#Greig Buckle
recycledmoviecostumes · 8 months
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This beautiful striped costume has been worn five times over the years. It was almost certainly made for the 2004 mini-series North & South, where Daniela Denby-Ashe wore it as Margaret Hale. It made another appearance the very next year in Bleak House, where Gillian Anderson wore it as Lady Honoria Dedlock. At this time, a belt and buckle were added to the costume – a feature that stayed with the piece as it continued to be used.
In 2009, the outfit was worn by Michelle Dockery as Erminia Whyte in Cranford Christmas. Next, the dress was seen in the 2016 production To Walk Invisible, where Gracie Kelly wore it as Ellen Nussey. In 2020, it appeared in the first season of Belgravia, where Tamsin Greig wore it as Anne Trenchard. At this point, it appears that additional fabric has been added to the front, either for a different look or to enlarge the piece. This piece may be a separate vest under the jacket or may be made to look like one, with the “vest” sewn to the jacket.
Finally, in 2023, the piece was seen in the episode of The Artful Dodger entitled The Duel, where Maia Mitchell wore it as Lady Belle Fox.
This fabric has been used many more times on several other costumes. Click the link below to see more.
Costume Credit: carsNcors, Katie S., Angela, Shrewsbury Lasses, Stephhanie, Amber, Mor, Awesomefountain
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straykidsnerd255 · 1 year
Please may I have a Fruits Basket fluff scenario of when you (Yuki's wife who also owns three cats called Biscuits and Sage and Thorns- Thorns thankfully loved him now and she now has two children..Grace, her daughter the eldest age 9 and Greige, her son the youngest age 6) and Yuki ran in *not literally* to a old friend (momiji) that you two haven't seen in a while when you and your husband was on a outing with your children (you were carrying Gregie on your hip) who are also Yuki's kids..Grace happily greeted Momiji because she definitely met him before a few times but it was definitely Greige's first time meeting this 'strange German man' (the last time Momiji met him..Greige was a baby) and he definitely didn't know why his mummy and Daddy and big sis met him before. Greige was rather shy when Momiji spoke to him in a friendly manner and Greige buried his head on your shoulder, black hair and all *cue the soft laughter at his cuteness from the others* and you reassured Greige that Momiji wasn't a scary man when you realised why he reacted that way..
*that is Greige in the photo*
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Sorry, this took so long to get out! Hope you enjoy it anyway! Sorry if it's short! I was getting tired and needed to go to bed.
“Come on Grace! We have to go shopping for school!” You call out as you pick up your son, Greige. “Coming Mom!” Grace yelled back. You walked to the car and buckled Greige into his seat. You leaned down and pressed a kiss to his forehead right as Yuki walked out of the house. He smiled and wrapped his arms around your waist, leaning his head on your shoulder. “Ready to go?” Yuki asked. You nodded your head. “Let me go get my purse and get Grace and then we can leave.” You said walking back into the house. 
“Grace! What are you doing honey? We need to go or we can’t get you cute outfits for school!” You called out. You heard the sound of the bedroom door slamming shut and Grace racing into the living room. You smiled at your daughter. “You look beautiful Grace. Ready to go?” You asked, grabbing your purse. Grace nodded her head and bolted for the car. You chuckled before closing the front door and locking it up. You climbed into the passenger's side and buckled up before turning to face your kids. 
Grace clicked her seatbelt into place and grinned up at you and Yuki. “Ready to go Mom and Dad!” Both Grace and Greige yelled out. You smiled before turning to face the front as Yuki put the car in gear and began driving to the store. You put the kids' favorite CD in and couldn’t help but smile as they both started screaming the lyrics. You and Yuki joined in the singing as well, making your two kids grin widely. 
“We’re here!” Yuki said, parking the car and turning it off. “If we can find three outfits we can get lunch while we are here. How does that sound?” He said, grinning when both Grace and Greige started cheering. You shook your head but a smile sat on your lips. You quickly grabbed your purse from the car and Yuki locked it. You picked Greige up and he clung to you as you, Grace, and Yuki walked towards the mall. Grace chatted both your ears and Yuki’s ears off as she talked about what she was going to try and find in the mall. 
When you entered the mall, you and Yuki were talking with Grace and seeing where she wanted to go not realizing you were about to walk into someone. When you accidentally bumped into the person, you turned to apologize before a wide smile appeared on your face. “Momiji!” You said. The blonde looked up and a wide grin appeared on his face. “Y/n! Yuki! It's so good to see you guys again!” He said. “UNCLE MOMIJI!” Grace yelled as she raced back and jumped into Momiji’s open arms. He hugged Grace tightly. 
Momiji moved to say hello to Greige but the boy wasn’t sure of this man and buried his face in your shoulder. You giggled when you realized the Greige didn’t remember Momiji all that well. Yuki and Momiji noticed and chuckled. “Greige, honey this is Momiji. He is Mommy’s best friend and Daddy’s brother. You can trust him.” You said, rubbing your son’s back. Greige lifted his head from your shoulder and looked over at Momiji again to see him giving his older sister a piggyback ride. Greige slowly reached out for Momiji and a loud giggle erupted from him when Momiji gently took him from your arms. 
The rest of the day consisted of you, Yuki, Momiji, Grace, and your son Greige walking around the mall. Grace ended up getting a whole new wardrobe and Greige got a few new clothes he spotted and liked. You got a few new outfits and a new necklace. Yuki got a few new shirts, while Momiji just spoiled Grace and Greige the rest of the time at the mall. When you were heading back to the car after lunch, Grace climbed into her seat and immediately fell asleep. When you buckled Greige up, he immediately fell asleep making both you and Yuki smile softly before climbing into the car, getting buckled, and driving back home.
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billy-the-bard · 4 years
Day Seven of Shakespeare Appreciation Week 2020 (organised by @harry-leroy) is Production Day:
"Twelfth Night"
(The National Theatre, UK, 2017.)
Well, buckle up, my fellow Bardophiles, cause I have *a lot* of feelings about this one!
Yes, there will be *spoilers* for both the play in general and this production in particular.
I do recommend that you look up a synopsis of the play if you're not familiar with it.
The National Theatre's production of "Twelfth Night" from 2017 is one of the very best (perhaps even *the* best) productions of Shakespeare I've seen. It's beautiful, funny, heartbreaking and deeply moving.
I had never seen the play before this production and didn't really know anything about it, apart from there being a woman named Viola who disguises herself as a man, under the name Cesario (and I only knew that because of the guinea-pig of my favourite historical costume YouTuber, Bernadette Banner...).
The opening monologue - "If music be the food of love, play on" - is delivered with such enthusiasm, emotion and heart by Oliver Chris as Count Orsino.
Can we also just take a moment to appreciate the music in this production?? It's haunting and beautiful. "Come Away, Death", anyone?
This production owns my heart, especially Oliver Chris as Orsino, he could SO easily have been just a bland, self-pitying simp who lays about all day listening to depressing love-songs and sighing dramatically, but instead we get this enthusiastic, athletic, passionate and emotional golden retriever of a man who's convinced he's in love with Olivia but is also deeply confused by the deep feelings he's developed for his new servant, Cesario.
Tamara Lawrance is really good as Viola/Cesario and her dynamic with Oliver Chris's Orsino is A+. The two of them dancing around their powerful mutual attraction is both amusing and moving. Here you clearly have two people who have fallen hard for each other, but Orsino equally clearly can't acknowledge these feelings to himself. (An example of why having it set in the 1960s works, it wouldn't have been socially, never mind legally, acceptable for them to have an openly gay relationship at that point in time.)
Here Viola/Cesario sums up the love triangle of Orsino-Viola/Cesario-Olivia:
A wonderful twist this production has done is to genderbend three characters; Malvolio is now Malvolia, Feste the fool is now a woman, and the servant Fabian is now Fabia.
Now, I imagine that in most productions, Malvolio is mainly a person who has ambitions "above his station", someone who has reached as far as he can go within his own social class and sees the only way upward to be the marriage to Countess Olivia. Thus, when he's being tricked by some of the members of Olivia's household into thinking she's in love with him, it's merely the deflating of a pompous ass.
However, by genderbending Malvolio to Malvolia (and setting the production somewhere in the 1960s) there is an added, much deeper and more heartbreaking element of Malvolia being gay and thinking she's actually found love and a chance for happiness in a romantic couple, something she likely didn't think would ever happen.
She's no longer just the pompous ass who needs to be taken down a peg or two, she's not someone who (technically) has several other opportunities to find a socially acceptable relationship, she's someone who's never dared hope her love would be requited, someone who, when she finds the letter that's supposedly from Olivia, finally dares hope she might actually have a "happily ever after".
This makes what happens to her all the more heartbreaking; Olivia thinking Malvolia mad when, having followed the instructions in the letter to dress and behave in ways that (it turns out) Olivia would find deeply offensive,
Olivia thinks her mad and has her sent away to be subsequently tortured and mocked by the very people who wrote the letter in the first place. It's truly, truly heartbreaking.
Tamsin Greig plays Malvolia with a perfect balance of comic pomposity and deep, raw emotion. A tour de force.
There are sooooo many more things I could talk about (if you don't know the play this part of my post may make very little sense...):
I could talk about how Antonio is shown to actually be in love with Sebastian, they even get a kiss. I could talk about Olivia actually looking heartbroken when she finds out she's accidentally married Sebastian instead of Cesario. I could talk about how good the actors playing Sir Toby Belch and Sir Andrew Agucheek are. I could talk about the fact that there's a scene set in a gay nightclub where a drag queen sings a version of Hamlet's "To be or not to be" soliloquy, for some inexplicable reason. I could talk about the costumes that are a mix of timelessly stylish with a retro vibe and beautifully tailored, and the fact that Olivia and her maids are wearing sunglasses as "veils".
I could also talk about this glorious reaction from Oliver Chris's Orsino as he finds out Cesario is actually a woman, Viola:
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(GIFs by the talented @kitmarlowe)
Look at this adorable dork!
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I could talk about this production until long after the cows come home, it really resonated with me on so many levels.
I sincerely hope they bring it out on DVD at some point in the future!
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fearsmagazine · 2 years
DISTRIBUTOR: MultiChoice Studios & Showmax
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SYNOPSIS: A family is confined to their glasshouse as they try to survive The Shred, a toxin that erases memory. The eldest sister hesitates when a stranger emerges on their land and she disregards her family’s rule and they allow him in. As they tend to his wound, the sisters are seduced by a Stranger who shatters their peace and stirs a past best left buried.
REVIEW: At its core, GLASSHOUSE feels like Thomas P. Cullinan’s 1966 novel “The Beguiled,” adapted for the screen in 1971 and 2017, mixed with a bit of Jules Verne and Rod Serling to create this timeless tale of a dystopian world.
An enjoyable tale crafted by Kelsey Egan and Emma Lungiswa De Wet. As to what exactly the Shred is remains speculative, but the family tries to follow strict rules in order to maintain their safety. This micro matriarchal society is guided by their strict mother. The writer’s allow the characters to blossom through what feels like organic interaction. As we come to know them it becomes evident that there are secrets and a darkness that resides just below the surface of this fairy tale like situation. I appreciated how they weave a sense of innocence with their violent acts, and how they ritualized it. The Stranger’s introduction germinates the mystery, suspense and sexual tension to the tale. As this cauldron begins to bubble other elements rise to the surface and some plot points begin to shift. Who is the predator and who is the prey, and motives begin to clarify. This fairy tale becomes a nightmare as everything comes to a dire climax. It’s a lyrical and captivating narrative that nicely encompasses several literary traditions and features engaging characters.
The film boasts some amazing production designs and nice camera work. There is an elegance with just a hint of steampunk that instills a timeless element into the look of the film. In the midst of all this simplicity there are these stained glass/painted windows that provide some insight into this family. Likewise, there is some logic in the costume designs when it comes to the gear they wear when they work outside. Kelsey Egan does some nice camera work to lull the viewer into the tale. The editing varies from hypotonic to invigorating. It’s impressive work.
The film features an excellent ensemble cast. Actress Adrienne Pearce is compelling as Mother. There is something about the performance that borders on villainous. She can be nurturing and strict, especially given the circumstances, but there is an aspect to it that is sinister. It’s spellbinding. Hilton Pelser is “The Stranger.” Pelser has a broad pallet to draw on as he goes through an emotional transformation as the plot unfolds. This is the second film I’ve seen with actress Jessica Alexander this year, the previous being the IFC film “A Banquet.” Alexander has an incredible range and a unique ability to create diverse characters. The character of Bee goes through this arc and she simply draws the viewer in and takes them on the journey. A rising star we are sure to see more of.
Kelsey Egan’s GLASSHOUSE is an impressive, unforgettable feature debut. She is a cinematic dynamo whose credits include stunts and visual effects, in addition to her directing, writing, producing, editing, and acting credits. Her experience with those disciplines allows her to craft a special cinematic experience. There is so much going on in this film, but it is all skillfully blended together with impressive production values and amazing performances. GLASSHOUSE is satisfying on many levels - the genre fan, the film critic, a lover of the cinema, and a lover of a good story. She is already at work on her next feature, another genre, which I can’t wait to experience based on her work here.
CAST: Jessica Alexander, Kitty Harris, Helton Pelser, Adrienne Pearce and Anja Taljaard. CREW: Director/Screenplay - Kelsey Egan; Screenplay - Emma Lungiswa De Wet; Producer - Greig Buckle; Cinematographer - Justus de Jager; Score - Patrick Cannell; Editor - Rowan Jackson; Costume Designer - Catherine McIntosh; Production Designer - Kerry Von Lillienfeld; Key MakeUp Designer & SFX - Annie Butler; Prosthetics Designer - Clinton Aiden Smith. OFFICIAL: N.A. FACEBOOK: N.A. TWITTER: N.A. TRAILER: https://youtu.be/QndhZXIyaGQ RELEASE DATE: On digital platforms July 12th, 2022.
**Until we can all head back into the theaters our “COVID Reel Value” will be similar to how you rate a film on digital platforms - 👍 (Like), 👌 (It’s just okay),  or 👎 (Dislike)
Reviewed by Joseph B Mauceri
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heyheysuz · 3 years
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: GORGEOUS No. 6 Kiltie Slingback Peep Toe Fringe Zipper Clog Sandal Taupe Greige.
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lacasuarina · 7 years
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24 AUGUST 2017
1. NWOB Edward Green Oak Brown Wingtip Shoes
2. NWOT Drakes Spotty Pocket Square (one of many squares listed tonight)
3. Vintage 1964 Harvard Rowing Blazer with Ben Silver Buttons
4. The Alchemist Black Rose Skull Cast Belt Buckle
5. NWT Polo Ralph Lauren Blackwatch Tartan Smoking Jacket
6. NWOB Vass Budapest Cigar Shell Cordovan Shoes
7. Rose Quartz Tendril Mounted Cufflinks
8. NWT Loro Piana Greige Shearling Fur Bomber Coat
9. Vintage Londonderry Silk Teepee Indian Print Muffler
10. NWT Polo Ralph Lauren Reversible Tweed Belted Raglan Coat
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moosterrecords · 7 years
The Award-Winning Suspense-Thriller Slithers Home for Halloween!
Starring Sarah Dumont (Scouts Guide to the Zombie Apocalypse, Don Jon)
and Tom Ainsley (TV’s “Versailles,” “The Royals”)
Own it on DVD and Digital October 31
This Halloween, come face to face with terror when the award-winning suspense-thriller SERPENT slithers home on DVD and Digital October 31 from Sony Pictures Home Entertainment. Rising stars Sarah Dumont (Scouts Guide to the Zombie Apocalypse, Don Jon) and Tom Ainsley (TV’s “Versailles,” “The Royals”) co-star in this terrifying tale of a married couple whose romantic getaway in the wild turns deadly when they find themselves trapped in a tent with a poisonous snake. Written and directed by acclaimed first-time feature filmmaker Amanda Evans (TV’s “Monumental: Re-Riding History”), SERPENT has had audiences coiled in fear at film festivals around the world, earning a reputation as a must-see fright film and winning numerous festival honors, including the Nightfall Award at the 2017 LA Film Festival and the Award of African Critic at the 2017 Durban International Film Festival. Now, suspense and horror fans everywhere can experience the serpentine twists and turns of this pulse-pounding survival tale on DVD and Digital at home… or in the wild! Synopsis: A romantic escape into nature becomes the ultimate moment of reckoning when a husband and wife are trapped in a tent with a deadly snake. Unable to escape and with certain death looming, the tent becomes a heated confessional to a cataclysmic truth. Betrayed, the couple finds themselves spiraling into a dark and dangerous game of survival, where the truth can do anything but set you free. Serpent was produced by Amanda Evans and Greig Buckle (Life, Above All, Lord of War). Executive producers are Brian Cox, Robert Naidoo, Sudhir Pragjee, Sanjeev Singh and Dugald Macdonald.
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This beautiful striped costume has been worn five times over the years. It was believed to have been made for the 2004 North & South mini-series, where it was worn on Daniela Denby-Ashe as Margaret Hale. It made another appearance the very next year in the 2005 production of Bleak House, where it was worn by Gillian Anderson as Lady Dedlock.  It was during this production that it appears a belt and a belt buckle were added to the costume - a feature that has stayed with the gown ever since. In 2009 the costume was worn on Michelle Dockery as Erminia in Cranford Christmas.  The dress was seen in the 2016 production To Walk Invisible, where it was worn by Gracie Kelly as Ellen Nussey, and most recently it was seen in the 2020 production of Belgravia on Tamsin Greig as Anne Trenchard.
Costume Credit: Amber, Angela, CarsNCors, Katie S., Mor, Shrewsbury Lasses, Stephanie
E-mail Submissions: [email protected]
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Note: This gown has been posted previously, but has been re-posted in order to add additional sightings and information.
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I just added this listing on Poshmark: Halogen Greige Leather Booties Buckles Sz 6.5. #poshmark #fashion #shopping #shopmycloset
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political-affairs · 11 years
Michael Holding
Michael Anthony Holding (born 16 February 1954) is a former West Indian cricketer. One of the fastest bowlers ever to play Test cricket, he was nicknamed "Whispering Death" by umpires due to his quiet approach to the bowling crease. His bowling was smooth and very fast, and he used his height (6 ft 3 1⁄2 in/1.918 m) to generate large amounts of bounce and zip off the pitch. He was part of the fearsome West Indian pace battery, together with Joel Garner, Andy Roberts, Sylvester Clarke, Colin Croft, Wayne Daniel and the late Malcolm Marshall that devastated batting line-ups throughout the world in the seventies and early eighties. Early in his Test career, in 1976, Holding broke the record for best bowling figures in a Test match by a West Indies bowler, 14 wickets for 149 runs (14/149). The record still stands. During his first-class cricketcareer, Holding played for Jamaica, Canterbury, Derbyshire, Lancashire and Tasmania. In June 1988 Holding was celebrated on the $2 Jamaican stamp alongside the Barbados Cricket Buckle.
Early life
Michael Holding was born on 16 February 1954, the youngest of four children to Ralph and Enid Holding who lived in Kingston, Jamaica. The family was passionate about sport, and only a few days after Michael was born his father enrolled him as a member of Melbourne Cricket Clubat Kingston. At the age of three he was diagnosed with asthma, but by his early teenage years he no longer needed an inhaler. He led an active life, playing sport in the scrubland and wooded areas near his home. Though his family would often watch the cricket at Sabina Park, Holding preferred to play Catchy Shubby Cricket than watch.[1]
Cricketing career
Early career
In late 1975 the West Indies team embarked on a six-Test tour of Australia. Earlier that year the West Indies had defeated Australia in the final of the inaugural the World Cup, and the teams were considered to be the best of their day.[2] Fast bowler Bernard Julien was out of form and his place in the team was given to debutant Michael Holding who opened the bowling with Andy Roberts.[3] He picked up a groin strain in the second Test and bowled as fast as 97 mph, quicker than Jeff Thomson, Australia's fastest bowler.[4] According to Wisden in his debut series, Holding "had shown himself to be Roberts' natural opening partner and indeed was timed to be faster than [Jeff] Thomson, [Dennis] Lillee and Roberts", and considered that when West Indies captain Clive Lloyd chose to give Julien the new ball rather than Holding it was a mistake that cost the West Indies the match. Australia won the series 5-1, and though Holding's 10 wickets in 5 matches cost on average more than 60 runs each, Wisden believed that he had performed well enough to establish himself in the side and had the potential to bowl faster still.[2][5]
India visited the West Indies in March for a four-Test series. The defeat to Australia had left Andy Roberts exhausted, so he was rested for the matches against India and Holding took over as leader of the West Indies bowling attack. He finished as his team's leading wicket taker (second in the series to Indian leg spinner B. S. Chandrasekhar) with 19 wickets at less than 20 runs each and helped his team to a 2-1 victory.[6][7]
The West Indies toured England in 1976, and though Holding was unknown in the country the British press picked up on his performance in Australia and there was a sense of anticipation about his bowling. An early psychological blow was landed by the West Indies in a warm up match against the Marylebone Cricket Club when Holding stuck Dennis Amiss on the head, leaving a wound that needed stitches. Amiss was a veteran player and likely to open for England in the forthcoming Tests and seeing him struggle against Holding's pace was a warning of things to come.[8] In the lead up to the series England captain Tony Greig was confident of his team's chances, saying in an interview "I like to think people are building these West Indians up, because I'm not really sure they're as good as everyone thinks. You must remember, that the West Indians, these guys, if they get on top they are magnificent cricketers. But if they're down, they grovel, and I intend, with the help of Closey [Brian Close] and a few others, to make them grovel."[9] The comments outraged the West Indians, and to the team the use of the term "grovel" in particular "smacked of racism and apartheid".[10]
Post-playing career
Holding has written two autobiographies the first of which, Whispering Death, was published in 1988 before he retired and the second, No Holding Back, over 20 years later in 2010.[20] After retiring from cricket Holding ran a petrol station in Kingston called "Michael Holding's Service Centre", employing several people who were members of Melbourne Cricket Club of which he was a member. The business was initially successful, though Holding found it stressful. Broadcasting began to take up more of his time, and while he was away the petrol station suffered so in 1995 he decided to sell.[21] The former fast bowler also considered taking up umpiring, though not as a profession, and considered pursuing qualifications to umpire in domestic matches in Jamaica but his time was taken up with managing the petrol station and broadcasting.[22]
Broadcaster and ICC official
Holding's career evolved after his retirement from active play. He had never aspired to becoming a commentator but was friends with a producer at Radio Jamaica who invited him to commentate on cricket. This led to him working around the Caribbean, but at this stage work was not regular enough to be his main source of income. Holding made his transition from radio commentator to television in 1990 when cricket in the Caribbean was broadcast on television around the world for the first time. Two local commentators were chosen and Holding was picked alongside Tony Cozier at the latter's recommendation.[23] He became a broadcaster as a member of the Sky Sports cricket commentary team.
The ICC created the Bowling Action Review Committee (BARC) in 1999, and on the recommendation of the WICB, Holding was one of the founding members of the committee. The role of the committee was to monitor players suspected of throwing using various video replays. The process of assessing a bowler’s action has since become more scientific with more technology used and though the committee disbanded in 2005 it was influential in the ICC establishing the 15 degree maximum for bowlers straightening their arms in delivery.[24] Even when working for the BARC, Holding was a strident critic of the ICC so in 2007 when he was approached to join the newly formed ICC cricket committee he thought a friend was playing a joke on him. Holding joined the committee and though he was initially optimistic quit in July 2008 in protest against the ICC's decision to overturn the result of the Oval Test between Pakistan and England, which was changed from a forfeit by Pakistan (who chose not to take the field in protest against being accused of ball tampering) to a draw. The forfeiture was later reinstated, and Holding resolved not to rejoin the committee.[25][26]
Holding has stated "I don't think [twenty20] is good for the game... It has its place but it will be bad unless those in charge manage it properly and I do not think they can because they are blinded by money. I can see Test cricket dying because of this." Despite this he was initially supportive of the Stanford 20/20. He believed the tournament funded by billionaire Allen Stanford could revitalise Caribbean cricket (the fortunes of the West Indies team declined from the 1990s onwards). However, with the conception of the Stanford Super Series involving the England Cricket Boardin 2008 he became critical of the venture as he felt that funds which had previously been invested in domestic teams was no longer of interest to Stanford.[27]
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clotheschronicles · 6 years
GREIGE SHOP by gaby-mil featuring a perfume fragrance ❤ liked on Polyvore
Dress, 515 MAD / Steve Madden buckle shoes, 1315 MAD / Sara Battaglia handbags tote, 5240 MAD / Oscar de la Renta beaded earrings, 3490 MAD / H m makeup, 120 MAD / Forever 21 conditioning mascara, 36 MAD / Perfume fragrance, 185 MAD
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heyheysuz · 3 years
Check out this listing I just added to my Poshmark closet: No. 6 Kiltie Slingback Peep Toe Fringe Clog Sandal.
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lacasuarina · 7 years
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INTERNATIONAL WATERS 24 AUGUST 2017 1. NWOB Edward Green Oak Brown Wingtip Shoes 2. NWOT Drakes Spotty Pocket Square (one of many squares listed tonight) 3. Vintage 1964 Harvard Rowing Blazer with Ben Silver Buttons 4. The Alchemist Black Rose Skull Cast Belt Buckle 5. NWT Polo Ralph Lauren Blackwatch Tartan Smoking Jacket 6. NWOB Vass Budapest Cigar Shell Cordovan Shoes 7. Rose Quartz Tendril Mounted Cufflinks 8. NWT Loro Piana Greige Shearling Fur Bomber Coat 9. Vintage Londonderry Silk Teepee Indian Print Muffler 10. NWT Polo Ralph Lauren Reversible Tweed Belted Raglan Coat NOW LIVE #mensfashion #menswear #edwardgreen #drakes #pocketsquare #harvard #vintageharvard #alchemist #alchemybuckle #vass #shellcordovan #cufflinks #rosequartz #loropiana #shearling #londonderry #poloralphlauren #polo #luxeswap #ebay #ebayseller
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I just added this listing on Poshmark: Halogen Greige Leather Booties Buckles Sz 6.5. #poshmark #fashion #shopping #shopmycloset
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I just added this listing on Poshmark: Halogen Greige Leather Booties Buckles Sz 6.5. #poshmark #fashion #shopping #shopmycloset
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I just added this listing on Poshmark: Halogen Greige Leather Booties Buckles Sz 6.5. #poshmark #fashion #shopping #shopmycloset
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