#Geun-tae x Yun-ho
another-miracle · 6 years
proposal [exodus, a GeunHo origin story]
@peachchanvidel when I said I felt bad, I really did mean it. And in the span of the past hour or so, I just HAD to write you something. And PRaise the Lord It’s still not past my bedtime yet HAHA I really hope you like it! (and tbh this chapter is really the beginning of the end :) )
It takes a ridiculous amount of time for him to reach that moment. Much longer than he would have liked, anyway.
She really doesn’t make this easy, he grouses as he wipes off the sweat from his brow. Wooden sword in hand, he swings and slams the sword against the wooden dummy in front of him for the umpteenth time. It shakes and almost falls over, but stabilizes in time for another strike from his sword. Again and again, he hits the dummy with as much force as he can muster.
With one final hit, Geun-tae collapses on the floor, arms outstretched. His sword rolls from his hands onto the floor. He closes his eyes and lets out a breath.
The past month was hell for him. Between the many meetings with King Il and the tribe heads, as well as an influx in uprisings in the southern parts of the Earth Kingdom, Geun-tae could scarcely find time to even put thought to the whole ordeal surrounding his sudden matrimonial feelings towards his dear Noblewoman Yun-ho.
It didn’t help that Yun-ho was barely in the castle the past month, what with the various festivals regarding honoring the women of the Earth Kingdom being held at the start of the year to commemorate a new birth or some nonsense like that. As a noblewoman, she is expected by the council, as well as the many elders and women before her, to honour these events and grace the assemblies with her presence. From what Geun-tae has derived from their sparse meetings together, Yun-ho is nothing but a natural at these events - her smile being her saving grace in many, many interactions, he believes, as she excitedly relays her conversations with others to him.
Sighing, Geun-tae gazes at the sky above him. There really is little he can do at this point. A waiting game, he supposes. It isn’t as if they are pressed for time. Yun-ho is still very much a young girl, and while the council is pressuring him from all sides to marry, he isn’t in a rush to push her into anything she isn’t ready for. Matrimonial feelings be damned; Geun-tae will do what he believes is best for her. If it means time for her to get used to her new role as noblewoman - it’s really only been a few months, he reasons - then so be it.
What if she doesn’t want to be with an old man? A voice quips in his head.
“GARGH!” Geun-tae screams, hands clutching at his head.
A shriek sounds from above him, and Geun-tae’s eyes fly open.
There, standing in all her glory, is the subject of Geun-tae’s agony herself. Yun-ho’s silhouette overshadows him and through squinted eyes, he sees that she is holding a tray. Her eyes are wide open, mouth agape, and damn it all, Geun-tae is completely and utterly endeared. It is almost annoying at this point how entirely wrecked he is when he sees her. Whether it is because he hasn’t seen her in almost a week, or that the image of her smiling, tray in hand, is so analogous to that when he first met her when she was a lady-in-waiting, whatever filter he has over his mouth just disintegrates. His eyes soften and his lips melt into a smile.
“Marry me.”
If Yun-ho’s eyes looked wide before, they now look like saucers. And wow, her face is ridiculously red, it isn’t even hot out-holy shit, did I just-
“Um,” Yun-ho squeaks. “I-I-”
Geun-tae sits up immediately and stabilizes the tray trembling in her arms. Yun-ho’s knees seem to give way at the point of contact, and she ends up kneeling before him. Eye to eye, Geun-tae witnesses the confusion and shock betrayed by the awkward quirk of her lips and her rapid breathing. And for the millionth time in this relationship he has with her, he wants to pound his head on the concrete floor.
“Shit-” he stumbles over his words. “I’m sorr- look, I- I really wanted to do this right. But shit, Yun-ho, I didn’t-”
And as how all things go awry, the tray tips and the tea spills onto the floor between them. Yun-ho yelps and immediately moves to pick up the fallen cups. Her fingers tremble, and Geun-tae is quick to capture her hands in his.
“G-G-General- I mean, G-Geun-tae-sama! I-I really should clea-”
Geun-tae lets out a garish sigh. He fixes his gaze on her.
Immediately, her stammering stops.
He stares at her for awhile longer - comtemplates the frazzled state she is in, her wide eyes, her mouth tight-lipped- the curl of her hair, the dimple on her left cheek. He breathes.
“Yun-ho. Marry me.”
He is prepared for the waterworks.
As she brings his hand to her cheek and cries over his fingers, his other hand comes up behind her head and cradles it to his shoulder. She leans heavily on him, arms winding around his form.
Geun-tae ducks his head. “I’ve never been more sure of anything I’ve ever wanted in this life,” he whispers into her hair. “ Yun-ho, if you aren’t ready, tell me. I can wait. Or if you don’t want-”
“No!” Yun-ho’s head darts up, very nearly breaking his jaw. Her face is flushed, tears streaming down the sides of her face. “Of course I want you! Whatever made you think I didn’t?”
Geun-tae leans back and guffaws. “Man proposes to girl, and girl bursts into tears. I wonder…? And well,” he scratches his chin. “...I’m not exactly a fountain of youth.”
Yun-ho’s brows furrow. “What do you mean?”
“Um,” Geun-tae starts. “I’m not young, you know and- okay, you can stop laughing now.”
Yun-ho’s giggles fill the training area. Wiping tears from her eyes, she leans her forehead against his shoulder once more. Geun-tae’s arms automatically find themselves around her, pulling her close. He closes his eyes.
Geun-tae lets out a soft laugh. “Really?”
Yun-ho looks up at him, eyes watering once more. Her hand cups his jaw as he turns to face her. She smiles.
It is almost annoying how wrecked he is when he sees her, and if their lips meet, well- he supposes it is only natural he just ignites.
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yatilena · 7 years
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Happy holidays @peachchanvidel! I’m your secret santa for the akayona gift exchange ^-^ Here’s a drawing of Geun-tae x Yun-ho with a little bonus Soo-won~  hope you like it!!
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zeno-obsessed · 7 years
Golden Children
The next part in Geun-tae and Yunho’s children. Enjoy!
Zeno was wandering around looking for berries that was not poisonous for the others to eat. Having to actually watched what he picked was a little hard but he could taste poison and it was just a process of elimination.
Then he heard a scream in the forest. The lad won’t like him getting his clothes ripped. Again. But he also could not stand by.
He ran and found a couple of soldiers with a small child who was putting up one heck of a fight. She looked to be about five and had dark skin golden hair and eyes. She was screaming and kicking them.
Zeno stepped into view and the men turned their eyes to him. He spotted swords at their hips, he concluded there must be a reason to want the girl alive.
“Do you know these men,” Zeno asked the little girl.
She looked up at him with tears running down her face, “No! They... they took me from my mommy!”
“Well that sums that up, please let go of the girl. Zeno doesn’t want to hurt anyone,” Zeno inched towards them slowly.
The men laughed, “You’re unarmed stupid boy.”
Then they went ridged and started screaming.
“A- a monster,” one of them screamed.
The little girl broke free and ran to Zeno. He turned to see shinha staring them down. Kija stood next to him, ready to catch shinha when he fell.
The men passed out and shinha slumped over.
Zeno sighed, “Why didn’t you let Hakuryuu fight them.”
Shinha shook his head, “Didn’t want them to hurt the girl.”
Zeno nodded. If I fight had broken out this girl would have been hurt. Zeno kneeled down and gave a sunny smile, “You’re safe now, missy, what’s your name,” Zeno asked.
She backed away, eyeing Kija’s hand. She was shaking and looked like she was about to cry. Kija looked discouraged and backed away with Shinha,”I’m headed back to camp.”��
The little girl kept backing up, “Where am I? Where’s my daddy? If-If you hurt me he’ll beat you up!” 
Zeno observed her, she was very dirty her blonde hair was caked in mud and what looked like a very expensive dress was torn and tattered from her fight with the men. 
The tension was broken when a angry growl came from her stomach. Zeno knew that sound anywhere, he had been subjected to it plenty of times. 
“Zeno will make you a deal, He’ll have someone make you something to eat if you tell Zeno your name,” of course Zeno would give her food regardless but he wanted her to trust him. 
“Hikari,” she relented. 
Zeno held out his hand, “Come on I’m sure the lad has started lunch by now.” 
Hikari took his hand as this strange man led him into the unknown. He didn’t feel like the other men who had grabbed her. All she wanted was some sweets for Jin-ho she had to go back to the doctor soon. She wasn’t supposed to eat many but daddy said some here and there wouldn’t hurt her. 
She reached a clearing with more bizarre people. A woman was there with bright red hair. She remembered her Daddy telling her stories of a red haired princess and her invincible warriors. Hikari smelled whatever the guy was cooking in the middle, and her stomach responded with another growl. 
The girl stood up, “Zeno, who is this?”
The white haired man from earlier perked up, “This is the child I was telling you about princess. The one that Zeno found in the woods with the a couple of suspicious looking men.” 
The blue haired man was laying down on a blanket. 
The princess had a look of worry on her face, the same face her momma makes when Jin-ho gets worse, “Zeno you didn’t get hurt did you?” 
Zeno shook his head, “I didn’t want to scare the missy.” 
Hikari yanked her hand away and stomped her foot, “I don’t get scared! I’m going to be the next general!” 
The princess and Zeno looked at her in surprise. The princess smiled, “I’m glad you’re feeling better. Kija told me you looked... startled when they saw you. What’s your name?”
“Hikari,” She said with her chest puffed out. 
A new voice chimed in, “Well, Hikari your stomach is growling louder than Zeno’s so I assume you’re hungry.” 
The man that had been hunched over the big pot handed her a bowl of something that smelled wonderful. She bowed and thanked him. Sitting next to the princess, she started to eat. Hikari did not remember how long she had been with those bad men but she knew they hadn’t fed her. 
The princess smiled, “I’m Yona. This is Yun, our wonderful chef. That’s Hak, Jeaha, Kija, Shinha, he’s a little tired, and Zeno.” 
A small squirrel jumped up and offered her an acorn. 
“Oh! And that’s Ao,” Yona giggled. 
Hikari took the acorn from Ao and smiled. She reached out to pet the squirrel and she rubbed her head against her finger. Hikari laughed, these people were nice. 
“So kid, where are you from,” Hak asked. 
Hikari tried to remember, “The earth tribe. The map I’m learning from is really big though.” 
Hak sighed, “Well we are headed to see Mundok maybe he’ll know something princess.” 
Hikari shot up, “You know Uncle Dok!” 
A smile crept up on Yona’s face, “Yes! He’s like a grandfather to us! You know him?” 
Hikari nodded, “Uncle Dok always gives me and my brother and sister treats and Tae-woo gives us piggyback rides and Joo-doh is secretly teaching me how to use swords, but it's not real swords it's just two sticks. Daddy said it’s not okay to beat up the other kids using Joo-doh’s super cool sword moves but they had it coming they made fun of Kuzon!” 
Hak smirked, “She must be Geun-tae’s oldest. Remember, we over heard the soldiers complaining about how Geun-tae isn’t fighting as much because he and Yunho had a couple of kids.” 
Yona nodded, “I see it! She even looks like Geun-tae! She has his eyes and his face.” 
“His cocky attitude,” Hak complained. 
Yona hit Hak on the head, “Be nice!” 
Kija smiled, “We can drop Hikari off at Elder Mundok’s and he can deliver her safely to her father.” 
Jeaha nodded, “As soon as Shinha’s able to move again. We’ll get started, Hak how long until we reach the wind tribe?”
Hak sighed, “A couple of hours.” 
Yona nodded. Walking over and crouching down next to Shinha she played with his hair. Hikari watched Yona carefully. 
She turned to Zeno, “My daddy told me stories of a red haired princess and her invincible warriors. He said they always helped out on the battlefield.” 
Zeno smiled and glanced at Yona, who was blushing. Kija laughed, “I wouldn’t say we are invincible but it does sound like us.” 
Hikari squealed, “You’re my hero! Did you really infiltrate an enemy fort to help Aunt Lili? Daddy says  you fought the entire country of Xing by yourself!” 
Everyone started to laugh as Yona got very flustered. They started packing up and Shinha leaned on Kija as they walked. Hikari ran from each person asking them all kinds of questions. Zeno scooped Hikari up and put her on his shoulders. 
They got to the cliffs and Hikari hid her face in his massive mane of hair. She hated heights. She felt something cool hit one of her hands and the most beautiful medallion was in front of her. 
“It makes Zeno happy when he’s sad, the missy seemed distressed,” Zeno explained. 
She reached out and grabbed it. Turning it over and over there was so much to look at, soon they reached the familiar gate of the wind tribe. Tae-woo and Mundok stood at the entrance. The elder’s eyes grew wide and a single tear came out his right eye, “Hikari! Everyone has been worried about you!” 
Zeno set the girl down off his shoulders and she ran to Mundok. The old man gave her the hug of a lifetime and Tae-woo messed up her hair even more. 
“Listen squirt your dad is tearing up heaven and earth to find you,” Tae-woo said. 
Hak huffed, “It’s not the kid’s fault. She was kidnapped. We ran into them in the woods. Zeno and Shinha kicked their butts.” 
Mundok smiled, “That’s my boy.” 
Mundok then tried to hug Hak who expertly dodged the fast old man. Hikari laughed until her sides hurt. Tae-woo set a hand on her back, “Come on, let's get you washed up and I’ll take you home.”
Hikari smiled and nodded. She had never felt so happy to have a bath. 
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peachchanvidel · 3 years
So will Geun-tae and Yun-ho move to a small house with a big garden? Geun-tae takes care of the kid and Yun-ho takes care of the tea business earning the money?
Is this where we are heading?
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rainumb947 · 3 years
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Ok hear me out, this
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beautifulpeaceangel · 4 years
[SF9 SERIES 1] Rowoon x Tzuyu - Love Notes - Prologue
Here is the prologue of Hae-eun and Jonghyun's love story!
[SF9 SERIES 1] Rowoon x Tzuyu - Love Notes
"Even if things get tough, there is always a bright side to everything. You can do it! Fighting!"
- Sun
I was at the library and had just returned to my seat when I saw a blue sticky note sticking out from one of the books. I couldn't help but smile at the little notes I get from this person named Sun almost everyday. "Hey, you're smiling again." My best friend Ha-joon whispered and took the seat next to me. "Oh, it's you Ha-joon." I replied, still looking at the note Sun has left for me. "Is that from Sun again? Seems like she really likes you." Ha-joon teased. "She's so cute." I told him. "But the question is, have you ever seen her? Do you even know her?" Ha-joon said. I shook my head and answered, "No." Ha-joon smiled."But be careful okay? She might be a stalker." Ha-joon smiled. "I don't think so. I'm sure she's kind. And besides, all that she's writing most of the time here on the sticky notes are inspiring to me. And if she was a stalker, I might be already harmed." I explained. "You're right. Everything she writes has a point. I hope someone gives me like this too." Ha-joon whined. "Jealous?" I laughed while Ha-joon reached out to mess my hair. My phone buzzed with an incoming message.
To: Jonghyun From: In-su
Let's go to the cafe to eat. I'm hungry.
"Ha-joon, In-su wants to go to the cafe to eat. Let's go." I told Ha-joon and arranged our things, putting the chairs and books back into place before leaving. "Okay." Ha-joon slinged his arm around my shoulder and I smiled as I recalled the note I found earlier.
Who are you Sun?
------------------------------------------------------------------------ Hae-eun's POV
4 hours ago
I sat on my desk and looked outside the window. My friends went over to my desk and we started to talk about school stuff when all the girls started screaming that "S9" has arrived. S9 is the school's version of the legendary F4 and A3, consisting of Cha Heon, Kwon Jin-hong, Yoon Seung-ho, Nam Hyeong-gon, Seo Si-geun, Kwon Seung-youn, Joo Deok-su and a new student named Kang Jonghyun "It's S9!" One of the female students called out. "Hae-eun, S9 is outside. Hurry!" Mi-young and Min-jee were pulling me by the window near the corridors. We hid behind door that was near to one of the windows. S9's appearance sends all the squealing and everyone rushing to the entrance to welcome them. "They're so handsome aren't they?" Mi-young said. "Especially Jin-hong." Yun-hee butted in. "Aigoo. Try asking the other girl over there who is the most handsome among S9." Chun-hei teased which had them looking at me. "What? Why are you guys looking at me?" I asked. "You're asking us why? Hae-eun, it's obvious that you're head over heels with Jonghyun." Mi-young answred. "Not really. It's just that I really like him and besides, he's kind." I replied. "Makes sense. But you're really a dork." Min-jee scoffed. "What do you mean?" I questioned. "Even Tae-ra thinks so. You're the one who keeps giving Jonghyun sticky notes." Chun-hei retorted. "Why can't you just tell him that it's you, that you like him." Mi-young added. "You already know the reason why. And I'm fine with just being like this." I replied. "Even if you're getting hurt by it?" Min-jee answered. "As long as he's happy." I told them. "Aigoo. That's the problem with you. You're too kind." Tae-ra sighed. Tae-ra's right. I'm too kind to the point that it's being abused. Well, what can I do? This is me. Soon, the bell rang, signaling the start of the second period classes. I stared outside the window, spacing out. Few minutes later, the class was over and Tae-ra dragged me to the library. Upon entering, I saw a very familiar face sitting on one of the tables. "Hey, isn't that Jonghyun?" Tae-ra whispered. I nodded in response. What was he doing here? "Hey, Hae-eun, were you listening?" Tae-ra whispered. "H-Huh? What were you saying?" I stuttered. "I said.. Never mind... Why are you spacing out again?" Tae-ra asked and looked at the direction where I was looking. I looked back at her and held her hands. "W-What are you doing?" Tae-ra glared at me. "I need you to help me." I looks at her with my puppy eyes. "Alright, alright. Geez, you're sometimes scary." Tae-ra told me as we sneaked through the shelves of books towards the table where Jonghyun was. We watched him for minutes until we saw him stand up and leave. "Is he gone?" I asked my best friend Tae-ra as we looked around, hoping that he hasn't returned yet. "Nope. I think he has gone to the second floor. Hurry before he comes back and sees you!" Tae-ra whispered as we made our way to the table where the new student, Kang Jonghyun, was sitting few minutes ago. I flipped open one of his books and stuck the sticky note inside. "Let's go." I told Tae-ra as we quietly left the library and returned to our classroom. I looked back and saw him return to the table he sat on and started flipping his book. I fell in love with him because he is too sweet and kind. But I can't let him know that, can I? Mine is only a ONE-SIDED-LOVE. And he will not love me either. That's why whenever I see him struggling with studies, see him tired or sometimes there is a problem, I leave sticky notes with my doodle or drawing along with encouragement words. I can't do anything. That's all I can do. I can't do anything but stay away and sit in the distance, looking at him. Sightseeing you might say. A silent lover. So I just secretly send my LOVE NOTES to HIM.
A/N: This story is told from Kang Jonghyun and Park Hae-eun's Point of View!
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P X 101 - Rank 1-101
[note: 2 contestants left, it’s now 99]
Performance YT-Links of rank 1-11 added!
1. Kim Yo Han (OUI Entertainment)
2. Lee Eun Sang (Brand New Music)
3. Kim Min Kyu (Jellyfish Entertainment)
4. Nam Do Hyon (MBK Entertainment)
5. Song Yu Vin (The Music Works)
6. Son Dong Pyo (DSP Media)
7. Kim Woo Seok (TOP Media)
8. Park Sun Ho (sidusHQ)
9. Koo Jung Mo (Starship Entertainment)
10. Song Hyeong Jun (Starship Entertainment)
11. Cha Jun Ho (Woollim Entertainment)
12. Lee Eugene (Individual Trainee) 13. Kim Kook Heon (The Music Works) 14. Lee Se Jin (iME Korea) 15. Ham Won Jin (Starship Entertainment) 16. Kim Dong Bin (MLD Entertainment) 17. Kim Si Hun (Brand New Music) 18. Yun Jung Hwan (Brand New Music) 19. Lee Jin Woo (Maroo Entertainment) 20. Kang Min Hee (Starship Entertainment) 21. Kim Dong Yun (Woollim Entertainment) 22. Han Gi Chan (Fantagio) 23. Hong Seong Jun (Brand New Music) 24. Hwang Yun Seong (Woollim Entertainment) 25. Choi Byung Chan (Plan A Entertainment) 26. Keum Dong Hyun (C9 Entertainment) 27. Kim Hyeon Bin (Source Music) 28. Lee Han Gyul (MBK Entertainment) 29. Kang Seok Hwa (Individual Trainee) 30. Lee Mi Dam (AAP.Y) 31. Joo Chang Uk (Woollim Entertainment) 32. Baek Jin (Vine Entertainment) 33. Kim Sung Hyun (Stone Music Entertainment) 34. Yuri (ESteem) 35. Lee Jin Hyuk (TOP Media) 36. Moon Hyun Bin (Starship Entertainment) 37. Wang Jyun Hao (YG Entertainment) 38. Moon Jun Ho (Woollim Entertainment) 39. Han Seung Woo (Plan A Entertainment) 40. Nam Dong Hyun (The South) 41. Cho Seung Youn (Yuehua Entertainment) 42. Peak (Chandelier Music) 43. Wei Zi Yue (HONGYI Entertainment) 44. Tony (HONGYI Entertainment) 45. Hidaka Mahiro (YG Entertainment) 46. Gwon Hui Jun (Cre.ker Entertainment) 47. Lee Tae Seung (Maroo Entertainment) 48. Lee Hyeop (Individual Trainee) 49. Lee Hwan (DSP Media) 50. Kim Yeong Sang (MBK Entertainment) 51. Jeon Hyun Woo (ASTORY Entertainment) 52. Kim Sung Yeon (Individual Trainee) 53. Anzardi Timothee (ESteem) 54. Kim Min Seo (Woollim Entertainment) 55. Kim Jin Gon (ESteem) 56. Choi Su Hwan (Individual Trainee) 57. Kwon Tae Eun (Aconic) 58. Lee Ha Min (Individual Trainee) 59. Kang Hyeon Su (AAP.Y) 60. Woo Je Won (Around Us Entertainment) 61. Jung Young Bin (Individual Trainee) 62. Tsai Chia Hao (Source Music) 63. Choi Jun Seong (Jellyfish Entertainment) 64. Park Jin Yeol (Individual Trainee) 65. Lee Jun Hyuk (DSP Media) 66. Jeong Jae Hun (Around US Entertainment) 67. Byeon Seong Tae (Urban Works) 68. Hwang Geum Ryul (Yuehua Entertainment) 69. Jung Myung Hoon (AAP.Y) 70. Choi Si Hyuk (Around US Entertainment) 71. Lee Woo Jin (Maroo Entertainment) 72. Steven Kim (DS Entertainment) 73. Won Hyun Sik (Happyface Entertainment) 74. Song Chang Ha (Kiwi Media Group) 75. Kim Kwan Woo (Krazy Entertainment) 76. Oh Sae Bom (NEST Management) 77. Yoo Geun Min (Million Market) 78. Kim Dong Kyu (Urban Works) 79. Kim Hyeong Min (Kiwi Media Group) 80. Kim Seung Hwan (ESteem) 81. Yun Hyun Jo (Gost Agency) 82. Sung Min Seo (SF Entertainment) 83. Lee Won Jun (E Entertainment) 84. Park Yun Sol (NEST Management) 85. Yoon Min Gook (Source Music) 86. Kim Jun Jae (Think About Entertainment) 87. Kim Min Seo (Urban Works) 88. Lee Jae Bin (C9 Entertainment) 89. Heo Jin Ho (ASTORY Entertainment) 90. Lee Sang Ho (Gost Agency) 91. Lim Da Hun (Kiwi Media Group) 92. Choi Jin Hwa (WUZO Entertainment) 93. Yu Seong Jun (Yuehua Entertainment) 94. Choi Byung Hoon (Enfant Terrible Company) 95. Park Sion (PLASMA Entertainment) 96. Uehara Jun (JH1 Entertainment) 97. Lee Gyu Hyung (WM Entertainment) 98. Hong Seong Hyen (Urban Works) 99. Won Hyuk (E Entertainment)
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purebloodprincess · 6 years
Are there other ships that you ship/like in Akatsuki no Yona besides Hak x Yona? Hak x Yona is my OTP too, but I also like Yona x Lili, Geun-Tae x Yun-Ho, Hak x Jae-Ha, Hak x Soo-won and Soo-won x Lili. Yes, I am a multishipper trash xDD
I’m a multishipper trash too, no worries Anon. xD
My OTP is obvoiusly Hak x Yona. I lowkey ship Su-Won x Lili, but I’m not sure if it’s going to happen or not, I think it can go both ways at this point. Also, I admit that since the first meeting story of Geun-Tae x Yuno came out, I sort of ship them too. It’s cute although I need more information/screentime to properly ship it, and the age gap is still bothering me a little bit. And then there is of course Zeno x Kaya that I think everyone ships in the fandom.Now… I lowkey ship Hak x Su-Won in a one-sided, very angsty way, meaning that I don’t think it’s too far-fetched to think that Su-Won might be in love with Hak. He was always closer to him than to Yona, and in the fanbook he said he admires Hak from the distance. I don’t think Kusanagi will go there but if she did I wouldn’t be surprised. I also ship Hak x Jae-Ha, first and foremost as a bromance, obviously, but come on, Jae-Ha is clearly attracted to him lol. To Yona too, for that matter, so Hak x Yona x Jae-Ha is my favourite OT3 in the series lol.
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ehyde · 7 years
Guen x Yun-Ho; Hiryuu x Yong-Hi; Shuten x Guen; Joo-Doh x Geun-Tae; Yun-Ho x Jaeha; Yun-Ho x Kyo-Ga; Chul-Rang x Min-Su *throws random AUs and dice*
brotp, otp, brotp, brotp, brotp, notp, brotp
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kazui-kuro · 7 years
looking for blogs to follow!!
hi! please like or reblog this if you post any of the following fandoms:
akatsuki no yona
gekkan shoujo nozaki-kun!
fairy tail
shingeki no kyoujin
kimi no na wa
psycho pass
yuri!!! on ice
not necessary, but i’ll love you if you also post the following ships*: *i’m a multi-shipper
akatsuki no yona
geun tae x yun ho
fairy tail
shingeki no kyoujin
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yelenawithaj · 7 years
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Inktober day 17- Graceful Ballroom dancing AU I love with all my heart. Broad-shouldered men are the best at waltz~
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another-miracle · 7 years
GeunHo Origin Story Masterpost
As this story is slowly expanding, and I refuse to provide the links in every single chapter I write, I have decided to compile the posts I have made so far. Note: there ARE some parts missing, and I only plan to post the story in full when I have completed it, but most of the chapters can be read independently so please do give them a read (:
Exodus Tag
Prologue (Genesis on AO3)
I will update this post as the story grows. Thank you for the support of everyone who has commented on/reblogged/liked my writing!
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rollzerox · 6 years
I really ship Jae-ha x Yona but Yona is a minor and Jae-ha is like 9 years older than her and that's pedophilia other than that they'd be really cute
Actually according to the author in the fanbook that recently released, Yona is considered an adult at 16 in their universe, if it’s about their age difference, need I point out one of the cutest couples in the series, Geun-Tae & Yun-Ho have 10+ years between them
Honestly 9 years doesn’t make pedophilia, it’s when the one person can be old enough to be their parent that it gets into that territory
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peachchanvidel · 5 years
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I should finally upload these here as well ♡
Photographer: @ordinary_words
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rainumb947 · 3 years
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Currently reading akatsuki no yona, this (already married) couple remind me of certain pairing...........
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another-miracle · 7 years
Exodus, a GeunHo origin story
A/N: Dedicated to @peachchanvidel who has been inadvertently spurring me on to finish up this damn story. And who also has brilliant art for the AnY series - do check her out!
Click here if you would like to read the story from the beginning.
The boom of fireworks resonates overhead, signaling the start of the new year. Yun-ho and Geun-tae have taken to one of the palace’s many balconies for a little respite from the oppressing- almost dastardly- court air that has permeated this year’s celebrations. Rumors have spread about how the Earth Kingdom’s revered general has finally been enamored by a young girl barely brushing womanhood. As such, Geun-tae’s romantic affairs have instantaneously become the spotlight for many, many nobles tonight, and frankly, he has quite enough.
Geun-tae stretches his neck, tilting his head towards the night sky and breathes out a heavy sigh. “This is why I hate coming to events like these. Nobody knows how to mind their own business!”
Yun-ho’s giggles ring between the fireworks. “Well, at least it’s almost over, Geun-tae-sama. Only an hour more and we can return to our quarters.”
Geun-tae groans, causing another fit of giggles from his partner. Cracking open an eye, he watches as her face lights up in different shades of orange, purples, reds. The smile she dons is resplendent, and Geun-tae cannot help but reach out. Their hands intertwine with the comfortableness procured over the past month of almost daily conversation, exploratory touches and equal standing. Her smile is then directed to him and Geun-tae wonders over how much has changed between them, how much more he has fallen.
“Hey,” he squeezes her hand, voice soft. At her inquisitive hum, he ducks his head and stares at their fingers, running his thumb over her knuckles. “I’m glad you’re here. You were a really great help today.”
And she was. Geun-tae recalls how Yun-ho, despite her many years as a lady-in-waiting, blended right in amongst their peers. With all the grace of a noblewoman, any questions directed at the two were evaded or redirected with wit. To the pleasant surprise of many who doubted the garish general’s tastes in women, Yun-ho was perfectly capable, yet sweet – ever armed with a nicety or compliment to quell any rigorous conversation should he have felt uncomfortable – a kindness he has never known he needed and appreciates immensely.
“It is a pleasure, Geun-tae-sama,” she responds in kind. Yun-ho gives a little quirk of her knees in a laughable parody of a curtsey, and Geun-tae smirks. They’ve discussed her incurable need for formalities, almost to the point of frustration on his part, but he eventually conceded and now allows these subtle gestures leftover from her training. It’s…cute.
He steps a little closer to her, shielding her from the cold winds that cut through their clothing. At this point, the fireworks have ceased and over the balcony, the citizens of Kouka have begun to migrate from the castle grounds, a few lingering in the celebratory atmosphere a while longer.
Yun-ho’s other hand covers their joined ones, and he looks up. At this proximity, Geun-tae is able to lose himself in her wide auburn eyes, familiar with the little dimples under them, and completely enraptured by the way they soften with an emotion he can only dare to hope she feels as he does. They flicker briefly to his lips, and abruptly his heartbeat quickens. He moves closer. As does she. A hair length’s apart, he breathes her name. Her eyes close-
“There you are!”
The two of them spring apart.
Geun-tae’s hand immediately flies to his forehead, his head flinging backwards towards the sky. “The fireworks are lovely aren’t they, Yun-ho?”
“Y-y-yes, Geun-tae-sama,” Yun-ho replies. “Ab-absolutely lovely.”
“The fireworks were over ten minutes ago, General Geun-tae!” Geun-tae regains some semblance of his sanity and looks down toward the intruder. The young prince Suwon, son of the late Yu-hon, stands unabashed, a rather wide grin on his face, with his hands behind his back.
Grinding his teeth, Geun-tae bites out, “What are you doing here, brat?”
Suwon laughs at Yun-ho’s scandalized gasp. Well, he is the young prince, formalities should be given- but to hell with that.
“Nothing much. Just scouring the area- oh! King Il has called for all the generals to gather. You might want to be present for that!”
Geun-tae sighs through his nose. He really hates these events, and what just happened has fortified his resentment ten times more. With a slight slump of his shoulders, he grunts an acknowledgement at the boy before gesturing for Yun-ho to return indoors. She squeaks- pfft- and quickly retreats towards the main hall.
Before Geun-tae steps over the threshold, he feels a tug of his sleeve. Suwon still wears that maddening grin.
“…Yes, Your Highness?”
“General Geun-tae, from what I have observed, it would seem that entertaining rumors is not your forte,” Suwon quips. “In the future, maybe it would be wise not to express physical affection to your partner, whom you have yet to issue a formal request for marriage to, in plain sight.”
Geun-tae coughs into his sleeve.
“…Yes, Your Highness.”
The smile Suwon returns is ridiculously bright and twenty times more infuriating. He turns and skips off back to the main hall. Geun-tae watches him go.
Seems like I’ll need to get to work.
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