#Grass fionna
reigobun · 6 months
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boring but i needed to draw them
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thatkidsquigglee · 9 months
i have been infected with the brainrot
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i cannot get them out of my head
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plumuto · 10 months
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old flora doodle i still rlly like i need to draw her more
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teethcritter · 2 years
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melonlthawne · 8 months
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ANOTHER fern this time as a redraw of a scene with the original fern! I’m gay as shit for this girl
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the-possum-writes · 10 months
Fiona and Cake: FaC!Fern X Fem!Reader
I don't have much other than that I just wanna see that tbh. No smut is the only rule. That's a lie- the other rule is to have fun writing this. No smut and have fun.
❥Character: Flora Mertens (Fem!Fern)
❥Tags: SFW, established relationship, snowy cottagecore
❥Synopsis: It's winter season and you're left helping Flora by chopping wood and keeping her company.
❥A/N: I'mma be real and admit I didn't know what to write for this request and kept postponing it, sorry if it's on the short side. But hey, I still wanted to do some fanart for her.
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"That'll do," you say as you let go of the ax after chopping the last log in half, removing your gloves to rub your calloused hands together. Since the majority of forest animals hibernate once the snow falls, it is silent outside.
The snow-covered dirt crunches under your shoes as you pick up the extra logs surrounding the chopping block and stack them in your arms before bringing them inside your tiny hut. You piled your wooden stack next to a coat rack when the door banged shut. Upon hearing two pots shuffle in the kitchen, a female voice says "How's the weather?" from inside your isolated home.
"It stopped snowing, and it's not as cold so maybe we can head out for a walk later." you suggest mainly because cabin fever has been eating you from the inside out these past few weeks but Flora doesn't share your sentiments.
"I'll pass, even if the weather is fine i hate feeling the cold snow biting at my feet." she expresses with a complain.
"Come on Flo, the clouds look really pretty and soft during the sunset. Besides, I bet it gets pretty lonely and quiet here when i run errands at the village." you insist while removing your excessive coat and scarfs.
"You're just jealous my heaters keep me company at night." she taunts.
"Jealous? Hah! It's like a tropical forest in there, I'd evaporate the moment I take a step inside!" you cross your arms. "I'll keep staying in the guest room thank you very much."
Flora walks in the living room with two mugs in hand but all you can do is stare in bewilderment at your roommate's choice in clothing. "Pfft, what are you wearing?" you suppress a chuckle but failed to hide your smile.
Homegirl looks like she's prepared for the next ice age, she's wearing at least 6 layers of sweaters and two blankets thrown over his shoulders for good measure, the shuffling you heard from the kitchen comes from her bunny slippers that barely contained her pointy feet wrapped in socks and legs warmers.
"What do you mean? It's my winter clothes." Flora responds with annoyance, more than aware that her choice of clothing looks like a bundle of laundry.
"You look like the pile of clothes on the side of my bed." you laugh, standing up to retrieve your own scarf from the coat hanger on the door entry.
"Yeah, yeah I know I look ridiculous but if you were in my place you'd know how bad plants have it during winter." Flora defends, almost regretting to bring you hot chocolate.
"I didn't say it looks ridiculous, rather I'd say you look comfy, like when we get together to watch home movies," you place your scarf around her neck and tie it properly, the final cherry on top to complete her cozy outfit. "There, you left a part of your neck exposed." you complement her, placing a kiss on you forehead as you take the mug from her hand.
The gesture and compliment has Flora's mood change, softening her expression as she takes a seat on the living room couch. "Now that the wood is chopped up and the fire is burning, how about we finish watching that TV series we left behind yesterday?" she pats the empty spot next to her, an offer you can't deny.
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a-very-witchy-leaf · 10 months
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Another Fern redraw with Flora 🌿🧡
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queewp · 5 months
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they just wanted to watch a true crime document 😔
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aria-greenhoodie · 7 months
Adventure time themed Huevember day 25! Featuring THE GRASS LAD!!
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Click for Quality
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voidgrease · 9 months
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He’s me fr (imposter syndrome grass pile) and he definitely drinks matcha.
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7roaches · 9 months
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what if they learn nothing and just go back to being clingy & self sacrificing and pathetic what then
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unholy-boi · 8 months
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deeply underrated duo. i think they should have hung out
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adventuretimeaddict · 5 months
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what if…
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dumborangecat · 9 months
(but it’s mostly me ranting about betty)
I’m actually never gonna get over betty constantly being sidelined by the writers, like ever
I love simon, he’s amazing, 10/10 babygirl, But god i wish we got more of Betty, She’s such a good complex character with so much potential to be used for more then she is.
She’s got serious character character flaws with the possibility for her to work on them, she has a great personality that would mesh well and create great interactions with other characters, she has interesting relationships (platonic or not) with seveveral characters and the potential for more, and she has such an interesting position in OOO.
Like simon she was thrust into this magical world and out of her normal mundane one, but unlike simon she didn’t have a magic crown that made her forget her whole life, or magic powers to blend in with everyone else (at the beginning) She was litterally just a normal gal, and then she became magic, but she didn’t lose herself to the magic (like simon did)! she’s completely concious and aware of all her actions and thoughts and memories, she’s just a bit crazier/more intense. She’s just as crazy and ‘weird’ as all the other Ooo residents, but she isn’t an ‘ooo resident’ she could have such an interesting character arc with feeling as though she doesn’t truly belong in ooo, and how she doesn’t want to instead only wanting to go back to her time, but being forced to stay in ooo anyway. But unlike simon she wouldn’t be (somewhat) complacent in her life, she wouldn’t be a miserable old woman, she would be mad! and angry! and try whatever she has too to go back! (just like she does for simon!)
but we don’t get that. We explore her character, and her motivations, and personality, but solely (with the exception of maybe ONE episode) through the lense of her relationship with simon. We don’t see what she’s like in her other platonic relationships. For all we know she could be just as a much of a mother-character as simon is a dad one, but we can’t be sure, because we’re never shown that. Throughout the entire show Betty is almost always only important as ‘Simon’s fiance’ ‘Someone trying to save Simon’ ‘A tormented gal mourning her fiance’ Never ‘Magic woman’ ‘THE ONE TO SUMMON GOLB??’ or even just ‘betty’.
Pretty much the only person to really see her as Betty is Simon, adding to the fact that she is only ever seen through petrigrof’s relationship. And of course simon is the only one to see her! She has 0 deep relationships with other characters! Finn and Jake see her as someone who once betrayed them, but also needs help, and thats cool and interesting to possibly explore, but there’s more to betty then that! Marceline sees her as Simon’s super cool fiance who she’s never met but still thinks is great (and is implied she could imagine her as a mother-figure) But betty is more then that!
Betty gets maybe 2 episodes where it’s just her and not Simon aswell (‘You forgot your floaties’, and the mars one i forgot the name of sorry) And both of those are still to do with simon (her working to save simon, and her looking back on her relationship with simon)
And i understand why it’s like this, because while Betty is her own person, with her own personality and interests, she focuses on Simon so much that to everyone else she really isn’t anything other then Simon’s fiance. I love petrigrof and how obsessed they are with eachother, it’s poetic, and romantic, and self destructive and i love it; but Simon is just as obsessed with Betty as she is with him, yet he gets his own character arcs, his own deep and meaningful relationships (Marceline, Finn, even Fionna maybe) while betty doesn’t.
Magic woman could have been a great character, who in her quest to save simon ends up making similar connections with people, she could have tried getting marceline to help her with simon, and they could have a great complicated relationship (Wirh marceline wanting to save him too, but also being able to accept that for now he’s the ice king, and betty being completely unable to do that, too determined to save him to realise that she is somewhat hurting ice king, which would piss off marceline) She could have kidnapped or forced other (probably background) characters to help her save simon (JUST LIKE SIMON KIDNAPS AND KILLS CHOOSE GOOSE TO SAVE BETTY!) But we don’t get that.
Even if all her other connections revolve around or have something to do with simon, it would have been great for her to actually have other connections. for her to have like 1 friend atleast. Even if she doesn’t get any of that, and remains as ‘simons fiance’ it would have been great to atleast see her more! Even as just a teeny tiny apearance in episodes, as just a background character with like 1 scene.
I quite liked the Fionna and cake finale, but more golbetty focus was something i was left really wanting. We get more about the litch then we do golbetty! I get that a lot of the vagueness/mystery around golbetty could be leaving stuff unknown to be explored in potential sequals but still, i wanted to see more of her
I don’t think any of this is betty’s fault, or a flaw of hers, nor do i fully blame the writers, writing stuff is hard! writing a 10 season series with like a bajillion characters and the potential for later spin offs? even harder! Not including Betty as much is understandable. I just wish it wasn’t what happened.
Sorry this was disorganised and super rambly, i just love betty and want to see more of her. She deserves to be seen as the epic girlfailure magic woman she is!!!
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thewondersofmorgan · 14 days
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Dressed as Fionna from Adventure Time. Also I made my grass sword out of real grass!
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melonlthawne · 9 months
female!fern was only on screen for like a minute total but im so in love with her
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im so gay.
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