#Gospel Fellowship Association
wutbju · 7 months
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BJU Missionary Unit has 38 Workers in Four Continents
Not only is Bob Jones University called the "World's Most Unusual University," but its call-letters also could stand for "Worldwide Ministry Unto Unevangelized." The embodiment of this aspect of the university's international influence is found in Gospel Fellowship Missions, the foreign mission society whose office and headquarters are on the campus.
GFM is one of the more recent ministries begun by the university. This independent faith mission completed its fifth year of organized missionary activity. It has grown yearly and now has 38 workers in 11 fields scattered around the world in four continents.
Including two fields established this summer in Korea and Mexico, GFM missionaries are to be found in the Far East -- Japan and Korea; South America -- Chile and Brazil; North America -- Barbados, Puerto Rico, Mexico, and Hawaii; Northern Europe -- Sweden and West Germany; and the Middle East --  Lebanon.
Administratively, the mission operates separately from the university and is a part of the Gospel Fellowship Association, chartered as a nonprofit organization in 1940. Through the years GFA has sponsored many kinds of evangelistic ministries through literature, radio, newspaper evangelism, films and evangelistic crusades.
A faith mission board like Gospel Fellowship Missions operates differently from a nominational mission society. The faith mission does not manipulate or salary its workers from a central board and treasury. However, it provides a source of counsel and finances for the missionary. The co-ordination of the total field program as well as the direction of personal ministries can be administered only through the board.
The missionary on the field needs a representative with the United States government as well as with the government of the country in which he is laboring. The board maintains the tie of fellowship between the missionaries on the field and the supporting churches in the homeland.
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The mission office, located in the Administration Building at BJU, is staffed by two full-time employees, Rev. Kenneth D. Becker, the executive secretary, and Mrs. Corban Tabler, office secretary. Board policy and decision is executed by a seven-member executive committee, consisting of executives and deans of the university. This is backed up by a board of trustees composed of 35 Christians around the country, among whom are pastors, evangelists, educators and laymen.
The nerve center of the worldwide work is in the home office. Donations from over 1,200 supporting churches and friends in 47 states and several foreign countries are received by the home office for the missionaries and their ministries. Each donation is acknowledged with a personal letter describing the current news of the missionary supported. At the end of the month, all missionary accounts are totaled and checks mailed around the world.
In order to maintain the personal touch and keep up with the load of correspondence, data processing equipment and a high-speed typewriter are leased. Because of this personal touch, donors are not only sup. porters, but also enthusiasts of the mission and missionaries, as they have frequently noted in correspondence. The mission office staff keeps a steady stream of information flowing to those who support the work through gifts and prayers.
The oldest GFM field is in Japan. Six missionaries there are working in tent evangelism, founding churches, training national pastors, Bible correspondence courses, literature and street evangelism, and children's and youth work.
Gospel Fellowship Mission's most recent field is in Mexico. It was founded by a Mexican national, Jose Lara, in his home area in Central Mexico. His father was one of the earliest converts to Christianity in the whole region, and Mr. Lara had the distinction of being reared in an evangelical home.
There are six national evangelists and as many as 75 little churches -- some having only one or two families -- in the mountains who look to Mr. Lara and his ministry. He intends to establish a Christian trade school, along with the evangelistic effort in the villages, to train the Mexican Christians in skills so that they can support their families and the church.
The precarious international situation was impressed upon the mission by the recent Middle East war. Lebanon was one of the mission's early fields, and the missionary family was on furlough when hostilities broke out. There may be a delay before the ministry will be re-established, and even then it may take a long time to overcome anti-American hostilities and the damage which has befallen many friends and converts of the missionary.
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Full Gospel Baptist Church Fellowship
Holiness Baptist Association
Image from: Chatterton Grove Holiness Baptist Church, Nichols, Georgia (HBA)
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I just finished scheduling the final chapter of Revelation for posting some time in the near future, and with that I've completed half of my biggest goal for YDI, which is sharing the entire text of the Bible. It took about 2 years. I have about 15 chapters left in Isaiah and 16 books after that to complete the OT. I'm going to try and finish that by Autumn 2024.
When I'm done, what's next? I suppose starting all over again. After all, I also stated one of my goals was to share at least one verse of Scripture in as many foreign languages as possible and while I've shared verses in dozens and dozens of languages (close to a hundred by now), there are roughly 7,000 languages currently recognized as active and living languages being spoken on the Earth.
Thanks for sticking with me friends. I and Jake both have our church families but neither one of us has any blood relations (other than one another) who associate with us any more. Our faith and our boldness in calling out their nominal Christianity (or in my case, the weird blending of Nation of Islam and T.D. Jakes style prosperity gospel my paternal relations follow) has ostracized the both of us. Your prayers and fellowship have buoyed my flagging spirits and upheld me more times than I can keep track of. God bless you all, and all my love.
Brother Fred.
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 1 year
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"Self Denial Urged as Need," Montreal Star. May 7, 1943. Page 23. ---- Address to W.C.T.U. On New Asceticism ---- The gospel of self-denial was stressed by the Rev. G. W. Goth in an address to the Hochelaga County Women's Christian Temperance Union at its forty-ninth annual meeting, held at the First Baptist Church yesterday. Speaking on "The New Asceticism," the minister said that henceforth individuals and nations will be expected to deny themselves for the good of the whole.
No one has the right to do what he likes unless what he likes harmonizes with what he ought to do, the speaker declared. No one had the right to drink when he likes if, by doing so, he is made anti-social.
"The new asceticism demands self-control rather than self-expression. The world of tomorrow, if it is to justify this agony, belongs to those who deny themselves."
Mrs. J. G. McWhinnie presided at the meeting. Rev. Dr. M. F. McCutcheon, of the First Baptist Church, welcomed the members. In her opening remarks, the president stressed present-day challenges to Christian motherhood, and urged that members welcome every opportunity to serve the youth of the land.
Reports noted increased interest in the work of the union.
A memorial service was conducted by Mrs. C. Paterson, when Mrs. E. W. Griffith sang "The Land where there is no setting Sun," accompanied by Mrs. Bennett.
County life membership pins were presented to Mrs. J. G. McWhinnie and Mrs. F. Allwright.
Miss E. Wheeler, Y.P.B. secretary, presided at the evening session when Charles Cowell, field-secretary of the Soldiers' and Airmen's Christian Association, outlined the work and pointed out need of a "Fellowship Lodge" in Montreal.
Officers for 1943-44 are as follows: Honorary president, Mrs. James Mabon; president, Mrs. J. G. McWhinnie; vice-presidents. Mrs. W. LeBrocq, Mrs. W. J. Adams; recording secretary, Mrs. F. R. Crawford; corresponding secretary, Mrs. H. Mallinson: treasurer, Mrs. E. Fleming; Y.P.B. secretary, Miss E. Wheeler.
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squaresoneastasia · 2 years
Evangelicalism in China
By Elizabeth Mueller
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As the evangelical movement in the U.S. grows and morphs into a cultural and political force influencing a considerable swath of public opinion, I wanted to research the existence and relevance of this phenomenon in China. In this blog, the term ‘evangelical’ refers to a person whose Protestant Christian faith focuses on the good news of salvation brought to sinners by Jesus Christ. A mega-church is any Protestant Christian church having 2,000 or more people in average weekend attendance.
Modern China’s middle class has become a stronghold for evangelical Christianity. As the middle class emerges from a wealthier and more educated society, its members look to Christian churches to fill some void as the CCP’s ideology loses traction with the public. Over 50% of attendees of mega-church service have a university degree, which is in line with the demographic of U.S. mega-church-goers. Chinese evangelicals are likely drawn to the faith’s fellowship and comprehensive moral system, which both appeal to Chinese traditions of ritual, community, and morality.
While evangelical Christianity is often associated with the middle class, it also holds great attraction for the poor and the working class because of the aforementioned traditional values along with associations of prosperity and low barriers to membership. The frequent adoption by preachers of the “prosperity gospel”, which associates commitment to the Christian faith with economic success, appeals to lower class members seeking upward mobility and middle-class members seeking affirmation and justification for their successes. There are few barriers to entry, with only the embrace of the church’s refrains and path to salvation necessary for attendance.
Evangelical Christianity poses challenges for China, a country that is officially atheist and wary of Western threats to power, as the fastest-growing faith with at least 93 million followers (as of 2018). It is difficult to determine exact numbers of religious groups in China due to the widespread underground nature of these religions in opposition to government rule. Studies estimate that fewer than 30 million of the more than 93 million Chinese Protestants worship in ‘registered’ churches.  
Protestant Churches can be registered under one of three government supervisory bodies for Protestantism. I will focus on the Three-Self Patriotic Movement (TSPM) as it seems to be the most influential in the news lately. The TPSM relies on three principles first established in the mid nineteenth century: self-governance, self-support (financial independence from foreigners), self-propagation (indigenous missionary work). The movement was revived in the mid twentieth century to pledge church allegiance to the newly established PRC and to remove foreign influences from those churches. Under supervisory organizations, the government manages religious leadership appointments, selection of clergy, and interpretation of doctrine. For any Protestant church to register under the state-sanctioned organization, religious leaders must receive training to adapt doctrine to government and CCP ideology.
The current administration, under President Xi Jinping, has taken renewed interest in cracking down on house churches, or underground independent congregations. During the Cultural Revolution, from 1966 to 1976, religious freedom was effectively banned, including the TPSM. Chinese Protestants were driven underground for fear of persecution. Officially, Chinese citizens have religious freedom, but the government regularly destroys churches or removes steeples and crosses in a campaign that reflects fear of Western Christianity as a threat to the CCP. Today, the TPSM supports the oppression of congregations held outside of registered churches.
As recently as 2018, there have been reported bombings and shutdowns of Protestant churches. In January of 2018, Chinese police used dynamite and excavators to demolish the Golden Lampstand Church, which had a congregation of more than 50,000 in the city of Linfen. Human rights critics described this event as part of a national effort to regulate spiritual life in China. In December of 2018, authorities interrupted a gathering at Early Rain Covenant Church in Chengdu, seizing materials, taking cell phones from attendees, and ultimately closing the church. In March 2019, Xu Xiaohong, the chairman of the National TSPM Committee gave a speech at a CCP convention, stating “Anti-China forces in the West are attempting to continue to influence the social stability of our country through Christianity, and even subvert the political power of our country…For individual black sheep who, under the banner of Christianity, participate in subverting national security, we firmly support the country to bring them to justice.”
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Golden Lampstand Church before and after demolition.
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In my opinion, we should not be yoked together with either the Lawgivers or the Pharisees (Rabbis, Priests, Monks, Pastors communities), and Baal practices must be rejected and cast out, or we should separate ourselves from them. Otherwise, we will continue to have the same problems and worries as they do, and in the end, we will bear a double burden: one in common with them and one for not having told them." Relevant Bible Verses: 1. 2 Corinthians 6:14-17 (NIV): “Do not be unequally yoked with unbelievers. For what partnership has righteousness with lawlessness? Or what fellowship has light with darkness? What accord has Christ with Belial? Or what portion does a believer share with an unbeliever? What agreement has the temple of God with idols? For we are the temple of the living God; as God said, ‘I will make my dwelling among them and walk among them, and I will be their God, and they shall be my people. Therefore go out from their midst, and be separate from them, says the Lord, and touch no unclean thing; then I will welcome you.’” 2. Romans 12:2 (NIV): “Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.” 3. Ezekiel 18:30 (NIV): “Therefore I will judge you, O house of Israel, every one according to his ways, declares the Lord God. Repent and turn from all your offenses, so sin will not be your downfall.” 4. Matthew 23:27-28 (NIV): “Woe to you, teachers of the law and Pharisees, you hypocrites! You are like whitewashed tombs, which look beautiful on the outside but on the inside are full of the bones of the dead and everything unclean. In the same way, on the outside you appear to people as righteous but on the inside you are full of hypocrisy and wickedness.” 5. Galatians 1:8 (NIV): “But even if we or an angel from heaven should preach a gospel other than the one we preached to you, let them be under God’s curse!” These verses underscore the importance of separating from practices and influences that contradict the teachings of God, emphasizing the call to maintain purity and truth in faith.
The topic you’ve presented revolves around the themes of spiritual separation, the dangers of association with unholy practices, and the consequences of failing to communicate truth to others. Here’s a more detailed exploration: 1. Spiritual Yoking and Separation The idea of not being “unequally yoked” draws from the biblical principle found in 2 Corinthians 6:14-17, which warns against forming…
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eugene114 · 5 months
Short Name:E. A. HoffmanFull Name:Hoffman, E. A. (Elisha Albright), 1839-1929Birth Year:1839Death Year:1929
Elisha Hoffman (1839-1929) after graduating from Union Seminary in Pennsylvania was ordained in 1868. As a minister he was appointed to the circuit in Napoleon, Ohio in 1872. He worked with the Evangelical Association's publishing arm in Cleveland for eleven years. He served in many chapels and churches in Cleveland and in Grafton in the 1880s, among them Bethel Home for Sailors and Seamen, Chestnut Ridge Union Chapel, Grace Congregational Church and Rockport Congregational Church. In his lifetime he wrote more than 2,000 gospel songs including "Leaning on the everlasting arms" (1894). The fifty song books he edited include Pentecostal Hymns No. 1 and The Evergreen, 1873.
1 What a fellowship, what a joy divine, leaning on the everlasting arms; what a blessedness, what a peace is mine, leaning on the everlasting arms.
Refrain: Leaning, leaning, safe and secure from all alarms; leaning, leaning, leaning on the everlasting arms.
2 O how sweet to walk in this pilgrim way, leaning on the everlasting arms; O how bright the path grows from day to day, leaning on the everlasting arms. [Refrain]
3 What have I to dread, what have I to fear, leaning on the everlasting arms? I have blessed peace with my Lord so near, leaning on the everlasting arms. [Refrain]
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cpcayanan · 9 months
Re: The "One" ❤️
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It's been more than 7 years since I made my original post about the "One", a name referring to whoever may or will be my future partner.
I'm currently in my late 20s and now a working professional. After rediscovering my original post, I would like to revisit the traits and characteristics I listed there and provide additional insights. I've also rearranged the order for some of these traits and some are what I treat as non-negotiable; meaning that I would not consider those who do not meet these particular criteria.
1. She is 100% God-fearing. This is important for me. I want to have a future partner who puts God first above all and loves Him wholeheartedly.
I just want to point out that this is a non-negotiable trait. Better if my future partner believes in the same faith and principles as I am. I just want to quote 2 Corinthians 6:14, "Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness?"
Which leads to...
2. She shares the Gospel and lives a life glorifying Christ. As Jesus commands us to make disciples for us to honor Him, I want someone who can join me in a journey with God together. I like someone who passionately spread His word to others.
This is another non-negotiable trait. I want to see my future partner not only firmly believes in the Word of God but also lives out what it says. She should not be the reason why my relationship with Christ would be compromised but rather should challenge me to grow deeper in my walk with Him and vice-versa.
3. She is honest. I do not like someone who is fraud and lying not only to me but also to others. I appreciate someone who can tell the truth even when it hurts. I also appreciate someone who is not afraid to tell her weaknesses, not just her strengths.
As an ENFP, I value honesty and sincerity. Thus, I treat this as a non-negotiable trait as well. I appreciate someone who can provide corrections whenever I'm wrong. I would also appreciate her setting the expectations from the get-go. To quote Proverbs 27:5, "Better is open rebuke than hidden love."
4. She is responsible and mature. I want someone who can take responsibility for her actions. This is the way I can determine if she is brave enough no matter what.
What I meant by this is that she is accountable and responsible for the actions and decisions she makes. If she makes a mistake, she does not hesitate to own up to it.
5. She is hardworking. Of course, I want someone who knows how to make sacrifices to achieve something. “No pain, no gain.”
I just want to quote Proverbs 13:4, "A sluggard’s appetite is never filled, but the desires of the diligent are fully satisfied."
Speaking of diligence...
6. She is diligent and wise. I am not saying about someone who is always at the top. What I meant is that she is using her knowledge and wisdom in a fruitful and productive manner. She knows how to act properly especially in important situations.
Being good at academics is a plus for me, but what I am emphasizing here is that she is applying her God-given wisdom into action; in her daily routines, at home, at the workplace, at church and in other places.
7. She is a homegrown person. In other words, she knows the duties at home.
I just want to provide some clarifications here. I am not saying that my future partner should shoulder all the responsibilities at home. At the very least, I want for us to balance out the roles, especially when planning out our future household.
8. She loves and respects her family. If she does not appreciate and care her own family (siblings, parents, and relatives), she would not care about mine as well. I will be much happier if her family is a Christian too.
Her family having a strong Christian background would be a huge plus. It would help me get along with them much better. "A family that prays together, stays together."
9. She is sociable and friendly. I want someone who can associate with others, influencing their lives, and more.
I like to see her make an impact on the people surrounding her; showing a Christlike example for others to follow. Getting along and having fun with them is not bad, as long as she knows her own boundaries.
10. She is optimistic. I like someone who never gives up easily.
As an ENFP, I'm an optimist at heart. I tend to encourage others never to give up. And if those I encouraged succeed in their goals in life, it's a sense of relief and joy for me. In the same way, I appreciate if this person encourages me in my own goals.
11. She is modest. Honestly, I want someone who is conscious with what she wears at public and private and how people would treat her according to that.
Just to clarify as a Christian, what I meant is she knows that what she wears is still in accordance to Biblical principles. Just to quote 1 Corinthians 6:19-20, "Do you not know that your bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit, who is in you, whom you have received from God? You are not your own; you were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies."
Since we're talking about appearances...
12. She is beautiful, inside and outside. No question about that. I believe that if a person is beautiful on the inside, it will reflect on the outside as well.
This may sound I'm exaggerating. Of course, someone who looks lovely is a plus, but I do look on someone's personality a lot more. Outer beauty fades over time but inner beauty remains.
13. She likes adventures. I am a person who likes to explore many places. So, I want someone who likes to explore with me.
The adventures I mentioned here aren't just referring about travelling to different countries all around the world, doing thrilling stuffs, etc. I'm also referring to doing new things even in simpler settings, planned or spontaneous; like going to a cat cafe, riding a new attraction on an amusement park, or attending desired concerts, just to name a few.
14. She likes reading books and sharing stories. Seriously, I am somewhat a bookworm, a social media person, and somewhat a writer. So, I like somebody who can share new information and stories to me. I will be much happier if she writes stories too.
Nowadays, I spend more time making content posts in social media but I still do read books that interests me from time to time. I do not mind if this person converses with me a lot, from sharing her adventure stories or just about how she spent her day for example.
15. She accepts me for who I am. “No one is perfect.” So, I want someone who will accept me for my flaws and weaknesses. She will also accept my past no matter what.
In the same way, I would accept her for who she is. Imperfections make someone unique. As one says, "Embracing our imperfections does not make us less; it makes us more relatable, more interesting, more human..."
These are what I originally listed years ago.
Since this post is already getting long, I may do another post regarding additional traits that I didn't put on this original list.
Either way, at the end of the day, it's still up to God's perfect plan and timing. He knows better than I. Also, waiting for that someone doesn't mean I'm doing nothing. Even at my current age, I still do believe I have a lot of things I've yet to learn about life. And thus, I yearn to improve myself each day.
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To my future partner (if God-willing):
You may be someone who I've never met yet, or perhaps you're someone I've already known and actually admire from afar.
Nevertheless, if you're reading this, please know that I'm praying for you; for your well-being, for your personal growth and development, and for your continuous spiritual relationship with God.
I may not be the perfect or the most ideal person you may have envisioned, but I hope you accept me for who I am. I also pray that you'll be preparing for me when God's timing finally comes, and I officially start pursuing you. I love you with the love of the Lord.
~ Christian Philip
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bernardo1969 · 9 months
The First Letter of John begins by presenting Jesus as the word of Life and the light of men. And this description that John makes of the "son of man" as spiritual light is very interesting, because a person does not walk when there is no light, no one walks at night because one never knows what unforeseen events may occur. In this sense, by associating Jesus with light, what John is saying is that Jesus is the true way for men. We must also remember that the apostle John in his gospel describes Jesus as the personification of the light of God: "I am the light of the world. Whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life" John 8:12. What the apostle does then in his first epistle is to take up many concepts taught in his gospel. And light in Christian doctrine is a way of referring to the wisdom of God, because wisdom, which is the knowledge of the correct means to live, illuminates the reason of men, and leads them through assertiveness to the true blessedness. And also when the apostle refers to darkness, he refers to sin, which is the absence of that mysterious wisdom. The apostle John in his first epistle, taking Jesus as the personification of light and knowledge, spoke of the importance of following the path of righteousness and purifying man from all sin to achieve eternal life: "This is the message we have heard from him and declare to you: God is light, in him there is no darkness at all. If we claim to have fellowship with him and yet walk in the darkness, we lie and do not live out the truth. But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus, his Son, purifies us from all sin" 1 John 1:5-7.
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ramrodd · 9 months
Full Debate: Who Wrote the Four Gospels? Dr. Robyn Faith Walsh vs Jonat...
I Proceed on the basis that the Gospels can shed a great deal of light on the commentaries, advice offered me by Rev. Dr Francis Wade of the National Cathedral. It has proven to be the critical perspective reflecting the origins of the four Gospels and Acts.
Cornelius, the centurion featured in Acts 10, is the common denominator in the four Gospels, He was the senior centurion in Caesarea and Pilate's Chief of Staff and Administrative head, He was a member of the Italian Regiment, which was the founding military unit of the Praetorian Guards, which was the core cadre of the administrative state of the Roman Republic and Empire He was in the room with Pilate during the interrogation of Jesus and provides the portrait of Pilate in each of the four Graupels, and was the author of the Gospel of Mark, By 58 CE, he is the curator of the Jesus surveillance files of the 10th Legion and was, for all intents and purposes, Quelle,
Pilate's 'euangelion Tiberius cited by Tertullian in Book V of his Apology is the first written  record of  Christianity, This was forwarded to Tiberius in 33 CE and conveyed the Roman slaang for Jesus Followers, Christian, The content of this euangelion is summarized in Mark 15:1 - 16:8. , but ithe fullest report of the content of Pilate's euangelion is capture by The Gospel of Peter, which is Peter's living memory of the full communication that was conveyed to him, Peter, by Cornelius off stage in Acts 10,
Out contemporary understanding of euangelion in Mark 1:1 and the 22 other instances of its  appearance in the Gospels, Acts and the 19 citations in  Paul's Epistles  has acquired a certain generic meaning associated with the title of the stage play "Godspell", a sort of hippy celebration of the Good news of Jesus generally, and not the specific content of Pilate's euangelion to Tiberius, which included the Tidings of Joy that the Jewish god had conducted a unilateral covenant cutting ceremony endorsing the role o f the centurions in Italian Regiment in human governance as represented by Cornelius as ratified by the Talking Cross in the Gospel of Peter as an analogue to the smoking pot of fire  that ratifies the unilateral covenant cutting ceremony between God and Abraham in Genesis 15, except for Mark 6:35 and Mark 10:29, which are deliberate anachronisms of Cornelius to camouflage the origins of his composition  
Like most of her contemporaries in the field of Jesus debunking, Dr. Walsh is arguing from anachronism, She is thinking from the context of Jesus Christ, Super star, and that Christianity was rolled out like a contemporary literary product, ready for a treatment for Netflix and lively conversation on the View. Everybody who participated in Mark Ehrman's panel discussion earlier this year share her context, And it's fallacious at its core.
Cornelius wrote the Gospel of Mark as a flood up intelligence appreciation regarding Jesus to his direct reportt in Rome, Theophilus, who was the Bishop of the Roman Christian Fellowship  of all the soldiers in the Roman legions, The soldiers of the legions were all God Fearers as a dimension of their profession and the word of the Talking Cross went through the legions like grass through a goose, or, more to the point, the unclean spirit out of Legion that Jesus thrust into the 2000 swine in Mark 5.  
Cornelius expected every word of the Gospel of Mark to be understood literally by Theophilus and absolutely nothing is invented.  Jesus represented a alien technology that had incredible military potential for the Romans and the divine endorsement of the Italian Regiment was exactly the sort of validation for the Roman Empire the Caesars attempted to manufacture with their claims of being Gods. Tiberius understood this from Pilate's euangelion and attempted to sell to the Roman Senate, which loathed Tiberius and were actively hostile to any proposal from him as a consequence of the execution of Sejanus in 31 CE. The God Fearers of the Roman legions didn't know they were Christians until it was dangerous to be a Christian, which began as soon as Tiberius introduced the term "Christians" to Roman Society,
Not to put too  fine a point on it, but all the scholarship regarding the historic Jesus beginning with Albert Schweitzer needs to be dumped in the same manner that all the scholarship regarding the creation of the Gospel of John occurring sometime in the 3rd Century had to be dumped after P-52 established that copies of the Gopel were circulating as early as 9 CE and well before Papias's death in 130 CE.
It's difficult to say what is worth keeping from the  alleged scholarship of Bart Ehrman and the Jesus Seminar, but the first misapprehension that needs to be jettisoned is that there is any invention in the Sopel of Mark in particular and the Gospels, generally, It is all argument from anachronism,,
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wutbju · 4 months
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Bob Jones III Plays Big Role in Operation of University
Dr. Bob Jones III is vice president of Bob Jones University -- a job which a fellow worker on campus says "he not only inherited, he merited."
It is a career that Bob Jones III had real qualms about -- he debated with himself and his God before he accepted it.
"After I graduated, I really felt I would prefer not being in the school -- it seemed too much like stepping into a ready-made job.
But the more I prayed about it and thought about it the more I came to believe that this was my job, to accept as a Christian -- the best way of perpetuating the ideals and the standards that my grandfather set up when he founded this university.
Young Dr. Bob, is perhaps, more like his grandfather -- both in big and little traits than like his father. It is evident both from conversational references to "my grandfather" when one talks with him and in his dominant interests.
Nobody is like Bob Jones, Jr. HAHAHAHA
Asked what gave him the most personal satisfaction in his work, he hesitated not a moment in replying, "My speaking tours. I like best to bring gospel messages, preaching as a minister and an evangelist," he declared.
Young Dr. Bob took his master's degree in speech from BJU in 1961, after receiving a B.A. degree in 1959. Then he did graduate work at Northwestern University and New York University. In 1963 he was awarded the honorary degree of doctor of literature by Pillsbury College, Owatonna, Minn., and in May, 1966, the honorary degree of doctor of divinity by San Francisco, Calif., Conservative Baptist Theological Seminary.
He didn’t actually complete a degree at Northwestern or NYU, by the way. He only took summer classes there.
For a time he weighed as possible careers, teaching elsewhere or serving as a pastoral minister or a minister of education.
Next to preaching, young Dr. Bob finds his greatest satisfaction in "feeling a part of molding young people's lives. helping students over stumbling blocks ... helping them to meet spiritual problems. When I see these students blossom out after struggling with emotional and spiritual problems ... when they return and say ... after that conference with you my problems gradually disappeared, then I feel that this is the richest reward in the world.
"Even though I had hesitated to step into what might be called a ready-made job, I saw need for my involvement, particularly in the school's financial policies. This is a $30,000,000 business operated solely on faith. We have no denominational backing, no government grants, no foundation gifts. Our money comes in modest amounts from those who support us, and we manage through sound business practices. We need to establish continuity here."
(Bob Jones University's tuition is lower than average for the size of the campus and its varied curricular offerings.)
Once young Dr. Bob had accepted the family founded and administrated university as his career, he served on the speech faculty and then as assistant dean of men. He was named to the cooperating board of trustees and in 1961 was elected to the voting board.
Jones was subsequently appointed assistant to the president and served in this capacity until 1963 when he was named vice president. He is also a member of the board of directors of the Gospel Fellowship Association and Gospel Fellowship Missions, serving that organization as vice president of the board.
He has conducted tours of Europe and the Bible lands for parties of ministers, Christian workers and students.
While he has no involvement in the magnificent art gallery established by his father, he does the booking for the fine arts concert and drama series which annually offers top cultural opportunities for students as well as members of the community who take advantage of the limited number of tickets soon accepted the disciplinary standards and were the better for them.
"Some people sort of laugh about our "dynasty" out here, but I am convinced that a 'dynasty' is perhaps the only way a school can be kept to its founder's purposes. During its founder's life it retains its impetus and thrust -- and close family ties seem best suited to continue this," Dr. Bob says.
O RLY? So that’s why Pettit failed, yes?
Tall -- well over six feet -- and slim, young Dr. Bob radiates a warm glow, a personality trait he has twice inherited, from both grandfather and father, He enjoys water skiing, when he can find time, hunting near Ft. Stewart, Ga., where he has been shooting deer and wild hogs.
He waterskis? Huh.
Inherited from his father is his love of dramatics and his ability as an actor. He appears frequently in Shakespearean productions and other stage presentations at the university. He has also filled major roles in some of the productions of Unusual Films notably in "Wine of the Morning," and "Red Runs the River."
Both were internationally recognized and were prize-winners in their field. He and his wife, the former Beneth Peters of Olympia, Wash., met on campus and fell in love while rehearsing for a production of "Cyrano de Bergerac," in which Beneth was Roxane. Fittingly, they named their first child, a daughter, Roxane.
Two years later Bob Jones IV arrived. Interestingly, there have been exactly 27 years between each of the births of the second, third and fourth generations.
Asked about his children, young Dr. Bob declares proudly, "It's amazing how much Bob IV is like my grandfather -- he's already, the image of my grandfather."
Why do they always do this? I remember Mary Gaston insisting that Stephen was just like her husband. They always repeat this.
And it was in the tradition of his grandfather, with the same gentle and simple grace that his grandfather had terminated his final interview, -- that young Dr. Bob asked if he might be permitted to end the hour "with a little prayer."
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Initial Pairs
Polls start dropping tomorrow!
American Baptist Association VS Interstate and Foreign Landmark Missionary Baptist Association of America
American Baptist Churches USA VS Canadian Baptists of Ontario and Quebec
Association of Welcoming and Affirming Baptists VS Canadian Baptists of Western Canada
Baptist Bible Fellowship International VS Baptist Missionary Association of America
Baptist General Conference of Canada VS Independent Baptist Church of America
Canadian National Baptist Convention VS Southern Baptist Convention
Converge (previously Baptist General Conference) VS North American Baptist Conference
Cooperative Baptist Fellowship VS Alliance of Baptists
Enterprise Association of Regular Baptists VS Canadian Baptists of Atlantic Canada
Fellowship of Evangelical Baptist Churches in Canada VS Southwide Baptist Fellowship
Fellowship of Independent Reformed Evangelicals VS Sovereign Grace Fellowship of Canada
Foundations Baptist Fellowship International VS Venture Church Network (formerly Conservative Baptist Association of America)
Fundamental Baptist Fellowship Association VS Old Regular Baptists
General Association of Six-Principle Baptists VS General Association of Regular Baptist Churches
Holiness Baptist Association VS Full Gospel Baptist Church Fellowship
Independent Baptist Fellowship International VS Confessional Baptist Association
National Baptist Convention, USA VS National Baptist Convention of America International
National Missionary Baptist Convention of America VS Progressive National Baptist Convention
National Primitive Baptist Convention of the U.S.A. VS Central Baptist Association
Original Free Will Baptist Convention VS National Association of Free Will Baptists
Primitive Baptist Conference of New Brunswick, Maine, and Nova Scotia VS General Association of General Baptists
Progressive Primitive Baptists VS Primitive Baptist Universalists
Separate Baptists in Christ VS Kindred Associations of Baptists (AKA General Association of the Baptists)
Seventh Day Baptist General Conference VS New Independent Fundamentalist Baptist
Ukranian Evangelical Baptist Convention of Canada VS Union of Slavic Churches of Evangelical Christians and Slavic Baptists of Canada
Union of French Baptist Churches of Canada VS Covenanted Baptist Church of Canada
United American Free Will Baptist Church VS United American Free Will Baptist Conference
(Due to some categories having odd numbers of denominations, a handful will be dropped into the preliminary heats later on. If you don't see your fave, that's probably why!)
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To Live is Christ, and to Die is Gain
1 Paul and Timothy, servants of Jesus Christ,
To all the saints in Christ Jesus who are at Philippi, with the overseers and deacons:
2 Grace to you and peace from God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.
Paul’s Prayer for the Philippians
3 I thank my God for every reminder of you. 4 In every prayer of mine for you all, I have always made requests with joy, 5 due to your fellowship in the gospel from the first day until now. 6 I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Jesus Christ.
7 It is right for me to think this of you all because I have you in my heart, since both in my imprisonments and in the defense and confirmation of the gospel, you all are fellow partakers of my grace. 8 For God is my witness, how I long after you all with the affection of Jesus Christ.
9 And this I pray, that your love may abound yet more and more in knowledge and in all discernment, 10 that you may approve things that are excellent so that you may be pure and blameless for the day of Christ, 11 being filled with the fruit of righteousness, which comes through Jesus Christ, for the glory and praise of God.
To Live Is Christ
12 But I want you to know, brothers, that the things which happened to me have resulted in advancing the gospel, 13 so that my imprisonments in Christ have become known throughout the entire palace guard and to all the rest. 14 And a great many of the brothers in the Lord, having become confident because of my incarcerations, have dared to speak the word without fear.
15 Some indeed are preaching Christ out of envy and strife, and some also from good will. 16 The former preach Christ out of contention, not sincerely, intending to add trouble to my circumstance. 17 But the latter preach out of love, knowing that I am appointed for the defense of the gospel. 18 What then? Only that in every way, whether in pretense or in truth, Christ is preached. And in this I rejoice.
Indeed, I will rejoice. 19 For I know that through your prayer and the support of the Spirit of Jesus Christ, this will result in my deliverance. 20 Accordingly, it is my earnest expectation and my hope that I shall be ashamed in nothing, but that with all boldness as always, so now also, Christ will be magnified in my body, whether it be by life or by death. 21 For to me, to continue living is Christ, and to die is gain. 22 But if I am to live on in the flesh, this will mean fruitful labor to me. Yet I do not know what I shall choose. 23 I am in a difficult position between the two, having a desire to depart and to be with Christ, which is far better. 24 Nevertheless, to remain in the flesh is more needful for your sake. 25 Having this confidence, I know that I shall remain and continue with you all for your joyful advancement of the faith, 26 so that your rejoicing for me may be more abundant in Jesus Christ when I am in your presence again.
27 Only let your conduct be worthy of the gospel of Christ, that whether or not I come and see you, I may hear of your activities, that you are standing fast in one spirit, with one mind, striving together for the faith of the gospel. 28 Do not be frightened by your adversaries. This is a sign to them of their destruction, but of your salvation, and this from God. 29 For to you it was granted on behalf of Christ not only to believe in Him, but also to suffer for His sake, 30 having the same conflict which you saw in me and now hear is in me. — Philippians 1 | Modern English Version (MEV) The Holy Bible, Modern English Version. Copyright © 2014 by Military Bible Association. Published and distributed by Charisma House. Cross References: Psalm 119:66; Psalm 119:116; Job 16:19; Matthew 5:11; Mark 5:5; Luke 21:13; John 12:26; John 16:8; Acts 2:42; Acts 4:29; Acts 4:32; Acts 9:13; Acts 16:7; Acts 16:19; Acts 28:30; Romans 1:7,8 and 9; Romans 1:13; Romans 2:8; Romans 2:18; 1 Corinthians 9:17; Galatians 2:20; Galatians 6:4; Ephesians 6:20; Philippians 2:3; Philippians 2:16; Titus 3:14; Philemon 1:22
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redcarpetview · 10 months
Brian Courtney Wilson Joins Hezekiah Walker & Kathy Taylor for a Special Concert January 6, 2024
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Brian Courtney Wilson.
(Englewood, New Jersey - December 6, 2023) — bergenPAC, in association with Ray and Vivian Chew of  Chew Entertainment, will ring in the New Year with a Joyful Celebration with a performance by Gospel Superstars Kathy Taylor, Hezekiah Walker, and Brian Courtney Wilson. The Joyful Celebration will occur on Saturday, Jan. 6, 2024, at 7:30 p.m., celebrating Rev. Dr. Lester W. Taylor Jr. and his 30 years of service as Senior Pastor of the Community Baptist Church in Englewood, New Jersey.
The evening will feature performances by gospel legend Kathy Taylor, multi-award-winning Brian Courtney Wilson, and the incomparable Bishop Hezekiah Walker, plus The Community Baptist Church Choir of Englewood. The concert will be under the direction of Ray Chew and Community Baptist Church’s Minister of Music, Tyrell Belle.
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Kathy Taylor.
Don’t miss this special occasion to see Kathy Taylor, well-regarded as one of Gospel music’s standards, consistently offers tried and authentic Gospel music that is both effectual and relevant. An accomplished Minister of Music, songwriter, producer, and community activist, Taylor’s music and the message she eloquently sings about inspires, uplifts, and heals the spirit and soul of humanity. This is most evident in her new song “God Is With Us.” 
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Hezekiah Walker.
With a career spanning over 30 years in the music industry, multi-GRAMMY® Award-winning and Gospel Music Hall of Famer Hezekiah Walker leads the Love Fellowship Tabernacle as its pastor in Brooklyn. His latest release was 2016’s Azusa the Next Generation 2 - Better, a project created to uplift the masses from far and wide with inspirational songs that focus on maintaining faith and overcoming life’s daunting moments.
Brian Courtney Wilson is a highly regarded singer-songwriter in and out of the Gospel music genre. A Stellar Award-winner, multiple GMA Dove Award-winner, ASCAP Rhythm & Soul Award winner, Wilson has also amassed three Grammy® Awards nominations, an NAACP Image Award, and Billboard Music Award nominations.
Dr. Lester W. Taylor Jr. began leading The Community Baptist Church in Englewood in 1993 and has helped it grow through the years, especially by building up its outreach programs to benefit City residents.
Tickets to see Kathy Taylor, Hezekiah Walker, and Brian Courtney Wilson are on sale now, reserve tickets at Ticketmaster.com, bergenPAC.org or by phone at 201.227.1020. Tickets can also be purchased at the box office at 30 North Van Brunt Street in Englewood, New Jersey.
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awsomchurch · 11 months
Spreading the Good News Worldwide - An Evangelical Church's Journey
AWSOM Church Bible Group
Located in Long Beach, CA, the AWSOM Church CSUF has been at the forefront of this spiritual journey. They have been steadfast in their dedication to worldwide evangelism, focusing on individual spiritual growth through Bible Studies, fellowship events, and nurturing a relationship with God. The church is committed to teaching individuals to become disciples of Jesus, encouraging them to make more disciples, thus reiterating their commitment to the age-old call of spreading the good news.
The evangelical church's journey began locally, much like any other newly formed religious community. Its early members were deeply committed to serving their immediate community through acts of kindness, charity, and the dissemination of the Gospel within their city. Nevertheless, as time passed, the church recognized the need to expand its horizons and take the message of Christ to places far beyond their hometown.
A pivotal moment in the church's journey came with the decision to leverage technology and social media as tools for evangelism. Acknowledging the immense potential of the internet, the church began creating and sharing online content, including sermons, devotionals, and inspirational messages. This online presence not only allowed them to engage their local congregation but also reached people from different corners of the world.
The church's digital outreach swiftly expanded, attracting a global audience. Individuals from diverse backgrounds and cultures began connecting with the church's message of hope and redemption. This expanded reach transformed the church's perspective on spreading the Good News, underscoring the power of technology in advancing their mission. It demonstrated how faith could transcend geographical boundaries and resonate with a wide range of individuals.
As the church continued to grow and evolve, it expanded its missions program to send teams of volunteers to various parts of the world. These mission trips were not solely about sharing the Gospel but also about addressing the practical needs of the communities they visited. The church believed in the importance of demonstrating God's love through tangible acts of kindness, such as providing medical care, clean water, and educational resources.
Led by a team of passionate and dedicated leaders, AWSOM Church CSUF has been instrumental in transforming countless lives. The head pastor, with his theological acumen and a compassionate heart, has been a beacon of hope for many. His sermons, imbued with practical wisdom and scriptural insights, have guided the church members in their spiritual journey. The associate pastors, too, bring their unique strengths and perspectives to the table, enriching the spiritual tapestry of the AWSOM Church CSUF.
The church, in its unwavering commitment to worldwide evangelism, is not just a place of worship but also a hub for community outreach programs. Members of the AWSOM Church CSUF regularly participate in local service projects and international mission trips, demonstrating their faith in action. The church’s Bible study groups and fellowship events are integral to fostering a sense of community among the members while facilitating spiritual growth.
The church's journey to spread the Good News worldwide was not without its challenges. They encountered resistance in some areas, as not everyone was receptive to their message. Cultural differences and historical conflicts sometimes posed barriers to building trust and forming meaningful relationships. Nonetheless, the church remained steadfast in its mission, believing that the power of faith and love could transcend any obstacle.
In the face of adversity, the church learned the importance of humility and cultural sensitivity. They recognized that effective evangelism required understanding and respecting the beliefs and customs of the people they encountered. This approach helped bridge the gap between the church and those they sought to reach.
One of the most significant lessons the church learned throughout their journey was the necessity of collaborating with local communities and organizations. They understood that they couldn't impose their beliefs and practices on others. Instead, they sought to work alongside locals, respecting their perspectives and priorities. This approach not only fostered trust but also ensured the sustainability of the church's projects and missions.
The church's journey also underscored the value of long-term commitment to the communities they served. They realized that sporadic visits and temporary assistance were insufficient to create lasting change. Therefore, they established ongoing relationships with the people they encountered, providing support and assistance even after their initial mission trips had concluded.
The journey of this 2022 evangelical church to spread the good news worldwide is a remarkable example of faith in action. It began as a small community with a heart for their local area and has since grown to become a global force for good. Their story serves as a testament to the power of faith, love, and the determination to make a positive impact on the world.
Rooted in Long Beach, CA, this Churh is a beacon of hope, not just for the local community, but also for the world. The church's mission, driven by faith and a commitment to service, has seen it spread its wings beyond the confines of its home base to touch lives in remote corners of the globe. It has been a transformative journey – one that has seen the church embrace challenges, seize opportunities, and most importantly, effect a positive change in the lives of the people it serves. The impact of AWSOM Church CSUF extends from deep spiritual nurturing to tangible, life-changing projects, such as the establishment of a clean water well and a school in a disadvantaged African village. This commitment to worldwide evangelism, coupled with an unwavering focus on spiritual growth and community building, is a source of great inspiration. It is a testament to the transformative power of faith in action and a reminder of the immense potential that churches across the globe have to create a better world. This place serves as a shining example of how faith, when married with action, can truly make a difference, one life at a time.
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shammah8 · 11 months
SPIRITS OF SABOTAGE Monitoring spirits not only seek to delay and prevent God’s plans, but they also try to sabotage them. We noted earlier that “evil communications [or companions] corrupt good manners [“character” NLT]” (1 Corinthians 15:33). However, it is important for us to understand how that corruption functions in conjunction with soul ties. For example, the Bible says:
Make no friendship with an angry man; and with a furious man you shall not go: lest you learn his ways, and get a snare to your soul. (Proverbs 22:24–25) The Scriptures tell us that we must not enter into a friendship with an angry man lest we adopt his ways and snare our souls. The Hebrew word translated “friendship” in this verse is rā‘â, which, among many meanings, can signify “to associate with.” This word has the connotation of sheep grazing together in a pasture. Many people don’t realize that they are exposing themselves to a spirit of sabotage through wrong affiliations and connections. The word sabotage means “to deliberately destroy, damage, or obstruct (something), especially for political or military advantage.”3 Remember, familiar spirits seek to undermine our lives and destinies, hindering our callings and diminishing our spiritual vision and fervor.
The apostle Paul dealt with spirits of sabotage during his ministry.
To give one illustration, Paul and Barnabas were preaching in the city of Iconium, and as they went about winning Jews and Greeks to the Lord, religious people stirred up strife:
But the unbelieving Jews stirred up the Gentiles, and made their minds evil affected [bitter] against the brethren. (Acts 14:2) Eventually, Paul and Barnabas had to flee to another region, where they continued to preach the gospel. (See Acts 14:7.) The sabotage could not prevent the gospel from being proclaimed wherever Paul went.
For another biblical example, let’s return to the account of Nehemiah, who continued to face opposition from Sanballat, Tobiah, and others, even though he had refuted them.
But it came to pass, that when Sanballat, and Tobiah, and the Arabians, and the Ammonites, and the Ashdodites, heard that the walls of Jerusalem were made up, and that the breaches began to be stopped, then they were very angry, and conspired all of them together to come and to fight against Jerusalem, and to hinder it. Nevertheless we made our prayer to our God, and set a watch against them day and night, because of them.
(Nehemiah 4:7–9) Nehemiah discerned that Sanballat and Tobiah were operating in a spirit of sabotage to keep the Israelites from fulfilling their assignment. Sometimes, people will persist in trying to monitor, delay, and sabotage our life or work. This is when we need to stand firm in the Lord, as Nehemiah did. In Nehemiah 6:1–3, we read:
Now it came to pass, when Sanballat, and Tobiah, and Geshem the Arabian, and the rest of our enemies, heard that I had built the wall, and that there was no breach left therein; (though at that time I had not set up the doors upon the gates;) that Sanballat and Geshem sent to me, saying, Come, let us meet together in some one of the villages in the plain of Ono. But they thought to do me mischief. And I sent messengers to them, saying, I am doing a great work, so that I cannot come down: why should the work cease, while I leave it, and come down to you?
Again, we see Nehemiah exercising discernment and not being tricked into an attachment with those who would do him harm and try to stop his God-given purpose. Years ago, when my wife and I were just beginning our ministry, we sought to connect with various pastors and ministries for support. At one point, we began to fellowship and partner with a few other ministries. There was one particular ministry that we were about to partner with on a deeper level when God gave my wife a dream in which this ministry gave us turtles. As soon as she awoke from the dream, she knew immediately what it meant and warned me that if we partnered with that group, it would bring years of stagnation to our own ministry.
We never partnered with that ministry, and they eventually ceased operations. Had we been connected to them, it would have hindered our spiritual progress.☕️Kynan Bridges
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