#Garroway latios
ask-mirage-mews · 6 months
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Joyce: “…Heh…Our family’s really grown this year, hasn’t it?”
Fuji: “Arceus better not give us any more ‘family members’. We’re running out of room…”
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No big Valentine’s Day blog post cuz I’m stupid and keep losing track of time but have some silly doodles
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ask-mirage-mews · 1 year
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Happy Father’s Day
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ask-mirage-mews · 7 months
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Joyce: "Zeus has been eating and sleeping regularly. They still seem a bit skinny but seeing as I still only have Fuji as my main frame of reference for Mewtwo and he's gotten fairly bulky over our time together, I figure Zeus' body must default to skinny regardless of how frequently they eat. Though one does have to keep in mind they're pretty active as well. Not as much as Fuji but enough to be classified as a healthy amount of exercise.”
Joyce: "Luckily Zeus hadn't been smoking for long so it was a bit easier to break them away from it. As far as how they picked it up? Hmm...Before Nemo woke up, Fuji would bring Zeus to the mainland, just to keep them active and such. Maybe they came across some people doing it and stole them? They never really told us but as long as they don't pick it up again I'm fine with never knowing."
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ask-mirage-mews · 1 year
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Joyce: “Fuji and I met them when we settled on the island. Garroway was a sickly little chick but now he helps keep the island safe when Fuji’s away. Amari helps with mail and brings news from the mainland. They prefer sticking to the outdoors, still used to that more wild life, but leave a door or window open around dinner time and they’ll wander in and demand their share! Really hope they don’t pass that habit onto their chicks…”
@espyfandoms | Anonymous
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ask-mirage-mews · 10 months
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Fuji: “Though I do have some human DNA, I’m consider a Pokémon. A Pokémon capable of a level of intelligence that could rival a human’s, yes, but still a Pokémon. So the idea of human sharing a romantic relationship with a Pokémon? Unthinkable. Yes, we’re free to live how we desire here, but who am I to confront Joyce with a subject that her culture considers unthinkable? We work together, live together. She confines in me more than any other. She…Well…She is my closest friend. I suppose I’m afraid of ruining that……I should go get ready for my trip…”
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ask-mirage-mews · 1 year
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@mimikyufan000 | @espyfandoms | @aurasoulhikari | @puzzled-zebra
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ask-mirage-mews · 10 months
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Joyce: “While they’re registered to me, Garroway and Amari are more tamed rather than domesticated. They’re still wild pokemon who have their moments of what one would consider ‘feral behavior’. It was actually only a bit before Zeus and Nemo arrived did they finally allow me near the chicks. It probably doesn’t help that Briar and Piper are their first set of chicks, so they’re still new parents. I don’t blame them for being protective though, I was rather proud actually! I was worried that having to raise Garroway myself would’ve cause him some struggles later in life, but he was more than capable providing for Amari and his chicks!”
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Lati fam finally got refs on the blog’s toyhouse!
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They’ll have more interactions on the blog but!!! Silly lil doodles involving the chicks!!! Piper prefers hanging around Zeus cuz lil nest that’s good for naps but also warm and quiet? Perfect. Garroway doesn’t get why this makes Zeus cry tho lol Briar vibes well with Mosy, them having a lot of energy makes them a perfect babysitter for the more hyper of the chicks.
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I love your designs for Latios and Latias! They’re so fluffy and I wanna pet them!
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Results may vary
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Got to the Lati fam~
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