#German good omens
acatwithstockings · 3 months
Welp I now started a collection of low poly models of some of Crowley's shades .
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Originally I just wanted to do Bildad's ones but I got carried away sooooo yeah.
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Forgot to look at the poly count so forgive me. Also some creative freedom taken on some .
If people want to I can do the rest and polish these up to put them somewhere to use as live reference. But like I just spend 7 hours straight looking at reference and doing these (most time spend was on the s1 pair bc I messed up the mesh part and then did it the hard way) so I gotta catch up on sleep the pfff
Also now that I have these I can just put them on Aziraphale when I get around doing his buts and well now I kinda wanna do a version of both of them wearing the other's clothes but it's all messy.
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kajaono · 8 months
So Germans have:
Crowley fancy human women, hot dancers to be more precise
The term „gay“ being erased FOUR TIMES
Sexless being translated by „no sex life“
A cover that looks like a car crash
Soup ads
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ineffably-splendid · 3 months
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To whoever made this playlist: I have questions….
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starryfox0 · 7 months
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i found the german good omens in my local bookshop and just let me say… no
is that supposed to be crowley? ig so with the car
what happened to the sentence „nothing about him looked particular demonic“
that looks demonic
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libraryofglitter · 2 years
Btw Aziraphale looks like Dieter Reiter, the mayor of Munich
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mizgnomer · 6 months
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Furniture Abuse by David Tennant - Part Seven (!)
For even more Furniture Abuse: [ One ] [ Two ] [ Three ] [ Four ] [ Five ] [ Six ]
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ayumi-honda · 1 month
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Today in features that never made it into the Good Omens book/series: 60s female presenting Crowley, the Citroen 2CV and the mention of "psychedelic black" as revealed by @neil-gaiman in tumblr asks and the Script Book for season 1.
This largely self made cosplay "premiered" at the Proud Nerd Con in Goch and is based on a mix of 1960s fashion research and incredible fanarts of our favourite grumpy demon. The car belongs to hannah._.horror 🚘
Free background from freepik.
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ato-dato · 10 months
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Embracing the cringe via angel/demon sona
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froggyliciouz · 4 months
As before mentioned i am watching Season 2 in the german dub and i noticed something in Episode 4:
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Shax refers to them in the English dub as an item.
However in German she says:
Weißt du, ich hab in den vergangenen 80, 90 Jahren immer wieder gehört, dass du und Crowley was miteinander hättet.
And that phrasing doesn’t sound like how you would talk about a romantic relationship at all.
When referring to a romantic relationship she would say something along the lines of …, dass du und Crowley zusammen wärt.
„Being an item“ is a polite way to say it.
„Ihr habt was miteinander“ is not.
It completely breaks how eloquent Shax usually talks, as in a polite manner you wouldn’t say it like that, you would probably say that they’re having an affair, if you‘re already accusing them of a sexual affair. The way Shax said it would be the way young people would talk in an unserious environment.
I even asked a friend how they would interpret it and they also said it sounded way more like you would describe someone fucking a coworker than being a pair.
It‘s just absolutely hilarious to me how much that changes how Hell sees their relationship, in the English version i would believe that they think that they’re dating.
Not in the German version. They’re fucking nasty.
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cesiscribbles · 8 months
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Some love for Rampa and Erziraphael ❤️
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acatwithstockings · 8 months
OK so last night I read a reply on Twitter that apparently since 8 reprints ago the german publisher added a line about Crowley fancieing women in ancient Rome to the German edition. (Can't find the tweet it was under so I guess you have to take my word for it ) .
Currently I can't check my German edition since it's with my dad but I am pretty sure it isn't there but also mine is a well used ex library inhabitant so it might be too old to have that particular addition (or I just forgot the line was in there ). Anyhow all I want to know is : is it real and do I have to buy a new version if only I can mark it and write "well that was a bunch of stupid bullocks, wasn't it [insert name of the German Editor]" on the side ?
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kajaono · 10 months
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Nature is healing!
If we are lucky we will get a German edition where Crowley is not remembering making out with hot women! I keep you all updated
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actual-changeling · 9 months
okay but can we PLEASE allow crowley to have emotions? can we let him be angry, upset, bitter, frustrated, and NOT immediately want to forgive aziraphale? can we let him be a complex being with complex emotions and trauma who is allowed to be heartbroken over aziraphale choosing heaven instead of him?
yes, they love each other. yes, they both hurt each other in that final argument. yes, neither of them is completely wrong or right.
for six thousand years, crowley has done *everything* to accommodate aziraphale. he has swallowed his emotions, crossed his own boundaries, tried again and again to get aziraphale to listen to him so he can finally make him understand how the fall changed him and how deeply fucked up the entire heaven/hell system is. it is why i cannot see the apology dance seen as "cute" or "romantic" because it's crowley once again ignoring his emotions to save aziraphale from heaven and himself; he did NOTHING wrong! aziraphale should be the one apologizing, not crowley.
and while yes, aziraphale has been on his own journey and is struggling with his own trauma, he needs to start putting crowley before his personal comfort. he needs to stop expecting crowley to throw his feelings in the wind and come crawling back to him with an apology on his lips.
the final argument was crowley saying he's DONE doing that. he's done meeting aziraphale on his side, either they'll meet in the middle or not at all - and rightfully so. aziraphale hasn't been listening to him this season, he never has.
do you really think if crowley had given him the details of the trial in heaven, gabriel's trial, anything at all that aziraphale would have believed him? no! he wouldn't have! his entire schtick is finding increasingly insane explanations for the shit heaven pulls so it doesn't contradict his personal view of it.
their relationship has never been healthy, unconditional love is NOT healthy or good. it's simply not. crowley is allowed to have hard boundaries and conditions, he's allowed to not forgive him immediately (or at all, although we all know he eventually will). aziraphale is ALSO allowed to be upset. i know that we all want them to be together and happy, but trauma recovery and personal growth aren't that simple. they're both more than the relationship they have with each other.
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crowleyholmes · 5 months
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You know where to find me I'm still here Even if it doesn't make a difference I'm still here I know the best thing about me Is still us I walk alone through these streets into the night There's this storm on my skin again This way has led us home so many times I believed in us until the end
"Wo du mich findest" - Benne
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shittywriterbrain · 6 months
i love watching ofmd over and over again because every two minutes i'll hear a line and be like ohhh that's where that thing i say every day is from
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ato-dato · 10 months
Spent an hour of my day just sitting together with my sisters and my mum showing each other gomens edits. Both sad ones and thirst traps. Family bonding time.
My mum also has fanart of aziracrow kissing on her phone home screen. And today she said sometimes she just stares at it longingly. Shes in her 3rd rewatch of s2 as well.
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