I'm honestly heartbroken that someone, a friend of mine for the last year and a half, had to have me Explain to them multiple times that the word Goy isn't a slur.
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golem-brigadier · 17 days
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When people, especially pro-pal revisionists, like to ignore that it's very common for regions to have multiple names, just look at Germany and Japan.
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Having conversations with my intelligent, well read, well meaning non-Jewish friends who assume that everyone is as intelligent and well read and well meaning as they are 😆
“Of course October 7 was horrible. But Netanyahu’s response-"
"Do you have any idea how many leftists think October 7 was a good thing and simultaneously a false flag?”
"Wait, what?"
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the-ind1gen0us-jude4n · 8 months
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@elenajones23 first of all, who are you, a non Jew to lecture me about what my religion does or doesn’t allow? Who are you to tell me, as someone who doesn't practice the same religion, that I can or cannot do things?
The Torah isn’t a simple set of guidelines and commands, it’s far more complex than that. It has different interpritations, so saying the torah doesn't allow it is blatantly false. The name "Zion" (Promised land) is mentioned 154 times.
“It isn’t your land and it never was your land” bullshit.
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We absolutely do have a land, if we don't, then why do we have holy sights in Jerusalem? Why are names like "Jaffa" and "Haifa" Hebrew?
The land of Israel is where my ancestors came from, it is where they lived, it is where they had a connection to, and it is where they suffered under the romans and were exiled.
We were never welcomed in Europe, we were never welcomed in the rest of the middle east.
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These are ancient scrolls called the "Dead sea scrolls" which are a set of ancient Jewish writings dating from the 3rd century BCE.
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This is all of what remains of our ancient temple, this is what it once was:
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The first temple is Solomon's temple, the second one is Herod's temple, which was destroyed in 70CE by the romans. centuries later, the Muslim caliphates built the Al Aqsa mosque which was built on top of our temple mount. Today, the west wall is all we have left of this historic holy place.
The name "Palestine" was given to the land of Israel by roman colonisers who exiled most of us from the land of Israel, took many of us slaves, and scattered everyone else through western Europe (Some moved further east).
Now about the Nazis = Zionist argument. The Nazis originally made a deal with German Zionist Jews (The Haavara agreement) to bring about a mass migration from Germany to Israel, it should be mentioned that this was because Hitler and the Nazis wanted a Jew-Free Europe, not because the Nazis supported Zionism.
This deal was criticized by both Nazis and Zionists. Zionist criticised it because it made a deal with the devil, and the Nazis criticised it because it went against their philosophy.
The Nazis were extremely antizionist, the belief that they were Zionists is soviet cold war propaganda to demonise the state of Israel and the broader Jewish community. They believed that Jews were biologically incapable of running their own state and were too inferior. Hitler had a "Palestinian" friend (Amin al-Husseini) who campaigned in Berlin, fought for a Palestinian state, and even CONTRIBUTED TO THE HOLOCAUST. They also lead a boycott of Jewish businesses in "Palestine".
So, you're wrong. So very very wrong. You can try to lecture me about the history of my own people and religion all you want, but you're wrong.
Please, kindly fuck off and read a history book. Please attend a Synagogue service and learn more about our religion before you come spewing false bullshit about it.
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thewoodbine · 3 months
I had someone tell me that using goy was a racist slur. So just to make things abundantly clear for non-jews (goyim):
Goy = Someone who's not a Jew
That's it. That's all it means. That's all it has ever meant.
I know this word really upsets white boys who want to be called a slur and feel oppression so badly but you'd get satisfaction faster by hiring a dominatrix because getting called non-jewish by a Jewish person is entirely neutral in the same way someone saying your nationality isn't automatically insulting you.
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spale-vosver · 5 days
Every time goyim bring up "well ackchually the Bible doesn't SAY man it says YOUNG BOY" I go a little more crazy because
1) that's the Greek translation, which is NOT THE ORIGINAL
2) the assumption that we as religious Jews must 100% follow the law of the Torah today as they were written is incredibly reductive and Christocentric
3) they're not actually interested in critically engaging with religious material beyond using it as a "gotcha"
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crunkcommie · 2 years
as a jewish person in america, i find myself fearing for the safety of myself and my fellow jews.
antisemitism is undeniably on the rise.
we are not overreacting. and anytime we speak out against modern antisemitism, we're told we are.
please, for the love of g-d, listen to jews and educate yourself.
here are some websites i find helpful, especially for goyim looking to educate themselves.
antisemitism education
symbols of hate
glossary of extremism
antisemitism online
jewish solidarity (carrd)
antisemitism activism (carrd)
fight antisemitism (carrd)
if you have any other resources, please share !!!
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honesty-my-policy · 7 months
I'm not even Jewish...
but coming on social media every single day is life and soul-draining. Why? Because I refuse to quiet or nice about things anymore, especially after not hearing from the friend I made when this all started. It's been over two months since I last heard from her.
I can't imagine actually being Jewish in this world right now, it must be so incredibly scary that even places outside of Israel you are deemed a monster, when you have nothing to do with the decisions Israel makes.
But I'm not going to take a break from social media and I also understand why those of you who are Jewish refuse as well, who else will defend you? Who else will call out the garbage spewed by those claiming they hold no hate in their hearts?
Instead, I'm here to offer a shoulder to lean on and if it comes to it, a place to hide from the mass of hysteria that's taken over the world. My family is one in this decision, we will protect you.
One day, if my family should need the same, I hope you would return the favor. But even if not, that's okay, because to be quite honest, the world has not done enough for the Jews and I wish there was more I could do.
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golem-brigadier · 2 months
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tsuyoshikentsu · 10 months
I've been thinking about this all night, and I've come to a conclusion:
I have not met a single goy in my life that knows the least fucking thing about Judaism.
I'm serious. Even the experts who have put us under microscopes still don't know anything more than a handful of trivia they've been able to memorize. They don't know. And there are so many different books and movies and TED talks and whatever trying to explain, and they literally cannot get it.
The further we get from October 7th, the more I never want to talk to anyone who isn't Jewish ever again.
It may surprise you to learn that I am not interested in goyishe thoughts on this.
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jloisse · 5 months
Écoutez Netanyahu s'adresser aux survivants de l'Holocauste :
"S'il est possible d'obtenir l'aide des Goyim, je suis toujours partant.
Goyim est un terme péjoratif qui signifie "non-juif".
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diasporangael · 6 months
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Eating is racist, white man.
Just die, goy.
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saffity · 1 year
Saturday thoughts
I have somehow, through various fandom follows, ended up on the Jewish side of Tumblr.
I am not Jewish, I am… let’s say a follower of the teachings of Jesus, because I don’t really follow any denomination and very much prefer more progressive takes.
The break downs and teachings and explanations that a lot of people are putting on here for free is amazing. It’s making me see where my thoughts and beliefs are not as loving and open as I would wish them to be and that I have a lot of work to do yet.
I also feel like it’s helping me to understand the teachings of Jesus better because you can’t remove Judaism from Jesus without completely corrupting and perverting what he taught.
So thank you to everyone who is putting the time, effort, mental and emotional labour to post these teachings and spread the true understanding of your faith.
I, for one, am really learning a lot.
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starofdavestrider · 1 year
Stupid questions get stupid answers
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Goyim at their finest. Have you ever seen a Jew ask what a Christian synagogue is? Maybe we are smarter. Or just have Christian culture in our face all day! also please make sure to follow my blog if you like it! I don’t care about follow count, but it’s weird seeing I have a post with 140+ notes and 5 followers ♥️ Follow me. Do it.
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dorkass-nerd · 3 months
Fuck it, maybe I'll just make this post, see if I can find anyone in the same boat or maybe I'm just screaming this into the void. I hope to everything that this doesn't end up in the wrong places so maybe I'll try and be somewhat vague but I might also just end up rambling an absolute tonne.
I've recently been really sick, pretty standard for someone with a chronic illness but this is a whole new problem that I'm just having to deal with now, I've been on antibiotics and other meds about six ish times and I've treated something like 6 or 7 infections of various types in just this year alone. Not looking for advice, this is just important background.
And around about the second time I came away with a prescription for antibiotics from my doctor I just so badly wanted to cry. I wanted to scream. I wanted nothing more than to just scream until my voice was raw. But it felt like, no matter how loud I screamed, that no one on this earth would actually hear me or feel me. No power on this earth would be able to actually give me comfort. In that moment, all I wanted, was the comfort of some kind of God.
Now I grew up raised as a Christian, going to church most weeks, got confirmed and everything. But a series of unfortunate events just made me completely lose my faith. I couldn't be a part of a community where I, a queer, did not feel welcome.
I considered going to one of the churches that was local to me, but 1) the door wasn't open and I wasn't sure enough to seek out the key and 2) part of me felt like a Christian church just wasn't enough. It felt like the Christian God just wasn't..... enough?
I simply just, went home and pondered. Thinking. Wondering what I could do to seek the comfort I so badly craved.
And I just
Kept thinking about it
I started wondering about other Gods, other religions. And landed on Judaism. My fiancee is Jewish and I see how she celebrates, I see how close her and her community are, I see how welcoming everything seems to be. And it feels.... more like home than I've ever felt with my Christian circles when I was in those.
Another thing I was coming to realise was how natural it felt covering my head. I started wearing just some cheap ass snoods because my hair is in a funny growth period and I was using the snood to encourage my hair to grow up and into the rest of my longer hair. But it started to feel so natural. I definitely don't need to be wearing it now because my hair is at a point where it doesn't need the encouragement to grow where I want it to grow but something about it feels so....
I don't leave the house without it, it's the first thing I put on in the morning when I wake up. I know Jewish women typically only cover their hair when they get married. But I am neither Jewish, nor a woman. So something about it still feels a little..... cultural appropriation-ish. That's not my aim in any way but wearing something that covers my head just feels so natural now. I don't know if I would feel as confident as I do going out without my head covered as I do with my head covered.
And recently I thought, just for me myself an I in the comfort of my own room, I'd find a nice scarf and try to style that in some way. the one I picked was a little thin but knowing how much I overheat in the summer months it was ok. But there's still just that part of me that feels like it's appropriating a culture. I don't want to go outside like this and get looks from people because I'm just Generic White Dude No.3 wearing a headscarf that they think I shouldn't be wearing. So i just left it sat on some stuff in my room, conflicted in my emotions. Until eventually one day i felt ok enough to just try it out. And I felt. A mix of emotions. I felt more confident. I felt pretty. And it all felt so natural. I wore it out for a walk to the shops with my mom, low stakes environment, people we too busy in my village with the event happening that day anyway so everyone is either too drunk to notice or too looking up at the sky at cool planes to notice. I worried about seeing people I knew. But no one said anything, I didn't get any dirty looks, and I was safe back in my room once again, wearing the normal snood I always wear.
And again, I dwelled on these thoughts and feelings. Why did that feel so natural, why did that feel so ok, why did I feel so confident in myself like that. Swimming with thoughts of trying to figure out what I was feeling.
I felt like it was a place that I didn't belong. I felt like I would be intruding on a space that I had no place being in. I can make this choice which is what me feel invalid. I could choose not to be discriminated against. I could choose not to have abuse thrown at me. This isn't like being queer, that isn't a choice, but this IS a choice. I didn't choose the discrimination I face because I'm queer but I can choose not to face discrimination for being in a minority religion like this.
I finally felt confident enough to tell my fiancee about this. And she was nothing but supportive, provided me with some helpful information, sharing in my feelings, validating my thoughts and understanding where I was coming from. She suggested I talk to a Rabbi if this is something I wanted to pursue for some more guidance. It felt like the first hurdle, finally spilling everything that had been on my mind. And it felt good.
I told myself I would light a candle for Shabbat this week, and all the time leading up to Friday I went back and forth over it, is it right for me to just do that? Am I allowed to just do that? Is there a right and wrong way to do it? Would people be mad at me for doing that?
But just in the safety of my own room with no one around it felt safe enough to do. I realised after the fact that I was a little late but that context comes later. But lighting the candle felt nice. It felt like a small comfort in the darkness of the evening. Seeing it out of the corner of my eye all evening felt nice, like something was there.
The following morning, I told my fiancee that I did that the previous night, and I could just see her smile beaming back at me. It was nice. And I ended up with her learning something new because she told me to light two candles next time and I asked why and she went down a little rabbit hole reading about why you should light two candles. So. Positive experience all round. Talking with her about all of this made me feel so sure that talking about this was the right thing, made me feel more sure of my path and if this is something I DO want to pursue.
She told me about some resources that she uses for Shabbat times, apps, the website chabad dot org. Which I proceeded to puruse when she'd gone to bed. I downloaded the Shabbat times app too. Reading through some of the resources on the chabad website made me start feeling a little emotional. Made my emotions feel valid. "People actually do feel this way too, it isn't just me!" I just kept opening different tabs, reading different articles, learning new words.
Then last night I somehow got to thinking about my last ex fiancee. And something, a voice, a feeling in the back of my head told me it's ok to let her go. It's been well over a year since we broke up and I still think about her with pain in my heart, wishing it had all gone differently. And then suddenly that pain was just. Not there anymore. It was ok to let her go. It was ok to let go of the grief, the grudge, the pain, the longing, the wishing things had gone differently. And it was suddenly just gone.
Which, again, made me feel many other, far more complex emotions. Trying desperately to explain where that came from. I like to have answers and explanations to things but I just couldn't find one. Telling my fiancee about it this morning and she's just beaming back at me again as I tried desperately to find the words to explain what happened but mostly failing. She got the important parts I think.
Now I'm just stuck thinking to myself
Was that God Himself? This came right after I embraced a Jewish tradition of lighting a candle for Shabbat. It has to just be a coincidence right? But it can't be, I've never gotten over something like that so suddenly like that. I still grieve relatives who've been dead 6 years, hell even 20+ years. This came from somewhere that wasn't me, that's the only reasonable answer right?
I'm sure this will just get lost in the tide of tumblr, I know I don't have many followers and I don't expect any of you to actually read this all the way through, this is more just me writing this down somewhere, document it. But if you have made it this far, thank you for reading all of this. Be gentle, but comments and opinions are welcome as long as you're not mean and asshole-y
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small-angry-turtle · 2 years
Happy Tu Bishvat!
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