#Gene Wesson
travsd · 2 years
What About the Wesson Brothers?
Today would be the 100th birthday of comedian actor Gene Wesson (1921-1975), older brother of Dick Wesson (1922-1996) and together they were the Wesson Brothers. I became aware of them when I came across a clip with Gene Wesson in a comedy routine on a tv variety shows with Keefe Brasselle and naturally I became inqusitive. They are often described as a “vaudeville comedy team”, but they came…
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wahwealth · 4 months
Madge Evans, John Boles, Bruce Cabot | Sinners In Paradise (1938) Full M...
Sinners in Paradise is a 1938 US. South Seas adventure film directed by James Whale.  The stars of the movie are Madge Evans, John Boles, Bruce Cabot, Marion Martin, and Gene Lockhart. A passenger aircraft crashes in mid-Pacific and some of the survivors reach an island inhabited only by an American, Jim Taylor, with his Chinese servant, Ping. He declines to help them, telling them to build their own shelter and gather their own food and, though he has a boat and fuel, refusing to take them off. The reason why he wants to remain undisturbed, we learn, is that he is wanted for murder. In time his attitude to the intruders softens as they, despite endless bickering, manage to form a working community and he finds himself increasingly drawn to an attractive young nurse, Anne Wesson, who is running away from her husband. When the boat is prepared for a trip to civilization, two crooked businessmen from the party steal it with Ping on board. In a fight, he kills them both and, fatally wounded, brings the boat back. The rest can then escape. Cast Madge Evans as Anne Wesson John Boles as Jim Taylor Bruce Cabot as Robert Malone aka The Torpedo Marion Martin as Iris Compton Gene Lockhart as Sen. Corey Charlotte Wynters as Thelma Chase Nana Bryant as Mrs. Franklin Sydney Milburn Stone as Honeyman Don 'Red' Barry as Jessup (as Donald Barry) Morgan Conway as Harrison Brand Willie Fung as Ping Never miss a video. Join the channel so that Mr. P can notify you when new videos are uploaded: https://www.youtube.com/@nrpsmovieclassics
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neuropathicgypsy · 5 years
According to the Presidency, Brett Connolly, Mike Andrews and xpp were all executed with the massive coronary.
It was like an explosion...
I will be honest, we had Mike Andrews first then xpp in custody and Brett coming in the night before. And Jesse mutilated the bodies to prevent the return of their souls into the bodies they most previously had.
Jesse does believe in reincarnation. And as does his other two "children" or followers, friends if you will.
As i said, 6 months ago, i did not believe in reincarnation but i have been convinced.
Who is Brett Connolly? A secret agent placed with my aunt that took custody of the children of my cousin's. And had Killed Alex's dog because he thought he was homosexual and/or having sex with me. He was just jealous. But also abusive and manipulative and created pain and hard ship for everyone he met. He was indeed a terrorist.
The Queen was well aware as to what Jesse had done to whom.
Jeremiah got beat very badly but he suffered no major injuries just a face nearly beyond recognition only due to bruises. I had seen through my vision,however that wss incorrect, the image was from the past from when one of our children had been murdered, trying to save them, but he continued to fight despite those injuries. 1992. In 2019 he refused the beating as I had sent to Jesse in the email. But Jesse has i understood was a willing participant.
However, the president is correct that Jesse wss screaming and crying and whimpering. That is why i had sent the email as he was absolutely terrified it was his turn to be beat. So i assured him he would be and that it wasn't just him, everyone hurting others for fun or being dumb and neglectful and not listening and communicating respectfully would get their beating as Jeremiah promised he would be here in one hour but then had not bothered to do as he had offered to, after 8 hours and he gave me fierce attitude.
Declan did agree in the hate towards Jeremiah But as i often do, it was only a metaphysical beating, as is fair. Declan stood with me in my anger towards Jeremiah, later after my nap, Jesse confessed to his role to cause Jeremiah's beating.
There was an attempt to beat, however, it was much like spanking my child, no matter the force behind it, it was impossible to damage Jeremiah through physical force.
And so the president did announce for me confirmation of the dead as i was unsure, exactly, and people were getting temper when i asked.
All employees are to continue as they were, i sent announcement to the WWC and it was approved by Alexis Dejoria and the Queen Elizabeth II of England and Uncle Donald and the rest of our business committee. There should not be any uneasiness as nothing shall change immediately in regards to pay or benefits. An additional team of accountants will be hired to oversee all accounts of Jesse's as i am the sole heir of his businesses, per the only known will of Jesse Gregory James. From 1986 before he became the financial man he is today due to his murdering and my willingness to share finances with all those harmed by Jesse.
However, i do have some remodeling of Walt Disney World, Florida in aesthetics (interior design, only) and i will speak to the accountant and those running Disney World (for themselves as i do not own) to see how benefits shall be increased for the businesses i am heir to.
As this is a favor to Jesse and those employed by him to increase productivity and enhance life's happiness.
Please email [email protected] if you are interested in the reincarnation of yourselves. We complete verification of your natural right to leave your current body via a pearl handled Smith & Wesson incurred by me in Egypt at the Fabulous Tree. Thus we know you are not following correct life duties to the best way you could and will be given training as Jesse is in order to obtain the correct body placement location in order to be raised by the correct type of royalty in order to better understand the complications and rights of principle matters. Jesse will likely appear to you when you write unless he is too scared to leave my side where i am extremely busy. Thus the emails will be read and sorted according to location and ability to extract you to be tested and verified. I am informed you will not receive a reply but The United Nations will designate who will be picked up when and will also service as your transportation to ensure your safety to the correct location. Please understand the location you will be left in will have blood due to Jesses heart explosion as well as the 3 others so you should feel a comfort from the sight as it will be your turn next.
As far as I understand the Armored Combat League will be those to assist in your absence of body due to their mass knowledge of History of medieval and older times. Other people will be witness to the massacre. So you will have average regular people there as well to oversee. Such as Alexis was there to see her husband "pass". She is willing to wait until his soul is transported to its proper location. She was attempted to be verified but the pearls went around her and not through. Thus her powers are still needed and Jesse himself did verify this information before his explosion.
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Do not disturb Alexis as she is extremely busy and during extractions it can be extremely dangerous as the souls need to be in a primitive state and has been through extreme training through Jesse's yoga. She is one of the very few that have succeeded the training qualifications and exceeded expectations as using a creek near their home to represent and symbolize the Nile and completed witches training by surviving old time tradition of "sink or swim"
However most other souls cannot pass the minimum of my requirements to begin the training that some of us survived in 1988 as children.
For those unsure, Thanksgiving is when Denise will display the properties of the Smith and Wesson. As she will receive her training by those whom have finalized the cannon shot's research. I did not as i gave the pistol to the Smithsonian for research due to Jesse's theft of the weapon, adding 26 pounds to the 400 pound weight.
Any one wanting to achieve this process of reincarnation must sign a waiver to life before any testing for eligibility will be preformed... This is also a duplex to the government making assisted suicide legal in countries all over the world!.
Without the waiver you will be held in contempt of due process of life and death. It's much like a citizens arrest. If you leave no one will stop you, yet you would want to complete the aggravating puzzle as curiosity will be nagging, as per usual. Thus if you leave you will not have criminal charges pressed on you. As it is considered a "Citizen's Arrest" but every one will point and laugh at you for being chicken.
All this is allowable due to 33 years of research. Of many dark corners of souls and the globe and outer space and "Heaven".
To allow Jesse more comfort we do the Lord's prayer, much like Todd Chrisley getting into the trunk. As Jesse fears Heaven over reinstating into a living body.
However as the world turns, Heaven will be inserted into the bodies of the non living. Zombie Apocalypse anyone? Not me! Thus the ability of Heaven possessed by God will assist in the bodies to become non Zombie like and will fulfil the full needs of a body's prefection and beauty. Thus the greed one feels now will be replaced with gratitude. Thus easier to complete 180° 360° of which we need 360 pure souls and body mass/skulls in a pagan-ish circle with 180 souls in line to get the qualities their souls need in order to complete the 15° Earth tilt correction and to ensure life of the rainbow's existence to promise no souls will be sent to Earth without all proper equipment.
Thus service is rendered with complete documents completed in an honest and timely manner. If lies or unwillingness is present in the ink of your pen, then it will establish an indecency in the ability to do as Mother Earth commands and likely you will be condemned thus you must allow freedom into your heart.
I cannot sign for either team. I don't have it yet. Although this above video did allow me to want to hug the president and have a faint desire to jump and celebrate.
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We have soulmate research to complete literature thus women are allowed to be included in this event.
Children born after 1989 are expected to be pure, yet we will not exactly want to use them, however many are adults thus we will allow them to fill ins needed for back up if 360 participants are not involved.
If i often yell at you or your attendee following your instructions and I have not been able help you correct your actions, you have something missing. Just like Down Syndrome children, whom have an extra 21st chromosome, many people are missing a likely 121st gene or have a mutation of the 360th. Genes are coded into letters but we do have the gene information reworded into numbers so mathematicians like myself can assess the alter ego, both good and bad to volunteer how to successfully transform this gene and make evolution more effective instead of physical chemicals to create a grest physical body, we will cause evolutionary growth to include real life issues like pain causing the drige thru McDonald's life thus a 595 calorie big Mac (2010) will mean you need to progress digitally and/or metaphysically in order to burn calories. Thus bandwidth and measurements of internet gigabites used will be how you measure your expected caloric growth -- yet sitting at a desk working as we all know will mutate to the form of the chair causing a "shelf ass" like Winnie the pooh in one of my favorite childhood episodes. So you're inputting files or accounting or encoding or just writing a blog that is healthy and beneficial, leaving honest and positive comments on social media to improve overall growth and mental health will cause you to be mentally healthier as well and will cause the ability to burn calories. And also learning from healthy internet or just playing games while thinking with positivity will allow you to dictate to God how you would like your body. "God, i want bigger tits, add the big Mac into those" "God stop! My ass is huge as it is but look there's a lump" which then means you must massage it yourself to stimulate the nerves leading from the brain and brain stem (I'll check the correct brain center as we know the Pons is assisting in body reassignment thus the pons is saved and removed.. I'm sure it doesn't come from the frontal lobe but brain center between eyes and ears where they intersect in that area of the brain) so that the body has complete retention of information. Neck stimulation for me is important as i do feel the ache now down to the end of my major nerve "veins" in the top of my self ass.
Yes i had to ruin my body for science. I'm not happy about it So I know i will regurgitate into a new body otherwise I have commanded my soul body to turn to star dust to create a new galaxy. We will see what happens cause right now i am SUPER ANGRY at Jeremiah for not listening and being a chicken shit. Thus I must leave the pain So that larger chunks exist and can multiply in a more complete manner. Science dude. Look up embryos. And biology. Its biophysics. I'm actually not crazy although it certainly sounds like it.
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All that said I would like to invite myself and Uncle Donald and my daughter to receive Mohawks sometime soon in one of the game shows. I saw he wants to look younger. So i would like to remove the color from his hair and do a Mohawk.
As so he can relate to the millennium generation and recreate a 1980s punk look for him as do He can relate to also the middle aged such as my self and humor our older generations. As well as illegal aliens to state he does understand the willingness and desire to drastically change a way of life and so to allow them to recognize they are allowed to Legally live in our country. This i want as a caption under the video/photo of his dramatic change. As i believe many people do not understand that he's not picking at his wife and that she's a legal resident and he's stating his pride in her fir following the country rules.
And so we can do a poll of sorts or something game wise while also adding in beauty information such as color removal from hair, quality of white hair (I know mine is from bleaching highlights as a teen). And also so many questions about his actual hair can be revealed. If necessary we will add in a weave. I think this will surpass Elizabeth Warren whom I'm actually in love with in hopes that also he will give her runner up benefits to have her in office as an advisor thus allowing our first female president to be voted in, unless Milana runs with... He can be Vice, i think... Or a double female team!
But i just know Elizabeth will be amazing for our country and can take on major issues the president has as the president has actually done a great job behind the scenes.
I really would like to expose him for who he is as Writing often will mislead a reader.
One reason we love Obama is he let his hair down so to speak after his retirement from the Oval Office.
And if he so wished for a tad evil trick, he could establish pretending to be a punk ass Democrat. With his 1980s look.
It's not too hard for me to defend the president as i do know him personally and now his "odd ways" as a New Yorker is vastly vastly different from rural life and his ways actually do need explanation, even to Native New Yorkers, such as the way he wears his overcoat.
So i would like to advise a website from thr President and his wife entitled "Punk Ass Life Hacks"
Or butt if preferred.
And also keep Twitter for professional use. The website for personal relations.
So a page for each of them then a random jumble page which is automated per user and will have president tricks and tips in blue on and the Madame in pink and they ones they share or don't remember the origin in purple.
As God actually will adjust the information per user thus the tips and tricks more relating to the user will be available to the reader. Thus truly enabling the Presidency to truly help each and every American and international humans.
And i would like to add in the kids also. Green for whole family tips. Colors like aqua and light turquoise for the sons and for his favorite daughter of mine, orange (US COAST GUARD life preserver color) and shades of yellow for all other females.
Black background is easier on the eyes.
Now for each individual page I would like to have a papyrus color, so a sepia with darkened edges much like the constitution with normal bold black type. I prefer gothic style
Such as
But any would do... Slight cursive as it's actually still not taught.
Type writer font as well. Per type of life hack.
So a slight cursive for safety hacks thus children cannot read the constitution or any historical documents! So a slight fancy
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So what we will want to do is teach cursive. So
The brown fox ran exactly as quantum physics described, because little foxes follow rules.
Will be followed by the same sentence in print so they can see the difference in lettering.
Thus the reader will learn the proper way to connect letters and change the ones necessary into cursive.
Thus the print must be exact. It must be the exact cursive that is to be taught, I do not recommend the Tumblr cursive as the o is misleading to be an A.
Now Elizabeth Warren, she will use a font such as "Historic" in the above image as it attempts to connect the letters yet also combines print. Its a casual contemporary font. As she will be learning to be president. And relating to people as she's more an open book.
The jumble page will have "use a magnet to take the lid off............... ~Uncle Donald" yes!! It says Uncle Donald, Uncle Sam!!
So in the menu tab it will be all family members listened for a direct link to the page. Then an open second menu tab under "others" Elizabeth has her font and my heart so definitely her name comes up then you have a mix page of "others" like Clinton's i do not respect their outer image saying "cheat on your wife and don't let her leave you" they statute abuse. So they do not have their own page. Bernie will have his own page and direct second menu link as well as Bill Nye the Science guy. And other historical people.
On computers it can be a side menu, phones a pop down with the 3 lines is usual but this will be an eagle button with a ribbon in it's mouth like an old tattoo look saying "more"
Very colorful tattoos for children eyes but also very informative and professional looking.
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Janda Cheerful would be a perfect one for Madam Millana. As it is hand writing like and the encouragment to try and grow. Plus her voice has its own accents, so it's time get to know her a bit better, if she has good handwriting use hers please, if it's too difficult to read have her write the brown fox after the perfect cursive then the print.
Have every one do it. That way put it over the child lines that are two solid lines with the dots in the middle. Make it an easy pop up for phones. So we aren't perfect but we are as close as possible.
Like the top and bottom of the page.
Now kitchen life hacks i want in actual print handwriting. Theres apps of course and programs to help get penmanship to digital.
So get a really good one....
Like one that picks the average -- write sentences and single letters and etc then develops the most used way. Wherre you cross the T and etc. The military will have such program.
Like Tumblr recognizes the different fonts here the webpage will also so th3 font will load. That's the web designers job to make it work to prefection.
This way it makes it personal. So that is for food/kitchen hacks.
As children one of the most important lessons is to learn to cook. Old handwritten recipies passed down from generation to generation.
We can do a food page, recipes on little note cards (index) with tattoos stamped on in same handwriting. But i prefer the most pure recipes. Like low calorie whipped topping and fruit or yogurt and fruit, not Diet food. Health food. Enchiladas are fine but not dio th3 tortilla in oil then layer in the pan. They dont 3ven need hydration! But like chicken breast rolled in crushed chips
So the title is
Oh! You crushed your chips?!
Grab a boneless skinless chicken breast or fish or meat from freezer/fridge.
Defrost in micro/sink/hot water or use George Forman grill and just run under fresh water from sink
Roll in crushed chips, bake or grill, or use a skillet pan on stove top until meat is all white all the way through at thickest part
Then follow in legit directions and amounts measured as if we are teaching a nervous child who needs exact information.
1 cup crushed chips into red pepper sized flakes to powder size
3 chicken breast (raw or cooked)
Grill: raw cook: time precooked cook: time
Bake etc etc etc.
So that's all for now. I know I'm not the only intellectual in the room.
We can develop more during Mohawk time.
And so anyone else steal this idea,I'll find you and sho2 you 2hst lif3 is about.
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In the event that Uncle Donald does not win the next election, the site will continue for eternity. Each new president making modifications to their own page.
Thus each person will have the log in to their own pages to edit. Like Obama and Bernie... They log into their own page and has the tools to adjust and add pictures etc.
Template easy style. Like word perfect. Or Any app.
The current first lady will have the pink or her choice. I recommend hot pink, neon or carnation. The current president will have Royal Blue. Too sexist may be
Or red white and blue does make more sense. So current President flag blue. First lady flag red and all others flag white with a twinge of yellow and orange for the current white house's children/grandchildren. That is for the jumble page. Sun shining on flag.
So then personal pages will be color choices. Mel hates pink so... But the font color is always there and another choice must be 5 shades different. So say She wants brown. She picks her fave and so Obama must have at least 5 shades different. So in 10 years she wants to change. So make sure its 5 shades different and there will be a simple easy to use program which will omit colors already being used. So she could change daily. Also we will see how many colors she wants. So it will be a theme coordinated color scheme. Also she wants to change to a thanksgiving theme to Christmas to 4th of July she can.
But we want to easily recall colors, so Mel picks color: j92848 well then Donald Jr can never have it.
Then as time goes on, the similar shades will be released. So 5 spaces the middle color spaced will be released.
This is due to my amnesia and recovery. So someone is in the kitchen... Me. And I'm like Idk how I do this!!! But i recall her handwriting but i can't grip what I saw... But the sponge i use foe the sink is the same exact color!!! And it sparks those cells in me and i can spring into,action perfectly!
So while it seems suoer strict and crazy anal and annoying for the blog user, it is actually the best way for people to help themselves when without a computer.
Its not a perfect system but for me it helps.
So when colors are ran out, then we stsrt again fresh as in 30 years not every one will read what Uncle Donald said. So it won't matter to reuse.
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Using a scientist to break down the color wheel will assist in miraculous ways. I don't really know how. Like i can't create a web page... Without a template.
But according to how specific the colors sre broke down... To w microscopic level or a person without their glasses on will make the difference in color choices.
We Will have a scientist develop this.
Now over time this will all take with handwriting and etc.
So simply follow the stated template type and then we will make the official changes as we can. And it will break the internet if announced!
And also the Queen of England has her own punk style that is used all over the world.
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justkending · 6 years
A True Wesson. Part 23.
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Chapter Summary: Someone comes to visit you in your dreams...
Pairing: Eventual Dean x Reader/OFC (Kendall)
Warning: Cussing.
Word Count: 3199
A/N: Really excited for this one, because I got to show you how I see mother nature. ENJOY!!! :)
Series Masterlist
Part 23:
You woke up with a jump. Where were you? You definitely weren’t sitting on the leather seats of the impala. Your hands fell to the ground to help you sit up. Soil and grass ran through your fingers.
You rubbed your blurry eyes looking around. You found yourself in a beautiful green field with nothing surrounding it but stunning mountains, flowing rivers, and a multi-colored trees scattered. You got up to your feet, and started turning in a circle to get the full view of where you were.
Straight north of you was a giant tree that had beautiful flowers, and vibrant green leaves cascading down to the dirt on the ground. A willow tree. Your favorite type of tree.
You felt pulled to it, and started slowly walking to it, but never let your guard down. You were ready if anything decided to pop out of the tall grass that you were easing through.
Once you reached it, you moved some of the branches laced with blooms of flowers out of the way. It was so thick of leaves and wisp that once you were inside it was like the rest of the world was cast out. There were streams of light making its way in to shine on the inside.
You looked up at the beauty you were inside of and a smile made its way on your face. You didn’t know how to explain it, but a feeling of warmth, serenity, and security washed over you.
As you scoped out the tree, you started making your way to the main trunk of it. It was wide and firm where it stood, and fell over a lake of some sort.
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Slowly, you started to reach your hand out to touch the bark. There was an energy emitting from it that was calling out to you, and you just… needed… to lay a hand on it.
Inches away from the bark, the energy was getting stronger.
As soon as your palm touched it a spark of electricity and light flowed through you. You took in a deep breath and closed your eyes as you breathed it all in. The force of it all.
“I see you found my favorite tree. Impressive.” A charming voice said behind you.
As fast as you were thrown into the calmness of the world around you, you were thrown back out. You spun on your heels going for any weapon that you kept on you, but finding none of them there. With that option gone you stood in defense mode as you looked at the women standing where you had walked in earlier.
She was gorgeous. Like so stunning words could never live up to the description of her. She had long curly brunette hair that shined and flowed to her mid back. She was wearing a floor length fitted silk dress that was ivory colored, and laid on her shoulders as the sleeves hung off of them loosely. You couldn’t tell from where you were standing but the whole back of the dress was open, and fell down over the rest of the dress. She had a crown on that was laced throughout her hair, and was intertwined with flowers and green leaves. Her eyes were a bright green, but changed to different shade of green depending on how the light hit them. She had freckles scattered over her sun kissed skin, and stood with her arms folded in front of her.
“Who are you?” you tried saying in an intimidating voice but it came out more curious and stunned than anything.
“I don’t allow weapons here Kendall. There is no need for violence where we are. It’s safe and secure.” She said starting to walk, but not to you just around the space you were in. “You surprise me Kendall. I didn’t expect to find you here.” She hummed.
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You followed her but kept up your stance, and kept a distance from her.
“You never answered my question.” You said sternly. “Who are you?”
“Now, that’s a silly question isn’t it.” She said turning back to you and stopping. You following suit. “You know exactly who I am.”
You paused. You knew, but you felt stupid saying it out loud. What if you were wrong?
“It’s not stupid Kendall, and you’re not wrong.” She spoke up.
You straightened at her comment, but immediately went back to fighting stance again.
“How did you know I was thinking that?”
“Go on. Just say who I am, so we can skip the whole introduction stuff.” She said ignoring your question.
“Mother Natu-“ you started slowly.
“It’s actually Mother Earth.” She said turning her back to you and going to walk again. “Not quite sure when it changed to Mother Nature, but same thing I suppose.” She lifted some of the wisp from the tree, before she motioned for you to follow her out. “You can call me Gaia though. That’s what everyone who knows me calls me.” She smiled a graceful smile before leaving through the leaves.
You stepped toward where she left, but paused looking around where you were again.
“What the hell have I gotten myself into now?” you said looking up, and sighing as you walked out to follow her.
“I will say, no one has ever come here before.” She said as you walked out. She started walking through the plane that you were on.
“Why did you say you were impressed to see me here?” you asked just wanting questions answered. “And where exactly is here?” you looked around.
“Oh, I should probably elaborate.” She turned to you. “Here follow me.”
You did as ask, not so on edge now that you knew who it was. You were still iffy on if you could trust her, but you needed answers so you followed.
“I visit every single Mother Nature before they become- well… me.” She said stopping to smile at you.
You were both walking up a hill as she talked.
“Every single one takes me to a different place in my kingdom. That’s where we are now.” She motioned to your surrounding. “Technically, your body is sleeping on earth, but your soul is here. Anyway, there are infinite places that your self-conscious will drop you off, and some spots more popular than others depending on the person. Yours happened to drop you off at my favorite spot.” She said pointing at the willow tree that was about 50 meters away now.
“Why is that your favorite?” you asked.
She stopped abruptly, and eventually turned back to you with a soft grin.
“You’re asking all the right questions.” She said looking deep into your y/e/c eyes. “But let’s leave that for another time. Though one of my favorite stories, we only have so much time together.” She picked up her dress and started walking up the hill again.
“Where are we going now?” you said stomping behind her.
“I want to show you the grounds of my kingdom. We can see everything that I need you too from up here. We can sit and talk too.”
“What’s there to-“ you cut yourself off as you looked out into the magical world that she had created. “Wow.” Was all you could say.
Your breath hitched as you looked at all the beautiful colors and views that surrounded you. Some you didn’t even know existed.
It was a wide open landscape of trees, mountains, rivers, flowers, everything you could think of that makes up nature, and even multiple suns in the sky. The sky was mainly blue, but in certain areas there were colors mixed and combined to create layers in the sky. It was all so captivating, and truly hard to explain with words.
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“Stunning isn’t she?” she said nudging her shoulder with yours.
You hadn’t realized she was so close to you, but you didn’t budge you were in a pure state of awe trying to take it all in. You also hadn’t picked up a sense of danger or evil from her so your walls came down enough show you weren’t going to fight. You were just curious and wanted to ask questions at this point.
“How- is this even- I can’t even- what? I just- this is all so-“ you couldn’t get the words out.
“I know.” She said smiling and folding her hands in front of her. “Let’s sit.” She motioned next to you where two tree stumps had appeared. “I know you have questions, so I’ll let you ask them, but we only have a little bit together, and I need to inform you on something as well.” She said as she took a seat.
You followed over and took a seat on the stump next to her as you kept looking out into the view.
“How is this all even possible?” you said with your mouth open.
“Time. Ideas. Patience. Most of all Peace.” She said smiling back at her creation.
You finally broke from your view and looked at her. Her once brown hair, had an auburn glow from how the sun was hitting it. Yours changed shades too if you sat in the right light, but you never understood why or how.
“So you’re Mother N-“ she gave you a look with a raised eyebrow. “Gaia, sorry.”
She giggled and went to look back out at her creation again.
“It’s fine, but yes. I am Gaia. Otherwise known as Mother Nature or Mother Earth.” She nodded. “Depends who you ask.” She said turning back to you.
“Why me?” you asked quicker than you expected.
“Simple. You are a descendent of me.” She said. “I may have had my fair share of men, and had quite a few kids.” She shrugged not bothered. “They found love, and had their kids, and then they had their kids and well… you know how it goes from there.”
“But if you’ve been around for what? Since the beginning of time? The amount of blood connection I have to you is barely existent.” You said never looking away from her.
“Yes, but if you got it you got it.” She shrugged again. “I’m honestly surprised the gene stuck with a human.”
“What do you mean?”
“Well, you can have the gene of me, but if your body can’t contain it, it can fade as you get older. That’s what happened to your mother. Or, like you, if you have it and can contain it, then it will grow with you as you age.”
“So, my body is strong enough to hold it? Once I get all my powers I will be able to handle them.” You said thinking out loud.
“More like wield them not handle, but no.” you cocked her head at her. “Yes, your body can contain them now, and you have done well controlling them to this point, but there is a chance that once they come in full swing… You may not be able to hold them all.” She paused and saw the look of concern on your face return. “But, you my dear…” she said grabbing your hand in hers. The same warmth from the tree over took you again with her touch. “You are special. There is a pretty good chance you will be able to accept them.”
“Ok, I’m lost.” You said shaking your head.
She gripped your hand a little tighter.
“Let me put it this way.” She took a deep breath. “I wasn’t sure a human would ever be able to wield the powers that I posses. But the fact that you are where you are now proves differently. You have aged to almost 26 and have not lost them. You have only grown with them. You are strong little one. One of the strongest I’ve seen since… Me, I guess.” She laughed. “And the fact that you popped up at my favorite spot in my palace verifies it.”
“As I said before your soul goes where it is most drawn to. Where it’s power is stored. Yours took you to my first creation.” She said looking back down the hill at the willow tree in the distance. “No one has ever come up there.” She turned back to you. “But you did. You posses the same powers and strength I did when I first came to be.” She said giving you a proud smile.
“You’re saying I have the same strength as you when you were first created? Isn’t that like… a lot?” you said stunned.
“Yeah, that’s why I’m just as shocked as you. I mean,” she huffed out a laugh. “I was a goddess. You’re a human. Even the first descendants who took after me didn’t hold that much power.”
“Shit.” You muttered under your breath as you looked down trying to process everything. “Ok, but how do I control it all?”
“That I can’t help you with as much.” She said sadly. “That’s something I have to let take its course. You know goddess of balance in nature and all.” She said motioning to herself. “But I will say that I have high hopes for you Kendall. You aren’t like the others, I can tell. Everyone goes into this blind, but you. You have experience in the whole supernatural aspect of it all. It’s going to help you in the end.”
“Why me though? Why did you quit this job, huh?” you asked a little frustrated. “Did it not come with health benefits or something? Is that why?” you said with a pout.
“Wow, you really have been spending a lot of time with that Dean Winchester haven’t you?” she scoffed as she shifted in her seat to become more comfortable.
“What do you know about Dean-“ you started but she ignored you.
“I left because I found love. Plus, it’s exhausting. Why else do you think I have the job filter people out eventually? People lose interest and start half-assing things, and it all becomes mayhem.” She said with a huff looking back at the view.
“Yes, a mortal.” She said looking down now. She took a deep breath and looked up before continuing. “Millenniums into my ‘job’, if you want to call it that, I found one man that made me happy, and giddy inside.” You looked at you with a smirk. “You know how that goes right?” she said with a knowing smile.
“I don’t love any guy-“ you scoffed.
“Anyway,” again she ignored you. “After all those years of taking care of the world, I finally met him. I thought it was just puppy love at first like all the other men I had been with, but… there was something different. He made me think, made me crazy, even made me melt.” She paused. “I talked to Dad.” She turned to you. “God as you know him. He told me I had a duty, and that was to keep harmony on earth, I shouldn’t be distracted. Of course being the stubborn person I was, am actually, I fought dad on it.” She crossed her legs and leaned back on the stump. “He finally gave in seeing how heart broken I was.”
“Then what?” you said getting into the story.
She giggled at your interest. “Dad made me a mortal.”
“Then how are you-“
“The man I thought I loved was just using me. Wanted to tap into my power. Use it for himself. I gave up everything for him and he betrayed me.”
“I would’ve kicked his ass if I were you.” You said without thinking. “Sorry, go on.”
She laughed loudly. “Trust me I did. Even as a mortal I was stronger than most.”
You both laughed at that before she continued the story.
“Anyhow, I ran back to dad. Angry that I had fell that easily for someone, and was blinded in not seeing his true colors.” She sighed. “Dad gave me back my powers knowing what would happen would happen, but making me experience it anyway. I became sad. Depressed that I just had to sit and watch everyone else fall in love while I sat by and ‘maintain order,’ as dad said. Years went on, and he saw my pain. He told me that I could pass the job down if I wanted, but there were conditions.”
“What were they?” you were on the edge of your seat.
“I couldn’t be a full God. I had to give up half my power.
“And I did. I had already had my fun, and created quite a bit of family trees, so I created this place for me to come and take a vacation for the rest of eternity.” She said waving her hands around her. “My only other condition, was to keep an eye out for the rest of Mother Earths to come. Make sure they were keeping the balance and not wreaking havoc.”
“Has there been any that take their powers and use it for the wrong things or their own ways?”
“Yes, and I struck them down immediately.” She said turning to you and giving you a stern look. “So if you do end up being able to prove yourself Kendall, don’t think I won’t come after you if you do things for your own selfish reasons. There is an order to everything, and it needs to be played out as is.”
You nodded. She was intimidating.
“Good.” She said switching to a smile. “Now we are running out of time. Any other questions?”
She got up and started walking to the willow tree.
“How long will I have to do it for?” you asked. “If I make it that is.”
“As long as I say.”
“I don’t get any say in it.”
“You do in a way. But that’s for me to know, and you to find out.”
“But I’m human. My lifespan is nothing compared to a Goddess or other supernatural creatures.” You said speed walking to catch up with her.
“Yes, but I will keep you around as long as I feel suits you.” She turned to you and gently grabbed your chin to look at her. “You will stay young for as long as you want. Then when the time comes, whether that be by me or something else taking you, then it comes.”
“I won’t be immortal?”
“No, you still have human in you dear. But if you did your research you know that one of the main powers I possess is of healing. Get injured, just heal up.” She said still walking.
“Ok, but what about the Demon?” you shouted stopping in your tracks.
She had reached the tree and had started to part the wisp to enter, but stopped abruptly. She looked down.
“Zagan.” She mumbled, but you still heard it.
You walked up to her quickly.
“What did you say?” you said searching for her eyes.
She looked up and dropped her grip on the curtain of leaves she was holding.
“Zagan, he’s the demon that’s been on your back.”
“How do you know about him?”
She let out a long sigh before folding her arms.
“He was the one that broke my heart at the beginning.” She said quietly.
@shamelesslydean @sleepless-sin @unabashedsoul97@sandlee44@gripmetight-raisemefromperdition@cabbagewithissues@supersleepygoat@anotherwaywardsister@spnwoman @ravengirl94 @carryonmywaywardcaptain@ezilyamuzed@thosekidswhohuntmonsters@purpleskiesandcherrypies@anise-d-castle6 @adoptdontshoppets @casper57x@tailsoflightning@spookycowz@eve05glee@snffbeebee@angelessquirrel@mirandaaustin93@natura1phenomenon @tftumblin @gh0stgurl@screechingartisancashbailiff @kersumgen
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captainsupernoodle · 2 years
marvel-esque 10+-years-later stranger things continuation where superpowers start popping up in the general world in the nineties - whether related to the upside-down or all the experiments people are trying to do to get to the upside-down or whatever combo of drugs and genes that led to the numbers or all three, take your pick.
the important part is that there are random people throughout the US who are. a little too comfortable with the new status quo?
people start making lois lane jokes about the investigative reporter who - well, she already had a somewhat comic-book style casual relationship with journalistic ethics, she's relentless, and her version of superman is a smith & wesson revolver she carries in her purse and a proficiency for improvised weaponry. And molotov cocktails. the lois lane jokes don't stop, but she's the person a lot of people with powers or a supernatural infestation in their back yard call for help.
there's a PE teacher who makes the news for fighting off a group of mutated alligator-dog things with baseball bat he pulled out of his trunk when he was driving home from grocery shopping and saw a couple kids about to be ambushed. he stayed with the kids until the ambulance arrived, gave them all his number, reportedly told the paramedic he "didn't even hit his head this time," and that he had milk in the car before driving off.
the news doesn't know about the time he stopped a basketball game to help a panicking powered student calm down, rallied the team around them, taught them and their family some coping mechanism and control exercises, and stonewalled the people in dark suits who showed up at the school the next day.
there's a photographer who sometimes shows up after people call nancy for help. he's not exactly great at comfort, but he's observant, a good listener, asks a series of strange questions, and is extremely, incredibly patient. he also occasionally pops up after long periods of disappearing with systematic evidence of people kidnapping powered folks or trying to recreate the MKUltra experiments.
Nobody really knows about the women that all three of them work with. She appears and disappears without leaving a trace, walking into police stations and black sites and labs and out again with whatever she wants to take, as easy as picking the locks. she seems to work with a hacker who takes care of cameras and security systems, but if someone needs to run, steve or nancy or jonathan tell them to look for the blue butterfly.
0 notes
nutloading305 · 3 years
Virtua Cop 3 For Pc
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Virtua Cop 3Developer(s)Sega AM2Publisher(s)SegaPlatform(s)ArcadeReleaseMarch 2003Genre(s)Light gun shooter, First-personrail shooterMode(s)Single-player, multiplayerArcade systemSega Chihiro
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Virtua Cop 3 is the third game from Sega'sVirtua Coplight gun shooter franchise released exclusively for video arcades in 2003. The game is available in standard and deluxe cabinet formats and runs on Sega Chihiro arcade hardware. A port for the Xbox was planned, but cancelled.
The game retains the same gameplay as its predecessor with players shooting onscreen enemies using a gun controller. Virtua Cop 3 introduces a new slow-motion 'bullet time' mechanism called 'ES mode' which allows players to slow down time by stepping on a special pedal. While in ES mode, time slows down as the player's ES meter is depleted. The meter can be replenished by shooting more enemies.(1)
In the gaming industry, there is always a game that is released that sets a new bar in a particular genre. When one looks at the light gun and rail shooter genre, a genre that is famous for throwing a huge number of enemies on screen for players to shoot, one game redefined the genre. Airport Tycoon 3: free download; Virtua Cop 2 (Pc Game) June (3) May (1). Virtua Cop Free Download for PC (known as Virtua Squad for the North American Windows version) is a first-personlightgun shooter arcade game created by Sega. Kali ini saya akan berbagi Game Virtua Cop 2 Full Version Gratis.
Virtua Cop 3 also allows players to toggle between different weapons by pressing a button on the gun instead of having to use just one weapon, as in previous entries in the series.(2) The alternative weapons include the Smith & Wesson Model 629, Benelli M4 Super 90, H&K MP7, and the H&K G36C. Like the previous installments, players progress through the game choosing between three missions which vary in difficulty. The newly designed gun used in the game is named the Guardian II, and was designed by Tokyo Marui, famous for their model guns.
Virtua Cop 3 has three chapters (referred to as Missions) which can be played in any desired order. The game follows Michael 'Rage' Hardy, James 'Smarty' Cools, and Janet Marshall, as they investigate three crimes performed by Virtua City's new crime syndicate, the ECM.
Simple Mission: Angel Allow(edit)
The ECM has taken over a large pharmacy building. Rage and Smarty are dispatched by the VCPD to apprehend the invaders and secure the building. During the pharmacy mission, Rage and Smarty encounter a mysterious man known as 'Gale', a ninja with unknown intentions. Proceeding deeper inside the pharmacy research lab, Rage and Smarty encounter a man named 'Glitter', who masterminded the invasion. While the VCPD manages to secure the pharmacy building, Janet receives disturbing information that the pharmacy's genetic cloning sample is missing.
Normal Mission: Stray Cat(edit)
The ECM is robbing a large bank in downtown Virtua City. The VCPD Riot Squad is no match for the ECM's munitions, prompting Rage and Smarty to assist the disadvantaged riot squad. Once Rage and Smarty spot Brand, the mastermind of the robbery, in the building, a chase ensues, but after Rage and Smarty endure the interference as they make their way out of the building, Gale interrupts them once again. Rage and Smarty survive Gale and pursue the bank robbers, ultimately being pushed towards the subway where Brand is hiding. The ultimate battle between the Virtua Cops and Brand ensues. At the end of the bank mission, Janet receives disturbing information that the reason for the ECM's bank robbery was to retrieve a secured package of dinosaur genes.
Hard Mission: Owl Strike(edit)
A military base has been seized by the ECM. Rage, Smarty, and Janet make a sneak attack through the sewers before ultimately catching up with the military base. Enduring the heavily guarded area, the three make it inside the hangars where a crab-like mech provokes the three to a life-or-death duel. The pilot, turning out to be Joe Fang (the final boss of the first two Virtua Cop games), shows himself. In spite of the shock Rage had when he saw Fang, the vehicle is destroyed and the military base is secured.
Extra Mission: Heaven's Door(edit)
Depending on the mission completion order and the player's performance, the player may be asked to play this final mission where the behind-the-scenes plot is revealed.
Rage, Smarty, and Janet are sent to the ECM's main underground facility. Janet hacks into the entrance, only to encounter Gale once again, who challenges the three in a duel inside the hangar. The three proceed get onto an elevator platform, where they fight Joe Fang clones. The elevator leads them to the real Joe Fang, who starts to mutate into his monstrous, demon-like form known as 'Dino Fang' by injecting the dinosaur genes into his own human DNA, and the Virtua Cops face him in the final battle once again. Ultimately, they defeat Dino Fang and ECM's main facility self-destructs as the Virtua Cops narrowly escape from the explosion. Thus, the case is closed and ECM's plot is recorded on VCPD's file.
Unlocking Conditions(edit)
To be able to play this mission, the player must satisfy the following conditions:
Virtua Cop 3 Pc Download
The missions must be completed in the following order: Simple Mission, Normal Mission, and Hard Mission
In the Normal Mission, the player must not let Brand escape
In the Hard Mission, the player must destroy all the missiles after the crab mech boss is defeated
In early 1997 Electronic Gaming Monthly reported that '(Virtua) Cop 3 is in development but it won't make its debut until the September JAMMA show.'(3)
A version of Virtua Cop 3 was planned for the original Xbox upon which the Chihiro arcade hardware was based. However, the game's release was cancelled reportedly due to the costs of having to release a light gun for the system especially for the game.(4) Users have been able to get the game to run on existing Xbox hardware with some modifications. Through means of soft-modding and installing an additional 64MB of RAM (increasing the total in the machine to 128MB), the game will launch and run. However, the game will not work with any Xbox Lightgun. As the original arcade game works with infrared LEDs and sensors, playing it on Xbox requires similar technology lightguns, such as the EMS Top Gun. However, using a lightgun will also require the expense of having to play the game without access to the aforementioned ES mode, due to no Xbox compatible lightgun having a left trigger button needed in order to activate it. Only playing the game with a stock Xbox controller is required in order to use ES mode while playing Virtua Cop 3 on the Xbox.
^Varanini, Giancarlo (January 17, 2003). 'First look: Virtua Cop 3'. GameSpot. Retrieved 27 July 2013.
^Gantayat, Anoop (February 21, 2003). 'Hands On: Virtua Cop 3'. IGN. Retrieved July 26, 2013.
^'AOU'. Electronic Gaming Monthly. No. 93. Ziff Davis. April 1997. p. 79.
^Thorsen, Tor (October 10, 2003). 'Sega snubs Xbox?'. GameSpot. Retrieved 26 July 2013.
External links(edit)
Official website(in Japanese)
Virtua Cop 3 at the Killer List of Videogames
Virtua Cop 3(dead link) at AllGame
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Retrieved from 'https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Virtua_Cop_3&oldid=991028286'
ROMs / MAME .226 ROMs
| # | A | B | C | D | E | F | G | H | I | J | K | L | M | N | O | P | Q | R | S | T | U | V | W | X | Y | Z |
Viewing MAME .226 ROMs ROMs starting with V
NameSizeDLsV Goal Soccer (Europe)4.00 mb746V Goal Soccer (US/Japan/Korea)182.69 kb447V-20 (MSX1)26.10 kb369V-20F (MSX1)26.09 kb368V-20G (MSX1)26.09 kb375V-20S (MSX1)26.10 kb374V-25 (MSX2)38.61 kb369V-30 (MSX2)50.75 kb378V-8 (MSX1)26.14 kb375V-Dog (prototype, earlier)232.61 kb445V-Dog (prototype)160.64 kb444V-Five (Japan)153.14 kb542V-Liner (v0.53)35.40 kb442V-Liner (v0.54)35.40 kb416V-Liner (v0.6e)35.52 kb432V-Liner (v0.7a)198.80 kb517V-Liner (v0.7e)35.61 kb456V-Saturn450.45 kb485V.18.12 kb369V.Baby17.68 mb0V.Reader (CA, English, 2011-10-17)57.33 mb1048V.Reader (CA, French, 2011-10-17)56.23 mb1086V.Reader (US, English, 2011-10-17)57.33 mb1051V.Smile (US)1.06 mb693V.Smile Baby (France, with En Ville avec lourson Patoune)4.02 mb0V.Smile Baby (France, with Winnie et ses amis dans la Foret des Reves Bleus)3.65 mb0V.Smile Baby (Germany, with Puuhs Hundert-Morgen-Wald)3.56 mb0V.Smile Baby (Spain, with Aventuras en el Bosque de los Cien Acres)3.38 mb0V.Smile Baby (Sweden)3.87 mb714V.Smile Baby (US)3.88 mb714V.Smile Motion1.99 mb0V.Smile Pro1.12 mb573V286C29.53 kb0V4P895P3/SMT V5.060.81 kb390Valhalla (Dutch) (Qps) (Scorpion 4)1.03 mb488Valhalla (German) (PR7025, GVAL) (Nova) (Scorpion 4)1.01 mb453Valkyrie no Densetsu (Japan)1.57 mb970Valtric168.51 kb591Value For Money (Global) (MPU4)38.26 kb337Vamf x1/2 (Europe, version 1.0.0903)3.90 mb844Vamf x1/2 (Europe, version 1.1.0908)4.05 mb1113Vamp It Up (Barcrest) (MPU5)1.61 mb539Vamp x1/2 (Korea, version 1.1.0908)3.83 mb719Vampire Hunter 2: Darkstalkers Revenge (Japan 970913 Phoenix Edition) (bootleg)375.06 kb670Vampire Hunter 2: Darkstalkers Revenge (Japan 970913)692.56 kb802Vampire Hunter 2: Darkstalkers Revenge (Japan 970929)23.46 mb2656Vampire Hunter: Darkstalkers' Revenge (Japan 950302)1.47 mb910Vampire Hunter: Darkstalkers' Revenge (Japan 950307 stop version)1.47 mb797Vampire Hunter: Darkstalkers' Revenge (Japan 950307)1.47 mb864Vampire Hunter: Darkstalkers' Revenge (Japan 950316)1.47 mb1028Vampire Night (VPN3 Ver. B)1.89 mb666Vampire Payer (Qps) (Scorpion 5) (set 1)1.21 mb551Vampire Payer (Qps) (Scorpion 5) (set 2)286.36 kb444Vampire Savior 2: The Lord of Vampire (Japan 970913 Phoenix Edition) (bootleg)375.81 kb649Vampire Savior 2: The Lord of Vampire (Japan 970913)23.42 mb3439Vampire Savior: The Lord of Vampire (Asia 970519)604.09 kb733Vampire Savior: The Lord of Vampire (Brazil 970519)604.11 kb0Vampire Savior: The Lord of Vampire (Euro 970519 Phoenix Edition) (bootleg)310.47 kb620Vampire Savior: The Lord of Vampire (Euro 970519)23.42 mb3060Vampire Savior: The Lord of Vampire (Hispanic 970519)604.10 kb701Vampire Savior: The Lord of Vampire (Japan 970519)1.55 mb1111Vampire Savior: The Lord of Vampire (USA 970519)604.08 kb830Vampire: The Night Warriors (Japan 940630)1.57 mb950Vampire: The Night Warriors (Japan 940705 alt)1.49 mb816Vampire: The Night Warriors (Japan 940705)1.49 mb979Van-Van Car18.72 kb413Van-Van Car (Karateco set 1)8.89 kb348Van-Van Car (Karateco set 2)7.85 kb353Vandyke (bootleg with PIC16c57)1.07 mb548Vandyke (Jaleco, set 1)45.77 kb394Vandyke (Jaleco, set 2)71.24 kb413Vandyke (Japan)1.44 mb704Vanguard (Centuri)7.11 kb445Vanguard (Germany)5.47 kb1Vanguard (Japan)4.19 kb427Vanguard (SNK)26.92 kb558Vanguard II55.44 kb495Vanguard MK11.38 kb0Vapor Trail - Hyper Offence Formation (US)122.94 kb466Vapor Trail - Hyper Offence Formation (World revision 1)1.15 mb806Vapor Trail - Hyper Offence Formation (World revision 3?)178.44 kb462Vapor TRX291.11 kb496Varia Metal3.65 mb720Varia Metal (New Ways Trading Co.)150.53 kb401Varkon (L-1)11.12 kb333Varth: Operation Thunderstorm (bootleg, set 2)370.01 kb0Varth: Operation Thunderstorm (bootleg)1.57 mb724Varth: Operation Thunderstorm (Japan 920714)1.32 mb870Varth: Operation Thunderstorm (Japan Resale Ver. 920714)381.51 kb661Varth: Operation Thunderstorm (USA 920612)374.58 kb665Varth: Operation Thunderstorm (World 920612)371.74 kb589Varth: Operation Thunderstorm (World 920714)1.54 mb1318Vasara16.25 mb1291Vasara 2 (set 1)20.17 mb1388Vasara 2 (set 2)369.73 kb549Vastar (set 1)52.91 kb418Vastar (set 2)24.16 kb366Vastar (set 3)23.51 kb371Vastar (set 4)3.35 kb373Vautour (bootleg of Phoenix) (8085A CPU)13.98 kb353Vautour (bootleg of Phoenix) (Z80 CPU, single PROM)14.21 kb365Vautour (bootleg of Phoenix) (Z80 CPU)14.42 kb345VAX-11/7856.94 kb366VCS-80563.00 b359VDM 79322/CM 723326.83 kb375Vector21.00 kb347Vector 06c32.92 kb366Vector 1+ (DD drive)342.00 b355Vector 12006.61 kb346Vector 47.80 kb348Vectrex13.22 kb399Vectrix EX12803.54 kb0Vega13.75 kb347Vegas70.17 kb366Vegas (Game Plan)3.46 kb349Vegas (Taito)2.52 kb801Vegas 1 (Ver 1.33 single coin pulse)4.87 kb349Vegas 1 (Ver 2.1 dual coin pulse, longer)25.92 kb353Vegas 1 (Ver 2.3 dual coin pulse, shorter)25.82 kb346Vegas 68092.35 kb353Vegas Gambler Club (Maygay) (M1A/B) (set 1)660.21 kb468Vegas Gambler Club (Maygay) (M1A/B) (set 2)33.20 kb334Vegas Gambler Club (Maygay) (M1A/B) (set 3)33.20 kb337Vegas Nights (Astra, V205)1.60 mb549Vegas Poker (prototype, release 2) (MPU4 Video)184.69 kb390Vegas Roulette21.68 kb332Vegas Strip (Barcrest) (MPU4) (UVS 0.3 AD)63.78 kb344Vegas Strip (Barcrest) (MPU4) (UVS 0.3 B)63.78 kb338Vegas Strip (Barcrest) (MPU4) (UVS 0.3 BD)63.78 kb349Vegas Strip (Barcrest) (MPU4) (UVS 0.3 C)63.78 kb340Vegas Strip (Barcrest) (MPU4) (UVS 0.3 D)63.78 kb344Vegas Strip (Barcrest) (MPU4) (UVS 0.3 K)63.78 kb340Vegas Strip (Barcrest) (MPU4) (UVS 0.3 KD)63.78 kb339Vegas Strip (Barcrest) (MPU4) (UVS 0.3 Y)63.78 kb348Vegas Strip (Barcrest) (MPU4) (UVS 0.3 YD)63.78 kb348Vegas Strip (Barcrest) (MPU4) (UVS 0.3)986.57 kb512Vegas Strip (Barcrest) (MPU4) (VSG 0.3 YE, hack?)65.13 kb349Vegas Strip (Barcrest) (MPU4) (VSG 0.3)62.90 kb339Vegas Strip (Barcrest) (MPU4) (VSG 0.4 AD)64.55 kb347Vegas Strip (Barcrest) (MPU4) (VSG 0.4 B)64.55 kb351Vegas Strip (Barcrest) (MPU4) (VSG 0.4 BD)64.55 kb350Vegas Strip (Barcrest) (MPU4) (VSG 0.4 C)64.55 kb350Vegas Strip (Barcrest) (MPU4) (VSG 0.4 D)64.55 kb341Vegas Strip (Barcrest) (MPU4) (VSG 0.4 K)64.55 kb342Vegas Strip (Barcrest) (MPU4) (VSG 0.4 KD)64.55 kb354Vegas Strip (Barcrest) (MPU4) (VSG 0.4 R)64.55 kb354Vegas Strip (Barcrest) (MPU4) (VSG 0.4 RD)64.55 kb344Vegas Strip (Barcrest) (MPU4) (VSG 0.4 Y)64.55 kb340Vegas Strip (Barcrest) (MPU4) (VSG 0.4 YD)64.55 kb349Vegas Strip (Barcrest) (MPU4) (VSG 0.4)64.55 kb352Vegas Strip (Barcrest) (German) (MPU4)1.40 mb526Vegas Super Deal (Global)27.12 kb329Vegetable Crew (Global) (M1A/B)755.19 kb485Vendetta (Asia, 2 Players, ver. D)149.83 kb550Vendetta (Asia, 2 Players, ver. U)149.81 kb534Vendetta (Asia, 4 Players, ver. Z)148.72 kb574Vendetta (US, 4 Players, ver. R)148.93 kb557Vendetta (World, 2 Players, ver. ?)149.68 kb579Vendetta (World, 2 Players, ver. EB-A?)149.79 kb566Vendetta (World, 2 Players, ver. W)149.76 kb629Vendetta (World, 4 Players, ver. ?)148.57 kb588Vendetta (World, 4 Players, ver. T)2.81 mb1461Venetian Nights (1J008911, NSW/ACT)11.29 mb778Venice (0151355, US)9.82 mb748Venice (02J02056, Venezuela)1.45 mb522Venom & Spider-Man - Separation Anxiety (SNES bootleg)1.67 mb645Ventura (Dutch) (Bellfruit) (Scorpion 1)36.76 kb337Venture (version 4)23.75 kb414Venture (version 5 set 1)29.00 kb497Venture (version 5 set 2, bootleg)25.94 kb0Venture (version 5 set 2)22.63 kb0Venturer 25 Games 25-in-1827.87 kb0Venus (bootleg of Gyruss)18.21 kb355Verbena (bootleg of Carnival)4.25 kb416Verne's World2.01 mb578Version 4 (Version 4.2R CGA)146.12 kb371Version 4 (Version 4.3E CGA)142.96 kb363Version 4 (Version 4.3E Dual)143.54 kb360Version 4 (Version 4.3LT CGA)143.34 kb362Version 4 (Version 4.3LT Dual)143.58 kb362Version 4 (Version 4.3R CGA)143.18 kb353Version 4 (Version 4.3R Dual)143.85 kb366Versus Net Soccer (ver AAA)299.88 kb456Versus Net Soccer (ver EAB)299.33 kb425Versus Net Soccer (ver EAD)16.49 mb2226Versus Net Soccer (ver JAB)299.44 kb455Versus Net Soccer (ver UAB)299.80 kb442Vertigo (Empire) (MPU5)1.70 mb538Vertigo Club (Empire) (MPU5)1.10 mb494Very Rich Geezer Club (Bellfruit) (Scorpion 4) (set 1)2.04 mb552Very Rich Geezer Club (Bellfruit) (Scorpion 4) (set 10)194.48 kb375Very Rich Geezer Club (Bellfruit) (Scorpion 4) (set 2)168.74 kb363Very Rich Geezer Club (Bellfruit) (Scorpion 4) (set 3)169.95 kb362Very Rich Geezer Club (Bellfruit) (Scorpion 4) (set 4)169.97 kb366Very Rich Geezer Club (Bellfruit) (Scorpion 4) (set 5)169.97 kb374Very Rich Geezer Club (Bellfruit) (Scorpion 4) (set 6)169.95 kb378Very Rich Geezer Club (Bellfruit) (Scorpion 4) (set 7)169.97 kb381Very Rich Geezer Club (Bellfruit) (Scorpion 4) (set 8)169.97 kb368Very Rich Geezer Club (Bellfruit) (Scorpion 4) (set 9)194.48 kb368VF (bootleg of Hang-On)112.11 kb1VFX1.37 mb530VFX-SD1.46 mb553VG Pocket (VG-2000)1.28 mb554VG Pocket Caplet Fast Acting 35-in-15.58 mb0VG Pocket Caplet Fast Acting 50-in-18.46 mb0VG Pocket Mini (VG-1500)1.16 mb543VG Pocket Tablet (VG-4000)839.51 kb516VG-500026.36 kb360VG-8010 (MSX1)26.16 kb358VG-8010F (MSX1)26.21 kb353VG-8020-00 (MSX1)26.09 kb353VG-8020-20 (MSX1)26.16 kb361VG-8020F (MSX1)26.17 kb354VG-8230 (MSX2)51.15 kb367VG-8230J (MSX2)119.97 kb386VG-8235 (MSX2)50.88 kb370VG-8235F (MSX2)51.15 kb362VG-8240 (MSX2)50.85 kb370VI15G118.47 kb0Via 4386 VIO / Highscreen universal board35.81 kb394VIC-1001 (Japan)15.22 kb368VIC-1515 Graphic Printer2.70 kb347VIC-1520 Color Printer Plotter3.69 kb351VIC-20 (NTSC)15.09 kb376VIC-20 (Sweden/Finland)8.23 kb359VIC-20 / VC-20 (PAL)15.11 kb379Vicious Circle (prototype)248.36 kb470Victor3.03 kb355Victor 21172.35 kb430Victor 5142.83 kb425Victor 6 (v1.2)30.47 kb347Victor 6 (v2.3)30.48 kb343Victor 6 (v2.3N)165.21 kb389Victor 900010.75 kb359Victor 9000 FDC1.15 kb361Victor 9000 Keyboard669.00 b367Victor Banana32.32 kb355Victorious Nine101.29 kb517Victory45.09 kb413Victory (Comsoft)10.29 kb422Victory (Comsoft) (bootleg)6.80 kb395Victory (Dutch) (Bellfruit) (Scorpion 1)40.01 kb347Victory (Pinball, French)8.00 kb348Victory (Pinball, German)7.98 kb352Victory (Pinball)42.21 kb354Victory MPT-02 Home TV Programmer (Austria)3.26 kb344Victory Road341.57 kb772Video 215.08 kb369Video Carnival 1999 / Super Royal Card (Version 0.11)511.66 kb446Video Challenger994.00 b364Video Cordoba8.62 kb329Video Dado8.16 kb331Video Eight74.77 kb428Video Eight Ball19.52 kb382Video Eight Ball (Rev.1)12.89 kb358Video Hustler14.26 kb403Video Hustler (bootleg, set 1)10.33 kb361Video Hustler (bootleg, set 2)11.04 kb374Video Hustler (bootleg, set 3)10.65 kb373Video Hustler (bootleg, set 4)9.25 kb405Video Hustler (Dynamo Games)6.92 kb360Video Information System MD-2500605.05 kb453Video Painter (PAL)72.22 kb389Video Pinball9.54 kb378Video Pinball (4 ROMs version)6.61 kb0Video Poker7.35 kb345Video Poker (v1403)20.97 kb347Video Poker Ace (Bellfruit) (Adder 5) (set 1)2.28 mb611Video Poker Ace (Bellfruit) (Adder 5) (set 2)1.93 mb571Video Poker Ace (Bellfruit) (Adder 5) (set 3)1.93 mb559Video Poker Ace (Bellfruit) (Adder 5) (set 4)1.93 mb571Video Pool (bootleg on Moon Cresta hardware)9.43 kb346Video Pool (Video Hustler bootleg)7.15 kb362Video Quiz98.31 kb368Video System PSX126.34 kb539Video Vince and the Game Factory (prototype)62.27 kb377VideoBrain FamilyComputer5.16 kb355Videomat (Polish bootleg)22.68 kb349Videopac C52 (France)1.09 kb0Videopac G7000/C521.09 kb386Videopac+ G7400 (Europe)1.09 kb0Videotex2.01 kb370Videotron Poker (cards selector, set 1)12.86 kb358Videotron Poker (cards selector, set 2)8.40 kb347Videotron Poker (normal controls)8.27 kb344Videotronics Draw Poker9.23 kb326Videx UltraTerm (enhanced //e)3.65 kb347Videx UltraTerm (original)3.75 kb359Videx Videoterm 80 Column Display10.62 kb369Viewpoint4.05 mb1174Viewpoint (prototype)4.01 mb927Viewpoint 12227.74 kb385Viewpoint 606.94 kb380Vigilante (bootleg)282.09 kb584Vigilante (Japan, Rev D)145.86 kb676Vigilante (US, Rev B)145.72 kb559Vigilante (US, Rev G)50.99 kb511Vigilante (US)145.72 kb668Vigilante (World, Rev A)113.49 kb576Vigilante (World, Rev C)113.49 kb555Vigilante (World, Rev E)443.62 kb1009Vii12.77 mb793Viking7.23 kb336Viking King1.39 kb357Viking Treasure2.55 mb579Vimana (Japan)87.45 kb586Vimana (World, set 1)802.55 kb860Vimana (World, set 2)87.68 kb469Vindaloot (JPM) (IMPACT)602.96 kb438Vindicators (Europe, rev 3)182.85 kb417Vindicators (Europe, rev 4)132.12 kb417Vindicators (Europe, rev 5)123.20 kb400Vindicators (German, rev 1)187.16 kb404Vindicators (handheld)100.59 kb463Vindicators (rev 1)132.06 kb417Vindicators (rev 2)132.05 kb409Vindicators (rev 4)132.12 kb419Vindicators (rev 5)530.56 kb565Vindicators Part II (rev 1)99.34 kb395Vindicators Part II (rev 2)38.62 kb377Vindicators Part II (rev 3)520.51 kb546Vintage Keys Classic Analog Keyboards138.88 kb0Violence Fight (Japan)33.35 kb437Violence Fight (US)33.35 kb424Violence Fight (World)1.24 mb763Violent Storm (ver AAB)491.18 kb718Violent Storm (ver AAC)491.19 kb663Violent Storm (ver EAB)491.07 kb702Violent Storm (ver EAC)8.55 mb1928Violent Storm (ver JAC)491.14 kb676Violent Storm (ver UAB)491.44 kb650Violent Storm (ver UAC)491.47 kb677Vip Club - Maru-hi Ippatsu Kaihou (BET) (Japan 880310)34.64 kb344VIP-64 (Sweden/Finland)8.24 kb353VIP-M21502A BAM16-A049.60 kb383Viper (Pinball)6.80 kb331Viper (rev 3)467.52 kb473Viper Active (Bellfruit) (Scorpion 5) (set 1)260.64 kb415Viper Active (Bellfruit) (Scorpion 5) (set 2)260.44 kb400Viper Jive (Maygay - Extreme) (EPOCH) (JIVE 1.1, set 1)163.86 kb375Viper Jive (Maygay - Extreme) (EPOCH) (JIVE 1.1, set 2)69.63 kb340Viper Jive (Maygay - Extreme) (EPOCH) (JIVE 2.1, set 5)166.49 kb375Viper Jive (Maygay - Extreme) (EPOCH) (JIVE 2.2, set 3)168.57 kb363Viper Jive (Maygay - Extreme) (EPOCH) (JIVE 2.2, set 4)168.57 kb374Viper Night Drivin' (1.02)294.24 kb418Viper Night Drivin' (2.01)2.07 mb561Viper Phase 1 (Germany)979.82 kb601Viper Phase 1 (Hong Kong)985.58 kb590Viper Phase 1 (Japan)980.13 kb666Viper Phase 1 (New Version, Germany)868.97 kb611Viper Phase 1 (New Version, Holland)868.97 kb578Viper Phase 1 (New Version, Japan)866.25 kb656Viper Phase 1 (New Version, Korea)956.81 kb581Viper Phase 1 (New Version, Portugal)868.97 kb1Viper Phase 1 (New Version, Switzerland)868.90 kb570Viper Phase 1 (New Version, US set 1)866.27 kb596Viper Phase 1 (New Version, US set 2)866.63 kb585Viper Phase 1 (New Version, World)9.12 mb1318Virtua Athletics / Virtua Athlete (GDS-0019)1.20 kb400Virtua Athletics / Virtua Athlete (prototype)97.01 mb1133Virtua Bowling (Hong Kong, V101HJS)128.14 kb422Virtua Bowling (Japan, V100JCM)129.60 kb410Virtua Bowling (World, V101XCM)2.36 mb667Virtua Cop (Revision A)95.65 kb612Virtua Cop (Revision B)9.50 mb1325Virtua Cop 214.78 mb1359Virtua Cop 3 (Rev B) (GDX-0003B)219.00 b533Virtua Fighter14.25 mb3772Virtua Fighter 2195.84 kb917Virtua Fighter 2 (Revision A)195.94 kb734Virtua Fighter 2 (Revision B)201.92 kb748Virtua Fighter 2 (Version 2.1)19.94 mb2244Virtua Fighter 3 (Revision A)998.06 kb769Virtua Fighter 3 (Revision C)1.01 mb774Virtua Fighter 3 (Revision D)69.73 mb1968Virtua Fighter 3 Team Battle10.12 mb1184Virtua Fighter 4 (World)136.68 mb10582Virtua Fighter 4 Evolution (Version B) (Japan) (GDS-0024C)1.19 kb671Virtua Fighter 4 Evolution (World)135.64 mb1880Virtua Fighter 4 Final Tuned (Ver. B) (GDS-0036F)1.20 kb588Virtua Fighter 4 Version C (GDS-0012C)1.19 kb584Virtua Fighter 5 (Export)3.05 kb519Virtua Fighter Kids (JUET 960319 V0.000)24.18 mb1241Virtua Fighter Remix (JUETBKAL 950428 V1.000)13.25 mb1291Virtua Formula573.03 kb732Virtua Golf / Dynamic Golf (Rev A) (GDS-0009A)3.38 kb424Virtua NBA2.26 mb658Virtua NBA (prototype, 15.11)148.44 mb2300Virtua NBA (prototype)2.02 mb578Virtua NBA (USA)95.71 mb1196Virtua Racing9.77 mb2274Virtua Striker325.98 kb545Virtua Striker (Revision A)9.99 mb1021Virtua Striker 2 '98 (Step 1.5)988.37 kb578Virtua Striker 2 '98 (Step 2.0)58.69 mb1330Virtua Striker 2 '99 (Export, USA, Revision A)2.22 mb643Virtua Striker 2 '99 (Export, USA)2.20 mb660Virtua Striker 2 '99 (Japan, Revision B)2.24 mb658Virtua Striker 2 '99 (Step 1.5, Export, USA)826.28 kb580Virtua Striker 2 '99.1 (Export, USA, Revision B)60.57 mb1376Virtua Striker 2 (Step 1.5, Export, USA)1.14 mb572Virtua Striker 2 (Step 1.5, Japan)897.80 kb590Virtua Striker 2 (Step 2.0, Export, USA)50.91 mb1161Virtua Striker 2 Ver. 20001.22 mb669Virtua Striker 2 Ver. 2000 (Rev C)54.54 mb1250Virtua Striker 2002 (Export) (GDT-0002)219.00 b409Virtua Striker 2002 (Japan) (GDT-0001)219.00 b402Virtua Striker 2002 (Type 3) (GDT-0012)219.00 b400Virtua Striker 3 (GDS-0006)1.19 kb460Virtua Striker 3 (World, Rev B)117.99 mb1752Virtua Striker 3 (World)1.06 mb591Virtua Striker 4 (Asia, Rev B) (GDT-0014B)1.20 kb388Virtua Striker 4 (Asia) (GDT-0014)1.20 kb396Virtua Striker 4 (Export, Rev A) (GDT-0015A)219.00 b428Virtua Striker 4 (Japan, Rev E) (GDT-0013E)218.00 b400Virtua Striker 4 Ver.2006 (Export) (GDT-0021)1.19 kb427Virtua Striker 4 Ver.2006 (Japan, Rev D) (GDT-0020D)218.00 b429Virtua Tennis / Power Smash25.04 mb1516Virtua Tennis / Power Smash (GDS-0011)1.20 kb477Virtua Tennis 2 / Power Smash 2 (Rev A)81.25 mb1742Virtua Tennis 2 / Power Smash 2 (Rev A) (GDS-0015A)1.20 kb479Virtual Combat1.52 mb559Virtual Mahjong (J 961214 V1.000)16.68 mb877Virtual Mahjong 2 - My Fair Lady (J 980608 V1.000)16.60 mb969Virtual On 2: Oratorio Tangram1.14 mb730Virtual On 2: Oratorio Tangram (Revision A)1.14 mb642Virtual On 2: Oratorio Tangram (Revision B)73.36 mb1282Virtual On 2: Oratorio Tangram (ver 5.4g)4.80 mb787Virtual On Oratorio Tangram M.S.B.S. ver5.66 2000 Edition86.69 mb1839Virtual Ping Pong (Conny / SDW Games)885.19 kb0Virtual Ping Pong (Protocol)487.39 kb0Virtual Pool93.33 kb433Virtual TV Ping Pong125.94 kb0Virus (Dr. Mario prototype, PlayChoice-10)22.52 kb383Virus A136.54 kb398Virus B (Ver. T)194.05 kb398Virus C203.11 kb398Virus Classic199.21 kb399Virus Rack (Ver. T)184.94 kb375Virus Rack XL197.67 kb386Visicom COM-100 (Japan)2.07 kb348Visor Edge974.65 kb478Visual 1007.61 kb352Visual 10213.09 kb350Visual 102 Keyboard1.33 kb362Visual 105010.14 kb355Visual 55018.89 kb363Visual 550 Keyboard1.18 kb367Visual Memory Unit90.20 kb397Viva Cash Vegas (Astra, V005)2.00 mb548Viva Cash Vegas (Astra, V101)2.01 mb542Viva Cash Vegas (Astra, V102)2.01 mb546Viva Cash Vegas (Astra, V104)2.01 mb546Viva Cash Vegas (Astra, V106)2.01 mb537Viva Cash Vegas (Astra, V107)2.01 mb569Viva Espana (Barcrest) (MPU4) (8V1 0.3, hack, set 1)39.85 kb331Viva Espana (Barcrest) (MPU4) (8V1 0.3, hack, set 2)39.86 kb329Viva Espana (Barcrest) (MPU4) (EP8 0.1)978.45 kb465Viva Espana (Barcrest) (MPU4) (EP8 0.1AD)39.82 kb328Viva Espana (Barcrest) (MPU4) (EP8 0.1B)39.82 kb331Viva Espana (Barcrest) (MPU4) (EP8 0.1BD)39.82 kb327Viva Espana (Barcrest) (MPU4) (EP8 0.1C)39.82 kb322Viva Espana (Barcrest) (MPU4) (EP8 0.1D)39.82 kb330Viva Espana (Barcrest) (MPU4) (EP8 0.1K)39.82 kb322Viva Espana (Barcrest) (MPU4) (EP8 0.1KD)39.82 kb327Viva Espana (Barcrest) (MPU4) (EP8 0.1Y)39.82 kb322Viva Espana (Barcrest) (MPU4) (EP8 0.1YD)39.82 kb320Viva Espana (Barcrest) (MPU4) (ESP 0.2)42.84 kb328Viva Espana (Barcrest) (MPU4) (ESP 0.3)39.83 kb323Viva Espana (Barcrest) (MPU4) (ESP 0.3C)39.83 kb329Viva Espana (Barcrest) (MPU4) (ESP 0.3D)39.83 kb321Viva Espana (Barcrest) (MPU4) (ESP 0.3K)39.83 kb327Viva Espana (Barcrest) (MPU4) (ESP 0.3Y)39.83 kb333Viva Espana (Barcrest) (MPU4) (ESP 0.3YD)39.83 kb321Viva Espana (Barcrest) (MPU4) (VE104.0)41.07 kb334Viva Espana (Barcrest) (MPU4) (VE105.0, set 1)40.03 kb332Viva Espana (Barcrest) (MPU4) (VE105.0, set 2)40.03 kb328Viva Espana (Barcrest) (MPU4) (VE105.0, set 3)40.03 kb331Viva Espana (Barcrest) (MPU4) (VE105.0, set 4)40.04 kb326Viva Espana (Barcrest) (MPU4) (VE5 0.2)40.18 kb325Viva Espana (Barcrest) (MPU4) (VE5 0.2AD)40.19 kb325Viva Espana (Barcrest) (MPU4) (VE5 0.2B)40.18 kb331Viva Espana (Barcrest) (MPU4) (VE5 0.2BD)40.19 kb333Viva Espana (Barcrest) (MPU4) (VE5 0.2D)40.18 kb325Viva Espana (Barcrest) (MPU4) (VE5 0.2K)40.18 kb326Viva Espana (Barcrest) (MPU4) (VE5 0.2KD)40.19 kb325Viva Espana (Barcrest) (MPU4) (VE5 0.2Y)40.18 kb327Viva Espana (Barcrest) (MPU4) (VE5 0.2YD)40.19 kb324Viva Espana (Barcrest) (MPU4) (VE5 3.0)40.02 kb338Viva Espana (Barcrest) (MPU4) (VE5 4.0C, set 1)41.04 kb330Viva Espana (Barcrest) (MPU4) (VE5 4.0C, set 2)41.03 kb330Viva Espana (Barcrest) (MPU4) (VE5 5.0, set 1)40.03 kb324Viva Espana (Barcrest) (MPU4) (VE5 5.0, set 2)40.02 kb327Viva Espana (Barcrest) (MPU4) (VE5 5.0, set 3)40.03 kb320Viva Espana (Barcrest) (MPU4) (VE5 6.0, hack)40.03 kb322Viva Espana (Barcrest) (MPU4) (VE5 6.0)40.01 kb329Viva Espana (Barcrest) (MPU4) (VE5 6.0C, set 1)39.98 kb333Viva Espana (Barcrest) (MPU4) (VE5 6.0C, set 2)40.00 kb328Viva Espana (Barcrest) (MPU4) (VE5 6.0C, set 3)40.01 kb324Viva Espana (Barcrest) (MPU4) (VET 0.2)40.08 kb327Viva Espana (Barcrest) (MPU4) (VET 0.2AD)40.08 kb326Viva Espana (Barcrest) (MPU4) (VET 0.2B)40.08 kb324Viva Espana (Barcrest) (MPU4) (VET 0.2BD)40.08 kb321Viva Espana (Barcrest) (MPU4) (VET 0.2D)40.08 kb327Viva Espana (Barcrest) (MPU4) (VET 0.2K)40.08 kb330Viva Espana (Barcrest) (MPU4) (VET 0.2KD)40.08 kb325Viva Espana (Barcrest) (MPU4) (VET 0.2Y)40.08 kb325Viva Espana (Barcrest) (MPU4) (VET 0.2YD)40.08 kb326Viva Espana Showcase (Barcrest) (MPU4) (SE8 0.1 AD)39.69 kb329Viva Espana Showcase (Barcrest) (MPU4) (SE8 0.1 B)39.69 kb320Viva Espana Showcase (Barcrest) (MPU4) (SE8 0.1 BD)39.69 kb330Viva Espana Showcase (Barcrest) (MPU4) (SE8 0.1 D)39.69 kb316Viva Espana Showcase (Barcrest) (MPU4) (SE8 0.1 K)39.69 kb324Viva Espana Showcase (Barcrest) (MPU4) (SE8 0.1 KD)39.69 kb328Viva Espana Showcase (Barcrest) (MPU4) (SE8 0.1 Y)39.69 kb322Viva Espana Showcase (Barcrest) (MPU4) (SE8 0.1 YD)39.69 kb324Viva Espana Showcase (Barcrest) (MPU4) (SE8 0.1)39.69 kb324Viva Espana Showcase (Barcrest) (MPU4) (SES 0.2 B)39.68 kb335Viva Espana Showcase (Barcrest) (MPU4) (SES 0.2 D)39.68 kb326Viva Espana Showcase (Barcrest) (MPU4) (SES 0.2 K)39.68 kb328Viva Espana Showcase (Barcrest) (MPU4) (SES 0.2 Y)39.68 kb324Viva Espana Showcase (Barcrest) (MPU4) (SES 0.2 YD)39.68 kb321Viva Espana Showcase (Barcrest) (MPU4) (SES 0.2)39.68 kb324Viva Las Vegas (Barcrest) (MPU4) (set 1)146.27 kb351Viva Las Vegas (Barcrest) (MPU4) (set 10)41.82 kb329Viva Las Vegas (Barcrest) (MPU4) (set 11)41.82 kb323Viva Las Vegas (Barcrest) (MPU4) (set 12)41.82 kb332Viva Las Vegas (Barcrest) (MPU4) (set 13)41.81 kb330Viva Las Vegas (Barcrest) (MPU4) (set 14)41.81 kb331Viva Las Vegas (Barcrest) (MPU4) (set 15)40.26 kb322Viva Las Vegas (Barcrest) (MPU4) (set 16)40.26 kb334Viva Las Vegas (Barcrest) (MPU4) (set 17)40.26 kb322Viva Las Vegas (Barcrest) (MPU4) (set 18)40.43 kb326Viva Las Vegas (Barcrest) (MPU4) (set 19)40.42 kb323Viva Las Vegas (Barcrest) (MPU4) (set 2)40.19 kb325Viva Las Vegas (Barcrest) (MPU4) (set 20)40.42 kb331Viva Las Vegas (Barcrest) (MPU4) (set 21)40.42 kb324Viva Las Vegas (Barcrest) (MPU4) (set 22)40.43 kb329Viva Las Vegas (Barcrest) (MPU4) (set 23)40.42 kb326Viva Las Vegas (Barcrest) (MPU4) (set 24)40.42 kb321Viva Las Vegas (Barcrest) (MPU4) (set 25)40.42 kb326Viva Las Vegas (Barcrest) (MPU4) (set 26)41.77 kb324Viva Las Vegas (Barcrest) (MPU4) (set 27)40.19 kb323Viva Las Vegas (Barcrest) (MPU4) (set 28)40.19 kb330Viva Las Vegas (Barcrest) (MPU4) (set 29)40.19 kb319Viva Las Vegas (Barcrest) (MPU4) (set 3)64.65 kb328Viva Las Vegas (Barcrest) (MPU4) (set 30)40.19 kb322Viva Las Vegas (Barcrest) (MPU4) (set 31)41.76 kb324Viva Las Vegas (Barcrest) (MPU4) (set 32)40.16 kb327Viva Las Vegas (Barcrest) (MPU4) (set 33)40.16 kb323Viva Las Vegas (Barcrest) (MPU4) (set 34)40.16 kb326Viva Las Vegas (Barcrest) (MPU4) (set 35)40.16 kb321Viva Las Vegas (Barcrest) (MPU4) (set 36)40.19 kb322Viva Las Vegas (Barcrest) (MPU4) (set 37)42.42 kb328Viva Las Vegas (Barcrest) (MPU4) (set 4)63.87 kb333Viva Las Vegas (Barcrest) (MPU4) (set 6)41.82 kb324Viva Las Vegas (Barcrest) (MPU4) (set 7)41.81 kb329Viva Las Vegas (Barcrest) (MPU4) (set 8)40.27 kb324Viva Las Vegas (Barcrest) (MPU4) (set 9)40.26 kb324Viva Las Vegas (Barcrest) (Dutch) (MPU4) (DLV)279.86 kb377Viva Las Vegas (Bellfruit) (Adder 5) (set 1)8.03 mb691Viva Las Vegas (Bellfruit) (Adder 5) (set 2)6.16 mb639Viva Las Vegas (Bellfruit) (Adder 5) (set 3)4.64 mb613Viva Las Vegas (Bellfruit) (Adder 5) (set 4)4.64 mb614Viva Las Vegas (Bellfruit) (Adder 5) (set 5)6.17 mb654Viva Las Vegas (Bellfruit) (Adder 5) (set 6)6.17 mb651Viva Las Vegas (Nova) (MPU4)961.24 kb447Viva Mexico (Bellfruit) (Scorpion 4) (set 1)1.03 mb453Viva Mexico (Bellfruit) (Scorpion 4) (set 2)134.66 kb344Viva Mexico (Bellfruit) (Scorpion 4) (set 3)134.68 kb344Viva Mexico (Bellfruit) (Scorpion 4) (set 4)134.66 kb349Viva Mexico (Bellfruit) (Scorpion 5) (set 1)2.04 mb519Viva Mexico (Bellfruit) (Scorpion 5) (set 2)459.36 kb427Viva Mexico (Nova) (Scorpion 4) (set 1)157.63 kb346Viva Mexico (Nova) (Scorpion 4) (set 2)155.69 kb352Viva Mexico Club (Bellfruit) (Scorpion 4) (set 1)1.50 mb488Viva Mexico Club (Bellfruit) (Scorpion 4) (set 2)147.95 kb346Viva Mexico Club (Bellfruit) (Scorpion 4) (set 3)147.98 kb343Viva Rock Vegas (JPM) (IMPACT) (set 1)606.42 kb418Viva Rock Vegas (JPM) (IMPACT) (set 10)125.89 kb345Viva Rock Vegas (JPM) (IMPACT) (set 11)125.89 kb342Viva Rock Vegas (JPM) (IMPACT) (set 12)113.50 kb353Viva Rock Vegas (JPM) (IMPACT) (set 2)51.97 kb327Viva Rock Vegas (JPM) (IMPACT) (set 3)51.97 kb326Viva Rock Vegas (JPM) (IMPACT) (set 4)51.97 kb331Viva Rock Vegas (JPM) (IMPACT) (set 5)51.97 kb332Viva Rock Vegas (JPM) (IMPACT) (set 6)120.81 kb347Viva Rock Vegas (JPM) (IMPACT) (set 7)125.89 kb347Viva Rock Vegas (JPM) (IMPACT) (set 8)125.89 kb340Viva Rock Vegas (JPM) (IMPACT) (set 9)125.89 kb343Viva Rock Vegas Club (JPM) (IMPACT) (set 1)601.93 kb432Viva Rock Vegas Club (JPM) (IMPACT) (set 2)48.93 kb323Viva Rock Vegas Club (JPM) (IMPACT) (set 3)48.93 kb320Vivid Dolls1.90 mb588Vixen5.33 kb345Viz (Barcrest) (MPU4) (8V1 0.6 C, hack, set 1)36.22 kb316Viz (Barcrest) (MPU4) (8V1 0.6 C, hack, set 2)36.23 kb312Viz (Barcrest) (MPU4) (8V1 0.6, hack)36.23 kb317Viz (Barcrest) (MPU4) (8V1 1.0 C, hack, set 3)36.75 kb311Viz (Barcrest) (MPU4) (VIZ 0.2 T)36.65 kb317Viz (Barcrest) (MPU4) (VIZ 0.3 Y)36.94 kb321Viz (Barcrest) (MPU4) (VIZ 0.6 B)36.21 kb317Viz (Barcrest) (MPU4) (VIZ 0.6 C)36.21 kb317Viz (Barcrest) (MPU4) (VIZ 0.6 D)36.21 kb322Viz (Barcrest) (MPU4) (VIZ 0.6 DK)36.21 kb321Viz (Barcrest) (MPU4) (VIZ 0.6 DY)36.21 kb316Viz (Barcrest) (MPU4) (VIZ 0.6 K)36.21 kb319Viz (Barcrest) (MPU4) (VIZ 0.6 Y)36.21 kb317Viz (Barcrest) (MPU4) (VIZ 0.6)939.62 kb443Viz (Barcrest) (MPU4) (VZ__1.0 C, set 1)36.13 kb317Viz (Barcrest) (MPU4) (VZ__1.0 C, set 2)36.13 kb322Viz (Barcrest) (MPU4) (VZ__1.0 D, set 1)36.13 kb316Viz (Barcrest) (MPU4) (VZ__1.0 D, set 2)36.13 kb321Viz (Barcrest) (MPU4) (VZ__1.0 DY, set 1)36.13 kb320Viz (Barcrest) (MPU4) (VZ__1.0 DY, set 2)36.13 kb316Viz (Barcrest) (MPU4) (VZ__1.0 K, set 1)36.13 kb316Viz (Barcrest) (MPU4) (VZ__1.0 K, set 2)36.13 kb316Viz (Barcrest) (MPU4) (VZ__1.0, set 1)36.74 kb319Viz (Barcrest) (MPU4) (VZ__1.0, set 2)36.73 kb319Viz (Qps) (Scorpion 5) (set 1)1.79 mb511Viz (Qps) (Scorpion 5) (set 2)274.36 kb376Viz (Qps) (Scorpion 5) (set 3)271.44 kb384Viz (Qps) (Scorpion 5) (set 4)274.36 kb381VJ Visual & Music Slap476.21 kb429VK100 'GIGI'23.49 kb339VL/EISA-486SV145.03 kb386VL/I-486SV2G270.45 kb436VL70-m804.22 kb509VLC Nevada156.61 kb386Vocaid17.57 kb336Voice Bridge Challenger22.57 kb340Voice Chess Challenger31.25 kb362Voice Excellence22.94 kb361Voice Sensory Chess Challenger37.91 kb361Voicebox2.02 kb0Volcano11.93 kb332Volcano (Bwb) (MPU4) (set 1)1.87 mb483Volcano (Bwb) (MPU4) (set 2)82.32 kb333Volcano (Bwb) (MPU4) (set 3)82.32 kb338Volcano (Bwb) (MPU4) (set 4)82.33 kb331Volcano (Bwb) (MPU4) (set 5)82.32 kb340Volcano (Bwb) (MPU4) (set 6)81.49 kb340Volcano (Bwb) (MPU4) (set 7)81.48 kb330Volcano (Bwb) (MPU4) (set 8)81.50 kb334Volcano (Sound Only set 1)10.23 kb328Volcano (Sound Only set 2)1.79 kb321Volcano (Sound Only set 3)1.80 kb319Volfied (Japan, revision 1)20.57 kb451Volfied (Japan)81.50 kb501Volfied (US, revision 1)20.57 kb416Volfied (US)81.50 kb450Volfied (World, revision 1)549.12 kb727Volfied (World)81.50 kb476Volley11.86 kb346Volley Ball (PlayChoice-10)24.52 kb367Volly (Ramtek) (TTL)169.00 b323Voltage Fighter - Gowcaizer / Choujin Gakuen Gowcaizer12.58 mb1352Voltan Escapes Cosmic Doom4.38 kb321Voodoo 1000 (Barcrest) (Dutch) (MPU4) (DDO 3.2)31.16 kb334Voodoo Express (Bwb) (MPU4) (set 1)1.79 mb505Voodoo Express (Bwb) (MPU4) (set 2)89.41 kb341Voodoo Express (Bwb) (MPU4) (set 3)89.42 kb344Voodoo Express (Bwb) (MPU4) (set 4)89.42 kb339Voodoo Express (Bwb) (MPU4) (set 5)88.55 kb338Vortex9.95 kb374Vortex (Island Design)851.18 kb481Vortex (Pinball)8.77 kb326Votrax SC-01590.00 b722Voyage 200 PLT1.09 mb503Voyager (Dutch) (Elam) (set 1) (Scorpion 1)49.60 kb330Voyager (Dutch) (Elam) (set 2) (Scorpion 1)52.33 kb333VP-700 Expanded Tiny BASIC3.61 kb337VP41547.13 kb372VPU-01 Speech box569.00 b354VRT VT SDK 'Boxing' (Demo for VT03 Pic32)95.66 kb389VRT VT SDK 'Pinball' (C-Compiler Demo Program 2)15.10 kb359VRT VT SDK 'Pink Jelly' (VT03 Demo)580.73 kb472VRT VT SDK 'VT03 Sound Test' (Sound Generator FMDemo)10.13 kb372Vs 10-Yard Fight (Japan)22.91 kb404Vs 10-Yard Fight (US, Taito license)23.16 kb402Vs 10-Yard Fight (World, 11/05/84)23.05 kb406VS Block Breaker (Asia)252.43 kb447VS Block Breaker (Europe)3.39 mb778VS Computer Mahjong18.69 kb0VS Gong Fight36.86 kb384VS Mahjong Otome Ryouran (set 1)14.35 mb1024VS Mahjong Otome Ryouran (set 2)345.82 kb504Vs Maxx 10-in-1 Casino / Senario Card & Casino Games327.86 kb0Vs Maxx 15-in-1422.71 kb0Vs Maxx 17-in-1588.67 kb0Vs Maxx 25-in-1816.21 kb0Vs Maxx 5-in-1 Casino / Senario Card & Casino Games150.47 kb0Vs Maxx 6-in-1 Casino / Senario Card & Casino Games174.00 kb0Vs Maxx Texas Hold'em TV Poker - 6 Player Edition (UK)284.79 kb472Vs Maxx Texas Holdem TV Poker - 6 Player Edition (UK)284.79 kb0Vs Maxx TX-2 50-in-11.18 mb0Vs Maxx Video Extreme 50-in-1 (with Speed Racer and Snood)1.65 mb0Vs Maxx Wireless 77-in-12.31 mb0Vs Power Plus 30-in-14.66 mb0VS Systems LBA Enhancer BIOS 19952.75 kb435Vs. Atari R.B.I. Baseball (set 1)40.34 kb430Vs. Atari R.B.I. Baseball (set 2)29.27 kb389Vs. Balloon Fight (set BF4 A-3)59.66 kb541Vs. BaseBall (Japan, set BA A-1)65.14 kb432Vs. BaseBall (Japan, set BA A-2)65.16 kb408Vs. BaseBall (Japan, set BA A-3)65.21 kb428Vs. BaseBall (US, set BA E-1)63.53 kb461Vs. Battle City32.09 kb522Vs. Castlevania67.94 kb572Vs. Clu Clu Land26.31 kb465Vs. Dr. Mario47.19 kb534Vs. Duck Hunt (set DH3 E)28.99 kb501Vs. Excitebike (set EB4-3 ?)27.35 kb476Vs. Excitebike (set EB4-3 E)32.03 kb560Vs. Excitebike (set EB4-4 A)30.95 kb482Vs. Freedom Force74.48 kb440Vs. Gradius (US, set GR E)48.91 kb501Vs. Gumshoe (set GM5)38.03 kb432Vs. Hogan's Alley (set HA4-1 E-1)24.72 kb456Vs. Hot Smash56.69 kb429Vs. Ice Climber (set IC4-4 ?)25.80 kb459Vs. Ice Climber (set IC4-4 B-1)34.48 kb524Vs. Ice Climber Dual (set IC4-4 A-1)68.70 kb497Vs. Janshi Brandnew Stars17.33 mb900Vs. Janshi Brandnew Stars (Ver 1.1, MegaSystem32 Version)1.28 mb585Vs. Mach Rider (Endurance Course Version)28.74 kb470Vs. Mach Rider (Fighting Course Version, set MR4-1 A)29.63 kb469Vs. Mahjong (Japan)42.90 kb421Vs. Mighty Bomb Jack (Japan)30.64 kb490Vs. Ninja Jajamaru Kun (Japan)23.89 kb448Vs. Pinball (Japan, set PN3 B)25.68 kb418Vs. Pinball (US, set PN4 E-1)26.16 kb448Vs. Platoon96.64 kb451Vs. Raid on Bungeling Bay (RD4-2 B)25.05 kb420Vs. Skate Kids. (Graphic hack of Super Mario Bros.)11.60 kb408Vs. Slalom25.14 kb496Vs. Soccer (set SC4-2 A)30.82 kb485Vs. Soccer (set SC4-3 ?)22.78 kb386Vs. Star Luster29.10 kb431Vs. Stroke & Match Golf (Ladies Version, set LG4 ?)31.96 kb395Vs. Stroke & Match Golf (Ladies Version, set LG4 E)32.00 kb398Vs. Stroke & Match Golf (Men Version, set GF4-2 ?)23.61 kb439Vs. Stroke & Match Golf (Men Version, set GF4-2 F)32.37 kb484Vs. Stroke & Match Golf (Men Version) (Japan, set GF3 B)32.74 kb462Vs. Super Mario Bros. (bootleg with Z80, set 1)32.17 kb523Vs. Super Mario Bros. (bootleg with Z80, set 2)31.10 kb487Vs. Super Mario Bros. (set ?, harder)6.53 kb510Vs. Super Mario Bros. (set SM4-4 E)37.33 kb794Vs. Super SkyKid31.75 kb504Vs. Super Xevious82.82 kb548Vs. T.K.O. Boxing63.77 kb519Vs. Tennis (Japan/USA, set 2)39.86 kb426Vs. Tennis (Japan/USA, set 3)39.84 kb408Vs. Tennis (Japan/USA, set TE A-3)56.27 kb470Vs. Tetris14.57 kb521Vs. The Goonies (set E)35.41 kb551Vs. Top Gun79.00 kb456Vs. Wrecking Crew49.62 kb560VT-503532.91 kb466VT1008.09 kb348VT100 w/VT1xx-AC STP14.00 kb358VT1016.80 kb336VT10226.62 kb353VT131465.00 b341VT1805.53 kb338VT220 (Version 2.1)24.13 kb351VT220 (Version 2.3)25.12 kb353VT240160.41 kb402VT32062.66 kb360VT3309.04 kb347VT420 Video Terminal76.60 kb374VT52 Video Display Terminal (M4)2.19 kb0VT520 Video Terminal219.61 kb410VT62 DECscope3.92 kb0VTA2000-15m20.34 kb334VTech IQ Unlimited (Germany)812.81 kb455VTech IT Unlimited (UK)844.50 kb477Vulcan Venture (New)947.76 kb1051Vulcan Venture (Old)89.46 kb545Vulcan Venture (Oldest)140.17 kb571Vulgus (Japan?)17.13 kb481Vulgus (set 1)70.28 kb693Vulgus (set 2)17.06 kb440Vulkan (Stella)60.04 kb368VX384 Graphics Processor Terminal12.89 kb342VZ 2000 (Oceania)1.80 kb349VZ-200 (Oceania)7.18 kb343
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ammomug · 7 years
FEF – First Episode Friday RETURNS! Today’s FEF – First Episode Friday is the Classic, “Hawaii Five-O” starring John Joseph Patrick Ryan best known by his stage name, Jack Lord. It’s a good bet Jack Lord was the basis of John Patrick "Jack" Ryan, the Tom Clancy character! Jack Lord, was a film and Broadway actor, a director, and producer. He was known for his starring role as Steve McGarrett in the TV Hit Hawaii Five-O from 1968 to 1980 Born in Brooklyn, New York, Lord was the son of Irish-American parents. His father, William Lawrence Ryan, was a steamship company executive who grew up in Morris Park (now known as Richmond Hill), Queens, New York. Lord attended the United States Merchant Marine Academy, located at Fort Trumbull in New London, Connecticut, graduating as an Ensign with a Third Mates License. He attended New York University (NYU) on a football scholarship, and earned a degree in Fine Arts. He spent the first year of the United States' involvement in World War II with the United States Army Corps of Engineers, building bridges in Persia. He returned to the Merchant Marine as an Able Seaman before enrolling in the deck officer course at Fort Trumbull. While making maritime training films, he took to the idea of acting. Lord starred in many popular movies and TV Shows ranging from the James Bond film Dr. No. to the TV series Stoney Burke, a rodeo cowboy from Mission Ridge, South Dakota. Lord credited Gary Cooper as his on-screen role model, and the inspiration for his characterization of Stoney Burke. Lord guest-starred as Colonel 'Pres' Gallagher in second-season episode 5, "Big Brother" of 12 O-Clock High and other television guest appearances including Appointment with Adventure, The Americans, Bonanza, The High Chaparral, Combat!, The Man from U.N.C.L.E., The Reporter starring Harry Guardino, The Fugitive, The Invaders, Rawhide, Ironside, and The F.B.I. According to William Shatner, in 1966, Gene Roddenberry offered Lord the role of Captain James T. Kirk on Star Trek, to replace Jeffrey Hunter, whose wife was making too many demands. Lord asked for 50 percent ownership of the show, so Roddenberry offered the role to Shatner. Jack Lord helped conceive Hawaii Five-O and starred for its 12 seasons as Detective Stephen McGarrett, appointed by the Governor to head the (fictional) State Police criminal investigation department in Honolulu, Hawaii. The opening sequence includes a shot of Lord standing on a penthouse balcony of The Ilikai hotel. Chin Ho Kelly, the name of the police detective played by Kam Fong, was a tip-of-the-hat to Ilikai developer Chinn Ho. He was instrumental in the casting of native Hawaiians, instead of mainland actors. Lord was a perfectionist. At the airing of its last episode, Hawaii Five-O was the longest-running cop show in television history. When series creator Leonard Freeman died in 1974, the show's ownership was shared among Lord, CBS and Freeman's estate, with a contract that made Lord executive producer and gave him complete control over content. He was a hands-on partner who paid attention to minute details, and was known for battles with network executives. It seems natives of Queens NY are Detailed Oriented, Perfectionists, Hands On, and Philanthropists. Sound like a 45th?!! Definitely!! Lord was a philanthropist and his entire estate went to Hawaiian charities upon his wife Marie's death in 2005 McGarrett carried a Smith & Wesson Chief's Special, Model 36. The Model 36 was designed in the era just after World War II, when Smith & Wesson stopped producing war materials and resumed normal production. For the Model 36, they sought to design a revolver that could fire the more powerful .38 Special round in a small, concealable package. Since the older I-frame was not able to handle this load, a new frame was designed, which became the Smith & Wesson J-frame. The new design was introduced at the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) convention in 1950, and was favorably received. A vote was held to name the new revolver, and the name "Chiefs Special" won. A three-inch barreled version of this design went into production immediately, due to high demand. It was available in either a blued or nickel plated finish. It was produced as the "Chiefs Special" until 1957, when it then became the Model 36. The "Chiefs Special" continued to be manufactured as a separate variant. Whether you are as dapper and cool as Steve McGarrett, recite poetry on the set, or have a cool catchphrase like, "Book 'em, Danno!", carrying an AmmOmug will give you the same “Air of Cool”! Have a terrific weekend!
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luminar2000 · 8 years
My favourite quotes
[The year would not be complete without the Darwin Awards - awarded every year to the persons who died in the stupidest manner, thereby removing themselves from the gene pool. This year's nine Darwin Award Nominees are.] Nominee No. 1 [San Jose Mercury News]: An unidentified man, using a shotgun like a club to break a former girlfriend's windshield, accidentally shot himself to death when the gun discharged, blowing a hole in his gut. Nominee No. 2 [Kalamazoo Gazette]: James Burns, 34, (a mechanic) of Alamo, MI, was killed in March as he was trying to repair what police describe as a "farm-type truck." Burns got a friend to drive the truck on a highway while Burns hung underneath so that he could ascertain the source of a troubling noise.. Burns' clothes caught on something, however, and the other man found Burns "wrapped in the drive shaft." Nominee No. 3 [Hickory Daily Record]: Ken Charles Barger, 47, accidentally shot himself to death in December in Newton, NC. Awakening to the sound of a ringing telephone beside his bed, he reached for the phone but grabbed instead a Smith & Wesson 38 Special, which discharged when he drew it to his ear. (For whatever reason, residents of Southern states always seem to figure prominently among the Darwin nominees.) Nominee No. 4 [UPI, Toronto]: Police said a lawyer demonstrating the safety of windows in a downtown Toronto skyscraper crashed through a pane with his shoulder and plunged 24 floors to his death. A police spokesman said Garry Hoy, 39, fell into the courtyard of the Toronto Dominion Bank Tower early Friday evening as he was explaining the strength of the building's windows to visiting law students. Hoy previously has conducted demonstrations of window strength according to police reports. Peter Lawson, managing partner of the firm Holden Day, told the Toronto Sun newspaper that Hoy was "one of the best and brightest" members of the 200-man association.. (Nice to see another Canadian province getting into the awards.... The Maritimes always have been heavily involved.) Nominee No. 5 [Bloomberg News Service]: A terrible diet and a room with no ventilation are being blamed for the death of a man who was killed by his own gas emissions. There were no marks on his body, and an autopsy showed large amounts of methane gas in his system. His diet had consisted primarily of beans and cabbage (and a couple of other things). It was just the right combination of foods. It appears that the man died in his sleep from breathing the poisonous cloud that was hanging over his bed. Had he been outside or had his windows been opened, it wouldn't have been fatal. But the man was shut up in his nearly airtight bedroom. According to the article, "He was a big man with a huge capacity for creating "this deadly gas." Three of the rescuers got sick, and one was hospitalized. Nominee No. 6 [The News of the Weird]: Michael Anderson Godwin made News of the Weird posthumously. He had spent several years awaiting South Carolina's electric chair on a murder conviction before having his sentence reduced to life in prison. While sitting on a metal toilet in his cell attempting to fix his small TV set, he bit into a wire and was electrocuted. (North Carolina entrants are always perennial favorites.) Nominee No. 7 [The Indianapolis Star]: A cigarette lighter may have triggered a fatal explosion in Dunkirk, IN. A Jay County man, using a cigarette lighter to check the barrel of a muzzle loader, was killed Monday night when the weapon discharged in his face, sheriff's investigators said. Gregory David Pryor, 19, died in his parents' rural Dunkirk home at about 11:30 PM. Investigators said Pryor was cleaning a 54-caliber muzzleloader that had not been firing properly. He was using the lighter to look into the barrel when the gunpowder ignited. Nominee No. 8 [Reuters, Mississauga, Ontario]: A man cleaning a bird feeder on the balcony of his condominium apartment in this Toronto suburb slipped and fell 23 stories to his death. Stefan Macko, 55, was standing on a wheeled chair when the accident occurred, said Inspector D'Arcy Honer of the Peel Regional Police. "It appears that the chair moved, and he went over the balcony," Honer said. (Another Ontario entry... I wonder if people are moving there from the Maritime Provinces.) Finally, THE WINNER! [North Carolina Democrat Gazette]: Two local men were injured when their pickup truck left the road and struck a tree near Cotton Patch on State Highway 38 early Monday. Woodruff County deputy Dovey Snyder reported the accident shortly after midnight Monday. Thurston Poole, 33, of Des Arc, and Billy Ray Wallis, 38, of Little Rock, were returning to Des Arc after a "frog gigging trip" on an overcast Sunday night when Poole's pickup truck headlights malfunctioned. The two men concluded that the headlight fuse on the older-model truck had burned out. As a replacement fuse was not avail able, Wallis noticed that the .22 caliber bullet from his pistol fit perfectly into the fuse box next to the steering-wheel column. Upon inserting the bullet the headlights again began to operate properly, and the two men proceeded on eastbound toward the White River Bridge. After traveling approximately 20 miles, and just before crossing the river, the bullet apparently overheated, discharged, and struck Poole in the testicles. The vehicle swerved sharply right, exiting the pavement, and striking a tree. Poole suffered only minor cuts and abrasions from the accident, but will require extensive surgery to repair the damage to his testicles, which will never operate as intended. Wallis sustained a broken clavicle and was treated and released.. "Thank God we weren't on that bridge when Thurston shot his balls off, or we might both be dead," stated Wallis. "I've been a trooper for 10 years in this part of the world, but this is a first for me. I can't believe that those two would admit how this accident happened," said Snyder. Upon being notified of the wreck, Lavinia (Poole's wife) asked how many frogs the boys had caught and did anyone get them from the truck? (Though Poole and Wallis did not die as a result of their misadventure as normally required by Darwin Award Official Rules, it can be argued that Poole DID, in fact, effectively remove himself from the gene pool.)
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