#GoI: The Black Queen's Insurgency
dzthenerd490 · 6 months
File: OC 20
Code Name: Christine the Motorcycle
Object Class: Prodosa/ Keter
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-AFM unfortunately is under the protection of Group of Interest: The Black Queen's Insurgency. This was the result of the sudden containment breach at Site-AA. As such no Containment Procedures have been made. All efforts are directed to finding SCP-AFM and bringing it into containment. 
Description: SCP-AFM is the result of SCP-AFN and SCP-AAP fusing together during a containment breach of Site-AA back in 2014. SCP-AFM resembles a red motorcycle but has no resemblance to any known model in the world. Like its predecessors, the anomaly is sentient, homicidal, and enjoys making anything it targets explode psychically with its non-existent mind. Unfortunately, SCP-AFM is much stronger than either able to ride itself at a speed of 300 MPH and able to make anyone and anything it comes across explode. SCP-AFM is able to process information as fast as it drives meaning it can slaughter hundreds in a matter of minutes. 
SCP-AFM is not indestructible but is able to repair itself from any form of damage. It's even possible for the anomaly to temporarily give other motorcycles or bikes life and its anomalous abilities to act as its bodyguards or soldiers. It is believed that SCP-AFM gains power the more it kills as its abilities expand in range as a result to its increased death. 
SCP-AFM was created in 2014 during a containment breach caused by Group of Interest: The Black Queen's Insurgency. A janitor within the site was revealed to be an agent of the GoI and directed the infiltrators to both SCP-AAP's and SCP-AFN where they forced the anomalies together resulting in the creation of SCP-AFM. The janitor then rode SCP-AFM out of the site killing everyone he came across. The site suffered a 2% population loss that day and all forces from the Black Queen's Insurgency got away without suffering a single casualty. This marks yet another of our most embarrassing failures. 
"So that's why they created SCP-AFN, they wanted to use it as a piece to create a stronger SCP. I just wasn't expecting them to use an SCP already in our containment as the other half of the puzzle. Death has always been commonplace within the Foundation, but the Black Queen's Insurgency really finds ways to make it happen in the most horrific and frustrating ways possible. Still though, I like so many others can't help but be confused, we don't know much about the Black Queen's Insurgency other than the fact that it's ruled by the many dimensional iterations of Alison Chao, same with the original Black Queen group. But why is this new group so militaristic all of a sudden and why does she attack our reality when [data expunged] nor his daughter have ever existed in this reality because of The Reset. She should have no reason to hate us... so why does she?" - Dr. Bones
SCP: Horror Movie Files Hub
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crowdsourcedgender · 9 months
Hello all! I'm trying to make a comprehensive catalogue of GoI (Group of Interest) genders. I've collected all the ones I can find and am planning to coin any that haven't been. Big credit to @dr-gearz for the flag template I'm gonna use, as well as making many of the genders on the list! Also credit to @\genderketer, who created some other flags which I will likely take inspiration from.
Please be aware that this list will be edited, so if you reblog you may want to reblog it again when it is done.
I am taking requests, including new colors, a different GoI or a different symbol!
Below the cut is the list of genders, with links!
- [x] Already created by dr-gearz
- [o] Only flag made by genderketer, reformatting pending
- [/o] Reformatted, alt flag by genderketer
- [xo] Already created by dr-gearz, alt flag by genderketer
- [ ] No flag, pending
- [/] Flag made by me
- [/] Alexylva University
- [/] Ambrose Restaurants
- [/o] Anderson Robotics or alt flag
- [x] Arcadia
- [xo] Are We Cool Yet? or alt flag
- [/] The Black Queen
- [xo] Chaos Insurgency or alt flag
- [/] Chicago Spirit
- [x] Children of the Scarlet King
- [x] Church of the Broken God
- [/o] Church of the Second Hytoth or alt flag
- [/] Daevites
- [/o] Deer College or alt flag
- [xo] Doctor Wondertainment or alt flag
- [x] The Factory
- [/o] Fifthism/The Fifth Church or alt flag
- [xo] Gamers Against Weed or alt flag
- [xo] Global Occult Coalition or alt flag
- [/] Goldbaker-Reinz Ltd.
- [/] Herman Fuller's Circus of the Disquieting
- [/] Horizon Initiative
- [/] Manna Charitable Foundation
- [x] Marshall Carter and Dark
- [x] Nobody
- [/] Oneroi Collective
- [/o] Parawatch or alt flag
- [/o] Prometheus Labs or alt flag
- [/] Sarkicism
- [xo] The Serpent's Hand or alt flag
- [/] Shark Punching Centre
- [/o] Three Moons Initiative or alt flag
- [/] TotleighSoft
- [/] Unusual Incidents Unit
- [/] Vikander-Kneed Technical Media
- [x] Wilson's Wildlife Solutions
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tempest-toss · 1 year
I didn't realize the list of non-Tempest Specific GOIs was so long
Alexylva University Ambrose Restaurants Anderson Robotics Arcadia Are We Cool Yet? The Black Queen The Chaos Insurgency The Chicago Spirit The Children of the Scarlet King The Church of the Broken God Church of the Second Hytoth The Commission on Unusual Cargo The Daevites Deer College Doctor Wondertainment The Factory The Fifth Church Gamers Against Weed The Global Occult Coalition (GOC) Greazeburger Incorporated GRU Division "P" Herman Fuller's Circus of the Disquieting The Horizon Initiative IJAMEA Manna Charitable Foundation Marshall, Carter, and Dark Ltd. Medician Academy of Occult Art "Nobody" Office For The Reclamation of Islamic Artifacts (ORIA) Oneiroi Collective Parawatch Prometheus Labs, Inc. Sarkic Cults The Serpent's Hand Shark Punching Center The Three Moons Initiative TotleighSoft Unusual Incidents Unit (UIU) Valravn Corporation Vikander-Kneed Technical Media The Wandsmen Wilson's Wildlife Solutions
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afklancelot · 1 year
Opinions on SCP-EN GoIs
see title. just to reiterate, this is my personal opinion on them, so of course i'm going to be biased.
Alexylva University- pretty basic concept for a GoI, but I haven't really seen any articles that peaked my interest. the one scp that combines this and Anderson Robotics was ok tho.
Ambrose Restaurants- the GoI format for this group, mostly in the style of menus, is cool.
Anderson Robotics- like I said with Alexylva, none of their articles are of interest to me.
Arcadia- I'm always interested in electronic skips, specifically about online stuff and video games, so having a GoI be a video game company is cool. Shame there's not that much articles for it.
Are We Cool Yet?- the Dadaist version of this GoI, features in scp-4485, was extremely good. some of their proposals for art shows are pretty interesting too.
The Black Queen- the GoI formats for this one are nice, but otherwise they're not much to write home about.
Chaos Insurgency- there was one (1) article bout them that I found decent, but otherwise they're not that interesting. their description kinda blends in with Global Occult Coalition.
Chicago Spirit- good potential for this one. articles that I read regarding this GoI are ok, if a little forgettable.
Children of the Scarlet King- haven't actually read much bout this one beyond maybe snippets. that said, it doesn't seem that interesting to me.
Church of the Broken God- not really my thing but I can see why people like it. liked their fusions with AWCY and Fifthism in 4485 and 4558, respectively.
Church of the Second Hytoth- haven't seen much of it but I suppose there's some potential. maybe have an article with both this GoI and Fifthism?
Commission on Unusual Cargo- eh.
Daevites- they're fine I guess. not my thing.
Deer College- average magic school GoI. not that interesting, honestly.
Doctor Wondertainment- I can see why people would like this GoI, but it's not really interesting to me. I do like their evil version "Doctor" on the JP GoI list, so I guess there's that.
Factory- a GoI that's a rather blatant criticism on capitalism, but unlike VKTM, it's one I actually find endearing.
Fifth Church- prolly my favorite mainlist GoI of all time. helps that the one and only canon I actually like, There is No Antimemetics Division, features Fifth Church, or specifically the entity they worship, as a cool antagonist.
Gamers Against Weed- don't like these guys. the first few articles they appear in are ok, but subsequent articles that try to have them be semi-serious completely fall flat for me because I don't care for them. hell, they're even more of a joke GoI than Shark Punching Center. doesn't help that they're always portrayed in the right, making them pretentious as well (especially the Nerf gun SCP, like the guy who made it calls the researchers out for testing out on humans but what if your brother ended up shooting it at a person? never mind the brother got injured in an incident involving the gun).
Global Occult Coalition- beyond being a foil for the Foundation, they're not much of interest to me.
Greazeburger Incorporated- yes, this is an actualy GoI. it's meh.
GRU Division "P"- don't know much about this group nor do I care to learn more.
Herman Fuller's Circus- concept of a circus GoI is nice. admittedly not my thing but I do like the vibe of some of their articles.
Horizion Initiative- the few scps I read that happen to feature them never interested me. still, there might be potential, but I don't intend to find out.
IJAMEA- Japanese military Foundation. not that interesting for me.
Manna Charitable Foundation- there was one JP skip of a depressed teddy bear that featured this GoI, and there was one cool CN skip regarding the concept of pain that I think featured Manna as antagonistic/mysterious, but otherwise not much to write home bout.
Marshall Carter and Dark- auction GoI. I understand their importance on the site but not that interesting.
Medician Academy of Occult Art- one of, if not the only, EN GoIs that originated from a foreign branch, in this case being from Italian branch. there's potential, but it honestly just sounds like AWCY but as a school.
"Nobody"- Who?
Office For The Reclamation of Islamic Artifacts- haven't read any articles about them. honestly a little forgettable.
Oneiroi Collective- the idea of dreams being portrayed with internet websites is really cool. JP branch does Oneiroi really good, definitely better than EN.
Parawatch- second favorite GoI, mostly because it's mostly horror reminiscent of Creepypasta (recently been searching the Creepypasta wiki for good horror). bit nitpicky about the fact there's only one wikipage style article despite being a WIKI, but the forum format is good enough.
Promethus Lab- haven't read much of them, but I like their GoI format titles are allways in all-caps.
Sarkic Cults- I like their dynamic with CoTBG, and I recently gained an appreciate for unnatural flesh growths, but otherwise not really my thing.
Serpent's Hand/Wanderer's Library- ever since scp-6000 I really disliked them. like GAW, them always being in the right is extremely boring for me. any lore that they bring in is both complicated and not worth my time. still, the Wanderer's Library Hub (a sister site to the scp wiki) has a few good things if you look hard enough, so it's still above GAW in this regard.
Shark Punching Center- a GoI that embraces how silly its concept is, and it's much better off because of it. helps that unlike GAW, there is some potential for at least some seriousness. also helps that their main themes rarely change across articles- they punch sharks.
Three Moons Initiative- the skip they appear in where they beat up fictional characters is nice, but that's kinda all they have going on with them for me.
Unusual Incidents Unit- how many Foundation-esque GoIs do we need?
Valravn Corporation- anomalous military organization. that's all I care to know.
Vikander-Kneed Technical Media- the first few skips they appeared in were good, but it's been downhill ever since. like Factory, they're a blatant criticism of capitalism, specifically modern capitalism, but unlike Factory, their blatantness comes off as grating, which might be the POINT, but what I look for in GoIs are enjoyment, and this GoI is too annoying to be endearing. just an average of the mill modern corporation GoI.
Wandsmen- forgettable and easy to confuse with Serpent's Hand. i did like their article on Alagadda, though.
Wilson's Wildlife Solutions- don't care much for the tales about the founder's daughter taking up the mantle, but I really like their GoI formats. rather cute.
Bonus: Unlisted GoIs and Foreign GoIs
Class of 76/Syncope Symphony- probably my favorite unlisted GoI. there's some criticism that all their articles reinforce the same theme, but to me that's kinda why I like them so much. the concept of memories and refusing to let go of your life in high school because it's only gonna go downhill when you graduate... good shit. TLDR- the romanticizing of highschool being played as horror is really nice.
Just Girly Things- by girls for girls!! I already talked about in 4319, but the GoI idea actually feels original, being a TERF GoI where underneath the surface-"Girl Power" is forcing girls on the site to be what the founder's idea of "girl" is. that said: I don't like the recent articles they appear in where they're aligned with the Fourth Reich (yes, really): they're much more fun as a stand-alone GoI.
Imaginanimals- my favorite GoI of all time! the concept of a GoI with animals that are based on "human concepts" is soooo good.
Drunken Street- like Class of 76, this GoI deals with memories, specifically that the people of Drunken Street go there to be forgotten (at least from what I can tell from Google Translate lol). really good and the articles actually deliver on the concept.
Super Electric Rescue Team HERO- sentai/power rangers but their methods of helping are questionable at best and brutalizing at worst. articles they appear in are pretty good.
PAMWAC- a GoI focused on marrying their anime waifus. still a better GoI than GAW (and PAMWAC actually has a defined trait that's interesting).
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helloyesthisisdado · 4 years
dado goi thoughts
hello all dado follower since dado has hit the mile stone dado will be revealing his thoughts on all the goi that he can find on that one page on scipnet yes.
pls do not ask dado how he got on scipnet.
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es see pee foundation: dado does not like the es see pee as they love to steal fine dado product and or threaten dado over email. alex ya va university: dado personally not interreact with them but has tried to sell the fine horses to them as he think they would like the high power horse. i think they could be good dado friends. ambrose restaurant: dado since change opinion on them and think they r wonderful place to eat at, great food for dado and is now business partner of dado. anderson robot: dado has tried and tried to work with them but they always say "mr dado u r so unprofessional at the robot" even though dado make fine robot like tsar roomba. they r not very nice. are we cool yet: dado does not know how to feel about the are we cool ppl as many of them hate dado but some do not hate dado. the are we cool ppl sometimes prank dado and dado does not like that. the black queen: dado wishes to not talk about the black queen as they do not like dado for some reason, dado does not know why. chaos insurgency: ppl who are better then the es see pee and dado like to pay them to go hit ppl, but still sometime steal dado product but dado is forgiving man and they do good job, dado like them. chicago ghost: dado once made a cigar for chicago ghosts and dado think "hmmm chicago ghost very cool" but then dado watch ghostbusters and dado no longer like them. church of broken god or something: dado is very on edge with religions especially the crazy cult kind of ppl but these guys are very friendly towards dado and do not mind him, dado will sometimes fund their crazy ongoings. the church of the second high tooth: dado does not like the cults. dado: idk why dado on goi list but dado like himself. u trust dado. dr wondertaintment (tee em): dado love the dr wondertaintment (tee em) and dado strives to be like them with all whimsy (tee em) and fun, but dado is not good at making the toy sometimes so he leave that to them. favourite dado partner. the factory: dado number one enemy as dado hate the factory and wish dado could punch them into the sky with dado boxing glove. dado wishes they suffer for long time. five church: dado does not like cult as he stated before and this no exception but dado find it funny how they worship the starfish like the patrick star from spunch bob. maybe they r funny ppl. gamers against weed: dado think the fact they r against weed is good thing as dado does not like devil lettuce, so dado support them but when dado try to enter chat room it fill dado pc with the weed so dado think the es see pee is attack them, they r cool ppl. global occult coal miners: just as bad as es see pee if not worse as they actively want dado heads, very bad and dado does not like it when they raid warehouse or threaten dado customer. do not threaten dado customer. dado stillnot consider them number one enemy. gru-p: dado had run in with gru-p when he make product for the russian but other then that no bad quarrels with the gru-p, dado hasnt heard from them for while though. circus of quiet ppl: dado is mortal enemy of circus as they ruined his moon fort and forced him to fight the spaceman in fisticuff (which dado won) dado wishes to not intrude on their business though. maybe could repair relationship. the horizon something (dado forgot): dado does not attempt to speak with them and wishes not to. ijamea: mmm dado love jam, very tasty. manna charity foundation: dado loves support charity like the good businessmen who r rich should, donate many product and money to them as anonymoose, very good ppl dado support. martian cottage and grimdark: dado does not know how to feel about them as they tried to hack dado, steal his product but also willing to work with dado??? dado have many bad experience though so he is 50/50 on them. nobody: dado cannot read into nobody as they are nobody. oria: who? oneiroi collection: helped dado with his dream marketing which is very good at selling the product to higher entity, dado like them as they r helpful for dado to further market in dream. pattern screamers:
dadafuiasfhiafhnidhfajkbfajgbgadgasjkgbahdgbgjkabgjlalgbadghlalgah srry hamster on keyboard. prometheus lab: dado similar to them, maybe dado even worked for them before is where dado got his keyboard from as well, dado miss them sometimes. sharkic cults: dado hate cults and dado hates sharks, dado does not like them at all. snake hands: dado feel bad for the walking library ppl with the snake hands and wish he could help them cure snake hands but dado is banned from library like what the? dado is try to help them and they treat him poorly. the shark punching centre: dado supports their cause 101% as dado hates sharks and sharko, dado donates 10% of his money made to them so they can punch sharks and sometimes dado will punch sharks. great people. uiu: hahahahah wizard police cannot touch mighty dado business, dado still hate them though as they will actively look for dado product that have been sold and take them away!!! wilson wildlife solution: very great ppl, take care of the horses (dado offer to replace before) and very kind ppl. dado wishes he could meet the tim wilson man in person but dado is very busy all the time. dado like them. three moon ppl: dado tries to avoid at all cost and they could spell end to dado business! very bad ppl, dado do not like, hate them alot. █████ industrial: dado pity them as they try to take the easy way out, big hole left in market and dado sometimes will try fill it in but he is not good at filling them in. dado wishes he could help. atf: evilest company run by evilest man (except factory) wishes to abuse customer base, does not respect customer either. dado does not like the atf. atari arcadia: dado think the arcade making and the game making is a very good idea for the business venture and maybe dado should reach out to them?? dado will try later, possibly good business partner. deer college: dado funds them in return dado get to help with school food menu full of yummy dado food, also dado will sometime teach the class there and is like "i am dado i teach u the magic pill and stuff" nice place to be. daevites: dado does not like the evil cult. eric: dado see alot of his younger self in eric so dado sometime reach out to him in time of the need and will offer help and maybe even the free dado product (wow) and also offer him support on his own things. just girl things: dado once tried break into market but did not agree with founder of just girl things so dado cut the ties and never talk to them again, does not like dado either. light courier enterprise: make the good product that dado like to keep and also spread a good message, very truthful and good ppl. lord blackwood: one of dado good friend who will share the tale that inspire dado to make a product, also look after robert mitchell when dado cannot. parawatch: the dado arg did not go over well, dado apologies to parawatch.net. not on good terms with dado either, will not come back. saturn deer planet guy: dado will sometime talk to them but dado is like "u r so evil and mean, dado is not like the evil and mean ppl" so dado block them. scarlet king: dado is not on good terms with red king man, dado try sell to him before and all he did was try and kill dado so dado will not try again. totleighsoft: dado once tried to invest in them but all they did was scream hazard at dado so dado gave up. dado glad he did not invest as they make the bad product. the going to hell ppl who made the puppy machine: also dado enemy, dado does not like or understand the product they make and wishes they go bankrupt or something soon. ok that is all goi dado can think of, dado hope u like his list and thoughts on the matter.
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gotham-amai · 4 years
Ok so it's been decided. I am going to open a collab to draw the SCP Groups of Interest (I will later do the SCP personel so don't worry)
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So as you know there are many Groups of interest, each one with their respective important people and leaders such as Are We Cool Yet? With Ruiz Duchamp, also Hernan Fuller or Wondertainment.
Some like The Factory or Nobody are more ambiguous so you can interpret them as you want.
So what I'm looking for to this massive collab is to represent memebers/persons of interest/characters from the tales, etc in the drawing. Your skill level doesn't matter much, as long as you have a stablished color palette and a good composition idea. So don't worry too much about it. Everyone can participate!
At the end when all the groups have been drawn I'll make a collage of the pieces, making them fit by color palette and at the end we can have a really one cool piece.
I'll make a list of the Groups of Interest and you can either just dm me or write in the comments or reblog telling me which one are you choosing, I'll check if no one has chosen it and tell you, if it is ill tell the GOIs that are free. Also its ok if not all of the slots are full but the more people the merrier!
So I'm going to list the GOIs and write the people who will be in charge of drawing that GOI.
Alexylva University
Ambrose Restaurants
Anderson Robotics * @yeswhycantidoanything
Are We Cool Yet? *(I'll be drawing for AWCY)
The Black Queen
The Chaos Insurgency
The Chicago Spirit
The Church of the Broken God
Church of the Second Hytoth
Deer College
Doctor Wondertainment
The Factory @incorrect-scp-cb-quotes
The Fifth Church
Gamers Against Weed
The Global Occult Coalition (GOC)
GRU Division "P"
Herman Fuller's Circus of the Disquieting
The Horizon Initiative
Manna Charitable Foundation
Marshall, Carter, and Dark Ltd.
"Nobody" @aromaticoraromantic
Office For The Reclamation of Islamic Artifacts (ORIA)
Oneiroi Collective
Prometheus Labs, Inc.
Sarkic Cults
The Serpent's Hand
Shark Punching Center
The Three Moons Initiative
Unusual Incidents Unit (UIU), Federal Bureau of Investigation
Wilson's Wildlife Solutions
Edit: I made a discord server for this!
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wondertainmenttoys · 4 years
ooc: GOIs as music genres in no particular order
Foundation: no music because they’re the fun police
GOC: pop rock (early 2000s only)
Chaos Insurgency: Evanescence is an American rock band founded in Little Rock, Arkansas, in 1995 by singer and pianist Amy Lee and guitarist Ben Moody. After recording independent albums, the band released their first full-length album, Fallen, on Wind-up Records in 2003. Fallen sold more than 17 million copies worldwide and helped the band win two Grammy Awards out of six nominations. A year later, Evanescence released their first live album, Anywhere but Home, which sold more than one million copies worldwide. In 2006, the band released their second studio album, The Open Door, which sold more than five million copies.
Serpents Hand: no music because they’re in the Library (shhh!)
The Factory: noise
Dr. Wondertainment: toy commercial soundtrack (90s commercials only)
Prometheus Labs: half-life soundtrack
Anderson Robotics: portal soundtrack
Sarkic Cults: Mongolian throat singing
Church of the Broken God: Mongolian throat singing (industrial remix)
Horizon Initiative: “Whatever Oingo Boingo had going on” according to a friend
AWCY?: I’d list it but you probably never heard of them
GAW: vocaloid 
GRU-P: USSR National Anthem (10-hour version)
ORIA: Iranian National Anthem (10-hour version)
IJAMEA: Ryūkōka
dado: dado music
Arcadia: chiptune
The Fifth Church: Five (stylised as 5ive) is a British boy band from London consisting of members Sean Conlon, Richard Neville, and Scott Robinson. They were formed in 1997 by the same team that managed the Spice Girls before they launched their career. The group were mostly known as a five-piece, consisting of Robinson, Neville, Conlon, Abz Love and Jason "J" Brown. Five enjoyed remarkable success worldwide, particularly in their native United Kingdom, as well as most of the rest of Europe and Asia.
Deer College: Pomp and Circumstance
Marshall, Carter, and Dark: smooth jazz Loadsamoney (Doin’ Up the House)
Chicago Spirit: The Godfather (1972)
Unusual Incidents Unit: Twin Peaks (1990)
Parawatch: X-Files (1993)
Ambrose Restaurants: Ratatouille (2007) 
Nobody: “classical”
Alexylva: classical
Black Queen: Evanescence is an American rock band founded in Little Rock, Arkansas, in 1995 by singer and pianist Amy Lee and guitarist Ben Moody. After recording independent albums, the band released their first full-length album, Fallen, on Wind-up Records in 2003. Fallen sold more than 17 million copies worldwide and helped the band win two Grammy Awards out of six nominations. A year later, Evanescence released their first live album, Anywhere but Home, which sold more than one million copies worldwide. In 2006, the band released their second studio album, The Open Door, which sold more than five million copies.
Church of the Second Hytoth: *UFO noises*
Wilson’s Wildlife Solution: Zoo Tycoon soundtrack
Oneiroi Collective: dream pop
Three Moons Initiative: no music because they’re the fun police ☽☽☽ YOU ARE WATCHED. YOU ARE PROTECTED. YOU ARE LOVED.
Shark Punching Center: good music
No I will not be accepting any feedback for this post
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pumkin-expresso · 5 years
The mini foundation wolrd actually has a outside world and GOIs, the outside wolrd is of course normal and doesn't know about the foundation.
But then we get to the GOIs
Most of the GOIs are pretty normal kinda like the foundation, but then you get to the people running them and the main few that are well known.
The first one is the Serpent's hand who are all just a bunch of minis, but the one different about them is that they are insanely chill. Unlike the minis line Glass and iceberg who will threaten to wipe out your bloodline cause you took the last cookie. You can just chuck the black queen out the window and she'll be fine with it.
Not to say they can't kill you, they can most definitely, but they are really hard to piss off. Most foundation personnel are told if they ever see a Serpent's hand member to just pick them up and throw them out the window. This is the best way to get rid of them as well sense if you try to capture them they will find a way out every time.
They are mainly known for borrowing SCPs and are very sneaky, especially sense they are even smaller than the small foundation employees.
Then there is the Sarkics and the Church of the broken god.
They stay the same, but they are all pretty chill, besides the fact that all of them always look scary, or cary in mini terms. Basically no matter what a member of the Sarkics or Church of the broken god does, they face is always covered in shadows.
One other thing the members are all normal human height except for bumaro and Ion who are 8 feet tall.
Then there is the GOC who is unnecessarily angry all the time. They are like squeaky mad hamsters. They are mad, but not scary or threatening. They are jsut very mad potatos.
Then there is chaos insurgency who are pretty much as villain as villain as you can get, but they can not plan for shit and always fail. They are dumb and their reasons are dumb as well.
Then there is the UIU, these guys are completely ignorant, clueless, innocent, and so nice. They don't know what they are doing, but as long as they are saving people then it's ok right?
In the end even GOIs weren't saved from the craziness.
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dzthenerd490 · 22 days
File: .Flow
This File contains mentions of Su1c1d3, readers digression is advised.
Code Name: Sabitsuki, The Dead Goddess of Dreams
Object Class: Neutralized Masvae
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-AIP is within the subconscious realm acting as a guardian for the Global Occult Coalition for the sake of the only allies she has ever known. Because she is associated with the Global Occult Coalition, no containment procedures will be made by the Foundation.
Description: SCP-AIP was originally a young japanese woman named Sabitsuki, her exact age is unknown. Like SCP-AFI, she possesses the ability to alter the area around her when she sleeps, summon strange and sometimes hostile entities, and even be able to activate powers in the real world. However unlike SCP-AFI, the only way for SCP-AIP to summon her powers in the real world is to have them placed within her computer which is labeled as SCP-AIP-1. SCP-AIP-1 is on all aspects a normal desktop computer of unknown brand, however within SCP-AIP-1 is a folder that holds all of SCP-AIP’s abilities. 
Should SCP-AIP use the computer to select her abilities she will be able to manifest them in the real world while she is awake. However, once she does this she will only be able to manifest them in the real world, never the dream world again. Thankfully SCP-AIP has made up for this by creating a number of abilities that revolve around weapons and defending herself. Most notably of these abilities is her Pipe form, Gun form, and Robot form.
Pipe form is a form similar to SCP-AFI’s knife form, the only difference from her normal self is that she is holding a pipe. The pipe cannot be taken from her grasp and is seemingly a broken pipe but is strong enough to badly dent a tungsten ingot even if SCP-AIP hits it with minimal effort. SCP-AIP’s gun form is a form where she is holding a common pistol that only holds six bullets, she only needs a second to reload and has unlimited ammo. Finally, there is the Robot form which gives her great strength and makes her durable form physical attacks, projectile attacks, and even energy-based attacks. There are many other abilities SCP-AFI possesses but these are only the few she uses in the real world to defend herself. 
Unfortunately, SCP-AFI was not only suffering from depression and by result became a Hikikomori, but she was hunted by the Group of Interest: The Black Queen’s Insurgency as well. It is believed that they hunted her because of her abilities and it’s also because of the GoI that the Foundation was unable to find SCP-AIP until it was too late. 
SCP-AIP was discovered in 2009 by the Foundation though apparently she was discovered by the Global Occult Coalition in 2007. It’s unknown how, but the Global Occult Coalition managed to have a few agents meet her in an online chat room where they talked. She explained her abilities and how there were men and women in black and white as well as monsters that kept hunting her in her dreams. The agents tried to encourage her to tell them where she was but every time, she either refused out of fear or the information was corrupted. 
Since trying to find her proved fruitless they instead asked for more information leading to them helping SCP-AIP learn the full extent of her anomalous abilities. Because of this she was able to fight against the monsters and agents of the Black Queen’s Insurgency thanks to their guidance. However, this also caused the BQI to strike harder and stronger with overwhelming numbers. Eventually they started hunting her down in the real world as well. SCP-AIP panicked and told the GOC as much information as she could about her apartment building while trying to evade the BQI forces who were infiltrating her building and slaughtering everyone who got in the way. Unfortunately, by the time the GOC arrived SCP-AIP had already jumped off the roof to escape the BQI forces. GOC forces stormed the building but found nothing and could retrieve nothing as SCP-AIP-1 was destroyed. 
SCP-AIP came to the agent who messaged her in his dreams and started talking to him. It eventually led to them becoming true friends even more so than when they were in that online chat room. He eventually explained to his superiors that SCP-AIP was alive, and she revealed herself by invading the dreams of more agents, scientists, and representatives of the organization. Since she was on friendly terms with a majority of them and had no desire to harm any humans she was declared an Allied Threat Entity by the Global Occult Coalition.
For those that don’t know, an Allied Threat Entity, or ATE for short, are Anomalies identified by the GOC as still a possible risk but one that can benefit humanity if they prove to be on the side of the GOC. They are essentially the equivalent to the Foundation’s Thaumiel Class Anomalies. SCP-AIP is considered an ally, a friend, and sometimes even family by the GOC. It should be noted that despite the GOC recklessly destroying anomalies, especially those they don’t fully understand, they tend to share a camaraderie among one another that makes their teamwork and overall work efficiency stronger, sometimes even stronger than the Foundation. The Ethics Committee has pointed this out many times to the O5 Council’s annoyance. 
SCP-AIP, though known to the Global Occult Coalition as ATE-ΥΜΔΔ-Dream Goddess, is their protector against overwhelming threats. As of 2009 she has not only regained her abilities that she lost to her real world along with SCP-AIP-1 but has gained numerous others including a newfound confidence and ability to appear semi-transparent to those who are awake. She acts as a defender of the GOC against spectral and subconscious threats that would otherwise be able to breach even the most heavily defended GOC bases and secret locations. SCP-AIP feels she owes the GOC a great debt as its agents were the only ones who reached out to her during her time of depression and tried to rescue her when the Black Queen’s Insurgency, even if they failed. As such not only does she protect such high-ranking locations and even VIP’s she has vowed to never expose any secret information she is aware of. 
Because she is a conscious anomaly that feels indebted to the GOC, Protocol “United Hands” will not be implemented by order of the Ethics Committee. Though the GOC has allowed the Foundation a Threat Assessment Report regarding SCP-AIP to help the Foundation understand her better. Please see Addendum X-65 for details.
Addendum X-65
The following is the Threat Assessment Report created by the Global Occult Coalition in regard to SCP-AIP.
Threat ID: ATE-ΥΜΔΔ-Dream Goddess "Guardian of the Subconscious"
Authorized Response Level: 5 (Irreplaceable Asset)
ATE-ΥΜΔΔ-Dream Goddess is a Type Green Humanoid Anomaly who has the ability to manipulate herself and her surroundings when she sleeps and when she is awake. She seems to be able to collect and manifest abilities to make herself stronger by unlocking new skills with each one. Originally while she was alive, she possessed a computer where she could store these powers. However, she has recently died, and her computer was destroyed by the Severe Threat Organization, the Black Queen’s Interagency. though in reality, she has not died but instead become trapped within the dream plane of our reality.
She found us, more specifically, agent [data expunged] who made first contact with her and has been trying to get our organization to meet with her through online chat rooms. There she met with more and more, a majority of which ended up meeting her with kindness. Though it is our mission to protect humanity from the anomalous threats of the unknown by exterminating them, we do make expectations for those anomalies that are willing to save humanity if given the chance, ATE-ΥΜΔΔ-Dream Goddess is one such anomaly. 
ATE-ΥΜΔΔ-Dream Goddess guards Coalition VIP’s and locations from entities that reside in the dream scape or any other Type Cyan entities. In order for this to continue all members of the GOC are to show their appreciation for ATE-ΥΜΔΔ-Dream Goddess and occasionally have talks with her about what she likes or even do little games with her. Any agent or even higher ranking operative that dares to show her hostility or disgust will be reprimanded with a demotion and possibly complete expulsion from Coalition employment forever. ATE-ΥΜΔΔ-Dream Goddess is one of our only weapons against Unknown Threat Organization the Oneiroi Collective, to lose her or worse have her lose her faith in us will allow a crack in the Coalitions armor and possibly be the first step in our downfall. 
The Foundation has requested to have SCP-AIP and SCP-AFI meet one another in hopes of lifting the spirits of both girls. Especially since SCP-AFI still suffers from depression and night terrors, though notably not as much since her containment. The GOC is considering this as they see the benefit but fear the Foundation might try to use it as a long plan to eventually convince SCP-AIP to join the Foundation instead. Though this would be favorable, some of the Administrative Staff and the Ethics Committee have reminded Foundation staff that to remain on friendly terms with the GOC even at the cost of obtaining more valuable SCP’s, should always be prioritized. Though regardless the request is still pending.
SCP: Horror Movie Files Hub
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dzthenerd490 · 4 months
File: OC 24
Code Name: The Distortion, God of Modern Chaos. 
Object Class: Apollyon/ Prodosa 
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-AGO unfortunately cannot be contained as he is both a Black King of the Black Queen's Insurgency and is an all-powerful dimensional hopping Chaos God. Furthermore, despite nature of containing SCP-AGO, the Department of the Impossible has refused to deal with SCP-AGO as even dealing with members of the Black Queens Insurgency has proven near fatal for [data expunged]. Therefore, all plans for containment have been disregarded, SCP-AGO is not to be contained but instead, if the opportunity is ever presented, he must be destroyed. 
Description: SCP-AGO is a member of what some would call "The New Gods" which are Gods that are only 1 to 3 billion years old, quite young for most gods. SCP-AGO typically takes the appearance of a skinny middle-aged man though wearing a business suit with a tie and shiny black shoes. Though he has no hands or head as its all replaced or perhaps covered with constant interference. What appears to cover his hands and head are TV glitches, barcodes, binary, and all sorts of distorted black and white imagery normally seen on glitching screens of devices. 
SCP-AGO is childish in a way that he never takes anything seriously and always acts like he's better than everyone else. SCP-AGO is very destructive but at the same time controlled, only making chaos in small increments. Most Chaos Gods like to spread their influence as far and as wide as possible like a plague but SCP-AGO sticks to making plans. He makes long and complex plans like a domino set knocking each other down until he gets the results he wants. SCP-AGO is equivalent in power to a Level 5 reality bender and is not bound to the Abyss like other Chaos gods. So why he even does elaborate planning in the first place is as unknown as it is frustrating. 
Because SCP-AGO is of the same power of a Level 5 Reality Bender he can exist in any timeline, any dimension, any reality, at any plane of existence he wants with no limitations. He can also manifest and alter things however he desires with barely anything to stop him. Though even with his power he prefers to stick to the shadows as he is not as strong as a majority of the Chaos gods. It is believed that this was also the reasoning behind one of his major plots. 
Foundation agents within the Wanderer's Library found a book that described the origin of SCP-AGO as well as him creating his own children. It states that in a ploy to get stronger he cut himself in two and cut this second half into a thousand pieces. He then scattered these pieces through space and time to spread his influence as far as possible. It's said he turned these pieces into God Eggs, and they will transform into newly born gods once the right conditions are met. Once they grow powerful enough or reach their limit, he'll devour them all and become even stronger as a result. According to this book SCP-AGO was also one of the gods who created Universe-Ω-197 but nothing is confirmed. 
SCP-AGO was discovered the same time as the rest of the Black Queen's Insurgency back in [data expunged] when they made their debut to the Foundation. Why they did this and didn't attack us at the time was unknown. Like the rest of the Black Queen's Insurgency SCP-AGO has been a massive nuisance to the Foundation ever since. He always pulls off what seems to be pranks at first but turns out to be small pieces of a much larger puzzle. The Department of the Impossible has been dealing with SCP-AGO and the rest of the Black Queen's Insurgency. However, after the [Data Expunged by Order of the O5 Council], they have regulated their contact with the Group of Interest. Still, they are our best shot at defeating SCP-AGO and the rest of Black Queen's Insurgency because if they can't then all hope is lost.
SCP: Horror Movie Files Hub
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dzthenerd490 · 6 months
GoI: Neo Umbrella
Description: Neo Umbrella is a powerful crime syndicate that rose to power in 2012 but is believed to be slightly older. Though the Foundation actually knew of its existence back in 2000 thanks to the incident involving SCP-AAZ. Though regardless nothing could have prepared the Foundation for how dangerous and powerful the organization is. 
Neo Umbrella is comprised of Neo-Sarkites, Proto-Sarkites, Deserter Mekhanites, Rouge Scientists, Bio Terrorists, International Terrorists, Mercenaries, old employees of TRICELL and old employees of the Umbrella Corporation. They are a crime organization that continues the secret goals of the original Umbrella and TRICELL, that being making and selling Weaponized Viral Anomalies or WVA's for short. However, unlike the previous organizations they don't hide behind pharmaceutical companies. Though they are mostly within the veil of the anomalous world, they are upfront with their goals of using WVA's as weapons and product. 
Organization: Neo Umbrella seems to still function like a company despite not legally being one. The structure is not well known though the Foundation is aware of a top brass within the organization known as "The Board". The board seems to be act as a Counter to the Foundation's O5 Council and consists of an unknown number of members. Other than the Board there are the common researchers that work to create the WVA's, the anomalies and Mercenaries that act as soldiers for Neo Umbrella, and the sellers who have built a vast web of connections.
The Foundation is only able to confirm a few members to exist within Neo Umbrella though Foundation staff reading this should be aware that most are dead and those that are not can't be officially confirmed. 
The Red Queen - An Artificial Intelligence confirmed to have been active during Umbrella's time as a company and has been referenced by SCP-AAZ-2: 2000. One of two A.I. to exist within Umbrella the other being the White Queen which has yet to be found by the Foundation. 
Albert Wesker - Was supposed to be the founder of Neo Umbrella after he planned to betray TRICELL. Thankfully GOC agent Chris Redfield took him down by making sure he drowned within the lava of a volcano. He was born thanks to a project made by Umbrella's founder Oswald Spencer to create genetically altered kids that would be talented on all aspects. He also wanted these kids adopted by highly influential people so Umbrella would have inside influence. Instead, they were mostly adopted by families within the GOC and raised as researchers and soldiers within the organization. 
The projected failed with the GOC later killing most of them due to some developing insanity and others revealing their manipulative nature too quickly. Albert Wesker was one of the key survivors and got back with Umbrella to become a member of S.T.A.R.S. at Raccoon City, the location of umbrella's headquarters. He however betrayed them in the end and wanted to steal Oswald's idea of becoming the leader of a new world full of superhumans. He never got close, when he was killed but he did inspire his followers to create Neo Umbrella. As such he's more of a spiritual Founder.
George Francis Margarog - Neo Sarkite who was a high investor with Umbrella as well as a powerful customer of TRICELL. He was an ally and investor in Albert Wesker's plans and ended up becoming the true founder of Neo Umbrella. He and the clan he rules over, manages Neo Umbrella. This has naturally made him a member of the "The Board" meaning he is one of the members who has final say over everything. Only confirmed living and real member of Neo Umbrella's Board, high priority that must be caught and/or killed at all costs. 
Alex Wesker - A small time researcher and a fellow surviving child of Spencer's project. Tried to take over Neo Umbrella in the name of her brother by experimenting with SCP-AAY to create a newer and deadly strain that could buy the loyalty of all members. She failed and was killed on the island she worked. The Foundation only knew of its existence after her death, so nothing is concrete. 
Carla Radames - Board Member of Neo Umbrella though she joined only because of Derek C. Simmons. The two of them helped develop SCP-AFG and with that she gained a lot of influence within Neo Umbrella. However, when Derek C. Simmons rejected her even after altering herself to become Person of Interest: Ada Wong she went insane and decide to destroy the perfect world he wanted to create. She died due to over mutation with SCP-AFG infection and by the hand of the real Ada Wong. 
Derek C. Simmons - Political leader of Neo Umbrella as such he handled lawful management over the organization as a member of "The Board". He tried to use Neo Umbrella to increase his power and the power of his fraternity known as "The Family". He was infected with SCP-AFG by Carla Radames soldiers and thus became a WVA. Because of his loss of humanity, he was abandoned by "The Family" and therefore lost his position within Neo Umbrella. He was later killed by Person of Interest: Leon Kenedy. 
Lucas Baker - Originally a victim of SCP-AFZ having been turned into an SCP-AFZ-2 instance and having his unique ability being increased intelligence. He joined with the front organization "The Connections" that was used to shake off spies and hostile forces to Neo Umbrella form finding any leads to the original organization. He only made contact with the organization through a single agent that met him in the mines bellow the baker's house. 
He was given a vaccine that frees him of his mind control but allows him to keep his fast healing and vast intelligence. He was working with them to modify the mold and weaponize it for them but when he made his own SCP-AFZ-1 variants he cut ties with them all. He was later executed by Person of Interest: Chris Redfield. 
Brandon Bailey - High ranking member within Neo Umbrella and helped create the front identity known as "The Connections" to throw off the GOC. Was originally with Umbrella but left during its financial fall. Not much else is known about him or his status within Neo Umbrella. 
Mia Winters - Employee of false organization "The Connections". She was involved in the project that experimented with the mold eventually leading to SCP-AFZ's creation. She acted as a caretaker for SCP-AFZ which unfortunately led to SCP-AFZ seeing her as a mother and wanting to turn her into an SCP-AFZ-2 instance. She was only able to barely resist and most of the time had to harm herself in order to do so. Was eventually cured by Person of Interest: Ethan Winters and left the organization entirely. Is still regularly monitored by the Foundation regardless. 
Any other members recorded by the Foundation are usually just mercenaries or soldiers of their own private army. Though it's not uncommon for Neo Umbrella to kidnap civilians and use torture as well as utilizing WVA infection to turn them into soldiers of the organization. 
Purpose and Goals: Neo Umbrella is determined to rule the world form the shadows and when the time is right, unleash a WVA so powerful it will wipe out all of their enemies and only strengthen themselves as well as their allies. Their goal is quite similar to ordinary Neo Sarkite Clans apart from the fact that Neo Umbrella consists of multiple clans and also has other anomalous individuals as well. 
In order to ensure their goals are a success their temporary goal is to start a new arms race of WVA's. They'll create pathogens, mutants, and all sorts of abominations to sell to the highest bidder and then sell another variant to their enemies. Doing this will ensure the world is in so much chaos they won't be able to stop or even realize Neo Umbrella's goals until it's too late. Thankfully the Foundation and its allies within the ACPA have been successful in stopping this goal and therefore stopping their primary goal by default. 
Affiliation with the Foundation: The Foundation has always had hostile run in's with Sarkites and has led to the extinction of quite a few clans. Furthermore, the Foundation along with the Global Occult Coalition has brought down both its predecessors Umbrella and TRICELL. As such Neo Umbrella is naturally weary and extremely hostile to both organizations. The same goes for the rest of the Anomalous Correction and Protection Alliance member organizations. 
Recent recruitment has been reported within Alexylva University and Deer College. Neo Umbrella also uses Goldbaker-Reinz Ltd. as an insurance provider. This for obvious reasons, has let to even more conflict with the GOC. Marshall, Carter, and Dark Ltd and Neo Umbrella are actually really good business partners and certain MCD members are considered VIP customers for Neo Umbrella and vice versa. Shockingly Neo Umbrella is one of the organizations that regularly stole form Fazbear Entertainment when an establishment closed down and SCP-ADF were left on the loose. 
Gamers Against Weed greatly despise Neo Umbrella thinking of them as modern fascists and commonly make art that both make a point and act as living weapons against the organization. The Chicago Spectre, The Reliquary, Lobos del Inferno, The White Bloods, and shockingly even The Dark Dragons are uncommon by high paying customers of WVA's, and weapons created by Neo Umbrella. IJAMEA, Obskura Korps, The Fascist Council of the Occult are unfortunately considered VIP customers of Neo Umbrella. There are rumors that PENTAGRAM has bought some WVA's out of desperation, but nothing has been confirmed. 
Cobweb International is a regular customer of Neo Umbrella and its thanks to Neo Umbrella that they can now stand toe to toe against the Valravn Corporation. Shockingly the Children of the Scarlet King consider Neo Umbrella allies mainly due to the chaos that can be brought forward when Neo Umbrella unleashes its arsenal of WVA's on the world. There are celebrity and rich members of The Fifth Church and The New Church of the Fractured God who have WVA mutants as security or even pets. The Scriptures of Rotten Flesh and Cybernetic Bones has recently been revealed to be one of their top customers.
 There are some Sarkites that see hope of reviving the Deathless Empire through Neo Umbrella, but others keep their distance thinking it's another empty promise. Parawatch has become a massive nuisance as its constantly trying to expose WVA's created by Neo Umbrella and its customers. The Foundation believes that Person of Interest: Claire Redfield is responsible for this but as she is under the GOC's protection there is no way to confirm or stop her from doing this. 
In the few times Neo Umbrella soldiers have infiltrated the Wanderer's Library they have taken members of Creed of Ealaqat Jayiea hostage to use in WVA experiments. It's because of their travels within the Wanderer's Library they have The Black Queen’s Insurgency, DER Föderation, and NSB-8 as interdimensional customers. The Seprent's Hand have tried to get rid of Neo Umbrella but have been overpowered by them almost every time. Because of the anomalous augmentations of some WVA's it is believed Neo Umbrella has some kind of connection with The Factory, but nothing has been confirmed. 
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SCP: HMF - Groups of Interest Hub
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dzthenerd490 · 7 months
Hello this is Mortalfan123 and these are my complaints  to the SCP: HMF. I am hundred percent sure that I am going to get blocked after you read this. Screw it,  so here it goes.
I just wanted to say that it is a neat universe. While I enjoy most of these files, there are some complaints I have.
Its kinda weird how some of the files aren’t from Horror movies. Examples (Back to the Future, Assassins Creed, Transformers, Pikmin, etc.) I know they can be anomalies, but they feel out of place.(ironic). I thought we were going to get files on anything horror related. But hey its your au so you do you. 
I also don’t like the Black Queen Insurgency (This is probably the bias in me because chaos insurgency is my favorite GOI). I mean the (BQI) feels like chaos insurgency but multiversal and it kinda ruins the Black Queen. They were neutral in a way now they are just fascists.
I don’t like how in each file I read, like Carrie, Malignant, and elfen lied they all got happy endings. Which is good for them but I don’t like how it just happens. I was hoping they would get contained by the foundation and they would have to struggle through it. 
I once believed that maybe we would get tales or interviews of how they struggle with the reality of being locked up because of their anomalous property,  how the foundation does testing on them, how they would interact with other scps to form bonds and friendships. We the readers will get to see them grow and maybe learn to accept their anomalous property.
But Nope!!! Instead here comes Doctor Plot Device here to save them with their plot device machine or magical power. And boom, now they are living happily and they don’t have to struggle anymore with their anomalous property. Why? Because of Doctor Plot Device that's why. 
“Oh hey guys remember SCP-343, remember how I casually contained him. Yep, that was me. Do you guys also remember how I casually woke up SCP-239 from her coma. That was also me, Doctor Plot Device. I am so amazing.”
 I’m sorry but some OC doctors with op powers just ruin the vibe of what the foundation should be. Like they can be done right, but when its says how amazing they are in the foundation and how the O5- bend just to their will, I am not fan.
I also really hate how cartoonishly evil the foundation can be. Like the foundation is full of professionals, why are they acting like Jerks? I know you probably say it's because they are flawed, but no that's not it. I remember reading a tale about Gate and the mtf were just straight up hostile to anyone that dares to look at them. Then there's Doctors Ego (Egao nice play on words) who just straight up executed a guard because he didn’t want to kill innocent people and apparently Doctor Ego doesn’t get punished because why? Because he is backed up by two O5 members. “Oh great, just great”. And there's the O5 council initiating “bullshit” protocol to kill everyone who learned a very dark secret that we are not to learn.
 Everytime I see the foundation get portrayed as bad guys, I am reminded of this meme.
And if that is not bad enough the scps and certain characters are cartoony too. I remember reading “682 vs AAB'' and I hated how 682 and Moder kept calling each other like they were twelve years old on the damn playground. Especially hated how Morder talked like a cartoon like she was scary when did not talk so to read her the saturday cartoon villain took me out of the tale. (The Director confirms that Moder is female)  I remember Dr. Stevens from the Oracle project acted like a complete moron the entire time with the ACPA. 
Speaking of the ACPA, I know it is needed for the end of the world. After the world is saved, Every group of interest goes back to do what they did before.. Like what? You guys were literally working together, why can’t you guys stay and work together?
I don’t really don’t like Joke object class. Now in the main SCP forum, the Joke class is used for funny articles, sometimes just parodies like 682-J or SCP-____-J . But the way you're using the Joke class is to insult the anomaly.  I’m sorry but I don’t like it. It ruins the professionalism of the foundation. I can’t tell if you’re trying to be funny or serious in the files
Finally, I’m getting really tired of some scps being connected to the scarlet king. Like no offense, but everytime I read that (Insert SCP) is a child of scarlet king, because (Insert SCP that is headcanon to be related to Scarlet King) says “Brother” or “Sister” I roll my eyes. I even find myself disliking the article when it casually states which wife the “child” is born from.  
It's like the foundation is collecting the king's children like it's no problem. No offense to you, but I don’t like it. 
And these are my complaints of the SCP: HMF, I hope I didn’t hurt your feelings because I will hate myself if I did. The Au is flawed, however, I think the SCP:Hmf is overall good. I mean there are some problems I have with it, but then again you are literally just one person writing this AU. So I won’t blame you
 I think it's better if I give you my review on each of the files themselves in the near future. (If I’m not blocked.) I honestly believe it's best if I don’t talk about your OCs because I might hurt your feelings.
If I am going to get blocked, then I just want to say, “Dr. Wicked is just a watered-down version of Dr. Elias Shaw, but without the amulet. I’m sorry but it's the truth.
... Holy shit, I was expecting a few notes but not a whole essay. Well either way we agreed to this so I might as well hold my end. So, let's see what you have to say!
Its kinda weird how some of the files aren’t from Horror movies. Examples (Back to the Future, Assassins Creed, Transformers, Pikmin, etc.) I know they can be anomalies, but they feel out of place.(ironic). I thought we were going to get files on anything horror related. But hey its your au so you do you. 
Ha! Yeah, I also thought it was stupid of me to keep calling it "Horror" Movie Files when it's not all horror. But I honestly couldn't resist adding other stuff on the basis that it was anomalous. Stupid I know but that's the SCP: HMF universe in a nutshell, just a load of nonsense that takes itself a little too seriously. Besides, the real SCP Foundation isn't all horror either, they got a slime that's destined to destroy the Scarlet King, a giant robot that kills kaiju, and even a Cthulhu that just wants to spend some alone time. Also come on, you got to admit these elements are pretty awesome to add into the SCP Universe, right? I'm just trying to see what would happen if I combined them and what kind of scenarios might occur. Like I put on my profile, I got a hundred ideas!
I also don’t like the Black Queen Insurgency (This is probably the bias in me because chaos insurgency is my favorite GOI). I mean the (BQI) feels like chaos insurgency but multiversal and it kinda ruins the Black Queen. They were neutral in a way now they are just fascists.
Yeah, this one can be easily answered with more SCP: HMF lore... which I STILL haven't gotten too yet. God damn it, I'm sorry I'm so slow on getting my tales and action reports done. I swear it will make sense (or at least have an explanation) eventually but I just got a lot on so its going to take a while.
Though if you question is simply why I did this... I hated both GoI's and thought they were stupid, so I just fused them together. Sorry, not sorry.
I don’t like how in each file I read, like Carrie, Malignant, and elfen lied they all got happy endings. Which is good for them but I don’t like how it just happens. I was hoping they would get contained by the foundation and they would have to struggle through it. I once believed that maybe we would get tales or interviews of how they struggle with the reality of being locked up because of their anomalous property,  how the foundation does testing on them, how they would interact with other scps to form bonds and friendships. We the readers will get to see them grow and maybe learn to accept their anomalous property. But Nope!!! Instead here comes Doctor Plot Device here to save them with their plot device machine or magical power. And boom, now they are living happily and they don’t have to struggle anymore with their anomalous property. Why? Because of Doctor Plot Device that's why. “Oh hey guys remember SCP-343, remember how I casually contained him. Yep, that was me. Do you guys also remember how I casually woke up SCP-239 from her coma. That was also me, Doctor Plot Device. I am so amazing.”
... Okay... there's a lot to unpack here. I am going to make tales about their lives and struggles but they're not ready yet so I figured the file alone would be enough for now. You are right, I basically just give a plot summary of what to expect from them in the files but that's the point. The file is meant to display to the reader, who is assumed to be fellow Foundation staff, EVERYTHING they need to know about the SCP. Which the general story is the only thing what most administrative staff would care about.
I'm sorry it's taking so long to get the tales, seditions, and VS done, all of which will help expand on the development of these SCP's and their personal views and situation. I know right now it's just a load of info dumping, but for now, that's all I got. All I can ask is that you be patient.
Though for now all I can give is the basic answer... I hate unhappy endings. That's really all there is too it. I hate things ending horribly for characters and I hate watching them suffer. But of course, it's not going to be all flowers and rainbows, I mean... obviously. It will make more sense once I FINALLY get the hang of posting tales and action reports more often.
I’m sorry but some OC doctors with op powers just ruin the vibe of what the foundation should be. Like they can be done right, but when its says how amazing they are in the foundation and how the O5- bend just to their will, I am not fan.
What do you mean doctors with OP Powers? Dr. Stefansdottir can control any aspect of reality so that's pretty much fair game. Remember when she turned the entire world into a Halloween scenario and made all her friends just normal girls in costumes?
As for other doctors I gave a few some anomalous properties (Dr Wicked is immortal and regenerates form any damage, Dr Corvio can detect lies and has a floating die for a head, Dr Alvik is an Anti-Christ, and so on) but I don't think I did anything to imply they were overpowered. I also don't recall doing anything to state the O5 bends to them? Everyone even the administrative staff and Ethics Committee fear the O5 and it's not uncommon for Foundation staff to call them faceless bastards. Nobody likes the O5, but everyone still obeys them because they feel they have no choice. Ugh... but to be fair it's kinda is my fault this is confusing because, say it with me, THE TALES ARE TAKING FUCKING FOREVER TO COME OUT!
I also really hate how cartoonishly evil the foundation can be. Like the foundation is full of professionals, why are they acting like Jerks? I know you probably say it's because they are flawed, but no that's not it. I remember reading a tale about Gate and the mtf were just straight up hostile to anyone that dares to look at them. Then there's Doctors Ego (Egao nice play on words) who just straight up executed a guard because he didn’t want to kill innocent people and apparently Doctor Ego doesn’t get punished because why? Because he is backed up by two O5 members. “Oh great, just great”. And there's the O5 council initiating “bullshit” protocol to kill everyone who learned a very dark secret that we are not to learn.
First of all, Egao is 笑顔 which means "smile" in Japanese. The irony is supposed to be that he never does and everyone around gets progressively unhappier when around him... or deader either one is fine with him. Also, he is a Foundationist which are Foundation staff members that are inherently fascist and deeply despise civilians thinking they are completely unworthy of life.
You see, a majority of the Foundation was granted immortality thanks to Protocol "The Burden We Share". The O5 claimed they did this out of the kindness of their hearts but in reality, they did it so that Foundation staff would only die from anomalous events, NOT age. As allowing both forms of death to continue would greatly dwindle the staff.
Of course, now that Foundation staff are immortal it meant more knowledge and power for the Foundation. However, this had numerous side effects including some long living Foundation staff developing a new and warped ideology, resulting in them calling themselves "Foundationists". Foundationists believe that those in the Foundation are superior to those that are not in the Foundation and that humanity has lost its right to live being ignorant to the anomalous world. They've grown tired of constantly protecting humanity and getting no thanks for it, now viewing humans as rodents due to pettiness. These particular Foundation staff members are trying to make a ruling towards the O5 to allow a scenario like SCP-5000 occur. And yes, as a result they are all extremely fascist. Thankfully not everyone in the Foundation is like that but since they all work for the same organization that's not a lot that can be done. Especially since the Foundationist's are smart and only act when no one can stop them.
The O5 don't actually care which ideology grows dominant within the Foundation. Either way, it means everyone hates each other and doesn't waste time hating the O5 or calling them out on their ethical bullshit.
Though I am sorry if I made it a little cartoonish, I'll try to improve on that later. Like I said I do like edge but not too much of it. Though, I guess even I can be guilty of using too much and making a mess of things.
Everytime I see the foundation get portrayed as bad guys, I am reminded of this meme.
... okay. I respect your opinion, but I don't agree with it.
And if that is not bad enough the scps and certain characters are cartoony too. I remember reading “682 vs AAB'' and I hated how 682 and Moder kept calling each other like they were twelve years old on the damn playground. Especially hated how Morder talked like a cartoon like she was scary when did not talk so to read her the saturday cartoon villain took me out of the tale. (The Director confirms that Moder is female)  I remember Dr. Stevens from the Oracle project acted like a complete moron the entire time with the ACPA. 
... Acted like twelve-year-olds on a playground? I'm sorry but I don't agree with that at all. I didn't actually know that Moder was a female, thought I don't really think that changes anything. I did know that making Moder talk was going to piss people off I am sorry about that, thought I won't change it. I just it would make sense since both SCPs are children of gods so it would make sense if they could communicate. As to show they're almost on the same level.
Dr. Stevens was scared because he was just told that his oracle project only came to life thanks to aliens, there was a mutagenic virus plotting to infect all life on earth, and on the same night, he was thrusted into room filled with basically the illuminati. I was just trying to portray him as scared and confused, like any person would be if they were put through the same thing.
Speaking of the ACPA, I know it is needed for the end of the world. After the world is saved, Every group of interest goes back to do what they did before.. Like what? You guys were literally working together, why can’t you guys stay and work together?
Difference in opinions and ideals, it's really that simple. The SCP Foundation, Horizon Initiative, and the Global Occult Coalition do agree that humanity must be protected from the darkness, but they disagree on how it should be done. The SCP Foundation believes all think that the best way to deal with anomalies is to contain them. To study and understand them now so they can be utilized later. Global Occult Coalition thinks that humanity will never be free of its constant fight for survival until all anomalies are either understood or destroyed. And the Horizon Initiative want's to only protect "blessed" humanoids and items while destroying everything else.
Similar reasonings apply for other member organizations of the ACPA. The only thing that will force them to work together effectively is if the world and by extension humanity is in danger. Until such events occur, they will always be at each other's throats and rarely work together properly. The same definitely applies for organizations that hate the ACPA but do join up in world ending scenarios like with SCP-AUX.
I don’t really like Joke object class. Now in the main SCP forum, the Joke class is used for funny articles, sometimes just parodies like 682-J or SCP-____-J . But the way you're using the Joke class is to insult the anomaly.  I’m sorry but I don’t like it. It ruins the professionalism of the foundation. I can’t tell if you’re trying to be funny or serious in the files.
... Actually, yeah you got me there it's really just an insult to the anomaly. Like the Object Class Glossary states. If you'd rather throw it in the trash, then its Joke. I never liked Joke anomalies in the SCP Foundation, but I felt it was a little unfair to just deny their existence. so yeah... though that doesn't deny me portraying them the way I did makes me a dick.
Finally, I’m getting really tired of some scps being connected to the scarlet king. Like no offense, but everytime I read that (Insert SCP) is a child of scarlet king, because (Insert SCP that is headcanon to be related to Scarlet King) says “Brother” or “Sister” I roll my eyes. I even find myself disliking the article when it casually states which wife the “child” is born from.  
... Um... Okay? This isn't really criticism this is just your opinion, which I respect! I just don't agree with. I personally thought it was cool to memorize each bride and what they represented but... I guess not everyone likes that. Sorry.
It's like the foundation is collecting the king's children like it's no problem. No offense to you, but I don’t like it. 
They collect anomalies to contain them. It's not just the Scarlet King its everything anomalous. What's the issue?
And these are my complaints of the SCP: HMF, I hope I didn’t hurt your feelings because I will hate myself if I did. The Au is flawed, however, I think the SCP:Hmf is overall good. I mean there are some problems I have with it, but then again you are literally just one person writing this AU. So I won’t blame you.
Oh, you definitely hurt my feelings, but I'll get over it, I'm a writer so it's simply part of the job. Oh, it's not JUST flawed, its absolute garbage, and yet I'm still so proud of it. Though to be fair its mainly just a fanfiction made for fun so of course it's going to be garbage. Thank you for understanding that I am just one person doing this on my own.
I think it's better if I give you my review on each of the files themselves in the near future. (If I’m not blocked.) I honestly believe it's best if I don’t talk about your OCs because I might hurt your feelings.
Yeah, I would prefer if you did that as well. (I'm not going to block you even if at times you were harsher than you needed to be.)
If I am going to get blocked, then I just want to say, “Dr. Wicked is just a watered-down version of Dr. Elias Shaw, but without the amulet. I’m sorry but it's the truth.
... I don't know who that is, so I don't care. but please watch it, I'm not going to block you over something so petty but you're walking on thin ice right now. I don't appreciate you saying you weren't going to give your opinion in one paragraph and then went and did that exact thing on the next just because you want to get back at me for blocking you even when I didn't even do that. Furthermore, you had no reason to assume I would. So, in other words that last part was quite petty of you... still I'm not going to block you.
The only reason you should block someone is if them being annoying, sending death threats, or have proven to be problematic is some way. All I ask is that you don't look down on me like that; of all your opinions and criticism, that is the one that hurt me the most. Please be more mindful from here on out.
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dzthenerd490 · 10 months
Document of Interest: K Class Scenarios
The Foundation contains anomalies to better understand them and see if they can be possibly utilized to better the Foundation's understanding of technology and science. However not all anomalies can be utilized and instead can be quite hazardous if not utilized properly. The common anomaly can cause a dozen casualties on its own but there are also anomalies that can wipeout entire countries, even the world. When an anomaly is capable of something like this it is all the more reason they are to be contained and understood to prevent such a thing from happening. Below is a list of possible Scenarios of what could happen if anomalies are left in the wrong hands or to their own devices. The Foundation refer to these as K Class Apocalyptic Scenarios, K standing for Keter as Keter Class Anomalies are the most likely to cause these scenarios.
- AK Class Memetically Spread Behavior Scenario - when societal norms begin to change. Such examples include: saying hello being replaced with kissing strangers on the lips, drinking water no longer considered essential or even normal, worrying about safety being replaced with taking more risks, and money being considered essential to living a normal life.
- BK Class Before Invasion Scenario - When an invasion from another dimension is imminent. All known threats that can activate said scenario are extradimensional aliens, GoI: The Black Queen's Insurgency, GoI: The Three Moon's Initiative, GoI: The Factory, or an SCP Foundation of superior power.
- CK Class Reality Reconstruction Scenario - When an anomaly changes random aspects of reality of both big and small degree. Can either lead to normalcy being completely destroyed or the eventual extinction of humanity and/ or the destruction of earth. 
- DK Class Dead Greenhouse Scenario - When all of humanity on earth is dead but the earth is still available for habitation. The earth has not been destroyed or claimed by a Species of Interest or hostile GoI form another dimension.
- EK Class End of Human Consciousness Scenario - When the consciousness of all humanity gets obliterated, corrupted, or infiltrated by an anomaly. 
- FK Class Collapse of Chemistry Scenario - As the name implies a dreaded scenario when the laws of physics have altered down to the atomic level. The only recorded instance of this scenario happened was when an alternate SCP Foundation unfortunately had a CC Class Scenario where the carbon element was no longer able to support or create life. 
- GK Class Hostile Greenhouse Scenario - When the environment or climate of the earth has become deadly to humanity. 
- HK Class Deific Subjugation Scenario - When a god has appeared to take over earth and humanity. Scenario Qualifies for both hostile and benevolent Deity Class Anomalies. 
- IK Class Collapse of Global Civilization Scenario - When every aspect of civilization all over the world has collapsed either due to anomalous influence on humanity or massive destruction all over the world. Has a broad range of possible sources, as such can possibly happen alongside another K Class Apocalyptic Scenario. 
- JK Class Eternal Despair Scenario - When multiple anomalies cause an XK Class Scenario at once, leading to a scenario where the earth or humanities chances of survival are beyond recovery. Even if it is possible to survive, just living becomes such a struggle that dying seems more merciful by comparison. 
- KK Class Anomalous Reclaim Scenario - when all known and unknown anomalous Species of Interest reclaim the earth.
- LK Class Species Transmutation Scenario - When one or multiple aspects of humanity is altered into something else. In the worst case, the result is something extremely anomalous. 
- MK Class Broken Masquerade Scenario - When the anomalous world and/ or the SCP Foundation becomes common knowledge to the public. 
- NK Class Grey Goo Scenario - When an anomaly is able to self-replicate and does so to the point that it either fills the world or breaks the veil of secrecy before it can be stopped and contained. 
- OK Class Omega Species Uprising Scenario - When Multiple Large Scale Class Anomalies reveal themselves to the public and/ or reck havoc on humanity. Leading to unavoidable change or destruction on earth.
- PK Class Singularity Scenario - When an all-powerful anomaly collapses several timelines and dimensions together to create a single reality that is incredibly unstable. The only known example of this is The Reset. 
- QK Class Quantum Degeneracy Scenario - When an anomaly is able to change the laws of physics of our universe resulting irreversible destruction and possible the end of the world.
- RK Class Broken Alliance Scenario - When the Foundation is betrayed by one of, a few, or all the organizations within the ACPA. Leading to a civil war the Foundation will not win or not win without great loss. 
- SK Class Dominance Shift Scenario - When a Species of Interest overtakes humanity as the dominant species. The less likely chance for this scenario is when humanity declares war against a previously unknown Species of Interest, changing humanity forever. 
- TK Class Restructuring Scenario - A restructuring of all aspects of reality in our universe, our timeline the laws of chemistry and physics, as well as the human consciousness. The closest example to this is The Reset.
- UK Class Foundation Domination Scenario - [Data Expunged by Order of the 05 Council]
- VK Class Diplomatic Break Down Scenario - When relations with a powerful extra-dimensional organization or God fails leading to a war for reality. 
- WK Mass Extinction Scenario - When a non-human species on earth gets wiped out by either an anomaly or the incompetence of humanity. Leading to possibly irreversible damage to the ecosystem of a certain area and possible the earth.
- XK Class end of the World Scenario - When one or more anomalies causes a massive amount of destruction on the earth and/ or a massive loss of human life. The most common of the K Class Scenarios.
- YK Class Spontaneous Consciousness Scenario - When originally inanimate objects around the world start to suddenly come to live with various degrees of consciousness and develop various degrees of anatomy similar to humans. 
- ZK Class Reality Failure Scenario - When aspects of our reality get destroyed one by one until it reaches the point that all of reality fall apart and gets destroyed. Typically caused by anomalies that can destroy anything without limitations. 
SCP: HMF Documents of Interest Hub
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dzthenerd490 · 2 years
SCP: HMF - Groups of Interest Hub
Description: This is the part of the collection that will include organizations, cults, and governments that I think deserve their place in the SCP: HMF. I think it would be interesting to see weather fictional organizations would work with or against the Foundation and how such events would unfold. And like everything else I will also include my OC GoI’s so if you see something you don’t recognize its probably that.
Groups of Interest: 
GoI: Scriptures of Rotten Flesh and Cybernetic Bones
GoI: Abstergo Industries
GoI: Eight Wings of Mekhane
GoI: Children of the Corn
GoI: The Black Queen's Insurgency
GoI: Fazbear Entertainment
GoI: Creed of Ealaqat Jayiea
GoI: M&A Harmony Toys
GoI: The Brown Family
GoI: Autobots
GoI: Decepticons
GoI: Zealots on Crack
GoI: Neo Umbrella
GoI: Willy Wonka’s Chocolate Factory
GoI: Dark Dragons
GoI: Cult of M’rohoj
GoI: Vought International
GoI: MOTHRA Institute - (Created by Dr. Octavio Lovecraft)
SCP: Horror Movie Files Hub
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dzthenerd490 · 2 years
GoI: The Black Queen's Insurgency
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Shall we plant the seeds of chaos that feed the future, Ms. Chao?
Description: After the [data expunged] incident that changed [data expunged] and [data expunged] forever, lots of things changed including the enemies of the Foundation. The Black Queen should have had no reason to want to antagnoize the Foundation anymore now that [data expunged] nor [data expunged] existed in anymore. Furthermore, the Chaos Insurgency was prevented from ever existing thus both Groups of Interest should not even exist. They still don't but instead a fusion of both groups have returned, making their debut in 1982 as the Black Queen's Insurgency.
The Black Queen's Insurgency is a fascist military organization that owns an unknown number of worlds across different dimensions. Like the original GoI: Black Queen the organization is comprised of the dimensional copies of Alison Chao. However, their membership now also includes Chaos Insurgency members from different realities. Naturally these CI members consisted of: Foundation traitors, GOC traitors, TMI traitors, mercenaries, terrorist, anarchist, banished cultists, and other anomalous/ non-anomalous people from different realities. They are united typically by losing faith in their original organizations and have a newfound desire to destroy them.
Organization: From what the Foundation has been allowed to know, The Black Queen's Insurgency consist of a military ranking system of 5 ranks.
The Black Royalty Council: Consisting of Powerful reality benders, The Black Royalty Council consist of alternate Alison Chao copies capable of freely traveling from realty to realty, they are called Black Queens. Thier counterparts are other reality benders who helped found the Black Queen's Insurgency consisting of anomalous Chaos Insurgency members and other powerful anomalous entities, they are referred to as Black Kings. There are an unknown number of Black Queens and Kings.
According to reports form captured and interrogated members, through combining their reality altering abilities they were able to create a new reality that no other organization could interact with. This reality acts as their home base and quite possibly expands to an entire galaxy. Because of this they hold absolute control and power over all members of the Black Queen's Insurgency, there are even a few of them that can exist in multiple places in multiple realities at once.
Black Rooks: Loyal and powerful anomalies that act as generals on behalf of the authority of the Black Royalty Council. They are responsible for coordinating attacks planned by the Black Royalty Council or their own raids that benefit the goals of the Black Queen's Insurgency.
Grey Knights: the Special Forces of the Black Queen's Insurgency, considered the best of the best right under the Rooks. Consisting of both anomalous and non-anomalous personal. Entrusted to enact more specialized mission for the Black Queen's Insurgency. Typically operate in groups of 3 to 20 members.
Grey Bishops: Consisting of both anomalous and non-anomalous personal. These are the scientific researchers of the Black Queen's Insurgency. Entrusted to perform experiments that test anomalous items, create anomalous weapons, create anomalous organism, and experiment on anomalous organisms. Their experiments are only limited to what the Black Queen's Insurgency desires of them.
White Pawns: The largest force of the Black Queen's Insurgency, consisting of non-anomalous and expendable personal. Used as frontline soldiers, test subjects, and sacrifices for the goals of the Black Queen's Insurgency. Their existence displays the cruelty and ruthlessness of the Black Queen's Insurgency.
Purpose and Goal(s): They have kept their original goal of ensuring the complete destruction of the Foundation despite the fact that [data expunged]. However, the Black Queen's Insurgency has also expanded their goal to complete domination of the multiverse. They want to dominate all other anomalous and multi-dimensional faring organizations until they are the only ones left. It is unknown what they plan to do afterwards. Furthermore, why this has become their goal, despite Alison Chao having never shown any desire for domination of others in any of her dimensional copies is unknown.
Affiliation with the Foundation: The Black Queen's Insurgency is extremely hostile to the Foundation, though encounters between the Foundation and the Insurgency are rare. The same relationship can be said for all other anomalous organizations and groups. 
The Black Queen's Insurgency absolutely despises the Global Occult Coalition thinking of them as rivals in an anomalous weapons development. Though obviously the Global Occult Coalition has more control and is less reckless in developing new weapons. Though they do occasionally suffer attacks on their weapon development factories by the Black Queen's Insurgency.
The Horizon Initiative has suffered no attacks from the Black Queen's Insurgency but despise them none the less, the same is for the Church of Maxwellism. The Eight Wings of Mekhane however formed 1-2-W/800-F "White King takes Black Queen" in an effort to combine the most sacred Mekhanite Thaumaturgy and the most advanced Mekhanite technology to stop the Black Queen's Insurgency. They have unfortunately suffered many raids at the hands of the group especially the more secluded areas. The Autobots occasionally assist the Eight Wings of Mekhane in fights as they have suffered attacks as well.
Copies of Alison Chao have been sighted stealing recorded items and bits of knowledge form anomalous schools like Alexylva University, Deer College, Medician Academy of Occult Art, and The Scientific Academy of the Anomalous. Marshall, Carter, and Dark Ltd have made no deals with the Black Queen's Insurgency but instead have made contracts with Cobweb International to help fight against BQI raids. Goldbaker-Reinz Ltd tried in the past to tie the Black Queen's Insurgency down with legal action due to their destructive raids and destruction of anomalous property. They unfortunately learned the hard way that anomalous reality sealing contracts can't contain the Black Queen's Insurgency and suffered many staff as a result; they have refused to pursue legal action against the BQI since.
Oneiroi Collective and Are We Cool Yet? were rumored to have created a secret get away where members could relax and not have to worry about Assassin's sent by the Black Queen's Insurgency. The Technothaumaturges have suffered by the hands of the Black Queen's Insurgency numerous times. The Black Queen's Insurgency seem to respect Damned Requiem but keep their distance none-the-less. Zealots on Crack are probably one of the few groups that have come across the Black Queen's Insurgency and lived to laugh about it.
The Reliquary have tried to show their strength to the Black Queen's Insurgency multiple times but have suffered massively each and every time. The few times the Black Queens Insurgency have stayed in our reality long enough for others to notice, IJAMEA, Obskurakorps, Fascist Council of the Occult, PENTAGRAM, Korean Central Intelligence Agency, National Paracivilian Agency, The British Occult Service, and even the FBI: Unusual Incidents Unit tried to fight them. All attempts ended in massive failure and even greater casualties.
The Decepticons actually consider working with the Autobots a few times when the Black Queen's Insurgency attacks. Xia Dynasty Reborn seems to be one of the only groups that actually maintain a peace with the Black Queen's Insurgency. Though how long such a peace will last is anyone's guess.
The Black Queen’s Insurgency also conducts raids on other sects of The Church of the Broken God, perfering to attack more violent-based sects and/ or one’s that mass produce weapons like the Order of the Black Cog, Eight Wings of Mekhane, and Turing’s Wrath. The Children of the Scarlet King are probably one of the only cults that can stand toe to toe against the Black Queen's Insurgency. The Fifth Church is one of the few groups that seem to be in an alliance with the Black Queens Insurgency, but nothing has been confirmed. Some clans of the Sarkic Cults see Alison Chao as the new Grand Karcist while others see her as a false prophet. The Scriptures of Rotten Flesh and Cybernetic Bones have been confirmed to be at peace and are working on an alliance with the Black Queen's Insurgency.
The Wandsmen have tried to interview members of the Black Queen's Insurgency, but all died as a result.
The Wanderers Library and the Serpents Hand are weary of the Black Queen’s Insurgency. Only occasionally does the Black Queen’s Insurgency use the knowledge of the Wanderers Library but never actually attack. However, the Serpents Hand is aware of the Black Queen’s Insurgency’s blood thirsty conquest and desire for domination. For now, there is tense peace between the two organization, but the Serpents hand is slowly but surely preparing to defend their library.
The Black Queen still exist within the Wanderers Library and other in between dimensions but they don’t have nearly as much strength as the Black Queen’s Insurgency. As such their members either defect to the Black Queen’s Insurgency or maintain their distance as much as possible. The Chaos Insurgency still exists in other realities and thus in the Wanderers Library as well, but their members either defect to or don’t dare cross the Black Queen’s Insurgency, so none enter our reality.
Reports from captured Serpents Hand members indicate that the Three Moons Initiative, the Shark Punching Center and “Nobody” have formed an alliance to fight in a seemingly never-ending war against the Black Queen’s Insurgency. The war spans between an unknown number or realities and in-between dimensions. Other multi-dimensional fairing organizations have joined the alliance as well, the exact number of these organizations and their identities are unknown.
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[data expunged]
SCP: HMF - Groups of Interest Hub
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dzthenerd490 · 1 year
GoI: The Brown Family
Description: Not much is actually known about the Brown Family other than it seems to consist of several generations of time travelers.
Organization: Again, not much is known, though what can be assumed is that the entirety of the group is comprised of the entire brown family with extends through several generations possibly hundreds. The number of members in the Brown Family is unknown but since they are time travelers that can not only travel to any event in time but also any timeline, it has been estimated that their numbers are close to infinite.
Purpose and Goals: So far only one interaction has been made with this group, this being related to SCP-AAX. The encounter was limited to a written note stating that they would become allies of the Foundation in the future within some sort of future alliance known as the United Organizations of the Multiverse.
Besides being future allies of the Foundation, the note also stated that their goal was to ensure stability to the various timelines of the multiverse. As such until shown otherwise the Foundation is to perceive them as benevolent.
Affiliation with the Foundation: The Foundation was unaware this organization existed until SCP-AAX was brought to the Foundation's attention. Despite the limited communication stating good intentions, the Foundation, mainly the O5 Council is working to find every bit of information available to any possible leads relating to the Brown Family. The Foundation was quick to reach out to its allies within the ACPA to collect any information possible, so far, no organization within the ACPA has been successful.
It can be assumed that the Three Moons Initiative and the Shark Punching Center are aware of the Brown Family's existence, but nothing has been confirmed. If the Black Queen's Insurgency is aware of their existence, then it can be assumed she would stop at nothing to obtain their time traveling properties. There have been no other confirmations on organizations being aware of the Brown Family's existence.
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SCP: HMF - Groups of Interest Hub
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