#Guess who made iiiitttt =)))))
fandomsoda · 1 year
Something that happened earlier today:
Me, at Disney: Wow, seeing stuff about Oswald coming back reminds me of this cool ask blog series I liked during my Cuphead and Bendy phase! What was it? Oh yeah, Quest for the Ink Machine! I should revisit it for old times sake!
Me later, watching a dub of it: Wait a minute, that art style……
*heart shatters into a million pieces*
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y’know i just remembered how in year 6/2007, some of the kids in my year started pushing that i had a crush on this dude called nate who was in my class.... because we both had problems with our handwriting (like i had a macbook by that time to help with mine, and he still had a sloped plastic thing to put his book on to write evenly or whatever)...... and it was all bc we sat next to each other (and im pretty sure that was done on purpose by my teacher tbh) and talked every day.... etc etc etc. just basically all the normal dumb stuff that happens when you’re stuck with the same kids in your classes everyday.
however, it started culminating at discos and stuff as well..... bc no one would dance with us because we were “weird” or whatever (but i defs was weird though lmao).... so that then when 11/12 year old me walked up to this guy at the disco we had at the year 6 camp we went to.... because he was sitting alone on the sideline of the dance floor for some reason and pre-teen me felt sorry for him..... so she asked him to dance because IT’S! THE! FUCKING! NICE! THING! TO! FUCKING! DO!.... basically everyone obvs went: “SEE OUR PREDICTIONS WERE RIGHT!!! YOU DO HAVE A CRUSH ON NATE!!! SEE???!!! STOP LYING!!!! ASK EACH OTHER OUT ALREADY!!!! AND FUCKING ADMIT IT/MAKE IT OFFICIAL!!!! AND BE BOYFRIEND AND GIRLFRIEND PLEASE 😊😊!!!!!’” as if it automatically proved the matter of me and this dude having crushes on each other.
but like..... we were bloody 11/12????? why the fuck do you expect 11/12 year olds to date/be a couple etc???? like what in the FUCK???? we were kids and i was just being fucking N I C E????!!! why the fuck can’t people leave C H I L D R E N (like other kids as well tbh) alone with this shit??? because we were in primary/grade/elementary or idefk middle school??? why on fucking earth would you pressure 12 year olds to be a couple anyway??? this came from teachers for a bit as well.... but more often than not, it was from the kids in our year. and that’s because this behaviour was probably learnt from their parents or the media that they watched or whatever. 
so, what im saying.... to this generation of new teachers and also parents, i guess is..... PLEASE for the love of fucking god, don’t do this to kids in bloody year 6!!!! okay yes, i know puberty and the “birds and the bees” and everything else is obvs beginning around those ages... and that’s probably why people were pushing this so hard (mostly the kids bc kids are dumb)..... but that is not an excuse for this behaviour from adults or kids.
parents: don’t encourage your kids to bully/harass other kids into relationships/dating or whatever the fuck you’d call it at FUCKING 11/12 Y E A R S  O L D.... bc this seriously fucked me up with the whole transition to high school thing.... because after this shit blew over a little bit (but not much), I ended up crushing on a dude at the competing catholic primary school that we went to for a high school introduction development day; or whatever the fuck they called it. this then gave me a weird obsessive crush on that dude (he was in my group that day) with the nate guy being in my group, as well some other kids from my school who were like: “how dare you crush on that boy from the other school when nate is right next to you???”; or whatever fucking dumb shit i got that day.
the dude from the other school that i crushed on that day, however..... ended up going to the same high school as me though (unlike nate who went to the competing catholic high school)...... and he was the boy that then followed me around for nearly the whole first term of year 7 asking me “IIIISSS IIIITTTT TRRUUUEEE???” super obnoxiously, to make fun of the fact that i had crush on him (which was partially my fault, bc 12/13yo me had a meltdown about having a class with him and he heard the whole thing 😂) lmao. like y’all this was the most mortifying time lmao. like y’all see how much this entire situation was fucked, yeah? like leave kids alone with this, no matter which way it is????
and now that i think about it... it’s probably something that my inner voice reminded 14/15yo me about when she had that godawful like 3 week or something “relationship” with clear braces boy in year 9/2010 that i felt i was harassed into by my entire year group, which made it similar to the nate sitch. like it did fuck me up, man.
i guess is what I’m trying to say here.
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