#Genuinely if anyone knows hmu because I have a fic I need to tag and I feel weird using ship tags when they're. bickering. slkdjf.
fountainpenguin · 10 months
I love you duo names, I love you completely acceptable and useful way to search up and tag a pair of characters in a less inherently shippy-sounding way that's more comfortable for me personally, I love the humor, I love the spark, I love you duo names <3
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baynton · 7 months
thanks for the tag @thelastplantagenet <3
for the sake of this tag game i'll only be using my main/current ao3 account to answer with. otherwise it'll get far too messy
1. How many fics do you have on AO3?
53, and i only made this account and started posting on it in january of this year. i'm very normal
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
3. What fandoms do you write for?
mostly just mat fandoms to be honest, although i've got like... 4? non-mat fics on this account. i will be disregarding those 4 fics from now on (because obviously bigger fandoms get more recognition and this is a Mat Account)
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
- Cold Turkey - 24 kudos, pat/thomas
- Performance - 22 kudos, thomas/julian, thomas/getting bukkaked by all the ghosts
- Follow Through - 22 kudos, alison/thomas
- Simon Says - 20 kudos, mat/simon
- Permanently - 16 kudos, julian/thomas
obviously since ghosts is the biggest mat show, it makes sense (not really anyone reading fics for ymata, spy, the wrong mans, etc)
5. Do you respond to comments?
i'm a lazy shit, and usually forget. when my friends comment they also tend to message me about it in the mat discord (if you're 18+ and want to join hmu it's a lot of fun) where i post all my fics too, so i tend to reply to them over there to be honest, but sometimes when i remember or am particularly touched by a comment i will go and reply
6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
definitely "tell me what you imagine, when you think of me." rip ariel. literally
7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
okay well it's not actually finished yet, though i have a good idea of where i'm taking it when i get around to writing more, but i'd say Fixer-Upper probably. chris waltzes into joe's life, improves it, then starts giving him lots of kinky sex while they also dance around ~actually dating~ (which they will end up doing properly. when i get around to writing it)
8. Do you get hate on fics?
generally, no. i make it clear what my fics contain, whether that's kinks, rpf, dubcon/noncon, etc, so most people know not to click if they're not interested. i did have a hate comment on simon says a while back, i remember because it was genuinely funny
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
yes, lol. and all kinds, ranging from sweet to kinky as sin
10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
i write many crossovers, i mean. i write a lot of mat character/mat character so like chris x joe (spy x reluctant persuaders), ariel x chris (ymata x spy), but yeah they're only really crossovers in the sense that i'm like hmm this mat character should fuck/date this mat character. the only ones i *properly* create a believable crossover world for are my chris x joe fics, because i'm very normal about them
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
don't see why anyone would bother stealing mine, the mat fandom is so tiny there's not much to steal. emma @toomanyfandomsneverenoughtime has written a few fics based on my favourite chris x joe crossover world i created, though, which isn't stealing but the greatest gift ever <3
12. Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
no, actually! i would 1000000% cowrite with emma though. if she wanted to :3
13. What's your all time favourite ship?
look. look.l ook. i can't choose between ariel x jamie and chris x joe but if i had to. chris x joe lol
14. What's a WIP you want to finish but doubt you will?
i fully intend to finish my wips! i have the next chapter and a half written for Paid in Trade, i just haven't published it, and i've also got further plans for Fixer-Upper, and those are my only wips. most of my fics just tend to be smutty oneshots tbh
15. What are your writing strengths?
i write pretty good smut when i actually put in the effort, as opposed to being like oh god i have this smutty idea and i need to get it out of my head so i'm just gonna write it all in two hours and then post it because why not
16. What are your writing weaknesses?
having patience. i'm trying to write a longer sam/marat fic at the moment but i just keep wanting to rush ahead to the good bit rather than drag out the slow burn, even though i really want to. i'm impatient af tbh
17. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
i only speak english and would probably definitely butcher another language. however if i ever have a need for a character to speak another language, i would probably make it czech so i could get @the-illuminated-one to provide me with actual sensical sentences as opposed to google translating it
18. First fandom you wrote for?
ohhhh wow kingdom hearts lol. but those are all wiped from the internet. there's still some ancient glee fics i wrote out there though, which came right after the kh era
19. Favourite fic you've written?
keeping it within the mat fandoms once again (otherwise i will just talk about my jopper fake dating fic which i am still so fucking proud of lol), probably come closer (ariel x jamie), but there's also a few fics i'm working on that are completely unpublished atm that i am very very attached to haha
and now for tagging. i tag @toomanyfandomsneverenoughtime, @sonnet-of-anarchy, @kore538, @goodonecap. no pressure, i just love u guys and know u all write. xo
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Tag Game! Tagged by one of my faves, the ever lovely @stealing-jasons-job
1. Why did you choose your url?
My username is so weird lol I get asked this all the time and I wish I had a better answer but I literally just love videos of those hairless cats taking baths. I also think the word nakey is really funny which pretty much tells you everything you need to know about me. I didn't plan on posting fic when I came up with this name and now I'm too attached to it to change it to something practical or more poetic.
2. Any side blogs?
None currently but there are some old ones lingering around...
Somewhere out in the universe is a hipster blog filled with poetry and short stories about boys who didn't like me back in high school but it is long lost and I have no idea what it is called. It is probably a repurposed to scam people into clicking RayBand Sunglasses links by now. There's also a really really old Dramione fic blog running around somewhere that I used when I wrote in the Harry Potter fandom.
No need to talk about my "fitness" blog that was basically thinly veiled orthorexia
3. How long have you been on tumblr?
I think since just before the height of the popularity so like 2010? I fell out of it with everyone else and was really pleasantly surprised to find that people are still hanging around here when I came back two years ago haha
4. Do you have a queue tag?
No. I'm highly impulsive and a terrible planner. If you see posts on here, I am here haha I don't have that kind of foresight.
5. Why did you start your blog in the first place?
Honestly I have no idea, I was having a tough time and wanted to write and the rest of this has just been a really happy accident.
6. Why did you choose your icon/pfp?
It's real cute isn't it?! It's so hard to find aesthetic faceless pics with brown skin so I had to take the opportunity. It's just so vibey, isn't it?
7. Why did you choose your header?
Yellow is such a joyful color!
8. What’s your post with the most notes?
I'm not very tech savvy I have no clue how to figure this out? It's probably a moodboard of some kind! I'm not big on text posts haha
9. How many mutuals do you have?
I have literally no clue. But I have made sooooo many truly incredible friends on here. I'm infinitely grateful for all of them. Y'all have become such a genuine source of joy and support in my life, I truly cannot express how much you mean to me.
10. How many followers do you have?
982 and I suspect a significant percent of those are porn link accounts and spam because at least one of those follows me a day. Idk what the point of follower counts on here is, but I love all of you, even the Pornbots. This account is also super old so some of them might be dead blogs too.
11. How many people do you follow?
and none of you are pornbots and I love y'all even more.
12. Have you ever made a shit post?
I've made crackposts?
13. How often do you use tumblr a day?
I notoriously hate my phone and I have this app that lets you grow a tree if you don't use your screen. It's very cute, I grew 5 peach trees today. But long story short, it's not super often, maybe once a day. I try to check notifications every day though because I do absolutely love interacting with y'all.
14. Did you ever have a fight/argument with another blog?
Hahahah I wish I was bold enough to do this because I've been tempted to do it more times than I can count but conflict makes me squirm and also cry. I do get intensely annoyed when I see tone-deaf discourse about mixed race people though so I'll always go to bat for that one.
I did lose my shit one time and tagged something as "nakeycats has fucking snapped" which haunts me in my tags to this day and makes me laugh now.
15. How do you feel about the ‘you need to reblog’ posts?
I get it. I mean, I'm not one to tell people what to do and I don't always love the tone it takes on but the general sentiment of it isn't unfounded. There has been a general shift away from reblogging even though it's the only way content gets traction on this site. From a content creation standpoint it's disheartening to put work out there and know that nobody is seeing it. So much love and work goes into writing and it really does suck sometimes. That said, people are going to do what they're going to do, it's not going to stop me from putting work out there.
16. Do you like tag games?
I adore tag games! I love everything about them! Every time I get tagged in one it's like "me? really?" and then I consider us to be besties haha.
17. Do you like ask games?
I really like them and I used to love doing them when we did BWC! Some of the games get hard to keep track of now but this was such a good way to meet people and I'm grateful for it. That said, I LOVE ASKS. If you ever need to vent or rant or tell a joke or chat or practice your emoji usage HMU I'm always down.
18. Which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
Is Tumblr famous still a thing? I would probably just tag my friends in this since they're all famous to me and I'm convinced a lot of them will be famous one day for writing or creating in some way ( @stealing-jasons-job and @queenemori specific point to you in particular)
I will give a special shout-out to @burninghoneyatdusk because I was a massive fan of her writing and then we became mutuals and I was like "omg!! the author of this fic love! A star is following me back!" haha so that was a fun moment when I was first dipping my toes in the fandom and it did feel like someone famous followed me. Also she is rad and very humble considering how talented she is.
19. Do you have a crush on a mutual?
I can't even bring myself to have a crush on someone in real life.
Plenty of friend crushes though.
20. No-pressure tags:
@elora-lane . @natassakar . @ninappon . @burninghoneyatdusk . @obviesbellarke . @queenemori . @franklyineedcoffee . @carrieeve . @infp-with-all-the-feelings and anyone else who wants to do it
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aresenik · 5 years
dabihawks youtuber au
im just gonna put down all my ideas for my dabihawks youtuber au on here!
Hawks - 3rd most subscribed, gaming/makeup/reaction videos! Profile picture is just a selfie and his channel banner is probably a shitty meme.
Dabi - Honestly his personal channel he just does whatever the fuck he wants. Guitar vids? Check. Cooking vids? You got it. Arson? Graffiti? :)
Toga - SFX makeup, like blood and stuff! Also she has the ability to like replicate a real person with her makeup, she’s really good it’s almost uncanny.
Shigaraki - He is a gamer. He’s not AS popular as Hawks but he’s gained a lot of traction because he’s famous for raging. (Would he have one of those really annoying dubsteb intros? You know what I’m talking about?)
Twice - Definitely a comedy channel, Mr. Compress - Magician, Spinner - Knive tutorials, Magne - Funny skits
Kurogiri - He has a channel that shows tutorials on special effects and video editing but he also mostly helps edit everyone else’s stuff when they need it.
THE LEAGUE OF VILLAINS ALL HAVE THEIR OWN CHANNEL,,, they review videos, do illegal shit, and just have a fun time. it’s actually pretty popular,, not in the top ten but they have a pretty dedicated fanbase <3
All Might - #1 channel! He is a motivational pep speaker.
Endeavor - He’s....#2 (though uh not for long ;)) He does gun videos and at some point just,,, a ton of apology videos.
Midoriya - An analyst channel! He’s very good at figuring out how the workings of Youtube work, and he’s known for his extremely cultivated theories that are basically 100% proven with all the sources he sites. Midoriya is very smart ;3 I think because he likes All Might so much he’d also want to do some motivational stuff too
Todoroki - Crack theory channel. “Is Midoriya All Might’s illegitimate child?” is an actual video. Midoriya and Todoroki are friends and they collaborate a ton, though it’s mostly Midoriya disproving Todoroki’s theories >U<
Bakugou - he explodes EVERYTHING on his channel. bread, tables, he explodes explosions. 
Kirishima - He’s a channel that tests the durability of things and how long they can withstand certain things. he teams up with Bakugou a lot to see if his items can withstand his explosions.
Ochako is a space channel and Tsuyu is a frog channel!
Bakusquad DEFINITELY has their own channel where they just get into shenanigans!! Kaminari and Sero both share their own personal meme channel and Ashido does makeup and clothing hauls and all that <3
Best Jeanist does jeans.
Momo has a ton of tutorials on how to make things from scratch and Jirou does a lot of covers (and also originals)
The Iida’s all share a channel where they give positive mental health talks and they also just. Go fast. Tensei is a memelord while Tenya is,,, Tenya <3
SO BASICALLY THE WHOLE THING Starts off with excerpts from Hawks video kind of? He’s playing...Stardew Valley :3 And they are reviewing his channel because he’s literally the #3 most popular youtuber!! Shigaraki is watching his gameplay, and he’s played Stardew before, so he’s kind of just giving tips…? They’re also kind of making fun of Hawks because that is what they do. Kind of. The League is making offhand remarks about it, and finally Dabi’s like “he’s hot” and everyone just stops. And then they all laugh and Dabi just shrugs and is like “i said what i said.”
We cut back to Hawks thinking of video ideas when he starts getting a lot of notifications on Twitter. His followers are tagging him saying the LoV made a video on him, so Hawks gets the idea to react to their video! He watches their videos actually... and knows that they do illegal activities… but he doesn’t really care in this AU. They aren’t really hurting anyone! 
So Hawks does the video, and he gets to the part where Dabi calls him hot and he’s caught off guard. So how does he react? He looks straight into the camera and is like “hmu on twitter ;)” except in human speak.
Memes are (obviously) made showing Hawks reaction and Dabi catches hold of it and is like “okay” and literally texts him on Twitter! So they text for quite a while...some of it snark, others genuine conversation, and borderline flirty (? yeah)
So!!!! They eventually agree to do a collab…:) except they don’t know what kind of collab. Dabi suggests Hawks appear in one of the LoV’s videos and Hawks agrees like the gamer he is.
So they do that collab (stupid stunts !! ofc) and Hawks finds himself having a lot more fun than usual. And yeah then the rest is just shenanigans and eventually… getting together ;)
Obviously there will be a lot of conflict because...duh. I don’t really have a lot of arcs planned out but I have one (1)!!!
Occasionally there will be snippets of the other channels as well!!! Kind of as intermissions.
I really am looking forward to writing this,,, it’s gonna be social media/actual fic and i really hope i can make it and finish it.
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an-annyeoing-writer · 5 years
mafia!Suga x Reader: curiosity killed the cat.
It’s kind of dark, especially at the end, so please don’t read if you’re triggered by themes like death or violence.
Tagged: @allypasta. 
HMU if you’d like to be tagged in my fics. You can specify whether you’d like to be tagged in EXO or BTS stories, or even for specific members!
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A part of you knew that whatever you were doing, was what you shouldn't start in the first place. You stared at the man sitting in the almost empty coffee shop, unable to tear your gaze away for a long while.
The page you opened on your phone showed something that should give you the biggest of concerns, and every time you glanced at it, your fingers itched to call the police, to let them know that a criminal they're looking for is literally in front of them, sitting unarmed in a coffee shop like any other young person could do.
But in fact, it wasn’t the first time you were itching to do that, and you definitely should do that with how many times you’ve come to see him in the past weeks.
Yet, the attraction you felt prevented you every single time.
You would always look up at him, and your wish to do anything about it would suddenly dissolve, exchanged with some sort of lethal curiosity, and you'd feel a strong need to act on it, to stand up and sit next to the man, ask him something as silly as weather, and deeply memorize every word of answer he'd grace you with.
What a wanted mafia member would say if asked about weather?
You forced yourself to glance outside. In fact, the weather was really nice. It was early evening, with the sky slowly covering in red hues, with the shadows getting longer and longer, with the warm light barging into the small space of the shop without a sign of remorse, through the inviting glass that covered its whole wall.
Orange shades fell upon the man's face, and only then, have you noticed that he finally reciprocated your stare, silently observing your movements, which had your breath stuck in your throat for a moment, before you forced an awkward smile onto your face, but at which he didn't even flinch, his eyes swallowing your whole composure, ripping you apart and open to his own curiosity.
You slowly reached for your phone, but a small head tilt you noticed made you quickly resign from the idea. Had he figured you out? After years in this field, he should have. Such ability was probably what saved his life all along, and without such perfect instincts he wouldn't survive for so long, unnoticed by the police even though the coffee shop was literally on the opposite side of the road as the police office.
You forced air into your lungs and then held it there, slowly reaching for your phone. Without sparing it a glance, you put it in your bag, quickly zipping it closed in a clear statement. I mean no harm.
The man only kept staring though, not letting you know that he acknowledged it in any way, obviously distrustful, which you couldn't really blame him for. The gaze grew heavy, and you felt yourself trapped in it, as if it put some kind of weight on your already strained shoulders. Lack of comfort was disturbing, and it pushed your curiosity aside, giving you a new wish: to just get out of there as soon as possible.
You drank the last bits of your coffee, and then stood up, hanging the bag over your shoulder and holding onto it as if you were holding onto your sanity. You stared down at the tips of your shoes as you threw the empty cup to the nearby trash can, quickly stepping in the door's direction.
As soon as the door closed behind you, you heard it open again, soft, almost inaudible steps following your nervous ones. The presence stopped right behind you, making your fingers clench around the bag's strap.
“I-I won't tell anyone” you quickly announced, not daring to look behind, yet clearly aware of who it was behind you.
“Ah, so.”
You felt an urge to shrink, to curl up into a ball that would be considered harmless enough to just leave alone.
“I-I'm sorry...”
“For what? Watching me for all these days? You don’t know a sorry is not enough to make up for stalking. It’s a crime, haven’t you been told that before?”
He knew.
“As an office worker, you should know that much, [F/n].”
He knew... more than you’d ever expect him to know.
It was a fact, you’ve noticed him sometime ago, and you always felt tempted to follow him wherever he went, your curiosity peaking every time he appeared, excitement rushing through your veins when you learned to predict his tracks, because he often used the same routes.
Yet, you’d never think that just as you watched him, he watched you, too, learning about you, figuring you out to find out whether you were a threat to him.
“P-please, don't kill me” you whimpered.
A short laugh echoed behind you, but this time, it sounded almost genuine.
“You're freaking out so much. Cute.” His words mocked you, clearly not caring much about your state. “You’re pretty... chaotic as for someone who’s been playing with fire for so long. Did you really not think you may get burned if you keep doing it?” His breath hit the nape of your neck when he came even closer, and you flinched at that. “But I know your type” he added with contempt. “Have you heard that curiosity killed the cat?”
He emphasized the word “killed”, surely not by accident. 
“Meow” you answered blankly, almost slapping yourself right aftermath. He probably just thought you’re making fun of him. Except for the noise was automatic, you didn’t really think it through, your brain heard cat and the stress seemed to have completely messed up your brain cells.
To your utter surprise, the man burst out with laughter.
“Seriously?” Even though it should sound threatening, he seemed genuinely amused with you. “Chill out, you’ll get a heart attack if you keep stressing this much.” He leaned, hovering above your shaking frame. “I’m actually somewhat flattered. For once I’m being followed by someone who’s not trying to get to my throat. Though, who knows. “His hand ghosted over your waist. “Maybe you’re just trying to get to my pants instead?”
You flinched when his fingers brushed a small piece of your exposed skin there, where your shirt lifted up a bit. You turned around, backing away in panic.
“Oh, don’t fret. My interest in you only reaches as far.”
A small smirk graced the corner of his lips. He stepped towards you, and you automatically stepped back, trying to keep the safe distance.
“But I was honest when I said that curiosity killed the cat.”
His words made you back away even more.
Straight onto the road. Straight into the way of a racing car. A loud bang echoed in the empty streets.
Yoongi stared for a short while at the blood splashed on the darkening pavement, the car driver’s frantic attempts to save your life, and your wide eyes, fading so fast, as he’d seen many other people’s do before in his life.
“Unfortunately for you... 
...satisfaction won’t bring it back this time.”
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skittykittys · 7 years
interacting with “big blogs” in fandom: or, how to actually respect your favs
lately i’ve been seeing a Lot of weird shit in regards to how people are trying to interact with popular fanartists/fic authors and i gotta say a couple things
first, this should go without saying but some people have forgotten it apparently: fan content creators do not exist for you. we are not obligated to answer your prompts, be your friend, or give you advice. it’s totally okay to talk to us, give us support, and send us prompts, but unless you’re paying someone for their art or fic they’re under no obligation to create things for you. prompts can be really really great and get me out of writers block, but sometimes i just can’t answer all of them, or don’t find some particularly inspiring. that’s not a reflection on you or your preferences, we’re just busy people who do this for fun. if you really really want to see something, make it yourself! even if you think your writing/art is really bad, what’s important is that you’re creating something that’s fun for you, and other people will appreciate it no matter what.
some etiquette stuff:
please don’t ask someone to beta your fic for you unless you’re actually friends or they’ve offered generally (e.g., “if anyone is writing jewish devoraks fic and needs a beta hmu”). it’s really cool and flattering that you think someone is a good enough writer to judge your work! but betaing is really really personal and isn’t something most of us are comfortable doing for a stranger.
of course we love hearing about your theories/ocs, but please keep in mind that infodumping/sending a lot of messages to someone you don’t really know can be really overwhelming. i’m perfectly happy to make new friends in fandom and talk about stuff like this, but i’m also too polite and anxious to say “sorry, this is too much for me to take in.” 
if someone says no to you, back off. just because someone you respect takes requests or has mentioned interest in something, doesn’t mean they owe you a fic/talking about a headcanon/being rp partners. this goes double for anything nsfw.
the way you see someone interacting with their friends has no bearing on how you should be interacting with them. if you see someone joking around with their friends, casually making fun of each other, making flirty/nsfw comments, etc. it doesn’t mean you can come into their messages and act the same way. even if these are messages on anon, we know who it is and are joking about it privately, but getting anons like that from people who clearly aren’t someone we know is super uncomfortable and weird. don’t do it.
we love when people go through our content tags! it’s super exciting and makes us feel like you really liked our work! it is a little weird and uncomfy when like someone who just followed you or doesn’t even follow you is suddenly liking your unrelated posts from 2 months ago though? just be aware that we can see how you’re interacting with our posts.
don’t FUCKING give people constructive criticism they didn’t ask for. it’s rude as shit. don’t do it. the one exception is if they did something racist or otherwise bad in their work, in which case message them privately about it first.
comments can be really great, but please consider leaving them in the tags! if you’re just saying “this was great” that can go in the tags, which i promise you we all read. especially stuff that’s really personal/unrelated is.... uncomfy to read in a post comment and really doesn’t need to go there. i’ve definitely seen some really sweet/good/necessary comments on posts but just keep that in mind!
all of this is stuff that’s happened to me or other content creators i know. most of it happens regularly. this isn’t meant to be a callout or a vague or anything like that, but i genuinely do hope it helps people who may not know the unspoken etiquette surrounding things like this!
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