#George W. Bush administration
todaysdocument · 1 year
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Mrs. Laura Bush meets the Westminster Kennel Club's 2008 Best in Show Winner, Uno, in the East Room on May 5, 2008. 
Collection GWB-WHPO: Records of the White House Photo Office (George W. Bush Administration)
Series: Photographs Related to the George W. Bush Administration
Image description: Uno, a brown-and-white beagle, lies on a table covered in white fabric, with one paw over the edge of the table. He is looking at Mrs. Laura Bush, who is seated on a nearby chair and smiling. In the background is a dark gold curtain and pink flowers. 
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tomorrowusa · 3 years
You cannot discuss the rise of the Taliban in 2021 without talking about the U.S.'s doomed Iraq War in 2003. But the press today wants to try. [ ... ]   Bush drained U.S. resources by launching an unprecedented, preemptive invasion based on the lie that Saddam Hussein was sitting on a stockpile of weapons of mass destruction. Overnight, Afghanistan lost its focus as the U.S.’s military response to the terrorist attack on 9/11. (Under Bush, the U.S. had 10,000-20,000 troops in Afghanistan, compared to roughly 150,000 troops in Iraq during his second term.)   [ ... ] The United States’ two-decade failure in Afghanistan is inexorably tied to Bush’s catastrophic Iraq invasion. Not surprisingly, news outlets that promoted the failed war aren’t anxious to address it today.
Eric Boehlert at Press Run.
George W. Bush wasn't happy enough to have just one régime change - he wanted two. He blamed Saddam Hussein for 9/11 without any evidence (there was none according to the official 9/11 Commission) and then concocted his weapons of mass destruction story as a cover.
Grabbing Iraqi oil was the closest thing Bush-Cheney-Rumsfeld had to an energy policy, but we'll save that thought for another time.
Anyway, media outlets didn't want to appear sympathetic to Saddam so they passively went along with Bush's Iraq lie.
The Iraq fiasco diverted attention and resources from Afghanistan and as of this month, both adventures are now officially Bush failures.
Don't take any shit from MAGA zombies attempting to blame Biden. He chose the least bad option and he hasn’t tried to weasel out of responsibility.
The person mostly to blame for 21st century US wars and security failures is President Mission Accomplished. He should be getting much more attention than he has been this week.
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thenewdemocratus · 5 years
Jeff Tsui's Vlog: Video: The Two George W. Bush's: George W. Bush as Comedian in Chief
Jeff Tsui’s Vlog: Video: The Two George W. Bush’s: George W. Bush as Comedian in Chief
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. This post was originally posted at FreeStateExtra on Blogger
President George W. Bush is probably the easiest public figure to make fun of and impersonate. He’s a bigger target than a free all you can eat meat lovers buffet at a fat farm. Because he’s been somewhat controversial with his Presidency and I’ll give President Bush…
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investmart007 · 6 years
Honolulu | Daniel Akaka, first Native Hawaiian in Congress, dies at 93
New Post has been published on https://goo.gl/UEoEeU
Honolulu | Daniel Akaka, first Native Hawaiian in Congress, dies at 93
HONOLULU | April 6, 2018 (AP)(STL.News) Former Sen. Daniel Kahikina Akaka, the first Native Hawaiian elected to Congress who served for more than three decades, died Friday. He was 93. Akaka died in Honolulu after being hospitalized for several months, said Jon Yoshimura, the senator’s former communications director.
The Democrat served 14 years in the U.S. House before he was appointed to replace Sen. Spark Matsunaga, who died of cancer in spring 1990. Akaka won election that fall for the rest of Matsunaga’s term, and voters sent him back for consecutive terms until 2012, when he chose not to seek re-election.
His legislative style was described as low-key, a characterization he embraced.
“I have a Hawaiian style of dealing with my colleagues,” he said.
Akaka developed a reputation as a congenial legislator who made many friends while making few waves in pressing the interests of the 50th state.
“Senator Daniel Kahikina Akaka embodied the aloha spirit,” Sen. Mazie Hirono of Hawaii said in a statement. “He dedicated his life to serving the people of Hawaii as an educator, and in the U.S. Army, state government, the U.S. House, and the U.S. Senate. In Congress, Senator Akaka’s care, empathy, and collegiality served as an example for us all.”
In 1996, Akaka sponsored federal legislation that ultimately resulted in Medals of Honor — the Army’s highest honor for bravery — for 22 Asian-American soldiers who fought during World War II. Those soldiers included the late Sen. Daniel Inouye, who was severely wounded in Italy while serving with the famed Japanese-American 442nd Regimental Combat Team.
Akaka once said his main accomplishment in Congress was obtaining federal funds for Hawaii for education, energy and Native Hawaiian programs. In the 2006 general election, the then-82-year-old senator stressed the value of his Senate seniority and his opposition to the war in Iraq.
Akaka went on to become chairman of the Senate Veterans’ Affairs Committee.
He expanded his harsh criticism of the George W. Bush administration, getting involved in a number of issues with a more aggressive congressional staff. A World War II veteran, Akaka often stressed the hidden damage of war, including mental illness among veterans.
“As we work to meet the needs of all returning service members,” Akaka said, “we must pay close attention to the full range of war wounds, from eye trauma and damage to service members’ hearing, to (post-traumatic stress disorder) and depression, to burn injuries.”
He introduced several measures to improve services to veterans, help aging Filipino vets who fought for America in World War II and end contactor waste and fraud in Iraq.
But Akaka gained the most attention for his fight to pass legislation that carried his name.
The Hawaiian Recognition Bill, known widely as the Akaka Bill, was intended to give Native Hawaiians the same recognition as Native Americans and Alaska Natives.
Opponents called it unconstitutional favoritism toward one race even though it had broad bipartisan support in Hawaii, a state where no ethnic group makes up the majority of residents. Even some Native Hawaiians expressed doubts, arguing it would give the federal government too much immunity from their claims regarding land or other issues.
Akaka’s first foray into elective politics was an unsuccessful primary race for lieutenant governor in 1974. He eventually became a special assistant to then-Gov. George Ariyoshi.
Two years later, Akaka easily won election in Hawaii’s 2nd Congressional District — encompassing rural Oahu and the islands of Hawaii, Kauai, Maui, Molokai and Niihau — and was re-elected six more times with at least 86 percent of the vote.
Born in 1924, Akaka grew up in a devoutly Christian home in Honolulu. He was the youngest of eight children of a Native Hawaiian mother and a Hawaiian-Chinese father.
After serving in the Army Corps of Engineers during World War II, Akaka earned his bachelor’s and master’s degrees in education at the University of Hawaii. He was a public school teacher, principal and program specialist for 18 years before becoming director of the Hawaii Office of Economic Opportunity in 1971.
Akaka is survived by his wife, Mary Mildred “Millie” Chong, four sons, a daughter and many grandchildren and great-grandchildren.
By CALEB JONES by Associated Press – published on STL.News by St. Louis Media, LLC (U.S)
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pontiactribune · 6 years
Trump’s Drone Kill Rate 80 Times Greater than Under Bush
Must Read.
Washington, DC (MintPress) – During the 2016 election, Donald Trump – quite successfully – managed to convince a sizable portion of the electorate that he would take a much more anti-interventionist stance, in terms of U.S. military entanglements abroad, than would his contender Hillary Clinton. Yet, throughout his first year as president, such differences have been few and far between.
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dailyqueernews · 9 years
Obama, Like Bush, Just Makes It All Worse
Obama, Like Bush, Just Makes It All Worse
President Obama with George W. Bush. (photo: AP)
  William Boardman | Reader Supported News | December 9, 2015
resident Obama’s oval office talk on terrorism promises more of the same failed strategy based on no serious reconsideration of changed reality. From the top, by focusing on 14 Americans killed in error, the President plays into the terrorists’ hands. President Obama, like the rest of…
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ctrychristian · 10 years
Obama aims to 'grow' aid for China
Obama aims to ‘grow’ aid for China
U.S. already $1.3 trillion in debt to top economic, military competitor
The Obama administration now has ambitions to expand the number of aid programs to China and is working on deploying a privately contracted overseer to “manage and grow” this development portfolio, WND has discovered.
Obama intends to accomplish that task through the U.S. Trade & Development Agency, or USTDA, which…
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christianpatriots · 10 years
Obama aims to 'grow' aid for China
Obama aims to ‘grow’ aid for China
U.S. already $1.3 trillion in debt to top economic, military competitor
The Obama administration now has ambitions to expand the number of aid programs to China and is working on deploying a privately contracted overseer to “manage and grow” this development portfolio, WND has discovered.
Obama intends to accomplish that task through the U.S. Trade & Development Agency, or USTDA, which…
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drmichaeldevans-blog · 12 years
The Leaven of anti-Semitism Is Rising
If you watch carefully, you can see it.  If you read between the lines in many news stories, it’s there.  Sometimes you don’t have to search for it.  It’s in the headlines.  If you haven’t seen it, look again.  It’s right in front of you.  Anti-Semitism is on the rise.  Now the US State Department’s annual report on religious freedom recognizes it as well.
The report described a global increase in intolerance and hatred of the Jews.  It pointed out that the “rising tide of anti-Semitism” was one of the key worldwide trends of the past year.  The specific recognition of anti-Semitism in the report came at the behest of Hannah Rosenthal, the current Special Envoy on anti-Semitism.  Rightfully so, she felt that including it in the human rights reports of the department would raise the awareness of the problem in the US diplomatic corps.  The position of Special Envoy on anti-Semitism was created during the George W. Bush administration.
The report specifically recognized Iran, Egypt, Hungary, the Ukraine, Palestinian occupied areas, and Venezuela as hot spots of this plague of intolerance.  In Hungary, for instance, an anti-Semitic political party was established last year.  Jewish owned businesses and cemeteries have become regular targets of vandalism in the Ukraine.  In Egypt’s revolution-torn state, anti-Israeli political cartoons and commentaries are a regular part of “both government-run and opposition media.”  President Hugo Chavez, always an endearing gentleman, describes Israel’s defense of it legally-granted land against the Palestinian Authority as “genocide.”
It almost goes without saying that Iran has displayed anti-Semitic “tendencies.”  At least it kind of sounded like that when several high-ranking religious and government officials have issued a call to “wipe Israel off the map.”
While the report went to great lengths to include what State Department officials saw as human rights violations and “societal discrimination” within the borders of Israel, it failed to point out our own indiscretions here in the US.  Within the last month, we have reported anti-Semitic advertisements being posted in suburban New York City transit stations and the terrorization of Jewish children attending summer camp in northeastern Pennsylvania.
Satan has deceived the minds of men into hating anything that belongs to God, especially the Jews.  Frankly it is this writer’s opinion that “anti-Semitism” is a polite, political euphemism for “Jew hater.”  While the State Department report was careful to point out that there are different forms of Judaism that do not see eye-to-eye and are, therefore in conflict, an anti-Semitist is non-partisan – he hates them all.
Jesus told His disciples, all of whom were Jewish Christians, that they should not be surprised when men hated them and sought to kill them.  “They hated me first,” He reminded them.  It’s not likely that He meant that politicians and religious leaders began to hate Him during His earthly ministry.  The sinful mind of man has always been anti-God and angry with God.  Attempts to wipe the Jews off the map will never completely succeed, because Jehovah is their protector and He will not permit shame to come upon His holy name in a way that would give credence to the cursed allegations and intentions directed at His chosen people.
The Day of the Lord is drawing nearer and may be at hand.  “Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done in earth as it is in Heaven.”  In that day He will make all things right.
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todaysdocument · 2 years
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Happy Halloween! Who else is going as a grumpy wizard?  White House pets India, Miss Beazley, and Barney pose in their costumes, 10/31/2007. 
Series: Photographs Related to the George W. Bush Administration, 1/20/2001 - 1/20/2009
Collection: Records of the White House Photo Office (George W. Bush Administration), 1/20/2001 - 1/20/2009
Image description: On the lawn of the White House are three pets in costumes and a lot of pumpkins. India, a black cat, is wearing a purple and gold cape and wizard hat. Miss Beazley, a black Scottish Terrier, is wearing a strawberry costume, and Barney, also a black Scottish Terrier, is wearing a red bandanna. It could just be the lighting, but India looks like she’s glaring at the camera.
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tomorrowusa · 3 years
Josh Marshall at Talking Points Memo cuts through the bullshit.
The US should have left Afghanistan no more than 18 months after the initial invasion. Instead we’ve been there for 238 months and did not basically change things in the 220 month difference.
It probably made most sense to leave Afghanistan in 2002 or 2003. The Taliban were roundly unpopular by the time the US military and mostly its local allies had driven them off. A critical, critical decision was made in late 2002 both to remain in Afghanistan but move it to the backburner as we launched on to our folly in Iraq.
All the histrionics by pundits and the hypocritical criticism by Trump Republicans won’t change the fact that Biden made the only possible reality-based decision. You’ll never hear the expression “reality-based” used in connection with Donald Trump.
To the extent there’s a political strategy for the President, it’s to stick to his guns. It would be a grave political mistake to begin handwringing over the fall of Kabul or second-guessing the decision. It’s done. If nothing else, Lake and his cohort are right: Biden owns the decision. He needs to combat overheated insider DC nonsense like this. Since it was the right decision he should not run away from it. It’s sad to see what it is happening, he should say. But after 20 years of support, it was time for the Afghans to stand on their own.
[ ... ]
However ugly the denouement, Biden understood the reality of the situation better than his military advisors. He was and is more in line with US popular opinion which long ago soured on our perpetual occupation of Afghanistan. Whether they will reward him or punish him for following through on that judgment I can’t say. But the best way to ensure the former outcome is to be clear, direct: After 20 years it was up to the Afghans to decide their own future. This is a fight for Afghans, not another generation of American boys. A perpetual deployment was not in the security interests of the United States.
Also, the over the top kvetching about comparisons to “the fall of Saigon in 1975″ forgets one thing: It had approximately ZERO effect on the 1976 election.
I read the transcripts of the three 1976 presidential debates. Nobody even brought up the fall of Saigon. See for yourself...
23 September 1976 – 1st Ford-Carter debate
06 October 1976 – 2nd Ford-Carter debate  
22 October 1976 – 3rd Ford-Carter debate 
The closest thing was when journalist Henry Trewhitt mentions “lost the first war in Vietnam" in the context of various Cold War events.
Unless there’s some unexpected disaster there in the next few days, voters won’t care any more about the fall of Kabul in 2022 (or 2024) than they did about the 1975 fall of Saigon in 1976.
BONUS LINK: The famous staircase to the top of the old US embassy in Saigon now resides at the Gerald R. Ford Presidential Library and Museum in Grand Rapids, Michigan. If President Ford felt sensitive about such a reminder of the fall of Saigon he would have rejected it when the government of Vietnam offered to donate it in the 1990s. You can see the exhibit with the staircase at the museum’s official Tumblr.
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thenewdemocratus · 9 years
The National Interest: Opinion: Paul R. Pillar: Right and Wrong Lessons From the Iraq War
The National Interest: Opinion: Paul R. Pillar: Right and Wrong Lessons From the Iraq War
2003 War in Iraq
The National Interest: Opinion: Paul R. Pillar: Right and Wrong Lessons From the Iraq War
I believe I know how Peter Beinart, Hillary Clinton, Joe Biden and John Kerry, feel about the 2003 Iraq War. See, I supported it to. I thought it would be a good opportunity to one, eliminate a brutal Middle Eastern dictator in Saddam Hussein. Perhaps one of the top three most evil dictators…
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todaysdocument · 2 years
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Mrs. Laura Bush talks with women at the Sheikh Khalifa Medical Center in Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates to raise awareness of breast cancer, 10/22/2007.
Series: Photographs Related to the George W. Bush Administration, 1/20/2001 - 1/20/2009
Collection: Records of the White House Photo Office (George W. Bush Administration), 1/20/2001 - 1/20/2009
Image description: In a circular room draped in pink fabric, Mrs. Laura Bush sits on a bench with three women on each side of her. Mrs. Bush is wearing a light green pantsuit; the women are wearing black abayas and hijabs (one woman has a pink headscarf). A woman White House staffer stands to the side. Pink Breast Cancer Awareness ribbons are hung on the walls.
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todaysdocument · 2 years
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A Tee Ball player celebrates during a game on the South Lawn of the White House, 7/15/2007.
Series: Photographs Related to the George W. Bush Administration, 1/20/2001 - 1/20/2009
Collection: Records of the White House Photo Office (George W. Bush Administration), 1/20/2001 - 1/20/2009
Image description: A young boy in the uniform of the Wrigley Little League Dodgers of Los Angeles smiles and throws his hands in the air. Behind him are other players from the same team.
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todaysdocument · 2 years
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President George W. Bush Presents the Congressional Gold Medal to Dr. Roscoe Brown Jr., During Ceremonies Honoring the Tuskegee Airmen at the U.S. Capitol, 3/29/2007
Series: Photographs Related to the George W. Bush Administration, 1/20/2001 - 1/20/2009
Collection: Records of the White House Photo Office (George W. Bush Administration), 1/20/2001 - 1/20/2009
Image description: President George W. Bush hands a display box with the Congressional Gold Medal in it to Dr. Brown. Several other Tuskegee Airmen look on, as does Laura Bush.
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todaysdocument · 2 years
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Portrait of William R. Cliber, White House Electrical Foreman, 12/28/2001
Series: Photographs Related to the George W. Bush Administration, 1/20/2001 - 1/20/2009
Collection: Records of the White House Photo Office (George W. Bush Administration), 1/20/2001 - 1/20/2009
Image description: William Cliber sits on a stool in what appears to be an electrician’s workshop. The shelves around him are filled with small boxes, presumably holding small parts, and long pipes and other parts are stored on racks near the ceiling. Cliber is holding a coil of flexible metal conduit and is smiling at the camera.
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