doyouhavethisplush · 6 months
Do you have this plush?
Ribena Giggleberry, by GlaxoSmithKline
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Additional: If you have any information on the origin, creation, or make of this toy, please reach out via DMs or asks
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byfeldonscane · 2 years
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The new Warhammer Commander deck features an oblique reference to the super sketchy British multinational pharmaceutical and biotechnology company GlaxoSmithKline (seriously just look up their history of bribery and hiding deadly side effects). Don’t know enough about Warhammer to know if this is a reference from that series or something MTG chose to do.
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usnewsper-business · 3 months
Alphabet and AMD Drive Tech Stocks to Record Highs with Exciting Partnerships! #alphabet #AMD #GlaxoSmithKline #technologystocks #VerilyLifeSciences
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ahmedmoety · 5 months
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deinheilpraktiker · 1 year
Studie zeigt, dass neue Wirkstoffkombination wirksamer gegen komplizierte Harnwegsinfektionen ist Eine internationale Studie unter der Leitung eines Rutgers-Wissenschaftlers, in der neue und ältere Behandlungen gegen komplizierte Harnwegsinfektionen verglichen wurden, hat ergeben, dass eine neue Wirkstoffkombination wirksamer ist, insbesondere gegen hartnäckige, arzneimittelresistente Infektionen. Bei der Beschreibung der Ergebnisse im Journal of the American Medical Association (JAMA) zeigten Forscher der klinischen Phase-3-Studie ALLIUM, dass eine Kombination der ... #Allergie #Antibiotika_Resistenz #Antibiotikum #Bakterien #Biopharmazeutisch #Drogen #Entzündung #Enzym #essen #Forschung #GlaxoSmithKline #Harnstauung #Harnwegsinfekt #Immunologie #Infektionskrankheiten #Katheter #Klinische_Studie #Medizin #Medizinschule #Niere #OKT #Pyelonephritis #Sepsis #Therapeutika
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thegreatwhinger · 1 year
Drugged into Poverty
According to Reuters, Pfizer, GlaxoSmithKline, Bristol Myers Squib, AstraZeneca PLC and Sanofi SA are going to raises prices on at least 350 drugs in January.
They raised prices on 1,400 drugs in 2022.
Now keep in mind that due to the Inflation Reduction Act the government can negotiate prices on some pharmaceuticals – in reference to Medicare – in 2026, so I guess they're trying to get their price increases in before than happens.
If it's not the insurance companies screwing people over, it's the drug companies.
Government, be it Democratic or Republican, just let them get away with it.
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beingjellybeans · 2 years
Protecting children’s lives through vaccines
Protecting children’s lives through vaccines
When the five-month-old son of Marissa Santos had recovered from measles, more commonly known as “tigdas,” Santos thought that that would be her son’s last encounter with the measles virus. Six years later, Santos’ son started to show symptoms of a rare and serious complication caused by measles—subacute sclerosing panencephalitis or SSPE. Santos says she hopes parents can take advantage of…
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grostenquin-org · 3 months
Исследование наиболее значимых промышленных секторов Европы: Движущая сила экономического роста и инноваций
Европа - это центр разнообразных отраслей промышленности, каждая из которых вносит значительный вклад в экономический рост, технологический прогресс и глобальную конкурентоспособность региона. От производства до финансов - Европа может похвастаться широким спектром выдающихся отраслей промышленности, которые играют ключевую роль в формировании ее социально-экономического ландшафта.
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Автомобильная промышленность
Автомобильный сектор является краеугольным камнем европейской экономики, в котором лидируют такие известные бренды, как Volkswagen, BMW и Mercedes-Benz. Европа является мировым центром производства автомобилей, инноваций и исследований, способствуя развитию электрических и автономных транспортных средств. Уделяя особое внимание экологичности и сокращению выбросов, европейская автомобильная промышленность продолжает развиваться, внедряя электрификацию и цифровизацию для удовлетворения будущих потребностей в мобильности.
Аэрокосмическая и оборонная промышленность
Европейский аэрокосмический и оборонный сектор, возглавляемый такими компаниями, как Airbus и BAE Systems, отличается высокими достижениями в производстве самолетов, спутниковых технологий и оборонных систем. Являясь крупным игроком на мировом аэрокосмическом рынке, Европа инвестирует в исследования и разработки, способствуя инновациям в таких областях, как проектирование самолетов, освоение космоса и беспилотные летательные аппараты.
Фармацевтика и здравоохранение
Европа может похвастаться развитой фармацевтической и медицинской промышленностью, в которой работают такие ведущие компании, как Roche, Novartis и GlaxoSmithKline. В секторе здравоохранения региона особое внимание уделяется качеству, доступности и заботе о пациентах, что способствует прогрессу в области лечения, профилактики заболеваний и инициатив в области общественного здравоохранения.
Финансовые услуги
Европейский сектор финансовых услуг, сосредоточенный в таких городах, как Лондон, Франкфурт и Цюрих, служит мировым финансовым центром, способствуя развитию банковской, инвестиционной и страховой деятельности. Европейские банки, включая HSBC, Deutsche Bank и Credit Suisse, играют важнейшую роль в распределении капитала, управлении рисками и обеспечении экономической стабильности. Инновации в области финтеха и реформы в сфере регулирования способствуют цифровой трансформации, повышая доступность, эффективность и безопасность финансовых услуг во всем регионе.
Самые известные отрасли промышленности Европы воплощают в себе богатое разнообразие инноваций, опыта и сотрудничества, обеспечивая экономический рост, технологическое развитие и общественный прогресс. По мере того как Европа преодолевает глобальные вызовы и использует возможности в постоянно меняющемся мире, ее разнообразные отрасли будут продолжать определять будущее региона, способствуя устойчивости, стабильности и процветанию будущих поколений.
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goldmynetv · 5 months
Stock Exchange begins delisting process for GSK
The Nigerian Exchange (NGX) has started the delisting process for the removal of the shares of GlaxoSmithKline Consumer Nigeria (GSK Nigeria) Plc from the stock market. A regulatory document obtained yesterday indicated that the NGX has suspended trading on the shares of GSK Nigeria.  The NGX stated that the suspension of trading was a sequel to the approval of the Scheme of Arrangement between…
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usnewsper-business · 7 months
Alphabet and AMD Drive Tech Stocks to Record Highs with Exciting Partnerships! #alphabet #AMD #GlaxoSmithKline #technologystocks #VerilyLifeSciences
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reasonsforhope · 3 months
Less than three months after U.S. Senator Tammy Baldwin and her colleagues launched an investigation into the four major American manufacturers of inhalers, three of the companies have relented, making commitments to cap costs for their inhalers at $35 for patients who now pay much more.
25 million Americans have asthma and 16 million Americans have chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), meaning over 40 million Americans rely on inhalers to breathe.
Inhalers have been available since the 1950s, and most of the drugs they use have been on the market for more than 25 years.
According to a statement from the Wisconsin Senator’s office, inhaler manufacturers sell the exact same products at a much lower costs in other countries. One of AstraZeneca’s inhalers, Breztri Aerosphere, costs $645 in the U.S.—but just $49 in the UK. Inhalers made by Boehringer Ingelheim, GlaxoSmithKline, and Teva have similar disparities.
Baldwin and her Democratic colleagues—New Mexico Sen. Ben Ray Luján, Massachusetts Sen. Ed Markey, and Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders—pressured the companies to lower their prices by writing letters to GSK, Boehringer Ingelheim, Teva, and AstraZeneca requesting a variety of documents that show why such higher prices are charged in America compared to Europe.
As a ranking member of the Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor, and Pensions, Baldwin recently announced that as a result of the letters they had secured commitments from three of the four to lower the out-of-pocket costs of inhalers to a fixed $35.00 rate.
“For the millions of Americans who rely on inhalers to breathe, this news is a major step in the right direction as we work to lower costs and hold big drug companies accountable,” said Senator Baldwin.
A full list of the inhalers and associated drugs can be viewed here.
It’s the second time in the last year that pharmaceutical companies were forced to provide reasonable prices—after the cost of insulin was similarly capped successfully at $35 per month thanks to Congressional actions led by the White House.
-via Good News Network, March 25, 2024
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ahmedmoety · 5 months
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tanadrin · 10 months
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deinheilpraktiker · 1 year
Neues Programm nutzt digitale Lösungen, um den Blutdruck und den Cholesterinspiegel der Patienten zu verbessern Herzerkrankungen sind die häufigste Todesursache in den Vereinigten Staaten und auf der ganzen Welt. Die Senkung von Bluthochdruck und Cholesterin könnte helfen, Morbidität und Mortalität zu reduzieren, aber häufige persönliche Besuche zur Messung und Verwaltung dieser Werte können für Patienten eine Belastung darstellen. Ein Team von Mass General Brigham implementierte ein Ferngesundheitsprogramm, das darauf abzielte, den Blutdruck und den Cholesterinspiegel der Patienten z... #Ausbildung #BLUT #Blutdruck #Bluthochdruck #Cholesterin #chronisch #Chronische_Erkrankung #Forschung #Gesundheitspflege #GlaxoSmithKline #Herz #Herzkrankheit #Hoher_Cholesterinspiegel #Kardiologie #Klinische_Studie #Krankenhaus #Labor #Medizin #Mortalität #Pandemie #Sprache #Technologie #Therapeutika
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reality-detective · 3 days
Think Fauci torturing and killing dogs is bad? Wait till you learn what he did to orphaned kids in NYC for HIV "research".
In New York’s Washington Heights is a 4-story brick building called Incarnation Children’s Center (ICC). This former convent houses a revolving stable of children who’ve been removed from their own homes by the Agency for Child Services. These children are black, Hispanic and poor. Many of their mothers had a history of drug abuse and have died. Once taken into ICC, the children become subjects of drug trials sponsored by NIAID (National Institute of Allergies and Infectious Disease, a division of the NIH), NICHD (the National Institute of Child Health and Human Development) in conjunction with some of the world’s largest pharmaceutical companies – GlaxoSmithKline, Pfizer, Genentech, Chiron/Biocine and others.
I have seen and saved a couple of photos, but I can't post them here. It would be grounds for me to be instantly deactivated. What these soulless entities have done to children is beyond evil‼️ And that's putting it mildly 🤔
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vintage-london-images · 8 months
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The handsome building in the photograph taken in 1890 at the corner of Holborn and Snow Hill is the head office of Burroughs Wellcombe and Co, one of the world's largest pharmaceutical companies at the time, which these days we know as GlaxoSmithKline. This impressive Victorian building which was completed in 1883 was constructed of red brick and terracotta with granite pillars around the entrance, with the interiors designed by Christopher Dresser, who was considered to be Britain’s first industrial designer.
On the night of 11th May 1941, the building was completely destroyed by an aerial mine during a Luftwaffe bombing raid, and in the second image photographed in 1942 we see the bomb site and what remains of the building with Londoners waiting at a bus stop and a street cleaner going about his job. Today the site is occupied by a bland and boring office block.
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