#Gen mush
likesplatterpaint · 4 months
Hyper aware that this time ten years ago my life was absolutely drowning in depression and I wasn’t ever sure it would feel like mine- but I had just struck up a friendship with this goofy well dressed blond and finding bright spots of fun, and well maybe I could trust him, he makes me laugh, he’s being sweet to me when mom razes me to the ground…maybe…
Just maybe.
Two ish weeks later we would be “official”
A month and a half later my mom would suddenly die. He didn’t run. He reached a hand out. He made me believe it could be okay, some day.
My life fell apart and we built a new one together that I would not trade for anything in the world.
It’s so much more than okay now.
I love you, Michael.
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whoviandoodler · 3 days
been thinking about pok a lot again and that moment when riz told him sklonda was dating gorthalax (in some capacity or another) and pok just went quiet for a bit before he wished her well and like. he's riz's father to such a degree that it hurts. he died young, got to paradise and then said, ok time to go back to work, chop chop. and he does take breaks to listen to riz at his grave and he works in a beautiful meadow when he's not down in hell and -literally speaking- he does sit down but metaphorically he keeps on going and going.
and i'm just imagining that- obviously he knows that he's dead, right? but the human* brain is weird in that way where you'll know things, and you might even sit with them and think you've processed them, but then something will hit you out of left field and you'll realize there are so many aspects of the situation you hadn't internalized yet, and i think that one of those aspects for pok was sklonda, or rather all the dimensions in which her life branched off after he died. because with riz he'd always been painfully aware that his kid was growing up and changing, but with sklonda it's a bit more complicated, it's a bit easier to process the grief of being apart from her, purely on an unconscious level, as being away for work. he's working, she's working, she probably tells him about her work and about riz and riz includes his mom in his stories and it's like, oh this is horribly painful, that i can't be there, but in a way he and sklonda share a lot of what they used to when he was working abroad, no matter how far apart- they're always connected by their love for each other and the quiet but omnipresent nuptial tie and the state of being riz's parents.
and then he's suddenly hit with the reality of an area of sklonda's life that hadn't been on his mind before, considering they were happily and monogamously married. truly just a matter of like, this is not a space you occupy anymore, you're fucking dead, until death do us part and all that, and she might still love you but she loves you like a dead husband like a source of grief like the man she once knew not a living partner. and it's neither of their faults, it's purely a tragedy, and he genuinely wishes her the best because he loves her, he doesn't want her to be alone nor does he expect her to be faithful past reason and the vow they made to each other. but the grief of it still really fucking stings, doesn't it?
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danafeelingsick · 2 days
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older art i forgot to post, it's based off those jewel bug jelly sandwiches they had in the early episodes. i think it's cute that Laios is secretly a sweet-tooth, and yeah, he would totally overdo it on those 😳
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faereun · 7 months
i will be back so soon my loves ... in the meantime freaking out because i have a sort - of - date - not - date tomorrow and i really like this dude but i am so off - putting and strange i have no idea how i'm going to pull this off without immediately alerting him to my inherent freakishness (aka my nd swag)
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saysflora · 3 months
After playing endless games of cards, Mush needs a little fresh air. Turns out, he's not the only one, and he and David learn just a little bit more about each other.
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crowithydoodles · 4 months
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moomin-happiness · 4 months
Seeing the 90s anime version of moominpappa's adventures suddenly makes so many fanfiction details make sense.
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mushed-kid · 20 days
your eyes are beautiful! :D i see them everytime you use a computer with a camera connected. lalalalalalala
dont say that im a bit paranoid about it🤝
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shitpostmultiverse · 1 year
Ok so- way back I decided to make a universe set post neutral ending… one where Frisk’s successor/child would return to finish their parents work- or by coincidence because their parent told them stories of the underground.
So- I used a randomizer cus much like real life sometimes who you end up with can be random. Also so I had no influence in favoritism Ship wise. I created a sorta Nextgen universe. (Some things will clash with cannon- Duh)
So- Let me introduce them (designs subject to change)
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Here’s a little vague info on each- Cus why not I have the notes.
Frolic: they like tap dancing, and have a listening problem.
In the sense of they will do the exact opposite you tell them to.
Daisy:… Temmis reproduce asexually by splitting in half- an attempt to kill one may have merged a certain flowers dna into one of those clones.
Cover: Take more after their cloaked parent in some visual aspects.
Looks up to his mother to the point I’m concerned for his neck.
Mew: Bit of a know it all bitch, and has made it her life goal to hate almost anything that her mama Alphys likes.
Though that’s not to say she cares much for a Catty either.
Gill Sans: Known to fall on his face because of his stupid flippers. Also called J.R by a few.
Jack.L and Jill Bell: Twins (obviously) also known chocoholics (obviously)
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When I'm gone, when I'm go~one; you're gonna miss me when I'm gone...
-Cups (When I'm Gone), by Anna Kendrick
(Artist thoughts and close ups under the cut, image ID in alt text)
I keep getting sucked into the Big Family Feels™ 🥺 and the idea of the Cup Song as a through-line throughout Molly's life, a symbol of unconditional love and happiness and joy that she shares with her whole family, but especially with her mom, because it starts as a sort of pattycake stand-in that turns into a routine, just for the two of them.
And, so, this little page was born! A sort of timeline of Molly's life, shown through song, from the times when she was a baby and Jesse would sit her in his lap on the floor of the nursery, facing Beca, as she sang the song to Jesse's soft harmony (sometimes it was the only way to get the poor girl to calm down from a crying fit); to her childhood, when she decided she wanted to make up her own rhythm to Mommy's song, the foundation of it becoming a routine they'd perform nearly every day; to teaching it to Bender the dog as a young teen, and later her younger brothers, so they could all share it; and finally, to Molly arriving at Barden, with her family there to help move her in, and Beca singing the song to Molly's harmony one last time before she officially leaves the nest and flies.
Not pictured: Molly definitely getting emotional/teary-eyed when she joins the Bellas and finds out the traditional first group harmonizing exercise is to sing the Cup Song together (because they're family too! These girls are going to be her family, just like the og Bellas became Beca's family (and eventually Molly and Bella's too, they have a whole posse of aunts who love them), and, somehow, through time, this little song ties them all together). (No I'm not crying why do you ask 😭😭😭.)
Close ups:
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how do you think the two of them treat kids ? Like arond 10-15 years old
Oh? Hmmm this is a question I wasn't expecting to see this morning-
I'm gonna just assume by 'the two of them' you mean bj and edge-
Well, honestly I assume they're good with kids, the both of them, however Shinya would be a lil more hesitant with the "I don't wanna mess this up and make you upset by accident" and Tsunagu would be more of the "I don't know what you like and don't like but that's okay, you are my child now" type.
Tsunagu is that one eccentric weird uncle figure that rocks up unexpected like "okay, so I bought you a ton of toys/items of interest, snacks, and I also made you a stack of new clothes please try them on, we can go shopping and-"
Shinya is just the chill type of uncle that starts off like "oh god what do I do with this thing, uhhhh" and ends up just popping up out of the blue like "I bought tickets to the movie that you said you wanted to watch, also do you wanna go on a little adventure, we can drop by that shop you wanted to see if ya want- oh also-"
Tsunagu tries to keep them out of trouble, yet somehow makes it worse-
Shinya encourages it. Chaos ensues.
However, if there was a case of them being in danger of some sort/dealing with stuff in school and such.......both of them would be the type to arrive in an instant with "parent instinct, kill mode: activated" and it would be very...dangerous...to say the least.
Anyway, in summary, how are they around kids? Great, fun, they'd spoil the shit out of them and kick anyones ass if they try and bring them harm in any way.
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likesplatterpaint · 2 years
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April 2014, July 2022
Changes on our hands and on our faces
Memories are mapped out by the lines you trace
I’ll see you in the future when we’re older
And we are full of stories to be told
Cross my heart and hope to die
I’ll see you with your laughter lines
I love you, Mike.
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sunlitmcgee · 2 years
OKAY SO NOW THAT I’M AWAKE AND HAVE FULL CONTEXT I JUST WANNA CLARIFY that I’m not /gen angry about the christmas book. I understand now that the stream wasn’t meant to be taken as lore. My anger simply steams from the idea that in universe, a book that holds a child’s thoughts about his trauma is now on display, and that the man who donated it is the same one who has hurt him and enabled his abuse in the past with zero consquences.
I am not angry at cc!Phil
I just think the IDEA of that is upsetting.
It’s the concept and how that item in came relates to in-story lore that’s frustrated me. Sort of like with the Michael and Shroud situations. I apologize if it seems I was coming off as /srs mad at cc!Philza. I am not. I just don’t like his OC and this action’s vague connection to him has brought out the hater in me. I won’t make anymore posts about it unless something comes of it. Again, sorry that it took me a bit to understand, I was tired and late and now I’m tired and it’s early.
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dykehaus · 1 year
can't believe elon is literally being like "quick we can't let people know other social platforms exist"
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mymp3 · 2 years
They’re porting over portable because of
1) FeMC route
and (more significantly)
2) FES was coded for the ps2 and held together by hot glue which makes it really difficult to port (ps2 games are notoriously hard to do much with because of, well, the ps2.)
The downside is that it’s a port of portable, now without all the limitations the psp had which is gonna hurt p3’s story immensely.
I can still hope they add some of the good stuff from FES into the port, but since its not a remake/remaster I’m not sure if they’ll make any changes at all :(
thank you so much for all the ps2 coding info. I've been looking into this and I've seen some people just say they straight up lost the code, and some people say they're not sure. so its nice to have just a solid answer of "held together by hot glue" lol.
it seems like everyone's thinking the same thing in terms of "sure wish they would add some awesome fes stuff over", but its unfortunate that's probably not gonna happen.
all we can do now is hope for the best. :)
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monmoray · 1 year
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☆ miss this </3
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