#Great Web Design
websitechnologies · 2 years
What does a web designer do?
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Web designers are in great demand these days because of the kind of important and intelligent work that they do. They not only create a web interface, but they tend to shape up the innate and intrinsic values and business perspectives of an entity working behind the brand essence of the website.
The real time and valued importance of a high quality as well as authoritative website is something that you cannot negate. The higher the domain authority of the website is, the greater would be the chances of more intensive client sourcing. This is where a web designer would be the best camaraderie that you can ever anticipate or expect. 
The job of the website design company professionals would be immersive as well as multifaceted. They will help you with an opportune bent of mind to create designs that would make your online essence or the website look awe inspiring. They will do their research or R&D to ensure that people crave to glance at the interior of the website with an inquisitive inclination or propensity. 
Create a valued impact that web tribe might fall in love with
Through the designs planted or projected in the website, a website designer would seek to implant a much engraved and intensive quantity of influence over the mind-set of countless web visitors. The online design and textual content appear to be inseparable parts of the texture used in the web interface. This is where the artistry of the website designer comes to play. 
The unique visual enticement 
The web designs triggered by the imagination of the website designers should be something that flaunts a unique visual enticement. The design has a great charming factor embedded in it and it can influence the mind of the audience for a while now. That's where you should conjecture the significance and a responsible role of a trusted web designer. 
Impeccable design with an emphasis 
The design has to be the brainchild of imaginative ideas and inspiration. That's where you will need to enlist the creative streak of the web designer to a great extent. The ideas are everything for the web designer. With a power packed design concept, an emerging web designer can emphasize the value of the web interface. With impeccable designs you can influence people and trigger a desire for purchase. With impeccable designs you can make your web interface viral. 
 A focused approach in a time bound fashion 
The website designer will focus on completing a web design project within the given time span. The professional website designer will need to be time sensitive. At the same time, he has to put in a lot of thinking so that the creativity aspects do not get compromised at all. The web design professional has to keep a sharp eye on the competition and improve the overall look of the website. Because of the endeavour of the website designer the site will look immaculate as well as squeaky-clean. 
Different technical functions of a pro website designer 
It is a veritable fact that a pro website designer would be required to carry out a wide spectrum of technical functions on page that is on the pages of your website. It's a great responsibility thrust on them. 
Having been studded with a great spectrum of experience, the web design professional is expected to put up a good show with his or her skills. The web professional spearhead the crucial ideation processes which will ultimately merge with the value driven design creation processes in the long run. Be it the design, re-design as well as any critical modification on the website, the web design professional will do the needful to satisfy the client's. 
· Taking care of icons
· Creating logos
· Taking care of the tactical navigation on the web pages
· Designing hard hitting visual elements as well as effects for your web pages
· Inserting graphics as well as visuals 
· Getting a thorough grasp of CSS and HTML properties 
· Making use of JavaScript 
· Taking good care of CMS integration programs 
· Making updates in the website whenever required
· Having arrangement of the data feeds 
· Making all aorta of modifications in the design applied 
· Having a good control over the aspects of visual hierarchy 
The experience that the pro website designer will showcase will have a superior impact on the web interface that you handle. Making full use of the potential and expertise of the web design professional would be a beneficial mark for the client entities. These designs created by the Web designer would be a very crucial and integral part of the inbound marketing process and brand promotion programs. The expertise of the web design pro will tell upon the brand value that you hold in the market. Thus, the design principles and working processes are integrated with the essence that your business brand stands for. 
The final call
So, you can easily decipher on the basis of the above context, that the role of a website designer would be a domineering one in the parlance of web based business and website development. You should think of the higher number of clientele that you can rope in with the domination of great web design principles. In case you have a dire need of a good designer for your website, you can find equitable help from our side.
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i-am-trans-gwender · 17 days
Michael Kovach when he hears there's an audition for an indie animated series
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peribirb · 8 months
I wish tumblr polls had a built-in "see results" button that didn't influence the poll in any way, maybe even prevent you from voting if you choose it so you can't be influenced by the results. so many polls get drowned out by the "this doesn't apply to me but i want to see the results" option that they're bordering on useless, having an extra option at the bottom of the poll would be a gamechanger for that.
also let us choose if people can select multiple options to get rid of the "more than one" choice that every poll has, that also clogs things up. @staff make me ceo and i will fix polls for you.
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theungratefuldread · 9 months
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E for Everyone
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mushtoons · 1 year
woke up this morning for work and saw we had a thing tied to our door outside with a ribbon and a rainbow flower bracelet only to find out its more of our neighbors welcoming us into the neighborhood and wishing us a happy pride we love it here we never wanna leave
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we wanna do something nice for all of our neighbors but have no idea as to what djdkdkdj we're thinking about cookies but thats kinda awkward and if we leave them outside in treat bags they'll probably melt ahhh we dont know
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cathalbravecog · 10 months
here's today's progress!
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bad bad bad initial head detail doodle thing
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getting those shapes down
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aaand possibly the final colors...! all is a subject to change! NOW LETS TAKE A PEEK AT A SMALL SCREENSHOTTED VARIETY OF... WELL. COLOR VARIETIES.
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NOT EVEN ALL OF IT. nightmare.
Anyways, I do want to talk about Web Surfer but I'll do so on a different post and/or reply to asks - but yes this IS a cog OC, yes he is meant to be pretty out of place
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araneitela · 1 year
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Notes on Kafka's trailer, "A Dramatic Irony", this'll include the obvious and the less so noticeable details. I'll be elaborating on and making use of these in the future, but for now— a little list for myself (and you?) on things I want to talk about. Oof, my dear girl, there is a lot to unpack about you and I still won't be done in a year from now: Edit: It ended up being long, but who's surprised, really?
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— Background music. Entirely based on Vivaldi's Four Seasons. Most very accurately pick out 'Winter' as that's what it starts with and it's also immediately recognizable, but it actually transitions into 'Summer' just after about halfway through and beautifully ends in it. The inclusion of them both is one of HoYoverse's finest decisions musically.
— The usage of rose petals instead of blood. This one thrills me, because they add such an inherent romanticism to the concept of death, which is an ages old tale and concept (hey, do we want to tie in the beauty of how Blade craves its peace so desperately yet cannot obtain it and she cannot grant him it? I do), and it plays in beautifully to the concept of what 'fear' is usually most tied to, and how she doesn't feel it. Now what exactly are these petals of? If it's your regular red rose, then yes— it is likely referencing the intrinsic romanticism of death. I initially wondered if it could be the China rose, which would indicate longevity which could be hugely interesting but no. However, with the impending goal of 'seeking fear' and tying it directly into 'the value of life', I find the more traditional take of the red rose, a sign of intense passion/love, or a potential for the hope of passionate love, incredibly intriguing (my stance on the potentially implied ship with the MC is still where I stand, but another is creeping in through a lot of rationality and logic; because I do think that's how they plan on doing it— it's what makes most sense with implications made in her dialogue).
— Inspiration: Rorschach inkblot test. "What do you see?" It says at 0:15, and it threw me for a moment, until I looked around the text. The ink blot. Leave it paused for a second. What do you see? It's the Rorschach inkblot test. It hit me with the ferocity of a ton of bricks. For those not sure what I'm talking about, do a little search and you might have seen it used in television by some psychologists, it is a test to examine a person's personality characteristics and their emotional functioning, everyone may see something different in specific ink blots. When you leave it paused at 0:15 seconds in, that's the first card and it's called The Fear Card; intrinsically fitting, considering: "Elio said that I'm good at creating "fear", even though I don't know what it is." I didn't actually recognize the ink blot until I started typing this up and analyzed it again for the umpteenth time. I'm losing my mind, no, I've actually already lost it, because on further analyzing, I think the spider on the back of her coat also looks like it's been designed after the ink blot/card in question because it grows into a similar shape, though more so when it grows into the lines/threads of her Spirit Whisper that you see around the 1:13 mark. The entire sequence of ink blots at that timestamp give us an insight into what the guard sees that she's talking to, he sees his own death. /breathes very casually. God, I'm losing my mind, this might actually play so much more into her character. What do you see, she asks— Kafka, what do you see?
— She's so incredibly cultured. There are a lot of very classical but also archaic elements that play into the design of her character across the board. Classical music is so rarely used anymore, but it adds such a different level of sophistication to her character. Kafka stands out amidst most of the other characters, not because she's classier in general, but because they tie very old-fashioned and less used concepts into a very modern design and mold them into a perfect whole. The classical music and how she never foregoes this intense connection she has to it, the insane archaic katana versus the very modern uzis (ode to Devil May Cry, anyone? A pair of guns, one black and one white, and a katana? Along with having once worked as a 'demon hunter'? Capcom deserves the nods) and grenades, her attire especially between the coat, the high waist, the glasses and the dress shirt— but it's all beautifully put together in an incredibly modern outfit. She's so cultured, there's an intense class to her and I will not stop falling more in love with it with each passing day.
— Storytelling. 'Intermission', 'oneiric structure', 'MacGuffin', 'non- linear structure', 'fin', these are all firmly tied into the art of storytelling in film (and literature as well). Intermission is a pause in the midst of a performance. Oneiric structure refers to a structure of a tale that replicates something non-linear, so something relating to the dreamlike (oneiric comes from the Greek 'oeneiros', which means 'a dream'), think of... something surreal or distorted in reality, something that simply can't be real. MGuffin in a plot device that takes form of an a goal (an object, for instance) that is an important element in a story due to it being firmly tied to the story's characters, a driving force if you will (so for Kafka, you could see her pursuit of feeling fear). Non-lineaur simply means that a story does not follow an order of events that's necessarily chronological in terms of timeline. And 'fin' marks the end of a performance. I cannot stop being feral as to how consistent HoYoverse is with this. It isn't just referencing her trailer, or the overarching narrative of the game of Honkai: Star Rail, but also her character directly, terminology commonly used in film are in her trailer, she herself seems to be rather passionate about film (you receive a text from her regarding being alone in a movie theatre during the play of one, and she laments that there aren't more people there to watch), her eidolons being after musical terms tied to music that she thoroughly enjoys and is used time and time again to represent her. God. God.
— What some may note as being a clock counting down, is not a clock at all, but an elevator that represents a life counter. With each kill, the elevator descended one more level until it reached the ground floor. I've seen some make references to Inception and upon further glance, the reference can be intended. The 'floors' can be seen as being representative of the different levels or layers of a person's subconsciousness as she delves deeper and deeper, as she is inherently able to control and manipulate minds. God, Kafka, surely this isn't a power all from New Babylon have.
— Threads of silk; a Moirai reference tied in with the arachnid? "The silk is too fragile to be a threat, unless you're more fragile than the silk." We know she isn't fate itself, but we know, in essence, a puppeteer that ensures all sort of unfolds as Elio has foreseen, particularly with the Trailblazer, even if she trusts him/her to make the right decision. We know arachnids are far and wide associated with manipulation, which we know she's abundantly capable of and responsible for, but it goes infinitely further than that. Spiders spin webs of silk, threads of silk, threads of fate, destiny, this is an incredibly thorough and intricate character design that they settled on. Everything is so perfectly interconnected, it's absolutely unreal.
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televisionenjoyer · 5 months
BROTHER THIS WEBSITE HAS A FUCKTON OF SYNTAX PROBLEMS ARE YOU KIDDING ME. And like I hate web design so I shouldn't even give a fuck but this is so fucking much
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idea for an app/website where people can record themselves telling stories about themselves and other family members so that the stories are never lost. maybe they can add pictures and videos to a sort of family timeline, and maybe other family members can comment on other people's stories with their versions/related stories (though i could see the comments thing becoming an issue lol)
this would be such a beautiful way to remember people who are gone and record their stories, since by the time you're old enough to want to ask it's often too late to hear them
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boycritter · 9 months
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myreia · 1 year
font-face is going to be the end of me, gahhhhhhh.
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happywebdesign · 1 year
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AnotherKind Architects
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buddyisagreatboy · 1 year
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Over the last week I've been developing a character for my cat Buddy. This is what I have so far.
I'm creating a comic on Webtoon, Tapas, and Tumblr called "Buddy is a great boy!"
I have two more characters to develope before I can begin working on episodes. This should take another week or two. I'm hoping by the first week of July I can have all characters developed and episodes 1-3 ready to launch.
The first season will feature Buddy and focus on how he became part of our family. Later on we'll be adding a lot more cats, I mean characters :)
If you like cats and want to support this project please check out our Patreon: patreon.com/buddyisagreatboy
I'm also developing a website/landing page to make it easier to find the comic, connect with us, and hopefully get merch.
Let me know if I should add more socials :) I'm thinking about getting a TikTok... We'll see...
Thank you!
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voidimp · 1 year
trying to find any information on anything is so fucking impossible these days
#i just want. web hosting that also has file hosting where i dont have to like have the files Displayed On The Site#i dont even know like. what thats called#but nothing ever seems to specify one way or the other??#like i feel like thered be some sort of phrasing that id see & be like oh maybe thats what im looking for#but no. it just doesnt seem to be mentioned#& so many sites are like. oh were designed to work with wordpress!! like cool but i dont CARE about that#i want to build my site from scratch actually.#i want to be able to host images that i can use elsewhere on the internet without necessarily having them on an Actual Page of my website#ik godaddy does this. bc i used to use them waaaaay back in like 2007 or so lmfao#but ive heard some Not So Great things abt them so ive been trying to look into other options#(but honestly i might just use them bc id probably hear Not So Great things about Everyone)#(it seems to just be standard business practice at this point)#idk. theres a site called dreamhost i might try but idk if they have the features i want#ig if anyone has any input on any of this lmk#either abt godaddy or dreamhost or if u know of any good alternatives#i dont even need anything super complex just like. custom domain name. file hosting. security that doesnt suck#this is probably all standard i just hate how hard it is to actually find the info#& i dont want to sign up for 10579348 free trials to find out#this is all in the tags bc. the post applies to so much more than just this lmao#this is just my Current Issue
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man this custom css thing is fun, i don't know why more people do it
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echoedvoice · 13 days
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I just bought these lmao. I usually don’t order stuff online, but fuck it. Y’all fw the Polyphia weed rolling tray or nah
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