aretis · 2 years
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“Wahou !” de et avec Bruno Podalydès avec Karin Viard, Sabine Azéma, Eddy Mitchell, Victor Lefebvre, Isabelle Candelier, Agnès Jaoui, Florence Muller , Annie Mercier, Manu Payet, Yann Frisch, Félix Moati, Leslie Menu, Roschdy Zem, Carl Malapa, Pia Mougeot et les participations de Denis, Nino et Jean Podalydès, juin 2023.
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hminspired · 2 years
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Enclosed - Dining Room Ideas for a remodel of a mid-sized transitional enclosed dining room with a medium tone wood floor, gray walls, and no fireplace
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Trash Of The Mafia
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Summary: mori arrange a meeting with dazai to meet his 'special student' and his soon to be mentor plus friend?
Warning: mori itself is a warning (Pedophile/Grooming/ETC)
Genre: dazai meet someone stable? Unstable. but healthy enough to give dazai a better view of the world...?? unhinged reader?? canon divergence?
Pairing: osamu dazai x male!reader
Part: 1/?
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"AND THIS IS MY OFFICE-" Mori stood in the middle of the room and turned around, spreading his arms apart. A smile planted on his face as he then crossed his arm over his chest. "What do you think, Dazai?"
The boy in question, blink and point at himself. "Me?" He grown quiet and glance around for a second before coming into conclusion. "Well, it's better than mine, I guess..."
"Great...!" He nodded accepting dazai's answer. "Do you know why we are here, Dazai?"
"You mention that we gonna meeting 'precious' surbodinate of yours?" Dazai pursue his lips, "Thus that mean you want me to meet that person right?"
"As precise as ever, Dazai." He smile and turn around, looking at his office chair that is facing away to the wall. "You can come out now."
"Eh?" Mori blink and approach the chair, "[Nickname]?" He turn the chair around and see no one there. "[Nickname]!?" Mori started panicked looking around the room.
Lifting everything in the room in sight.
"[Name]!" He shouted, "Where are you?!"
Dazai who has been quietly watching thought, 'Is this a game?'
He nodded his head at his assumption and started walking around to search for the certain person as well. His eyes carefully look at every place.
'There is no a single trace of the person left behind, it's almost like the person never enter the room at all but...' He glance at the still frantic Mori looking around the place. 'That [Name] should be here. Right here, right now base of Mori reaction.'
Suddenly he went still from walking, his eye dilated and look up to the ceiling, "Found you."
A wide grin appear on [Name]'s face, "You found me."
He giggle excitedly and jump down from holding onto the candelier, "How exciting! Someone actually found me!" He clap his hand and put his hand on air, celebrating.
"[Nickname], here you are." Mori approach the boy hurriedly and let out a sigh, "Didn't I tell you to stay seated on the chair...? I was planning for you to have a strict appearance, you know."
[Name] stop celebrating and smiling before a pouted appear, "You are out way too long! I got bored."
"Ah, really..." He smile fondly.
"it's your fault Mr.Mori!"
"Ah, yes. You are right." He nodded to the boy word, going along. "It's my fault, sorry."
Dazai blink at the interaction happen infront of him, 'Mori being too nice right now. He even said it's his fault.' He glance at [Name].
'What's their relationship with each other?'
"Dazai," Upon hearing his name called, Dazai look back at Mori to see he one sidely hug [Name] by his side. "This is [Name] [Last Name], he will be your mentor from now on and help you get comfortable in the mafia."
"Mentor...?" Dazai uttered out, looking at [Name], " He literally look younger than me."
Mori laugh at that statement and while he do so, he stroke [Name]'s head.
Suprisingly [Name] not even mad at the word Dazai's said. "We actually the same age, Dazai!" He beamed with sparkle surrounding him as he jump up then down excitedly, "I never meet someone the same age of me, they usually 20+ or 40+ older than me!"
"How exciting!" He clapped his hand happily.
"[Name] here having a malnourished problem, that is why he look younger and smaller than what his age actually is." Mori explain once he stop laughing.
"Oh." Dazai look at the still laughing [Name], '...That is why he sound annoying, we are the same age.'
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"Hello~!" He waved his hand excitedly, "Ah, Aso how's your son doing at home?!"
Dazai is quietly following behind [Name], who is walking and skipping on his step while greeting everyone in his line of sight.
"Doing great! By the way, my wife and I are excited about a twin soon!"
[Name] gasped and squealed, "Oh my god, congrats! Name them after me, will you?!"
"Of course, that's the plan!" The guy laughs happily and strokes [Name]'s head.
[Name] leans into the palm that strokes his head, humming, "I was kidding but thank you, I'm honored!"
After a bit more of chitchat, Dazai and [Name] continue their journey walking to somewhere.
"The ants marched one by one, hora hooray~"
"...." Dazai stared at [Name] continuously behind his back and did not even bother to hide it.
"My student~!" He turns his head over his shoulder to Dazai, "You should speak up instead of staring, you see, you almost make me flush, shy~!! With that stare, hehe~" He declared with a bright smile clasping his hands together.
Dazai scrunched his face in disgust.
[Name] continues acting like a shy maiden nevertheless as he sways his body side by side.
"That guy earlier."
[Name] stand straight with a smile, giving Dazai his full attention. "What about him?"
"You are absolutely an important person to the point even the physician and the port mafia boss right handman, Mori-san seems to show a lot of respect to you." Dazai started and took a step forward to [Name] who didn't give any reaction to his statement.
"Why are you being a puny dog to your subordinate? Even letting them use your name to name their child."
[Name] throws his head back and bursts out loud laughing at Dazai's words, "Oh Dazai," He wipes his tears, "You, will get in trouble saying much thing bluntly."
Even though he said that he shook his head fondly with an amused smile. "I don't have any answer to your question, I just love people. They make me happy, give me serotonin, and give me something to do when I interact with them."
He spins around and starts walking ahead again.
Dazai followed behind and spoke up again to [Name], "Because it's not boring when you have entertainment isn't it? You talk with them like you care about them, ask stories and such."
"How childish." He sneered.
"Bingo!" [Name] admits, not even trying to deny anything. "You really get me, Dazai, I like you!"
"Please don't."
[Name] giggles, "Aww, you say that but I will make you like me~" His eyes shine with an unknown glint as he says, "Anyway, any more questions?" He jumps and clap his hand.
Dazai closes his eyes and opens them back, "You, who are you?"
[Name] tilts his head and starts tapping his finger on his chin in thought, "Hm," An eerily smile curl on his lips.
"I am Doctor Mori's temporary assistant and The Port Mafia, son that soon to be the heir...!"
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saaraahka · 1 year
But would u love me despite my bad sides if I made u random silly gifts like hand knitted sweaters or gloves, candeliers n candle holders or furniture?
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aquaburst3 · 1 year
So...after a VERY long week, I want to spill my salt somehow by ranking the TWST Books. Some things first...
I'll be using the MAL scale, so 1 means outright garbage, 5 means it's okay and 10 means awesome. I'm not gonna include Diasomnia because of spoilers. (I will say rn that it gets a 4/10).
I'm not considering issues with the game as a whole like Yuu being an inactive protagonist, just at the arcs themselves.
Keep in mind, this is all my personal opinion. If you disagree with any of my takes, great. I don't care. You're entitled to your opinion, and I'm entitled to mine.
Though, I might save that for another post. Let's get to it!
The Prologue: 5/10 Reason: There are some good bits here like the ominous opening with us waking up in the coffin, Yuu being proactive with the mine bit, and a good introduction to the main friend group. There are downsides as well. Parts of it could've been streamlined better. For example, I don't think including both the statue being burnt and the candelier falling is necessary. One of those should've been scrapped to make the pacing snappier. Hell, that's exactly what happens in the manga. Yuu should've had much more of a negative reaction to being isekaied. While I know they think it's a dream, but they're like, "I've been transported to another world where everyone I know and love don't exist? Cool." And to add insult to injury, they have a good sleep after the first night. Like, what? What kind of person would have that reaction? It's an okay start, but it could've been a lot better.
Heartslabyul: 6/10 Reason: The writing in this arc is pretty good. The stakes are reasonably high, you get introduced to great characters, Riddle is a great antagonist for this arc, Ace gets his moment in the sun and it does a good job at mixing in the movie/book while doing its own thing.
There are still some issues. Yuu isn't really proactive, and it's more Ace who drives the plot here. The pacing seems really off, since I don't think the whole "baking the tart" thing was necessary for reasons I'll mention in a bit. There are also plot holes like if Ace's older brother attended Night Raven and told him about sleeping spots, why the fuck is he so shocked about everything, including basic information like the dorm names? Shouldn't he know this shit by now? And why didn't he just straight up challenge Riddle to the position of dorm leader without putting up with the tart BS? It seems more in character for him.
Over all, an overall decent arc, but nothing to write home about.
Savanaclaw: 2.5/10 Reason: And then, things immediately tank. xD If you ask someone in the western TWST fandom what their least favourite arc is, they'll most likely name this one. There's a reason for that. It's total shit.
The Lion King elements feel shoehorned.
The mystery is extremely obvious. Despite Ruggie using his powers right in front of Yuu, no one expects a damn a thing.
Instead of being being cunning foes, Leona and Ruggie are turned to idiots, who telegraph their plans and boast about how evil they are like telenovela villains. This pisses me off, since in the rest of the game while Leona is very lazy, he's also cunning, smart and charismatic. He's like a chessmaster who knows what moves to make. I would've loved to see that Leona in this arc.
Right before Leona overblots, he uses his powers on Ruggie out of anger and almost turns him to dust. Despite this, they go back to normal like nothing happened. This pisses me off so much. First off all, why the hell did Leona do this to Ruggie in the first place? He did nothing wrong. If anything he should do this to Jack, who foiled his plans. Second, why the fuck isn't there any fallout after that? Ruggie was almost murdered! You would think that he would be pissed off at him for what he did, and Leona would have to make it up to him. I know if that were to happen to me I would be pissed off at the very least.
Leona doesn't have a lot of involvement with the story, despite being the main antagonist for that chapter.
Epel is on the magishift team, but his thoughts on this situation and the whole deal with Leona is never addressed.
Why the fuck didn't Ruggie overblot? The game gives the impression to me. He's the one who constantly uses his powers and has everything to lose, not Leona. Hell, making it so Ruggie overblot instead would be killing two birds with one stone, since it would fix that plot hole while also fixing the issue of Leona having no consequences for his actions and not feeling any regret.
Leona's motivation is hardly explored in this arc.
Like always, Yuu doesn't do a damn thing despite them being the protagonist.
Why is Leona's first plan the stampede? Wouldn't Malleus be able to teleport away?
Over all, a shit arc and wasted potential.
Octanivelle: 8/10 Reason: This is by far the most competently written out of all the TWST arcs. Azul is a cunning foe, Yuu is an actual proactive protagonist for once, and the plot is pretty solid. The only nitpicks I have with it is that the Savanaclaw characters should've been more involved in the plot, Azul being able to memorize all that info seemed like bullshit and there is a huge continuity error with the photo that makes Azul come off like a dumbass. (The game takes place in 2020, meaning that smartphones were popular at the time Azul's fat photo was taken. The fact that the photo could be floating around online never ONCE considered. I honestly chalk this up with Yana being an out of touch Gen Xer.) Other than that, solid writing and a great arc.
Scarabia: 7/10 Reason: This one is pretty solid too. Yuu is a proactive protagonist for once, most likely because they only could rely on Grim for half of it. xD The Octanivelle Trio are great. It does a great job at mixing in the Aladdin movies while doing its own thing. There are some issues holding it back like Kalim forgiving Jamil way too damn easily, Jamil being the colpurit being a bit to obvious (but it's more forgivable here since the investigation isn't the point of the arc like with Savanaclaw), the Octanivelle Trio stealing Jamil's thunder too much at times and the idea of them digging out of Scarabia makes no sense. (Seriously, even if that was possible, their room is on top of a tower, wouldn't they just fall and plumpt to their deaths?) Over all, pretty good arc.
Pomefiore: 6/10 Reason: Things go downhill from here. The first half before the training starts is pretty solid. But afterwards issues begin to arise...
The pacing feels extremely off. Sometimes it feels padded out while others it feels extremely rushed, especially after the first day until the day of the festival. I wish that certain parts were scrapped so the story could focus on more important things.
It didn't explore the aftermath of Jamil and Kalim's relationship nearly enough.
Epel does a complete 180 on his views on gender norms in one single afternoon. Sorry, but that's not how that works in real life. People are stubborn, and some never budge. If someone does change their mind about something, it would take months if not longer. He's been living with those stereotypes all his life, so he's even less likely to budge quickly. I think it'd make more sense for him to go "Oh, I see what you're saying, but…" then immediately accept it.
Others have mentioned this before, this arc has a problem of setting up certain characters to get their moment in the sun, but then give it to someone else. The biggest example is the arc setting up that Epel will have a climatic moment where he confronts Vil, but it's Deuce who does instead, despite the little set up. If she wanted Deuce to have the climatic moment, then there should've been more foreshadowing for it.
Vil and Neige's backstory seems like something Yana pulled straight out of her ass, because it makes zero sense. How the fuck is Neige able to live with a group of minors who have the mental capacity of kindergartners without being taken by CPS? Why the fuck didn't Vil know that Neige was poor already? He works with him constantly! (Honestly, I'm 99% sure she did pull it out of her ass. There was a huge incident before Ignihyde debuted in the JP fandom where the JP fans sent her and Rook VA death threats for the ending of Pomefiore. It seems like something she came up with on the spot to plaicate that complaint and make Neige look better, but it failed anyway.)
Vil's backstory made it come off as he had almost no problems.
Why aren't Vil and Neige stepbrothers? It would make their connection much simpler and align Vil up more with the Evil Queen.
Neige and Vil had no direct interaction before the climax.
NRC losing the competition is bullshit. NRC was the better performers while Neige's routine sucked.
The usual issue of Yuu not doing anything to advance the plot is also there.
Where the the fuck is Jack in all this? He and Vil are FRIENDS, so you would think that he would be concerned about Vil and want to stop him from overblotting.
The stuff before is solid, but the stuff after the training camp starts sucks. So it evens out to slightly above average.
Ignihyde: 3/10 Reason: Going against popular opinion, but...I think this one REALLY sucks and is almost on par with Savanaclaw. Because...
Everyone is a total dumbass
There's loads of worldbuilding that comes straight the fuck out of nowhere.
The ending of Jamil and Kalim's character arc infuriates me. Instead of setting Jamil's family free, they go back to the status quo and Jamil is supposed to be happy with it!? Bullshit! (Kalim should've set the Vipers free. Period. No ifs, ands or buts about it.)
Yuu and Idia hardly interact.
Yuu loses their home, and has no reaction to it.
The ending makes Vil look like a total dumbass for never considering just making an antidote to turn himself back to normal like how the Evil Queen would've done in the movie if she wasn't killed off and makes Malleus a Gary-Sue Deus ex Machina.
Leona's reading on Jamil is so inaccurate that it makes me genuinely wonder if Yana even understands her own characters.
Ortho has no personality outside of being a stereotypical child character and is more of a prop for Idia's character.
While I don't usually comment about the gaming mechanics, but the mini games in this one are frustrating as hell. I heard of people rage quiting with this arc, because they are that unfunctional.
Over all, an overrated arc and is total shit in my opinion.
Over all score so far (in my opinion): 62%, or just above average Thoughts: The game has a very strong premise and a mostly solid cast, but there are a lot of things that hold it back from being truly amazing. Certain arcs are better than others. Over all, it's just okay. For a mobile game, that's rather impressive. Twst is best as a jumping point for transformative work. The writing is decent, especially for a phone game, but if you take the premise, characters, setting and just run away with it, you could write something so much more detailed and fleshed out yourself. I think that's why I enjoy writing fics in this fandom so much. It's a fun sandbox to play in. I can use the game's elements to create something far better, fixing any writing issues in the process like the shitty worldbuilding and Yuu being passive protagonist.
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tournevole · 11 months
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Gilles Candelier Sisyphe à la sphere
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author-a-holmes · 11 months
🎃Trick or treat? 👻
🍬 Treat!
I was talking about the Evelyn Manor House earlier in another treat. How about a snippet of the first time they enter the building?
This scene is also a first, because it's in Booker's POV, which we don't get to see at all in Changeling.
The floor was dark stained wood, but his footsteps were muffled by a thick carpet covering the centre of the hall, leading you deeper into the large house. The walls had a horizontal beam of carved wood around waist height with some kind of decorated paper below and plain cream walls above that brought the white-washed cottages of Arbaon to Booker's mind. "Lizzy?" Booker called, his voice softer than intended but he didn't need her to answer him. He could feel that she was close. The familiarity of her mind called out to him, and he stepped through a large living room with deep, soft looking seats and an actual candelier hanging from the tall ceiling before opening a set of double doors that revealed a large, muli-floored library beyond. "Rot and termites," Booker cursed under his breath as he stared up and winced. When Cara had said the Evelyn Journals were in her family's library, none of them had realised what she'd meant. The room was large enough for a formal dinner at the Court of Arbaon, and the walls of books rose at lease a floor above them. It rivalled the library at Speculo School and Booker could already feel a headache building at the back of his neck.
(Event Post)
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oldsardens · 1 year
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Jean-Pierre Cassigneul - Madame Candelier
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mywingsareonwheels · 1 year
I’m on series 3 of Dix Pour Cent and omg I know that the Catherine/Mathias/Noémie love triangle won’t be resolved by the polyamoury but I so so wish it would. Catherine and Noémie would make amazing metamours (or indeed partners in their own right!), and Mathias really needs to lovingly outmaneuvered for his own good which they’d do brilliantly. ;-) I bet Camille and Hippolyte would help. :D
More seriously: I’m so delighted that in all of Mathias’s messy love-life there’s no attempt in the show to portray any of the three women concerned as bad or horrible or otherwise fulfilling any of the misogynist stereotypes I wearily expect at times like this. I mean:
Catherine might encourage Matthias overly-ambitious side professionally at times in a way that tends to go badly wrong, but she is warm, kind, intellectual, emotionally wise, brilliant at pep talks which she gives very freely. She’s one of the most compassionate character in the show, and absolutely lovely to Camille, recognising her accurately and immediately as innocent in the entire mess, and encouraging Mathias to be a better father towards her.
Annick may have a slightly crab-buckety attitude at times but she is such a caring and protective mother to Camille, she’s astute and fierce and clearly enjoys her life (including her professional life) in a way that far too few of the other characters manage.
And Noémie, oh bless her. She’s a mess, but so loving and loyal and generous-spirited and ferociously good at her job (honestly, I am always going to have a soft spot for a neurodivergent-coded, extremely anxious spreadsheet-obsessive ;-) ).
And all three are stunningly beautiful and outright recognised as such. And with two of the relevant actors (Philippine Leroy-Beaulieu and Isabelle Candelier) in their late 50s at the time of filming and the other (Laure Calamy) in her mid-40s, *damn* but that’s far too rare, at least in the UK and US. (The show also accurately recognises that Liliane Rovère is extremely gorgeous, and she was in her late 80s at the time of filming. :) )
As for Mathias... oh, I am so fond of him, and so frustrated. Not a hate-crush any more, but an exasperated crush definitely. ;-) He’s in dire need of a wake-up call, because he clearly genuinely cares a lot about everyone around him and yet is so terrible at behaving like it. His frustrated faces when the consequences of his own actions rebound on him yet again are absolute gold, and every time I’m like... yeah, good. This is salutary. And deserved. And hilarious, let’s be honest. ;-)
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movienized-com · 6 months
Chasse gardée
Chasse gardée (2023) #FrédéricForestier #AntoninFourlon #DidierBourdon #ThierryLhermitte #HakimJemili #CamilleLou Mehr auf:
Jahr: 2023 Genre: Comedy Regie: Frédéric Forestier, Antonin Fourlon Hauptrollen: Didier Bourdon, Thierry Lhermitte, Hakim Jemili, Camille Lou, Julien Pestel, Isabelle Candelier, André Penvern, David Salles, Chantal Ladesou, Guillaume Bouchède, Théo Gross, Jean-François Cayrey, Séverine Warneys … Filmbeschreibung: Entschlossen, ein neues Leben in der Nähe der Natur zu führen, zieht ein Pariser…
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aretis · 2 years
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"Notre Dame" de et avec Valérie Donzelli (2019) et avec Pierre Deladonchamps, Thomas Scimeca, Bouli Lanners, Virginie Ledoyen, Isabelle Candelier, Philippe Katerine, Samir Guesmi, Pauline Serieys et Claude Perron, avril 2023.
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swynlake-rp · 11 months
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Hear-ye, hear-ye! Welcome to the Court of Queens Emira and Kleopatra. Here you will be spelled to dance until you're dead and make merry with themed decor and beverages!
WHAT: Pride University Halloween Party, hosted by Emira and Kleo! Costumes REQUIRED. (Though they do not have to be medieval themed...you will be looked upon favorably by the hostesses.)
WHO: All university characters (and those invited by students at the university!) Costumes are REQUIRED!
WHERE: Salem Dormitories Common Room (Discord)
WHEN: Canonically on October 31, but will run from October 25-November 01
HOW: As with most events, hop in on Discord if you want your character to participate!
Some other details: Emira's illusion magic will be popping off, turning the common room into an ooky-spooky dark great hall with beautiful candlelit candeliers. There will be lots of food and drinks on golden (plastic) plates and in golden (plastic) goblets! (Non-alcoholic and alcoholic beverages, vegan and veggie options!) There will also be games like bobbing for apples and other medieval-y themed games. Also a throne for a little picture booth #moment.
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mossandfog · 1 year
Candelier, a Chandelier Made from 5,000 Gummy Bears
Artist Kevin Champeny has a great handmade chandelier made from 5,000 hand-cast acrylic gummy bears. The multi-colored lamp took over a hundred hours to construct, with the bears painstakingly strung on dozens of strings. It puts out a fun, charismatic glow. Via Colossal:
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cuatriboliaord · 2 years
SONDEO TELEFÓNICO ACCIÓN MAÑANERA: Leonel 52.6%, Abel 23.6%, Abinader 18.4%, Miguel y Candelier 2.6% cada uno
SONDEO TELEFÓNICO ACCIÓN MAÑANERA: Leonel 52.6%, Abel 23.6%, Abinader 18.4%, Miguel y Candelier 2.6% cada uno
Nota recibida  Leonel Fernández obtiene 52.6% sondeo Acción Mañanera . Barahona. – El presidente del Partido Fuerza del Pueblo (FP), doctor Leonel Antonio Fernández Reyna, ganó por encima del 50% el sondeo que hizo la mañana de este jueves el programa de radio “Acción Mañanera” que se difunde por la emisora Palma 90.7 F.M, de Empresas Radiofónicas. Fernández Reyna, líder de la Fuerza del Pueblo…
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