#Giant Techno AU
2-sleepy-for-this · 1 year
Our little brother pt.4
here it is folks! Finally I’m back and writing for my surprisingly popular au :)
Sorry I took so long to post, but the hiatus is done. I’m pretty stressed at the moment though so fics may take longer than usual..
Now without further ado…
tw~ panic, dehumanization (??), unintentional fearplay, having a crisis
word count~ 1.5k
Wilbur was panicking. Sunshine was gone, and he had no clue how it had happened. He could’ve sworn they were in his pocket the whole time, but somehow the little escape artist had gotten lost…
Techno will be suspicious if he isn’t at the apartment in a few minutes… but how can he go without the small creature? Techno will know he screwed up immediately.
Wilbur continued to search the halls, but with the few people still lingering, it was difficult to not draw attention. He didn’t care much, but he had the feeling that he didn’t want anyone else to see Sunshine… he didn’t know why, but it just felt wrong to reveal them to anyone else.
“C’mon, little guy… where are you?”
He whispered, more to himself than anyone else. They couldn’t have gotten so far… with how tiny Sunshine was, it was hard to believe they could have gotten far or… hopefully not out of the building. The outside was frosty with a chill in the air. Wilbur shuddered at the thought of Sunshine being out there, lost again.
… then Dream walked up to him. 
Now, Wilbur didn’t dislike Dream but… well, he kinda did. Not for any reason in particular, but Wilbur just didn’t like the more extroverted guy. Wilbur was surprised that Dream had come up to him with such purpose until… the color yellow in the corner of his eye. 
It was Sunshine! Right there… in Dream’s hand.
Wilbur gasped slightly as he looked at Sunshine.
“Sunshine! You’re.. you’re alright.”
He said happily and reached out to grab them from Dream. He snatched up his sunshine from the other hold and held them against his chest in a makeshift hug. He didn’t notice the minuscule trembling of the tiny body in his palms.
Wilbur looked at Dream. He wasn’t even thinking in the moment as he glared.
He greeted the shorter coldly.
Dream had the decency to look slightly sheepish.
“Uh.. hey, Wilbur… sorry about the surprise, but, uh, I found Tommy on his own and heard he was looking for you so…”
Dream tried to explain, but Wilbur stopped listening after that. Tommy? His Sunshine had a name? Had Dream given it to him?
Wilbur looked down at ‘Tommy’ with a confused look. The small thing looked up at him with a wide eyed one. 
Wilbur had never noticed the little shine in his tiny blue eyes before… he looked so human.
Dream was still speaking and Wilbur thought he should tune back in to that. He might be saying something important about.. Tommy.
“-and then he said he was looking for a ‘Wilby’ but I knew he was talking about you. I mean, who else would have that yellow of a hoodie on, right?”
“Says the guy in bright green..”
Wilbur shot back, not appreciating the fashion slander before processing what was just said.
“Wait- said? He.. can speak?”
Dream looked surprised for a moment before raising an eyebrow.
“Uh, yeah? You… knew that, right?”
Wilbur looked at Dream before lying.
“Of course I did! I’m not saying- he just-… yeah..”
Dream looked unconvinced at that stuttered answer, but Wilbur didn’t care. Right now, he just needed to get Tommy home and figure out whatever he just heard. He sighed.
“Look, Dream, you can’t tell anyone about this, okay?”
“…I get that.”
“Good… now I’m gonna take.. Tommy.. home, see you later.”
Wilbur walked away without hearing Dream’s reply… he couldn’t help but feel like the little weight in his hands felt a lot more.. real to him than before.
Tommy was anxious… more than anxious, terrified even. 
He was back with his previous human captor, back in the hands that took him from his secretive borrower life… 
But now… now he knew. The one thing he had control over, his voice. The human, Wilbur, as Dream has said, knew he could talk now… what would he do? Would Wilbur force him to tell him everything about borrowers? Tell the pink haired human about it? 
Wilbur knew his name now… 
And what could Tommy do about it? Nothing…
He was out… he had escaped; he was gone away from everyone…
He was caught.. twice now. He was a terrible borrower.
Tommy was deep in his self depreciating thoughts when he felt the prodding of a giant finger he started to get familiar with. He was nervous. He looked up at Wilbur and met his gaze. Wilbur was looking down at him, conflicted, before opening his mouth to speak.
“I… I’m gonna put you in my pocket now… alright, Tommy?”
Wilbur spoke his name… gave him a warning before doing something to him…
He kinda liked it…
Tommy nodded slowly and watched as Wilbur still looked shocked at Tommy actually acknowledging his words.
Then Wilbur gently placed his hand into the joined pockets of his hoodie and shielded Tommy with the yellow fabric of the pocket and the human’s hand. It kept everyone else from seeing even a glimpse of Tommy.
Wilbur walked back to the apartment in a hurry, trying to get there quickly to not seem suspicious about the amount of time he’d been gone. 
He walked through the door and closed it quietly before carefully crossing the living room space, hoping to make it to his room without being seen and lectured. Then there was the deep clearing of a throat and Wilbur winced, turning to face his twin sitting on the couch with his arms crossed, an unimpressed look on his face.
Wilbur immediately put on a smile of mock innocence. 
“Hey, tech, didn’t know you’d be home so quickly today…”
Techno sighed. That wasn’t a good sign.
“Wil, where’s the thing?”
Wilbur felt the minuscule boy tense against his pocketed hand. Yet he pulled him out into the open anyway.
Tommy looked up at him and then to techno with a wide-eyed gaze, an expression that was a cry for help, surrounded by the two humans.
“Relax, tech, Tommy’s right here… see, I’m responsible.”
He acted like he hadn’t lost Tommy after only a few hours…
Techno sat up straighter and leaned closer to see Tommy, a raised eyebrow and a slightly confused expression on his face.
“You named it already?”
Wilbur looked down at Tommy at the same time the little guy looked up at him. They shared the same anxious look of ‘shoot’. Wilbur had a feeling he wouldn’t be able to convince techno of his findings about Tommy without taking a bit to process it himself. So he lied. Again.
“Uh.. yeah! Yeah, I named him Tommy.. he looks like a Tommy, right?”
Techno looked at Tommy for a moment with an unreadable look before nodding in agreement.
“I guess so. Looks like one to me.”
Wilbur let out a breath he didn’t know he was holding. 
“Great.. now, uh.. I’m gonna go to my room.”
Wilbur started tensely walking away before techno stopped him, standing and walking in front of him.
“Aren’t ya gonna put ‘Tommy’ back?”
“Well.. uh.. actually I was gonna let the little guy keep me company for a while…”
Wilbur subconsciously ran his finger down Tommy’s back, not noticing the way Tommy leaned into the touch hesitantly, too focused on acting not suspicious to his very hard-to-lie-to twin.
Techno shrugged and sat back down.
“Alright, but don’t hog the thing. I wanna see it sometime too.”
Wilbur nodded and continued to his bedroom, closing the door a bit too fast for his calm act and walking to his desk. 
He sat in his desk chair, using his one unoccupied hand to shove the sheets of half written music off of his desk. He could clean those up later.
Then he gently set his other hand on the desk, watching intently as Tommy climbed off and took a few scrambling steps away from him nervously.
Tommy looked up at him from the desk in anxiety and confusion.
“Alright… okay, okay, okay… wow..”
Wilbur covered his face with his hands in exasperation with a long sigh before taking a second and looking at Tommy, finally processing everything.
“You… you can.. talk?”
He asked with apprehension.
“Dream said you can talk.. Tommy? You… are you…”
Wilbur didn’t know how to word this the right way…
“You’re sentient?”
hope you liked this one!
also please tell me if you want to be added to a tag list! (*´∀`*)
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beansthough · 1 year
Ch. 8 {Free Me from the Fire and Fangs}
Cw/Tw: v0re, fear of death, g0reish, injuries, violence, angst, suicidal tendencies if you squint, don’t like don’t read and stay safe<3
Techno found one of the most relaxing things he could do was clean his weapons at dead night. It did good to calm his nerves when he would get overwhelmed by the duties of the guard, however it wasn’t helping that much tonight. He didn’t know why, but he couldn’t help but feel like something was off.
The rhythmic rain that was usually calming was much more erratic and aggressive. Lightning seemed to constantly flash in the pitch black sky. There was no moon tonight.
Maybe that was it…The pure darkness of the night. Perhaps Techno was weak to have such a childish fear, but he preferred to be able to see the threats that the night brought.
He let out a displeased grunt before starting to sharpen his sword. Wilbur had only gotten home right before the rain had started, he really didn’t like how risky his brother had been acting lately.
What if his twin had been caught in a flash flood? Or worse…
Techno had seen some signs on his patrol of…something…
He wasn’t sure what something was, but he did know it was big. The only thing that he could conclude was that it wasn’t human. They always left a big mess wherever they went, making it obvious that they were in the area.
This was more… careful.
That’s what worried Techno. There weren’t any tracks, it was almost always trees that seemed to receive the most damage, and maybe it was just his paranoia, but he couldn’t help but feel like there were eyes watching him as he did his rounds.
It had to be a predator of some type as well. There had been a decrease in the number of rabbits and squirrels in the area, Techno honestly didn’t have a problem with that. It was population control at best, and there was less competition between the hybrids and the rodents over storable food for the winter.
But at worse, that could mean if it found a hybrid like his brother in the woods… it probably wouldn’t see him as anything other than a quick snack.
The only animal he could think of that it could possibly be was a mountain lion, but even then he doubted that. They were rare in this region and never stuck around one place for long.
This thing had been around for a while. It frustrated techno to no end that he hasn’t even caught a glimpse of it.
Techno worried for his brother more than anything else. He couldn’t live with himself if Wilbur got hurt when Techno knew there was a threat. That’s why he’s been urging his twin to stay in the village, but it seemed Wilbur had other ideas.
He had no idea what could possibly motivate Wilbur to go into the forest so often. It was strange. He had tried following Wilbur before but the mouse knew him all to well to fall for that. Whenever Techno asked what he was up to it was always an excuse that he was working on his songs or improving on his training that Techno had taught him.
At first Techno had believed him. After all Wilbur’s stamina and strength had improved a lot over these pass few months, but Wilbur still refuses to even look the guards way when Techno suggested that he finally join.
His brother was hiding something from him. Techno could only hope it wasn’t something too bad. After all this definitely wasn’t the first time that Wilbur had distanced himself from his family.
Techno vaguely remembered the last time Wilbur ran off was for some girl he met. He had told techno she was a salmon hybrid. He had met her by the stream, and apparently had fallen deeply in love with her.
He disappeared into the forest for days at a time, only returning every now and again to keep Phil from sending out a search party for him. It had lasted a couple of months, but eventually Wilbur returned heart broken.
Apparently the girl had a boyfriend, a small detail that she apparently forgot to tell Wilbur about. Then like all salmons do, she left Wilbur and swam upstream. Wilbur had been amusing to her with his songs and lovely gifts, but she eventually grew tired of him and went her own way back to her boyfriend that she had left.
Wilbur had felt completely and utterly used. He had given his all to her and she threw it all away when she grew bored.
After that instance it was hard to even get his brother out of his room. That was a rut in Wilbur’s life that he hoped his brother would never experience again. But eventually Wilbur came around and his twin was back to his happy carefree self.
He could only hope that his brother wasn’t in a similar situation as before. Techno can’t stand his brother being upset.
Techno let out a hum of approval when he was satisfied with his sword. He stood up from his work bench and stretched. No matter how he tried he couldn’t shake the restless feeling in his bones.
Maybe he just needed some fresh air. He stepped out onto their porch that overlooked the village, carved to perfection with Phil’s own hands. The leaf roof held strong against the heavy rain, the leaves layered and pulled taut.
Techno gazed upon his home, he breathed in the crisp air deep into his lungs. The rat sat down on the ledge and closed his eyes, trying to at least get a little rest.
Techno was jolted out of his peaceful sit down by a strange sound. He waited a few more moments but the sound seemed to have stopped. He flicked his ear in annoyance and tried once more to relax.
“HELP!” Techno shot to his feet and got his sword, adrenaline pumping through is veins. Phil shot out of the house by his side in less than a second.
“Where’s that coming from?” Phil asked, eyes analyzing through the thick rain. Techno squinted at the base of the tree, someone was waving their hands in a frenzy. “There.”
Phil spread is wings wide and dived down from the tree. Wilbur rushed out of the house panicked, “What’s going on?”
But Techno had already grabbed a vine and slid down the tree before he could answer.
Philza dive bombed down from the tree. The rain beating down on his wings while he navigated towards the desperate pleas for help. Despite the harsh conditions he stuck the landing with practiced ease. It was Jack. The shrew had looked like he had seen death herself. The color almost completely drained out of his face.
Techno dropped down to his side, immediately his son was scanning for threats, leaving him to deal with the panicked shrew.
He laid a hand on his shoulder to give the boy some comfort. “Are you alright Jack? What happened? Is there any danger?” The bird spoke in a calm and clear manner.
“I-I was out hunting with my party and I got separated with my group a-and…”Jack got choked up on his words, he gave a pained cough. “I heard a noise, It was a rabbit I think…” Phil nodded his head and rubbed the shews shoulder.
“I thought I had found them after a successful hunt, but when I r-rounded the tree…” He gasped for breath before sputtering out.
“Phil…” Jack looked up to him with the upmost dread in his eyes, “It was a Naga.”
The Avian felt his heart sink to the depths of the earth. He was suddenly transported back to his old village. Fires raged all around him and giant snakes cackled, their bellies full of his neighbors, his friends…his family.
He was just a child when it happened, he thinks he only survived due to the mercy of lady death. He had barely managed to escape, his flight feathers had barely grown in, without his wings his savior came in the form of a river. He was surrounded by flames on all sides. A great beast blocked his path before him. It’s white scales glowing in the fire light, blocking any chance to escape. It had devoured all that he held dear and he was all that was left. A freezing cold river to his back, deep and violent. He had no other choice but to jump and pray that the river would take him to safety.
He was thrown this way and that, turned around and dunked under over and over again. He found security in a floating log and clung on for his life. His small pitiful wings soaked to the bone.
Once he finally made it to calmer waters he heard the gentle calling of an owl in the distance. A sound that would usually cause fear instead filled him with a reassurance that he would be alright. He had survived.
After he was washed to the shore of the river bank a group of traveling tiny hybrids took him in. They were going to a village, a safe haven for all tiny hybrids to escape the cruel grasp of a world much to large for them.
He became a strong warrior and a skilled leader, it wasn’t long before he was asked to be put in charge after the last elder pasted on. He took his place with pride and joy in his newfound home and made the village what it is today.
Then he found a new family to protect. One that he would not fail ever again.
Phil was brought back to reality by Techno shaking his shoulders. “Phil? You with us?” Techno’s eyes were worried and Phil’s hands trembled ever so slightly.
He looked to his youngest with eyes that have seen devastation. “Go sound the alarms, prepare the guards for the fight of their lives.” Phil was more serious than Techno had ever seen him before. He felt a deep pit of fear in his stomach at the look in his father’s eyes.
Techno signaled to a near by guard tower to sound the alarms. His long pink hair clung to his face in the heavy rain. The light flashed two times and in seconds a loud clang was echoing throughout the village warning them to seek cover and hide. Soldiers rushed to the great tree. Struggling to put on their armor and get their weapons in a short amount of time.
“Dad!” Phil turned around to see his oldest rushing to him. He was surprised to see Wilbur wielding a sword, his hair an utter mess, he even had a chest plate slapped on as if it were a last thought. “What’s going on?!”
“Wilbur, I need you to go warn the villagers.” Phil pulled his son along to the emergency supplies station. The healers already handing out the emergency bags to each villager. “I need you to hand out these care packages with the healers. Techno and I are leading the guard.” Wilbur looked utterly confused as big packs were shoved into his arms.
“Dad, what’s happening?” Wilbur’s words were panicked, he looked so unsure. Phil’s instincts only grew to keep Wilbur out of dangers way.
“Jack got separated from his party. He finally found what Techno has been trailing for months.” Philza looked to his son, he could since his boy’s growing dread. “He found a Naga, Wilbur.”
Wilbur threw the supplies to the ground and grabbed his father’s wrists. Phil was surprised to find the mouse’s dull craws griping into his skin.
“You can’t go. Please don’t go.” His son sounded more desperate than he ever heard in his life.
“We must. We have to protect the village, no matter how dangerous it is.” Phil softly pet Wilbur’s head trying to comfort his son, but Wilbur shook off his hand only to grab it in an even tighter grip. Wilbur looked strangely conflicted.
“He hasn’t hurt anyone. Has he?” Phil sighed and pulled his son into a hug. “It hasn’t hurt anyone yet. Jack said he was able to get away unnoticed.”
Wilbur nodded his head into his father’s chest. “Don’t worry Wilbur, we’ll exterminate it before it can cause any damage.”
Phil was suddenly thrown back from Wilbur, he was surprised to see a look of utter hatred. A vicious snarl took up his son’s face. “You can’t go.”
“Wilbur? What are you-” lighting struck the forest with a vengeance, the force alone shaking the ground. The smell of smoke suddenly filled the air, sending the village into a panic. Phil looked in the distance and saw a building orange glow. Tonight of all nights.
His boy’s hulking frame was at his side in an instant, leaving the guardsmen fumbling with their armor.
“A fires broken out. I need you to stay here and help evacuate. Get them to the other side of the creek. I go to the Naga alone.” Techno snorted and crossed his arms, a determined look in his eyes. “No chance old man. You’re the one with wings remember?”
Phil looked to Techno with desperation. “You and the other avian soldiers, or anyone with wings, need to help carry everyone to safety. It’s the only way to get everyone safely out of the fire’s reach in time.” Techno lifted the giant axe of his shoulder and made his way towards his black and white rabbit Carl. He mounted his trusty steed and looked back to Phil.
“I’ll take the rest of the guard to handle our Naga.” Phil crooned and reached out for Techno’s hand. “I don’t want to lose you. Either of my boys.” Techno closed his eyes and bumped heads with Phil. “I promise you won’t Phil.” Then his son snorted once more. “Besides, this monster has never gone up against the Blade before.”
With that Techno raised his sword and called to his men. They began to march into the direction that Jack had come from. The hunt was on.
Philza watched Techno go. Fear deep in his bones. He’s be by his son’s side soon enough, he just had to get everyone to safety first.
He reached behind him to grab his eldest’s hand only to clench at the open air. He whipped his head around. “Wilbur?”
The mouse was nowhere to be seen. The emergency kits were still scattered to the ground. Where on Earth did he go?
“Wil?!” Phil called out, looking around for his son’s familiar form in the crowds. His calls and trills growing more frantic as more smoke filled the air.
Philza groaned in frustration and fear. He turned towards the avian soldiers, already guiding the villagers away from the direction of the fire. Phil shook his wings of the raindrops that collected in his feathers. He spread his wings and joined the men of his own guard.
Wilbur knew the safety protocols well, he probably just went to help gather people when the fire broke out. Phil could only hope that his son was being safe. His son wasn’t a fighter. He was always much better with his words. He could imagine Wilbur now, calming the crowds and giving them clear directions. His son knows to stick clear of danger.
Ranboo shot awake as Tubbo shook him violently, the first thing his panicked mind processed was the village alarm. Their eyes locked onto Tubbo’s own worried one’s.
“There’s a fire. It’s moving pretty slow, but we still need to get out of here. They’re relocating us to the other side of the river.” Tubbo quickly packed the pair’s essentials, he moved quickly and calmly. He grabbed Ranboo’s hand and rushed out the door.
But instead of heading towards the river, Ranboo found that Tubbo was pulling him towards the guard’s facility. “Tubbo, what are we doing here?”
The bee pulled Ranboo behind a stone wall a peaked over at the scene. The soldiers were frantically strapping on their armor and harnessing their weapons.
However the thing that puzzled Tubbo, was that only the avians and other hybrids with wings were helping those evacuate. The grounded hybrids were marching into the woods.
It gave Tubbo a bad feeling. “You see that.” The Bee nudged Ranboo to look towards the guardsmen. “They’re preparing for battle. Only half of them are on fire duty.”
Ranboo looked on in confusion before a scary realization came to mind. “You don’t think…”
“Oh, I know.” Ranboo squeezed Tubbo’s hand a little tighter, Ranboo’s heart skipped a beat as he looked out at the sea of sharp weapons. Tubbo suddenly raised his arm and pointed to a familiar form. “Seems that sorry excuse of a guard over there caught sight of Tommy. It would’ve been old Manifold.”
Ranboo couldn’t help but let out a little breath of relief. If it was anyone other than Jack, Tommy might’ve actually been in danger.
“We need to warn him. If the guard finds him first they’ll never listen to him.” Tubbo nodded his head, but his eyes were kept firmly held on Jack Manifold. “Jack didn’t run from the direction of our normal meetup spot. He was closer to the hunting grounds.” Tubbo narrowed his eyes in thought.
“The guard seems to be heading in that direction, but we can beat them if they’re on foot. Techno may have his Rabbit, but he’ll stay behind to lead his men. We can safely travel above and get to Tommy first.”
Ranboo nodded his head at the plan but then realized one flaw. “How will we now where Tommy exactly is? I don’t know the hunting grounds well enough to navigate them without some sort of sight aid, and neither of us are exactly trackers like the guard.”
Tubbo gave a mischievous laugh, his eyes gleaming with delight. “Well my dear Beloved…” Tubbo pulled a long strand of rope out of his bag, a smirk on his face. “That’s where our eyewitness and personal tracker comes in.”
Ranboo sighed in disappointment. Of course Tubbo would resort to kidnapping first, but at the end of the day this was a life or death situation. They’d just have to apologize to Jack later, after all Tommy was really the one who was in danger.
He looked up to see Tubbo was already heading in the poor shrews direction. He could only hope Jack would forgive them after all this mess.
Wilbur sprinted through the thick rain, his face stung from the many leaves and branches that whipped his face. He didn’t feel any of it. The only thing that was on his mind was Tommy.
He had to get his little brother out of here. He didn’t want anyone to hurt Tommy, and he didn’t want Tommy to have to hurt someone.
He burst into the clearing calling Tommy’s name, but the naga was nowhere to be found. Even with the rain beating down, the smell of smoke was still persistent. Wilbur’s nerves only increased the longer he saw no signs of the snake.
Frustrated beyond belief Wilbur hit himself in the head over and over. Think think think. If I were Tommy where would I be?
It was hopeless. The snake could be anywhere. He liked to hunt all over, and if he was hunting or here in the clearing he was probably patrolling.
Wilbur curled up with his arms wrapped around his legs. Praying to whatever gods that would listen that they would help him find his baby brother.
All that answered him was an owl calling out in the distance. Wilbur sighed in defeat before another sound reached his ears. It was not the graceful calling of an owl or the mud splattering from the rain. No this was a sound he was much more familiar with.
He took off in their direction, following the familiar cries for help and the angry voice of a certain bee. He stayed hidden in the brush as he observed the strange scene in front of him.
There was Ranboo, with a rather uncharacteristic anger in their eyes, wings crossed and his ears held firmly back. Then there was Tubbo, his hands gripped firmly in Jack’s shirt, screaming in the shrews face.
“WHERE IS HE?!” Tubbo shook him more. “I KNOW YOU SAW HIM! NOW WHERE IS HE?!” Jack Manifold looked utterly distraught, his arms tied firmly behind his back, completely stripped of all his weapons and perhaps his dignity.
“What’s wrong with you guys?!” Jack struggled in his restraints. “Let me go! Please! Are you guys crazy?!”
“YOU SAID HE WAS RIGHT HERE JACK! AND GUESS WHAT? HE’S NOT! I DON’T LIKE IT WHEN PEOPLE LIE TO ME JACK!” All Jack could do was to plead for Tubbo to not sting him.
“Please! I swear it was right here! Why are you guys doing this?!” He looked to Ranboo for mercy. “Ranboo! This isn’t like you! Tell Tubbo to stop joking around! This is a little extreme for a prank! It’s not safe to be out here with it!”
Ranboo rolled his eyes and walked forward towering over Jack. Wilbur had never seen this side of Ranboo before. The bat sneered down at Jack, their fangs on full display. “Listen Jack, I tried to be civil with you at first. I know that you’re scared but our friend is in serious danger because of you. This isn’t some stupid prank, Now where is he?”
Wilbur looked at all the hope drain from Jack’s face. “Y-you’re hypnotized or something… It’s made you guys it’s dark servants.” Jack looked like he was about to pass out, Tubbo growled in frustration. “THAT’S IT!” Tubbo raised his stinger high, Wilbur guessed that was his queue to intervene.
He sprinted out of the foliage, “Wait!” Tubbo and Ranboo whipped around towards him, but their anger was soon replaced with… relief?
“What are you guys doing out here? There’s a fire!” Jack struggled to crawl towards the mouse. “Wilbur! Help me! They’ve gone insane!”
Tubbo and Ranboo ran over to meet him. Ranboo grabbed ahold of his shoulders, “Have you seen Tommy?”
Wilbur was completely taken aback. He began to question the last several months of his life. “You’ve met Tommy?!”
“All of us have!” Tubbo supplied, “Though, I don’t know if we should count Jack or not.” Wilbur was completely baffled.
“Why didn’t he tell me, or any of you?!” Ranboo looked a little guilty at that. “He told me he didn’t want you to know. He said he wasn’t supposed to be seen by anyone else, that was one of your rules.”
Wilbur groaned in frustration, of course Tommy would keep it secret. He didn’t want Wilbur to be upset with him. Especially if it happened after the incident.
“Whatever! That’s not important right now.” Wilbur looked to Ranboo with Desperation. “I haven’t found him. He’s not in the clearing, I have no idea where else he could be.”
Tubbo cleared his throat and gestured towards their hostage.“Well he should’ve been right here, or at least that’s what Manifold said.” Wilbur turned to Jack who was currently trying to wriggle out of his ropes.
“Was this where you saw him Jack?” The poor shrew wilted at Wilbur’s question. “Oh no… Not you too Wilbur…”
Wilbur huffed and crouched down to where the poor man was writhing. “Yes Jack, me too…” The mouse sighed and helped Jack to his feet. “I know you’re scared Jack. Your instincts are probably going haywire right now . Trust me I know.”
The mouse looked the shrew firmly in the eyes. “He’s not gonna hurt you.”
Jack let out a sharp wet laugh. “Yeah right!” Jack’s mind flashed to Blood coating sharp teeth, it slowly dripping down it’s chin. “Gods… you guys really are under it’s control! It’s using you guys to do it’s hunting for it!”
“Jack, listen to yourself! You’re spouting complete nonsense!” Wilbur pleaded but Jack wouldn’t hear any of it. People who he once thought were his friends lured him away from the village with the lie that someone needed help, now here he is, tied up and being lead to his death.
“You’re the one that’s talking nonsense! You guys are gonna get us all killed! We need to leave before it comes back!” Jack cried his voice wavering with anxiety.
Wilbur sighed, Jack was just a lost cause. He turned to Ranboo, the younger’s face coated in worry and stress. Tubbo tried his best to comfort him, but he himself had the shadow of doubt on his face.
Wilbur looked back towards West, the orange glow was growing brighter by the second, even with the ever persistent drops of the rain, but it just wasn’t enough.
“I don’t know what to do.” Wilbur stated defeated. Tears were brewing in his eyes, Ranboo and Tubbo clung to each other.
Wilbur closed his eyes, trying to conger any kind of hope, the cold rain trailed down his face, but then suddenly it wasn’t. He opened his eyes confused, as the rain was still hitting the ground all around the group.
“Wilbur?” It was quiet and fearful. It was pure relief. It was Tommy.
Everyone’s head bolted upwards. Wilbur cried out in relief as his eyes met familiar glowing red ones. Ranboo and Tubbo cheered, while Jack shrieked in fear, backpedaling away before he tripped backwards on a root and fell hard to the ground.
“Wilbur what’s going on? There’s a fire somewhere and everyone smells so scared…”Tommy slowly descended from the tree, eyeing the shrew shaking on the floor with wariness. “And what are you guys doing here?!” Tommy’s voice was strained and scared, Ranboo stepped up first to answer, but was cut off by Wilbur.
“It’s okay Tommy. I know.” There was shame in the snake’s eyes, tears started to poor down the boys face, he tried to apologize. “I’m sorry Wilby…I-I was gonna tell you, I was…I was just scared you’d get mad.”
Wilbur reached upwards and Tommy took it as his queue to wrap his tail around Wilbur and lift him up, they both tried to ignore the gasp that came from the shrew below. Wilbur squeezed the boy’s tail with all his might. “Tommy, I can’t ever stay mad at you. I just want you to be safe. I don’t want you to be afraid to tell me things.” The child nodded his head and then gently pressed it into Wilbur.
Wilbur was suddenly brought back to reality by his own words, he pushed back from the blonde curls and looked his brother in the eyes. “Tommy you need to get out of here. The guard is on their way.” Tommy looked shocked. “What?”
Tubbo suddenly flew to Tommy’s face. “Yeah, and they wouldn’t be if not for him…” Tommy turned his head down to the trembling form in the mud that Ranboo was currently trying to console. “Also not to mention the ever growing forest fire.” Tubbo added on as a afterthought. Tommy couldn’t help but let his eyes wander back to the unknown hybrid. His pitiful struggles catching Tommy’s trained eyes.
“Is he okay?” Tommy gestured towards the hostage on the ground, Ranboo had tried and failed to remove the restraints. Jack grew deathly still as he realized all the attention was on him. It was looking right at him.
He couldn’t even muster up a scream, the noise dying in the back of his throat with any hope of survival. “He’ll be alright. He’s just a big baby.” Tubbo explained.
Tommy felt guilt eat away at his heart. He sat Wilbur back to the ground and crouched down to their level, Jack tried to scoot away but Ranboo held him firmly in place.
“Hello…” Tommy tried but Jack stayed frozen. “I’m sorry if I scared you…” The naga looked to the too tight ropes digging into the shrews arms. “Here…let me help.”
Jack cried out as he was pushed closer to the monster as it reached out for him with it’s deadly claws. He squeezed his eyes closed as tight as he could, not wanting to accept his fate. But instead of the sharp claws piercing him, he found the tight pressure on his arms were cut away. He fell backwards as Ranboo dropped him back to the ground. “Calm down, you’re fine…” Ranboo huffed out. Above him he was met with a soft smile and kind red eyes. Nothing like he had witnessed mere hours ago.
“There you go, I bet that feels better.” The naga said with a sort of kindness that reminded him of Niki. Only she would make sure to ask if he was feeling alright in a stressful situation, and here was this great beast taking her place.
While Jack was still fearful, he couldn’t find it in himself to run away. The Naga had done nothing but treat him with kindness so far, and his friends, however crazy they were, seemed to trust the giant. He’d have to give him a chance.
“Come on Tommy, We need to get out of here.” Wilbur climbed onto Tommy’s head before turning to Ranboo and Tubbo. “You guys take Jack across the river to safety. I’ll go with Tommy to make sure he’s alright.” The pair nodded and helped Jack to his feet, determination plastered on their faces, while Jack looked unsure. “We’ll find someplace safe to hide until the guard gives up, and hopefully when the fire dies down.”
Wilbur gently patted Tommy on the head trying to provide any comfort. “Alright Tommy let’s g—!”
Wilbur could only stare in horror at the approaching arrow. Everything was happening in slow motion and he tried to cry out to warn his little brother, but it was too late. The next thing Wilbur knew he was thrown into the air and a painful near deafening scream filled his eardrums. Wilbur hit the ground hard, his back ached, and his ears ringing. He tried his best to get back up to his feet only to see Tommy clutching his right eye in pain, the younger was sobbing uncontrollably, unable to do anything but flinch as arrows with ropes imbedded deep into his skin. Wilbur ran forward and screamed for Tommy to run before he was pulled back and away from his baby brother. They were too late.
And there was the Blade in all of his violent glory. His bow now tossed to the side after having hit his mark. A single arrow coated in weakness had struck deep in Tommy’s right eye.
Little did the village know… another visitor was upon them. When the scent of this much fear and panic hits the air, it can travel for miles around even with all the smoke. It’s hard for someone to not come see what’s happening after their latest business deal. Especially if someone is quite familiar with one of the scents in particular. It seems he, had finally found one of his star pupils. A malicious sharp grin spread over their scarred white face. Snow white scales flashed with the strikes for lightning.
It was an excellent night for a hunt. The fear was almost overwhelming. He hoped he could control himself long enough to not go into a frenzy.
He first had to find what he had lost long ago, and make him pay for the pain they had caused him. It was never fun explaining how the champion you promised had disappeared with all the others, face wounded with one dead eye. It was even harder to kill half of the hunters who were less than forgiving of his slip up with his newly acquired wounds. Let’s just say he was grateful that rage was a motivator.
The remaining hunters were quick to be back on his side after witnessing over half of their men be slaughtered. Shameful cowards it what they were.
The Viper inhaled deep and long, letting the scent lead him in the right direction.
I’ll find you Tommy.
Wilbur was relieved it wasn’t a lethal poison, only his father would carry those. Techno much preferred his hand combat or rather his blade combat. Wilbur watched with growing dread as Techno started to make his way towards Tommy, sword in hand, the poor child was pinned in place painfully from the many arrows and ropes tying him down.
“Don’t worry. You’re safe now.” It was some random solider, pulling the mouse away, white hot rage filled the Charmer as he saw the Blade lift his black sword, his baby brother crying for help. Wilbur head butted the solider and reached for his own blade . The poor guard member sat dazed on the ground with a very broken nose.
Tommy was pulled to the ground now. His arms strapped down to his sides and his head pulled back leaving his neck vulnerable to any attack.
Tommy whined in fear, his one good eye blinded by salty tears. The Blade raised his deadly sword, ready to end it all in one fatal swing. Wilbur never ran faster in his entire life.
Instead of fresh blood pouring from a wound, Techno was met with sparks as his blade struck another with all of his force. How strange… Techno didn’t hesitate, he tried to strike down his opponent but they held strong. Every swing of his sword was met with one of equal strength. After a minute of hit after intense hit the pair stepped apart exhausted. When Techno looked up to meet his opponent’s face he was surprised to see the small form of his twin brother in the place of where the skilled warrior stood. Techno stood taken aback, nothing could of prepared him to see that he almost battled his own brother to the death. What was his brother even doing here? Wilbur took advantage of his shocked state and suddenly there was a sharp burning in his calf. His own brother had just slashed him. Techno fell to his knees and his hand was next. His sword dropped to the ground and was kicked away. Techno had a faint memory come to mind of him teaching Wilbur those moves when they were young.
“Wilbur?! What are you doing?!” Techno growled in pain. “What I have to!” The warrior cried. “I won’t let you kill him!”
“Him?” Techno looked to the Naga behind his brother. It’s one slit eye shot daggers at Techno, it’s growls rivaled thunder itself, and it was all directed right at Techno.
If he were a weaker man he would of cowered under it’s gaze, but Techno was not. He sat kneeled and took the beast’s rage head on, and glared at the monster right back.
A cry from one of his men caught his attention and he spun around quickly. He was surprised to see his men being taken down by his own students. Tubbo had already stung half of the guard and disarmed most while he did, while Ranboo made quick work of the potions, throwing them against trees and rocks and watching them shatter and poor into the mud.
Techno was speechless… what was happening? First his own brother protecting a monster and now a revolution. He turned back forward to face his brother, utter betrayal pumping through his veins.
“You would hurt your own Brother to protect that monster?” Wilbur remained silent as tears trailed down his cheeks.
A hurt deeper than Techno had ever know stabbed into his gut. His face contorted into a deep scowl.This didn’t make sense. Why would Wilbur…
The beast groaned in pain and strained against the binds. “Wilbur…” It growled and his brother called out a desperate reassurance to it. It wanted his brother’s help?
Then Techno understood. He understood Wilbur coming back late at night or not coming back at all. Why his brother never let him follow him into the woods and always seemed nervous when Techno asked where he was going.
He understood why Ranboo would show up to his potion lessons less and less, and why Tubbo seemed to never be in his study anymore when Techno would need him.
He had heard legends of creatures that could control minds or hypnotize their prey. Playing with their food by messing with their very minds. That had to be what’s happening.
This… this monster had made them into it’s pets. It had to have them in some kind of dark bind, forcing them to the forest when it wanted and making them obey it’s every whim. But worst of all It had brainwashed them into thinking it actually cared.
“Wilbur, Can’t you see?! It’s forcing you to be it’s pet! It doesn’t care about you, it’s only using you!” Techno desperately tried to bring his brother back to him.
More fuel was thrown onto the fire that was Wilbur’s anger. He stormed forward his eyes blazing. He gripped is twin by the collar now consumed by pure wrath.
“Listen to me now Techno, that boy who you call a monster is just a child. He hasn’t even hurt anyone! Then here you come charging in without even assessing the situation… Calling me hypnotized and under what proof…That is a child you’ve shot down with your bows.” His twins claws dug into his flesh. “I swear to the goddess of Death herself that if you kill my little brother, then so help me gods, I will never ever call you my brother again.”
Techno’s wounds burned from rain and sweat. He could only stare in shock at his twins words. His little brother?
Wilbur threw Techno to the ground and ran to the beast. He started slash at the restraints, desperate to get the naga free. He was soon joined by Ranboo and Tubbo. Ranboo splashing healing all over Tommy’s wounds. Even Jack was at the snake’s side, helping to remove the arrows and tend to wounds.
Techno’s men stood back awaiting more orders as they looked on baffled at the strange sight before them. The Blade himself could only sit and watch his brother in sorrow.
This was no longer his fragile passive twin, hiding behind him in a fight, this was a warrior protecting those he loved. He guessed Wilbur really his twin in every way.
Techno’s eye’s traveled to the face of the Naga… No…The child he had order his men to shoot down. Wilbur was there, gently tending to the boy’s wounded eye, pouring bottle after bottle of healing potion. Techno could only pray that it wouldn’t cause permanent damage.
Only one of the serpent’s arms were free. He couldn’t help but feel his heart spark with a fresh wave of fear as it reached out for Wilbur. The hand simple cradled Wilbur gently as he worked.
The thing that made Techno’s stomach turn the worst were the whispered apologies from the boy, repeated over and over again. Techno could only sit as if he were frozen in time.
Philza flew as fast as he could. The last of the villagers were safely across the river in a makeshift camp, the rest of the flyers where busy setting up a makeshift camp for the next few days. The fire chased after him as he flew, it burned the forest without forgiveness, the rain was doing it’s best to fight off the hellish flames, but it could not save all from the fires path.
The fire had already passed through the Village. It had suffered from the flames, shelter and cover burned away, but they had fought the flames off well enough that a majority of the trees, buildings,and shrubs survived. It would take a lot of work to rebuild and recover the lost shelter, but it could be done.
Now with his people safely out of harm’s way, he could focus on the other threat. Philza prayed that Techno was holding his own well enough. The old bird knew the power of these beasts first hand.
The avian patted his side where his poison arrows stayed. Reassuring him self that they were still there. He only had three, being unprepared for a fight, but he would have to make do. He had to try his best for his boys.
He followed the guards trail the best he could in the dark night. The rain weighed down heavy on his wings.
He flew with grace. Ducking and dodging around everything in his path. His speed only increased as did his heart rate when he heard a commotion up ahead.
Philza burst through the trees with his bow drawn carefully with his talons. There it was in all of it’s monstrous glory, it took all of Phil’s willpower to not let the arrow shoot right away.
It was down, but it appeared that one arm was free. He looked to the guard in confusion as to why the Naga was still alive. Then he saw Techno, bloody cuts lined his body, his hair a muddy mess of knots and tangles. He sat crouched on the ground almost like a plea of surrender, his sword tossed to the side.
He reexamined the Naga only to see that it was holding something in it’s grip, Philza’s heart stopped.
In the claws of the Naga was Wilbur. His boy that was supposed to be far away and out of harms way, was here. They very last place that Phil ever wanted him to be.
The avian was seething. These monsters stole his family from him once before, he would not allow that to happen again.
“NAGA!” Phil spit fire as he spoke, the rage of a thousand suns on his very own tongue. Every head snapped upwards at the murderous call.
“Release my boy now, and I will give you the mercy of a quick death.”
Philza flapped his wings steadily, he pulled the arrow back firmly, ready to release it’s deadly power. The Naga released is son almost instantly to Phil’s surprise, but what had Phil questioning reality what that Wilbur refused to leave the snake’s side.
“Wilbur! Move aside! I’ll protect you!” Philza desperately called to his oldest, but instead of running to his father’s call, Wilbur sneered and planted his feet apart and stretched his arms out wide, as if trying to shield the snake behind him. Phil was also stunned to see three others at the naga’s aid as well, there stood Ranboo, Tubbo, and even Jack?
“You will not hurt him.” Wilbur spat with such a venom he might’ve well become a serpent himself. “If you dare release that arrow I will jump in it’s path.”
Philza was completely taken aback. Why are they protecting him? Why would his son threaten his own life over a Naga?
He glanced back to Techno, only to see his boy staring right back, pure shame and regret in his tired eyes. Phil didn’t understand.
“Wilbur why would you—” A vicious cackle erupted from the night. One that struck Phil with such fear he nearly dropped out of the air right then and there, leaving the rest of the question to die in the bird’s throat.
A single emerald green eye, glowing eerily through the rain squinted in delight, peered out of the darkness of the trees.
“Well what a pleasant surprise .” Out of the forest crawled the devil himself. The fire was upon them now, it’s golden orange glow soaked into the Naga’s pale white scales, giving the illusion that this beast crawled out of the depths of hell itself.
Phil could only stare in pure horror at the Naga who had massacred is village, and took away everything that Phil had ever loved.
A sharp gasp and heightened breathing broke Philza’s spiral into despair. It was the restrained Naga, it’s breathing grew quick and panicked. The snake grabbed it’s four protectors with it’s one lose hand and pushed them quickly over to Techno.
“RUN!” It pleaded frantically, it’s voice strained and cracking. The White Viper howled in amusement at the scene before him. Phil suddenly realized just how small the first Naga was when in comparison to one that now towered over them all.
“Really Tommy? After all this time I would have at least hoped you’d learn to not play with your food. It’s quite bad manners you know.” The Viper clasped his clawed hands together in sick satisfaction. “And look at the mess it’s got you in! Oh how my once mighty has fallen.” The Naga fell back into a fit of crazed laughter.
While the Naga was focused on the smaller, Phil took his chance and aimed his arrow straight for the beast’s heart as it laughed away. The bird released the arrow with a perfectly practiced talent. Timed seemed to slow before it hit it’s target, but instead of imbedded deep into the Viper’s pale skin, it instead bounces of its chest and fell to the ground. Phil stared in shock at the sheer thickness of this monster’s skin. The laughter had stopped.
In an instant the Vipers tail shot out towards the Avian and smacked the little bird to the ground, a snarl on the snakes face. Phil cried out in pain, the sheer force of the hit cracking several ribs instantly. He hit the ground without forgiveness, his wing snapping next. He was nearly delirious with pain, he could faintly register is son’s crying out for him. He felt hands grab is cloak and pull him back. He opened his eyes to see Techno at his side, frantically shaking him awake. He could hear frightened screams and someone desperately crying for them to run. It was the first Naga.
Tommy thrashed and clawed at the ropes, screaming for the hybrids to get away. His eye still burned violently even with all of the healing potions. Wilbur’s dad lay crumpled on the ground, Wilbur crying out to him. XD looked on with disgust. Why did the Gods hate him so? The monster he had gotten away from all those years ago had found him at the worst possible time.
His tormentor. His captor. His abuser. XD. The Viper was all Tommy had ever know. He was told he was found alone as an egg. Abandoned and left in the snow. Somehow, Tommy doubted that, now that he knew the truth about the snake who raised him.
Everyday was true hell for Tommy the moment he could slither on his own. He once had siblings, all different degrees of deadly hybrids, though he was sure they were all gone now. They were forced to fight one another, told it was to keep them healthy and strong, and to protect them from danger. They were kept in separate cages when they weren’t fighting and carted to various towns and cities. Many of his sibling’s cages were taken away. Handed to humans in the cover of night with the promise of XD saying they’d be going to a good home. Tommy had once believed him when he was little.
Now Tommy knew the dark reality because his oldest brother found out the truth. His brother was something called a Warden. He was given to some humans with two of his other siblings, it was sad to see them go, but Tommy was also excited. Because Xd had said that someone was coming to pick him up that next morning. That he was going to go somewhere very special and be the Champion of a King. Tommy had never felt for happy in his life.
He had went to sleep as soundly as he could in a cage, but he quite surprised when Sam had woke him up in the dead of night.
He was alone. Blood had stained his claws and face. He let Tommy out first and then opened everyone else’s cages. He had took them away then he told them the truth.
That they we’re being sold. Sold to hunters, to kings, to fighting rings. That they were sold for their parts, for their strength, for their magical properties. Sam had been the only one to make it back alive.
XD had found them that night, screaming for them to get back into their cages, but Sam kept us safe behind him. The Viper was absolutely furious.
But Samm wouldn’t listen to XD anymore. He was a Warden after all, and they were know to be rather protective of what they loved.
They had escaped. Leaving then Naga with one less eye and more than a few deep scars. They hid in the forest, hunting and living together as a true family should. They were happy.
But then the hunters came and they had to run. Tommy wasn’t the fastest then, he wasn’t very big either. So he did what he does best. The Naga stayed out of view, hiding from the hunters while his siblings ran. He hid until the forest grew quiet and the night turned to day, but his siblings never did come back. He never saw any of them again.
Tommy was on his own. Learning to survive by himself and live among the trees. A silent and lonely life, and that’s how it was for a long long time.
Then he met Wilbur and everything changed, and he was happy. He finally had a brother again. But now that was all about to change again. Because he had screwed it all up. He had been seen and forced the guard to come after him, now XD was here and everyone was going to get hurt because of him. Why was he cursed with such a cruel fate?
“Tommy? Do your little pets not have any manners? Honestly, I thought I raised you better.” The serpent snarled and dusted off where the arrow had hit. “Really, the only good thing they’re for is to eat.” Tommy growled deep and long, XD only seemed more amused.
“You know…for how much you seem to care about them, they still seem rather afraid of you.” XD hissed a smile on his face. “I just so happened to be in the area after my latest business deal, when the smell of all this fear hit the air.” The Naga inhaled deeply though his nose and sighed in satisfaction. “It’s quite a mouthwatering scent, but I was pleasantly surprised to suddenly smell your fear mixed in as well… You see Tommy, I am still rather angry for you and your siblings running away, and that Warden definitely didn’t help your cases after he took my eye….”
The Naga gave a dark laugh as he looked at Tommy’s face. “Though now, I bet you understand how painful it is to lose an eye. Would you look at that…” XD gripped Tommy’s chin to meet his own scared face.
“We match.” XD spoke in a sickeningly sweet tone. Tommy only growled louder. “I’ll be honest with you Tommy, but only because I find you situation to be so amusing. I was just going to kill you first and enjoy the spoils for myself, but now I suppose I’ll let have one last meal. After all I do love to watch these pests get what they deserve, now which one took your eye.” He asked with a sharp grin. Tommy remained silent, not daring to make even a motion towards any of the smaller beings.
“LEAVE HIM ALONE!” Someone shouted from the crowd. “Hmmm, who said that?” XD asked with a joyous expression. Tommy felt all the color drain from his face. His heart pounded against his chest. “IT WAS ME!” A lone mouse marched from the crowd, his family cried for them him to stop, a single sword drawn in hand and pointed right at the White Serpent. What was Wilbur doing?
XD cackled at the sight of the mouse. Where had he got all this courage? “I’ll suppose you’ll do just fine instead.” And Wilbur was suddenly scooped up in a soul crushing grip, the mouse suddenly felt bad for scolding Tommy for squeezing to tight, because it was like nothing in comparison to this. Wilbur wheezed, his lungs suddenly void of any air.
The crowd cried out, Techno and Philza louder than any of them. Techno rushed forward, his wounds gushing blood as he slayed the white scales with his sword. His constant swinging barley even left a scratch.
XD leaned down and flicked the rat away. He growled in anger and squeezed the pest in his grip even tighter, he felt something snap under the pressure…It’s leg.
Wilbur screeched in pain and XD laughed with pleasure.
“No please! Leave him alone!” Tommy begged reaching out for his big brother. “Don’t hurt him!”
XD tsked and shook his head. “Tommy, you should know by now to not get attached to your food.” The viper scratched his head as if in thought. “I guess I can’t trust you to not just store this one. More for me I guess.” Tommy watched in terror as Wilbur’s struggling form was dangled over XD’s deadly maw.
XD tossed Wilbur into the air and something in Tommy’s mind flipped like a switch. The restraints holding the red naga down all suddenly snapped away and he lunged for the white beast. He pushed the Viper back into a tree and bashed his head against it over and over. Wilbur landed on Tommy’s head, all the air rushed out of his lungs as he tried to recover from his second fall this evening. Wilbur desperately tried to grip Tommy’s golden hair to keep from falling, but his brother’s fighting didn’t create the most steady of holds.
Wilbur found himself falling once more that night before someone swooped down and gripped the back of his shirt. Ranboo held onto him tightly, but they we’re still approaching the ground at an alarming rate. Tubbo soon came from below and smacked into Wilbur’s middle. The mouse hissed as his leg was jostled around before he was sat far back from the battling giants.
Techno screamed for his men to retreat. If not to get out of the way of the giants, then to escape the fire that almost completely surrounded them now. Many refused until Techno ordered them to go warn the people across the river and to protect them from any other threats.
Philza was busy crawling closer to the raging giants, his bow in hand and two arrows left. Even with a broken wing, he could still use his talons to shoot. The red scaled naga was currently clawing at the White Viper’s gut. Their great tails fighting for dominance against the other, squeezing and strangling. Though Phil could tell that the red one was being to lose control over white.
Phil would have to take out the biggest threat first, then he’d worry about the smaller one. Phil pulled back the bow and aimed for the White Naga’s one remaining eyes. He waited for and opening. There. The white naga suddenly ducked down trying to strike at red’s throat but failing. The arrow flying safely above it’s head.
One arrow left.
Techno grabbed Ranboo and Tubbo and handed them to several guards. “Get them across the river and to safety.” The two kids shouted with displeasure and struggled in the solider’s grip to try and get back to Tommy. Techno turned to Jack and gripped his shoulder. “Make sure they get there.”
Jack nodded his head but looked unsure. “What about you three? Aren’t you coming?” Techno shook his head. “No, we’ll only slow the group down with our injuries, and I don’t think I could even get Wilbur to leave anyways.” Techno sighed as he began to hobble back to his twin’s side before he turned back. “I’ll try to get us to a safer spot, away from the flames, but Jack if you want to live I suggest you leave now. I know Niki’s waiting for you.” Despair stabbed through Jack’s heart and he saluted to his General for what maybe the last time. “I’ll see you later Captain.” Techno smiled and nodded his head. “See ya later, Jack.” Jack took off after the group, tears streaming down his face.
Techno pulled Wilbur over his shoulder shuffled away from the flames path as the naga’s clawed at each other’s throats. Techno squinted to see his father crawling closer and closer an arrow drawn. Fear pooled in Techno and Wilbur’s gut.
Wilbur’s hands were clasped tightly together, he was mumbling in prayer over and over again, “Oh please, spare them Lady Death. Have mercy on them.” Techno held Wilbur closer, and while he was skeptical of the gods, he too couldn’t help but say a silent prayer.
Tommy was losing his strength, he glanced to see that Wilbur was safely on the ground and that was enough to give him hope, but XD was so much larger than him it was only a matter of time before he could over power him.
“You’re nothing but a sorry excuse for a Naga.” XD snarled. “You would’ve been better off if those hunters got to you like the others, because at least they would’ve given you the mercy of a quick death!”
Tommy growled at the thought of his siblings deaths, tears coming to his eyes. XD yanked his hand out of Tommy’s tail and wrapped it around the younger’s throat, his claws piercing the child’s skin, Tommy fought to pull it back with his tail.
Tommy was losing strength with every second. His vision was beginning to fade to back around the edges, and his tail was growing limp. He used his last remaining strength to hold back XD’s claws.
“You’re just a stupid child! Did you really think you could defeat me?!” Tommy whined at the lack of air in his lungs. “I’ll make sure to eat your favorite pet first after I kill you. No….maybe I should make it my pet and drawl out it’s suffering, then I’ll bite it’s pitiful head off and watch the blood pour out!”
Philza drew the bow back once more. He let out a shaky breath and a prayer to Lady Death. He released the arrow and fell back exhausted. Eyes rolling back into his head.
Air rushed back into Tommy’s lungs as a horrifying scream left XD’s lips. The Snow White serpent was clawing desperately at his remaining eyes, blood gushed from the wound. Tommy’s eyes locked onto XD’s unprotected throat and lunged forward once more.
Tommy’s fangs sunk deep into the tender flesh and blood rushed into Tommy’s mouth. The Naga began to writhe in his hold, but Tommy only bit down harder.
Once the Viper’s struggles and cries turned deathly still, only then did Tommy tear back with a hunk of flesh in his teeth.
Tommy quickly spit it out to the ground with the blood that at poured into his mouth. He gagged on the disgusting taste. An oddly peaceful silence over came the forest, ever with the fire raging around them. The sky began to pour down harder than it ever had, the rain finally becoming strong enough to smother the fire.
Tommy slithered over to Wilbur immediately, the mouse reaching out to him while the Blade adverted his gaze. Tears fell with the rain as he gently cradled his big brother. “I’m sorry Wilbur… I never meant for any of this to happen.”
Wilbur gave a loud wet laugh that sounded more like a sob. “Oh Tommy, this isn’t your fault. This isn’t anyone’s fault. You’re still my baby brother and that’s all that matters.”
Tommy did sob into Wilbur’s small frame. Wilbur gently pet Tommy’s cheek before sighing and looking into Tommy’s eye. “Tommy I’m gonna ask of something that might be pretty big for you.” The blonde boy just nodded his head. “I need you to store me and my family and take us back to the village. It should be a safe place for you to sleep for the night.”
“But Wil…” Tommy looked to with with fear and uncertainty but Wilbur only smiled. “It’s the safest way to travel fast with all of our injuries, and I know your instincts are going wild right now.” The mouse laughed softly. “Yeah…” The boy admitted.
“They may not like it, but I’ll be right with you the whole time.” Tommy closed his eye and took a deep breath. “Okay…”
Wilbur scooted over to Techno and pulled him closer to Tommy. “Techno, this is Tommy. Tommy, this is Techno.” Techno glanced up at the child but quietly adverted his gaze one he saw his injured eye. “Hi Techno…” Tommy tried.
“I’ve heard such amazing stories about you. Wilbur was right, you really are the coolest brother.” Tears flooded from Techno’s eye as he finally looked up at Tommy.
“I’m so sorry… I didn’t know and now you…” Techno kneeled down before the golden boy. “ I don’t ask for your forgiveness, I don’t deserve it… But please know I’m forever in your debt.” Tommy nodded his head once more and then looked to Wilbur.
“Okay Techno, Tommy’s gonna do something that’s kinda scary, but I’m gonna need you to stay calm.” Techno looked a little uneasy as Wilbur approached Tommy’s mouth in front of him. “He’s gonna store us. I promise that you’ll be safe. I’m gonna go first so you can watch, but I need to know that you’ll stay calm.” He watched Techno for conformation.
His twin nodded his head but folded his arms together tightly. “Okay Wilbur…”
Techno watched in disbelief as his brother willingly crawled into the naga’s mouth, or as best as he could with a broken leg. Techno couldn’t help but imagine those sharp teeth biting down and cutting Wilbur right in two, but even with his nerves he stood his ground and let Tommy gently guide his brother inside the cavern.
Once Wilbur was fully inside, the Naga closed his mouth and tilted his head back. The blonde child sallowed in one go then he locked eyes with Techno. Soft purrs left the child’s lips before he shook his head and was quiet once more.
“Are you ready?” It was spoken softly and scared and it made Techno’s heart melt, even if the action did terrify him to his very core. But there was no other way as the fire surrounded them.
“I think so.” The bloodied lips parted before him and Techno was met with rows of deadly sharp teeth. Techno’s hands trembled as hot breath washed over him. He could only hope that Wilbur wasn’t wrong about this kid.
Techno took a deep breath and jumped in. The warm air of the mouth surrounded him in am instant, and in some strange way… it was comforting. The tongue beneath him began to softly coat him in spit, the loud purring started up again. Then after a few more coats, Techno was pushed to the back of the throat and swallowed down. It was tight but not unbearable and soon he dropped into a squishy bed of warmth. Next to him was Wilbur who immediately came over to comfort him, but Techno’s instincts were already please with the safe, dark, and warm surroundings. He held Wilbur tightly anyways.
“Tommy, I need you to go find my dad now. He might be afraid but I need you to be as patient as you can. If he gives you any trouble, Techno and I will settle him down.” A gentle pressure pushed down on them as Tommy laid a hand on his stomach. “I’ll find him Wil.”
Tommy’s eyes became mere slits as he scanned his surroundings. The fire’s light making the battlefield much easier to see. Tommy’s pupils widened considerably when he laid eyes on the crumpled form of the avian. He broken wing tucked closely to his chest and his eyes closed in exhaustion.
Tommy approached slowly and cautiously. This man was still a powerful warrior after all. “Excuse me…sir?” The avian’s head shot up, a wild fear in his eyes. “They’re gone aren’t they? My boys…” It was said with a sorrow of a man who had already seemed to know the answer. Tommy felt his heart break at the pure look of hatred that Wilbur’s father bestowed upon him.
Philza was suddenly a child again, his back to a river and facing a beast, his loved ones all gone. Fire surrounded them on all sides, and he couldn’t fly away. Grounded to the cold and unforgiving earth, but strangely this Naga wasn’t cackling with glee at Phil’s misery.
“No sir… I’m keeping them safe. I promise that they’re okay.” Phil laughed biter and cold at that. It was taunting him though.
“Beast, the Viper was right. It’s not very kind to play with your food.” Philza spit in anger, hanging his head low, not wanting the monster to get the satisfaction of seeing the fear in his eyes. He expected retaliation, for the monster to act out in rage and finish the job.
Instead the broken cries of a child met his ears. Philza’s head whipped up instantly, his instincts calling for him to help the child. It was the naga…
Phil looked up at the Naga in shock. He really was just a child. His instincts cried for the child as he realized that the Naga had the same scared look on his face that he had seen on himself reflected in the eyes of the monster that had tormented him.
Philza’s instincts began to overtake him and he couldn’t stop the soft coo that left his lips. The child’s crying stopped and his puffy eyes met Phil’s own. Phil suddenly knew that this wasn’t a creature that would hurt someone else willingly.
“You said my sons are safe?” The boy nodded his head but he still looked frightened. “T-they are with me…tucked away… they want me to store you as well…” Phil felt his heart drop at the Naga’s words. A charred branch suddenly fell next to the pair from above, they both jumped.
The boy scooped the bird up in his palms, Philza cried out in alarm, to powerless to even try to escape, but the boy just held him gently. “I know you’re afraid… but you’re gonna be okay. You’ll be with them again soon.”
Philza heart beat in is throat as he was suddenly lifted upwards to it’s lips. They parted open to reveal the creature’s deadly teeth and forked tongue. Phil was to exhausted to even fight as it dropped him on its tongue. Phil went limp and accepted his fate.
But the Naga never sliced him with his teeth, and he was gentle with Phil’s broken wing. This was nothing compared to what he saw his family go through.
When he thought about it he guessed the Naga had no real reason to lie. Phil supposed that even if the Naga wasn’t telling the truth he would be with his sons soon.
But with each promise of the safety of his sons, Phil’s instincts began to believe the child more and more. Even as he felt himself begin to side backwards into the back of the throat, Phil couldn’t find it in himself to be afraid.
The warmth that surrounding him made his already exhausted eyes grow heavy. He felt his consciousness start to slip away, when his journey down came to a stop he could since his boys hugging him. Phil fell into a dreamless sleep.
Tommy purred happily at the feeling of his storage being more full than it ever was before. He could feel the healing potions finally start to take affect. Tommy could even start to open his right eye again, although everything was still a little blurry.
He slithered with caution, avoiding what was left of the fire and the flames, the rain was in the final half of the battle, and it was winning by a long shot.
Tommy approached the thicket that protected the village, a lot of it was burned away, but the old trees and many of the buildings from what Tommy could see had held up well with minimal damage.
Tommy climbed up high in the largest tree and stretched out over the many branches. He fell into a deep sleep with the feeling of his new family stored safely inside him.
They’d tend to their injuries in the mornings, for now they got their much needed rest. From the stars above, a celestial owl looked down on the family with love. She had always know them since they were young, but now they had each other, and she wouldn’t let anything hurt them again. She sung softly into the night as the rain danced with her call.
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guppybubbles · 8 months
Sweet Dreams are Made of This. [1/3]
(A/N: Kind of a sequel to my other fic, ROLL ME A 6 ! :> You don't need to read that though to understand this!)
Borrower Tommy accidentally shifts into a universe where his homebrew DND world is real. He still sucks at being a giant.
WORD COUNT: 1,341 words
"Tommy opened his eyes and what he saw was unlike anything he's seen before…"
Tommy listened in anticipation. What could it be? A new friend, a new foe? He looked at his dad, a smug little smile barely hidden by his serious storytelling.
"And we'll find that out in the next session."
Halfway through his sentence, he and his brothers already knew it was the end of their game for the day. All groaning and complaining about Phil leaving it in such a dumb cliffhanger, Phil only laughed. 
It couldn't have been hours already, had it? They barely started! He still had to redeem himself and his character into great glory! "No, come on, let's do one more hour— please, please?" He begged, holding onto one of Phil's fingers like he had all the power to hold him down and force him into another round. 
With his other hand, Phil picked up the die and tossed it into the container— folding up the map before putting it back in the box. Tommy knew it was over, they'd start another session again sooner or later. 
But he wanted to do another hour, or maybe two more, now. "Pleasee, I rolled so low every turn, I need to redeem myself!" 
"I wish we could continue, mate." Phil smiled, "But I got work tomorrow and it's already…" He stared at the clock, making a surprised sound at the 11:48 PM on the wall. Phil cursed under his breath, gently, slowly pulling his hand away from Tommy’s hold. "Alright, get to bed you three." 
The blond borrower knew there was no convincing Dad anymore. He crossed his arms with a humph, upset with his bad luck during the game. "Cheer up, Toms! I'm sure luck will make you do justice next time." Wilbur consoled, pushing his chair into the table and picking up the box with their fantasy map and die. 
“You are horrible at throwing the die for me,” Tommy grumbled, narrowing his eyes at his older brother who had offered to throw the dice for him earlier. Wilbur’s luck when it came to the game was pretty good, yet whenever he tossed the die for Tommy, the luck seemed to plummet- doing worse than when the borrower himself threw the die. 
In the corner of his eyes, he could see Wilbur’s lips press into a thin line. He was stopping himself from being amused at Tommy’s anger. “It really wasn’t on purpose.” 
“Yeah, I know,” Tommy replied. Not upset at Wilbur, nor was he upset at the game. He swears he would be able to throw the dice better if he was just… more human-sized. 
“You’ll do better next game, I’ll make sure of it,” Wilbur promises.
Tommy looks at him incredulously, slightly laughing. “What, are we gonna cheat or something?”
In response, Wilbur shrugged, a playful smile tugging at his lips. “Dunno, maybe.”
Holding the game board, he placed his other hand on the desk. A trust exercise that slowly grew into a habit none of them thought was strange anymore, Tommy hopped on the hand and held onto the fingers for support. He used to have to walk from place to place, no matter how far it was because the big man was too stubborn to accept and ask for help. In response, they all worked together to install little stairs everywhere so Tommy would at least be able to reach things without having to heave himself up with a rope and a hook. He almost cried in front of them because of how much he appreciated the gesture. 
That night, Tommy lay in his bed, uncharacteristically quiet as he stared at the ceiling. His room looked so much like a human's room- constructed by his family after nearly a year of accidentally revealing himself to them. It wasn’t exactly like him to be upset for the dice throws during the game, it really wasn’t Wilbur’s fault. On a good day, he throws exceptionally well for Tommy’s character too. 
But Tommy isn’t upset about the dice, is he?
It was never the dice, never Wilbur, never his family, but him. 
If he was truly meant to be their family, then couldn’t the universe make him human? Did he seriously have to be something that was never allowed to mingle with larger beings? It was a written code since the beginning of time that borrowers were never allowed to be with humans. Never share anything, what you are, what your name was. Most importantly, never be seen. 
Were they never supposed to be a family then? Did he have to break the borrower’s code just to be a part of something he’s not supposed to? He’s not a borrower anymore, he knows that. He barely even follows the code anymore, but he’s not human either. Too exposed to be a borrower, too small to be a human.
Then what was he?
Tommy released a loud, exasperated sigh. His calloused hands rubbed over his face. He knows he shouldn’t think about such things, but lately, he’s been more aware than ever. He notices how Techno looms over him when they do woodwork together, Wilbur’s singing voice goes from soothing to too loud, and Phil barely gives him any chores (Maybe he shouldn’t complain about that one, actually).
They don’t mean it, of course, they didn’t. They probably don’t even notice it as well. Something so small and insignificant to them could be so overwhelming for him. He just wants to be bigger, to fit in… 
He should go to sleep. He'll forget about it tomorrow and everything will continue on like it usually does (until the nagging feeling returns and he feels like he's rotting in bed).
Goodnight, me. Tommy closed his eyes, unable to rid of the heavy weight in his chest. 
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
If Tommy could recall this correctly— and while he may not have the best memory, he can certainly tell when something is just plain wrong… He fell asleep on his bed, right?
His eyes blurred as he gained consciousness and though he wasn't aware of where he was— he could sense danger even from a mile away. His shoulders ached, raised high above him. Something was holding his arms upwards. Cold, tight metal gripping his wrists, uncomfortably pressing into his skin. He tried tugging it downwards, but it barely moved. 
Instead of lying on a soft, warm bed, it felt like he'd been kneeling for Prime knows how long. His legs felt numb, ringing uncomfortably no matter how much he tried to move. It didn't matter because he was stuck in place. 
It was hot. Sweat was dripping from his forehead to his nose and down to either his clothes or the floor (he made a mental note that he wasn’t wearing his pajamas). 
He sucked in a deep breath, humid air filling his lungs in a way that didn't calm him down, but just made him panic more. 
Tommy's vision began clearing up and despite the little ache in his neck, he decided to look around. The room was dimly lit, weak artificial lighting barely reflecting the big, metal room he resided in. 
There were mini stairs and platforms built around him. The platforms in front of him connected through the middle and had a door on each side of the wall. Above the platform in the wall in front of him was glass, he couldn't make out anything inside, it was darker than the room he was in.
The metal room he sat in was quite spacey. The ceiling was quite high but he couldn't stand up even if he attempted to— his ankles were chained as well, shorter in length compared to the ones around his wrist. Tommy struggled against the chains, everything looked so.. small yet so oddly detailed. 
Where was he? Who were these stairs for? Were there more beings smaller than a borrower? Prime, how would they even look next to a human?
Does his family know where he is right now..?
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
yayaya thank you sm for reading! & holy shit guppy writing fics comeback??? no way!!!
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Pocket-Sized Sidekick (3)
Part One Part Two
Word Count: 1,829
TW's: Fear, Accidental Fearplay, Violence, Injury, Implications Of Past Abuse, Threats Of Violence, Mentions of Cults, Medical Stuff, Panic
Characters: C!Ranboo, C!Technoblade, C!Dream, C!Philza, C!Wilbur
Summary: Ranboo's officially been de-masked in front of a group of villains. At least that means things can't get any worse...right?
Ranboo drew in a hissing breath between his teeth.
"Would you please sit still? I'm not used to doing stitches on people this small."
That was one of the first things Ranboo learned about Wilbur. He never held anything back. Frankly, it was becoming a challenge for Ranboo to hold back everything he wanted to say in retaliation. He'd been laying there getting stabbed by a needle nearly as tall as him for at least half an hour. Even with the attempt at numbing the area, it felt like an eternity.
"You did stitches on a cat once," the Blood God pointed out. He'd been idly clicking through something on the laptop sitting on the kitchen counter. Ranboo was surprised he'd been paying attention at all given how engrossed he'd seemed it whatever he was reading on that screen.
"You are aware that cats are larger than six inches tall, right?" Wilbur snapped.
"Small is small."
The brunette let out a frustrated huff.
"Phil told you not to bother me."
"He did but he was givin' me those 'don't let Wilbur out of your sight' eyes."
"He was not."
"You just don't notice because he's always got that look."
"Done!" Wilbur announced with a final snip. Ranboo could only assume that meant that was the last bit of thread being cut. Should he be thanking this guy for what he'd done? Sure, he'd tended to his injuries but he was still a villain. Thanking a villain was probably listed on the unspoken rules of being a hero right between being kidnapped by a villain and showing your face to a villain.
He slowly pushed himself to sit upright. His bruises still stung like crazy but at least the majority of his fractures had been dealt with and cuts bandaged. Wilbur never really shared his assessment of Ranboo's injuries but from the repetitive "Yeesh" 's from the villain, he could only imagine there was a lot of work to be done.
Wilbur scooped his jacket up off the back of the couch.
"Where are you going?" the Blood God demanded.
The brunette threw a guitar case over his shoulder.
"Out," he announced vaguely.
"Aren't you supposed to be looking after the kid?"
Wilbur rummaged through the cubbies next to the door until he uncovered a pair of keys from the clutter.
"Phil told me to clean him up. He's about as good as he's going to get so I'm out of here." Wilbur paused on the way out to shoot the Blood God a look over his shoulder. A coy smile tugged on his lips. "Don't worry, I'm sure you'll be fine until Phil comes back. You're great with kids."
Wilbur managed to yank the door shut behind him just as a dagger lodged itself in the wood where his head was only seconds ago. The brunette's laughter retreated into the night, making way for a tense silence to fall over the house. Ranboo's teeth ground together.
He dared to sneak a peek at the villain sitting only a single room over. It was odd. Ranboo knew that Corvus was a supervillain but he walked around out of costume in his own house. That made sense. Wilbur was a villain by association at the very least but if he worked in the field, he probably had a costume too. Not once had he donned in it while Ranboo was there.
The Blood God, on the other hand, had yet to change out of that signature uniform of his. The cape, the skull, the gaudy boots. The whole package was admittedly a bit too extra to be typical loungewear. If it was all for the sake of ensuring Ranboo was kept on edge then, damn, it was working.
The boar's skull snapped in Ranboo's direction. The abrupt motion caused an instinctual reaction in the sidekick, sending him scrambling to focus on literally anything else in the room. The villain sighed.
"So why's Hero Corps exploiting child labor? Indoctrinating adults into their little cape cult get too pricey?" he asked.
Nothing about that question was accurate but it wasn't like Ranboo was in any position to correct him. He wasn't sure he was in a position to say anything, honestly. So he didn't.
"What, did that one hypno-hero hit you with a tongue tying spell or somethin'? What's he like? Fun at parties?"
The beats of silence passed at an agonizingly slow pace for both parties trapped within the tense atmosphere. The Blood God groaned.
"Come on, kid, give me somethin' here," he practically begged.
Ranboo shifted uncomfortably. There was nothing he could say that he wouldn't be reprimanded for when he got back to HQ. If he got back to HQ. As scary a prospect as that was, the fact that he was more likely to never get home was even scarier.
"W-why the skull mask?" Ranboo tried. Maybe if he couldn't answer questions, asking them would help pass the time a bit quicker for the both of them.
"What, this?" The Blood God asked, drumming his fingernails against hollow bone. Ranboo nodded meekly. The villain's insouciant demeanor went dismal all at once. "It's not a mask. It's just my face."
The sidekick's blood ran ice cold. He couldn't even hide his mortified expression when he turned back to the man in the kitchen. What? How was that even possible? Sure, people got bizarre mutations when super powers started popping up but this had to be one of the strangest ones that Ranboo had ever seen. Not even the attributes of a bore, just its skull where your head should have been? It made his stomach churn thinking about how that worked.
The Blood God snorted.
"I'm messing with you," he chuckled.
He was...oh. The sidekick's shoulders sagged. As indignant as Ranboo was to be toyed with, he had to admit that it was a relief knowing it was all a farce. He hadn't even realized his jaw had dropped open until he shut it with a click. He couldn't help but laugh, though his was more incredulous than a product of the Blood God's sense of humor-if you could even call it that.
"Just thought it was a cool gimmick, I guess. Didn't wanna look like every other loser in a mask and a cape. What about you? They force you to wear that fashion faux-pax of a suit or are you just really into gray?"
"It's a uniform," Ranboo said. He couldn't think of a single sinister thing that the guy could do with that sort of information beyond mocking him a little further.
"Of course it is. Is that where you get your shrinking power from, too?"
Ranboo stiffened. Momentary distraction over. The villain really was just trying to pry info out of him. Of course he was. That was literally his job. He wasn't really as mad at the guy for nearly getting him to give up some top secret Hero Corps info as much as he was at himself for almost doing it.
The way the color drained from Ranboo's face must have given away the answer to that intrusive question all the same.
"Don't mean to sound like a jackass but you don't really handle yourself like a hero who's used to being small. I mean, I did see you get punted across an alleyway so..."
Ranboo fought to keep his expression flat. Maybe that was the reason all those heroes wore masks; to hide just how scared the poor bastards behind them were. Ranboo wished more than anything that his helmet wasn't cracked to pieces so he could shove it back on and leave it there.
"If it's broken, we can try to fix it," the Blood God pointed out.
"No! You can't touch it!" Ranboo blurted, grabbing the suit from beside him and holding it in a white-knuckled grip. The last thing he needed was to hand over some of Hero Corps' most advanced tech to their most dangerous competition.
It took far too long for Ranboo to actually realize what he'd done. When it dawned on him, it hit him like a brick to the teeth. His heart stuttered in his chest. Maybe yelling at his villainous captor wasn't really the smartest idea. He knew what happened when he raised his voice. One of the first lessons he'd learned under Dream's guidance. And that was when he was a fairly normal height.
Standing only a few inches tall in front of someone with far worse intentions than his mentor's, he didn't stand a chance of making it out alive.
"Geez, alright. I was just offerin'," the villain muttered. "Figured this whole thing might be a little easier if you weren't six inches tall."
Sure, like Ranboo was going to believe that this guy had nothing but good intentions towards the hero's sidekick he had in his possession. Then again, he wasn't wrong about his height putting him at a stark disadvantage. At six inches tall, the Blood God could probably just pry the suit out of his hands. As a matter of fact, Ranboo couldn't wrap his head around why he had yet to try.
"Hey, are you-"
Vvv Vvv
Saved by the buzz. Whatever question the Blood God was about to ask was swiftly interrupted by the vibration against the counter. He grabbed his phone. He went tense when he saw the screen. Without a word, he rose to his feet and slid the window behind him open.
He double checked the laces on his boots and the sword sheathed on his hip. Ranboo flinched at the squawk from just beyond the house. Wings beat at the air, a crow dipping in straight through the open window to land on the counter.
"Lead the way," the Blood God instructed.
The black bird tilted its head, turning over its shoulder to stare straight at Ranboo. A chill crawled up his spine at the extra attention.
"Oh, right. You-uh-you stay here," the villain commanded with all the conviction of a man who'd never held a leadership position. "I gotta go help Phil but I'll be back real soon."
Ranboo could only nod in reply. The villain dawdled. He stared at Ranboo a while longer, the sidekick doing his best not to meet the supervillain's sweeping gaze.
"'kay. Let's go," he tried again. The bird let out an ear-shattering squawk before claiming its perch atop the Blood God's shoulder. He slid out the door, ensuring that he clicked the lock into place on his way out.
The hero-in-training swallowed thickly. The silence was even more deafening than before. This certainly wasn't on his bucket list. He was all alone in a supervillain's hideout.
His eyes darted about the vacant space, snagging on the window over the sink. Wait. He was all alone in a supervillain's hideout. The curtains waved in the breeze, beckoning him forward. He'd be a fool not to answer that call.
College is kicking my butt so upload schedule is insanely chaotic but thank you to everyone who waited for this next part! :)
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nobodywritingao3 · 1 year
Cold Love
Wilbur is a dragon, his most wellkept secret. Tommy finds out so he brings him back to his hoard in the mountains.
CW: - vore
title taken from Cold Love by Rainbow Kitten Surprise
word count: 1.7k 🐉 read it on AO3
"Let me go," Tommy spits out. Despite his aggression, there's a fearful, panicky air about him that sends pangs into Wilbur's chest.
"Toms, come on. You know me - you know I'd never hurt you." He wrestles him into the ground, easily pinning him to the dirt without having to exert real effort.
Tommy's arms shake from the effort of trying to fight him off. Wilbur is almost relaxed above him, a slight frown on his face as he easily presses the boy down. The more he tries to fight and the more he sees how futile it is, the more his hostility slips into abject terror.
"Wilbur, please." His voice cracks and he starts to go limp. He blinks back tears. "I won't tell a soul. Your secret is safe, just let me go. I'll disappear, and you'll never hear from me again."
No. No, he doesn't want that at all -
And something must show on his face too, because Tommy's eyes widen at his reaction, and he starts to writhe again, sobs building in his chest.
"I'm sorry! I'm sorry, I don't - I didn't - "
He falls dead silent, tears still streaming down the sides of his face.
"You're fine," Wilbur murmurs to him, trying to imbue his words with as much love as he can. "Everything's going to be fine, okay?"
He starts to stand, pulling Tommy up with him as he goes.
He's tense in his arms, but Wilbur remains gentle.
As soon as they're both standing up, Tommy lurches away from him, but he's not fast enough.
Wilbur pulls him close, his arms still loose around Tommy. "Were you trying to catch me off guard?"
Tommy is sobbing and yelling and hitting at his chest, but he doesn't react.
"I... what are you doing? You - you know I'm much stronger than humans, sweetheart, you've got to stop fighting me."
He breaks down in his arms and tries to fall to the ground, but Wilbur catches him and holds, staring at him in puzzlement.
"How do I make this better?" He asks, almost blankly.
Tommy is still crying. "You - you ate the mayor," he whimpers. "You burned half the village to the ground. You burned the orphanage to the ground. You killed Phil and Tech - "
Wilbur swallows a lump in his throat and shoves down rising feelings of guilt. "I did what I had to do. I ate the mayor, I destroyed your village, including the orphanage. But how else could I get you?" He brushes a strand of hair from Tommy's eyes. "All that paperwork... it's easier if they think you perished in the fire. And for the record - " he conspiratorially winks at Tommy, trying to get humor him, "Phil and Techno are just fine."
He doesn't wait for a response, closing his eyes and starting to shift. He pays extra mind to Tommy's position in his arms. The change is done in seconds, and when he opens his eyes again, Tommy's just a tiny little thing lying between his clawed paws.
"Treasure," he purrs irreverently. "My little human - let's get you taken care of, yeah?"
Tommy stares up at him with wide eyes, completely frozen on the ground.
Wilbur wastes no time in leaning down and swallowing Tommy. He screams and kicks as he goes down the throat, but Wilbur's body was designed to eat live prey. Functionally speaking at least, Tommy is no different from the deer or tigers or knights he regularly eats.
He hums contentedly as Tommy settles into his brood pouch. It's padded out so he can be rough as he wants in there and it won't hurt either of them (and let it be said that he is trying very hard to hurt Wilbur).
"You're safe now, Tommy. Let's get you back to the rest of my hoard." He purrs again, a burst of delight in his chest. "I've waited so long to get you with the rest of my collection. Bit of a shame that you found out this way, but I'm a little glad too. I was going to reveal myself in a few months, but now I don't have to wait."
He spreads his wings and takes flight towards the treacherous mountains. Only the royals' finest knights could traverse the landscape, and even then, they were so tired and cold from the trip that their hands could barely grip the hilts of their swords.
He lands in the entrance and strides in. Techno and Phil sit idly on a pile of gold coins, chatting away, but as soon as their eyes land on him, they avert their gazes and seem to wilt. He's learned not to take it to heart - they've gotten better about managing their fear of him in the past few months since he added them to his hoard, and he's sure that as the years progress, all three of his humans will come around again.
He leans over Techno and Phil and opens his mouth up, finding it just the teeniest bit funny when they flinch back and start to plead with him not eat them. He brings out Tommy, letting the boy gently fall onto the two men below.
He sits back and admires them, a happy sound growing in the back of his throat.
"Finally," he says dreamily, "I have all three of you."
He shifts back into his human form and saunters up to them, ignoring how Tommy flinches backwards into Techno and Phil.
Phil pulls Tommy into his arms and starts to soothingly rub circles into his shoulder. "Wilbur, you're scaring him."
He shrugs nonchalantly. "You were scared too, in the beginning. He'll get over it soon - you all will - and then you'll be a proper part of my hoard."
Phil and Technoblade share a glance that he doesn't bother to decipher.
"Your hoard... what does that mean?" Techno asks slowly.
Wilbur grins brightly at him. "My collection! My treasure - it means you're mine now."
Tommy stares at him slack-jawed.
"Why us?" It seems like it slips out of Phil's mouth, something he says before he has a chance to apply a filter. But Wilbur doesn't mind answering.
"Techno is my twin, Tommy is my little brother, and you're my father." Those are all the human words for the familial terms, so they should understand.
Phil bites his lip. "Wil... we love you, but you can't - "
"I can do whatever I want," he cuts in, his voice edged with aggression.
Phil falls silent.
Wilbur smiles at him again. "Do you have anymore questions?"
Techno awkwardly coughs. "I hate to be the bearer of the obvious, but humans don't live as long as dragons. We're a lot less hearty, and you've stationed us on Dead Man's Hill. Because that's the name of this mountain, Wilbur - Dead Man's Hill. Are you sure you don't want to take us somewhere else?"
He feels his expression darken. "That won't be an issue. You're my hoard now. Which means your life force is tied to mine, and all three of your aging processes have stopped. If I'm to die - if - then you'll begin to age again." He turns a steely eye to Techno's. "And we will leave this mountain. But only when I know you won't try to do something silly, like leave me."
Techno nods, avoiding his eyes. "Sounds good."
"It does, doesn't it?" He agrees happily. "Now that I've taken Tommy, my collection is complete."
"Sorry - sorry, what the fuck?" Tommy chimes in, finally having found his voice.
Techno lowers his voice and says into his ear, "Wilbur is a dragon and he's keeping us now."
Tommy stares at him. "I thought you were fucking dead."
"Mm, me too," he says dryly. "But I'm not. I'm just the adopted twin brother of a dragon."
"Did you know?!" Tommy asks, sitting up and stumbling away from them.
Wilbur watches him curiously, fondly noting as he tips backward into a stack of gold coins.
"Did they know what?"
"What do you - what do you fucking think, Wilbur?!" He screeches.
Wilbur smiles, and lets himself shift again. Tommy flinches away as he approaches but he doesn't mind, picking him up in his mouth and plopping him back down next to Phil and Techno.
"They didn't know," he says soothingly, gazing down at them. He curls his tail loosely around their little group, forming a protective barrier. Or a cage.
Techno slides an arm around Tommy's shoulders. "Trust me," he murmurs, "if we had known, we never would have let you - " he cuts himself off, seeming to stiffen as his eyes nervously dart up to Wilbur. "We didn't know," he concedes.
Wilbur laughs lightly. "Can you imagine if you had? You never would have been my friend! And Phil never would have taken both of us in. I had to lie."
There's a look on Phil's face that he can't decipher. "Wilbur... I would have. Of course I would have," he says gently. His words carry weight, but the meaning behind it is unidentifiable to Wilbur.
"No," he says simply. "So it's a good thing I lied. Because the years passed and you realized how much you loved me, and now that you know I'm a dragon, you won't leave."
A sharp wave of paranoid insecurity strikes through his chest. "I don't think you'll leave," he mutters in afterthought, his tail slightly tensing around them.
Technoblade looks conflicted. "We love you for you, your being a dragon doesn't change that."
Wilbur frowns down at him, puffing a plume of smoke out. "Why are you saying that?"
"What - what do you mean?"
"We aren't leaving this mountain, Techno. I'm not that stupid."
A look of surprise crosses his face. He's a good actor, Wilbur decides. "I wasn't saying that to trick you, we do love - "
"I know you do!" Wilbur sharply cuts in. "Because I spent years bonding with you as a human. And now that you know I'm a dragon, it doesn't matter!" He gives them a smile with his large, sharp teeth. He ignores how forced it feels. He ignores how it feels like he's trying to convince himself more than them.
Phil looks at him with a pained expression. "Mate - "
"You're a little scared right now, but that's fine," he purrs, cutting him off. "We have the rest of time for you to love me like you used to. You weren't supposed to find out, but you have, and that's fine. I'll just keep you here. I'll just keep you here, and we can be a proper family."
He nuzzles the three of them with his snout, ignoring how they flinch away from him. "I love you!" he exclaims. "And you love me. So everything is fine. It's fine."
~ ~ ~
🏷️: @i-am-beckyu @da3dm @flowers-of-plenty @gracideaviolet
hope you enjoyed :3
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i-am-beckyu · 2 years
Just out of Reach, but Never out of sight
Okay okay okay! This is gonna be my first ever multi chapter story so fingers crossed I actually keep up with this but I really hope you guys love it as much as I do! Thank you to @a-xyz-s for proof reading <3
Chapter 1
chapter 2 , chapter 3,
cw: abandonment (its touched on but nothing major I think), general fear, panic and anxiety (ya know standard terrified borrower), fear of death, word count: 2611
Disclaimer! This story is based on the characters of the Dream SMP and not the real life content creators. Anything that occurs in this story is purely fiction and should be treated as such. Thank you.
Alone. That seemed to be a common thing for the Great Tommyinnit. He was abandoned as a child when the colony found him, rejected by his peers when he lived there and now outcasted. So as stated before: alone. He knew why no one wanted him around, but it didn’t mean it didn’t sting any less. From the moment he was brought to the colony, he was always told there was something wrong with him. For one, he's a lot smaller than all the other borrowers and is the opposite of quiet, stealthy, and ya know: good at borrowing. But he tries his best to please everyone anyways.
A borrower is quiet; never heard and never seen and well, Tommys’ always had quite the larger than life personality. He practices to be a good borrower, helping out where possible, doing all the right things. But still, no one wants him around and more often than not shun him. He never knew his parents so he didn’t know what that ‘thing’ that made him different could be, just that whatever it was meant no one wanted him around. He tried to be a good Borrower, he really did, but more often than not, found himself surrounded by disaster. “You’re too little.” “Not strong enough.”,  “Annoying little shit”, “Wrong”, “Useless Child”, “A mistake”; things the colony told him every day despite everyone avoiding him at all costs. He was an orphan anyways so why should he hope that would change anything?
It never really surprised him that when he turned what they thought was 13, (since no one knew how old he actually was) he was given a hook, a bag and told to get lost. So Tommy did as told and left. He wandered the underground tunnels from the colony for a long time before coming upon a human town. That was 3 years ago, and since then, he has been through 7 different homes. All different reasons. 2 were infested with rats, 1 had young children that were just too risky to live with, another 3 had cats that always knew how to find him (stupid felines and they’re stupid good noses) and the last one had another borrower family living in it, and just like the borrower’s at the colony, told him to get out. That one had been the worst. Not only had it been the first interaction Tommy had had with anyone in years, it was also just another blow to remind him that no one wanted him. Which led to now. He’d been traveling for weeks looking for his forever home. He was sick and tired of having to pack up and leave after just settling. He didn’t care how long it would take, Tommy would find the perfect house and stay. Nothing was going to stop the Great Tommyinnit! He’s a big man, not some scrawny pipsqueak like everyone says. He’ll show the colony. He’d make it and be the best borrower ever!
Finally, after scouting the 5th house that week, Tommy found it. This house was inhabited by 3 Beans. The Crafts: as Tommy discovered from his reconnaissance. There was Phil, a tall Bean with blonde hair similar to his own and his two sons Wilbur and Technoblade. From the bit of bickering he’d heard from the two Beans, apparently they were twins, but Tommy found that hard to believe when Wilbur had soft looking curly brown hair, and Techno’s (as his family called him) was bright pink! Now how Techno was born with pink hair he didn’t know, but surely anyone with hair that was pink had to be a Wrong-in. The family were quite the rowdy bunch and while normally 3 humans such as these would be a no go house, but Tommy was drawn to them. It wasn’t the familial love he could feel radiating off the 3 or anything that drew him in. Nope! It was strictly that the walls were pest free, cat free and that all 3 Beans ticked all the boxes for simple borrowing. Definitely no other reasons. It had taken some time, but soon Tommy was set up within the Crafts walls. He’d chosen to settle near Wilbur’s room. Out of the 3 Beans, he was the messiest and easiest to borrow from without items being noticed as missing. He’d managed to borrow a really nice shiny red plastic thingy called a guitar pic for a crawl through door because of that, but also because Wilbur did something that very few Borrowers got to experience. He played music. Playing music was such a rarity in Borrower society. Too loud and too much risk of being caught, but here Tommy could listen as much as he liked. He didn’t know any of the songs Wilbur played, but he loved them all. Especially the ones when Wilbur used what was called a guitar. The man’s voice was just so soothing and often Tommy found himself falling asleep to the melodies. When he wasn’t listening to Wilbur, sometimes Tommy would be in Technos’ room. It was risky as Techno was the most observant of the 3 Beans Tommy had come to find out when he had been setting up his room. He had wanted the knife bit of this thing called ‘utility knife’ and almost had it if not for the man coming back and immediately coming over to inspect it as if he knew it had been touched. That had been a terrifying experience, but Tommy liked the man’s quiet demeanor. There was a spot on the bookshelf that Tommy could perch on and was able to read along with the books that Techno read whilst remaining hidden. It was hard at times with the font so small and looking down from up on the shelf, but when the books had pictures, Tommy would just stare for hours at a time or until Techno finished the book. And of course then there was Phil. Phil never did anything too over the top. Most of the time, he was just doing paperwork, but the man was kind and often Tommy would just hang out in his office while he worked on fixing equipment, enjoying the comfortable one sided silence. 
Yep the Crafts were perfect and Tommy loved that he had found a good house. But it still wasn’t quite right. He tried not to, but he envied what the Crafts had. They were a family. They ate together, watched movies together, went out together. They had each other for comfort and Tommy? Tommy had them from a distance. He could only watch. No matter how much he wanted to be a part of their family, it was impossible. Not only that, it was also terrifying. They were HUGE! Tommy had seen Beans before, most around Phil’s height, but Wilbur and Techno? Tommy was sure they were giants among Beans! No matter how badly he wanted to be a part of what they had, the overshadowing fear of what they could do to him if found outweighed his wants. It would be all too easy to squish his insignificant life out of existence. They could grab him, squeeze him, hurt him, experiment on him, make him a pet; the list goes on and on. And that’s just not a risk he’s willing to take. Even if he remained alone forever, at least he was alive…
It was supposed to be a routine borrowing trip. Tommy often borrowed during the night time hours of the early mornings to avoid the 3 Beans. They never seemed to go to sleep at a good time and someone was almost always at home during the day, but he managed. Tommy had just finished up a supply run to the kitchen when he spotted it. It shouldn’t have interested him as much as it did but on the counter was a brown and white looking stuffed animal keychain. A cow he vaguely thinks back to when he had been in a child’s nursery whilst scouting for a good house. The cow keychain was about an inch in size. The perfect size to cuddle with for a borrower such as himself. And it was right there. All he had to do was run straight across the counter, un-attach it from the keys and take it home. It wouldn’t take long… So leaving his previous borrowings of the trip from before and two hooks behind the safety of an electrical socket, Tommy crept out and over to the cow keychain. It was sticking out slightly from a bag lying on the counter filled with paperwork and many pockets, but Tommy paid it little mind as he set to work getting the cow. He had just about worked the plush off the chain when he heard it. The sound of a door creaking open as thundering footsteps began to make their way down the hall. No no no no. Not now! He almost had it off the chain! In a last chance effort, Tommy tugged at the cow to come loose. Thump, Thump, thump, the sound of footsteps getting closer. F***, F***, F***! Giving up on his prize, Tommy dove into an open pocket of the bag and shuffled his way inside. The sound of a light switch could be heard flicking on, as light flooded the opening of the bag. Tommy stayed deathly still. He couldn’t be caught, he just couldn’t! He heard a few more things turned on and moved about as the Bean began to get ready for the day. Phil, Tommys mind supplied with how the man sometimes had an early shift start. He didn’t know how long he stayed frozen for before the world suddenly lurched upwards, and he was flung to the bottom of the bag. He gripped on tightly to the pockets fabric as Phil began to walk, his eyes scrunched firmly shut. They walked for ages to what Tommy assumed was Phil’s work before the bag was eventually set down again, whilst Phil began his work shift. He didn’t know how long he was in the bag for, but it was a nightmare. If he didnt find a better place to hide soon, Phil would find him. But Tommy couldn’t will himself to leave the bag either. He was in the Beans world now and if he left, he may not make it back to the house! No, the best option was to try and blend in with the fabric and pray that Phil would finish work soon so he could get back in the walls. But there was a slight issue with that. At the bottom of the bag was a hole. Not a hole big enough to lose anything large like a phone, but big enough that if not careful, Tommy could slip through. Every time the bag was moved, Tommy gripped on for dear life. If he let go, he’d fall through. It was a miracle he hadn’t fallen out on the trip there in the first place.
Finally, after what felt like lifetimes, Tommy heard Phil packing up for the day to head home. It was a miracle that he never seemed to need anything in the pocket Tommy was in. Maybe the Bean knew about the hole? The bag was suddenly opened once more and Tommy gripped the fabric tightly as his world was thrown about once again, and then just as quickly the bag was closed as Phil began to make the journey home. Just like the trip there, the walk back was an antagonizing long one. Tommy was sure his arms were just about to fall off from how tightly he had been clinging to the fabric, but he couldn’t let go. Surely it couldn’t be much further and he’d be able to escape back to the walls? But luck was not on Tommy’s side. His arms were burning from how long he’d had to use them for and he was exhausted. He wanted to curl up and fall asleep, adrenaline from his initial panic leaving him tired. His eyes felt heavy and slowly he found himself releasing his grip on the fabric, as his eyes fluttered open and close battling to stay awake. Suddenly, Tommy felt himself slipping down towards the hole. As his legs began slipping through the hole of the bag, he shocked himself awake as he tried to grasp back onto the fabric. At the last second, he clasped onto the few loose threads of fabric that he could reach, effectively managing to stop himself from plummeting to the ground below. Tommy’s eyes shot around wildly at his surroundings. He was in the open. Dangling out of the bag. Holding on for dear life. Desperate to get back inside, he tried to start climbing back inside. But without his hooks for climbing like normal, it was extremely difficult. Especially with the world constantly moving. He gripped the fabric’s edge like a lifeline, desperate to stay on, but his weight on the already frayed edges was not strong enough to support his weight and began to unravel further. It wasn’t long before the edges had frayed enough that Tommy was now dangling by a few single threads. Please! Just hold on a little longer! We’ve got to almost be there! Just a little more! Don’t break! Tommy pleaded internally. As if his thoughts had summoned it, the thread snapped, and Tommy was hurtling down towards the pavement. He landed roughly but was otherwise okay. He’d have a few bruises but that was the least of his worries. He snapped his head up, eyes searching desperately for the Bean. “No.” Tommy let out in disbelief. “No, no, no!” The borrower gathered himself up and started sprinting. Adrenaline coursed through him, panic and fear driving him as he raced after Phil who was getting further and further away. If he lost sight of Phil, he’d never get back home! He couldn’t lose him! If he did, he’d never see him or Wilbur or Techno ever again! Even if they didn’t know of his existence, even if he’d only watched them from afar, Tommy just couldn’t lose the life he’d built for himself! They were the closest thing he’d had to a family bond in his entire life!!! He ran after the Bean, not caring for being out in the open as his own thoughts plagued his mind. He screwed everything up back in the colony for being small, being weak. If only he was faster, stronger, bigger! Yes, that's it! If he was bigger he wouldn’t have slipped out of the bag! He’d be able to catch up! He wouldn’t have been seen as different, wouldn’t have been alone! If he was just bigger, he could catch up he could- Suddenly, Tommy slammed harshly into something causing him to back peddle and fall to the ground. He’d been so focused on keeping up with the Bean, he hadn’t been watching where he’d been going. Tommy touched his head and let out a groan of pain from the impact. “Are you alright mate?” Tommy snapped his head up to the familiar voice, eyes blowing wide at the sight before him. Phil was looking directly at him, a concerned look on his face. But that’s not what Tommy was shocked at. Oh no. Because instead of a giant Phil looming over him like he should be, he was eye level with the Bean crouched down before him. Tommy looked around wildly at his surroundings that had magically shrunk and then at himself; realization hitting him like a bullet train. The world hadn’t shrunk. He’d grown.
AHHHHHHH I HOPE YOU ENJOYED!! This chapter was more of to establish the world building for Tommy’s life. Please if you have any questions about the au, hit me in my ask box!!! I can not wait to get the next part out!!!
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x-pair-o-dice-x · 1 year
dice art jumpscare
was bored and couldn't get a scene out of my head, so i decided to draw it,, sksmksjsk. so, take this bit from an au i've barely touched on here,,, ckdnkdmdlsms. came up with the idea back in november last year.
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kayla-crazy-stuffs · 1 year
I decided to add Techno into my surfer Dream au so, here he is :D
(It's the first time that I draw Techno btw :"])
He's a Narwhal mer :]
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cyncerity · 1 year
alien terrarium au!!
here it is! i said it’d be today, so it’s done! 1 min before it becomes tomorrow!
minor thing, tho: this is extremely unedited. like, there are a lot of things i post that aren’t edited fully, but i didn’t even fully read this one in one sitting. but i’m not free again until this tuesday or wednesday, so i’m not gonna make you guys wait that long lol
basically it’s midnight and i’m way too fucking busy so i’m gonna post it and edit it when i have time to later in the week. if you wanna wait for the fully edited version, ignore this until i specify that I edited it. if you don’t care, i hope you enjoy! this has been an on again off again thing for a few weeks and i’m so glad to finally have it like 95% done :)
tw: soft safe vore, unconventional vore ig?
“We have to cut our losses here. We don’t have enough to fund this any longer, and there’s no one we can reach out to for more money. We can’t risk this getting out.” “Fine, I- I know, it’s just…this is a breakthrough. We can’t afford to give up now.” “We won’t. We just need some time to get back on our feet is all. Besides, he knows what to do now…” the scientists turned their heads to the one way mirror they stood behind. A little boy, barely a teenager, sat behind it on his bed, his eyes glassy and unblinking, turned a glossy pearlescent white. Their project, practically their life’s work. Well, the container for it, anyway.
Wilbur heard the three scientists come into the room, and somehow registered one of them motion vaguely with their hand despite his eyes being effectively turned off, which meant they wanted him back in their world. Ugh. Still, he cut off his thoughts with his practically other half, eyes beginning to function again and the scientists approaching him as they saw his eyes shift back to the colors they were supposed to be.
“Wilbur, what we’re going to tell you is very, very important, so you have to listen carefully. It’s your life at stake if this goes wrong. And his.” The one in blue said, gesturing to Wilbur’s torso. Well, that was certainly a way to get his attention. Wilbur didn’t say a word, though; the green one didn’t like it when he ‘sassed them,’ so he instead scooted back and placed both arms protectively around himself and his…what did they call him once, ‘cargo’? He was sure he heard Green call him a ‘parasite’ once, which was rude. Still, they must have noticed his panic, cause the orange one responded immediately. “It’ll all be ok, things will just have to change for a minute here. You’re…youre not going to be able to stay here for a while.” “What?!” Wilbur said, unable to restrain himself. The green one went to speak up but was silenced by blue, who just whispered something about him being ‘scared’ and how this was ‘probably a lot to handle.’ Yeah, no shit it was!
“I get this is a huge change, I do, but it’s necessary for now. We don’t have the necessary resources to keep taking care of you here. We need to find a way to keep you safe and healthy, both of you. You’ll be staying somewhere secure while we find somewhere more reclusive to hide you. We don’t want anyone finding out anything and putting the two of you in danger.” Orange said, sitting next to Wilbur and rubbing a thumb across his knuckles. Right. Right, he had a purpose. And if part of his purpose was to survive without his caretakers for a short while, he could do it. If it meant safety for his stowaway, he could do it.
“You doin ok, bud?” Orange asked, and Wilbur nodded slightly. Orange was his favorite of the main three. He was always nice, and even gave him extra treats when he was behaving! “When do you think you can be ready to leave, Wil?” Green asked, crouching to be at level with where he sat. “Whenever you need me to be, sir.” Green smiled and ruffled his hair. Wil always tried to be extra good for Green. It’s not like he didn’t like him, it’s just that Green was more likely to yell at him if he messed up. “Good kid. We’ll leave tomorrow morning and introduce you to who you’ll be staying with. Try to get some rest.” He said, smiling before leaving and leading the other two out with him.
“Sam! Hey buddy!” Dream said, jumping out of the side of his van and running over to his old friend. “Dream! How’ve you been?” “Pretty good, you?” “Doin pretty good myself.” Sam replied, pulling Dream in for a hug. “So, who’s this kid you found?” “Calls himself Wilbur. We found him a few months ago, but we’re a bit short on money right now and can’t handle another mouth to feed. He won’t stay here for long, promise, just till we find a more stable income.” Dream hated to lie to an old friend, but he couldn’t afford his secret to be leaked. “I’m always lookin to help out, especially for a friend. Anything I need to know about him?”
“Yeah, he’s a bit of an odd one, but that’s what we love about him.” Dream chuckled, hoping his friend was still oblivious. “He disassociates a lot. Like, constantly, and tends to get really upset if people try to mess with him when he’s like that. He also doesn’t do a lot of physical activity. Bruises take longer to heal for him, he gets sore easily, and his immune system doesn’t handle cuts well. He’s not very talkative, and he’s got some weird scars all over him. We think the two are connected, but we don’t know what this kid has been through.” Dream finished, and Sam nodded solemnly. Great, he was taking the bait. He was less likely to ask questions if he thought he was prying into the past of an abused child.
meanwhile, in the van…
“We found you abandoned. You’re just staying here until we get more stable jobs and can afford to feed you again. If he ever asks you about where you came from, you look away or change the subject as quickly as possible. You don’t know why you disassociate. You don’t know where the scars came from. Never do any of your caretaker necessities for him in front of Sam. He can’t know. Got it?” “Got it. He’ll never know.” Blue nodded back. Orange had just kind of been pacing in the van as Blue gave him the rundown again. Green came back to the van with a hand out towards Wilbur, giving him a reassuring smile.
Wilbur was about to take the hand before his arm got tugged and he was pulled into a hug from behind. A gentle one, obviously no one wanted to risk damaging what was inside of him, but a hug all the same. He didn’t get many of those. When the person pulled away he saw it was Orange, who was smiling proudly. “You’re gonna be fine kid. We believe in you. I’ll miss you, ok?” Wilbur just smiled back and nodded. “I’ll miss you, too. We both will.” He said before taking Dreams hand and walking outside with him.
It had been an…odd week with Wilbur in Sam’s opinion. Firstly, he’d been way more interested in things like trees and grass than any normal child would be, but refused to touch them. He also spent 95% of his time in the guest bedroom with the door locked, never making a sound. Who knows, maybe the kid just liked to sleep. He refused to play any sort of physical game, like Dream had warned him, but he seemed overly cautious of anything that could hurt him. But he wouldn’t pry, that wasn’t his job. His job was to take care of the kid until Dream, George, and Sapnap could take him back. Right?
That’s what he was supposed to do, but somehow, against all logic…he knew this kid. The giant brown eyes, the curly brown hair, his face shape, it was all so familiar. But why?
Until it hit him.
He’d woken up in a cold sweat, immediately racing to his computer to see if he was right. And his suspicions were confirmed, against all odds. There, on his friends facebook page, was a photo of him and his young son. His young son who was Wilbur’s age. His young son who used to have an identical twin brother who went missing when he was just a few years old.
Sam knew Wilbur’s face because Wil wasn’t the only person he knew with that face.
Sam wasted no time calling. He must’ve called 12 times before someone answered, which was fair given the ungodly hour, but this was urgent. “What the fuck, Sam…” and groggy voice answered. “Mate, it’s, like, 4 in the morning, what could possibly be this important-”
“Phil, I think I found your son.”
Breakfast was different the next morning. Wilbur walked downstairs only to see two strangers sitting at Sam’s table, one an adult and one a child around his age. The adult looked about as old as Sam, which was to say a bit older than his scientists. He had blonde hair and kind blue eyes, and was wearing a dark green sweater jacket over a white button up. The other had long pick hair pulled back into a loose messy braid and glasses almost reminding Wil of his own except square instead of circular. He wore a simple pink hoodie and dirtied jeans and surprisingly clean white sneakers, but he must have been staring, cause soon the kid looked over to him and-
Wilbur’s breath froze.
Why…why did this kid have his face?
At this point, the man had looked over to, and immediately shot up from where he was sitting, knocking over the chair he was sitting on in the process and making Wilbur flinch. “Orpheus?” Wilbur stared blankly for a few moments before the man rushed him, barely giving him time to react before he was pulled into a hug.
Not a gentle one like Orange knew to give. Not one given by someone that knew why so few people were even allowed to touch him. A lung crushing, tight hug that was unbelievably painful after so much time with such infrequent gentle touching. He rarely found his mind drifting back to his the feeling of cargo in him, given that he’d lived most of his life with him and had gotten used to the odd sensations, but now it was impossible to ignore. Everything in him, everything that had been worked on so diligently, everything that had been removed and replaced and rearranged to make him perfect for his purpose, and his stowaway inside were being crushed. His purpose, the thing he’d been raised to protect, his only true constant in his life, was being crushed. It was the most horrifying downpour of fear he’d ever felt.
Wilbur screamed.
He screamed bloody murder as the adult let go and backed away, eyes wide. Wilbur vaguely noticed that both the strangers were crying, but he didn’t care. Wilbur only stopped screaming once his air was gone and now replaced by jagged breathing and spasms in his lungs. He felt like he was about to collapse as his vision darkened and his limbs began shaking. He needed to know if he was ok. If he wasn’t, Wilbur would never forgive himself. He needed to know.
“Kiddo, I need you to take deep breaths, ok, I think you’re having a panic a-“ “Stay the hell away from me! All of you!!” Wilbur screamed, voice hoarse as he smacked Sam’s hand away and ran up to his guest room and locked the door. He sat on the bed with a thud and tried to stop his shaking, but couldn’t spare much time for that since he had to make sure his cargo was still ok. He needed him to be ok. God, he was still just a kid, even younger than Wilbur. He can’t have let him get hurt.
He tried to take deep breaths and reached his mind out to some foreign instinct he knew. He wasn’t sure what it was, or how it came so easily, but it was such a central part of his brain that he could find it with ease. The second he got close to it, his whole body relaxed involuntarily. He hadn’t done that, which only meant…
“Oh, Tommy, thank god.” Wilbur sighed out loud, though the rest was said just to Tommy in the special way only they could communicate. He felt Tommy slow his heart rate more as he felt like he was being sucked away from his body into a void that words couldn’t possibly describe. “Wilbur!” a voiced called out. It hadn’t come from anywhere, just everywhere, like Wilbur’s did when he was here. Wherever ‘here’ was. He didn’t really know. It wasn’t like a darkness or white area, it was just…nothing. Not a nothingness that couldn’t be seen, but felt. Devoid of anything that could make it describable. Wilbur liked to joke that it was the emptiness in Tommy’s brain. “What was all that outside? You know i’ve got se-“ “Sensitive hearing, I know. I was being loud. Sorry.”
Wilbur could basically see Tommy huff and roll his eyes, despite the fact that he’d never seen Tommy at all. He knew every detail of his little brother friend, and Tommy knew every detail of Wilbur. Despite neither of them being able to see in their respective nothings, somehow they could sense every “move” (aka the movement they imagined themselves making since they didn’t have bodies in the nothingness) the other made in the void. Also Tommy can sometimes see through Wil’s eyes to look at reflections, but he rarely does that. Green doesn’t like when he does that.
Still though, he knew Tommy. He may not know what he looks like perfectly, but he knew Tommy. In an odd sense, he knew his details, but never what he truly looked like. He could list the facts of how Tommy was, but he had a feeling of deja vu whenever he tried to imagine a face or any detailed image of his body. He never could, he just knew the facts, like he’d seen Tommy but the detailed image in his brain had been removed and blurred beyond recognition. It seemed kind of unfair to him, given that Tommy knew exactly what he looked like because of the shared vision things and mirrors existing.
Still, though, he knew the pale white-blue of his skin the bright blonde of his hair and otherworldly accents. The shining, almost glowing iridescence of his eyes and the strange markings found on his body. He was mostly humanoid, which had initially shocked Wilbur and the scientists. Orange had warned him once that since they had no idea what Tommy was, something inhuman and vicious could easily rip through him. It scared him a little, but at that point he’d seen Tommy’s egg once and had grown monumentally attached, lethal beast creature or not. But Tommy was humanoid, except for one thing; he didn’t have legs. Rather, he had a long predominately red scaly tail like a snake.
When Wilbur was first getting used to Tommy’s being in there, the hardest thing to deal with was one: the odd feeling of scales against his sensitive organs and two: Tommy was almost always cold. How he could stay shockingly chilly in almost 100° Wilbur didn’t know, but that’s probably a big factor on why Tommy couldn’t be in open air; he’d freeze to death. Or his aversion to any form of light (maybe that was an understatement: a dim lamp 2 rooms over could kill him). But besides that, his unnatural colors, and a few other random snake-like features, Tommy was far from the horrific deep space lovecraftian monster he or the scientists were expecting. He was more just a little person who also happened to be a snake from space. No biggie.
“I- I don’t know what happened down there. There’s…there’s these two people, and one looks exactly like me and the other called me the wrong name and rushed to hug me and I panicked cause I thought he hurt you. You’re not hurt, are you?” “I’m right as rain, mr. human man. I’m sturdier than you think. Er, well, you’re sturdy and I’m in here so yeah I’m good.” Tommy responded, letting out an unearthly mix of a rumble and a hiss as he did. Wilbur liked Tommy’s weird alien noises, it comforted him. He sighed. “Still, I should’ve been more careful-“
“No you shouldn’t have! Stop bein a..a uh…” he paused for a minute to mumble a series of his weird Tommy noises before starting again. “what’s the english word for someone who takes blame for no reason and thinks that they need to solve every problem ever cause somehow everything is their fault?” “I think you’re talking about a martyr complex.” “Stop have’n a martyn complex!” Tommy yelled back, making Wilbur laugh. He pressed a hand against where he felt Tommy within himself, in one of the open areas that had been cleared just for him. Tommy pressed back and started to purr, a common reflex for him when he was happy, excited, or just needed to comfort Wilbur.
Even if Wilbur’s and Tommy’s consciouses were in the nothingness, they could still feel their body’s and move a little bit, even if it was more difficult than when they were awake. Wilbur liked to think of it as the same type of gesture that his scientists would do when they rubbed his hair or gave him a side hug, something he would love to try but could never do with Tommy. He thought Tommy deserved to have his hair played with or to be hugged, but it could never happen. But the pressing in, the only amount of intentional contact they’ve ever had and could ever have, worked just fine as a replacement. Something comforting and quick to show he cared. Of course, Tommy knew he cared, they’ve lived together (well, one within the other, but same difference) for most of Wilbur’s life and all of Tommy’s.
“Still, though…i don’t know what to do. Sam hasn’t had anyone else over, i don’t know what they’re doing here.” “I’d say good old fashion spying, then. See if you can get closer and make out what they’re saying.” “Good idea-“ Wilbur said, beginning to break off the connection before Tommy shouted out. “Wait! Aren’t you gonna let me see?” Wilbur rolled his eyes and somehow, in a way he couldnt describe, let Tommy’s weird telekinetic force into his mind. He opened his eyes and he was back in his room, the nothingness vanished and his body back in his full control. He looked to his mirror and sure enough, the shiny white gloss that overtook his eyes when talking to Tommy had confined itself to just Wilbur’s pupils. He’d given Tommy access.
“There, is that better?” Wilbur asked quietly, unable to respond telepathically when not in his weird zoned out state. The lack of that void didn’t seem to pose an issue for Tommy, though, as Wilbur heard an enthusiastic “Yup!” mixed with a few alien chirps echo through his mind as a response. Wil nodded to his reflection (and Tommy by proxy) and went to the stairs. He probably didn’t need to go down, he just needed to be able to hear them.
Ok that was, in hindsight, a bad decision.
“‘Dad?!’ I have a dad!? And a brother!?!” Wilbur whisper yelled, pacing back and forth across his room. With Sam and the now-not-so-much-strangers still talking in their kitchen, he figured it’d be safe to talk outside of the mind void. Tommy, meanwhile, laid himself against the front of Wilbur’s storage, rubbing circles into the walls to try and calm him down. “Maybe that’s not so horrible! I mean, you’re not an orphan! That’s normally a good thing, right?” Tommy said skeptically.
“Maybe it would have been 9 years ago! But now I have you!” Wilbur said, stopping to sit on his bed and pressing the heels of his palms into his eyes. “I don’t know them. I don’t remember them at all; you’d think if they were a good family to me I’d at least recall that they existed. But I don’t. How could I ever trust them with knowing about you?” “I…I don’t know. But…you have a dad, Wil! And a brother! That’s not something you can just ignore! Neither of us know what it’s really like to have a family, maybe…you could learn for the both of us?”
Wilbur sighed. He knew Tommy was right. And they’d both wondered where their families were; if they missed their sons, if they even wanted to give them up in the first place, what ever happened to them. Wilbur always felt awful because Tommy would likely never know. The odds that his parents were even still alive were slim, and it’s not like he ended up on earth with very specific instructions on how to take care of him by accident. But Wilbur had never thought his family could show up, either, yet here they were.
“What do we do about the trio?” “You know how I feel about them. Let’s see if those two are any better.” To be fair, Wil did know how Tommy felt about them; he didn’t like them at all. Tom didn’t like the tests they ran on him, he didn’t like what they put Wil through in order to do tests on him, he didn’t like how they treated his big brother caretaker as the less important one in their experiments, and he didn’t like how damn nosy they were. That part even bugged Wilbur. How the hell did they expect Tommy to be able to explain so much about what he was? He’d never met anyone like himself either, he’d been hatched on earth!
“Well, at least we know them. They’re predictable, and we know they have our best intentions at heart. Our. They know how to help the both of us and I- I don’t know if I can do all this alone.” “Wilbur you haven’t been alone since the day I was born. You’re not gonna start now.”
“What if something happens to you and I don’t know how to fix it? It’s my job to make sure nothing bad happens to you. I couldn’t live with myself if I let myself get caught up in some familial adventure and you ended up getting hurt because of it.” “I get it but don’t you think that’s unfair?” Wilbur paused. “Wh..what do you mean ‘unfair’?” “We’re kids. You’re a kid. It sucks for you that I’m your responsibility, it’s unfair that you gave up your childhood to keep me safe. But you can get it back, some of it, at least. Just…see if this can work out. If not for you, then for me. I hate seeing you put yourself on the back burner like this, Wil, I hate it. I can’t stand that i’m the reason you can’t have friends or play or be a kid. But this could change that. If it can’t, we’ll go to whatever lab the trio puts us in next. I’m sure they’ll be sooo thrilled that you’ve met your family.”
“Tommy don’t say those things about yourself.” Wilbur said, hugging his arms around himself. “I chose to take care of you, and I’ve never regretted it. Not for a second. You’re worth everything I willingly gave up, ok?” He heard a disgruntled noise in response. “Fine, we’ll come back to this conversation later. For now…ok. I’ll..I’ll give them a shot-” He heard Tommy cheer with a mix of wooing and trilling that he made when he was excited “-but Sam obviously knows the trio, so i’m sure he’ll tell them about my family at some point if he hasn’t already.” “I figured, but what are they gonna do? They can’t take you if you want to stay.” “Emphasis on if I want to stay, remember?” “Got it, bossman.”
“Wilbur?” He heard a voice outside call while knocking before the door opened a crack. “Were you…talking to someone..?” Sam said, poking his head in through the gap a bit. “Uh, no, I just..uh..kinda talk to myself sometimes. But I’m, uh, I’m sorry.” Wilbur said, trying to move past his previous conversation as quickly as possible. The less Sam questioned why he was talking to an empty room, the better. “I shouldn’t have freaked out like that, I just…don’t like being touched.” Not exactly true, but if it would keep the blonde guy and his clone from touching him it could be the truth for a while. Sam just solemnly nodded. “I’m sorry, I told him about you and how you were just kinda found with no memories, but…I don’t think he believed that your amnesia was as bad as I told him it was. I don’t think it hit him that you really didn’t know him until you ran off…Wil, he’s-” “He’s my dad, apparently. I was eavesdropping, i heard you talking downstairs.” Sam stared wide eyed for a second before he nodded solemnly.
“I know this must be a lot. I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable by calling them here, you obviously didn’t expect to meet your long lost family while you stayed for the month. But…I’ve been friends with Phil for a while. That’s the blonde guy, by the way. He…he didn’t take losing you well. I was there for him when he and Techno were grieving and it..it was horrible. They were so broken.” Sam said, eyes beginning to shine from unshed tears. “I can ask them to leave if you want, I understand if-“ “I don’t want them to go.” Wilbur interrupted, almost mad at himself that he’d let Tommy talk him into this. “I want to meet them. I want to see what they’re like again.“
“Really? I mean, you can, but I just thought-“ “I’ve made up my mind. Can I meet them again?” “Y-yeah, yeah, absolutely.” Sam said, leading Wilbur out the doors down the stairs. He heard Tommy make a few more excited chirps before he started purring again. Like always, it put Wilbur at ease a bit. He followed close behind Sam down the stairs and back to the kitchen, where he saw the pink haired boy leaned over the blonde guy, who was sitting at the table with his head on his folded arms. The pink haired boy’s head snapped up from where he’d been comforting his father as Sam and Wilbur re-entered the room, eyes narrowing at Wilbur like he was a rabid animal. In the awkward silence, Phil looked up, and it almost pained Wilbur too see his red cheeks and puffy eyes. He really hadn’t meant to hurt the guys feelings, he just panicked. They all stared at each other for a moment before Wilbur realized that they were probably waiting for him to speak up. Great.
“Uh…I’m sorry for screaming at you, Mr. Phil. I don’t do well with…surprise contact. You just scared me, is all.” The man just continued to stare back at Wilbur for a moment. “You…you really don’t remember me, do you, Orpheus?” Wilbur looked back and took a deep breath. This may have been for Tommy, but he had to stand his ground here. “I’m going to say this once, and only once cause I don’t think you can handle hearing it a second time, ok? You think you can handle this?” Phil looked a bit confused at the annoyed tone but nodded, prompting Wil to continue. “Good, cause here it is: I don’t know who Orpheus is. I don’t know who he was. All I know is he’s not me. Maybe he was, but not anymore. So maybe your grieving wasn’t in vain: because he is in fact very much dead.”
Wilbur paused as Phil’s face fell and tears started to run down his face again. Even the pink haired boy had started crying. He tried to ignore it. “My name is Wilbur. If you want to know me, not Orpheus, me, I…I’m willing to try to connect with you again. I don’t mean to be heartless but I need you to understand that if you want me back, there will be no prior standards for me. I won’t try to change how I am now to be the person I used to be for your amusement, because frankly? I couldn’t give less of a shit about what you want, because I don’t know fuck all about either of you. If you came here to find the son you lost, I’d suggest leaving. Any questions?”
Shocked silence filled the room. Phil stood silent and still as tears poured down his face, his clone even started to cry when he saw Phil crying, and Sam looked like he’d just watched a bomb go off. Wilbur just stood at the center waiting for something to change. For Sam to send him to his room, for Phil to break down even worse or for him and his son to deem Wilbur too different and abandon him (again), but nothing was happening. ‘Way to sugarcoat it, Wil.’ quietly played in his head, as if Tommy was afraid he’d somehow interrupt the group despite them not being able to hear him. He’d elbow himself in the gut later, that’d probably look really weird if he did it now.
“…Do you want to come home with us?” Phil said after a few minutes, shocking Wilbur. “Do you want me to?” Phil just nodded and wiped a few more tears from
his face. “Even if you don’t remember us, you’re still my son. You always will be. I’ve missed you so, so much Wilbur.” He said, kneeling to be at eye level. Wilbur just sighed. “Ok, then…let’s go home, I guess. I didn’t come here with much, I can just go with you now?” “Really?” Phil said, surprised but seemingly excited. “Oh, o-ok then! I thought you’d want a few days but, uh, sure! As long as Sam is ok with that?”
“Oh yeah, Sam!” Wilbur interrupted, turning to face the man who’d just kind of been standing silently, clearly unsure of what to do in the situation. “I need you to tell my guardians what happened. They’ll
probably understand, but they’ll also want to meet my long lost family
since they raised me and all.” ‘More like interrogate them and possibly file a restraining order so they can never take us again, but same difference I guess.’ Tommy chimed in unhelpfully. Wilbur ignored him. “Give them Phil’s address asap so they know where to find me. Also give me their phone numbers, i don’t remember them.” “Wait, guardians?” Phil chimed in, lightly tapping Wilbur on the shoulder with a concerned look. “You have legal guardians?”
“Three college aged guys, yeah. But I wouldn’t say legal,” Wilbur explained, “they just kind of took me in when I was lost without my memories. They tried to find you for a few years but gave up after a while. I couldn’t really give them any info to go off of.” “Oh…do they treat you well?” “Yes.” ‘No.’ Wilbur and Tommy said at the same time, though obviously only one was heard. “That’s…that’s good, i guess.” Phil said quietly, then it was back to the awkward silence. Godammit, Wilbur hated silence. Was it gonna be like this all the time with Phil?
“Well then, let’s get a move on.” Said the pink haired boy who Wilbur had only remembered was in the room when he spoke up. He’d been pretty silent, but at least his tears had dried. That was better than Phil was doing. “And you are?” Wilbur asked. “Technoblade, but most people call me Techno.” he said, holding a hand out. Wilbur just stared trying to figure out why he was doing that. Was it a high five? Sometimes orange would give him a high five when he did a good job testing, but why was he doing it sideways?
Wilbur smacked his hand quickly and pulled away, smiling awkwardly. Techno just lowered his hand and stared. Shit, he was wrong about the high five, wasn’t he?“Ok…” Techno said, “we’re gonna have to re-teach you some stuff, aren’t we?” “Uuuhhh…maybe.” Wilbur said quietly as he heard Tommy laugh at him. Asshole.
Wilbur made his way to their car after grabbing his bag and saying goodbye to Sam. The packed into the car, and Wilbur was met with the silence again. Phil seemed…weary of him, to put it best. Like he was dam one bad storm away from breaking. Techno seemed more disinterested in him, just playing on a phone as Phil started to drive, never looking up at him. Well, he wasn’t going to be the one to break the silence this time. He didn’t want to talk to them anyway.
Instead, he let himself fall into his nothingness, connecting with Tommy on the other side. “Well that went great!” Tommy said sarcastically. “I stood my ground.” Wilbur shot back. “I don’t want to be treated like some lost broken kid. I’m 13. I know what I’m doing.” “Well, I like them. They seem nice!” Wilbur wasn’t sure how to respond. Sure, Phil seemed like he wanted to care about him. Techno seemed…willing, at least, even if he was a bit nonchalant. But could he trust these people? They were the people who abandoned him and left him to almost starve to death in the woods as a toddler. That wasn’t exactly something a loving family would do, but they seemed happy to see him alive. Was it a mistake? How could they have fucked up badly enough that he got amnesia and almost died at the ripe age of 4?
But Tommy seemed so excited. As much as the scientists always tried to make sure it didn’t happen, Wilbur loved Tommy. He really was like a little brother, they’d grown up together. They’d both always been told that it would be for the best that they didn’t make that kind of connection in case something where to go wrong, but who else did they have? Tommy was family to him, and damn if he wouldn’t do anything to make the little boy happy. He sighed. “Yeah, well…let’s hope so.”
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Virtual Lies
Hello people reading this! Some of the older members may remember an idea @apersonstories , @funtimemoth , and me came up with in the old community server (that is forever lost the time). I have finally gotten the free time to write the first chapter of this AU! I'm hoping for there to be at least six parts and that you all well enjoy it! TW will be warnings for all of the things that will be going over in the story! I hope you all enjoy! :D
Also if you have any questions don't be shy to send them to me!
TW for all parts- intentional / unintentional dehumanization, accidental fear play, feelings of being trapped and despair, and if there are any more I will add them!
"Are you sure you want to play this Phil? This game seems kind of weird…" Kristen commented as she read over Philza's shoulder as he installed a simple sim game for his phone, he had happened upon the game well looking for something to entertain himself and the game seemed pretty interesting. 
"Kristen it's just a little life sim, these terms and conditions are probably just making sure you don't do anything creepy with the game" Philza finished installing the game and started making the custom home he would have in the game "I well say tho it's kind of annoying I can only make boxes for the rooms and not connect any of them, it would be nice to make a more complicated hallway then just a straight line."
Kristen just laughed as she sat down on the couch next to Philza and watched him work on the rooms over his shoulder, she every now and again would help setting up some of the rooms. Philza and Kristen did find it a bit strange there were certain rooms they absolutely had to have before they could add bonus rooms.
The game told them they needed three bedrooms, two bathrooms (one with a bath and one without) and a kitchen with a table and chairs in it. Philza found it a bit annoying cuz he didn't even know what kind of virtual family he was going to make and put in this house but he did it anyway.
"There finally fucking done- now to make an actual dining room and living room for this house." Philza got a bit more comfortable on the couch leaning up against his wife as he added the final details to the house and made sure there were a few windows so natural light would come in, the blonde hit done and instantly got a notification saying that his house would take an hour to make.
"What the fuck- this game has literally only been out for a month at best, how is it this fucking slow?" Philza grumbled until he noticed a new notification and clicked on it "Oh wait do I not make my own tiny family for this?"
"I guess not, maybe they had to trade out the customization for the family so you can customize your house more?" Kristen noted as she slowly took her husband's phone and started scrolling through the small family's they could get, she smiled when she found a very nice particular looking pair.
"You should get these three, the Neapolitan ones!" Philza took his phone back from Kristen and smiled at the three young looking NPCs she had picked out, he clicked the check mark next to them and the app informed him that within an hour his home would be done and these three would be moved in. Philza decided to just set his phone down and talk with his wife for a bit till it was time to actually decorate the house he had made for the three, he was really looking forward to the decorating expect of this game!
Philza has been decorating the house he had set up in the game for at least 2 hours now and thankfully had only spent $10 on extra furniture for the house, plus well setting up the furniture he had learned a very fun and kind of cute thing about the three brothers.
Tommy and Wilbur were little shits and sometimes moved the furniture slightly to a different spot just to mess with Philza. Well Techno straight up picked the furniture up and completely moved it to a different room, Philza didn't really mind and found it kind of funny. The boys were all roughly the age of teenagers so it was probably in their coding to be rebellious.
"Kristen, come look at the house! I finally finished decorating!" Philza called over his shoulder as he looked over at the kitchen, he smiled as his wife walked out and sat back down on the couch next to him. Philza excitedly handed the phone to her, starting to show off each of the rooms.
"So the game gives you a tiny descriptive on the three house members so I tried to decorate their rooms to fit things they like, for example Tommy really likes animals so I gave him a bunch of different toy animals for his room- well Wilbur only likes one animal and that's a sheep so I gave him a bed that kind of looks like a sheep!" Philza explained excitedly as he finally pointed at Techbo's room "Now Techno's room was probably the hardest, his description was pretty blank and the only notable thing was that he likes to read. So I just gave him a few extra bookshelves and made sure they were full of books that he would like!"
Kristen smiled as she looked at the three tiny rooms and zoomed in to inspect them a bit more, she then noticed something a bit strange in Wilbur's room. "Hey Phil, why is there a hole in the corner of Wilbur's room?"
Philza looked at his wife a bit puzzled as he took the phone and also looked at the strange hole in the corner of the room, he and Kristen became even more confused as Wilbur suddenly dropped a pillow over the hole acting like he was trying to hide it.
"I don't know…maybe the game is just glitching out?" Philza suggested as he moved over to the kitchen and went back to adding small details to the counters so it felt a bit more lived in, he set his phone down as it started to load and set up decorations.
"Why is it loading? You just added some small decorations to the kitchen." 
"Hm? Oh I'm not really sure but whenever I place decorations a loading screen pops up, I'm starting to think the game didn't add in the future of you placing the item down like the Sims." Philza explained as he picked his phone back up once it was done loading "Do you think I need to add anything to the living room or kitchen?"
Kristen took the phone again and started inspecting the kitchen and living room, she moved over to the dining room and pointed at one of the corners that was very bland looking. "I think you just need to add a painting here and you should be all done with decorating!"
"I'll do it later, is dinner ready by any chance?" Philza asked, turning his phone off for now and standing up from the couch, he followed his wife to the kitchen and smiled as he spotted the finished pasta.
"I have! We just need to wait for the cheesy garlic bread in the oven to finish up, can you grab my oven mitts?" Kristen asked as the timer on the oven went off and she started turning the heat off, she thought of her husband as he handed her the oven mitts and pulled out their cheesy garlic bread.
The two started dishing up their plates and getting ready for dinner Philza ignoring the notification he got on his phone from his new game.
Tommy inspected all of the plush animal figures that had been left inside of his room and started moving the ones that he found extremely creepy into a corner making them stare at the wall, he didn't like the stuffed animals lacking button eyes. He actually found it pretty creepy they just had weird black buttons replacing their eyes.
"Tommy? What are you doing?" Wilbur asked as he walked into his little brother's room and noticed him moving the toys around. "Um…why are they all just staring at the wall-"
"They are creepy evil creatures that don't deserve to stare at the room!" Tommy explained as he shoved yet another large plushie into the corner. "I hate them."
Wilbur leaned against the door frame as he watched his little brother continue to choose which stuffed animals would be staring at a corner and which ones got left alone in the room; he patiently waited a few minutes until his little brother seemed to be done.
"So now that you've exiled some of these guys to the corner do you want to go eat? Techno was able to find a small bit of food in the weird cold box thing." Wilbur asked, taking his little brother's hand and started to lead him towards their kitchen.
"I guess, when we're done eating we're going to skip and go home right?" Tommy asked with a big smile on his face as he looked up at his brother. They had been stuck with these horrible humans for at least two months now and Tommy just wanted to go back home. 
Tommy didn't really notice the weird face his brother made as they walked into the kitchen and he sat down at the table, the young borrower's nose scrunched up and disgusted as a plate of nothing but vegetables was placed in front of him. 
"Why are there so many carrots and peas? Are there any crackers, nuts, or fruits?" Tommy asked poking the two peas on his plate with his finger, he knew not to complain about food too much but this was all they had been eating for months!
"No. That's all that was in the cold box Tommy, just eat up and then go to bed." Techno said in a Stern voice as he started munching on his own peas and carrots.
Tommy wanted to protest but felt Wilbur lightly kicked his foot and decided not to argue with Techno, he begrudgingly started to eat his peas and carrots hating every minute of it. Why can't the stupid humans in the white coats give them actual food?
The young blonde finished his dinner instead of from his seat getting ready to head back to his room, he walked around the table and gave his brother Techno a hug.
"I'm sorry I complained about the peas and carrots, they weren't that bad." Techno reached up and padded Tommy on the back and then sent the young boy back to his room, Tommy tried to ignore his brothers as they obviously started to have a conversation without him.
The young blonde grabbed one of the small plushies that looked like a moth and climbed into his weirdly shaped bed, for some reason it had Wheels but both him and his brother said it was not in fact an old wagon turned into a bed. Especially with the ugly silver color it was.
Tommy wrapped himself up tightly in the blankets hugging the moth plushie close to his chest, a few moments later Tommy felt a soft kiss against his forehead and finally fell asleep hoping he would wake up home with his brother's and they could finally eat something that wasn't peas and carrots.
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brick-a-doodle-do · 2 years
vamp au 🧛
timed myself, it took about 16 seconds to come up with this! ty to @beckyu for giving me that list of vampire things :D<3
OKAY sooo
sbi ofc </3 (t!tommy cause we can never have too much tommy :'D aandd g!wil, tech & phil)
i'm not going to make this too long, because i really just want to give out my initial thoughts before i get too deep into worldbuilding,,, i think i'll do it like an ask game kind of--- idk you'll see :D
basic premise: tommy is a borrower who has to move out of the place he's living because the human there is moving. he finds an apartment that just so happens to house a trio--or coven, of vampires. it doesn't take long for the three of them to notice tommy, thanks to their stupidly enhanced senses. that's where the dynamic begins.
first thoughts from list (kind of in order of storyline, more under cut) :
transformations into bats: wilbur. before they reach out to tommy after they discover him, wilbur shifts into a bat and visits tommy regularly, but only when a. emduo is asleep or b. when emduo is away, this is because he knows he shouldn't be doing this.
territories: after the three of them (emduo specifically) discover tommy's existence, they become very cold and sometimes just try and make things harder for the borrower to try and drive him away. it almost worked, had it not been for the bat that stopped by :)
undead and immortal: when tommy realizes that they're onto him, he tries to do things that may like...distract the humans so he can do things without feeling like he's being watched. this ends in him realizing that most of the time, they don't feel shit--all the stuff he throws directly at them just bounces off of them harmlessly. also tommy overhears a conversation about them being able to live forever in past banter between twinsduo
red eyes: techno <3 actually everyone but techno's are much brighter, he's older than the other two,,
instincts to protect: starts with wilbur, branches to techno unwillingly & it goes to phil after he finds himself accidentally trying to care for the borrower.
sires: this doesn't really have any significance, other than phil occasionally calls himself tommy's sire,, just in like a fatherly way <''3
no heartbeats: no significance to the story atm!
blood banks: tommy, after he's a bit more comfortable, offers to sneak into blood banks and steal bags of blood for the trio.
asks about this au would be pretty cool! i want to take it further and i'm having story ideas already,,,,, :D
ty anon for the idea 💞
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2-sleepy-for-this · 1 year
Our little brother pt.3
Finally, one of the long awaited favorites is uploaded once more! This took longer than expected and I’m headed into finals week soon so I may not upload for a bit (feel free to give me prompts still!) :D
here it is folks (I’ve had this half done for so long)
tw ~ unintentional fearplay, minor claustrophobia, anxiety, grabbing, technical kidnapping???, annoyed Technoblade
word count ~ 1.5k
The fast pitter-pattering of tiny feet sped down the hallway, nearly silent compared to the conversation and giant footsteps from the humans all around him.
Tommy didn’t know what to do. First, he was trapped in the brown-haired human's pocket for what felt like forever. Then the guy started petting him like an animal. He is not an animal! 
And he did not nearly fall asleep with those giant fingers caressing his back.
He is a big man, the biggest man, and big men don’t relax at some giants touch.
Now he just had to find somewhere to hide until all the humans went away and he could get back to the walls where he belongs. Tommy continued running against the wall, in a small hidden space near the gigantic heavy doors that humans kept walking through. No human could see him there.
The huge door slammed near him again as more humans walked out. He clutched his sensitive ears. Humans were too loud.
A shoe bigger than him slammed down just inches from his hiding place as he covered his mouth to suppress a squeak of fear. 
Even a big man like Tommy would admit that running so close to humans was terrifying, and he didn’t know what to do. There was nowhere to go.
So Tommy did the only thing he could think of. He curled into a tiny ball right on the floor in the shadows, where he hoped no human could find him.
Wilbur winced in surprise at how stern Techno’s voice was over the phone. He had received a call from his twin not long after he lost his sunshine and nearly jumped out of his skin when his phone rang in his pocket.
“Heyy Tech, just got out of my exam. I think it went well personally, but I could have done better on the essay honestly-“
“Wilbur. Stop talking.”
Wilbur knew his attempt to change subjects was futile, and he knew exactly why Techno had called.
“So… what are you calling for?”
Wilbur tried to ask, smiling innocently while talking, even though he knew Techno couldn’t see his facial expression.
“A few minutes ago, I came home to check on the creature we found, and it’s not here.”
Techno waited for Wilbur to speak but kept going when the other end of the call stayed quiet.
“I looked in the cage and it wasn’t there, Wil. So, either it escaped, or you brought it to class after we agreed you wouldn’t. Judging by the silence, I’m guessin it’s the latter?”
“…alright, yeah, it was me… I just thought it would be nice to take them out for a while!”
“Well, you said you were done with your exam, so come back here. I wanna see the little thing again.”
This time, Wilbur paled at Techno’s response. He couldn’t go back to the apartment empty handed…
Now he was on a time limit.
And a very short one at that.
…he just hoped his sunshine was close by.
Tommy didn’t know how long it had been since he hid. It felt like forever, but it couldn’t have been more than half an hour. 
He couldn’t see any good openings to run or get into the walls. The constant foot traffic calmed down, but there were still a handful of humans standing and talking. Too risky to move yet.
One of the humans that was in a pair started walking away. His white hoodie was hard to look at under the bright lights, but the shiny necklace around his neck was mesmerizing.
Tommy watched him disappear down the hallway before turning to look at the other guy who was just standing there on one of those glass rectangles that humans love.
After a few minutes, the guy—who was wearing a bright green hoodie, who does that?—still hadn’t looked up and seemed oblivious to his surroundings.
Tommy had a choice.
He could stay in his little corner, curled up for who knows how much longer… or he could try to make it under the door he was next to.
He needed to see if there was a way out.
Tommy held his breath as he uncurled his body, keeping his tail wrapped around his leg tightly.
He slowly inched to a stand and started to shuffle closer to the door.
He took shallow, silent breaths, even though his body wanted to hyperventilate.
As more minutes ticked by, he got closer and closer to his destination. He could almost touch the wood of the door.
Then the human sighed.
Tommy couldn’t help the full body flinch he reacted with… when he opened his eyes, large green ones stared right back.
The human stepped forward and was close enough to grab him in seconds, so he ran, bolting for the crack under the door even though he knew it would be pointless.
His escape plan was foiled as the human noticed where he was running and swept him off the ground and into a giant fist… the third one he’s been in since the alleyway.
Tommy, so desperate for an escape, screamed as he was lifted higher, tears rolling down his cheeks while he struggled.
“Wha…? Hey, hey, hey, little guy, relax.”
The human's eyes widened at his struggles. 
Good. He caught him by surprise. A better chance of escaping.
Tommy continued to squirm and fight against the hand he was in until the other giant hand came up and restrained Tommy. 
He was completely trapped, pressed against two palms with just his head to move. His limbs were completely stuck in place.
Still, his squirms continued for a few moments more before it just became too much for him. Tommy had been so close to escaping all the human monsters, but it was all for nothing now.
Tommy couldn’t help it when he muttered one word in fear;
In an instant Tommy froze in the humans hold.
He had just spoken.
No borrower was ever supposed to speak to a human. He broke the borrower code.
Tommy closed his eyes, tensing up while he waited for the human to do something to him. All of the scary stories he was told about breaking the borrower's code came to the front of his mind. What could the human be planning to do with him?
“It’s alright, little guy… you’re safe.”
Tommy opened his eyes in surprise. Those huge green eyes were still looking at him, but now they seemed… softer, more welcoming.
He was confused. Why did the human look like that? They were supposed to look mean and scary! 
His head tilted slightly as the hands around him loosened. Now Tommy was sitting in the giant's palm, mouth agape as his body relaxed from tiredness.
“My name is Dream… do you have a name? Or should I keep calling you little guy?”
Tommy wasn’t sure what to do, he can’t speak to a human again… but he had already talked before. 
The human knows he can talk… what if he gets mad that Tommy won’t?
“Hm, Tommy? That’s a nice name. Can you tell me why you’re here all alone, Tommy?”
What could Tommy say? He was alone… but he couldn’t tell the human, Dream, that. 
But he was also running away from someone too…
Maybe, if the hu- Dream thought he was trying to find someone, then he’d let Tommy go… 
It was risky, but Dream looked like he could be tricked.
“I.. I’m lost… I lost my human. I can’t find him anywhere..”
Dream looked at him with a mix of confusion and pity… it was working.
“Your human? Like… your friend?”
“Uh… yeah.”
“Well.. what does he look like? And what’s his name? I can help you look.”
Great. Now he was stuck with this human while he looked for the one he didn’t want to find.
“He has… brown hair, and brown eyes… and a yellow hoodie. And his name is… um..”
What was that humans name again? The pink haired one said it so many times, but he could barely hear over his heartbeat…
Wil… Wil-something. He still couldn’t remember… he would just have to make it up then. He was too far into this now.
“Wilby… his name is Wilby.”
“Alright.. let’s go find.. Wilby then!”
Tommy was lifted higher into the air as Dream stood to his full height. He clasped at his tail anxiously while he was cupped against Dream’s chest. Tommy hoped he’d never have to get used to this…
Tommy watched Dream walk the length of the entire hallway in seconds, faster than Tommy’s tiny legs could cross in hours, like it was nothing, while he looked for Tommy’s human.
Tommy could only hold his breath and hope ‘Wilby’ had already given up looking for him and left.
He didn’t want to be put right back into the hands he tried to escape from so hard.
Then he saw that brown-haired beanpole crouched on the ground, and once he felt the chest he was leaning against breathe a sigh of relief, he knew he was done for.
hope you enjoyed! (Told you there would be another main character)
I wonder how poor Wilby will react when he sees his sunshine in Dream’s hands?
as always, get some rest, eat and drink something, and send me things! :)
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beansthough · 1 year
Ch.9 {A Snake in the Bird’s Nest, It’s Made a Home}
Cw/Tw: slight angst but hurt/comfort, slight fear.
Tommy never expected that this would be how his situation would turn out. It was strange to say the least. They boy was mostly expecting a painful death, followed by the destruction of the forest. Instead, he found himself sitting in a tree on the edge of the village, fidgeting with the leaves and twigs on the branches with an unsure feeling in his gut.
A cool breeze combed through the naga’s golden hair, his red eyes were dim as he thought of the events of the past few days.
When he woke the morning after the destruction, the first thing he did was release the hybrids he had tucked away in his storage. The fire was long dead and the rain of the night led to a cool crisp morning, even with the remaining smoky smell in the air. Wilbur was the only one that seemed to protest the idea of being let out into the chilled air, Phil and Techno seemed almost in disbelief that they were let out at all.
Techno had been the one to thank the kid first. For his bravery, his strength, and for protecting his brother. Philza could only stand by his side and nod his head along with his son’s kind words.
Techno also apologized profusely. Guilt ate away at the warrior any time he even glanced at the kid. It seemed that his eye was healing well, but it seemed just a little more dull than its counterpart to the left. Techno also couldn’t help but notice the many tiny arrow scars that coated the boy’s arms and back.
Techno was relives that the healing potions had worked that well, but no matter how subtle it was, the evidence that Techno had deliberately hurt the kid was still there. It made something ugly and cold sit deep in his gut and crawl up to the back his throat, Techno couldn’t even meet the boy’s gaze.
Wilbur and Philza were stuck with Tommy while Techno made his own way to the villager’s camp on the other side of the river. His cut leg was already healed from the healing potion he had hastily splash on it last night, it was still sore and a rather noticeable scar was in its place, but he could walk.
His rabbit Carl, who he had rode into battle that night, seemed to had gotten spooked by the two naga’s and the fire’s presence and disappeared mid fight. Techno was relived to find his rabbit halfway to the river hiding in a burrow under a tree. It seems the fire hadn’t even made its way to this part of the forest, the plant life was as lush as ever.
He was glad that his rabbit knew how to stay safe, but he was a little disappointed that he was abandoned during such a stressful moment. Techno’s feelings couldn’t be too hurt, Carl was just a rabbit after all, and their instinct to run heavily outweighed the instinct to fight.
The rabbit had ran right to him the moment he walked by, Techno held him tight before climbing on top of his fluffy white back. He made it to the river in minutes. The berry bushes around them ripe with the early summer’s harvest.
Techno walked to the edge of the bank and gazed out to the makeshift camp. It was quiet, even as he saw villagers sitting outside of their tents, there was no laughing and shouting of friends, no joking from the guard. They were all quiet, waiting for any sign that their leaders were still alive.
Techno would give it to them. He brought to fingers to his lips and blew out a long shill whistle. Head’s all along the other side of the shore’s bank all whipped around to meet him.
Techno lifted his hand in a single big wave and cheers suddenly cried out everywhere. He could
make out Tubbo and Ranboo’s small forms jumping and shouting from the bank. His soldiers and friends were quick to storm him as he made his way across, tears and relief in their eyes, and many many questions pouring out of their mouths. This was going to be very difficult to explain…
Tommy wasn’t use to being around this many people at once. Tommy wasn’t even use to being seen by people. Especially people who were all very much afraid of him.
Tommy could hear the large group coming when they drew closer to the village. When they did arrive all the laughter and conversations died down to a whisper, and many fearful eyes trailed over Tommy.
The healer’s hastily collected Wilbur and Philza, taking them to the medical center to deal with Philza’s broken wing and Wilbur’s broken leg and ribs. After they were gone silence once again overtook the crowd, Techno stood a little nervously at Tommy’s side. It seems the rat wasn’t to good around large crowds either.
The caution of the group was overwhelming, parents pushing the children behind them and many of the soldiers holding their weapons tight, you could cut the tension with a knife. The silence was however quickly broken by the relived cries of Tubbo and Ranboo. The pair quickly swarmed Tommy and tackled his face the best they could, smothering the Naga was tears and snot ran down their cheeks. A lot of the tension melted away, but Tommy could still sense that they all had their guard up.
Techno had said that he explained the situation to the villagers and guard to the best of his ability. He said he told him that his name was Tommy, he wouldn’t hurt them, and that he didn’t have anywhere else to go. Techno had said he had explained it as if they were taking in Tommy like they would to any hybrid that was in need.
Apparently some of the villagers protested the idea, but Techno had made it clear that Tommy wasn’t going to be a problem. He also made sure that Tommy understood that the villagers wouldn’t be a problem either.
So now here Tommy was 3 days later, sprawled out in a tree with only himself has company. The past two days he had stuck to Ranboo and Tubbo’s sides like glue. The pair never left him alone and Tubbo made sure to scare off anyone who looked at them a bit two long.
Today they were away. Helping to rebuild the town and replant some of the lost vegetation. Techno was busy leading the town in its new renovations under Phil’s directions. Wilbur was still restricted to bed rest, bones never did heal quite as well with potions like cuts and scrapes did. Philza however was up and about with one wing in a sling.
Techno made and effort to go see Tommy at least once a day, many of these meetings more awkward than not. Techno didn’t seem to be the best conversationalist when it came to anyone, many of their interactions started with Techno asking how he was doing and then telling him any updates on the restless mouse trapped in bed. Their talks never lasted very long, the Blade running out of things to say and them sitting in awkward silence. What do you even talk about to someone you almost killed?
At least Techno seemed to like Tommy, he made an effort for him and made sure to let Tommy know he was welcome. Philza, however, was no where to be seen. Tommy hadn’t seen him since he was let out of the clinic. He had only given Tommy a nod when he came to visit with Techno and he had utterly disappeared after the one meeting.
Tommy just wished he knew what he was doing wrong. He had been kind and understanding. He stayed out of the way and used his best manners, but people still seemed to think he would snap at any moment.
Honestly, if Tommy were in their position, especially Philza’s, he wouldn’t be quick to trust himself either. He has watched XD smack the bird to the ground. A sickening crack had rung out as phil’s wing made contract with the massive white tail. Only seconds later he impacted rather harshly to the rough ground.
XD had threatened to kill them all, he had done so casually, as if the tiny hybrids weren’t meant to be anything else than a quick snack. Tommy supposed that the sadist Viper didn’t really care that much for any creature of his own size as well, ready to sell them off for his own gain. As if they weren’t even people with thoughts and feelings.
Tommy shuddered at the thought of his old tormentor. He knew the viper was long dead, but sometimes he could still feel XD’s claws digging into his throat while Wilbur desperately cried out for him.
He missed his older brother deeply, but he knew the mouse needed his rest. Tubbo and Ranboo were trying their best to help Tommy feel welcomed in the village, but Tommy knew when he was unwanted. Nervous glances and fearful whispers were the only interaction he got from the other villagers. The whispers stung the worse, but how were they supposed to know that Tommy could actually hear them?
Tommy wanted his brother.
A lump started to form in the boy’s throat and tears began to well up in his eyes. His chest ached and he longed for Wilbur’s warm embrace.
He missed Wilbur’s voice, wether it was telling a daring story or singing along to a beautiful melody. He missed his small hands that would pet his check or caress through his hair. He missed his brother’s contagious laugh and the fun games they played.
He missed Wilbur.
He just wanted things to go back to they way they were before. Just him and his brother spending the day together, with Tubbo and Ranboo coming to play on the days that Wilbur couldn’t be there, but now it was just Tommy once again.
Sitting alone in a tree, this time avoiding watch the villagers working below him. He found they were much more nervous when they knew he was watching.
Tommy sighed and wiped away the beginning of his tears and buried his head in his arms. Letting the sounds of the village fill his mind.
“Hey Mate…”
Tommy’s head shot upwards and he was surprised to see Philza standing in front of him. His wing still restrained in a makeshift sling, and Tommy to a moment to wonder who the bird got up in the tree in the first place.
The cawing of a crow over his head answered his question, Phil laughed and threw a shiny coin into the air. The crow dived for it and caught it in its beak before flying away to its murder. They flock of birds all began cawing at Phil and the avian waved them away before they all took flight.
Phil gave another chuckle before meeting eyes with Tommy, “They never stick around long after they’ve gotten what they’ve wanted, but they’re useful when you have what they want.”
Tommy gazed at Phil in amazement, this man had tamed the crows. “They listen to you?” Tommy asked with wonder in his voice. Philza shook his head with a smile, “Only when they want to, kind of like my own boys.”
Tommy found himself grinning with that last joke, but he quickly thinned out his lips and ducked his head away as the older man flinched at the sight of Tommy’s fangs. “Sorry…”
“It’s alright mate…” The pair stood in silence, neither of them having any idea what to say. It was obvious that Phil was still nervous around Tommy, if the flinch didn’t give it away, then the bird’s constant fidgeting would.
After what seemed like eternity Philza let out a long sigh. “Y’know, you remind me of Wilbur when I first found him.”
Tommy glanced back at Philza with a curious look, Phil gave a soft smile. “He was always so timid, always apologizing for things he shouldn’t be apologizing for. But he was also so full of wonder and curiosity. He was always finding something new for him and his brother to get into.”
Philza looked down towards the village as if he were seeing it as it was years ago. “You also remind me of Techno. Always willing to protect others and above all else your brother…. Y’know when the boy’s first got here they didn’t fit in all that well either. Techno was always picking fights with the other kids, and Wilbur wasn’t the best at making new friends.”
Philza turned to Tommy now, looking the boy in the eyes, “But they came around eventually, with some help of course, but they found a home here.”
The bird cleared a his throat with a short cough nervously picking at his hands. “Tommy… I’m afraid I’ve been rather a coward these past few days.” Tommy’s eyes widened. He knew Phil was afraid, but he didn’t think the bird would outright admit it.
“I’ve been hiding from you, from the village, even my own sons…. My mind hasn’t been in the best place since that night…” He was wringing his hands together now. “I didn’t have a very good experience with Naga’s when I was younger. My entire family and village were taken from me, and I’ve spent my whole life healing and rebuilding what I once had, and it was almost taken away from me all over again.”
Phil met Tommy’s eyes once more. “But you saved them. You save me.”
“It’s just… I’m so grateful for you, Tommy. You’ve looked out for Wilbur. You protected him and you even protected those who hurt you.” Philza took a breath.
“You did all of that Tommy… and you’re just a boy.” Philza took off his hat and ran a hand through his hair. “I regret more than I ever have in my life sending the guard to you. I didn’t know that you never intended to harm us, but I was afraid and irrational. I didn’t even try to scope out the situation before I rushed in.”
“I don’t ask for your forgiveness, but I want to make it up to you.” Tommy could only gaze in silence as Philza spoke, surprised that the man who he thought despised him, who had every right to after what XD had done, was instead now kneeling before him with his head to the ground.
“I want to know that you are free to stay here for as long as you want. I also want you to know that if you need something, anything, let me know and I’ll take care of it mate. I now we didn’t have the best first impression, but I want to change that now.” Philza stood back to his feet.
“You’re far too young to be on your own, Naga or not you should have someone looking out for you. I know that Wilbur had taken up that role for you, but I just want you to know that I’m here for you. Right, mate?” Tommy’s pupils rounded as the avian finished his speech, Tommy restrained his tail from reaching out to give the man a makeshift hug, instead he smiled and nodded his head. “Right.”
With that Philza gave a finale nod of his head grabbed a strand of ivy hanging from the tree. “See you tomorrow, mate?”
“Yeah, see you tomorrow.” A hopeful cheer coated Tommy’s voice, a happy purr was on the edge of his throat. It wasn’t perfect, but things were getting better.
“Oh!” Philza had shouted last minute before sliding down the vine. “Wilbur should be here to see you Tomorrow.” With that the Avian made his final departure leaving Tommy in a joyful bliss.
Maybe Tommy could have a home here. Perhaps he had already found it.
Wilbur was practically bouncing off the walls, today was the first time in a week that he was allowed to leave his bed.
It was also going to be his first time to see Tommy again after he was taken to the clinic. He spent the week worrying himself into a tizzy, he could only hope that Tommy was doing alright.
He prayed to the gods that the villagers were treating Tommy well.
He had only gotten some vague updates from Techno on the subject in the afternoons. Phil never came to see him during the day, but he was there at his bedside when he thought that Wilbur was fast asleep at night. He never spoke a word, only running a clawed hand through Wilbur’s hair.
That was enough of an apology for Wilbur.
The mouse burst out of the room, his crutches clacking loudly against the stone floor. His father and brother were by his side, scolding and chirping for him to be more careful as he walked.
His cheeks hurt from the giant grin plastered to his face. He laughed and waved at anyone who walked by.
He was finally getting to see Tommy.
Techno led the way to one of the larger trees on the outskirts of the village, before the mouse could even call Tommy’s name, the Naga plummeted out of the tree to see his brother.
Philza gave a frightened Squawk at the sudden movement but quickly straightened out his feathers, giving an embarrassed smile.
“WILBUR!” The mouse didn’t even care to cover his ears. He dropped his crutches at his feet and stumbled towards Tommy’s face. The mouse vaguely registered Phil’s excessive scolding.
Wilbur head butted Tommy on the tip of his nose. The Naga’s purrs overpowering any other sound, Tommy completely taking up all of Wilbur’s senses.
They basked in each other’s presence, soaking up all of the lost time between them.
After a good few minutes of hugging it out, Wilbur reluctantly pulled away, taking in all of Tommy’s features. “I see your eye has healed well, a lot better than how I was healing anyways.” In the corner of his vision, Wilbur saw Techno nudge the dirt around with his foot.
“Yep! I can see just fine. I guess I’m just more of a big man than you Wilbur!” The mouse snorted and nodded his head.
“Yeah Tommy, I guess you’re right, I’m just too weak.” Wilbur playfully wilted to the ground. “Your mere presence is too much for my minuscule form.” Tommy was laughing now.
Wilbur put a hand to his forehead and faked fainting. “I guess you’re too much of a big man to need your big brother Wilbur then.” The mouse smirked and Tommy’s face dropped.
“Wilbur I didn’t mean it like that!” Tommy defended. Wilbur covered up his laughter with more sad wailing. “Wilby! Come on!”
Wilbur shot up and looked at Tommy with wide eyes. “Did you just call me Wilby?” A growing smile encompassed the mouse’s face.
Tommy’s face became as red as his scales and he tried to hide away in his coils. “You did! You did call me Wilby!” The pair became a fit of chaos, while Phil and Techno watched awkwardly from the sidelines. Phil slightly worrying for his sons broken ribs in the tussle.
After the two tired out they seemed to remember the pair they had sat to the side for their reunion. Wilbur gave an embarrassed chuckle and stood back up with his crutches, giving an apologetic glance at his father and brother.
Tommy also seemed to remember himself and he sat up straighter, smiling with his lips tight to hide his fangs.
“Uh Tommy…I was talking to Techno and Phil and we all agreed that you guys didn’t have the best first impression…” Wilbur cringed as he spoke, Philza and Techno kept their eyes adverted to the ground.
“Well…” The mouse drawled out. “We wanted to start over, on a clean slate.” Tommy shook his head in understanding, he Lowe’s himself to be closer to them once again.
“Alright, I guess we’ll start!” Wilbur gripped Techno’s sleeve and pulled him forward in front of the naga.
“Tommy, this is my brother Techno. Techno, this is Tommy.” Wilbur nudged Techno once more, Techno giving Wilbur a warning grunt. The mouse pretended to not notice.
“Um…Hi…” Techno mumbled. Tommy couldn’t hold back a giggle at the ridiculousness of the situation.
“Wilbur, you know I’ve already know them for a week now.” Tommy explained, but Wilbur looked downright offended at the statement.
“I know that!” Wilbur raged. “I just wasn’t there, so Techno please finish your introduction!”
Tommy laughed once more but they his eyes trail back to Techno. “It’s nice to meet you, person who I have never met in my life.” Techno spoke in a low monotone drawl, the Naga hissed in delight at the pinkette’s antics. Wilbur only huffed and instead pulled Philza forward.
The bird had a nervous smile on his face, giving a small laugh. “ Hi Mate…” He gave a small wave to the boy. “Uh… Pleasure to make your acquaintance?” He held out a wing for Tommy without thinking.
Tommy stared at the outstretched hand before reaching out with a clawed finger. Tommy felt the tiny talon’s softly grip his finger the best it could. Tommy slowly lifted his finger up and down, a happy grin on his face and his eyes crossed trying to sone in on the tiny movement.
Philza felt his heart warm at the sight.
Tommy pulled back his hand after the second shake and looked back to Wilbur. The mouse nodded his head, proud of his father’s performance, clapping his hands with a smug look. Techno rolled his eyes and shook his head with a small smile.
Tommy laughed at Wilbur’s antics. He reached out and gently plucked the mouse off the ground, holding from underneath his arms. Tommy immediately began nuzzling into Wilbur, the mouse shrieked with delight. “Tommy please! You know I’m ticklish!” Tommy’s response to that was to stick his tongue out, swiping at lick with the tip of his forked tongue. Wilbur only screeched louder.
Techno looked on at the scene amused. He leaned over into Phil’s ear before mumbling. “ I finally see why Tubbo gets along with him so well.The kid lives for chaos.” Philza chuckled in response.
Philza looked the pair over, they were already roughhousing in the grass once more. Wilbur crying out while Tommy repeatedly tickled him. Phil gave a soft smile as an idea popped into his head.
He leaned back into Techno’s ear as Wilbur’s cries for mercy filled the air.
“How would you feel about having a little brother?” The bird spoke with pure adoration, his eyes latched onto Wilbur’s and Tommy’s smiles.
Techno gave a satisfied snort. “Heh, I don’t think I’d mind.” Philza patted his son on the shoulder, and pulled him into his side. The old bird crooned happily, having already made up his mind.
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guppybubbles · 2 years
oooo,, i really like your writing!!
if you’re still taking prompts- mayhaps something including.. dragons(i 👉👈 i really like dragons), or mers? as for with who, my personal preferences are peer pressure duo or alliumduo, but if you’re not up for writing either of those, feel free to do whatever!
apologies for not following the fake title format, i am- not good at titles of any kind,, dkdnkdndkdk. hope you have a good rest-of-your-day! — 🎲
Ranboo is an Enderman being hunted down by monster hunters. Unable to protect themselves, they offer tons of gold to The Blood Dragon.
Word Count: 2777 words
CONTENT WARNING!!! : mentions of scars and swords, general fear, fear of death, implies being eaten (but nothing happens)
( A/N: no need to apologize!! the fake titles prompts was just smth beckyu wanted to do! nothing wrong with not following the format <33 anyways, i hope you enjoy! teehee )
He's been standing here for an hour, maybe even two. Ranboo just can't bring themselves to enter. The entrance looked so intimidating, he can't even imagine what lies inside.
The mouth of the cave was huge, big enough to possibly fit every single tree in this forest. Every time he tries to hype himself up to go inside, his fear pulls him back to where he started.
But would he rather die by hunters who've been known to make their bounties deaths slow and merciless, or die by a dragon who would most likely just make their death as quick as possible?
Yeah, dragon. Dragon sounds better.
Ranboo took in one deep breath of air and stepped in once more, trying to ignore the strong urge to run away and return home. Even with their excellent night vision, the cave still looked dark. They could barely make out the claw marks scratched on the walls. It felt like something out of a horror book.
He knew he was nearing more into the dragon's den when he noticed thin stripes of light being hidden behind a thick layer of leaves. Ranboo felt like their heart was going to break out of their chest with how intense it’s been beating. As quietly as possible, they pushed through the foliage and held their breath.
Redstone ores were scattered around the den. Ranboo remembers they shine much brighter than other ores he’s mined, he’s not a rock expert but he assumes the reason why they shine so much is their energy source. It’s one of the main ores being used in many advanced communities, perhaps the shine is an indicator of how much energy just one ore has.
Redstone wasn’t the only thing sparkling in the dark cave, because right in the middle was a large pile of gems that could make a King seem poor in comparison. Ranboo swears they can see crystals they didn’t even know exist, and they mine as a hobby! They feel entitled to at least know a decent amount more than basic knowledge when it comes to ores.
Ranboo froze when he saw whose head lay on top of the gold pile. The Blood Dragon.
Staring right at him.
"It— it's not—" They stuttered, "It really isn't what it looks like." Ranboo fully emerged from the curtain of leaves, holding their hands up to emphasize their intentions.
The dragon growls, a rumble so loud that the Redstone's lights flicker with fear. Its large tail wraps around the mound of riches, assuming that the enderman was here to steal their possessions. Ranboo couldn't blame them, he was holding a suspiciously big brown sack that reminded him slightly of the material thieves used.
"I'm here to give you offerings—! Actually!" He quickly added, throwing the sack in between the both of them and gold spilled through its opening. The rumbling stopped and Ranboo released a breath of relief.
The Blood Dragon looked interested in his gold, to say the least, and Ranboo wasn't even sure if they could understand his words. There have been cases that stated most dragons have a consciousness and can understand simple phrases, and Ranboo was desperate for any sort of protection— so he'll keep trying until he was sure they could understand him.
Slowly, they picked up the sack of gold again and approached the dragon. The dragon's eyes squinted, skeptical of the enderman.
"I'm… I'm being hunted by monster hunters and I need your protection. Not forever! Just, just enough to… I don't know, scare them off to make them leave me alone?" Ranboo stopped right in front of the pile.
A gust of warm air washed over him, the dragon just huffed out a puff of smoke— almost looking tired and annoyed. It seemed less angry than it was when he first entered, so he'll take it as a good sign.
"… Okay. I'll take that as an… unsure response." Ranboo slowly placed his brown bag right next to the bundle of gems.
The dragon stared at him, then carefully inspected the bag with its snout. Seeing a dragon— not just a dragon, the BLOOD Dragon, up close is a surreal experience Ranboo did not know they would ever have. The tales spread across the SMP mentioned how the Blood Dragon would slaughter anything and anyone in its path, yet here it was now, pouring the bag's contents onto his pile, seemingly accepting the offer, but still wary of the enderman.
"It's not a lot of gold, I know— Compared to your treasures." Ranboo spoke, "But, I promise, I'll keep paying you until you accept to protect me from the hunters… Is- Do we have a deal?"
The dragon stared at him for a long period, and Ranboo starts to think he was insane for even trying to make a conversation with them. Then, the Blood Dragon slightly bows its head and closes its eyes, accepting the enderman's offer.
Ranboo lets out a sigh of relief.
Ranboo arrives the next day with another big brown bag of gold, mixed with bits of diamonds and iron. While there was still a bit of anxiety when he entered the mouth of the cave again, it didn't take him nearly two hours to even consider going inside, which isn't a big victory, but a victory nonetheless.
The dragon was there when he set foot in the den. He huffed out another puff of smoke through his nostrils but remained lying down next to his riches. He didn't seem aggressive today, though still looked wary of his presence— Ranboo regarded that as another small victory. "Hello, um, dragon."
The Blood Dragon softly grumbled in response. He decided to think of that as the dragon greeting him back. “Maybe you won’t like being called just dragon. Do you have a name? You probably do but you can’t tell me. Should I call you something else?” He rambled, “Should I just call you Blood, Gold, or I don’t know, Michael?”
The dragon stared at him silently, and Ranboo felt like he was being judged for his name choices. “What? I think Michael is a good name!” He defended, “Though, I guess it doesn’t suit you…” The suggestions may suck, but in his defense, he’s never been good with names. As he offered another addition of gems to the dragon, he took that time to examine the treasures he has from afar. Ranboo noticed a sharp sword encrusted with the shiniest diamonds and even bits of Netherite. “Oh! What about Dagger, or Blade?”
They laughed at themselves, Prime, what were they doing? They were trying to make conversation with a dragon and trying to give him a name. He felt stupid and pathetic. “What am I even doing?” They silently asked.
The dragon moved to examine Ranboo’s offering, and the enderman plopped himself on the ground. “I’m talking to a dragon.” This was unbelievable, “I can’t find anyone willing to protect me, so- so I have to turn to a dangerous dragon because, because what? The hunters find me dangerous since I’m half enderman, half—” Ranboo cut themselves off, opting to sigh instead.
He can’t ramble on about something the dragon wouldn’t care about. Mob hybrids aren’t usually treated with the greatest respect. He’s met Charlie, a slime hybrid, they acted with childish wonder yet had random times where they showed an infinite amount of wisdom. They’ve been on trips together and he’s seen how many villagers disregarded his existence. It felt unfair, Charlie has been nothing but kind yet still treated like an unredeemable criminal.
Fortunately, Charlie found a safe place for shelter from the hunters. They were taken in by one of the richest people on the SMP, a gambler who owns multiple casinos and owns a big portion of land dedicated to stealing money from the unsuspecting in a ‘legal’ way, Quackity from Las Nevadas. Ranboo did have his doubts meeting him, but he noticed the strong bond between him and the slime hybrid, and who was he to interfere with that?
Ranboo thought he could find safety in a person just like Charlie had with Quackity. It doesn’t even need to have a strong bond, just someone to shield him from harm. He attempted to pay experienced fighters for that reason, but he’s been accused of stealing something that was rightfully earned by hours and hours of mining.
“Do you accept my offer, Blood Dragon?” The dragon made a low growling sound, not as scary and hostile as before but it did make Ranboo tense up. It reminded him of exactly what he was dealing with, he shouldn’t let his guard down no matter what whenever he gets near this giant dragon. The dragon letting him enter and giving him mercy by not outright killing him shouldn’t be a reason for him to relax.
Ranboo scrambled to his feet and patted off the dust on his pants,
“Okay… Next time then.”
Ranboo didn’t visit the day after that, nor the following days after that either. They decided to spend their time mining in ravines and mineshafts. Who knew giving most of your gems to a dragon would almost empty your supply of ores? They didn’t mind it though, they loved spending their time mining around and always get satisfied with how many resources they got from hours and hours of emptying various caves.
It wasn’t all that dangerous either. Because he was half-enderman, Mobs recognized him as just another mob and left him alone, giving him a safe space. He was hidden away from the judgments of villagers, the spying eyes of hunters, and the awful stares of other beings. In here, Ranboo felt safe.
Safe, but isolated.
It’s what he wanted, but did the price of safety mean taking away his company? Any sort of interaction would be void if it meant living in the caves forever. Mobs aren’t very responsive to his attempts at socialization. It didn’t help that he was an enderman hybrid either, one of the mobs most known for not being able to handle interaction with species that aren’t other endermen and hate eye contact.
He wanted to visit the dragon today, but he hesitated on that decision. Hours of mining led to him upgrading his items at his base using those materials, which left him with nearly the same amount of materials he had before he started mining. Most of what he had was a bunch of emeralds he didn’t have much use for. Trading them with villagers was great, they’d trade some decent stuff but the quality slowly declined over the years. The last time he tried to trade, they tried offering ten pieces of paper for 8 emerald gems, which he didn’t need when he had an entire library of books and journals back at home. It meant most of the emeralds he has and the emeralds he’s mined collect dust in chests.
He debated if he should give emeralds to a dragon who clearly prefers gold, but wouldn’t it be better to have something other than nothing? Ranboo didn’t have the energy to keep mining either. Don’t get him wrong, he loves mining but he loves rest as well.
Ranboo held a large bag of emeralds, and he had that deja vu of wavering fear when he reached the dragon’s den again. What if he didn’t accept his offer? Everyone knows emeralds aren’t of much use other than trading, they can’t be used to make armor or tools. They’re pretty much useless!
Just like the times before, the dragon was there next to their heap of jewels. “Hello, Blade.” Ranboo greeted softly, and he knew he heard him when he did his signature puff of smoke as a hello. “D’you get lonely without me? I know, I’m pretty good company.” He joked and Blade thumped his tail on the ground.
Ranboo chuckled. “Ah- I think I should just be honest here. I don’t… have gold, I just have emeralds and I—”
The Blood Dragon then suddenly popped up from where they were laying and stared at Ranboo. In instinct, the enderman immediately looked away. Oh Prime, Oh Prime, Oh Prime. Coins and metal shuffled around, Blade was moving. Fear struck in Ranboo, especially since they have never seen the dragon stand up or move away from their treasure before.
Thud. Thud. Thud.
He was walking closer and they closed their eyes, trying to touch into their teleporting skill and get out of there. Ranboo could feel the particles surrounding him, and he attempted to imagine the forest outside to teleport to. They weren’t great with teleporting, in fact, it mostly only works when he’s scared and oh, he’s so scared. “Sorry, sorry, sorry, sorry!” They screeched out ender apologies, only coming off to the dragon as warbles of sounds.
Blade pressed their snout against Ranboo’s chest, effectively trapping them between him and the wall of the cave. “Oh my Pr- please, please, don’t kill me!” Panicked clawed hands made an effort to push the dragon’s face away, to no avail. This is it, the exact scenario he was worried about. He should’ve just waited for more time and come back with the items the dragon had wanted, or maybe he shouldn’t have even come here at all. This deal was nothing but just the dragon milking out Ranboo’s resources until he was bone dry. Tears welled up in his eyes and they burned his eyesight. Wow, thanks for giving him every enderman trait except for great teleportation skills. Thanks a lot, Universe.
Ranboo didn’t know what he should feel in his last moments. Whether it was anger or sadness, he just wanted the dragon to get it all over with as swiftly as he could. He knew he was taller than the average human but the Blood Dragon was huge, so he could make quick work with him.
Thump. Thump. Thump.
Blade made a sound, a small roar that sounded a lot like curiosity.. Or was it happiness?
Ranboo opened their eyes and felt their heart thump louder than they had before. The dragon was mere inches away from himself, though their attention was focused on the brown bag on the floor, or maybe what was inside it. They never noticed the dark pink scales scattered across his body before, and the scars of what were presumably sword scars were displayed at his neck. Not just on his neck, but scars displayed on his wings, tail, and even on his chest.
Blade sniffed at the bag and made soft sounds, gently poking the bag with his snout. Ranboo, still in a state of shock, tried to speak. “Oh. Oh- so you were- you like emeralds?” He questioned, and noted that the continuous thumping was just Blade’s tail excitedly hitting the floor.
Slowly, he picked up the bag full of emeralds again and watched as how Blade’s thin irises expanded, reminding him of a cat focusing on a red dot from a laser pointer. “Jeez, you-” Ranboo breathed deeply, unable to find the right words for their feelings. They approached the heap of treasures again, and Blade followed right behind them. Their massive shadow covered the entirety of the enderman and they made a delighted trill sound as the emeralds were added. “There. Happy?” Ranboo squeaked an ender curse as Blade pressed his snout against his body again, and the sound of thunder outside just made his nerves rise again.
Wait… Thunder?
He could barely hear it in this huge cave, but there were sounds of raindrops and the occasional thunder outside. That was strange, he could’ve sworn there weren’t any clouds in the sky when he had first entered- but to be completely fair, he wasn’t paying attention to the sky when he was contemplating about entering the cave earlier. He’s stuck. “Crap…” He mumbled.
Blade turned their head to the ceiling of the cave, aware of the thunderstorm happening outside. Ranboo walked up to the curtain of leaves to see just how bad the storm was, maybe they could set off back to their home. Sure, it may hurt but— “Wait, wait, wait, what are you doing?!” Blade’s tail wrapped around his waist and lifted him just a few inches off the ground and brought him closer.
Blade laid down and gently placed Ranboo by his neck. Was he asking him to stay here? “Thanks, but I got to get home, Blade.” He said, patting the dragon's neck. The dragon replied with a pleading rumble, eyes closed and cuddling their neck closer to him.
Ranboo smiled softly. He couldn’t say no.
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Intergalactic Abductees: Tubbo (2)
Tubbo (1) Here Tommy (1) Here
(You can read Tommy or Tubbo in either order)
Word Count: 1,764
TW's: Unintentional Fearplay, Violence, Injury, Mentions of Abduction, Fear of Death, Syringes and Drugging, Profanity, Mentions Of Vomit (like, a sentence)
Characters: C!Ranboo, C!Tubbo, C!Technoblade, C!Philza, C!Tommy (Mentioned)
Summary: Tubbo's is honestly not having the worst time with his alien roommate. But nothing ever lasts forever.
The whole floor quaked with deep rumbles. The familiar sound brought a smile to Tubbo's face. He continued to scrub his fingers through thin, matted fur.
There was telling how long he'd spent in that cell. All he knew was that he was living on a strict schedule of sleeping, hiding, and recreation in between. The pair had tried to communicate on more than one occasion but the language barrier was simply too thick. Tubbo couldn't even replicate most of the sounds that the giant alien produced.
The only information they managed to trade was their names and even then, his roommate seemed to have a considerable amount of trouble pronouncing "Toby" so they had to stick with his nickname.
Whatever species Ranboo was, he seemed just as clingy as humans, if not moreso. That was lucky for Tubbo considering the creature was practically a living radiator. The only thing that kept him from freezing his ass off during his stay.
He took a step back to get a good look at the massive being. Ranboo's pupils wholly filled his irises as they focused in on Tubbo. As much as the human hated to admit it, Ranboo was looking worse by the day.
He didn't have a good frame of reference for what Ranboo was meant to look like when he was healthy but he could see him deteriorating in other ways. A subtle twitch in his muscles, drooping eyelids, longer periods of rest.
The portions they'd given him were small. It had to be raw meat of some kind. He'd vomited up whatever portion Ranboo was nice enough to share the first couple days before his body had somehow grown used to it. His tastebuds...not so much. Whatever water they left to spite Ranboo was free game, at least.
The fact that the alien's diet was solely carnivorous didn't really inspire hope in Tubbo but this would be an awful long time spent sustaining a meal. He just had to pray that Tommy was doing better than him. No, of course he was. Tommy would kick alien ass before he ever let them lay a hand on him.
He was probably already back on Earth after coercing some unsuspecting creature into giving him a ride. If not, he could surely pass as a stowaway. That guy could sneak out of a minefield undetected.
The accented pronunciation of his name snapped him from his thoughts. Ranboo evalutated him with concern-ridden eyes. Tubbo offered him a reassuring smile, brushing a hand through the coarse fur on the bridge of Ranboo's nose.
Tubbo was promptly nudged in retaliation, sent tumbling across the floor. He sighed, laying on his back and staring up at the ceiling. The overhead lights were eclipsed the the smug face of his intergalactic roommate. He'd debated on pretending to be injured by the gentle push but then he remembered who he was dealing with.
The alien's heart would probably explode out of guilt. Tubbo was an ass but he wasn't that much of an ass.
"You know, you've got a lot of gall for an aquaphobe in spitting range," Tubbo riposted.
There was no way Ranboo understood a word of what he'd said but the tone enough was to make him snicker. He mumbled something that Tubbo guessed was some extremely witty comeback. He made grabby hands at the creature until Ranboo reluctantly offered him a pinky.
He hoisted himself up off the ground.
"Thank you, kind gentleman," Tubbo gibed. That earned him a flick to the chest that sent him straight back down onto his rear. He scoffed. "You're such a bully."
Ranboo tried to pull an apologetic face but failed miserably. He chuckled cruelly before offering Tubbo another finger that he was quick to shove away.
"No. I don't even want your help anymore. I quite like the floor," Tubbo snapped.
Ranboo's face scrunched up in faux distress. He collapsed down beside the tiny being in a huff. The pair only laid there a moment, drowsily staring up at the ceiling.
It was bizarrely peaceful.
The mountain of an alien sat bolt upright. Tubbo followed in suit, studying his companion as his ears twitched this way and that. The human listened for a sound he knew full well he'd never be able to hear. His eyes slowly trailed up to the solid, silver door, darting back and forth with his eyebrows sewn together in concentration.
He reached a hand towards Tubbo. Slowly. Hesitantly.
Bright, red lights flashed like strobes through the slit beneath the door. Deafening alarms sounded from somewhere in the hall, accompanied by frantic chatter and shrieks. A hand scooped Tubbo up off the floor just as the door slammed open.
His stomach churned with the sudden ascension. Ranboo blurted something that Tubbo wouldn't be able to hear over the loud alert tone even if he could magically understand the alien's language. Ranboo's face was scrunched up in pain. Sensitive ears twitched and stuttered on either side of his head.
He held Tubbo close to his chest as he scrambled out into the hall. The scene that awaited them was nothing short of mayhem. Creatures of all shapes and sizes scurried about, each acutely aware that this may be their only chance of escape.
Tubbo wished he could help his larger friend navigate the chaos but all he could do was sit in the cupped palm like he burden he was so used to being.
Ranboo wove through the winding corridors. The hellish overseers were nowhere in sight. He just barely managed to break away from the onslaught of prisoner traffic, hurtling down an empty hall. It became immediately apparent why everyone had made a point of steering clear of that path as a guard came bustling down the way with a gas mask clinging to their deformed face.
Ranboo scampered backwards but ultimately failed to go anywhere. A glint of light against glass was all Tubbo saw before he found himself laying on the floor gasping for the air so cruelly wrenched from his body.
The tall boy laid limp beside him, stiff hand reaching for Tubbo even whilst he was unconscious. The guard haphazardly tossed the syringe to the floor. He grabbed another from his pocket before charging into the fray once more
Something was broken. Everything was blurry and something in Tubbo was broken. He could hardly breathe. There was no time to locate the source of the pain. The second the wind returned to his lungs, he lunged for his cellmate.
"Ranboo," he whispered. He gave the alien's face a push. Still breathing but there was no telling for how long. "Boo, we need to...go."
He leaned his weight against a wall as a dry cough ravaged his throat.
"Come. Come on!"
Tubbo kicked the center of his forehead with all the strength he could muster, nearly losing his balance in the process. The creature didn't so much as budge.
"Ranboo!" he shouted into the alien's ear.
This time, there was an echo.
He whirled around to face the direction of the new voice.
"Ranboo!" someone called again, sounding more desperate by the second. He knew that tone of voice. Memories of that night with Tommy flashed across his mind. The whole night spent charging through a thunderstorm crying out for his best friend. They were trying to find him. Not because they were guards but because they knew him.
Tubbo's eyes darted betweeen the unconscious figure on the floor and the rushing crowd. The door was open. There was no telling when it would be open again. His exit was right there. With a reluctant groan, he dashed in the opposite direction of his only chance at freedom.
He stumbled through the onslaught of rushing feet until he came upon the one pair heading in the one pair heading in the opposite direction.
One of the creatures was blonde. Great, golden wings protruded out of his back. He was probably the closest thing he'd seen to a human sans the feathers lining his face and utter lack of pupils. He was joined by a broad creature with pinkish skin and even pinker hair. This one had icy blue eyes scanning the crowd of prisoners in search of something.
In search of someone.
"Ranboo!" the blonde hollered once more.
"Oi!" Tubbo shouted up at them.
No response. They couldn't hear him. Of course they couldn't. His voice was lost in the ear-piercing alarms still screeching through the halls. There was no telling when those guards were coming back to drag Ranboo to his cell. Without another thought, he snatched a loose screw off the floor.
He pressed a kiss to the cool metal, praying his baseball skills hadn't eluded him during the time he'd spent behind bars before hurling it straight at the pinkette's head. It hit him square in the temple.
Blue irises shifted to red as he glowered down at Tubbo. It was only then that the human noticed the two fangs protruding out from his bottom lip. No time to be scared now.
"Ranboo!" he called, pointing down the corridor. He still looked about ready to flat Tubbo until the blonde pressed a placating hand on the other's chest. He said something in his freakish language but Tubbo didn't catch a word.
"I don't know what you're saying but I know where Ranboo is!" he shouted. He waved them forward. The pair had a brief discussion before the pink haired one reluctantly nodded.
And then they were running.
Tubbo kept glancing over his shoulder to ensure he didn't lose them in the foot traffic. The journey felt longer the way back but that was probably because he was tripping over his own artificial leg most of the journey.
They trio rounded the corner to find the dual-toned alien still laying right where Tubbo had left him. The blonde gasped as his friend pushed past him to press his fingers to Ranboo's throat.
After a moment of crouching there, he said something to the blonde that made him slump in relief.
Good. That was all Tubbo could think as he watched the pink alien hoist Ranboo over his shoulder with ease. He may not have been able to save Tommy but at least he didn't fuck this one up.
Even as the black spots danced around the edges of his vision, he felt nothing but a sensation of fulfillment beneath the layer of pain previously concealed by adrenaline.
He blinked.
And then he was gone.
Siri, play "Livin' La Vida Loca" by Ricky Martin
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nobodywritingao3 · 1 year
Shameful Company [ch 3] Lady Lie [3/4]
masterpost | previous
The village Tommy grew up in was located in a beast's territory, a man eating serpent's. Isolated from the world, all he's ever known is loneliness. When he's forced outside the safety of the town walls he meets a stranger who claims to live beyond the village. They become fast friends despite the fact that the man is clearly hiding something - but can you really blame Tommy? He's never had a friend before.
CW for entire fic: - Wilbur eats people lol - swearing
title taken from 'Shameful Company' by Rainbow Kitten Surprise
chapter title taken from 'Lady Lie' by Rainbow Kitten Surprise inspired by the talented @beckyu and her story 'My Monster to Slay' (tumblr) (AO3)
word count: 4.3k 🐍 read it on AO3
CW for section: depiction of depressive episode including suicide attempt, self harm, disordered eating, and anger issues
Kintsugi (金継ぎ, "golden joinery"), also known as kintsukuroi (金繕い, "golden repair"), is the Japanese art of repairing broken pottery by mending the areas of breakage with lacquer dusted or mixed with powdered gold, silver, or platinum; the method is similar to the maki-e technique. As a philosophy, it treats breakage and repair as part of the history of an object, rather than something to disguise. Kintsugi
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How have things been since last you messaged me? I'm reminding you to keep the antidote close, perhaps on your body. I can't imagine he'll be happy trapped in human form and I recommend you keep your guard up.
"FUCK. YOU!" Wilbur screamed, smashing Phil's equipment on the ground. There was a noise like shattering glass as it landed,.
Phil winced, wondering what exactly got ruined. He toyed anxiously with his necklace. "I'm sorry," he said soothingly. "But you need to - "
"What I need is to not be stuck in this - this body!" He crumpled into a ball on the floor, breathing heavily and shaking like a leaf.
"I'm sorry," Phil repeated. "I'm so, so sorry." He made to approach him but Wilbur fell back with a growl at his first movements, and he stopped dead in his tracks.
He's had a hard time adjusting. I'm worried he won't move past this. I'm trying to be patient and I'm doing everything I can in the meantime, but sometimes he just -
"Wil, sweetheart, you need to eat something."
"No." His voice was bitter and hot.
"You haven't eaten anything in days - would you please try the stew? It would put something into your belly without you having to - "
"No." He was more insistent that time, but as well, his voice cracked and wavered. He looked away from Phil and harshly blinked tears from his eyes.
Phil nudged a half bowl of mushroom soup towards him. "There are some potatoes and the like in there, but they're softened from being cooked. I know chewing is new to you, but it's a skill you can practice and - "
"I don't want to learn how to chew," he gritted out. "I'd rather starve."
"Wilbur - you will if you don't eat, please, just try - "
I'm sorry, Phil, that's terrible.
"Oh fuck - honey, what did you do?" Phil dropped his bag and hurried to Wilbur. Kneeling down, he gently took the boy's hands in his own and delicately held them palm up to expose the wrists.
Wilbur stared blankly at the wall. He was completely unresponsive and looked terribly pale.
Phil tried to focus on his labored breathing. Dead children don't breathe. And Wilbur was breathing very hard indeed.
"We're gonna get you cleaned up, okay? It could be a lot worse than it is, but you're still - you're losing a lot of blood."
He pulled him up and Wilbur went without resistance.
The motion seemed to pull him from the fog, from the dark place he was trapped in, but only by a little. He focused hazily on Phil's face before his eyes slid away. He leaned into Phil's touch.
Phil complied, curling protective arms around him and entirely supporting his weight. His heart pounded painfully in his chest as he felt warm, sticky blood beginning to soak into his clothes. "You're okay, you're okay... you're gonna be okay," he mumbled to him. "Everything's gonna be okay."
I'm worried about him. I don't think he's gonna get better.
It took Wilbur three days to wake up.
Every few hours, Phil would press his fingers against the boy's neck just to make sure his pulse was still going.
He lost sleep.
Whenever his body did finally succumb to the exhaustion, he was plagued by the same nightmare. In it, there was a cold body that wouldn't breathe but wouldn't stop bleeding, no matter what he did. He could apply any amount of bandages or tourniquets or even stitches, but the blood would soak through and the wounds would split open. He didn't know why he was even trying to stem the blood flow as the child was long dead, but he couldn't stop himself. Phil just wanted him to be okay.
The cave overflowed, a testament to his failure. The blood was viscous, solid, and completely nontransparent. As it engulfed the floor and the beds and the furniture, he became overcome with the paralyzing fear that everything it swallowed was gone forever, and he could dive deep and swim hard without ever reaching the bottom. The only thing left unblemished by the void was the body itself, frail and small and helpless and dead. Phil couldn't stop trying to save him, futile as it was. The red seeped into his eyes. He was rendered blind, and the last thing he took in before it filled his delicate lungs and killed him dead was the overpowering smell of iron and the distinct, hollow feeling of shame.
He would wake up crying and soaked in cooling sweat, and he'd fall over himself to reach Wilbur's bed. The only thing that could calm him down after those dreams was placing his ear over the boy's heart and listening to the steady beat.
Phil didn't leave the cave. He spent his days watching Wilbur. In preparation for his waking, he'd cook, boiling potatoes and grain and meat until they lost form from the gentlest touch, and impatiently, he waited. He cleaned the wounds and fought the infection with a combination of antiseptic and magic. He redressed the bandages constantly (thanking his stars that the blood never seeped through), and reapplied balm twice a day.
Under his gentle care and watchful eye, Wilbur's body healed. His body healed, but Phil never stopped worrying for his mind.
Shouldn't think like that. He had a bad moment, but he's already proven he's a strong kid. He must have been, to survive what he has. Have faith in him. He needs to be loved before he can be lovable.
"Why did you save me?"
Phil looked up sharply. It was the first thing he'd said in a week. The boy's voice was rough from disuse, and he visibly swallowed. Phil cautiously approached him, handing him his second serving of soup.
"I'm not sure how you mean that question."
He wouldn't look him in the eyes. "Just - why?"
Phil was quiet for a few seconds. "Do you think I shouldn't have?"
The boy looked uncomfortable and didn't say anything.
"I won't be angry if you say yes," Phil said gently. "I'm asking because you did that to yourself. And I have to wonder if you did it because you feel like you deserve to - "
"Does it matter why I did it?" He snapped, his fingers curling into a fist.
Yes. More than anything. "We don't have to think about that right now."
Wilbur softened. He was quiet several seconds. "So why did you save me?"
Because you were hurt. Because you're a kid. Because I don't believe anyone deserves to die. Because I believe you deserve to live. Because I love -
"Do I need a reason?" He sat on the edge of Wilbur's bed. Absentmindedly, his hand reached for the boy's hair and started to ruffle. He froze, realizing what he was doing, and made uncomfortable eye contact with Wilbur.
His cheeks were a bright red... but he wasn't withdrawing from the touch.
Phil slowly restarted his movements, scratching the boy's scalp. "You're adorable," he chanced.
Wilbur sputtered and slapped his hand away, earning a laugh from Phil. He tried to frown at him, but it didn't take long before he was laughing just as hard.
I hope you're right Tech, I really want this to work out for him. I admit, sometimes it feels like he's getting better, but other times -
Wilbur hadn't left his bed in two days.
"Take my hand, okay? I'll bring you up, and then you and I are gonna take a short walk outside. Get you some sunshine? Sounds nice, right mate?"
He stared at Phil's hand with weak contempt. "Can't you just leave me alone?" There was no real bite behind his words. "If you want to take a walk, just go by yourself."
Phil shook his head firmly. "Come with me." He kept his hand extended. "Fifteen minutes. I want to talk to you."
"About what?" Wilbur asked mistrustfully.
"About nothing. I don't have anything I want to talk to you about, I just want to talk to you."
"Well, we're talking right now."
Phil sighed and dropped his hand, his heart sinking to his feet. "Please come with me."
Wilbur glared at him.
"I made your favorite," Phil said hopefully, motioning towards the set dining table.
His face crumpled. "No thanks."
"When was the last time you ate?"
He didn't answer.
"Put it down!" Phil yelled.
Wilbur scrambled backwards, a bloody bread knife still clutched desperately in his right fist. For someone who had only started walking regularly a year ago, he was surprisingly agile when pumped full of panic and adrenaline.
"What the fuck is your problem?!" He screamed back. Tears were streaming down his face and his left arm was bleeding freely.
"Please," Phil said, with as much patience and love as he could muster - which at the moment wasn't a lot - "just hand me the knife, okay?"
"Fuck no! And fuck you!"
"You can swear at me later," he begged, frustration seeping into his voice, "please just give me the fucking knife!"
Wilbur dodged his hands and sprinted towards the entrance of the cave. "Eat my fucking ass, Phil!"
Sometimes getting better looks like getting worse.
"I'm not - I can't do this!" Wilbur wailed, hugging his knees. "It's too hard, Phil, I'm never gonna get it."
Phil sat down next to him and pulled him into a tight hug, letting Wilbur empty himself of his emotions. It must have been an hour of heartbroken crying before Wilbur quieted down into sniffles and sharp breathing.
Phil sighed and traced patterns into his back. "I'm sorry. I know I say it all the time, but I'm so, so sorry."
He waited for Wilbur to snap at him, start yelling about how he should be sorry, how 'sorry' doesn't fix anything, how he hates him and no amount of 'sorry' can fix it, but he stays quiet.
Tentatively, Phil continues, "You've been working so hard. Learning to walk on two feet, and chew, and adjust to being small - it's a lot. You should have had someone to teach you these things when you were younger. I'm so sorry, Wilbur. It's so much, isn't it? It's not easy for you."
Wilbur's breathing hitched and Phil felt guilt well up inside of him.
"I - shit, sorry mate, I didn't mean to make you cry - "
Wilbur pressed himself into Phil's chest, leaning in hard and practically forcing Phil to keep his arms around him.
"Oh..." he said softly, blinking down at him.
"Are you gonna leave me?" He blurted out, voice muffled in Phil's chest.
Phil's heart ached. "No. Never. Never ever."
Wilbur clung on tight and didn't say anything else.
Wilbur was screaming again. Phil watched helplessly from his bed, where he'd woken up twenty minutes earlier to smashing and yelling. He fiddled with his necklace, worriedly taking in the scene before him.
Every book on nagas had its pages ripped out and crumpled, strewn across the ground like confetti, and a large portion of Phil's clothing had been torn into and cut up. Food was spilled across the floor. Everything was in disarray.
Wilbur was currently tossing things into the fireplace. The fire inside was steadily dying. He didn't seem to give much regard as to if what he was burning was flammable or not, but he still tossed anything he could reach into the pile.
Phil stood up, his heart aching, and made his way to the kitchen area. He gingerly stepped over broken shards of glass and spilled rations while Wilbur stared at him, breathing hard and looking ready to brawl.
Phil just gave him a sad look.
"Will you fucking quit that?!" Wilbur snapped, sending a pile of papers onto the ground.
He winced as they went down, and Wilbur bared his teeth in a mock smile.
Phil just sighed and pulled open one of the cabinets, happy to find that the tea, kettle, and cups were still perfectly preserved. He started to set some water boiling on the stove.
Apparently dissatisfied with his reaction, Wilbur screamed again before picking up a lantern and smashing it down as hard as he could. Shards flew and spread across the ground.
Phil ignored it.
Wilbur started to march towards him, but stumbled and gasped in pain as a long shard of glass lodged itself into his foot. He made a throaty, angry noise and stomped his foot down hard, pushing the debris deeper into his skin before continuing to limp towards Phil. He readied a hand to smack the boiling kettle off the stove, and it was here that Phil finally stepped in.
He grabbed Wilbur around the wrists and tugged him away, firm but gentle. Wilbur writhed in his grip but he paid no mind, sweeping him into bridal style and carrying him to his bed as he clawed and thrashed. Phil deposited him onto the mattress and turned away, back to the tea. He continued preparing it in silence.
Wilbur stood up and hobbled to the kitchen. Phil made to stop him again, thinking he was still trying to knock the tea over, but instead he reached for the cabinet containing their silverware and dishes. He snapped open the little door and started grabbing for the contents.
Staring him in the eyes, Wilbur took a dish at a time and smashed them against the wall. He got through five while coldly glaring at Phil before he started to pick up the pace, gradually paying less and less attention to his reactions - or more accurately, his lack thereof - as he threw everything he could at the walls, the ceiling, the floor. Hot tears streamed down his face. Then he ran out of dishes. He kicked a half broken bowl into the wall and stepped into the shards. By now, there were bloody footsteps all over the floor, tracing out his meltdown, and he seemed all too happy to add more paint to the canvas. He fell to his knees and the glass sank into his flesh there as well. He pressed his palms into the floor and he raised his hands, Phil caught sight of the torn up, encrusted skin.
Wilbur started to whimper, and then he started to sob.
Phil poured two cups of hot tea and left them on the table to cool. He made his way to Wilbur, assuming he'd gotten it out of his system.
He looked up at Phil, his cheeks splotchy and red and his eyes completely bloodshot, and then he reached for the nearest sizable glass shard. Seeing Phil quicken his pace, he quickened too, raising it rapidly towards his face - towards his eye. Just as he made to plunge it into his skull, Phil grabbed him around the arm and held him back. He pulled the glass from his grip, ignoring the cutting sting on its edge and let it shatter on the floor before Wilbur could further self mutilate. He tried to grab him around the armpits, get him to his feet, but Wilbur kicked him hard and shoved him away.
"GO AWAY!" Wilbur screamed. "JUST FUCKING GO!"
Phil tripped as he backed away, his breath catching in his lungs.
Wilbur inhaled sharply. "Fuck - just fuck off..." His voice came out considerably weaker.
It was silent, save for his soft crying.
After a painfully long half minute, he managed to choke out a single, heartbroken, "Why?"
"Why... why what?"
A sob fought its way from his mouth in spite of his best attempts to choke it down, and a fresh cascade of tears went down his face. "Just - why?" A dam broke. "I don't -  I don't get it," he cried, barely able to speak for the sobs wracking his body. "I don't understand. Why? Why? I don't - I just... I just don't fucking get it."
He raised his a hand to wipe away his tears, and the invisible barrier keeping Phil anchored to the spot dissolved. He shot forward and stopped Wilbur's hands, insistent on wiping away his tears himself.
"Glass hands," he murmured. "Let me, okay? Just let me..."
Wilbur hung his head and continued his broken wailing, but he didn't fight as Phil carefully wiped the tears and snot from his face.
Phil sifted through the debris on the ground until he unearthed one of his day packs. He opened it and reached into a padded inner pocket, pulling out a small vial. He returned to the table and pulled one of the teacups forward, emptying the potion into the warm drink.
"Healing pot," he gentle explained. "Let's get you fixed up."
He returned to Wilbur's side and helped him to his feet. Slowly guiding him to the table. An absurd thought hit him then, how similar this action was to when he'd first guided Wilbur to the cave after trapping him in human form. He winced with each limped step Wilbur took, knowing the shards in his feet would only wedge itself deeper into his body. He sat him down at the table.
Wilbur reached out a bloody, glass encrusted hand for his drink and Phil shooed him off, raising the cup to the boy's lips instead. "There's enough in this cup to heal all the damage you took, so you need to drink all of it. But you can pace yourself."
He took a few sips before miserably pulling away. Phil obliged, setting the cup down and pulling his own towards himself. He watched idly as the glass in Wilbur's hands slowly started to push itself out.
"There you go," he murmured warmly. "Potion's doing its job just fine."
By now, Wilbur's crying had begun to taper off.
Phil raised the cup to the boy's mouth again, and he accepted the drink. The last of the glass pushed itself free from his hands, and Phil gently set it into his grip.
They sat in silence. The sun was starting to rise. Their home was a broken mess.
Wilbur stared shamefully into his cup. "I just don't get it," he repeated, voice broken and raspy.
Phil nodded. "Which part?"
"The whole thing."
They continued sipping their tea.
Phil returned to the cabinet, grabbing a jar of honey. He stirred a few dollops into Wilbur's cup and refilled it with another portion of tea. "It'll soothe your throat."
They drank until the sun sat low in the sky.
"I made a mess," he said, breaking the silence.
Phil hummed. "It's okay."
Wilbur clenched his jaw. "How can you say that?"
They lapsed back into silence.
Wilbur chugged the rest of his tea, and then threw the cup against the wall. He turned to Phil with a curious, guarded expression.
Phil regarded him inquisitively. Wilbur's action had lacked anger or passion. If anything, it seemed half-hearted.
He continued sipping his tea. "Do you want another cup?" He clarified in afterthought, "Specifically to drink from."
Wilbur stared at him expressionlessly. "What. The fuck?"
"I'm not going to punish you, Wil," Phil stated with a slight note of exasperation.
He frowned at him. "I don't want you to," he said coldly, clearly offended by the implication.
Phil finished his own cup. "Okay."
"I don't!" he insisted.
"I said okay."
Wilbur was quiet. Then he inhaled sharply and spat out, "Aren't you mad at me?!"
"... I feel like that's irrelevant."
Wilbur glared at him, his hands starting to ball into fists.
Phil sighed, relenting. "Sometimes I am. Sometimes I can be very frustrated with your behavior."
Something in his face dropped and his body went limp, a devastated look like disappointment flashing across his face before he could properly cover it up with a snarl. "Good," he hissed.
"I get angry at you because I care about you, mate. If your goal is self destruction, I wouldn't count this as a victory."
"That doesn't make any sense - none of this makes any sense!" Wilbur exploded.
"I know it doesn't."
"Well, do you care to explain?"
Phil scrubbed at his face. "I would if I thought it would make you feel better." Before Wilbur could say something to add to his spiral, he continued plainly, "I'm going to throw this cup at the wall."
This caught him off guard. "Excuse me?"
Phil threw his teacup at the wall. It exploded. Wilbur stared at him with a slack jawed expression.
"I want to show you something."
He began to murmur under his breath while making quick motions with his hands. Light and sparks began to dance and fill the air behind his fingers' movements. Wilbur's eyes widened. The cup fragments lifted and floated airily towards the table from where they'd collected on the ground. They arranged themselves neatly in a circle. With a deliberate flick of his fingers, the shards fit themselves together like a jigsaw puzzles, and with a softly hummed three note tune, clean gold liquid started to materialize in the air and apply itself to the cracks. Wilbur watched in awe as the delicate shards slowly came together, even the smallest pieces finding their way to where they used to be. The cup, repaired with beautiful gold binding over its cracks, gently set itself onto the table before the pair.
"It's a kintsugi spell. And I want to teach you how to perform it. I also want to teach you how to brew healing potions."
Wilbur swallowed, a conflicted look crossing his face. "Is this why you aren't punishing me?" Because the damage I did wasn't permanent, wasn't big enough. Because I haven't truly pushed you to the edge?
Phil gave him a look. "I'm not punishing you because there's nothing in this world that you could do to me - or to anyone else - that would make me think you deserve to be punished."
A defiant look crossed his face and he spat out harshly, "That is bullshit. You're a fucking liar - or you're delusional. I don't know what's wrong with you, but that isn't how this works. I just want to know - " he cut himself off, glowering at the table.
"It is how this works," Phil gently countered. "It is how this is working."
Wilbur glared at him. "I've killed a lot of people, Phil."
"I know you have."
"And the majority of them didn't deserve it. At all. They were innocents." His voice broke at the end and he furiously blinked back tears. That indignant, heated look never left his face.
"I know that too."
"I ate most of them alive."
Phil didn't respond, only looking at him sympathetically.
"I heard them screaming and dying inside of me, and I never once felt bad about it." Liar.
"I know, Wil - "
"No. No, I don't think you do."
Phil sighed. "Sweetheart, I saw you eat Jared."
Wilbur's mouth fell open in shock, and a mortified look crossed his face.
"Don't be embarrassed that I know. The first time we met, you kept trying to kill me too. You kept trying to eat me."
He averted his gaze, his cheeks heating up and fresh tears collecting in his eyes.
Phil started to perform the kintsugi spell again. "The point is that I know. I know very well. And I still don't think you deserve to be punished."
He worked silently for another minute, pretending for Wilbur's sake that he didn't notice the streams of tears dripping down his face. He finished repairing the teacup Wilbur had thrown, and when he was done, he poured another portion of tea - the last portion left in the kettle - and gently dropped a spoonful of honey in. He stirred it, the sweet noise of the spoon moving in circles absolutely musical.
"I know it seems bad. I know it feels like this is a lost cause, that the damage is too much." He pushed the cup into Wilbur's hands. "But you would be surprised at the things you can fix."
Wilbur accepted the cup. His fingers traced over the gold sealed the cracks. Something in him seemed to die. "You can feel where it broke," he said desperately. His voice cracked into a whimper. "You can feel - they're still there."
"Of course they are," Phil said soothingly, running a finger across one of the gold veins on his own cup. "But the cups still hold tea just fine, don't they? You can tell our cups were broken, but they're still fully functional. And just as beautiful as they were before, even if they look different."
He touched the cup irreverently. "This tea set was a gift from my son, actually. Lots of love in these cups. Lots of history in them too."
Wilbur shrank back, fresh shame taking over his features. "I'm sorry," slipped past his lips. Phil looked at him curiously. It was the first time he'd ever heard him say that.
"You're misunderstanding me. I love these cups, mate. I'm still going to love them even if they get a little broken or chipped. I'm not going to throw them away just because of a little damage. Especially if the damage can be fixed."
He reached forward and gently pushed a few strands of hair from Wilbur's eyes. He adoringly thumbed the boy's temple. "I have every reason to keep these cups. I love these cups. Very, very much." He stared at him for a few seconds, a tender, sweet quality in his eyes. He let go of Wilbur's face and motioned for him to give him his hand.
"Will you learn the spell? I can't always be around to put things back together, and it would make me feel better if I knew someone taught you how to take care of the things you care about."
Still sniffling, Wilbur nodded. "Okay." And then he blurted out, "Thank you."
Phil smiled. "Of course. Anytime. I'm always happy to help you navigate these things, okay?"
Wilbur gave him a small smile in return, and for the first time since he'd brought him home, Phil felt like their story might have a happy ending.
~ ~ ~
🏷️: @i-am-beckyu @da3dm @flowers-of-plenty @gracideaviolet
ah haheuaheuhaeuahe. well i hope you enjoyed this
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