#Grace talks!♟️
bunnylove1 · 5 months
I finally am gonna start to write again I’m feeling a lot better and more energetic and happy so thank you all for being patient with me it really means a lot to me that my tire pumpkins had stayed with me throughout this whole mess of a trip
you guys bring me so much joy by just being here and seeing you guys still love my older stuff just makes me appreciate you more
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silveryclear · 1 year
♟️Yandere Villain x Hero Reader part 1
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♟️ Male Yandere Villain X Female Hero Reader
♟️ CW: Smut build up, coercion, manipulation, implied kidnapping, obsessive behavior
♟️ 2.4 k words
You were a rookie superhero graced with the powers of flight, great strength, and agility. You also had a great heart and the motivation to help people. In less than a year, you had managed to capture the hearts of all the beloved citizens that lived in the city you grew up in. Your debut as a hero was nothing short of a success! People loved you, authorities respected you, and most of all, you managed to reduce crimes committed by supervillains by 60%! In honor of your heroic efforts, the city had organized a ball in your honor, a masquerade one to be exact. This gave you the perfect opportunity to enjoy the celebration without being in the center of attention. Ironic enough, you were never one to participate in places with large crowds. But the city had put in so much work for you, you couldn’t not attend.
The party was bustling by the time you arrived. Already was there a large crowd waltzing in the middle of the ballroom, the band playing wondrous music. Your eyes flit over the crowd, admiring each and every mask as well as their matching dresses and suits. People were talking, dancing, eating… just generally enjoying their night. And you can’t help but feel a sense of accomplishment wash over you, knowing that you’ve contributed to the safety and peace of mind of thousands of people. Although, a small, anxious part of you couldn’t be quelled so easily. You knew this is temporary, just a fleeting moment of tranquility before disaster strikes again. In your mind, this disaster takes the form of a person. A very evil person. One of the very cunning villains that have managed to wreak havoc for years without getting caught once.
He has never shown his face, not once. The information the police have of him is virtually non existent, and the information that they do have are mostly rumors. But one thing is for certain: he has never has done any of the dirty work himself. He always has contacts, pawns, and a whole lot of power. A fitting name for someone who is considered “The King of the Underworld”. It is said that he just gazes from above (or below) at the chaos he has engineered, like it’s some twisted game of chess for him. And while you’re not one to ever back down from a fight, you can’t help but shiver at the thought of him taking you on as his new opponent. With all the attention you’ve garnered, your assumption isn’t far fetched.
However, you might’ve underestimated just how long this match had gone for.
And if you were even a player at all.
In the middle of your anxious thoughts, you felt a tap on your shoulder, promptly breaking you out of your inner turmoil. You quickly turn around and come face to face with piercing green eyes. Anything that you had meant to say died in your throat as soon as your eyes met his… and the rest of him. He stood tall, towering over you even with your 4 inch heels. He was also dressed to kill— wearing a black fitting suit with a black dress shirt with a few open buttons to show off his collar and part of his chest. The suit was lined up with green, intricate embellishments that matched his mask and complimented his eyes stunningly. His hair was neatly styled in twists and he even wore jewelry and smokey eyes that made his dark complexion glow. This man was drop dead gorgeous.
His lips broke out in a charming smile and you felt yourself get—metaphorically— shot in the heart.
“Are you alright? You’ve been staring off into space for a while…” The man spoke in a low, sultry voice that made your insides quiver.
You cough and chuckle nervously, flustered for being caught ogling this fine man like a creep. “Y-Yes! I’m sorry, you caught me off guard. I was… thinking about work.” You sputter, trying to find an excuse that wasn’t necessarily false.
He chuckles, still gazing at you with those magnetic eyes. “Ah, so that’s what had you twisting your beautiful face in worry. I was hoping that you would do me the honor of joining me for a dance? I think you could use a break from your worries, we are at the ball of the year, aren’t we?”
You can feel your cheeks heat up from the compliment and you feel nervous, but excited to dance with this alluring mystery man. You smile. “That, we are. A dance may be just what I need.”
He smiles back, stretching out his large hand for you to take. “May I?”
You place your hand in his, his palm smooth, as opposed to yours that has been calloused from all your training and hero work. Fingers brush against the palm of your hand and he smiles kindly. “Indeed, the hands of hard working woman.” He says before bringing your hand towards his lips, kissing the back of your hand gently as the looks firmly into your eyes. Your face heats up once again and you can’t bring yourself to look away.
This goes beyond what you expected from this ball.
The man pulls you the dance floor in the center of the ballroom, holding your hand and hip as you glided on the dance floor along with the music.
“How are you feeling now? I hope I’m doing a good job at keeping those thoughts away.” He smiles and twirls you around and brings you back into his arms.
You giggle, actually allowing yourself to enjoy the party that was meant for you. “I’m actually having fun. I don’t particularly like being around large crowds, but you’ve made it enjoyable. Thank you.” You give him a genuine smile.
You swore you saw something dark, something primal flash in his eyes, but it disappeared as quickly as it came. “Not a fan of crowds, huh? Can’t say I’m fond of them either. I work remotely so these are the only moments where I engage with the masses.”
“Lucky.” You mutter playfully.
He laughs, a deep, melodic sound that made your heart race. “I wouldn’t say that. I mean, if I hadn’t crawled out of my cave tonight, I wouldn’t have met you~” He gives you a twirl and pulls you closer, stepping back in sync.
Damn. He’s smooth.
“Besides, how could I pass up the chance of dancing with the city’s greatest hero without interruption~?”
Your step falters and stumble backwards, bracing yourself for a fall that never comes. Instead, you’re held by the mysterious man who has made the fall into a dip, making it seem part of the dance. He smiles coyly. “Did I say something wrong?”
You’re pulled back up and you feel that same sinking sensation that you had earlier. You compose yourself and clear your throat. “How did you know it was me?”
“Oh, I’m something of a fanboy. I could recognize you in a heartbeat.” He smiles, yet, it doesn’t comfort you.
“Everyone here is a fan, yet you’re the only one who recognized me.” You narrow your eyes in suspicion.
You can feel him pull you closer, your bodies close enough to feel his quickened heartbeat. You could only make sure your steps were in sync as you looked over his shoulder. He places one hand on your back, his fingers running down your spine and kept a firm grip on your hip. You shiver, not sure if it’s from delight or fear. His lips suddenly hover above your ear as he whispers, “True, but I’m your biggest fan~”
You sense a change in his demeanor, although subtle, you learned to catch these subtleties from your experience fighting villains. However, it wasn’t enough to detect this one fast enough.
You take a sharp breath. “Who are you?”
He twirls you again and brings you face to face with him. He grins devilishly. “What does your gut say~?”
You breathing becomes ragged and you feel your blood run cold as your worst fears had come to life.
You just danced and flirted with the devil himself.
You try to pull away from him but he makes sure to keep a tight hold on you while still maintaining the facade of dancing.
"Now, now, the dance isn't over and we can't have our Great Hero looking too out of sorts. No one would know the city is safe and in good hands if they see you panicking on the dance floor. And who knows what I just might do if that were to happen." Your eyes widen and Hades laughs darkly as he continues to dance with you in close proximity, his eyes lingering on the features of your face and the shape of your body. "I was worried you wouldn’t have recognize me at all. I've always wanted to dance with you, Hero."
Your body trembles and your breathing grows erratic. You can feel his hold loosening slightly and his hand rub your back comfortingly as he whispers soothing words into your ear. “That’s it, baby… just breathe…” For your sake, you forget who the words are coming from as you focus on your breathing.
Once you feel calm, you grit your teeth. And scowl at him. “Do you get a kick out of making me look like a fool?”
Hades hums and grins devilishly. "I do, especially when getting the satisfaction of knowing I fooled the city's hero into dancing and flirting with me. Fitting for the one responsible for all my misery."
He continues holding you close to his chest and brings his face inches from your face with a wicked laugh. He gets even closer so when he speaks you feel his breath on your ear. “But I will be honest, dancing with you, feeling your body pressed against mine, seeing you flustered up close… fills me with another type of type of satisfaction~”
You glare at him as you keep dancing. You pretend everything is fine as to not arouse any suspicion from the rest of the crowd. “What do you want?”
Hades laughs wickedly, his dark green eyes shining in the dim lights of the dance floor. “That’s the million dollar question, isn’t it?” He then puts a hand on your hip and grips tightly, bringing you closer. “I came to collect my prize~”
You furrow your eyebrows and look over at him, confused. “What are you talking about? What prize?”
Hades grins, finding your confusion amusing. “Why, you, of course~” He caresses your face gently as if handling a work of art. His eyes roam your body hungrily. “And you are all wrapped up and pretty for me too~”
You swat his hand away and scowl. “You must be out of your damn mind if you think for a second that I’d go anywhere with you.”
His grin only turns more sinister as he grabs your face tightly and pulls you face to face. Your eyes widen and you feel your body begin to tremble again. “I think it‘ll do you well to learn some manners. Especially when you, dear Hero, are mine.”
“I don’t owe you anything, you brute!” You growl at him. Even in your position, you will never submit to a villain.
He chuckles darkly and his grip on your face tightens. “Oh, that’s where you’re wrong, my darling Hero. You owe me everything.”
Hades stares at your confused expression with amusement. The grip on your face disappears and he returns to dancing with you as if nothing had happened. His piercing green eyes stare back at yours, demanding your attention. “You see, little hero, I have powers beyond your comprehension, superpowers and earthly powers alike. I control every single person inside and out of this building.” He grips your hip and pulls you closer, grinning madly. “I have your beloved city under my thumb.”
With every word he utters, the feeing of dread and fear continues to build up in the pit of your stomach.
Hades twirls you and brings you back towards him, your steps out of sync, but he manages to dance through it quite proficiently. “Do you know what that means?” He whispers, breath fanning your face gently. “Do you understand what I’m trying to imply?”
You stare back at him, holding his gaze as you nod.
He grins widely. “Tell me.” He demands with a smooth voice.
You take a sharp breath. “I-I became a hero… because of you.” As you said it out loud you felt the feeling helplessness slowly latch onto you— breaking you. Behind the words you uttered, lies a hidden truth: For every great source of good in the world, there’s an even greater source of darkness pulling it’s strings.
“Good girl~” He coos and pinches your cheek. “Such a good girl. Did you really think it was that easy to become a hero? You never questioned why everything went so smoothly.” He chuckles and caresses your cheek softly. “That’s how I knew you’d make the perfect toy for me to sway the masses~”
You feel like you’re about to throw up. Tears brim your eyes and you bite your lip to hold back a sob.
Hades’s face softens slightly as he pulls you into his chest and rubs your back soothingly. “Don’t cry, little hero. I know your little fantasy world collapsed— But I’ll help you see the beauty in the world I’ve created. After all,”
He leans back and grabs your chin. “I created it just for you~”
Hades pulls you into a hot, sensual kiss— groaning once his lips touched yours, deepening the kiss, delving his tongue into your warm mouth and tasting you. His kiss only grew with intensity once he finally got a taste of you after craving you all night. You can only stand there and take it as if you feel an incredible force keeping you from leaving.
Hades pulls away from the kiss and your breath hitches once you gaze into his eyes. The lust and possessiveness that he had restrained during the evening now emanated from him in waves. His breathing is ragged and his pupils are dilated. The feeling of dread you felt before was nothing compared to what you’re feeling right now.
He pulls you close, holding you tightly against his body, like a viper wrapping its coils around their prey. Hades whispers seductively, “You are mine, little hero. And I’ll make sure to show you tonight just how much I crave you.”
You overestimated your role in this game. You were never a player. Just like everyone else, you are just another piece in a game of chess you weren’t even aware was happening . And you were his final piece to acquire.
Just like that, you were his. As you were always meant to be.
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underwxrldprincess · 1 month
Intro post 🌙
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Greetings/welcome back to my page! My name is Bianca (she/they), and I'm 21 years old. I identify as genderfluid and aro-ace, but I'm partially attracted to (some) men.
Other facts about me:
🥀 INTJ 1w9
🥀 Slytherin
🥀 Cabin 13
🥀 French, Italian and Korean
🥀 autistic
🖤 Marauders
🖤 Miraculous Ladybug
🖤 Percy Jackson
Favorite fictional characters:
🪐 Amélie Graham de Vanily (if I were to have any children in the future, I would totally name them Amélie and Félix)
🪐 Bianca di Angelo (my namesake)
🪐 Félix Fathom (my prince)
🪐 Nico di Angelo
🪐 Regulus Black (mon étoile)
🪐 Thalia Grace
🌑 astronomy
🌑 Greek mythology
🌑 history (especially British and Jewish history)
Things I love:
🐈‍⬛ cats (especially black or white cats)
🐈‍⬛ classical novels (especially Victor Hugo's works)
🐈‍⬛ goth fashion
🐈‍⬛ musical theatre
🐈‍⬛ plushies
🐈‍⬛ silver jewelry
🐈‍⬛ this one kid at the daycare I work at
Things I hate:
🗡️ Colt Fathom
🗡️ disrespecting my boundaries
🗡️ inhumanity
🗡️ loud environments
🗡️ my mom
🗡️ not taking "no" for an answer
🗡️ small talk
Other Marauders for Jews members:
♟️ he's a ten but he likes 🐀 @rmoony01
♟️ Lily kin @atyd1960
♟️ Lily/Remus kin @siriuslybowie81
♟️ Snape stan @jackcryptid
♟️ @poitionsprince
(Alona does not have Tumblr)
☕️ ableists
☕️ antisemites
☕️ biphobes
☕️ homophobes
☕️ racists
☕️ transphobes
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bunnylove1 · 7 months
update on my hand
found out I have arthritis, not a surprise it runs in the family, everyone thought I was being dramatic today but I’m not lying when I say I can feel my bones rub together and like someone’s pulling my knuckles out one by one
okays that’s it love you darlings!
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