#it doesn’t hurt that our chemistry is off the charts either lmao
likesplatterpaint · 4 months
Hyper aware that this time ten years ago my life was absolutely drowning in depression and I wasn’t ever sure it would feel like mine- but I had just struck up a friendship with this goofy well dressed blond and finding bright spots of fun, and well maybe I could trust him, he makes me laugh, he’s being sweet to me when mom razes me to the ground…maybe…
Just maybe.
Two ish weeks later we would be “official”
A month and a half later my mom would suddenly die. He didn’t run. He reached a hand out. He made me believe it could be okay, some day.
My life fell apart and we built a new one together that I would not trade for anything in the world.
It’s so much more than okay now.
I love you, Michael.
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findingmyselfatm · 3 years
Astro notes because these typa posts are getting popular
The usual dsiclaimer: I am no professional, take what resonates. Most of these are based off my close friends' charts.
To start off strong, I love venus in Aires. They're so passionate and fun in love, it's amazing. They most likely have a flirty nature with a streak of independence. I know, Aires isn't the best sign for venus, but if that's true why are they so cute??? Ok no jk jk, but for real now. As someone with a libra venus they make my heart go 📈📈. I feel like they're also the type to not want to label their feelings? Especially with some aquarius in the mix.
You have taurus placements? Be my friend rn. They're so down to earth and giving, not the most upfront about it but they care a lot for the people dear to them. Expression is different for every placement, but taurus moon is probably the most clear about it.
To all my mercury in the 9th house and 12th house people, you're not stupid just because these houses aren't considered a comfy place for the planet. Firstly 9th house is literally the house of higher studies and philosophy, I do not see the connection to lack of intelligence. And secondly, the 12th house also represents our subconscious, with mercuy in it, I suspect these people are more rational than they look or than their own expectations.
I have seen some astrology observations saying scorpios are attracted to leos and capricorns and uh, as a scorpio sun and mercury, cut the cams guys. This mix is simply so, good and appealing. The scorpio archetype values loyalty, truth and emotional depth. If there are any signs fit for this, capricorn and leo are among them. They're definitely loyal to their loved ones, not just anybody. They're devoted to their passions and most likely hard working too. What more could my scorpio juno want? (I am planning a juno post btw)
Another thing I have noticed is the observation that Neptune in the 1st/Pisces rising cannot be characterised by others easily. I have neptune in the 1st and yeah. Realistically, everyone acts a little different depending on the environment, but with this placement, I hardly feel like any personality test, kins, or other people's descriptions of me fit unless I tailor them and try to much them all together. I think this is because of Neptune in the 1st's tendency to be chameleon like, not necessarily on purpose. Also perhaps their disconnect from themselves. As someone who likes consistency in character, this sometimes infuriates me. If anyone else with these placements feels like this too, a word of advice is to accept the chameleon nature. It is human nature as well, not just astrology. Also, one single placement does not define your entire identity, so don't worry about it. If you wish to change something, maybe use neptune in the 1st's ability to change according to an ideal >:)
Find someone with their mars sign as your eros sign, or vice versa, if you're looking for physical/sexual attraction. Eros in mythology is the son of Aphrodite and Ares, Venus and Mars, he is basically the ultimate physical attraction placement. F.e: my best friend has mars in aquarius, and I have aquarius eros. Our chemistry is strong haha- and I have another friend whose eros was in capricron, and they obsessed over a guy with capricorn mars.
Talking about capricorn mars, I feel like it gets over-sexualised in the astrology community but for a good reason- ok no jk. These people have a great potential for an amazing work ethic, and really have a no bullshit attitude. I bet you can see why people thirst over them, right?
If there is one mars sign that always manages to piss me off, it's either gemini, pisces or aquarius mars. Gemini mars attacks you with their words, they most likely know where to hurt you. Aquarius mars is like this as well, but a whole lot more stubborn in the face of opposition. Meanwhile pisces mars is passive and they simply do not engage, which can leave people a little irritated (it's me, I'm people). However I believe these mars signs have a lot of positives as well. Gemini mars is very observant and witty, that's how they strike where it hurts. Aquarius mars is usually confident in their opinions, and pisces mars is great at mediating conflict when they don't run from it.
People say Jupiter in the 11th makes someone popular, meanwhile me, with this placements standing here with a friendgroup of at most 5 people. Ok no jk again. I get that it depends a lot on other factors. That's why I think Jupiter in the 11th makes someone jovial and easy to approach.
To all my other moon in the 12th house people, do you ever have moment when you respond emotionally to a situation you weren't expecting to? Like, where did that come from? I'll make a longer post on this, but I believe being in the 12th house, emotional workings are hidden and when they arise they are unexpected.
"Moon conjunct Saturn are unemotional" nah nah, they don't show they are emotional. Moon conjunct Saturn people can be extremely emotional just like anyone can, but they keep their feelings on a leash, to hell with it if they'd let them out lmao. Of course, they open up to the people they truly trust, which makes them very guarded but less likely to get stuck in a blackmail typa situation.
Chiron conjunct mars people have to heal some wounds regarding their anger. Perhaps they have internalised anger, or they express it too outwardly and hurt others without knowing. I sense there are some issues with figuring out where the blame stands (blame themselves too much or too little). Mars is also about protecting your own, so these people are most likely very guarded in terms of their issues and trauma.
Is it me or do we tend to have a love hate relationship with the sign of our descendant? I have Leo descendant and my experience with Leo sun signs isn't that great, however I am in love with leo moons even if they sometimes piss me off lmao- a friend of mine has Sagittarius descendant, and she said she doesn't like Sagittarius placements. And then she got a crush on someone with a Sagittarius stelluim-
And thay concludes it. Thanks for reading, and feedback is always welcome!
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