#Goron Reproduction
weirdmarioenemies · 21 hours
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Name: Nejiron
Debut: The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask
Yesterday I learned that this thing exists. And I realized I had never seen it in my life! I have not played Majora's Mask, but I still feel like it's weird that there is a weird guy in an old entry of one of the biggest game franchises, and I don't think I have EVER seen it. But now I get to see it! And so do you! Yahoo! Behold this lump!
Nejiron looks pretty pathetic (affectionate). It default pose is sitting while curled into a ball, and its body is already a ball! It would be funny to see it waltz around with its legs, but I don't think it wants to, because it rolls around everywhere. Also, please observe its eyes. They are such eyes. I feel like these are the sort of eyes that would make a noticeable, wet sound when they blink. This thing has not slept in days.
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Nejiron doesn't have to be so sad, though, because its game got a remake! This forced game developers to once again occupy their minds with Nejiron, updating its model and design slightly, making it a bit more detailed. Someone had to draw Nejiron some more detailed eye bags. Isn't that great? Someone also decided that it has human-like fingers and toes. Maybe in a Majora's Mask HD, it would get fingernails! It would have to take some time every few days to clip them. Now that would be relatable! Representation!
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If you were dissapointed that Nejiron would be one of those fictional monsters that you can only experience with one sense, do not worry! We are told that it smells like gunpowder. I have never smelled gunpowder, but if you know what it smells like, then yeah! You know what this beast smells like, and your immersion deepens. When one is hit, it will, of course, explode! It will then be replaced by another one that emerges from the ground. I guess they are disposable soldiers... but what is their purpose?
We actually know, miraculously! Nejirons hunt Gorons, the big, strong rocky people who eat rocks themselves, and also roll around in ball form. Nejiron evolved specifically to mimic and deceive them! In fact, "neji" means "twisted" or "warped", in reference to this! I can't imagine they can kill their prey by just ramming into them, so maybe that is where the exploding comes in, and then other workers bring the food to nourish a reproductive "queen" underground? I also can't imagine these basic Nejirons eating. No mouth, you see. So maybe there is an even more monstrous queen lurking beneath, eating Goron meat and popping out explosive babies... hooray! I hope she has a funny abdomen!
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askganon · 8 months
Out of curiosity: we know hylians and Gerudo can.... procreate together. By what about the other denizens of hyrule? Can Goron and Zora have children together? Gerudo and Rito? Are their hylian and Zora biracial kids who can breathe water but are resistant to electricity? I want to see the absolute tank of a warrior that a Gerudo and Goron alliance could create
A fish cannot breed with a rock, nor can a human breed with a bird. Companionship knows no boundaries. When it comes to reproduction, however, Zora are Zora, Gorons are Gorons, and Rito are Rito.
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ezlo-x · 4 months
Oh my god what about every Goron reproduction theory (zelda youtuber ass thumbnail like how do they have sex?????)
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After you beat the Fire Temple, there are two elderly Goron brothers who offer you a side quest. They casually mention that in this one spot they emerged off the ground. Answering the age old question of where do Gorons come from. However, it did open a can worms of questions. Especially about genetics, Gorons refer to each other as brother, tbh in a way I see it as calling your friends dude. However the word brother can mean in a friendship type of way but also in a familial type of way. There are young goron npcs that stick close to an adult Goron calling them brother. My question is, does being born in the same spot as another Goron mean you are part of a family? What makes Yunobo and Daruk be related if it seems Daruk's shield powers were passed down maybe genetically. Does that mean Yunobo emerged from the same spot Daruk was born? I have SO many questions.
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avalypuff · 1 year
I’m just gonna say it.
I don’t think Zonai and Hylians are capable of reproduction under normal circumstances.
This is Not to say that I doubt the existence of Sonia and Rauru’s offspring, or Zelda’s blood relation to them, especially given that’s the one thing the game did explicitly tell us.
But on to the reason I think this—
Zelda (as a series) has kept things pretty consistent as far as Hylian/[other] hybrids, with the only exception being an obvious one that Hylians and Gerudo are compatible. But other than that, we’ve never seen anything like a Hylian x Rito/Zora/Goron/etc hybrid (ok so the Goron one makes sense because of their canon asexual reproduction, but it just felt weird excluding them from my point) and it stands to reason why.
They’re not just different races. They’re completely different species, whose differences can’t even be compared to those of a horse and donkey, or lion and tiger. Just by looking at them it’s pretty clear the different peoples throughout Hyrule have incompatible DNA.
Yes they’re all sapient and can fall in love with one another, and that’s totally real and valid! But love isn’t enough to make babies when the lovers are one bird and one fish, or in the case of Rauru and Sonia, one goat-dragon and one human-shape.
However, unlike a Zora or Rito, I believe there is one factor that Zonai could use to create life with a Hylian… their God-like magic!
That being said, I am a lover of science, and if you are too, then listen up, my friends, because I have more to explain, because I STILL don’t believe they can reproduce by [normal means] don’t make me say it… I get enough bots following me
I believe, like other Zonai magic such as ultra hand or ascend, it has to be a conscious decision. A spell, in the simplest terms. Basically, it can’t happen by accident; not to take any romance away from the act, of course! (Putting the rest under a cut cause this is getting long)
To go a bit more in depth—and please keep in mind this is treading even deeper into personal headcanon territory—I believe the magic would neutralize Zonai DNA (or whoever’s providing the sperm. In this case it’s Rauru, but I wonder if he was the only Zonai to ever fall in love with a Hylian…) and it would work kiiind of similarly to parthenogenesis with the resulting offspring being more-or-less a clone of the female parent. That’s right. I believe their child visually looks just like her mother, Sonia, though she’d probably choose her own hairstyle. lol.
Anyway, mammals aren’t actually capable of parthenogenesis, and furthermore that act doesn’t involve sperm, but it’s a cool biology thing I wanted to build a headcanon sort of based around.
I’m also a boring old fool who doesn’t like idea of Sonia birthing a furry, even though I’m all about the ship of her and Rauru. Idk. Half the time I don’t even understand me. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed reading. If not—if you want furry baby, just know I’m not directing this at anyone or trying to dismiss their ideas. I just wanted to share my own. Peace ✌️
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pancake-nikkitty · 1 year
Thoughts I’ve had about Hyrule while playing TotK
Warning these are a little unhinged bear with me. Also possible spoilers? I don’t think there are but like. Read at your own risk.
So Zelda is definitely a descendant of Rauru&Sonia. So they definitely had at least one baby before they died. Who raised it? Sonia’s family? Did the living sages co-parent the child? Did they just entrust the child to castle staff? Do Zonai walk out the womb able to take care of themselves?
In the same vein, have royal Hylian’s lifespans been slowly getting shorter as they’ve married non-royal Hylians? I’m assuming Zonai had long lifespans if they were considered so godly, so a half-Hylian half-Zonai probably lived a long ass time, but as you keep adding Hylains with no genetic connection to Zonai I’d think it’d shorten it over time? I’m no geneticist so idk.
Do you think the rest of Hyrule was super racist toward Gerudos for awhile? Maybe its because I grew up in America and I’m used to people being racist towards a whole race for things a small group did but idk if that’s how people in Hyrule would be, especially since they had Gerudo on their side.
Did people want the next Gerudo male to be executed in fear of him turning out like Ganon? And do you think the Gerudo considered it? With how long some lifespans are (like the Zora, possibly royal Hylians? Sheikah live a long time too it looks like) people affected by Ganon might still be alive when the next male was born.
Continuing with Gerudo but less…heavy? Can they reproduce with other races besides Hylians? Like if a Gerudo fell in love with like a Rito would they be able to conceive and potentially have a child? Or does it have to be a Hylian?
Do Gerudo only produce other Gerudo??? Like will she always spawn a Gerudo no matter what? Can they have pregnancies that result in boys or non-gerudo women?
On the subject of producing children. Can Zora have children with Hylians? Because like. King Dorephan did not give a fuck about an heir when Mipha was in love with Link. Is it because they could reproduce? Did it have to do with the vast different in lifespans, so he figured she could have an heir with a Zora later in life? Did he just assume Sidon wouldn’t fall for a Hylian himself and create an heir with his future spouse?
HOW DO GORON REPRODUCE??? I have no other thoughts around this. Just. How. My brain is like. Fucky magic shit. Like a couple decides they want a child and find a suitable rock, then pray to Hylia and eventually the rock is imbued with life.
Zora pregnancies. How do they work? Is it like shark pregnancies? Or like other fish pregnancies? (i don’t know anything about shark pregnancies tbh. Or fish pregnancies in general) Because I think Yona is like a manta ray, yeah? Like Muzu? Because looking at Mipha&Sidon you’d think a pregnancy results in one baby? But is that normal?
Okay also like. The Zora sleep in those communal pools. Do they…do they have sex in there? In front of the children? Do they have separate like mating pools? Or are Zora children just like. Desensitized to it like some sort of Brave New World type shit. Or is mating just like. “I want babies!” “Me too!” Implants female with eggs. And that’s it??? Am I thinking too human with this??? Idfk.
I really just want a whole ass lesson on everything revolving around reproduction with all the different races in Hyrule and the possibilities of having mixed children.
Back to Gerudo. On the subject of thinking about things too long. Gerudo anatomy. What if they’re like hyenas? Like. I don’t know much about hyena anatomy besides the fact that the females have bigger dicks than the males. And like. Gerudo’s have Big Dick Energy so like. What if they actually have dicks?
On a more serious note. I’d also like a whole ass lesson on the life cycles of the individual races and average life expectancy.
That’s it for now. Why am I like this.
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imaginethezeldaverse · 8 months
I've always thought about one strange thing. Is it possible to get pregnant from Gorons? In general, from a biological point of view, is it possible to cross two different races??
From a biological perspective - we really don’t know! Considering Goron reproduction is nothing like Hylian reproduction, it very well may not be possible…but there’s always the idea that they very well could and we just don’t know anything about it.
My personal opinion? I can go either way. Though Gorons aren’t human, they’re sentient, intelligent, feeling beings & Hylia can literally make anything happen (or not happen) with her blessing so why not lol. But I’m also always willing to entertain and think about a world where they can’t breed offspring with humans but can very well still climax similarly.
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fanonical · 1 year
Something I've just thought to think of with regards to trans Hyrule:
How exactly does the Gerudo 'one man every hundred years' thing work? Is that ever explained? Is it just statistics, and they're just rare? Or is it actually magical - exactly one man, exactly every hundred years?
In the second case, I propose: sometimes, there are more ""men"" born in between, but they turn out to be women after all. Nobody is surprised by this anymore, since they know the rules by now. Sometimes, there doesn't seem to be any man born at the 100 year mark, but give the girls born in this moment some time and there will be a man alright.
so i’m pretty sure that as of BOTW canon, the Gerudo are exclusively (presumably) cis women who can only have “female” babies, but they can procreate with Hylians (and maybe Gorons, Rito, Zora? unsure) to have i believe exclusively Gerudo children
whilst i like what your suggestion has going on, i think in my #Trans Hyrule fic(s?) i’m going to lean a little more towards the canon world building because it gives me more opportunity to explore the narratives in the margins there; to me the old Gerudo adage about there only being one man every hundred years is a wonky half-correct quirk of their biomagical reproductive cycle, but only because i think this is a more interesting scenario to put Link into; a trans utopia that divinely predicts transition is fun, but a shifting political situation that accepts but perhaps fails to account for transfeminine gender experiences is one that i think is more interesting to explore in this fic :3
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leninistlink · 1 year
Am I the only one who doesn’t really like rauru? Like great character design and all but him becoming king of the hylians (and rito goron Zora and gerudo?) just because he “seems like a god” and has advanced technology feels colonizer-y
Not to be all “ganon was right” but like. Until he [redacted] I don’t think he did anything wrong? Rauru did a lot wrong that doesn’t get interrogated in any depth (attaching his arm to link, the whole “abandoned race of robots with feelings laboring at their jobs for eternity”, etc)
Like I really wish the game would have leaned into it and made rauru a more nefarious character and. Possibly. Made ganondorf more sympathetic. Maybe I’m just more inclined to sympathize with the (literally!) demonized brown guy than the goat/fox “king by divine right (MORE divine and MORE right than that other king)” guy. The scene with the gerudo attacking the hylians felt a little… awful
no literally the story is extremely simplistic and is just a completely straightforward reproduction of like, benevolent imperial divine rule stuff. Ganon’s storyline in totk is particularly boring imo because his entire motivation is just “I love destroying the world mwahaha,” but that motivation comes from his obvious dislike of the fact that the Gerudo had to swear fealty to Hyrule (which is totally reasonable lol). there’s one line he says during the final fight where he calls Hylians “peace loving,” which is insane for a lot of reasons but especially because it’s canonical in botw that the royal family violently oppressed the Sheikah for building the guardian tech, which they viewed as a threat to the kingdom. Its the reason the Yiga exist, who responded “incorrectly” to this violent suppression by being mad at the royal family and splitting off from the Sheikah who did the “correct” thing by settling in Kakariko and pulling back from royal service.
so hashtag ganon is right. rauru looks cool but I don’t care about him at all and the story is bad so 👎
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vigilantdesert · 1 year
Okay I know I don't go here and these are baby-level thoughts but I love that Tulin is almost certainly not blood-related to Revali, and I say this because in doing so, it almost makes him more spiritually akin to him.
Urbosa and Riju's powers are passed down through their bloodline, it's implied that every member of their family from living memory can command lightning. Mipha and Sidon's powers aren't one-to-one, but they're still related so it's not unreasonable to say that their powers are somehow linked through a familial line. Daruk and Yonobo are a bit difficult to sus out since Goron reproduction is hazy, but they're also implied to be related somehow, but Revali was arguably the youngest or second youngest champion and didn't seem to have siblings during the time of the champions. He's also the only one who we know for a fact created his own power.
Yes, the man can be big-headed, but I believe him when he says it's a technique he created and perfected. All Rito can glide, and they seem to be able to fly on their power to some degree, but only Revali can create his own gales. Likewise, Tulin created his own power and put a spin on it.
I don't know, I think Revali would be much more proud of someone who followed his process and came to a different conclusion, rather than someone who copied his technique action-for-action or inherited it through genetics.
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theunholystromboli · 1 year
If anyone wants to know how my evening is going, my partner and I are having an in depth conversation about how the sexual reproduction of Gorons in Legend of Zelda works
Our running theory is that all Gorons have both types of reproductive organs, and couples decide between them which will be the giver and receiver of the reproductive matter and its a deeply personal and emotional choice
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novantinuum · 1 year
🌪️Sum up a WIP with a few fic tropes/Ao3 tags.
adasidshfjdg oh boy I have a fun one for this XD
Relationship: Link/Zelda
Characters: Zelda, Link, Purah, Bludo, Yunobo
Additional Tags: Post BotW, Innuendos, Humor, Marriage Proposal, Ft. Shit I Literally Just Made Up About Goron Pair Bonding Rituals and Reproduction, In which Link gives Zelda a Really Cool and Really Phallic rock but it's a rock with Feelings attached, Link is really fond of Goron customs and assumed (wrongly) that Zelda would know what this means, Zelda is left to do a ton of research to figure out the underlying meaning
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kintatsujo · 1 year
I can't remember if I've said anything about it on Tumblr but I have this joke that Goron reproduction involves growing beards
And you guys have no idea how much restraint it has been taking not to make jokes about it with regards to Yunobo's little goatee in totk
Anyway if this continuity gets a third mainline game and Yunobo has a kid with no explanation all restraint will be gone, I WILL be screaming like a chimpanzee about it, Nintendo will have played right into my hands to make cracks about Goron pregnancy
I just thought everyone should know XD
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aikoiya · 1 year
came across your post on gorons in the tags & i am curious as to how you came to the canonical conclusion that gorons are ace/asexual and can’t wrap their head around the ideals of sex; two elderly gorons talking about their birthplace does not equate to being romantically asexual. at current there is no evidence to prove that they aren’t capable of learning about sex or intimacy. they’re sentient beings who are able to think and feel and express as any other race in hyrule. we also don’t have any canonical proof that while gorons are in fact born of the land, that they don’t have genitalia? being born of the land could entail biological sampling to complete the birth process, which could also postulate the possibility of having genitalia. while asexual reproduction is a more viable possibility, what I just postured can’t be denied either because we do not have canonical proof of the former. also insinuating that gorons are incapable of understanding intimacy is a very strange and infantilizing & dehumanizing take. they grow into adulthood, do you not think them capable of learning intimacy or sex?
i think what renders me speechless is how in summation of your perspective, you would akin people’s fan made not safe for work content of gorons to the very traumatic and disgusting behavior/act of rape. which again - to assume that gorons aren’t capable of learning sex or intimacy (that’s to assume if they don’t already because interracial coupling does canonically exist in zelda as is) is wildly egregious. they’re intelligent, sentient peoples - not animals incapable of understanding the same nuances as any other race nor are the adult gorons considered children or childlike to render them incapable of learning or understanding intimacy and sex.
I meant more in the way that they couldn't on a biological level. The feelings of sexual & romantic attraction is experienced via chemicals. If gorons are biologically asexual & aromantic, then their bodies would be incapable of those sorts of feelings due to possibly not having bodies that produce those chemicals.
Now, they might be able to understand those things on an intellectual, even scientific level, but if they were asexual & aromantic by biology rather than just mentally, then I suppose that I just think that it isn't something that would... click I suppose & something about having sexual relations with someone who doesn't chemically understand sex & intimacy like we do... It feels like taking advantage of them & creeps me out.
It's somewhat like how a human cannot understand the thrill of the hunt on the same instinctual level as a wolf. We don't have the nose or ear power to do so.
Or how a man cannot understand childbirth in the same way that a woman can. Like, yes, there's couvade syndrome & even sympathetic pregnancy, but it is a sympathetic response to one's essential mate rather than actually experiencing a literal pregnancy themselves.
Biology says that men just do not naturally produce the necessary hormones to facilitate the gestation of an infant to term & artificial hormones just would not work. And even males capable of producing milk, the milk produced would not have any of the essential nutrients that a woman's does. Thus, it would be harmful to a baby.
Similarly, provided that gorons are, indeed, asexual & aromantic specifically by biology, then they might be able to know about it intellectually, but knowing & understanding something are 2 different things.
There are different ways to understand things & there was no intent to infantilize anyone in any way.
But keep in mind, the only evidence of goron relationships we've ever seen is that of familial or fraternal bonds. Never once do I remember a romantic relationship between a goron or anyone else, let alone another goron.
So, without evidence that they can experience those things & goron children only ever seeming to have a singular parental unit, what else am I supposed to think?
The theory that I saw floating around is that gorons grow buds off their backs, they fall off, then sink into the ground where they incubate into new gorons.
And if so, then it'd explain a lot about them.
We also get the implication that gorons are biologically agender by the fact that we never once in the entire series see a female goron & the fact that gorons are allowed into Gerudo Town despite being masculine presenting.
Another thing is when in TotK, this goron was trying to bring his buddy to Gerudo Town, but he got angry when his buddy wasn't allowed in. To him, he didn't seem to really get why his bud couldn't enter when he, himself, had been allowed in many times.
The likelihood is that they are biologically agender, but present masculine based on how others perceive masculinity, since those constructs simply align more with how gorons already worked as a society. As such, they just sort of took up that identity for simplicity's sake. At least, those are my thoughts.
So, there's that.
Of, course, none of this actually confirms anything, but it does lend credence to the concept.
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arthropoid · 1 year
i don't think gorons have gender, or rather they have only one. i think they're hermaphroditic. an exchange of gametes between two individuals is required for genetic diversity, but gorons are capable of asexual reproduction if populations are low. the child will just be a clone of the parent. gorons have only one pronoun in their language and tend to call everyone "he" because the translation into hylian didn't account for gorons not having "male" or "female". the idea is pretty strange to them, but they don't mind. some gorons choose to present in a more hylian-centric standard of femininity if they want to, but gorons generally don't pay any mind to individuals gender presentation, since there is none in goron society.
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triforce-dragons · 16 days
Gerudo, and the Blessing of Din
How the magic that is the Gerudo in Triforce Dragons works, or why there's only 1 male every 100 years.
So, first the origin of Gerudo;
Gerudo were, when the world began, the flickering fire from Din's flaming hair and were called the Daughters of Din. These flames would become independent beings of pure firepower, but they still served Din's will. They are the ones who helped shape the earth, especially Death Mountain. Once the goddesses finished making the world, they left, á la Ocarina of time lore, the gerudo however remained. Unfortunately, as they were literally fire, they burnt (consuming often) everything they touched. This was fine around the Gorons, but lots of others have a tendency to BURN when exposed to fire.
So, the peoples begged the goddesses for aid, and at first they were moved to what would become gerudo desert, which fun fact was prairies before. But, while the gerudo weren't aggressive, their natural state was still expanding well beyond the borders of Gerudo desert.
Again the peoples turned to the goddesses, begging for relief. And so the goddesses Farore and Nayru both poured a bit of their power into them and turned them from living flames to peoples of their own right. They took the name Gerudo for themselves that after what other peoples called them, the 'dancing fires' in a tongue too old to even have a memory of it.
Now they were people, but seeing as they were made of Din's hair, they were all vai, no voes.
Quick explanation what a voe is vs a vai; it's not binary as man and woman. Voes can be any gender, they just have to be able to impregnate a vai. All people are voes until they prove they cannot impregnate a vai. So, while a trans person who has functioning male genitalia would be considered a voe, it's not equivalent to male. However since this is a society of vai for vai, a trans person can request a magical ring that is placed on said person that ensures they cannot impregnate a vai. There are rules and regulations, as well as punishments for crimes around this ring but I'm not getting into it here. That'll be another post, including how the gerudo tell who's fathered whom.
Though the magical ring was made very early into gerudo becoming a people, problems still began, as the gerudo had to go out to repopulate. They weren't a cohesive peoples, more like the 13 kingdoms of china, and how they handled the whole 'we need humans or these proto-hylians' to repopulate varied widely. Some took to capturing and enslaving voes, others would wander out into the worlds of peoples but could find themselves captured or enslaved. What would become the dominant group, also known as clan Dragmire, made a 'voe quarter' outside their own where various peoples could come and trade with the gerudo, including acting as voes for the gerudo. But, as stated before, they weren't a cohesive peoples.
Fights began to break out, both because gerudo captured, and gerudos capturing, these forms of reproduction would lead to conflict with the other races. This time it was the gerudo who begged their mother Din to aid them. She told Farore to send her champion to the seven heroins, leaders of the seven groups, to speak with them directly and make peace. The champion is the heroes spirit who at the time is from Farore's domain, but that's it's own post so again I won't get into it here.
He spoke with all seven, what would be known as the heroins, individually, and then asked them all to come together for a meeting. He fought every one of them in a duel, but not always the same kind of duel. After he defeated them, they agreed to come together for a solution that wouldn't endanger either side, and would have all captured peoples returned (the champion would rescue any stolen gerudo who were not returned and bring them back home.)
The agreement was that all gerudo who wanted to become pregnant would go to the already established voe quarter, naming it the Oasis. They would also have an agreement with the humans and proto-hylians that if a gerudo was kidnapped that they would be allowed to retrieve them and would receive aid from the peoples in which this agreement was made.
Din was so pleased that this solution helped her daughters without bloodshed she decided to make a blessing that would make one of her daughters a voe, only to distinguish them from all the other gerudo, and that gerudo would always named Ganondorf. They would be a leader to protect and guide the gerudo in their time of need. Thus, the Blessing of Din was born.
The gerudo Ganondorf is always born a vai, and then Din places her blessing during the birth turning them into a voe. As such it is never specific to a blood line, or whom is the mother or father is. There can generally only be one at a time, and there's always at least a hundred years between the blessings. The blessing, is that, a blessing and is not a cage for which 'Ganondorf' must live. He can return the blessing, or give it to another at any time in their life.
In emergencies, such as when a king of hyrule is actively trying to kill a Ganondorf, the mother can also remove the blessing until it's safe. This why Ganondorf in OOT has no beard and their general body shape is a little more lean and hippy than others. Their blessing was removed until he went on to invade and conquer Hyrule.
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sunder-the-gold · 1 year
Cyberpunk Legend of Zelda: Did non-Hylians get left behind?
In Breath of the Wild, it is the Hylian tribe of Sheikah who pioneered the most advanced technology known to Hyrule.
Not the Gorons, with their natural advantages towards forge-centered heavy industry. Not the Zora, who rivaled or surpassed the craftsmanship of the Hylians even before the Calamity. The Gorons and Zora might have assisted the ancient Sheikah in the manual labor of building the shrines, towers, guardians, and Divine Beasts, but only the Sheikah understood the working principles behind the technology.
Given how inexorably history repeats in Hyrule, does it not make sense that the Sheikah would spearhead Hyrule's information age, with the invention of electronic computers, cameras, and communications technology necessary for a Cyberpunk setting?
Would the Zora's extremely moist home and weakness to electrical shocks hold them back from mastering electronic technology? Would the Gorons, with their massive hands and fingers, struggle to keep up with wires and microchips?
The Rito would surely struggle. They have no fingers, only feathers and talons, and furthermore they have the shortest lifespans of Hyrule's peoples. Though at the same time, as long as parents and masters pass on their knowledge to children and apprentices, to prevent the loss of discoveries, the Rito might have a fighting chance... unless someone deliberately sabotages their culture.
The Gerudo are most like Hylians, but their desert homeland and their reproductive difficulties mean that their population never grows as large or quickly as the Hylians. They would always face a disadvantage in terms of labor and specialization.
Remember: The name of the game in Cyberpunk is "oppression".
Depressing at it is, it's possible that the Hylians might have become so numerous and so technologically superior to the other races of Hyrule that they either enslave them, or drive out of their lands to make room for more Hylian homes.
Rito could find themselves living on tiny, impoverished reservations like North America's native American tribes. The Zora might have left Hyrule entirely, swimming away to a new home across the sea. The Gorons might find themselves slaving away in the mines, prisoners of their own volcanic home.
The logical fate of the Gerudo would not be appropriate for a family-friend Zelda game. Though it would certainly result in another sympathetic reason for Ganondorf to hate the Hylians for the treatment of his people.
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