wasn't. They're, uh... they're yours. A gift."
His lips curved softly in a small smile that quickly vanished upon your next words.
"A gift for doing what you hired me for?"
Miguel blinked, "I didn't mean it that way. It's an extra for-"
You didn't know if nervousness or anger was coursing through your veins, but it was unpleasant and you needed it out of your system.
"Let's get something clear, your grace. I'm aware my job is anything but reputable. But I do not take charity nor pity from anyone. Much less royalty."
He gulped, genuinely confused and taken aback from your reaction.
"I-I apologize. thought that you-"
"That I'd accept it? No. you're sadly mistaken. I know life circumstances have pushed me to choose this path of living, but do not dare insult me. Do not mistake my work for affection you can buy."
You left the money on the table and rushed to the door.
"Wait! Violet!"
by the time he reached this bedroom doors, you were already descending the stairs, head high and proud despite the unbelieving and horrified expressions by the staff at your haste to finally leave.
His shoulders slumped with a dragging groan as he remained on the doorframe of his room.
"That's not what I meant at all..."
A misunderstanding with a courtesan was the perfect way to start his day. Gabriel had mentioned him a couple of times to never give extra money to the professional entertainers, selfless kindness wasn't a concept in their life's vocabulary and it could be often mistaken as something else.
Like what just happened.
But there was little to do about it and his mind dragged him out of it to pull him on the working mode again.
In his many years of friendship, it was rare when Peter behaved evasive, and fiddled with his hands a bit too much. His friend's pacing over his office had Miguel dizzy.
"Can you stay the hell still and spit it out at once?"
Miguel's terse voice only provoked an annoyed groan on Peter.
"You..." Parker's nostrils flared up with a plucky sigh and faced him.
"The Prince is organizing a little vacation to his villa. He wants us there."
A bushy brow from the Duke raised to then roll his eyes and resuming his work into signing papers and reading reports.
"W-What do you mean and? You know whose going?"
"Not really, nor care. I won't go."
Peter's teeth 'tsk'ed' at his reply. "You are to be there. The Prince invited you specifically, and you know how Osborn gets when you ignore his whims."
"Yeah, no wonder why his father doesn't trusts him with Nueva York and I have to correct his stupidities."
Miguel slicked a hand ovef his hair to accommodate the straying strands off their order.
"Right. You have to call Dana."
"She dumped me on my birthday and she's too far, remember?"
"Well, you'll need someone to go with. Everyone is tired of seeing you alone and sulking during those reunions."
"I've got-"
Peter interrupted, knowing his words at this point. "Priorities, I know. Want me to find you someone?"
"Appreciated but no. I already have someone in mind."
Peter blinked and immediately sat before him
"You do?"
"Yes. Where is Gabriel?"
"Traveling outside the city. He'll join us in the trip later"
"Ese cabrón siempre evadiendo responsabilidades... Let me know when returns." (That fucker's always avoiding his duties.)
"Do I know her?" Peter clasped his hands before him, trying to pry more information out straight from the horse's mouth.
"No, which is good and bad."
"You need to start speaking sense, Miguel."
"It's good cause none around here knows her, and bad precisely for that. But since you're eager to help me, you'll do exactly that."
He handed Peter a small paper piece with a name.
"Violet? What's with this?"
"It's the name. Give it to Lyla. She'll look her up. Need an address by the end of this week. Tell her to look up in the neighbor districts.
"What if-"
"There's no what ifs in here, Parker. Split the search."
"So this means you're coming?"
"If I say yes, will you shut up?"
"Say no more. I'll look for this Violet to you."
"If you find her do not approach her. Let that to me."
Peter didn't know whether to be excited or scared. But he trusted Miguel.
Still, he couldn't help but wonder, what had happened the previous night? Even better yet, who was this Violet?
@kate-ohara @del-ightfulling
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nee-biter · 8 months
Pink | Virgin!Miguel O'Hara x F!Reader
Synopsis: Miguel has a crush on you, the popular girl from his biology elective class. After your ex-boyfriend threatened you at a house party, all Miguel wants to do is make sure you’re safe and sound. And that your ex pays for it.
Warnings: Cursing, Sexual Abuse, Leaked Nudes, Some Violence, Sexual References, Alcohol, 18+ only even if it's not full smut yet This is part one of a two-shot fic! I'll be uploading the nsfw part two HERE soon! :>
Pop songs continued to burst through the speakers, as everyone danced and drank. The thin walls of the apartment—not his, just a random baseball jock—moved at every reverberation of the bass. Miguel tried to keep a steady hand at his cup, still half-full from the cheap liquor that a dude was passing around. The reason for his intense focus—you, from across the room.
You were all dolled up, but not for him. Not for anyone, really. But for yourself. That’s what he liked about you. Your hot pink dress that clung tight to your body, your hair flowing freely and reaching the middle of your back, and your legs smooth and supple—he couldn’t stop looking even if he tried to. You were chatting with your group of friends and having a good time.
“I swear to god, you have to talk to her.” His younger brother, Gabriel, who was unfortunately invited to the party despite just being a sophomore, swung his arm around his older brother. “If you don’t, you’ll get stuck with me the whole night and that’s a bit lame.”
Miguel grunted, not wanting to get lumped together with his brother.
In truth, Miguel knew that he should approach you. It’s not like you two weren’t close. You were his partner in biology elective last semester. Though he had known who you were, since you were one of the more popular girls among your batch, that was the first time he met you. It was one of Miguel’s better memories, remembering how ecstatic you were getting paired up with him, since he was majoring in Biochemistry. He had asked, “What’s your major?”
“Art Management,” You had said, unconfidently. “It’s like the business side of Fine Arts.”
“Why didn’t you take the actual Fine Arts?”
“I’m not that good. And if I’m not that good, my art’s probably not worth anyone’s time.” In that memory of his, your head was bowed down as you said these words. Your chirpy energy suddenly dropped. Even in that moment of your first meeting, he wanted to assure you that you were a good artist. Miguel could see that you had a genuine heart and that your vibe wasn’t fake.
That’s why Miguel couldn’t understand it when you told him you were dating Harry Osborne, a privileged prick. Harry’s dad and Miguel’s dad were business rivals, so maybe Miguel had a bias against him. Miguel, a rich kid, having beef with another rich kid; it was laughable. But even so, Harry wasn’t treating you right. Miguel could see it every time your gaze would be stolen by your buzzing phone when you two would do pair-work. He could see the anxiety on your face as you tried to ignore the calls and texts. Miguel wanted to tell you to save yourself from your boyfriend. But ultimately, it wasn’t Miguel’s business. He wished it was.
Timeskip to now, you had just broken up with Harry five days ago. Here you were, partying. Miguel was glad, you seemed happier. But he was so hesitant to talk to you. Miguel didn’t want to seem like he was being an opportunist. After all, he had the biggest crush on you. But then, you made eye contact with him from across the room. With a warm smile, you waved at him. “Come here!” He heard you shout.
Miguel exhaled, relieving his tension before he made his way to you. “Hey, (Y/N)!”
“Miggy! You’re here!” You were bouncing to the rhythm of the song, moving away a bit from your friends.
“Yeah, I managed to swing by! You’re um,” Miguel stuttered, wanting to compliment your dress, your dancing, your anything, but he just awkwardly whispered instead, “You’re here, too.”
Now, in your eyes, Miguel was exactly the man you wanted to see. Not your bully of an ex-boyfriend. Not even the dude hosting the party right now. It was Miguel. You were harboring a bit of a crush on him. You didn’t want to admit it, because you just got out of a bad relationship, but your heart’s already beating for him. Whenever Miguel would do pair-work in biology with you, he’d always give you reassurances that your solutions regarding isotopes and their relative abundance quotients were right. To him, they were just basic solutions. But to you, they were hard to understand. That’s why it mattered so much that Miguel was never condescending, even if sometimes you get it wrong.
You couldn’t help but lean closer to him when you two were across from each other at the library table. You couldn’t help but bat your eyelashes at him, pretending you forgot what the difference of anabolic and metabolic pathways are. You liked the way he would open his notebook, skim the paper lines with his calloused fingers—why were they rough?—then, recap the topic to you with a serious expression. You liked that he was very passionate about his major. You liked the way he wore thick sweaters, making you question what’s hidden underneath them.
Miguel wormed his way into your heart. The only thing you wished to change was his mixed signals. Sometimes, he acted aloof to you, proceeding to bury his face in his books, squinting at you, or being almost an hour late to your study sessions. And yet, sometimes, you caught him staring at you. He’d look away instantly. Now that you’re single, you hoped he’d ask you out soon.
“So, who did you come with?” You asked, wondering if he went to the party with friends or with another girl.
“Oh, just by myself.”
“Really~” You asked, teasingly. “Then, why do I see your brother doing belly shots with those people?” You pointed at Miguel’s brother, lying down on the kitchen aisle. He spotted you two and waved back at the two of you.
Miguel cringed, then muttered some phrases in Spanish, but you couldn’t understand. You chuckled, assuring him that it’s fine. “Sorry, he usually stays at home. Don’t worry, I’m not chaperoning.”
You giggled at his words. He loved the way your eyes crinkle, when you laugh. He was so happy to see you. But the happiness was shattered when a new party barged in the living room—Harry and his two ugly friends.
Miguel immediately looked at you; his own face mirrored your worry. He wanted to pull you away to a different corner of the apartment to distract you, but Harry called out to you as soon as he saw you.
“If it isn’t the girl I dumped!” Harry declared, pushing his face close to yours. Everyone within your vicinity started looking.
“Actually, Harry—she dumped you,” A friend of yours said.
“No, she didn’t. Why would she? I’m the best she’s ever had!” Harry was leaning close to you; his breath reeked like alcohol. Miguel had had enough. He put himself in between you and Harry, giving the boy a glare. But Harry was drunk and stupid enough to not back down. “I know you, you’re O’Hara’s son. How does it feel having your daddy almost fucking bankrupt?” Harry turned to you. “Is this your new man?”
You looked at Miguel as your face flushed even further. You couldn’t say anything, overwhelmed at the presence of your ex.
“Listen,” Miguel muttered angrily, “Just leave her alone. And leave my dad out of this, too.”
“Fine. Fine.” Harry raised his two hands in mock defeat. But he winked at you. “I’ll leave her alone, alright.” He almost turned away. You and Miguel almost sighed in relief. But he just made it worse by addressing everyone. “By the way, look at your phones, people! Have a look at my ex!”
Everyone’s phones started dinging. You felt your blood go cold, your stomach frozen over. One by one, you heard your own moans and whimpers coming from people’s phones. It dawned on you that he shared leaked videos of you to everyone. You didn’t even know he took them. You didn’t have the heart to check what specific lewd moment was captured of you. Your friends started shouting at other people to turn that shit off. Miguel looked at your face, not once checking his phone. He didn’t want to see it. He didn’t find it funny. Not at all. The music stopped and you felt all eyes looking at you. As if he wasn’t cruel enough, Harry turned up the volume of his phone at just the right moment of you screaming his name. That’s when two things happened—you bolted away from the party and Miguel suckerpunched him in the jaw.
Harry laid on the floor, his jaw an obvious red. Your friends started kicking his unconscious body and they told Miguel to find you and bring you back. He followed, wanting to know where you are and wanting to soothe your pain. As much as he wanted to beat Harry into oblivion—his main concern was you. Where were you? What were you feeling? How can he help?
He exited the building and looked around the street for you. You were at the heart of Nueva York; you could be anywhere by now. Quickly scanning the brightly lit streets thanks to the neon billboards and LED lamp posts, Miguel finally noticed your figure hastily taking the left to a busier street. Miguel called out to your name but you momentarily disappeared in the crowd. He pressed on further and caught you entering a convenience store.
Miguel entered, too. The bright lights of the convenience store made him jolt, claws instinctively coming out. So he placed on a unique pair of glasses. He saw you crouching at the cold drinks section.
“(Y/N), what are you doing?” Miguel asked, crouching at your figure.
Your mascara was ruined as tears had been streaming down your face for a while now. Your nose and lips were puffy, even as you bottomed out a bottle of mule. “Don’t look at me.”
“Can we talk, (Y/N)? You look like you need some fresh air.”
You didn’t answer as you nursed down the beverage.
“Also, have you paid for that?”
You shook your head. You were ready for him to pester you even further with more questions, but what you didn’t expect was that he just sat down beside you. In the middle of the cold-tiled aisle, Miguel just pondered the silence with you. You became aware of your beating heart almost made numb by the alcohol, but you couldn’t deny the heat in between your bodies. Miguel provided such warmth and such hope in your shameful situation You felt tears brimming your eyes. They couldn’t be stopped. “Did you—Did you… watch it?”
“No,” Miguel reassured you as quickly as you had asked. “I will never.”
You leaned into his shoulders, noticing how he didn’t flinch at your touch.
“If it helps, I think you can report him.”
You considered it for a split second before rationalizing with yourselves. “His dad will just pummel my reputation even more. There’s no winning here, Miguel.” You buried your face in the darkness created by bringing your knees closer to your chest. Miguel reached for the bottle, taking it from you. “I should just accept it.”
Miguel felt even worse now that you’ve given up. He wanted to make you happy. He wanted to respect your decision of course, but at the same time, he didn’t like how that asscrap crushed your heart to pieces. You didn’t deserve that. “Is there anything I can do for you?”
You were silent for a bit. “Sleep with me.”
Lifting your head from your knees, you looked at him with a straight face. “Sleep with me. Please.”
Miguel, flustered, just kept staring at you. Were you serious? You seemed like it. His mind tempted him to meet your demands. If it makes you happy, then he’ll make you happy. But he was quite sure that you’re just drunk, lonely, and vulnerable—not really a good sign that you’re thinking clearly. Also, he was hesitant because of another thing. “That’s not a good idea. I should bring you back to the party.” He tried standing up, but you grabbed his sleeve and mumbled more pleas. “(Y/N), you know we can’t do that.”
“Why not? I like you, Miguel. Please.”
Miguel stood there, trying to think of possible scenarios. Maybe he could go to your apartment, tire you out (in a non-sexual way), then leave when you finally go to sleep. But you’d probably get worried that he did something to you while you’re sleeping—not good. Maybe he could pretend to not be interested in you, then bring you back to your friends. But he’d risk losing what he has with you—not good.
No matter what rationalizing thought he had, the temptation to give in won over his heart, his logic, and his virgin cock. That’s right. Miguel hasn’t done it with anyone. It’s not because he was saving it or anything. It’s not even because he was never attracted to anyone before you. It was his spider-man gigs and his academics and his double life and his teen-turned-sudden-adult angst and his anal-retentive father. In his 20 years of life, there just wasn’t a time for it. Now, you’re suddenly offering sex to him. Why would he refuse?
He coughed, not believing what he was about to say. “If we’re gonna fuck, you better sober up.” Miguel snatched a water bottle and some snacks from the nearby aisles, then helped you up until you’re standing. “I’ll pay for your alcohol, but leave it behind, please.”
You stood up, hugging his arm as you’re still inebriated. You let him lead the way as he paid for the food, before leading you outside. Finally noticing the glasses he was wearing, you poked at it as he grimaced at your touch. “Glasses?” You mumbled as you buried your face in his arm.
“Yeah, they’re light-sensitive.” He hooked your arm as he led you through the crowd. “Where do you live, (Y/N)?”
“Not telling!” You teased, before gulping down water.
“Do you want to have sex or not?”
“Hehe. Sixth avenue. Alessandra Palace. Not a real palace.”
Miguel crouched on the floor, offering his back for you to ride on as you tried sobering up. You giggled as you got on his back, peppering kisses on his ears. Miguel blushed at the contact and told you not to do that. You pouted with an audible ‘hmp’ before Miguel held the back of your knees and lifted you up. “Mind texting your friends that I’m taking you home?”
“Why are you so strong?” You whispered while rubbing your forehead on his sturdy back “Thought you were a nerd.”
“(Y/N).” As much as it confused him to admit, Miguel was having fun seeing how adorable you were in this state. “Hold on tight.” -- end for now --
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simpcityy · 11 months
I just thought up this request I don’t know if ur requests are still open but I can wait if they aren’t (no pressure!) k so my idea is Miguel Ohara x reader where the reader has powers similar to klaus from the umbrella academy they can talk to the dead and when they first see Miguel they just know he’s lost someone and he’s still grieving and later on they comfort him over it, maybe Gabrielle’s spirit shows up and gives him the closure he needs
Thank you so much Anon for being my ever first request! I made sure to make it my best writing ever! Enjoy!
Our Little Secret (Miguel O'Hara X Ghost Seeing! Spider-Person Reader)
Quick Background: Reader can see the dead; they can see and talk to them, but they do it in private in case other people think they are going crazy. Reader can also have the ability to let ghosts possess them if they require their assistance. 
Word Count: 2.5k
Disclaimer: I do not own Marvel or any of its characters!
Warnings: A bit of sad stuff, ghost, comfort in the end! (H/N) means hero name. Use of (Y/N), Ghost Briella
Spanish Translation (Since there is a lot and I want you to understand the short story, so it goes up top for this post) 1. Lo siento: I'm Sorry 2. Gracias: Thank you 3. Qué? ¿Cómo conseguiste eso: What? How did you get that? 4. Nunca: Never 5. Tú? Puedes ver a los muertos: You? You can see the dead? 6. Suficiente!: Enough! 7. Mi sol: My Sun 8. Mi mundo: My world 9. Yo también te quiero: I love you too 10. Mi sol, lo siento mucho por ser la razón por la que no puedes cruzar: My Sun, I am very sorry that I am the reason you can't cross over. 11. Prometo que cambiaré, y seguiré tu consejo, sé que debe dolerte verme solo. Además, creo que encontré a alguien que podrá hacer lo que me pedistes: I promise I will change, and I will follow your advice, I know it must be painful for you to see me alone. Besides, I think I have found someone who can do what you asked me of. 12. Ve a la luz, Mi Sol: Go to the light, my sun. 13. Muchas gracias: Thank you so much. 14. Muy bien, es un trato: Alright, it's a deal.
You walked around the Spider Society Headquarters following Jess, a woman you met not long ago. You try to concentrate on what she was saying only to be distracted by the number of ghosts lingering around the base. “So many dead uncles. And relatives” You whisper before paying attention back to Jess. “What was that?” She turns around. “Nothing! I just said there are a lot of Spider people, it’s amazing.” Chuckling nervously, you continue to follow her. She stopped to talk to a couple of young Spiderlings. You patiently waited and tried to ignore the ghost calling for you.
 “Can you see me?”
“Can you help me please!” 
You tried to shut them out, controlling your breathing but their pleads for help only made your heart ache. You wish you could help them all out but there is only one you and so many ghosts still stuck in the world. Those who need help to pass over to the light, but you knew better. It would be impossible to help all the ghosts. Sometimes this power of yours, is a curse but you push those negative thoughts away. “You alright?” Jess placed a hand on your shoulder. Finally, the voices of help were gone. Nodding, you smile at her “Yeah. So, when do I get to meet the big boss?” You fixed your mask a bit, patiently waiting for her response. “Speaking of that, I was just informed Miguel’s back, so follow me.” She guides you down the hall. You followed, still spotting a few ghosts lingering around the halls. You did your best to look past them but, in the end, they always know. Your eyes glanced over to the door, you could tell right away that room was filled with sadness, devastation, overall, you know behind that door someone was grieving a loss. 
Once the doors opened, your eyes scanned around the room. Whenever someone is grieving, there is always a ghost attached to them. Any negative emotions bring either good or bad ghosts. After scanning the room, you find nothing and focus on the tall and muscular man which you presume was the leader of this whole function. Seeing he was the only person in the room, you knew he was the vessel of all this negative emotion. Once he turned to look at you, you were right on the nail. You could tell right away he’s grieving a loss of someone dear to him. Composing yourself you smiled at him “(Y/N), also known as (H/N)” You introduced yourself before watching a figure turn around the corner quickly making something fall down. You quickly webbed the item before it fell and broke. “Woah, nice reflexes there.” You looked up to see a small woman appear in front of you. “Um? Thanks” you say looking back where the figure has run off. “Lyla, I didn’t call for you.” Miguel glances at his AI. “Ahh Come one, I just wanted to meet the new recruit.” She then appears on your shoulder taking a selfie with you. “This one is for the memories!” She then disappears. You only stood there trying to take in everything that was happening at once. "Lo siento* Lyla is my AI, and she can be a bit…much” Miguel mutters before grabbing the item from you placing it on his desk. “I um…it’s alright. I’ll get used to it eventually.” You look past him trying to see if you can see the figure again before giving up seeing nothing. Looking at him, all you can see is a man who lost something or rather someone. “I wanted to thank you for letting me in the team…I didn't know there were so many spider people out there…I don’t feel alone…mostly.” You say to him, knowing no one else in the spider society can see ghosts like you. Unless they haven’t found them, it’s only you so far. “More threats are coming so it’s important to expand the Spider society.” Miguel walked around you. “I’ve been monitoring your fighting ability and I have to say I’m impressed. We need more people on the team like you.” ‘Wait? Did he just say monitoring me?!’ You thought before thanking him. “Thanks, it’s years of practice of being a spider hero.” You looked over to his screen seeing him watching each Spider person's missions. ‘Does he know I see ghosts if he’s been watching me?’
After the brief introduction with your boss, you walked around the empty hall to head to the cafeteria before stopping to see a small head poking before they let out a childish gasp hiding back. Looking around, you quickly walk over “no no!” You whisper, “It’s okay, I won’t hurt you.” You looked around the halls before hearing a small voice behind you.
 “You can see me?” 
Turning around you are met with a young girl, kneeling down, you smile at her nodding. “Yup I can see you...and you were that troublemaker who knocked the item off.” You gently poke her nose only for your finger to go through her. She still giggled before nodding, “It was an accident” She whispers. “It’s fine, I know young ghosts like you have a hard time using your little ghost powers” You assure her before looking around making sure no one else was walking by. “I heard there is a lounge room near here, think you can guide me so we can talk more?” You smile as she nodded quickly, guiding you to the room. Once you made it, you peaked in seeing it empty and walked in. “Okay, let’s start with this, my name is (Y/N)” You sat on the sofa and looked at her. “My name is Gabriella, but you can call me Briella, it was what my Papa always calls me” She sat next to you, but her body hovered over the couch. “That’s my next question, is your father, Miguel?” When Briella heard his name her eyes showed admiration, nodding quickly. “Yes! He’s the best and I know he’s trying his best.” She puts her hands up showing how much he was the best. You smiled at her love for Miguel, “Perhaps…that's what prevented you from moving forward…ever thought of crossing over?” You didn’t want to pressure her into crossing over, every ghost was different, some cross over right away and others take their time. Briella thought for a moment, “Yes…but I haven’t seen the light.” She looked at you with her eyes tearing up. Panicking you tried to rub her back but once again your hand went through. “No no, it’s okay, it just means there is something or rather someone preventing you, your father” You explained to the young girl. “Want my help?” You asked as she nodded her head quickly. 
“Okay, this is what we need to do.” 
It’s been a week and finally, you were going to set the plan. You were slowly getting the hang of ignoring the ghosts in the HQ. You would have your private conversations with Briella in the lounge room. Becoming friends with the girl, you felt bad for her. She feels so alone here with the rest of the ghosts not minding her as they were busy trying to find a way to cross. She was ecstatic to call you a friend. Sitting on a table at the cafeteria, you spotted Jess carrying a heavy pile of folders. “This is our chance, meet me at your father's office” You whisper out to Briella before getting up. “Here let me help Jess” You quickly took the folders from her. “Is this going out to Miguel? I can take them; you need some rest after all.” You assure her. Jess chuckles “I owe you one, my back is killing me!” She chuckles before sitting down. “Be careful, it’s pretty heavy” She calls out as you walk out of the cafeteria. “You don’t say” You grunt at the weight leaning slightly to the right before fixing yourself. 
You walked through the door to Miguel’s office. “I have folders for you!” You called out to him seeing him working up on the platform. You pant heavily once you set them down on a desk. “How can she be so strong?” You mutter referring to Jess. She didn’t seem to have trouble holding these files. “Gracias*, leave them there.” He doesn’t bother turning around. You look over to Briella who nodded her head. ‘Alright, we’re both ready’ you think before sitting on the desk next to the folders. “I have a question” You called out. “And?” He kept working on the screens. “How much do you know about me? Seeing you’ve been watching and all.” This got his attention, he stopped and turned around glancing down at you from his platform. “What? Why do you ask?” He jumps down landing in front of you. You kept standing there, “Well, I was reading these” You pulled out a file with your name. “ Qué? ¿Cómo conseguiste eso*?” He tries to take it from you, but you pull it away in time. “A little friend help me” You smile under your mask hearing Briella giggle. Miguel only rubbed the bridge of his nose, “Hobie” He mutters. You shake your head, “No but there is one detail you missed about me, a power you forgot to add.” You opened the file reading it. “Reading this makes me look too normal like any other spider person…I wish I was like that.” You mutter thinking back to all the ghosts' pleas of help you had to ignore. “I never miss anything, Nunca*” He watches you reading your file before caging you in grabbing the file from you. You let out a gasp before composing yourself, thank God for the mask covering your face. “Well, I can see the dead” You mutter looking at him. “Tú? Puedes ver a los muertos*” He lets out a sigh, “I don’t have time to play games” He looks at you, frowning. “It’s the truth…” You slip under him trying to keep it safe for Briella eyes, but you have to admit, she has a good-looking dad but right now you had better things to do then eye her father up and down. “Your daughter, Gabriella, is here with us.” You watched him as he stayed silent and next thing you know; you were slammed to the wall. “suficiente*!” He yelled as his hand pushed your shoulder roughly into the wall. You grunt letting him, he has years of grief pent up, you give him the pass for today only. You watched as Gabriella gasp panicking and appears next to you whispering something to you. 
“You don’t know anything! She’s long gone!” He yells pushing you more into the wall. You only look up to him “Mi sol*” You whisper out in pain. He stops “What was that?” He pulls his hand away from your shoulder. “You would call her Mi Sol when in reality she’s your world but calling her Mi mundo* was odd for her, so you stuck with Mi Sol” You looked over seeing him shocked. Miguel backed away before looking around “Mi Sol?” He calls out in the open. “She’s behind you” You walked away from the wall and stood next to Briella. “She’s standing next to me; she reaches around my waist” You called out her height. Miguel looked at your waist then moved his head over. Gabriella smiles seeing her father was looking at her, well though her since she wasn’t visible to him. “Briella would you like to?” You asked her but she shakes her head. “What?” Miguel looks at you. “I asked if she wanted to possess my body so she can speak with you, but it seems she doesn’t want to. So, I’ll be the interpreter” You smile at him.
You and Miguel sat on the ground as Briella converse with her father through you. “Tell him I love him so much!” She smiles. You chuckle and look at Miguel, “She says she loves you so much.” Miguel looks so much better to you; he was smiling for once ever since you met him. His smile was contagious, it even made you smile for no reason. “Yo también te quiero*” He looks at the empty spot near you. “Oh! Tell him to be happy, that soon I will be crossing over. When I do, I want him to find someone who loves him as much as I do! Someone who will look after him for me…like you.” You quickly turned to her “ W-What?” You looked away before translating to Miguel, “She says to be happy, that soon when she crosses over, she wants you to find someone who loves you as much as she does...someone who will look over you while she’s gone.” You repeat leaving out the last part making Briella cross her arms pouting. You let out a quiet chuckle watching her reaction. Miguel looks over at the empty spot again, “Mi sol, lo siento mucho por ser la razón por la que no puedes cruzar.*” He begins as Gabriella looks at him carefully, paying attention. “Prometo que cambiaré, y seguiré tu consejo, sé que debe dolerte verme solo. Además, creo que encontré a alguien que podrá hacer lo que me pedistes*.” He says while looking at you. You were busy looking around the office to give them their space till they needed you again for translation. 
You look over seeing a light, “Briella…it’s time” You smile walking over to them. “Is it the light?” Miguel gets up looking at you. You nodded, “It’s time for her to cross.” Miguel took a deep breath in and looked over at the direction you were looking, “Ve a la luz, Mi Sol*” He whispers. Gabriella walked over to it, stopping in front of it. “Tell him I love him, and I will miss him...also thank you (Y/N)” She smiles before going in. You watched as the light disappeared, “She said she loves you and that she’s going to miss you.” You look over to him only to feel his arms around you. “Thank you…Muchas gracias*” he whispers into your shoulder. You felt his tears staining your suit, you rubbed his back. “It's no problem.” You whisper back. Pulling back, it quickly wipes his tears before looking down at you, “This needs to stay between us” He steps back a bit. You smile “I was about to say the same, keep that ghost power out of the files for me…I don’t need all the spider people asking me if I can see their dead uncle or something” She sighs. Miguel lets out a deep chuckle. It felt nice seeing him happy, hearing his chuckle and seeing that handsome smile. “Muy bien, es un trato.” He pulls his hand out, you grab it shaking it. 
“It’s our Little Secret.”
Author Notes: Thank you so much Anon! I hope this was something you were thinking of! Sorry if it's a little long to all of you. Remember to check out the poll I have going on! It's a 100 follower Special. Also...THANK YOU EVERYONE! I have reached the 100 Follower goal on this day (07/07/23). Remember to stay hydrated and to keep on simping (Simp City Population: 110 💕) Thank you for the likes and reblogs! Please reblog so others can be aware of my works! ILY 💕
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miguelswifey04 · 11 months
Can you do a writing where the reader is a really pretty spider woman meeting Miguel's family for the first time ( his brother and mother)
spider woman! reader meets miguel’s family for the first time
miguel finally had the courage to introduce you to his mother, and his brother, gabriel. miguel was a little worried especially how eccentric his mother could be and while, gabriel, was such a handful at times. but nonetheless, he knew he had to bring you to meet his family. you were the one he wanted to spend the rest of his life with and it was only appropriate for you to meet his family.
miguel and you soon arrive at gabriel’s apartment where you’d be meeting miguel’s mother and his brother. you were nervous to say the least but miguel held your hand in comfort.
as you come face to face with gabriel, your warm smile and friendly demeanor instantly put him at ease. gabriel is curious to get to know you better, eager to understand the person who has captured his brother's heart. you engage in light-hearted conversation, discovering shared interests and exchanging stories about Miguel. gabriel realizes that you bring happiness and stability to miguel’s life, and he appreciates the love and care you provide. the meeting creates a bond of friendship and acceptance between you and gabriel, setting a positive foundation for your relationship with miguel’s family.
“wow miguel! i didn’t know you could pull such a woman.” he playfully nudged miguel’s arm as he rolled his eyes in annoyance.
“don’t doubt me too much, gabriel.” you couldn’t help but laugh between gabriel’s and miguel’s playful banter. you could tell gabriel was the more upbeat person and well miguel was more snarky. soon miguel’s mother comes out the kitchen with a big smile plastered on her face. you were happy that his mother seemed to be taking a liking to you.
as you meet miguel’s mother, conchata, she immediately recognizes the love and happiness you bring to her son's life. with a warm embrace, she welcomes you as part of the family. conchata is genuinely interested in getting to know you, asking affectionate questions about your background, hobbies, and aspirations. she shares stories about miguel’s childhood, giving you insight into his life. through this exchange, conchata observes your affection for miguel and sees the positive impact you have on him. her acceptance of your relationship reinforces the bond between you and miguel , as she acknowledges the genuine love and care you have for her son.
“eres tan bonita, mija!” she takes your hand into your hand as she places another hand on top of yours. that was her approval. you always heard all the stories that miguel had mentioned of his mother but you were more than happy to get on the right foot with her.
throughout the meeting, your kindness, charm, and genuine interest in miguel’s family and personal history are evident. both gabriel and conchata see how you complement miguel’s life and appreciate the joy you bring him. your presence deepens the connection between you and miguel’s family, fostering a sense of acceptance and welcoming.
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