#Gilmore girls rant
teddypickerry · 3 months
gg topics i could talk about forever + my hottakes!
i’ve seen a few people do their own version of this for their first watch soooo let me do it after seeing the show a little more than one time.
+ jess’s childhood. i have so many questions, so many points. what do you mean his mom drank while she was pregnant with him? what do you mean your mother is a whackjob? what do you mean you can’t sleep without music blasting? what do you mean you literally raised your self in the city while your mom was off getting married or binge drinking?
+ logan brought out the absolute WORST in rory.
+ emily is a horrible parent. a. horrible. parent. yes, she’s funny. yes, she’s one of the best characters. but if you justify her parenting, you’ve clearly never grown up with a parent like that.
+ why rory shouldn’t have ended up with any of her boyfriends from the show.
+ rory wasn’t a bad friend to paris or lane!!!! JFC.
+ zach fucking sucks. i don’t know how you guys justify him.
+ rory’s daddy issues and how they never actually talk about its depth, how much christopher hurt her. and how he only came back for his benefit with lorelai or sherry.
+ rory never understood jess and they wouldn’t have had a good relationship in the end.
+ each character’s music taste. you guys are soooo off (what the fuck makes you think lorelai would be a swiftie?).
+ rory being the child emily and richard never got and how hard that must’ve been on lorelai :(
+ jess’s fidgeting and mannerisms 🥹
+ jess (once again) was just a kid. he was JUST A KID. he was barely eighteen begging his dad to even stay the night, he was eighteen living in that shithole in nyc.
+ yeah, lane deserved a lot better but i don’t think she should’ve been a famous drummer. nor should she have been best friends with jess!!!
+ yeah jess and paris had one good scene together, but they wouldn’t have been best friends bonding over literature. they’d hate eachother within hours.
+ how was rory with dean for over a year as teenagers and they never got together until years later? maybe i’ve just been around the wrong teenage boys but i’ve never known a teenage boy who went over a year happily without putting out.
+ rory and lorelai BOTH have their insufferable moments. but they’re human, of course they make mistakes.
+ on the same topic, watching the show while absolutely hating one of them/loving the other is… insane. pure insanity. it’s called gilmore GIRLS for a reason.
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It's also just really tiring hearing people constantly blame the whole Dean situation on Rory when we see him tell her his marriage was over and we see her try to get him to leave like three times but he kept pushing it and telling her what she wanted to hear until she gave in! We literally saw Dean LIE to Rory about his marriage status and then go home and gaslight Lindsay! He manipulated Rory, was she 100 percent innocent in the situation? No. Should she have slept with him? No. But Dean destroyed his own marriage, he literally orchestrated the whole thing! And I get so tired on people saying that "Rory destroyed Dean" "Rory broke Dean" no just no.
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raisedbythetv89 · 1 year
Every time I see someone who is team Logan and very superior about it I burst MANY blood vessels holding back my scream of “YOU ONLY THINK THAT BECAUSE HE’S RICH IF HE WAS IN THE SAME FINANCIAL POSITION AS DEAN OR JESS YOU WOULD HATE HIM”
Because I really try my absolute hardest to not shit on other people’s ships in their spaces but I have seen no one talk about this 😭
Logan is literally the king of gaslighting and manipulating Rory out of her very appropriate emotional reactions to his shitty behavior and his second interaction with her is literally him playing devils advocate that technically his food service staff for his parties are servants….. he gets jealous of jess and becomes the biggest asshole on the planet to both Jess and Rory and then they break up!! And he doesn’t even tell her it’s a break up!! And then he sleeps with all his sisters friends who apparently he HATES??? and manipulates Rory into getting back together with him even though she’s still hurt and angry. But when Rory gets jealous of the woman Logan’s been working with who he failed to mention was a woman he doesn’t take her seriously at alll and just teases and completely dismisses her and makes her feel like an idiot for being angry. He’s a textbook narcissist who’s all charming and big gestures unless Rory does something that upsets him and then he’s throwing things he willingly offered to do for or provide her back in her face which basically implies him paying for things entitles him to more say and control of the relationship…. Or acting out and making her feel responsible for his ridiculous emotional reactions. And proposing to her in front of her entire family without them even discussing getting married knowing Richard and Emily would pressure her into saying yes I CANTTT
Anyway if you’re into rich assholes that’s your business but I beg we stop acting like he’s this great guy when he’s not he’s just rich.
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these two should have been friends, they could have moved in together and shared an apartment, jess could be an author and lane could do her band, they could show off cds and rory could come and hang with them all the time
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squeegieclothespin · 2 years
Watching the show for the thousandth time I have this theory now that Lorelai always knew that Luke had a thing for her. She always knew and just kept him at a distance while she dated but got jealous and upset any time he dated anyone because he couldn’t be at her beck and call. Like with the whole moving thing, Luke moved to a whole different county and, in my opinion, she saw it as him not being able to just drop everything to be there for her. If she had needed him at any moment he wouldn’t just be like 5 minutes away, or whatever. She saw Luke as hers even if they weren’t together.
Lorelai has a tendency to toy with mens emotions, especially men that show her that they are willing to commit to only her. Let’s go back to Max for a second, when he came back to Chilton, she got upset during a meeting for the booster club because he spoke to her like politely and respectfully in front of the other parents.
Everything has to be on her terms and it’s rare to see her compromise with the men she’s involved with. She takes advantage of them and their attraction to her. To put it simply and end my rant, she’s toxic af.
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anxiouspotatorants · 10 months
Rory liked Dean but she didn’t love him. She liked going on dates with him. She liked that he’d spend time with her and watch movies with her and get along with her mother. But there was no fire, no matter how much she wanted there to be one. She couldn’t burn like she did for exploring the world and the written word. She couldn’t burn for him.
Rory loved Logan but she didn’t like him. She loved his freedom, his adventurous spirit, his lust for life. She loved how she could let herself go with him, put faith in something dangerous and not shatter. But she didn’t like how cruel he could be to others. She didn’t like how dismissive he was, of responsibilities, of consequences, of people’s hurt. She didn’t really like him.
Rory liked Jess and she loved him. She liked that he liked the same stuff as her, liked that he’d help out his uncle without bragging, and talk with her friends, and throw literary challenges at her because he genuinely wanted her opinion. She loved his honesty, his integrity, how he’d leave her speechless with his gaze and breathless with his kisses. How he looked at her, all of her, and never made her feel like she was lacking. She liked and she loved him. And it scared her shitless.
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anggiazs · 2 months
Just saw a TikTok comment saying "I think Logan stans like Logan, while Jess stans like Jess and Rory together." and I can't help but think THAT THIS IS SO TRUE!
If you're talking about Jess, Rory is never out of context. It's always talking about how they bring out the best in each other at the right time, how they need each other, how they made each other better, yada yada yada. In the end, they're soulmates, pushing towards each other. As much as I love Jess (seriously, I have a problem), I would always want him more for Rory, for them to be happy together as adults in love in a way I'm so certain they can be.
And with Logan, ... Istg if I see one more person saying "Rory should've said yes to Logan's proposal" I am gonna riot, like full on burning a house down. "But he loves her so much, he can give everything for her!" HE DOESN'T KNOW WHAT'S GOOD FOR HER! Yes, most of it is her decisions and mistakes, but good god he doesn't do anything real or impactful about it. He just lets her. It's always "But Logan is..." or "Logan will...", and oh my god this show is NOT titled "Huntzbergers". What about what Rory wants??? What about her??? Can't you see that he brings out the bad from her? Not only him but his entire environment???
Hhhh, most of Logan stans I see on TikTok only love him because he's rich and knows how to have a good adventurous time. Don't they care about the actual emotional connection between two destined people?? And don't even get me started on them comparing adult Logan and teenage Jess, which is another rant entirely. "THIS is how a healthy relationship should look like!", and it's a clip on Logan being there when Richard is sent to the hospital, not on him bribing Rory with coffee without even saying "I'm sorry" or any other manipulative shit he has done. There are two sides to a coin; If you refused to see that on Jess, sure as hell I'm not letting you ignore it on Logan.
And I also saw a comment saying "Logan loved her so much he'll agree to anything she does because he'll follow her every decision." and um, isn't that... like, not healthy?? Loving someone should mean you want what's best for them, knowing someone so well that with one glance you can tell something's not right, not seeing them drown in a lifestyle YOU INFLUENCED ON THEM, and just decide to be happy and follow them deeper and deeper into it. Rory and Logan would not last A MINUTE outside the Yale bubble, and that is a statement I'll carry to my grave.
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whatsleftofdishaa · 4 months
Exactly....us moment jesss 😔🫰🏻
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sixofcrowley · 5 months
people have asked me why i ship literati over the other gilmore girls ships. (no one has asked me in my life) but i think what it really comes down to is chemistry. i don’t think any other ship in the show (besides lorelai and luke) have the amount of chemistry that jess and rory have, they just click so well, they share interests but challenge each other and i will adore them FOREVER.
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mqrianos · 11 months
the way by the end of s3, the show demonises jess for being careless about his attendance for highschool and pretty much blames it all on him, never sits right with me.....don't get me wrong, jess is to blamed for his actions but they were so many other factors at play. firstly, liz abandons jess at luke's out of nowhere, with no proper consent from jess, so his academic year at nyc is done. then he starts at stars hollow. the way luke cares so much abt if jess is missing out on school or not, but does not think twice to send jess back to nyc after the car accident, even though it disrupts jess's academics in stars hollow. then, jess decides to come back to stars hollow again, joining back in the middle of the school year. like if my academic life was disrupted that way by adults around me constantly, i would stop taking it seriously too? let me not start on the school institution not setting a proper meeting with the guardian to break down the news of jess not graduating, or even giving a second last warning before breaking such a news to a kid....neither the teachers nor the principal are constant in their efforts to keep luke involved about jess's attendance. like they called luke once to talk about jess's marks and vandalism and then never again.....and suddenly it's "you are not graduating jess!". and the explanation that the principal gives too that jess "blew off the warning notes" like WHY ARE YOU NOT CONTACTING THE GUARDIAN AFTER A POINT? why are you trying to set up meetings with the 17 year old kid who youre aware is blowing you off? dropping the news of jess not graduating directly to him without even luke being present to talk? and jess just took 31 days out of a cutoff of 20 like.....i know friends who took even 2 months off of their academic year lol.....i get so pissed everytime i reach that plotline of the show. do not get me wrong. this is not me saying, "oh poor jess, he did nothing wrong. everybody else is to blame".....ofcourse jess fcked up bigtime. but there were many factors that led up to what happened with jess. jess is not the only one to be blamed.
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ksfd892 · 29 days
It never stops to frustrate me that Rory isn't allowed to be mad at Logan in S6. He accurately points out that she hasn't forgiven him for cheating on her, and Rory doesn't deny it...and then we don't get to see the fallout. Rory kisses Jess and then pulls away in a panic and her confusion about that and anger with Logan are just swept under the rug because he injures himself in his stupid stunt, and Rory is consumed with guilt instead.
I don't know if this was supposed to be an issue which continued into ASP's S7 and 8, but it's so frustrating that Rory and Logan don't seem to have any more problems for the rest of S6. In general I can't stand death/injuries as plot devices for fixing problems, even this was only meant to be a temporary fix.
In general it annoys/intrigues me that Rory never breaks up with anyone until AYITL (interestingly enough with Logan). It's very telling that despite accepting Logan's argument that he didn't cheat on her while they were apart, Rory still informs Jess that Logan cheated on her. She holds it against him and there are signs that she is beginning to find his lifestyle more foolish than exciting, but in the end it's never fully explored.
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teddypickerry · 3 months
late night thinking about jess… again… (it’s 7pm) what was his favorite movie?
we know jess loved almost famous, as seen in season 3, he rewatched it a hundred times. a film revolving around music seems right up his alley —like the doors or rock n roll high school. one movie i think he’d LOVE (would definitely be on his top four letterboxd if he gave a shit) is detroit rock city. i may be biased because i grew up a refined member of the kiss army. BUT detroit rock city is a celebration of adolescent defiance. its whole plot revolves around four boys doing anything to get concert tickets, something i think jess would thoroughly enjoy. jess also gives me rom-com viewer vibes. while i’m not a fan of them myself, i have a feeling he watches them in secret (just like the self-help book). he doesn’t give me the idea that he watches scarface and takes notes (LIKE EVERY FUCKING GUY DOES AND FAILS). but he’s definitely watched it, he’s seen most pacino films. he’s more of a serpico, bobby deerfield, panic in the needle park guy — if that’s where this conversation is going. he’s not a film buff by any means. he watches a decent amount of films, what else is he going to do in stars hollow? but he’s not someone who cares all too much about the depths of films. at least not in my eyes. you’re not gonna catch him watching classic 60s french films that stars hollow video store has never heard of, to say the least.
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roeyliteratiforever · 2 years
I saw someone calling Rory a jerk for being upset after she finds out Logan hooked up with a bunch of girls and saying she was being a jerk after. I'm sorry what? Logan literally hooked up with a bunch of other girls didn't tell her about it then gaslights her when she finds out and invalidates her feelings and somehow Rory is the jerk? Logan was a major jerk in those episodes! She had every right to be upset with him I think she should have been upset longer in fact I wish she would have had the strength to not take him back after that! People will find any reason to hate Rory! Her feelings were totally valid and I don't blame her for being cold with him after he hurt her!
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raisedbythetv89 · 1 year
Just know, if you’re one of those idiots that defends or justifies Emily Gilmore’s behavior - I hate you with every fiber of my being for bringing my teenage self’s worst fear to life that no one would believe me that my mom was emotionally abusive because she did performative nice things in front of people that were always about controlling me rather than actually being a good mom🙃
Seeking to control your child’s life both as a kid AND as an adult the way Richard and Emily do and being emotionally withholding/neglectful is abuse and just because they aren’t awful 24/7 doesn’t negate the harm they caused both Lorelei and Rory. The person Rory became who everyone loves to hate was a direct result of Richard and Emily becoming such a large part of her life and Rory seeking to please these awful people.
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I Am All In Rewatch - Episode 2x15 (Part 3)
Getting back to that rant. Interesting he goes to her and really lets loose like that. And I was, you know, I was sitting there actually just trying to, you know, I was getting judgy with my acting and judging with the choices I was making. And, but, you know, and the thing that was amazing me and we'll, we'll get a little wonky here on, on acting technique a little bit. I was amazed at how with such, you know, it's a very difficult assignment for Lauren because she can't throw off my timing because I'm just going like a million miles an hour. You know, every, every movement is connected to something, you know, I've got to hit all those beats through that speech and she can't mess me up. Right. She's got to keep the balls in the air the same way I am. And if she hesitates a little bit on one line, cause she had these like, well, what'd you say in the, you know, this kind of thing, that's hard. It's really hard To do. Go watch that scene again and look how relaxed she is and how with what such ease she gets through that scene. It's wonderful...And it's just like, she's really there for you as a partner, as a scene partner. And she's like, she's saying to you, I'm not gonna let you fall. I'm gonna, I'm gonna, you know, I'm gonna, I'm gonna hit my cues. Your timing's going to be perfect. Don't worry. Just go. And I remember every single take, it was like, it was, it was magic. I mean, she, it's really hard to do really hard to do that. And usually it takes a long time, but with her, it was just, it's just easy, you know? -Scott 
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anxiouspotatorants · 1 year
Don’t mind me I’m just thinking about how Rory almost destroyed her life and definitely destroyed her sense of self trying to please everyone around her not because they explicitly demanded it of her but because she grew up with a deep rooted unadressed view of her own existence as the destruction of Lorelai and Christopher’s lives, causing her to be constantly mindful of what the world might expect of her and desperately trying to not just meet those demands but a whole lot more no matter the cost because that’s the only way to make up for the fact that she exists and is alive
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