#Green Huntress of Camp Dragonhead
toadeyes-miqote · 1 year
Prompt #9: Fair
Note – Mid HW spoiler, Light party on a Coerthan snow-covered roof
Fair If you could consider Coerthan weather to be that when it was not snowing heavily and the sky was clear enough to see for malms beyond Whitebrim, then fair it was.
Halone be praise that it was still reasonable enough to consider it an auspicious start to a new life, especially now that she was acquitted for regicide. It seems to him that while she was willing to travel, she was reluctant to visit Ul’dal outside official guilds and Adder business. Wariness had made her cautious enough to wear her paltry rank and what little weight a Fortemps ward had as a shield of sorts.
But that was not why they were up on the roof his office in Camp Dragonhead. It took some convincing, perhaps a bit of guilt tripping to sway her into this silly endeavour. His enthusiasm can be rather overwhelming for the quiet Miqo’te. Though her comrades were still unaccounted for, whatever little victories they can score, take it they will.
So here on his roof, with her in her tabard of black with silver and red trimmings, she looked every ilm a War Bard, He remembered the way she fought, raining hellfire in a small enclosed space to defend her loyal comrade. The tranquil rage of the Fury Incarnate.
Save for the feathery winged bow she now wields. He had requested it instead of the said nefarious and intimidating flaming bow used in the trial. Her elegant winged bow represents hope. Hope taking flight. Hope sprouting for Ishgard. Hope that perhaps they could be something more.
Perhaps. He chose to ignore what his discrete investigations had dug up. It was minor enough, whoever he was, no one had seen him. All that did was draw questions as to why she was travelling alone. As for the Scion rogue, his sources seem to indicate that he was her handler and mentor. Close as they were. Details all minor enough that when the time comes, it would be her choice. Until then, the here and the now is what matters.  
His young painter had agreed to the initial sketching. It was not much of a challenge for him to get the appropriate green shades for her tabard at a later date. The main thing was the sketch. The boy has a good memory and a good hand. All he and their Lalafellan comrade had done was keep the braziers burning and hot cocoa on hand.
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------- Garuda would like to put forward a letter of complaint about the amount of feathers she keeps losing every time that Miq'tten slots her fight in for stickers.
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toadeyes-miqote · 2 years
Yes I came all this way to show this to you.
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She do be looking rather intimidating.
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Took me this long to realise I have to physically claim achievement rewards from the log.
Wasn't part of Horse Heavensturn 2014 so she was spared the personal steed remark. so some times when the mood hits, she would return to Camp Dragonhead and show off a new mount, glamour or weapon. And then check in on Emmanellain.
Their unfortunate relationship before the Vault? Almost like this. She keeps him at Arm's Length(pun intended) as she wasn't able to go the direction that he would have liked. I think it was liken to giving up her missing mate and accepting that the poor guy might be dead.
If dude survived the Vault and Heavensward, there might have been a relationship upgrade until if and when her mate pops up again.
Oh Maria~~~~~~ Not quite the route that Draco took, So please don't overthink and remember that Hylnyan is Mqio'te And you might end up in her harem~~~~~
The ones with romantic potential - Cid, Hauchefant, Leofard and Hien. That one tall elf over there in a group of medium height dudes. Highest chance of running away with Leofard. Ultimate would be running starting a relationship with Byakko.
Thancred is special but better off as a friend and mentor and is someone her main dude has to learn not to be jealous of. G'raha will only stand a chance if he views her as a person instead of the ideals of Heavensward personified.
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toadeyes-miqote · 3 years
Out in the snow
(Backdated to any timespot after Keeping the Flame Alive and In Search of Iceheart)
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He woke with a start, drenched in sweat as his eyes adjust to dim firelight, he took in the empty crumpled bedsheets before him. So, he was alone with his dreams after all. It was that ungodly hour that was too early for one to be awake but he was unwilling to go back to bed alone.
Plodding to the window with the blankets over his shoulders, he noted that it was snowing lightly outside, he ignored the blanket when it slid off his shoulders as he cracked open the window a bit. Braving the cold air that assaulted his skin.
The watchfires dotted the courtyard, giving him a decent view beyond. He almost called out her name when he spotted her, leading her chocobo with a few packages strapped to its back. She was taking the road that would lead pass the Gates of Judgement and Whitebrim further down.
He knew full well she travels this early to avoid that godsdammed overgrown one-eyed thing that hunts travellers on the route to Whitebrim.
He heard tales from his men. Of how she fended off that creature as part of a large band of adventurers that was out to make decent coin from well-paying traveling merchant caravans that intend to visit Whitebrim. He smiled, remembering how he had seen her fight on occasions.
Looking no taller than a half grown Elezen maid, fighting with bow or with blades, calling lightning and flame to her aid. Weaving in and out of a hungry gooblue’s reach or the talons of Dravanian raiders. Her courage and ferocity in battle would put a full gown Ishgardian knight to shame if he could not rouse himself to fight by her side
And here he stands like a pining maid for not daring to go out after to her now, wishing helplessly that she would just look back and see him and what he could offer her. But all he could do was watch her trudged out into the night. He made a prayer to Halone to keep his Green Huntress’ aim true and her blades sharp so that she would come back to him safely.
Note – Full height Miqo’te is about a head taller than the resident half grown Elezen maid and lad. My headcannon was that because of how young Miqo’te WoL(+ natural Miqo’te charms, she’s 22 at start of game) tend to look to the taller races, certain folks felt a need to fight by her side or defend her. You can actually blame Estinien treatment of Alphinuad for cementing this notion.
And she kinda fits in a certain folklore way about young maidens following their lovers into battle or seeking someone trapped in the battlefield etc. Ishgard loves their tragic literature(thrown in Monstrous Regiment if you like). Ishgard Weaver quest~~~~
Half grown Elezen maid may be very annoyed with folks using her as a stereotypical comparison by now. And Haurcherfant gave me plenty of these little shots to work with. He has a compilation of his own, would be transcribing a few.
Dude spent a good chunk of his time watching over her and made it his business after the Vault that certain folks on the other side had to throw the rules at him. Mostly Ysayle if not Moenbryda getting him in a headlock.
Headcannon had it that the six of them are hanging out in their private little corner of the Aetherial Sea courtesy of Hydaelyn. And that they're the team from the other side. Just in case.
Am not changing my Chocobo back to yellow just for this.
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toadeyes-miqote · 1 year
Bardic Savior of Ishgard
Bardic Savior of Ishgard - Green Huntress of Camp Dragonhead
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A Rebuilding Firmament special set of which the half the proceeds go the Brume Children School meals funds.
Also comes with Indigo Ramie Tabard of Aiming and Choral Chapeau, in colors worn by Green Huntress of Camp Dragonhead
Also contains the immensely popular Demonic Tabard of aiming and Ifrit's bow!! Halone's fury Incarnate as she rages Heavenswards!!!
Contains a ticket to exchange for Midgardsormr Mount and minion
Made with sustainably sourced Garuda feathers
Get your Lord Commander Aymeric, Dragon blood stained Estinien, Radient Lucia, The Three Fortemps Brothers, the rare Heretical Ysayle and the limited run Hilda to rebel against Thordan now!
Hylnyan's PR team went overboard for the Ishgard series
Yes, That Demonic Tabard and the fury of Halone Incarnate raining hellfire on the Heavenswards in a small enclose space. Demonic Tabard standalone set was immensely popular because this.
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Ysayle, Hilda and the dark hair Fortemps boys were made in limited batches pending popularity, since the makers aren't sure how well they would do.
Halone Incarnate thing started off as somehing minor. but turned out to be a rather useful prompt for me.
Think of it as Barbie of the World or Festival theme series Or even HotToys (yes Ada has Deepshadow Crossbow). Once you go 12 Ilms and further up(23.6ilms Y'shtola or go home. 31Ilm max height muscle Roe go), you never look back (unless for props and dioramas).
So unless you're comfortable with the way semi realistic Yshtola looks, don't click the link for the slghtly more realistic ball jointed dolls. I had a Zenos, Ishgardian Trio, Emet and Thancred(shop doll sample nudity potential warning) staring back at me over the year that I was playing this game.
Yes someone did make Emet, Zenos and G'raha dolls. I have a "Themis possessed cosplayer" and Hylnyan herself running around.
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toadeyes-miqote · 2 years
Duty complete
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There will be no song, no claiming of trophies, no glorious tales of battle to tell by the campfire’s light for G’raha, Sadu and her Bard Boys.
He will never be her rival, there is nothing glorious in this fight.
She remained calm as he taunted and postured before her. For one who styles himself a hunter, he was no different from the rogue trophy hunters she stopped in Tailfeathers. No one had the right to turn her into something she is not.
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T'kebbe and her late parents’ quest for the elite marks sprang to mind as she avoided his strikes to wear him down. Already she was going through the manoeuvres learned in life for such a situation. he was no different from a rabid beast who had developed a taste for man’s blood.
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Ignoring the pain as she returned strike for strike, thoughts of Thancred and his girls sprang to mind. What the young ones had achieved in The Empty. There was so much to look forward to. The pride on his face whenever he read their letters. Thancred can lecture her on her foolhardiness all he wants later.
A certain calmness in knowing that Alisaie will not have to pick up the fight where she left off is good enough for her. Her good kiddo will have a full life of great potential before her.
She thought of her mate and that wherever he might be, Zenos will not be a threat anymore and the rest was easy. It was no different from the one hunt in which she was separated from her Huntsmates and was cornered by a maddened beast that she had to take down.
It would be most heartening to introduce her mate to her brothers and sisters-in-arms and let them feast upon the simple pleasures of forest Miqo’te hospitality.
But for this hunt, there will be no song, no claiming of trophies, no glorious tales of battle to tell by the campfire’s light. Only the duty of a hunter taking down a rabid beast and keeping the forest safe for all. For her it was only a duty to complete, to survive, to go home, to complete …..
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The feeling of being back in Camp Dragonhead swept over her. Crackling fire within the warm stone walls of Haurchefant’s office even as a blizzard assaults the fortress from outside, the feeling of his ever watchful eyes on her.
Vaguely she thought she heard his excited sing-song voice calling her name before a twinge of panic took over his voice, pleading her to wake. There were others with him.. familiar to her …. Pleading with someone?...
"...My green huntress.....then live for.... instead... .. The one you seek, isn't here..." she heard Haurchefant whispered in her ear. Why does he sound like he was crying?
“....If indeed you deem her the soul of your late friend reincarnated.... then help her…. Please.... She has done so much and yet ask for so little.” Was he just behind her?
“Oh come now. Surely you did not tease her with all those locations only to let her to shuffle off in this mortal coil? It would be an irresponsible way to hand your duties over to her. Your descendent was responsible for the state she’s in now.”
An annoyed hiss coming from a little distance away was what she vaguely heard, a clear authoritative snap of the fingers followed...
…Vaguely she caught Thancred’s scent and a sense of controlled calm in his voice.
“..Nyan…cred?...” her voice slurred.
“..keep talking….. voice draws…. back…” There was a twinge of panic in G’raha’s scent before a sense of control that took over when he uses his exarch’s voice. Was he summoning her again?
“You can’t leave us….” Why was Alisaie crying?
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One run! Right hook of Ishgard!! Or is that the Miqo'te uppercut!!. The lady herself as bard. I’m satisfied that I don’t have to gunbreak for this like I did Venat. I don’t have to rewrite! Monk was lvl 50 so yeah. Thank you Sabin Prince of Punch.
I get the general feeling that my Miqo’te has no idea what the hells he’s getting on about. Her values are just different and all he presented was essentially a threat to the ones that surround her.
Satisfy him once and more he would demand. He’s already making threats and doing whatever he doing to make Krile divulge WoL’s location. If Krile dosen’t divulge, who else would he harm to get information? Tataru? What odds that he realise that killing those close to her would allow her to fight him in her full fury?
How many people will die in a futile attempt to to stop him from storming the Mother Crystal. How many are strong enough to take him on and still more or less survive?
That whole hunter-prey thing got turned around in this. He’s naught but a rabid beast that had develop a taste for her blood. It bookends things for me due to the background I gave her.
Oh and cleaning up Emet’s mess, the lady understands this as being a ranger/warden (Added bonus that being Gridanian starter sits well enough for her). Meteor and Ardbert are the fighters, this shard is a hunter who understands balance and a need to cull. 
I can’t even compare him to Gouki who can fight other people when he’s not fighting Ryu. Iori Yagami maybe?
I made my Miqo’te shadowbox him in gpose…. It looks like an uppercut to the nut, since she’s only waist height to him. Not giving him the satisfaction of screenshotting it. Unlike Snake vs Ocelot, didn't get to press buttons.
Had something for the Aetherial sea. but didn't work out so retained fragments. Also didn't get comatose carry ala Shadowbringer breakdown so meh it.
The whole thing was one side with Haurchefant cradling her exhuasted soul and the others surrounding her in the Aetherial sea(don't ask). Pleading with Hades to help her somehow. On the life side Thancred was carrying her off somewhere for G'raha to do the healing, with Estinien lugging Y'sthola and Urianger like luggage to whereever it was they were to do the healing. The quartet are stupidly close to her, it could be a physical fighters kind of thing.
I like the artworks that some folks done but I accept things as is for mine own. she ended up sleeping for a spell when back on old Sharlayan. The return unfortunately wasn't as gloriously as folks hope it to be. She was barely awake and riding piggy back on Thancred(Thancred mount!), G'raha was keeping one hand on her to ease her pain. Not sure why not princess carry though.
And the quartet took turns to watch over her so that she won't wake alone. Thancred would likely be sitting by her bed since he has no duties to report that Alphinaud and the others can't handle. Estinien would be quietly sitting by the door barring entry from unnecessary visitors(anyone not a Scion or a healer unless Thancred says otherwise). G'raha won't leave her side, constantly pumping aether for healing and easing her pain. Alisaie would be staying until Alphinaud has to drag her home and she made the three guys swear not to let her wake alone.
"Lecture me all you want. Papa."
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Its likely the tone of his voice being at a very comforting frequency to her Miqo'te ears. that and he's probably the only veteran Scion who acknowledge her as a person and a hero at the same time.
Possibly treating her in the way he hopes Ryne be treated. Having close friends and stuff. Estinien comes close. Alisaie would need a few more life experience. G'raha needs to know her as a person and not the hero he read from the books, else she keeps him at arm's length.
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toadeyes-miqote · 2 years
Of books, opera and ballad
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For me there are 4 in total.
Heavensward by Lord Edmont
The Green Huntress of Camp Dragonhead (the epic and battle ballad) by the Fortemps lads, Guydelot(miner and bard quest happend during that time) and Tataru(as if she's gonna give up the rights of marketing WoL's name, she was part of the story). The soldiers and boys love this one because of the fights.
Opera version performed by the Majestic Imperial Theater Company requires the one playing the WoL to be highly acrobatic.
The Mujikoza in Kugane would like to adapt this for Kabuki. Guydulot and Sanson had gone over to understand the artstyle and see how adaptation can be done. Meanwhile Tataru is collecting royalties for the Kabuki of The Flooding of Doma Castle
Tataru states that anything involving the WoL, the Scions and now Estinien is her jurisdiction
The Green Lady of Camp Dragonhead (romance ballad written by the same team). the lowborn, women (noble and commoners) loved this one because of its tragic courtship and the fact that a commoner like the WoL caught attention of a bastard lord and knight commander, they identify with the theme.
(almost sounds like Aymeric is looking after Hylnyan for Haucherfant's sake. OMG unintended drama from miswording)
That whole bundling her back to Ishgard because of a conspiracy was seen as a noble not leaving his "paramour" in peril. Extending protection to the half grown Elezen boy was seen as said Lord not forcing a governess to abandon her young charge. Contains the lesser known ballad of Iceheart of the Azure Dragoon.
They also love the fact that House Fortemps adopted her. a ward has more rights than a mere "mistress". Although there were two DOL and three DOH guild links, Adder Officer and Archery Guild ties and guarantee of good behavior, along with Steps of Faith and Lady Iceheart incidents (Aymeric throwing his weight in), that caught the Church’s attention and speeded things up a little in hopes of using her against the Church’s enemies.
Serious marketing drill
"Come! Comes get your Fen Yll-Sunsilk collab souvenir!! Kakarul fleece Miqo'te ears and tail!!! If yours have the Toadeyes Miqo'te emblem, you know the Green Lady herself made one or two pieces in her free time!!! These aren't just any Kakarul fleece, these are 100% Coerthan Kakarul fleece from Camp Dragonhead!! Want more?! Elde of Jeweled Cozier has a collaboration line with the Saviour of Ishgard herself! A line of light weight armour approved by the Temple knights!"
"Still want more?! Take up archery!! The lady herself is a hunter from the Shrouds! Visit the Archery Guild in Gridania for archery workshop!!!"
Want vacation? "Come stay at Fallgourd Float, the area near where the lady might have originated from. Let the Miqo'te scout take you on a tour to see the forest where she might have grown up! Live like a Moon Miqo'te hunter for a week or so! Ride the Etcatl Nine airship to Hyrstmill for the finest kettles!"
And since she does do leves, there are some Camp Dragonhead and Whitebrim folks who do own gear with her trademark. Camp Dragonhead in particular considered it their Green Lady's blessing akin to her fighting alongside them or a reminder to focus.
Her official title is The Green Huntress, some still refers to her as Lady and the term is interchangable unofficially.
The Toad eyes(pool? can't translate cobalt preserves) Huntsongs compiled and partially translated by T. Waters, C. Garlond, A. Leveilleur(Ms), H.Greystone, G.Thildonnet, S.Smyth, L. Aliapoh, M. Molkot.
The one thought to be her journal in hunt song format. Difficult to translate as the translators could not pinpoint the exact dialect other than somewhere off Fallgourd Float. Difficult to compile as the songs were recorded and transcibed by ear without the subject's knowledge or the chief compilers' familiarity with her dialect.
Authenticity to the songs could only be confirmed by the identity of the compilers of said songs. Expends on the ballad of Iceheart of the Azure Dragoon People she considers her huntsmates(as of mid Shadowbringers) and identifiable were given name here. Bow Sister, Keen Blade, Tinker, Mist Blade, Blade Sister, Little Lightning Some others were named - Brother of the Wind, The Elder one, Star bird, Lady of Light, Speaker of Nonsense, Hidden One
A small piece. Which of the lads wrote this in?
To the low born it did not matter if she was Miqo’te or foreign born, what matter was she defied the Church and cruelty of the Heavens ward. It matters not to them that she was the Warrior of Light who faced monstrosities. What mattered was that she was a vulnerable woman targeted by men in power and that she had fought to defend a half-grown boy and a Lalafell who seem like a mere child. Hers was a story that had been oft repeated in Ishgard’s dark history, one with many endings. Like them, she survived. Like her they want to survive and live their lives without fear.
Need to get to the story behind how this "painting" was commissioned and who painted it. The three idiots were practically up on the roof and freezing their asses off.
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