#God bless you Mister Rosewater
arywizm · 1 year
Thank you for the tag @yourneighborhoodbibliophile (hopefully this will help revive the “book” part of this blog XD)
Rules: In a text post, list ten books that have stayed with you in some way. Don’t take but a few minutes, and don’t think too hard — they don’t have to be the “right” or “great” works, just the ones that have touched you.
1. Our Share of the Night by Mariana Enriquez
2. The Silmarillion by J.R.R Tolkien
3. The Name of the Rose by Umberto Ecco
4. The Brothers Karamazov by Fyodor Dostoyevsky
5. Ender’s Game by Orson Scott Card
6. Bridge of Clay by Markus Zusak
7. The Secret history by Donna Tartt
8. God Bless you Mister Rosewater by Kurt Vonnegut
9. The Book Thief by Markus Zusak
10. The Song of Achilles by Madeline Miller
Apologies if I misspelled anything I have a headache so bad I might just sprout wings out of my back, fly too close to the sun, get fried or otherwise killed by the heat and live on as a legend in the imagination of mankind just to escape this mortal coil filled with pain and despair etc. etc. etc.
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supercantaloupe · 2 years
i still think God Bless You, Mister Rosewater is underrated both as a vonnegut novel and a musical
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Herblock, Washington Post  :: from 1950  [Scott Horton]
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Thus did a handful of rapacious citizens come to control all that was worth controlling in America. Thus was the savage and stupid and entirely inappropriate and unnecessary and humorless American class system created. Honest, industrious, peaceful citizens were classed as bloodsuckers, if they asked to be paid a living wage. And they saw that praise was reserved henceforth for those who devised means of getting paid enormously for committing crimes against which no laws had been passed. Thus the American dream turned belly up, turned green, bobbed to the scummy surface of cupidity unlimited, filled with gas, went bang in the noonday sun.
Kurt Vonnegut, God Bless You, Mr. Rosewater
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mtnz · 13 years
"may I ask you a highly personal question?"
"it's what life does all of the time."
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emturner · 14 years
Hello, babies. Welcome to Earth. It's hot in the summer and cold in the winter. It's round and wet and crowded. At the outside, babies, you've got about a hundred years here. There's only one rule that I know of, babies — God damn it, you've got to be kind.
Kurt Vonnegut, God Bless You Mr. Rosewater
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arywizm · 2 years
books read in may
The Brothers Karamazov by Fyodor Dostoyevsky - I think I could stand anything, any suffering, only to be able to say and to repeat to myself every moment, 'I exist.' In thousands of agonies -- I exist. I'm tormented on the rack -- but I exist! Though I sit alone in a pillar -- I exist! I see the sun, and if I don't see the sun, I know it's there. And there's a whole life in that, in knowing that the sun is there. || 5/5
I have nothing constructive to say about this book except that at some point Fyodor asks Ivan who is it that laughs at mankind if God doesn't exist and Ivan replies that it must be the devil, then asked if the devil exists says that no, there's no devil either and I might have had a tiny identity crisis after I read that.
God Bless You, Mr Rosewater by Kurt Vonnegut - The therapist, after a deeply upsetting investigation of normality at this time and place, was bound to conclude that a normal person, functioning well on the upper levels of a prosperous, industrialized society, can hardly hear his conscience at all. || 5/5
Kurt Vonnegut had the terrifying power of writing a scene where the main character brutally kills a fourteen year old firefighter thinking he is an SS man that reads like Hitchhiker's Guide to The Galaxy without it losing any of its impact.
Dark Rise by C. S. Pacat - People will pay a lot for the idea that something pure exists. Even if the trophy means they killed it. || 4/5
the storytelling seems a bit convenient at times but overall it's quite good! (though the power dynamic between certain characters it seems to be setting up for the next book terrifies me a little)
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Art by Jessica Fry IG: @heartlandadventures www.jessicafry.com 
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“All through history, tears have [symbolically and actually] done three works: called the spirits to one’s side, repelled those who would bind the simple soul, and healed the injuries of poor human bargains. There are times in a woman’s life when she cries and cries and cries, and even though she may have the succor and support of her loved ones, still she cries. Something in this crying keeps the predator away, keeps away unhealthy desire or gain that will ruin her. Tears are part of the mending of rips in the psyche where energy has leaked away. The matter is serious, but the worst does not occur—our light is not stolen—for tears make us conscious. There is no chance to go back to sleep when one is weeping. . . Sometimes a woman says, “I am tired of crying, I want it to stop.” But it is her soul that is making tears, and they are her protection. So she must keep on till the time of need is over. Some women marvel at all the water their bodies can produce when they weep. It will not last forever, only till the soul is done with its wise expression.” ~ Clarissa Pinkola Estes www.clarissapinkolaestes.com [via SHE On The Tip Of Her Tongue]
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supercantaloupe · 4 years
kurt vonnegut wasnt even in the realm of fucking around
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supercantaloupe · 2 years
god bless you, mister rosewater deserves to get like 100 regional productions a year
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