#Gregory getting ready to bite Michael
pixlokita · 1 year
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We got 80´s Tylenol in this house!
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phantomss-pain · 3 months
I might have already asked this but can we get some Marla head cannons??
Sure thing I’m going to be doing it for the games au.
So Marla was one of Charlie’s closest friends when she was alive. Marla was the person Charlie could trust absolutely without any shadow of a doubt.
After Charlie’s death Marla was the person who was trying to look after the friend group with checking up on them.
She babysat a lot of kids and some of them were even the mci kids like Cassidy and Gabriel.
At first when she realised she was having a crush on Michael she tried very hard to bury it as she thought it was disrespectful to Charlie’s memory.
Of course that didn’t last as after Michael’s night at the fnaf 2 location after the bite of 87 the two started dating.
Marla went to medical school to be a nurse which she did end up being.
Marla was unaware of Michael’s night job being Freddy’s as he was already working a fine job in the day.
After Jessica and Sammy’s wedding Marla was ready to propose to Michael and reveal that she was pregnant. Unfortunately that didn’t end up happening for a lot of reasons as you know.
Marla was a single parent for a long time taking care of Charlotte and didn’t want to have another relationship. That was until 2008 when she met a nice guy called Corey and the two began dating and had another daughter called Cassie in 2013.
After Sammy announced he was remaking Fazbear’s after fnaf 6 Marla was the only person who fully supported him as she understood his reasoning.
(Also she’s totally supportive of Cassie’s crush on Gregory and teases her for it and is very happy when the two are dating plus byyyyeeee)
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soniccrazygal · 1 year
Does William ever hug his poor kids? How does he show affection to them, if at all?
William mostly shows his affection when he rewards them for good behavior. He doesn’t just get some random thing for them, he actually asks what they want and will do his best to fulfill it (within reason of course). He also randomly surprise them with gifts as well outside of just rewarding them. It’s his way of “proving” that he’s paying attention to the things they like and cares about them.
He will also comfort them when they’re upset around him, especially right after he’s just finished harsh punishments. But though his tone is soft and gentle, his words always have a slight manipulative edge to them. Things like “I’m sorry that had to happen, but I didn’t have a choice. You disobeyed and forced me to punish you. But I know you’ll do better next time so I won’t have to do it again.” And “I’m only keeping all of you down here to keep it safe. I’m sure you remember what happened last time I let you out of my sight for too long.”
As for hugging, William’s willing to do it, but it depends on the kid.
Elizabeth happily accepts his hugs and will initiate them on her own.
Evan is always stiff at first whenever William hugs him, but then slowly relaxes into his touch. (If Gregory’s in charge he’ll try and escape William’s hold and usually attempt to bite him only to be reminded of the reality that he doesn’t actually have a mouth anymore.)
William doesn’t even try to hug Michael as he knows Michael isn’t ready for that kind of interaction. So instead he usually goes for a gentle hand on the shoulder. Michael always shrugs off the touch, but he’s slowly letting William’s hand linger a little longer.
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void-lich · 1 year
I wanna talk about the fnaf au I’m writing so bad but I feel like I gotta wait until I at least finish the first chapter (soon???)
tl;dr Michael runs away after the Bite but Evan survives and they reunite after 10 years and Evan fucking hates Michael’s guts. Also Michael adopted Gregory and all this is happening against the backdrop of Henry and Michael getting ready for the grand opening of the Pizzaplex with the whole reason Mike and Evan meeting again is that William, who basically got kicked out of Fazbear Entertainment after Henry learned that he was an abusive asshole, is planning on sabotaging the Pizzaplex in order to ruin Mike and Henry’s lives, turn Evan irreversibly into his murder accomplice, and maybe kill a few more kids while he’s at it
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Ex-Prizes sung by Henry Emily, Evan A./Gregory, Mrs. Afton/Ballora, Fritz Smith, Elizabeth A./Vanny, Michael A./Rockstar Freddy
This is a parody of Ex-Wives, that follows six main people that were directly affected by William Afton's killings. It follows the same theories of Rockstar Freddy, Vanessa/Vanny, and Gregory being the three Afton children; along with Ballora being Mrs. Afton. I may make parodies of all the songs (minus Haus of Holbein). But we'll see. Please enjoy!
[Henry Emily]
[Evan A./Gregory]
[Mrs. Afton/Ballora]
[Fritz Smith]
[Elizabeth A./Vanny]
[Michael A./Rockstar Freddy]
[Henry Emily (spoken)]
And tonight, we are…
[All (sung)]
[Henry Emily]
Listen up, let me tell you a story!
[Evan A./Gregory]
A story that you’ve think you’ve heard before
[Mrs. Afton/Ballora]
We know you know our names
And our games, and our faces
Know all about the glories
And the disgraces
[Elizabeth A./Vanny]
I’m done, cos all this time
I’ve been just one prize in a stupid crime
[Michael A./Rockstar Freddy]
So I picked up a pen, and a microphone
History’s about to get overthrown
[Henry Emily]
[Evan A./Gregory]
[Mrs. Afton/Ballora]
[Fritz Smith]
[Elizabeth A./Vanny]
[Michael A./Rockstar Freddy]
But just for you tonight
We’re betrayed, destroyed, live!
Welcome to the show, to the histo-remix
Switching up the flow as we add the prefix
Everybody knows that we used to be six prizes
Raising up the roof til we hit the ceiling
Get ready for the truth that’ll be revealing
Everybody knows that we used to be six prizes
But now we’re ex-prizes
[Henry Emily]
All you ever see and play against
[Evan A./Gregory]
Is Mr. Afton and the way it ended
[Mrs. Afton/Ballora]
But a bucket doesn’t beat, a giant flame
[Fritz Smith]
You’re gonna find out how we got apprehended
[Elizabeth A./Vanny]
Tonight we gonna do ourselves justice
Cos we’re taking you to court
[Michael A./Rockstar Freddy]
Every Afton might has it’s bite
And you’re gonna feel live it, this time
[Henry Emily]
[Evan A./Gregory]
[Mrs. Afton/Ballora]
[Elizabeth A./Vanny]
[Michael A./Rockstar Freddy]
But just for you tonight
We’re betrayed, destroyed, live!
Welcome to the show, to the histo-remix
Switching up the flow as we add the prefix
Everybody knows that we used to be six prizes
Dancing to the beat, til the break of daylight, say
When we’re done, then we’ll start again like it’s the 1980’s
Everybody knows that we used to be six prizes
But now we’re ex-prizes
[Henry Emily]
My name’s Henry Emily
Was his business partner since ‘83
This business gave us some royalties
And my loyalty, is to my family
So if you try to kill them
You won’t try that again
[Evan A./Gregory]
I’m Evan Afton
And i’m up next, see
I caused father to go crazy
Yeah, I’m that precious
Why did I lose my head?
Well my eyes may be green
But my tears are red
[Mrs. Afton/Ballora]
Mrs. Afton, the only one he never loved
[All, spoken]
Not true
[Mrs. Afton/Ballora, sung]
When my youngest nearly lost his life, I died
But I’m not what I seem, or am I?
Spin with me and you’ll get the case cracking
[Fritz Smith]
Ich Bin Fritz Smith
[Fritz Smith]
When he read my applicant he was like-
[Fritz Smith]
But apparently I somehow messed with them
Funny how we all theorized that
But never William’s suspicious shi-
[Elizabeth A./Vanny]
Shut your lips, I’m the Afton
Who lost her life
[Elizabeth A./Vanny]
For my constant planning outside the threads
Lock up your robots, reset your passwords
Elizabeth-A is here and the fun’s begin
[Michael A./Rockstar Freddy]
Five down, I’m the final prize
I saw him to the end of his life
I’m the survivor- Michael A.
I bet you wanna know how I got this way
I said, I bet you wanna know how we got this way
Do you wanna know he got this way?
Then welcome to the show, to the histo-remix
Switching up the flow as we add the prefix
Everybody knows that we used to be six prizes
Get your hands up, get this party jumpin’
You want a grand prize? Well there’s have a dozen
Everybody knows that we used to be six prizes
But now we’re ex-prizes
One, two, three, four, five
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bridgertonbabe · 11 months
Do either of the younger kids become strictly professionals after seeing their family on it so much. Maybe Gregory and Lucy are struck by the strictly curse or Hyacinth gets partnered with Gareth?
As exhilarating as it was to watch Anthony and then their mother appear and go on to win the show, Gregory and Hyacinth still go down the acting route like the rest of the family - however thirteen years after Anthony was on the show, Gregory signs up for it to try and emulate the big brother he always looked up to and modelled himself after.
During the trial day where the celebrities get to meet the professionals and get a feel of who they'd like to be paired up with, Gregory believes he has fallen in love at first sight with one of the new professional dancers; Hermione Watson. When asked my production to provide an order of preference of which dancer he'd like to be paired up with the most, he of course puts Hermione at the top of his list. He's buzzing ahead of the launch show, having it in his head that he's going to be paired up with Hermione and they'll have the fairytale romance that his brother and Kate had (oblivious to just how badly they clashed during their run on the show).
However he's thrown through a loop when he ends up paired up with Lucy Abernathy instead. Sure, she's very lovely and they get on wonderfully as a partnership, but he can't help the pit of disappointment that settles in his stomach. Despite not being partnered up with Hermione, he does see a window of opportunity, seeing as Lucy is best friends with the object of his affections. Reluctantly Lucy acquiesces to helping Gregory win Hermione over, if only to pacify him so she can teach him how to dance. She tries nudging Hermione in Gregory's direction and after several weeks she actually sees Hermione taking a genuine shine to him - only to be left dumbfounded when her best friend ends up splashed across the front of the tabloids after being spotted getting off with Lucy's reality TV star brother in an alleyway.
Gregory feels like he's been made a fool of and at the end of a particularly tense and gruelling day of rehearsing, he and Lucy end up in an argument; an argument that somehow boils over into an unexpectedly passionate kiss. As soon as he's kissed her, Gregory realises he was all wrong for ever believing himself to be head over heels for Hermione, not when someone as incredible and amazing and beautiful as Lucy has been right in front of him all along.
There's just one problem; Lucy's already in a long-term professional and romantic relationship with Baz Haselby, who is also on the show. Following their kiss Lucy tries to act as if nothing happened between her and Gregory and simply doubles down her focus on keeping their relationship platonic, regardless of the deep feelings she has for him which only continue to blossom the longer she's around him.
When Gregory emotionally opens up to Kate, Sophie, and Michael about his love dilemma, his dancer in-laws are a little confused by Lucy's relationship with Baz; considering it's an open secret in the dance world that Lucy's professional partner is gay. Gregory is also confused, since Lucy made out as if she and Baz were in a romantic relationship. His in-laws suggest that maybe Lucy is a willing participant in a faked relationship if perhaps Baz's family aren't ready to accept his sexuality.
However when Gregory bites the bullet and broaches the subject with her at the end of rehearsals one day, Lucy is riled up by what he is inferring. Lucy had met Baz back when they were children attending ballroom classes and had been paired up from an early age to take part in competitions. He had asked her out when they were only twelve years old and they had been together ever since, being her one constant and achieving so much together as they won championships together.
As Lucy headed home after the conversation she had just had with Gregory, she mulled over his suggestion that Baz was gay. Sure, Baz was flamboyant but weren't most male professional dancers? Not all men have to be macho and shove their masculinity in people's faces. And sure Baz wasn't really into affection like kissing... in fact most of their kisses were polite pecks on the lips... and they had never actually had sex because Baz had assured her it would only happen when she felt ready... he was just a very considerate and patient person... in fact he was so considerate with wanting her to feel comfortable that they didn't even live together, not when Lucy liked keeping her space to herself and Baz liked having friends over all the time... male friends who often crashed on the sofa... so he'd said...
And Lucy came to a halt and suddenly realised she had been the most oblivious beard in the entire world. She immediately raced over to Baz's flat and when he answered she asked if they could talk - and they finally had the talk that Baz has been putting off for years. Yes, rather obviously he was gay and he was genuinely sorry for never opening up to her and telling her for the longest time. The reason he never did was because his family was so blatantly homophobic and he got picked on at school for being himself, and when he asked Lucy out back when they were still pre-pubescents he thought he could simply choose to be straight until he realised that sexuality wasn't a choice; but by that point, Lucy was the only person he felt truly loved him and he was terrified she'd shun him if he told her the truth and he couldn't bear to lose the last person who made him feel safe. And though she'd wish he had trusted her enough to tell her sooner, she felt nothing but compassion for her dearest friend and assured him that she'd always be in his life and that there was no love lost between them, seeing as their love was essentially platonic even when they were "together".
Now realising that she was in fact single, she raced from Baz's flat to Gregory's, and as soon as he opened the door to her Lucy kissed him without any inhibitions. He dragged her into his flat, slamming the door behind them and they kissed their way into bed; and the rest is history.
Sure, the media made out that they had fallen victim to the Strictly curse and had embarked on an affair behind Baz's back and they endured plenty of whispers behind their backs, but they hardly cared. Not when they knew the truth of the matter, as well as having the Glitterball trophy sitting proudly on the mantelpiece of the home they shared together.
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codergalsblog · 1 year
Fnaf revival au(part 8.5):
This is a continuation of part 8 of the events of SB in my au:
(P.S. this is going to be a long one, so get ready)
• Elizabeth noticed that evan wasn't home yet, but she wasn't too concerned about him because she knew he can handle himself. That is.. until she got a phone call from her brother, because now she was concerned.
• Elizabeth was asking so many questions, most of those were if he was okay. Evan told her that he was fine but was in a bit of trouble and told her about Gregory and how they couldn't leave until 6 am. As soon as Elizabeth heard that, she drove off immediately to the pizzaplex, no hesitation(the concern and worry for her brother is STRONG).
• she also called Charlie and Susie for help. The three didn't know how to get in, but they found a vent leading to the atrium.
• Elizabeth did manage to find her brother and Gregory, but they weren't able to get out because vanny(Cassidy) hacked the security system, and they couldn't go through the vents because, including the vents, the security system applied to everywhere in the mall(so they were really stuck).
• The five ran into glamrock freddy, but he looked very broken. The five were relieved to know that freddy wasn't a bad guy, but he did need a mechanic or something(lucky, Gregory helped a lot)
• After that happened, freddy led the group to where the unusual energy was coming from(he led them to the same place where the blob was supposed to be, except the blob doesn't exist in this au). When they got down there, they were trying to find out where the energy was coming from, but Gregory had slipped and fell through the wooden planks into the security office.
• the others fell down with him to see if he was alright. Gregory was ok, but when he checked the cameras, he found something horrific: what he was looking at was burntrap aka: William afton. Charlie and Susie were freaking out because he was still alive, evan was calm during this but was trying to figure out ways to stop him. Elizabeth didn't even recognize that it was William at first(she was busy being revived, so she didn't get to see him get springlocked, she did think he was ugly tho 🤣)
• they did the same thing Gregory was doing to will in the burntrap ending: burning him over and over again. But when they were doing that, they didn't notice that Vanessa and her sister vanny dropped from the wooden planks.
• Evan had asked Vanessa what happened, and she told him that she was looking for him because she noticed that he was gone. While she was looking for him, Vanny(Cassidy) ran into Michael and tried to kill him to get him out of the way. But as you can imagine, it didn't end well because vanny looked beat up and bruised, and she lost her arm because Michael ripped it off(she broke her leg too so she could barely walk, that's when Cassidy stopped possessing her).
• while Vanessa was patching up her sisters wounds, the others and Gregory were able to burn will enough to where he stopped working. But the whole place was going to burn down, so they had to get out of the plex fast.
• vanny tried to keep up, but her leg was broken, so she couldn't keep up with her limp. But because of that, Michael was able to sneak up on her. But as he was about to stab vanny, evan stepped in and got stabbed in the stomach and he had passed out because of the smoke.
• Michael was still wearing his costume, but under the mask, he had the most horrified look on his face. Michael had promised, PROMISED himself that he would never hurt or let his siblings get hurt again, especially evan after the bite(he had to threaten himself in the mirror to do it, and stab his own arm).
• but even after that, the five plus Gregory were able to escape, but so did Michael, and what happened to the glamrocks aka: Mike's friends, you ask? Well, only one was able to escape, and that was Jeremy(monty). he left the other two for dead(he also said that they weren't his friends anymore and that he would let both Jade and Mark get killed if he was able to live).
• Mark was freaking out so much and felt so much fear and terror that he curled up into a ball, whimpering, begging for it all to be over. Jade had found him and hugged him very tightly and never let him go even once.
• When evan woke up in the hospital, he was confused about where he was at first, but he looked over and saw Elizabeth sitting in a chair, just looking down on her phone, playing candy crush to past the time. When she saw that evan woke up and was okay, she was so relieved but at the same time was very distressed. but was still so happy to know that her brother was okay and still alive.
• Evan turned to his other side and saw vanny on another hospital bed with a bandage on her arm from when Michael ripped it off. He also saw Vanessa on another chair, and her eyes were red and puffy, and she had tear streaks on her face. Vanessa was crying for a while and was hoping her sister was okay, and don't worry, vanny is fine, but she wasn't able to leave the hospital for a few days(neither was evan, but he was released before vanny because his injuries weren't as bad as hers).
• Evan was checking his phone and saw so, so many missed calls and missed texts from Abby. When evan got back home, Abby and his other friends BOMBARDED him with so many questions. They kept on saying that they were extremely worried for him and were scared that he had died or had a major injury like the bite of 83'. Evan tried his best to calm them down, but it was no use because now they were on edge(especially abby).
• But evan was thinking about who that person who stabbed him with the white bear costume was because after he stabbed him, they were looking down at him and tried to embrace him and give him a hug before Elizabeth grabbed evan and ran.
• Meanwhile, Michael was sitting on a hill just thinking about what he just did. All he wanted to do was see his brother and sister again......That was all he wanted.
• but after the pizzaplex burned down, both Abby and Elizabeth were on edge and always stuck by evans' side wherever he went. Elizabeth was always concerned and vowed to keep her twin brother safe after what happened on that night, and Abby was really on edge because he had already seen her friend die once. So, she was determined to keep her friend since childhood safe.
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gra-sonas · 4 years
I'm seeing all those post about malex interrupted dance and can I just say I'd love if it was alex who interrupts, perhaps michael is dancing with isobel or maria (just as friends) and alex waltzes in loking hot as hell in a suit and makes a move. I dunno, but after this season I kinda want to see alex stake his claim since he wasn't allowed to really show his feeling for Michael.
Mhmm, I’d like that.
Imagine this:
Alex has been single for a while. The breakup with Forrest was amicable, they’re still on good terms. Alex seems to be doing really well, too. Whenever Michael sees him, he has to remind himself that now is not their time and that he still has so much work to do before he can be good for Alex.
Alex, who looks like a goddamn snack whenever they meet. Isobel’s told Michael that Alex is going to the gym now, and it shows. He’s started wearing figure hugging henleys that cling to his muscular torso like they’re painted on.
And Alex’s ass in those black jeans? SHOULD COME WITH A WARNING! They’re at a garden party Isobel’s hosting, and all Michael wants is to touch Alex and check whether his ass is as firm as it looks. He wants to taste, wants to bite. Not now, though, now’s not their time.Michael forces himself to look away and slowly counts to hundred before he allows himself another glance at Alex.
He’s talking to a guy Michael’s seen at Planet 7 a couple of times, and recently at open mic night when Alex performed. A good looking dude (one of Noah’s former associates if he remembers correctly) with piercing blue eyes. And he’s tall. Does Alex like tall men? Michael wonders.
When Alex laughs about something Hightower says, Michael’s heart hurts. He’d always thought he’d be ready should Alex be single again one day, and now it looks like he’s missed yet another opportunity where he could’ve made a move.
He’s been working on himself. With Kyle‘s help, he’s signed up for online counseling (talking to a therapist via Zoom makes him feel like he can be more open, without worrying too hard about revealing the one big secret he can’t talk about. It works for him, and he thinks he’s made progress).
He’s far from being done or “healed”, but he feels less angry these days, less bitter, less inclined to get drunk. He works steady hours at the junkyard, spends time with Max and Isobel, he joins Liz at her lab sometimes, and he’s been helping Kyle to fix his father’s old motorbike on weekends.
He’s also spent time with Alex since the breakup with Forrest. He’d been reluctant at first, worried he'd accidentally overstep boundaries, but Alex had been quick to assure him that he wants Michael in his life.
So they’ve been hanging out. Meeting for coffee at the Crashdown during Michael’s lunch break a couple of times, last week he’d accompanied Alex when he drove up to the reservation to visit Greg, they even went hiking once.
They’ve avoided touching some of the heavier topics, but it’s okay, slowly becoming friends with Alex has been amazing, and Michael‘s fallen in love with him all over again.
He allows himself another glance at Alex, and when he sees that the tall guy’s put his hand on Alex’s shoulder, his face falls and he turns around. He walks up to the house in long strides and hides in Isobel’s guest bathroom for ten minutes before he feels like he can face the outside world and seeing Alex with another man again.
He splashes his face with cold water and walks back outside. There’s music playing from invisible speakers, and people have started dancing. It’s a real effort for Michael to stop himself from searching for Alex (or rather his tall new boyfriend), and he sighs in relief when he spots Isobel.
“I would like to dance with my favorite sister, I hope Gregory hasn’t blocked every slot on your dance card yet.”
Isobel laughs.
“No matter how full my dance card is, MIchael, I’ll always take the time to dance with you. Lead the way, brother dearest.”
He takes her hand and leads her over to the designated dance area. Michael twirls Isobel around and starts dancing with her. She’s wearing flat sandals tonight (”high heels and a garden party don’t mix well”), which means she’s only slightly taller than him. It’s fun dancing with her.
Out of the corner of his eyes, MIchael spots a familiar face over by the DJ’s table. Alex is leaning over to say something to the DJ who nods and starts clicking around on his laptop. When he’s found what he’s looking for, he nods and gives Alex a thumbs up.
Once the song is over, a new song starts playing. Michael’s not familiar with it. So far no one’s singing and he wonders if it’s an instrumental piece, but he keeps dancing with Isobel.
When the singer starts singing, Michael freezes mid dance. That’s Alex’s voice! That’s Alex singing, a song about being happy and in love and-- Michael feels tears well up in his eyes. He does his best to lead Isobel amid the chaos in his head, when he feels a strong hand drop on his shoulder.
He doesn’t need to turn around to know who it is.
“Isobel, I’m so sorry, but may I?”
Michael is confused when Isobel let’s go of his hands, kisses him on the cheek and whispers “I love you, Michael.” Then he feels Alex step into her place, pulling him close and leading him to the sound of his song.
There’s too much chaos in Michael’s head, but instead of fighting for clarity, he just gives in and listens to the music. It’s a beautiful song about love and being happy, about building a home and being a family, and MIchael can’t believe he’s dancing with Alex, the man of his dreams.
When the song ends, people start clapping and they try to approach Alex, but Alex has other plans. He takes Michael’s hand and leads him over to a darker, quiet corner of the garden. They sit down on a wooden bench, the clear New Mexico night sky above them.
“I really like your new song, Alex,” Michael says, not sure what else to say or do.
“Thanks, Michael, I’m glad you like it. I wrote it for someone very special.”
“Hightower is a very lucky man, I hope you’ll be happy together.” How he’s been able to force this sentence out without bursting into tears is beyond Michael.
Alex looks at him, confusion written all over his face.
“Who is Hightower, and what makes you think I’d be happy with them?”
Michael makes a gesture to implicate a tall person. “You know, tall, blond, blue eyes? I‘ve seen you together a couple of times. I hope he treats you well.”
Alex looks at him like he’s gone mad.
“You mean Sven? Lawyer Sven, who is married to the DJ and has helped me to arrange for my song being played tonight, that Sven?”
Michael is confused.
“You’re dating a married man, and his husband is okay with that?”
Alex bursts out laughing.
“Oh my god, Michael, what are you even talking about? I’m not dating Sven - or anyone else for that matter. And I wrote this song for you. Us! To ask you whether you feel ready to meet somewhere in the middle and take it from there?”
Michael swallows around the lump in his throat and all he can do is nod. When he feels Alex’s hands cupping his face he closes his eyes and lets Alex lead the way. Alex pulls his face closer until their foreheads touch. Then he hears Alex whisper: “I know we need to talk but I really miss kissing you, can I kiss you?”
“Yes,” is all manages to croak out, then he feels Alex’s mouth on his and suddenly the chaos in his head quiets, all the stars in the universe align, and Michael is finally home.
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evanoracronwell · 4 years
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Take me home
Malex Cupid 2021 by @malex-cupid​
Day 2: “The more I look at you, the more I think we need to leave.”
(Warnings: smut)
Also on ao3
Michael is mesmerized.
Simply and completely mesmerized.
And honestly, very turned on.
Everyone is drinking and having fun at the Wild Pony after the doors were closed leaving just the whole gang. Something Isobel likes to call "quality bonding time" happens weekly and she forces everyone to participate. It usually happens at her house, but today for some reason it's happening at the bar.
And thank God for that.
The night is sultry and hot, the music on the Jukebox is a sensual melody and to Michael's torment, Alex is dancing trapped between Liz and Maria in movements that honestly should be illegal. Even more so, when he's dressed like that.
Jeans tighter than Michael ever thought existed, the light gray Henley and the faded black leather jacket. A long necklace hung around his neck next to the dog tags that Alex had never removed.
Fuck, he looks hot.
That damned airman, he knew exactly the effect he has over Michael, because every second that passed he would look intensely straight at Michael who was squirming, sitting on the bar next to Max.
"Boy ... you're in trouble, aren't you?"
"Damn right I am."
Michael agreed with his brother, because what else should he do besides agreeing, it had been months since the two were single and found themselves in a soft and light friendly relationship that the cowboy never thought possible, especially after all the shit they faced. Maria, Forrest, Jesse, Project Shepherd.
It all seemed like a lifetime ago.
And now everyone was here, celebrating a peaceful life that they all deserved.
Gregory left the dance floor, where he was dancing clinging to Isobel, and approached them a little breathlessly, and served himself to a very cold beer.
"Watch out Guerin, you'll soon drown in your drool" Greg said laughing as he looked at the cowboy who was staring at Alex
"He's doing it on purpose" Michael grunted
"That, my dear brother, is crystal clear"
"He said we should be friends."
"Maybe he is ready to change the relationship status," Max replied.
"So, what are you going to do about it?" Gregory smiled.
"I'm going to take my man home."
Without waiting for any comment he was sure would be made, Michael got up leaving his beer on the counter, and walked to the improvised dance floor smiling when Liz and Maria left the moment they realized he was approaching. Alex, the damn tease, just smiled and turned on his back, moving his hips in a slow and totally indecent way. Michael shook his head smiling at the airman audacity, he would fucking love to spend the night sunk in that hot, delicious body. His hands went directly to Alex's hips, pulling him sharply against his waist, making the airman feel his erection against his ass. Alex leaned his head back, leaning against Michael's shoulder, and smiled sighing, for finally feeling those hands on his body.
"The more I look at you, the more I think we need to leave."
"It took you long enough."
"You knew exactly what you were doing, didn't you? Dancing like that, showing off like that. Is this what you wanted, Alex?" Michael whispered against his ear, lightly biting his lobe.
Alex replied completely ecstatic and moved his hips a little more, rolling against Michael's erection making the cowboy moan anxiously as he ran his hands around Alex's waist, pulling him closer against his body as if he were never close enough and Alex wrapped his hands over Michael's, hugging himself in the cowboy's firm, warm arms.
"Do you want me to take you home, baby? Hmm, is that what you want? For me to take you home and take off all of your clothes? Do you want me to take my time opening up to make you ready for me? Wet and loose?" Michael continued to murmur provocations in Alex's ear, who was completely lost in pleasure, just rolling his hips and rubbing himself against Michel, without any shame that someone might be noticing them both. "Do you want me to fuck you, Alex? Do you want my dick deep in that hot hole of yours? Strong and rough, making you feel me for days?"
"Yes, Michael, please ..."
"Just ask for it, baby."
"Take me home. Fuck me, Michael. The way only you know. Please."
If you ask Michael how he managed to drive to the cabin, damn it if he knew.
He just dragged Alex out of the Wild Pony without any farewells to those who stayed, it's not like they didn't know exactly what was going to happen sooner or later. They cling to each other in the parking lot, sloppy and desperate kisses as they hugged themselves pressed into the truck, words and promises made in breathless voices until they managed to move and get inside the truck. The cowboy has never driven so fast in his life, Alex stuck against his body touching him with no shame as he kissed and bit any bare skin he could reach.
Going inside the cabin was ... messy.
The clothes left on the floor on the way to the bedroom, the giggles against each other's lips.
The way he pushed Alex on the bed, seeing how beautifully he looked spread on the sheets. That dark look of desire roaming the cowboy's body.
He took off the airman prosthetic, with such care and affection that he made Alex close his eyes and sigh with emotion at the love that emanated in each gesture of Michael. He kisses the stump right after placing the prosthetic in some corner of the room with the help of his telekinesis, because damn if he would take his hands off that beautiful body. He slid the underwear over Alex's body, sipping every new piece of skin he discovered. Mentally thanking himself for always going commando and not having to waste time in his own underwear, the cowboy lay down, sliding his body over Alex's, both of them moaning when their skins touched completely.
"Tell me what you want baby. Do you want me to take you apart with my fingers slowly until you come? Just for me to fuck you with my cock and make you come again? Or do you want me to fuck you fast, making you feel my dick opening you up? "
"Fuck, anything. Everything. Whatever you want, Michael." Alex pressed his fingers against the cowboy's back moaning as Michael slid his body between his legs, grinding their cocks together. "Just please ... fuck me. I want you. All of you."
"I'm going to baby, fuck Alex I'm going to fuck you so hot baby. I'm not letting you out of this bed anytime soon."
"Hmmm ... and here I was thinking that you would love to fuck me in every corner of this cabin." Alex teased him by biting Michael's lip, pulling him between his teeth.
"Fuck yes. I'll do that. I'm going to fuck you in every corner of this cabin, outside it too."
Michael lifted two fingers to Alex's lips, who opened his mouth immediately, thirsty for whatever the cowboy gave him, groaning sinfully as he felt those long, thick fingers slide slowly down to the bottom of his throat, sucking them eagerly, anxious to feel them inside his hole.
"I'm going to take you outside and fuck you on the hood of my truck Alex, nothing but the moon and stars illuminating your skin, babe."
"Yes, do that. Michael please." He groaned, murmuring against Michael's fingers.
Michael slid his lips down Alex's body until he reached that glorious huge cock he adored, groaning with anticipation and with his mouth salivating he swallowed every bit of that cock, taking it all until he felt his nose pressed against Alex's belly, the few hairs tickling his face. His other hand gripped Alex's hips, which moved uncontrollably as he moaned delightfully on Michael's fingers, sucking them even more eagerly and smearing them with saliva.
The cowboy wasted all the time in the world sucking on that cock, sliding slowly until he felt the head touch the tip of his tongue and then sinking reaching again the back of his throat, loving the sensation of almost losing his breath with the cock he thought that he would never have again in his hands, in his mouth, in his ass. Damn, he loved Alex's cock, the taste, the texture, the feel of him against his tongue, his throat. It was just delicious. And he feasted on it, swirling his tongue over it, biting lightly, but hard enough to make Alex cry out in pain, asking for more. Begging for more.
Desperate fingers curled between his curls, pushing his mouth down, forcing Michael to take even more of that cock and the cowboy allowed it, he released Alex's hip and let the airman fuck his mouth any way he wanted, taking it all what Alex gave him, letting his mouth be used for his pleasure while he rubbed himself against the sheets without knowing what was giving him more pleasure, the muffled moans as Alex hungrily sucked his fingers or the feeling of having his mouth getting fucked. Without any warning, he felt the delicious salty taste invade his mouth and Michael groaned relaxing his throat, swallowing to the last drop.
Without giving Alex any time to recover he removed his fingers from Alex's mouth and turned him roughly off the bed, leaving him face down and loving the sight of that beautiful, firm, round ass he adores. Kneeling between the airman legs, he spanked that ass loudly with both hands making Alex's moan echo through the room as his hips involuntarily rose up chasing those hands, asking for more.
"Do you like that baby?" Michael asked hoarsely through his abused throat. "Did you like to feel my hands spanking that hot ass of yours?"
"Want more?"
"Fuck ... Michael, yes!"
"Well ... I'm here to please you baby"
Then he spanked, once ... twice ... three times, leaving the skin beautifully red while enjoying hearing the sounds of his hand against the soft flesh as much as he loved hearing Alex's desperate moans. Asking for more, begging for more.
"Damn Alex ... you beg so beautifully, babe."
And how could the cowboy resist, that beautiful red ass right in front of him asking to be touched, fucked, eaten. And he always loved the taste of Alex.
"Holy shit ... fuck ... shit ... Oh God."
Alex screamed, lifting his hips as he felt that hot, wet, hungry tongue sinks into his hole, Michael's fingers spreading his ass, eating him in a way as if Michael was hungry for him, for his hole. Damn Alex loved that, feeling Michael's tongue fucking him in a slow, deep way, leaving him wet and ready to take his dick. There was no better way.
"So good ... Michael ... more."
"Just like that ... beg for me, babe."
Michael murmured against his hole before eating it again, he felt his saliva lubricating that hot, tight hole that he counted the seconds to fuck, to sink his dick until he came inside him. Feeling like Alex rubbed his ass against his face and begged for more, and fuck, how Michael loved to hear that man pleading, anxious and needy, crying in sobs as he rubbed himself against the sheets and the cowboy didn't even need to touch to know that that beautiful cock of him, was getting hard again. His own cock, writhing with abandon, hard as a rock and swollen, aching for Alex.
A long, loud moan and Michael smiled feeling Alex coming again, his body already sweaty and shaking, spread out on the bed, breathless and beautiful ... so beautiful.
"Do you think you can take me, baby?" Michael murmured, lying down next to Alex, his chest pressed to the airman's back, brushing his cock against Alex's hole teasingly.
"Michael ..." completely speechless and with his body dismantled the airman just begged, groaning for the cowboy.
"Yeah, you can. One more baby, just one more. You can come again, can't you? Just with my cock this time, fucking your beautiful and tight hole. Just the way you like it"
"Yes ... I ... Michael ... please."
"Condom?" he questioned, mentally begging Alex to say no.
"Only you, I want to feel you, I want to feel your cum inside me"
The airman murmured, forcing his body to move and brushing his ass against Michael's erection as the cowboy growly holding him around the waist, trying to control himself after hearing those words. His hips moving against Alex's ass, his dick, dripping with pre-cum, sinking deliciously into that hungry hole that took him, anxiously, opening up for him. Taking him until the last inch, involving him with that warmth that only Alex had, making Michael groan and press his whole body against Alex's back. Their bodies joined and completely inert, his face sunk in Alex's hair damp with sweat, smelling wonderfully of sex and that smell that was Alex, just and only Alex.
Michael loved that smell.
He groaned again when he felt Alex's ass moving against his cock and gripped his lover's hips tightly, preventing him from moving.
"No. Just don't babe. You have no idea how much I'm controlling myself to not fuck you with all the strength that I have Alex, just, let me breathe for a moment, darlin'."
"Don't hold yourself," Alex murmured and turned his face just enough to look the cowboy in the eye. "Fuck me, Michael, hard. Show me that you own me. No one else. Just you."
"Fuck ... Alex ..."
"Fuck me, cowboy. Said you would make me feel you for days."
"Fuck, yes."
No more trying to control himself, he pulled his body away, taking his entire length from Alex's hole only to then sink it mercilessly, rough, taking a cry from the lips of the airman who raised one arm and dipped his fingers in Michael's curls pulling him for open-mouthed and sloppy kisses. His body moved, rippling in a sensual dance, fucking Alex the way he had been wanting for months, brutally, possessing him and making him understand that no one else could touch and fuck him. Only Michael.
He said possessively against Alex's mouth, lost in the sound of his hip hitting Alex's ass, his dick sliding in and out of the wet hole, the sensual moans, the pleas they both made.
Alex stated, his voice hoarse and his body moving against Michael's, loving every second he felt the cowboy's cock sink into him, claiming him. He was so sensitive, two orgasms, and his body was already shaking, knowing it wouldn't be long before the third one come.
"Damn Alex, you feel so good baby, so tight and warm. I swear I could spend my whole life fucking you."
"Yes, do that..."
And Michael did, fucked him roughly, hitting his prostate with every push, his mouth leaving bite marks and hickey all over Alex's neck and shoulder, as he shivered and sobbed, clinging to Michael's curls, begging, always begging, exactly how he knew Michael loved it. And when he came a third time, Michael didn't stop, he fucked him through orgasm, even harder pounding mercilessly against his prostate seeking his own release, using Alex's hole for his own pleasure. Alex just sank into the bed, held in Michael's arms, and let himself be used, moaning against the pillow with every move against his worn and sensitive hole, he was really going to feel Michael for days, and fuck, he was looking forward to it. How he loved it, the feeling of his body already worn and taken apart after a wonderful orgasm, being used, being fucked by that huge, thick cock.
"Alex ..."
That ... like that, moaning for him, running his body with those huge hands, marking his skin with those warm lips. Nothing in the world felt better than that, being loved by Michael Guerin. Alex smiled, knowing perfectly well that Michael was on the verge of his orgasm, savoring the feeling that he would soon be filled with Michael's cum.
"Baby ... I ..."
"Inside. Inside me Michael."
He murmured hearing Michael groan hoarsely, flooding the room with a growl as he sank further into his hole, filling him with his cum and making Alex press his ass against the cowboy's waist, yes, deeper ... deeper. Fuck, it was never deep enough. After what seemed like hours, the cowboy felt his body collapse and let himself cuddle against Alex, pressing his chest against the back of the airman harder, his face again sunk in his hair now even more sweaty, his cock still, now beginning to soften, lodged in Alex's hole. His hand slid down the airman body until he found his hand that was still clinging to the pillow, his fingers almost white and the cowboy held it lightly, making Alex release his grip on the pillow and intertwine his fingers, his mouth slid in an almost non-existent caress against Alex's back making the airman sigh happily.
"I hope you know that we are together now."
Michael murmured, sinking his face back into Alex's neck, who snorted a laugh.
"I sure hope so."
"I don't think I can move."
"Good. So stay like this, until tomorrow morning cowboy."
"Why? Are you planning to kick me out of your cabin as soon as the sun rises?"
"Definitely not. But you promised to fuck me in every corner of this cabin and if I'm not mistaken, you mentioned something about the hood of your truck. I'm holding on to that promise."
Alex said in the most seductive voice possible after reaching three orgasms and Michael felt his body squirm.
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cosmiceverafter · 4 years
Isobel Evans Week • Day 7: Free Day - Belmanes Fic 
 @isobelevansappreciation​ I hope you all enjoy it!  ♡
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"You're still the Isobel Evans who convinced the basketball captain to pull four different fire alarms to get out of AP Gov, right? Yeah. Legend."
The remark floored Isobel. How did Gregory Manes remember that? Did he think about it as she did? When she was a sophomore, he had been a senior, and both had taken AP Gov. It was the one class they had had together.
Isobel couldn't help but blush; truthfully, she had always thought Gregory Manes was something special. She could still remember that day as if it were yesterday. 
She had been staring at him from afar in class and felt her chest fluttering over how he would bite his pen and ruffle up his messy long hair as he flipped through his book quickly. 
He was knowledgeable, which she found insanely attractive. A lot of guys in high school didn't care about those kinds of things. Greg wasn't Michael smart, but no one was...except maybe Liz Ortecho. But she didn't want to think of Liz; all she ever heard her brother talk about was "Liz this," and "Liz that." Ugh. Instead, she just focused her attention on the intelligent human boy.  
Gregory had his group of friends, but he had also kept to himself. Nothing like his annoying brother Flint, a junior who loved the attention. Gregory was more reserved, kind of like Alex, his other brother, who was their age. The brother who Michael would always stare at from afar, yet wouldn't talk to. 
Isobel managed to look briefly away from him as she glanced at the clock. 
Where the hell is Jake? She wondered. Mr. Otto was about to give the quiz. She had not studied but had heard from a random girl in the hallway, that there would be a big pop quiz today. And not just any exam, one that would make up half of their grade until finals. 
Humans and their games. Infuriating. 
So, naturally being herself, she had taken it into her own hands, switching things up. Yes, she could've used her powers on the teacher, but Max had warned the squad to "blend in." But that was the problem; she liked to stand out, so she had found another way. 
Jake Mulligan, senior and captain of the basketball team, was half in love with her, aka with her looks. Typical. To her, he was just another dumb jock who thought with his little head more than his big. The guy would stare at her boobs constantly, clearly undressing her with his eyes. The male population was so predictable. However, this time, she used it to her advantage. 
She had flirted, a lot, touching the guy's arm. But even then, the stupid fool had pushed, "I want something in return for jeopardizing my basketball career." So, she'd agreed to go on a date with him with no actual plan of following through with it. 
Isobel stared at the clock with a groan, ready to use her powers to enter Jake Mulligan’s thoughts, and have him walk into a wall. 
That's when she noticed Gregory looking stressed. Could it be that he didn't study either? Having a father like Jesse Manes, well, you wouldn't want to flunk—that was for sure. She had heard rumors about the Captain...he wasn't someone you wanted on your bad side. 
Was that why Gregory was so reserved? She didn't know, but wanted to learn more about who he really was. Isobel did have an inkling that was why he was likely to join the military after graduation. The thought bummed her out; maybe she needed to hurry and make the first move with him—she was more than capable after all. 
Yet, he gave her the butterflies whenever they spoke, which wasn't often. Isobel wasn't used to that feeling, so it had given her a bit of nerves. 
But before she could go deeper into those thoughts, the shrill piercing of the alarm erupted all but shook the classroom. Everyone was startled, knocking their books over as they stood up loudly. This hadn’t happened in a very long time. 
"Form a line. People form a line!" The teacher called out, looking annoyed with the whole ordeal. 
They got into line, and guess who randomly stood behind her? 
The butterflies fluttered as she looked back at Greg, who gave her a smile.
As they stood outside waiting and then watching the fire engines pull up, Isobel felt a tad bit guilty. That disappeared quickly as she noticed her classmates jumping up-and-down at the news class would be canceled. They had dodged that pop-quiz-bullet. 
"Tell me somethin'," a voice said, that familiar calm voice she'd know anywhere. Greg had moved over towards her. "Was this your doing, Evans?"
"Who me?" Isobel asked, batting her eyelids. 
Greg smirked, "Jake was close by, and I may have overheard a thing or two about it." He looked over at the jock and rolled his eyes. "The bragging and all—four different alarms and everything.” 
"I have no idea what you're talking about, Gregory." 
He shook his head, and kicked the grass, "Sure sure. I suppose you didn't agree to a date with the guy in return, either?"
"Um...maybe I actually like him. Did you ever think about that?" 
That's when he looked up and gave her a look, raising his eyebrow, "Mmhmm. I'm sure that's what it is." She couldn’t deny that he looked a bit...relieved. 
He didn't press further, and Isobel loved that it seemed like he knew her, what she wanted, and what she didn't. 
"Regardless of the reason, freedom, right?" Isobel said with a wide grin and clapped her hands.
Gregory looked into her eyes, humor melting away from his expression, "Yeah, freedom..." There was so much in that gaze that it felt like he wanted her to see him. The real him. "Thank you, Isobel." 
The gesture was unnerving; her previous notion still stood. Gregory honestly looked grateful. Maybe life at home was hell on earth, or perhaps it was all for his future. It seemed like such a small thing, a test, but the meaning suddenly felt bigger. 
She felt a bit nervous as she gave a small nod. He slowly walked away to stand next to his buddy, looking back at her one more time. 
Isobel vowed at that moment, that she would go on a date after this was through, but it wouldn't be with Jake Mulligan. 
Back in the present at the reservation, Isobel shook her head, remembering with regret. Life had gotten busy, too busy, and Isobel had never found the time she had wanted with the guy. 
They hadn't had the chance to have their own story, just the melody of “what could have been” and “The one that got away.” Gregory had enlisted shortly after high school and joined the Navy, and with that, brought years wasted. 
She looked over towards him now, a smile still on his beautiful face after calling her a "legend," and the feelings came rushing back like a tidal wave. 
Had he thought about her over the years, too?
How was it that he still managed to fill her with butterflies? So much had changed in both of their lives, but this feeling remained. 
There was something about him, not just his looks...even though he was gorgeous, it was his calm demeanor and kind heart. It made Isobel feel like whatever happened would be okay, even all the hell she had gone through. If he had survived—the hell his family had been through, she could, too. 
It was inspiring. Gregory Manes inspired her. 
Damn, fate had a way of coming back at you: Sometimes quietly or as loud as an alarm. 
As Isobel stood a bit taller and smiled back, she realized that one thing was certain—she planned to make that first move after all. 
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Scorpions Quotes
Official Website: Scorpions Quotes
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• A king who feared wasps once decreed that they were abolished. As it happened, they did him no harm. But he was eventually stung to death by scorpions. – Idries Shah • A male scorpion is stabbed to death after mating. In chess, the powerful queen often does the same to the king without giving him the satisfaction of a lover. – Gregor Piatigorsky • A society driven mainly by selfish individualism has all the potential for sustainability of a collection of angry scorpions in a bottle. – David Ehrenfeld • An untrampled scorpion troubles no one. – Paolo Bacigalupi
jQuery(document).ready(function($) var data = action: 'polyxgo_products_search', type: 'Product', keywords: 'Scorpio', orderby: 'rand', order: 'DESC', template: '1', limit: '68', columns: '4', viewall:'Shop All', ; jQuery.post(spyr_params.ajaxurl,data, function(response) var obj = jQuery.parseJSON(response); jQuery('#thelovesof_scorpio').html(obj); jQuery('#thelovesof_scorpio img.swiper-lazy:not(.swiper-lazy-loaded)' ).each(function () var img = jQuery(this); img.attr("src",img.data('src')); img.addClass( 'swiper-lazy-loaded' ); img.removeAttr('data-src'); ); ); ); • Christ wants not nibblers of the possible, but grabbers of the impossible, by faith in the omnipotence, fidelity, and wisdom of the Almighty Saviour Who gave the command. Is there a wall in our path? By our God we will leap over it! Are there lions and scorpions in our way? We will trample them under our feet! Does a mountain bar our progress? Saying, ‘Be thou cast into the sea,’ we will march on. Soldiers of Jesus! Never surrender! – Charles Studd • Do you know the story of the scorpion and the frog? You know, the frog agrees to carry the scorpion across the river, because the scorpion promises not to sting him. And then the scorpion stings the frog, half way across the river. The drowning frog asks him why he did it, when they’ll both drown, and the scorpion says that he’s a scorpion, and it’s his nature to sting. – Gregory David Roberts • Duane Allman was one of the best there ever was … when you listen to him, you are hearing a truly gifted individual giving his all to the music, and there is nothing better than that. Duane played music the same way that he rode his motorcycle and drove his car .. he was a daredevil, just triple Scorpio, God’s-on-my-side wide open… that was part of the romance and I loved Duane. I have nothing but admiration for him – Richard Betts • Each of us as he receives his private trouncings at the hands of fate is kept in good heart by hearing of the moth in his brother’s parachute and the scorpion in his neighbor’s underwear. – N. F. Simpson • Envy is one of the scorpions of the mind, often having little to do with the objective, external world. – Bonnie Friedman • Envy, if surrounded on all sides by the brightness of another’s prosperity, like the scorpion confined within a circle of fire, will sting itself to death. – Charles Caleb Colton • God has allowed some magical reversal to occur, so that you see the scorpion pit as an object of desire, and all the beautiful expanse around it as dangerous and swarming with snakes. – Rumi • I am a Scorpio, and playing the seductress appeals to me. There are a lot of women throughout film history, like Marlene Dietrich or Mae West – those are the women I was always attracted to. The bad girls. – Chloe Sevigny • I can bear scorpion’s stings, tread fields of fire, in frozen gulfs of cold eternal lie, be tossed aloft through tracts of endless void, but cannot live in shame. – Joanna Baillie • I can only hope he’s an Aries and not a Scorpio. – Candace Bushnell • I could fall in love with a cruel desert that kills without passion, a canyon full of scorpions, one thousand blinding arctic storms, a century sealed in a cave, a river of molten salt flowing down my throat. But never with you. – Henry Rollins • I give you five minutes to spare your blushes. here is the little bronze key that opens the ebony caskets on the mantle piece in the Louise-Phillipe room. In one of the caskets you will find a scorpion, in the other, a grasshopper, both very cleverly imitated in Japanese bronze: they will say yes or no for you. If you turn the scorpion round, that will mean to me, when I return that you have said yes. The grasshopper will mean no… The grasshopper, be careful of the grass hopper! A grasshopper does not only turn: it hops! It hops! And it hops jolly high! – Gaston Leroux • I have snakes, three sharks, moray eels, piranhas, five scorpions and a bird spider. All of them are predators. They are dangerous but it’s cool to have strong and powerful pets. – Tracy Morgan • I kept having dreams all night. I thought they were touching me with their fingers. But dreams don’t have fingers, they have fists, so it must have been scorpions. – Roberto Bolano • I love people, studying people. That’s the Scorpio part of me. We are natural detectives; we like to find things out. – James Van Praagh • I must brave the interior of the most tawdry and literally trumpery tower of them all … the Trump Taj Mahal. For taking the name of the priceless mausoleum of Agra, one of the beauties and wonders of the world, for that alone Donald Trump should be stripped naked and whipped with scorpions along the boardwalk.- It is as if a giant toad has raped a butterfly. – Stephen Fry • I stopped watching for ridicule, the scorpion’s tail hidden in his words. He said what he meant; he was puzzled if you did not. Some people might have mistaken this for simplicity. But is it not a sort of genius to cut always to the heart? – Madeline Miller • I think making a pretense of civility toward Eric Alterman is like making a pretense of civility to a scorpion. – John Podhoretz • I used to have 30 different species of tarantulas, as well as two Australian scorpions that are considered the deadliest in the world. If stung by one, a person would die in 30 minutes. But when I had kids I had to get rid of them, of course. Those were intense! – Jonathan Davis • I will now make a scorpion appear in Osama bin Laden’s pants – David Copperfield • If it is not strong upon your heart to practice what you read, to what end do you read? To increase your own condemnation? If your light and knowledge be not turned into practice, the more knowing a man you are, the more miserable a man you will be in the day of recompense; your light and knowledge will more torment you than all the devils in hell. Your knowledge will be that rod that will eternally lash you, and that scorpion that will forever bite you, and that worm that will everlastingly gnaw you; therefore read, and labor to know that you may do–or else you are undone forever. – Thomas Brooks • If you are in a band like my brother, Rudolf, who is in the Scorpions, then you have a kind of umbrella and you cover each other. You have five people to discuss things with and you are all in the same boat, and therefore make much wiser choices. – Michael Schenker • I’m a Scorpio, and Scorpios eat themselves out and burn themselves up like me. – Vivien Leigh • I’m a Scorpio, and who knows if there is any validity to it, but I’m very emotional. I have high highs and low lows. – Chely Wright • It is a sin to follow your horoscope because only God knows the future and He won’t tell us. Also, we can tell horoscopes are false because according to astrology, Christ would have been a Capricorn, and Capricorn people are cold, ambitious and attracted to Scorpio and Virgo, and we know that Christ was warm, loving, and not attracted to anybody. – Christopher Durang • It wont be long now it wont be long man is making deserts of the earth it wont be long now before man will have used it up so that nothing but ants and centipedes and scorpions can find a living on it. – Don Marquis • Many centuries ago, Oriental thinkers recognized that the mind is a constant mover and that it is next to impossible to stop it altogether. But one can learn to manage it by skillful use of the handle of control. They compared the mind to a jumping monkey. To intensify the image, they added that the monkey was maddened; then someone got him drunk; and finally, a scorpion bit him. – Ervin Seale • Mark my words, nothing smells worse than burned scorpion. – Rick Riordan • Music has always helped my films. In ‘The Curse Of The Jade Scorpion,’ you can hear ‘Sunrise’ by Glenn Miller, an idol of my childhood, in the surprise ending. I like mixing comedy with suspense and action. – Woody Allen • My birth sign is Scorpio and they eat themselves up and burn themselves out. I swing between happiness and misery. I am part prude and part nonconformist. I say what I think and I don’t pretend and I am prepared to accept the consequences of my actions. – Vivien Leigh • My mother only said: Thank God the scorpion picked on me and spared my children. – Nissim Ezekiel • My name is Zia Rashid.” She tilted her head as if listening. Right on cue, the entire building rumbled. Dust sprinkled from the ceiling, and the slithering sounds of scorpion doubled in volume behind us. “And right now,” Zia continued, sounding a bit disappointed, “I must save your miserable lives. – Rick Riordan • My office is in a building in midtown Chicago. It’s an older building, and not in the best of shape, especially since there was that problem with the elevator last year. I don’t care what anyone says, that wasn’t my fault. when a giant scorpion the size of an Irish wolfhound is tearing its way through the roof of your elevator car, you get real willing to take desperate measures. – Jim Butcher • O, full of scorpions is my mind! – William Shakespeare • Old Japanese saying, live scorpion in pants makes life interesting. – Will Hobbs • Once I was chased by the king of all scorpions. I have the most notorious animal stories. – Rachel Hunter • Please nothing, she’s a vicious piranha. She looks all cute and cuddly, then she opens that mouth and lets loose so much venom she could double as a nest of scorpions. (Leo) – Sherrilyn Kenyon • Poverty is a scorpion; it stings the poor and it also stings the men with high conscience who feel sad about the poverty; the rest is immune to it! – Mehmet Murat Ildan • Remorse, the fatal egg by pleasure laid, In every bosom where her nest is made, Hatched by the beams of truth, denies him rest, And proves a raging scorpion in his breast. – William Cowper • Scorpions are quite ruthless, you know. That is why Artemis bid one of them to kill her foe Orion. And as a reward she set the scorpion on up in the sky. I’m not ruthless. I merely do whatever it takes to achive my goals That’s not ruthless? – Lisa Kleypas • So do the dark in soul expire, Or live like scorpion girt by fire; So writhes the mind remorse hath riven, Unfit for earth, undoom’d for heaven, Darkness above, despair beneath, Around it flame, within it death. – Lord Byron • Some learned writers . . . have compared a Scorpion to an Epigram . . . because as the sting of the Scorpion lyeth in the tayl, so the force and virtue of an epigram is in the conclusion. – Edward Topsell • Surrounded by the flames of jealousy, the jealous one winds up, like the scorpion, turning the poisoned sting against himself. – Friedrich Nietzsche • Tell me what it’s like. The race.” “What it’s like is a battle. A mess of horses and men and blood. The fastest and strongest of what is left from two weeks of preparation on the sand. It’s the surf in your face, the deadly magic of November on your skin, the Scorpio drums in the place of your heartbeat. It’s speed, if you’re lucky. It’s life and it’s death or it’s both, and there’s nothing like it. – Maggie Stiefvater • That’s one of my greatest strengths. I’m a Scorpio rising – we’re very decisive. I’m very good at cutting things off that don’t feel right. – June Diane Raphael • That’s the problem with them fables, they’re putting animals together that wouldn’t meet. I don’t know where a scorpion is knockin’ around with a frog. – Karl Pilkington • The canyon country does not always inspire love. To many it appears barren, hostile, repellent – a fearsome mostly waterless land of rock and heat, sand dunes and quicksand, cactus, thornbrush, scorpion, rattlesnake, and agaraphobic distances. To those who see our land in that manner, the best reply is, yes, you are right, it is a dangerous and terrible place. Enter at your own risk. Carry water. Avoid the noonday sun. Try to ignore the vultures. Pray frequently. – Edward Abbey • The mind of guilt is full of scorpions. – William Shakespeare • The only thing worse than fighting a giant scorpion was fighting a giant scorpion who was trying to protect her young. – Suzanne Collins • The Scorpion connects with the Serpent through the Dragon. – Dion Fortune • There are three big things going for The Scorpio Races: first, it is set on a beautiful but wild island in the middle of the cold Atlantic Ocean. That would’ve seduced me as a teen reader. Second, It is full of beautiful but killer horses being trained for a dangerous race. Actually, that would’ve seduced me as a teen reader as well. At third it involves a very repressed love story with a very Mr. Darcy-like love interest. – Maggie Stiefvater • There is poison in the fang of the serpent, in the mouth of the fly and in the sting of a scorpion; but the wicked man is saturated with it. – Chanakya • To ruminate upon evils, to make critical notes upon injuries, and be too acute in their apprehensions, is to add unto our own tortures, to feather the arrows of our enemies, to lash ourselves with the scorpions of our foes, and to resolve to sleep no more. – Thomas Browne • Ultimately, however, as the Austrian economist Joseph Schumpeter pointed out, a powerful bureaucratic class is in the same relation to commerce as was the scorpion in Aesop to the dog on whose back he crossed the river. They will destroy commerce and establish socialism, even if it kills them, because that is their nature. – John Derbyshire • Unless you are here: this garden refuses to exist. Pink dragonflies fall from the air and become scorpions scratching blood out of rocks. The rainbows that dangle upon this mist: shatter. Like the smile of a child separated from his mother’s milk for the very first time. –from poem Blood and Blossoms – Aberjhani • We learned that lesson very well, especially in the eighties, that terrorists cannot be used as a political card, you cannot put it in your pocket, because it’s like a scorpion; it will bite you someday. – Bashar al-Assad • We may anticipate a state of affairs in which two Great Powers will each be in a position to put an end to the civilization and life of the other, though not without risking its own. We may be likened to two scorpions in a bottle, each capable of killing the other, but only at the risk of his own life. – J. Robert Oppenheimer • We may be likened to two scorpions in a bottle, each capable of killing the other, but only at the risk of his own life. – J. Robert Oppenheimer • We want the National Intelligence, we want the Police, we want the Scorpions, any other institutions, the tax people, and so on, the totality of these bodies, to get together. – Thabo Mbeki • What I’m attempting to do is to show people that if I can spend some time with very dangerous spiders and snakes and scorpions, then maybe they’ll feel different about the spiders and snakes they find around their areas. I don’t need people to keep them as pets. I just like them to be respectful and see that everything in nature has its place. – Dominic Monaghan • When I write “paradise” I mean not only apple trees and golden women but also scorpions and tarantulas and flies, rattlesnakes and Gila monsters, sandstorms, volcanoes and earthquakes, bacteria and bear, cactus, yucca, bladderweed, ocotillo and mesquite, flash floods and quicksand, and yes – disease and death and the rotting of flesh. – Edward Abbey • Where most people looked forward to the weekend to go out and yie one on, my idea of a good time was to figure out a Scorpions song. – Warren DeMartini • Wit implies hatred or contempt of folly and crime, produces its effects by brisk shocks of surprise, uses the whip of scorpions and the branding-iron, stabs, stings, pinches, tortures, goads, teases, corrodes, undermines. – Edwin Percy Whipple • Woman is the gate of the devil, the road to iniquity, the sting of the scorpion, in a word, a dangerous species. – St. Jerome • You catch a fairly young field-vole and flay it… We take the skin, when Venus stands in the sign of the scorpion, and combust the skin… Now take the ash, which you got this way, and pepper it out on the fields. – Rudolf Steiner • You have to remember the police used to raid and arrest the audience for seeing Scorpio Rising (1964), or Jack Smith movies. Wouldn’t that be exciting today, if you see went to the movie and everyone at the IFC was arrested in a paddy wagon and taken away? – John Waters [clickbank-storefront-bestselling]
jQuery(document).ready(function($) var data = action: 'polyxgo_products_search', type: 'Product', keywords: 'a', orderby: 'rand', order: 'DESC', template: '1', limit: '4', columns: '4', viewall:'Shop All', ; jQuery.post(spyr_params.ajaxurl,data, function(response) var obj = jQuery.parseJSON(response); jQuery('#thelovesof_a').html(obj); jQuery('#thelovesof_a img.swiper-lazy:not(.swiper-lazy-loaded)' ).each(function () var img = jQuery(this); img.attr("src",img.data('src')); img.addClass( 'swiper-lazy-loaded' ); img.removeAttr('data-src'); ); ); );
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jQuery(document).ready(function($) var data = action: 'polyxgo_products_search', type: 'Product', keywords: 'i', orderby: 'rand', order: 'DESC', template: '1', limit: '4', columns: '4', viewall:'Shop All', ; jQuery.post(spyr_params.ajaxurl,data, function(response) var obj = jQuery.parseJSON(response); jQuery('#thelovesof_i').html(obj); jQuery('#thelovesof_i img.swiper-lazy:not(.swiper-lazy-loaded)' ).each(function () var img = jQuery(this); img.attr("src",img.data('src')); img.addClass( 'swiper-lazy-loaded' ); img.removeAttr('data-src'); ); ); );
jQuery(document).ready(function($) var data = action: 'polyxgo_products_search', type: 'Product', keywords: 'o', orderby: 'rand', order: 'DESC', template: '1', limit: '4', columns: '4', viewall:'Shop All', ; jQuery.post(spyr_params.ajaxurl,data, function(response) var obj = jQuery.parseJSON(response); jQuery('#thelovesof_o').html(obj); jQuery('#thelovesof_o img.swiper-lazy:not(.swiper-lazy-loaded)' ).each(function () var img = jQuery(this); img.attr("src",img.data('src')); img.addClass( 'swiper-lazy-loaded' ); img.removeAttr('data-src'); ); ); );
jQuery(document).ready(function($) var data = action: 'polyxgo_products_search', type: 'Product', keywords: 'u', orderby: 'rand', order: 'DESC', template: '1', limit: '4', columns: '4', viewall:'Shop All', ; jQuery.post(spyr_params.ajaxurl,data, function(response) var obj = jQuery.parseJSON(response); jQuery('#thelovesof_u').html(obj); jQuery('#thelovesof_u img.swiper-lazy:not(.swiper-lazy-loaded)' ).each(function () var img = jQuery(this); img.attr("src",img.data('src')); img.addClass( 'swiper-lazy-loaded' ); img.removeAttr('data-src'); ); ); );
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equitiesstocks · 5 years
Scorpions Quotes
Official Website: Scorpions Quotes
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• A king who feared wasps once decreed that they were abolished. As it happened, they did him no harm. But he was eventually stung to death by scorpions. – Idries Shah • A male scorpion is stabbed to death after mating. In chess, the powerful queen often does the same to the king without giving him the satisfaction of a lover. – Gregor Piatigorsky • A society driven mainly by selfish individualism has all the potential for sustainability of a collection of angry scorpions in a bottle. – David Ehrenfeld • An untrampled scorpion troubles no one. – Paolo Bacigalupi
jQuery(document).ready(function($) var data = action: 'polyxgo_products_search', type: 'Product', keywords: 'Scorpio', orderby: 'rand', order: 'DESC', template: '1', limit: '68', columns: '4', viewall:'Shop All', ; jQuery.post(spyr_params.ajaxurl,data, function(response) var obj = jQuery.parseJSON(response); jQuery('#thelovesof_scorpio').html(obj); jQuery('#thelovesof_scorpio img.swiper-lazy:not(.swiper-lazy-loaded)' ).each(function () var img = jQuery(this); img.attr("src",img.data('src')); img.addClass( 'swiper-lazy-loaded' ); img.removeAttr('data-src'); ); ); ); • Christ wants not nibblers of the possible, but grabbers of the impossible, by faith in the omnipotence, fidelity, and wisdom of the Almighty Saviour Who gave the command. Is there a wall in our path? By our God we will leap over it! Are there lions and scorpions in our way? We will trample them under our feet! Does a mountain bar our progress? Saying, ‘Be thou cast into the sea,’ we will march on. Soldiers of Jesus! Never surrender! – Charles Studd • Do you know the story of the scorpion and the frog? You know, the frog agrees to carry the scorpion across the river, because the scorpion promises not to sting him. And then the scorpion stings the frog, half way across the river. The drowning frog asks him why he did it, when they’ll both drown, and the scorpion says that he’s a scorpion, and it’s his nature to sting. – Gregory David Roberts • Duane Allman was one of the best there ever was … when you listen to him, you are hearing a truly gifted individual giving his all to the music, and there is nothing better than that. Duane played music the same way that he rode his motorcycle and drove his car .. he was a daredevil, just triple Scorpio, God’s-on-my-side wide open… that was part of the romance and I loved Duane. I have nothing but admiration for him – Richard Betts • Each of us as he receives his private trouncings at the hands of fate is kept in good heart by hearing of the moth in his brother’s parachute and the scorpion in his neighbor’s underwear. – N. F. Simpson • Envy is one of the scorpions of the mind, often having little to do with the objective, external world. – Bonnie Friedman • Envy, if surrounded on all sides by the brightness of another’s prosperity, like the scorpion confined within a circle of fire, will sting itself to death. – Charles Caleb Colton • God has allowed some magical reversal to occur, so that you see the scorpion pit as an object of desire, and all the beautiful expanse around it as dangerous and swarming with snakes. – Rumi • I am a Scorpio, and playing the seductress appeals to me. There are a lot of women throughout film history, like Marlene Dietrich or Mae West – those are the women I was always attracted to. The bad girls. – Chloe Sevigny • I can bear scorpion’s stings, tread fields of fire, in frozen gulfs of cold eternal lie, be tossed aloft through tracts of endless void, but cannot live in shame. – Joanna Baillie • I can only hope he’s an Aries and not a Scorpio. – Candace Bushnell • I could fall in love with a cruel desert that kills without passion, a canyon full of scorpions, one thousand blinding arctic storms, a century sealed in a cave, a river of molten salt flowing down my throat. But never with you. – Henry Rollins • I give you five minutes to spare your blushes. here is the little bronze key that opens the ebony caskets on the mantle piece in the Louise-Phillipe room. In one of the caskets you will find a scorpion, in the other, a grasshopper, both very cleverly imitated in Japanese bronze: they will say yes or no for you. If you turn the scorpion round, that will mean to me, when I return that you have said yes. The grasshopper will mean no… The grasshopper, be careful of the grass hopper! A grasshopper does not only turn: it hops! It hops! And it hops jolly high! – Gaston Leroux • I have snakes, three sharks, moray eels, piranhas, five scorpions and a bird spider. All of them are predators. They are dangerous but it’s cool to have strong and powerful pets. – Tracy Morgan • I kept having dreams all night. I thought they were touching me with their fingers. But dreams don’t have fingers, they have fists, so it must have been scorpions. – Roberto Bolano • I love people, studying people. That’s the Scorpio part of me. We are natural detectives; we like to find things out. – James Van Praagh • I must brave the interior of the most tawdry and literally trumpery tower of them all … the Trump Taj Mahal. For taking the name of the priceless mausoleum of Agra, one of the beauties and wonders of the world, for that alone Donald Trump should be stripped naked and whipped with scorpions along the boardwalk.- It is as if a giant toad has raped a butterfly. – Stephen Fry • I stopped watching for ridicule, the scorpion’s tail hidden in his words. He said what he meant; he was puzzled if you did not. Some people might have mistaken this for simplicity. But is it not a sort of genius to cut always to the heart? – Madeline Miller • I think making a pretense of civility toward Eric Alterman is like making a pretense of civility to a scorpion. – John Podhoretz • I used to have 30 different species of tarantulas, as well as two Australian scorpions that are considered the deadliest in the world. If stung by one, a person would die in 30 minutes. But when I had kids I had to get rid of them, of course. Those were intense! – Jonathan Davis • I will now make a scorpion appear in Osama bin Laden’s pants – David Copperfield • If it is not strong upon your heart to practice what you read, to what end do you read? To increase your own condemnation? If your light and knowledge be not turned into practice, the more knowing a man you are, the more miserable a man you will be in the day of recompense; your light and knowledge will more torment you than all the devils in hell. Your knowledge will be that rod that will eternally lash you, and that scorpion that will forever bite you, and that worm that will everlastingly gnaw you; therefore read, and labor to know that you may do–or else you are undone forever. – Thomas Brooks • If you are in a band like my brother, Rudolf, who is in the Scorpions, then you have a kind of umbrella and you cover each other. You have five people to discuss things with and you are all in the same boat, and therefore make much wiser choices. – Michael Schenker • I’m a Scorpio, and Scorpios eat themselves out and burn themselves up like me. – Vivien Leigh • I’m a Scorpio, and who knows if there is any validity to it, but I’m very emotional. I have high highs and low lows. – Chely Wright • It is a sin to follow your horoscope because only God knows the future and He won’t tell us. Also, we can tell horoscopes are false because according to astrology, Christ would have been a Capricorn, and Capricorn people are cold, ambitious and attracted to Scorpio and Virgo, and we know that Christ was warm, loving, and not attracted to anybody. – Christopher Durang • It wont be long now it wont be long man is making deserts of the earth it wont be long now before man will have used it up so that nothing but ants and centipedes and scorpions can find a living on it. – Don Marquis • Many centuries ago, Oriental thinkers recognized that the mind is a constant mover and that it is next to impossible to stop it altogether. But one can learn to manage it by skillful use of the handle of control. They compared the mind to a jumping monkey. To intensify the image, they added that the monkey was maddened; then someone got him drunk; and finally, a scorpion bit him. – Ervin Seale • Mark my words, nothing smells worse than burned scorpion. – Rick Riordan • Music has always helped my films. In ‘The Curse Of The Jade Scorpion,’ you can hear ‘Sunrise’ by Glenn Miller, an idol of my childhood, in the surprise ending. I like mixing comedy with suspense and action. – Woody Allen • My birth sign is Scorpio and they eat themselves up and burn themselves out. I swing between happiness and misery. I am part prude and part nonconformist. I say what I think and I don’t pretend and I am prepared to accept the consequences of my actions. – Vivien Leigh • My mother only said: Thank God the scorpion picked on me and spared my children. – Nissim Ezekiel • My name is Zia Rashid.” She tilted her head as if listening. Right on cue, the entire building rumbled. Dust sprinkled from the ceiling, and the slithering sounds of scorpion doubled in volume behind us. “And right now,” Zia continued, sounding a bit disappointed, “I must save your miserable lives. – Rick Riordan • My office is in a building in midtown Chicago. It’s an older building, and not in the best of shape, especially since there was that problem with the elevator last year. I don’t care what anyone says, that wasn’t my fault. when a giant scorpion the size of an Irish wolfhound is tearing its way through the roof of your elevator car, you get real willing to take desperate measures. – Jim Butcher • O, full of scorpions is my mind! – William Shakespeare • Old Japanese saying, live scorpion in pants makes life interesting. – Will Hobbs • Once I was chased by the king of all scorpions. I have the most notorious animal stories. – Rachel Hunter • Please nothing, she’s a vicious piranha. She looks all cute and cuddly, then she opens that mouth and lets loose so much venom she could double as a nest of scorpions. (Leo) – Sherrilyn Kenyon • Poverty is a scorpion; it stings the poor and it also stings the men with high conscience who feel sad about the poverty; the rest is immune to it! – Mehmet Murat Ildan • Remorse, the fatal egg by pleasure laid, In every bosom where her nest is made, Hatched by the beams of truth, denies him rest, And proves a raging scorpion in his breast. – William Cowper • Scorpions are quite ruthless, you know. That is why Artemis bid one of them to kill her foe Orion. And as a reward she set the scorpion on up in the sky. I’m not ruthless. I merely do whatever it takes to achive my goals That’s not ruthless? – Lisa Kleypas • So do the dark in soul expire, Or live like scorpion girt by fire; So writhes the mind remorse hath riven, Unfit for earth, undoom’d for heaven, Darkness above, despair beneath, Around it flame, within it death. – Lord Byron • Some learned writers . . . have compared a Scorpion to an Epigram . . . because as the sting of the Scorpion lyeth in the tayl, so the force and virtue of an epigram is in the conclusion. – Edward Topsell • Surrounded by the flames of jealousy, the jealous one winds up, like the scorpion, turning the poisoned sting against himself. – Friedrich Nietzsche • Tell me what it’s like. The race.” “What it’s like is a battle. A mess of horses and men and blood. The fastest and strongest of what is left from two weeks of preparation on the sand. It’s the surf in your face, the deadly magic of November on your skin, the Scorpio drums in the place of your heartbeat. It’s speed, if you’re lucky. It’s life and it’s death or it’s both, and there’s nothing like it. – Maggie Stiefvater • That’s one of my greatest strengths. I’m a Scorpio rising – we’re very decisive. I’m very good at cutting things off that don’t feel right. – June Diane Raphael • That’s the problem with them fables, they’re putting animals together that wouldn’t meet. I don’t know where a scorpion is knockin’ around with a frog. – Karl Pilkington • The canyon country does not always inspire love. To many it appears barren, hostile, repellent – a fearsome mostly waterless land of rock and heat, sand dunes and quicksand, cactus, thornbrush, scorpion, rattlesnake, and agaraphobic distances. To those who see our land in that manner, the best reply is, yes, you are right, it is a dangerous and terrible place. Enter at your own risk. Carry water. Avoid the noonday sun. Try to ignore the vultures. Pray frequently. – Edward Abbey • The mind of guilt is full of scorpions. – William Shakespeare • The only thing worse than fighting a giant scorpion was fighting a giant scorpion who was trying to protect her young. – Suzanne Collins • The Scorpion connects with the Serpent through the Dragon. – Dion Fortune • There are three big things going for The Scorpio Races: first, it is set on a beautiful but wild island in the middle of the cold Atlantic Ocean. That would’ve seduced me as a teen reader. Second, It is full of beautiful but killer horses being trained for a dangerous race. Actually, that would’ve seduced me as a teen reader as well. At third it involves a very repressed love story with a very Mr. Darcy-like love interest. – Maggie Stiefvater • There is poison in the fang of the serpent, in the mouth of the fly and in the sting of a scorpion; but the wicked man is saturated with it. – Chanakya • To ruminate upon evils, to make critical notes upon injuries, and be too acute in their apprehensions, is to add unto our own tortures, to feather the arrows of our enemies, to lash ourselves with the scorpions of our foes, and to resolve to sleep no more. – Thomas Browne • Ultimately, however, as the Austrian economist Joseph Schumpeter pointed out, a powerful bureaucratic class is in the same relation to commerce as was the scorpion in Aesop to the dog on whose back he crossed the river. They will destroy commerce and establish socialism, even if it kills them, because that is their nature. – John Derbyshire • Unless you are here: this garden refuses to exist. Pink dragonflies fall from the air and become scorpions scratching blood out of rocks. The rainbows that dangle upon this mist: shatter. Like the smile of a child separated from his mother’s milk for the very first time. –from poem Blood and Blossoms – Aberjhani • We learned that lesson very well, especially in the eighties, that terrorists cannot be used as a political card, you cannot put it in your pocket, because it’s like a scorpion; it will bite you someday. – Bashar al-Assad • We may anticipate a state of affairs in which two Great Powers will each be in a position to put an end to the civilization and life of the other, though not without risking its own. We may be likened to two scorpions in a bottle, each capable of killing the other, but only at the risk of his own life. – J. Robert Oppenheimer • We may be likened to two scorpions in a bottle, each capable of killing the other, but only at the risk of his own life. – J. Robert Oppenheimer • We want the National Intelligence, we want the Police, we want the Scorpions, any other institutions, the tax people, and so on, the totality of these bodies, to get together. – Thabo Mbeki • What I’m attempting to do is to show people that if I can spend some time with very dangerous spiders and snakes and scorpions, then maybe they’ll feel different about the spiders and snakes they find around their areas. I don’t need people to keep them as pets. I just like them to be respectful and see that everything in nature has its place. – Dominic Monaghan • When I write “paradise” I mean not only apple trees and golden women but also scorpions and tarantulas and flies, rattlesnakes and Gila monsters, sandstorms, volcanoes and earthquakes, bacteria and bear, cactus, yucca, bladderweed, ocotillo and mesquite, flash floods and quicksand, and yes – disease and death and the rotting of flesh. – Edward Abbey • Where most people looked forward to the weekend to go out and yie one on, my idea of a good time was to figure out a Scorpions song. – Warren DeMartini • Wit implies hatred or contempt of folly and crime, produces its effects by brisk shocks of surprise, uses the whip of scorpions and the branding-iron, stabs, stings, pinches, tortures, goads, teases, corrodes, undermines. – Edwin Percy Whipple • Woman is the gate of the devil, the road to iniquity, the sting of the scorpion, in a word, a dangerous species. – St. Jerome • You catch a fairly young field-vole and flay it… We take the skin, when Venus stands in the sign of the scorpion, and combust the skin… Now take the ash, which you got this way, and pepper it out on the fields. – Rudolf Steiner • You have to remember the police used to raid and arrest the audience for seeing Scorpio Rising (1964), or Jack Smith movies. Wouldn’t that be exciting today, if you see went to the movie and everyone at the IFC was arrested in a paddy wagon and taken away? – John Waters [clickbank-storefront-bestselling]
jQuery(document).ready(function($) var data = action: 'polyxgo_products_search', type: 'Product', keywords: 'a', orderby: 'rand', order: 'DESC', template: '1', limit: '4', columns: '4', viewall:'Shop All', ; jQuery.post(spyr_params.ajaxurl,data, function(response) var obj = jQuery.parseJSON(response); jQuery('#thelovesof_a').html(obj); jQuery('#thelovesof_a img.swiper-lazy:not(.swiper-lazy-loaded)' ).each(function () var img = jQuery(this); img.attr("src",img.data('src')); img.addClass( 'swiper-lazy-loaded' ); img.removeAttr('data-src'); ); ); );
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jQuery(document).ready(function($) var data = action: 'polyxgo_products_search', type: 'Product', keywords: 'o', orderby: 'rand', order: 'DESC', template: '1', limit: '4', columns: '4', viewall:'Shop All', ; jQuery.post(spyr_params.ajaxurl,data, function(response) var obj = jQuery.parseJSON(response); jQuery('#thelovesof_o').html(obj); jQuery('#thelovesof_o img.swiper-lazy:not(.swiper-lazy-loaded)' ).each(function () var img = jQuery(this); img.attr("src",img.data('src')); img.addClass( 'swiper-lazy-loaded' ); img.removeAttr('data-src'); ); ); );
jQuery(document).ready(function($) var data = action: 'polyxgo_products_search', type: 'Product', keywords: 'u', orderby: 'rand', order: 'DESC', template: '1', limit: '4', columns: '4', viewall:'Shop All', ; jQuery.post(spyr_params.ajaxurl,data, function(response) var obj = jQuery.parseJSON(response); jQuery('#thelovesof_u').html(obj); jQuery('#thelovesof_u img.swiper-lazy:not(.swiper-lazy-loaded)' ).each(function () var img = jQuery(this); img.attr("src",img.data('src')); img.addClass( 'swiper-lazy-loaded' ); img.removeAttr('data-src'); ); ); );
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templeofgeek · 7 years
Tapper, a game that was released on to the world in 1983, puts the player in the role of a bartender who must serve patrons before the time expires. In 1985, Michael Ward was the first recorded high score by Twin Galaxies Arcade. He achieve a score of 9,068,625 and held that record for 18 years.
Several people have broken the record throughout the years.  In 2003, Gregory Erway achieved 9,100,175. In 2005, Kelly Tharp beat out Erway’s two year streak with a score of 9,437,400. 10 years later, William ‘Snowflake’ Rosa beat Tharp’s record with a score of 10,361,550. Then on July 15, 2017 at the Free Play Arcade in Arlington Texas. Rosa’s Score was not only beaten but destroyed.
Imagine being 24 years old and you just became high score record holder to a game that is a decade older than you. Lauren Feathersone, a yoga instructor out of Plano Texas, doesn’t have to imagine it, she is living it. She now holds the record for Tapper with an astounding 14,000,600 points. Temple of Geek had a chance to speak with Featherstone on how she became the record holder.
From Free Play Arcade’s Twitch Stream. When Lauren beat the previous record of 10,361,550 points.
(Danniel Slade) You are now a world record holder for a game that is older than you are. How does that make you feel?
(Lauren Featherstone) It is really exciting! For the most part, I never really connected with games made for my age group (think Halo). So, it was great to discover the arcade where I felt like I fit. I’ve always been told I was born in the wrong decade, and it seems like that goes for games as well!
(DS) What was it about the game that made you go for the high score?
(LF) I enjoyed Tapper from the start, but mostly it was my natural talent at the game. Before long, people would tell me, “Wow, I’ve never seen that level,” and I quickly had the highest score of anyone in our local arcade. My friend started encouraging me to go for the world record, so I did!
(DS) Can you describe what it was like preparing for the 24 hour attempt?
(LF) Very logical. Me, my team of friends, and the owners of the arcade wanted to plan for any situation that could come up during the 24-hour attempt. Whether that be a power outage or a crazy child running around, we needed to be prepared. Having good food at the ready, music for after hours, a white board to keep track of lives and so much more, eliminated the stress of not knowing what would happen during the run.
From Free Play Arcade’s Twitch Stream. When Lauren hit 14,000,000 points.
(DS) During the 24hr run, how did you do things like eat and go to the restroom without the game ending?
(LF) Tapper is one of those games where you can build up lives indefinitely, to our knowledge. So for my restroom breaks, I would have a friend go in and make sure there was an open stall, then I would run over there while 4-6 of my lives died off, and run back to build up more lives. So you can’t necessarily take a ton of breaks, but it definitely beats not using the restroom at all. I didn’t want to waste lives more than I had to, so we brought a lot of snack foods, and my husband would give me a bite-size piece of watermelon or bagel that I could eat while playing the game.
(DS) At what point during your run did you know you were going to break the record?
(LF) That’s hard to say. From the very start I was pretty sure I was going to, cause I told everyone I would and I didn’t want to let them down after all of the prep and suspense. But certainly once my lives got into the 20s, it was hard to imagine myself losing all of those lives before hitting the world record. What was more questionable was staying at the same pace and focus for six hours after I broke the record.
(DS) What made you continue playing after you broke the record?
(LF) Me and my team had already decided that no matter when I broke the world record, I should go for a full 24 hours. That way people could plan to come out and see me, and I would still be there — that goes for the local media as well. I would gain some extra prize money in the process, and it would be even more memorable and a little more challenging for future players to beat. That being said, I knew I had to give myself a hard stopping point, because otherwise who knows how long I would have played for! After I crossed the 24-hour mark, I was so close to 14 million that followers on Twitch and at the arcade encouraged me to push the extra 10 minutes to reach that final milestone. So I did! And happily walked away at the glitch screen.
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Going for 14 million.
Getting the glitch screen after hitting 14 million.
14 Million points!
Lauren signing the cabinet that she beat the record on
(DS) At the Classic Game Fest, Walter Day presented you with your own trading card. What was going through your mind when you were presented this card?
(LF) It was a bit surreal to stand up there and meet these legendary guys for the first time. I honestly was quite happy when Walter called up the Free Play Arcade crew. I wouldn’t have got the record and the card without them. Everyone sees my name on Twin Galaxies, but my team definitely deserves recognition as well, and I’m glad they got that at the trading card presentation.
  (DS) Now that you are the high score record holder, are you afraid that some might challenge you and beat your score?
(LF) I’m not afraid of that at all. Arcade scores are meant to be challenged and beat; that’s what keeps it exciting and pushes people to go further. That being said, I definitely plan to be the Tapper world record holder as long as I am able. So if someone beats my score, you can expect me to come back and get it!
(DS) Are there any other games out there that you might want to take on the high score?
(LF) None at the moment. I do want to go for the Tapper Tournament score, but right now I’m focusing on some other things. I’ll always try new arcade games and continue honing my skills, so who knows if another game will call to me like Tapper did! I’m up for anything.
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Lauren Featherstone receiving her award from Walter Day with Billy Mitchell.
Lauren Featherstone receiving her award from Walter Day with Billy Mitchell.
Lauren Featherstone receiving her award from Walter Day with Billy Mitchell.
Lauren Featherstone receiving her award from Walter Day!
Breaking The #Tapper Record - An #Interview With Lauren Featherstone #Gaming #Arcade Tapper, a game that was released on to the world in 1983, puts the player in the role of a bartender who must serve patrons before the time expires.
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