#Gregory Lee Rodriguez
hermes-whistle · 2 years
Wednesday, November 30th, 2022
Nick carnell-Jean Valjean
Hayden Tee-Javert (temporary replacement)
Haley dortch- Fantine
Matt Crowle-Thénardier
Christina Rose Hall-Madame Thénardier
Hazel Vogel- little Cosette
Cora Jane Messer- Little Eponine
Christine Heesun Hwang- Eponine
Addie Morales- Cosette
Gregory Lee Rodriguez-Marius
Devin Archer-Enjorlas
Kyle Adams- Grantaire
Gavroche- Harrison Fox
Well uh, unfortunately my theater decided that they weren't gonna flicker the lights to let us know to go back to our seats so I missed all of building the barricade and eponine giving the letter
On my own
-"Now I can make believe he's here" that tone she had was gorgeous
- I couldn't focus on most of the number because some kids behind me decided to get chips during Intermission because they were bored
- the blocking feels a bit stiff
-the lights where pretty tho
-again unfortunately I couldn't pay attention due to the kids behind me
-bUT oh my God when that barricade comes out with all the fog, one of the best scenes ever
At the barricade
-seeing the boys climb over the barricade was funny ngl
-the barricade bits are blurry in my head sorry yall
Javerts return/little people
-it looked like javert picked up a stick and started drawing
- this is a Gavroche Stan page
- gav tried jumping off the barricade like enj does
-gav flipping javert off might be my favorite thing
-marius in the back literally went like :0
-meanwhile after that grant picked gav up for "your the top of the class" after enj had his whole speaking bit he came over and ruffled gavs hair
A little fall of rain/ night of anguish
-during the small battle scene or whatever happened (I'm sorry I'm writing this In a car and can't remember so) ep moved marius and got shot perusal, she had a very small scream but it was at the same time the gunshot went off so it wasn't as noticeable
-she basically stumbled off the barricade with marius
-the way he said "oh god it's everywhere" was chilling tbh, he sounded scared almost
-miss girl basically falls onto him and then he carefully lays her down
-towards the end Gav ran over, taking a few moments to realize what happened
-Enj and grant then walked in (more like enj strutting) gav then clung to grants leg once ep actual died
-rip bad bitch, you will be missed
-"her name was eponine,," lawd that was a kick to the gut huh
Valjeans revenge
-wake up babes daddy is climbing
-javert is back on stage (I don't know if he left)
-the hesitant 'he belongs to you'
-jean pushes javert down onto his knees facing the audience
-javert stayed looking forward while Jean approached him from behind (📸)
- he kept shaking his head as Jean was talking, he then grabbed the gun and forcibly put it in his hands then made Jean angle it at him
-Jean seemed clearly upset about this and the way he says "you are wrong,," sounds like he was trying to remind himself that
- he then continued to grab onto his jacket while saying "clear out of here"
- the gunshot scared me and my mom, we knew it was coming but it's so loUD
Drink with me
-once Grant starts singing and goes to the middle, Enj now looks over and starts getting off the barricade
-"marius, rest please" was very gently said
-the boys gave a small cheer when grant started singing
-grant lightly shoves one of the boys
-once he sees enj his mood changed
- during "can it be your death means nothing at all?" Enj clearly tried to hug him and grant pushed him away then walked away
-gav was standing right by enj and then held onto his leg
-grant goes over where the sewer is and puts his head against it, enj looking down and told gav somthing
-gav then ran over and hugged grant for behind (more like his legs since grant was tall) and he then put his hand over gavs arm
Bring him home
-chills the whole song
-he really does sound like he's begging for marius to be alright
-enj is at the left top of the barricade, has his head slightly tilted down watching (I can't blame him)
-grant and gav are still sitting against the sewers, it was dark where they where but I think grant was holding him while he was sleeping
-the way my soul actually left my body at his last note
-breath support is all I gotta say
Second battle/Gavroches death /Final battle
-I don't remember much pre gav dying sorry
-everyone is dead silent the second gavroche starts singing
-Enj holds out his arms for gav then puts his fist up for "you better run for cover when the pup grows u-" and then he's shot
-gav falls onto enjs shoulder, enj took a second to hold onto him and slowly turned around clearly looking upset before giving him to grant
-everyone looked horrified at what they just saw
-grant held him close to his shoulder
-eventually when the shooting did happen Jean ran over and took gavs body and took it off stage then returned
-Randy Jeter was really slaying for the loud hailer
- the "until the earth is free" note gets faded into the music
-I don't know if it was on purpose or not but when enj is supposed to be kicking people down from the other side he nearly fell off, thankfully one of the fake boards was there and he pulled himself back up
-enj waving the flag has got to be the most beautiful thing I've ever seen omg, he was waving it very desperately
- the first one to go is Enj, before he starts falling grant starts trying to get up the barricade to grab him, only missing his hand by a little bit
-I'd like a moment to appreciate Jean basically t-posing while laying unconscious on the ground
-grant is the last one to die
-jean woke up then crawled over to marius whispering "shhh your okay please get up, get up" and then drags him off stage
-javert comes running over the barricade, the live fire torch looked so pretty for the scene
-when he got down he watched as the barricade opened
-Enj was vibing on the cart upside down per usual
-only one of his arms was hanging which is important in a second
-Javert walked over to Gavroche, prays over his body then lets the other dude pick him up
-gav gets thROWN in
-when the cart starts getting rolled off, enj was a little too far off the edge of the cart so it looked like he was gonna fall off, his other arm now fell off the cart
sewers/dog eat dog
-okay this scene deadass is my guiltly pleasure
-I got a tiny bit dizzy with the back screen visual
-the way Thénardier draggs one of the boys by the ankles💀
-I just love the song, it's so groovy
-valjean let go of marius and he just fell like the tower of terror
-when Thénardier goes over by marius he takes his hand like singing and puts it on his cheek acting as if it's his own hand
- "only the moon looks down" is still one of my favorite vocal moments, it scratches an itch in my brain
-marius seems to be like slightly awake
- instrumental was such a bop
-javert is already waiting in the dark by the time Jean comes out
-once Jean looks over and sees him, javert points a gun at him (is this a new thing?? I don't remember seeing it before in boots)
-just gay old men arguing
-when Jean leaves with marius he looks back at him the same way javert did to him at the beginning, same places on the stage
Javerts suicide
-This is one of the scenes that is so so much better in person
-i personally think Hayden is one of the javerts that perform this scene best
-the stage is completely dark during the first Part
-but in the background you can see the bridge coming together on both sides which was so cool to see
-I definitely got more of a panic attack vibe from him instead of angry
-he kept on literally reaching out but his hands where extremely shakey
-javert was very slow about getting up on the bridge, he seemed hesitant
-"I am reaching but I fall" part was almost the exact same way nick as Jean performed it at the beginning with his hand reaching up
-once javert starts his final note I wasn't expecting the bridge to come out from Underhim and MANS WAS FLYING
-ofc he was up on wires but I never seen them and was shocked because I didn't know the scene is done like this (usually the bootlegs are taken from a weird angle for this scene)
-the visuals behind him are going down and eventually he gets pulled back into the darkness, the last thing you see is his hand reaching out
-interesting but sad scene transitions
-some of the women where dressed upperclass and half lower
-the little girl :((
-I'm not sure which actress is the one who says "what's the use of praying when nobody will hear??" But it was said very raw and emotional almost angry
-very beautiful song though
Empty chairs ar empty tables
-the tree is back
-yet another nice song transition
-love the performance but I don't have much to say???
-when le boys came in enj was the closest to him
-they pick up the candles, marius then waves his arm behind him like he was trying to make them go away during "don't ask me what your sacrifice was for"
-everyone blows their candles out except marius and enj
-enj is the last one to leave, marius looks over then enj blows his candle out then goes bye bye
-marius raises his candle at the end
Everyday/valjeans confession
-marius In his emo era then there's Cosette westing purple like hey lol
- cosette helps him walk over to the bench, once he sits down Cosette takes his cane and puts it behind the bench
- pretty vocals but everyday is kinda a basic song
-here comes the dilf, and he's got his limp again
-when he tells Cosette to go inside Cosette kinda looks between them like what's going onnnn and then leaves
-the change in tone when Jean talks to marius is interesting
-"who am i?" Idk man you tell me
-its 2:34 am when I'm writing this sorry I ain't remembering much
Wedding/beggers at a feast
-holy shit that is a very fast quick change for marius, I know he wears his coat over the wedding costume but sTILL
-again height difference between Cosette and him>>>
-Cosette's veil is gorgeous it's a shame it's only worn for like 5 minutes
- them dancing is the cutest thing ever and they kissed again before walking off the the side of the stage
- Marius introduces her to someone then goes over by the Thénardiers
-i was focusing on Cosette dancing
-the way the ensemble and cosette dance is interesting because they are clearly listening and moving to the tune
-Marius punching Thénardier was a slay per usual
-once they run off the plates drop ofc, overall the audience loved them
- the little hops during "among the elite"
- the line is back to "there goes a jew, this one's a queer but what can you do"
-the chaos that is the rest of the number>>>
-Lmfao the change between songs
- he struggled for a sec to light the candles but got them eventually
-Nick made me appreciate jeans final solo part
-the chills I got when fantine comes out, I know she's an angel and she looked like one, she came out from stage right and had an orange haze casting over to her
-Jean looked relieved when he heard her, just ready to die
- Nick said a few times that his favorite line in the show is "she's the best of my life" and it shows 🥲🥲🥲
-Fantine got about 3 feet away, she was reaching out for him then Cosette comes running in
-this part is a bit of a blur since I was trying to get my phone out to get a small audio
- Marius comes in a few seconds after her, then he goes over behind the candles and looks at them until "you must forgive a thoughtless fool" then he sits by Cosette
- during the confession he slowly reached over and gave it to her, during "those who always loved you" He booped her nose again
- cosette is holding onto his hand until he gets up, more like he dies
-i wasn't paying attention to eponine I was trying to figure out why my camera didn't show the stage, turns out it was facing the wrong way
- "to love another person is to see the face of god" I'm not religious but that line always gets to me
-by the time Valjean gets up the chorus is starting, and the bishop comes out
-listen I know some people think it's stupid but I do like the Jean and bishop hug💔
-marius is holding Cosette and kissing her hair while rubbing her arm
-the ending just is so🤌🤌🤌 probably one of my favorite musical closers
Bonus if you made it this far
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hotvintagepoll · 2 months
this is a poll for a movie that doesn't exist.
It is vintage times. The powers that be have decided to again remake the classic vampire novel Dracula for the screen. in an amazing show of inter-studio solidarity, Hollywood’s most elite hotties are up for the starring roles. The producers know whoever they cast will greatly impact the genre, quality, and tone of the finished film, so they are turning to their wisest voices for guidance.
you are the new casting director for this star-studded epic. choose your players wisely.
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Previously cast:
Jonathan Harker—Jimmy Stewart
The Old Woman—Martita Hunt
Count Dracula—Gloria Holden
Mina Murray—Setsuko Hara
Lucy Westenra—Judy Garland
The Three Voluptuous Women—Betty Grable, Marilyn Monroe, and Lauren Bacall
Dr. Jack Seward—Vincent Price
Quincey P. Morris—Toshiro Mifune
Arthur Holmwood—Sidney Poitier
R.M. Renfield—Conrad Veidt
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cosmicangst · 1 year
drink with me from les misérables us tour cast (8/19/23, matinee)
had to post this because i'm OBSESSED with this moment and with kyle adams as grantaire in general. love how the amis are immediately egging him on when grantaire starts his verse because they expect some good old-fashioned snarks and mockery to bring some levity to an already tragic and exhausting night and are taken aback by the genuinely angry desperation grantaire adopts in his inebriation. you can hear them rise to pull him back, realizing hes not actually joking when grantaire gets up on one of their faces and bumps into the table.
the commotion causes enjolras to climb down from the barricade to intercede and grantaire sings "can it be that your death means nothing at all? / is your life just one more lie?" directly to him. THEN enjolras steps forward and you can clearly tell he's reaching for grantaire's face but grantaire retreats, overwhelmed, and sits in the corner with his head in his hands. and gavroche immediately goes to him and hugs him from behind, which grantaire doesn't reciprocate until a few moments later.
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stuckfm · 1 year
˚₊· ͟͟͞➳ anonymous said: bipoc mw?
kiana lede, pamalaaam, stacythiru, ahnesti monet mcmichael, katelyn folasade, simi moonlight, precious lee, kayla jane, dasilvadakid, aiyana lewis, cheyenne maya carty, tatyanaalii_, emmanuelle koffi, anyang deng, summer dean, alexis denise williams, kara roselle smith, bella hatch, jade rabarivelo, manahou mackey, jashaun st john, ange jose, blu hunt, eden bristowe, amber midthunder, shina nova, ellamariehi, ta’kiya blaney, maia cotton, erica ransfield, chelei kahalewai, shondina lee, nat weaves, melemaikalani makalapua, braydee cardinal, maile akln, christopher meyer, josh levi, carter gregory, alex aiono, archmadekwe, aubreyomari, chance perdomo, chibuche, daniel ezra, drew ray tanner, jahkingguillory, jordan fisher, jaden smith, keiynan lonsdale, mason gooding, ángel bismark curiel, d’pharaoh woon-a-tai, jordi webber, kekoa scott kekumano, thomas weatherall, ziggy ramo, sage atankahe (they/them), xolo maridueña, michael cimino, des qua, keith powers, naswyn, marvin anthony, aj saudin, nathannuyts, boman martinez-reid, jharrel jerome, calvyn james, jacob perez, marquis rodriguez, jordan calloway
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inappropriatestork · 1 year
Oh man, so I got to see Les Mis again tonight (a bit over a month after seeing in it Charlotte), this time with my friend Heather in Greensboro.
It was the same production, of course, but we did have a different Valjean this time (he was an understudy, but holy shit, he might have been BETTER than the usual one?) and I have more yelling to do.
Also, I will forget all the details I don't write them down, so here goes:
We had an understudy Valjean, which worried me after my last understudy Valjean who couldn't hit the high notes on Bring Him Home. This time we had Randy Jeter, who was the Bishop when I saw it in Charlotte. But holy SHIT, he was AMAZING. He might have been better than the regular Valjean, Nick Cartell.
He had just a slightly more powerful voice, maybe, a bit more contrast and depth, I don't know. He was incredible. His Bring Him Home absolutely hit me harder than last time. Maybe I was just paying closer attention because I was worried once we saw we had an understudy but from his first line I was like "HOLY SHIT he's good!!'
Most of the same notes from last show still apply, Once again Gregory Lee Rodriguez was particularly good as Marius - and I don't even especially like Marius, but he makes him somehow a little more likeable, and like, you think he's just likeable and a perfectly good singer and then Empty Chairs comes around and he finds a whole new level with his voice and emotion and blows you away.
And I still just want to give all the awards to Kyle Adams as Grantaire. Because he's so spot on perfect, but it's subtle. Like probably a majority of the audience don't really know who Grantaire is or his motivations or character, he's just another barricade boy, so they don't pay him any particular attention. But the fans who do know more of the backstory, if you watch him in particular, he's so good.
The way he keeps to the edges of the barricade boys crowd, always a bit apart, the mocking touch to his gestures and mannerisms even when he has no lines, the undercurrents of bitterness and devastation...just so good. Like when Gavroche arrives and says Lamarque is dead, he kind of drops into a chair abruptly and slumps, like he's realizing "oh shit, this is about to get real."
And after Gavroche died, in the final battle on the barricade, Enjolras comes down for a moment to comfort him about Gavroche, and when Enjolras turns to climb back up, Grantaire grabs at him as if to stop him. Enjolras goes anyway, of course, and Grantaire kind of makes some abortive efforts to follow him but the battle intensifies and he falls back to the ground. A moment later though, he climbs up again; he still doesn't make it to Enjolras, who falls on the far side of the barricade as he's shot, but Grantaire is one of the last to fall.
Anyway I just love his Grantaire. It's probably unnoticed by a lot of the audience who don't know the story and characters as well, but if you do know to look for it, he's spot on.
And a random nerdy note - I never noticed before that there's a blink-and-you-miss-it nod to the Petit Gervais bit from the book. I definitely missed that last time.
Anyway, I'm both on cloud nine because it was so good and also sad because it's over and I don't know when I'll get to see it again and it's just honestly one of my favorite things on earth.
Anyway, I suppose I'm off to read some Valjean/Javert fic.
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sporadiceagleheart · 3 months
2024 tribute to Sara Alhashimi andher angels, Emilie Labadie, Moa Leontine Björk, Gabriella Green, Maranda Gail Mathis, Eliahna Torres, Nevaeh Bravo, Layla Salazar, Jackie Cazares, Makenna Lee Elrod, Jayce Carmelo Luevanos, Jailah Nicole Silguero, Alexandria Rubio, Shirley Temple and baby Leroy, Maite Rodriguez, Saffie-Rose Brenda Roussos, Star Hobson, Emilie Alice Parker, Catherine Violet Hubbard and Caroline Previdi, Skylar Annette Neese, Ava Jordan Wood, Semina Mary Halliwell, Aubreigh Paige Wyatt, Tristyn Bailey, Henry Boswell, Darla Jean Hood, Jean Darling, Mary Ann Jackson, Dorothy DeBorba, Nelly Hayward, Gregory Smart, Kristin Denise Smart, Neveah Mary Smith Holata, Kaitlyn Marie Smith, Brianna Rachelle Smith, Katarina Jacquelyn “Kat” Moller, Katherine Jean “Kat” Shelton, Katerra Lea “Kat” Harper, Mallory Madison Beach, Mallory Rose “Mal” Grossman, Krystal Lyn Naab, Krystal D Pomante, Krystal Ann Mello, Krystal Dawn Christenbury, Josalyn Marie Taylor-Rolle, Kristina Paula Schultz, Angelina Costello, Angelina “Gina” Aćimović, Adriana “Adri” Dukić, Megan Tyler Stewart, William Shakespeare, Lawrence Oates, Louis XVII, Wilbur Lawrence Oates, Raphael, Raphael, Francisco Pizarro, Mary Tudor, David Rittenhouse, George IV, Edith Fellows, Julian the Apostate, Avdotia Ilyinichna Istomina Ekunina, Andrew Jackson Donelson, Michael Vaillancourt Aris, Belle Starr, Rosie Lee Reed, Annie Oakley, Eleanor Dumont, Big Nose Kate, Mattie Blaylock, Urilla Sutherland Earp, Virginia Ann Earp,
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bfa4ange · 2 years
Some Artists to look at...see bold inparticular
Caroline Achaintre -- Igshaan Adams -- Nevin Aladag -- Olga de Amaral -- Ghada Amer -- El Anatsul -- Evgeny Antuflev -- Leonor Antunes -- Polly Apfelbaum -- Hrafnhildur Arnardottir / Shoplifter -- Tonico Lemos Auad -- Lisa Anne Auerbach -- Jonathan Baldock -- Phyllida Barlow -- Yto Barrada -- Kevin Beasley -- Mary Lee Bendolph -- Sanford Biggers -- Josh Blackwell -- Cosima von Bonin -- Paloma Bosque -- Geta Bratescu -- Huguette Caland -- Pla Camil -- Barbara Chase-Riboud -- Chiachio & Giannone -- Sarah crowEST -- Alexandre da Cunha -- N. Dash -- Cristiana de March! -- Daniel Dewar & Gregory Gicquel -- Tracey Emin -- Josh Faught -- Christina Forrer -- Terri Friedman -- Orly Genger -- Yann Gerstberger -- Sam Gilliam -- Nury Gonzalez -- Sheela Gowda -- Kyungah Ham -- Harmony Hammond -- Channing Hansen -- Mona Hatoum -- Tamara Henderson -- Nicholas Hlobo -- Jim Hodges -- Zon Ito -- Takahiro Iwasaki -- Sergej Jensen -- Reena Saini Kallat -- Kimsooja -- Adrian Kiss -- Abdoulaye Konate -- Teresa Lanceta -- Ruth Laskey -- Sarah Lucas -- Eric N. Mack -- Goshka Macuga -- Turiya Magadlela -- Ibrahim Mahama -- Lavanya Mani -- Britta Marakatt-Labba -- Teresa Margolles -- Annette Messager -- Hana Miletic -- Kazuko Miyamoto -- Oscar Murillo -- Senga Nengudi -- Maria Nepomuceno -- Ernesto Neto -- Rivane Neuenschwander -- Otobong Nkanga -- Eko Nugroho -- Katherine Nunez & Issay Rodriguez -- Fusun Onur -- Sara Ouhaddou -- Rosana Palazyan -- Hardeep Pandhal -- Zoe Paul -- Sheila Pepe -- Grayson Perry -- Michael Raedecker -- Jessica Rankin -- Elaine Reichek -- Faith Ringgold -- Lara Schnitger -- Tschabalala Self -- Indre Serpytyte -- Yinka Shonibare MBE -- Jakkai Siributr -- Kiki Smith -- Shinique Smith -- Renee So -- Valeska Soares -- Do Ho Sun -- Gunes Terkol -- Aiko Tezuka -- Rosemarie Trockel -- Richard Tuttle -- Cecilia Vicuna -- Brent Wadden -- Franz Erhard Walther -- Pae White -- Anne Wilson -- Haegue Yang -- Yin Xiuzhen -- Paul Yore -- Billie Zangewa
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Partners: Master List
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Jay Halstead x Female OC
Synopsis: The Morales family is Chicago Police Royalty which Katie Morales knows all too well as the youngest and only daughter of the Bureau Chief of Detectives, the younger sister of a decorated detective and the granddaughter of a former CPD Superintendent. A former Afghan Vet, she joins her old family friend, Hank Voight’s unit and meets Jay Halstead, a man she didn’t know would change her life.
Summary: Canon-Divergent, Eventual Hailey Upton x OC, Eventual Kevin Atwater x OC
AN 1: Shout out to @uncpanda​​ and @winterscaptain​ for giving the idea of the formatting for this series. Be sure to check out both of their amazing Criminal Minds series The Ties That Bind (Aaron Hotchner x Reader) and A Joyful Future (Aaron Hotchner x Reader)!
AN 2: As such this fic will be written out of order and the OC already has a name and backstory. I’m also gonna be putting down the characters as you see them—eventually going through all the characters.
AN 3: I will not be doing every episode of the series. Anything currently listed is planned. More will be added later.
AN 4: Because the show crosses over a lot with Chicago Med & Chicago Fire I will be posting chapters from those shows under the appropriate season it falls under with CF (Chicago Fire); CM (Chicago Med); SVU (Law & Order: SVU). During CF episodes, some may be focused on the main OC but some may be focused on her older brother who is a firefighter with Firehouse 51.
Links and Resources
Link to Taglist
Is there something you’d like to see in this series?
Also, later on, I might want to do some commentary on chapters written…if you are into that let my know in my ask box!
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8 Letters - Why Don’t We
Be Your Everything — Boys Like Girls
Can’t Fight the Moonlight — LeAnn Rimes
Colourblind — Ed Sheeran
Fallin’ For You — Colbie Caillat
Fearless (Taylor’s Version) — Taylor Swift
I’ll Be — Edwin McCain
In Case You Didn’t Know — Brett Young
Not a Bad Thing — Justin Timberlake
On My Way (Marry Me) — Jennifer Lopez
Rest of Your Life — David J
Sparks Fly (Taylor’s Version) — Taylor Swift
Start of Something Good — Daughtry
Steal the Show — Lauv
Wanted — Hunter Hayes
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Morales Family
Aimee Carrero as Detective Katie Morales
Michael Trevino as ASA Rafael Morales
Diego Luna as Detective Mateo Morales
Adam Rodriguez as Firefighter Javier Morales
Lynda Carter as Stephanie Morales
Tony Plana as Bureau Chief of Detectives Alexander Morales
Intelligence Unit
Jason Beghe as Sergeant Hank Voight
Elias Koteas as Detective Alvin Olinsky
Jon Seda as Detective Antonio Dawson
Jesse Lee Soffer as Detective Jay Halstead
Sophia Bush as Detective Erin Lindsay
Patrick John Flueger as Officer Adam Ruzek
LaRoyce Hawkins as Officer Kevin Atwater
Marina Squerciati as Officer Kim Burgess
Amy Morton as Desk Sergeant Trudy Platt
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CF: Professional Courtesy
CF: One Minute
CF: Hanging On
CF: Rear View Mirror
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Meeting the Unit
This We’ll Defend
Stepping Stone
Wrong Side of the Bars
Chin Check
Now is Always Temporary
A Material Witness
At Least it’s Justice
8:30 PM
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Call it Macaroni
Get My Cigarettes
The Weigh Station
Chicken, Dynamite, Chainsaw
An Honest Woman
SVU: Chicago Crossover / They’ll Have to Go Through Me
Called in Dead / Shouldn’t Have Been Alone
Disco Bob
What Do You Do
What Puts You on That Ledge
Say Her Real Name
CF: We Called Her Jellybean / The Number of Rats / SVU: Daydream Believer
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Life is Fluid
Actual Physical Violence
A Dead Kid, a Notebook and a Lot of Maybes
I’ll Be By Your Side Till the World Stops Spinning
CF: The Beating Heart / CM: Malignant / Now I’m God
Knocked The Family Right Out
Hit Me
SVU: Nationwide Manhunt / The Song of Gregory William Yates
The Cases that Need to be Solved
Forty-Caliber Bread Crumb
In a Duffel Bag
Start Digging
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Made a Wrong Turn
All Cylinders Firing
A War Zone
Don’t Bury This Case
Family Affair
I Remember Her Now
CF: Deathtrap / Emotional Proximity / Fake
Little Bit of Light
Last Minute Resistance
Army of One
Fork in the Road
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 1.) Animals with the Tollkeeper - Hayvanlar, Melekler ve İnsanlar (1998) / Fantastik
Ø  Yönetmen : Michael Di Jiacomo / Oyuncular : Tim Roth, Mili Avital, Rod Steiger
 2.) Andrey Rublyov - Andrei Rublev (1966) / Dram, Biyografik
Ø  Yönetmen : Andreï Tarkovski / Oyuncular : Anatoli Solonitsyne, Tamara Ogorodnikova, Ivan Bykov
 3.) Back to the Future - Geleceğe Dönüş (Seri Film I, II, III)  / (1985) / Bilimkurgu, Macera
Ø  Yönetmen : Robert Zemeckis / Oyuncular : Michael J. Fox, Christopher Lloyd, Lea Thompson
 4.)  Twelve Angry Men - 12 Öfkeli Adam (1957) / Dram
Ø  Yönetmen : Sidney Lumet / Oyuncular : Henry Fonda, Martin Balsam, John Fiedler
 5.) Krótki film o zabijaniu - Öldürme Üzerine Kısa Bir Film (1988) / Dram
Ø  Yönetmen : Krzysztof Kieslowski / Oyuncular : Miroslaw Baka, Krzysztof Globisz, Jan Tesarz
 6.) Krótki film o milosci - Aşk Üzerine Kısa Bir Film (1988) / Dram, Romantik
Ø  Yönetmen : Krzysztof Kieslowski / Oyuncular : Grazyna Szapolowska, Olaf Lubaszenko, Stefania Iwinska
 7.) Alice in den Städten - Alice Kentlerde (1974) / Dram
Ø  Yönetmen : Wim Wenders / Oyuncular : Rüdiger Vogler, Yella Rottländer, Lisa Kreuzer
 8.) Amadeus (1984) / Dramatik, Komedi, Tarihi
Ø  Yönetmen : Milos Forman / Oyuncular : Tom Hulce, F. Murray Abraham, Simon Callow
 9.) Before Sunrise - Gün Doğmadan Önce (1995) / Romantik
Ø  Yönetmen : Richard Linklater / Oyuncular : Ethan Hawke, Julie Delpy, Andrea Eckert
 10.) Being There - Merhaba Dünya (1979) / Dramatik, Komedi
Ø  Yönetmen : Hal Ashby / Oyuncular : Peter Sellers, Shirley MacLaine, Melvyn Douglas
 11.) Big Fish - Büyük Balık (2003) / Dramatik, Komedi, Fantastik
Ø  Yönetmen : Tim Burton / Oyuncular : Ewan McGregor, Albert Finney, Jessica Lange
 12.) Blow Up - Cinayeti Gördüm (1966) / Dram
Ø  Yönetmen : Michelangelo Antonioni / Oyuncular : Jane Birkin, Gillian Hills, Julian Chagrin
 13.) Blue Velvet - Mavi Kadife (1986) / Polisiye, Dram, Gerilim
Ø  Yönetmen : David Lynch / Oyuncular : Isabella Rossellini, Kyle MacLachlan, Dennis Hopper
 14.) Breaking the Waves - Dalgaları Aşmak (1996) / Dram, Romantik
Ø  Yönetmen : Lars von Trier / Oyuncular : Emily Watson, Stellan Skarsgård, Jean-Marc Barr
 15.) Chung Hing sam lam - Chungking Express (1994) / Dram
Ø  Yönetmen : Wong Kar-Wai / Oyuncular : Brigitte Lin Ching-hsia, Tony Leung Chiu Wai, Faye Wong
 16.) Dancer in the Dark - Karanlıkta Dans (2000) / Müzikal, Dram, Polisiye
Ø  Yönetmen : Lars von Trier / Oyuncular : Björk, Catherine Deneuve, Peter Stormare
 17.) Das Boot - Deniz Altı (1981) / Dram, Savaş Filmi
Ø  Yönetmen : Wolfgang Petersen / Oyuncular : Jürgen Prochnow, Erwin Leder, Herbert Grönemeyer
 18.) Dead Man - Ölü Adam (1995) / Western, Dram
Ø  Yönetmen : Jim Jarmusch / Oyuncular : Johnny Depp, Gary Farmer, Crispin Glover
 19.) Delicatessen – Şarküteri (1991) /  Komedi, Dram, Korku, Fantastik
Ø  Yönetmen : Jean-Pierre Jeunet, Marc Caro / Oyuncular : Dominique Pinon, Karin Viard, Ticky Holgado
 20.) Der Himmel Über Berlin - Berlin Üzerindeki Gökyüzü (1987) / Fantastik, Romantik
Ø  Yönetmen : Wim Wenders / Oyuncular : Bruno Ganz, Solveig Dommartin, Otto Sander, Peter Falk
 21.) Dial M. for Murder - Cinayet Var (1954) / Gerilim, Polisiye
Ø  Yönetmen : Alfred Hitchcock / Oyuncular : Ray Milland, Grace Kelly, Robert Cummings
 22.) Dogville (2003) / Gerilim, Dram
Ø  Yönetmen : Lars von Trier / Oyuncular : Nicole Kidman, Paul Bettany, Patricia Clarkson
 23.) Dolls – Bebekler (2002) / Dram, Romantik
Ø  Yönetmen : Takeshi Kitano / Oyuncular : Hidetoshi Nishijima, Miho Kanno, Tatsuya Mihashi
 24.) The Grapes of Wrath - Gazap Üzümleri (1940) / Dram
Ø  Yönetmen : John Ford / Oyuncular : Henry Fonda, Jane Darwell, John Carradine
 25.) Hable con ella - Konuş Onunla (2002) / Dram, Komedi, Romantik
Ø  Yönetmen : Pedro Almodóvar / Oyuncular : Javier Cámara, Dario Grandinetti, Leonor Watling
 26.) Hair - Bırak Güneş İçeri Girsin (1979) / Müzikal
Ø  Yönetmen : Milos Forman / Oyuncular : Michael Jeter, Donald Alsdurf, John Savage
 27.) Harold and Maude (1971) / Dram, Komedi, Romantik
Ø  Yönetmen : Hal Ashby / Oyuncular : Ruth Gordon, Bud Cort, Vivian Pickles
 28.) Idi i smotri - Gel ve Gör (1985) / Dram, Savaş Filmi
Ø  Yönetmen : Elem Klimov / Oyuncular : Olga Mironova, Vladas Bagdonas, Juris Lumiste
 29.)  In the name of the father - Babam İçin (1993) / Dram
Ø  Yönetmen : Jim Sheridan / Oyuncular : Daniel Day-Lewis, Pete Postlethwaite, Emma Thompson
 30.) It's a Wonderful Life - Şahane Hayat (1946) /  Komedi, Dram, Fantastik
Ø  Yönetmen : Frank Capra / Oyuncular : James Stewart, Donna Reed, Lionel Barrymore
 31.) Kes – Kerkenez (1969) / Dram
Ø  Yönetmen : Ken Loach / Oyuncular : David Bradley, Colin Welland, Freddie Fletcher
 32.) Ladri di biciclette - Bisiklet Hırsızları (1948) / Dram
Ø  Yönetmen : Vittorio De Sica / Oyuncular : Lamberto Maggiorani, Enzo Staiola, Lianella Carell
 33.) Land and Freedom - Ülke ve Özgürlük (1995) / Dram, Savaş Filmi
Ø  Yönetmen : Ken Loach / Oyuncular : Ian Hart, Rosana Pastor, Frédéric Pierrot
 34.) Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels - Ateşten Kalbe Akıldan Dumana (1998) / Polisiye
Ø  Yönetmen : Guy Ritchie / Oyuncular : Jason Statham, Nick Moran, Dexter Fletcher
35.) Los Amantes del Círculo Polar - Kutup Çizgisi Aşıkları (1998) / Dram
Ø  Yönetmen : Julio Medem / Oyuncular : Najwa Nimri, Fele Martínez, Nancho Novo
 36.) Ma nuit chez Maud - Maud’la Bir Gece (1969) / Dram
Ø  Yönetmen : Eric Rohmer / Oyuncular : Jean-Louis Trintignant, Françoise Fabian, Marie-Christine Barrault
 37.) The Miracle worker - Karanlığın İçinden (1962) / Dram, Biyografik
Ø  Yönetmen : Arthur Penn / Oyuncular : Anne Bancroft, Patty Duke, Victor Jory
 38.) Moulin Rouge! - Kırmızı Değirmen (2001) / Müzikal, Romantik
Ø  Yönetmen : Baz Luhrmann / Oyuncular : Nicole Kidman, Ewan McGregor, John Leguizamo
 39.) My Left Foot: The Story of Christy Brown - Sol Ayağım (1989) / Dram
Ø  Yönetmen : Jim Sheridan / Oyuncular : Daniel Day-Lewis, Brenda Fricker, Alison Whelan
 40.) Naked – Çıplak (1993) / Dram
Ø  Yönetmen : Mike Leigh / Oyuncular : David Thewlis, Lesley Sharp, Claire Skinne
 41.) Nema-ye Nazdik - Yakın Plan (1990) / Dram
Ø  Yönetmen : Abbas Kiarostami / Oyuncular : Mohsen Makhmalbaf, Abolfazl Ahankhah, Mehrdad Ahankhah
 42.) Network – Şebeke (1976) / Dram
Ø  Yönetmen : Sidney Lumet / Oyuncular : Faye Dunaway, William Holden, Peter Finch
 43.) Pink Floyd The Wall - Pink Floyd Duvar (1982) / Dram, Müzik
Ø  Yönetmen : Alan Parker / Oyuncular : Bob Geldof, Christine Hargreaves, James Laurenson
 44.) Pleasantville - Yaşamın Renkleri (1998) /  Fantastik, Dramatik, Komedi
Ø  Yönetmen : Gary Ross / Oyuncular : Tobey Maguire, Jeff Daniels, Joan Allen
 45.) Pulp Fiction - Ucuz Roman (1994) /  Polisiye, Gerilim
Ø  Yönetmen : Quentin Tarantino / Oyuncular : John Travolta, Samuel L. Jackson, Uma Thurman
  46.) Rain Man - Yağmur Adam (1988) / Komedi, Dram
Ø  Yönetmen : Barry Levinson / Oyuncular : Dustin Hoffman, Tom Cruise, Valeria Golino
 47.) Reconstruction - Yeniden Sev Beni (2003) / Dram
Ø  Yönetmen : Christoffer Boe / Oyuncular : Nikolaj Lie Kaas, Maria Bonnevie, Krister Henriksson
 48.) Rosemary's Baby - Rosemary’nin Bebeği (1968) / Korku, Dram, Gerilim
Ø  Yönetmen : Roman Polanski / Oyuncular : Mia Farrow, John Cassavetes, Ruth Gordon
 49.) Rumble Fish - Siyam Balığı (1983) / Aksiyon, Dram
Ø  Yönetmen : Francis Ford Coppola / Oyuncular : Matt Dillon, Mickey Rourke, Diane Lane
 50.) Secrets and Lies - Sırlar ve Yalanlar (1996) / Dram
Ø  Yönetmen : Mike Leigh / Oyuncular : Brenda Blethyn, Marianne Jean-Baptiste, Timothy Spall
 51.) Shichinin no samurai - Yedi Samuray (1954) / Macera
Ø  Yönetmen : Akira Kurosawa / Oyuncular : Toshirô Mifune, Takashi Shimura, Keiko Tsushima
 52.) Sin City - Günah Şehri (2005) / Aksiyon, Gerilim, Polisiye
Ø  Yönetmen : Robert Rodriguez, Frank Miller, Quentin Tarantino / Oyuncular : Bruce Willis, Mickey Rourke, Jessica Alba
 53.) Singin' in the Rain - Yağmur Altında (1952) / Müzikal, Komedi
Ø  Yönetmen : Stanley Donen, Gene Kelly / Oyuncular : Jean Hagen, Gene Kelly, Debbie Reynolds
 54.) The Sixth Sense - Altıncı His (1999) / Gerilim, Dram
Ø  Yönetmen : M. Night Shyamalan / Oyuncular : Bruce Willis, Haley Joel Osment, Toni Collette
 55.) Solaris (1972) / Fantastik, Bilimkurgu
Ø  Yönetmen : Andreï Tarkovski / Oyuncular : Natalya Bondarchuk, Donatas Banionis, Jüri Järvet
 56.) Some Like It Hot - Bazıları Sıcak Sever (1959) / Komedi, Romantik
Ø  Yönetmen : Billy Wilder / Oyuncular : Marilyn Monroe, Tony Curtis, Jack Lemmon
  57.) Spellbound - Öldüren Hatıralar (1945) / Gerilim, Polisiye
Ø  Yönetmen : Alfred Hitchcock / Oyuncular : Gregory Peck, Ingrid Bergman, Leo G. Carroll
 58.) Stalker (1979) / Dram, Bilimkurgu
Ø  Yönetmen : Andreï Tarkovski / Oyuncular : Alexandre Kaidanovski, Anatoly Solonitsyn, Nikolai Grinko
 59.) Strange Days - Tuhaf Günler (1995) / Bilimkurgu, Aksiyon
Ø  Yönetmen : Kathryn Bigelow / Oyuncular : Ralph Fiennes, Angela Bassett, Juliette Lewis
 60.) Sullivan's Travels (1941) / Macera, Dramatik, Komedi
Ø  Yönetmen : Preston Sturges / Oyuncular : Eric Blore, Torben Meyer, Victor Potel
 61.) Sunset Blvd. (1950) /  Dram, Romantik
Ø  Yönetmen : Billy Wilder / Oyuncular : William Holden, Gloria Swanson, Erich Von Stroheim
 62.) Il Buono, il brutto, il cattivo - İyi, Kötü ve Çirkin (1966) /  Western
Ø  Yönetmen : Sergio Leone / Oyuncular : Clint Eastwood, Eli Wallach, Lee Van Cleef
 63.) The Graduate – Mezun (1967) /  Dramatik, Komedi
Ø  Yönetmen : Mike Nichols / Oyuncular : Anne Bancroft, Dustin Hoffman, Katharine Ross
 64.) The Hours – Saatler (2002) / Dram, Romantik
Ø  Yönetmen : Stephen Daldry / Oyuncular : Nicole Kidman, Julianne Moore, Meryl Streep
 65.) The Man Who Wasn't There - Orada Olmayan Adam (2001) /  Polisiye, Dram
Ø  Yönetmen : Joel Coen / Oyuncular : Peter Schrum, Billy Bob Thornton, Frances McDormand
 66.) The Others – Diğerleri (2001) / Fantastik, Dram, Korku
Ø  Yönetmen : Alejandro Amenábar / Oyuncular : Nicole Kidman, Elaine Cassidy, Christopher Eccleston
 67.) The Truman Show -Truman Show (1998) / Dramatik, Komedi
Ø  Yönetmen : Peter Weir / Oyuncular : Jim Carrey, Laura Linney, Natascha McElhone
 68.) The Usual Suspects - Olağan Şüpheliler (1995) / Polisiye, Gerilim
Ø  Yönetmen : Bryan Singer / Oyuncular : Chazz Palminteri, Kevin Spacey, Gabriel Byrne
69.) Thelma ve Louise (1991) / Dramatik, Komedi
Ø  Yönetmen : Ridley Scott / Oyuncular : Susan Sarandon, Geena Davis, Harvey Keitel
 70.) They Shoot Horses, Don't They? - Atları da Vururlar (1969) / Dram
Ø  Yönetmen : Sydney Pollack / Oyuncular : Jane Fonda, Michael Sarrazin, Susannah York
 71.) Trois couleurs - Üç Renk: Mavi, Beyaz, Kırmızı (1993) / Dram
Ø  Yönetmen : Krzysztof Kieslowski / Oyuncular : Juliette Binoche, Hélène Vincent, Philippe Volter
 72.) Trainspotting (1996) / Dram, Polisiye
Ø  Yönetmen : Danny Boyle / Oyuncular : Ewan McGregor, Ewen Bremner, Jonny Lee Miller
 73.) Une Femme est une femme - Kadın Kadındır (1961) / Komedi
Ø  Yönetmen : Jean-Luc Godard / Oyuncular : Anna Karina, Jean-Claude Brialy, Jean-Paul Belmondo
 74.) Vivre sa vie: Film en douze tableaux - Hayatını Yaşamak (1962) / Komedi, Dram
Yönetmen : Jean-Luc Godard / Oyuncular : Anna Karina, Sady Rebbot, Andre S. Labarthe
 75.) Welcome to Sarajevo - Saraybosna’ya Hoşgeldiniz (1997) / Dram, Savaş Filmi
Ø  Yönetmen : Michael Winterbottom / Oyuncular : Stephen Dillane, Woody Harrelson, Marisa Tomei
 76.) What Ever Happened to Baby Jane?  - Bebek Jane’e Ne Oldu? (1962) / Dram, Gerilim
Ø  Yönetmen : Robert Aldrich / Oyuncular : Bette Davis, Joan Crawford, Victor Buono
 77.) Smultronstället - Yaban Çilekleri (1957) / Dram
Ø  Yönetmen : Ingmar Bergman / Oyuncular : Victor Sjöstrom, Bibi Andersson, Ingrid Thulin
 78.) Z (1969) / Dram, Tarihi
Ø  Yönetmen : Costa-Gavras / Oyuncular : Yves Montand, Jean-Louis Trintignant, Irène Papas
 79.) Serenity (2019) / Dram, Gerilim
Ø  Yönetmen : Steven Knight / Oyuncular : Matthew McConaughey, Anne Hathaway, Djimon Hounsou
 80.) The Game – Oyun (1997) / Gerilim
Ø  Yönetmen : David Fincher / Oyuncular : Michael Douglas, Sean Penn, Deborah Kara Unger
 81.) Equus - Kör Atlar (1977) / Dram, Psikolojik, Gerilim
Ø  Yönetmen : Sidney Lumet
 82.) Englar Alheimsins - Evrenin Melekleri (2000) /  Biyografi, Dram
Ø  Yönetmen : Friðrik Þór Friðriksson
 83.) The Official Story - Resmi Tarih (1985) /  Dram, Savaş
Ø  Yönetmeni : Luis Puenzo
 84.) The Duellists – Düellocu (1977) / Dram, Savaş
Ø  Yönetmeni : Ridley Scott
 1.) Barbarians
2.) The Punisher
3.) Band of Brothers
4.) The Pacific
5.) Tut
6.) The Long Road Home
15 notes · View notes
mysticalhearth · 4 years
Jagged Little Pill - Broadway - February, 2020 (StarCuffedJeans's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Elizabeth Stanley (Mary Jane Healy), Celia Gooding (Frankie Healy), Sean Allan Krill (Steve Healy), Derek Klena (Nick Healy), Ezra Menas (u/s Jo), Kathryn Gallagher (Bella), Antonio Cipriano (Phoenix), Logan Hart (Andrew Montefiore), Nora Schell (Pharmacist/Therapist), Kelsey Orem (s/w Jill/Teacher), Heather Lang (Courtney), Jane Bruce (Denise), Ebony Williams (Barista), Zach Hess (Drug Dealer), Max Kumangai (Doctor), Annelise Baker (Kelsey), John Cardoza, Kei Tsuruharatani, Kelsey Orem, Ken Wulf Clark, Nora Schell, Yeman Brown NOTES: Begins in the middle of the opening number. Clear picture and good sound throughout. Jagged Little Pill - Broadway - November, 2019 (Preview) (StarCuffedJeans's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Elizabeth Stanley (Mary Jane Healy), Celia Gooding (Frankie Healy), Sean Allan Krill (Steve Healy), Derek Klena (Nick Healy), Lauren Patten (Jo), Kathryn Gallagher (Bella), Antonio Cipriano (Phoenix), Logan Hart (Andrew Montefiore), Annelise Baker, Ebony Williams, Ezra Menas, Heather Lang, Jane Brusch, John Cardoza, Kei Tsuruharatani, Ken Wulf Clark, Laurel Harris, Logan Hart, Max Kumangai, Nora Schell NOTES: Stunning HD capture of the Alanis Morrisette musical in Broadway Previews. Filmed from the left orchestra with a mix of wides, mediums, and closeups. Fantastic performances all around with the action well-followed. Jekyll and Hyde - Broadway - December 19, 1999 (Major's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Joseph Mahowald (u/s Henry Jekyll/Edward Hyde), Coleen Sexton (u/s Lucy Harris), Christy Tarr (u/s Lisa/Emma Carew), Stuart Marland (u/s Gabriel John Utterson) Jekyll and Hyde - Broadway - 2000 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Rob Evan (Henry Jekyll/Edward Hyde), Coleen Sexton (Lucy Harris), Andrea Rivette (Lisa/Emma Carew), George Merritt (Gabriel John Utterson), Robert Jensen (Simon Stride), Corinne Melançon (Lady Beaconsfield), Martin Van Treuren (Lord Savage), Stuart Marland (General Lord Glossop), Bill E Dietrich (Sir Archibald Proops/Spider), David Chaney (Bisset) Jekyll and Hyde - Dortmund - October 18, 2019 (Rumpel's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: David Jakobs (Henry Jekyll/Edward Hyde), Bettina Mönch (Lucy Harris), Milica Jovanovic (Lisa/Emma Carew), Morgan Moody (Gabriel John Utterson), Tom Zahner (Sir Danvers Carew), Florian Sigmund (Simon Stride), Johanna Schoppe (Lady Beaconsfield), Mario Ahlborn (Bishop von Basingstoke), Georg Kirketerp (Lord Savage), Georg Kirketerp (General Lord Glossop), Jessica Troncha (Nellie) Jekyll and Hyde - Lancaster, Pennsylvania - 2020 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Randy Jeter (Henry Jekyll/Edward Hyde), Molly Grace B (Lucy Harris), Madison Paige Buck (Lisa/Emma Carew) NOTES: A special 90 minute version made with the collaboration of MTI and Wildhorn, streamed officially due to the novel Coronavirus. Jersey Boys - Las Vegas - December 22, 2007 FORMAT:  VOB (no smalls) (SD) CAST: Rick Faugno (Frankie Valli), Bryan McElroy (Tommy Devito), Jeff Leibow (Nick Massi), Andrew Rannells (Bob Gaudio), Joyce Chittick (Mary Delgado), Jonathan Hadley (Bob Crewe), Ken Krugman (Gyp De Carlo), Jonathan Gerard Rodriguez (Joey), Jason Martinez (Norm Waxman), Julia Krohn (Lorraine), Lauren Tartaglia (s/w Lorraine), Natalie Bradshaw (Francine), John Salvatore (Billy Dixon), Michael James Scott (Hal Miller), Kristofer McNeeley (Hank Majewski) NOTES: A little shaky at times, and a little obstruction from some heads downstage. Great energy from this cast, which became the original Las Vegas cast, from master. A- Jersey Boys - The Netherlands - 2013-, 2014 (Highlights) FORMAT:  MP4 (SD) CAST: Maarten Smeele (Frankie Valli), Martijn Vogel (Frankie Valli), René van Kooten (Tommy Devito), Robbert van den Bergh (Nick Massi), Dieter Spileers (Bob Gaudio) NOTES: Minimal highlights includes: Walk Like a Man (Martijn), Walk Like a Man (Maarten), Sherry (Maarten) and Big Girls don't Cry (Maarten). Jersey Boys - The Netherlands - July 27, 2014 (Closing Night) (Highlights) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Tim Driesen (Frankie Valli), René van Kooten (Tommy Devito), Robbert van den Bergh (Nick Massi), Dieter Spileers (Bob Gaudio), Barry Beijer (Bob Crewe), Hugo Haenen (Gyp De Carlo), Willemijn de Vries (Lorraine), Myrthe Maljers (Francine) NOTES: Highlights from the last show in The Netherlands. Highlights include Beggin, Bye Bye Baby, Cant take my eyes of you, Dawn, Oh what a night, Sherry, Working my way back to you. No good quality at all, heads in the way, sometimes focused on the heads )the obstruction ones' instead of the stage, no zoom at all Jesus Christ Superstar - 50th Anniversary Tour - February 18, 2020 (screechout's master) FORMAT:  MTS CAST: Aaron LaVigne (Jesus Christ), James Delisco Beeks (Judas Iscariot), Jenna Rubaii (Mary Magdalene), Tommy Sherlock (Pontius Pilate), Alvin Crawford (Caiaphas), Tyce Green (Annas), Paul Louis Lessard (King Herod), Eric A Lewis (Simon Zealotes), Tommy McDowell (Peter), Brian Golub, Brittany Rose Hammond, Chelsea Williams, David André, Erick Patrick, Garfield Hammonds, Jacob Lacopo, Jasmine Schmenk, Keirsten Nicole Hodgens, Pepe Nufrio, Sandyredd, Sara Andreas, Sarah Parker, Sheila Jones, Wesley Barnes NOTES: Some blurriness and washout, especially when not zoomed in, but mostly complete and unobstructed. Jesus Christ Superstar - Live In Concert (NBC) - April 1, 2018 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Jason Tam (Peter Patrone), John Legend (Jesus Christ), Brandon Victor Dixon (Judas Iscariot), Sara Bareilles (Mary Magdalene), Ben Daniels (Pontius Pilate), Norm Lewis (Caiaphas), Jin Ha (Annas), Alice Cooper (King Herod)
Jesus Christ Superstar - UK Arena Tour (2012) - 2012 (Pro-Shot's video master) Format: MP4(SD) CAST: Ben Forster (Jesus Christ), Tim Minchin (Judas Iscariot), Melanie C (Mary Magdalene), Alexander Hanson (Pontius Pilate), Pete Gallagher (Caiaphas), Gerard Bentall (Annas), Chris Moyles (King Herod), Giovanni Spano (Simon Zealotes) NOTES: Proshot of the UK Arena Tour at Arena Birmingham. It was broadcasted to cinemas worldwide on the 29th October and 1st November 2012 Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat - Los Angeles, California - February 16, 2002 (House-Cam's master) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Roger Befeler (Joseph), Eden Espinosa (Narrator), John LaLonde (Pharaoh), Matt Logan (Simeon), Jennifer Rias NOTES: Single camera house-cam recording Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat - Tecklenburg, Germany - 2014 FORMAT:  VOB (no smalls) (SD) CAST: Alexander Klaws (Joseph), Sandy Mölling (Narrator), Julian Looman (Pharaoh), Reinhard Brussmann (Jacob), Alexander Bellinkx (Reuben), Marco Herse Foti (Napthali), Thomas Hohler (Simeon), Andrew Hill (Levi), Sebastian Brandmeir (Gad), Jürgen Brehm (Issachar), Benjamin Witthoff (Asher), Jan Altenbockum (Dan), Florian Theiler (Zebulun), Sebastian Smulders (Judah), Cihan Demir (Benjamin), Sebastian Brandmeir (Butler), Jürgen Brehm (Baker), Juliane Bischoff (Mrs Potiphar), Benjamin Witthoff (Potiphar) Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat - The Netherlands - 2009 (Pro-Shot's master) FORMAT:  VOB (no smalls) (SD) CAST: Hein Gerrits (u/s Joseph), Renée van Wegberg (Narrator), Paul Walthuis (Pharaoh), Leo Hogeboom (Jacob), Robin van den Akker (Issachar), Mathijs Pater (Zebulun), Yves Adang (Benjamin) Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat - The Netherlands - March 4, 2009 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Freek Bartels (Joseph), Renée van Wegberg (Narrator), Leo Hogeboom (Jacob) NOTES: Recorded from the mezzanine. Restricted view due to some heads in the way and wandering by master. Wide shot on an angle. Audio is good. Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat - The Netherlands - April 14, 2009 (Highlights) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Freek Bartels (Joseph), Renée van Wegberg (Narrator), Leo Hogeboom (Jacob) NOTES: Good zooms but sometimes the camera is a bit unstable and there are some heads in the way. It's recorded between two seats so you cannot see the full stage. Unfortunately, it's only Act 1. Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat - The Netherlands - April 14, 2009 (Highlights) FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Freek Bartels (Joseph), Renée van Wegberg (Narrator), Leo Hogeboom (Jacob) NOTES: Good zooms but sometimes the camera is a bit unstable and there are some heads in the way. It's recorded between two seats so you cannot see the full stage. Unfortunately, it's only Act 1. Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat - The Netherlands - July 26, 2009
FORMAT: video CAST: Mathijs Pater (Joseph), Renée van Wegberg (Narrator), René van Kooten (Pharaoh), Leo Hogeboom (Jacob), Robin van den Akker (Issachar), Mathijs Pater (Zebulun), Yves Adang (Benjamin) NOTES: Recorded from the left balcony. Decent quality, decent audio. Some zooms but restricted. Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat - Vienna - June 17, 2000 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Hannes Muik (Joseph), Lucy Thoulds (Narrator), Uwe Kröger (Pharaoh), Peter Faerber (Jacob), Peter Faerber (Potiphar) Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat - Vienna - June 17, 2000 FORMAT:  VOB (with smalls) (SD) CAST: Hannes Muik (Joseph), Lucy Thoulds (Narrator), Uwe Kröger (Pharaoh), Peter Faerber (Jacob), Peter Faerber (Potiphar) & Juliet - Manchester Opera House - September 14, 2019 (Matinee) (Preview) (Highlights) (queenofthedead's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (SD) CAST: Miriam-Teak Lee (Juliet), Cassidy Janson (Anne Hathaway), Oliver Tompsett (William Shakespeare), Jordan Luke Gage (Romeo), Tim Mahendran (Francois), Arun Blair-Mangat (May), Melanie La Barrie (Nurse "Angelique"), David Bedella (Lance), Jocasta Almgill (Lady Capulet/Nell), Ivan de Freitas (Lord Capulet/Sly), Kirstie Skivington (Eleanor/Benvolio), Antoine Murray-Straughan (Augustine), Nathan Lorainey-Dineen (Gregory), Alex Tranter (Henry), Rhian Duncan (Imogen), Grace Mouat (Judith), Kieran Lai (Kempe), Danielle Fiamanya (Lucy), Dillon Scott-Lewis (Richard), Kerri Norville (Susanna) NOTES: This is PARTIAL. Only a few minutes are missing from act 1 but video ends mid-way through act 2. An hour and a half of footage split into 8 mp4 files. Minimal heads obstructing view, however has problems with focus and washout. This was the show’s 5th ever performance in Manchester. & Juliet - West End - January 2, 2020 (Matinee) (wheredidtherockgo's master) FORMAT:  AVI (SD) CAST: Miriam-Teak Lee (Juliet), Cassidy Janson (Anne Hathaway), Oliver Tompsett (William Shakespeare), Jordan Luke Gage (Romeo), Tim Mahendran (Francois), Arun Blair-Mangat (May), Melanie La Barrie (Nurse "Angelique"), David Bedella (Lance), Jocasta Almgill (Lady Capulet/Nell), Ivan de Freitas (Lord Capulet/Sly), Kirstie Skivington (Eleanor/Benvolio), Antoine Murray-Straughan (Augustine), Christopher Parkinson (s/w Fletcher), Nathan Lorainey-Dineen (Gregory), Sophie Usher (s/w Gwynne), Alex Tranter (Henry), Rhian Duncan (Imogen), Grace Mouat (Judith), Kieran Lai (Kempe), Kerri Norville (Susanna) NOTES: 28 files. I was seating next to a speaker so the sound isn't great especially during the songs. filmed with a spycam so not a good quality. Filmed blindly and I was holding the cam near my face so you can hear my ugly laugh. Date stamp wrong. & Juliet - West End - December, 2019 (queenofthedead's master) FORMAT:  AVI (SD) CAST: Miriam-Teak Lee (Juliet), Cassidy Janson (Anne Hathaway), Ivan de Freitas (u/s William Shakespeare), Jordan Luke Gage (Romeo), Tim Mahendran (Francois), Arun Blair-Mangat (May), Melanie La Barrie (Nurse "Angelique"), David Bedella (Lance), Jocasta Almgill (Lady Capulet/Nell), Christopher Parkinson (u/s Lord Capulet/Sly), Kirstie Skivington (Eleanor/Benvolio), Antoine Murray-Straughan (Augustine), Nathan Lorainey-Dineen (Gregory), Alex Tranter (Henry), Rhian Duncan (Imogen), Grace Mouat (Judith), Kieran Lai (Kempe), Danielle Fiamanya (Lucy), Dillon Scott-Lewis (Richard), Kerri Norville (Susanna) NOTES: Video occasionally has minor obstructions at the bottom of the screen but no action is missed. Doesn't include the ‘can’t stop this feeling’ finale. & Juliet - West End - February, 2020 (hitmewithyourbethshot's master) FORMAT:  MTS CAST: Grace Mouat (u/s Juliet), Cassidy Janson (Anne Hathaway), Oliver Tompsett (William Shakespeare), Jordan Luke Gage (Romeo), Tim Mahendran (Francois), Arun Blair-Mangat (May), Melanie La Barrie (Nurse "Angelique"), Ivan de Freitas (u/s Lance), Jocasta Almgill (Lady Capulet/Nell), Christopher Parkinson (s/w Lord Capulet/Sly), Kirstie Skivington (Eleanor/Benvolio), Antoine Murray-Straughan (Augustine), Sophie Usher (s/w Gwynne), Alex Tranter (Henry), Rhian Duncan (Imogen), Kieran Lai (Kempe), Danielle Fiamanya (Lucy), Dillon Scott-Lewis (Richard), Kerri Norville (Susanna), Josh Baker (s/w Thomas) & Juliet - West End - March, 2020 (queenofthedead's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (SD) CAST: Grace Mouat (u/s Juliet), Cassidy Janson (Anne Hathaway), Oliver Tompsett (William Shakespeare), Alex Tranter (u/s Romeo), Dillon Scott-Lewis (u/s Francois), Nathan Lorainey-Dineen (u/s May), Melanie La Barrie (Nurse "Angelique"), David Bedella (Lance), Jocasta Almgill (Lady Capulet/Nell), Ivan de Freitas (Lord Capulet/Sly), Antoine Murray-Straughan (Augustine), Billy Nevers (s/w Cuthbert), Sophie Usher (s/w Gwynne), Josh Baker (s/w Henry), Rhian Duncan (Imogen), Kieran Lai (Kempe), Kerri Norville (Susanna) NOTES: Lots of wide shots with some nice close-ups too. A good video for seeing the set and choreography. Grace has really grown into the role since her debut! & Juliet - West End - March, 2020 (2) (Highlights) (queenofthedead's master) FORMAT:  MP4 (HD) CAST: Miriam-Teak Lee (Juliet), Kirstie Skivington (u/s Anne Hathaway), Oliver Tompsett (William Shakespeare), Jordan Luke Gage (Romeo), Tim Mahendran (Francois), Arun Blair-Mangat (May), Melanie La Barrie (Nurse "Angelique"), David Bedella (Lance), Jocasta Almgill (Lady Capulet/Nell), Billy Nevers (s/w Lord Capulet/Cuthbert), Jaye Marshall (Margaret/Benvolio), Antoine Murray-Straughan (Augustine), Nathan Lorainey-Dineen (Gregory), Rhian Duncan (Imogen), Grace Mouat (Judith), Kieran Lai (Kempe), Danielle Fiamanya (Lucy), Kerri Norville (Susanna), Josh Baker (s/w Thomas) NOTES: 2.53GB in mp4 files/1:06:55 Notes: Mostly very obstructed but a fun cover show with Kirstie as Anne, Billy’s Debut as Lord Capulet, Josh as the bathroom attendant and Jaye as Benvolio. & Juliet - West End - November, 2019 (queenofthedead's master) FORMAT:  MTS CAST: Grace Mouat (u/s Juliet), Cassidy Janson (Anne Hathaway), Oliver Tompsett (William Shakespeare), Jordan Luke Gage (Romeo), Tim Mahendran (Francois), Arun Blair-Mangat (May), Melanie La Barrie (Nurse "Angelique"), David Bedella (Lance), Jocasta Almgill (Lady Capulet/Nell), Ivan de Freitas (Lord Capulet/Sly), Kirstie Skivington (Eleanor/Benvolio), Antoine Murray-Straughan (Augustine), Nathan Lorainey-Dineen (Gregory), Sophie Usher (s/w Gwynne), Alex Tranter (Henry), Rhian Duncan (Imogen), Kieran Lai (Kempe), Danielle Fiamanya (Lucy) NOTES: First video released of the show in London and Grace’s amazing Juliet debut! Sophie swings on in her track. Video wanders a little bit in the first 5 mins but then great. Not obstructed by any heads. Includes HQ bows. Nft until 1st april 2020 & Juliet - West End - November, 2019 (2) (hitmewithyourbethshot's master) FORMAT:  MTS CAST: Miriam-Teak Lee (Juliet), Cassidy Janson (Anne Hathaway), Oliver Tompsett (William Shakespeare), Jordan Luke Gage (Romeo), Tim Mahendran (Francois), Arun Blair-Mangat (May), Melanie La Barrie (Nurse "Angelique"), David Bedella (Lance), Jocasta Almgill (Lady Capulet/Nell), Ivan de Freitas (Lord Capulet/Sly), Kirstie Skivington (Eleanor/Benvolio), Antoine Murray-Straughan (Augustine), Nathan Lorainey-Dineen (Gregory), Sophie Usher (s/w Gwynne), Alex Tranter (Henry), Rhian Duncan (Imogen), Kieran Lai (Kempe), Danielle Fiamanya (Lucy), Dillon Scott-Lewis (Richard), Kerri Norville (Susanna)
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redsoxfantasycamp · 5 years
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
Day 1 of camp kicked off with a gorgeous sunrise, bacon cooking in the cafeteria, and Jim Corsi embracing his position as the court magistrate on the prowl for Kangaroo Court offenders. Campers, we are ALWAYS watching.  After TK gave the eager crowd some information on the lay of the land and the day’s schedule, they grabbed their bags, tied up their cleats, and headed out to practice in front of the 2020 Fantasy Camp Scouts.
Sweat dripped down the foreheads of batters taking swings in the cage. Dirt made its first appearance on the knees of campers practicing grounders in the field. He will deny it, but witnesses say they even saw Trot making his group do pushups for a every error. This is getting intense.
The coaches then raced to the draft room to get ready for the most anticipated moment of camp: selecting their team. Lenny and Dauber got into physical altercation during the first round, fighting over a player that they believed would bring their team to the Championship. It was painful to watch. Geddy kept his cool, picking up any player he could that had great baseball potential and a personality that showed grit, determination, but most important, heart. The Bombers team chemistry might just give them the upper edge and stamina when it comes to the end of the week. **Gamblers, this is a huge hint of where to put your money**
And that brings us to our teams:
Corsi’s Fireballers
Jim Corsi & Bill Mueller
Gedman’s Bombers
Rich Gedman & Rico Petrocelli
Lenny’s Legends
Lenny DiNardo & Oil Can Boyd
Nixon’s DirtDogs
Trot Nixon & Rich Gedman
Stanley’s Steamers
Bob Stanley & Steve Lyons
The Victors
Victor Rodriguez, Troy O’Leary, and Luis Tiant
After the campers’ teams were announced, some would say the vibe in the cafeteria was excited, nervous, and down right scared, to hit against some of the Pros, in particular Strike-Out City, Trot Nixon. The games started around 2:30pm, but sure did feel like it took a lifetime. Players jumped for joy as they made their way into the outfield sporting the Red Sox uniform.
After hours of dropped pop flies, errors on grounders, and strikeouts from swings and misses, the day concluded with the following results:
Corsi’s Fireballers fought with every ounce of energy to get the W, but fell short against the chemistry driven, Gedman Bomber’s (just like we predicted)
             Final Score: 9-10 Gedman’s Bombers
Nixon’s DirtDogs were able to rally in a competitive match-up against Lenny’s Legends. The Legends had a legendary home run to start the game, and oh boy did we see some fear in Trot’s eyes. Defensively, both teams had a stellar infield, scooping balls like we’ve never seen them scooped before at Fantasy Camp. The rookies came in HOT, ready to play in the Big Leagues. The DirtDogs dug it out in the 6th and 7th innings, scoring 4 runs after being tied 4-4, to win it. WHO LET THE DOGS OUT, who who who.
             Final Score: 8-5 Nixon’s DirtDogs
The reining Champs, The Victors, DID NOT disappoint. They steamrolled the Steamers to take home their first victory and point in the win column. Sorry Stanley, Victor is on a hot streak.  
             Final Score: 6-2 The Victor’s
After team pictures this morning, Day 2 of games will begin. Let’s hope we see less errors, more catches, and some hits that actually leave the infield. Check back in tomorrow morning to see the results!!
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hermes-whistle · 2 years
Wednesday, November 30th, 2022
Nick cartell-Jean Valjean 
Hayden Tee-Javert (Temporary Replacement)
Haley dortch- Fantine
Matt Crowle-Thénardier
Christina Rose Hall-Madame Thénardier
Hazel Vogel- little Cosette
Cora Jane Messer- Little Eponine
Christine Heesun Hwang- Eponine
Addie Morales- Cosette 
Gregory Lee Rodriguez-Marius 
Devin Archer-Enjorlas
Kyle Adams- Grantaire 
Gavroche- Harrison Fox
Look down
-It looks like Valjean was about to tussel with the other convict 
- javert has a very sassy walk, as he should 
- when he's giving him the ticket of leave they both hold onto it longer than someone straight would💅
-once the convicts and everyone leaves its only Jean and javert on the stage, javert glances at him and then leaves 
On parole/the bishop
-Jean stealing from petti garvis (which is later played Gavroche) was included it's when he says "the dirt beneath their feet" I believe 
-otherwise I don't really have much to say on parole most of the time it is the same so-
-bishop comes behind him like hey girly and touches him on the back, making Jean move away
-from what I had heard nick carnell doesn't usually go all out for the flIGHHHHHT, but he does now and it's high 
- when the bishop gives Jean the bag he pushed it away, only for the bishop to put it back in his hands 
Valjean soliloquy
-"my life was a war that could never be won" was yelled
- it was really fast at first and then got slow (that's what she sai-)
-he held up the ticket at "I am reaching but I fall"
-he sounded a bit like Jon robyns when he started as jvj
At then end of the day
-the transition into the factory women is really cool
-fantine is the tallest
-when fantine gets her letter she's standing away from the other girls but the male workers are walking past her, being snarky
-foreman goes over to her and starts pulling on her skirt
- ofc the gorls start fighting and Jean comes in and ZAMN THAT MAYOR FITTT
-fantine is still tall, taller than Jean but he was actually short to a lot of people
-when he leaves, he stops halfway up the stairs listening, which is at the same time she is talking about Cosette. Some foreshadowing it seems
- once fantine is thrown out she lays on the ground for a few moments, really letting it soak in with the audience as the factory women who read the letter went off stage laughing
I dreamed a dream
-beginning of the song she's sitting as if she's telling a story to someone, she keeps on having a sad smile
- she uses her hands a lot during the number
- "he took my childhood in his stride" was more sad than angry
- again as much as I loved the performance there wasn't a ton that stuck out to me this specific part since it's been performed so many times in similar ways
Lovely ladies
-the 3 men ofc come out with their parts while the rest of the stage is dark
-as soon as the prostitutes start singing the stage lights up on the staircase
-fantine has a green shawl now
- ima be honest I was trying to find the Cosette and ep actresses during this number so I wasn't paying that much attention to fantine at the beginning
-I love the prostitute with the hat and red dress, she's also the one that talks to fantine the most
- when fantine comes back with her hair chopped off, it's almost not that noticeable?? Maybe because I was sitting farther away but it looked like it was just in a bun (which probably wasn't the case since she had a lot of long hair and wouldn't of have been able to pull it back like that)
-the foreman is her first 'customer'
- they still kept it as the prostitutes singing the beginning of "Come on captain, did you wear your shoes?"
-fantine doesn't sing her part until "easy money"
Fantine's arrest
-Probably the fight that looked the fakest
-ima be honest again I was watching javert in the back because he came out on stage way to early and had to play it off
-Jean was hanging around in the back watching
- javert's baton skills are kinda 🏃‍♀️
-"this prostitute attacked me😧😧😧"
-javert tauntingly lifts fantine's chin with the baton while saying "save your breath, save your tears"
-when Jean is on the floor by fantine She is grabbing him per normal, she's honestly death gripping him
- the way they drag her off- they don't even bother lifting her anymore, they drag her by her arms off stage
Runaway cart
-before Jean lifts the cart he takes off his coat, looks around, sees javert, and then hesitates before lifting the cart up
- after that whole thing javert had picked up his coat and hat
-he helped Jean up after holding his hand for like 20 seconds
- javert continues to hold his hand until he gives him the coat
-then of course they had their whole gay conversion
- javert held onto jeans hat until "he couldn't run forever, no not even Jean Valjean" HE GAVE HIM THE HAT WHEN HE SAID JEAN VALJEAN IDK THE ATTENTION TO DETAIL, it's like he was addressing him as it too
Who am I
-Ngl I was focused on how fine he looked
- javert was at the court (which is probably normal but shh)
- nick was really good at holding his notes as jvj like okay pop off king
Come to me
-the bed is on the side of the stage
-fantine doesn't get out of bed anymore, she just sits up and reaches out
- "where the children play" and "see her when I wake" where very light and softly sung
-the light got brighter on her when Jean laid her down
-you could see javert in the shadows for his entrance
The confrontation
-The chain hit the floor when he says chaiiinnnn which was satisfying
-they where very in tune with each other, vocally and blocking wise
-to the point where when then turn their tailcoats kinda fly a little bit at the same time and it looks snazzy
- ofc Jean strangles javert with the chain for a few seconds which was a little sus
-javert was coughing and gasping while Jean was singing to fantine
-he got up very quickly then ran at him, he ended up running into his side back which I'm sure didn't feel good
-he actually lifted up Jean a little bit and I thought he was gonna KO his ass for some reason
-there wasn't any chair breaking either
-just Jean knocking javert out
Castle on a cloud
-little Cosette just💔
-she's just adorable and I feel bad for her
-you could hear her sweeping
-madame came in with a bucket and threw in down on the ground, making Cosette go back to taking the stools of the table
-eponine comes skipping in, she's standing on the table across from Cosette
- ep points at Cosette who was holding the bucket, Madame then says the line "still there Cosette??"
-Madame mocks Cosette when she says "Please do not send me out alone"
Master of the house
-Thénardier was laying on top of the inn set apparently, him sitting up was a shock💀
-I love the inn ladies
-there was so much happening
- Feathers came out of the 1820s version of a blender
-really loved the number but there was so much going on to the point where it's hard to remember
Waltz of Treachery
-Cosette is pulling her bucket, she accidentally tips it over and covers her face out of frustration
- I think nick becoming a father in real life really showed in his moments with Cosette
- he's got a very light voice while they are singing the la la la la laa
-when they get back to the inn Cosette was already hiding behind Jean
- madame came over and started trying to seduce him, causing him to pause and look at the audience looking completely done
- Jean had placed his bag by Cosette who was holding it while sitting
- Thénardier went over and dragged her by them, Jean instantly sat up straighter
- Thénardier picked her up at "if she hadn't so often been ill" , Cosette was literally straight as a plank. But then as they mentioned the medicine she went limp and put her hand over her head
-when Jean starts on his part after that he's on his knees singing to Cosette "Cosette shall have a father now"
-once they leave he gives her the doll and coat, she instantly hugs him, he hesitates but hugs her back
- then they did their little dance before men yelling came onto stage he quickly picked her up and left
Look down/Paris at your feet/the robbery
-everyone loved Gavroche
-Enjolras and marius run through the people, you can probably spot marius a mile away since he's t a l l
-they stand on these blocks now instead of the barricade looking things
-the set seemed very clustered
-eponine is watching marius from a distance
-she then goes up behind him, he turned around at the exact moment causing her to run into him
- marius seemed very nervous talking to her
- she took his book at "I know a lot of things I do" and trailed the book down his torso, he grabbed her arm after a few seconds
- she yEETED his book while he was in the middle of "I like the way you always- *book gets thrown* …tease"
- Cosette was giving to the poor women while Jean was off talking with someone else
-cosette was on the way back to Jean when marius ran into her
- marius helped Cosette up by taking her hands, he was gonna kiss her hand but let go when he saw Jean
-Jean walked with Cosette and he death glared at marius
-Cosette and Jean separated again to different sides of the stage
- once montrapzee ran up to Cosette with the knife marius pushed him away and got in front of her, she was very close behind him. God I just love how much of a simp he is
- javert came over to Valjean, helped him up as normal, then looked at him for a few seconds then let go
-Jean checked Cosette if she was hurt instantly then they ran off
-the way marius just 🧍‍♂️🧍‍♂️����‍♂️🧍‍♂️ in the background
-Marius eventually ran off, you could tell because he ain't quite at all
- Thénardier was smooching up to javert at "it was me who told you so😗"
-pretty scene overall
-stars personally is a pretty boring number to me I'm sorry
-still good vocals
Eponine's arron
-all of these sets are really pretty
-"what's become of me" sounded very pretty
-you can always tell when marius shows up by the sound alone
-eponine was giggling half way through the number due to that
-you could tell that they are besties though
Red and black
-Hottie enjolras
- Grantaire's hair is half up half down
- "marius your late🙄"
-marius is still the tallest of the cast
-i zoned out half of it on accident
- grant wrapped his arms around marius at "Is Marius in love at last?"
-enj was sitting on the table, clearly dealing with them
-when grant got up on the table and swing his bottle around for "here he comes in just like Don juan" he was air thrusting very close to the back of enjs head💀
- marius snatches the bottle, and grant jumps off, puts his hand ontop of enjs head as support to get down
-Grant and marius start acting like they are sword fighting
-when enj is thrown the bottle, grant runs into him and quickly backs up like whoops
-when marius goes up on the stairs for his part grant gets on the other table which made enj look over at him like 'seriously??'
- "Grantaire put tHE bottle down🙄🙄🙄🙄"
- Enj was very gentle with Gavroche, he lifted him in the air in front of him for a few seconds (like how Russell Crowe as javert did basically)
- Enj put up his arm when he sung "they'll Come when we call" I think it's just how he's able to hit the notes though since he did it 3 times
Do you hear the people sing
- the visuals are so pretty
-grant is holding Gavroches hand the whole time when they were in the back
-The one barricade boy who sings on top of the set that gets spinned around sounded really good
-enj wrapped his arm around grants shoulder for a few seconds during that
- when they start walking again Enj is either holding a gun or a flag I don't remember
-but grant and Gavroche are in the front following now
-during this ep and marius run out on stage, they talk, marius looks very concerned. Then he runs off only to come back 2 seconds later because he's confused and then ep drags him off
In my life
-God I love the lighting and THE SETS AGAIN
- Cosette runs in giggling
-"can people Reaaaallly fall in love this fast?" It sounds like she was asking the audience
- Addie has got to have the poofiest dresses for Cosette I've ever seen
-her dress is also more off the shoulder than how it usually is
- I love how it's more of Cosette just rambling
-Jean comes in through the gate then locks it again
-during one of her lines he booped her nose
- "in your eyes I am just like a child who is lost in the woods" for some reason I had thought the line was "I am still like a child" but I was wrong
-you can hear ep dragging marius again, they sound like a stampede, they hide behind the pillars that hold the gate
-after Jean and cosette go in marius runs out to the other side of the stage singing per usual
- "eponiNE your the friend who has brought me here :DD" they then hugged, lifted her up, and spin a little bit during that line which was cute cuz besties
- watching marius try to climb the gate-
- while singing 'there is someone who touches my life' he was sitting on top of the fence gate thing for dear life
-you could see Cosette's shadow in the window which was a little sus
-marius then gets down, grabs a rock and yeets it at her window
A heart full of love
-cosette opens the door and stands there like bro what are you doing here
-marius's voice cracked, Cosette went like 😟😃😀 and then went back in the house SLAMMING THE DOOR SHUT LOUDLY
- marius started having his crisis then when walked to the bottom door, Cosette came out at the same time almost running into him
- I think this is one of the cutest HFOL I have ever seen, they really did act in love unlike some other actors where it seems very forced
-once eponine comes out the lights get a bit dimmer on Cosette and marius
-ep looks over as they kissed
- both of them giggle and cosette pulls him off stage, making him nearly trip
The attack on rue plumet
-ep was blocking the main door most of the time
- Thénardier was holding onto Cosette's balcony railing, trying to get up there while saying his lines
- her threatening them was so girlypop
- the sound of marius running alone could scare the gang away (no I'm not gonna stop bringing this up)
-Cosette was very gentle helping eponine up
-they locked the gate on Cosette per normal
-again nick becoming a father irl really showed again
- Cosette was frantically looking around while making up the lie
- "Cosette my child what will become of you,,," sounded really dark or sad, I don't know how to describe it
-when Jean is going on his rant Cosette and marius now talk by the fence not the gate
One day more
-one slay more, another day another Yass queen
- ep on the right stage of the side by marius I think that's how it's always been tho
-Enj has the brightest spotlight, he does the whole show
-lowkey thought someone was gonna run into javert on accident
-jean now had a limp when he walked back on stage
-the way they sound at the end, chills
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mixed-verse · 5 years
[For Mobile Users] Compiled Info
(everything in the links is re-posted here!)
Season 2 Information
Here we go again...
“Here we go again…”
Welcome back to Mixedverse!
The previous server ended awhile back, but due to prolonged interest in the AU and people wanting to do more for it, we’ve rebooted it! It’s a bit different now, though.
When we began the last server, most people didn’t really understand how things worked or exactly what was happening. Our biggest misunderstanding was assuming that MV (Mirrorverse) characters were being brought into the NV (Normalverse) world, rather then them both being merged into a middle ground.
Although that is still our official lore for this AU, we decided for the RP server we would go along with it! So…
For our AU, it’s the opposite of that.
The characters from the NV world have been sucked into the MV world, while going about their business. All you have to do to get there is blink.
Other Changes:
The most important changes have been to the application and muse receiving processes.
Applications for the most part have stayed the same, however there’s a new concept called muse lock that we’re using.
There are short periods where muses are unlocked. You may claim characters, trade characters with other people, and whatever else you wish to do with them during this time. However..
When you are muse locked you may not claim any new characters or obtain new characters in anyway. The only thing that you can still do is drop muses, however they may not be replaced with a new one until the next time that muses are unlocked.
Well, what are the times that muses are unlocked? What does that mean for joining?
Sadly, another thing that we’re going to be including is that you can only join while muses are unlocked. However, we will be accepting applications at any time! They’ll just only be approved once new muses can be taken. This also gives us time to look over everything and make sure that everyone has a fair shot at getting the muses that they want.
We are currently accepting applications!
The next time muses will be unlocked: July 1st - 4th 2019 ---------------------------
Mixedverse AU Information
Welcome to Mixedverse
Two verses merge, they’re similar but the people that reside in them are.. very different.And no one knows who’s who.
“Two verses merge, they’re similar but the people that reside in them are.. very different. And no one knows who’s who.”
Welcome to the Mixedverse AU! It’s a Mirrorverse AU where MV characters and normal characters (Normalverse) have been introduced to a similar, middle-ground verse.
At first, they might not notice anything at first. Maybe they only run into people from the same verse at first- But then, they notice that one of their friends is actually COMPLETELY abnormal. Slowly but surely they’ll eventually realize that something is wrong.
This is a good opportunity to explore different types of relationships! As well as have a slightly over-arching plot over the entire story.
Mirrorverse Info
Mirrorverse is an AU that was inspired by the Spookyfish episode of South Park, where a mirrored version of Stan, Kyle, and Cartman came into the world. It’s most commonly known where it was represented in a Kyman fanfic, as well as artwork from sleepyeule. You do not need to have read this fic.
The basic premise is that the characters are.. well, mirrored. That doesn’t mean they’re complete opposites, but some of their most important traits are removed. The best example of this is with Cartman. Mirrorverse Cartman has his general horrible and selfishness removed- Which leaves him kind, empathetic, but he’s still pretty gullible and manipulative like he is normally.
[Note; if anyone is shying away from taking an MV character because they either don’t know how a character would act or haven’t done it before- I suggest taking a muse you normally wouldn’t do since they’re going to be mirrored. As well as, ask for help if you’re having trouble at all.]
Normalverse Info
Normalverse is a weird thing to call it, but it’s basically just the canon world! The characters are just as you know them, and there’s nothing too big to note.
(Tumblr is ran by Teal)
Rules for the Discord group!
1. Have common decency. I’d prefer not to have multiple rules just telling you to be a chill person and respect people. No harassment, bullying, shaming people, etc. Just be reasonable, you don’t have to get along with everyone or be completely unconditionally nice, obviously, but be civil!
2. If you’re uncomfortable, tell someone. This goes hand in hand with the first thing, but if you have drama going on with someone, if you’re being harassed, or if you have a problem with someone, tell a mod or the owner. They’re there for a reason: to help you!
3. Stay in character. Keep in character, there will be a bit more lee-way for Mirrorverse characters than for Normalverse characters since they’re up to interpretation. There will still be standards for them, though, and expectations for how they should act in a mirrored sense. Relationships shouldn’t be changed entirely and characters shouldn’t have sporadic personality changes.
4. Whatever’s in the show is okay. South Park uses slurs constantly, is generally inappropriate and gross, and if you’ve watched the show then you should expect this. I’m completely up for helping people feel more comfortable if they do have things that really upset them, but I’d like to make it clear that I want people to be comfortable using what’s been aired on public television.
5. Minors are allowed. We’re more selective when it comes to people that are underage, but we do allow them! There’s no NSFW allowed, and be aware that some of the people you might interact with could be under 18.
6. Roleplay etiquette. Basically, follow the basic, more well-known roleplaying rules. No god-modding, auto-hitting, mary sues, self-inserts, match post length, try to keep from really small posts if you’re doing literate RP.
7. IC =/= OOC. If a character says something mean to a character in a roleplay, that’s from a character to another character. It’s not to you personally, and those things should be entirely independent of each other.
8. Please be active. If you know you have issues with activity, which is perfectly fine, please inform someone and try to take a role that’s not going to require you to be there constantly. IE, someone playing Stan and only being here once a week could be a problem, but someone playing a character like Pip or a kinder would be completely acceptable.
9. No ship drama. Please, don’t force-ship, don’t shame people for certain ships, for liking things, for not liking things. Shipping is really subjective and some people are different. However, on that note, pedophilic and incestuous ships aren’t accepted in this server in any respect.
10. Characters can die. Muses can be seriously injured and even killed! If a muse is killed, they will never be brought back.
11. Joining? To join the Discord server, submit an application to this Tumblr using the application. If you know someone that’s already in the server, it’s generally easier to get in.
We are accepting applications at all times!
We will be approving applications and letting people join the server through July 1st - 4th 2019.
A list of all characters, available and unavailable.
[There are separate lists for Mirrorverse and Normalverse, scroll past the Normalverse list for the Mirrorverse one.]
Main boys:
Eric Cartman
Kyle Broflovski
Stan Marsh
Kenny McCormick
Butters Stotch
Craig’s group:
Craig Tucker
Clyde Donovan
Jimmy Valmer
Token Black
Tweek Tweak
Annie Knitts
Bebe Stevens
Ferrari (Raisins Girl)
Heidi Turner
Jenny Simon
Jessica Rodriguez
Leslie Meyers
Lexus Martin (Raisins Girl)
Lisa Berger
Mercedes (Raisins Girl)
Millie Larsen
Monica Ryland
Patty Nelson
Porsche (Raisins Girl)
Rebecca Cotswolds
Sally Darson
Tammy Warner
Wendy Testaburger
Henrietta Biggle
Pete Thelman
Vamp Kids:
Allison Mertz
Annie Bartlett
Katie “Bloodrayne” Gelson
Mike “Vampir” Makowski
Ryan Ellis
Conner Davis
Dave Harrison
Filmore Anderson
Ike Broflovski
Sally Bands
Other kids:
Baahir Hassan Abdul Hakeem
Bill Allen
Blanket Jefferson
Bradley (Cartman Sucks)
Bradley Biggle
Bridon Gueermo
Chris Donnely
Christophe Delorne
Corey Lanskin
Damien Thorn
David Rodriguez
Dogpoo Petuski
Douchebag (Stick of Truth)
Dougie (General Disarray)
Estella Havisham
Fosse McDonald
Gary Harrison
Gregory of Yardale
Herbert Pocket
Jessica Pinkerton
Josh Myers (TP Kid)
Karen McCormick
Kelly (Rainforest Schmainforest)
Kevin McCormick
Kevin Stoley
Kip Drordy
Kyle Schwartz
Larry Feegan
Mark Cotswolds
Pip Pirrup
Romper Stomper
Scott Malkinson
Scott Tenorman
Shelly Marsh
Terrance Mephesto
Thad Jarvis
Thomas (Le Petit Tourette)
Timmy Burch
Trent Boyett
Tricia “Ruby” Tucker
Main boys:
Eric Cartman
Kyle Broflovski
Stan Marsh
Kenny McCormick
Butters Stotch
Craig’s group:
Craig Tucker
Clyde Donovan
Jimmy Valmer
Token Black
Tweek Tweak
Annie Knitts
Bebe Stevens
Ferrari (Raisins Girl)
Heidi Turner
Jenny Simon
Jessica Rodriguez
Leslie Meyers
Lexus Martin (Raisins Girl)
Lisa Berger
Mercedes (Raisins Girl)
Millie Larsen
Monica Ryland
Patty Nelson
Porsche (Raisins Girl)
Rebecca Cotswolds
Sally Darson
Tammy Warner
Wendy Testaburger
Henrietta Biggle
Pete Thelman
Vamp Kids:
Allison Mertz
Annie Bartlett
Katie “Bloodrayne” Gelson
Mike “Vampir” Makowski
Ryan Ellis
Conner Davis
Dave Harrison
Filmore Anderson
Ike Broflovski
Sally Bands
Other kids:
Baahir Hassan Abdul Hakeem
Bill Allen
Blanket Jefferson
Bradley (Cartman Sucks)
Bradley Biggle
Bridon Gueermo
Chris Donnely
Christophe Delorne
Corey Lanskin
Damien Thorn
David Rodriguez
Dogpoo Petuski
Douchebag (Stick of Truth)
Dougie (General Disarray)
Estella Havisham
Fosse McDonald
Gary Harrison
Gregory of Yardale
Herbert Pocket
Jessica Pinkerton
Josh Myers (TP Kid)
Karen McCormick
Kelly (Rainforest Schmainforest)
Kevin McCormick
Kevin Stoley
Kip Drordy
Kyle Schwartz
Larry Feegan
Mark Cotswolds
Pip Pirrup
Romper Stomper
Scott Malkinson
Scott Tenorman
Shelly Marsh
Terrance Mephesto
Thad Jarvis
Thomas (Le Petit Tourette)
Timmy Burch
Trent Boyett
Tricia “Ruby” Tucker
Application: [OOC Info] Name: Age: Pronouns: Extra: [IC Info] Name: Verse: (Mirror or Normal) Age: [Main four are 17-18] Gender + Sexuality: Height: Appearance info: Extra: Personality: Headcanons: (Around 5 total) Roleplay sample: (Paragraph) [Don’t worry about formatting, formatting will be fixed after submission.]
(Use the submission option to send this!)
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tabloidtoc · 5 years
Star, April 15
Cover: Paris Jackson tells all 
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Page 1: Jennifer Lopez’s heartbreak -- Alex Rodriguez cheated with Zoe Gregory, aka Robbin Banx 
Page 2: Contents, Duchess Kate Middleton
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Page 4: Justin Bieber taking a break from making music to deal with his mental health issues 
Page 5: Brad Pitt tried to bond with Ad Astra costar Tommy Lee Jones but got the cold shoulder, Melissa McCarthy makes sure that her daughters with Ben Falcone have a normal upbringing without excess, Emilia Clarke is Game of Thrones costar Kit Harington’s sober coach
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Page 6: Courteney Cox’s private pain about the many IVF attempts and lost pregnancies she endured before she and ex-husband David Arquette had daughter Coco, inside Mariah Carey’s tantalizing tell-all, Spot the Stars -- Cuba Gooding Jr.,J. Cole, Matthew Morrison, Pharrell, Isla Fisher and Jay-Z and Tina Knowles and Angela Bassett and Sacha Baron Cohen, Tamron Hall and Carla Hall 
Page 7: Fame with A.J. Benza -- Amy Schumer is twisting the truth about her husband being on the autism spectrum to make her jokes work, Kanye West scamming celebs at his Sunday services, Kate Beckinsale deleted her Instagram account because of all of the mean Ariana Grande trolls who blame Kate for Ariana’s split from Pete Davidson 
Page 8: Star Shots -- Christie Brinkley and Ashley Graham, Jaimie Alexander on the set of Blindspot after tearing her ACL and MCL, Rachel Weisz and Daniel Craig with their baby daughter and Rachel’s son Henry
Page 9: Nicole Kidman and Noah Jupe on the set of The Undoing, Keri Russell 
Page 10: Hilary Duff and Matthew Koma and daughter Banks, Maya Rudolph at Disneyland, Elle Fanning soaking up the sun in Miami with a mystery man 
Page 12: Kids’ Choice Awards -- JoJo Siwa, Chris Pratt gets slimed, Jason Sudeikis 
Page 13: Joey King, Candace Cameron Bure and Jodie Sweetin, Jennifer Hudson, Will Smith 
Page 14: Nick and Kevin and Joe Jonas channeled Miami Vice while filming a music video, Lucy Hale shot scenes with costar Zane Holtz on the set of Katy Keene
Page 15: Jessie James Decker, Nicole Scherzinger 
Page 18: Fergie, Prince Charles
Page 19: Rita Ora, Julia Louis-Dreyfus, Kiefer Sutherland films a video for his new song Something You Love 
Page 20: Normal or Not? Kathie Lee Gifford and Hoda Kotb, Molly Sims 
Page 21: Arnold Schwarzenegger,  Natalie Portman and daughter Amalia, Denise Richards 
Page 22: Fashion -- Best of the Week -- Lupita Nyong’o 
Page 24: Hot Sheet 
Page 26: Jenna Dewan and Steve Kazee ready to marry 
Page 28: Rosie O’Donnell upset Elisabeth Hasselbeck when she confessed she had a crush on her, Alanis Morissette’s surprise pregnancy at age 44, Love Bites -- Christina Anstead is expecting her first child with husband Ant Anstead, Nikki Bella and Artem Chigvintsev are dating, Rob Kardashian and ex Blac Chyna have a wonderful relationship, Daphne Oz is expecting a girl, Sophie Turner admitted she’s experimented with women 
Page 30: Cover Story -- Paris Jackson -- my side of the story 
Page 34: Lori Loughlin and Felicity Huffman will cash in on being busted in the college admissions scandal with a television special 
Page 36: Wendy Williams’ dark past 
Page 38: What celeb’s go-to selfies say about them -- Ariana Grande, Kylie Jenner, Darren Criss 
Page 39: Lea Michele, Nick Jonas, Demi Lovato, Zac Efron 
Page 40: Burning Questions -- For the first time in WWE history the main event at WrestleMania 35 will be a women’s match, Mel B admits to a tryst with Geri Halliwell
Page 41: Cardi B admitted to robbing men, Phaedra Parks’ ex husband Apollo Nida is getting out of jail a year early, Martha Stewart and Snoop Dogg reenact Titanic’s iconic flying scene to promote the upcoming season of Martha & Snoop’s Potluck Party Challenge 
Page 42: Wicked Whispers -- Kathie Lee Gifford is in a pit of despair, home sellers caught Scott Disick slamming the family’s cherished framed photographs and art work while touring their multimillion-dollar Calabasas mansion, Vanessa Lachey, Mandy Moore, Lady Gaga sang Madonna songs at a karaoke marathon at a pal’s exclusive Hollywood Hills bash 
Page 43: Sharon Osbourne orders industrial-cleaning pros to her mansion at least 3 times a week because her husband Ozzy Osbourne leaves the place a heavy-duty disaster, Blind Item 
Page 44: Double Takes -- Karlie Kloss vs. Romee Strijd 
Page 45: Melissa Saint-Amand vs. Rumer Willis 
Page 46: Style -- rain wear -- Yara Shahidi 
Page 48: Karlie Kloss 
Page 52: Entertainment -- Double Shot at Love with DJ Pauly D and Vinny 
Page 53: 2019′s Sharon Tate and Manson movies, Q&A with Erika Girardi of RHOBH 
Page 62: Parting Shot -- Mandy Moore’s star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame ceremony with Sterling K. Brown and Justin Hartley 
15 notes · View notes
inappropriatestork · 2 years
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Finally got to see Les Mis live again after almost 10 years. And since my memory is terrible nowadays and I barely remember those shows other than what I recorded on Tumblr, I figured I better do so again, LOL.
The anticipation dramatically rekindled my Les Mis obsession. I watched the 25th and the Staged Concert versions again about 5 times each in the span of a week and a half or so, developed a bit of a new Thing for Javert in general and Michael Ball's Javert in particular, abruptly became a Valjean/Javert shipper, dove into Les Mis fic (I'd read a few E/R things here and there but not a lot), and decided to give The Brick another try (the new Donougher translation this time, which I've really enjoyed - especially with helpful historical and cultural footnotes on Kindle - though I've gotten a bit stuck at Waterloo again).
Anyway, this was by far the best of the three times I've now seen it live. The first time, in 2012, I had an unsatisfying understudy playing Valjean. The second time, in 2013, the cast was mostly great but there were some technical glitches. This time was more or less perfect and the cast was amazing.
And yes, I painted my nails to match the program.
Loooong rambling review/notes/thoughts, mainly for Future Me, below the cut.
It was opening night in Charlotte, January 31 with my mom and Jeff, and I think we had the full cast with no understudies or anything.
Nick Cartell as Valjean, Preston Truman Boyd as Javert, Haley Dortch as Fantine, Christine Heesun Hwang as Eponine, Devin Archer as Enjolras, Gregory Lee Rodriguez as Marius, Addie Morales as Cosette, Kyle Adams as Grantaire, Matt Crowle and Christina Rose Hall as the Thenardiers.
Looking at their headshots beforehand I wondered if Nick Cartell and Preston Truman Boyd weren't a bit young for the roles, but they were fantastic.
Cartell's voice was a little higher and lighter at times than some Valjeans, but also a bit deeper at others, and he held his own in duets with Javert. His Bring Him Home was gorgeous and his Finale was beautifully emotional and moving. Boyd was perfect as Javert. Powerful voice but still a lot of feeling and emotion.
Haley Dortch as Fantine was wonderful but a little soft and quiet at times. When she put some volume into it, like on I Dreamed A Dream, she was great, but some of her factory bits and deathbed bits were a little too soft and hard to hear. Addie Morales had a beautiful clear soprano as Cosette, and Christine Heesun Hwang was amazing as Eponine.
I thought Gregory Lee Rodriguez as Marius was perfectly good for most of the show but then his Empty Chairs at Empty Tables was absolutely showstopping, maybe the best I've ever heard.
All of Les Amis were good, and Harrison Fox as Gavroche. Devin Archer especially was extremely good as Enjolras. I feel like in the other live shows I've seen Enjolras didn't have a lot of interaction with Grantaire or anyone else outside of specific lines that require it, really? This one had a bit more humanity and feeling to him and I really liked him. Kyle Adams as Grantaire was also excellent, even apart from Grantaire's relatively few lines, his mannerisms and acting were spot on and compelling - cynical and mocking, knowing what's coming and scared for his friends, heartbroken as they begin to fall, starting with Gavroche.
The Thenardiers were pretty good, maybe a little more exaggerated and broad humor than some I've seen, and M. Thenardier's voice seemed a bit obviously a put on funny/evil caricature sort of voice? IDK, I've never heard his natural voice, but this seemed more obviously fake and cartoony than most, sometimes kind of tilting toward Billy Crystal as Miracle Max?
I also thought he played Dog Eats Dog much too funny. I kind of feel like that scene should lean more into the sinister aspect of Thenardier, which Matt Lucas does very well. This one played it a good bit lighter and sillier with his mannerisms and tone, which kind of made the dark lyrics about God being dead and the harvest moon feel a bit out of place and less impactful. I feel like Master of the House should be his sort of genial host persona, even if he's humorously admitting to being a scheming crook at the same time, but Dog Eats Dog (and the robberies) should be more a brief glimpse of his real sinister and base nature without the veneer of humor, what he truly is when there's no one to fawn and flatter and manipulate - and then by Beggars At the Feast he's back to scheming and flattering, craven and vulgar but the darker side hidden away again.
Other stuff:
I'm not sure how much the staging changed since I last saw it live? The souvenir program says the visuals and scenery were revamped in 2009, and a lot of that looked the same, though I think the Paris and barricade sets were a bit different?
I think the opening and Look Down were a little different from what I've seen before. And I've definitely never seen a version that included some extra scenes of Valjean being abused and driven away by the townspeople after his release and before meeting the Bishop. There was even an extra verse about the Mark of Cain? that I had definitely never heard before at all. It was a nice addition, though.
The Fantine scenes were good and about the same as I've seen, I think. One slightly jarring note was the American-ness that showed through in a few parts. I guess I'm just used to British versions, but Mme Thenardier had a very sort of brash American accent, and the factory foreman sang "sitting flat on your ass doesn't buy any bread," which just seemed glaringly out of place? Like I could buy "arse," maybe, but "ass" just seems jarringly American and modern. I kept thinking about the Fry & Laurie "American Ass" sketch.
I'm pretty sure the staging of Lovely Ladies was a good bit different than I remember. One of the whores also had a verse I've never heard in Lovely Ladies, something about "will the bleeding ever stop?" And instead of Fantine singing "Come on, Captain, you can wear your shoes - don't it make a a change to have a girl that can't refuse?" they changed it to "did you wear your shoes?" and had the other whores sing those lines when Fantine came back after her first time with a customer. Which seemed a slightly odd decision to me, I always thought Fantine bitterly singing those lines was pretty central to showing that she's accepted her lot and how far she's fallen as she joins the fallen women.
There's a few other bits that I'm not super familiar with as they're not in the recorded versions I know best - Valjean's lines to Cosette just after they've left the Thenardiers', Grantaire's "fleas will bite" part, Cosette's "you are loving and gentle and good"/"in your eyes I am just like a child who is lost in a wood" verse of In My Life - but I had at least some familiarity with them. I'm still quite sure I'd never heard Valjean's Mark of Cain verse or the one in Lovely Ladies before at all.
I'm not sure if Who Am I? was a bit different from the other times I've seen it in person too. In the recorded versions I've seen most, they mostly skip Valjean actually going to court and revealing himself. I only recently saw a recording of a London version that had the end of Who Am I? in the courtroom and Valjean opening his shirt to show his brand, and it was new to me, so I don't think the previous versions I've seen did it that way? I like this version of it, though.
(ETA: Found the playbill and program from the 2012 show and it does have a Champmathieu - normally played by the guy who ended up as my disappointing Valjean that night instead - in the credits, so perhaps it did have a court scene and I've just forgotten ever seeing it 🤷‍♀️ Goodness knows what else I've forgotten, lol.)
I'm not sure about Enjolras' verse admitting the people have not risen and telling the women and fathers to leave the barricade to not waste lives - it was unfamiliar enough that I was startled by it, but I think I might have at least heard of it or read the lyrics or something at some point but mostly forgot about it? It still surprised me. I also feel like the others I've seen must have had some form of the runaway cart scene, but I'm quite sure never as in depth as this one? Usually just more suggested or glossed over quite quickly, I feel like. Here we had Valjean asking around desperately trying to get the townspeople to help (more like the book) before doing it himself and Fauchelevant thanking him afterward, which I haven't seen before.
I definitely liked Les Amis (and the bits of E/R content) more in this version than past ones. If I remember right (and judging by my notes) the other versions had only the bare minimum of Enjolras & Grantaire interaction, and Grantaire mainly interacted with Gavroche? This version kept the Gavroche & Grantaire bond, which I rather like, but did have a fair bit of E/R too. Early on in the cafe, Enjolras sort of grabbed Grantaire while he sang "don't let the wine go to your brain." and in Drink With Me, Enjolras was up on the barricade looking all statuesque and dramatically lit when Grantaire began his verse, but he quickly came down and stopped the others from bothering Grantaire, looked into his eyes for a long moment, and clasped Grantaire's arms in a somewhat comforting way for a moment, at least.
This Grantaire was not very comforted, though - he turned away and sort of staggered miserably off to the corner of the room and hid his face in his arms against the wall until Gavroche ran and threw his arms around him. Enjolras looked after him for a moment, but didn't follow. I really liked this Grantaire, he was very mocking and sarcastic early on, then pretty wretchedly angry and scared and bitter knowing what was coming for his friends and Enjolras, and showed all of that even in his manner and gestures when he didn't have lines. On the barricade he hung around the fringes, hanging back when the others had all climbed up. He was the one to stay and watch the captive Javert during the first battle and clearly wasn't in any hurry to join in. It was subtle enough that if you didn't know the characters you probably wouldn't catch much of the nuance, but if you do and you were making a point to watch Grantaire especially, he was absolutely perfect.
And then when Gavroche died! Apparently the other versions I've seen, his death was off-stage. Here he'd climbed down behind the barricade out of sight and Les Amis and Grantaire all panicked when there was a shot but cheered when he turned out to be fine. He'd climbed back up the barricade and was standing at the top finishing Little People when he was shot and fell forward across Enjolras' lap. And gah, the way they all reacted, but especially the tender sorrow of Enjolras picking up his body and the sad, lingering touch as he handed him down to Grantaire. And then Grantaire carried him to the front of the stage and just sat bowed over him for a good long time. I also liked how after everything was over, Javert stopped and looked sadly at Gavroche's body, bowed his head and crossed himself (I can't remember exactly where but earlier in the Paris street scenes there was a quick, cute little sassy interaction between Gavroche and Javert at one point, too.)
I wasn't expecting the Grantaire & Gavroche relationship the first time I saw it live, being mostly familiar with the 25th and YouTube clips of older versions, but I like it (though I prefer they don't make that Grantaire's *only* real interactions, which I think the first versions I saw live kind of did). It gives Grantaire a little more softness and humanity. This version had a cute moment, I think maybe during Red & Black? where Gavroche, feeling like one of the grown up rebels, is enthusiastically swallowed up in a crowd of most of Les Amis singing fervently about rebellion and stuff, and Grantaire, who has kept his distance from the passionate crowd, sort of sighs, walks over, reaches into the crowd and extracts Gavroche at arms length and pulls him away. I thought it was sort of a sweet moment of Grantaire not wanting Gavroche to get so enthusiastically swept up and involved in this adult (albeit young) rebellion that he's quite sure is doomed.
(Another minor Gavroche bit - after Eponine died, he was standing next to Grantaire and turned his face into Grantaire, who hugged him for a bit. Then Gavroche went and hugged Marius for a long moment and then picked up Eponine's fallen hat after she'd been carried away and handed it to Marius. The show usually doesn't acknowledge him being Eponine's brother, but it was a nice little touch.)
I really wish I'd followed the final barricade death scene better. I'm seeing it again in March, so will pay closer attention to that. It's quite dark and strobey, so that makes it harder to follow, but it seemed like Grantaire kept trying, at the very end as his friends began to fall, to climb the barricade at last, maybe toward Enjolras, but never made it all the way? It's not quite "will you permit it?" but if I was reading (and am remembering) it right, at least it's a sort of nod to Grantaire still being willing to die with his friends and Enjolras in particular even if he can't truly embrace their cause.
While I'm on a shippy note, I have recently found myself enthusiastically on board the Valjean/Javert ship (IDK how I wasn't before, tbh, but I blame Michael Ball for giving me a new appreciation for Javert that I never quite got from Norm Lewis) and there were some good moments for them too. I'm so used to recorded concert versions with minimal acting, so it's always nice to actually see stuff. And this Valjean and Javert had pretty good chemistry, quite a lot of physicality, pushing each other around and grappling and a lot of long tense eye-contact. Especially after saving Fauchelevant, if I remember right Javert ended up holding Valjean's coat when he went to lift the cart? And there was some lingering eye contact as Valjean cleaned up and put his coat back on. And it might have been there or some other scene around that time, Javert holding onto Valjean, like they shook hands or maybe Javert was handing him his coat and kind of grabbed him and lingered for a moment while singing the "I have only known one other" stuff? Something like that, anyway, and I enjoyed it.
Boyd did a great Javert's Soliloquy, enough convincing fury and despair and agony. Some Javerts don't put enough emotion and absolute end-of-his-rope despair into it for my liking, but his was excellent. And as I mentioned, Gregory Lee Rodriguez was very good as Marius in general - even a few humorous touches I hadn't seen before when he's in the throes of awkward infatuation with Cosette - but then his Empty Chairs at Empty Tables blew me away, both the voice and the emotion.
The staging of the finale bugged me a little. I did like that once Valjean joined the company for DYHTPS, the Bishop stepped forward and hugged him in welcome - I've seen that in other versions but never live. But it drove me nuts that from the "take my hand" line on, well into the DYHTPS reprise, Marius and Cosette were just sitting at center stage holding each other sadly, which felt a bit distracting? Valjean was a bit off to one side, but it would have felt more fitting to me to have him at center stage and let Cosette and Marius move off to the side to comfort each other. It's not their moment! And then they stayed sitting there when the rest of the cast was gathered singing the closing lines, which still felt a bit off. I think they finally got up and joined the company on the very last line or two? Meh.That staging bothered me a bit.
That scene, especially once it gets to "take my hand" and he's actually dying, should be entirely Valjean's moment. Fantine and Eponine too for the gorgeous harmony, but Valjean and "to love another person is to see the face of God" should absolutely be the focal point. And then the DYHTPS finale should be about unity, everyone together. So it just seemed weird to have them just sitting around in the middle of the stage for so much of that transcendent ending.
(Very on brand for Marius though, that boy can never read a room. Always making him and his love life center stage when everyone else is busy with serious things like dying.)
Overall, though, it's definitely the best of the three times I've seen it live. Really no significant complaints about the cast or anything at all, other than fairly minor nitpicking. I loved it and was just in heaven from start to finish. I'm seeing it again in March with my friend and I already can't wait.
My mom, who has seen the movie long ago but isn't super familiar with the story, said she found it a little hard to follow a few bits (at least from our upper level seats, though I did bring my binoculars). It took her a while to realize that M. Madeleine was actually Valjean, as he looked quite different between leaving the Bishop and showing up there, and she didn't realize who Javert was on the barricade until he'd gone and returned and Gavroche called him out. The musical also doesn't really mention Valjean's having been famous on the chain gang for his strength, which makes it not super clear why the runaway cart scene makes Javert suspicious. But overall both she and my brother loved it too, though not quite as rabidly as I did, lol.
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smashpages · 5 years
2019 Eisner Award nominees announced
The nominees for the 2019 Will Eisner Comic Industry Awards have been announced by Comic-Con International. Image Comics received the most nominations with 19, while DC Comics received 17 nominations (not including the “shared” categories, like colorists who work for multiple companies).
On the creator end, Tom King received the most nominations with six, followed by Alex de Campi and Jeff Lemire with four. Also, if you’re of the betting persuasion, here’s a tip: put your money on an Image series walking away with the Best New Series Eisner.
The announcement follows the list of nominees for the Will Eisner Hall of Fame, which was released in January. The awards will be announced in July at Comic-Con International in San Diego. Check out the complete list of nominees below.
Best Short Story
“Get Naked in Barcelona,” by Steven T. Seagle and Emei Olivia Burrell, in Get Naked (Image)
“The Ghastlygun Tinies,” by Matt Cohen and Marc Palm, in MAD magazine #4 (DC)
“Here I Am,” by Shaun Tan, in I Feel Machine (SelfMadeHero)
“Life During Interesting Times,” by Mike Dawson (The Nib), https://thenib.com/greatest-generation-interesting-times
“Supply Chains,” by Peter and Maria Hoey, in Coin-Op #7 (Coin-Op Books)
“The Talk of the Saints,” by Tom King and Jason Fabok, in Swamp Thing Winter Special (DC)
Best Single Issue/One-Shot
Beneath the Dead Oak Tree, by Emily Carroll (ShortBox)
Black Hammer: Cthu-Louise, by Jeff Lemire and Emi Lenox (Dark Horse)
No Better Words, by Carolyn Nowak (Silver Sprocket)
Peter Parker: The Spectacular Spider-Man #310, by Chip Zdarsky (Marvel)
The Terrible Elisabeth Dumn Against the Devils In Suits, by Arabson, translated by James Robinson (IHQ Studio/ Image)
Best Continuing Series
Batman, by Tom King et al. (DC)
Black Hammer: Age of Doom, by Jeff Lemire, Dean Ormston, and Rich Tommaso (Dark Horse)
Gasolina, by Sean Mackiewicz and Niko Walter (Skybound/Image)
Giant Days, by John Allison, Max Sarin, and Julaa Madrigal (BOOM! Box)
The Immortal Hulk, by Al Ewing, Joe Bennett, and Ruy José (Marvel)
Runaways, by Rainbow Rowell and Kris Anka (Marvel)
Best Limited Series
Batman: White Knight, by Sean Murphy (DC)
Eternity Girl, by Magdalene Visaggio and Sonny Liew (Vertigo/DC)
Exit Stage Left: The Snagglepuss Chronicles, by Mark Russell, Mike Feehan, and Mark Morales (DC)
Mister Miracle, by Tom King and Mitch Gerads (DC)
X-Men: Grand Design: Second Genesis, by Ed Piskor (Marvel)
Best New Series
Bitter Root, by David Walker, Chuck Brown, and Sanford Green (Image)
Crowded, by Christopher Sebela, Ro Stein, and Ted Brandt (Image)
Gideon Falls, by Jeff Lemire and Andrea Sorrentino (Image)
Isola, by Brenden Fletcher and Karl Kerschl (Image)
Man-Eaters, by Chelsea Cain and Kate Niemczyk (Image)
Skyward, by Joe Henderson and Lee Garbett (Image)
Best Publication for Early Readers (up to age 8)
Johnny Boo and the Ice Cream Computer, by James Kochalka (Top Shelf/IDW)
Petals, by Gustavo Borges (KaBOOM!)
Peter & Ernesto: A Tale of Two Sloths, by Graham Annable (First Second)
This Is a Taco! By Andrew Cangelose and Josh Shipley (CubHouse/Lion Forge)
Tiger Vs. Nightmare, by Emily Tetri (First Second)
Best Publication for Kids (ages 9–12)
Aquicorn Cove, by Katie O’Neill (Oni)
Be Prepared, by Vera Brosgol (First Second)
The Cardboard Kingdom, by Chad Sell (Knopf/Random House Children’s Books)
Crush, by Svetlana Chmakova (JY/Yen Press)
The Divided Earth, by Faith Erin Hicks (First Second)
Best Publication for Teens (ages 13–17)
All Summer Long, by Hope Larson (Farrar Straus Giroux)
Gumballs, by Erin Nations (Top Shelf/IDW)
Middlewest, by Skottie Young and Jorge Corona (Image)
Norroway, Book 1: The Black Bull of Norroway, by Cat Seaton and Kit Seaton (Image)
The Prince and the Dressmaker, by Jen Wang (First Second)
Watersnakes, by Tony Sandoval, translated by Lucas Marangon (Magnetic/Lion Forge)
Best Humor Publication
Get Naked, by Steven T. Seagle et al. (Image)
Giant Days, by John Allison, Max Sarin, and Julia Madrigal (BOOM! Box)
MAD magazine, edited by Bill Morrison (DC)
A Perfect Failure: Fanta Bukowski 3, by Noah Van Sciver (Fantagraphics)
Woman World, by Aminder Dhaliwal (Drawn & Quarterly)
Best Anthology
Femme Magnifique: 50 Magnificent Women Who Changed the World, edited by Shelly Bond (Black Crown/IDW)
Puerto Rico Strong, edited by Marco Lopez, Desiree Rodriguez, Hazel Newlevant, Derek Ruiz, and Neil Schwartz (Lion Forge)
Twisted Romance, edited by Alex de Campi (Image)
Where We Live: A Benefit for the Survivors in Las Vegas, edited by Will Dennis, curated by J. H. Williams III and Wendy Wright-Williams (Image)
Best Reality-Based Work
All the Answers: A Graphic Memoir, by Michael Kupperman (Gallery 13)
All the Sad Songs, by Summer Pierre (Retrofit/Big Planet)
Is This Guy For Real? The Unbelievable Andy Kaufman, by Box Brown (First Second)
Monk! by Youssef Daoudi (First Second)
One Dirty Tree, by Noah Van Sciver (Uncivilized Books)
Best Graphic Album—New
Bad Girls, by Alex de Campi and Victor Santos (Gallery 13)
Come Again, by Nate Powell (Top Shelf/IDW)
Green Lantern: Earth One Vol. 1, by Corinna Bechko and Gabriel Hardman (DC)
Homunculus, by Joe Sparrow (ShortBox)
My Heroes Have Always Been Junkies, by Ed Brubaker and Sean Phillips (Image)
Sabrina, by Nick Drnaso (Drawn & Quarterly)
Best Graphic Album—Reprint
Berlin, by Jason Lutes (Drawn & Quarterly)
Girl Town, by Carolyn Nowak (Top Shelf/IDW)
Upgrade Soul, by Ezra Claytan Daniels (Lion Forge)
The Vision hardcover, by Tom King, Gabriel Hernandez Walta, and Michael Walsh (Marvel)
Young Frances, by Hartley Lin (AdHouse Books)
Best Adaptation from Another Medium
Anne Frank’s Diary: The Graphic Adaptation, adapted by Ari Folman and David Polonsky (Pantheon)
“Frankenstein” by Mary Shelley, in Frankenstein: Junji Ito Story Collection, adapted by Junji Ito, translated by Jocelyne Allen (VIZ Media)
Out in the Open by Jesús Carraso, adapted by Javi Rey, translated by Lawrence Schimel (SelfMadeHero)
Speak: The Graphic Novel, by Laurie Halse Anderson and Emily Carroll (Farrar Straus Giroux)
To Build a Fire: Based on Jack London’s Classic Story, by Chabouté (Gallery 13)
Best U.S. Edition of International Material
About Betty’s Boob, by Vero Cazot and Julie Rocheleau, translated by Edward Gauvin (Archaia/BOOM!)
Brazen: Rebel Ladies Who Rocked the World, by Pénélope Bagieu (First Second)
Herakles Book 1, by Edouard Cour, translated by Jeremy Melloul (Magnetic/Lion Forge)
Niourk, by Stefan Wul and Olivier Vatine, translated by Brandon Kander and Diana Schutz (Dark Horse)
A Sea of Love, by Wilfrid Lupano and Grégory Panaccione (Magnetic/Lion Forge)
Best U.S. Edition of International Material—Asia
Abara: Complete Deluxe Edition, by Tsutomu Nihei, translated by Sheldon Drzka (VIZ Media)
Dead Dead Demon’s Dededede Destruction, by Inio Asano, translated by John Werry (VIZ Media)
Laid-Back Camp, by Afro, translated by Amber Tamosaitis (Yen Press)
My Beijing: Four Stories of Everyday Wonder, by Nie Jun, translated by Edward Gauvin (Graphic Universe/Lerner)
Tokyo Tarareba Girls, by Akiko Higashimura (Kodansha)
Best Archival Collection/Project—Strips
Pogo, vol. 5: Out of This World At Home, by Walt Kelly, edited by Mark Evanier and Eric Reynolds (Fantagraphics)
Sky Masters of the Space Force: The Complete Sunday Strips in Color (1959–1960), by Jack Kirby, Wally Wood et al., edited by Ferran Delgado (Amigo Comics)
Star Wars: Classic Newspaper Strips, vol. 3, by Archie Goodwin and Al Williamson, edited by Dean Mullaney (Library of American Comics/IDW)
The Temple of Silence: Forgotten Words and Worlds of Herbert Crowley, by Justin Duerr (Beehive Books
Thimble Theatre and the Pre-Popeye Comics of E. C. Segar, edited by Peter Maresca (Sunday Press)
Best Archival Collection/Project—Comic Books
Action Comics: 80 Years of Superman Deluxe Edition, edited by Paul Levitz (DC)
Bill Sienkiewicz’s Mutants and Moon Knights… And Assassins… Artifact Edition, edited by Scott Dunbier (IDW)
Dirty Plotte: The Complete Julie Doucet (Drawn & Quarterly)
Madman Quarter Century Shindig, by Mike Allred, edited by Chris Ryall (IDW)
Terry Moore’s Strangers in Paradise Gallery Edition, edited by Joseph Melchior and Bob Chapman (Abstract Studio/Graphitti Designs)
Will Eisner’s A Contract with God: Curator’s Collection, edited by John Lind (Kitchen Sink/Dark Horse)
Best Writer
Alex de Campi, Bad Girls (Gallery 13); Twisted Romance (Image)
Tom King, Batman, Mister Miracle, Heroes in Crisis, Swamp Thing Winter Special (DC)
Jeff Lemire, Black Hammer: Age of Doom, Doctor Star & the Kingdom of Lost Tomorrows, Quantum Age (Dark Horse); Descender, Gideon Falls, Royal City (Image)
Mark Russell, Exit Stage Left: The Snagglepuss Chronicles, Green Lantern/Huckleberry Hound, Lex Luthor/Porky Pig (DC); Lone Ranger (Dynamite)
Kelly Thompson, Nancy Drew (Dynamite); Hawkeye, Jessica Jones, Mr. & Mrs. X, Rogue & Gambit, Uncanny X-Men, West Coast Avengers (Marvel)
Chip Zdarsky, Peter Parker: The Spectacular Spider-Man, Marvel Two-in-One (Marvel)
Best Writer/Artist
Sophie Campbell, Wet Moon (Oni)
Nick Drnaso, Sabrina (Drawn & Quarterly)
David Lapham, Lodger (Black Crown/IDW); Stray Bullets (Image)
Nate Powell, Come Again (Top Shelf/IDW)
Tony Sandoval, Watersnakes (Magnetic/Lion Forge)
Jen Wang, The Prince and the Dressmaker (First Second)
Best Penciller/Inker or Penciller/Inker Team
Matías Bergara, Coda (BOOM!)
Mitch Gerads, Mister Miracle (DC)
Karl Kerschl, Isola (Image)
Sonny Liew, Eternity Girl (Vertigo/DC)
Sean Phillips, Kill or Be Killed, My Heroes Have Always Been Junkies (Image)
Yanick Paquette, Wonder Woman Earth One, vol. 2 (DC)
Best Painter/Multimedia Artist (interior art)
Lee Bermejo, Batman: Damned (DC)
Carita Lupatelli, Izuna Book 2 (Humanoids)
Dustin Nguyen, Descender (Image)
Gregory Panaccione, A Sea of Love (Magnetic/Lion Forge)
Tony Sandoval, Watersnakes (Magnetic/Lion Forge)
Best Cover Artist (for multiple covers)
Jen Bartel, Blackbird (Image); Submerged (Vault)
Nick Derington, Mister Miracle (DC)
Karl Kerschl, Isola (Image)
Joshua Middleton, Batgirl and Aquaman variants (DC)
Julian Tedesco, Hawkeye, Life of Captain Marvel (Marvel)
Best Coloring
Jordie Bellaire, Batgirl, Batman (DC); The Divided Earth (First Second); Days of Hate, Dead Hand, Head Lopper, Redlands (Image); Shuri, Doctor Strange (Marvel)
Tamra Bonvillain, Alien 3 (Dark Horse); Batman, Doom Patrol (DC); Moon Girl and Devil Dinosaur, Multiple Man (Marvel)
Nathan Fairbairn, Batman, Batgirl, Birds of Prey, Wonder Woman Earth One, vol. 2 (DC); Die!Die!Die! (Image)
Matt Hollingsworth, Batman: White Knight (DC): Seven to Eternity, Wytches (Image)
Matt Wilson, Black Cloud, Paper Girls, The Wicked + The Divine (Image); The Mighty Thor, Runaways (Marvel)
Best Lettering
David Aja, Seeds (Berger Books/Dark Horse)
Jim Campbell, Breathless, Calexit, Gravetrancers, Snap Flash Hustle, Survival Fetish, The Wilds (Black Mask); Abbott, Alice: Dream to Dream, Black Badge, Clueless, Coda, Fence, Firefly, Giant Days, Grass Kings, Lumberjanes: The Infernal Compass, Low Road West, Sparrowhawk (BOOM); Angelic (Image); Wasted Space (Vault)
Alex de Campi, Bad Girls (Gallery 13); Twisted Romance (Image)
Jared Fletcher, Batman: Damned (DC); The Gravediggers Union, Moonshine, Paper Girls, Southern Bastards (Image)
Todd Klein— Black Hammer: Age of Doom, Neil Gaiman’s A Study in Emerald (Dark Horse); Batman: White Night (DC); Eternity Girl, Books of Magic (Vertigo/DC); The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen: The Tempest (Top Shelf/IDW)
Best Comics-Related Periodical/Journalism
Back Issue, edited by Michael Eury (TwoMorrows)
The Columbus Scribbler, edited by Brian Canini, columbusscribbler.com
Comicosity, edited by Aaron Long and Matt Santori,  www.comicosity.com
LAAB Magazine #0: Dark Matter, edited by Ronald Wimberley and Josh O’Neill (Beehive Books)
PanelxPanel magazine, edited by Hassan Otsmane-Elhaou, panelxpanel.com
Best Comics-Related Book
Comic Book Implosion: An Oral History of DC Comics Circa 1978, by Keith Dallas and John Wells (TwoMorrows)
Drawn to Purpose: American Women Illustrators and Cartoonists, by Martha H. Kennedy (University Press of Mississippi)
The League of Regrettable Sidekicks, by Jon Morris (Quirk Books)
Mike Grell: Life Is Drawing Without an Eraser, by Dewey Cassell with Jeff Messer (TwoMorrows)
Yoshitaka Amano: The Illustrated Biography—Beyond the Fantasy, by Florent Gorges, translated by Laure Dupont and Annie Gullion (Dark Horse)
Best Academic/Scholarly Work
Between Pen and Pixel: Comics, Materiality, and the Book of the Future, by Aaron Kashtan (Ohio State University Press)
Breaking the Frames: Populism and Prestige in Comics Studies, by Marc Singer (University of Texas Press)
The Goat-Getters: Jack Johnson, the Fight of the Century, and How a Bunch of Raucous Cartoonists Reinvented Comics, by Eddie Campbell (Library of American Comics/IDW/Ohio State University Press)
Incorrigibles and Innocents, by Lara Saguisag (Rutgers Univeristy Press)
Sweet Little C*nt: The Graphic Work of Julie Doucet, by Anne Elizabeth Moore (Uncivilized Books)
Best Publication Design
A Sea of Love, designed by Wilfrid Lupano, Grégory Panaccione, and Mike Kennedy (Magnetic/Lion Forge)
The Stan Lee Story Collector’s Edition, designed by Josh Baker (Taschen)
The Temple of Silence: Forgotten Worlds of Herbert Crowley, designed by Paul Kepple and Max Vandenberg (Beehive Books)
Terry Moore’s Strangers in Paradise Gallery Edition, designed by Josh Beatman/Brainchild Studios/NYC (Abstract Studio/Graphitti Designs)
Will Eisner’s A Contract with God: Curator’s Collection, designed by John Lind (Kitchen Sink/Dark Horse)
Best Digital Comic
Aztec Empire, by Paul Guinan, Anina Bennett, and David Hahn, www.bigredhair.com/books/Aztec-empire/
The Führer and the Tramp, by Sean McArdle, Jon Judy, and Dexter Wee, http://thefuhrerandthetramp.com/
The Journey, by Pablo Leon (Rewire), https://rewire.news/article/2018/01/08/rewire-exclusive-comic-journey/
The Stone King, by Kel McDonald and Tyler Crook (comiXology Originals)  https://cmxl.gy/Stone-King
Umami, by Ken Niimura (Panel Syndicate), http://panelsyndicate.com/comics/umami
Best Webcomic
The Contradictions, by Sophie Yanow, www.thecontradictions.com
Lavender Jack, by Dan Schkade (WEBTOON), https://www.webtoons.com/en/thriller/lavender-jack/list?title_no=1410&page=1
Let’s Play, by Mongie (WEBTOON), https://www.webtoons.com/en/romance/letsplay/list?title_no=1218&page=1
Lore Olympus, by Rachel Smythe, (WEBTOON), https://www.webtoons.com/en/romance/lore-olympus/list?title_no=1320&page=1
Tiger, Tiger, by Petra Erika Nordlund, (Hiveworks) http://www.tigertigercomic.com/
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