#Thancred be proud
toadeyes-miqote · 2 years
Duty complete
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There will be no song, no claiming of trophies, no glorious tales of battle to tell by the campfire’s light for G’raha, Sadu and her Bard Boys.
He will never be her rival, there is nothing glorious in this fight.
She remained calm as he taunted and postured before her. For one who styles himself a hunter, he was no different from the rogue trophy hunters she stopped in Tailfeathers. No one had the right to turn her into something she is not.
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T'kebbe and her late parents’ quest for the elite marks sprang to mind as she avoided his strikes to wear him down. Already she was going through the manoeuvres learned in life for such a situation. he was no different from a rabid beast who had developed a taste for man’s blood.
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Ignoring the pain as she returned strike for strike, thoughts of Thancred and his girls sprang to mind. What the young ones had achieved in The Empty. There was so much to look forward to. The pride on his face whenever he read their letters. Thancred can lecture her on her foolhardiness all he wants later.
A certain calmness in knowing that Alisaie will not have to pick up the fight where she left off is good enough for her. Her good kiddo will have a full life of great potential before her.
She thought of her mate and that wherever he might be, Zenos will not be a threat anymore and the rest was easy. It was no different from the one hunt in which she was separated from her Huntsmates and was cornered by a maddened beast that she had to take down.
It would be most heartening to introduce her mate to her brothers and sisters-in-arms and let them feast upon the simple pleasures of forest Miqo’te hospitality.
But for this hunt, there will be no song, no claiming of trophies, no glorious tales of battle to tell by the campfire’s light. Only the duty of a hunter taking down a rabid beast and keeping the forest safe for all. For her it was only a duty to complete, to survive, to go home, to complete …..
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The feeling of being back in Camp Dragonhead swept over her. Crackling fire within the warm stone walls of Haurchefant’s office even as a blizzard assaults the fortress from outside, the feeling of his ever watchful eyes on her.
Vaguely she thought she heard his excited sing-song voice calling her name before a twinge of panic took over his voice, pleading her to wake. There were others with him.. familiar to her …. Pleading with someone?...
"...My green huntress.....then live for.... instead... .. The one you seek, isn't here..." she heard Haurchefant whispered in her ear. Why does he sound like he was crying?
“....If indeed you deem her the soul of your late friend reincarnated.... then help her…. Please.... She has done so much and yet ask for so little.” Was he just behind her?
“Oh come now. Surely you did not tease her with all those locations only to let her to shuffle off in this mortal coil? It would be an irresponsible way to hand your duties over to her. Your descendent was responsible for the state she’s in now.”
An annoyed hiss coming from a little distance away was what she vaguely heard, a clear authoritative snap of the fingers followed...
…Vaguely she caught Thancred’s scent and a sense of controlled calm in his voice.
“..Nyan…cred?...” her voice slurred.
“..keep talking….. voice draws…. back…” There was a twinge of panic in G’raha’s scent before a sense of control that took over when he uses his exarch’s voice. Was he summoning her again?
“You can’t leave us….” Why was Alisaie crying?
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One run! Right hook of Ishgard!! Or is that the Miqo'te uppercut!!. The lady herself as bard. I’m satisfied that I don’t have to gunbreak for this like I did Venat. I don’t have to rewrite! Monk was lvl 50 so yeah. Thank you Sabin Prince of Punch.
I get the general feeling that my Miqo’te has no idea what the hells he’s getting on about. Her values are just different and all he presented was essentially a threat to the ones that surround her.
Satisfy him once and more he would demand. He’s already making threats and doing whatever he doing to make Krile divulge WoL’s location. If Krile dosen’t divulge, who else would he harm to get information? Tataru? What odds that he realise that killing those close to her would allow her to fight him in her full fury?
How many people will die in a futile attempt to to stop him from storming the Mother Crystal. How many are strong enough to take him on and still more or less survive?
That whole hunter-prey thing got turned around in this. He’s naught but a rabid beast that had develop a taste for her blood. It bookends things for me due to the background I gave her.
Oh and cleaning up Emet’s mess, the lady understands this as being a ranger/warden (Added bonus that being Gridanian starter sits well enough for her). Meteor and Ardbert are the fighters, this shard is a hunter who understands balance and a need to cull. 
I can’t even compare him to Gouki who can fight other people when he’s not fighting Ryu. Iori Yagami maybe?
I made my Miqo’te shadowbox him in gpose…. It looks like an uppercut to the nut, since she’s only waist height to him. Not giving him the satisfaction of screenshotting it. Unlike Snake vs Ocelot, didn't get to press buttons.
Had something for the Aetherial sea. but didn't work out so retained fragments. Also didn't get comatose carry ala Shadowbringer breakdown so meh it.
The whole thing was one side with Haurchefant cradling her exhuasted soul and the others surrounding her in the Aetherial sea(don't ask). Pleading with Hades to help her somehow. On the life side Thancred was carrying her off somewhere for G'raha to do the healing, with Estinien lugging Y'sthola and Urianger like luggage to whereever it was they were to do the healing. The quartet are stupidly close to her, it could be a physical fighters kind of thing.
I like the artworks that some folks done but I accept things as is for mine own. she ended up sleeping for a spell when back on old Sharlayan. The return unfortunately wasn't as gloriously as folks hope it to be. She was barely awake and riding piggy back on Thancred(Thancred mount!), G'raha was keeping one hand on her to ease her pain. Not sure why not princess carry though.
And the quartet took turns to watch over her so that she won't wake alone. Thancred would likely be sitting by her bed since he has no duties to report that Alphinaud and the others can't handle. Estinien would be quietly sitting by the door barring entry from unnecessary visitors(anyone not a Scion or a healer unless Thancred says otherwise). G'raha won't leave her side, constantly pumping aether for healing and easing her pain. Alisaie would be staying until Alphinaud has to drag her home and she made the three guys swear not to let her wake alone.
"Lecture me all you want. Papa."
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Its likely the tone of his voice being at a very comforting frequency to her Miqo'te ears. that and he's probably the only veteran Scion who acknowledge her as a person and a hero at the same time.
Possibly treating her in the way he hopes Ryne be treated. Having close friends and stuff. Estinien comes close. Alisaie would need a few more life experience. G'raha needs to know her as a person and not the hero he read from the books, else she keeps him at arm's length.
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abyssalmermaiden · 6 months
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A solitary man kept watch beside the bed wherein lay the still form of The Warrior of Darkness. Only the subtle rise and fall of her chest showed that Aryaille yet lived. Pale and drawn, she looked more than half a corpse. Defiant blushes of pink clung to her lips and the ends of her hair. He hesitated, fingers hovering just above her cheek, before brushing several ashen strands from her face. Thancred grimaced. He had not meant to stay so long– just to check on her before rejoining their comrades’ search for a cure. Yet he lingered, feeling each shallow wheezing breath like a clawed hand around his heart. 
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ooeygooeyghoul · 7 months
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warm-up sketch of this one guy I did for thursday
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tallbluelady · 7 months
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I just remembered I did this.
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drkcatt · 1 year
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boy's trip 🐶🐱🦚🐉!!
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minarcana · 6 months
okay ive been away and you havent been subject to me talking about urianger so yknow whats been on my mind since i saw the first screencap ever of this scene
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everyones first takes was, obviously and correctly, "this is yaoi happening" and thats correct this is yaoi. but secondarily to me i care so much about urianger's development as A Guy thats really brought to head in endwalker. pretty much every time he's been touched by another person before 6.x he reacts with some form of surprise or tenseness and then has to either reject contact entirely (getting embarrassed in arr when moenbryda lifts him being the primary example) or let himself ease into it after a pause of uncertainty or discomfort (eg, moen's mom hugging him)
if he initiates contact hes fine with it (he pats ryne's head often enough) but insofar as im aware this is the first time theyve shown me urianger getting solidly touched (thancred either pats his ass or grabs his waist before this to get him up, and then claps his shoulder firmly, neither of which are really incidental easy-to-pass-off contact, but both times urianger doesn't flinch or pause for a second and instead he even immediately looks to smile at thancred. anyways thats growth and im very proud of him and i need everyone to understand that uriangers doing a very good job with both emotional and physical closeness and what i interpret as pda-related anxiety after endwalker. hes chiller. hes used to and fine with his friends touching him. maybe thancred and he practice exposure therapy and now uris used to handsiness u never know a guy can dream. all this to say please praise and acknowledge urianger for both the canon gay sex And the character growth
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storms-path · 9 days
FFXIV Write 2024: Day 12 - Quarry
“It’s getting away!” cried Alisaie, firing off a bolt of aetheric lightning anyway. It wasn’t enough to stop the massive winged serpent from gaining distance from the group. Arashi growled, the thrill of battle singing in her veins. A cornered beast would fight to the last, but Valigarmanda was not cornered. Not while the sky itself was open to it. And if it returned to the peaks beyond, it would regenerate all of its hard-won wounds and terrorise the people below once again.
She couldn’t allow that. She wouldn’t.
“Thancred!” she yelled. Thancred snapped to attention, eyes locking with hers in an instant. His face went from steely determination to shock and worry at the next words that spilled from her. “Launch me. Maximum power.”
Sanda whirled around immediately. “No. No, you are not going to-”
“Tell me you have another plan, sister.” Sullen, uncomfortable silence. “Then we do this. Don’t worry, I’ve no intention of dying on you.” Something was calling to her through the tortured aether. Something tied to the great serpent. Something she needed to reach for, no matter how ludicrous it seemed.
“And if, IF you manage to bring that thing down, how are you going to land safely? Did you think of that, or were you too busy wanting to play hero?” Sanda had closed the distance between them, knives still tightly gripped in her hands. This close Arashi could see the fear in her eyes. A fear she was getting uncomfortably used to.
“The aether here is strong. You should be able to catch its current with your mount and catch me when I fall.” It had sounded less ridiculous in her head. But it was enough for Sanda to slam her knives back into her belt and whistle. A horrible half-man, half-horse thing emerged from the clouds, snorting in a disconcertingly human fashion. Really? That one, of all things? But Thancred was already motioning to her. His part of the job was done, judging by the small pile of cartridges at his feet.
Arashi jogged over, trying the mental calculations in her head. Failing utterly. She would play it by ear. Thancred put a heavy hand on her shoulder, tugging her in close as she drew near. “Are you certain about this?” he asked in a tone that he reserved only for when she was about to something incredibly reckless. Mostly caution, but a little excitement and jealousy mixed in. The urge to be the older brother of the Scions versus the urge to see her succeed.
Arashi nodded. Her eyes were still fixed on the beast as it gained more ground. “If I were still in plate armour I’d be having second thoughts. But this leather should be enough. So long as I can keep the bottom from billowing out.”
Thancred fixed her with a level stare. “You know that’s not what I meant.”
Arashi smiled. “I know.”
Thancred, knowing when to quit, simply snorted and stood back.
Arashi started to pace backwards as well. Instinct guided her, doing the calculations her mind could not. Judging when to stop. Judging when to start running.
“Wait, what is she doing?” cried Wuk Lamat as the pieces started to lock into place. Watch and learn, Promise. Arashi could feel the thrill returning to her as she built up speed. You’re about to see exactly why all of these people feel the need to watch my back.
Alisaie turned at Wuk Lamat’s voice, broken from Alphinaud’s earnest attempts at distraction. Too late she sprinted to tackle Arashi out of the way. Too late she cried out what a bloody idiot the au ra was. Too late, for Arashi had already leapt into the air. For Thancred had already slammed his gunblade into the ground, launching a wave of energy from the impact directly into the cartridges.
And as Arashi was caught in the blast wave, she flew.
Well, more accurately she flailed wildly into the air, aimed roughly for Valigarmanda’s hide. The winged serpent hadn’t even looked back when the cartridges detonated. It was so sure of itself out here, in the wild blue yonder. The uncontested king of the skies.
It was about to learn otherwise.
Arashi slammed into the creature’s scales, starting skidding off, slammed her twin swords into the beast’s hide to stop herself, almost was wrenched free anyway as the creature screamed, twisting and whirling through the sky. She clung on, just as she had all those moons ago with her once-murderous chocobo. Then, slowly, so slowly, she started climbing. Her goal was its wings, but if she could loop around to its belly then she’d be satisfied with that as well. Either way, she needed to bring the beast down to the ground, and she needed to do it fast. The air at this altitude was already freezing, and Valigarmanda sought to climb higher still. It would either shake her off or freeze her off if she let it.
Arashi’s blade stabbed another handhold into its hide. Let it try.
Valigarmanda bucked and twisted with every ilm Arashi gained. It was still badly hurt from the battle, aether and black blood leaking from it. But it was a predator above even the apex of its kind, and it would not lie down and die. Arashi had to swing to one side to avoid one of its massive arms trying to claw her off its back. Her hands, already numb at this point, threatened to come loose, and it was only a feat of will that kept her attached to the serpent’s spine. She gritted her teeth. This wasn’t working. But perhaps…
Valigarmanda screamed again. A bolt of pure lightning slammed into it, coursing through its body and into her blades. Into her. Arashi screamed with it, a horrible spasm running through her muscles. Just long enough for her to let go of her blades. Suddenly she was falling, but Valigarmanda was too. The blast of lightning and the aether required to summon it had taken its toll. But it was nonetheless able to turn its descent into a dive. It dove into the cloud cover before Arashi, vanishing from sight.
No. I can’t die here. Not yet… Arashi concentrated, willing her blades back to her. A twin flash of silver pierced the clouds and slammed into her blistered palms. Painful, but the bolt of fresh pain was what she needed to regain her focus. She could feel Valigarmanda below her, could feel the leaking aether spilling out around it. She knew it was waiting for her. She knew it planned to pluck her from the skies, to swallow her whole. And in that moment, in a rush of dynamis and inspiration, she knew what she had to do.
Arashi crashed through the clouds like a meteor. She met Valigarmanda head-on in a clash of serpents. Will met will as apex crashed into apex. For a moment, all was silent.
And then the world roared with energy and light as Valigarmanda was blown apart.
Not that Arashi had much time to celebrate. She could see Sanda rushing towards her as she plummeted to the waiting ground below. She knew her sister would be too late. But as she shut her eyes, she felt that same call again. Lighting and flame and ice mingling together, the essence of Valigarmanda laid bare. Freed from its old master and reaching for a new one.
Arashi answered and was rewarded accordingly.
Sanda shielded her eyes as another massive blast of light rocked the mountain range. An aftershock of Valigarmanda, perhaps? But no, something felt different about it. The death of the serpent was all chaos and fury, a final blast of emotion before it was snuffed out. But this felt familiar…
The light dimmed, and something blurred through the skies towards her. Whatever it was, it was fast. And it was dangerous. Sanda pulled a knife free to defend herself, but then she was able to focus on the thing clearly. She nearly dropped the knife from shock. A pair of massive, elementally charged wings and a magnificent tail… were attached to her sister.
“Hello, sister.” Arashi’s smug tone was almost too much to bear. “Watch me fly.”
Stunned beyond words, Sanda could only do just that as her sister claimed the skies as her own. She’s never going to let us forget this, is she?
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karoiseka · 13 days
4) Reticent
((Spoilers for End of Endwalker MSQ 6.0. Okay, so, I fell a bit behind because of this prompt. Words just did not want to flow after the first part. But I think I got it where I wanted at least. In the process of taking screenshots to post/catch up with the other prompts that I have finished as well to catch up to today! ^_^))
Karo’s singing voice had always been more alto than soprano, keeping to the mid-tones and creating a solid background to support and inspire those she fought with.  With warm-up she could sing quite a wide range, allowing her to surprise her audience with a great variety of songs.  This came in handy when joining others and being able to fit into the missing harmony or melody line–as she much preferred performing with others than solo anyway.  Battle-songs were another story, and she kept a wide repertoire to make sure that not only did she have the right music for the moment–but it was in a key she could actually perform in at the time.
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As they walked through the End of the Universe, and one by one, she said goodbye once more to those most precious to her, her voice suffered most.  The frantic screaming of Thancred’s name, searching the darkness, yet knowing in her heart that he wasn’t there.  
The heart wrenching sobs as Estinien took to the wind–and Alphinaud’s simple response didn’t allow her to do more than hum an Ishgardian travel song to the Abode of the Ea.
There, voice slipping into a deep alto, she attempted to sing a song about finding knowledge along the path–and one that would bring them home after as Urianger and Y’shtola stayed to unlock the next path along the way.
She had smiled for him, yes, and shakingly let go of his fingers, but the scream of anguish as crystal formed a path spiraling upwards did not allow for song as she clung to the twin’s hands, resting her hope and fervent dreams that this was all a nightmare to wake up from on her soul–silently taking in the desolate beauty.
Her nightmare did not stop as the twins faded from view–the only thing keeping her from embracing Meition’s dark embrace being the hope they had all entrusted to her–and the voice deep inside that gave her that final push to stand and walk onto the end.
The End that brought song–the deepest alto she had sung due to wreaking havoc on her vocal cords as she finally confronted the Endsinger and was able to finally send her loved ones back to blessed safety.  A song of Hope, one sung in proud defiance, a song she augmented with enough magic to make an entire chorus sing with her to drown out the Oblivion that surrounded her.  At the End, barely a sound escaped her throat as she screamed in hurt, with conviction, and with anger, finally felling that which had scared her most for so many years–not a sound left to be made left in the empty plane as her breath grew ragged and faded even as her enemy’s already had.
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It had been over two moons since that fateful day that her loved ones had brought her back from the edge–the prayers made in pure dynamis working miracles that would not have happened otherwise.  Karo had spent half that time in a magically enforced coma to allow her to heal–the other half slowly reorienting to reality again and slowly working on making sure aether levels were going to stay stable enough for her to make a full recovery.
One of the first days she was lucid enough to be propped up in her bed in the Annex, eyes finally focused (mainly) on the medical mage helping her that day–the rest of her attention flickering to Thancred and G’raha who were seated across the room to give some privacy to the situation, but anxious to see and hear her again instead of her still form.  Simple questions were being asked; yes or no answers only at first letting her nod or shake her head in response.  Then came the first cognitive question; did she remember her name–a nod.  What was her name?  Blinking slowly, but with a small smile she opened her mouth to speak, and not even a squeak was heard as her lips moved to say her full name.  Blinking furiously, smile fading, she tried again, panic setting in as not the smallest sound was uttered.  Her good hand flew to her throat as an expression of mild defeat flashed upon her face–before it was gone to be settled into a mask of cheerful indifference.
Her lovers knew it was an act.  The lack of any sound coming from such a vital part of her–not just as communication–but as an intrinsic part of her life in both singing and casting.  They had both seen her retreat into quiet portions of her life–or at least heard the tales, so they gave her time, and this time around a slate with chalk as well to write down longer requests or help. 
Which was another sore point as she was right handed and that hand was immobile for the foreseeable future until bones were healed.  Nonetheless, she persisted, healing slowly, both in body and soul.  The healers weren’t sure what to make of her missing voice.  They hadn’t noticed the damaged vocal cords when she was originally brought in–the mess of her hip and hand were more than enough to concentrate on–so they hadn’t expended any extra healing to the throat.  There had been general healing energies floating around her most of her return, so the swollen muscles were healed–just unused.
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The days that followed were both better and worse as nightmares plagued restless nights, and days were filled with long bouts of resting and helping the healers as best possible with whatever magic she was allowed to use–and that would work without a verbal component.  One particularly bad night she had awoken in a dead sweat, and looking around could not see anyone.  Still caught in a nightmare of being left alone, she silently screamed while throwing herself out of the bed–despite her shattered hip only being half-healed.  There moments later they found her, arms outstretched to claw at the tile passed out from the pain.
Extra careful to never leave her alone even for a moment, the only ones she would tolerate for the moment were the healers, her parents and the Scions–and even then her loss weighed heavily on her mind when it could form a cohesive thought.  They would speak to her of all the people whose lives she had touched, and that were endlessly concerned for her.  The stack of letters by her bedside grew with each day as she didn’t feel she had the energy to read or respond quite yet.  Her parents at a loss seeing her in such a state–once more the true nature of their daughter sinking in.
Her tongue felt heavy in her mouth, no matter how much water she drank, dutifully empting cup after cup for worried healers, friends, and lovers alike. It wasn’t until almost a week after she first was lucid that she was persuaded to have more guests in the room.  It had been a bit maddening knowing that she desperately wanted to see them, but at the same time didn’t want to be even more of a burden on them in her crippled state.
The first person to enter the room wasn’t one of the loperitts, heads of state, or even Amalice (though she had been told the twin’s mother had been in to check on her while she was still unconscious), but a face she wasn’t expecting to see travel so far just to check in on her.  Lord Edmont strode into the room, holding his cane at his side in his hurry to reach her, not caring for his own stability.
Surprising everyone, even herself, a cry of joy escaped Karo’s lips, hoarse and raw as she raised her arms up to hug the man that had taken her into his family when all had seemed darkest for her.  He had heard about her vocal loss, and tears of happiness of his own sprung to his eyes, realizing that maybe all was not lost in that aspect.  As he reached her side, the attempts to speak became slowly more coherent in the generic sounds she could make–but all was not lost as she had thought.  True healing could begin finally as atrophied muscles protested the attempt to work, and she didn’t dare to push the unused voice too far.  Yet it was enough.
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rogueonions · 1 year
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Late for Thancred Thursday, but since I'm still re-learning to draw, and learning to do so digitally, and learning shading and all of the things... I accept lateness. Took me most of the week, and not one single feature on this man's face decided to be easy. That nose? Redone four times. Hair? At least twice. The choker? three times.
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pangolinheart · 1 year
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ASFDHAJFGH I love her SO much.
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neriyon · 5 months
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Ran a few duty support runs today and Ryne decided to go and steal lb from Alisaie
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FFXIV Write 2023 || FFXIV Write info\\Prompt list\\Character info \\Master post ||
Prompt 30: Amity
a friendly relationship
Character(s): Ciel Fyth, Malek Fyth, (belonging to @holy-halone) Elorra Lark, (belonging to @tokki-yue) Y'shtola Rhul, Thancred Waters Cw: none Word count: 1606 Notes: It's the last day! A nice lil wholesome fic to wrap up year 3 of this challenge for me! I finished with Ciel last year and honestly, this word is perfect for finishing with him again! Enjoy! Set in Shadowbringers around the lvl 74/75 quests! (also readmore for length cause oops, this got away from me XD)
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It was of course business first when Malek and Elorra were welcomed into Slitherbough. The older Viera knew his younger brother would be here with Y'shtola, the Exarch had told him as much when they arrived but when he didn't see him wandering the camp, he couldn't help but worry. He and his brother had rarely been apart since their village was destroyed--Ciel didn't hold up well if he had to be apart from Malek's side for more than a night back on the Source, he couldn't imagine how well the younger Viera was holding up now since it had apparently been three years since his arrival to the First.
Y'shtola had told him that Ciel was doing just fine on his own but since he wasn't around the camp, he was most likely out on an errand for Runar. Malek had to force himself to keep his calm as Y'shtola explained to them about having to finish translating a text so they could use that to access the Lightwarden of the area but the only problem, it was in the possession of a rather aggressive faction.
“The encampment we seek is to the north, but it would be foolish to simply rush in.” Y’shtola had explained. “There isn’t exactly any amity between the Night’s Blessed and the Children of the Everlasting Dark so we have guards posted at Cleric to keep watch over them…they might be able to provide us some insight into their recent activity and we can decide the best course of action from there.
“But we must tread carefully–there is a chance we may encounter them along the way so stay close and stay alert. They rejoice in dealing death to others, claiming that in doing so they cleanse their victims of sin and usher them unto the sunless seas. I would rather not sully my hands defending myself against such madmen.”
“Wait a moment,” Malek interjected. “Ciel is out there right now by himself with the potential of these ‘madmen’ out there to ambush him?” 
“He is more capable than you realize,” Y’shtola said cooly but with a tone of understanding. She had known the brothers for a long time and knew just how protective Malek was toward his younger brother and how much Ciel clung to him like glue. It was endearing to see such a strong relationship between them but the Miqo’te knew three years not by his side had given the younger Viera a much-needed leg to stand on by himself. Malek hadn’t had the chance to see that yet. “Trust me, whether we see him on our trek or not, he’s just fine.” 
Malek wasn’t convinced. 
The trek to the encampment was short and silent at first but the older Viera couldn’t help the anxiety knawing in his gut when they were ambushed by the Children as they got closer to their destination. There were only two of them so they were easily outnumbered and outmatched between himself and Elorra but they were extremely resourceful and powerful–Malek couldn’t fathom the idea of Ciel being out in the marsh somewhere facing them alone. As they sheathed their weapons, a yelp tore through the marsh and the Viera grew pale. 
“Ciel!” Without bothering to wait, Malek dashed off in the direction of where he heard his brother’s voice, his heart pounding in his ears.
“Malek, are you certain?” Elorra asked as she easily caught up and matched pace with the other, Y’shtola and Thancred not too far behind. “That could be any of the guards at the outpost!”
“I know that cry anywhere.” Malek replied. “Dammit, I knew he shouldn’t have been sent out here alone!” 
Malek and the others drew their weapons as they got closer to the clearing, the sounds of a fight growing closer. When they broke into the clearing, Malek was fully expecting to see Ciel in danger but instead realized very quickly that his assistance wasn’t needed at all as the last of the ambushers fell to the ground unconscious. 
Ciel had his back turned to them so he didn’t quite realize the new company as he lowered his staff and wiped the sweat from his brow with a small sigh of relief. His ears twitched and he turned around, a smile brightening his face as Thancred and Y’shtola arrived, both of them also sheathing their weapons as they realized the threat had passed. 
“Malek! Elorra!” The younger Viera wasted no time running toward his brother, wrapping both him and Elorra into a hug. “You’re finally here!” 
“Thank goodness you’re unharmed.” Y’shtola smiled as Ciel released the other two and stepped back. 
“We would’ve arrived sooner but we also got caught up with some trouble of our own,” Thancred mused as he looked around at six people still out cold on the forest floor. “Though from the looks of it, you did just fine on your own.” 
Malek and Elorra exchanged curious looks with one another. “You—you took them all out?” Malek asked before he could stop himself. 
“Yep!” Ciel beamed proudly. 
“But we heard you yell,” Elorra added on, just as equally speechless as Malek was. 
“Oh yeah, they sort of caught me off guard.” Ciel laughed as he sheepishly rubbed the back of his neck. “The Children have been acting strange as of late so I tried to get a closer look, I guess that was a little careless of me. But I’m alright! I’m sorry to have worried you!” 
“No, don’t be,” Malek replied sheepishly. “I’m impressed, really.” He exchanged a smile with his brother, feeling a sense of pride but the guilt for doubting him still lingered. 
“As much as I would to continue this reunion, we only have so much time before they come around and we've got a mission to finish,” Y’shtola said as she turned to Ciel. “You mentioned that the Children have been strange–what have you seen?” 
“Oh right,” Ciel sobered. “They’ve been breeding their venomous spiders in much greater numbers as of late. It stuck out to me because usually they’re just gathering ingredients for poisons from flora and fauna. It almost feels as if they’re preparing for something…” 
Thancred frowned. “Any ideas as to what?”
“It could be anything, really.” Y’shtola replied. “If it meant the end of the Blessed, nothing would be too cruel or violent for them.” 
“I’ve tried to make peace with them before but, it never really goes well.” Ciel chimed in with a shrug. "Shtola says it's pointless to even try anymore, but maybe one day there can be a friendship between us."
"But today is not that day," Y'shtola clicked her tongue. "We need to figure out a way to sneak in so I can access the tablet they possess so I can finish translating the text."
“Why don't we play their own game?" Elorra suggested. “Take advantage of their present occupation with the spiders and use it against them.” 
“Oh! I’ve got it!” Ciel said suddenly. “If we were to introduce a threat to the nests where they keep them, the Children would be compelled to save them. Bees! They’re a natural predator–we set them loose on the nests and that would give us the opportunity to sneak into their encampment.” 
“What a mischievous plan, I like it.” Thancred grinned as he ruffled Ciel’s hair. “With a bit of smoke, we should be able to subdue a few colonies long enough to secure their hives. I don’t suppose you have anything to use?” 
Ciel smiled, gesturing to trees left of him. “We have smoke bombs at the outpost just over there, Valan and I made them earlier today.” 
“Then it’s settled.” Thancred smiled as he rubbed his hands together. “Shtola and I will grab a few smoke bombs from the outpost if you, Malek and Elorra would like to search for beehives–I imagine they won’t take too kindly to your visit but once they’re knocked out, bring them back here and we’ll set the plan in motion. Two should suffice.” 
With the next steps in place, the small group departed in different directions to go about their tasks. Malek hung back with Ciel for a few extra moments to finish his reunion with his brother. 
“You know, I was worried,”  Malek began as he stood by his brother’s side, looking out into the trees. “When I heard you had been here for three years already after you were spirited away, I thought you’d be in bad shape–but now seeing you kick some serious arse just now, it seems I owe you an apology for doubting you.” He turned to look at his brother who was listening calmly, a smile crossing his face. “Looks like you’re just fine on your own now, you don’t need me, do you?” he chuckled fondly.
“I’ll always need you,” Ciel chuckled as he playfully shoulder bumped his brother. “I just don’t need to rely on you as much anymore is all. The three years spent with ‘Shtola in Slitherbough really helped me learn how to handle myself better.” 
“Is that so?” Malek replied, the sense of pride overwhelming him as he reached over to ruffle his brother’s hair affectionately. “I’m proud of you little brother and I’m happy to see you again.” 
Ciel laughed softly and leaned into the touch. “Me too.” 
He was still beaming as Malek pulled his hand away and they turned to face each other, a small quiet moment passing between them.
“Now c’mon,” Malek said. “We’ve got some beehives to find and some chaos to create.” 
“Right!” Ciel laughed as they began the trek through the marsh once again. 
(Thank you all so much for sticking with me through this month of writing! I know it’s a lot when my blog suddenly turns into a writing blog for 30 days but I’m happy to have had a chance to share the stories of my ocs, new and old and I hope you enjoyed the journey too! <3 I plan to edit and post all of the days on Ao3 and I'll reblog my master post with my afterthoughts as well! Now, time to give my laptop a break XD)
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noxtivagus · 2 years
i love final fantasy.
#🌙.rambles#like. uh. mostly ffxiv rn i just can't think straight bcs i just love ffxiv too much fuck but#other ffs too 😭😭 i was looking through some of my notes again n. i'm. it. IT MADE ME SO HAPPY#like yk those twt stuff from sqex or wtvr. i love squall n rinoa sm n then tidus n yuna n then#THE REST OF THEM N#n. w ff7 uh. fuck the fanwars just enjoy what you like i hate how ppl put others down. those adults can't even be mature or open-minded#n it's so disappointing but uh that aside! personally. this is for me okay. i just have a certain fondness of ships w aerith#no i don't want to talk abt ships but i didn't want to say this following thing without some context 💀#nah okay here i don't have super strong feelings abt any of those ff7 ships but i do like the charas n the tropes#like. i like the ones w aerith more in general bcs yk she's just. gentle. i like her 🥺 but i relate to tifa quite a lot actually#OH. I DIDN'T MEAN TO RAMBLE ABT THAT WAIT#w tifa just made me rmb along w. smth in shb made me think of hehe. yk w the wol w the uh.. spoilers but smth Bad happens#i'm gna go off-topic again if i talk about emet-selch in those scenes. bro the love he has for azem n hyth n. amaurot n how he#all those. lonely thousand of years n. remembering.. 🥹 n then the honesty w the wol n he#he. hdkafjsdlkf his va's rlly did well w him n the writing made me love him so much his character's so dear to me#wait. i went off-topic again. oh w smth that happens to the wol. like w wol n the tifa can i just have a dream too of like. being saved#like no ultimately i'll save myself but c'monnnn just once 🥺#writing the word once just always reminds me of zack fair damn hdlfkajsdfk one of my favs too hehe#head in hands i'm still so proud of alphi's chara development. n then. yk w thancred n minfilia n ryne.#n that talk w minfilia n ryne. hit. too personal. i remember. oh my god#alr i've just been rambling as i always have but atp i don't know what i'm writing abt anymore help#🥹🫶🏼 just love ffxiv so much fr. like not just ffxiv but yk what i mean. uwahh what a relief to. feel like this again at least#still stressed i just wna get that essay asap tho 😭 but yk it's lovely at least i'm rlly happy i remember again.#ffxiv's always. helped guide me in a way to rmb myself. so. please. please just listen to ffxiv's ost fr.
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astrxealis · 2 years
the character development of so many ffxiv characters mean so much to me :((
#⋯ ꒰ა starry thoughts ໒꒱ *·˚#raghhh thinking of thancred right now! his development from 1.0 to how he is in shadowbringers means sooooo much to me#and then endwalker !! but the character whose character development from uhh early xiv to enw that i am thinking of rn is urianger :]#his character means so much to me (all of them do but you see i relate with urianger more i think) and the way he grows and then#the HUG and then aghh yeah ..... elidibus is such an interesting character for me with his development because#it's not just in-the-story development but the fact that. the writing of his character? he goes from this... rather flat character and they#give his character a depth that perfectly fits with that. and. then. yeah. yeah. yeah. just yeah.#fordola also hmmm from stb to the healer role quests. yeah <3 and then wow i forgot who else oops uhm but raha's character development#means the most to me out of everyone in ffxiv! he's like... aside from relating to him and him being my most favorite character ever#his story just makes me so hopeful and happy and just. yeah. proud and joyful. and then hmm wol's character development is#honestly absolutely fascinating. the devs managed to give the player's character who is formed by the player development throughout#the story? especially with drk quests. will never shut up about drk quests.#okay that's all my rambling for now but seriously i love the character development in ffxiv.#zenos as well honestly! him from stb to enw with how he regards us as a 'friend'?#OH AND ESTINIEN god i have so much to say about him and ysayle i love their development so much but i am tired of typing now lol
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drkcatt · 2 years
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(click for better quality!)
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over-plays · 2 years
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I recently bought FFXIV for the PC because I got a high-end gaming laptop and, you know, why not have two different versions of FFXIV right. So naturally I downloaded Anamnesis because if I can’t draw, by god at least I can pose my dollies together. And I’m very proud of how my first shot at custom posing turned out!! Also a little annoyed at the fact I couldn’t for the life of me manage to fix the shoulders of Chaurakh’s jacket but it’s minor compared to the serotonin boost I got upon finishing and taking shots. Excited to dive into more posing in the future!! Bonus close up because Thancred is a lucky bastard to be looked at like this tf
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