#Gorilla strength
I recently re-read Animorphs, and the series regularly mentions Marco in his gorilla morph being strong enough to bend metal. Are gorillas really that strong, or is that just an outdated myth from the 90s (or something like that)? K.A. Applegate seems to know a lot about animals, but there are definitely plenty other animal "facts" throughout the series that aren't true (like how when the characters go back in time, the T Rexes constantly leap around and pounce like they don't weigh 15 thousand pounds)
I mean technically humans can bend metal with their bare hands, if the metal is soft and maleable enough. When it comes to gorillas and metals such as steel, it's an interesting inquiry because we actually don't entirely know how strong gorillas are!
Though gorillas are obviously incredibly strong, they are also very large and eat mostly vegetation. As such, conserving energy is important and even very passionate displays won't showcase the gorillas full strength.
That being said, gorillas can lift several times their own body weight and have been observed bending steel bars! Gorilla muscle fibers are several times denser than human ones and they have extremely thick, sturdy bones. Their grip and force is truly unmatched in the primate world. Not only that, but they have twice as much bite strength as a lion! While their incredible strength might be hard to believe, it serves them well for tearing into trees and traveling through the jungle.
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petsandwildlife · 2 years
Lowland Gorilla VS Mountain Gorilla - Which is more powerful?
Lowland Gorilla VS Mountain Gorilla - Which is more powerful? The largest of the four gorilla subspecies is the eastern lowland gorilla, also known as the Grauer's gorilla. Like the mountain gorilla, it has a jet black coat, but the hair on its head and
The gorilla is the largest primate in the world. The discovery that humans share 98.3% of our DNA with gorillas, makes them our closest relatives after chimpanzees and bonobos. There are two species of gorilla: western and eastern, both with two subspecies. Western lowland gorilla and Cross River gorilla are subspecies of western gorilla, while eastern lowland gorilla and mountain gorilla…
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woosh-floosh · 1 year
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(read left to right) I had to make a comic version of this moment form the fanbook because it's such a funny image
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Fantranslation is by @wireddd1 on twitter!
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i talk a lot of shit and genuinely love the casual hyperbole that characterizes the genre of Being Insane About Things On Tumblr, but it's important to me that you all know that i am never exaggerating when i talk about animorphs. not because i respect it too much or take it too seriously or want to avoid misleading people. i am never exaggerating when i talk about animorphs because i am neither creative nor fucked in the head enough to come up with whatever the next level would be beyond animorphs.
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mumblelard · 6 months
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the lodger's new roommate or the lodger's old roommate, a tale of woe
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it got in the high fifties yesterday. i opened all my windows to let the fresh air flow and did a big clean. it was such a pretty day
i have been writing more poems lately. they are built like tiny verbal wunderkammer and filled with bright treasures i find on my rambles. i think, with practice, they are getting better
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solradguy · 9 months
Sorry I decide which scanlation projects to work on next based on how much Sol Badguy is in them lmfao They're removing him from the story, I need to build a hoard of Sol materials to keep me from going insaner when that happens
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mantoumika · 1 year
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as soon as i submitted my gruelling assignment for uni i immediately drew this in like a couple of hours (idea from my beloved soulmate @catcoded)
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beckyblah · 11 months
can you all be normal about Baghera for 5 seconds.
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gessshoku · 2 years
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@bamsara Bodacious has infiltrated my keyboard and now my canvas
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I have heard that we don't actually know the upper limits of gorilla strength as there is no way to fully test it safely or ethically. We have estimated models but we can't ask or force gorillas to lift barbells or tow trucks strongman competition style to get more accurate measures, especially since if we get it wrong they could get hurt.
This is my understanding as well.
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smartass-hoot · 8 months
in retrospect, i was definitely bullied back in 7th grade but i just didn't realize it 'cause the insults and name-calling were so mid
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brutebysimon · 1 year
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Here he comes II
I'll have my usual.
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whirlybirbs · 2 years
birbs, i love and support all of your new fixations, but ardbert? imagine moaning “ardbert”, you can’t stay wet after that. ardbert… even if you shorten it…
have u met me.
do u know how sexi i could make this.
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nozomijoestar · 11 months
Asuka on the verge of standing 5'6 and weighing 125 pounds she's way more fucking huge than I thought that just adds to her tossing grown men and teenage boys around like dolls, love that for her
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divinitybeings · 1 year
Who would win in a fight 20 teenage boys with aluminium baseball bats or one silverback gorilla
I rlly wanna say the 20 teenage boys cause.. u know..m it's their undiluted spirit for trouble against brute force
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300iqprower · 1 year
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