#Giddings Agencies
giddingsagencie · 1 year
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Best Car Insurance Company in Murrieta CA
Discover the best car insurance company in Murrieta, CA with Giddings Agencies. Our reliable and affordable coverage options ensure that you have the protection you need on the road. Visit Get peace of mind and exceptional service with our top-rated car insurance services in Murrieta, CA.
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evelmiina · 5 months
I thought maybe a practical resource follow up on "how to find job" might help
Some illustrators find clients through illustration agencies and while I have no experience myself, I have heard good things. I advice looking into testimonials and experiences of artists in agencies as there are many of them, some may be expensive and ineffective and beware of scam agencies. Different agencies also have different vibes so agency that works for one artist doesn't necessarily fit another person. Just be sure to check their track record and do a bit research
Also here is an impressive, always updating spread sheet about animation/games jobs that is legit, run by Chris Mayne. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1eR2oAXOuflr8CZeGoz3JTrsgNj3KuefbdXJOmNtjEVM/edit#gid=0
And if all social media feels kind of poison and you'd have to choose, I do think Linkedin works. It's what it's designed for anyway. It is corpo ghoul town so buckle up but it is possibly the most direct way to just look for work.
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By: Lisa Selin Davis
Published: Jun 26, 2024
Last night, I had drinks with a friend I hadn’t seen in a long time, determined not to talk about The Issue. But a few minutes before I arrived, I found out that The New York Times had decided not to publish a part of a story about the World Professional Association for Transgender Health—an advocacy group that creates “standards of care” for trans medicine, which American medical groups avow to adhere to (they don’t) and claim are evidence-based (they aren’t).
That part of the story would have discussed recently unsealed WPATH documents, subpoenaed by the state of Alabama, as part of a lawsuit, Boe v. Marshall. Alabama parents, medical providers, and a Birmingham pastor named Paul Eknes-Tucker sued the state because of its ban on “gender-affirming care” for minors—and the criminalization of those who practice it.
We got a sneak peak of some WPATH internal communiques a few weeks ago, when the advocacy group Do No Harm shared emails between Johns Hopkins and the federal Health and Human Services’ Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. AHRQ had been asked to conduct a systematic evidence review on “gender-affirming care,” and knew that WPATH had hired Hopkins researchers to conduct such a review. Maybe they could share?
The emails show that Hopkins did conduct a systematic review, and that—like all the other SRs—it found diddly squat in terms of evidence supporting the efficacy of hormones and surgeries. But WPATH prevented Johns Hopkins from publishing these reviews because they didn’t come to WPATH’s preferred conclusions. WPATH hid this very important information from the entire world, then published standards of care saying an evidence review was impossible. And a government agency knew this!
We are talking about kids and the most invasive possible interventions here. We are talking about venerable academic institutions and government agencies and censorship and secrets.
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Turns out, there’s a whole heckuva lot more of these damning emails. The New York Times had access to them but chose not to cover them. A source told me this is because no one from Johns Hopkins would comment on the record. The documents will be available via the LGBT Courage Coalition tomorrow (I will add a link and start a thread when it’s up), but I had a chance to preview them. If you have not yet had what GIDS whistleblower Anna Hutchinson called her “holy fuck!” moment, now’s the time.
An executive summary of the docs tells us:
WPATH leadership went to great lengths to suppress systematic reviews (SR) commissioned from Johns Hopkins because the reviews’ conclusions did not support the WPATH plans to recommend wide access to hormones and surgeries for all those who desired them. The evidence suppression was achieved via a 2-prong strategy. First, WPATH forced JHU to withdraw the manuscripts that were already submitted for publication as they did not meet the desired conclusions. Next, WPATH instituted a new policy whereby WPATH would have to approve all future publications by JHU.
More on the policy:
WPATH developed an approval checklist, which required that the authors must have the “intention to use the Data for the benefit of advancing transgender health in a positive manner,” the content approval must involve SOC8 chapter leads, and the review must include “at least one member of the transgender community in the design, drafting of the article, and the final approval of the article.”
Two levels of WPATH approval were required before JHU could submit a publication: first, the proposal which includes the conclusion had to be approved; and then, the actual manuscript draft, with WPATH retaining the rights to alter content.
Only the reviews passing both levels of approval could be submitted by JHU for publication—and they had to carry a specific disclaimer that “the authors are solely responsible for the content of the manuscript, and the manuscript does not necessarily reflect the view of WPATH in the publication.”
Can you believe the John Hopkins folks agreed to this? This is not science. WPATH is not credible. And this is why we in America are the outliers: we’re not basing guidelines on systematic reviews, or reality. We’re basing them on an activist group’s political agenda, and even the HHS knows there’s no good evidence. In fact, AHRQ was asked to review guidelines for treating gender dysphoric youth back in 2020, because, the request said:
There is a lack of current evidence-based guidance for care of children and adolescents who identify as transgender, particularly regarding the benefits and harms of pubertal suppression, medical affirmation with hormone therapy, and surgical affirmation. While these are some existing guidelines and standards of care,2, 5-6 most are derived from expert opinion or have not been updated recently so a comprehensive evidence review is currently not available.
What did AHRQ decide, after communicating with the Hopkins researchers?
The EPC Program will not develop a new systematic review because we found protocols for two systematic reviews that addresses portions of the nomination, and an insufficient number of primary studies exist to address the remainder of the nomination.
Basically, they said someone was already doing it, and there wasn’t enough evidence to sort through. But the someone already doing it had already agreed to put science aside and only discuss benefits, not harms.
How could a federal agency abdicate its responsibility? Wouldn’t you know it, the Assistant Secretary for Health for Health and Human Services (HHS) is Dr. Rachel Levine. And as the NYT did report, and as I summarized briefly in The Free Press this morning, Levine pressured WPATH to remove age restrictions from guidelines—not based on science, again, but on advocating for Levine’s own trans community.
It’s officially a scandal now, and it goes all the way to the White House. Holy fuck.
Needless to say, I was not able to ignore The Issue at drinks.
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theorgantrail · 4 months
passage denied; on bodily autonomy and trans health
“[Psychiatrists and therapists] … use you, suck you dry, and tell you their pitiful opinions, and my response is: What right do you have to determine whether I live or die? Ultimately the person you have to answer to is yourself and I think I’m too important to leave my fate up to anyone else. I’ll lie my ass off to get what I have to.” —Claudine Griggs, S/he: Changing Sex and Changing Clothes (1998); quoted in Dean Spade, Resisting Medicine, Re/modeling Gender
Despite being accepted by every major medical association in the United States, gender-affirming healthcare has turned into a hot-button issue, with state legislatures pushing to restrict hormone therapy and surgery from both minors and adults.
More below the cut.
One of the most frequently cited concerns against opening up access to trans healthcare is that young people will rush into an irreversible procedure and regret it in the future.
I consider this a denial of bodily autonomy.
The US has a long legacy of denying trans people autonomy on the basis of psychiatrics and pathology. The Johns Hopkins gender clinic opened in 1966 but closed in 1979 as the newest chief of psychiatry. In 1980, "Gender Identity Disorder" was added to the DSM-III. While this gave gender transgressive people an avenue to access care, it pathologized trans identity as a medical condition—something that could only be obtained through a doctor's diagnosis. By classifying trans identity as a medical disorder, this inherently strips trans people of their agency and puts all the power into the hands of doctors—something that gets incredibly problematic when legal existence as a trans person was so intertwined with medical evidence.
This also entailed individuals seeking care needing to conform to absurd criteria on what a "true transsexual" should be—"Did you play with trucks growing up?" "Do you feel like a woman in a man's body?"—as if there could only be one model, one truth, for something so transgressive.
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Excerpt from Dean Spade, Resisting Medicine, Re/modeling Gender
Batman and Barbie never existed a century ago. Why were we using them as the metric for whether or not a kid conforms to a specific gender? All this tells me is how much of gender is shaped by culture and politics—so why is access to necessary care so gatekept behind all this theatre? The scrutiny of an external observer?
It wasn't until 2013 with the publication of the DSM-V that "gender dysphoria" replaced GID. The language has improved, but this classification is still rooted in pathology.
There already is so many barriers to accessing trans healthcare in the waiting periods and doctoral scrutiny that the concerns about regret—when hormone replacement therapy can be reversed just by stopping—when <1% of patients report regret after gender-affirming surgery—seem absurd. Even other surgical procedures don't have regret rates that low. We don't put the same scrutiny on marriage in spite of the significantly higher divorce rate. In fact, 33 states—more than half the states in the union—do not have no-fault divorce—does that not also make marriage an irreversible life-changing procedure?
In any case, I believe in bodily autonomy, full stop—that also means the right to make mistakes, whether that means starting HRT, getting a mastectomy, or getting married, when all of these choices are done to further your happiness and your health. If it doesn't pan out, that's a shame, but that's all on you. The important point is that you had a choice, and you made it.
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epimpacademy · 5 months
OnlyFans Business beheersen: een uitgebreide gids voor succes
E-pimp Academy: OnlyFans Business beheersen
Welkom bij E-pimp Academy, jouw toegangspoort tot het beheersen van de kunst van OnlyFans zakendoen. Of je nu nieuw bent in de scene of een doorgewinterde ondernemer, onze academie biedt uitgebreide training en middelen die op maat zijn gemaakt om jouw OnlyFans-succes te vergroten. Leer de ins en outs van het verdienen van geld met OnlyFans door middel van effectieve managementstrategieën en bedrijfstechnieken.
Verdien geld met OnlyFans: ontgrendel financieel succes
Ontdek hoe je als een professional Geld verdienen met OnlyFans. Onze gespecialiseerde cursussen leren je de geheimen van het maximaliseren van inkomsten en het opbouwen van een loyale fanbase. Van contentcreatie tot marketing, duik in de wereld van OnlyFans verdienen en zet uw passie om in winst.
OnlyFans Earn: het inkomstenpotentieel maximaliseren
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OnlyFans-Manager: verbeter uw managementvaardigheden
Word een elite OnlyFans-manager met ons geavanceerde trainingsprogramma. Leer de nuances van modelbeheer, promoties en klantrelaties om uit te blinken als OFM-beheerder.
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OnlyFans Business: bouw je imperium op
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OFM-beheerder: Beheersing van de kunst van het management
Word een ofm beheerder met expertise in modelbeheer en bedrijfsontwikkeling. Benut de kracht van de managementvaardigheden van OnlyFans om uw carrière vooruit te helpen.
OF Manager worden: jouw pad naar leiderschap van OnlyFans
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OFM Business: lancering van uw OnlyFans-beheerbureau
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OnlyFans Model Management: Talent koesteren, resultaten maximaliseren
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OnlyFans Management Agency: de blauwdruk voor succes
Zet een bloeiend onlyfans managementbureau op met onze uitgebreide gids. Van bedrijfsstrategieën tot promotiecursussen: bouw een robuust bureau dat resultaten levert.
OnlyFans-managementvaardigheden: breng uw carrière naar een hoger niveau
Verbeter uw OnlyFans-managementvaardigheden en onderscheid uzelf in de branche. Leer effectieve marketing- en promotietechnieken om uit te blinken als modelmanager.
OnlyFans bedrijfstraining: investeren in uitmuntendheid
Investeer in OnlyFans bedrijfstraining en voor ongeëvenaarde bedrijfsgroei. Rust uw team uit met geavanceerde managementtechnieken en strategische inzichten om te floreren op de markt.
Beste onlyfans-management: industriestandaarden instellen
Ontdek de geheimen van de beste onlyfans-management. Ontketen uw potentieel als modelmanager en pionier met innovatieve strategieën voor succes.
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Start OnlyFans Management: uw startpunt voor ondernemerschap
Begin met vertrouwen uw reis naar het start onlyfans management. Leer hoe u uw bureau vanaf de basis kunt opzetten en laten groeien.
OnlyFans wordt manager: uw routekaart naar succes
Ontdek hoe OnlyFans manager wordt door effectief leiderschap en zakelijk inzicht. Geef uw carrière een boost en maak indruk in de branche.
OFM Business starten: uw gids voor ondernemerssucces
Navigeer door de complexiteit van het OFM Business starten met onze deskundige begeleiding. Krijg praktische inzichten in bureaumanagement en klantenwerving om te gedijen in dit dynamische veld.
OnlyFans Agency: creëer uw pad naar succes
Richt uw OnlyFans-bureau op en domineer de markt. Ontdek bedrijfsstrategieën en managementtechnieken om uw bureau naar nieuwe hoogten te tillen.
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OnlyFans bedrijfsstrategieën: uw groei stimuleren
Ontgrendel innovatieve bedrijfsstrategieën die zijn afgestemd op het OnlyFans bedrijfsstrategieën. Leer hoe u uw inkomstenstromen kunt optimaliseren en uw klantenbestand kunt uitbreiden.
OnlyFans promotiecursus: marketingtechnieken beheersen
Schrijf u in voor onze OnlyFans-promotiecursus en leer marketing- en promotiestrategieën kennen. Verkrijg de tools die nodig zijn om de zichtbaarheid van uw merk te vergroten en loyale fans aan te trekken.
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7abwis · 2 years
Talking about the books & comics I’ve read this 2023 so far so they have more staying power in my brain and bc i gotta learn it’s good to appreciate the things you’ve read lest you just kinda zoom from one thing to the next w/o really absorbing it. not tagging them and just putting xs in the name cause i don’t want it to end up in the tags. but also | contains spoilers |. doing this for my own documentation rather than for reccs, so im not gonna attach any warnings to the books - but if you do end up going for them make sure to look it up first.
1. Monster of Elendhxven - Jennifer Gixsbrecht Think I started it a little before the new year but it still counts for 2023. Fun, easy read. Really appreciated how the author could be concise with everything they wanted to say and still convey all the depth and emotion and some of those hard-hitting lines. It’s a short book of a little over a 100 pages.
The slow buildup and shift in audience perspective of Johann being the titular monster to realizing it’s Leikenbloom was really well done. Kanya’s buildup didn’t feel as smooth but that could be attributed to the fact that the story’s mainly Johann’s POV. The metaphors were chef kiss.
Think it did a good job of straddling the dark aspects in a way that was like yeah this is a dark setting with fucked up characters and it all fits together vs violence for violence’s sake without tying it in to the existing themes and motifs and all which isn’t my thing personally. 2. Nxna the Ninth - Txmsyn Mxir ugh ugh ugh love the lxcked tomb series. Every single book is from a radically different pov and a completely different genre and they’re all so good. the family dynamic was so good and cam and pal are my favorites. love nna so much, she was such a good character. there’s something about a character in the most bleak dogshit situations managing to find the beauty and hope in so much despite Everything that’s happening.
in general having the physical manifestation of earth’s soul be so hopeful and having people who were just trying their best take care of her and love her and her in turn loving them is just... good. paul still sucks as a name for cam/pal lol but its fitting to the humor of the story and cam and pal’s own subtler cheekiness so im not mad at it. but even then, i have a feeling before the next book’s end paul will probably die, as cam and pal have technically done so now. the whole series feels tied into the theme of things change, they’re scrambled, shits all so fucked up, and then things never go back to the exact thing they once were, but we adapt and change with them, we adapt and change things ourselves, we fight for the things we want and the things we don’t know we want. and when things come to an end, that’s just the way it is.
gid’s pov came first and we haven’t seen it since (edit: actually let me rephrase bc technically both gid and hxrrow were told through gid’s pov - we haven’t seen gid’s pov WITH her agency intact since the first book. txmsyn making it more complicated as usual lmao, but if you’ve read it you get what i mean), but we haven’t seen hxrrow’s pov with her agency intact since hxrrow, now nxna’s pov will likely not be present at all in the next book. all were different genres, all told through different eyes and cirucmstances, and honestly they’re probably not going to be repeated again. the last book will probably be another different pov (unless mxir pulls a fast one and decides to switch it up by making this last book switch povs from character to character. i wouldn’t put it past her bc she seems to like challenging herself and trying new things) anywho, god love this series. edit: AND WAIT ANOTHER THING! its funny how when you read the first book you’re like yeah gxdeon’s the protag, no bar, and then as you go to hxrrow its like ok wait hxrrow is the dual protag, then you go to nxna and at the end of the day you realize gxdeon _isn’t even really_ the Tried and True One protag in the way that her 1st pov set it up. hxrrow yes bc _everything_ centers around her and yeah gid’s highly important, but its funny how the two highly important characters can be put to the side for a whole book and give the stage to someone else (at least mostly, not including the asides where hxrrow’s in that limbo talking to john) and the plot still moves forward 3. Cretaceous - Tadd Gxlusha
Fun comic, this was definitely one of those things that felt like it helped train my visual literacy for western comics. p much only grew up reading manga in the comics department, so getting older and actually reading western comics and seeing how different the pacing and paneling and different approaches were and getting used to that had a bit more of a learning curve. for a while it felt like i wasn’t absorbing as much of the plot and characterization for things.
but this one being silent definitely helped with that - i was more able to focus on the art itself and what it was conveying than just breezing through it by reading the words. the story was exceedingly clear and the artist did a great job in conveying emotion in realistic dinosaurs. also there was so much clever paneling. 4. Six of Crxws - Lxigh Bardxgo Started off kinda rocky. i don’t often use this word but the intros felt cheesy, felt very underdeveloped YA for a second there. but it improved vastly as it went on when we actually got to properly see the characters in their element. i appreciate the way the different povs gave the audience different bits of info not privvy to the other characters and what they thought of each other vs how they thought the others perceived them.
i really do appreciate that they all felt like completely different characters with completely different goals in mind, and how those goals clashed were interesting. ive seen some writing (and honestly it’s something i have to work on my own stuff) fall into the trap of i Have to make sure the audience knows these are Reasonable Characters who are smart in certain situations bc it’d be stupid if they did this and this, rather than letting the personality of the character and their experiences take over instead and let those stupid decisions happen and let the audience form their own conclusions about it.
felt indifferent towards the romances - though they had a couple good lines, but overall i’ll def be trying to read book 2. probably not gonna bother with the tv show. inxj, jxsper, nxna’s friendship though is very cute. but what i especially will give the book is that once i got past the first part i did want to continue hungrily reading it.
mixed feelings about wylxn because for most of the book he just kind of Existed not doing much and then he was their get out of jail free card. not mad at it bc it fits in with his theme of yknow rich boy who isn’t particularly worldly but at the end of the day there are several things he’s really good at and he will grow a spine when necessary. but at the same time couldn’t form an attachment or find him too compelling yet. will say it is funny that he’s presented the way he is as more timid and unknowing and then you find out all the shit he got in trouble for with his dad. like that’s hilarious. 5. Lxura Dean Keeps Breaking Up With Me - Mxriko Txmaki Loved the inking and paneling for this comic. the limited color palette choices were so good too. Rosemary Vxlero-O’Connell did such a good job. Overall, just felt like such a natural story, like something you knew that happened to a friend or a friend of a friend. the combination of the writing and paneling worked so well to convey the feelings it needed to. also i really liked how well the artist filled each panel in the establishing shots when they needed to and how natural that felt. that’s something i definitely struggle with and wanna take with me. Aaaand that’s it for now. Next is Nxghtwing: Leaping into the Light, Long Wxy to a Small Angry Plxnet, and if I can get my hands on it without it being checked out 24/7, A Cxurt of Thorns and Rxses
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uswnt5 · 2 years
I find this Free Agency tracker pretty helpful from Chris Henderson, in terms of levels of talent.
Someone tell me more about Maggie Dougherty Howard
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deblala · 2 months
PHOTO & VIDEO: Oh, really, the 20-year-old shooter at the PA Trump rally used a $12,000 rifle! Then which intel agency bought it or him—MOSSAD, CIA, MI6, BND, DGSE, GID……? | SOTN: Alternative News, Analysis & Commentary
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[ad_1] Codina Companions is nearing the end line at Downtown Doral. The Coral Gables-based agency will develop 25,000 sq. toes of retail with 13 tenant models and rooftop facilities resembling pickleball courts, in addition to garages with 929 areas alongside Northwest 87th Avenue, in line with a Codina information launch. Building of the retail is anticipated to begin this summer season and completion is scheduled for the second or third quarter of subsequent 12 months, a spokesperson mentioned. Codina may even raze growing old workplace buildings as soon as a part of the Koger Middle, liberating up 25 acres alongside Northwest 52nd Terrace and 53rd Road. The agency preliminarily plans residences on the location, together with a gated single-family dwelling advanced and multifamily. The spokesperson did not present particulars on the variety of models and buildings, solely saying the workplace park redevelopment will begin subsequent 12 months. The Koger Middle buildings at 8200, 8240 and 8350 Northwest 52nd Terrace, in addition to 8300 Northwest 53rd Road have been constructed from 1987 to 1999, property data present. Led by father-daughter duo Armand Codina and Ana-Marie Codina Barlick, Codine took the lead in creating the 250-acre Downtown Doral within the Miami-Dade County metropolis. The advanced now consists of 5,000 residences, together with single-family homes, townhomes and condos; 660,000 sq. toes of places of work; 40 retailers and eating places; two constitution colleges; and Doral Authorities Middle, together with Metropolis Corridor, in line with the discharge. Downtown Doral additionally has a 3-acre park and a 14,000-square-foot cultural middle. Through the years, Codina offered parts of Downtown Doral to different traders. In 2019, the developer offered a 4-acre lot at 8425 Northwest forty first Road for $19.3 million to Greystar. After finishing the eight-story, 385-unit Céntrico by Windsor Flats in 2020, Greystar offered it to GID for $149.8 million in 2022. Homebuilder Lennar additionally plans the Urbana apartment and townhouse neighborhood at 8370 Northwest forty ninth Road in Downtown Doral, in line with the agency's web site. Pre-sales have launched, with costs starting from $715,000 to $943,000. Learn extra [ad_2] Supply hyperlink
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thirstytales · 11 months
Laugh out Law. 01 ( 31 August 2023) Here I am again, deactivating, activating, and waving with a long post that I might set in private later.
New school year, new classmates, new professors, new experience, new learning, SAME-OLD CLASSROOM.
I started my Law School journey last year, a proud SOCRATES. We were 48 bold lions during the first day at Jurassic Park, 1 down the next day, 2 the following week, and at least 3 in the subsequent months, until I lost count. We were lions, the supposed king of the jungle, but, we turned out to be prey, eaten alive, one by one. From the pack of 48, some 38 survived.
The first day of classes was the culmination of Gensan Tuna Festival, people were partying at the Oval Plaza while we were braving our Criminal Law class with Atty. Pantua in a navy blue suit and tie. (Vultures in my stomach! This is it! first night as a law student.)
We then had our TYPICAL meet and greet where you will be asked for your name, work, reason for entering law school, etc. BUT YOU WILL NEVER PREDICT THE FOLLOW-UP QUESTION.hehe (surprise!)
I remember my introduction to the question—“Good evening Atty, “musing” from…” With that one word, I was immediately cut “musing? ano na? may pa musing2x pa, use simple words”—said he. hahahahha. YES! In the end, we all stood up in class like lost lions in the jungle. (Kataw-anan nalang gid ni karon, but the feeling back then is unimaginable.)
Fast forward, now a second-year student…
We had our first class last night with Atty. Panganduyon for Labor Law and Social Legislation. In law school, you will get the jitters not as an exclusive on the first day of classes, but as an everyday general rule.
Meet and greet again, this time, with expectations from the class. There were new faces in the room, the majority were teachers, some were from government agencies, others were from big private corporations, and a few were freelance or private practitioners. The introduction collected expectations of a fun, fair, interactive, and unintimidating learning experience, and posed a hope of “not leaving anyone behind” at the end of the semester. (This made my heart happy, even in school we are applying the central, transformative promise of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), YES PO!!!)
Last night, Atty. Panganduyon shared how he struggled back as a working student, and how he triumphed as a lawyer today. It is not a new story, of course. When I feel demotivated, anxious, and a ‘bogo’ student, hearing a “common” story hits differently. A perfect timing.
“Kapalan ang mukha tatagan ang loob” - when you are thrown out of the class or punished to stand for 3 hours.
“Be humble” - you may be a graduate with Latin honor, the son of a powerful politician, the boss of your own company, or the richest man among the pack, yet in class, YOU ARE SEATED AS A STUDENT. The teacher is the rule.
“Fight your fear” - if you let fear in, it will hinder your success.
With all, I guess what I will remember, more than his words above, will be him, his name, “PANGANDUYON” - in Bisaya, is equivalent to a “big dreamer”.
Remember that you are where you are because you are a big dreamer.
As a law student, remember that you are still a lion, maybe Simba for now. But the jungle is waiting.
📢📣🔈🔉🔊sound on🔊🔉🔈📣📢
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kmp78 · 1 year
"I for one find her "career" lackluster at best and tbh she really should look elsewhere for employment cos it's highly unlikely she's gonna live off modeling her entire life. "
So do her agency neither Marilyn nor Milk cared to post just one shot of her on the catwalk. Every other model who walked NYFW '23 got a mention on their gid and stories. She should wake up from her fairytale and get to work on carving out a life in which she thrives. Her career hasn't been exactly stellar before, but since JL entered the scene, it's even worse. She needs to recalibrate her focus away from keeping him hooked and sharading with his fans on socials, back to her career. JL can't and won't do zilch for her future. And honestly why should he? Nobody handed him anything. As cringe and repellent, some of his latest antics might be especially if you've been around a while. He shows up and does the work, nobody can accuse him of being a lazy fuck as SL. The results might not be great lately but at least he tries. TTT seems way too comfortable with the current 'situationship'.
That's the difference between her and VK. 🤷🏼‍♀️
VK was a lot younger and still kinda at the start of her career which was already on a good path and while the links to JL didn't give her any massive breaks, they certainly did not harm her career either. 🤷🏼‍♀️
But Thinnie is almost a decade older both in age and in terms of her career, and even if JL suddenly did start promoting her like cray and make attempts at boosting her career...
What good would it do anyway?
How many major fashion houses are gonna start kicking each other in the shins to sign an almost 30 yo model who has no special features or the elusive "It Factor" just because she's doing Jared Leto?
JL is nowhere near famous or powerful enough to make anyone's career in any field explode! 😂🤷🏼‍♀️
Fuck the guy can barely even keep HIS OWN CAREER(S) alive so how's he gonna do that for someone else?! 😂😭
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giddingsagencie · 1 year
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Published: Apr 5, 2023
Prisha Mosley was 17 when she was first given testosterone in a clinic in North Carolina, after she had declared to her parents that she was a boy. She had struggled through her teen years with anorexia and depression after a sexual assault. Luka Hein had both breasts removed as a 16-year-old in Nebraska. Chloe Cole, in California, was a year younger when she had her double mastectomy. She had been on testosterone and puberty-blocking drugs since 13, also after a sexual assault.
All three girls were experiencing “gender dysphoria”, a feeling of intense discomfort with their own sexed bodies. Once a rare diagnosis, it has exploded over the past decade. In England and Wales the number of teenagers seeking treatment at the Gender Identity Development Service (gids), the main clinic treating dysphoria, has risen 17-fold since 2011-12 (see chart 1). An analysis by Reuters, a news agency, based on data from Komodo, a health-technology firm, estimated that more than 42,000 American children and teenagers were diagnosed in 2021—three times the count in 2017. Other rich countries, from Australia to Sweden, have also experienced rapid increases.
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As the caseload has grown, so has a method of treatment, pioneered in the Netherlands, now known as “gender-affirming care”. It involves acknowledging patients’ feelings about a mismatch between their body and their sense of self and, after a psychological assessment, offering some of them a combination of puberty-blocking drugs, opposite-sex hormones and sometimes surgery to try to ease their discomfort. Komodo’s data suggest around 5,000 teenagers were prescribed puberty-blockers or cross-sex hormones in America in 2021, double the number in 2017.
Dysphoria furoria
The treatment is controversial. In many countries, but in America most of all, it has become yet another front in the culture wars. Many on the left caricature critics of gender-affirming care as callously disregarding extreme distress and even suicides among adolescents with gender dysphoria in their determination to “erase” trans people. Zealots on the right, meanwhile, accuse doctors of being so hell-bent on promoting gender transitions that they “groom” vulnerable teenagers—a term usually applied to paedophiles. In October supporters and critics of gender-affirming care held rival, rowdy protests outside a meeting of the American Academy of Paediatrics. Several American states, such as Florida and Utah, have passed laws banning gender-affirming care in children. Joe Biden, America’s president, has described such laws as “close to sinful”.
Almost all America’s medical authorities support gender-affirming care. But those in Britain, Finland, France, Norway and Sweden, while supporting talking therapy as a first step, have misgivings about the pharmacological and surgical elements of the treatment. A Finnish review, published in 2020, concluded that gender reassignment in children is “experimental” and that treatment should seldom proceed beyond talking therapy. Swedish authorities found that the risks of physical interventions “currently outweigh the possible benefits” and should only be offered in “exceptional cases”. In Britain a review led by Hilary Cass, a paediatrician, found that gender-affirming care had developed without “some of the normal quality controls that are typically applied when new or innovative treatments are introduced”. In 2022 France’s National Academy of Medicine advised doctors to proceed with drugs and surgery only with “great medical caution” and “the greatest reserve”.
There is no question that many children and parents are desperate to get help with gender dysphoria. Some consider the physical elements of gender-affirming care to have been life-saving treatments. But the fact that some patients are harmed is not in doubt either. Ms Mosley, Ms Hein and Ms Cole are all “detransitioners”: they have changed their minds and no longer wish to be seen as male. All three bitterly regret the irreversible effects of their treatment and are angry at doctors who, they say, rushed them into it. Ms Cole considers herself to have been “butchered by institutions we all thought we could trust”.
The transitioning of teenagers has its roots in a treatment protocol developed in the Netherlands in the 1980s and 1990s. It is built on three pillars: puberty-blockers (formally known as gnrh antagonists), cross-sex hormones and surgery. The goal was to alter the patient’s body to more closely match their sense of cross-sex identity, and thereby relieve their mental anguish. A pair of papers published in 2011 and 2014 by Annelou de Vries, one of the Dutch protocol’s pioneers, reported on the experiences of some of the first patients. They concluded that symptoms of depression decreased among patients taking puberty-blockers, and that gender dysphoria “resolved” and psychological functioning “steadily improved” after cross-sex hormones and surgery.
Transition ignition
Puberty-blockers do what their name suggests. The idea is that suspending unwanted sexual development can give patients time to think about their dysphoria, and whether or not they wish to pursue more drastic interventions. The same family of drugs is used to treat “central precocious puberty”, in which puberty begins very early. Some countries also use them to chemically castrate sex offenders. As with many other medicines used in children, the use of puberty-blockers in gender medicine is “off-label”, meaning that they do not have regulatory approval for that purpose.
Patients who decide to proceed with their transition are then prescribed cross-sex hormones. Males will see the development of breasts and alterations to how fat is stored on the body. Giving testosterone to females boosts muscle growth and causes irreversible changes such as deepening the voice, altering the bone structure of the face and the growth of facial hair.
Under the original Dutch protocol, surgery was permitted only after a patient turned 18, although as the cases of Ms Cole and Ms Hein show, in some places mastectomies occur at a younger age. Male patients can have artificial breasts implanted. More elaborate procedures, in which females have a simulated penis built from a tube of skin harvested from the forearm or the thigh, or males have an artificial vagina made in a “penile inversion”, are performed extremely rarely on minors.
In 2020 the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence (nice), a British body which reviews the scientific underpinnings of medical treatments, looked at the case for puberty-blockers and cross-sex hormones. The academic evidence it found was weak, discouraging and in some cases contradictory. The studies suggest puberty-blockers had little impact on patients. Cross-sex hormones may improve mental health, but the certainty of that finding was low, and nice warned of the unknown risks of lasting side-effects.
For both classes of drug, nice assessed the quality of the papers it analysed as “very low”, its poorest rating. Some studies reported results but made no effort to analyse them for statistical significance. Cross-sex hormones are a lifelong treatment, yet follow-up was short, ranging from one to six years. Most studies followed only a single set of patients, who were given the drugs, instead of comparing them with another set who were not. Without such a “control group”, researchers cannot tell whether anything that happened to the patients in the studies was down to the drugs, to other treatments the patients might be receiving (such as counselling or antidepressants), or to some other, unrelated third factor.
The upshot is that it is hard to know whether any of the supposed effects reported in the studies, whether positive or negative, are actually real. Reviews in Finland and Sweden came to similar conclusions. As the Swedish one put it, “The scientific base is not sufficient to assess…puberty-inhibiting or gender-opposite hormone treatment” in children.
Two American professional bodies, the Endocrine Society (es) and the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (wpath) have also reviewed the science underpinning adolescent transitions. But es’s review did not set out to look at whether gender-affirming care helped resolve gender dysphoria or improve mental health by any measure. It focused instead on side-effects, for which it found only weak evidence. This omission, says Gordon Guyatt of McMaster University, makes the review “fundamentally flawed”. wpath, for its part, did look at the psychological effects of blockers and hormones. It found scant, low-quality evidence. Despite these findings, both groups continue to recommend physical treatments for gender dysphoria, and insist that their reviews and the resulting guidelines are sound.
One justification for puberty-blockers is that they “buy time” for children to decide whether to proceed with cross-sex hormones or not. But the data available so far from clinics suggest that almost all decide to go ahead. A Dutch paper published in October concluded that 98% of adolescents prescribed blockers decide to proceed to cross-sex hormones. Similarly high numbers have been reported elsewhere.
The reassuring interpretation is that blockers are being prescribed very precisely, given only to those whose dysphoria is deep-rooted and unlikely to ease. The troubling one is that puberty-blockers lock at least some children in to further treatment. “Time to Think”, a new book about gids by a British journalist, Hannah Barnes, cites British medical workers concerned by the latter possibility. They say patients received blockers after cursory and shallow examinations.
The Dutch researchers weigh both explanations. “It is likely that most people starting [puberty-blockers] experience sustained gender dysphoria,” they write. But, “One cannot exclude the possibility that starting [puberty-blockers] in itself makes adolescents more likely to continue medical transition.”
Perhaps the biggest question is how many of those given drugs and surgery eventually change their minds and “detransition”, having reconciled themselves with their biological sex. Those who do often face fresh anguish as they come to terms with permanent and visible alterations to their bodies.
Once again, good data are scarce. One problem is that those who abandon a transition are likely to stop talking to their doctors, and so disappear from the figures. The estimates that do exist vary by an order of magnitude or more. Some studies have reported detransition rates as low as 1%. But three papers published in 2021 and 2022, which looked at patients in Britain and in America’s armed forces, found that between 7% and 30% of them stopped treatment within a few years.
The original Dutch studies published in 2011 and 2014 were longitudinal—that is, they followed the same group of patients throughout their treatment. Yet three recent critiques published in the Journal of Sex & Marital Therapy nonetheless find fault with the studies’ data.
One of the new studies’ concerns is the small size of the original samples. The 2011 paper looked at 70 patients. But the outcome of treatment was only known for between 32 and 55 of them (the exact number depends on the specific measure). And even then, the final assessment of outcomes occurred around 18 months after surgery—a very short timeframe for a treatment whose effects will last a lifetime. (The first patient, “FG”, was followed for longer. In 2011, when in his mid-30s, researchers reported his feelings of “shame about his genital appearance” and of “inadequacy in sexual matters”. A decade later though, things had improved, and FG had a steady girlfriend.)
The critiques also suggest that the finding that gender dysphoria improved with treatment may have been an artefact of how the participants were assessed. Before treatment, female patients were asked to agree or disagree with such statements as, “Every time someone treats me like a girl I feel hurt.” This established their desire to be seen as male. After blockers, hormones and surgery the same individuals were asked questions on a scale originally developed for those born male. It offered statements such as, “Every time someone treats me like a boy I feel hurt.” Naturally, patients who preferred to be seen as male disagreed. In effect, the yardstick was changed in a way that might be seen as making positive outcomes more likely.
Finally, the original studies seem to have inadvertently cherry-picked patients for whom the treatment was most effective. The researchers started with 111 adolescents, but excluded those whose treatment with puberty-blockers did not progress well. Of the remaining 70, others were omitted from the final findings because they did not return questionnaires, or explicitly refused to do so, or dropped out of care or, in one case, died of complications from genital surgery. The data may therefore exclude precisely those patients who were harmed by or dissatisfied with their treatment.
In a rebuttal published in the same journal, Dr de Vries insists that the original papers found a significant improvement in gender dysphoria, the condition the protocol was designed to treat. She concedes that the switching of assessment scales is “not ideal” but says this does not imply the studies’ results were “’falsely’ measured”. In response to worries about the relatively short follow-up, she noted that a study reporting longer-term outcomes is due “in the upcoming years”.
What is more, whatever the merits of the Dutch team’s original research, the patients passing through modern clinics are strikingly different from those assessed in their papers. Twenty years ago the majority of patients were pre-pubescent boys; in recent years teenage girls have come to dominate (see chart 2). The findings of older research may not apply to today’s patients.
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The Dutch team’s approach was deliberately conservative. Patients had to have suffered from gender dysphoria since before puberty. Many of today’s patients say they began to suffer from dysphoria as teenagers. The Dutch protocol excludes those with mental-health problems from receiving treatment. But 70% or more of the young people seeking treatment suffer from mental-health problems, according to three recent papers looking at patients in America, Australia and Finland.
Despite the protocol’s caution, says Will Malone of the Society for Evidence-Based Gender Medicine, an international group of concerned clinicians, the reality is often the reverse, especially in America, with mental-health issues becoming a reason to proceed with transitions, rather than to stop them. “We are now told that if we don’t address young people’s mental-health problems caused by dysphoria with transition, they will kill themselves.”
Gender agenda
The original Dutch protocol emphasises the need for careful screening and assessments, as do official guidelines in most countries. But whatever the guidance, there are persistent allegations that it is not being followed in practice. “I had one 15-minute appointment before I was given testosterone,” says Ms Mosley. Many American patients contacted by The Economist reported similarly brief examinations.
The possibility that many teenagers presenting as trans could instead be gay has long been discussed. The Dutch study of 2011 found that 97% of the participants were attracted either to their own sex or to both sexes. In 2019 a group of doctors who resigned from gids told the Times, a British newspaper, of their worries about homophobia in some patients and parents. They worried that, by turning children into simulacra of the opposite sex, the clinic was, in effect, providing a new type of “conversion therapy” for gay children.
Both within America and without, whatever the loudmouths may claim, the vast majority of practitioners are simply trying to ease the genuine suffering of adolescents afflicted by gender dysphoria. But in America in particular the charged atmosphere has made it very difficult to separate the science from the politics.
European medical systems have not concluded that it is always wrong for an adolescent to transition. They are not trying to erase distressed patients. They have simply determined that more research and data are needed before physical treatments for gender dysphoria can become routine. Further research could, conceivably, lead to guidelines similar to those already in use by American medical bodies. But that is another way of saying that it is impossible to justify the current recommendations about gender-affirming care based on the existing data. 
[ Via: https://archive.is/oeQ6F ]
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cryptogids · 1 year
SEC wil bloed zien en klaagt nu Coinbase aan; CEO Brian Armstrong is klaar voor de strijd
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Brian Armstrong, de Chief Executive Officer van Coinbase Global Inc, heeft gereageerd op de rechtszaak die de U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission eerder vandaag heeft aangespannen. De klacht van de SEC beschuldigde de grootste cryptobeurs in de Verenigde Staten van het opereren als een geregistreerde effectenbeurs, makelaar en clearing agency en het overtreden van de effectenwetgeving. CEO Coinbase: Trots om de crypto industrie te vertegenwoordigen in de rechtszaal. Brian Armstrong ging naar Twitter om de SEC uit te schelden omdat ze hun toevlucht nemen tot rechtszaken in plaats van zijn cryptobeurs en soortgelijke entiteiten te begeleiden naar naleving van de regelgeving door zich bezig te houden met het opstellen van regels voor de bredere crypto industrie. Armstrong vertelde zijn volgers dat zijn bedrijf trots is om de industrie te vertegenwoordigen in de rechtszaal in het nastreven van duidelijkheid rond regels voor de crypto industrie. De Coinbase topman herinnerde iedereen er ook aan dat de effectenregulator de activiteiten van het bedrijf had beoordeeld voordat het toestemming kreeg om in 2021 naar de beurs te gaan. In reactie op de oproep van SEC-voorzitter Gary Gensler aan crypto bedrijven om zich "te laten registreren", verduidelijkte Brian Armstrong dat er onder het huidige regelgevingsstelsel geen ruimte was voor bedrijven zoals het zijne om zich te laten registreren bij de toezichthouder. Hij wees ook op de tegenstrijdige verklaringen van de SEC en de Commodities and Futures Trading Commission (CFTC) over het verschil tussen een effect en een grondstof. Armstrong haalde de recente gebeurtenissen aan om de noodzaak te onderstrepen van nieuwe wetgeving van het Amerikaanse Congres om crypto te ondersteunen door duidelijke regels op te stellen. In plaats van een duidelijke regelgeving te publiceren, heeft de SEC gekozen voor een aanpak van regulering door handhaving die Amerika schaadt. Dus als we een beroep moeten doen op de rechter om duidelijkheid te krijgen, dan moet dat maar." Brian Armstrong, Chief Executive Officer bij Coinbase Paul Grewal, Chief Legal Officer van Coinbase, verklaarde dat de aanpak van de SEC die alleen op handhaving is gericht, bij gebrek aan duidelijke regels voor de digitale activa-industrie, het economische concurrentievermogen van Amerika schaadt. Grewal voegde eraan toe dat de rechtszaak geen invloed zou hebben op de activiteiten van de beurs en dat deze gewoon door zal gaan met haar activiteiten. In een tweet ter ondersteuning van Coinbase, riep Ripple CEO Brad Garlinghouse SEC voorzitter Gary Gensler uit voor zijn "lachwekkende pro-innovatie houding" over crypto. Ripple's Chief Legal Officer Stuart Alderoty voegde eraan toe dat, ondanks wat voorzitter Gensler beweert, de SEC niet de regelgevende bevoegdheid heeft om tokens als effecten te bestempelen. https://twitter.com/JoeCarlasare/status/1666069208923357184?s=20 De cijfers In een video die Coinbase dinsdag publiceerde, gaf de exchange statistieken om zijn toewijding aan naleving van de regelgeving en het gebrek aan medewerking van de SEC te bewijzen. De exchange merkte op dat het zijn "staking" 57 keer vermeldde in zijn S1-rapport, dat de SEC besloot goed te keuren. De beurs heeft ook 30 privégesprekken gevoerd met de SEC om advies te krijgen over hoe ze aan de wet kan blijven voldoen. Ondertussen heeft de SEC 0 uitgebreide regels opgesteld met betrekking tot crypto, en gebruikt een test uit 1946 om te bepalen of tokens effecten zijn (de Howey Test). Critici van Coinbase wezen er echter op dat de SEC in haar goedkeuring van de S1 van de exchange duidelijk maakte dat ze niet noodzakelijkerwijs de legaliteit van de onderliggende activiteiten van Coinbase goedkeurde. Word lid van de Bitcoin/Cryptocurrency Facebook groep en join de Discord/Telegram om onderdeel te worden van de community. Klik hier voor een gratis crypto starters gids. Read the full article
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pcnmagazine · 1 year
Dog Day Afternoon - Buzzcocks and Lambrini Girls added to the Ultimate PunK Line Up with Iggy Pop , Blondie and Generation Sex
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jokribv · 2 years
De beste eigenschappen en opties voor Daikin-warmtepompen: een gids voor kopers.
Warmtepompen zijn een populaire en energiezuinige optie voor het verwarmen en koelen van woningen, en Daikin is een van de topmerken op de markt. Of u nu uw huidige HVAC-systeem wilt vervangen of een nieuw systeem wilt installeren, de keuze voor een Daikin-warmtepomp kan een verstandige investering zijn. Met een verscheidenheid aan beschikbare modellen en functies kan het echter moeilijk zijn om te weten waar te beginnen. In dit artikel zetten we de beste eigenschappen en opties voor Daikin-warmtepompen op een rij, zodat u een weloverwogen beslissing kunt nemen.
Een van de belangrijkste factoren om rekening mee te houden bij het kiezen van een warmtepomp is efficiëntie. Daikin-warmtepompen staan ​​bekend om hun hoge energie-efficiëntieklassen, die u kunnen helpen geld te besparen op uw energierekening. Sommige modellen hebben zelfs Energy Star-certificeringen, wat betekent dat ze voldoen aan de strikte richtlijnen voor energiezuinigheid die zijn opgesteld door de Amerikaanse Environmental Protection Agency.
Let bij het winkelen voor een Daikin-warmtepomp op modellen met hoge seizoensgebonden energie-efficiëntieverhoudingen (SEER) en seizoensgebonden verwarmingsprestatiefactoren (HSPF). Hoe hoger deze waarden, hoe energiezuiniger de warmtepomp is. U kunt ook zoeken naar modellen met invertertechnologie, die de snelheid van de compressor aanpast aan uw verwarmings- en koelbehoeften. Dit kan helpen de energie-efficiëntie te verbeteren en de bedrijfskosten te verlagen.
Grootte en capaciteit
Een andere belangrijke factor om rekening mee te houden is de grootte en capaciteit van de warmtepomp. Daikin biedt warmtepompen in verschillende formaten, van kleine units voor één kamer tot grote, centrale systemen. Bij het kiezen van een warmtepomp is het belangrijk om er een te kiezen die geschikt is voor uw huis. Een te kleine warmtepomp kan uw huis niet effectief verwarmen en koelen, terwijl een te grote warmtepomp duurder is en energie verspilt.
Houd bij het bepalen van de juiste maat voor uw huis rekening met factoren zoals de vierkante meters, isolatieniveaus en het plaatselijke klimaat. Een erkende HVAC-aannemer kan u helpen bij het bepalen van de juiste maat voor uw huis.
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