#Garyl Jones
eva248 · 5 months
Lecturas de abril. Cuarta semana
Búscame / Gregorio Casamayor. Editorial Acantilado, 2023 Una mañana lluviosa, el fotógrafo Paul Knobel encuentra un diario íntimo en una parada de taxis de Brooklyn. Mientras lo examina, el cuaderno se abre por azar en la entrada del 5 de julio, donde puede leerse una enigmática frase que traslada a Paul al último verano que pasó con su madre en Cape Cod. Acaso por esta coincidencia, el…
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th3b4dk1dzz · 4 years
Some random TAZ animated series Dreamcast (In no particular order):
Justin McElroy still plays Garyl
Griffin McElroy as Garfield the Deal Warlock
Clint McElroy as Pan (and as plain hopping janitor, Clint McElroy)
(Haven't thought of a character for Travis yet)
Kdin Jenzen as Lup
Lindsay Jones as Killian
Lin Manuel Miranda as Johann
Micheal Jones as Barry Bluejeans
Matt Mercer as Magnus Burnsides
Ryhs Darby as Davenport
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siremasterlawrence · 5 years
My fave Soap Gh Fanfiction. Jason/Spinelli.
End Of The Gun Barrel
By GaryL
Jason Morgan never though that’s his end would be like this ready to sacrifice himself for him. He likes Spinelli a lot such a good friend but things have been different ever since the beginning of the month. He walks into Jason’s apartment Maxie on the other end crying as they struggle. He closed the door behind him as he mopes around rushing up the stairs a she cries. Jason can see the tears form on his friends face as he signs.
He grabs his jacket as he heads out finding her the drama queen Maxie Jones as per usual. She was still crying at the bottom of the stairwell trying to hide her face. “Ok Maxie.What the hell happened this time? Make it very quick.” He says already exhausted at the thought of her answer. “I can’t do it anymore Jason not with him. He is just too geeky an I don’t fit into his world, and he can’t fit into mine either.
Jason turns away heading up the stairs again, he quickly rushes back to his apartment to see Spin. He opens the door to see Spinelli with his bags packed putting a envelop on the table. He looks up to see Jason at the door looking very sheepishly. “Stone Cold you have been more then gracious to such a mere mortal as I. However, I need to make a leave in quick haste.” Spin says as he rolls his bags toward the door, Jason closes the door as he folds his arms.
“You are not going anywhere at all Spin,well at least not till we talk about this, Maxie is not the only girl in the world.” Jason tries to dribble like a real conversation, he knows he is not built for this. Spinelli finally sits down he was now completely defeated,Jason joins him on the couch. “What exactly do you need to talk to me about prey tell?” Spin ask Jason as he turns to face him like a punished child about to be scolded.
Jason felt awfully bad for Spinelli right now, his heart was in no better shape seeing Sam with Drew.Jason strolls over to the fridge grabs two packs of beers, he hands Spinelli one not sure if it was for the best.They both open the the two as they try to drink away their problems.Spinelli is such a light weight as he is buzzing up the wall after half a can, he turns to Jason smiling as he notices him. I mean really sees him for the first time not as Stone Cold, but a Jason Morgan.
“Stone Cold I know I am buzzing like crazy in all, but you are really beautiful like a god to be hold.” Spin says as he giggles a bit as he tries to stand up, his feet buckle as he falls back on to the couch. He blushes as Jason smiles a bit an he leans in close, he slowly kisses Jason on the lips. He freaks out as Jason just stares at him confused, Spin gets up as fast as he can trying to escape. Jason grabs hold of his hand pulling him into his lap.
Jason pushes him on to the couch spreading him over it, he climbs on top of him kissing him tenderly. They both look so awkward as they are not so sure, Jason grins as he feels Spins grow beneath him. Spin kisses Jason as he is wrapping his arms around him, Jason replies with the same movement. He slips one hand behind Spinelli’s head pulling him closer, the other down his pants making him quiver with every movement.
Jason smiles at Spin as he pushes all of his massive body further up, he unbuttons his Spins pants. Suddenly the whole picture is spiraling out of control turning white as his eyes pop open. He begins to stir as he hears his alarm go off, he taps it as it stops rolling to the edge of the bed. He looks to they ceiling a bit freaks out by his dream not sure of what to do. He sits up in bed staring at his reflection to see if it was the same, but all he could see is Spinelli.
Across the hall a young skinny guy name Spin woke up from a dream of his own, he stirs his eyes awake rubbing them fast. He yawns as he tries to forget the dream he just woke up from. All he could see was Jason massive body looking back at him, all he wanted was for Jason to see him like that. He sits up steps onto a beer can apparently one of many, he scans the room completely shock at the anti Spinelli scenario.
He stands up shaking his head as he heads into the bathroom, he than closes the door behind him. Jason slips his signature black t-shirt on as he heads downstairs to see Sam walk in. “We need to speak Jason now. I am so over this drama I love you but I don’t want to be with with both of you. I need to be with both of you.” She says. “Look Sam I was pining for you forever, an I would pine for you even more, but I think maybe we deserve more.” He says to her.
Sam agrees as she gives him one last hug,she walks out of the apartment feeling a bit better.Jason sighs as he looks at the door, so he has now officially close one door, and he was now about to open a new one. He has to stand by the staircase looking up dreamingly, but not aware of the crazy that is about to hit him. Spin quickly dries off as his cell rings loudly,he answers hearing Maxie on the other end.Ten minutes later he hangs up the cell takes a moment, walks out of his room to see Jason on the ground.
“I think we need to talk about you know what the dream. I think we shared one together, no don’t look away from me Damien, come sit by me.” Jason the man of a few words actually was able to spout out. “Stone Cold you stud, did I just say that out loud?” Spins says only shocking himself. Jason just smiles kissing his soft lips, the joy he felt was indescribable, he was swooning all over the place like mad. He was truly in love for the first time ever.
Now here he was on the ground staring at the end of a gun barrel. Spinelli left him a really short letter, he wrote he was going for a walk, and not to look for him. He searched unaware that a strange figure looms, in the shadow of the dark the figure follows him. He finally sighs as he sees Spinalli at the edge, he walks over grabbing his shoulder. “What the hell are you trying to do?” Jason screamed at him, the loud sound erupts from the barrel of the gun.
Jason dodges it throwing him to the ground.The gun man walks out of the shadows of they can see him clear as day. It was a new face to Port Charles, clearly trying to make a name for themselves. Spinelli stands up jumping in front of Jason, and the gun man points at him. Spin raises his hand as he presses a button. Nano device set a signal, it was disrupting the man’s thought pattern. Jason stands taking his gun an he throws it in the water. He rushes over to hold Spinelli in his arms.
“Will you please be my boyfriend?” Jason ask Spinelli. Spin kisses him as his answer to him.
The end.
The end.
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thatgirlonstage · 7 years
first the sheriff's desk and now the miner's lockers, who in refuge loves setting up all these traps, Fred Jones?
Lol Griffin may have gotten a little trigger happy in Eleventh Hour - “I can kill them and it doesn’t matter? Mwahahahaha WATCH THIS”.
But yaaaay you’re into my favorite arc!!!! (I love Suffering Game, it has my all-time favorite scene and some really fantastic moments, but it hurts too much to be my favorite. And Stolen Century is... special. It’s a bit different from all the other arcs.) Eleventh Hour has BACKSTORY and time shenanigans and Ren and Roswell the nonbinary Earth elemental and the return of Garyl, how could anyone not love it? Thoughts so far? What do you think of that big ol’ Red Robe statue in the center of town? Any idea where Sheriff Isaak might be? Do you also love Roswell and want them to be happy?
Also, yes, definitely Fred Jones. Scooby-Doo stole the temporal chalice. Dammit, you figured out the twist ;P Imagine Angus meeting the Scooby gang though
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