#Goyim gonna goy
spale-vosver · 7 days
Every time goyim bring up "well ackchually the Bible doesn't SAY man it says YOUNG BOY" I go a little more crazy because
1) that's the Greek translation, which is NOT THE ORIGINAL
2) the assumption that we as religious Jews must 100% follow the law of the Torah today as they were written is incredibly reductive and Christocentric
3) they're not actually interested in critically engaging with religious material beyond using it as a "gotcha"
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psychologeek · 8 months
Jewish people online: someone I know died :(
Goyim online: yayy another dead jew i mean, Zionist! Go back to where you came from!
Yemen (1 jew, imprisoned by Houthies): ...
Poland (ethnically cleansed 99% of the Jewish population in 8 years):
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(Not new. 2019, for example:)
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Tzur Erlich:
Two memorial days in very close date,
In favour of some calculation
What is the cost of having a state
And what was the cost when we didn't
שני ימי זיכרון סמוכים כל שנה,
לטובת החישוב הכללי
כמה עולה לנו עם מדינה
וכמה עולה לנו בלי.
(צור ארליך)
(feel free to rb. It's the only way to get more ppl to see it)
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thewoodbine · 3 months
I had someone tell me that using goy was a racist slur. So just to make things abundantly clear for non-jews (goyim):
Goy = Someone who's not a Jew
That's it. That's all it means. That's all it has ever meant.
I know this word really upsets white boys who want to be called a slur and feel oppression so badly but you'd get satisfaction faster by hiring a dominatrix because getting called non-jewish by a Jewish person is entirely neutral in the same way someone saying your nationality isn't automatically insulting you.
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sopranoentravesti · 6 months
I’m very tired of goyim speaking over us and giving their takes on Judaism, Jewish identity, and antisemitism.
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malificandy · 3 months
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emerging-jew · 8 months
My improv class had an association game today and for some reason my classmates picked "religion is evil and full of lies" and "the SS won't let me go outside" as prompts so I've just been hiding in the stairwell for an hour
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soxiyy · 8 months
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spale-vosver · 5 months
Jumblr, what is your most hated goysplain?
Mine is "uhm well you shouldn't say Jew if you're not Jewish, that's derogatory". That has literally never been true and only makes you look like an idiot, it's literally how we refer to ourselves and isn't derogatory unless you make it. Also no one wants to have to write "Jewish people" every five seconds during a discussion on Judaism that's just too many letters /hj
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that-jewish-bitch · 9 months
Days without Goy bullshit: 0
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panphilosopher · 7 months
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"WAH!!! The big, bad kike won't me steal their word, wah!"
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sopranoentravesti · 6 months
Goyim telling Jews to “go back to Israel,” vs goyim telling Jews to “go back to Europe,” vs goyim telling Jews to “go back to Brooklyn:”
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jewishbarbies · 1 year
for a while you can laugh it off but it gets to a point where it’s just asinine, the amount of goyim who either side eye you or straight up tell you “jews can’t eat X” when you talk about a certain food. like. guys. bacon comes in turkey. spam comes in turkey. I can eat vegan/vegetarian versions of candies. google is free. but WHY do you think it’s your place to tell a jew how to jew? clearly if I’m jewish and I’m eating it, I know what I’m doing. not all jews keep kosher and that’s a decision made between them and god, and you’re fucking weird if you say otherwise. it’s none of your business what jewish people eat. fuck off.
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stop scheduling things on rosh hashanah challenge 2023/5784
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feral-space-faerie · 23 days
How to explain to this goy that just because we dated for 3 months doesn't mean i need your weird thoughts in my inbox like;
"I thought this guy was gonna assume my pentacle was actually a star of David, and he was gonna be antisemitic to me! But then he didn't and wasn't, and he was normal!"
Like okay. You made up someone to get mad at as a non-Jew who I'm sure means well but always needs corrected ANY TIME the topic was Judaism. Because you're always a little wrong but speaking with some semblance of authority on the topic. Cause you dated me, and one other Jew once.
She means well and I know that but also I'm cringing out of my body because there's more than enough real antisemitism happening that actual Jews experience so I actually don't want to hear about your made up story that only makes my anxiety get bad for NOTHING
Is my generational trauma a joke to you
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Goyim means cattle
You idiot......
Goyim means "nations". Even Jews are referred to as "goy" sometimes in the Tanakh in reference to the word "nation".
וְאֶֽעֶשְׂךָ֙ לְג֣וֹי גָּד֔וֹל וַאֲבָ֣רֶכְךָ֔ וַאֲגַדְּלָ֖ה שְׁמֶ֑ךָ וֶהְיֵ֖ה בְּרָכָֽה׃
"And I will make you into a great nation, and I will bless you, and I will make your name great, and you will be a blessing" (Genesis 12:2)
The word for cattle is "בקר". You can go Google it if you want to see for yourself.
You know, Google Translate is free. So many other translation sites are free. And yet you walk around in your stupidity because your antisemitism and victim complex is so powerful that you don't even bother to fact-check. You just regurgitate bullshit you heard from someone else, without even checking if it's true.
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blunderpuff · 5 months
ohhhh i should have known; i should have glanced at heystephen's blog before reblogging her
of COURSE a western ~feminist~ was going to be a raging antisemite, uncritically reblogging absolute bullshit propaganda, and completely ignoring the atrocities enacted upon Israelis, of COURSE she hasn't mentioned the rapes. of course she waited until AFTER Israel retaliated to start posting about it (don't forget: it took Israel 4 days to retaliate. we knew about the rapes on day 1)
her whole post was 'people only believe female victims of abuse when those victims are dead' SOME INTROSPECTION WOULD BE GRAND
every day is DARVO Day in the PP cult
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