#Gastro intestinal Surgery
somuikblog · 1 year
Gastrointestinal surgeries | Dhanwantaree clinic| best laparoscopic surgeon in Bhubaneswar|
Gastrointestinal surgeries are medical procedure that involve the surgical treatment of the digestive system. Dr  Ashok Acharya Best laparoscopic surgeon in Bhubaneswar Provide effective and successful surgical treatment for gastrointestinal diseases. There are some examples of when gastrointestinal surgeries are necessary
Gastrointestinal Cancers
Gallbladder Disease
Acid Reflux/GERD
Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Diverticular Disease
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Your doctor evaluates your conditions, symptoms and responses to other treatment before deciding on surgery. Visit Dhanwantaree clinic for better result-oriented gastro surgeries. For more information visit the website https://dhanwantaree.com/ and contact to the medical staff.
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johngastro89 · 11 days
Comprehensive Gastrointestinal Cancer Treatment in Nagercoil
When facing gastrointestinal cancer, expert care and personalized treatment are crucial for the best outcomes. At John Gastro Hospital, we provide comprehensive Gastro Intestinal Cancer treatment in Nagercoil for various gastrointestinal cancers, including esophageal, gastric, and colorectal cancers. Our dedicated team of specialists ensures that each patient receives the most advanced and effective treatment tailored to their specific needs.
Our hospital offers a range of cutting-edge treatments, including minimally invasive laparoscopic surgery, which reduces recovery time and minimizes complications. Our experienced gastroenterologist surgeon in Nagercoil are skilled in performing these sophisticated procedures, ensuring precision and optimal results. We employ state-of-the-art diagnostic tools and technologies to accurately diagnose and stage cancers, allowing us to devise a targeted treatment plan.
In addition to surgical interventions, we provide comprehensive care that includes chemotherapy, radiation therapy, and supportive care services with our gastroenterologist in Nagercoil. Our multidisciplinary approach ensures that all aspects of your care are managed with the highest level of expertise and compassion.
Choosing John Gastro Hospital means choosing a commitment to excellence in cancer care. Our focus is on improving your quality of life and guiding you through every step of your treatment journey. For leading Gastric Caner treatment in Nagercoil, trust our team at John Gastro Hospital to provide the care and support you need.
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kauveryblogs · 7 months
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realcleverscience · 1 year
While I am aware and wary of the potential downsides of automation (in particular, job loss), I am very excited about its potential to make expensive services inexpensive; in particular, medical services. I want to see so much more R&D into automating expensive aspects of the medical field, from mundane tasks like the paperwork, to researching and producing new drugs, to automating life-saving medical procedures.
Aside from the obvious value of getting to stay alive, these machines could address doctor shortages across the world, reduce wait times, improve patient outcomes, and make them extremely affordable. This last point is extremely important: In many parts of the world, healthcare is just not affordable or available. This includes remote and developing areas, such as in Africa, as well as in "affluent" places like the US where medical debt is the #1 cause of bankruptcy.
Anyways, I was excited to read this article. The tl;dr is that a robot performed some laproscopic surgery on pigs, performing difficult gastro-intestinal surgery - and it performed well. The machine also planned most of the surgery as well - though there was human doctor oversight.
However, one could imagine a few years from now, a single human surgeon could oversee several of these at once, thereby reducing the need for human surgeons, bringing down costs, etc etc. Cool stuff.
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I graduated from my bachelor degrees yesterday. It still feels like a bit of a dream.
I’ve got two fancy pieces of paper now, and a fancy hat, and a feeling of pride that I made it through uni, let alone while my health crashed and burned around me, through multiple investigative surgeries and procedures, and so many diagnoses, in the midst of a global pandemic. I, and many of my friends, and my peers, we made it.
But the day took a huge toll on me. Wake up early to get ready. Ready includes the waist-high compression stockings I sometimes don’t have the strength to put on. Struggle with them for a solid while. A beautiful dress, with pockets!! Wear sensible shoes, with a low heel and additional arch support. Worry about tripping or fainting while walking the stage for a good long while. Instead, trip and fall on the way to registration, banging my knee onto carpet covered concrete. Ouch. Sit in the shade, with sunnies on, hoping I don’t develop a migraine while waiting for doors to open for us to be seated in the hall. Walk the stage without any issues, but lean heavily on the bannister as I cautiously take the steps off the stage. Let loose and allow myself a glass of champagne to celebrate after. Roll my ankle again, walking to a photo location after the ceremony. Start to feel exhausted, but know we still have dinner plans. Majorly enjoy dinner, almost forgetting that my stomach will hate me for it later. Still had to take my meds, still had to pay attention to most of my pain and migraine mitigation strategies on this day that’s so special, but cannot be just about me, because it is also about my managing my illnesses and how they are never going away.
So here I am at home, resting, nursing a twice sprained ankle, a sore knee, a gastro intestinal tract that can’t deal with the excitement and nerves and lovely celebration dinner, a flu-like feeling and thermoregulation issues and malaise (so a fatigue flare up basically). But it was worth it.
I did it. And I’m going to keep doing it at my own pace as long as I can. I’ve been accepted for an honours year (or 2- part time) and I hope to do more after that. Disabled and chronically ill people belong in academia. Our voices are important.
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(General all-around warning for talk of health and hospitals; I don't believe I've included anything too gruesome, but I am pretty plain-spoken below about what's been going on. )
You may remember the last post regarding my health, so here's both a sequel and a prequel as certain things have been cast into a different light.
About two-ish months before the colitis/mono double K.O. back in February, I got a UTI for the first time. There was some abdominal pain and I definitely recall bringing it up to my PCP, though ultimately let it go for not being all that big a deal. It is my suspicion that every thing actually began here instead of at the next round of happenings.
Next round of course being February - there were definitely two different illnesses being dealt with and the symptoms sort of fed on each other to keep me knocked out a solid two weeks; colitis made nauseous and unwilling to eat, while mono simply made me too tired to care. Thay said, the treatment plan I eventually landed upon did take care of things; beyond some residual symptoms, which were honestly expected, I thought it was going well.
I had a genuinely lovely April weekend - went to some local markets, hit a few stores I hadn't been to in a while, took the boys out a bit. When I first felt the same symptoms in the same place while kicking back thay Sunday evening, I was more annoyed that anything.
Really? This again?
I got in with my PCP that Tuesday, got the same meds again, albeit with a much less powerful pain pill, and went home, confident this would just be another go round.
While Mom and Mimi were worried about how much longer it was taking to get better, I was quick to remember that my first go with this was while on hydrocodone; it made sense to me that perhaps the first time wasn't faster, just better masked.
Meanwhile, my PCP was attempting to contact a gastro specialist. I do not know why this took so extraordinarily long, nor how I came to be involved in the game of phone tag, but there it is. The pain had been steadily moving from my left side, where it has always been, and seemed to be gathering in my abdomen instead.
I finally got to see a specialist, though her advice to go to the ER had nothing to do with any gastro trouble and more to do with me showing signs of afib (160!) and dehydration. Oddly enough, at no point did I notice my heart beat was that crazy, even after being directly told.
Anyway, the ER gets me fast tracked to the back to start dumping all the fluid ever into me and get my heart rate down. They can't even look at whatever's going on in my abdomen until they get me stabilized; sometime around 2am I got an actual room, which was nice.
Next up, I get a go in the CT scanner where they find a large abcess. Yes, I know, gross. My abdomen is badly swollen (I believe I heard 18cm) and needs to be drained so they can get a better look at what's going on in there, like trying to assess flood damage - you gotta drain the water first. Luckily, it's all between my skin and not in any of my organs, which would be an entirely different battle.
As of now, I've been in the hospital for about three days and will likely be here another three more, depending on what the eventual next scan finds. It's currently up in the air as to whether I'm going to need surgery or not.
The running theory is that the infection in my intestines passed through a fistula caused by the inflammation where it began doing damage there instead. Right now, all anyone can do is play the waiting game as the fluid drains away.
So, that's where I am right now; I'm simply too tired for any fandom nonsense and even if I weren't, I've been completely thrown off my rhythm and out of my headspace. I do not know when, or even if, I will ever get back to any of it. I want to certainly, but won't be making promises that may be out of my ability to keep. I have no idea how long I'm going to be in the hospital, or what sort of recovery process I'm looking at after, but I doubt I'll be going upstairs anytime soon.
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sasukesun · 1 year
what kind of surgeries have you done so far?
damn so many already… c-section, subtotal gastrectomy, rygb, appendectomy, whipple procedure, umbilical hernia, esophagectomy + total gastrectomy, hysteroscopy, hysterectomy, ovarian teratoma, ovarian cyst, splenectomy, cholecystectomy, exploratory laparoscopy in a man that was shot, had to remove one meter of his small intestine and fix his internal iliac vein, gastro-entero anastomosis… i guess that’s it? some of them were more complicated than the usual pattern though
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Where have I been?
I will try not to get into too much detail (considering this is a witchy blog; I originally wanted to get into the super-detailed stuff in my main blog) but a LOT has happened since 2018!
If you’re a new follower: hello there! You likely haven’t seen much from me in recent years because I migrated from tumblr in 2018, only to make a friggin’ back-up account because I needed to vent about stuff, lol. But I’ll be posting more frequently now! Especially since I saw this post the other day, which made me come back here. 
But first, to the old followers: we got catching up to do.
I should note that any followers who followed me to my Mastodon account saw me sort of drop off from there but I’ve been more active on there the last few months.
CONTENT WARNING: I will be talking about some health-related trauma and there will also be mentioning of ED for the next few paragraphs. I’ll signal the end of that with all caps bold-italics.
2019 was the year my body decided to... ramp up the pain. From the tail-end of summer onward, I had developed health issues that affecting my colorectal areas, complete with rectal cramps, but all on one side. Eating was becoming difficult for me, as I had to do everything I can to avoid constipation as my chronic anal fissures worried me. It was to a point that I actually got a cane, and I ended up skipping eating at all except for dinner on my first two days of my period. This continued into 2020 as my high metabolism made me slowly drop in weight over time to a point where I was really underweight. But that pain on my period that caused me to use a cane because I thought I had some sort of.. growth or something pressing on my sciatic nerve... That’s what kept making me constantly adjusting my diet. But it’s hard to eat when the pain eliminates your appetite or makes everything come back up and you nearly collapse from exhaustion.
April 2021, I had an anal fissure that, while not very painful, had a considerable amount of blood that warranted my very first ambulance right to the ER. I’m fine, but I had blood tests done just in case it was Crohn’s. It’s not. I was recommended a gastroenterologist, who at first recommended a colonoscopy, but I begged for something less invasive (my first CT scan!). And he was glad I did, because I had a golfball-sized cyst on my ovary that was pinching and pressuring my large intestine, as well as creating pressures everywhere else.
He referred me to the best gyno I’ve ever met. Upon meeting him, he immediately told me, “I want to perform surgery on you as soon as possible.” He also went, “While I’m in there, did you want your tubes removed?” Like.. no questions. This guy was fucking awesome. I felt like a person to him (the gastro-doc was cool, too!)
September 2021, I got surgery. This gyno specializes in ovarian cancer, and that’s what he was afraid of. But lo and behold, it was not cancer! The cyst was chocolate in color!
It was endometriosis, confirming my decade-long suspicion.
He told me that the cyst was sticking to my bowel, and he gently pulled it loose, but saw no other signs of it anywhere else in me. He wasn’t a specialist, but he knew what to watch out for.
I ended up losing the ovary. But post-op recovery was a breeze. I didn’t need painkillers, and that still freaks my husband out, lmao.
2022 saw me going to seek a counselor for a few things (abandonment issues, trauma related to health issues, as well as being assessed for Autism, which I’ll get to that last one after the content warning bumper at the end here), and the counselor I ended up seeing was some... I guess religious lady who specializes in eating disorders. By this point, I knew I was underweight and was trying to get a hold of the right doctor to get that taken care of, but despite telling hr of my health issues, she kept insisting I was anorexic.
Meeting after meeting, she refused to listen. She did everything but tell me directly that she didn’t believe me. She invited my husband to come in on the last meeting, to which I agreed, and when he took my side, she immediately ignored he existed. And I’m still messed up from her.
I saw a nutritionist who recommended a nutritional shake intended for gaining weight and such, but she also acted like I had an eating disorder, begging me to “just eat more” and eventually told me, “I don’t know how endometriosis affects how you eat.” The only silver lining is these shakes do the trick.
I am gaining weight, just not at the rate people would like me to, but I’m DEFINITELY making progress. It’s just a high metabolism has ALWAYS made weight-gain so difficult to me.
I’ll keep this bit brief, but I’ve discovered that I’m Autistic! I’ll keep it to only self-diagnosis, as if I had an official one, that could rip all sorts of rights away from me here in the US. I’ve got a mouth on me, so someone (anyone, really) could use such a diagnosis against me if they wanted (such as having me involuntarily committed, abuse as a patient at any medical facility, etc.) Figuring out how my own mind works has helped me a lot to a point where my husband says my mood has significantly improved.
And now, the important part relating to this blog: my practice.
This is... a lot. So I’m going to sort of keep it short because I definitely want to make more detailed posts on some of this.
I’m of Serbian descent; I’ve had the most cultural exposure in my family to Serbian Orthodox practices (it wasn’t a whole lot, because I guess my dad (who is where I get my Serbian heritage from) wanted me to be “normal” or something... the guy wants to be plane white-bread ‘Murican and tried to make me like that, too, basically), and after realizing how much of stuff in general is appropriated, I decided to back off from a lot of things outside of the safe stuff (like Tarot, color/candle magick, runes, etc.)
I also realized that on my mom’s side (she’s Irish, and the only Irish-American culture she has is getting to say that she’s Irish), I have actual colonizer’s blood in me, and that did not sit well with me at all. (Mom loves to brag about how we’re related to Andrew Jackson.... yeah...) I didn’t want to have any association with that at all, not even by accident. So I decided to educate myself a little regarding colonizers and the Americas.
And after I did lots of reading, I’ve come to the conclusion that, in my eyes, much of Christianity is basically a colonizing tool. And if anyone knows anything about Serbian history, it took 2 tries for that to take hold, which is precisely why much of the Pagan practices still remain within Serbian Orthodoxy.
So what’s my practice now? Welp, I’m still Pagan, I’m still a Lokean, but I’m gonna reclaim my roots and reform it. And by “reform,” I mean not only shedding the Christian aspect of it, but also adjusting the folk magick practices (so, for example, no sacrificing of animals). I’m going to do a separate post soon after this one about that, too. But I do want everyone to keep in mind that this is what I’m doing for me. I’m not trying to convince anyone to do anything regarding reclaiming their roots. If you wanna do it and have your reasons how and why you wanna do it, go for it! But I’ll be sharing what I’m doing (and plan to do, I’m still kinda in the beginning stages of it) so that others have an example in case that’s the route they wanna go.
I’m gonna end the post here, because I’m gonna start going all over the place. So once I fold laundry, I’ll make the next post all about my practice and what I am doing and planning to do in better detail (including what gods have left my life and who are sticking around!)
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drankitagupta · 2 years
5 Reasons to See a Best gastro doctor in Delhi
What is a Gastroenterologist?
A gastroenterologist is a medical specialist who diagnoses and treats disorders of the digestive tract or gastrointestinal (GI) system. People turn to a gastroenterologist when their condition is beyond the capabilities of their primary physician. The primary doctor is generally the person who refers a patient to a Best gastro clinic. A gastroenterologist treats both women and men.
5 Reasons to See a Gastroenterologist
Heartburn: Heartburn can be described as burning or pain in the throat or chest. It is caused by acid that comes from the stomach re-enters to the esophagus. It's the tube which connects the mouth with the stomach. Many suffer from heartburn every now and then. It is usually gone on its own or by taking prescription medications. However, signs that appear more frequently than once a week may be an indication of a more serious issue: gastro esophageal reflux disease (GERD). GERD is caused by acid that comes from the stomach causes irritation to the esophagus's lining. GERD is more prevalent among smokers or those who are overweight. Pregnant women are also more likely to be affected by the condition. There are medications available to treat GERD. Severe cases may need surgery. If left untreated, GERD could lead to more serious issues, like chronic inflammation of the esophagus, as well as breathing issues.
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Gallstones : Gallstones are tiny, hard nuggets formed inside the gallbladder, which is an organ that is located inside the abdomen. Gallstones could be as small as the size of a grain of sand, or as large as the size of a golf ball. Many people possess one huge stone. Other people have multiple stones with different dimensions. A sudden discomfort at the back of the stomach may be due to a gallstone. Gallstone pain disappears after they are moved. Gallstones form due to unbalanced components that form the bile. This is the digestive fluid produced by liver. Doctors aren't sure what causes these imbalances. Pregnant women and overweight people are more likely than other women to develop gallstones. Gallstones are also more frequent with age. Anyone who has suffered from one gallstone is likely to be at the risk of having another. Most patients who suffer from gallstones undergo surgery to eliminate their gallbladder. In some instances, medications can help dissolve the stones.
Lactose Intolerance: Individuals who experience uncomfortable symptoms when drinking or eating milk products could suffer from lactose-intolerant. Lactose is a type of sugar that can be found in milk. The body produces lactase, a protein in order to breakdown milk-based products like yogurt and cheese.
However, people suffering from an intolerance to lactose aren't able to produce enough lactase to completely absorb even tiny portions of these food items. This may cause gastric pain, bloating gas, diarrhea, and upset stomachs. The symptoms usually manifest at least two hours after having eaten dairy. They can be moderate to severe. Gastroenterologists may check to determine if you have lactose intolerance. Treatment can involve supplements to your diet and modifications in your food.
Celiac Disease: Celiac Disease is an inherited disease which affects an immune system. The sufferers should avoid eating gluten. Gluten can be found that is found in wheat, rye , and barley. It is also found in certain medications or vitamins as well as supplements. When those suffering from celiac disease consume gluten, their immune system is triggered by causing damage to their small intestine. This may cause pain or diarrhea. A blood test is a good way to determine if you have celiac disease. A gastroenterologist might also be required to analyze a sample from the small intestine in order to check for any damage. Celiac disorder is not similar to gluten sensitivities. Both conditions have similar symptoms. The primary distinction is that those with gluten sensitivities do not develop damage to their small intestines. Eliminating gluten completely can help ease signs of celiac illness as well as gluten sensitivity. It is possible that you will require further treatment to treat intestinal damage.
Colon Cancer Screening: A gastroenterologist may examine for the signs of certain conditions, like colon cancer even if you do not have symptoms. In an colonoscopy such as a colonoscopy the doctor inserts the thin tube and tiny cameras inside the rectum in order to view how the colon is constructed. Imaging scans as well as stool samples can aid in diagnosing cancer.
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Colon cancer typically develops due to abnormal growths that occur on the rectum, or the colon. Rectifying these abnormalities early can help doctors eliminate them before they stand an opportunity to develop into cancerous. Early detection and treatment of cancer helps save lives. At the age 50, all patients should be screened regularly for colon cancer.
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dranandpatel · 1 month
5 Common Gastrointestinal Diseases and Their Symptoms, Treatments
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The digestive system plays an important role in our overall health. When it is functioning well, we notice its presence, but when something goes wrong, the impact on our daily lives can be effective. Gastrointestinal diseases refer to any conditions that impact the digestive system, including the esophagus, stomach, intestines, liver, gallbladder, and pancreas. These diseases can range from mild discomfort to serious health complications. Factors like age, genetics, lifestyle choices, and diet can increase the risk of developing these conditions. Here, we discuss five common gastrointestinal diseases, their symptoms, and the treatments available by a gastro surgeon Ahmedabad.
5 Common Gastrointestinal Diseases, Their Symptoms And Treatment with Gastro Surgeon Ahmedabad:
1. Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD)
GERD is a prevalent condition where stomach acid frequently flows back into the esophagus, irritating.
Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease, commonly known as GERD, occurs when stomach acid frequently flows back into the tube connecting your mouth and stomach (esophagus). This backwash can irritate the lining of your esophagus. Common symptoms include heartburn, regurgitation of food or sour liquid, chest pain, difficulty swallowing, and a sensation of a lump in your throat.
Lifestyle changes are the first line of protection, including avoiding foods that trigger symptoms, eating smaller meals, not lying down after eating, and losing weight if overweight. Medications such as antacids, H2 receptor blockers, and proton pump inhibitors (PPIs) are commonly prescribed. In severe cases, surgery might be recommended by a gastro surgeon Ahmedabad, such as fundoplication, where the top of your stomach is sewn around the esophagus to tighten the sphincter.
2. Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS)
IBS is a common disorder affecting the large intestine, characterised by a combination of abdominal discomfort and altered bowel habits.
Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is a common disorder affecting the large intestine. It is characterised by a group of symptoms, including cramping, abdominal pain, bloating, gas, diarrhea, and constipation. IBS is a chronic condition that requires long-term management.
Treatment of IBS focuses on relieving symptoms so that you can live as normally as possible. Mild signs and symptoms can often be controlled by managing stress and by making changes in diet and lifestyle. More severe symptoms can be managed with medication. For example, fiber supplements or laxatives may help with constipation, while anti-diarrheal medications can be used when diarrhea is the main issue. Anticholinergic medications can help relieve painful bowel spasms.
3. Celiac Disease:
Celiac disease is an autoimmune disorder where ingestion of gluten leads to damage in the small intestine.
Celiac disease is an autoimmune disorder where the ingestion of gluten leads to damage in the small intestine. Over time, the body’s immune system reacts to gluten (a protein found in wheat, barley, and rye) by attacking the small intestine. This leads to symptoms such as diarrhea, bloating, gas, fatigue, weight loss, anemia, and even osteoporosis.
The only effective treatment for celiac disease is a strict, lifelong gluten-free diet. This involves avoiding all foods containing wheat, barley, and rye. A gastro surgeon Ahmedabad can guide managing the disease and monitor for any probable complications. Regular follow-ups and nutritional counselling are also recommended to ensure the patient is receiving adequate nutrition despite dietary restrictions.
4. Crohn’s Disease
IBD is an umbrella term that includes Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis, both of which involve chronic inflammation of the GI tract.
Crohn’s disease is a type of inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) that can affect any part of the gastrointestinal tract, from the mouth to the anus. The inflammation caused by Crohn’s can lead to a wide range of symptoms, including diarrhea, fever, fatigue, abdominal pain and cramping, blood in your stool, mouth sores, reduced appetite, and weight loss. The severity of symptoms can range from mild to severe and can develop slowly or come on suddenly without warning.
There is no cure for Crohn’s disease, but there are treatments that can help manage the symptoms. Anti-inflammatory drugs, immune system suppressors, antibiotics, and other medications can be used to reduce inflammation and manage symptoms. Nutritional supplements may also be necessary, as Crohn’s disease can affect the ability to absorb nutrients. In severe cases, surgery might be necessary to remove damaged portions of the digestive tract.
5. Gastroenteritis:
Gastroparesis is a condition where the stomach’s ability to empty its contents is delayed, causing various digestive symptoms.
Gastroenteritis, often referred to as the stomach flu, is an inflammation of the stomach and intestines, usually caused by a viral or bacterial infection. Symptoms include watery diarrhea, abdominal cramps and pain, nausea, vomiting, occasional muscle aches or headaches, and a low-grade fever. Dehydration is a common complication, especially in children and older adults.
Most cases of gastroenteritis resolve on their own within a few days. The primary treatment is to prevent dehydration by drinking plenty of fluids. Oral rehydration solutions can be used to replace lost electrolytes. In more severe cases, hospitalisation may be required for intravenous fluids. Antiemetic and antidiarrheal medications can be used to manage symptoms, but antibiotics are only recommended by a gastro surgeon Ahmedabad if a bacterial infection is confirmed.
Gastrointestinal diseases can greatly impact a person’s quality of life. Early detection and treatment are crucial in managing symptoms and preventing complications. If you are experiencing symptoms related to these conditions, it is important to consult a gastro surgeon Ahmedabad for a careful evaluation and personalised treatment plan. Remember, with the right lifestyle changes and medical interventions, many of these conditions can be effectively managed, allowing you to lead a healthy and fulfilling life.
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somuikblog · 1 year
Gallbladder stone symptoms and treatment | Dhanwantaree clinic| Best surgeon in Bhubaneswar|
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Liver produces Bile. The bile is then stored in the Gallbladder. With time, when the bile hardens into stone-like material, it is called gallbladder stones. With time these stones can create blockages around the gallbladder and the bile ducts.
In the starting days, gallbladder stones do not show symptoms when they develop and get bigger, attacks happen when they create blockages in bile duct. people with gallbladder stones normally have issues after having fatty meals at night.
In some cases gallstone do not show any symptoms. Specific treatment for gallstones can only be determined by a doctor.
If you are suffering from symptoms like Sweating, chills, low fever, yellow skin tone, clay-coloured stool, should connect with Dhanwantaree Clinic / Dr. Ashok Acharya, immediately…  Gallstones untreated can create dangerous circumstances and can lead to organ blockages for more information visit the website https://www.dhanwantaree.com/ and talk to the medical staff - 9776655073
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johngastro89 · 8 months
Gastroenterologist Surgeon In Nagercoil
Are you seeking specialized care for gastro intestinal cancer Treatment in Nagercoil? Look no further than Barioss, home to a renowned Gastroenterologist Surgeon in Nagercoil dedicated to providing top-notch gastrointestinal cancer treatment. With a commitment to excellence, our expert team is equipped to address a range of gastroenterological concerns.
At Barioss, we understand the importance of early detection and personalized treatment plans. Our state-of-the-art facility in Nagercoil is equipped with cutting-edge technology, ensuring accurate diagnoses and effective gastroenterologist surgery. We prioritize patient well-being, offering comprehensive care and support throughout the treatment journey.
Whether you're in need of gastroenterologist surgery in Nagercoil or seeking a trusted gastro intestinal cancer hospital in Nagercoil, Barioss is your destination for quality healthcare. Our team of experienced professionals is dedicated to delivering compassionate and advanced care, ensuring the best possible outcomes for our patients.
Choose Barioss for unparalleled expertise in gastroenterology and gastrointestinal cancer treatment in Nagercoil. Your health is our priority, and we are committed to providing the highest standard of care for all your gastroenterological needs.
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drmanishkumargupta · 1 month
The Role of Endoscopy in the Evaluation of Abdominal Pain: A Comprehensive Guide
Abdominal pain is a common complaint that can be challenging to diagnose due to its wide range of potential causes. From digestive disorders to more serious underlying conditions, pinpointing the exact source of the discomfort often requires a detailed and nuanced approach. Endoscopy, a procedure that allows doctors to view the interior of the digestive tract, plays a crucial role in the evaluation of abdominal pain. This article explores the significance of endoscopy, highlights the Top Gastroenterologists in Delhi and Ghaziabad, and provides guidance on how to find the best care.
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What is Endoscopy?:
Endoscopy is a minimally invasive procedure that uses a flexible tube with a camera—known as an endoscope—to visualize the interior of the gastrointestinal (GI) tract. Depending on the area being examined, different types of endoscopes are used:
Gastroscopy: Examines the esophagus, stomach, and duodenum.
Colonoscopy: Evaluates the large intestine (colon) and rectum.
Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography (ERCP): Focuses on the bile ducts and pancreatic duct.
Enteroscopy: Investigates the small intestine.
These procedures allow doctors to identify abnormalities such as inflammation, ulcers, tumors, or bleeding that might be causing abdominal pain.
Why Endoscopy is Important for Abdominal Pain:
Direct Visualization: Unlike imaging techniques like X-rays or CT scans, which provide indirect views of internal structures, endoscopy offers direct visualization. This capability is crucial for diagnosing conditions that may not be evident through other methods.
Biopsy and Tissue Sampling: Endoscopy allows for the collection of tissue samples (biopsies) for further analysis. This is essential for diagnosing cancers, infections, and other pathological conditions.
Treatment and Intervention: In many cases, endoscopy isn't just for diagnosis but also for treatment. For instance, polyps found during a colonoscopy can be removed on the spot, and bleeding lesions can be cauterized during an upper endoscopy.
Minimally Invasive: Endoscopic procedures are less invasive compared to traditional surgeries, resulting in shorter recovery times and reduced risk of complications.
Indications for Endoscopy:
Endoscopy is often recommended when abdominal pain is persistent, severe, or accompanied by other symptoms such as:
Unexplained Weight Loss: Significant weight loss without a clear reason might indicate a serious condition requiring further investigation.
Persistent Nausea or Vomiting: Chronic nausea and vomiting can be linked to various GI disorders that endoscopy can help diagnose.
Changes in Bowel Habits: Dramatic changes, such as persistent diarrhea or constipation, warrant evaluation through endoscopy.
Blood in Stool or Vomit: Hematochezia (blood in stool) or hematemesis (blood in vomit) are alarming symptoms that endoscopy can help investigate.
Finding the Best Gastroenterologists for Endoscopy:
Choosing the right gastroenterologist is crucial for effective diagnosis and treatment. Here’s a guide to finding Top Gastroenterologists in Ghaziabad and Noida who are renowned for their expertise in endoscopy:
In Ghaziabad:
Top Gastroenterologist in Ghaziabad: Dr. Manish Kumar Gupta is celebrated for their extensive experience in performing endoscopic procedures. Known for a patient-centered approach and advanced diagnostic techniques, He has a reputation for thorough evaluations and effective treatment plans.
Best Gastro Specialist in Ghaziabad: Dr. Manish Gupta is highly recommended for their skillful use of endoscopic technology to diagnose and manage a variety of abdominal conditions. Their expertise extends to both routine and complex cases, making them a trusted choice for patients in Ghaziabad.
In Noida:
Top Gastroenterologist in Noida: Dr. Manish Gupta stands out in Noida for their cutting-edge approach to endoscopy and comprehensive care. With a focus on the latest advancements in gastroenterology, He is known for their precision in diagnosis and effectiveness in treatment.
Best Gastro Doctor in Noida: Dr. Manish Kumar Gupta is recognized for their exceptional skill in endoscopic procedures and their ability to handle complex cases with ease. Their reputation is built on years of experience and a commitment to patient-centered care.
How to Choose the Right Specialist:
Selecting the best gastroenterologist involves several factors:
Qualifications and Experience: Ensure the doctor has specialized training in gastroenterology and significant experience with endoscopic procedures.
Patient Reviews and Recommendations: Look for reviews and testimonials from other patients to gauge the doctor’s reputation and effectiveness.
Technological Expertise: Choose a specialist who uses the latest endoscopic technology and techniques to ensure the best diagnostic and treatment outcomes.
Consultation: A preliminary consultation can help assess the doctor's approach, communication style, and ability to address your concerns.
Endoscopy is a vital tool in the evaluation of abdominal pain, providing direct visualization and enabling precise diagnosis and treatment. Whether you are seeking care in Ghaziabad or Noida, consulting with top gastroenterologists ensures you receive expert evaluation and management of your condition. By choosing specialists known for their skill and advanced technology, you can achieve accurate diagnoses and effective treatment, ultimately leading to better outcomes and relief from abdominal pain. If you’re experiencing persistent or severe abdominal pain, don’t hesitate to consult a highly recommended gastroenterologist in Ghaziabad & Noida. The expertise of top professionals in the field can make a significant difference in your diagnosis and overall health.
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Fistulas are a serious medical condition that can significantly impact your quality of life if left untreated. These abnormal connections between two organs or tissues often require specialized care to ensure proper healing and to prevent complications. At Gastro Surgeon UAE, we are committed to providing expert diagnosis and treatment for fistulas, helping our patients regain their health and well-being. In this blog, we will explore what fistulas are, their causes, symptoms, and the treatment options available at Gastro Surgeon UAE.
A fistula is an abnormal connection between two body parts, such as between an organ and another structure, or between an organ and the skin. Fistulas can occur in various parts of the body, but they are most commonly found in the digestive tract. For example, an anal fistula is a small channel that develops between the end of the bowel and the skin near the anus. Fistulas can also form between the intestines and the bladder, or between the intestines and the skin.
Fistulas can develop due to various underlying conditions or medical issues, including:
Infections: Persistent infections in the body can cause inflammation and the formation of a fistula as the body attempts to drain the infection.
Inflammatory Bowel Diseases: Conditions like Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis are known to cause fistulas, particularly in the gastrointestinal tract.
Surgical Complications: In some cases, fistulas can develop as a complication of surgery, especially if there is an infection at the surgical site.
Trauma or Injury: Physical injury to an organ or tissue can lead to the formation of a fistula as the body tries to repair the damage.
The symptoms of a fistula can vary depending on its location and severity. Common symptoms include:
Pain and Discomfort: Pain or discomfort in the affected area is a common symptom, particularly if the fistula is located near the anus or within the gastrointestinal tract.
Drainage: Fistulas often cause abnormal drainage of fluids, pus, or stool from the affected area, which can lead to skin irritation or infection.
Recurring Infections: Persistent or recurring infections in the area of the fistula are a common sign that medical treatment is needed.
Fever: A fever may accompany an infected fistula, indicating that the body is fighting off an infection.
Treating a fistula requires specialized care to ensure that the underlying cause is addressed, and the fistula is properly closed. At Gastro Surgeon UAE, we offer a range of treatment options tailored to the specific type and location of the fistula:
In some cases, medications such as antibiotics or anti-inflammatory drugs may be used to treat infections and reduce inflammation, helping the fistula to heal. This is often the first line of treatment for less severe fistulas.
A fistulotomy is a surgical procedure that involves opening up the fistula tract and allowing it to heal from the inside out. This procedure is commonly used for anal fistulas and is highly effective in treating the condition.
Seton Placement
In cases where the fistula is located in a complex or high-risk area, a seton (a surgical thread) may be placed in the fistula tract to help drain the infection and reduce pressure, allowing the fistula to heal gradually.
Advanced Surgical Techniques
For more complex fistulas, advanced surgical techniques such as flap procedures or the use of fibrin glue may be employed to close the fistula and promote healing. These procedures are performed by our experienced surgeons using the latest technology.
Staged Surgery
In some cases, particularly for complex fistulas, a staged approach may be necessary. This involves multiple surgical procedures performed over time to ensure the best possible outcome.
At Gastro Surgeon UAE, we understand that fistulas can be a distressing and painful condition. Our team of specialists is dedicated to providing compassionate, expert care to help you achieve a full recovery. Here’s why you should choose us:
Specialized Expertise: Our surgeons have extensive experience in diagnosing and treating fistulas, ensuring that you receive the highest standard of care.
Comprehensive Care: We offer a full range of treatment options, from medications to advanced surgical techniques, tailored to your specific needs.
Patient-Centered Approach: We take the time to listen to your concerns and develop a personalized treatment plan that aligns with your goals and lifestyle.
State-of-the-Art Facilities: Our clinic is equipped with the latest technology and equipment, allowing us to perform cutting-edge procedures with precision and safety.
Ongoing Support: We provide continuous support and follow-up care to monitor your progress and ensure a smooth recovery.
While not all fistulas can be prevented, there are steps you can take to reduce your risk and manage underlying conditions:
Manage Inflammatory Bowel Disease: If you have Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis, work with your healthcare provider to manage your condition and reduce the risk of fistulas.
Promptly Treat Infections: Seek medical attention for persistent infections to prevent them from developing into fistulas.
Follow Post-Surgery Care Instructions: If you’ve had surgery, follow your surgeon’s post-operative care instructions to reduce the risk of complications, including fistula formation.
Fistulas are a serious medical condition that requires prompt and specialized treatment. At Gastro Surgeon UAE, we are committed to providing the highest level of care to help you overcome this condition and regain your health. Our team of experts is here to guide you through every step of the treatment process, ensuring that you receive the best possible outcomes. If you’re experiencing symptoms of a fistula, don’t hesitate to contact us today to schedule a consultation. Your health and well-being are our top priorities.
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sidshospital · 2 months
The Importance of Regular Gastro Check-Ups
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Maintaining good health involves more than just diet and exercise; it also requires regular medical check-ups to monitor and address potential issues early. One critical aspect of health that often gets overlooked is gastrointestinal (gastro) health. Regular gastro check-ups play a vital role in ensuring the proper functioning of the digestive system, preventing severe diseases, and maintaining overall well-being, say our doctors at SIDS hospital, one of the best gastro hospitals in Surat. In this blog post, we will explore the importance of regular gastro check-ups, what they entail, and how they contribute to long-term health.
Understanding Gastro Check-Ups
Gastro check-ups are medical examinations focused on the digestive system, including the oesophagus, stomach, intestines, liver, pancreas, and gallbladder. These check-ups aim to detect, diagnose, and treat various gastrointestinal disorders, ranging from common conditions like acid reflux and irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) to more severe diseases such as Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis, and gastrointestinal cancers. Getting these check-ups done from any of the best hospitals in Surat such as SIDS Hospital.
What to Expect During a Gastro Check-Up
During a gastro check-up, a gastroenterologist — a doctor specializing in the digestive system — will conduct a thorough evaluation that may include:
1. Medical History Review: The doctor will review your medical history, including any previous gastrointestinal issues, medications, and lifestyle factors that could impact your digestive health.
2. Physical Examination: A physical examination helps assess any visible signs of gastrointestinal problems, such as abdominal tenderness or swelling.
3. Diagnostic Tests: Depending on your symptoms and medical history, the doctor may recommend various diagnostic tests, such as:
- Blood Tests: To check for anaemia, infection, and other markers of gastrointestinal diseases.
- Stool Tests: To detect infections, inflammation, or blood in the stool.
- Endoscopy: A procedure where a thin, flexible tube with a camera is inserted through the mouth to examine the oesophagus, stomach, and upper part of the small intestine.
- Colonoscopy: Similar to an endoscopy, but the tube is inserted through the rectum to examine the colon and rectum.
The Benefits of Regular Gastro Check-Ups
Regular gastro check-ups offer numerous benefits, significantly contributing to early disease detection, effective treatment, and overall digestive health.
1. Early Detection of Gastrointestinal Diseases
Many gastrointestinal diseases, such as colorectal cancer, peptic ulcers, and inflammatory bowel disease, can develop silently without noticeable symptoms in the early stages. Regular gastro check-ups enable early detection of these conditions, allowing for timely intervention and better treatment outcomes. Doctors performing the best laparoscopic surgeries in Surat say that early detection is particularly crucial for colorectal cancer, as it is one of the most preventable yet deadly cancers if not caught early.
2. Prevention of Severe Complications
Regular check-ups can prevent severe complications by identifying and treating minor issues before they escalate. For example, catching and managing Helicobacter pylori infection early can prevent the development of peptic ulcers and gastric cancer. Similarly, monitoring and controlling chronic conditions like Crohn’s disease and ulcerative colitis can prevent complications such as strictures, fistulas, and an increased risk of colorectal cancer.
3. Personalized Treatment Plans
Gastro check-ups allow doctors to create personalized treatment plans based on an individual’s specific needs and medical history. These plans may include dietary recommendations, lifestyle changes, medications, and regular monitoring to manage existing conditions and prevent new ones from developing. Personalized treatment plans ensure that patients receive the most effective care tailored to their unique health profile.
4. Improved Digestive Health and Quality of Life
Regular gastro check-ups contribute to better digestive health by addressing common issues such as acid reflux, bloating, constipation, and diarrhea. By managing these symptoms effectively, individuals can enjoy a higher quality of life, free from the discomfort and disruptions caused by gastrointestinal problems. Improved digestive health also supports overall well-being, as the digestive system plays a crucial role in nutrient absorption and immune function.
5. Education and Awareness
Gastro check-ups provide an opportunity for patients to learn more about their digestive health and the steps they can take to maintain it. Doctors can educate patients about the importance of a balanced diet, regular exercise, hydration, and other lifestyle factors that support a healthy digestive system. Increased awareness and knowledge empower individuals to make informed decisions about their health and adopt habits that promote long-term well-being.
When to Schedule a Gastro Check-Up
While the frequency of gastro check-ups may vary based on individual risk factors and medical history, certain signs and symptoms warrant immediate attention. Schedule a gastro check-up at the best hospital in Surat if you experience:
- Persistent abdominal pain or discomfort
- Unexplained weight loss
- Changes in bowel habits (e.g., diarrhoea, constipation, blood in stool)
- Chronic heartburn or acid reflux
- Difficulty swallowing
- Persistent nausea or vomiting
- Family history of gastrointestinal diseases
Additionally, individuals over the age of 50 should consider regular screenings for colorectal cancer, as the risk increases with age.
Regular gastro check-ups are essential for maintaining optimal digestive health and preventing serious gastrointestinal diseases from best gastro hospitals in Surat, like SIDS Hospital which is known for its doctors’ expertise in performing major laparoscopic surgeries and the best endoscopy in Surat. By facilitating early detection, personalized treatment, and ongoing education, these check-ups play a crucial role in promoting overall well-being and quality of life. Don’t wait for symptoms to arise; prioritize your digestive health by scheduling regular gastro check-ups and taking proactive steps to ensure a healthy and functioning digestive system.
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drkumaragurubaran1 · 2 months
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Understanding the Root Cause of Having Constipation
Constipation is a common digestive issue affecting people of all ages. It is characterized by infrequent bowel movements, difficulty passing stool, and a sensation of incomplete evacuation. While occasional constipation is normal, chronic constipation can significantly impact your quality of life. Understanding its root causes is essential for effective treatment and prevention. In Chennai, top gastroenterologists, including Dr. Kumar Gurubaran, provide specialized care for gastrointestinal health.
Causes of Constipation Dietary Factors: A diet low in fiber is one of the most common causes of constipation. Fiber adds bulk to the stool and helps it pass through the intestines smoothly. Consuming insufficient fruits, vegetables, and whole grains can lead to hard, dry stools.
Dehydration: Adequate water intake is crucial for softening stools. Dehydration slows down bowel movements, making stools harder to pass. Drinking plenty of fluids can help alleviate this issue.
Lack of Physical Activity: Sedentary lifestyles can contribute to constipation. Regular exercise stimulates intestinal contractions, helping move stool through the colon.
Medications: Certain medications, such as painkillers, antidepressants, and antacids containing calcium or aluminum, can cause constipation as a side effect. It's essential to consult with a doctor if you suspect your medication is causing digestive issues.
Medical Conditions: Underlying health conditions like irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), hypothyroidism, and diabetes can affect bowel movements. In Chennai, the best gastro doctors can diagnose and manage these conditions.
Ignoring the Urge: Delaying bowel movements can lead to constipation. The longer stool stays in the colon, the more water is absorbed, making it harder and more difficult to pass.
Diagnosing and Treating Constipation For chronic constipation, it’s crucial to seek medical advice from experts like Dr. Kumar Gurubaran, one of the best gastroenterologists in Chennai. A thorough evaluation will help identify the underlying cause and determine the most effective treatment.
Diagnostic Methods:
Medical History and Physical Exam: A detailed medical history and physical examination can provide insights into potential causes of constipation. Endoscopy and Colonoscopy: These procedures allow doctors to examine the gastrointestinal tract for any abnormalities. ERCP (Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography): This advanced technique helps diagnose and treat bile duct stones and other pancreatic issues. Treatment Options:
Dietary Changes: Increasing fiber intake through fruits, vegetables, and whole grains can significantly improve bowel movements. Hydration: Drinking adequate water is essential for softening stools and preventing constipation. Exercise: Regular physical activity promotes healthy bowel function. Medications: Laxatives or stool softeners may be prescribed for short-term relief, but long-term use should be monitored by a gastro specialist. Surgery: In severe cases, such as with obstructive causes, surgical interventions may be necessary. Dr. Kumar Gurubaran, a top laparoscopic surgeon in Chennai, is experienced in minimally invasive procedures like laparoscopic hernia surgery and abdominal wall reconstruction. Preventing Constipation Preventing constipation involves maintaining a healthy lifestyle:
Balanced Diet: Consuming a diet rich in fiber. Stay Hydrated: Drinking sufficient water throughout the day. Regular Exercise: Engaging in physical activities. Routine Bowel Habits: Establishing regular bowel habits and not ignoring the urge to go. In conclusion, understanding the root causes of constipation and seeking timely medical advice from specialists like Dr. Kumar Gurubaran can significantly improve gastrointestinal health. With expertise in various treatments, including endoscopy, colonoscopy, and laparoscopic surgery, the best gastro doctors in Chennai can provide comprehensive care to alleviate constipation and enhance your overall well-being.
DrKumaragurubaran Best Gastroenterologist Surgeon in Chennai/Hernia/Gallbladder/Fistula/Laparoscopic Surgeon.
Address: Billroth Hospitals, B, block 43, Lakshmi Talkies Rd, Shenoy Nagar, Chennai, Tamil Nadu 600030
Phone: 093603 91740
Website: https://gastrodoctorchennai.com/
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