#Go for Grandma (2023)
lucielovekj · 19 days
I love how Nimona portrays Ballister’s curiosity as not inherently bad, and that when he’s respectful and gentle and acknowledges the sensitivity of the question Nimona is completely willing to explain and to show him. Because no matter what you use that as an allegory for it’s so often the case irl, if a stranger asks something invasive disrespectfully that’s completely different from a supportive loved one asking out of concern or a desire to understand you better, and that in close personal relationships asking questions, even if there’s a risk of stepping out of line or saying something insensitive, is usually good and healthy so long as it’s done properly.
Most of us (just like Nimona) are actively excited to talk about this stuff with those we care about, are happy for people we love to want to know us better, but it’s (obviously) stigmatised by strangers doing so rudely making people think they can’t ask any questions ever, which only increases the ignorance and stigma surrounding whatever the topic is. If someone knows they can tell you when a question is too much, when they trust you and understand what you’re intentions are, it’s good and natural to be inquisitive.
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They committed the worst crime of all: being silly AND goofy 😔😔
…But don’t worry! Jancy will bail them out! :)
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chalkrevelations · 9 months
Oh. OH.
LISTEN, Y'ALL. I don't even know if this initial offer by Grandma for Sailom to tutor Kanghan is even really about tutoring Kanghan.
Because when she handed Sailom her business card and said "Call me if you change your mind" ...
right in front of Kanghan's salad
That put Kanghan ON NOTICE that Sailom has a direct line to her and could contact her at any point if Kanghan is being a fucking asshole again.
That is a leash on Kanghan, as much as, if not more than, a genuine offer of paying for tutoring services.
ETA: HOLY SHIT, Kanghan, you don't even realize that's what she did. Wow. Stupid babies really do need the most love.
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copper-compact-disc · 7 months
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happy Halloween from detective Percival King!
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skymaiden32 · 8 months
Read on AO3 here
Fandom: Thunderbirds
Tagging: @dragonoffantasyandreality @thundergeek59 @janetm74 @katblu42 @liseylou @amistrio @uniwolfcorn (Please ask if you would like to get alerts when I update or post new stories.)
Thundertober Day 3: Armour
Alan thinks they may have gone a little too far with the armour on his uniform.
Continuity: TAG
“Are you sure I need all of this…?” Alan asked, still a little uncertain as he waddled out of the fitting room. 
“Yes.” His four older brothers and grandmother in front of him chorused, causing Alan to grumble. 
He huffed. “I can barely move in this thing.” He was only vaguely able to gesture at the full body armour currently situated over his uniform. “And it’s really heavy…”
Scott grinned. “Good. That means it’ll work.” 
“Yep.” Virgil nodded. “Some of Brains’ finest work, if I do say so!”
“Plus,” John cut in. “Everything feels lighter in space anyway. It’s perfect for Thunderbird 3 missions.”
Alan sighed. “That still doesn’t mean it’s good for missions on Earth, Johnny…”
“Sure it does.” The older astronaut argued. “You’ll be on Thunderbird 2’s support crew; you need heavy duty stuff for that.” As an afterthought, he muttered, “And don’t call me Johnny.”
Gordon nodded in agreement. “When I tell you about all the scrapes and bruises me and Virg have gotten just for handling some of that equipment…”
“Yeah!” Alan tried to protest. “But you guys weren’t given full body armour to wear!” At that moment, Kayo walked into the room. The Tracy’s watched as their adoptive sister took one look at Alan, and immediately had to stifle a giggle. Alan frowned. “See? She thinks it’s too much. Hell, Brains probably thinks it’s too much! You guys are being way too overprotective…”
“And is there anything wrong with that young man?” Grandma Tracy interrupted. “Your brothers and I just want to make sure you’re safe…”
“I know but…” Alan sighed. “Maybe we can compromise on it? I don’t need this much armour.”
“Alright kiddo,” Scott took charge of negotiations. “What do you wanna get rid of?”
Alan smiled innocently. “Is everything an option?”
Scott deadpanned. “No.”
“Eh. It was worth a shot.” The teen shrugged. “I’ll wear the shoulder pieces. Honestly, I think they make me look cool.” He admitted.
His older brother hummed. “Wear the chestplate too and we’ll call it even.” He held his hand out. “So, Mr Tracy, do we have a deal?”
Alan was quiet for a good few minutes. On one hand, he could try to get just a bit more out of this. On the other hand, Scott was serious about this. All of them were. And when someone in his family was serious, it meant they weren’t messing around. Scott wouldn’t budge. He never did when it came to safety. Alan smirked, reaching his hand out to accept Scott’s. “We do indeed…” The teen winked. “Mr Tracy…”
Scott rolled his eyes as he let go of Alan’s hand, pulling him into a hug and ruffling his hair. He was glad Alan had agreed to at least part of the armour, because if anything happened to him, he'd never forgive himself for not convincing him to wear more of it…
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maplesaimlessdrifting · 8 months
Kinktober 2023 day 3! (Bowuigi edition)
I just put up day 3 of kinktober! didn't post for day 2 but its up there, enjoy!
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eosofspades · 10 months
every single person making gifs of the little mermaid 2023 on here is more talented at lighting, coloring, and editing than the actual moviemakers
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gumnut-logic · 1 year
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What do we see here? Yet another sleepy Virgil fic?
Yeah, that’s all I had energy for. Gordy, you’re a champ.
Hope you enjoy these first words in ages, there not much, so don’t expect much, but they are something at least ::hugs the lot of you::
Virgil groaned as he sat down on the lounge. He should be in bed. It had been a long day…or days, he wasn’t really sure what the time was.
He’d settled Two in her hangar. If she had been horse, she would be lame, limping home with a leak in her hydraulic system messing with her flight. She was barely safe.
Not that he was going to tell Scott that. She wouldn’t be going out before some serious TLC, but she got him home.
She always gets him home.
He closed his eyes and let himself relax back into the cushions. The sigh that hissed between his teeth was involuntary but truly expressive.
Every muscle was tired, but none more than those in his feet. Specialised footwear or not, he’d spent the entire day on running, jumping, and working the exosuit. You could put all the padding in the world in those boots and his feet would still ache.
Plus he needed to cut at least one of the toenails on his left foot. Time was a thing that he had been short recently and it was a job that had been too low a priority…until those nails started digging into his other toes.
Maybe he could fall asleep here. Just doze and worry about debrief later.
The breeze blowing in from the open doors tousled his damp hair and poked at the t-shirt and trackpants he’d thrown on after his post-mission shower.
He really could just let himself go and not worry-
He kept his eyes closed. If he couldn’t see Gordon, Gordon couldn’t see him.
“You okay?”
His shoulders dropped just a little as he let out an apologetic grunt. His brother was only expressing concern.
The couch cushions dipped to his left as his fish brother sat down beside him.
Virgil kept his eyes closed. He really didn’t have the energy to open them.
“Caught your last rescue. You sure you’re okay? John was worried.”
Another sigh and Virgil let out some words. “I’ll live.” Then that last bit clicked.
Virgil opened his eyes and stared at his brother. “I’m fine. John has nothing to worry about.”
But the concern on Gordon’s face was sincere. “John had every right to worry. That was a thirty-six hour stint and just look at you.”
Virgil blinked. “What?” He wasn’t injured.
But honestly, he was too tired to care. “Got debrief, then bed. Problem solved.” He lay back again and closed his eyes.
Really, he was considering sleeping right there. Getting up was too much effort.
“There is no debrief. Grandma ordered Scott to bed.”
Virgil frowned. “Huh?”
“Yeah, he was exhausted as you.”
He barely grunted at that.
“So, I’m dragging you to bed.”
Gordon had muscle and lots of it, but Virgil was big and the thought of his little brother attempting to manhandle him… “You and what army?”
“Me and my silver tongue, big bro.”
Virgil groaned. He was too tired for all that sudden sunshine.
“So, you gonna go to bed, or what?”
Virgil still had his eyes closed, but he didn’t need them to see that smirk on the Fish’s face.
“M’feet hurt.” The thought of standing was just ugh.
“Your feet hurt?” The weight beside him shifted as Gordon stood up.
A moment later, Virgil would have flinched away as his left foot was lifted with gentle but strong hands…but it required too much energy.
“You need to cut your toenails, bro.”
Virgil didn’t even bother to grunt.
But then gentle circles were being rubbed into the sole of his foot.
Oh god. “What are you doing?” Virgil sat up straighter, attempting to pull his foot away.
But Gordon tugged back. “Hey, relax. I got this.”
“Lie back a minute and I’ll pay you back for one of those post swim meet rub downs.” He held Virgil’s ankle tightly, but only enough to keep it in place. The Fish was stronger than he looked.
“Relax! That’s an order!”
What? But Gordon obviously had enough knowledge of foot anatomy because a knuckle pushed gently into Virgil’s sole and whatever he had been going to say melted away as that knuckle did good things.
There was silence a moment as strong fingers rubbed away ache.
“There…you see? All you need is a little TLC.”
Virgil didn’t answer, his eyes slipping closed again.
Those fingers gently lifted his other foot, letting it join in the magic.
His next sigh was one of blessed gratitude.
At some point Gordon started humming, but Virgil was beyond caring.
Time passed and muscles unwound.
Quiet words whispered near his ear. “You ready for bed?”
Umm…he rolled over. “Bed.”
Strong hands grabbed him and levered him upright, his arm was thrown over a shoulder, and he was moving. Several doors, whispered muttering, and he was lowered gently onto cool and soft sheets.
“Sleep, big bro.” A barely heard sigh. “You’ve earned it.”
He rolled over, curling into the bed covers carefully place over him.
And let slumber take him away.
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mrmustachious · 1 year
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Day 23 of @thunder-pride ~ Genderqueer Grandma Tracy
I have a headcanon that in Grandma's youth, she was very heavily into activism and protesting for gender equality and queer rights, which was the inspo for this set <3
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fakeoutbf · 3 months
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silverstarfics · 1 year
Virgil’s day of @thunder-pride !! Here, have something I wrote at 2am because who needs sleep schedules? (I’m joking. Please get some sleep, guys. Yes, this is directed at one person in particular). It technically follows on from my fic for Day 3, but it can be read as a stand alone too :)
AO3 link
Virgil hesitated in the doorway, quickly backed away before he could be spotted, then began pacing back-and-forth along the corridor again. At this rate he was likely to wear a hole in the patterned rug which Grandma had brought back from holiday, lying in pride of place at the foot of the stairs. He’d taken off his sneakers in an attempt to reduce this risk but even in socks it was still a distinct possibility.
“What’s wrong with you?” Gordon asked, knocking the front door shut with his heel. “Yo, Virg.” He kicked his shoes under the coat rack and peeled off his sweaty socks, tossing them at his brother’s head. “What’s up?”
Virgil slowed to a momentary halt. “What are you doing here?”
“Um…” Gordon shot him a weird look. “I live here?”
“Don’t you have swim practice?”
“That ended like twenty minutes ago.” Gordon’s voice grew muffled as he disappeared into the living room on the hunt for his hoodie. “So? Why are you acting like more of a freak than usual?”
“Thanks for that.”
Virgil propped himself against the wall and knocked his head back against the plasterwork with an inward groan. Gordon’s practice finished an hour after school, which meant he had officially been pacing in this corridor for seventy minutes. It was official – he was a disaster.
There was no reason for this to scare him so much. He knew his entire family would love and accept him regardless of his identity. And yet the idea of telling his grandmother that he had a boyfriend seemed comparable to holding a fully grown Huntsman spider in his bare hands which was saying a lot given his fear that was fast becoming undeniable arachnophobia.
God, this was so stupid. He knocked his head against the wall again, this time with an audible thud.
“Uh, Virg?” Gordon peered around the door. “I know I was giving you shit before, but, like… are you okay? Because pacing in the corridor is usually Scott’s thing. You don’t have to take over just because he’s at Yale now. This house doesn’t actually need holes in the floor. There are already enough in the walls.”
“That’s because you keep kicking soccer balls indoors.”
“Really? That’s the part you focussed on?”
Virgil slid down the wall to land in a sorrowful heap.
“I’m…” He flapped a hand vaguely.
“Annoying? A total dork?” Gordon grinned. “I’ve got a whole list, I can keep going.”
“I don’t know how to be a functional person,” Virgil corrected, drawing his knees up to hide his face.
He wrapped his arms around his legs and willed himself to become invisible. Or maybe sink through the fabric of reality into a universe where conversations didn’t fill him with dread and ordinary, everyday things such as speaking in class or getting a lower grade or holding a boy’s hand in a corridor didn’t terrify him.
It was so, so dumb. Sometimes he wondered if Scott had stolen all the confidence genes and left none for the rest of them, only Gordon seemed to flourish in any environment which sort of disproved that theory.
Steps creaked on the broken floorboard to his right that no one had gotten around to replacing. He didn’t lift his face from his knees. It was easier to keep his eyes shut and just focus on breathing, which had suddenly become a lot harder than it should have been. Someone flicked him on the head but he only registered the sting as background noise.
At fourteen, Gordon was now steadfast in his belief that he was ‘basically an adult already’ but every so often a very childlike fear would creep back into his voice. This was one such instance.
“Um, Virg? You need to breathe. That’s an actual thing humans have to do to stay alive.” He let out a nervous laugh. “Dude, I’m not kidding. You’re kinda freaking me out here. Do I need to get Grandma? Or we could call Scott but he’s probably busy with annoyingly cool college stuff. I mean, we could try ringing John because he’s a nerd with no social life so everyone at Harvard definitely thinks he’s a weirdo, but I’m not sure what use he’d be.”
It was easy to tell when Gordon was nervous because he started rambling. And yeah, he’d recently undergone a transformation into a bit of an obnoxious, rude teenager, but he still had a kind heart and behind closed doors he was still a good brother too, even if he refused to let the rest of the world see it yet. So, it wasn’t really too much of a surprise when he plonked himself down next to Virgil and shuffled close enough to press their shoulders together.
“So,” Gordon declared with a healthy dose of fake cheer. “How’s your day going?”
Virgil choked on a damp laugh which made him cough. This had the bonus of resetting his breathing rate even if it was fairly gross. “You know, shockingly, I think I’ve had better.”
Gordon elbowed him lightly. “Do I need to murder someone?”
Virgil dragged the back of his hand across his eyes with a sniff. “Yeah, right. How are you gonna murder anyone in my grade, short stuff?”
“Fair point. Why are all juniors so freakishly tall this year? Apart from you, obviously. Anyway, I could totally take out their kneecaps. I know a girl on the lacrosse team and she’d lend me a stick. Just… whack, you know? Or I could publicly humiliate them. I’ve still got stink bombs left over from last summer. Just say the word and I’ll ruin them.”
Virgil exhaled in a rush. “Nobody did anything.” He twisted his hands together. There was still paint dried under his nails and he longed to return to earlier’s art lesson when he’d made up his mind to come out to Grandma and had felt so certain about it. “It’s just… me.”
“The thing that’s bothering you is… yourself?” Gordon tilted his head with a confused frown. “I know I’m the family idiot, but that doesn’t make a lot of sense, Vee.”
“Hey.” Virgil thumped him on the arm. “Don’t call yourself an idiot.”
Gordon just looked at him.
“You’re not an idiot.”
“Yeah, okay, tell that to my Physics paper. Anyway, that is so not the point right now. How are you upsetting yourself? Seems kinda dumb to me. Unless this is a new thing you’re trying? Tortured young artist, some crap like that.”
Virgil fought a smile. “No, it’s not a thing. It’s just…”
Gordon slid down the wall with a loud groan. “Virg, you’re killing me here. We’re going in circles. I feel like I’m swimming laps again. Just tell me already, jeez.” He shuffled to sit in front of Virgil, propping his chin in his hands with a mischievous smile. “Tell me, tell me, tell me. Are you getting annoyed yet? Because I won’t stop until you tell me, tell me, tell me, tell-”
“I think I’m pansexual.”
“-me. Wait, what?”
Virgil stared at the flecks of dried paint on his jeans. His voice sounded embarrassingly small as he repeated softly, “I think I’m pansexual.”
“You think or you know?”
“I know.”
“Huh. Cool.” Gordon frowned. “Wait, is that what’s been bothering you? Because you know none of us are homophobic asshats. Also, like, have you met John? No way he’s straight. And I made out with Robby at Taylor’s party so I’m definitely not- I mean, uh, I made out with Robby at a place that was totally not Taylor’s house because of course I didn’t go to a party when Dad said I was grounded.”
Virgil wasn’t sure whether to laugh or cry. There were too many emotions crammed into his chest. He ended up making a humiliating broken noise that was partway between a sob and a laugh.
Gordon awkwardly wrapped his arms around him, uncertain whether a hug was welcome, and Virgil melted against him, trying to pretend as if his eyes weren’t welling. He tucked his face into his little brother’s shoulder and fought back tears.
“Hey, Virg?” Gordon sounded uncharacteristically genuine. “It’s okay. You know it’s okay, right? Like, you’re my brother and I support you and, I dunno, love you or something. So, um, you don’t need to worry about that.”
“Thanks.” Virgil drew an unsteady breath. “Really. Thanks. That… helps.” He withdrew to wipe tears from his face, ducking his head to hide his expression. “You need a shower, by the way. You stink of chlorine.”
“Dude, I just spent an hour in a pool. What did you expect?” Gordon moved to sit beside him again, stretching his legs across the corridor and cracking his knuckles just to see Virgil cringe. “So… have you got a girlfriend? Boyfriend? Partner?”
“Oh my god.”
“What? I’m curious.”
“We’re not having this conversation.”
“Oh, but we are.” Gordon fished a celery crunch bar out of his pocket and tore the wrapper open with his teeth. “So?”
“I might have a boyfriend.”
“I knew it!” Gordon let out a delighted laugh. “I’ve always wanted to threaten someone. Like, if you ever hurt my brother I will hunt you down and destroy you.”
“I’m officially never introducing you. Anyway, I feel like you’re forgetting the part where I’m the big brother here. It’s my job to threaten your dates.”
“Yeah, but you’re… you know?”
Gordon gestured vaguely. “You have soft feelings.”
“Okay, we’re done here.”
“Aw, Virg, c’mon…”
“Bye, Gordon, see you later.”
“Don’t you mean bi Gordon?”
Gordon hauled himself upright with a sigh. “Never mind. Go tell Grandma about your boyfriend. She might get distracted enough that she forgets to make dinner and we can order pizza.”
Virgil hesitated. “Hey, uh, Gordon?”
“Nope. I don’t want to hear it. I know that face. Don’t go bringing all your gross emotions into my space. You’ll ruin my vibe.” Gordon pushed him towards the kitchen. “Go!”
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biromanticbookbabe · 1 year
"You can only keep 20 books out of all the books you own" tag
I saw this originally on @theinquisitxor 's page. I thought I'd do my own version of their tag.
Hypothetically, you are only able to keep 20 of your books. Only one book per author/series. So what books are you keeping?
This was hard. I only picked from books I've read all the way through. This list also includes two honorable mentions (because I couldn't limit myself :/). I'll list the titles and authors at the end.
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Frankenstein (1818 edition) by Mary Shelley
Mary's Monster by Lita Judge
Agnes Grey by Anne Bronte
Take Courage: Anne Bronte and the Art of Life by Samantha Ellis
A Room of One's Own by Virginia Woolf
The Yellow Wallpaper and Other Stories by Charlotte Perkins Gilman
The Handmaid's Tale by Margaret Atwood
The Asylum for Wayward Victorian Girls by Emilie Autumn
Byron in Love by Edna O' Brien
Marbles: Mania, Depression, Michelangelo and Me by Ellen Forney
The Gentleman's Guide to Vice and Virtue by Mackenzi Lee
Female Husbands: A Trans History by Jen Manion
Persuasion by Jane Austen
My Plain Jane by Cythnia Hand, Brodi Ashton and Jodi Meadows
Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte
Hark! A Vagrant by Kate Beaton
Literary Theory by Julie Rivkin and Michael Ryan
Black Beauty by Anna Sewell
My Lesbian Experience with Loneliness by Nagata Kabi
The Well of Loneliness by Radclyffe Hall
(Honorable mentions)
Abigail by Magda Szabo
The Dud Avocado by Elaine Dundy
The Will to Change: Men, Masculinity and Love by bell hooks (not pictured here- but I do own a copy, I just couldn't find it in time for this post).
I tag: @paperbackpropensity, @thatwritererinoriordan, @godzilla-reads, and anyone else who wants to do this! :)
Because of how long my post already is, please make a new post for your own version of the tag. Feel free to tag me back, if you want, but also credit @theinquisitxor for making the original tag.
Thank you and have fun, everyone! :D
#I probably should have put them all in one picture but the stack kept falling over :/#also you couldn't see the covers#are you surprised- probably not?#a lot of these were based on my grad work but some were not#I actually don't own a lot of my favorite books- I used to go to the library a lot#and I didn't add any tbrs because I don't know if I even like any of those yet-but thank goodness this is just hypothetical#very interesting tag game OP#books#bookblr#book covers#I have another set of bookblr cover posts coming up based on my 2023 reading challenge#book tags#20 books#my books#black beauty and wuthering heights were gifts from my grandma#I own three copies of wuthering heights but this one has the prettiest art#austen fans might kill me but I like Persuasion more than Pride and Prejudice#bronte fans might kill me because I like Anne more than Charlotte- and I didn't pick any of Charlotte's books!!! (Rochester sucks)#I kind of agree with Woolf's assessment of Charlotte and uh it's not flattering AND she is the reason Anne is less well known#but Charlotte is also the reason either of her sisters are published at all so I can't hate her- she was bold enough to encourage them#I did a paper on Gilman too#PLEASE read some of Gilman's other stories- they are just as good as yellow wallpaer!#the literary theory book has saved me more than I'd like to admit#many good articles to toss about and tear apart with your fellow grad students if ever you have any doubts about a text#yes I have used the female husbands book in some of my grad work too#I think woolf fans would be cool with me since A Room of One's Own is one of her best/most influential works#and some of these ARE going to be used in future papers too#I LOVE Kate Beaton's history and literature comics#historic fiction#lgbt literature
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mm the good ol days when I made gifs for this blog
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skymaiden32 · 8 months
Heavy Lifting
Read on AO3 here
Fandom: Thunderbirds
Tagging: @dragonoffantasyandreality @thundergeek59 @janetm74 @katblu42 @liseylou @amistrio @uniwolfcorn @idontknowreallywhy (Please ask if you would like to get alerts when I update or post new stories.)
Thundertober Day 8: Gentle Giant
Even the strongest people need a pick me up.
Continuity: TAG
‘An absolute unit.’
That’s what his dear brother Gordon liked to call him. And it was something Virgil embodied in pretty much everything he did. 
He was by far the strongest of his family. Sure, Scott and Gordon, being military trained, had a fair bit of muscle on them. And John kept relatively fit with his exercises up in space. But Virgil had always been the strong one. Even as kids, he could easily lift two of his little brothers onto each shoulder and carry them around. He continued to lift them up to this day. In more ways than one.
Whenever Scott was having doubts or John wasn’t talking to anyone. Whenever Gordon was having flashbacks or Alan just needed a nudge in the right direction. He was there. He would always be there, supporting them. Just like his beloved Thunderbird 2 supported her sister craft on rescues. He was a lot like his ship in that way. They were kindred spirits, Virgil and Thunderbird 2. Gentle giants in every sense.
He was the heavy lifter. The demolition expert. The medic. All he did was support. So, he snarked to himself as he was laying down in his bed one random Thursday morning, unable to get up. Just why couldn’t he push past this? This feeling he had right now? Of hopelessness and despair that he hadn’t been able to shake since that rescue two days ago? He didn’t know how long he’d been lying there, senses so dead to the road that everything blurred together. But clearly, his brothers did. Because it was his brothers who saved him. 
“Virgil?” The door creaked open, Alan’s voice gentle as he looked at his brother. Still in bed at three in the afternoon. It worried them. It worried them all… “Grandma made cookies if you want any.” Instead of the usual sounds of disgust whenever someone mentioned Grandma Tracy’s cooking, Virgil simply grunted. The alarm bells in Alan’s head went off. “Stay where you are, I’ll be right back.” Virgil grunted again.
Alan came back. With everyone. Even John had come down from Thunderbird 5. Scott didn’t say anything. He just wrapped Virgil up into the tightest hug he could possibly manage, squeezing hard. The rest of their family joined in as well, cocooning Virgil in a warm embrace. One that he’d desperately needed. For the first time in what felt like forever, Virgil began to cry. Sobbing into his big brother's shoulder, letting the emotions out that he’d held in for so long.
At long last, he spoke. “I should’ve done more…” His voice cracked. “I should’ve done more to help that little girl…” If at all possible, the hug got even tighter.
“It wasn’t your fault, Virgil.” Gordon’s voice was strong in contrast to his own.
“It was.” Virgil insisted. “She was right there in front of me. She was…”
“Already gone.” Another voice interrupted his tirade. John. “Virgil, she was already gone. Her life sign was dead before you even got into that cavern.”
Virgil cried again in despair. What John had just told him was new information to him. “Then I should’ve worked faster!”
“No.” Scott simply stated, pulling back from his brother as much as the group hug would allow. “Virgil, look at me.” The younger of the two struggled to lift his head, but he did. His brother’s determined blue eyes met his dull brown ones. “You were already working as fast as you could. I know it hurts. But you did everything in your power to save her.”
Kayo’s voice was in agreement with Scott. “She knows you did what you could Virgil. It’s alright to mourn her. But she doesn’t blame you, and she wouldn’t want you to blame yourself…” Virgil sniffled.
“I wouldn’t blame you if I were in her shoes…” Alan’s voice was small. “She was my age. I didn’t know her, but I know better than anyone in this room what would’ve gone through her head.”
“That’s why I should’ve done more…” Virgil replied. “A family lost their sunshine. They lost their Alan Tracy because I wasn’t strong enough to save her.”
Everyone froze. “Honey…” Grandma weaved her way into the centre of the hug. “Now listen to us, none of this is on you.”
“Virgil. None of that.” Grandma’s voice was firm, but not unkind. “It’s not your fault. I want you to get that into your head right now.” Virgil wiped the last of his tears away. Of course she was right. They were all right.
“You okay now, Virg?” Scott ruffled his hair.
Virgil smiled sadly as the hug parted, but his heart was lighter now. Much lighter. They’d done all the heavy lifting… “I will be, Scott. I will be…”
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orcelito · 11 months
Finally doing some emotional processing ✌
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last summer my partner and I gave a ride to this guy who was walking in the heat (it was over 100 degrees outside and in our rural ass town he was easily a two mile walk from ANYTHING) he flashed a bunch of rings in all different sizes and styles, it was really clear hed just stolen them from whatever house he was walking from, whatever it wasn't our business so neither of us mentioned it, it's been at least 6 months since then and he just showed up at our house by recognizing our car (it's 230 in the morning) and didn't even knock, our dogs started barking going crazy so my grandpa goes out there and asks him what the fuck he's doing on our porch in the middle of the night, and he asks for a ride and then when we won't give him one he asks to use a phone and my grandma lets him use hers, and she has to threaten him to get it back because he just won't give it back (he finally does after like 10 minutes) and now he's 'waiting on a ride' on our front porch and he's been out there for like 45 minutes, and we're all pretty freaked out about it
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