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"Notre Dame" de et avec Valérie Donzelli (2019) et avec Pierre Deladonchamps, Thomas Scimeca, Bouli Lanners, Virginie Ledoyen, Isabelle Candelier, Philippe Katerine, Samir Guesmi, Pauline Serieys et Claude Perron, avril 2023.
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letterboxd-loggd · 1 year
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The Woman in the Fifth (La femme du Vème) (2011) Paweł Pawlikowski
July 1st 2023
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Cash    [trailer]
After his brother is killed, Cash allies with a famous thief to pull of the biggest robbery in history.
It surely strives for the stylish coolness of the Ocean movies. The breezy score and the charm of Dujardin certainly helps.
But the convoluted story increasingly feels a bit much, with too many shifting loyalties, so it's a little difficult to care too much for the characters at the end. Still an entertaining watch.
Side note, while more than a decade old, it's still remarkable how much the characters smoke. Payment for that must've been a meaningful budget contribution.
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movienized-com · 6 months
Sous contrôle
Sous contrôle (Serie 2023) #LéaDrucker #SamirGuesmi #LaurentStocker #PatrickdAssumçao #JochenHägele #MaxenceTual Mehr auf:
Serie / Unter Kontrolle / Under controlJahr: 2023- Genre: Comedy Hauptrollen: Léa Drucker, Samir Guesmi, Laurent Stocker, Patrick d’Assumçao, Jochen Hägele, Maxence Tual, Lionel Laget, Samuel Churin, Youssef Sahraoui, Machita Daly … Serienbeschreibung: Marie Tessier (Léa Drucker) ist beliebt, idealistisch und äußerst effizient. Gleich am ersten Tag ihres Amtsantritts im Quai d’Orsay wird sie…
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mauxpourdesmots · 1 year
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ugandanewsreleases · 7 months
SNJT to hold rally in support of journalist Khalifa Guesmi Wednesday
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youviralart · 1 year
Nando Pola 
18^ Festa del Cinema di Roma AVANT QUE LES FLAMMES NE S\’ÉTEIGNENT Chiedere verità e giustizia. Drammatico, Francia 2023. Durata 96 Minuti. Un film di Mehdi Fikri. Con Sofiane Zermani, Camélia Jordana, Sonia Faidi, Samir Guesmi Una famiglia chiede giustizia per la morte di un ragazzo di venticinque anni.
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msclaritea · 1 year
Reckoning with Foucault’s alleged sexual abuse of boys in Tunisia | Racism | Al Jazeera
Reckoning with Foucault’s alleged sexual abuse of boys in Tunisia
I am not calling for Foucault to be ‘cancelled’, but we need to address recent reports about his predatory behaviour in Tunisia.
Haythem Guesmi is a Tunisian academic and writer.
Published On 16 Apr 2021
“Tunisia, for me, represented in some ways the chance to reinsert myself in the political debate. It wasn’t May of ’68 in France that changed me; it was March of ’68, in a third-world country.” This is how Michel Foucault, a French philosopher, described his time in Tunisia, a country that welcomed him and offered him his first academic teaching position at the University of Tunis.
Foucault, the public figure and famous theorist of power and sexuality, was indebted to Tunisia for his early transformative experiences. He was enthralled by the intensity of the intellectual debates he took part in, and the radicalism of political activism against dehumanisation he witnessed during his stay in Tunis in the late 1960s.
During the same time, Foucault, the private figure, allegedly sexually abused Tunisian prepubescent children.
Rumours of Foucault’s sexual abuse of children have long been known to Tunisians, but recently there has been a new devastating account by well-known French essayist Guy Sorman.
In an interview with the French public TV channel France 5 on March 5, Sorman confirmed that while visiting Foucault, he “witnessed what Foucault did with young children in Tunisia … ignoble things. The possibility of consent could not be sought. These were things of extreme moral ugliness.”
In a second interview with the British newspaper The Sunday Times on March 28, he recalled that “they were eight, nine, ten years old, he was throwing money at them and would say ‘let’s meet at 10pm at the usual place’”, a local cemetery in the town of Sidi Bou Said, north of the capital Tunis. “He would make love there on the gravestones with young boys. The question of consent wasn’t even raised.”
Foucault is the latest addition to an infamous long list of French writers, artists, intellectuals, and politicians who have been rumoured to have sexually abused children in the (neo)colonies: Paul Gauguin, André Gide, Gabriel Matzneff, Frédéric Mitterrand, Jack Lang, and others. Matzneff is now facing prosecution, while Mitterrand and Lang categorically denied all rumours and accusations. In the case of Foucault, however, the issue will likely be swept under the carpet without much debate.
It is worth noting that none of the main newspapers in France, such as Le Monde and Libération, or even in Tunisia has reported on Sorman’s accusation.
This absence of media reckoning with Foucault’s alleged paedophilia in Tunisia can also be linked to the distortions and silencing that have characterised the way Sorman’s claim has been framed by The Sunday Times.
The British newspaper undermined the possibility of an unbiased reckoning with Foucault’s alleged history of sexual abuse by framing its report as an attack on “a beacon of today’s ‘woke’ ideology” and “Parisian intellos”. In so doing, it cheapened the much-needed conversation around Foucault’s alleged sexual abuse by turning it into just another biased critique of the French left by a right-wing British news outlet.
Meanwhile, Matzneff, a renowned French writer, has been publicly disgraced and is facing prosecution by the French authorities for accusations of paedophilia against French and Filipino children. Despite writing in his many novels about his experiences with sex abuse of boys and girls in the Philippines, he was dropped by his publishers and stripped of his literary prizes and columns only after the publication of a damning book Consent, by Vanessa Springora, one of the writer’s white underage victims.
The uncomfortable truth is that the difference in the intense backlash against Matzneff, as opposed to the tamed indictment against Foucault, results from a long history of viewing the (neo)colonial subject as a disposable body.
What is often dismissed in the current global movement of #metoo reckoning is the figure of the developing countries’ child.
As Sorman notes, Foucault’s abuse of Tunisian boys is similar to that of the French painter Paul Gauguin’s sexual exploitation of Tahitian girls. They were both ensnared with the native “other” who they viewed as primitive and exploitable; they both escaped the French metropolis to evade scrutiny and let loose their predatory self; and they both used their prestige and economic and cultural power to enable total control over the bodies of young victims.
The only difference between these two French child abusers is how they represented their sexual brutalisation of the developing countries’ child in their works: Gauguin laid bare all his sexual and racial stereotypes in his paintings and explicitly celebrated his predatory desires.
Foucault, however, was much more strategic. Although he is the most influential theorist and critic of the relationship between sexuality, knowledge, and power in the West, Foucault completely disregarded the colonial subject from his writings on sexuality. And yet, I believe now that Foucault’s sexual abuse of Tunisian boys largely informed and shaped his criticism of the notions of normal or natural sex and children’s sexuality. After all, dehumanisation and exploitation in the (neo)colony have always been central to Western academia.
Foucault’s time in Tunisia continues to be inexplicably underreported. Most biographies of the French theorist either focus on his appointment as a university professor between 1966 and 1968 and his intellectual and political awakening, or celebrate his engagement with social and political issues in post-independence Tunisia under the regime of Habib Bourguiba.
It remains unclear whether Bourguiba requested that Foucault be appointed at the University of Tunis and therefore offered him total immunity. The claim that Foucault decided to leave Tunisia for France after he was beaten by Tunisian police over his political activism also remains questionable, since prior to that incident he had already accepted a new position as head of the philosophy department at the University of Vincennes. And most importantly, it is suspected that there is no publicly available police record covering Foucault’s years in Tunisia. At the time, Sidi Bou Said native Beji Caid Essebsi, who later became Tunisia’s president, was the interior minister and was known for his policies of panoptic police surveillance. And yet, there appears to be no official record of Foucault’s predatory behaviour in the country.
Even today, it is naive to expect Foucault to be held accountable for his monstrous actions. The French intelligentsia has always been very protective of its prominent figures when their sexual abuse is directed towards victims from developing countries. So the calls to reckon with this terrible legacy will likely be reduced to a footnote in academic and cultural works.
To be clear, I am not calling for Foucault to be “cancelled” or the reports of his child sexual abuse to be used to attack his scholarly work and academia in general.
But it is important to acknowledge that Foucault’s monstrosity had permanently changed the lives of many faceless and nameless Tunisian children and caused rippling traumatic effects in their lives. Reckoning with his sex abuse in Tunisia means that social justice may finally be brought to his victims."
Sex Tourists. I recall reading about these rich men traveling to third world countries to rape children. Behavior like this, applied over decades can and will change the very nature of a person. Tunisia covered for this French child predator. His philosophies? Who cares?
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hardynwa · 1 year
Tunisian journalists rally against anti-terror laws
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Dozens of journalists in Tunisia have held a demonstration against what they say are repressive anti-terror laws designed to intimidate the media. They brandished placards outside the national journalists' union headquarters, declaring that liberty depends on press freedom. On Tuesday an appeals court jailed a radio journalist, Khalifa Guesmi, for five years - increasing his earlier sentence by five times - for disclosing information about Tunisia's security services. A police officer convicted of giving him information got 10 years in prison. Critics accuse President Kais Saied of steering Tunisia towards dictatorship. The media rights group, Reporters Without Borders, said Mr Guesmi's sentence sent a "terrifying" message to the country's media. Read the full article
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Título Original: Banlieue 13
Año:  2004
Duración: 85 min
País: Francia
Dirección: Pierre Morel
Guion: Luc Besson, Bibi Naceri
Música: Bastide Donny, Da Octopuss
Fotografía: Manuel Teran
Reparto: Cyril Raffaelli, David Belle, Dany Verissimo, Tony D'Amario, Bibi Naceri, François Chattot, Nicolas Woirion, Patrick Olivier, Samir Guesmi, Lyès Salem
Productora: Europa Corp, TF1 Films Production, Canal+
Género: Action; Crime; Sci-Fi
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ustaikido · 2 years
Stage aïkido animé par Brahim Si Guesmi du 13 au 15 janvier 2023
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Nous avons le plaisir de vous convier au stage d'aïkido, animé par Brahim Si Guesmi, organisé par l’UST aïkido à Talence (Bordeaux), du vendredi 13 au dimanche 15 janvier 2023 - stage animé par Brahim Si Guesmi, 6ème dan aïkido, CEN FFAB, membre de la commission jeunes.
vendredi 13 janvier :
18:30 > 19:30 : Brahim animera le cours enfants (séance gratuite); ne manquez pas l'occasion de profiter de son expertise et de sa bonne humeur !
19:30 > 21:30
samedi 14 janvier :
10:00 > 12:30
14:30 > 17:00
dimanche 15 janvier :
09:30 > 12:00
- stage ouvert aux pratiquants de tous niveaux, toutes disciplines, toutes fédérations : débutants, confirmés, gradés, avec licence et certificat médical, valides pour la saison 2022/2023 - au dojo de l'UST aïkido : salle Pierre de Coubertin rue Salvador Allende 33400 Talence (proche Bordeaux) (coordonnées GPS 44.788993, -0.588841 ou la carte Google maps ) - samedi midi : possibilité de pique-niquer au dojo - munissez-vous de votre passeport, de vos armes
- participation :  
10 EUR - le cours du vendredi     15 EUR - chaque demi-journée samedi & dimanche    45 EUR pour le stage complet, du vendredi au dimanche (30 EUR pour les jeunes de - 18 ans)
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rivaltimes · 2 years
A journalist sentenced to one year in prison for reporting on an anti-terrorist operation in Tunisia
A journalist sentenced to one year in prison for reporting on an anti-terrorist operation in Tunisia
Archive – Tunisian Police operation in the capital – Khaled Nasraoui/dpa – File A Tunisian court has sentenced a journalist to one year in prison for publishing information regarding an operation carried out in March against a terrorist cell in the town of Kairouan, as confirmed by his lawyer. Dalila Msadak, Jalifa Guesmi’s lawyer, has indicated that the court has also sentenced a National Guard…
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movienized-com · 3 months
Tombés du camion
Tombés du camion (2024) #PhilippePolletVillard #PatrickTimsit #ValérieBonneton #SaadenSadaBalius #SébastienChassagne #JulesGarreau Mehr auf:
Jahr: 2024 (Februar) Genre: Comedy / Drama Regie: Philippe Pollet-Villard Hauptrollen: Patrick Timsit, Valérie Bonneton, Saaden Sada Balius, Sébastien Chassagne, Jules Garreau, Karim Barras, Mélanie Doutey, Samir Guesmi … Filmbeschreibung: Als sein Schiff eine Panne hat, kämpft Stan, ein rauer alter Seemann, darum, an Land seinen Platz zu finden. Françoise, seine Frau, und seine beiden Söhne,…
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mauxpourdesmots · 2 years
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"La Dernière Folie de Claire Darling" de Julie Bertuccelli (2018) - adapté du roman "Le Dernier Vide-grenier de Faith Bass Darling" de Lynda Rutledge (2012) - avec Catherine Deneuve, Chiara Mastroianni, Alice Taglioni, Laure Calamy, Samir Guesmi, Johan Leysen et Olivier Rabourdin, avril 2020.
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dare-g · 2 years
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Half Moon (1995)
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