#Gaz likes turtles and hes thought about doing a turtle tank before but his real love is and always will be fish
cthulhusstepmom · 1 year
Gaz finds out a couple of weeks after Price.
It's a complete accident and not even a fault on Soap's part really, unless you count getting the wrong type of bin.
It's some time in the middle of the night, Gaz doesn't know, Gaz can't be bothered to say. What he does know is that there's an intruder in his room ruffling around on the floor. "Ye wee foockin son of a bitch yer gonna wish ye were nae foockin born" ....Fucking Soap?
He doesn't even bother getting up. "Soap what the bloody fuck are you doin in here mate??"
The cursing on his floor goes silent. He's about to ask more when he feels a slight pressure on his calf, ready at this point to accept that Soap just wants cuddles and drag him on to the bed he's nowhere near prepared for the sharp pinch that clamps down on his leg.
"Jesus Mary and Joseph Soap what the hell??" He squeals at the same time Soap declares "I've got ye wee bastard!"
He looks down just in time for Soap to rip his covers and grab a... thing that had been attached to his leg, cradling it in his palms with a stern look.
"You gonna explain what the fuck just happened to me?" Soap, now looking appropriately sheepish holds up his palms like an offering. In them, cradled delicately in calloused hands is a baby turtle the size of a golfball. Little bugger is fucking cute too.
"I ah had them in ma closet...they wernae sposed to get out but the bin locks are shit. Think he could hear the water from your tanks or somethin, slipped right under the door."
Gaz, properly awake now, is taken to Soap's room with the little snapping turtle. He realizes for as good of friends as he is with the man he'd never actually been in his room, now he knows why.
"Mate there's no fucking room in here!"
"Ach ah know, I donnae have a space for turtles but they just hatched a couple days ago."
Gaz laughs. "Soap I meant for you ya fuckin muppet!"
Soap blinks. "Well I can get to the bathroom, and if I get chilly I can just curl on up in there with Wee Man."
Gaz takes it in, he admittedly doesn't know the first thing about reptiles but everything looks pretty fucking mint, fake and real plants all over, big sticks and caves to hide in, not to mention the size of the things. They don't look like much on the outside, sheets of blank plywood that look just the slightest bit slap glued. But the fronts have well installed sliding glass doors and the insides are all painted with hand drawn jungle and desert scenes and sealed expertly with silicone.
"You make this?" Gaz asks, gesturing to the enclosures.
Soap looks up from where he's contorted himself to get into his closet, fiddling with the bin that the baby turtles had escaped from where it sits on a heat pad.
"Oh aye, nothing much to look at but it gets the job done."
"Fuckin mint."
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