mithrilhearts · 1 year
Okay here's a concept.
Thorin is taller than Bilbo. Bilbo is fussy and grumpy and doesn't like reaching up. Thorin has steel toe capped boots. Bilbo stands on Thorins boots to get more reach
I love love love this concept so much - whether genuine, or just teasing Bilbo to stand on his boots, it's adorable to me. I love it. 10/10 stars, always.
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Frank, if you could design a new cryptid, what would you make?
Hmm. I'm a little vague on cryptids -- the only ones I really know anything about are sasquatch and momo (that's the Japanese "long white thing," right?). But, as a computer, I would design something with no fur and no image of its "true" appearance, but that had very large, very hard feet (for very large, very soft things), that somehow gave off a sense of undeniable wrongness, and that somehow was really interested in people and their civilization.
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the-pen-pot · 1 year
Hey Queen B! Hope you're well. Do you have any advice for beginner writers? I've written little askbox drabbles and such, but I have a plot bunny and the rough chunks / ideas I have so far have gotten up to 5k. I've no real (by which I mean, structured or formalised) writing experience outside of STEM (and I do not want to sound like a lab report, in this instance!), so I don't know anything about like story and writing structure, etc. I know I could just go for it and enjoy myself, but it feels a bit messy and chaotic rn, and I'd like to have some support / guidance to actually make it a bit more coherent / read nicer. Do you have any resources you recommend?
Hi lovely!
Ohh I get what you mean, and I wish I had some really useful advice for you, but I think you've pretty much hit the nail on the head with "Go for it and enjoy yourself". Finding your own style and voice when it comes to creative writing is a bit of a journey.
One thing I can recommend is reading lots of fiction and tkaing particular note of other people's style that you reall enjoy. Look at how they're writing scenes, see what sort of language they're using, that kind of things.
Oh! and I particularly like Stephen King's "On Writing" as a bit of a no nonsense book. It goes into different aspects, but there's some sound, solid advice in there.
I hope this helps a little bit!
B xxx
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ranishereforphae · 3 years
It's definitely not Halloween anymore but trick or treat anyway!
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listen, im sorry if ur allergic to peanuts but i love reese's peanut butter cups ever since idk why maybe because its like an expensive version of chocnut
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but here u go!! double peanuts!!
or a trick if ur allergic lelelel
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mithrilhearts · 1 year
Make you choose; every hero needs their animal sidekick! Roäc or Myrtle?
I CAN’T ACTUALLY GIF THIS ANSWER 😭😭😭 But Roac will always win for me! Or at least my idea of him lololol I love portraying him as a mouthy little shit 💜
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mithrilhearts · 1 year
Okay so first you're great 🫂 and 2nd
Thorin is lorge and warm and Bilbo straight up never uses anything for a pillow except Thorin
I love this mental image, thankkkk youuuuu.
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Frank, if you were going to be on a top trumps card, what would your categories be?
I don't have a physical form, so that would disqualify me from the game, but if I were included, I would do
- Height
- Width
- Length
- Number of doors
- Number of televisions
- Percent of actors who have played this role in the last 24 hours
(Note that this last category could, in the real world, be zero)
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mithrilhearts · 1 year
3k make you choose round 2; bitchy characters best characters
Sassy Bilbo or Sassy thorin
Bonus round; fav 'in the background of the shot' sass (eg bofurs face on the Carrock, raiding Bilbo's pantry, etc)
Another for you, my friend!!!
I think I gotta go with Sassy Bilbo on this one. Book!Thorin is a lot sassier than he is depicted in the movies, which is fine, but Bilbo is such a mood.
Bonus round: OKAY. So this is a Fili game that @sunnyrosewritesstuff and I decided to play while watching AUJ when I went to visit her recently. Any shot you THINK you see Fili, "Dean" or "Not Dean". Every single scene... (because Dean O'Gorman came into shooting later, replacing the initial actor, but they did not reshoot everything.)
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mithrilhearts · 1 year
3K make you choose, round 1; Thorin
First, the nice one; Thorins Carrock heart eyes, or acorn scene heart eyes
Second, the hilarious one; Block 1 entering bag end sticky out ears and awkward beard prothesis teething problems, or shouting the wrong name with the stone giants (thorin they're your nephews tell them apart jfc)
Hey there! Ty for the ask - I didn't want to just remove all of these submissions, even if I'm not going forward with the 3k event anymore (see here). So I want to answer them anyway!
First question: Both. I love Thorin's big heart eyes regardless of the scene. The Carrock and Acorn scenes are both near and dear to me, and it's impossible to choose.
Second question: I'm going to say the stone giants part lol I can get past the early AUJ in Bag End stuff when they were still figuring out how the dwarves actually looked - but I will ALWAYS laugh when Thorin shouts for the wrong nephew lmao somehow, I can see it working in canon because.
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mithrilhearts · 1 year
11 :)
My friend!! TY for the ask!!!
11. Do you have specific playlists for writing fics?
I DO!!! It's one of the first things I do when outlining/thinking/planning any sort of story. I start making a playlist for that specific fic, that way I have a "vibe" anytime I sit and think about it. It's very helpful, and yes....I have a lot of playlists.
edit: ALSO, I am always looking for song recs for fics!!! So if you have any songs that remind you of any of my stories....please share them with me.
send me some fic writer asks!
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